sunshikilo · 4 months
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recently rereading some past mcsm fanfics and was once again enchanted by crawlout through the fallout by @silversilence14 and @aquaticnaho . so jesse doodles from that fic and also a scene from the end of chapter 50 thats so cute it makes me sick 😷
LINK BTW READ IT https://archiveofourown.org/works/12549108/chapters/28579108
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absolutekirbofool · 3 months
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(AO3 Link) Project Eve / Losing Dogs - Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mature Audiences
You remember now, the way your father had clasped his hand on your shoulder and had said this was for your own good. The weight was warm and heavy. It was one of the only times where he had seemed to be a father. Whatever you had wanted out of life is now long gone when he had given you up to PAMA.
A fangame for the fanfic Crawl Out Through The Fallout by @silversilence14 and @aquaticnaho
Special thanks to @minis21 and @dorkousloris for beta testing!!
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froggychair05 · 4 months
Completely unrelated to the Bakery AU but I'm curious
How do you feel about SilverSilence14 and Aquaticnaho's Crawlout Through the Fallout fanfic?
Also thank you for giving the Blaze Rods love
They're jerks but they're my jerks 😆
Oh my gosh I have been meaning to read that fic for MONTHS and I haven’t gotten to it yet 😵‍💫
Maybe now that I have a ton of free time I can start it. Everything I’ve seen about it looks really good.
And absolutely, they may be terrible people but I think they’re interesting, and I would have loved to have known more about them and their relationship with Lukas. I firmly believe Gill Minecraft deserved better 🫶
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zonerz · 4 months
answers author ily i was wondering have you read crawlout through the fallout by Aquaticnaho and SilverSilence14? your fic and theirs have carried my mcsm fixation for years bless up
I did look into it out of curiosity a while ago! I like fallout and fun explorations of settings like that :] tho admittedly I never quite finished it! But I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying both of our fics and and I hope you continue to do so!!! Thank you for the question and compliment anon and have a good one!! :] 💖
(Also sorry for the hiatus on my end 😭🙏! Getting there, but had to make sure I had all my ducks in a row before I felt solidly able to kick back into gear! Good to go now tho! 👍)
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lukasmcsbr · 5 years
MCSM Season 3 Chapter 10:Standoff
Please share,@mulberrycheeseburger ,@haysnazzi and @silversilence14
Total lenghtness,a climatic scene where Jesse is shocked upon seeing Aiden jumping from the plataform only because of an weird purple glowing pearl,at those seconds,he realized how insane Aiden was,willing to risk his own life at any cost to ressurect the Admin,Jesse just watched Aiden falling to a supposed cliff,however,he hears an clingy noise coming from the hole,before spoting Aiden,who managed to grab the pearl in time and hanging onto the cliffside with his sword,Jesse extends his arm to help Aiden,but the latter maliciously laughs,and procceds to place the pearl in his shoulder,Aiden's eyes begin to glow purple,and a purple smoke coming out of the pearl covers him entirely,blinding Jesse for a split second,enough time for Aiden to jump back to the plataform,yelling with a demonic(or heavy)voice,and still holding his sword
Jesse:[sees Aiden putting on the pearl]Okay,so that didn't go as planned...
Aiden:[jumps back to the plataform,with a demonic voice]RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHGG!!![lands in the plataform,holding his sword]This ins't going to be a fair fight![he tosses his sword to Jesse]
Jesse was frightened,seeing Aiden covered in an apparently invulnerable magma stone armor,his clothes and skin were all made out of stone,with purple cracks in a few places and a scar in the right side of his forehead,and his eyes were glowing purple,the only normal thing on him now was his hair,which was at it's normal color and state
Aiden:[in a loud voice]The Pearl of Hatred,a taste of invincibility.Too bad for YOU!!![he runs at Jesse,who rolls to take the sword and strike it on Aiden,but the blade simply brokes]Aaaahhhh!!!!
