#[ ;; cyrus (full bio) ]
thexwayward · 1 year
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𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 '𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥 𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕪'𝕤 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟' 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕕𝕪𝕚𝕟' 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕙 𝕘𝕠𝕕, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙?
                          ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴    ✴   ✴   ✴  
full name:  cyrus nicolo aureliano petrelli
nicknames: cy, saint cy, admiral, etc.
age:  35
date of birth:  jun. 11
zodiac: gemini
gender:  male
pronouns: he/him
sexuality:  bisexual
hair color: dark brown
eye color: black
height: 6′1″
weight: 180 lbs
morality:  lawful evil
positive traits: charming, inquisitive, intelligent, attentive, strong-willed
negative traits: restless, easily bored, moody, fickle, short-tempered,
job: admiral stationed at Naval Air Base Key West
skills: adaptable, strong, combat trained, artillery trained.
parents: big tony and angelia petrelli
siblings: christopher petrelli, aurora petrelli
backstory and details - TRIGGER     WARNING :             war, murder, drugs, violence
                                     ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴    ✴   ✴   ✴    
born to anthony ‘big tony’ petrelli and his young wife angelina, cyrus was the heir to the petrelli name that no one could have accounted before. there were cousins, younger and older, all of whom never seemed to get doted on, quite so as cyrus was. he quickly became the golden child among the family.
the owner of a garbage and sanitization company contracted by the local municipality to take care of the city, their father wasn’t shy about bitching up a storm when shit started to go sideways. as good of a man as their father is, cyrus knew from an early age that he didn’t want to take the same course in life. he wanted to be different. better than everyone else.
always taught that nothing could hurt him unless he gave it license to, cyrus was rambunctious and foolhardy, always flooded with a charm and wit. paired with his keen instinct for outsmarting those his senior, he had a knack for mischief from the start.
fear is a fickle thing in the eyes of a kid who could do no wrong in his family, but a constant nagging was losing those he loved and cared about.  more often than not it was a distant, almost irrelevant fear; one that had no place among conscious thought. then, he gained a new baby sister. after she came, he felt a need to step up and be there for her in a different way than their parents ever could. he wanted to be the trusted confidant, the one she came to for help before she went to their parents; the reliable brother that loved her fiercely and with everything he had in him. cyrus cared for aurora beyond all others; no one matters to him half as much as she does.
moving through years in elementary and middle school, cyrus was popular, charming, well known and well liked, but could tip attitude at the drop of the hat. the moment he was provoked, his wrath came out and found the object of his rage. that indignation, the anger within him, and the willingness to hit first and worry later landed him in and out of detention and even one instance of juvenile arrest.
his mother was more concerned about his bursts of anger than his father was; as far as he was concerned, it was just cyrus defending himself when people tried to push him down, but for the sake of his wife, he had a talk with cyrus. tone it down, kid. and don’t get caught. your mama worries too much, don’t make ya mama worry like that, alright? that’s my good boy.
he needed discipline and anger management, but faking it til he made it worked just as well as anything else could. cyrus commanded respect wherever he went; more often than not, it only took a harsh glance to knock people back in their place and keep his fists from getting bloody again.
once settled at the top of the school food chain, his studies soared, both academically and in elective ROTC programs. he didn’t care for the people in the program with him: young republicans in the making with bad hair cuts who joined up because their father never could, or pick-me girls who wanted to prove themselves more than they were, and the most regrettable of all: the weird anime kid who didn’t fit in anywhere else and would meow at people to get their attention. cyrus found comfort in the regiment of the program, content to take the trial run before he joined up for real.
high school couldn’t have been easier. he was popular as ever, a shining example of what one should be; respectful, protective, intelligent, and above all; engaging. everyone seemed to want him as a friend or a fuck, and cyrus saw nothing wrong with it.
on occasion, there was the odd idiot who would try his very thin patience. cyrus found it far too easy to fight dirty. he liked the snap of bone beneath his knuckles, or the squelch of sweat as a body hit the concrete beneath him. though chastised for his behavior and willingness to act out of line, there was always a friend on the side who could vouch for the self defense aspect of the fights. still, cyrus knew the behavior had to cease. collecting outlets for his anger, he took the advice of his ROTC teacher and started to write.
he wasn’t good at it, or particularly knowledgeable in the rules of prose, but writing was his therapy. it was the only sympathy he afforded himself to have, and soon the bookshelves in his bedrooms were heavily lined with journals filled cover to cover with simple-minded musings, thoughts, and reports of the days where he could barely tell sunrise from bedtime.
after high school graduation, cyrus decided he’d go the way of the navy. he wanted to make his parents and sister proud; a noble son that learned the noble art of war. leaving them all behind would hurt, but it would be worth it in the long run? who better to protect his family than a man with all the skills of a trained, combat killing machine?
cyrus signed up when he was 17 and shipped off to basic not long after. nothing shaped his fears for the future quite like the fall of the world trade center in 2001. watching live from a tv in the cafeteria in his senior year of high school; he could recall the tension in the air; everyone in that room knew the wars they spent so much time learning about were now outside their very windows.
he was sent to coronado, california and underwent SEALs training. working his way up in the ranks was easy, but beyond deployed was hard. after the start of the iraq war, cyrus was sent into active combat and shipped overseas to afghanistan.
cyrus was a part of four tours, all of which were active combat on the front lines. during his second tour, he was adopted into a special ops program under watch of the secretary of defense. under this new assignment, cyrus was one of an elite group that was in charge of covert assassinations and the traffic of narcotics in ration packs and the bodies of those killed in action.
when he carried out what was asked of him as an initiation, he did so quickly, cleanly, and concisely. after all he’d seen on the plane of war, the carnage came as second nature. it made sense to do it for the sake of the country. there was only one crime in war- and it was to lose.
by the time he returned to key west, he had seen too much on his tours, fought and killed and his rage was tripled tenfold. the brothers and sisters he cherished in the service had been lost, killed, or moved on. cyrus felt as if part of him was left out there, far from where he was in key west.
the first fourth of july home was a noted one in the petrelli family. at the first thundering echo of a firework detonating in the sky, cyrus ran and tackled his sister to the ground and covered their heads. It was a snap instinct, one that came with the echo of bombs overhead.
soon after, he was encouraged to see a therapist through his higher ups at the base. diagnosed with ptsd as many veterans are, the therapist had an almost sickeningly positive outlook on cyrus’s prognosis. it seemed he was one of the few she believed in to pull himself out of the binds of a mental illness.
after a few sessions, his therapist encouraged him to get a service animal. after signing up and getting his certifications for a service animal taken care of, he adopted a rottweiler puppy. he named him LOOMIS.
however, there is no one can fake a fantasy like a government liar. outwardly, cyrus was still charming, still personable, and most of all: still lethal. writing did precious little to staunch his emotions, but fighting did.
