#[ .... I. I think I buffed his height a little too much ]
captainseamech · 9 months
//ok so before going to sleep (hopefully), I must participate in dash height banter
Main verse / many crossover related verses -> 26ft (can vary)
Gladiator arc -> 23ft (he was a bit younger back then, only 3ft smaller)
T.FP verse -> 32ft
IDW verse -> 40ft
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Self indulgent The Quarry counselors and their favourite D&D classes/races to play 😌🤌
Jacob: Human Fighter, the classic choice of anyone new to d&d and especially new men. He makes a classic big strong viking-looking man and immediately realises it's not that easy to make your character cool and you have to put up with a lot of fumbling and failed plans.
Emma: Bard. Obviously. Meanwhile she always chooses like a half orc or a tiefling. She thrives in the discourse that her controversial race causes. People side eye her? Good. She's maxed out her characters charisma and she's gonna seduce them and ruin their life out of spite. Her way of playing this game is by causing marital mayhem.
Dylan: Artificer or Wizard. Typically the dozens and dozens of spell cards and abilities are intimidating but Dylan works best when he has a bunch of shit to read and remember and pull out the craziest moves that no one is expecting. Also for Races he gives me the vibes as someone who will ironically play as a tortle and then proceed to unironically play as tortles when he realises how much he can abuse the game mechanics with them.
Ryan: I'm on the fence. On one hand he gives me rouge vibes, I think he'd thrive sneaking around and doing mass amounts of sneak attack damage. But also I think he'd love being a gun slinger fighter. Also I can see him playing as a genasi of some kind! Like a water or air one because he's also here to utilise his character to make it as effective as possible and the natural race magic is fun to use.
Abi: she's all about the narrative. She's constructing it behind the scenes at all times with every character choice and interaction. I think she plays as a changeling just for the drama of the reveal. She also gives me Artificer vibes. Either that or a druid. Just a class that's all about creating things.
Laura: Barbarian baby! She's here to rage and kick ass and she has an unlimited supply of both! Then she would probably choose some small/thin race for the irony of it all. Like yes this halfling has 20 strength and wields a giant hammer what about it?
Kaitlyn: paladin paladin paladin. she's got all the protection abilities and built her character to be all about buffing and protecting while also kicking ass. She plays exclusively giant characters because of course she does. Goliath's are fun and she exploits the height as often as she can.
Nick: I think Nick would also get invested in the roleplay and play a monk or something. He'll craft a character with an in depth backstory and refuse to break character. He'd probably play as a human or a half elf and make them super handsome too. Actually I think Nick makes female characters. He just gives me that vibe. Just makes strong beautiful ladies.
Max: cleric. He's the sweet handsome healer boy. Also he will prioritise Laura half because she's his beautiful girlfriend and half because it's broken if he just heals and buffs the barbarian with every turn. I think Max would also play like a dwarf or a halfling. Maybe even a gnome. He likes being little. He also gets very into the roleplay but he is also prone towards shenanigans when Dylan starts them.
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nachohypno · 3 years
Nate and Dave - Ch. 15
Dave’s POV
I’m sure you already know how much a single person can change a whole lot of your way to see the world, or have your life take a 180° turn (Had to look this up, angles are weird.) just by standing in a corridor.
Now I was just happy to stare at my phone’s unlocked background. A pic I took of us while cuddling. I was kissing his cheek and staring at the camera, while he just laid below me, his face had a little smile and his eyes were closed.
He loved that pic. I loved it too, it was both cute and wholesome. Never been one to do those things, nor even Leslie managed to get me to change my Dallas’ Cowboys background, and we had a lot more pics together than Nate and I do.
It was a nice distraction. I would sometimes just unlock my phone to see that pic and feel a bit warm inside as I imagined spending more time with my soulmate. I loved him a lot, and I wouldn’t mind sticking around with him for a day, or two, or the rest of my life, just to make sure he has all he needs to be happy like I am when I’m near him.
We sat together at school, yeah. Nobody batted an eye. We hung out during our breaks, still no big catastrophe happened. After school, we usually have a date or spend some time together before heading to our respective houses (As much as I’d like, having daily sleepovers wouldn’t be wise).
According to… everyone in the world who knows that I’m hanging out with Nate (Which may be just 2 or 3 people that I’m aware of), the guy had a really positive impact on my behavior. He’s always encouraging me to help whenever I can and to be… nicer, in general.
I’ve already apologized to one of my favorite targets a few weeks ago, but decided to fully leave them alone. In my house, however, I’ve been trying to honor my soulmate’s wishes doing some house chores to help mom and pops around. I still don't think I'm ready to 'change my public image' that much. Kicking nerd's asses is fun... but mean and unnecessary.
Mowing the lawn, going grocery shopping, cleaning around whenever my parents seemed quite tired to do it, that kind of thing. My room wasn’t a messy place before, but now I could spend less time looking for my stuff!
And now… Nate was at his house. I left him there per his request, he told me we could hang out later today! But first, he had some homework to do.
I looked around and noticed the door was closed. I dropped my shirt and pants, felt the locket’s cold metal against my chest, and dropped on my bed.
I wasn’t intending to take a nap, just close my eyes and think of my soulmate was a nice enough plan for my evening.
As I closed my eyes, images of my first day with him invaded my happy place. Me getting his scent, slowly walking over to his locker, and noticing the guy I never paid attention to, the one that sat a few rows in front of me, and was usually in the middle of the way when I threw paper balls around.
Now that I thought of it, maybe I never noticed him because he always hid? He was hiding right now; it was obvious that he was using his locker as a cover. I stood there, though. Taking in the smell. Feeling myself realizing more and more of that nice thought I had never thought about after my pops told me about that weird phenomenon.
…I had found my soulmate. The love of my life… It wasn’t my girlfriend, but a guy from my class… I frowned both in the real world and in my fantasy.
In the fantasy world, I lifted and kissed him. He didn’t fight back, just returned the love I was giving him by returning my kiss. I didn’t care if anyone watched us. I loved this guy, and I still do now.
I love Nate Hall.
I rubbed my crotch in the real world, as I kept kissing him in my fantasy. That was more than enough. A single kiss, a single thought about my soulmate being happy and in love with me could make me so hard and horny…
“Dave?” A voice said. My soulmate’s? It sounded so different though… I kept kissing him. This was perfect. He was perfect. He was the love of my life, of course he was perfect! “Daaaaave?”
Was there someone invading my fantasy? Oh, wait…
I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face standing there, wide eyed. I had my hand on my hard crotch, rubbing it. This was definitely an uncomfortable position to be found at. I could normally hear when people are walking towards my room, but maybe I was so out of it this time that I didn’t hear him.
“Fuck, sorry— Didn’t wanna—” My cousin said. What the fuck was he doing here, anyway?! In my room! When the fuck did he arrive?!
“Shut the fuck up! And close the door!” I commanded, feeling anger building up on my chest, totally replacing the warm feeling from a few seconds ago.
Brad Walker. My cousin was my height, which was a bit funny given that he was a few years older than me. He was muscled too, but his shoulders seemed wider as his torso formed a sort of upside down triangle. He was a rugby player, maybe it had to do with that.
By looking at his face alone, he could pass as a brother because of the resemblance. He had the Walker’s smile, looking both chilled while also managing to look a bit menacing to keep everyone in their toes.
Doesn’t give him much use, given that he’s a Beta.
Brad closed the door behind him, and laid back on it. “Off to a rocky start, I guess. Let’s try that again… Hey, cuz!”
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I could feel the anger diminishing. I thought of my soulmate, how would he react if he saw me like this. He would want me to be nice and polite to my cousin. I wanted that too, I wanted to be nice to him. I’m so hot-headed sometimes…
I smiled at Brad, and took a few steps forward to give him a bro hug. After that, I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge. “Hey man, wat’cha doin’ around here?”
“Uncle hasn’t told you? Pops and him thought about doing a little reunion, so we drove over and… here we are.” Brad left his hands in his pockets as he looked around. I noticed I was still almost naked, but didn’t give it much thought. I did put some shorts on, though. “Just the big guys, though. Mom was tired and decided to stay at home with the young ones, so it’s just pops, Logan and me today. The guys asked me to get you downstairs, so… shall we go?”
I pointed to my almost naked body. “Give me a few minutes, alright?”
Dressed up in some shorts and a grey tank top, I walked downstairs with Brad following me closely.
Pops was there, with his brother and my other cousin. I walked over to Logan and gave him a brohug. I liked my cousins, they were like brothers.
“Hey man,” Logan greeted me after the hug. It was nice seeing him. Well, like, nice and not nice, because he was pretty annoying sometimes. So I hoped he didn’t get very annoying tonight. “Damn, you look buffed. Taking steroids already?”
I rolled my eyes. “Why do you ask? Need some to stop being so thin, cuz?”
“I swear I still don’t know how he's not broken after kicking that ball. Y’look like a stick, bruh” Brad backed me up. I liked that about Brad, he was pretty loyal.
Logan laughed. He’s not one of those chums who get mad at every tiny insult. He’s pretty easy going in that regard. Would need to learn from him, because I am one of those chums who get mad at every tiny insult. “Don’t pull my dick, assholes” He punched my shoulder, softly.
Even though Logan was a year older than me, he was an ass. And that’s coming from me.
Logan… He was alright, I guess. Not really very muscly like me or Brad, nor our parents for that matter. That’s because he liked soccer, ugh. Not even weightlifting, nah. Just soccer and cardio.
That got him looking well in a soccer uniform with long socks and knee pads, but… I really should reconsider his standing in my pack. Meh, might as well let him in just because he’s family, but I’ll most likely order him to start working out more to be a real wolf bro. (I’ll get into this later.)
“Uh… don’t wanna be rude or anythin’ but… how long are you guys staying? Thought about having a friend coming over and-”
“Ooooh, is it your girlfrieeend?” The soccer cuz said, moving his fingers towards my face. I slapped his hand off me, and he laughed. “Big meanie Daveee has a girlfrieeeend” He was like a little kid when it came to annoying others, and the worst part was that he nailed it.
“Oh, shut it, bro. You’re just jealous- Wait, that’s not what I was going to ask”
“Dad and uncle Adam thought about doing some beefs for tonight, soooo… family dinner, I guess? We don’t really hang out often, so I thought it would be nice. Besides, we all love beef” Brad answered, holding his arms behind his head and stretching for a bit.
“We’re about to leave, actually,” Uncle Thomas said, grabbing his car keys. “Gonna buy some meat and drinks for tonight. Y’guys wanna come? Hey cub, haven’t seen you in months...” 
I greeted my uncle with a firm handshake, before he gave me a little punch on the abs. “Strong as a rock. Not bad, kiddo.” He ruffled my hair, before turning his attention back to my pops.
I was a bit too worried to think about hitting the store. Nate was supposed to come after he finished his homework, so we could spend the night together. I was supposed to pick him up. Fuck, what am I gonna do?
I shook my head and remained silent. Brad followed suit with a “Yeeaaah… No, been in that car for an hour and I’d really like to move my legs.”
“Pussies,” Logan said in a snarky tone. I raised my eyebrow, but decided to take care of him later. “I’ll go, may find some hot chicks in this friggin’ town…” 
My uncle looked similar to my dad, just a few little differences. Dark blond hair, a bit longer. Their sizes were similar, but my dad was bigger. It was weird to think that my uncle was the one who activated the werewolf curse in a bar fight and not my dad.
If you kill someone, whether it was intentional or accidental, you can’t transform into neither your werewolf or full wolf forms without experiencing a lot of pain. Could be avoided by never turning into those forms but…
Transformation is mandatory during the full moon. This whole thing seemed really thought out to punish those who don’t follow the rules, right?
Brad grabbed my arm “Hey, since we’re staying behind apparently, wanna catch up?” He pointed back to the stairs, probably wanting to go to my room.
I nodded, nothing better to do. And it would give me some time to think about what excuse I could give Nate.
Again in my room, Brad closed the door behind me. “So… a friend? I mean, the locket already gave me an idea but I didn’t you were bringin’ her to your place already…”
“It’s nothing, really…” It was something, a lot. I loved wearing this locket, it reminded me of Nate. Thus meaning, it was pure bliss in a single necklace.
“So, what’s the locket for? Always thought you’d end up with that Leslie chick you talked so much about” Oh, I forgot. My cousins never met my ex.
I shook my head, but was kind of hesitant to talk about it. In the end, I eased myself to the idea as I thought more about Nate. “Got a soulmate now, cuz.” Was my answer. I was proud of myself! Not even a half of the average werewolf population gets to meet their soulmate once in their lives!
I was lucky, it was like, one in a whatever-number-of-people-there-are-in-Earth!
“Waitwaitwait, not gettin’ it. So, you and Leslie… or is it another girl?”
“It’s a guy, his name is Nate” I mumbled out quickly. I wasn’t embarrassed, but at the same time, I felt like a chunk of ice just fell through my stomach. 
“So… you’re gay now?” Brad said, giving me a thumbs up. “It’s alright, I don’t mind gay people”
I honestly couldn’t get how he got that assumption. “What? What makes you think that?”
“You’re with a guy, like dating and loving him and you even have a locket… I mean, that’s pretty gay. But it’s cool, it’s not that weird. Lots o’ people take some time to discover their sexuality and stuff— Uh… Cuz?”
I stared at him. Not staring, actually. I was glaring at him.
Brad gulped. “I fucked up, didn’t I?” While he did sound afraid, his face displayed a mix of nervousness and worry. I always laughed at him when he asked if he fucked up, like it was a regular thing for him to do but still needed other’s approval about it.
I just glared at him, making sure he knew I wasn’t happy. I walked forward and held my gaze into his, trying out my favorite part of being an alpha.
As I focused on him, his expression slowly started to relax, then vanish, as his pupils dilated.
“On your knees” I commanded, making sure he got it as an order, not a ‘humble request’.
His blank face didn’t move an inch, as he dropped to his knees and looked forward. His eyes, besides the pupils being dilated, looked glazed over as his irises changed from hazel to pure yellow. The beta color!
“Who’s your alpha?” I mocked him, as he blankly stared ahead.
“You are, sir. David Walker is my alpha” Brad droned. I ruffled his hair. He was a good beta. 
“And who do you have to be respectful towards?”
“My alpha, sir. Being respectful towards their alphas is the sign of a good beta, sir” Brad answered, in a matter of fact voice.
…I should probably explain what the heck is going on.
I’m an alpha. I’ve mentioned quite a few times already, but I never mentioned anything about other ranks.
You have omegas, who are wolves without a pack. They’re usually weaker than alphas and betas. Then there are the betas, werewolves already in a pack.
Omegas can survive quite well on their own, it’s not a requirement to have a pack. But if you want to get stronger… Getting an alpha is the best you can do.
That’s one of the reasons Pops is so proud of me. He and mom conceived an alpha in their first try! Nate usually nerds out about me sounding like a “Jerry Stud” whatever the fuck that is.
So, since I’m an alpha, both my older cousins are ‘my pack’ to call it some way. And you just got to see one of my favorite alpha skills.
Much like a soulmate bond, being a beta for an alpha makes them completely loyal to the alpha, which means… I have some degree of control over them. Not as much control as my love has over me, but still… It’s fun!
“So, won’t you apologize for calling me a fag— Uh… gay?” I’m still getting used to not using that word. Everything for my Nate. Can’t be a bully anymore, right?
I didn’t have to ask twice. Brad seemed to struggle a bit against it, but after a few seconds he said “I apologize, sir. I didn’t intend disrespecting you like that…” It was a cold, empty apology. But it did the trick. I’m not a picky guy, he’s my cuz after all.
But that did make me wary. Should I tell Nate to not come after all, at least until these guys leave? Fuck, they were going to ruin my evening with my soulmate.
“Uh… what do you think about my soulmate being a guy?” I walked in front of him, back and forth. I was trying to think what would be the wisest decision here. A second opinion would be useful.
“I personally don’t care, sir. You can love whoever you want, especially if you met your second half.” My cousin answered.
“I mean, yeah. But what would Uncle Thomas and Logan say if they found out about it?” I should uh… ‘wake him up’ or whatever already. But I liked him this way. You can say I’m a dominant guy. Not saying I lust over my cuz, that would be incest, but ordering him around is fun.
“I don’t really know. He’s your soulmate, they shouldn’t say anything. Logan is a fellow beta though, it wouldn’t be wise to fear anything from him. He’s as loyal to you as I am, my alpha.” Not going to lie, I loved hearing that.
Being in control of the situation, having everyone in my surroundings looking forward to being with me, or do as I say out of fear/respect/whatever… That’s why I loved the not-studying-part of school!
As a little reward for his opinion, I did what Nate would have done to me if I did particularly good: Scratch the back of his ear. Brad’s head got some emotion again, as he got closer to my hand and started panting with his tongue out.
“There, there. Good beta cuz” I mumbled, as I machinated a plan in my head. I had an idea, but it would be a bit… not ideal. I stopped scratching the good spot, and his expression blanked out again. I crouched in front of him, and looked straight into his eyes. “I want you to listen very clearly to me, understood? Listen and do as your alpha says…”
If Brad wasn’t in ‘beta mode’ before, then he definitely was now. His irises were still a bright yellow, but his pupils were even smaller now. “I’d do anything for my alpha, sir” placing a hand on his chest. I knew what that symbolized, I used that expression with Nate before. It freaked him out a little.
