#??? sorry its not a very whumpy piece as a whole
katblu42 · 4 years
Remember the whump generator wheel?  I decided I would spin it 5 times to give myself a prompt pairing for each brother.  Some of the pairings have prompted rather un-whumpy ideas!  This is the first result.
I need to say that I have no experience with these creatures, and no knowledge of housing construction (and a tendency to get very frustrated with researching stuff very quickly), so I apologise for any inaccuracies in those departments.
Gordon, Help Eating and Vent
It turns out to be fluff instead of whump, and I realise it may not exactly address the intended idea of help eating, but . . . here it is anyway!
At first he thought he was imagining it, but over the course of the last hour the little scratching noises had increased.  It was distracting him from his homework.  Something was inside his bedroom wall, he was sure of it.  Gordon wondered whether he should tell one of his brothers.  More specifically one of his older brothers.  Telling Alan would only get the kid excited and make rescuing whatever animal was stuck in the wall more difficult.
Scratch.  Scuffle, scratch, scrabble, scratch.
As quietly as he could, he slid the chair back from his desk, tip-toed to the wall and pressed his ear against it.  Nothing. He almost gave up, thinking perhaps whatever it was had gone somewhere else, or fallen asleep, then he heard a quiet swooshy movement – the kind his hand might make if he brushed it against the wall.  Scratch, scratch.  It was close now.  Low down, near the floor.  His eyes swept along the skirting board until he spotted the vent on the other side of his desk.
Hmm.  If he could get the vent open maybe he could spot the animal stuck in the wall and maybe even get it out.  On close inspection of the 8” by 6” vent cover he could see it was attached to the wall with 4 small screws.  He’d need tools.  And maybe snacks to encourage the animal to come out.  And maybe a box or something to put the creature in until he could relocate it outside.  Yep, he had a plan.  He darted out of the room to collect the items he needed.
Wham!  He darted straight into Virgil.
“Whoa!  Where’s the fire?”  Virgil caught hold of him by the shoulders, steadying him and making sure he was not about to hurt himself after bouncing off his bigger brother’s chest.
“Ooof!  Sorry, Virg.”  Gordon spoke almost at the same time, made sure his feet were solidly planted again and shrugged away from Virgil’s grip.  Curiosity and concern burned down at him from beneath raised eyebrows. He felt his own eyes betray him as he glanced back towards his room and back up to meet his brother’s gaze.
“What are you hiding in there?”
“Nothing, I swear!” Gordon put his hand over his heart. “It’s just . . . there’s a . . . I was just going to . . .”  He sighed – a physical thing involving his whole body – and his gaze fixed firmly on the floor for a moment.  When he finally looked back up at Virgil the familiar expression of patient calm he found there gave him the encouragement he needed.  “I think there’s an animal stuck in my wall and I need to get some stuff so I can see if I can rescue it.”
Virgil quirked an eyebrow. That was all it took.  Gordon knew he had an ally.  He showed Virgil the vent he wanted to open, described the noises he’d heard and waited impatiently with his bigger brother until they both heard the noises again.  Virgil agreed to help him open the vent, suggesting a box to catch the animal in was a must, but perhaps they should hold off on the snacks until they discovered what type of animal it was and therefore what it might eat, and whether it needed coaxing out of the wall space.
While Virgil went to collect the right type of screwdriver and a couple of other tools (just in case), Gordon prepared a makeshift animal carry box.  He dumped the dirty laundry out of the plastic laundry bin from the corner of his room.  Its sides were a kind of latticework that would ensure the animal could still breath when he placed the lid on top.  He lined the bottom of the bin with a few towels so the creature would be comfy.
Virgil returned with the tools and a flashlight.  Together they moved Gordon’s desk so they had more room to work around the vent. Virgil made short work of the removal of the first 2 screws.
“Get ready with that nest of yours, Gordon,” he said as he lined up the screwdriver on the third screw. “Hold it close to the wall, below the vent, just in case the cover swings loose and the animal makes a run for it.”
It was at that moment Gordon remembered Virgil had a fairly strong dislike of rats and mice.  The expression of grim determination on his brother’s face suggesting he was forcing himself to continue his task despite the fear made Gordon feel kind of proud of him.
The third screw was removed, but the vent cover stayed firmly in place.  Virgil moved on to the last screw and Gordon kept the re-purposed laundry bin in place. This last one proved difficult to remove, rusted in place. With a grunt from Virgil and a slight cracking sound the screw finally began to move, and within a few turns of the screwdriver was moving more freely.  Once all the screws were out Virgil had to use a flat bladed driver to prise the top of the vent cover free from the wall.  Before removing it all the way he glanced at his younger brother, who nodded in confirmation that he was ready.  The cover came off the vent and . . . nothing happened.
