#<-- just in case someone has the tag block
humbuns · 1 year
AHHH when I saw your reblog about Luke's view of the brothers and how it goes against everything he was taught about I was DELIGHTED reading through it. It makes me wonder what if there was a situation where Luke has to confront his internal conflict head on? Like imagine a scenario where the person he looks up to (could be another angel) and they expressed their disdain towards the brothers to the point on acting ignorant on WHY they fell in the first place. Its also worth mentioning that Luke used to admire Lucifer even more so than Michael. Falling from grace is one of, if not the worse things that could happen to an angel. It's practically ingrained in his mind that he should avoid doing what the brothers did. But shouldn't an angels' job is to protect? Especially if its their family? Their own kin? It would be so interesting to see him actually having to question his own morals and values, but also depressing when you consider the fact he's still a child and he's forced to come to the realization that everything he believed upon could be a lie 🥲
Yessss!!!! Not to get theological here but I believe love in religion is bound with sacrifice and I feel like that's something Luke will struggle with the most because he is taught he is a creature seeping with boundless benevolence and the Celestial Realm is a place full of paradise but they are restricted by it. You have to act a certain way or you will disappoint everyone. If you go too far, you will fall. If he begins to doubt, will he lose everything? Is he not worthy of the love proclaimed to be offer to everyone and everything when he was acting out of love?
And I guess that's why Simeon tries to ush him away from the Celestial Realm to remove that pressure that he must sacrifice himself from living just to remain perfect in the eyes of others while also pointing out that either realms are not so terrible bad as it seems (Positive the devs are not thinking this deep but even Luke both in nb and obm! openly talks about how much more fun it is being around the others and in the Devildom, even if he is hesitant about it still)
There's so much potential here but it's shame we probably won't see stuff like this at all lol, it would be a nice introspection especially when it's coming from someone who is so in love being an angel and has been sheltered away
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jaytalking · 15 days
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The number one Perirep hater: Timmy Fairywinkle-Cosma.
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clefablepb · 27 days
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actual awful thing my classmate i refuse to call a friend (/j) drew on the school table with a corrector pen: pregnant henry stickmin with his wife bill cipher and their demonic stickman-triangle hybrid satanic children. i am in tears.
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dogbound1128 · 8 months
Average 10 year old behavior
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decadentboat · 1 year
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How are you liking the timeskip designs?? I mean, they could be way better I'm disappointed because I felt the designs before the timeskip had more effort put on them? My opinion on them so far are:
I don't know. I don't think the new design fits her nicely? I always felt she had a traditional girly-like aura with his prev design. Look how almost all her jewelry was removed. I could be wrong but maaaybe Ikemoto saw that one fanart where she is together with Sarada where they came out of the gym? IDK it popped into my mind when I saw this. She keeps the kimono sleeves style I guess like Mitsuki. I was hoping she is just wearing this for her spar with Himawari but that is just pure denial from my part XD I don't like those butterfly hairclips at all.
Perhaps they went with this style bc he is now gloomy?? So plain goddamnit!! He doesn't stand at all vs the rest of the kids, even Inojin and Shikadai seem to have a little something more. I JUST hope it's not bc they are going to dispose of him because shitty plot reasons because I cannot understand why he is suddenly treated so poorly.
To me, they are both a downgrade. I am truly disappointed bc I know Mr. Ikemoto can do way better.
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sassy-bitch-since-2007 · 11 months
Hi. I was going to do a Danganronpa x Total Drama AU, but 'the final killing game' style. However I'm not finding the backgrounds I want for this and it annoyed me enough to just,,, give up on the project altogether.
Anyway, here are the NG I was going to use for it, in case someone wants some ideas (and the reasoning behind them)
For more context, this is supposed to take place right after TDWT. TDROTI didn't happen.
Noah - Passing the Fourth time Limit with Owen Alive (Noah and Owen's friendship has developed during TDWT ; despite his personality, I strongly believe Noah would not put Owen in danger for his own life. I also needed him to not be in the same group as Owen and Eva, given that he was going to be one of the few trying to puzzle out what was going on)
Owen - Putting Food in Your Mouth (Is self-explanatory ; This guy can not survive without food and it would be literally impossible for him to not eat if said food happen to be in close proximity)
Izzy - Being in the Same Room With a Corpse (It literally kills her from the start, which was the whole point ; I also think is fitting for her, given her personality)
Eva - Opening Doors (I can just imagine her getting so mad over it ; Is also the only one able to bypass this NG as she's strong enough to just punch her way through the walls)
Duncan - Going 5 seconds without being seen by another contestant. Time Outs don't count (No one would really want to stay near Duncan, given all he has done during TDWT ; many will think he's the killer because of his personality)
Harold - Answering a Question (That would be an easy NG for anyone BUT him. Harold's a walking Wikipedia, it will be hard for him to not answer any questions)
DJ - Witnessing Violence by Participants (Given his personality this NG makes the most sense for him ; The character that died in the anime with this NG makes me think of DJ, which influenced my decision)
Trent - Opening Left Hand (I wanted to add this NG, that's literally all)
Beth - Running (Also somebody has to have this NG too you know)
Cody - Can't Touch Or Be Touched By Anyone (My AU does not include Sierra or Alejandro due to the injuries they got during TDWT, otherwise Cody would be dead in the first seconds of the game ; I just think it fits for his character and is funny)
Gwen - Revealing Your NG (Which would make everyone suspicious of her.)