Scene changes to the Ender Temple's entrance,where Gill and a few Blaze Rods members are waiting for Aiden,all of sudden,the stone wall begins to crack and crumbles,revealing to be Aiden,who used his invincibility to easily break trought the wall,as he leaves,he takes the pearl off his shoulder
Jesse:[frightened]What did the pearl do to you...?
Scene changes to the New Order of The Stone,which were still chained in their ship by the Blaze Rods
(My art,i've drawed a long time ago,please do not use it without my permission)
Radar:[whispers to Olivia]So,what do we do know?
Olivia:[Whispers back to Radar]I don't know,they took our weapons,and guarded them in the cabin
Petra:[whispers]Well,were still chained so having weapons wouldn't be useful right now...
Maya:What are guys doing?
Radar:Umm,no--nothing,were just...doing nothing...
Maya:[gives sword to an biker]Watch them for me,will ya?
Maya leaves the ship,meanwhile,Gill and a few BL bikers are trying to get into the Ender Temple,but the stone wall won't fall even with Gill's strong punches
Gill:I can't break trought,it looks like we wait!
BL Biker:Uh,what if the Wither's slayer gets the pearl first?
Gill:[stares and aproaches the biker]The Quiet One will not fail!
Scene changes to Aiden throwing Jesse to the Pearl's pedestal,while evily laughing
Aiden:[demonic voice]hehehe
Jesse:You can hurt me all you want,but i'm never gonna let you get away with this!
Aiden:[demonic voice]Physical pain can only hurt so much,i intend far worse[he walks around Jesse]
Jesse:[picks up the rest of Aiden's broken sword,while frightened]Then what do you want??
Jesse:[shouts]You're a monster!!!I'll never feel what you feel!
Aiden:[Walks away,while turning his head a little]We will see!
Jesse:Fight me!Let's end it here!
Aiden:[Turns back at Jesse]I'm already two steps ahead![he turns and runs away]
Jesse:[realizes what Aiden is about to do]No...[drops his broken sword]DON'T!!!
Aiden leaves the chamber,but before he leaves the temple,he uses his invincibility to crack a wall near a waterfall inside the temple,knowing that it woud flud all the temple and drown Jesse
Aiden:[running,before spoting the wall]Huh?Yaaaaaaaaaa!!![hits the wall with his stone body,causing it to crack]
Jesse:[notices chamber is getting fulled with water]Where's a boat when i need one???!!!
Scene changes to the ship,were the New Order of The Stone is still chained under vigilance of a random biker
Olivia:[Blinks at Axel]
Axel:[Starts singing]🎵charm little glow worm,glamour,glamour🎵
Biker:Ugh,i hate this song,stop it!
Axel:Well,maybe i just want to sing it![keeps singing]
BL Biker:Ugh![blocks his ears]
Olivia:[whispers to Ivor]Now Ivor!
Ivor:[Reveals an metal rusting potion]Boya!
He uses the potion at the chains,which gets rusted and crumbles,before the biker could notice,Petra jumps at him and knocks him councious
Petra:[jumps at BL member]HAYA!
Lukas:Let's get our weapons at the cabin and go after Jesse...before it's too late!
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Gill:The Quiet One has the pearl!We have all three!!!
They all shout of joy
Aiden:Now i believe we have a ceremony to attend to!
Aiden:[walks by them]Take the ship!
Scene changes briefly to Jesse swiming through the temple,before being dragged by an up current,meanwhile,the Blaze Rods and Aiden are all leaving the Temple's entrance,but they stop when Radar appears out of nowhere and points his swords at Aiden
Radar:[points his swords to Aiden,while talking on a loud voice]Not so fast!
A female Blaze Rods biker takes off a knife and points it at Radar,while Gill takes off the Ender Pearl of Deception,intending to use it,but he is stopped by Axel,while the rest of New Order of The Stone arrives with their respective weapons
Axel:Careful!I wouldn't want you to upset your friends!