“Y’know, my soulmate is kinda a big deal for me so… I want you to treat him like a king, alright? No mean or cocky comments, just be nice to him and I’ll be nice to you, got it?” I had to search for the words to say this, it wasn’t really a piece of cake as I expected. “Think of him as an extension of your alpha. Make him feel good and do what he says, and you’ll be good to go.”
He frowned a bit, but his face quickly eased up. “As you command, my alpha. Your soulmate’s wellbeing will be my top priority, sir.”
Yeah, that’s more like it. “Get up now.” I said and just… walked away from him. I wasn’t interested in bossing him around anymore, not for now at least. But actually…
“Lift your shirt.” One last command wouldn’t hurt, and he obeyed without a question, like a good beta. I walked towards him and gave him a little punch on his abs. Didn’t even flinch, he was keeping up with me! Of course, I wanted the best for my pack! “And… Beta out.”
My cousin snapped out of whatever that was, his yellow irises returning to a nice hazel, as his pupils got back to normal. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and smiled. “Huh, 5 minutes. Wonder what you did there” The guy said, smiling at me.
He couldn’t get mad at me. I was his alpha! I mean, he could… but there wasn’t much he could do about it!
“Meh, you don’t really care, do you?” I said, trying to sound uninterested.
Brad shook his head. “Nah, I really don’t. I really trust ya, cuz. Best alpha around!” Couldn’t tell if he was following the ‘you don’t really care’ thing, or if he was being honest, but I didn’t really care.
“That’s a good beta” I mumbled, going closer to him again to scratch the back of his ear. God bless Nate and discovering that hidden pleasure for me. I loved when he did that to me, as I mentioned, and I loved doing it to other wolves, too!
“What are you two ladies doin’ up here- What the hell are you two doing?” Logan entered the room. My other older cousin, although younger than Brad. Rather than being as muscular as we were, he was more chilled. Yeah, he was in good shape, but he didn’t look like a big gym bro like us.
This was probably due to him preferring Soccer rather than football or rugby. Each to their own, but soccer isn’t that fun to begin with? I tried to not give it much thought and respect his hobbies.
“Brad, close the door and put on some music.” I ordered him, walking over to Logan and wrapping an arm around his small soccer player’s shoulders. “You just made my whole evening way easier, lil’ cuz”
I wondered if Nate would like this. I’d have to send him a message telling him that I wouldn’t be able to pick him up… That felt bad, but at least these guys wouldn’t bother him tonight!
Nate’s POV
Dave invited me to his house, but asked me to walk over. He told me we could have a family dinner, which was alright. I liked his family. Mr. Walker was funny and Ms. Walker was really nice to us. We just had one family dinner and Dave spent most of his time zoned out.
And also, there was a full moon, which I didn’t get to see.
Was I glad they considered me ‘family’? It pushed me out of my freaking mind when Dave sent me that text.
I was walking slowly. Not like a snail and doing baby steps, but I felt like I should slow down as much as I could and… be fashionably late? It was a good walk, from my house to his. But I didn’t mind.
The town was quiet, not much stuff happening as I walked out of my house, and on the way to Dave’s neighborhood.
I thought about buying some ice cream or some nice dessert to make a good impression this time, but hey, I don’t really think they’ll care about it that much. They highly prefer meat, as far as I know.
Stopping in the middle of the way, I grabbed my phone and checked my maps app. “Should have arrived 10 minutes ago… fuck, that shortcut would have been really useful…” I mumbled to myself, changing my route and getting back on the way.
I was nervous at fuck, that maybe explained my silliness. And I also never walked to this part of town. It wasn’t… bad, but it was a bit more private than the usual neighborhoods, which fits Dave’s family pretty well due to them being werewolves, and stuff like that.
I still had some time to cancel and be like “Oh, hey. My… hamster pet is sick and I want to look after him?” I kind of sucked at making up excuses, that's why I never wanted to be late on homework due to laziness.
It was late now, just another block and...
I reached Dave’s house. It was weird arriving here on my own. Guess I really got used to my soulmate acting as my personal driver.  
The rooms inside were on, Dave’s car and his dad’s were outside the garage. The closer I got to the front door, the louder I would hear laughter coming from inside. Were they having  visits? It didn’t sound like Dave’s laugh. His laugh was… deep and dumb-sounding.
I stopped now. What if they had visits? What if Dave didn’t tell them I was coming? I was shaking a bit, before taking a deep breath. 
Taking my final steps to be in front of the main door, I knocked and waited for someone. Loud footsteps later, Adam Walker (Dave’s dad) opened the door.
“Hey bud. Didn’t know you were coming, but uh…” He motioned inside with his head. “Come in, the big guy is in his room with his cousins. We’re having a family dinner”
“Thanks, mr. Walker-” But he stopped me as I set a foot on the door. The older man leaned in and started whispering.
“Don’t be afraid. If you don’t want to be picked on tonight, try your best to not sweat as you did the last time. Dave will probably have you covered, though.” He patted my back, and moved aside to let me in. After that, he closed the door behind me. “Dinner will be ready in a bit so… feel free to go mingle with the guys upstairs.”
Uh… that wouldn’t be needed, apparently. Dave and a pair of guys were coming downstairs, and as soon as my puppy boy saw me, he rushed towards me to give me a big tight hug. “Missed you a lot, bruh! Didn’t know there was going to be more family tonight so… I’m really sorry for that. But I’m sure we’ll have a good time!”
The other two guys just stared at me, arms folded. One of them was big, and buffed. He had an absent smile, a bit creepy but also inviting. The other was smaller than him (And Dave, for that matter).
“Uh… since your uncle is here, these are…”
“Cousins, yuh” Dave finished the sentence. I made the connection on my own, but it was good to get some confirmation. “Big one’s Brad, small one’s Logan.”
“Hey, I’m not small!” Logan complained, trying to punch Dave’s arm. He didn't seem to do much damage though.
“Yeah, and I’m a bottom, heh” My werewolf jock replied, obviously mocking his cousin. I noticed Brad chuckling, and I couldn’t help but find that funny though. I always wondered if Dave would like to bottom at least once. I feel like he’d be alright if I asked him for it, due to me having full control and all that...
After the introduction was over, and both guys shook my hand, my focus shifted again to who I wanted to be with: Puppy boy was looking at me too.
“I can’t find the words to tell you how glad I am to see you here, though” Dave said, before pulling me in for a good make out session. In the middle of the living room. He was feeling happy or romantic, I assumed? I was surprised his cousins didn’t react at all, and just looked like they were watching some kind of movie.
“Wait, what the heck?” Oh geez.
A man blasted in the living room, and tried to separate me from Dave. The puppy boy reacted quickly though, and pushed him away. “What the fuck, old man?! This is my soulmate!”
Before the guy could go back at us, Dave’s dad popped in to save the day! “You guys just had to hold on for a bit until dinner was ready!” I felt like the ‘complaint’ was more directed towards who-I-thought-was Dave’s uncle, and Dave himself.
The puppy boy seemed a bit angry, he got in front of me and made sure I was out of view. It was a cute touch. I noticed the other two guys taking a step towards us too, like siding with Dave in this.
“Just, calm down, all of you, and start setting the table. Try to not take your eyes out while you do, alright?!” Mr. Walker surely knew how to take care of these situations. Was this a normal thing?
After a long stare, both guys nodded, and we all scrambled.
I was sitting next to Dave and that other guy, Brad. Across me, Mr. Walker looked around with a calm expression, as he chewed on his meat piece. Thomas, Dave’s uncle, wasn’t exactly subtle when it came to me. His eyes were like daggers, fixated on me as I nervously stared at my plate.
It was amazing, and terrifying. The resemblance and also differences between both werewolves were quite noticeable. Mr. Walker was probably calm because he already knew about my thing with Dave. The cousins seemed to be quite attentive towards my every movement and sound. I felt like their eyes would automatically fixate on me at any little sound I would make, which was killing me inside. (Were they glowing yellow? Maybe it was my head playing tricks…)
Was I doing something wrong or offensive? I should excuse myself from the table.
“So…” Uncle Thomas started, before biting a big chunk of beef and gulping it down quickly. “Uh… soulmates, that’s neat. How did you two meet each other?”
‘First family dinner all over again…’ I thought to myself, as I tried to find the words for my answer.
“School, I was just walkin’ around and smelled him. Knew he was the one so… tried my best, huhuh.” Dave saved my ass, although his story was different this time. We lied during the first dinner. I couldn’t remember the excuse anymore, and that’s what bothers me about lies.
They’re usually hard to remember. That’s also the reason I’m a bad liar, my memory is awful.
“Yeah, that’s how it usually happens. You just walk around and get the smell, all the soulmate stories start exactly like that, ain’t that right?” Dave’s uncle looked at his brother next to him, who gave him a really angry looking frown.
“Go fuck yourself, got’cha?” I understood that reaction, The man lost his soulmate, I guess the memories were still painful? I’m no psychologist to tell.
“Yeah, sorry, shouldn’t have mentioned that… So uh… back to you, kiddo.” Oh, fuck. Dinner was nice, the meat was delicious! But Dave’s uncle didn’t seem to be… really fond of me. I was glad to see (Not really, now I sound like a dick) that he was bothering Mr. Walker too, so it’s nice to see that the consensus was… Dave’s uncle was a loud mouth ass. “You don't seem to have big muscles, but that's pretty much a given when you're a human."
“I’m sorry…” I mumbled, looking up at him. I tried to sound nice and not afraid, like Mr. Walker suggested before but… it was hard. “Not really good at sports and stuff like that, I guess-”
“Can see that. At least you’re a valedictorian, right?” I shook my head. High grades weren't my top priority. I did well at school, but didn’t focus enough for high grades to be a given. “No? That’s too bad.”
“Tom…” His brother tried to calm him. I noticed Dave needed some calm too. The big guy was clenching his fist with a lot of strength, as he held his knife with the other hand. He didn’t seem eager to cut the meat though, so I decided to step in for him.
I grabbed his fist beneath the table, feeling as it relaxed the longer I touched him. At the end, he grabbed my hand too, and I noticed his expression relaxed as well.
“Dad, don’t be such a dick. The guy’s fine, cut it out.” One of Dave’s cousins, big guy, uh… Brad! He seemed to be standing up for me, for some reason. He angrily stared at Dave’s uncle, without an apparent reason.
Uh… I felt like I was missing a big chunk of information here.
The uncle just stared back at his son, a bit surprised by his reaction. But before he could answer, or even react at all, Dave’s dad spoke up. “Well, it’s been fun, a neat reminder of why we never have family reunions, heh.”
“Ow, c’mon. It’s just a big friendly talk between men and…” He looked at me, seemingly ready to strike another insult. I grabbed Dave’s hand tighter.
But Dave’s dad didn’t give him the chance. “Dinner’s over. You guys will be going upstairs.”
“Roger that” I mumbled, leaving my plate with still a good chunk of meat. I didn’t let go of Dave’s hand, but he followed right after me.
“But I wanted a bit more beef...” The other cousin said. Logan, if I remember correctly. He was small, rather than muscled and big. I related to him because of that, glad to see not all male werewolves are big muscular people.
“Take the plate” Brad whispered to him, before following us upstairs.
“Okay, what’s going on-” I started to say, but my boyfriend shushed me.
“I’ll tell you all about it upstairs, just follow me and don’t make loud noises. Remember that they can hear everything in here” Dave interrupted me, as we went to his room. ‘Great, now my werewolf seems to be part of a mafia’.
Locking the door behind us and his cousins, Dave ordered his cousins to stand aside, and they obeyed right away. “I’ll put some music here and…” His phone started playing some loud rock, but not loud enough to make the place feel annoying. “There, we can talk now.”
“Whaaat’s going on? And just tell me already, it feels quite bad to be insulted for no reason.”
“You weren’t really being insulted, bruh. I was.” Dave explained, motioning for me to go closer before leading me to his bed. “Uncle has… a bit of a problem, like pops has. But while pops knows when to shut his mouth, my uncle doesn’t, huh.”
“I don’t really see the insulting part there but continue…” I pointed out, but Dave just chuckled. Which seemed to cause a chain reaction and the werewolves guarding the door in front of us chuckled too.
“Sorry, yeah. Uh, well… My uncle is just bitter because my dad got an alpha son on his first try, me of course” I could figure that out on my own. The ‘I’m an alpha’ part I mean, he says it all the time. “Brad and Logan here are my betas. They were born as omegas, yeah, but I got them in my pack by willing choice because betas are usually stronger than omegas.”
The cousins were on the other side of the room. The small one, Logan, was tasting his meal with delight, while Brad leaned in to… hear our chat? They looked directly at Dave as soon as he mentioned them, before each one of them saying a “Hey” “‘Sup?”
“Why are they so… attentive?” Nosy mode on. I wanted to get answers, mostly because my curiosity was triggered now. ‘Obedient’ would have fitted better than ‘attentive’ though.
“Asked them to take care of you for the night, because I wasn’t sure if It would look good for me to do it. Pops is usually really fond of my uncle, but I think he didn’t like seeing him insulting my soulmate to get to me, bruh” Dave then put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. “I can put them back to normal if you want me to, but… they don’t really mind, so why bother?”
Uhm… I risk myself sounding like a dick right now, but I found the idea of the two cousins under Dave’s control quite arousing… I’m not going to say it to him, of course! I didn’t want him to feel bad or anything if he saw his soulmate interested in other guys…
“Where are they going to sleep, by the way? Or are they leaving after a bit?” It was after dinner already so… it wasn’t a bad thing to ask. Like, we had school tomorrow...
“Living room, sofa. One of them, at least. I’ve got a sleeping bag, because they both can’t fit on the sofa, so while the guest room is occupied by my uncle and… yeah, I’ll go get that old thing. Gimme a sec.”
Dave got up from the bed and left the room, leaving me sitting there alone as the two cousins stared at me.
“Hope the meat is still good…” I told Logan, trying to sound nice. I felt a bit bad, Dave made them look after me, and that made them ‘defend’ me against their father. Yeah, I definitely feel bad now. “Sorry for crashing into the dinner.”
“You kiddin’? You seem like a cool guy, dad was just being an ass. It’s okay though, I think he likes you” Brad answered, and I feel like he’s the one “kiddin’” here. “He’s just… We don’t like family dinners, we do them out of courtesy. Nothing personal, dad can be naturally obnoxious sometimes”
I wanted to say sorry again or something like that, but that’s when Dave bursted in with the sleeping bag. “Y’guys play rock paper scissors to decide who’ll sleep with the alpha… Like, beside me, don’t get weird ideas.”
I chuckled, as Dave threw the sleeping bag next to the cousins, and started taking off his shirt as he walked towards me. “You’re sleeping over, right? It’s still early, but I can make up for the bad time by cuddling, if you’d like.”
To be honest, it felt like a good idea to distract me from that… failed family dinner night. Never again I’ll ‘crash’ into a Walker dinner (Even though Dave knew I was coming over). Too many surprises for a lifetime, thank you.
I laid down, rolled over to leave him room. We wouldn’t be sleeping yet, I hoped. The big guy laid down beside me and quickly pulled me in.
“Yeah!” We turned towards the other guys and noticed Brad had won the rock paper scissors game. Logan just seemed defeated, he grabbed his empty plate and looked over at us.
“Well, g’night bros. Gonna be in the living room, I guess.”
“Buh-bye” Dave said, before turning around again and holding me in his arms. “Sorry again for all that before, bruh. Let's get some sleep, a’ight?”
Honestly, I think I didn't feel as offended as I should have. Best to just let things slide off, I guess. I decided to just nod, and doze off while hearing Brad setting up his sleeping bag. 
I didn’t pay him much mind, though. My puppy boy's hug felt nice enough to help me relax quite quickly...
Author’s note:
Took me long enough. But chapter 16 went up already, so gotta keep up with the content.
Chapter 16 is available in my Patreon, but it will go up as soon as I publish Chapter 17 there. Shouldn’t be long, I feel very inspired lately! (Hopefully it won’t take as long as this one did 😅).
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it <3.
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jagged1 · 2 years
At Your Feet (Is Where I Want To Be) 1/2
Fandom: Outlast Rating: Explicit Contains: D/S, boot blacking, boot worship, service submission, trampling, oral sex, masturbation, verbal humiliation, Risk Aware Consensual Kink, hints of breathplay Word Count: ~1200 for chapter 1 AO3 Link
Eddie looks good like this. Well, Eddie always looks good, but Waylon really loves seeing him like this. He loves the way his bowtie hangs loose around his thick neck, top button undone, and throat exposed. He loves the way his pants hitch up slightly, showing off more of his heavy black boots. He loves the calm, steady air of power he exudes leaning back expectantly in his seat. It sends a slow, syrupy heat through Waylon that has him sinking easily to his knees at Eddie's feet. He wants to touch, but he knows better. "May I take care of your boots, Sir?"
Eddie tips his head to the side, his gaze contemplative and piercing Waylon's soul. The silence stretches and Waylon struggles to remain relaxed, awaiting his answer. Finally, finally- "You may."