Gordon let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, and put the laundry basket nest down. The sudden release of tension in Virgil’s shoulders indicated his brother probably felt much the same way as he put the vent cover down, resting it against the wall.
“Let’s take a look,” Virgil suggested as he reached for the flashlight.  “See if we can see who’s in here, or something to show us what we might be dealing with.”
Gordon inched himself closer so he could see inside the vent as Virgil clicked on the flashlight and aimed it into the darkness.  The beam of light illuminated a small section of flexible ducting before it curved upward. Both brothers felt a little deflated at this result until they heard the scuffling noise close by.  Remaining silent and keeping the flashlight beam steady, they waited and were rewarded by the sudden appearance of a pair of eyes glowing back at them from a black, white and grey banded furry face.
“It’s a racoon,” Virgil stated with an audible sigh of relief.  “It must have made a hole in the ducting there near the bend, look.”
As the little furry head disappeared again Gordon could just make out the ragged edges of the hole Virgil was trying to catch in the flashlight beam.  A frown creased his forehead as his attention turned to how they were going to get the little guy out.
“What are you thinking, Gordon?”
“Do you think Alan’s small enough to crawl in there and rescue Bandit?”
The look of horrified surprise on his big brother’s face, which quickly flickered through a glare in response to Gordon’s mischievous smile, before settling on mild confusion greatly amused the younger boy.
“You named the racoon Bandit?”
“And you know Alan wouldn’t fit in there, and even if he did we would not be sending him in there after a wild animal.”  Virgil’s eye roll and head shake just amused Gordon more.
“I know, but it’s fun to see the faces you make when you think I’m being serious.”
“Ha ha.”  Virgil turned off the flashlight and shifted to a slightly more comfortable position, sitting back on his heels.  “We’re gonna need to figure out how to get this little guy – Bandit – out of there, and we’re gonna need to tell Dad about this.”
“We do?  Why?”
“Because Bandit is only a kit and that means his mom and the rest of his family could be in the house somewhere, probably in the attic.”
“Awww.”  Gordon’s features scrunched into his that’s-so-cute face.  “Mumma racoon’s missing one of her babies.  We gotta get Bandit back to his family.”
“We have to get him out here first, Squid.”
“Snack time!”  Gordon stood up and was two steps towards the door faster than Virgil could react, then he suddenly stopped and turned back. “What do baby racoons eat?”
Neither brother knew the answer to that question, so a quick internet search was carried out.  A trip to the kitchen was made and Gordon returned with two pairs of rubber gloves – because racoons can carry rabies and it’s best to be as safe as possible – an old baby bottle with a little milk in it and a few different fruits and nuts.  They didn’t know whether Bandit had teeth yet or not, so the kit might not be ready for solid foods, but they also weren’t sure if cow’s milk would be suitable for a baby racoon.
The first attempt at coaxing Bandit out of the vent involved placing a few berries and nuts as far into the ducting as Virgil could reach with the aim of attracting the little racoon and then luring it out with a trail of food.  After a few minutes of waiting the scratching, scuffling noises were heard, a little black nose appeared through the hole in the ducting . . . then disappeared again.
Ten more minutes of waiting and no further activity passed before Gordon decided they should try some banana. He took prime position kneeling on the floor in front of the vent. Virgil moved over beside him aiming the flashlight, and holding the laundry bin nest at the ready.  Gordon held a few pieces of smooshy banana in his gloved fingertips and slowly stretched his arm as far into the vent as he could reach.  With his arm and the flashlight taking up most of the available opening he had to press his face up near the vent and look through one eye in order to see inside.
The two boys waited silently, listening for the tell-tale noises of movement within the wall cavity. It wasn’t long before Bandit made another appearance, the little black nose twitching as the kit cautiously emerged through the hole and tentatively advanced toward Gordon’s hand.  Gordon spoke words of encouragement to Bandit and tried to make coaxing “racoon noises”.
“Come on, that’s it.” He made a few squeaky sucking noises through his teeth.  “Come get some yummy banana.”
The coaxing noises gave way to sounds Virgil recognised as Gordon’s too-excited-by-the-cute-animal-for-real-words vocalisations as Bandit began licking at Gordon’s gloved fingertips and making vocalisations of its own.  Each time the kit stopped licking Gordon inched his hand a little nearer to the exit of the vent and Bandit followed, drawn by the tantalising promise of more of the tasty fruit.  Bandit’s little paws tried to grab onto Gordon’s fingers, perhaps to stop them moving away, but the gradual progress towards the vent continued.
