#<- seriously i feel like you learn about a whole new universe when you go into microbiology. it's amazing
mikrobiotch · 11 months
i complain alot when it comes to uni and my course, but not gonna lie, here on my final year i've started to fall in love with it again, the way the fascination started when i was younger and learning new things was exciting.
throughout learning it always felt like i was not built for it, that I just cannot for the life of me focus and dedicate myself on anything. and i was just doubting myself and i should change courses or drop out because I was not meant to do this. and now on my second last semester, things kinda clicked. It may be hard for me to understand and learn, but it's worth it. To see the universe in all of its beauty, its ugliness, its complexity, its charm; it's a struggle but I'll endure it for you.
and I find myself really hoping I get to continue down in the stream of sciences and contribute to something for nature and for humanity as well, or at least deepen my understanding of how this universe works and widen my view of how intricate and special this world we live in actually is, how caring it is, how every single thing is worth something, and nothing from nature is ever truly useless
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floralcavern · 6 months
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This fandom seriously just… frustrates me to the point where I’m writing this rant. 
This fandom does not understand flawed and complex characters. 
And, uh. Let’s talk about that. 
How they treat David and Exer:
The amount of bias this fandom holds for Exer and David is astounding. “Oh, the gay boys! They’re so sweet and wouldn’t hurt anyone!” (Paraphrasing, obviously, but this fandom does seriously put them on a pedestal)
When David and Exer were introduced, from very early on, they were shown to be heavily flawed characters. 
Exer is responsible for the entire story. He tricked Jackson to going to the girl’s changing room, which is what kicked off everything. Jackson getting bullied and harassed, Jackson eventually having his name cleared, Jackson not trusting the REDs, Jackson eventually learning about Exer’s powers, Exer having his powers found out, etc. This all started because Exer fucked with Jackson. He gaslit him to hell and back, he harassed him, he was jealous that Jackson was getting close with Brenda, his ex who he felt very possessive over. 
And David? David is a follower. He hears people saying “Jackson did something bad” and he immediately turned on Jackson, not hearing him out. Gossiping about him, talking shit to his face, letting people bully and harass him. And I understand that it was his sister, so he’s bound to feel more protective. But what happens when he learns it was actually Pamela who was ‘harassed’ by Jackson? He doesn’t care. 
And that moves me to David and Exer’s treatment of Pamela. Exer, like with Jackson, gaslit the shit out of her. He bullied her, called her a witch, called her creepy and a stalker and a liar. And he did this even though he knew she was right. He let people bully this poor girl to the point where she’s a loner with no friends and is picked on every day. 
I’m not saying Exer isn’t a good character. He actually has one of my favorite character arcs! But quit putting David and Exer on pedestals. Quit acting like they didn’t have any of the bad shit Jackson’s did to them coming. 
Speaking of Jackson…:
 Holy shit. This fandom is ruthless to Jackson Smith. And for no gosh damn reason. 
“He’s mean to Exer and David!”
Did you miss the whole ‘Exer and David harassing him in the same way they did to Pamela’ thing? They literally ruined all of his friendships and his social status. Jackson was just the new kid trying to fit in and they never gave him that chance. 
“He’s so emo and cringe!”
He is literally so depressed that he has to go to therapy. Exer and David bullied him so he is constantly guarded and has serious trust issues since they were his friends. 
“He’s using the diary to control Exer’s life and ruin it!”
Season 3 premier shows otherwise. He’s only testing out the diary to see what it can do. You telling me that if you didn’t have a magical diary that can control the universe centered around someone, you wouldn’t test it out? Don’t you lie to me. And he hasn’t even done anything horrible. In fact, he uses the diary as a way to try and help Exer and David after William kicked David out of the house. He may not like Exer, but he has good morals. He’s not going to let someone who is suffering be open to any harm. That’s why he used the diary to try and protect them both. And when it backfired, he decided to stop using the diary. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt or for anything bad to happen. 
“He beat up David!”
There we go again, putting Exer and David on pedestals. Guys, you’re blowing it way outta proportion. Jackson was in a fist fight with Exer, David tried to intervene and got kicked in the face. You know how people tell you don’t try to stop two dogs fighting unless you want to get bit? That’s what happened here. 
Jackson is literally just a traumatized kid. He lost his mom at a young age g age and moved to a new place and was hoping to make some new friends. His ‘friends’ immediately turn their backs on him and harass him. He learns one of them is behind everything that caused this? Ya, don’t tell me you wouldn’t be fucking pissed either. 
We are the audience. We have more insight to these character’s mind and situations than Jackson does. Put yourself into his perspective. 
Anyways, thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Make sure to pet Lucy-furr on your way out. 
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rosemallowss · 2 months
some thoughts
Obviously, people have probably analyzed the hell out of this poem already, or it's incredibly obvious, but I just cannot get over the parallels between Bill Cipher and Stanley here so here are my ramblings for myself when I originally read the poem.
As we learn more of Bill's backstory, the hatred he has for Stan goes deeper, not just because Bill is upset that a "lower life form" has defeated him, but because he's deeply envious that the both of them "always dragged his family down", "couldn't outrun life's regrets", and yet only one of them got a happy ending: reunited with a family who loves him despite his mistakes, able to reverse one of his own deepest regrets, ie. pushing Ford through the portal after just getting him back. Bill likely always dragged his family down with his ability to see the third dimension, as the book and website implies that no one in Euclydia were exactly fond of his abilities, nor did they take him seriously, and they tried to quell his power. (He's basically like Viktor from The Umbrella Academy, but I digress I have not seen the new season). "One mistake, disowned, denied", their paths differ here, but Stan's mistake- ruining Ford's school project accidentally, and Bill's- massacring an entire dimension in the process of attempting to get them all to see what he sees.
We know Stanley's whole life of hiding and changing his identity. Bill goes to "reinvent, retry, reload" throughout dimensions.
"A girdle, eyepatch, fathers fez, / 'I'm a new man!' so he says,": With new info from the website, we can also guess that Bill's top hat, where he keeps the molecules of Euclydia in, once belonged to his father. They both "couldn't outrun life's regrets," and both are con mans in their own right of course, Bill is sketchy and makes deals to manipulate people. He’s a new man once he takes his dad’s top hat!
"When you've lost track of your lies / When the poison starts to rise / When the walls are closing in / When its clear you cannot win / When your actions make it worse / When they see you as a curse," sheesh, Bill is really projecting here. Even his lies are lies. It's funny how Bill really sees himself in both of the Stan twins. With Stanley he seems to project what he hates most about himself onto him in terms of mistakes, failures, and permanently altering his and his loved ones' lives forever, again showing why he despises Stan the most. Despite all of that, Stan got the life that Bill couldn't get back. With Ford, they both have a genetic abnormality, and level of genius and personality that no one else could relate to, making them both outcasts.
"You think you left the past behind / But trust me / I'm still on your mind." By the way, if Bill was still in his mind while his memories were getting erased, and Stan is getting those memories back, that implies that Bill can reform whole again, right? But anyway, these last few lines don't seem to apply to Stan as much as it does to Bill. His dead universe is always on his mind no matter what. Bill's story is so fascinating to me. He's been my favorite villain since I was eleven, so to expand upon him feels awesome. Book of Bill coming out has made me feel like a giddy little kid again who was screaming when she found out that there was a secret flashing of an image once the GF intro ended.
Stanley Pines, the conman clown,
Always dragged his family down.
One mistake, disowned, denied,
Only thing to do was hide.
One way out: the open road.
Reinvent, retry, reload.
A girdle, eyepatch, fathers fez,
"I'm a new man!" so he says
Couldn't outrun life's regrets,
Just kept placing bigger bets.
Changed his haircut, switched hotels-
Truth is just whatever sells.
When you've lost track of your lies,
When the poison starts to rise,
When the walls are closing in,
When its clear you cannot win,
When your actions make it worse,
When they see you as a curse,
Give the wheel one last spin,
Take your chips and go all in,
And Lucky Stan- the roll's on black,
He got his life and family back.
His big break, it finally came,
Redemption from a life of shame.
You really think you won the day.
You packed your bags and sailed away.
You think you left the past behind.
But trust me
I'm still on your mind.
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iwrite-xo · 2 months
-- Healing sucks ass.
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" I don’t think people truly understand what healing feels like until they’ve gone through it themselves. "
⋆✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Why am I crying at 2 PM simply because I happened to come across a meme they would have loved? Seriously, what kind of fool am I to miss and long for someone who is perfectly fine without me in their life? The worst part is that, at the end of the day, my heart somehow manages to hold on to love for that particular person. I gave up trying to understand my heart a long time ago. Despite attempting to lead with my brain and remain logical, my heart ends up winning arguments 90% of the time, if not 100%.
Whether it be friendships or even romantic interests, it always ends in heartbreak. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the character development I go through later on. That’s a whole other topic to write about, but in short, I feel like a brand-new person.
It’s comparable to a snake shedding its old skin to unveil its striking new pattern, but significantly healthier. I completely understand that life is a constant cycle filled with new experiences and eventually learning to let them go once they’ve served their purpose. But the pain that comes with it? The hurt you have to endure for months on end, wondering when it will finally cease?