He can feel his shoulders drop in relief and bows his head. "Thank you, Sir." He takes a long look at Eddie's boots. He's always so fastidious that Waylon rarely needs to clean them, but it's procedure to check. As expected, they only need a good polish. He reaches for his kit and removes his tin of polish, a dauber, and a soft cloth, setting them within easy reach. He carefully rolls up Eddie’s pant legs, unwilling to chance getting polish on his clothes. It’d be the height of carelessness and disrespect to his Sir.
Waylon takes his time unlacing the boots, letting the laces slide through his fingers gently. He gathers them up and sets them aside for later. Next is the polish. A quick twist opens the tin and he takes his dauber, applying the first bit of polish to the brush. He settles himself even lower, spreading his knees for some additional stability, as he leans forward, gently lifting Eddie’s right foot and begins carefully pushing the polish into the boot.
He takes his time, pouring all of his focus onto Eddie’s boots. When he needs to work around the sides and back, Waylon doesn’t ever think to move his Sir. He’s the one who bends and serves. The contortions he puts his body through would be uncomfortable if he thinks about it, but he’s so far into his headspace, it doesn’t register. All he wants is to be good for his Sir. He wants to know he’s done well, that he can show and see it in his quality of work, and prove he deserves this.
He’s vaguely aware of Eddie murmuring softly above him, but the words escape him. Sir will reward or punish him later as he deserves. It’s good to know he has Sir’s attention. The rest can wait. He’s nowhere near finished and he won’t leave a job half done.
When he’s finally satisfied with the dull shine of the first boot, he switches to the next and starts the process anew. Polish, daub, brush. Repeat as needed. Not too much so that it will cake and crack. Not too little that the shoes end up uneven and of spotty quality. Just enough to give the perfect amount of shine, to add to Sir’s imposing brilliance.
Eventually, he’s happy with the polish on both boots. He closes the tin, sets the dauber aside, and picks up the cloth. He reaches for the first boot again, dropping his head low and lets loose a soft sigh of contentment, breathing on it. He draws back slowly and begins the buffing process, rubbing the cloth in small circles, removing excess polish and steadily bringing out the true shine of the boots. Slowly, that dull unfinished polish is transformed into a high gloss he can literally see himself in. It’s beautiful.
He could spend hours buffing these boots, but he’s not so lost in the process he can’t hear Eddie coaxing him back. He won’t rush his work, but he stops lingering. He sets the cloth aside and carefully packs his kit before reaching for the laces and re-doing his Sir’s boots. Once he’s finished, he rolls down the pant legs and tugs them back into place. He sits back on his heels, hands in lap, feeling the stiffness in his back, the ache in his knees and thighs, but it hardly touches him compared to the satisfaction he feels in his work.
Then Eddie’s low, but unmistakable strong command comes. “Waylon, darling, eyes up. Look at me.” He can’t disobey. He drags his gaze from the boots, tilting his neck up in supplication, and lowering his eyelashes, the need to submit at odds with his Sir’s command. He hasn’t been given permission to speak and can’t bring himself to break the silence, so he waits.
Eddie leans forward and runs a large, warm hand through Waylon’s hair, trailing his knuckles down the side of his face, and down along his neck before coming back to rest against his chin. He taps it lightly, nudging his head up even further. “Open your eyes, darling. I want to see you looking at me.”
He obeys. He can feel his pupils blow wider at the intense stare Eddie is leveling on him, all pride, lust, and power. He suddenly feels like he’s choking against the swell of his own pride, satisfaction, and rising lust. It wasn’t about getting off earlier, but now, he can’t help but respond to Eddie’s arousal. He swallows and lets his mouth open softly on a sigh.
Eddie smiles, shifting his hand to cradle Waylon’s face, running a thumb across his lower lip. “Lovely, darling. You’re always so good for me. I can see how much it means to you and the work you put in is always wonderful.” He pulls back, another smile on his lips as he hears Waylon’s soft, unconscious whimper at their separation. He’ll take care of him soon. But first, his love deserves a reward.
He leans back, propping his head up in one of his hands before crossing his legs as well and gesturing at Waylon with one of his feet. “Show me how much you love me. Show me how much this means to you.”
Waylon thinks he whines, but he can’t be sure. As much as he’s held himself back waiting for Eddie’s command, this is like feeling a leash snap. He surges forward, resting his forehead on the tip of the boot for a moment, reveling in being allowed this. He moves slowly, pressing reverent kisses along the boot, rubbing his face against the soft, shiny leather. His fingers run along the treads underneath, feeling each crevice as he hunches over Eddie’s foot, practically curled around it.
He has no sense of how long he’s allowed to worship Eddie’s boot, but he’s suddenly pulled back into awareness at the feeling of Eddie’s other foot lightly nudging against his cock and balls. He freezes, cheek resting against the top of the boot and cautiously meets Eddie’s gaze. The amused smirk on his face sends a rush of blood to his face. He can see Eddie drink it in before a deep chuckle rumbles from him. It sends a thrill of anticipation through Waylon.
“I didn’t tell you to stop, darling.” He continues before Waylon can feel like he’s disappointed him. “But I suppose I can allow it. You have been so very good.” Waylon feels his head move slightly as Eddie gestures with his foot again. “Let go and lay back, dear. All you have to do is lay there. I’ll take care of you.”
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dumb-but-also-red · 4 years
Headcanon time baby: The first time Optimus hugs the team Prime members because in my opinion he's a cuddlebug and loves physical affection.
Ratchet: he was startled for sure, but there is only one thing that annoys him about Optimus' hugs, and that is their height difference. Optimus can easily bend down a bit to hug him, but Ratchet has to reach up and stand on the tips of his pedes to hug Optimus properly. So usually he just kinda holds Optimus' waist.
Arcee: her small size made her an easy target for hugs, but she wasn't exactly complaining. She did enjoy the feeling of being held so gently, and awkwardly returned the gesture. Optimus happily lets her relax against his much larger frame every now and then.
Bulkhead: it happened so quickly, the wrecker didn't have enough time to process what was going on. They were just standing by the ground bridge, waiting for the others to return from a mission, and Optimus just touched his shoulder. Very gently. Bulkhead could see how stressed Optimus was, and he kinda understood the anxious feeling, wrapped his arms around Optimus, letting his positive emotions into his EM field. Optimus instantly melted and hugged the wrecker.
Bumblebee: the scout was surprised, and panicked a little because he thought Optimus had collapsed against him, he told Optimus to rest when he felt tired countless times, but relaxed once he realized what the Prime was doing he buzzed and beeped while fitting his frame into Optimus' arms. Bumblebee enjoys physical affection as much as Optimus if not more.
Wheeljack: he thought Optimus was trying to shield him from something, and was surprised. He asked what the Prime was doing since he wasn't so used to this kind of affection, and decided he liked it after he got an answer.
Ultra Magnus: this man was shook to the point his processor rebooted twice. He wasn't expecting his leader to have such weird habits. Maybe staying on earth with humans made him like this? He didn't know, but the way Optimus held him felt quite comfortable. He isn't sure what to think of it.
Smokescreen: babyboy had an instant response. He wrapped his entire frame around Optimus and giggled like a sparkling. Unlike the others, Smokescreen is very easygoing and experimental when it comes to trying new things, especially if the humans are doing it. Even though he wasn't sure if he should do that with a superior officer, he pushed those thoughts away quickly. Optimus was startled when Smokescreen almost climbed on him, and having the weight of another frame made the larger mech stumble a bit, but he loved how the kid was so excited for just a hug.
(Before you say this is too ooc, I know, and I honestly don't care. This kid needs more love. And I love him so much to the point I'm willing to make an interdimensional portal to go to the TFP universe.)
Megatron: it happened back on Cybertron, before the war, and Optimus Prime was still Orion Pax at that time. The gladiator was waiting for the librarian near the arena, and was surprised when a pair of red arms appeared on his waist, holding him. When he looked back, a pair of bright blue optics looked up to him innocently. He still remembers that day and thinks about how cute the Prime is when he isnt threatening Megatron's life.
Starscream: He was truly afraid for his life when Optimus walked up to him with a straight face and casually wrapped his large arms around Starscream's much thinner frame, the only person who ever touched him so easily like this was Megatron, and every time the warlord laid his claws on the seeker, he ended up on the medical berth. The seeker knew the autobots were weird, but after defecting from decepticons, he kind of liked how touchy-feely they were with each other. But he especially liked Optimus' cuddles. He loved the way the Prime caressed his wings as if they were made of glass.
Knockout: the medic was busy buffing his armor, so he didn't really pay attention to his surroundings. When he felt someone creeping up to him he only saw red before his face got pressed against a very sad looking Optimus' chassis. He asked if the larger mech wanted to talk, and they chatted for hours while painting and buffing each other's scarred and scratched armor. (I'm like 200% sure Optimus has the juiciest gossip material that he doesn't share. Knockout has his ways to get the word out of him.)
Breakdown: he walked in on Knockout and Optimus casually cuddling after a battle. Being the soft idiot he is, he just joined in. Optimus accepted the mech's invitation for a hug very happily. Breakdown is a very physical bot in general, so cuddles are definitely a great way to cheer him up.
Yes, Breakdown lives. Yes, him, Knockout, and Starscream are autobots in my AU. Also Magnus is confused because he isn't used to physical affection since almost all he's known is war. Or maybe he just doesn't understand the concept.
I just want Smokescreen to have a good life okay don't yell at me. He's baby.
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the bay chapter 8: Home not-quite home
Tags: @brightlotusmoon @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz @digitl-art-monstr @ilo-artistry
“You’re welcome in our home as long as you need.” 
The lair the Splintersons entered in many ways resembled the one they knew. It was big and open, and as clean as one could possibly hope a sewer to be. It wasn’t as cluttered as the lair Leo knew best, and there certainly seemed to be a lot more room and space to stretch out. Graffiti was plentiful, Michelangelo’s style just as abstract and bold as Mikey’s contributions were on the walls back home. Candles were lit on raised shelves to provide a pleasant scent of lavender and spring into the air. 
“It’s lovely.” Splinter beamed ear-to-ear as he reached out with his senses to take in everything the living space had to offer. “However did you get it so neat?”
“Donnie thinks it used to be an old survival bunker back before dad found it.” Raphael commented.
“Speaking of which, where is your father?” Splinter asked, “I haven’t seen him in ages and I should like to catch up.”
It was like the very air in the room dropped several degrees, all four Hamato’s stiffening. Raphael clenched his jaw and his fists, while Leonardo and Donatello bunched their shoulders in a similarly tense motion. Splinter frowned and looked to the youngest; Michelangelo’s head ducked so low that only his eyes were peeking over the edge of his plastron. 
“He uh…” Raphael started, then immediately stopped when no words that came to mind sounded right.
“He’s taking a nap.” Leonardo assisted, a hand going out to grip Raphael’s; Raphael returned the pressure as he let himself breathe. “He doesn’t like to be disturbed.”
“Of course.” Splinter nodded slowly, tail twitching a sign to his confused sons to not question the situation further. “Us old rats certainly need our rest.”
Splinter laughed. Encouraged by the rats happy noise, Michelangelo slowly peeked his head back out of his shell with a slight giggle and smile. No one seemed to know what to say. The box turtle brothers shouldered their way deeper into the lair to start exploration of the place that would shelter them. Mikey, with Klunk in one arm, went to pluck a lit candle off of a shelf to smell; a sharp rebuttal from Splinter’s tail was all it took to correct and remind him not to touch. He still wanted to stay there to admire the plumes of smoke, but his entourage of older brothers forced him to keep going; not one of them had any plans of leaving their brother to his own devices. Not when his right side was so tight he could hardly move it. That, plus this strange new environment, made the instinct to protect the smallest brother grew to new heights. Slowly, like a herd of lumbering cattle, they made their way deeper into the living room area. Raph couldn’t help but whistle at the sight of the beautiful decor, admiring the fancy couch and neat stitch-work on the hand-made cushions. Donnie was more enraptured by the projection screen than anything else, his eyes like specks of gold in the earth as he approached the machine with eager chirps, only to be met with the same painful reminder from Splinter to not touch.
Raph gave a snort and shook his head before turning his full attention back to his friends, shifting his toothpick to the opposite side of his mouth. Michelangelo remained focused on the small piece of wood, his eyes like pin pricks at the nasty habit. He had figured Raph would eventually grow out of it! Alas, it was not to be, and here Raph was, still chewing on that nasty stick of wood.
“You all really seemed to have eh… buffed up since last we met.” Raph commented, crossing his arms.
“And you got uglier, if that’s possible.” Leonardo snapped back, lips pulling into a devilish grin.
“Leo—” Raphael started to correct, but Raph only laughed a deep, belly laugh.
“You’re just as snappy as ever, I see.” Raph gave Leonardo a smack on the back, which sent the turtle stumbling. Raph winced at his mistake and drew slightly into himself. “Oof. Sorry!”
Leonardo caught himself and laughed it off. Leo shot a glare over to Raph, who only shrugged in a ‘what are you gonna do?’ motion. Leo decided it best not to cause unnecessary conflict, so he shook his head and tried to push the altercation to the back of his mind.
“Come here, little man!” Raph opened an arm and pulled Michelangelo closer, giving him a tight squeeze. He rubbed Michelangelo’s head with his knuckles, almost choking the younger boy as Michelangelo tried to pull himself free of the bicep’s tight grip. Once he had successfully freed himself, Raph crouched down to Michelangelo’s level. “Lemme see ya! You gotten big, kid!”
Michelangelo puffed out his chest and cheeks proudly, putting hands on his hips and glowing under the praise.
“Oh, so he gets to call you little man?” Raphael asked, his voice almost hurt.
“Don’t start a fight, Raphie!” Michelangelo huffed, pointing at Raphael.
“I certainly wouldn’t want to get in a scuff wit’ ya.” Raph commented, and Raphael seemed just as proud of the compliment as Michelangelo had been. “You're as big as my Don now!”
Donnie and Raphael fell back to back with each other, Leonardo and Michelangelo both jumping on the opportunity to judge the height differences. Michelangelo scrambled up Donnie like a jungle gym to get better leverage and a more level view.
“Actually, I think Raph is a little bigger.” Leonardo said, then gave a side glance to Mikey. “What says the jury?”
“I say that’s a very big boi.” Michelangelo nodded and stated matter-a-factly.
“Heh, how’s it feel to be the second tallest, Ding-Don?” Raph smirked, nudging Donnie with his elbow.
Donnie tensed at the elbow to his side, readjusted his glasses, and said, “I don’t know Raph; how’s it feel to be the third tallest?”
Raph blinked. “Shit.”
“Language!” Splinter corrected Raph with a whip of his tail.
“Gee, he really likes doing that.” Leonardo commented, leaning over to whisper to his counterpart.
“You have no idea.” Leo laughed breathlessly, shaking his head.
Michelangelo, meanwhile, had found a new favorite game; Donnie, resigned to being Michelangelo’s plaything, held out his arm so the younger box turtle could swing on it like it was a monkey bar. It didn't cost the tech genius anything more than time, and seeing the little box turtle so happy and laughing made his heart flood with just as much joy. He remembered when Mikey had been like that, so happy to hang on his brothers like they were the most fun game in the lair. Mikey still did it from time to time, but it was different coming from another young box turtle.
Michelangelo swung several more times before he launched himself off of Donnie’s arm, flying through the air and landing perfectly on Leo’s shoulders. Leo flinched at the sudden weight on his shoulders but, when he recognized Michelangelo, he gave a smile and left the turtle to his devices. From there, Michelangelo jumped to Raph, who had been expecting the change and caught the little turtle in one arm. Michelangelo started to climb over Raph like a spidermonkey, giggling the whole time, before he got to Raph’s shoulders and launched himself at Mikey.
Mikey’s immediate instinct was to reach out with his Right arm.
“Mikey, wait—“ Donnie tried to warn.
Mikey caught Michelangelo—and immediately cried out. His arm bulged, veins looking ready to burst at the strain. It took all the focus of his training to not drop Michelangelo outright, instead carefully lowering the younger turtle to the ground before falling against the wall clutching his arm. Klunk scrambled from Mikey’s grip, terrified of the sudden commotion.
“Nnngnnoo, Klunky…”
Donnie was with his brother in seconds, supporting Mikey’s weight while whispering low and urgent to the mutant. Before he realized his feet were moving, Leonardo was there too, helping to calm and stabilize Mikey as the box turtle writhed and cried. He immediately started to guide Mikey and Donnie toward the medbay, and the rest of the mutants followed like lost puppies. They stopped at the threshold of the sterile environment, staring helplessly inside as Leonardo and Donnie guided Mikey to a bed do he could rest.
“Something happened, didn't it?” Leonardo whispered to Donnie, hopefully low enough where Mikey couldn’t hear them.
Donnie gave a weak nod, keeping his voice just as low. “Partial seizure with overall shaking and hypertonic after-effects on his right side.”
“Does your family know?”
Donnie shook his head. “I haven’t told them yet. They know something happened, just not what.”
“Alright.” Leonardo nodded, “What triggered it?”
“I… I don’t know. We've been having a lot more bumps and falls lately. And there was this light…”
“Dudes.” Mikey said finally, his voice weak. “I’m fine. Seriously!”