The Blaze Rods are out numbered,as they had split up early in small groups to patrol the island
Ivor:Hah!Looks like WE have the upper han-
He stops talking when he notices that more members were behind him and his friends,pointing swords and knifes to them,while Maya appears out of nowhere holding two sais and pointing them to Lukas,the White Pumpkin appears from up,and points his diamond axes at Ivor
Ivor:Ugh!Olivia,you said we had them out-numbered!
Olivia:Um,that was before i knew how many of them they were![points her bow and arrow to Aiden]
White Pumpkin:[tries to put on the Ender Pearl of Vengeance,but is stopped by Olivia]
Olivia:[staring at WP]Don't.even.think about it!
Radar:This can end in one of two ways[points one of his swords to and upcoming female biker with a knife,stopping her]either you hand over the pearls peacefully...
Ivor:[Sees biker aproaching him]Hehe,i don't even have to know the rest of the choices,i like that one...
Aiden:[shouts]Or what?
Radar:Or we're gonna have to get on heroes on y'a
Aiden:What does that even mean?[he annoingly asks]
Radar:Uh...[shouts]I don't know.Usually Jesse does the talking but he ins't here so...WHERE IS JESSE????!!!!
They all hear someone screaming, revealing to be Jesse,who was launched out of the temple to the air by a blast of water,before landing in the middle of everyone
Axel:[Sees Jesse in the skyes]Oh there he is!Oh...
Jesse:[falling]AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!![Lands hardly in the middle of the New Order]Ugh...
Lukas:Jesse!!You're okay?
Jesse:Ugh,guys,Aiden is the Quiet One!
Radar:Yeah,we kinda got that much...
The Blaze Rods laughs and aproaches them to attack,but they stop when they hear an groan that appears to be familiar to Jesse and Aiden
Aiden:[spots sea creature,revealing it to be a crab-like monster] Aaaahhhh!!!
They all run away,the monster follows them and attack,forcing the New Order of The Stone and the Blaze Rods to work together in order to defeat it,while Gill and WP used the Ender Pearls,the New Order of the Stone used their weapons to fend off the beast,Jesse even had to use his powers,revealing them to his friends and the rest of the Blaze Rods
Petra:[while attacking the beast]Jesse!!You have powers?
Jesse:[summoning his energy to attack the giant crab]Long story,short time,can we focus on that now??!
While they were distracting the monster,Lukas climbed in a few rocks and jumped at the beast,using his spear to encrave it in the beast's head,killing it instantly,and the creature explodes in a puff of smoke
Maya:We have to get you out of here,Quiet One!
Aiden:[shouts]Not without the pearls!
He whistles to Gill and WP,who were using the Ender Pearls to hold off against the now-deceased beast.The Blaze Rods group up and steal the New Order of the Stone's ship
Ivor:Hey,they're getting away!
Jesse:I got this!
Jesse leaps through the Temple's roof,climbing in the ancient stone constructions to jump at the ship,however,once he lands in the ship,Gill appears out of nowhere and grabs him,holding him to the air,while the New Order of the Stone were left behind
Radar:They have Jesse!
Axel:They have the pearls!
Olivia:[spots a lizard like creature aproaching them]And we have trouble...
The creature roars
~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~~~~~~
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arizaluca · 4 years
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Did a commission of an OC based on an RP that’s based off of @silversilence14​‘s awesome story Crawlout Through the Fallout!
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dorkousloris · 4 years
Green ;)
mGFMSGMMDFGMFDMG, im a alien to you?????????
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the-lone-wolffe · 5 years
Entity Chapter 3
August wasn’t sure how long he had been walking when he realized Summer was missing. In his drowsy state of mind he hadn’t thought to check and make sure she was following. All his energy had been put into getting his phone to work, not into listening for her constant chatter.