I don’t think people truly understand what healing feels like until they’ve gone through it themselves. The constant overthinking about whether or not I made the right choice by letting them go for my own sanity. The urge to reach out to them overpowers any rational thinking. When you finally reach out and things don’t turn out as you wished, you can feel your heart shatter. It’s as if the universe confirms that your time with them has truly ended.
The feeling of your heart constricting in agony due to the heavy realization that you might never encounter them again. The constant replaying of past memories and desperately wishing you could relive them one more time before they slip away. The random breakdowns and confusion as to why that is, especially when you’ve finally been doing okay. The entire journey of it all is this huge pit of never-ending suffering, and at times, it feels impossible to even get out of bed.
So in case you needed to hear this today, healing isn’t linear. It never is and never will be. You will have to go through hell and back with the anguish that comes along with it. It is okay to feel helpless and realize that, despite healing not being an easy journey, it somehow always ends up being one you can reminisce about down the road. Remember, you will never heal by going back to what broke you. Never.
please do support me by reblogging! Thank you!! <33 hope you enjoyed!
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teecupangel · 4 months
Hey, what you think about Desmond in Teenwolf universe? Like him working there in bar and eventually help gang with supernatural problems(because well he can fight and doesn't want these teenagers die?)
Oh, man. I was into Teen Wolf years ago so let’s see what we can do with this one.
First of all, we’ll put Desmond in the gap between Season 1 and 2. Why?
Because he’s there to investigate the killings of Season 1. It’s a personal thing.
It’s connected to Ratonhnhaké:ton because his Bleed of Ratonhnhaké:ton makes him believe that there is something familiar with the way those people were killed by a ‘wild animal’.
He’s not sure if it’s related to a POE though but it’s worth investigating (we will also be moving the timeline of Teen Wolf so S1 happened in 2013 instead of 2011 and this is after Desmond saves the world from the Solar Flare)
The real reason why he’s there though is because he’s supposed to be hiding. After his attack on Abstergo’s Rome facility, Interpol has been on his tail so he needs to lay low for a bit.
We’re also placing him between S1 and S2 so there’s some time for him to integrate himself to the plot. Specifically, he’s working in the Jungle where the problematic teenagers would get themselves in trouble later when the hunt of the Kanima starts.
That’s also when he becomes entangled with the plot because he’s been researching about the ‘new’ killings happening all around Beacon Hills and, Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, there were a lot of reds calling themselves ‘hunters’.
Desmond has a feeling that something more was going on.
In this one, Desmond actually spots the teenagers as they enter Jungle because he’s been a bartender long enough to spot problems (and Jungle doesn’t want problem, especially since being a gay club means they’re not unused to some… annoying flies) so he pats the other person working the bar with him, which is a silent signal that he was going to switch to being the teenage bouncer and give their actual bouncer another scolding (seriously, he doesn’t care if sweet boy Danny is planning to graduate early or whatever, he’s still in highschool)
Then he feels it.
Something about these teenagers that alerts him. A ghost of a Bleed from Ratonhnhaké:ton…
And then the Kamina attacks and all hell breaks loose.
Unorganized Notes:
Would absolutely push himself into Derek’s little pack because he sees the cool front that Derek is showing and calls bullshit on it. He doesn’t know they’re werewolves yet but he knows something is up and Derek’s pack has information. Caring for the pack later on was not the plan.
He sees Erica, Boyd and Isaac as recruits in need of care. Derek is annoyed with him though because he keeps butting in to tell him to be nicer or to explain it more and- Desmond has no idea what a Stiles is but he’s probably being insulted, the asshole.
He does learn what a Stiles is because Stiles annoyed him by visiting the club repeatedly. The Drag Queens love him and has adopted him and has band together to stop Desmond from throwing his underage ass out.
Stiles is the one who spills the whole werewolf hunter thing because he thought Desmond’s strange mannerism (“It reminds me of my dad but like… more spec ops?” “You play too many video games, squirt.”) might mean he’s a hunter.
Oh and Stiles being in the club a lot? Yeah. Sheriff Stilinski gets into this whole mess because he’s sus of Desmond. It doesn’t help that Desmond has been teaching Stiles a few tips of how to fight (“Why… why do you know that you should kick off the tail lights of a car if you’re inside the trunk?” “My dad’s a cop, dude. I know how to shoot too. Wanna see?” “With your flailing limbs? Nah, I’m good”)
Desmond is an annoying older brother to both Derek and Stiles. The pack loves him for it.
Scott thinks he’s cool too but he’s a bit wary of him since he’s close to Derek. He’s also worried that he’s being used to pull Stiles to Derek’s pack.
But that’s not really Desmond’s problem at the moment because the Bleed of Ratonhnhaké:ton he’s been ‘feeling’?
That’s because Ratonhnhaké:ton has confronted werewolf hunters before. To be more exact, the Argents during his time in France. Arno Dorian is actually the one who got the wrath of the Argents but that extends to the Brotherhood in general.
The Argents are not Templars but they definitely don’t like the Brotherhood. And Gerard Argent? He has a feeling an Assassin is snooping around their hunting ground. It’s only a matter of time before he finds the rat.
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mari-lair · 5 months
How many times will you bring insanity (rare pairs/"crackships") into the world, opening my virgin eyes to a whole new universe (the brainrot) I was so readily unprepared for and drag me down into the depths of hell where I can make sense of those twisted visions too???/lh/pos
Seriously, I never knew I needed Teruaoikane in my life. I never knew how fun Natsukane could be. They both make so much sense when you share your thoughts. So much so that I can't stop thinking about them either. You have opened my eyes time and time again and by GOD I cannot close them. Please tell us more about your ideas op
iughyoiuguyfgtuft thank you! Spreading my madness is a passion of mine, I'm happy you appreciate it Anon.
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Here are some crumbs of terukaneaoi and natsukane!
terukaneaoi first:
When Teru says he wants to date the Aois, that's what he means, he has minimal experience with friendships and zero with romance, is all new and exciting and interesting. Aoikane on the other hand are very serious about romance, if they accept to date someone is because they expect a lifelong love, a marriage, which has always been more connected to politics than love to Teru. So when Teru accepts dating them, he is unaware he proposed/accepted their proposal.
Aoi can't do her hair well with her numb hand, and Teru is the one to always offer to help, usually giving her twin tails like he does with Tiara and other simple styles. Akane is the one Aoi goes to when she wants something fancy, cause he spends hours learning and perfecting complicated hairstyles for her.
Teru likes to call every hang-out a date, cause it gives him an excuse to dress up, and he rarely gets opportunities to use his nice yet very unprofessional clothes.
They are all weak to combo attacks. If Aoi and Teru want the same thing, Akane will cave in, if Akane and Teru want the same thing Aoi will cave in, and if Akane and Aoi want the same thing Teru will cave in.
Aoi has problems saying "I love you", it feels too heavy no matter how many times it's said to her, or how confident she is that her feelings are returned. She finds it easier to say "We love you"
Natsuhiko would be stuck in one-sided pining hell for a while and be completely caught off guard when Akane started getting attached. Akane won't even notice his behavior is changing, but Natsuhiko is VERY aware Akane's dismissive "shut up, get out of my sign" turn into him rolling his eyes but actually paying attention to everything he says, and making fun of pickup lines from months ago or teh way Akane doesn't react when Natsuhiko wraps an arm around his shoulder or act clingy either. Natsuhiko is very visibly delighted and emboldened by this.
Natsuhiko is okay with a lot of things frowned upon, like trespassing, flirting with many people at once, hurting people, drinking alcohool underage, and such. He tries to be a 'cool bad guy' to impress Akane but he just gets disgust for his efforts, which turns into worried lectures once they are closer and Akane start caring about his well being
Natsuhiko thinks they are dating way before they are actually dating.
Natsuhiko is very self-centered, his 'perfect' dates and romantic gestures involve things he personally likes and he rarely thinks about his date preferences, but he is not picky about affection, he loves being loved and spoiled above it all. So he'll be shocked when Akane want to go somewhere he knows Natsuhiko loves, absolutely smitten about it.