Leonardo and Donnie exchanged unsure looks before Leonardo turned his attention back to the patient.
“I know you are.” Leonardo said with a bright smile, “But it might help the big softies back there if you let us give you a quick workup.”
Leonardo nodded to the crowd at the doorway, who were all finding their own space to peek in and watch with eyeridges creased in concern. Mikey leaned to get a better view of them, and then fell back into place.
“Okay.” Mikey relented. 
“That’s the spirit.” Leonardo nodded, and then stood up so he could better address his eldest brother. “Raph, maybe you should get everyone situated?”
Raphael took the hint with a gruff growl and started to usher everyone away from the doorway to leave the medics and their patient in peace. 
“Well eh…” It took Raphael a second to think of a new subject, “Sleeping arrangements! I was thinking your Raph and Mikey could take over my room, Leo and Donnie can share Donatello’s room, and you, sensei, can take Leonardo’s room.”
“Oh, we couldn’t!” Splinter tried to dismiss, “Just a couple blankets and pillows should suffice!”
“Nonsense!” Raphael bellowed, “It’s my house, and I’m gonna treat my guests however I want, and I want you all to be comfortable while you’re staying here! Besides, I can’t let an old man sleep on the floor! Leonardo’s bed’s the most comfortable for… your eh… for your back…”
Raphael trailed off, off-put by the sharp, dark eyes of Splinter. Raph and Leo both covered their mouths with a sharp intake of breath, eyes bulging as they quickly divulged away from Splinter.
“I’m not old.” Splinter said in a tone as if he was daring Raphael to contradict. “I’m fifty-seven. Fifty-seven is not old.”
Raphael’s head started to shrink into his shell and his lips pursed in a pouty face. “Am I in trouble…?”
With a kick of his foot, Splinter caught his sandal in a hand and held it out to Raphael with a knowing look. No more words had to be exchanged for the meaning to get across. Splinter replaced his sandal.
“Well… you should still take the bedrooms!” Michelangelo insisted, “That’a way me and my brothers can have a big ol’ sleepover in my room!”
The box turtle struck a happy pose, one leg in the air and his hands clasped together as he beamed. Splinter took one look at him and sighed; he couldn’t say no to that face.
“Thank you for your generosity.” Splinter gave a bow of his head to Raphael, “I promise you we will leave your home in as well of a shape as we found it.”
“Yeah, it’s no sweat.” Raphael said.
“I’ll have Shelldon sanitize and prepare the rooms.” Donatello declared as he typed a message onto his wristband.
“Who?” Raph asked.
As an answer, a force whizzed by his head, with a voice to match. “BOOYAKASHA!”
“What was that?!” Leo gawked, not sure whether or not it was appropriate to grab his swords.
“That was Shelldon.” Donatello said simply, reaching over to close Leo’s mouth for him.
Raph stared after the drone, shaking his head. “Don’s gonna have a geek-gasm…”
Donnie’s immediate reaction upon seeing the drone was to geek out, and to then try to contain the excitement when he remembered how easy it would be to harm the drone if he wasn’t careful. Instead of actually touching Shelldon, he found his hands hovering over the drone and his breath hard to catch.
“Say hi, Shelldon.” Donatello urged.
“Heyyy!” Shelldon’s voice carried a familiar, robotic tone that one would expect for artificial life, but it also held a sort of ‘surfer-bro’ charm to it. Donnie certainly melted over it.
“Heh. He’s kinda like your drone, but interactive.” Raph pointed out.
“Yeah…” Donnie breathed, and only once he was able to break from the paralyzed state of his body did he flip his goggles down over his eyes. “Hi… I’m Donnie. Oh gods you’re beautiful…”
“He enjoys scritches behind all nine of his ears, located here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here!” Donatello pointed out all of the audio sensors on Shelldon’s body.
“Ohhh…” Donnie finally brought his hands to two of the pointed-out hot spots, carefully massaging along the sensitive sensors. When Shelldon began to purr, Donnie automatically returned the noise. “This is the greatest day of my life…”
Raph crossed his arms. “Aaaaaaand he’s gone”
Everything was wrong. Everything was dark and wet and it was hard to breathe, the smallest drip quaking him to his core. All he could smell was putrid filth, and all he could see was black, and all he could hear was the water around him. He was up to his waist in water, thick with grime and waste, and the fumes wafted up to suffocate his nose. The air burned his lungs in the worst possible way, but he had to keep going. He had to find his troop and harvest the mutagen. He had to find his commander and he couldn’t stop until he had new orders to follow. For the republic!
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charlieiscoping · 4 years
tendou x reader // getting out of bed
your depression is hitting you a little harder than normal. simple things like getting out of bed is starting to get harder and harder. luckily your best friend (and crush) tendou starts to notice.
tendou comfort post <3 
TW: depression
your alarm starts to go off, and pealing your eyes open, you turn it off. it’s been getting harder and harder for you to get out of bed and this morning is no exception. you either turn and dose back to sleep, or you lay on your back and stare at the ceiling. today, you do the latter.
about an hour goes by. it amazes you that time goes by so fast when your head is filled with no thoughts. you can’t bring yourself to think. you sigh as you hear knocking on your door. your first thought is that your mom is coming in to check on you.
“come in” you let out. the door opens and a far too familiar voice starts speaking.
“[Y/N]? are you still in bed?” 
“tendou? what are you doing here?” you sit up instantly realizing how bad this looks because you only have-
“30 minutes. we are supposed to leave in 30 minutes and you’re still in bed?” he enters and sets his backpack on the floor. you and him have lived in the same apartment building all your lives. that’s how you two became friends. he feels so... natural to you. you have never once felt uncomfortable with him. it sometimes makes you question yourself because tendou is not the most normal dude with his almost creepy mannerism. you know that’s mostly a show, however, because when it is just you two, he is the most gentle and caring person you know.
“well- i- i don’t know. i just can’t get up” you admit. he sighs and walks over to your bed. you instinctively move over so he can sit on the edge. his red hair is messier and spikier than ever. you giggle to yourself before you extend your arm out and run your fingers through his mane in order to calm it some. he accepts your gesture but looks down at his lap.
“i’ve noticed that you’ve been a little distant recently. you only seem to smile for ushy gushy” that wide smile spreads across his face. you giggle and push his shoulder. ushijima, tendou, and you complete the ultimate trio of shiratorizawa. “ushy gushy” became ushijima’s nickname in the school after he buffed up this past summer. you used to have a massive crush on ushijima but that has sense shifted to the boy sitting on your bed right now.
“you know he’ll hate you if he learns that you call him that. he hates that nickname” you laugh, scooting closer to tendou, you lay your head on his shoulder. tendou may come off as a slender man type, but he is actually a very warm and soft person. you appreciate it on days when the only thing you can seem to do is rest against him.
“yeah well that’s his problem” he rests his head on yours and two just sit for a couple of seconds before he says “come on, you need to get up.”
you feel the warmth leave you as he stands up and reaches his hand out for you to grab, which you accept gladly. once you’re on your feet, he puts an arm around you and leads you to your closet. you reach his mid chest in height so he has to lean down to reach your eye line as you guys stare into the mass of clothes hanging in no particular order. 
“now let’s see here...” he says as you soak up his smell, “what to wear.. what to wear..” you give an exaggerated sigh as you reach for your school uniform. 
“you think you’re so funny don’t you” you smirk at him. he gives his villain laugh and nods his head at you.
“now while you get dressed, i’ll go make you some food quick before we leave” he reaches down and tosses his backpack over his shoulder and heads towards your bedroom door. 
before he reaches it, you say “wait- why did you come to my apartment early?”
he turns and looks at you, those menacing eyes shift to a look of concern. he meets your eyes before replying with “well i called your mom to yknow.. see if you were awake. when she said no, i came over.” your heart sinks. he truly is worried about you. 
you can feel your eyes star to water, “i’m sorry”, you manage to get out. he instantly drops his bag back on the ground and makes his way over to you. you feel his arms meet the small of your back before snaking their way around your body. you are now engulfed in the smell of your childhood best friend and now current crush. you let the tears start fall and wrap yourself around him.
“oh [Y/N] you don’t need to apologize. it’s that head of yours causing all of this. you know i understand how it feels” and he’s right. you know his past, his struggles, and why he acts the way he does.
you squeeze him once before you pull away to meet his eyes. when he looks at you, you have the strongest urge to kiss him. you two stand there, arms wrapped around each other, your head at his chest, his head bent down to face yours, something rises within you.
without second thought, you go on your tiptoes to let your mouths meet. you feel a slight hesitation before he gives as much you are. you feel his hand move up to your cheek and hold your face to his. 
when you two pull apart, the famous smirk spreads across his face, “now what kind of way is that to treat your childhood best friend?” that cynical bastard.
you pull away and scoff but before your hands leave his side, he’s pulling you back in for another kiss. as soon as he is on you, he is off you. bag on shoulder, he heads towards the door smirking.
“i’ll go make you food” and then he’s gone. that cynical bastard.
you smile to yourself. perhaps you now have a reason to get out of bed in the morning now. 
this is my first post :o
so hello! my name is charlie and i am gonna use this account to write little shorts like this with my fav anime characters to help cope with my mental illness. something you just need a good 2d man to give you a hug yknow??
lmao anyways.. thanks for reading i guess :)
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rabbitpi · 3 years
@viopolis​ said: ☭ + Cammy, and/or a bad guy of your choosing ;)
Ready? fight! || accepting
Battle Theme: Bambous - Caravan Palace ((sometimes Pi’s movements will sync w the music, especially when idle, a lil’ bnuuy dance :)))
Battle intro: “You’ve been so nice to me. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Victory: “I did it? I did it!”
Defeat: “Okay, okay, okay! I give up!”
Taunt: “Are you really gonna go out of your way to hit lil ol’ me???”
Reacting to Taunt: “don’t be an ass!”
Tie: “I said I didn’t want to hurt you”
Perfect Victory: “Oh my god, Are you okay?”
Final Finisher: though he hesitates, pi just sprouts a big ol’ flower under Cammy to raise her in the air, tossing her around as it does
- - TAG QUOTES - -
Assist: “A Rabbit and A Girl walk into trouble... that sounds familiar.”
Your muse down during Assist: “Ohgodohgodohgod”
Using item on your muse: “here, take this”
Healing/Buffing your muse: “you’re okay, I’m here.”
Tag Team Special: while hiding behind her, pi will fling the enemy around w a well timed plant after Cammy knocks them back a bit
Bonus: Urien ((bc hes one of only baddies i’m fully familar w on ur roster...))
Battle Theme: Enemy Like Me - Peggy Suave
Battle intro: “I’m just a fucked up lil rabbit, there’s nothing special about me! these stitches? just a bunch of accidents!!”
Victory: “Please stay down.”
Defeat: “I’m so dead”
Taunt: “C’mooon! I’m just a little guy!! you wouldn’t a hit a little guy would you?? And on his birthday too! C’mooon!!”
Reacting to Taunt: “You’re too smart for me.”
Tie: “I’m not dead? hahahaHA!! I’m Not Dead!!”
Perfect Victory: “I’m gonna. Go now...”
Final Finisher: Pi literally sacrifices his own safety to grow a bunch of ungodly big thorns outta himself and uses them to hack and slash, along with biting at Urien, think frightened, cornered animal but so, so much worse
- - TAG QUOTES - -
Assist: “He’s been following me all day”
Your muse down during Assist: “The bigger they are- I guess.”
Using item on your muse: “You can have this.”
Healing/Buffing your muse: “I’m gonna die without your help”
Tag Team Special: Pi climbs up Urien like a literal tree and uses the height advantage to lob bundles of rose thorns at the enemy while Urien keeps on fighting
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softbaby-tom · 5 years
needy - t.h. x reader
Tumblr media
summary: “Oh fuck, hold on, were you listening to me singing in the shower?” warnings: tooth-rottingly sweet and sticky fluff word count: +2.5 k
A/N: so this is my first ever one shot / fic in general, so please bear with me. Very special thanks to @worldoftom for being an amazing friend and editor for me. I love you to pieces! —————————————–
It’s half six and you’re impatiently pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom door, because you have to get ready for the dinner date with Tom’s family in two hours. Tom’s been hogging the bathroom for so long that it’s pretty much a case of “start now or you’ll be late” at this point - you just can’t wait any longer. 
So, you mutter to yourself “fuck it, I’m going in,” and sneak inside the bathroom while he’s still in the shower. The second you stick your head through the door, you’re instantly greeted with the smell of his shower gel and a wave of hot steam coming from the shower. After a few seconds of adjusting to the new environment, you make your way over to the sink-area to collect your makeup bag, along with all the loose items scattered across the counters next to the sink, where you usually do your makeup. Most of the time you’re in either too much of a hurry or simply too lazy to put all the products back into the bag, where they belong. So, you just leave them out to easily use them again the next morning without having the trouble of rummaging around to find them.
It’s safe to say that Tom is often annoyed with the situation of all those items flying around the bathroom counters, but he never really gives you shit about it, either. He just shoves them all to the side, whenever he needs the space or is looking for something in particular. Over the past few years, you’ve come to know he’s a slightly more organized person than you are and that he likes everything to be neat and in its right place. You, however, find it more practical to have them at arm’s length whenever you need them. 
In that moment, you realize that Tom didn’t notice you coming in, as you can hear him starting to sing. His sweet, velvet-like voice fills the hot, steamy air like a soft breeze at the beach on a hot summer day. You stand there in awe of his beautiful voice and close your eyes to drown out everything that could be distracting your senses and just enjoy the rare occasion of hearing him sing. He’s usually very self-conscious about his singing - even though you’ve told him multiple times that there really is not a single reason to be - so, with that in mind, you just know he’s completely unaware of your presence right now. You listen closer and start to recognize the song he’s singing. 
… And I can be needy
Way too damn needy
I can be needy
Tell me how good it feels to be needed … 
For a second there, you contemplate whether or not doing your makeup in the bathroom while Tom is showering is a good idea, but looking at the bathroom mirror completely fogged up, you soon decide to move the whole procedure to the living room. You look over your shoulder one last time to maybe catch a glimpse of his cute butt, but even the shower screens are fogged up to the point that it looks like they’re actually made of frosted glass. With a pout on your face and a chuckle under your breath, you turn on your heel and strut to the living room, your collected items shoved under your arms. 
That’s pretty much the best place to work on your makeup, mainly because it has the best light, due to the massive window front. Sitting down on the floor with your legs crossed, you set the small stand-up mirror that you carried from the bathroom along with everything else on the coffee table, then twist your hair into a messy bun on the top of your head to get it out of the way. You study your reflection to look for any particular unwanted spots you may need to cover up. The silence seems unbearable as you work, so you pull your phone out of the right pocket of your joggers and open your favorite playlist to keep it playing in the background.
To start off your daily makeup routine, you cleanse your face with a cotton pad and some toner, rubbing it across your face to get rid of anything that might have accumulated over night. Afterwards, you take out your eye cream and moisturizer to prep your face for the layers you’re about to put on. In that moment, you hear the bathroom door opening and Tom walking down the hallway towards you and the sound of your music. 
As he walks around the corner, you see him shaking his bum and swaying his hips to the beat of the song that fills the air, wearing only the jeans he is apparently intending on wearing for dinner and the towel he used to dry himself off, wrapped around his neck, both edges falling on his bare chest. You are once again thankful that your taste in music is similar to his, almost the same, even. You can’t imagine yourself being in a relationship with someone with a completely different taste in music, at least if they hated everything you ever put on. 
A big smile starts to spread across your face seeing him like this. Remembering his little singing performance in the shower, your mind comes up with a devious plan to tease him a bit.
Keeping as much of a straight face as possible, you turn on needy by Ariana Grande - the song he was singing in the shower earlier - to test his reaction. At first, he looks confused, as if he's taken aback by the sudden change in tempo, stopping his movements mid-dance. He stands there frozen for a second and you realize that he might not have known the song he was singing. He must have probably heard you sing it to yourself, absentmindedly, a few times. 
Collecting himself, he closes the small distance in between the two of you and sits down in the armchair across the coffee table. You feel his eyes on you as you proceed to put on your concealer.
“What did you just put on your face?” he asks completely out of the blue.
While buffing it in, you answer in a nonchalant tone, “It’s called concealer.” 
“And what is it for?”
“Darling, it’s literally in the name. It conceals everything that needs to be concealed. Imperfections like dark undereye circles and blemishes and all that.” In a cheeky tone, you add, “You see, your silly shenanigans last night are pretty much to blame for these dark circles in the first pl-”
“Wait, what is this song again?” he interrupts you, one hand raised with his index finger pointing up.
You look up from the mirror and flash him your brightest smile, raising one eyebrow in an attempt to look mischievous as you answer, “Why, do you like it?” 
“Yeah, I mean, I think so. It was stuck in my head the whole day, but I couldn’t remember where the fuck I heard...” Tom tilts his head and squints as if the pieces are falling together inside his head. “Oh fuck, hold on, were you listening to me singing in the shower?” he asks, his fist raised at the height of his shoulder, thumb pointing backwards.