Heather - Getting Accused of Murder (I think at least one person would accuse her of killing someone, being as disliked as she was. I just needed her to not group up with anyone, as she's also one of the few trying to puzzle what was going on)
Sadie - Being in the Same Room With Katie (You can tell I wanted to get rid of her fast, as I had no plot planned for her)
Katie - Being in the Same Room With Sadie (Same as Sadie)
Ezekiel - Talking (It can go both ways ; In my AU he talks, as he's confused by his NG. It doesn't need to be this way. You guys can keep him alive if you want)
Bridgette - Witnessing Someone Cry (Again, I think this is fitting given her character. In my AU she was also one of the firsts to die, thanks to Owen)
Courtney - Giving Orders (Fitting, given her character)
Justin - Looking in Any Reflective Object/Seeing Your Own Reflection (I think it would be a challenge for Justin to not see his reflection, but not one he would be unable to overcome)
Tyler - Laying or Sitting Down (Which is torture, given that he's tripping over his own feet more often than not. Again, I saw it fitting given his character)
Before anyone comments about it, Leshawna, Lindsay and Geoff are not here because I couldn't come up with a good NG for them. I was thinking something along the lines of 'Using the Wrong Name' for Lindsay, but the phrasing of the NG gave me enough problems to just give up on it (Basically she would die if she used the wrong name when addressing someone, but I don't know how to phrase it to sound good and make sense).
Sierra and Alejandro are not part of this due to the injuries they got during TDWT. Is canon that Alejandro has been stuck in a robot up until All Stars and, in my opinion, Sierra would not have enough time to be fully healed by the time this 'new season' takes place.
In my version of the AU Chris IS NOT the mastermind behind this, he's actually the first to die. It isn't until Izzy, Katie and Sadie die too that everyone actually believes everything is real and Chris isn't just fooling around (this dude died like at least two times during TDA, no one truly believes he's dead for real)
For more context, for those who has not watched Danganronpa 3, here's how things are supposed to work :
One person, known as the traitor or attacker, tries to murder the other participants, while the other participants attempt to identify the killer. Everyone does have a bangle on that they are forbidden to demage or remove (unless they want to die).
The rules are
Rule #1: The time limit. At two hour intervals, when the timer on the bangle runs out, a sleeping drug will be administered, putting all the participants to sleep.
Rule #2: The attacker/traitor. Whilst everyone is asleep, the attacker will wake up and have a certain amount of time to kill exactly one person. If no-one is killed in this time limit, then the other participants win the game.
An assumption developed by its participants is that, assuming the attacker can end the killing at this point, he/she can stop the game by choosing not to kill anyone within the time limit, thereby going undetected or placing the blame on someone else.
Rule #3: Forbidden actions, also known as NG Codes. On each person's bangle, there is a single action that the participant is not allowed to perform. If that action is performed, then a lethal dose of poison is administered. The poison will also be administered if the participants attempt to remove or tamper with their bangles.
Is also specified on the Wikipedia page that the NG code rule can be bypassed by severing the limb above the wrist at the risk of blood loss (yes the rules are copy-paste from the site so you guys don't get spoiled while researching for them)
The participants need to find the traitor and kill them to win the game.
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nicnevans · 10 days
not gonna put op on blast but a post just crossed my dash that's just. this
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and i'm sorry but if your block list is in the hundreds that's not normal and maybe you need to block less and just get comfortable with the fact that other peoples' thoughts and opinions might brush against yours in ways you don't immediately like. talk about it. consider their perspectives. broaden your horizons. if your block list is in the hundreds the only common denominator there is you. there comes a point were curating your space is just an excuse for controlling it and trying to control who can and cannot interact with you and your close friends and that just isn't healthy, and it certainly isn't a healthy way to engage with a fandom space which is by definition a shared one.
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Realized I haven't said anything here and oof
This will be a very personal post so before that I want to say I wish Shelby and everyone hurt by Will the very best. These things mess with our minds and I hope she finds peace in the response of the community.
This is just some thoughts I've been having since this whole thing came out that are really more about me but I wanted to get it out so I can move on
Ok so this whole thing feels so weird
I never let myself fully project on many content creators. This doesn't feel like the time I mourned for days thinking back then dream was a terrible person and felt lied to, thank God. This lacks the uncertainty and I dont feel bad its just kind of disconcerting I guess?