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redscreendarkwin · 27 days
You would never shift with that mindset All you do is complain and argue with everybody else. You will be forever stucked in this reality grow up and learn what shifting reality is. You're doing more effort in being a limiting person than doing an actual work in shifting. You don't understand how in every reality it's a different past for every race. You sound very inexperienced you mini shifted once and act like you know how this universe works. You are stuck in CR circumstances. This is why your account is flopping instead of posting motivational stuff you complain and create discourse. The universe won't give you award for best in morality you are just nothing(in void way). Too woke you're not educating anyone you just add more problems and limits. But I understand because you're too young and never experienced shifting for a long period of time. Stop focusing on cr. If you affirm you're not in 3d then do it ignore post about race changer if you hate them. I used to be like you before I call out everyone cancel them because we don't have the same moral values but as time passes by I notice I don't see any improvement with my journey all I do is argue with everyone in the comments and not changing my mindset. I tried changing my mindset I accept if I'm consciousnees being aware I can just shift anywhere else where I like it there's an infinite amount of realities don't focus on what you perceive as negative if they race change or date minors you can post about calling them out but that wouldnt change them although you can manifest these type of people won't exist in your reality but in another they still will so all your efforts of calling them out and you're proving them wrong are just a waste of energy and efforts. It is better to pour this effort with shifting and changing your mindset. Try improving your mental health and separating your self with contents that ruin your motivation block everyone else that disagrees with your opinion simple as that don't interact with their energy never post them dont acknowledge them just observe and block these people won't change. You're the one need to change. What i meant by you need a change is to change how you view this people see them as temporary and you will never interact with them once you shift to your desired reality. Don't get attached with the cr circumstances they're just temporary problem of your cr self but you're already living as dr self. The feeling of pain is the memory of past live in pleasure and happiness because you live now as your future dr self already. Tumblr is just an app that helps you communicate and interact with your community it's just an app all this opinions of people don't matter to you because yours matter the most use this app for love about shifting and your dr. these hating negative people can dissappear in just a tiny click of block button choose your moots well.
HELLLPPP, I can't even take you seriously. @mywitchyblog, going on an alt account just to write this shady ass anonymous comment is just well, I would say low but the bar is already in hell.
First off, thank you so much for my first hate ask. Didn't know you were this obsessed. 🤭
Now I'm beginning to realize how you saw my post a while back when I blocked you. You do know you can take your own advice and block me as well instead of getting on an alt just to hate? Better yet, put on your big boy pants and address me directly without anonymity.
And again you fail to comprehend my point but then again this behavior isn't anything new from you. I said that anything can be classified as a limited belief. Just because someone believes one thing doesn't mean they aren't going to shift. Which is why the whole "limited belief" concept is stupid. I don't see race changing or aging yourself down to date minors as morally right because it isn't. That’s my belief. I can call it what it is which is racist and pedophilic. Doesn't mean I'm not going to shift because I minishifted on multiple occasions and there are people out there who hold the same beliefs as me who have shifted for years.
For someone who acts all high and mighty about their journey, you fail to realize that everyone is different and everyone shifts at a different pace. This is how I know you barely know anything about shifting. You just go around saying the popular opinion and never have once had an original thought in your entire life. You're also talking about shit like the universe when it's widely known that the universe isn't gonna make you shift, you do.💀
I also love how you called me woke because I said I didn't want adults to fuck children. I would rather "flop" than have a whole bunch of pedophiles and racists agreeing with me. You're really making a case for yourself. I hope to god I never find myself bragging about how “successful” I am on TUMBLR of all social medias. You’re averaging 12 notes per post, how exactly are you not “flopping” also? I genuinely believe this is the only thing you’ve got going for you.
I'm not stuck in my cr circumstances, I just have morals. Your morals shouldn't change once you get into a different reality. Even if I saw people as temporary that doesn’t mean I can’t address them. With this logic, why should I care about world issues or anything for that matter. I could off someone but guys guys, don’t worry it doesn’t matter because this reality is temporary going by your logic 😱
And even if the limiting beliefs thing did exist you shouldn’t change your morals just to shift. That just says a lot about you and how flip floppy your morals are. There are realities where murder is seen as perfectly ok, doesn't mean I should follow. Me believing that murder is wrong isn't me being stuck in my cr circumstances. Any shifter with a murder dr could turn around and say that you’re wrong for thinking that murder is wrong and you’re “stuck in your cr circumstances”. Do you see how stupid your argument actually is? Can you get that through your skull? I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall here. One thing going in one ear and out the other.
Doesn’t matter how many people you send my way (like last time) because unlike you I actually stick to my morals. You can hop off my tip now. I am a minor after all.
Realize that I BLOCKED you for a reason and going on an alt because I blocked your main is ACTUALLY insane.
You and the counselor are twinning btw:
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jaeyunsz · 1 year
a writer’s main character - lee heeseung
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pairing: heeseung x fem!reader (she/her)
genre: college!au, writer!heeseung, ill!reader, ANGST
expected word count: 25k+
warnings: mentions of death and sickness, unrequited love, cursing, smut (more will be added when it is finalized)
summary:  in your whole life, you have never fallen in love. love was a feeling that you wanted to experience and after finding out that you have just a little more than a year to live, you become more desperate to fall in love with someone. lucky for you, the head editor of your university’s newspaper is determined find a muse for their best writer, lee heeseung, for him to finish up his last article before he graduates. you only accept in one condition; heeseung would help you fall in love.
a/n: reposting this bc i decided to finish it and hope to post it in the upcoming weeks!
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It was already April and Heeseung still had zero idea what to write about. He had recently turned in his latest article. He wanted to start writing his last article for the year immediately so it wouldn’t bother him when he gets busy with graduation. He didn’t expect to be out of ideas since his mind was always clouded with new stuff to type on his laptop. Well, there was a first time for everything, right? He just wanted his last article to be big and original, never been done before. He wanted to leave an impact.
Being a literature major, Heeseung had always liked to read books and write in his dusty notebook. His dream was to publish a book and he would do everything to make his dream come true. He was still young and had a lot to learn. Throughout the years, he worked next to different writers and publishers.
Heeseung had been writing for the university’s newspaper since the freshmen year. People barely got the chance to publish their own writings in the newspaper so it came as a surprise when Heeseung’s article was seen on the first page as a first year student. He was on cloud nine to see that he had given a chance to prove himself as a writer.
But now, he was on writer’s block and the head editor was getting on his nerves.
‘’Have you thought about what you’re going to write about Heeseung?’’ Yeonjun asked during a meeting, making Heeseung bite the inside of his cheek.
‘’I’m stuck.’’ Heeseung replied, not taking his eyes off from his phone as he scrolled through empty apps. Yeonjun eyed him up and down, watching the writer closely.
‘’I can see that you’re stressed about it. Don’t you seriously have nothing to write about? It’s just- I’ve never seen you like this before. You always have something up your sleeve.’’ The older boy confronted him.
Yeonjun was also surprised by this outcome since Heeseung always had magnificent ideas. Heeseung locked his phone and put it on the table in front of him. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh before looking at Yeonjun again.
‘’I know you don’t like to ask about others for ideas but listen to me for a second before you try to punch me. I think I have certain person in my mind that you might want to write about.’’ Yeonjun continued, his words making Heeseung sit straight up.
‘’I’m desperate at this point. I’m all ears.’’
Yeonjun let released a relieved sigh, a tiny smile replacing the frown on his face. ‘’Have you ever met Beomgyu’s friend, Y/N?’’
‘’Not in person but I think I’ve seen her around.’’
‘’Heeseung, she is dying-‘’
‘’What do you mean she is dying?’’ Heeseung said with a serious expression.
‘’Heeseung, she is literally dying. Beomgyu mentioned that she had a heart condition. It does not look good and her doctor says that she only has around a year before… you know. The interesting part is; after she found all about that she told Beomyu that she wanted to fall in love so why don’t you write about her? Follow her around for a couple months until she finds somebody. Your article will be ready by then. Also the story will stay as a memory in her honor. So what do you say?’’
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garfield-mug · 1 year
Ain't Doin' Right (jake seresin x vet tech!OC)
Content Warnings: descriptions of blood and violence, dog attack, panic attack, symptoms of PTSD
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: well, here's everyone's introduction to the jake and junebug universe! hope you like it and hope it's decent. i haven't written a fic in a really long time. i was suuuper rusty. i originally planned something different (along the lines of how these two met), but it wasn't working out and i had to get something out, so i literally powered through this. give a reblog or comment if you liked this one. - E
Having spent fifteen years as a veterinary technician, June was accustomed to hospitals of all kinds. Private practice, general practice, corporate, emergency, wildlife, specialty, and beyond. She was even familiar (and perhaps unfortunately so) with hospitals meant for humans. When you work with animals, injuries are bound to happen. Most could be avoided, usually happening to those with less experience. Alas, accidents happen, even to those who have been in the game longer than most. And June was in the game.
In a field with an incredibly high turnover rate, she’d managed to hang on. It hadn’t been easy. There were a lot of times (and still a few now) where she had seriously contemplated throwing in the towel, but she was nothing if not spiteful. And persistent. And an unabashed optimist at heart (although she fronts as more of a realist). No one and nothing could kill the hope that the veterinary field could become better, and no one could take away the work she’d put in to make it so. Despite her hope and optimism, neither of those things could protect her from having a bad day. And this was a very bad day. Not the worst she’s ever had personally or professionally, but it’s definitely up there. After a lot of futile arguing, June finally conceded to being driven to the emergency room by one of her coworkers (and kind of friend), Sophia. After filling out the incident report form and informing the unfortunate owner of the dog (which June did not do herself), she got into the passenger seat of Sophia’s car.