there was nothing out of the realm of possibility for cyrus and his tastes; sleeping around, drinking, partying, fighting, living the reckless life of a daredevil whenever given the chance. every risky behavior was lidocaine on a burn, a cool soothing menthol that eased the scald of emotions he’d rather not feel. binge after binge, everything started to blur together- no obligation, no feeling, nothing but the bed of a woman who would have him.
the first sign something was wrong came when the secretary of defense asked him in for an official briefing over his assignments. in an abandoned office building in staten island. cyrus kept a close look on the man, tracking him for days as he tracked the marks he was assigned to kill.
he uncovered the double cross before it happened. the secretary of defense and some advisors were looking for a strong record to shift blame onto when they were questioned. cyrus gathered every file and every piece of proof he, and they, had and lined them up, painting a clear picture.
he flipped the blackmail and demanded silence and compensation for his own, but the changes and advances had to take place gradually, for all of their sakes. he earned the title of admiral 5 years later and has been stationed in the Key since.
he has money, bundles and bundles of it stashed away, wealth and riches and power on the heels of a former secretary of defense. still, he keeps to himself, running drills and educating new members of the navy as they pass through and train to become airmen.
cyrus stands as the shining, sainted golden boy of his family. if they only knew how slanted his halo had become.
probably has to go to therapy again
wanted connections:
TBD - a brother in arms. someone that was on tours/in the same special ops unit as him during his time in iraq and afghanistan. a ride or die, someone he loves almost as much as his own sister.
TBD- a recruit he has under his wing. someone he watches out and vouches for. 
mafia!verse (head of crime family) 
stranger things!verse (jock - baseball player) 
creature!verse (mesmer || a la lost girl)
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So in honor of the new Lego Ninjago season/show I will share my Next Gen OCs!
Warning ⚠️ there will be queer relationships, trans people, mentions of mental instability, and disabilities. So anyone who doesn't want to read DO NOT INTERACT!!!!
Lava Child (Kai x Cole)
They have a daughter named Roxanne Ember Smith-Brookstone.
She is 16 years old with black hair.
Her nicknames include: Rocky (Everyone calls her this), Pebble by her boyfriend, Rocky Road by Cole AKA Baba/Ba, Pop Rocks by Kai AKA Dad, Bestie, Boulder
She is the leader of the Next Gen Ninjas
Has trauma
Was adopted by Cole and Kai when she was five after being found in a ransacked and destroyed village.
Her boyfriend is Cyrus Borg Jr. (Pixane kid)
Her Besties are Cody Garmadon (Lloyd's kid) and Hayden Walker (Jaya Kid)
Her elemental ability is both Earth and Fire which she can combine and make Lava.
She is Panromantic
She is mostly like Cole but can be showoff at times like Kai
Jaya Kids (Jay x Nya)
They have two kids, Hayden and Brooke.
Hayden River Walker first
Hayden was born a female named Hayleigh but knew that he wasn't comfortable as a girl.
He is also 16 years old
He came out to Rocky and Cody first
Then his parents
Then everyone else
Everyone accepted him and even took him shopping for clothes he wants.
He is Bisexual
His elemental ability is water.
He is a lot like his dad with the attitude of his mom.
His nicknames are: Hay, water bug, dummy, bruh, dude, and hacker
These are said by a ton of different people
Now it's Brooke Raine Walker
She is 14 years old with lightning as her elemental ability
She is mostly like her mom but plays pranks like no bodies buissness
She doesn't know her sexuality yet but as of right now she is a straight ally.
She is an amazing swimmer
She loves reading fantasy books
Loves hanging out with her brother and friends
She absolutely loves family/friends game nights (Mostly Monopoly cause she always somehow wins)
Pixane Kid:
His name is Cryrus James Julien-Borg Jr.
He has prosthetic legs that make him 5'9
Without them he is 2'9
Yes they add 3 feet
He is a medic/tech guy
He is Rocky's boyfriend
He is THE Straight Ally
He buys ALL the pride stuff. So much so in fact he probably single handedly keeps the pride stores in business.
Everyone told him that he didn't have to buy all of it.
He refused to stop.
He can now only give the pride products on birthdays, Easter, or Christmas.
He loves to cook like his dad
He has the Ice element
He has phantom pain when getting in or out of the Ice bath too fast.
Rocky helps him through it.
Lloyd Kid
Lloyd adopted a boy named Cody Nathan Hart after Cody's bio-dad left him.
Cody's last name was changed to Garmadon
Cody has a good bond with Garmadon
Though he does roll his eyes when he hears about Christofern...
Cody and Lloyd are really close and they talk about a lot of things
Except when Cody got a boyfriend.
Cody isn't really open about his relationship
All Lloyd knows is that Cody is Gay and is in a relationship
Hayden is said boyfriend
Cody and Hayden pull pranks together with Rocky
There is a prank war. It was started by Cody, Hayden and Rocky. Yes there are teams/sides
Cody and Rocky are Best Friends
Cody loves RomComs
He also loves getting Mani-pettis
Cody, Hayden and Rocky have spa days once a month
Cody also loves to bake
Cody does NOT love his dad dating anyone
He will go out of his way to ruin his dad's dates or at least discourage them
Lloyd does pass down his green energy thing to Cody.
Skylor kid
Skylor was married and had a daughter
Eventually her husband had an affair so they got a divorce
Skylor has full custody of her daughter, Hazel Amber Chen
Hazel know somewhat of her grandfather
Hazel is a lesbian and has a girlfriend named Nikki
Hazel has Skylor's red hair and amber power
Hazel likes reading and watching horror especially with her girlfriend
She is the top
She loves volunteering
She works at her Chen's Noodles
Always wins at card games
Never plays video games
She waits for her girlfriend like a puppy for her to get off work
She has a good relationship with her mom
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es05l2k5sl · 18 days
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5th slasher is Jimmy. A teddy bear brought to life with the blood of a serial killer, that torments the streets of Detroit.
James V. Cyrus.
DOB: 1962
DOD: 1993
Weapon of choice: retractable razor blade
Age: 31
Powers/Abilities: high resilience, playing dead, fast reflexes & movements,
Species: Human (former), supernaturally possessed teddy bear.