I never got that attached to Wilbur as a person since the fanbase was so extreme but if there was one thing (besides the music, I really liked the solo stuff he did) that really resonated with me about him was his mental health advocacy. The way he used to talk about feeling like a bad person, the struggles of being depressed and living in a less than ideal condition, his lyrics about feeling like you are hurting people around you and not being able to stop and all of the stuff people are calling signs now made me feel conforted back than. Maybe I just relate too hard to "loony artists" personas and the almost manic energy of it all. But fuck I was really happy he seamed to still be able to live a happy life with lots of friends with all of this going on like "maybe I can do that too" kind of way. Like, maybe I could not be alone and not end up hurting people by the way that I can be if I tried hard enough and watched myself in every step of the way.
Now knowing he did in fact fuck up people around him it just feels hollow. I know I tend to empathize with abusive characters in media because I fear I'll become like that and feel conforted in then changing but I really thought this was different. For one it's a real ass person I really thought had his shit figured out so like, im so disappointed? And I don't even know how to feel about all the ways we know his abuse manifested now like bitting, expecting her to clean his shit, saying put of pocket creepy stuff that I feel are mistakes I might make if I don't pay attention, I am really trying to hold on to the belief I would not ignore a safeword and that at least part of the behavior was intentional to hurt but it just makes me sick to even be able to draw that many comparisons.
I really have been trying to gather courage to try to be in a relationship this year and let go of the fear I'll end up hurt or/and be absolutely horrible and end up more alone and idk all of this just makes me scared, that someone that walked an artistic path so similar to what I want and that I admired in the past just did that. Like I said it's just disconcerting.
I really hope everyone hurt in this gets better and my sympathy to the people that idolized him for years now, it's probably hard to let go of who you thought this person was. I really just needed to get my feelings out for a second while they are still fresh and easy to tell. All the love for you guys, I'm probably not speaking on this again since it took a very long feelings forward time to type, but I really feel for everyone that feels they have been lied to in this situation because you have and it sucks.
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ojirocardigansniper · 9 months
ouguhhh just read the summary and article from this post about alexandre baril's work on suicidism (oppression of the suicidal) and the opening paragraph of the conclusion in the full article. thoughts. rotating
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i was thinking about the. thick white gloves. while reading. remembered that one post about how csa being horrifically taboo to talk about compounds survivors' trauma and shame and went Maybe something similar re: suicidality and suicide... the suffering multiplied by the silence, the risk of dismissal or instant change in perception in anyone you tell... and even in 'mental health' spaces the perception that suicide as a topic is dangerous to talk about- that it could be triggering instantly and automatically- is like. i think there's some paternalism there and there's some shamefear and there's some oversimplification and there's the fact that it plays well into the existing well-taught impulse to avoid the discomforting. but like. this post also about how getting through suicidality is maybe only possible by considering the option thoroughly. i am just thinking. idk. yall know me yall know i think about this topic a lot
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mommytimmy · 11 months
hey pals, considering my favorite jason to draw is jason smoking, would you like me to tag smoking/cigarettes/tobacco?
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Despite the black lung issues, Allen did get to see Shire for a few years before it was too late.
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kaeyachi · 1 year
gonna talk about kaveh thru the tags in case people dont wanna get spoiled
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flakey-von-wembstein · 7 months
i just blocked someone on pinterest
because they was talkin about some bullshit all like "hamas is not a terrorist group, that's just what western media wants you to think" WHATTTTTT i need you to kill yourself rq
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bardtits · 1 year
the witcher season 3 ending leaked: geralt tells jaskier ‘i love you’ & gets sent to super hell
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unityrain24 · 1 year
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oil pastel (mainly) on paper
i'm actually really proud of how this turned out!!!
I used oil pastels, a bit of gold-coloured calligraphy ink, and a little bit of graphite can be seen on one of the arms.
It has been a while since i have fully finished a piece, and even longer (perhaps even years) since i've completed one fully out of my own accord (as opposed to like, for an art class). So for me to sit down and complete this in one sitting??? Absolutely astounding. I have not been able to do that in many years.
This was a mix of a colour-lighting study, anatomy study/practice, and pastel practice. And i think i did wonderfully in all three aspects!!!!!! I'm so so happy with how it turned out, i'm proud!! It's so rare i get to feel this way now.
Also. I know i drew a nude person, but i didn't draw it, like, sexually? And it's that way for a lot of things with me. I might draw someone nude, but not to be sexual, and it honestly upsets me when i think about the fact that people will probably look at those drawing and think/feel sexual things towards it? Which, I know i have no control over, but. I just wish our bodies didn't have to be so sexualized :(
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cripplerage · 7 months
Does anyone have any idea how to tell if a local online weed dealer (that I haven't met before) might be safe or not?
Like I probably shouldn't risk it, right?
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