Her left arm was haphazardly bandaged with some gauze squares, cast padding, and vet wrap (it was pink with purple hearts) after being cleaned up. She was hoping she wouldn’t bleed through the bandage before they got to the hospital, but her hopes weren’t high. Her forearm was littered with deep puncture wounds and two deep lacerations ran up and around the inside toward her elbow. Thankfully, the dog had decided to let go. Otherwise, it would have been much worse. There wasn’t too much blood on her scrubs, miraculously. Holding her arm out away from her body helped with that. June wasn’t feeling the pain of her wounds either, still riding on that burst of adrenaline from almost losing her arm to a massive dog. She was also distracted by the anger she felt the moment it happened and now. It would linger. It always does when accidents like these happen because of the negligence (or ignorance) of someone else. Then, she’ll feel bad for feeling angry because it really wasn’t the assistant’s fault, they’re brand new and still learning. Finally, she’ll be angry with herself for not being more careful and having someone more experienced help her with her task, but you can only do so much when you’re understaffed. FINALLY, finally, she’ll be angry with management and the industry as a whole for even creating circumstances in which to be understaffed.
June is so lost in her thoughts and emotions that she doesn’t hear Sophia’s question.
“I asked if you wanted me to call Jake.”
And then there was Jake. Sweet, caring, protective (maybe to a fault) Jake. The charming, witty, cocky (ahem: confident) man that had somehow wormed his way under her skin and into her heart. They’d been together long enough at this point, about two years. Jake was at work, too, fitting into his instructor position at TOPGUN nicely. He loved being able to teach the new classes of the world’s best fighter pilots, sure, but he equally loved getting to show off just how good he was in the air. He would readily admit the second reason, the first one only June and Javy knew about. Everyone else could figure it out if they thought about it, but Jake would never admit to going soft. He really did love teaching.
June would eventually call him; it was only fair. He was her partner after all. She just didn’t like worrying him, especially when she knew it would affect his performance and ability to be at work. She knew her job was important, but his was, too. She would never forgive herself if he made a mistake in the air because he was distracted thinking about her. Jake thinks about her all the time, whether she’s in the hospital or not. She’s always on his mind the same was he’s always on hers.
“Oh, no, you don’t have to. I’ll call him once we’re actually in a room.”
“That could take hours.” Sophia glances at June with a deadpan expression.
“It’ll be sooner since I’ll most likely be bleeding all over their waiting room.” June looks to the bandage on her arm. She can’t see the blood yet, but she can feel that it hasn’t stopped flowing. Slowed, maybe, but definitely not stopped.
“Well, we’re almost there so hopefully you’re right.”
Sophia pulls the car into the parking lot of the hospital, and they make their way inside.
Fifteen minutes later, June and Sophia are led to a bed in the ER. A nurse came over for intake procedures and to assess the damage up close. A brief flash of panic crosses the nurse’s face as she looks down at June’s arm. She must be new, June thinks. June thinks back to when she first started as a tech, working in emergency. She remembers learning how to field her emotions and control her facial expressions. That kind of skill only comes with practice and unfortunately, that practice usually involves seeing and experiencing incredibly fucked up shit.
“On a scale from one to ten, where would you say your level of pain is?” The nurse doesn’t look panicked anymore, but still seems uneasy.
“Probably about a five.”
“A five?”
“Yep.” The nurse types up some notes on her computer.
“Alright, I’ll see about getting you something for the pain.” As she steps out of the room, Sophia turns to June.
“You are being remarkably calm about this whole thing. I don’t think I’d be nearly as lucid, and I’d definitely be crying.”
June shrugs.
“I’ve been through worse. And I’m also really good at compartmentalizing. Plus, I’m still kind of riding on the adrenaline, so I’m sure everything will catch up with me.”
“I don’t know how you do it.” Sophia shakes her head and checks her phone. June sighs.
“Practice.” She falls back against the hard mattress and crisp sheets of the hospital bed.
It was another twenty minutes before her nurse came back with some ibuprofen and then ten before June saw a doctor. Safe to say, she was feeling the pain now and was really looking forward to going home. She needed stitches for the longer lacerations, to no one’s surprise.
“How’d this happen?” The doctor seemed nice enough, gently taking June’s arm into her gloved hands.
“Bit by a dog at work, was up to date on rabies vaccinations and so am I.”
“You work in a vet’s office?”
“Sure do,” The doctor nods in response.
“Not the worst I’ve seen, but still pretty bad. Definitely gonna need stiches for these long ones here. Other than that, we’ll get you cleaned up and on an antibiotic.” The doctor gets up and starts getting her supplies ready, stepping away.
“Hey, Soph?”
Sophia looks up from her phone.
“Would you mind calling Jake for me?” June pulls up his contact on her phone.
“Sure thing,” Sophia takes the device and steps out of the room as the doctor reenters.
“Alright, since we’re doing sutures, I’m gonna apply some lidocaine gel so you don’t feel anything, but first we’re gonna clean these up.”
“Sounds good.” It really did sound good. The ibuprofen was not cutting it anymore and feeling the cut and pull of sutures being placed didn’t sound too appealing. June winces slightly at the first feeling of the saline being flushed into her wounds. It’s a bit cold and uncomfortable, but ultimately bearable. She grits her teeth and muscles through it. After all her wounds have been thoroughly irrigated, the doctor applies the gel and lets it set for a few minutes while she readies her sterile gloves and suture. Sophia enters the room and sets June’s phone by her scrub jacket.
“He’s on his way.”
“Thanks, Soph.”
“Don’t mention it.” Sophia sits back down in the chair next to the bed.
“You can go, if you want.” June looks to Sophia as the doctor asks if she’s ready. June nods, Sophia shakes her head.
“I’ll stay until he gets here, don’t want to leave you alone.”
“Okay then.”
The doctor is halfway through closing the second laceration when they all hear heavy footsteps approaching the room. Throwing back the curtain, Jake stands, still in his flight suit, armed with a very concerned expression. He looks at June’s face, then to her arm. His eyes widen, brow furrowing as he brings a hand to rub over his mouth. June can’t help but smile a little.
“Hey,” Her voice is small. Jake walks over to her, squatting down in front of her, so as not to get in the way of the doctor, who is diligently working on suturing the wound closed. He places a hand on her knee. Sophia uses this opportunity to take her leave, giving them both a small wave before heading out.
“Junebug, what happened?” His eyes search her face.
“I trusted a coworker to be good at their job?”
“Junebug,” Jake sighs and closes his eyes.
“Sorry, bad joke,” June looks away for a brief moment, placing her hand over Jake’s.
“Got shredded at work.”
“I can see that. How you feelin’?”
“Been better, but I’ve also been worse.”
It was true, June had been in much worse situations, but that didn’t necessarily take the edge off. What happened today shouldn’t have happened, but it did, and now she has to suffer the consequences. Which hurt like a bitch.
June reaches down with her good arm to cup Jake’s cheek, softly rubbing her thumb over the soft skin. He leans into her touch, grabbing onto her wrist to keep her there. The doctor pipes up, finally finished.
“Alright, looking good. We’ll have your meds ready in a few minutes and then you’ll be good to go.” She stands up, removes her gloves, and leaves the room.
After collecting her antibiotics and filling out some discharge paperwork, June and Jake are on their way home. It’s still quiet between the two. Jake knows she’s exhausted and frustrated, so he doesn’t press with questions. He knows she’ll come to him when she’s ready and he’s learned to be patient. The drive back to the house is uneventful. After getting the door for June and positively too much fretting on the short, short walk from the car to the front door, Jake declares that he’ll take the dogs out so June can shower.
June is incredibly grateful for Jake every day, but particularly on days like today where she just needs help. He would take over dog care duty while she got herself cleaned up and rested. He’d probably order takeout from her favorite place for dinner, knowing it would help her feel better and just be less work. She was looking forward to her shower and stripping off her scrubs. Washing the workday away had become a ritual, especially for days like today. She managed to get undressed fine, only wincing once when the sleeve from her scrub top rubbed a bit too hard down her arm. She steps into the steaming spray and just stands there, staring at the tiled wall ahead of her. She’s not sure how long she stays like that, only that it must’ve been long enough for Jake to have come back from his walk since he was knocking on the door.
“Junebug? You doin’ alright in there?”
June comes back to her senses, rubbing her hands over her face. She groans slightly as she realizes she hasn’t even cleaned up yet.
“Yeah, I’m okay, honey. It’ll be a few minutes.” She hopes this answer will placate him for now, trying to reel herself in when the adrenaline dump takes full hold, and her brain finally catches up to what her body was put through.
“Alright, sweetheart. I’ll get started on dinner.” He goes back downstairs to the kitchen to rummage through the stack of takeout menus they’ve accumulated over the years.
“Shit,” June mutters to herself, feeling the tears start to build behind her eyes. She makes quick work of the rest of the shower. The thick, steamy air quickly becomes suffocating. She tries to regulate her breathing as she dries off. It doesn’t work. She grabs onto the edge of the counter to try and steady herself, taking deep breaths in and out. The event from today replays in her head on repeat, each time seeming more real than the last. She thinks about how she could’ve broken or even lost her arm had the dog not decided to let go when it did. She presses her towel to her face and takes a gasping breath. Holy shit she could’ve lost an arm today.
“Jesus Christ,” June exits the bathroom and throws on whatever comfy clothes she can find. If she’s gonna give into the panic, might as well make it soft and snuggly. She goes downstairs in a daze, seeking out the only one that could ground her in times like these. He’s sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his phone.