Status: Active
In the streets of Detroit Michigan, there was a vicious serial killer known by many as the Brightmoor Butcher, others knew him as "Jimmy". Regardless of what name he had, at least everybody knew of his existence. With the very graphic messes he left behind in his wake, it was hard NOT to know him. Brightmoor already has enough crime & dangers on its plate & Cyrus was not helping make the case any better. He needed to be dealt with & fast. With how big the ghetto was, at least someone had to know or see something, so with that the police did some deep work searching & asking around, those that were willing to cooperate that is. Hope had started to shine through when they were pointed in the direction of a common thug just known as "Wybie". Typically associated in petty robberies & drug selling. Although some of his thefts did involve assault, Wybie has technically never killed anybody in his life. A bark & no bite street urchin. Yet apparently some of his victims have recently wound up dead. As according to some people, Wybie's been seen with another man lately. Sometimes with blood on him. After being tracked down & brought in by the police, Wybie is laid out his options & how things aren't looking too well for him especially with being an accomplice to a murderer. But they were able to strike a deal with him. They can minimize his time, give him parole & even protection if he helps them find Jimmy. Wybie not having other options (and just being an overall cowardly punk) he agreed. Starting with revealing Jimmy's full name: James V. Cyrus. Very later on, Wybie met up with Cyrus again, the latter unaware that he's now wearing a wire & currently being watched by the police. Wybie tried to act normal & unsuspicious, but Cyrus slowly started to catch on that something wasn't right. Ripping Wybie's shirt open, he confirmed his suspicion that he sold him out to the cops. Before he could attack his traitor, the cops swarmed in & chased the killer inside of a closed nearby mall. As the police split up to find him, Cyrus broke in & hid himself inside of a closed build-a-bear type store. Only to be found by one of the near cops that heard the noise. While looking inside for the killer, Jimmy ambushed the guard & attempted to kill him but during the fight, the 2 managed to get a hit on one another. Jimmy stabbing the cop & the cop shooting Jimmy. Both places being on their sides. While separated to cool off & regain energy. Jimmy states this'll be far from over for him & everybody else in Detroit & cursed him out before jumping out & lunging at the man only for Cyrus to be shot straight in the heart & die instantly. His body landing on & the stuffing machine, his blood leaking right into the stuffing. Later that morning as the place is being cleaned out, & taking in as much evidence as they can, the store's owner contacted the CEO who then orders everyone out as keeping his business going & controversial free was more important. Being a very rich man they had be rushed out. Including cleaning up & fixing the stuffing machine. Which looks clean. Until you notice the small blood soaked peace that was missed & buried under new stuffing that was soon used to create a brand new teddy bear for a little girl. Unaware of just how alive her new friend really is.
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merrock · 2 months
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face claim: Ramin Karimloo
full name: Cyrus Amani
nickname(s) / goes by: Cyrus
pronouns & gender: Cis man, he/him
sexuality: Bisexual
birth date: May 19th, 1984
birth place: Tehran, Iran
arrival to merrock: December 2023
housing: The Suburbs
occupation: Cardiothoracic surgeon
work place: Merrock Hospital
family: Mother and younger siblings in Toronto
relationship status: Single
Cyrus is a generally goodhearted, community-oriented, and witty man, always wanting to be there for people, regardless if he has a connection to them or not. He makes sure to be considerate of others (especially regarding patients, who he has an immense soft spot for.) Despite this, he is rather headstrong and irrational (and in that area, a bit hard to read), often thinking about things and jumping to conclusions without seeing the bigger picture. In addition, he is rather secretive, and has difficulty opening up to others about his past.
WRITTEN BY: Dove (they/them), est.
triggering / sensitive content: parental death, mental health
Cyrus Amani was born on May 19th, 1984 to a young Iranian couple who wanted the best for their son. When he was 3, they relocated to Toronto, Canada, for Cyrus (and later, his two younger siblings) to have better opportunities. His father worked part-time as a volunteer firefighter, which inspired Cyrus’ interest in helping people. Of course, being a firefighter seemed a bit overwhelming, but the idea of working in the medical field piqued his curiosity. While he had many hobbies growing up, medical work had always been his top interest. He would spend hours researching the field and all the different career paths on end, and his family was incredibly encouraging whenever he brought the topic up.
After high school, Cyrus attended university in Toronto, though was less fortunate when it came to applying for medical school. He eventually decided to go down to the US but was stuck between several states before deciding on Portland, Maine. When he arrived, he was immediately captivated by the scenery. Despite this, he was unsure if he could ever really call Maine “home,” because for so long, Toronto had been his home. After graduating, he decided to stay a bit longer in Portland to get a feel for the area better. He completed his five-year general residency program in the city and began his three-year Cardiothoracic program there as well.
After a few months, he received a call that nearly changed the course of his life. His father had been critically injured due to an accidental fall, and things weren’t looking so good. Cyrus rushed home to Toronto to say goodbye and was especially devastated due to his father being his top role model in life. His mental health plummeted greatly, and he was heavily conflicted about returning to Portland to finish his residency because of it. He stayed with his mother and siblings for a while to ensure their well-being and went back to Portland later that year. He figured would never really get over his father’s passing and would just have to find ways to cope with it.
After finishing the program, he became officially licensed in 2018—yet he chose to stay in Maine due to his license only applying to the United States. A few years later, he adopted a golden retriever puppy, Charlie, to help take his mind off stress (and to have company in his apartment), and he trained Charlie to become his psychiatric service dog when she was old enough. He worked in the city hospital up until late 2023 when he took Charlie and moved to Merrock to give the whole small-town life a try.
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wizzycore · 1 year
Nonhuman Showdown Preliminary Round:
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Julia Rainbowfist (species: human/minossus, by @tatzlewurm)
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"I think Julia is pretty cool cause she was born in another world(my original world Faraway :D) and was brought to the Spiral, specifically Dragonspyre right before its fall, during her bio dads’ honeymoon! Julia was then separated from her parents during the fall of DSpyre, and was adopted by Malistaire and Sylvia Drake.
Julia is also an EPIC MYTH WIZARD(stan Cyrus Drake) who was able to dabble in astral magic early when she was young, mostly to hide her true appearance after Sylvia died because she desperately wanted to believe that she was biologically Mali and Sylvia’s kid. After tons of le epic trauma, in arc 3 Julia stops giving a damn about appearances since there’s no longer any point in hiding the fact that she isn’t from the Spiral. So the pic of her I sent is arc 3 Julia 😎
He unique spell is being able to summon doll replicas of herself which belong to different schools of magic, and being able to fuse the dolls into one big four armed monster wolf doll automaton JEJEJEJE"
Vanya Winkle (species: myth chimera, by @aggressivebibliophile)
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"She’s a girlboss, she’s a girlcreature, she’s a villain, she’s traumatized. Not doomed by the narrative but by her own grief and devotion to her friends. She’s a trained military warlord with zero emotional intelligence. She was raised by bears, she’s self-destructive, she has a silly last name and she’s even bi ace. What more could you want?"