To be fair, he should have been on to you the second you changed the song. Truth is, you're constantly trying to prank each other in some way or the other, always quick to call one another out on little things like that.
You can see a blush growing on his cheeks immediately. In a heartbeat, you get up from the floor and make your way over to the armchair he's sitting in. Cupping his face with both hands, you settle on his lap and look straight into his chocolate-like eyes.
“Listen, babe. I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you a million times again, if I have to. Don’t. Be. Embarrassed. About. Your. Singing. In front of me or anyone else. I love you, I love your voice and I love your singing. I love your snores, your grumbles in the morning when you’re still sleep-drunk and your mumbled monologues when you’re asleep. I could listen to all of it, all day and all night.” 
To emphasize what you just said, you press your lips onto his, for a little peck, and you can feel him relax into your touch instantly as he brings his hands around your waist to pull you closer and prolong the kiss a bit more. He never seems quite satisfied by a mere peck on the lips. Before the kiss gets too heated, though, you pull away quickly, leaving Tom with a serious pout on his mouth. He looks like a puppy who's been denied belly rubs or his favorite toy right now, which is endearing on the one hand, but extremely annoying how it gets to you almost every time. 
“Now, I really need to finish my makeup, otherwise we’re going to be late,” you say while attempting to get up from his lap, but he holds you by your hips and pulls you back down. 
“What the—” you want to ask, but he shuts you right up by capturing your lips with his, holding your face in between his hands. After a passionate kiss, he holds you close to his face, foreheads touching.
With a serious look in his eyes, he practically whispers, “I love you, too. More than you know and more than I’ll ever be able to verbalize.” Shrugging, Tom adds, “Just needed to say that.”
You feel your face heating up at his words, always so flattering despite being so simple, then you breathe out, “I’m glad you did. Good talk. If you would excuse me, now?” 
Tom raises his hands on either side of you in a surrendering movement, letting you finally get up from his lap so you can finish your makeup.
After asking a few more questions about the products you’re using, Tom stands up from the armchair and struts into your shared bedroom to put on the rest of his outfit for the evening. Just as he walks out, fully dressed and looking dashing as always, you finish your look by adding some setting spray. Don’t want to look cakey halfway through the evening.
“Okay, I think I’m good to go,” Tom huffs half-amusedly, eyes studying your whole face with a longing expression. “Wow. You look— wow.”
“I love how eloquent you can be, gorgeous.” You laugh, watching through the corner of your eye as he pouts at you in that almost-adult-like way of his. “Someone’s extremely needy today, hm?” you add, getting up from the floor and pulling him into you by a hand so you can place a flimsy kiss on his lips. “C’mon, let me put on some clothes so we can leave.”
When you come home later that night, you head straight for the bathroom to take care of your night routine. As much as you enjoy doing your makeup and the way it makes you feel more confident when you wear it, there is no better feeling than taking it off again at the end of the day.
You stand in front of the mirror, humming, taking it all off, feeling eyes in the back of your head. Looking over your shoulder through the mirror, you can see Tom standing by the door frame, already in his sweats, naked from the waist up, ready for bed, with the most doe-like eyes you’ve ever seen on him.
“What now?” you ask, grabbing the several makeup wipes and cotton pads you used to throw them in the bin beneath the sink. 
“Nothing,” he says shaking his head and grinning. “Figured I’d watch you doing that, too.  A full circle kind of thing, y’know?”
“You’re ridiculous,” you say with a short huff. Next, you reach for your moisturizer and start applying it for the night. That’s actually your favorite part about the whole routine; feeling it sink into your skin, smelling the familiar scent because you’ve used the same one for so long that it always makes you sleepier, just from smelling it.  
Lifting a hand up to his chest as though he’s offended, Tom gapes at you in the mirror before he turns around to leave for the bedroom. “You know where to find me,” he says over his shoulder, almost bumping into the doorframe on his way out, causing you to snort out a small laugh. 
You finish off as quick as you can, shoving everything into the cabinet next to the mirror haphazardly so you can join him in bed while he’s still awake.
You find him lying on his side under the duvet, humming to himself a sweet melody you think you know from somewhere, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. So, you just slide under the covers yourself, snuggling up to him immediately. His arms come around your body by sheer instinct, too. There’s a long shared gaze into each other’s half-closed eyes, pinky fingers intertwined in between your heads, before Tom takes a breath in.
Before you know what’s happening, he starts singing.
I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
You’re pretty much in shock, unable to form any coherent thoughts, let alone to find any words adequate enough to tell him. Simply staring at him with wide eyes, feeling a subtle prickling in the corner, mouth agape at the massive vote of confidence he’s offering you right now, you listen to him in silence. He's rarely comfortable enough to sing in front of you, and the fact that he’s doing it right now sends a warm, tingling sensation to the pit of your stomach and tugs delicately at your heart. You’re still too stunned by his voice and everything he makes you feel that you cannot stop staring at him. Even if you were able to form a logical sentence, you wouldn’t trust your voice to be anything more than a croaky whisper. 
Just as Tom opens his eyes again to look at you, a single tear runs down your cheek, falling onto the pillow. You feel his thumb brushing a second tear away before it falls, the words seeping carefully through his melodic tone, and with a deep sigh, you realize what he's singing.
"That song," you say, and you were right; it's nothing more than a raspy murmur. "It played at the restaurant on our first date, didn't it?"
“It did, princess. And you still look just as beautiful as you did that night. You know, I can’t ever take my eyes off of you,” he mutters softly, his warm words hitting your face and reaching your heart. “You’re just stunning - with and without makeup. You don’t even have to try. I just hope I’ll have the chance to look at that beautiful face for the rest of my goddamned life.”
You feel more tears stinging in your eyes and a lump building up in your throat, but you fight against them to pull off a smile and breathe out, “Always and forever... Promise?”
A/N: I’m so happy the teaser did considerably great and I hope you also like the whole thing. Feedback is appreciated and encouraged. Thank you so much for reading! i love you.
tagging some mutuals / friends and everyone who reblogged the teaser. Crossed out means I can’t tag you.
@worldoftom​, @stuckonspidey, @hollandraul, @snowflakeparker, @farfromhaz, @mrhollandisart, @tomhollandsblog, @woaholland, @foreverherth, @screamholland, @humbledutch, @starkissedholland, @starksparker​, @softspiderling, @tomhoe-lland​, @cherry-holland​, @thatweirdomimic, 
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maximumninjavoid · 4 years
Mining for Unobtanium part 21
Oh my gawd, yes, twenty one.
Ya’ll have been so good, you get TWO parts of this nonsense today. that’ll make your Monday suck less.....
I’m having a GREAT time writing this. I need to put it all into one BIG WORD DOC. an asbestos word doc.
Unbeta’d, we die like appliances . And cheap cars.
@fishcustardandclintbarton, that’s their line. I stole it.
At eleven packages arrived. One was from a lingerie shop I had browsed at online, Bordelle. Their stuff was exquisite, really, cutting edge fashion, and wickedly sexy. I assumed he either knew or guessed my sizes. I had already done my due diligence on the dreadmill, hoping some of this whatever this was would dissipate, but even an hour at an incline of three and a half didn't settle the starlings in my stomach. Those were no butterflies. I spent an indulgent amount of time in the bath, lotioned everything that could be with almond oil, touched up my cuticles, decided my pedicure was in good shape,  exfoliating, buffing, it was madness. Nerves, I suppose. I mean, wouldn't you be? I began opening boxes. Stockings, of the most fine denier, that you could read a newspaper through, and a Cuban heel with a seam up the back. A suspender belt of black straps, almost like an open bottom girdle, with six garters. A matching balconette bra that would really display my decolletage.    There didn't seem to be any panties. Hmmmmmm. There was a beautiful pair of shoes with a low heel and an ankle strap, which was amazing, because I don't have the grace or the talent to wear heels. The dress that accompanied it was simple and elegant, well made, and also rather retro in it's styling. Fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, sleeves that ended just at the elbow, rather fit and flare in its styling, and the skirt was voluminous. My God, there was even a hat with a little veil and gloves. He didn't miss a trick.   I began to dress. Fortunately two weeks in a hotel had not been all that bad for me. The circles under my eyes required minimal spackle, a bit of blush, a swipe of contour here and there, with my contacts in, eyeliner was out of the question and it hadn't occurred to me that I should pack lashes. Mascara it is then. Lip stain, blotted, fixed,reapplied, blotted again, this was NOT coming off, on my mask or on a shisuitAollar. I spritzed some scent in all the proper places and I hoped he wouldn't recognize it, and that it would please. I've never been one for traditional women's fragrance. It smells artificial on me. I like darker notes, spice, leather,and they're much better balanced in men's fragrances. I get lots of compliments, and never find myself wearing the same scent as anyone else. Seams straight. Pearls. Hat. Bag. Gloves. Aaaaaand it's 6:45. I've got fifteen minutes to make macrame out of my internal organs. And now, for entertainment, our brain will show a selection of every possible disaster scenario it can conjure, no matter how ridiculous. And I pace. I look at the clock again, and I swear it's moved backwards and now says 6:40. That cannot be correct. I shake my head. I pace some more. I pop breath mints like they're drugs I did in the eighties. I am not going to smoke. I might pass out. There's a knock on the door. My heart pounds. I walk to the door and try to breathe....{internal voice; don't lose your shit} I open the door and there he is. In a suit. Not just any suit. I mean, you can't. Not when you're built like a brick...... House ( apologies to the Commodores). I could write epic poems that would put the Iliad to shame just describing his fair countenance....but I would be doing him a disservice if I didn't spent some time on just how much style he possesses. Tailoring is one thing. Fit, proportion, but he has raised style to high art. Like old Hollywood meets English Nobility, and unless I miss my guess, that's a bespoke Huntsman suit. Made specifically for him. To his precise measurements, by HIS cutter, who has a file on him, and all their other clients; about their preferences, in colors, fabrics, linings, how they want their trousers, best preferences, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS. Did you see *The Kingsmen*? That place. It's actually Huntsman. I think they have been on Saville Row for over 100 years. Might even have a Royal charter. The suit is perfection. Fits literally like it was made for him..... Because it was. And it took twelve weeks and multiple fittings.  Charcoal grey, with a hint of a chalk stripe, very subtle, crisp white shirt, double breasted vest, with a watch chain no less, and the trousers are perfectly tailored, break at the perfect spot, and his tie is a perfect four in hand, and the tie is splashy, but flawless. Me? Oh I'm taking this all in, trying to remember to breathe, and he takes my hand, bows a little, brings it to his lips and just as his mouth is almost at my hand he turns my wrist and kisses the bare skin above my glove, and looks up at me with that smirk he has. "Ma'am? Shall we?" I put my finger under his chin and raise him to his full height . " A moment, please. " I step toward him and slide my hands up each side of his chest and lean in toward him. "Before we leave I wanted to thank you for your excellent taste. Your gifts were lovely and I hope I do them justice" and I pressed my lips to his. He pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around me, his tongue sought to part my lips and I allowed it, my hand reaching up for the side of his face, as our tongues explored each other's mouth, tentatively at first, quickly catching fire. I didn't want to stop. But I knew if I didn't, we'd be rutting in this doorway and whatever he had planned would be for nothing. Difficult as it was, I pulled back and smiled. " I could do this all night, happily. And more, or did you want to keep our original plan? " He adjusted himself ( I don't think he knows I saw that ) and took my arm in his. "Do you have everything?"  " Thank you, yes. I have my key, my bag, I am in your hands" . He closed the door behind us and walked me down the hall. We exited the hotel through a side door and got into a car with tinted windows. " Please tell me I'm not wearing your lipstick" Smiling again, I remarked that he wasn't but if he wanted to... And he laughed and pulled me in for another kiss. We made out. Like teenagers. In the back of this heavily tinted car, and I couldn't get enough of his kisses. We drove for a bit, I'm not certain how long,  I frankly was too caught up in kissing him, and occasionally pulling back to look into those eyes. We could have driven off the cliffs of Dover, I'd never have known. We turned down a side street, then an alley and stopped in the back of a building. He got out of the car and said he'd be around to get me. Ok. I'll behave. He opened my door, offered me his hand to help me out, said something to the driver and then took my arm and we walked the few steps to the door in the back of this building. Henry was grinning like the cat that are the canary, and I couldn't figure out why. He knocked on the door and after a minute or two, it opened, and we went down a short hallway into a kitchen where there was a booth, IN. THE. KITCHEN. It was all I could do to not scream and go completely fan girl, for at that moment I realized where we were. This was the imagination station; the chef's table at Gordon Ramsay 's restaurant on Royal Hospital Road. I turned to my dinner date and threw my arms around his neck, peppering his face with kisses. " How did you know? How did you manage this? You realize that this might just kill me....oh, right, we have a provision for that. " He bowed from the waist " My Lady is pleased? "
" Oh darling, pleased is not the word! " Dinner was spectacular. Course after course of the most delicious ingenious things the chefs could create, with pristine service and just the two of us. Sharing bites, oh you must taste this, ooh! This, taste! Stealing kisses in between courses, and such easy conversation. we talked about books, and we talked about music, and he ribbed me about my ‘frozen in amber’ musical taste and I told him I had checked out some of the bands on his running playlist and liked quite a few of them. we sat close to one another, thighs touching, holding hands between courses, I kept getting lost in those eyes, but I did manage to hold up my end of the conversation.
I asked him if he was disappointed about not drinking during dinner and he countered with “ I haven’t seen you smoke”. We agreed that kissing was worth some sacrifices. Truth be told I did want a cigarette, but not as much as I wanted him. Dessert, coffee, more conversation, and I asked what else he had up his sleeve. He smiled. “ There is that american expression about the gun show?” I threw back my head and  practically roared. “ I have this well in hand. Shall we?” And he took my hand and we got up and walked out the same back way we had come in, to the waiting car.
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dyde21 · 5 years
Soul Eater: Height
So @azroazizah made some incredibly cute freaking art for Soul and Maka and that really inspired me to try and write for them again. It’s been years, but they were originally the OTP I wrote for first. This came out kind of short, but they gave me a cute prompt that I wanted to try and fill! I hope you enjoy! It’s based off this drawing by them HERE
Maka let out a huff as she scooted back into the corner of the couch a little more, hiding her face behind her book. She was glaring at her boyfriend Soul as he was currently rummaging in the kitchen for food. He was in just a pair of sweats, freshly out of the shower as he was on his toes slightly, reaching to the back of the top shelf. Now Maka wasn’t complaining about his attire, living together for so long meant she was rather accustomed to the pleasant view. But it was the fact he was reaching the top shelf with relative ease.
Why was he so damn tall? 
They had met when they were both young, they were both about the same height. She had gotten used to that and enjoyed it. She liked feeling equal with Soul. They were partners, and they balanced each other out. 
But then… that happened. Puberty had hit him like a truck eventually and he just kept growing. The change hadn’t been too fast, it had taken her a while to realize just how big of distance there was starting to be between them. Whether it was him complaining that his pants didn’t fit him anymore, or that she kept finding things placed on shelves that she couldn’t easily reach and he wasn’t doing it intentionally. Sure, puberty had hit her too. She was a little curvier, which she was thankful for, and a little taller. But it had apparently only gave her a passing glance. She had stopped growing while she swore Soul was still getting a little taller every once in a while. 
“Hm?” He asked, turning around as he scratched the back of his head, an apple in his mouth. 
Maka’s eyes trailed up and down his annoyingly tall body for a moment before she sighed. “Do you think I’m still growing?” She asked, not really caring that he probably didn’t understand where she was coming from with that question out of the blue. 
He looked at her for a moment. “Maybe? You’ve grown pretty nicely though in my opinion.” He offered, glancing at her. “Didn’t you say you your bra size is bi-” He let out a gasp of pain as her book collided with his head with a dangerous precision. He leaned back against the counter, rubbing his head and cursing her. 
“That’s not what I meant.” She muttered, blushing slightly as she looked away. “Then what?” He asked, patiently walking over to hand her her book back.
She shrugged. “Forget it. It doesn’t matter. It’s stupid.” She countered.
He let out a sigh, muttering something about her being uncool. “I’m hungry and we don’t really have anything. Let’s go out for dinner.” He offered, looking at her patiently.
With a sigh, she nodded and stood up. “Fine. You can buy me dinner tonight.” She said, putting her book away.
“What? Now hold on, I didn’t say…” 
“Shush. We wanna go before the lines get long. Now go get dressed.” She countered, shoving him gently towards his room as he just walked away, muttering about crazy questions and crazy girlfriends. 
While Maka gathered her stuff, she smiled to herself. It wasn’t lost on her that Soul was trying to get her out of the house because he was worried she was upset. She knew all his tricks pretty well by now. Especially when they had gone shopping yesterday and picked up all the snacks he usually loved eating.
Standing in the mirror, she adjusted her hair a little bit. It was just a casual outing, but she did still want to look nice for him. 
When he left his room, she felt her heart flutter a bit. He was looking cool, as usual. He could always clean up so nicely. While others may have thought he was super casual about it, Maka knew he did actually try hard to look nice. His secret was just pretending he didn’t. 
“Ready?” He asked, sliding his wallet into his back pocket.
“Mhmm.” She said happily as they left, climbing on his bike. 