“Did the boys have their dinner?” Jake startles where he sits, turning to look at his girlfriend. He’s on his feet immediately once he hears her strangled tone and sees her tight expression.
“Baby?” He gently places his hands on either side of her face.
“Did you feed the boys?”
“Yep, walked, fed, and ready for bed.” June nods, eyes wild.
“Good, that’s— that’s good.” She reaches her hands up to grasp Jake’s wrists, desperately trying to bring herself back down to earth. Jake gently swipes at the tears that begin to fall down her cheeks. June is looking forward, right at Jake, but it’s like she doesn’t even see him. He feels like she’s looking through him.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He tries to catch her eyes with his.
“I almost—” Deep breath. “I almost lost an arm today… I mean, I know I didn’t, but I could’ve. If that dog hadn’t let go when it did, Jake, I would’ve lost my arm.”
June looks at him then, actually at him, not like she’s a thousand miles away. Her breathing is ragged, chest heaving at capacity, yet feels so tight. Her eyes are wide and glistening with tears, hands around Jake’s wrists, knuckles turning white. It stuns Jake for a second, not used to seeing his girl in such a blind panic. For a split second, he wants to panic, too. Seeing someone you love in so much pain isn’t easy, but he has to keep it together. He needs to keep her grounded.
“But you didn’t lose an arm, baby. It’s right here.” Jake gently pries her hands from his wrists so he can use his hands to touch her arms, gently rubbing up and down.
“See? They’re both here, both intact.” He’s looking into her eyes, pleading for her to register the feeling of his touch.
“They’re here. I didn’t—I didn’t lose an arm.”
“You didn’t lose an arm, baby. No use wasting your energy on what-ifs. You’re here, all of you.” Jake moves his hands up her arms, to her shoulders, and gently pulls her into him. She doesn’t immediately reciprocate.
“Junebug, you’re okay. You’re home, you’re safe.”
“I’m home, I’m safe.” Jake presses a kiss to the crown of her head and she slowly starts to wrap her arms around him. He rubs her back as she comes back to herself, a new wave of tears soaking into his shirt. His heart breaks a little more with every sad whimper and cry. Trying to keep himself together is exceedingly difficult.
“Let’s go sit down, hm?” Jake waits for a response. June sniffles and nods. He scoops her up off the floor to go sit down on the sofa, where she curls further into him. He continues to rub her back as her cries finally settle to the occasional sniffle and her breathing matches his.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Alright…Do you wanna order pizza?”
“From Linetti’s?” Jake smiles through a small chuckle.
“Yeah, from Linetti’s.”
June wipes at her nose and nods. Jake reaches for his phone on the coffee table.
“Jake?” June looks up at his face.
“I love you.” Jake looks at June, pressing his forehead to hers.
“I love you too, Junebug.”
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themetalvirus · 1 year
i wish i had more of a handle on knuckles i wanna do serious character analysis on knuckles.
easily embarrassed. easily angered. full of love. trusted too easily and now doesn't trust anyone (except for like 6 people). poor guy's first friend was eggman and like it or not it informs a lot of who he is today and how he interacts with people. super awkward from being isolated for so long (knuckles and silver solidarity). obviously cares deeply about his land and culture, loves it and mourns for it in equal measure every day. protects his true friends and is always there if you truly need him, despite his insincere grumblings. scared of company, grateful for company, longs for company.
great forager and gardener. bad with technology, overstimulated by bright lights and a lot of noise, is generally a guy who Wants To Go Home (his autism....). uncomfortable in positions of authority (The War) but still likes to Have A Say. does not tolerate nonsense unless he's in on the nonsense (sonic and him shoot each other out of cannons for fun i think). skilled weaver, skilled at making jewelry, skilled with survival, awkward around chao but is still very very good with them because he's lived with them his whole life.
adventurous, though not great at adapting to new situations (the autism). likes exploring / learning about other ancient cultures, languages, and peoples. curious about the nature of the world (where the master emerald came from, general existential stuff). likes a challenge. shows affection via mutual snark and/or deep talk about the universe. doesn't know much about planes but likes listening to tails talk about them.
is so hard on himself that he seriously contemplates ending his own life if he feels like he has failed his duties. feels like he exists for one purpose, despite his value to the world being much more than that. fears leaving his post because of multiple terrible experiences around leaving the master emerald unguarded, making him paranoid and wary, but his initially justified fear ends up isolating him and stunting him further. good thing his friends are so insistent on visiting and getting him out to see the world - he needs that.
again, is always there when you really need him. isn't good at emotional stuff but is a great shoulder to cry on nonetheless. heart achingly honest and genuine. will say what he thinks. doesn't pick up on social cues very well (autism). doesn't like admitting when HE needs a shoulder to cry on, but his loving friends are there for him even if he doesn't say anything - they know him well.
pushes people away to make himself feel safe and protect his squishy center - some of his best friends annoy the shit out of him because they insisted on being best friends with him anyway. great company once you get to know him. makes people laugh - time spent with sonic has honed his sense of humor.
precise, steady hands. great spatial awareness and reasoning. knowledgable about traditional medicine. is very clean and smells good. punches real good. good at conserving ancient artifacts and ruins - cleaning them, protecting them, maybe even retouching them or making some of his own.
he's so scared of being wronged. he longs for company. he's lonely. he's hard on himself. he's so full of love. he looks amazing in hats. and his song lied he DEFINITELY chuckles
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gunterfan1992 · 1 year
Episode Review: "Destiny"/"The Winter King" (Fionna & Cake, Eps. 5–6)
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Airdate: September 14, 2023
Story by: Anthony Burch, Adam Muto, Hanna K. Nyström, Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang
Storyboarded by: Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, Jacob Winkler, Sonja von Marensdorff
Directed by: Ryann Shannon (supervising), Hans Tseng (art)
One of my favorite moments from Adventure Time comes at the very end of season four's "The Lich" when we are introduced to "Farmworld" for the first time. When the episode aired, this reveal was positively huge, adding as it did a brand new reality to the already complex world of Ooo. The show would go on to expand our understanding of Farmworld in the season five premiere "Finn the Human"/"Jake the Dog" and the season seven episode "Crossover," but even with all those episodes, I never could shake the feeling that there was so much more the series could have done with Farmworld. You can thus imagine my surprise when I learned that Fionna and Cake of all people would be journeying to this strangely normal alternate dimension!
"Destiny" picks up with Fionna, Cake, and Simon landing in Farmworld, roughly 10 or so years after the events of "Crossover." Following the destruction of the Farmworld crown, things returned to their (post-apocalyptic) normalcy, and Ice-Finn (or, as the people in Farmworld call him, "The Snow Man") has grown into a strapping Man-Finn who is busy raising three children (his wife, it seems, has died). One of Finn's kids, Jay, overhears Fionna, Cake, and Simon asking around about the Farmworld crown, and so he steals them away to meet his father. Once Man-Finn discovers what it is Simon and Co. seek, however, he bids them to leave. Going against his father's wishes, Jay sneaks Fionna, Cake, and Simon to the crater where the Farmworld Bomb had detonated, where they all discover the charred remnants of the crown. At this point, Jay reveals that previously when visiting the crater, he had discovered one of the crown's jewels. The final act of the episode is a sees Fionna, Cake, Simon, Man-Finn, and Jay square off against the Destiny Gang and Scarab, who we learn has been trailing our heroes this whole time. After securing the jewel from Big D's turncoat daughter, Simon fuses it with Prismo's remote, zapping himself, Fionna and Cake to another reality just as Scarab stabs(?!) Man-Finn in the head.
First and foremost, I must stress that "Destiny" feels very much like an episode of the "original" Adventure Time. This is likely a result of the Farmworld setting: as a world, it is overflowing with an absurdist energy and out-there characters (e.g., Big D!) that I intimately associate with the adventures of Finn and Jake. And let me know emphatically state: This is not a bad thing. Not at all. I love how the producers have been able to weave the Adventure Time "feel" into something new. It is like meeting an old friend after a long time apart (only for that old friend to get stabbed in the head by a space-god).
OK, but seriously… did Farmworld Finn die? I hope note. If he did, that would mean that Jay's actions were directly responsible for his father getting killed. That's pretty dark. And considering all the bad dads in the Oooniverse, it would be nice if one of the good ones was allowed to live a (relatively) happy life.