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banamaak · 2 years
ok so i have a lot of headcanon posts i have planned and say i’ll work on and never actually do, but i am changing that today! i really wanted to discuss the guardian figures in azadeh’s life, specifically her mother.  i mention this in her bio, and i’ve also talked about it before at least once, but for those not in the know, azadeh’s mother represents (or represented) the kingdom of elam, an ancient civilization indigenous to the area that is now iran, predating the achaemenids. her name was lakamar, which is the elamite variation of the akkadian name lagamar, meaning “no mercy”.  azadeh was born around 4000-3200 bc give or take, while lakamar appeared around 7000 bc so she already had a good 4000 years under her belt before she had an ankle biter to take care of! she wasn’t really used to putting someone else before herself, as she enjoyed the trappings of a boundless and fanciful life. regardless, she had no say in the matter as azadeh’s mother. she did what she had to, although she would more often than not pawn her off on attendants and whoever was around at the moment. it wasn’t long after azadeh was born that elam experienced a period of prosperity, and as a bit of an insurance policy for the future, lakamar began raising azadeh to essentially take her place, especially since elam was considerably less advanced than its neighbors, and their future was already a bit uncertain. thus, lakamar clung to what few victories she could get.  she certainly projected that view onto her daughter, never letting her forget even for a moment that she had some very big shoes to fill. it was definitely projection that stemmed from insecurity, but that didn’t stop her from doing it! azadeh did her best to live up to her mother’s impossible standards, which were exacerbated by the stress brought on by devastation of elam due to the kassites in 1500 bc, believed to have been the first hit in a series of many that would force elam into a slow and steady decline. 
naturally azadeh became more and more resentful as time went on. you can probably already imagine how hard it was for her as a preteen, along with the added pressure of expecting to be flawless and infallible. azadeh always did have a bit of a mean streak, even as a kid, so she definitely struck back a few times. nothing really ever came of it though. then came 843 BC, when the first persians are believed to have settled in elam— although they were known then as the parsua.  elam retained control over the persians for a couple hundred years and also garnered quite a bit of power, especially over the assyrians, earning the envy of their neighbors. it isn’t until around 645 bc that the persians begin to dominate the region, which is also when i believe azadeh first acclimated to the persians due to their growing influence. her brooding resentment towards elam had a part to play in that as well, as by that point she had begun to rely less on her mother’s world view and curated her own perspectives.  come 550 bc, and the persians assume full control of the the slowly declining elam. i’ve mentioned before how azadeh saw cyrus the great as a mentor and even a father figure, so it should be no surprise that she would side with the achaemenid persians rather than the elamites. especially as she received a type of validation from the persians she never really received from her own mother. essentially, she assisted in bringing upon her mother’s downfall, although it was really more of a waiting game- as elam had been fading into obscurity for some time now. in any case, azadeh did turn her back on lakamar as she grew into her power as a steadily expanding empire. to add salt in the wound, lakamar did not actually “die” for a long time, despite the elamites disappearing as a recognizable culture once the persians took over. small remnants of elam still persisted, and with them, lakamar. she survived all the way up to the sasanian empire in 224 ad, although as a hollow shell of her former self. still, she managed to power through for a very long time! she watched her daughter celebrate the success she could never quite hold onto, but in the end, isn’t that what every parent wants? for their child to have a better life than they did? lakamar still wanted that, but she also felt bitterness towards her daughter for what she sacrificed to get to where she was. however, azadeh was content with being in control and had significantly less of a moral compass, willing to step on a few toes to get what she wanted.  so ultimately, lakamar’s bitterness came to nothing and she faded away, basically dying alone and remembered by no one aside from azadeh, who despite her callousness, did end up seeing her mother one last time. and not to rub her success in her face or anything, but just to spend some time with her before she was gone forever.  in the end she went quietly and without fuss, but azadeh still carried the memory of her mother with her and still does, to this day. but with each passing year, she forgets a little more about her; the things she taught her, the culture and language she was brought up with, and even what her mother looked like. although, everyone always said she was the spitting image of lakamar, so in a way, she really does live on through her daughter. 
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Bios: Mike Mann / 'Monster' Mike
N.P.R's Drummer 'Monster' Mike (2020)
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One of Kirby's old stable-mates, and her closest friend other than Angelica St John, Mike Mann is the drummer for the wrestling stable/band 'Native Pride Regime'. Mike is a black, specifically Jamaican, wrestler and was trained by Kirby and her family, being the first person in his family to become a wrestler.
"I don't rap, that's J.P's business."
Full Legal Name: Mike Dariel Mann
First Name: Mike
Meaning: Short form of 'Michael', which comes from the Hebrew name 'Mikaha'el' meaning 'who is like God?'
Pronunciation: MIEK
Origin: English
Middle Name: Dariel
Meaning: Probably an elaborated form of 'Darrel' (which comes from an English surname that was derived from Norman French 'd'Airelle', originally denoting one who came from Airelle in France), with an ending similar to biblical names such as Daniel
Pronunciation: DAR-ee-ehl
Origin: English-Spanish
Surname: Mann
Meaning: From a nickname meaning 'Man'
Pronunciation: MAN
Origin: German, English
Alias: 'Monster' Mike Mann, 'Monster' Mike
Reason: Ring Name
Nicknames: Mikey
Titles: Mr
Age: 44
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Jamaican
Ethnicity: Black
Birth Date: April 6th 1976
Symbols: Drums, Drumsticks, Claw Marks, Blood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: (Protestant) Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Aries
Theme Song: 'Rock the House' - Gorillaz (2001-)
Voice Actor: Danny John-Jules
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica
Current Location: On the road / Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales / Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica
Hometown: Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica
Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight: 300 lbs / 136 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: N/A
Body Hair: Shaves when wrestling
Facial Hair: Goatee
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 9
Piercings: Ear Lobe (both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Smokes Cigars
Illnesses/Disorders: Type 1 Diabetes
Medications: Insulin
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Ash Thunder, Sakurako
Enemies: None
Friends: Jacob 'J.P' Papadopoulous, Ashkii Tsinajinnie, Yoshi Nakagawa, Tristan Lum, Xavier Ibarra, Ardalion Volkov, Patrick Turner, Conan Pritchard, Lochlainn Rhydderch
Colleagues: Too many to list
Rivals: 'Homicide' Nelson Erazo, 'Blackjack' Jack Marciano
Closest Confidant: Altagracia Mann
Mentor(s): Naoise Rhydderch, Moses Mann
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Moses Mann (64, Father), Altagracia Mann (65, Mother, Née Nash)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Adah Pond (41, Sister, Née Mann), Luke Mann (38, Brother), Beulah Rush (35, Sister, Née Mann), Kenan Mann (32, Brother), Cozbi Teel (29, Sister, Née Mann), Jethro Mann (26, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Ichabod Pond (42, Adah's Husband), Dinah Mann (39, Luke's Wife, Née Vann), Hiram Rush (36, Beulah's Husband), Eunice Mann (33, Kenan's Wife, Née Wild), Gideon Teel (30, Cozbi's Husband), Hannah Mann (27, Jethro's Wife, Née York)
Nieces & Nephews: Felix Pond (21, Nephew), Ivah Pond (22, Felix's Wife, Née Blue), Joanna Pond (18, Niece), Elijah Pond (15, Nephew), Keziah Pond (12, Niece), Darius Pond (9, Nephew), Leah Pond (6, Niece), Cyrus Pond (3, Nephew), Martha Mann (18, Niece), Bartholomew Mann (15, Nephew), Abigail Mann (12, Niece), Amos Mann (9, Nephew), Bernice Mann (6, Niece), Malachi Mann (3, Nephew), Claudia Rush (15, Niece), Lucius Rush (12, Nephew), Deborah Rush (9, Niece), Kenaniah Rush (6, Nephew), Edna Rush (3, Niece), Jesse Mann (12, Nephew) Hosanna Mann (9, Niece), Isaiah Mann (6, Nephew), Iscah Mann (3, Niece), Hazael Teel (9, Nephew), Julia Teel (6, Niece), Gera Teel (3, Nephew), Milcah Mann (6, Niece), Festus Mann (3, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Island of Jamaica
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School
Managers: Kirby Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 2001
Debut Match: 'Monster' Mike Mann VS Naoise Rhydderch. Mike won by DQ
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: Native Pride Regime (2006-)
Teams: Native Pride Regime (Monster Mike & A.T / Sakurako / Kirby)
Regular Moves: Asian Mist, Big Boot, Gorilla Press into Flapjack, Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, Powerbomb, Running Corner Body Avalanche, Spear, Twisting Chinlock
Finishers: Powerslam, Backbreaker, Chokebomb, Sidewalk Slam, Splash
Refers To Fans As: The Audience
Backstory: Born in Jamaica and coming to C.R.C for training at the age of 20 in 1996. Mike Mann is a foolish man who believes some things in life are owed to him, like Kirby's hand in marriage, so he fakes like he's happy being her friend and never being allowed to do more than kiss her as a celebration of tough fought victories. Mike is the first person of his family to become a wrestler, falling head over heels in love with Kirby (a woman who does not want a relationship with him, ever) in the process.