As they rode down the street, Maka had her arms wrapped around his waist. She noticed she could see a lot less now. She used to be able to see around him pretty easily, but his back had gotten so broad. It also felt a little firmer, he had definitely buffed up a bit since his more scrawny days of youth. 
Looking down at herself, she frowned slightly. Had she really changed like he had? Some days it didn’t feel like. Especially when next to girls like Blair or Tsubaki. Hugging him a little tighter as they drove, she forced those thoughts out of her head. Jealousy wasn’t healthy. Soul loved her, he had proved that many times by now. He was just a little bigger now.
They eventually got to their usual pizza place, and she approached the door. Soul’s arm reached out, holding it open when she opened it and noticed his arm was comfortably above her head. She hurried in, standing in line as she tried to figure out what she wanted. Maybe she was just hungry. She didn’t normally how tall he was. 
“So-” She was about to ask him if he had decided what he wanted, going to take a step back when she collided with him. He budged slightly, but when she looked up, she saw him gazing down at her with his crooked smile. “Careful.” He warned, wrapping an arm over her shoulder and kissing the top of her head.
Maka realized two things. One, that she barely reached his shoulders now. The second was that she felt safe. While he always made her feel safe when he was around, even in the midst of combat, something about his height made her want to lean a little closer into him. 
“You’re tall.” She muttered, without really thinking about it too much. 
Soul glanced down at her. “Huh? I guess.” He said, scratching the back of his head nervously. “It’s kinda lame, I know. Nothing fits right, and I’m all lanky now.” He confessed, pouting slightly as he looked away. 
Maka’s mouth just opened slightly as she stared at him. He didn’t like being tall? 
Before she cold refute him, the cashier cleared her throat and Maka realized they had been next for a little while. Blushing, she quickly stepped forward and dragged Soul with her, ordering the first thing she saw. They paid quickly, leaving a tip for good measure before they backed up to go sit at a table. Maka buried her face in her hands, hating how spacy she was today. She should be past this by now. 
Soul was still looking out the window, resting his chin in his hand. He had a slight pout on his features and Maka felt a frown creep on her face. Was he really bothered about what he said earlier.
“I’m jealous that you’re tall, you know?” She said after the food had been delivered and he still hadn’t said anything.
He paused mid-bite looking over at her. “Why?” He asked, before chewing. 
“Cause you look older and mature. You look even cooler now.” She confessed, resting her cheek on her hand for a moment. “You’ve really grown into yourself.”
Soul just stared at her, slowly chewing. “Maybe. But you didn’t get all lanky. You guys got hotter.” He admitted. “You grew up too, just in a more refined way. Trust me.” He admitted, blushing slightly and looking away. 
Maka also felt her cheeks flush at the compliment, not knowing Soul to be that direct that often.
The rest of their pizza date was a little brighter, in Maka’s opinion. They spent more time laughing, and Soul kept nudging her foot under the table, until it turned into an all out kicking war that earned some kicks but had them both laughing. 
Eventually their little mini-date ended and they found themselves back at the apartment as night fell. They were cuddled up, watching a movie on TV. Soul kept dozing off, but she didn’t mind. His arms were wrapped around her, pulling her tight against his chest and she could feel the rise and fall of his chest. It wasn’t the first time they had spooned by any stretch of the imagination, but she realized how well felt felt against him. His presence was like a warm blanket, keeping her safe as she snuggled a little closer. She managed to turn down the volume of the movie, moments before her eyes slid shut and she fell asleep safe in her boyfriend’s arms. Maybe him getting a little taller wasn’t such a bad thing.
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WHO WANTS TO SEE A SUPER CRINGE-Y AU I CAME UP WITH WHEN I WAS LIKE 13/14 BUT WAS TOO SHY ABOUT MY NON-EXISTENT ARTIST ABILITIES TO POST ANYTHING ABOUT?? well to bad you're gonna see it anyway  : P I was going though some old notebooks, trying to figure out what to keep and toss, because my closest was becoming a maze and I found doodles about this AU. So I decided I should try and redraw it all. But this is more of a "reboot" to the original version.
Special talent:
No But Seriously Shapeshifting, Multilingual, pretty much immortal i'll talk more about that at a later date
Occupation: Former Bounty Hunter, but does more "legal" odd jobs now
Nickname Perry's too boring for those, but he does let his friends get away with calling him a dumb ass from time to time
Personality:e(s) Stubborn, Reserved, worrywart, softie for his kid
Relationships: He has no romantic relation, but Perry does look after Phineas, with the a little help from his other animal companions. He has an odd relationship with Doof though! Kinda like how they act in the show, but with less fist fighting and more bickering. Will fight Peter the Panda on sight. Don't test him.
Special Facts: Hates when anyone else sings around him, but never complains when Phineas or Doof get into musical numbers. Constantly stealing sweets, and dumb magazines from Doof. But usually replaces it with something of equal or more value. One time he raided the poor mans fridge, and the next day Doof found an gold necklace thrown lazily near one his flowerpots. Doof didn't want it, but Vanessa loved wearing it. When he wants to get out of a conversation, Perry will shapeshift into another animal and just leave. "sorry can't talk doof, i'm a horse now" "perry the platypus are you serious right now? You cant just leave in the midd-" "ah ah ah! i'm a horse."
Species: Alary
Special talent: Singing and Dancing. Can fixing almost anything. Toaster always catch on fire for some reason. Loves exploring, and always finds something new. But please for the love of god, watch him. He will climb a tree and get stuck. Heights scare him to much.
Nickname Phinny, Phin, Cheerio and Puggle
Personality:e(s) Optimistic, curious, hyper Relationships: Phineas has had Perry taking care of him since he was baby. He was too young to remember what his parents look like, all he knows is that Perry found him in the Enchanted Woods one day.
Special Facts: This Phineas is a bit more shy around kids his own age. Having grown up around talking animals will mess up a kids social skills. Phineas has never met another Alary in his life, but has always secretly wanted too. Doesn't know how to fly, but he's trying his best!
Ferbs "Ferb" Fletcher
Species: Beast
Special talent: Can fix up anything you put in front of him. Likes to read, and secretly writes his own short stories.   Nickname None. But Buford calls him "skinny jeans" when he's trying to get a reaction out of him
Personality:e(s) Quiet, short tempered when annoyed, blunt, can be patient with younger kids
Relationships: Doesn't have many friends, but he hangs out with Buford the most. Also has a crush on Vanessa, but due to the age difference doesn't act on it.
Special: Ferb lives with his father and grandparents. His cousins live in the same neighborhood as him, their family having moved to Danville when he was a baby. Only reason Ferb acts so serious is because when he isn't hanging around Buford he's with Vanessa and her friends. Who all fit into the mean teenager stereotype.
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Species: Alary
Special talent: Since Isabella doesn't grow up with Phineas and Ferb, her summer days are spent at the Fireside cabin. Isabella has earned every patch there is to offer, and now is skilled in almost anything. It's honestly kinda scary.
Occupation:   Does a bit of baby sitting. Helps at her family restaurant Nickname Isa, Pinkie(Buford), heart-string
Personality:e(s) Sweet, Assertive, Romantic Relationships: Isabella spends most of her free time around the other Fireside Girls, but also spends her days hanging out with her next door neighbor. Baljeet. The two are close having grown up together, and she even considers him to be like a little brother.
Special Fact: Isabella may have been able to gain every patch there is to offer, but if there is one thing she struggles with, its magic. Isabella is considered a sweet girl, but every Saturday night she sneaks out to the town square to listen to the people playing music and dancing. Though since she can't risk getting caught, she never joins in on the dancing, even if there are other kids out to.
Baljeet Tjinder
Species: Alary
Special talent: Can finish reading any book in an hour, no matter the size. Has photogenic memory, and will bring up old crap from 6 months ago so don't try and get on his bad side.
Occupation:   Helps tutor kids at school for extra credit.
Nickname Nerd, but only Buford call him that.
Personality:e(s) Nervous, shy, prideful
Relationships: Only friend he has is Isabella. Him and Buford don't really interact outside of school.
Special Fact: Specializes in water type magic, but Baleet hopes to master fire type magic. Bajeet just really wants to specialize in all types of magic.
Buford Van Stoorm
Species: Beast
Special talent: Buford likes playing the drums at the Saturday Festivals.
Nickname No nicknames for The Buf'. he'll hurt you.
Personality:e(s) This version is 10x more violent than cannon Buford. He used to just make you cry, but now he'll make your momma cry, yo daddy cry, yo grandma, even your dog. Nothings off limit.
Relationships: Buford hangs around other sketchy kids. The only person who he enjoys spending time with is Ferb. Special Fact: Loves graffiti art, and has been caught a million times spray painting walls.
Canadace Flynn Garcia-Shapiro
Species: Alary
Special talent: Singing, can master almost any instrument in a day.
Occupation:   Studying to become a music teacher, but helps at her families restaurant.
Nickname Candy
Personality:e(s) Focused, cynical
Relationships: Candace is still friends with Stacy, and his dating Jeremy. Was adopted into the Garcia-Shapiro household at 9/10 years old. Any special facts about Candace would be too spoiler y
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to the sketch Version Here goes the colored version to my AU. I'm not too happy with Isabella's color palette so I might be changing it later, but for now deal with the pink okay. Originally Candace had a type of mesh robe, and she still does! But for simplicity I'll just be drawing her base outfit, Her robe is too complicated anyway, it is supposed to be covered in red roses. Also tell me if I should keep Phineas' hair curly. My sister looked over at what I was doing and straight up said it looked ugly. So yeah, I need an honest second opinion. The bio's are super basic because I really don't want to give away too much of the story. And most of the story revolves around how the kids think and act. AU (c) Me
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tisfan · 5 years
I Take Thee, Witch
Bucky Barnes noticed the woman in aisle seven, struggling to reach the set of mixing bowls on the top shelf almost immediately.
He noticed her because he’d run into her earlier that day, literally.
She’d been walking through the mall, head down over her phone, consulting some coupon site and she’d plowed straight into him, nearly knocking them both over. Bucky apologized, even though she was the one on the phone, because at this point in his life, apologizing was what he did.
She barely even blinked at him, certainly failed to notice his cyber-arm that Stark Industries had made and that Bucky tested routinely as part of his job. “Oh, it was me,” she said, smiling, “I should put this thing away and watch where I’m going. I just-- I’m new in town, and I need stuff for my house, do you know where the household goods department is?”
Bucky pointed, and she stepped closer into his personal space so that she could look down his arm as if he was sighting a gun. “Oh, thanks so much.”
“Any time,” Bucky said, and watched her go. She was beautiful, from the crown of her mahogany hair to the tips of her perfect toes. He knew they were perfect because she was wearing open toed sandals.
He knew she was wearing open toed sandals because the next time he saw her, not twenty minutes later, she was turning a corner too sharp, bumped him, and dropped her purchases all over the floor. While Bucky was scrambling to pick them up, he got an up close look at scarlet painted toenails, a single silver ankle bracelet, and the strappy little shoes she was wearing.
“Oh, it’s you again,” she said, “I’d say how delightful, but perhaps I’m more of a bother than a delight.”
“You’re fine,” Bucky said. “Is this everything?”
“I have a bit more shopping to do,” she said. “You work here?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Bucky said. “I’m doing research for my boss.”
“Ah, well, perhaps we’ll bump into each other again.”
Which meant when he saw her, practically climbing the shelves like a ladder, he knew exactly who she was, even if he didn’t know anything about her, including her age.
But he was also able to guess well enough that she was about to fall. He had just enough time to consider the dilemma of startling her by asking if he could help when she did fall and he was close enough that a quick jump got him there right on time.
To have her land neatly in his arms.
He hadn’t done anything like that in years; the cyber-arm from Stark Industries being a relatively new invention, and for almost six years before that, Bucky was a one-armed bandit. So to speak.
She gasped, her eyes going round, and then soft.
“Well, my hero,” she said as he helped her get her feet under her.
“We’re making a habit of it, at least,” he replied. 
“Third time’s the charm,” she said, and there was a strange emphasis on the way she said it, and through her wrist, which Bucky realized he was still touching, he detected a little pulse of energy, something like a heartbeat, only moreso.
“My name is Bucky,” Bucky said, “Bucky Barnes.”
“Wanda,” she said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Right,” Bucky said. “Here, let me get that down for you.” She wasn’t really all that short, but the shelves were stupidly high, and Bucky snagged it down from the top and handed it to her. “Maybe we’ll bump into each other again.”
“Well, if we do, we ought to sit down and talk about it, because we’re just an accident waiting to happen,” Wanda said. “I run into you one more time, and we’ll be in the ER, hoping to get triaged sometime in the next six hours.”
“No, no, I pass on that part,” Bucky said. “I see enough doctors as it is. But-- maybe I could take you out for a coffee?”
“Oh,” Wanda said. “Oh, well, yes, yes you could do that, couldn’t you? I-- I think I would like that. Very much. Coffee. Did you-- did you want to do that now, I mean, can you do that now, you’re still at work, right?”
“My work,” Bucky said, holding up his left hand as if maybe she’d missed it and that’s why she was considering going out on a date -- was it a date, a coffee, did that count as a date? Bucky didn’t date much. At all. Really. “Is to test this in everyday circumstances and to keep an exacting journal on everything that happened. Stark’s going to love this, having caught you, that’s a stress test we hadn’t even considered yet.”
“That’s… that’s good?” She reached out, then snatched her hand back. 
“You can touch it, it’s okay,” Bucky said. People were insatiably curious sometimes, and Bucky always prefered the ones who considered maybe he didn’t want to be touched. Or kids. A lot of kids just grabbed his hand, latched on to it.
It was eye catching, silvery and mechanical.
“Thank you,” she said, and she turned his hand over like she was a fortune teller planning to read his palm. A whisper of sensation along the metal skin-- pressure, mostly. He didn’t really have feelings anymore. Stark was working on it, but hooking into a human’s neural network was tricky. They’d been doing work with sea life-- so Stark had said, but Bucky wouldn’t be even close to that part of the process. He was just a very expensive guinea pig. “It’s astonishing what humans can do, don’t you think? Like… magic.”
“I wish,” Bucky said. “Magic seems like it would be a lot easier.”
“No,” Wanda said. “Probably not.”
“Well, maybe. Don’t know anyone who can do magic, so it’s kinda a moot point.”
“For now,” Wanda said. “So, does that mean you can go out to coffee, now?”
“It does,” Bucky said. “Why don’t we buy your things, I’ll help you load up your trunk. There’s a nice coffee shop about a block south of here.”
“Why don’t we do that, then?” Wanda said, smiling up at him.
Stark Cyberlimb Mark III, subject James Barnes, Day 62
Stresses on the arm included:
-- attempt to write in pen, unsuccessful
-- banging into a wall accidentally. Small scuff on third plate noted, buffed out easily with application of new formula
-- caught woman mid-fall, approximately 140 pounds from a height of no more than eight inches. No alarms or mechanical failures noted.
-- some brief possible sensation 
For @livewire28
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au-tumn-al · 4 years
So after 110 hours, I finally beat Persona 5 Royal. Before going into complete FFVII mode, I wanna lay out all my thoughts.
Blah, blah, blah, spoilers for everything under the cut.
To start off, I loved Royal. The gameplay was so much fun and it felt like such a natural evolution from vanilla P5. Probably my favorite change was what wad done with Baton Pass. Trying to pass to your entire party was very fun and very satisfying, especially if Joker got the ×4 or even ×3 and got to abuse a possibly charged Hassou Tobi lategame. It was pretty broken, but I don't mind things being broken once you go to the effort of figuring things out. Speaking of broken things—
Showtime attacks are super cool. I didn't know what to think of them at first because of how stupidly strong they are, but after I got to some harder boss fights where doing about 1k damage per attack would only get rid of about a small fraction of the shadow's health, I wasn't complaining.
(Also, I never actually got to see Joker and Violet's showtime. Oops.)
The fact that the damage scaled like that was really good, especially once you get into the third semester where party members have severe and colossal damage moves and even healer Morgana can do 150 damage per basic attack without buffs on an enemy without debuffs. The enemies' damage output remained kind of sad though, but uh....you can't win 'em all ;;
To finish showtime talk, Joker and Crow's showtime was heccin' great. I never skipped it. It was Batman in my animu JRPG so it was 10/10. It also did way more damage than most of my party members' showtime attacks so ey. It finished off that Yoshitsune request boss too with around 2.4k damage so I'm obligated to like it. On that note, how is showtime damage calculated? Do certain showtimes do more damage, or does it just depend on the offensive stats of the party members using it?
Technical damage was beefed up too, and I probably should have tried to take advantage of it more than I did but I never figured out how to make technical damage reliably knock an enemy down. I know that there was a way to do it but I never figured it out. Yes, yes, I know it was because I skipped tutorials but everything else was so busted, I never felt the need to go back and read said tutorials. I did read that book about technical damage though in-game, but it just added more technical combinations.
Onto other changes though, it could have been because I was playing on hard, but status ailments became about 10 times more useful. ...Actually, no, it was definitely because I was playing on hard, but even so, I felt like more bosses were weak to them when compared to P5. They went back to being mostly immune to them, especially in the new semester, but during and before October or so, status ailments became invaluable. It could have been because I sucked that much, but my party members, and even sometimes Joker, would get left with double or even single digit HP by near everything, even if I debuffed and buffed. Queen got regulated to a forget bot, but man it carried me through some boss fights. ... i.e., Kaneshiro's fight. Well, that and Mona's confuse.