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Airdate: September 14, 2023
Story by: Anthony Burch, Adam Muto, Hanna K. Nyström, Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang
Storyboarded by: Iggy Craig, Graham Falk, Jim Campbell, Lucyola Langi, Nicole Rodriguez
Directed by: Steve Wolfhard (supervising), Hans Tseng (art)
After zapping away from Farmworld, Simon, Fionna, and Cake teleport to a reality ruled by the "Ice Prince"—an alt-universe Simon Petrikov who has somehow managed to avoid the madness that plagued Ice King. Simon quickly tells his fellow Petrikov the group's goals, and the Ice Prince gallantly agrees to help them by duplicating his own crown. Things are going swimmingly until the evil "Candy Queen" swoops in and snatches away both Simon and the Ice Prince. Fionna, Cake, and Ice Prince's guards dart to their rescue, brutally (but humorously) massacring dozens of hideously mutated candy citizens. Fionna and Cake rescue Simon and the Ice Prince, but once Fionna and Ice Prince share a kiss, the awful truth is revealed: Ice Prince is not some gentleman who overcame the madness of the crown through sheer will. No, he was a self-centered "wad" who used magic to deflect his madness onto the poor Candy Queen… who, as we quickly learn, is just an alternate universe version of Princess Bubblegum. Thanks to fairy tale logic, Fionna's kiss breaks Ice Prince's magic spell, which causes his crown to lose power. He subsequently crumbles to dust and everything he has created melts away.
So far, of the episodes we've gotten, I think "The Winter King" has been my favorite, largely because of the way it explores Simon's psychological character.
One thing that made Ice King’s story so tragic was how Simon, in his original form, was fundamentally a good person, buried deep within the mind of an outwardly "evil" wizard. "The Winter King" neatly conveys the opposite of this situation by showing us an Alt-Simon who, while outwardly "good," had long ago squandered his sense of morality for selfish gain. Not to get too analytical, but all of the good/bad talk reminds me of what the psychologist Carl Jung called the "Shadow." Put in simplest terms, the Shadow is a part of the unconscious human psyche in which repressed, rejected, or unrecognized aspects of the Self are contained, far from the light of conscious thought. The Shadow tends to seal away attributes of the Self that we wish to downplay or dismiss, making it "the home of the suppressed monsters of our inner world," in which "the energy of [our] dark side" bubbles (to quote Christopher Vogler). Furthermore, the Shadow exists as the inverse of our conscious Ego (meaning that, as Jung put it, "when one tries desperately to be good and wonderful and perfect, then all the more the shadow develops a definite will to be black and evil and destructive"). And because it is unconscious, the Shadow eludes easy detection. Nevertheless, its contents can often be ascertained by keeping an eye out for psychological “projection,” wherein a person denies their own foibles and instead recognizes those defects in others.
Now consider this topic in relation to "The Winter King." Let us start with Ice King, a hyperbolically crazy and "evil" wizard. I would argue that Ice King is a textbook of Simon's Shadow made manifest: He is everything that Simon consciously does not want to be brought to the surface in its entirety. The tragedy of Simon is that, while he doesn't often talk about it, he knows deep down that Ice King, while corrupted and warped by the crown, was an aspect of himself. In fact, this entire series feels very much like Simon’s journey to fully recognize his own Shadow.* And the fact that he starting to do this despite it being a painful process is, in my opinion, the clearest evidence of his ethical/moral character. Conversely, Alt-Simon is not like this. When presented with his Shadow, he does not choose to begin the painful recognition process. Instead, he projects it onto an innocent person; he builds up an elaborate "nice king" persona while literally condemning someone for his own sins. It is important to note that psychological projection is a pretty normal occurrence and thus not a surefire marker of "evil" or anything like that. What makes this instance of projection so bad is that Alt-Simon does this fully aware that it will cause someone to suffer for crimes they did not commit. Alt-Simon is like the "pious" archbishop who burns the "evil witches" at the stake all because he cannot come to terms with his own inner demons.
Now that is messed up!
But you know what isn't messed up? The voice acting in this episode. I do not say this to be hyperbolic: "The Winter King" may very well be Hynden Walch's finest performance to date. Her take on the Candy Queen is truly horrifying in a decidedly blursed way. So fundamentally different is her performance that at first I thought it was someone else! Also stealing the spotlight in this episode is Brian David Gilbert, erstwhile writer for Polygon and maker of many a wacky YouTube video. Gilbert's Ice Prince exudes the perfect amount of over-the-top flamboyance and faux chivalry. Both Walch and Gilbert get a song apiece in this episode, and both do a stellar job. (As an aside, have we ever had a true-blue PB song? Does the Candy Queen's song count?)
Oh, and as a quick aside: "The Winter King" features a few short scenes set in Fionna's non-magical world that follow Marshall Lee and Gary Prince as the latter tries to bake something that will earn him greater renown. Going into these scenes, I thought I would have found them a bit dull, but they were quite endearing. It's obvious that these scenes are a way for us to explore how Marceline and Bubblegum got to know one another, but from the parallax angle of a genderbent world, and I am here for it!
Final "Destiny" Grade: A
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Final "The Winter King Grade": A
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* My Prediction: Simon will attempt to become the Ice King, only to realize that a full-on transformation is not just necessary but ultimately dangerous. Recognizing one's Shadow does not mean you become synonymous with; it simply means that you know it's there.
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evvlevie · 1 year
Evangeline’s life-Update and one more piece of shifting advice ???
Hi! This is your favorite shifting blogger, Evie, again and I have some updating to do.
I Love this blog. Deeply. So so deeply. This blog has been created in a moment of my life, where I have been so obsessed with these YouTubers that I wanted to meet them so desperately, that I decided to look into reality shifting. At this point in my life, I am living a vastly different life than I was back in May of 2022 that topics like shifting or manifestation just haven’t been as much of my main focus as they have been nearly a year ago. That’s the whole reason why I am not posting as much anymore, or interacting with you guys because as I am writing this for you, I am sitting at home stressing over exams and a whooooole lot of personal stuff that escaping this reality starts to feel like a really great idea again, but I seriously don‘t have the mental capacities to pull that one off right now. In the past weeks I have been looking into the law of assumption a lot. What I mean by that is I have been looking into how/why the law is working the way it works in order to understand what manifestation is actually doing which automatically translates to why shifting is possible and how it can be achieved. I can promise you that every single advice that I, Evil Evie, am able to give you guys on the topics of manifestation and reality shifting is already on my page. When I do find my way back to tumblr I still repost advice or perspectives on this topic for you guys to see in case it can help you on your journey. Right this moment I am concentrating on my self concept. If you are into the law of assumption you might have already heard about this from one creator or another. To put it into simple terms: self concept is the way you view yourself and the beliefs that you have about you/ your life/ manifestation and basically everything ever. In my deep dive about law of assumption I have learned that all you ever manifest is you and who you are. Meaning: if you have a shitty self concept you manifest shitty things. Working on your self concept includes breaking down (negative) beliefs about yourself that feel pretty set in stone, in order to open the gateway to a (subjectively) more pleasant 3D-Reality. Why does this matter?
well if you read my toolbox-post you will notice, that that one is basically self concept work before I even knew what a self concept was. „If you view yourself as someone who shifts every single time they try, you will be someone who shifts every single time they try.“
Well congrats Evie, that’s self concept.
Do you absolutely need to do this in order to shift? Probably not. The answer is because as long as you think you are able to do it, you only need to do the things you consider necessary for that. If for some reason you (genuinely and seriously) believe that you shift every time you vacuum your carpet or whatever, then I guess vacuum your carpet and go crazy in your fame-DR. Because if there is one thing that even a simple Evie like me knows for sure about the universe and the manifestation, then it‘s that ultimately what you believe is truth. Always. you are the only creator of your reality. Only you can say what is fact and what is fiction in your world. That’s why self concept work can be a really handy tool in this. Self concept work in itself is basically just picking and choosing the rules that you want the 3D to play by and sticking to them. And by sticking to them I mean fully embody and enforce those new rules, even if the 3D hasn‘t adjusted to your new rules yet. Even if it shows you the opposite of what you have been affirming for so eagerly, if only you decide what is real and what isn‘t then even that has no power unless you give power to it. But I seriously advice you to look into self concept work if you have been struggling with manifesting or shifting realities for a while now. your limiting beliefs might be the whole reason you are blocking yourself from what you truly want and desire.
If you are reading my post, and are considering working on your self concept I want you to know this:
It will feel weird or fake in the beginning. That’s okay. That’s to be expected. After like day 4 it will feel like you are used to saying it. And after like idk Day 10 you will already feel like it’s true and real and you might even see the results of it in your reality already (I know I do). So even if you feel weird saying stuff like „I am the most desired person walking the planet right now“ after like a week you will be convinced of its certainty and notice the effect of that. And the same will always go for shifting realities. If self concept is the key, then really you might be only like 10 Days away from your DR if you stick to it and enforce and embody it for real. But I mean seriously embody it. Walk the earth like the most skilled shifter ever. Think of shifting like you are born to do it, made for it, the most professional there could ever be, like people are envying you for how destined you were do it. And if a negative thought plops into your mind, just laugh about it! Nothing has power unless you grant it power. Even a thought. A thought is just a thought. It‘s not the end all be all trust me. Trust in the law. Know that if you want it, you have it. Even if it might not be visible in the 3D yet, it is always always always unfolding in the best ways possible to get to you. Just trust.
I think this is really all I can say about manifestation-
Know what you want
know that if you want it you are getting it (as if you just placed an order with the universe)
relax about the arrival of your manifestation because there is no way you are not getting it
Don‘t buy into the unfavorable 3D, because it is only as real as you allow it to be
This being said:
i am deeply sorry about not answering asks. I really am. I want to help where I can, and as much as I can but the truth is I am so busy with my own life right now, I rarely have the time to sit down and think about someone’s situation, analyze it and give useful advice specifically altered to someone’s unique situation. That doesn’t mean that I do not care about any of you, it simply means that my life is a mess right now and I do not have the headspace to include other peoples struggles into my own.