Mike has known Kirby since she was 10 (He was 25 at the time they met).
Mike has purposefully stayed single in the hopes of one day dating Kirby.
He let Kirby move in with him, hoping it would lead to a relationship.
The night Mike kicked Kirby out, he was going to confess his love to her.
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ofthexnight · 5 months
So far, the full Bios written are for
Anika Ayla Cyrus
Still working on others, but pretty proud of how much I have done today :D
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hollywoodfamerp · 5 months
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Send us your account within 24 hours.
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rae/ she-her / 25+ / GMTFIRST CHOICE AND FC AGE:Jade Thirlwall , Age 31SECOND CHOICE AND FC AGE:Shay Mitchell, Age 37
FC OCCUPATION:Jade - musicanShay - Actress
WANTED CONNECTIONS:anyone they have ever worked with
Please be sure that your para sample is 2+ paragraphs. It can be from another roleplay and must also be in third person and past tense. (This will be removed before your application is posted.)
miley cyrus, florence pugh and kylie jenner
OTHER:jade would be a side blog.
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Lucifarians: A Family Forged: Bios (1980): Venka Tupper / Ven Lucifarian
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"Everybody talks about Pride before the fall. I'm just glad they have my name in their mouths."
Full Legal Name: Venka America Tupper (Born: Leach. 1st Change: Todd)
First Name: Venka
Meaning: Means 'Victorious', from Esperanto 'Venki' 'To conquer', ultimately from Latin 'Vincere'.
Pronunciation: VEHN-ka
Origin: Esperanto
Middle Name: America
Meaning: In the English speaking world, this name is usually given in reference to the United States of America.
Pronunciation: a-MEHR-i-ka
Origin: English
Surname: Tupper (Born: Leach. 1st Change: Todd)
Meaning: Tupper: Occupational name for a herdsman, derived from Middle English 'Toupe' 'Ram'. Leach: Originally indicated a person who was a physician, from the medieval practice of using leeches to bleed people of ills. Todd: Means 'Fox', derived from Middle English 'Todde'.
Pronunciation: TUP-er. LEECH. TAWD.
Origin: English. English. English
Ring Name: Ven Lucifarian, Pride
Commentary Nicknames: The Prodigal Daughter
Nicknames: Ven, Meri
Titles: Miss
Age: 32
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Nationality: English
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: August 5th 1948
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Leo
Entrance Music: 'You're So Vain' - Carly Simon (1972-), No Music Prior To 1972
Voice Claim: Helena Bonham-Carter
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: London, England, UK
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Light Brown
Hair Colour: Golden Brown
Hair Dye: 2 Front Strands Dyed Purple
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1980) 10
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Smoker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian (But will eat meat if she has to.)
Allies: Freddie Blassie, Lou Albano, Skull Lucifarian, Bel Lucifarian, Pat Lucifarian, Cas Lucifarian, Hel Lucifarian, Eve Lucifarian, Syd Lucifarian
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Lord Alfred Hayes, Mr Fuji, Dynamite Kid, George Steele
Closest Confidant: Norma Tupper
Mentor: Driskoll Leach
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Driskoll Leach (64, Father), Regina Leach (40, Step-Mother, Née Wolf), Wesley Tupper (65, Step-Father), Norma Tupper (60, Mother, Née Todd)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Martha Colt )43, Half-Sister, Née Wilbur), Gareth Wilbur (40, Half-Brother), Madonna Bullock (37, Half-Sister, Née Wilbur), Frederick Tupper (35, Brother), Eric Tupper (29, Brother), Freya Bull (26, Sister, Née Tupper), Edric Tupper (23, Brother), Donna Buckley (20, Sister, Née Tupper), Earl Swift (18, Half-Brother), Candace Swift (15, Half-Sister), Duke Leach (13, Half-Brother), Sigmund Todd (41, Half-Brother), Eunice Doctor (38, Half-Sister, Née Todd), Prosper Tupper (17, Half-Brother), Edith Tupper (14, Half-Sister), Nicholas Tupper (11, Half-Brother), Cassandra Tupper (8, Half-Sister), Theobald Tupper (5, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Donald Colt (42, Martha's Husband), Sophia Wilbur (39, Gareth's Wife, Née Brock), Cyrus Bullock (36, Madonna's Husband), Reign Tupper (34, Frederick's Wife, Née Bird), Kinsley Tupper (28, Eric's Wife, Née Beverley), Cyril Bull (25, Freya's Husband), Judith Tupper (22, Edric's Wife, Née Best), Basil Buckley (19, Donna's Husband), Berenice Todd (40, Sigmund' Wife, Née Norris), Leopold Doctor (37, Eunice's Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Diana Barlow (22, Niece, Née Colt), Arthur Barlow (21, Diana's Husband), Peter Colt (19, Nephew), Blanche Colt (16, Niece), Oscar Colt (13, Nephew), Rhoda Wilbur (19, Niece), Gabriel Wilbur (16, Nephew), Pearl Wilbur (13, Niece), Fitzroy Wilbur (10, Nephew), Oro Wilbur (7, Niece), Ferdinand Bullock (16, Nephew), Olive Bullock (13, Niece), Clarence Bullock (10, Nephew), Misty Tupper (14, Niece), Casimir Tupper (11, Nephew), Melissa Tupper (8, Niece), Albert Tupper (5, Nephew), Katherine Tupper (8, Niece), Winfred Bull (5, Nephew), Iris Bull (2, Niece), William Tupper (2, Nephew), Emmeline Reeve (20, Niece, Née Todd), Gerard Reeve (19, Emmeline's Husband), Conrad Todd (17, Nephew), Brava Todd (14, Niece), Bernard Todd (11, Nephew), Indigo Todd (8, Niece), Archibald Todd (5, Nephew), India Doctor (17, Niece), Chad Doctor (14, Nephew), Millicent Doctor (11, Niece), Neil Doctor (8, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hellview
Trainer: Skull Lucifarian
Managers: Skull Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1966 (WWF Debut: 1980)
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Trickster
Stables: Daughters of Darkness (1966-)
Father’s Pride (Skull & Ven)
The Vixens (Ven & Bel)
Dynasty (Ven & Pat)
Cherry Bombs (Ven & Cas)
Lavender’s Blue (Ven & Hel)
The Killer Barbies (Ven & Eve)
Violet Offenders (Ven & Syd)