When Gordon had withdrawn his arm far enough for them to be able to see without the flashlight Virgil turned his attention to the prospect of containing the little critter.  He broke off a little more of the banana and placed it on the towels inside the laundry bin to encourage the kit inside.  Gordon was talking to Bandit again, softly, soothing, encouraging the kit to keep edging closer to the edge.  His hand was all the way out now, held just in front of the opening and Bandit’s head was tentatively peeking out into the room. The little nose still twitched, the tiny paws kept reaching out to hold fingers or bits of mushy banana.  Ever so slowly Gordon moved his other hand into position above the vent and while Bandit was busily focusing on the banana smeared hand he gently took hold of the kit and lifted him out.  Moving both hands in tandem, and with Virgil bringing the laundry bin close, Bandit was quickly transferred into the little nest. Gordon kept the hand with the food close to Bandit, moving it towards the banana pieces Virgil had placed in there. Soon Bandit was holding a piece of fruit in tiny paws and Gordon withdrew his hand altogether.
Making sure Bandit was as comfortable as possible the boys placed the lid firmly on the laundry bin, and shared a high five.  Now they just had to remove the fruit and nuts from the ducting, replace the vent cover, clean up the mess they’d made in Gordon’s room, tell their Dad about Bandit and the potential family of racoons somewhere in the house, reunite Bandit with the rest of the family and safely re-home all the racoons.  Should be easy, right?
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whumpfigure · 4 years
Whump Community's OC's As Figure Skating Programs, Part 2
So, here's the second part! I hope you all enjoy it!
Huge thank you's to @my-whumpy-little-heart for literally coming up with 70% of anything I've written here!!
1. Alena Kostornaya, 2018-19 Short Program, Departure, as @ashintheairlikesnow 's Killan
The actual story behind this program is about a fallen angel, who learns about the earth and its people during the program, and in the end, finally learns to fly again. Though it isn't what Killan's story is about, I can still see connections there. At first, the skater has just entered a new world which she does not know. And I link this with Killan coming back to the world, after what Calon Nie does to him. The first few seconds, in my mind, are during the time after Calon Nie abandons him, and before the first hunter catches him. When he is still somehow figuring himself out. But then, after the first spin, the music turns faster, and the skater wraps her arms around himself. That, in my opinion, is the start of Killan's long series of owner. We see the skater struggle and fight, even fall down at one point. But right after the fall, the skater fights even harder, and pushes through each turn and step. That reminds me of Killan's struggles to keep his sense of self. To not turn into the monster everyone says he is. And Killan fights and fights and fights, until the very last second, when he finally gets free, and opens his wings again.
Also, I'm gonna leave this other version of the performance here as well, because the skater's genuine smile in the end reminds me of the "Rise" piece, aka Killan's happy ending.
2. Evgenia Medvedeva, 2016-17 Free Skate, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, as @ihaventwritteninsolong 's Cathal (I owe most of this analysis to @my-whumpy-little-heart . Thank you Boa!!)
In the beginning, we see the skater's naivety and playfulness. Which reminds me of the highschool Cathal. Blindly crushing on Clement, and later starting to date him. As the program goes on, we see some little parts where the skater seems doubtful. Just like when Cathal was planning to leave Clement. But it's nothing too serious, and it's in bits and pieces, up until 1:55. That's when the music suddenly changes, and we see the skater's face change rapidly from a happy expression, to an utter look of shock and maybe even fear. That, as Boa told me, is exactly the moment Clement knocks Cathal out in his car, and kidnaps him. Right from then, we see Cathal struggle and try, even shakily, to resist the conditioning and torture he's been put through. It all continues, until after the triple loop jump, when the music turns slow again, and the skater stops, with her fists grabbing on thin air. That's full on captivity Cathal. And the fight is very less there, as the reality of his situation sinks in. And, finally, in the very last scene, we see the skater in the same place as the beginning. But it doesn't feel the same at all. It's like a shell of how Cathal used to be. A shell that's now broken and rebuilt into exactly what Clement wants him to be. And the phone call can be interpreted as the realization that came to Cathal way to late.
Also, Boa's amazing brain noticed that the costume also fits Cathal. The pink bits seem like they are fading away from the gray sea of the dress. And resembles the way Cathal breaks. He just fades away. All his bright energy just goes away, as he becomes more and more like the dull puppy Clement wants him to be.
3. Yulia Lipnistkaya, 2013-14 Free Skate, Schindler's list, as @slaintetowhump 's Demetri
This program in general gives me some nervous vibes. But at the same time, a sense of silent defiance. Demetri is nervous and scared. For himself, and for B as well. But he hides his nerves, and his defiance, behind the heavy walls of conditioning that Rossi and Petrus have made for him. In this program, we see that the skater barely smiles during the whole performance. She's cautious, at times. Afraid of messing this up. But at the same time, not quite letting go of that defiance, that's carefully tucked behind the back of the mind. But still there.