I want to remind you guys that there really is no piece of advice that I could give you, that you can‘t already find on my page in some post or another, so maybe the answer to your questions is lying somewhere in my pile of posts and reposts.
I love all of you 1.4K (and more) Followers for choosing to stay with me and watch me become the coolest shifter ever. You guys can‘t believe how lucky I consider myself for having you ❤️❤️❤️ I am not leaving tumblr, or deactivating my account or any of that. YOU GUYS WILL GET MY DR STORIES AS SOON AS I HAVE MADE THEM!!!!! I am simply telling you that even a simple Evil Evie has some stuff to do and even if you don‘t see me post or answer asks I am not fully gone! I am just living life as well as I can. I am still here for you just not as active as I used to be.
but let there be one thing that I promise you:
As soon as I have been in my DR, you guys will hear about it. I am never giving up on shifting realities and since I am working on my self concept I am including shifting into that as well.
i will be back.
Yours in every reality,
Evie ❤️
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lissomelace · 4 months
⭐️ i would love to hear any director’s commentary about point of pride!
Okay, I got this and my mind proceeded to go COMPLETELY BLANK of anything to talk about. So since this one is more general about the AU, I’m going to talk about the Aulendi.
I often tell people that if I could be anything in the world, I would want to be a Ñoldor elf, despite the murder. This is because I love making stuff, and really love how significant it is to their culture and identity. (and problems. I must not forget the problems.) So the majority of the Aulendi either a) do things I really want to do, or b) do things I have at least a little experience with. Which is why I love writing them, and loved building out their world.
TaÞarwen is (I think) the first one that I wrote in, and I sort of made her and that scene out of a combination of things, including: my dislike of fast fashion as an institution, my love of the Gender Neutral Skirt ™ (seriously, so many people wore ‘skirts’ for so much of history. They are SO much easier than pants), and my conviction that making proper clothing takes a whole lot of time and effort.
(You may notice that Findaráto still doesn’t have the custom outfits. Because it takes time to craft something Really Really Nice, and immortal elves who are also devotees of the god of craft most definitely take the time to Do Things Right.
That said, it IS coming up!)
And the other significant ones we’ve seen are Meryanilda and Tiquwen. My experience with harps is definitely on the ‘making’ rather than the ‘playing’ side, but I’m still very new to making them, and have only dabbled. Still, I enjoyed getting to feature them and the sort of interplay between their craft, practiced by the Aulendi, and someone like Makalaurë, who has a competitive AND collaborative desire to work around and with the masters of HIS craft. Which is practiced to less of an institutional degree among the Aulendi.
When I started planning this story and universe, I started from the threesome and worked outward. What safe place could Findaráto find? What made Fëanáro’s family different from the other Ñoldor to such a degree that they had completely separate gender roles and social culture?
…It had to be craft. The fact that there is a culture in which craft is important and respected is still very different from a culture of craftspeople. Historically speaking, however much craftspeople were respected (or not) they were not a ruling class. Ruling classes are generally politicians, by birthright or (more rarely) election, religious leaders, and economic ones. Similarly, in my reading experience, I see few examples of actual craftspeople among the royal Ñoldor. The specific examples are Míriel (dead), Fëanáro (…complicated), Mahtan (among Aule’s folk, not Tirion, not royal), Nerdanel (same as Mahtan, don’t know if/how she fit into the court, but my guess is no), and Curufinwë II and III.
Most of the next generation comes into their own in Beleriand. They’re politicians, rulers, warriors, generals. They build things, yes, like cities (Turgon and Finrod), ships (Eärendil, with clear Telerin influence from Círdan), and Maeglin (half-Sindar, specifically learned smithing from his Sindarin father and not his Ñoldorin mother). There are a few other notable smiths, but still. Not directly in or from the ruling line, save Curufinwës 1-3.
(I'm not saying they aren't a culture of crafters, I'm just saying for the purposes of this story, I engineered a split working off of a potential subdivision in canon. Also, a culture is more than just the ruling line, that's only where we tend to focus because those are the significant and named figures in canon)
So that’s kind of where the split came from, in Point of Pride. The Ñoldor respect craft, and it is what their culture is known for, but most of the people who specifically devote themselves to it as a calling can be found in Aulë’s lands, which I feel has at least a little canonical justification. Even if they wouldn’t see themselves as priests, disseminating the work and ideas formed in his forges to the broader Ñoldorin culture at large is kind of the role they play in this story. And because of the physical and social distance, they had the room to develop in a drastically different way (as much as the two-way unawareness might be a bit unrealistic). I like the idea that the farther one gets from a strict social ‘court’ and the closer one gets to a sort of egalitarian unification of ideals and purpose in proximity to a literal deity, the more protected one gets from strict social consequences. And the less close someone is likely to look. Like nuns, who were allowed/required to eschew the social requirement of marriage for religious purposes (not an expert, don’t quote me on that). I’m not saying the Aulendi are religious figures to that sort of strict level, but by opting into the inner circle of a Vala, they are effectively opting out of the monarchy and the social structure of the Ñoldor, knowingly or not.
(Yes, this will cause problems later.)
Well, that was probably way too much!! Thank you for the chance to (over) explain some thoughts I had! I hope you enjoy reading this excessive wall of text, and thank you for the ask!
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daeryn · 2 years
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a kiss beneath the mistletoe
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hiiii @bulle-blackhole!! here’s your gift for the @onepiece-blorboexchange! i wanted to get this out for you before or on christmas, but things have been crazy for me this month and things obviously didn’t go as planned, so please excuse the lateness lol.
i couldn’t help but combine two of your requested scenarios since i thought they’d fit so nicely together. i hope you enjoy!!
prompt: first kiss under the mistletoe with smoker + softly touching your cheek with his hand as you look at each other softly.
word count: 1.3k
contents: gn!reader, fluff, “humor” as a result of my sleep deprived brain, christmas party/ball, unnecessarily detailed descriptions of muscles, some brief descriptions of anxiety, can be read as either canon universe or modern au
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You tugged insistently at the collar of your formal attire, feeling slightly suffocated by both the fabric and the atmosphere around you. You had yet to enter the main room, simply standing off to the side, and still the small niggling fear inside you lingered. 
What was there to be afraid of? Oh, only making a fool out of yourself in front of your long-time crush and the entirety of the organization he works for, no biggie. 
When Smoker invited you to this Christmas party, you agreed before your brain could catch up to your mouth. With the way he said it– all low and personal like it was just for you– it made you jump at the chance. But now, all you wanted to do was go home. 
You watched in awe as Smoker’s fellow officers twirl about the dance floor in a suspiciously rehearsed waltz that you clearly hadn’t gotten the memo about. Honestly though, how would soldiers in the navy have the time to learn dances like that? It was clearly a waste of time and resources. 
Mustering your courage, you stepped further towards the end of the hallway and glanced into the room to get a closer look at the dancers– the women in their glimmering gowns and the men in their sharp suits. With each downbeat of the music, you felt your eyes flitting to a new location, searching among the crowd for the man who was able to get you to come in the first place. 
He spotted you first. 
He called your name as he approached you, but you barely registered it because of course he wouldn’t even wear a shirt to a formal ball. 
His bare chest was, like always, exposed and put on full display on center stage, framed by the curtains of his naval jacket. You couldn’t help but glance at his defined abdominals, admiring the view. You wondered just how much training earned him such rippling muscles. Seriously, those things could replace any household cheese grater. 
“I’m glad you came,” he said, breaking you out of your reverie. “You look…” He trailed off, gesturing at your outfit as he sought for the right words. A faint blush was overtaking his face. It looked foreign on him.  
You ran a hand through your hair as you looked down at your feet. “I didn’t really have anything that was on par with the dress code, but…”
He cleared his throat. “You look amazing.” He adjusted his cigar, fiddling it between his lips. “‘M not very good with this whole thing.” 
“What?” You teased. “Words? Speaking?” 
Smoker rolled his eyes at you. “Compliments. It’s easy with a crew of soldiers. Just tell ‘em they suck or they don’t suck too bad.”
You stifled a laugh at his frankly abysmal show of praise. 
“But with you, I never know what to say. What you want to hear.”
You reached up to place your hand on his shoulder, something you wouldn’t have even thought to do any other time. He initially flinched at your touch, tensing in a way only someone hardened from battle can do, but as soon as it happened, it was done; his shoulders relaxed and accepted the sensation. 
“Anything you have to say, I would be happy to hear, Smoker.”
He smiled, a soft, subtle thing that was just barely an uptick of his lips. If you didn’t know the man so well, you might not have caught it. His hand reached to the back of his neck in an awkward show of embarrassment. “And I you,” he responded in a reverent whisper, eyes glowing from the candle-lit chandeliers of the ballroom. 