Regular Moves: Over The Shoulder Arm Drag, Forearm Smash, Leg Sweep, Chokehold STO, Keylock, Diving Somersault Evasion, Beheader (Neck Wrench), Lineage Ender (Standing Moonsault Double Knee Drop), Lion's Den (Crucifix Pin), Family Pride (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Power Bomb)
Finishers: Wish For This (Shooting Star Knee Drop), Flowing DDT, DDT
Refers To Fans As: The Prideful, The Prideful Ones
Heel or Face: (As of Jan 1980) Heel
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
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Name: Cyrus Reinhardt Aram Lewin Ravencroft
Meaning of Name: Cyrus: Sun, One who bestows care. Reinhardt: Counsel, Hardy brave strong. Aram: Child of the son, Highlands. Lewin: Dear friend. Ravencroft:  ‘raven’ + Old English croft ‘paddock’, ‘smallholding’.
Nickname(s):  Cy, Rein, Aram, 
Age: 33
Birthday: July 16
Species/Nationality: Noble Elf-Human Hybrid, Aseara, Kingdom of Iyeayoton
Accent: No
Language spoken: Common, Elvish,
Elf Physiology
Mythic: Mythic ancestry could go up to Demigod Physiology.
Modern: Result of Elven and (usually) human relationship, those with Modern ancestry are unlikely to add much more to their mortal other parents abilities than Decelerated Aging, although even there exceptions happen.
Hybrid Physiology
Noble Elf
Elven Demigods, the offspring of elven deities and normal elves.
Task Adaption
Tranquilizer Manipulation
Magical Flight
Deity Soul
Lock-Picking Mastery
Candy Bomb Generation
Demonic Whip Generation
Mythical Bestiary
Earth Teleportation
Omnidirectional Sound Waves
Lute Mastery
Crystal Generation
Immortality Removal
Weapon State
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies:  Mortal weaknesses, Bipolar disorder, An Illness, 
Pet: Wolverine (Preeti, Female), Mountain Goat (Niko, Male), Aardvark (Ātaahua, Female), Yak (Lucius, Male), Finch (Jahangir, Male), Jerboa (Lorri, Female), Bunny (Adilet, Male), Koala (Sigurd, Male),
Occupation: Virtual monster tamer, Firefighter, 
Faceclaim: Penn Badgley
Description: Light brown curly hair, ear length: long. Light green eyes. Has 10 scars. No easily distinguishable birthmarks. 4 Tattoos. 
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Likes to wear murky colored dapper clothing. Virtual being summoner.
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 194
Body Build: Lean/Athletic
Cyrus was born into a happy home. He had been an only child to kind and caring parents. For the most part the beginning of his life was our rather average, even some might say, mundane life. Being an infant was easy for him. Because he was raised in a rather easy life in the beginning, things around him were also easy. In his village everyone knew almost everyone. The small place was full of helpful and hard working people. Cyrus was also quite adored by those people. Much like many other talented children from the village. Something Cyrus enjoyed doing was performing in the plays in his village. It is during this activity he would meet a girl who also lived on his street. 
Cyrus would grow up alongside this girl, and act in plays beside her, with other performers. During these days the two would grow to become great friends. These happy times however would come to an abrupt end when overnight his entire village and all the people within it would be savaged. His village had been raided the night of a play. On that night, the young Cyrus had been dressed up in a chicken costume his mother had sewn for him herself. The raid on his village had happened just before his part. He watched plenty of his people there that night be murdered, even his friend. Which led to his being deeply traumatized. But because of his unique position and being knocked to one side, under a body, behind the stage, he was spared.
Along with the costume his mother had made him, he had been left an item from his mother. Of course, being the only child, he was left all of his family’s fortune, and their home. Though now he had no people. He did not know how long he had to stay there before finally a stranger had come along and found him, saving him from the decay and death that surrounded him. Still being just a very young child, the stranger, even if very anti-social, managed to be someone that Cyrus became attached to, after facing such a traumatizing situation of course, he needed someone. Because of this retroactive attachment and need of an adult, Cyrus grew to see this stranger as basically his family, in the end.They then arrived at a INN along their journey, making a home there.
At this, however, he discovers that there are beings, as strange as he is. Which this world has been calling Supernatural. Because of this kind of guest often staying at the hotel Human’s have often been too afraid to come into it, or even the woods where the INN has been built. Though, that could be because of the tendency for humans to disappear when they go into the woods near the INN. As he has come to settle in the town the young boy soon comes to go to a local school, which holds mostly Supernatural students within it. This school is coined as one of the most famous schools in the world. Especially in the supernatural world. This is where he simply tries to live a normal life, well as soon as he can given his situation. Being as he looks mostly normal in appearance, aside from some elvish looks to him, Cyrus is able to adapt easily to his new life, for the most part.
After some years of living and becoming one of the locals, Cyrus eventually is able to find out that a gift his mother gave him before she died has a special purpose. This device is able to tap into the virtual world and summon creatures from it. Over the last few years he has also found out that he is not the only one of these with a device like this, able to summon creatures from the virtual world. He then also comes to learn that not only was he destined to have this device, but so were all the others that carry them, either through inheritance, gifted, or by other means. As well, he comes to discover that this is not the first time these sorts of devices have been found or used. Cyrus comes to find that years and years before he was born there were other groups of, mostly children, who held these devices that could summon creatures from the virtual world.
