#<--- i never know wnich one i should use
im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
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familiar face...
[insane ramblings under the cut]
these guys are(top to bottom) Taks and Buddy! theyre a part of my overcomplicated vld au 
the basic premise is that after the events of ‘the black paladins’ six shiro clones and a galran kid find themselves stranded on a unhabited planet, having to rely on eachother for survival. found family and shenanigans ensue!
Taks(its a placeholder name, i havent come up with anything good enough yet) is a smart and snarky 11(?) year old. she loves animals and can also be very a little competitive. shes also trans!(it takes her a while to figure it all out tho)
Buddy is..... a lot. he tries his best to distance himself both from the others and from his past as the black paladin of voltron - he didnt tell the others about the whole we’re-clones-of-takashi-shirogane thing for a long time.... at least not on purpose. he thinks hes sooo subtle and mysterious but really hes just kinda pathetic. (i WILL get more into him[and the other guys too!!] eventually, but right now im just butting down the basics)
taks has something of a one-sided rivalry with buddy - she doesnt like him(at least at first) and thinks hes annoying. and also shes bored. theres not a lot to do most of the time, so bullying a loser youre stuck with seems entertaining enough
buddy is too busy going trough all five stages of grief simultaneously to really notice her attempts tho
he also avoids her beacuse she reminds him of keith too much :/
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^cinematic paralles
buddy and taks actually have a lot in common - theyre both stubborn and can be quite dramatic - maybe thats the reason they butt heads so much...
they do love each other tho! buddy often takes the role of a weird uncle or an annoying older brother, and over time their rivalry slowly evolves into light-hearted teasing. they looove to team up and cause mayhem(to their family’s disdain)
buddy was actually the first person taks told about her struggles with gender!(buddy was NOT prepared to deal with that, but he supported her the best way a traumatised shell of a man can!)
who knows, maybe ill make a sideblog just for this story? theres just so much of this shit in my head i need to let it out somehow or itll consume me.
(english is not my first language so sorry if this is incoprehensibe i propably made a shit ton of grammar mistakes)
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