4. Evgenia Medvedeva, 2019-20 Short Program, Exogenesis, as @whump-it 's Rory
I chose this program for Rory mainly because of the lyrics and how well they fit Rory's sense of guilt, for losing Callum, and not being able to help him for 3 straight years. But if you look more closely at it, you see how the composition of the program fits Rory as well. In the beginning, we see the skater looking and skating around, seeming lost and confused. Like how Rory was, when Callum was still with Master Hayden. Then, the lyrics part starts, and I think that's when Rory finds and rescues Callum, and is internally begging him for forgiveness, for a second chance. And he promises that they'll be good. They'll be alright. And we see the flickers of hope. And, in the last part, when the skater pauses, and does a final set of steps, we see Rory's internal state, even after finding Callum again. We see that he still feels insecure, maybe even lost. And we see that even with Callum by his side, he's still scared. Scared he'll mess this up and lose Callum again.
5. Maddison Chock/Evan Bates, 2019-20 Free Dance, The Snake Dance, as @orchidscript 's Kieran and Elisheva
I... um, have no big cool theory for this. It's just that it's in Egyptian setting and it reminds me of Kieran? I don't know. I'm sorry for cutting this short😅
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xxx-cat-xxx · 5 years
absolute top favourite tony h/c fic recs?
Thank you for the ask and sorry for taking so long to answer! I have a recommendation section here on my blog, but I extended it a bit and posted it below:
Cat’s Tony hurt/comfort fic recs
Long works
If you’re up for a dark, violent, and incredibly touching and well written novel in which Tony and Peter are broken and put back together countless times, go for How to repair a broken heart by InfluentialPineapple. In my opinion, it’s one of the best pieces of literature ever written anywhere, even outside of the fanfic-realm. It describes a journey on which Tony and Peter slowly grow together, and although it´s terribly sad and extremely whumpy, you can see the love the author has for their characters in every single line. Injury, illness, violence, torture, anxiety, PTSD, this one´s got everything, so please heed the TWs.
Dark Memories by @trammelsb: This story is centered around child (sexual) abuse. But it is so much more than Tony suffering through flashbacks and panic attacks (although there is a great deal of that) and being comforted by his team members, especially Bruce, his partner. It is about Tony going through a great deal of character development, learning that he is not to blame for what has happened. The author doesn´t shy away from all the heavy topics, but she also never ceases to treat the characters with respect, In the end, it seems to be a story about not giving up, and despite all the pain it causes when you read it, the feeling that stays is that it´s worth to keep fighting.
Arc Tremors by @rose-on-the-mountain: 44 epic chapters of Whump and the kind of fluff that is not fluffy at all, rather makes your heart overflow with emotions. It´s Avenger-family centric, including Pepper and Rhodey and wonderful robot characters, themed around an illness that forces Tony to go through a difficult heart procedure. Everyone’s shadows and traumas get their due, and it balances darkness and light admirably well.
One Hell of a Show by MillyVeil: Clint and Tony get kidnapped and tortured. Heavily. This is one of the physically most brutal whump-fics I know - Milly is like the Tarantino of fan-fiction - but god, it´s well done. TWs for detailed descriptions of rape and violence.
Resistance by thegraytigress: Tony and Steve are captured by the Kree and held in a concentration camp-like environment for months. This is a slow-built, well thought-through love story with a lot of pain and a deep exploration of Tony´s and Steve´s characters as well as their emerging relationship. It has one of the best and most realistic aftermaths to traumatic experiences that I´ve ever read. It’s basically a book worth of heavy, heavy, heavy physical and emotional whump. Please mind the TWs.
She’s my Ride Home by OfMonstersAndMe: The most beautiful recount of how Nebula’s and Tony’s friendship develops in the 23 days they spent in space. Lots of great hurt/comfort scenes and spot-on characterisation.
450 Feet Under by Veldeia: Tony is trapped in a cave with no way out. The Avengers are on the way to get him, but when he gets seriously injured, the rescue mission becomes a race against time. 15 chapters of absolutely satisfying whump, snark, and feels. Background Stony. Simply brilliant!
Short(er) Works
Basically all Tony fics by @builder051​. I especially like this Pepperony Christmas fic and this Nat & Tony cave anxiety fic.
Strong Enough by Ranni: Steve, Tony, and Clint are held prisoner, but the real danger begins when their captors abandon the prison to let them die in their cells. Injuries, torture, pneunomia, great dialogues. Platonic relationships between the three men, really touching, but not cheesy. Ranni is one of my favourite writers, and all her other stories are equally intruiging. Monsters and Beloved Companion also have a lot of Tony Whump.