These devices can be enhanced with other accessories and instruments as well. These items can help to make their creatures stronger. Though there is also another interesting thing about the summoning of these creatures and the virtual world that they come from. Cyrus also finds out that he, and others with these devices, can also go into the virtual world, or others, as well. 
(Work In Progress)
Purposeful, Articulate, Romantic, Humble, Forthright, Droll, Pure, Glamorous, Modern, Confidential, Folksy, Stiff, Irresponsible, Airy, Naive, Abrupt, Insulting, Strong-Willed, 
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Gossiping, Claims to be married to a fictional character, Prefers sleeping outside, Prone to crying, Believes in Aliens, Fascinated with certain textures, Believes in the paranormal, Paces, Skills: Wrapping Presents, Gadgetry, Trading, Recruiting, Identifying Plants, Hobbies: Tutoring, Escape Rooms, Soap Carvings, Bird Watching,
Likes: Abandoned Buildings, Yoga, Cosplaying, Snow, Engineering, Women, Rain, Driving, Vocabulary, Drawing, Formality, Respect, Fossils, Crocheting, Knick-Knacks, Mannequins, Surfing, Giving Gifts, Architecture, Space Exploration, Romance Novels, Web Design, Arguing, Podcasts, Captain Marvel, Hoodies, Fencing, Meadows, Beaches, Dyed Hair, Theology, Goldfish, Musicals, Dogs, Animated Movies, Music, Notebooks, 
Dislikes: Tarot Card Readings, Confidence, Bicycling, Fictional Books,  Fantasy Movies, Fighter Jets, Mystery Novels, Kayaking, Walking, Peppa Pig, Late Evening, Puns, Playing Music, Pocket Watches, Country Music, Flashy Pop Singers, Character Shipping, Road Trips, Pastel Colors, Tin Tin, Nail Art, Canoeing, Crafts, Purple, Sleet, Organization, Cryptids, 
Fears: Body Defect, Worms, Dolls, Bridges, Mice/Rats,
Personality Tests:
Other: Cancer,  
   -> Father:
   -> Mother:
Sibling(s): None.
Other Relatives: Shaun Ravencroft, Enzo Ravencroft, Bryn Ravencroft, Cole Coldblood-Ravencroft, Rafeal Coldblood-Ravencroft, Izaac Coldblood-Ravencroft, Ernst Ravencroft, Taylor Ravencroft, Casper Ravencroft-Coldblood, Jupiter Coldblood-Ravencroft, Saffron Ravencroft, Levi Ravencroft, Dietrich Coldblood-Ravencroft, Salem Ravencroft, Jackson Ravencroft, Maximinus Coldblood-Ravencroft, Angelus Coldblood-Ravencroft, Leven Coldblood-Ravencroft, Theophanes Coldblood-Ravencroft, Rembrandt Ravencroft, Leo Ravencroft,
                                                            Alternate Universes
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Cyrus Calicoes
Name:  Cyrus Calicoes Aliases:  Acro – Heritage: Troxia Calicoes Felidaeanthropos Bio-Gender: Male Age: 77 years old Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Type:  (Earth type) Calioc Shorthair feline – Length: 5 feet 9 inches. Height: 5 feet 9 inches Weight:  147 lbs – Body:  He is solidly built, powerful, and muscular with well-developed shoulders, chest, and hindquarters. His head features full…
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rochanaxtheo · 1 year
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Name: Thitiwat Rochana
Nickname: Theo
Age: 26
Birthday: October 9, 1996
Occupation: Paralegal - Fairford Law
Sexuality: Pansexual
Residence: Suburbs
Languages: Thai, English
FC: Boun Noppanut
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Height: 6'1
Hair: Black - Dyed Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Tattoos: Left Shoulder - Hah Taew Na Kong Krapan , Right Forearm - Yant Juntra, Right Bicep - Flower Band but with these flowers, Upper Left Arm - , Left Leg - This style but this image,
Piercings: Right Ear - two lobe and one helix, Left Ear - three lobe and industrial. Always wears this on his left ear, regardless of other jewelry
Scars: A few, but they're hidden
Smudged eyeliner and kiss bitten lips
Rings on every finger and too many earrings
Perfectly tailored suits, but only for work
Sleeveless shirts
Lots of black
Bio: tw: anger issues, sexual content references/implied
Theo grew up just outside of Bangkok, Thailand and was dragged to the US when he was thirteen
He knows his parents consider it "moving" but with how much Theo did not want to go, he will never call it anything other than dragged
His English was good enough in Thailand, but kids in the US made constant comments about his accent and the occasional slip-ups in grammar
Making friends wasn't easy because he didn't want to make friends. Theo - as he quickly was dubbed when people realized how long his full name was - was angry. Every little thing made him more angry.
Soon, he was the kid people were afraid of. He had a hairpin trigger and no hesitation about decking people who looked at him wrong.
The only thing that really helped Theo calm down was diving. It wasn't something he'd ever done before moving, but he'd dabbled in gymnastics/parkour as a kid, so he picked it up fairly quickly
He loved that it was a team sport, but on a diving platform, it was just him. His only competition, only worries, and only goals were himself.
Diving was perhaps the only thing Theo worked overtime for. School came easy to him, and friendships didn't matter enough for him to try. He became convinced he wanted to be an Olympian because it was the only thing he could seriously set his mind on.
His best friend in high school, Cyrus, was and probably still is, one of the only people Theo would defend with his life. They were attached at the hip in school and Theo happily took over at President of Cyrus Defense Squad TM
For the three years they were in school together, Theo had flutters and feelings for Cyrus that he didn't understand, but felt no need to repress. He fairly quickly came to realize he felt far more for his friend than was typical for a friendship, but kept it to himself.
By the time he started junior year, and certainly by senior year, Theo recognized he was likely in love with Cyrus, but continued to say nothing. As far as he knew, Cyrus was straight, and they were good friends
When they started to drift apart his senior year, Theo didn't understand at all why. He tried so hard to keep Cyrus in his life but it only seemed to push him further away, so he let it happen. For awhile, he could shrug it off as just another person who grew tired of him, but in truth, it tore him apart from the inside.
The Olympic dreams started to die down over time when he realized it would likely be way too expensive, and he likely wasn't talented enough, but he did walk-on to a D1 college team.
Four years later, he'd graduate pre-law from the University of Florida having been put on scholarship, with four conference championships rings, an NCAA championship ring, two years of eligibility (red-shirted, and medical red-shirted two years), and a future set on law school, which he was already starting to hate.
He moved to the San Francisco area to go to the University of California for law school and as a graduate transfer for diving. The sudden uprooting of his life had him set back in his angry ways. Instead of fighting, he resorted to a plethora of hookups and dates with no expectations.
Law school, the swim team, and a menagerie of bad habits did not bode well for him, and Theo spiraled several times.