I liked the Will Seeds too. They were a fun way to kind of change up the palaces and for me to hunt down. Even though yeah, they are pretty broken (especially with the accessory you get from the 2nd palace being able to get rid of elemental weaknesses for whoever has it equipped, not to mention the ability to give charge or concentrate to another party member), I still can't say I used them over my SP adhesives most of the time. I used the one that got rid of elemental weaknesses on Crow, but that was just because I could only use him and Joker at the time and did not want enemies to get another move on him to get another chance to hit either of them.
The changes to Mementos were amazing. Like the rest of them, they were pretty busted, but still. Amazing. I feel like I'm in the minority with this, but I didn't mind Mementos. In fact, I kind of liked going through the grind of going through it. Although...tbf, I kind of liked Tartarus too. Its 264 floors were a bit much, but I liked being able to turn off my brain, put on a podcast or YouTube video in the background for me to listen to then go through Tartarus in one or two in-game nights.
Back to Mementos, collecting stamps and flowers for Jose was fun, and being able to change the cognition for Mementos was busted. Since you can get EXP from auto-killing, you get over-leveled very fast. It doesn't help that you have to backtrack floors for stamps since they randomly generate, so you get even more money, experience, and items. On the bright side though, no, I didn't need to wander around singing "I've Been Working on the Railroad" with Mona and Skull for an hour and a half trying to find the materials for the Eternal Lockpick (which was renamed in Royal to Permapick ... I guess???)
Because of the changes you can make to boost item, money, and EXP gains, Mementos became the prime grinding area. Even more than the card shuffle thing in P3. Since you got so much EXP from ramming shadows even without leveling up EXP gain. I put all my stamps into getting more items and money until I couldn't anymore and I had near max every single crafting item, and never had to worry about the cost of anything ever. Combined with the money gains from killing shadows, you can also pick up sellable treasure from the item cubes in Mementos and it can end up selling for well over a million yen. So getting to max didn't even require Joker abusing the confuse status ailment or abusing the shadows with "You can do better than that."
I didn't mind the Mementos music, even when I was playing the game without something else playing for me to listen to, but now that Mementos does have new music, yeah, I realize now how much better it is. I wouldn't listen to it alone like I would Rivers in the Desert or anything, but it was a nice change. I listened to one of the songs before the game had its western release and didn't like it all that much, but actually playing the game while hearing it made me actually like it.
I got to level 99 though before the game was over. It made it so Joker and Crow were able to tag-team the Reaper then kill it in 3 turns. I had thought that trophy would have been a lot harder to get lol. It was pretty weird seeing the Reaper in such clear lighting though due to the new Mementos area though, I have to say.
Onto the bosses though...
I loved the changes to the bosses (except the 5th one but that's just because I hate everything about the 5th palace, even if Royal did make it about a million times more bearable).
Kameshida having cognitive Shiho and Mishima as helpers for the boss fight was such a good change, and made him about that much more hateable.
Madarame's boss fight in vanilla P5 was the hardest boss in the game for me, even on normal mode, but it was made so much easier in P5R. Madarame didn't bring back his painting form, but instead brought back elemental versions of himself specifically so the player can abuse Baton Pass. Baton Pass combos are extremely satisfying to pull off, so I enjoyed it immensely. Honestly, having that as the second boss in the game was so much of a better decision than what was in P5. That, or I'm still salty about all the deaths I had from fighting him the first time.
Kaneshiro was definitely harder, and I was a little stuck when he called his cronies out to guard him. Mona and Queen using confuse and forget while Skull and Joker attacked Kaneshiro made it a lot more bearable though. I also kept using spotlights on Joker so the enemies would attack him. He had Shiki Ouji equipped and they only ever did physical moves when my status effects missed, so I was never at risk for losing the fight. ... And then of course Skull and Queen finished it off with a showtime attack after Mona got yeeted.
Sphinx mom was a lot easier. I didn't know that the right dialogue choices made it so Oracle would guard you until someone told me, so I was sitting there surprised at how much easier it was lol. I did get stuck at the end though because it didn't look like I was damaging it. I thought Oracle needed to bring back the crossbow so I just kept buffing and healing. It took about 10 minutes for me to get bored and start attacking it again and it turned out I could attack it, but it was just that sphinx mom's HP wasn't visually moving before eventually going down. Joker still used Shiki Ouji which had learned an immunity to wind so. Easy victory (ignoring the part where I'm a dumbass).
I switched to easy mode for Okumura. I just did not care at all. I hate his palace, I hate the music, and the enemies could range from being easier to kill than the enemies in the first palace to being a pain in the ass, so I wanted to have it be over. If I didn't have an unreasonable hatred for the 5th palace though, I probably would have liked the change. It was challenging without being complete BS, at least much more challenging than how it was originally in P5. Having the enemies run off though did get pretty annoying when I was trying to beat it legit but I was just so done at that point, it was more on me than the game lol.
Part of the reason why I was so eager to get through Okumura's palace though was to get to Sae's palace. Because I love Sae's palace, and just in general, the entire month of November. It has amazing story bits, still the height of P5's story if you ask me, a great palace, and Whims of Fate is one of my favorite tracks from P5's OST. Sae's boss was even changed to when she spins the wheel, whatever element it goes to, she uses that element and her resistances would change. I loved that, and it was extremely fun to take what you more or less should have learned about enemies' attacks and their correlating weaknesses and use them for a boss fight. So much better than the original where you don't need strategy at all other than "hit her hard lol."
Shido's boss fight was changed to be super climactic. They made it easier for the sake of Joker being able to confront the dude that got him a criminal record and directly ruining his life, and I can't complain. It felt amazing to 1v1 him. The game fixed the possibility of being screwed by it by having him attack in a certain order like the twins do in their special fight, so that was nice at least.
Yaldabaoth's boss fight was the same. Still easy enough, as long as you're careful. Or...not careful but extremely lucky. I wasn't able to finish it off while it was charging up its almighty attack, but my entire party ended up dodging it so it didn't even matter lmao. Now that I think about it, it very easily could have been because of that one Will Seed accessory that makes you dodge attacks but... I don't care. I was still super lucky I didn't get wiped and be forced to start the fight over starting from the Holy Grail.
The new boss... Uhm... It was taking way too long so I ended up cheesing it with Haru's third persona's new move that basically makes you invincible for a turn halfway through the fight. ^^; Noir was a Vault Guardian bot, Queen just healed and took advantage of one of the tentscles' nuclear weaknesses to Baton Pass to Crow when she could, and then Joker and Crow did all the work. Crow's third tier persona's almighty move kicked ass and you know what else kicked ass? Hassou Tobi abuse. The other 2 phases weren't even really fights, so at least that kept it from dragging too much, despite all the phases it had.
When Joker and the boss had that punch-out fight though, I lost my shit. I was laughing so hard I started to cry and my back was hurting. I don't even remember why I thought it was so funny, but I was laughing my ass off. I couldn't even press X to get Joker to punch because I was laughing so hard. Right before it happened, I joked to my sister that a tutorial would pop up and suddenly the gameplay will have the controls from that P4 fighting game and you have to learn that in order to have one last showdown. And then I got the prompt to punch. Then Joker punched. And I started laughing.
11/10 would punch Adam Kadmon man again
On the topic of the new stuff though...
Kasumi/Sumire/Violet was pretty fun to use but badly, badly overshadowed by both Joker and Crow, at least during boss fights. She offered to join the party before Shido's palace and she really should have joined then. Maybe she would just be absent for the Mementos dungeon & Yaldabaoth/Holy Grail boss fights, but she should have been there for Shido's palace. I liked her wanted gimmick of being the crit'er, but when you get her, Mona's third tier persona learns an AOE Lucky Punch, Joker already has high crit, and I would always baton pass to Crow because of his severe almighty AOE ×3. Plus, the way I built my Joker with practically exclusively two personas, Yoshitsune and Kuguya Picaro, he was already the phys and light attacker except with the addition of being able to have an auto-concentrate at the start of every fight (I have no idea why—it's something with Yoshitsune but idk what it is), the charge skill, Yoshitsune's nature of tripling the effect of charge, and the additional electric damage. She should have been a party member before the new semester. Obviously this isn't the case for everyone, but for me personally, I didn't often find use for her, especially since she can't do colossal or even severe magic damage. She is a very good physical party member, but again, Joker already covers that better than any other party member can, including Skull.
Crow was a great party member though. I used him in every request and boss fight after I got him. I was a little salty he couldn't switch back and forth from Loki and Robin Hood but I suppose if he did, he'd make Violet even more obsolete lol. I liked Loki while playing P3, so I'm glad I was able to use that persona again. He had Debilitate which was amazing. Queen learns Checkmate when getting to the third tier persona, which is an AOE version of it, but honestly, whenever I was fighting a boss that I thought needed it at that point in the game, I didn't need it to be multi-hitting. Plus, it costed about 90 SP and no way I was using that over her healing, defense buffs, and nuclear damage.
But anyway, back to Crow, I loved using him. He basically turned into my almighty damage dealer, even with his somewhat weaker magic, at least compared to his strength stat, but considering the final boss fight, it was extremely helpful. It did take up a lot of SP, but I had 5 Somas, a ton of SP restoratives, and had basically asked Kawakami to make me either curry or coffee every single night I was able to, so I pretty much had an infinite supply of it.
It helped that P5R made Akechi a much more likable character too. I liked him all right in P5, but didn't find him all that sympathetic, and thought that the characters treating him so sympathetically was extremely jarring considering all the horrible shit he did (which includes making orphans of both Haru and Futaba). That still kind of holds true, but since you can actually build a social link with him outside of the story, you can see more of his character and it improved him in leaps and bounds. Not to mention that his 8th confidant rank was....something else ^^; having a section of the new story too with just Joker and Akechi, (and kind of Sumire too, but mostly just those two) was awesome. I loved seeing them team up to punch Adam Kadmon man in the face. Plus, having more time with him in the Phantom Thieves without pretense had him going "I am surrounded by idiots" basically the whole time he was there. Like—I even felt disappointed that Akechi was actually dead and he didn't survive. That's a huge improvement over from me wishing one of the dialogue options was "fuck you lmao" during his death scene at the end of Shido's palace when he asked the Phantom Thieves to promise him to change Shido's heart.
For Sumire though, she had a good character arc. Like her gameplay though, she was badly overshadowed by both Akechi and Maruki. Even still, I liked her character arc and everything, and her social link. Even if I ended up liking Kasumi more in the end anyway rip
That's kind of all I have to say about her, oof. She was good, but other elements took attention away from her pretty badly.
Maruki though... Maruki was amazing. He was a fantastic antagonist because I got to punch him in the face, his palace was amazing, I loved the music, the different sections were cool, and I even liked the color maze bridge puzzle thing. I definitely wouldn't like it so much if I ever replayed it, especially if I try to get that final Will Seed, which wasn't hard, but did take kind of a while, but I don't think I will be so it's not a problem.
He had such good motivations, and the fact that he didn't ever actually hurt anyone other than when he punched Joker in the face made him really sympathetic and redeemable to me. At the end of the day, all he actually wanted to do was make people happy and not have to suffer, and was willing to destroy himself in order to achieve it. But just like with every belief, it went too far and he took away people's free will and ability to pick for themselves. The kind of moral question about the entire thing was very interesting, and I kind of wish it was more further addressed. There should have been Sojiro or some other character that was perfectly happy in Maruki's alternate reality so they could challenge the Phantom Thieves in a way Maruki wasn't able to. Still, what was done was really good and I liked it a lot.
Even all that said, I have no idea why the hell Joker could not use Satanael. There was such a perfect opportunity to use it once Maruki evolved his persona to Adam Kadmon, a giant persona. Hell, it was still small when compared to Satanael. It's after beating Yaldabaoth so Joker should have access to it. It would have been epic to be able to use a giant Satanael in a normal-ish boss fight. I'm sure there are some explanations as to why, but the game never mentions it or even acknowledges Satanael so it doesn't count and I'm still bitter. The writers forgot that Joker has a persona literally as big as a cognitive god and that kind of broke some immersion for me. Immersion completely went out the window once Joker and Maruki started punching each other but STILL. Satanael's not that great a persona, but having it show up in the story again would have been so awesome to use a persona about as big as Shibuya more than once.
Hardly comparable to my beef about Satanael, but I wish that while the party members were acting as Phantom Thieves, or at least while they're in the metaverse, the names on their text boxes would change to their Phantom Thief names. There's no reason why they didn't, especially since the characters exclusively use their Phantom Thief names to call each other anyway. It's not a huge deal or anything, but I would have liked it.
I loved Royal, and totally think it's better than P5 vanilla. Its new semester kind of takes away from the superb ending of the vanilla game, but the new stuff still makes up for it. Don't get me wrong, you can still get the original ending from the vanilla game in Royal, at least I'm pretty sure you can, but it involves you missing out on all the new content, including Violet as a party member and getting Crow back, plus Joker's showtimes so it's not worth it imo
I wasn't actually looking forward to the game when it was announced, or even planning on getting it, but I had the Phantom Thieves' edition pre-ordered for me as a Christmas present so I wasn't going to...not play it lol. I'm extremely glad I got it though, even if I otherwise wouldn't have, and now that I have finished it, I'm very happy with the game. The gameplay's improved by leaps and bounds, and the new content was all amazing.
... And I got to punch Maruki in the face.
I did end up getting the platinum trophy for Royal too, so despite the Phantom Thieves den thing, I don't see myself going back to it, at least any time soon. It was an amazing experience, but I can set my sights back to FFVII now lol.
...Although, I did hear you can fight the twins and Lavenza so uhhh maybe i won't be shelfing it so soon—
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mermaidxatxheart · 5 years
Some Rules are Never Meant to be Broken Part III
Part I | Part II
Pairing: Paramedic!Bucky X Reader
Warnings: Some language probably, nothing too crazy, the feeling of being watched. IDK. This is kind of a mild chapter.
Word Count: 7143
Summary:  The reader is a Muse living life as a tour guide at a museum. Bucky is struggling with returning home from war and adjusting to civilian life. He used to be a paramedic and now works security, but what he really misses from his pre-war life is his ability to draw. Cue the reader, determined to do her job and get him back to a point where he can do what he loves most. But, spending that much time with anyone always leads to romantic feelings, which is against her laws. Will she be able to resist Bucky long enough to help him and not get her in serious trouble?
A/N: I haven’t forgotten about this story at all. I’m just terrible and my brain simply can’t stop coming up with new ideas. Also, work has been sucking my soul dry. But I’ve finally reached a point, I feel like, where it’s a full chapter. It might not be the most exciting chapter, but I enjoy it, and I hope everyone else does, too. Mood board below was made by the ever amazing @captainsteveevans​ I can’t stop staring at this thing, it’s so gorgeous!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. If you do, comment or send me a message. They’re some of my favorite things and I can’t stop smiling when I see them.
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(Look at it^^^ I’m in love!)
Between school field trips and tourists in town for the holiday weekend, the museum had never been busier. You had given six tours and it was barely two. 
 You miss Bucky. It had been three days since you’ve seen him and you’ve hated every second, especially since he left you so flustered at not being kissed.
 What a tease.
 “Y/N, there is a man in the Greek wing that would like to speak to the expert. I told him you would be happy to talk to him. He’s very charming.”
 “Alright. I’ll head over there right now.” you try to stop the ridiculous grin trying to pull at your lips. 
 You step into the hall and look around, expecting to see Bucky’s muscular frame. It wasn’t crowded in the exhibit at the moment, a few families milling about, but he was nowhere in sight and you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. 
 He’s not here after all.
 Nothing feels worse than getting your hopes up and then feeling them fall to the floor.
 “Excuse me, you are the expert in this area?” a man asks, coming up to you. You quickly fix your face into a pleasant smile. He’s average height, shorter than Bucky, but a few inches taller than you. His whole appearance is immaculate, suit crisply pressed, dress shoes polished and buffed, his hair is styled professionally-not a thing out of place. His skin is flawless, not a freckle, blemish or mark of any kind. Perfect in every way, it’s almost unreal. 
 “Yes, you were looking for me?” you reply, holding out your hand. 
 He shakes it, his hand is soft in yours and after getting used to Bucky’s calloused one, it’s a strange sensation. 
 “Yes. My name is Doctor Feldman. I was hoping I could pick your brain about an exhibit I’m putting together.” He has an accent, it’s familiar but something you can’t place. It’s not anything that you’ve heard in the last fifty years. Maybe you’re just too out of touch with the rest of the world. 
 He releases your hand finally and pulls out a portfolio from his briefcase. It matches his shoes, right down to the embellished stitching. An unfamiliar sensation fills your stomach. 
 “This is the space that I have to fill.” he hands you a photograph. The space is large and your mind starts racing about all the things you could fit in there, so many statues of yourself.
 “Quite impressive.” you say, taking the photo from him, trying to avoid skin contact. 
 “Thank you. I was wondering, how would someone like yourself go about filling such a space with history?”