Five Times Bruce is Not That Kind of Doctor™ + One Time He’s Perfect For the Job by @whumphoarder and @awesomesockes. The most amazing mix of humour and whump you’ll ever find. I love all their fics, so some more of my Tony Whump faves are The After Party and Desperate Times.
@taylortut writes beautiful and touching fics in which Tony gets whumped around other Avengers. Mostly h/c with illness or injury (and some adorable daily-life drabbles).The stories are generally light-hearted, but not at all superficial. I still can´t decide which one is my favorite because I love all of them, so I´m putting up the general link to Taylor´s Blog. Find her here on A03.
The Minor Fall, the Major Lift by sahiya: This one is about Bruce coming back to the compound after Civil War, trying to pick up Tony´s broken pieces. It has the best characterization of Tony, Bruce and Rhodes I´ve seen in a while now. Everything about this fic seems fragile, the characters, the conversations, the shaky comfort they manage to build. It´s slow-paced, and it´s not a fix-it-all, and this is what makes it so good. Sahiya is one of the best writers out there and her series “Me through Him to You” is printworthy.
Bruce and Goose´s Truce by @twentyghosts​: After Infinity War, Tony is saved from space. Bruce medically examines him while being heavily flirted at, then they bathe together, and Tony cries, and Bruce holds him tight. Everyone is more than a little broken, but it´s okay, because they have each other back. More Tony Whump in Cold, Comfort and Unmasked.
nimentia by TinyFuryCloud: Tony and Steve have been married for more than 20 years when Tony is diagnosed with Alzheimer´s disease. This story is so terribly well done. The whole process of Tony slowly disintegrating, slowly getting lost, but somehow, somewhere, still being Tony, is recounted in precise detail with just the right mixture of matter-of-fact descriptions and emotions. Also, A+ characterisation of everyone who is and was part of Tony´s life, including Peter and Jarvis.
Hubris by @writingromanoff​: Tony gets kidnapped and tortured by Justin Hammer. Tortured, as in forced to walk for days and days in the desert without a drop of water, and that´s just the beginning. When Steve finally shows up, Tony doesn´t even know whether he´s real anymore. I still can´t decide whether the whump or the whump´s aftermath is better in this one, both are very well described. Heed the TWs (torture and humiliation, obviously, as well as ED behaviour and others). By the same author: somno, the best concussion fic in the universe, and Blue Lips, Blue Veins, which is on some other level of genius alltogether.
Just a rather very intelligent system by @darkestsight​: Seven instances of Jarvis taking control over the suit and saving Tony´s ass without anyone noticing. Not all of them are sickfics. Chapter 3 is my personal favorite and contains a physically and emotionally beaten-down and extremely tired Tony; chapter 5 has him dealing with PTSD and chapters 6 and 7 involve him getting injured. I liked the idea of it and enjoyed the interactions between Tony and Jarvis.
Pressure Point by ratherastory: Another migraine fic, with a very precise description of the pain Tony´s in and a nice amount of Starkasm. Steve as caretaker. Can be read as Stony, but doesn’ t have to. Pain and vomiting.
Home by @saber-wing​: All Tony wanted was a cup of coffee. But then Thor’s Asgardian monster pet decides to try and eat Tony’s leg for breakfast. Excellent whump, Avengers family feels and a lot of humour. The author has many more amazing whump fics!
I Can´t Exactly Hold Your Hair Back by SirSapling: This is based on the comics and not the movies. It features Tony with cancer and Steve taking care of him on one of his bad days. I like this one for its slow whump build-up. Stony. Tags for migraine, vomiting, mentions of cancer.
Bust a gut, Tones by @whimsicalethnographies: Tony has appendicitis and Peter is the only one who realises it. Perfectly balances between humour and seriousness.
Fool’s Luck by @msermesth: Steve arrives on his doorstep exactly three hours and twenty-seven minutes after Tony finishes the last word of his eulogy. LOTS of pain. TW alcohol abuse, angst and suicidal thoughts. This is short, but extremely well done.
don’t let the blue skies fade by @blancheludis: This starts as a mission-gone-wrong fic with a perfect whump setting (of course Tony has to hide his injuries from everyone) and character depth that focuses on team dynamics and the evolving relationship between Tony and Steve.
Side Effects by discipulapauper: Steve and Tony are stuck in the desert, and Tony discovers that the serum causes unexpected complications when Steve doesn´t get food and water for a long time…Nice whump scenes, good characterization and mostly non-cheesy, non-stony dialogue. Featuring heat stroke symptoms and hallucinations.