He managed to get through it and even kept a few friends around
Despite not liking Fairford all the much, Theo finds himself back in town with nowhere else to go and very little will to figure it out
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merrock · 4 months
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face claim: Ramin Karimloo
full name: Cyrus Amani
nickname(s) / goes by: Cy
pronouns & gender: Cis man, he/him
sexuality: Bisexual
birth date: May 19th, 1984
birth place: Tehran, Iran
arrival to merrock: December 2023
housing: The Suburbs
occupation: Cardiothoracic surgeon
work place: Merrock Hospital
family: Mother and younger siblings in Toronto
relationship status: Single
Cyrus is a generally goodhearted, community-oriented, and witty man, always wanting to be there for people, regardless if he has a connection to them or not. He makes sure to be considerate of others (especially regarding patients, who he has an immense soft spot for.) Despite this, he is rather headstrong and irrational (and in that area, a bit hard to read), often thinking about things and jumping to conclusions without seeing the bigger picture. In addition, he is rather secretive, and has difficulty opening up to others about his past.
WRITTEN BY: Dove (they/them), est.
triggering / sensitive content: parental death, mental health
Cyrus Amani was born on May 19th, 1984 to a young Iranian couple who wanted the best for their son. When he was 3, they relocated to Toronto, Canada, for Cyrus (and later, his two younger siblings) to have better opportunities. His father worked part-time as a volunteer firefighter, which inspired Cyrus’ interest in helping people. Of course, being a firefighter seemed a bit overwhelming, but the idea of working in the medical field piqued his curiosity. While he had many hobbies growing up, medical work had always been his top interest. He would spend hours researching the field and all the different career paths on end, and his family was incredibly encouraging whenever he brought the topic up.
After high school, Cyrus attended university in Toronto, though was less fortunate when it came to applying for medical school. He eventually decided to go down to the US but was stuck between several states before deciding on Portland, Maine. When he arrived, he was immediately captivated by the scenery. Despite this, he was unsure if he could ever really call Maine “home,” because for so long, Toronto had been his home. After graduating, he decided to stay a bit longer in Portland to get a feel for the area better. He completed his five-year general residency program in the city and began his three-year Cardiothoracic program there as well.
After a few months, he received a call that nearly changed the course of his life. His father had been critically injured due to an accidental fall, and things weren’t looking so good. Cyrus rushed home to Toronto to say goodbye and was especially devastated due to his father being his top role model in life. His mental health plummeted greatly, and he was heavily conflicted about returning to Portland to finish his residency because of it. He stayed with his mother and siblings for a while to ensure their well-being and went back to Portland later that year. He figured would never really get over his father’s passing and would just have to find ways to cope with it.
After finishing the program, he became officially licensed in 2018—yet he chose to stay in Maine due to his license only applying to the United States. A few years later, he adopted a golden retriever puppy, Charlie, to help take his mind off stress (and to have company in his apartment), and he trained Charlie to become his psychiatric service dog when she was old enough. He worked in the city hospital up until late 2023 when he took Charlie and moved to Merrock to give the whole small-town life a try.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
newsone_official A South Carolina Asian man was arrested and charged with murder after killing a 14-year-old Black teen whom he accused of shoplifting.
According to police, Rich Chow, the owner of the Shell gas station convenience store on Parklane Road in Columbia, shot and killed Cyrus Carmack-Belton after accusing him of shoplifting.
Chow, 58, chased the boy from the store before shooting him in the back as he ran away. Chow’s son, who also chased after the boy before he was shot said Carmack-Belton was armed and deputies did recover a gun near his body, but authorities said that is no evidence to suggest Carmack-Belton pointed it at or threatened Rich Chow.
Read the full story at NewsOne.com I 🔗 in bio
📸: Getty Images
#CyrusCarmackBelton #RichChow #NewsoneSocial #BLM
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cptcvrter · 2 years
character bio - PEGGY CARTER; you educate a man, you educate a man. you educate a woman, you educate a generation.
Character Basics
Character’s full name: Margaret Elizbaeth Carter Meaning of name: pearl Birth date: April 9th, 1921 Age: physically 30. technically 101, but the serum incredibly slowed aging down. Zodiac: Aries Superpower: superhuman strength, speed, and stamina. accelerated healing. Alias: Captain Carter
Nationality / Ethnicity / Species: British, Indian Tamil, human Languages Spoken: English, Russian, German Orientation: heterosexual Prounouns: she/her
Physical appearance
Height: 5′5 Body build: athletic Eye color: brown Hair type and color: brown, long and curly Glasses or contacts: Face claim: Simone Ashley Distinguishing marks:  Predominant features: her eyes Tattoos: Voice / Accent: posh, English  Usual fashion of dress: feminine, vintage inspired
Good personality traits: ambitious, brave, driven, loyal. Bad personality traits: bossy, controlling, impatient, stubborn. Personality Type: ENTJ, “the Commander;” extroverted, forceful, determined leader Character Label: The Catalyst
Ten Song Playlist
The Great War; Taylor Swift Salute; Little Mix Do It Like A Girl; Morgan St. Jean cinderella’s dead; EMELINE Kings & Queens; Ava Max The Man; Taylor Swift Confident; Demi Lovato Dangerous Woman; Ariana Grande Lavender Haze; Taylor Swift Don’t Call Me Angel; Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey
Hometown: Hampstead, England Childhood: she was often reprimanded by her parents for being “too adventurous” and told to act more “ladylike.” most of her friends were boys growing up. Education: she attended St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls, and then went on to study at Cambridge.
Current location: New York City, New York Currently living with: Pets: Occupation: SHIELD agent / avenger
Partner: Children: Mother: Amanda Carter Relationship: she had a fairly positive relationship with her mother despite her mother not being fond of how outspoken she was. Father: Harrison Carter Relationship: she was close to her father. he tended to embrace her love of adventure more than her mother did.
Brother: Michael Carter Relationship: she and her brother were inseparable growing up. he inspired peggy to take the career path she did.
Color: pink, purple, yellow Least favorite color: black
Optimist or pessimist: depends, she straddles the line Introvert or extrovert: she’s an introverted extrovert Daredevil or cautious: cautious  Disorderly or methodical: methodical Prefers working or relaxing: working Confident or unsure of himself: somewhere in between
Relationships with others
Love interest: Best friends: Close friends: Exes:
Short Bio
peggy was a prominent ssr agent in world war ii and a founding member of shield. she worked closely with steve rogers after he was injected with the super soldier serum, helping him to become the world’s first superhero. however, after losing him, and maybe in an attempt to feel closer to him after his supposed death, peggy allowed herself to be injected with the serum. she took the place he left behind as captain carter. seeing as the serum has dramatically slowed her aging process, she still works with shield in smaller capacities as most of her attention is put on training the newcomers to the avengers.
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