Once the realization had hit, panic had overtaken him. Not thinking, he turned around and started running, loudly calling for Summer. He had no idea where he was running; he just knew that his sister was missing. He hadn’t paid attention to his woodland surroundings, soon becoming just as lost as Summer was. Now, he sat next to a tree, resting his head against the trunk as he tried to get signal from his phone once again. His exhaustion due to lack of sleep, the stress from escaping his pursuers, and the fear of losing Summer threatened to crash down on him, breaking him slowly. His mind was swimming with “what if” scenarios as he listened to the phone ringing, raising his anxiety levels to the max.  What if he had actually gotten some sleep, would he have realized she wasn’t following sooner? Maybe he should have laughed at her pun, and then she wouldn’t have fallen behind. Did he hurt her feelings by not laughing and acting grumpy? Did she leave because of him? His thoughts almost drowned out the warm, uplifting voice coming from the phone. August quickly brought the phone up to his ear, stumbling over words. “T-Topaz, oh thank goodness…I-I finally reached you-“He was soon cutoff by Topaz’s gossipy chatter. “Hey there August! Long time, no talk. How are you two? Are you guys getting enough sleep? Sleeps important you know, it’s good for the complexion. I’ve actually had to pull a couple of all nighters recently because I’m working on a new LARP outfit-“ August sighed, feeling his throat tighten a bit as all his troubles came closer to crumbling in.“Topaz-“ The young woman continued over him“- It’s a steam punk LARP, which means lots of Victorian and Edwardian- esque fashions. The accessories are so much fun to. Goggles, Bracers and jewelry made of gears, and little intricate hair weavings-“ “Topaz I-I lost Summer!” He choked out, “And…..and P.S.A.E is here…..and….” He cut himself off when the tears started rolling. Everything had become very real when he had explained the situation out loud. Topaz had gone quiet as she processed what August had said, her silence adding to his panic. August sat there, doing his best to keep everything together while he awaited her answer. After a moment, Topaz spoke again, her voice serious and firm. “Stay where you are, don’t hang up. I��m grabbing a coat.” “I-I’ll try.” He responded his voice cracking slightly as he tried to bottle up his recent emotions. Being a mess wouldn’t help Summer. A short while later, August spotted a flash of silver light in his peripheral. Turning, he looked through tear blurred eyes at the mint haired woman who had arrived. Topaz stepped forward, sitting next to him and pulling him into a tight hug. “Hey” Her voice was soft and comforting, calming August a bit. He returned the hug, greeting her with a hoarse “H-hi” After a few minutes, Topaz pulled away, breaking the hug. Looking him directly in the eyes, she spoke. “Ok…Lets find Summer. What happened?” August opened his mouth to speak, but found that he couldn’t talk. He felt like he was underwater, with all the thoughts swimming around. Once again, the tears started flowing. Topaz pulled him into a much gentler hug, telling him to take a deep breath. Instead, he ended up breaking down completely, explaining everything that happened with a broken voice, telling her about what an awful brother he was, and how he didn’t want to lose anyone else close to him. Topaz listened, letting him release everything he had bottled up. When he stopped talking, Topaz piped up. “Alright, feel better?” August nodded, sniffling a bit. “Yeah…..a little…” Topaz pulled away from the hug, giving him a warm smile. “Good. Now take a deep breath, we’ve got a missing red head to find.” August nodded, getting up and wiping his eyes, feeling his determination return “Right….Right lets go find Summer.” _____________________________________________________________________________________ Summer watched the scared kid in front of her as they attempted to act tough, puffing their chest a bit. “I…..I asked first.” Their voice wavered quite a bit, making the lack of confidence obvious. Summer gave them a warm, kind look, finding the fear they displayed saddening. “I’m not part of P.S.A.E hun, in fact, “She slowly bent down, as to not scare him, and placed her hand on some dew. From the water, small ice crystals formed on her finger tips. She stood back up, showing her hand to them. “I’m one of the people they’re hunting.” The kid seemed to relax quite a bit, looking at the ice on her fingers in awe. They gave her an apologetic look before extending their hand out to her. “I’m…..I’m Ollie, Ollie Kaye….er, they/them” Ollie shifted around a bit awkwardly, grey eyes watching Summer. Summer, in return, gave Ollie a kind smile, taking their hand and giving it a firm shake. “Nice to meet you Ollie, I’m Summer Barnes, she/her.”  The kid nodded, mumbling a small hi. After a few moments of silence, Summer spoke again. “So Ollie, I’m assuming since you know who and what P.S.A.E is, that means you are an Entity? Like me?”   