Presenteeism by Veldeia: Tony thinks it is a good idea to send an empty suit along with the team on a mission while riding out his hangover alone somewhere in the middle of Russian nowhere. Too bad his hangover turns out to be something worse…
Mohini´s prompt fill for Nov(emeto)ber 5 by @mohini-musing​: Tony is sick and Bucky doesn´t really know how to handle it. A short but greatly written fic with emeto and fever, no WinterIron.
My own fics : 40+ stories of physically and/or emotionally hurt or sick Tony
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whump-it · 4 years
This Made Me Cry Happy Tears
Below is a reply that @my-whumpy-little-heart sent in response to an au chapter that I wrote for a collab with @whump-tr0pes.  They’ve given me persmission to repost it on here and I just really wanted to as a huge thank you for sharing these thoughts with me. 
I didn’t even know what to do with the energy that I had after reading it so I ended up doing a 2km run! 
my-whumpy-little-heart wrote: -
So this piece has had me in my Callum and Rory feels All. Day. Long. I kept the tab of this open after I read it for whenever I’d get around to reblogging it, and I kept having to stop myself from coming back to read it over and over again lest it lose its luster.
But yeah I just love them. So so so much. Their domestic relationship together slays me every time I think about it, and seeing them care for each other through stressful situations like these is just. It’s fantastic to see them respecting and valuing each other so much. Have I gone off about these two’s relationship on my blog yet?? Listen sorry if this is something I’ve already done but I checked my account and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of me having shouted about Callum and Rory and it’s the No Filter time of night sooooo
You’ve written a whole darn essay about this already, and I sent an ask not so long ago literally just centered around them, but I. I can’t get enough of Callum and Rory. Through recovery their relationship with each other grows and blossoms beautifully into that dynamic we have the pleasure of reading in this future setting. And. What a dynamic that is.
This probably jumps into what you said in that essay, not sure it’s been a while since I went back and found that, but the strength of their love portrayed without being classified as inherently romantic is just. It means so so much to me. Like, yes, I have characters I love in really strong friendships, the ones I classify as my BROTPs so to speak. But Rory and Callum transcend that in a way I haven’t seen represented in media before. You can’t really call their relationship platonic, but you can’t classify it as romantic either. It blurs those lines put in place by society and I can’t express how much I adore that.
I’ve felt those blurred lines in my own life and the attraction I experience. Because when I get a squish on someone (“squish” being a platonic crush, for those who don’t know. term mostly used amongst aromantic folk such as myself) it’s not always just an urge to be friends. Sometimes it’s a burning need to be something other than friends, but not in the romantic sense. I genuinely hadn’t been able to put my finger on what that meant to me until I read about Callum and Rory. I look at them, and I can see myself and my desires reflected in their actions. And that’s genuinely not something I’m able to say very often, and never to this degree.
Is this at all what you intended in writing them? I genuinely have no idea, and my bad if I’m totally taking them the wrong way by associating this, but I’ve let my interpretation run a little and turn into this feeling. So yeah. The long and short of it is I would die for them and the relationship you’ve cultivated between them. Thank you for providing this and absolutely obliterating the angst brain with happy, fluffy thoughts.
So there’s me being sappy on main yet again, it’s far too late to even try to reread this so fingers crossed that it makes proper sense.
                                                                                                                    whump-it replied: -                                       
Sorry this took me so long to get to answering. I wanted to have the time to really give it the attention that it needed.
First off, please let me say how much it makes my absolute day, week, month, to know that this piece stuck with you so much that you had it open in another tab. Knowing that you re-read it means so much; that my characters meant that much to you is such a warm feeling for me.
Callum and Rory have a very valuable relationship. Initially it’s easy to see only Rory as the caretaker, particularly in the earlier pieces and when he’s not long got Callum back. But they need care from each other and this becomes evident more and more. Rory was not himself without Callum. He’d met the most important person in the entire world and let him go and it changed him. He was missing something so integral that he couldn’t have nailed it down if you’d asked him. It was just a gaping emptiness. Callum, when he was with Master Hayden, never could bring himself to think of Rory. It was too much like life and it hurt to think of what could have been. And what he thought he’d never get.
They both follow rules. Rules mean a lot to them. To Callum, they saved his life every day for three years. For Rory, he thought that by following them, he was doing his job to the best of his ability. It’s hard for them to get to grips with a more free form way of life and that’s part of why they are actually caretakers for each other. Also they’re both desperate to be the one to be to blame. It takes years before they can wish for good things for themselves before wishing it for the other. They support each other rather just Rory being the sole caretaker. And that’s why their dynamic works the way that it does.