You couldn’t help but think back to the very first time you met Smoker, when he had first been stationed in your hometown. He was gruff and rude in his brief interactions with both his subordinates and the locals, but there was something caring and kind within him that you wanted to find, to excavate and keep all to yourself. 
And in that moment, as the music crescendoed in the background and his calloused hand caressed your cheek, you felt as though you had achieved that. 
From behind you, lazy footsteps clicked against the marble floor until you felt a rather large back collide with your own. It jolted you forward towards Smoker, just narrowly missing his cigar from burning the skin on your face. He caught you in his arms, glaring at the figure behind you. 
“Oh~” Admiral Kizaru drawled as he turned around to see the two of you. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He glanced up above your heads before smirking. “Have fun you two~”
You took a moment to readjust yourself and your outfit. “How do you deal with him? He’s so…”
You huffed. “Yes.”
Smoker breathed out something between a chuckle and a sigh. “Sadly, you get used to it. Believe it or not, they get worse.”
You stewed in your thoughts, unconsciously mumbling your words of distaste for the laidback admiral aloud as Smoker followed Kizaru’s previous gaze up above his head. His eyes widened. “Oh,” he whispered. 
“What?” you asked. 
His face was red. If you didn’t know any better, you’d have thought steam was puffing out of his ears. (It was just the smoke pluming out from his lips. The lips you would actively avoid looking at or thinking about in just a few short moments.) He wordlessly pointed up and as you followed it up, up, up, you felt a cross between hope and dread lodge itself deep in your throat. Mistletoe.
“Oh indeed,” you said. 
He let silence settle between you for a while before he cleared his throat. “Did you want anything to drink? I can go get some champagne or something–”
Of course. The attraction between you two was obvious to anyone with working eyes and ears, yet every time there was an opportunity, you would both shy away from it, casting aside any feelings that had bubbled to the surface, allowing them to settle like flat soda. This game of emotional cat and mouse had been going on for months and frankly, you were sick of it. 
You grabbed onto his arm before he could walk away. “I’m not thirsty.”
“Well, do you want me to get you something to eat instead?”
“No, I want you to kiss me, damnit!”
You were tempted to slap your hand over your mouth, but you refused to. You meant what you said. It wasn’t a mistake. 
“You do?” Smoker asked, unsure yet hopeful. 
“Yes. Plus,” you pointed up at the mistletoe “it’s the rules.” 
He shook his head, laughing softly. “Of course. The mistletoe holds the highest jurisdiction.” His hands made their way to the back of your head, cradling it like you were something precious, rare, and valuable. Though to him, those were all objective truths. 
You took the cigar from his lips with one hand while the other rested atop his forearm, drawing him in closer. “And you are a man of the law.”
“I must uphold justice,” his breath ghosted across your lips, just mere inches away. 
“Please do.”
The violins swelled as his lips finally met your own. Each and every note the dancers out in the ballroom waltzed to sounded fuzzy and unfocused as your senses were overloaded with the feeling of Smoker’s lips– rough, unpracticed, and slightly chapped– against your own and the lingering taste of his cigar on his tongue as you eagerly accepted it into your mouth. 
When you reluctantly pulled away from each other, he touched his forehead to yours as he stroked his thumb across your jaw tenderly. 
“I lied,” you admitted. “I am very thirsty. I would love some champagne.”
He groaned as you let out a melodic giggle. 
You received a light flick to the forehead before he wandered off to get you that drink. You chased after him with a smile on your face and a laughter-filled apology on your lips. 
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As promised my Everything Everywhere All at Once AU
When I finally watch Everything and it was a bit slow at first, but dear lord it truly did deserve all the awards it got!
So I of course still stuck in BTTF mode made me think of a crossover, especially because the movie talks about parallel universes made by different choices.
I’m going to put this under read more in case people don’t want to be spoiled, seriously go watch the movie!
If you don’t mind spoilers a quick run down. Evelyn and Waymond are a married couple who are currently being audited by the IRS and there isn’t a lot of love between them. Waymond is wanting to serve a divorce to basically force her to talk about their marriage, he still really loves her but he feels like he is losing her. They have a daughter named Joy, who doesn’t really connect with her mom. I mean I may go into a full script telling if I don’t finish. So it is a Waymond from another universe talking to Evelyn that can stop the evil known as Jobu who is Joy. Joy/Jobu can see and feel EVERY SINGLE UNIVERSE AT THE SAME TIME, can kind of mess with a person. Joy/Jobu wants Evelyn, now Evelyn is finding a way to defeat Jobu so she can save her daughter.
So first I was thinking Joy/Jobu has the same energy as the fandom likes to see for Marlene. But then I was thinking I can see kind of see Marty or Jennifer as Evelyn from the broken hand timeline. But I truly can’t see them as Evelyn and Waymond.
Then I of course was like Marty as Joy/Jobu, with him seeing how a choice can change a timeline, he is a good fit. I can 100% see George and Lorrine from the Twin Pines timeline to be Evelyn and Waymond.
First I wanted George to be Evelyn, so to parallel the whole mother/daughter with father/son. If you watch the movie George and Waymond are cut from the same cloth. And there is one monologue Waymond does about his kindness made me cry.
And Lorrine fits as Evelyn with the stubbornness and wants her child to call more and be more apart of the family and not approving of the SO.
Also the audit lady could be Biff cause it is funny that the audit lady in another universe is like a acolyte to Jobu. So Biff as an acolyte to Marty is funny to me.
Also no clue how Doc would fit into this. Maybe as a new part from the movie? Like alternate George explains to Doc and he gets it. So when Marty, who I’m calling Máel Sechnaill (it is pronounced Maw-il Shakh-nel), appears and alternate George gets forced back, Doc can help Lorraine. Let’s be real Doc would want to save Marty from this.
Last thoughts is George saying how his kindness isn’t a weakness, it is his strength, while also praising Lorraine’s own strength.
Lorraine saying, ‘I’m learning to fight like you.’ To George in the climax.
Just Marty in a lot of Jobu’s styles.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Why do you think Logan was hard on women, as Shiv said? I'm sure a big part of it is good ol' fashioned misogyny combined with him being generally awful to everybody, but do you think it also has to do with losing Helen and Rose so young?
Oh, gosh, this feels like a question I could probably write a million word answer to, but ultimately, yeah, I do think he’s a misogynist and I do think losing his mother and sister at such a crucial age impacted his relationship to women as a whole.
I also don’t think we can't discount the era he was born into as being crucial in shaping his views on women overall.
I think – prior to the current era of politics with the reversal of things like affirmative action and Roe v Wade – it was pretty normal to view progress as a straight line going up. While that’s shifted recently, I think there is still this tendency to view the past as slowly progressing instead of the absolute swings and roundabouts that it was and is, and I think that idea particularly permeates when it comes to women’s rights. Which makes sense, right? In America, women got the right to vote in 1920, Amelia Earhart became the first woman pilot in 1932, women seriously entered the workforce en masse during WWII between 1941 and 1945, Rosa Parks didn’t give up her seat in 1955, the birth control pill was approved in 1960, JFK signed into law the equal pay act in 1963.
That seems, on paper, like a line going up, but that’s not what reality was.
The reality was that after all those things, women faced extreme backlash, and on top of that, there were these dramatic shifts with established gender roles that shook things up! This was reflected, like most things are, in art.
A million years ago in my film theory class at university, I actually wrote an essay about this and noir cinema, which as an entire genre is about male impotence post-WWII and female empowerment and this new sense of the unknowability of women which men felt extremely personally in this era. This is, of course, embodied by the iconic femme fatale character trope which dominated cinema in the late ‘40s through ‘50s, and is understood to be a figure born of male anxiety post-WWII (and man, if she isn’t great), but that anxiety came from the lack of social services to help very damaged men navigate their return to cities that had drastically changed since they’d left them.
That era was also dominated by the creation of suburbia, which was built as a social reward for these traumatised men and a trap for newly liberated women. It was about trying to remind men of what they’d seen their friends die for, while telling women where they belonged.
Logan came of age in the midst of that social identity crisis (he would’ve turned 18 in 1956! At the late peek of noir cinema!), a crisis that would only be compound with the Vietnam War that his brother would enlist in, and the sexual revolution. Logan’s life was peppered with male failure and violence, and the mystery and the loss of women, in his father’s death and his uncle’s abuse, even in his brother never making it to the front lines in Vietnam; in his mother’s abandonment, his sister’s death and his aunt’s implied absence.
He collects tokens of masculinity in medals of wars he never fought, and he romanticises the unknowability of women like Marcia and Rhea and Shiv, because it’s what he was taught. It’s the era he grew up in, and Logan, as we saw time and time again, is a character who never quite learns.
So why is he so hard on women? I mean, he is, but I also think he romanticises them to an extent that robs them of their personhood, which feeds back into the era he came of age in. Women then were capable, but unknowable, which made them threatening and emasculating, which is exactly how Logan treats all the women he encounters. They’re femme fatales to him until he can unpick their stitches and figure them out and re-cast them as supporting characters to his own story. He’s a 1950s guy, living in the 2010s, and unfortunately, I don’t think that’s all that rare in real life even now.
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