Ollie shifted uncomfortably; avoiding eye contact after Summer asked the question. The smile she wore on her face fell, after seeing how uncomfortable they had become. She hadn’t meant to upset him. “You don’t have to answer hun; I didn’t mean to bother you.” Ollie shook their head, mumbling an “its fine”. Summer frowned, trying to think of something else to say, when she heard a snap. She sharply turned towards the sound, waving Ollie to get behind her. Warily, they stepped behind the red haired woman, looking around skittishly. Slowly, Summer started backing up, pushing Ollie away from the noise with her. A loud crack sounded, snapping the tension. Summer moved back quickly, shoving Ollie into the woods as a bullet lodged itself in her shoulder. A burning pain engulfed her body as she cried out, grabbing the wound before turning and hurrying Ollie out of there.  “MOVE!!” She grabbed their hand, brushing off the pain and dragging the kid with her as she ran through the woods. __________________________________________________________________________________ Huntsman sighed as he calmly watched his target run with the new arrival through his scopic vision. He had managed to get a hit, which at the very least would make Shield maiden’s job a bit easier. Reaching up to the comn link in his ear, he spoke to his partner. “Hit a target, still breathing. It’s heading east. Another entity was with them, be on guard.”
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silversilence14 · 5 years
COTTFO has updated!!!
Please welcome chapter 30 and I hope you enjoy
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bluberry-star · 6 years
Pssssssst, I loooooove you~
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a wife! @silversilence14
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revasser-destiny · 6 years
Please check this amazing story out!
So rarely does a fanfic or any story intrigues me, but when one does, I MUST talk and tell about its unique beauty. Such a case is this story I'm linking right here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12549108/chapters/28579108
When I read the first chapters, it left me wanting to know more and the best to come to the characters, angry but impressed and a need to know what will happen next with the cliffhangers (I hate them so much, but if done right, my heart is going to be obviously missing) and foreshadowing so please check it out, guys!
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On a different note, though I am not an amazing artist, I drew some fanart for the next upcoming chapter and my take on other MCSM characters in a Fallout AU (+ my oc that I keep revising to fit in this universe). I don't think they will be noticed by the authors here, but if they do, thank you for creating such a dark yet beautiful story with the MCSM characters. Just rereading the past chapters brings back the tears, smiles, and many feelings I felt during those reads, makes my day slightly better because I know one day that maybe I could write like that someday.
@silversilence14 @aquaticnaho
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lunaraen · 6 years
Fanfic ask #19? If I may inquire =)
fanfic end of the year asks
19. any new fics to start next year
I may be misunderstanding this, but definitely all the fics I wished to do this year but failed to get to. To start next year, I’m definitely planning on getting a couple of requests done between then and now. In regards to reading, I’ll also gladly continue to read whatever fics I find next year and whatever fics are continued from what I’ve read this year and before.
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nessaandoliver · 7 years
Is Nessa the kind of girl who can pick up her man and carry him gloriously and epic? Or can try and fail in a slightly less than glorious manner?
i imagine it would be like this
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lmao !!
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the-fanaddict · 6 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)💖💖💖
1. I’m pretty smart?
2. I’m an improving artist
3. I’m a good knitter
4. I’m a good pianist
5. I like that I take the time to appreciate the details
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nervousleader · 7 years
Are things quieting down now that you beat Romeo? Are you traveling or staying in town?
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lukasmcsbr · 5 years
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@grayscaleocelot @silversilence14 and @mulberrycheeseburger,i've made this a few weeks ago,i never thought of posting this before until today,i hope you specially liked Gray,i know u are not really into MCSM anymore,but i just wanted to show you what inspirational impact your old drawings has given to me man,hope you liked,please share it so more people can see it guys✌
It was inspired by this face that Aquamarine from Steven Universe does,i'm sorry,i just really thought it suited Aiden kkkkkkkk
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@final-gift @adventureemporium
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