The love that they have for each other is so deep that you can’t see the bottom. It’s foundations are strong. Because when I say they’re soulmates they really really are. They’re integral to one another but not dependent upon each other. The presence of the one another in each other’s lives is what makes them so free as individuals. It’s how they can dispense with the rules that bound them up in knots when they were apart. It’s how they can love and live and laugh without fear.
This part meant such a lot to me ”But Rory and Callum transcend that in a way I haven’t seen represented in media before. You can’t really call their relationship platonic, but you can’t classify it as romantic either. It blurs those lines put in place by society and I can’t express how much I adore that.“ Neither platonic nor romantic fits for them. They simply are Rory and Callum. Callum and Rory. It’s there for all to see and it would never have occurred to them to consider what their position is within society. They just are.  
This too…"I’ve felt those blurred lines in my own life and the attraction I experience. Because when I get a squish on someone (“squish” being a platonic crush, for those who don’t know. term mostly used amongst aromantic folk such as myself) it’s not always just an urge to be friends. Sometimes it’s a burning need to be something other than friends, but not in the romantic sense. I genuinely hadn’t been able to put my finger on what that meant to me until I read about Callum and Rory. I look at them, and I can see myself and my desires reflected in their actions. And that’s genuinely not something I’m able to say very often, and never to this degree.” Yup! I’ve quoted the entire piece. Because it made me so happy. It’s exactly what I was aiming for and to know that you think I hit the nail on the head makes me genuinely happy enough to cry. I’ve not known what to do with the energy that this has given me today. I’ve been pacing around the house thinking about this all day. It’s amazing.
They could never have just been friends, but that burning that you talk about? That need for something that transcends friendship but isn’t romantic is their relationship all over. They have such genuine love and affection for each other. They use touch because, quite simply, it feels right in the moment that it happens in, and it continues to do so.
I am beyond happy to fill the angst brain with happy and fluffy thoughts. It gives me such joy to have been able to do that for you. Your reblog has done the same for me.
And lastly, I adore me a good tag essay. I always read the tags! I adore this evolved version and please know that my dm’s are always open if you ever want to ask anything.
I don’t even have the right words to express how I felt when I read two specific things in your tags. Firstly that you called my OC’s icons. I am just overwhelmed by the love that I’m feeling and by the love that my Callum and Rory are getting. And secondly, I will always be amazed to know that there’s people out there talking about my characters.  I’m here in my part of the world, maybe I’m in bed asleep, maybe I’m watching tv.  But people are talking about my characters!  It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and so so happy.
You have made this writer very happy. I have a request. Can I please put this on my main? Because your reblog meant so much to me.
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killian-whump · 6 years
KW’s What Still Remains Review
Colin was wonderful, as expected! I actually really enjoyed it, and I think it might even be my favorite of the films he’s been in. It kept my attention and kept me wondering and guessing and had some good drama and suspense and action, but without ever resorting to jump scares. The camerawork was also nice and steady, so I was able to watch the whole thing straight through! :)
My Mom actually watched it with me, and she really enjoyed it, too!
For my full spoileriffic review, follow the jump below!
Okay, let’s cast off those “Spoiler Free” shackles and have at it!
I freaking loved this. I love dark, gritty movies with dark, complex characters... and I fucking love watching Colin just TACKLE those kinds of roles with the gusto I love him for.
Okay, let’s get to the most important thing, though: WE GOT NEW WHUMP WE HADN’T SEEN BEFORE FROM COLIN!!! He got caught in an animal trap. *checks that off her bingo list* WE ARE SO BLESSED!
Seriously, though - this movie was AWESOME for angst and whump. He gets caught in the bear trap pretty early on in the film, so he limps and makes pain faces through the whole rest of the film, guys. It’s amazing. It’s like I transcended this mortal realm and my spirit took over the director long enough to make him say, “You know what this film needs? Colin in pain for, like, the whole thing. That’s definitely what this film needs.”
Okay, and his character is fucking nuts. Nucking futs. Peter is so completely and utterly fucked up and I fucking love it. And I love how well Colin captures his unpredictable fucked-upness. I mean, when he yells at Anna so angrily, then abruptly goes all sweet!guy again with, “I forgive you.” FUCKING CHILLS, MAN. That was excellent.
And the way he dispatches those two guys near the beginning? That whole scene was great, because we get some held-at-gunpoint action there, and some general whumpiness with the peril those dudes present... but then Peter just FUCKING ANNIHILATES the dudes with nothing more than that tiny blade and GOSH Colin sold that kamikaze one man murder squad shit. That was fierce and I loved it. Great stuff. He could totally pull off an action film.
I loved the sloooooow realization that the “baptism” wasn’t just a baptism but, SURPRISE!, a ninja wedding. You didn’t know you was in it, but you was, and now you hitched. And the little girl casually mentioning Peter’s first. HIS FIRST. Hahaha, you didn’t know you was married, but you is now, and only the first! WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY, BY THE WAY.
Also, forever mad that someone spoiled for me that the brother wasn’t dead and reappears to “save the day” at the climax of the film. Listen, asshole, if you’re posting your review BEFORE THE FUCKING MOVIE’S BEEN RELEASED, try not to put HUGE ASS SPOILERS in it without some kind of warning. Geez. Were you raised in a crazy-ass commune of polygamous pedophile religious zealot wife swappers or something?!?
Okay, but being serious for a moment... I loved Colin’s portrayal of Peter. He’s a bad guy, yes, but he doesn’t KNOW he’s a bad guy. He literally thinks he’s God’s gift to mankind and sincerely believes he’s doing the right things and, gods help him, I think he even truly believes he’s saving Anna and acting in her best interests. After all, every female he knows wants to be “sponsored” by him - why wouldn’t she? And God literally tells him what’s right and wrong, so wouldn’t he know what’s best for her? And God said she’s to be his wife, so she pretty much is, and - oh wait - now she actually is even if she doesn’t know it yet, and that’s nice, it’s such a lovely wedding day we’re having here, wait, why are you leaving, this wasn’t in the script God sent me personally when I saw you naked in the lake, come back here! This guy is so fucking nuts.
I know I joke (and I will absolutely continue to joke about this absolutely crazy nutter, bless his psycho heart), but there’s also some real meat in this role. When Peter talks about his parents abandoning him, you can see the pain in Colin’s face and it’s wonderful. And then the movie lets out that, oh, Peter first met Zach and Judith when he was 13. Interesting. But then we find out that Anna would be “Zach’s” as much as Peter himself is Judith’s... and Peter makes a cryptic comment about, “But I’m stronger now!” and promises to protect Anna from Zach... and the pieces all fall into place. You realize this poor crazy dude was abandoned by his parents, raised by a grandfather and his nutty friends, one of whom has probably been schtupping him since he was 13. When he wasn’t strong enough to fend her off. 
No wonder he’s a fucking nutcase. It’s negligible how much of his crazy came from just the environment and being raised by nuts and how much of it is a defense mechanism from the abuse he suffered at Judith’s hands. But, you know, like a runaway train of crazy, once it starts rolling downhill, all you can do is get the fuck out of its way.
Oh, and watching Colin aggressively tie someone up was an unexpected kick to my ovaries. I think I kick-started the neighbor's menstrual cycle with the force of that blow - and my neighbor is a man.
So anyway, at that part we’re thinking, “These people are terrible. Everyone in this movie is terrible. Everything everywhere is terrible. These Berserker dudes... maybe they’re not terrible?” BUT NO, THEY’RE TERRIBLE, TOO. They kill the Ben guy (one of the more palatable people in the film) when he won’t join them, then beat the shit out of Anna’s brother as punishment for letting his sister escape. And then you realize that’s where the burns on the Prisoner’s face came from - these fuckers just straight up burn each other for any infractions. Nice. But hey, at least Anna saves her brother and the two of them skip off into the meadows and- OH GOD, NO, HE’S TERRIBLE, TOO.
Like, literally EVERY FUCKING PERSON is terrible. I’m terrible. You’re terrible. Everything is terrible, and we don’t even know how it happened. And you’re like, “Wow. Maybe Peter’s not so bad now. Where’d he go to, anywa- Oh, there he is!” and then “No, no, no, he’s still terrible. EVERYONE IS TERRIBLE.”
And then he’s dead. We gotta rack up another death scene for Colin here. This one was a little darkly lit for my tastes, though. I mean, we could barely see it. But that’s okay, boo, it still seemed like you died in a super-not-naff way. You die so beautifully, my precious basket of muffins, always delivering your lines in the perfect dying way. “I forgive you.” I bet you do, you sorry sack of psychosis. I BET YOU FUCKING DO T_T
Then there’s nothing left to do but admire some shit that’s burning, punch that bitch Judith in the head (I mean, it didn’t happen onscreen, but I’m sure it happened anyway), and go see the ocean. As you do.
Anyway, I was amused - thoroughly amused - by this film. I think Colin did an excellent job with his performance, and I was also very impressed by his co-star, Lulu Antariksa. Great job done by all!
And extra kudos to Colin for always picking roles that amuse me endlessly with their depth, grittiness and dark appeal. I’m gonna be loving this misguided psycho long and hard forever, I think. Good pickin’, boo.
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