 “Oh, there are many ways.”
 He hands you more pictures of the artifacts to go inside and you’re able to easily recognize them. 
 “You could easily just set it up the Greeks on one side, Romans on the other, but I find that style quite boring.” you flip through a few more pictures, an idea forming in your head. 
 “Or, you could do an interactive style, in which you start with the oldest artifacts, and as history progresses you move through to the point where Rome invaded and then you could split it into two directions.”
 “I rather like that idea.” he says, taking the pictures back. 
 “I’m glad I could be of help.” 
 “I may come back to pick your brain once or twice more.” he tells you, shaking your hand again. “You have such wonderful ideas.” 
 A chill creeps up your spine as he smiles at you. Something is very off about him, something you can’t quite place. You want to tell him to find another expert, that you can’t help him anymore. You open your mouth to speak, but he releases your hand. 
 “Have a good day.” he bids before walking away. 
 Your face flushes in annoyance that he cut you off like that. You make a face at his back, wishing that your powers extended to anything more than just inspiring people. That wasn’t exactly great for defending yourself. 
 You find, not for the first time, that you’re missing Bucky. 
 Rubbing the mark on the back of your neck, you walk back to your desk, counting the minutes until, hopefully, Bucky shows up at five. 
 As it turns out, five o’clock passed about twenty minutes ago and he never showed up. And you’re miserable for it. You wait to leave, thinking... hoping that he was just stuck in traffic or left the office late.
 But as five-thirty passes, you’re forced to admit he’s not coming. Again. You retrieve your things and head out into the night air. Autumn is falling fast upon the city and the air is getting colder. 
 You wrap your coat tighter around you as you make your way home. You first notice something off in the subway car. It feels like eyes on you. You’ve volunteered for art classes over the years, students studying your body, learning how to draw, countless eyes focused on you. You’re intimately familiar with the feeling of being watched, of being watched with intent. 
 Subtly, you look around the car, trying to take in all the faces of the strangers around you. There are so damn many of them, it’s nearly impossible to remember. You shift your bag higher onto your shoulder, trying to ignore the feeling crawling along your skin. It’s a city with 8 million people. They have to look somewhere, so why not at a beautiful woman on a train. 
 The doors creak open, rocking the car slightly and you exit, making your way home.  Once inside the door, you drop off your bag, pulling out your phone and finding Bucky’s number. Your finger hovers over the call button, an internal battle between wanting to hear his voice, and not wanting to look like an idiot. Your thumb twitches, pressing the call button on accident. 
 “Stark, how long does it take to update? You’ve had it for three days.” Bucky sighs, leaning against one of the many lab benches. 
 “It takes as long as it takes, Barnes. You can’t rush science.” he gives a small shrug. “Also, consider me holding it hostage as payback for you breaking my very nice door.” 
 He groans in annoyance. Tony had physically removed his entire arm, claiming he needed it for a software update. What Bucky hadn’t realized was that it would take four days to do it.
 The door to the lab opens and Steve walks in like a man on a mission. “Tony, have you seen-” his eyes land on his best friend and Bucky gives a half-hearted wave with his one good hand. “Never mind. I found him.” Steve leans against the bench next to the dark-haired man.
 He’s uncomfortably silent but Bucky refuses to break first. Steve came in here looking for him, he can speak first. Bucky can feel his blue eyes on him as he studies his nails, trimmed short as usual. There’s nothing fascinating about them, maybe a little grease from working on the arm but it’s utterly boring and Bucky is rapidly running out of things to examine. 
 “You know it’s almost seven.” Steve announces finally. 
 Internally, he winces. Externally, he’s a stone, unmoving and unflinching. “Uh-huh.” 
 “Are you going to see her? You’ve been here late every night this week, later than everyone else.” he nudges Bucky’s arm a little harder than is necessary. 
 “Her who?” Tony pipes up, glancing up from his laptop screen. 
 He glares at Steve. “Thanks for that. And no, I’m not going to see her.” he crosses his arm across his chest, the action falling flat without the second arm to complete it. As much as he hates the stupid thing, he feels lopsided without it. 
 “Bucky! Have you even been out of the building in the last three days?”
 “Would it even matter? I’m not seeing her.” he retorts. 
 “Still waiting over here. Who’s the ‘her’? And why won’t you go see her?” Tony interjects. 
 Bucky’s phone rings in his pocket and he’s forced to dig it out awkwardly. Tony grabs it from his hand, his reflexes not as quick as they should be. 
 “Who is... My Muse? Is that her? Should I answer for you? Hello, Bucky can’t come to the phone right now, he’s a little shorthanded.” he chuckles at his own terrible joke. 
 He rolls his eyes. “Don’t answer it, let it go to voice mail.”
 Tony’s thumb hovers over the screen and he glares at him. He sighs loudly. “Fine. But in return I get to hear all about her.” he declines the call and turns off Buck’s phone. “You can tell her I banned phones in the lab-it screws with the equipment.” he leans against the counter next to him. 
 “There’s not much to tell. I met her at a museum a couple weeks ago.” he shrugs unevenly. 
 “And has spent every day since with her.” Steve adds. 
 “Dude, who’s telling the story?”
 “You’re not doing it well. She’s crazy about him.”
 He sighs, annoyed. “You don’t know that. We barely know each other.” Bucky reasons, but deep down where he doesn’t have to admit it out loud, he likes the possibility of her liking him.
 “Man, no girl that hot is going to hang out with some guy every night for two weeks when she just likes him as a friend.”
 “Every night, huh? Sounds like love to me.” Tony interjects and he glares at Steve. “And you’re avoiding her now? Why?”
 “I’m not avoiding her.” he says hotly. “You said it yourself, it’s been every night for two weeks, we need a break.” even as he says the words, he hates how they taste. Lies and bullshit. He wants nothing more than to go see her right now, to bombard her with questions about her day and to feel her fingers on his.
 “I don’t buy it. Aside from the fact that you broke my door, this is the happiest I’ve ever seen you. And the most normal, at the very least.” 
 “Will you let the door thing go? Fury bought you an even better one. You came out on top with that.” he snaps. 
 He grins widely and looks at Steve. “Aww. He misses her.” he coos and Bucky wants nothing more at this moment than to smack him through his fancy new door. 
 Steven, the traitor, has the nerve to laugh. “I have to agree with Tony. I don’t buy it. There has to be another reason you’re hiding out here with Tony, of all people.”
 His arm beeps on the table and he perks up, looking at it. “Is it finally done?”
 “I don’t think so.” Tony gets up and goes to look. “Nope, that was just part one.” 
 He feels his eyes widen. “Part one?”
 “How many parts are there, Tony?” Steve asks, doing a better job of keeping his cool than Bucky is.
 “Just two, but they’re both big files. Your arm is completely outdated at this point as far as technology goes. I’d compare it to the first telephone. I need to figure out a way to update the entire software system. Otherwise, there’s nothing else I can do. I update this every month, and the updates are getting bigger and bigger. Soon, I’ll just be keeping your arm on this table just to update it.”
 He groans, pressing his fist to his eyes. “It’s going to take another three days to upload that file?”
 “Maybe, I won’t know until it’s done. It could be less, it could be more. Look, if you like this girl, just call her and tell her you’re sick. Don’t leave her hanging.” Tony says.
 He sighs, knowing he’s right. But Bucky also knows that she’ll want to come over and make sure he’s okay. 
 Tony walks towards the back of the lab and Steve turns to him. “Why won’t you call her?”
 “Just leave it alone.” he shifts uncomfortably and Steve’s eyes drop to Bucky’s arm on the table.
 “Please tell me this isn’t a pride thing.”
 “What? Don’t be ridiculous.” he rolls his eyes.
 “Oh my god, it is. Bucky-” Steve sighs, closing his mouth. “Are you going to call her?”
 “Not tonight.” he hedges, and Steve rolls his eyes.
 “Fine.” he claps him on the arm. “Good luck with the update.” Steve shakes his head but leaves the lab without another word.
 “Back in a tick.” Tony jogs after him. “Steve!”
 Tony follows him into the hallway. “In all seriousness, if I can’t find a way to update his arm, he won’t have it for much longer.” 
 Steve sighs loudly and rubs his face. “Okay. I still have a few military contacts, I’ll put out some feelers. Maybe someone knows something that can help. Just... do what you can. I’ll be back in a little bit.”
 Tony steps back inside and Steve heads towards the building’s exit. He has a pretty good idea of where he needs to go, but Bucky is going to be pissed at him.
 Too damn bad, pal.
 The drive only takes about twenty minutes. But then it’s another fifteen to find the right building. He’s read so many little white name cards he’s starting to go cross-eyed. He presses the buzzer and sighs in relief when he hears her voice.
 “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not interested.”
 “How about a trip to SHIELD?” Steve replies. There’s a brief pause.
 “At your service.” He waits for what feels like five minutes but probably was only one.
 “Throw in a snack and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
 “Done.” He readily agrees. 
 A few minutes later the door opens and Y/N steps outside, shutting the door behind her. He expects a smile from her but when she turns around, her pretty face is anything but pleasant.
 “What’s the matter?” Steve asks worriedly.
 “Is he okay? What happened? I haven’t heard from him in days. He keeps ignoring my calls.” She rambles before suddenly freezing like a thought just occurred to her. Her face scrunches up. “He’s not... mad at me?” She asks it like it’s a completely foreign concept.
 Steve chuckles, holding up a hand to stop her. “He’s being an idiot, definitely, but it’s not over something you did.”
 “I don’t follow.” She starts, her tone uncertain.
 “You’ll see when we get there. Trust me, if he wasn’t so hard-headed, he would have come to see you.” He watches as she nods, but she still seems distracted by something. “Is there something else going on?”
 “I was hoping...” she shakes her head. “I’m just being stupid.”
 Steve opens the door to his truck for her before going around to his side. “If something’s wrong enough to bother you, it’s not stupid. You can tell me.”
 “This guy came into the museum today to ask for my help.” She starts, fiddling with her fingers. 
 “Was he rude? Offensive?”
 “No, perfectly polite. Professional. Shook my hand, thanked me for my help.” Her tone suggests that she knows how she sounds, but whatever it is about this guy, it’s not something obvious.
 “Y/N, I’m trying to understand, but I fail to see the problem. Unless you tell me what’s bothering you, there’s nothing I can really do.”
 “He was just... too nice? Too immaculate?”
 “Too perfect?” Steve adds, understanding, and she nods with a sigh.
 “It sounds so stupid but there was just something off about the whole thing.” She opens her mouth to say something else but shuts it again.
 Gut instincts are to be trusted for a reason. “What else?” He prompts. 
 “On the subway home, I felt uncomfortable, like someone was watching me.” She rubs her face in frustration. “I feel so stupid! I’m probably just overreacting.”
 “Look, you’re a smart woman. If you feel something is wrong, don’t brush it off. Be aware of everything around you. Trust your gut, we have these instincts for a reason. Give me the guy’s name. I’ll see what I can find on him. That way you can rest easy.” If it’s within his power, he’ll help keep her safe.
 “Thanks, Steve.” She smiles wide at him. “Can I ask another favor?”
 “Can we keep this between you and me? I don’t want to freak Bucky out if it’s nothing and I’m just being paranoid.”
 Steve considers the request for a moment. There’s no harm in getting all the facts together. If it turns out it really is nothing, then Bucky will worry and stress for no reason. He’s finally starting to heal and be better. “Sure, but the second we find out anything other than you’re just paranoid, I tell him. He’ll be the best one to keep you safe if anything happens.”
 “That’s fair.” She agrees and he’s content with the arrangement. Bucky will understand why they kept it from him at first, he may not be happy with it but he’ll understand. 
 Now, bringing her to SHIELD, on the other hand, dangerous. Bucky won’t be happy at all, he may even inflict some bodily harm on Steve. But it’s a risk he’s willing to take; she deserves to know what’s going on. And whether Bucky wants to admit it or not, having her there will be good for him. Steve already thinks of her fondly because of how much she means to Bucky, and how much she’s helped him already.
 He pulls into his parking space and they both climb out, heading for the front door.
 “So, what’s the protocol here? They’re not going to take blood samples are they?” She asks and Steve grins.
 “Not a fan of needles?”
 “Something like that.”
 “Nah, nothing too invasive. We just have to take a tissue sample, run a background check, run your fingerprints.” Steve shrugs casually, watching her reaction out of the corner of his eye.
 She doesn’t disappoint. Stopping, she turns fully to stare at him. “I’d hate to see your version of invasive.” She says and he laughs.
 “Just sign in and get your visitor badge.” He gestures to the marble-topped desk where a guest book is laying open. She picks up the pen and signs it quickly, her elegant script standing out among all the others. She clips the visitor’s badge to her shirt as Steve leads her over to the elevators.
 It’s silent for a minute as the car rides up. Then a thought occurs to Steve. “I should probably warn you; Bucky isn’t going to be happy.”
 She looks up at him. “Because you’re bringing me? I thought you said-”
 “He wants to see you, I can see it in his face, but he’s being a prideful bastard. Tony... well, Tony has his arm.”
 “Has his arm?” She repeats, her pretty face going blank. “The whole thing?”
 “No, just part of it.” He replies sarcastically. “Yes, the whole thing. And Bucky is being...” he glances at her. “Well, he’s being a man about it, letting his ego get in the way. Just, something to keep in mind when you see him.” 
 Y/N nods and falls silent. Steve can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking about, however, before he has time to ask-the doors open.
 “This way.” He leads her out and down the hall to the lab. He holds the door open for her and she steps inside and stops dead. Steve touches her arm gently. “He’s over here.” 
 You don’t know what you were expecting when you walked into the room, but the sheer number of high-tech machines surprises you into stopping in your tracks. You can feel Steve behind you as he nearly walks into you. 
 He lightly presses his fingers to your arm. “He’s over here.” He says quietly, leading you around a corner of sorts. 
 Bucky is leaning against a metal counter, head hanging as his flesh arm is braced against the counter behind him. Somehow, he seems less bulky with only one arm. The other one is laying on a table hooked up to cords. He definitely seems a little more vulnerable without it, you can easily see why he doesn’t want you around. 
 You had a scathing comment all ready to fire at him for being so stupid but seeing him now, you realize that wouldn’t help. You swallow it down and take a step forward.
 “So, this is where you’ve been hiding for three days.” You say and his head snaps up fast.
 “What the fuck are you doing here?” He snaps and you try not to feel offended.
 “Steve brought me.” You take another step forward, looking around at the machines, an idea forming, maybe part of an answer to his problem. “I have to say, if you’re going to avoid me, this is a good place to do it. I would hide out here, too.” You don’t miss the way his eyes slide over to his best friend behind you, hardening into ice.
 “You were being ridiculous. I had to do something. And she’s here now, so... you know... you’re welcome.”
 Bucky’s eyes get wide and you can’t help but chuckle a little.
 “Probably not the best lead, Steve.” You tell him, taking another step towards Bucky. His eyes move back to you and you still see the anger there, but there’s something else. It takes you a minute to place it because you’ve never seen it on him before, fear. 
 “Where’s Tony?” Steve asks, looking around.
 “I may have threatened to rip his arms off so he may be hiding.” Bucky admits. 
 You break into a grin. “That wasn’t very nice, was it?” You take the last few steps and lean against the table next to him before he can move. 
 “He deserves it. After you left, he kept harping on me and I got annoyed.”
 You lean your head against his shoulder, getting comfortable. “Will I get to meet him?”
 “I guess. If you want to.” Bucky sighs, his arm tightening around your shoulders. 
 “Barnes! Are you calm now? Or do I have to call your boyfriend?” A voice calls from the back of the lab. 
 “Why don’t you come find out, Stark?” He calls back, his voice vibrates through you. 
 “Will you at least text your girl? You can blame it on me and tell her I banned phones in the lab.”
 “You mentioned that already.” Bucky replies with a grin down at you.
 “That’s what you were gonna tell me?” You ask incredulously. Raising your voice, you continue, “you know no one actually believes that, right?”
 “Why do you think I didn’t actually say it? I’m not out to insult you.”
 “Who’s that? Is that her?” Footsteps hurry forward.
 “So, I might have an idea.” You whisper to Bucky. He looks down at you curiously as a man appears in the doorway.
 “Wow, Barnes, I’m impressed. Hello, I’m Tony.” He offers his hand, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
 “Nice to meet you, finally.”
 “Has he been bragging about me? He has a man-crush on me.”
 You snort. “Not exactly. I have a question. Do you make your own computer chips here?”
 Tony opens his mouth to reply, but then shuts it, tilting his head curiously. “Why?”
 “Well, I’m just wondering why you haven’t made newly updated chips for his arm.”
 “They wouldn’t be compatible.”
 “Why not? Because of the attachment heads? That’s an easy fix. With everything in this lab, you can make anything.”
 “Bucky, can I see the inside of your arm? I didn’t get a super good look last time.” You ask and he nods, an unspoken question on his face. You can feel Steve’s eyes on you as Bucky steps forward and unlatches his panels.
 You pluck the flashlight out of Tony’s hand and aim it into the arm cavity. There you spot a row of microchips nestled into a bar of receivers. You pull one of the magnifiers in front of you to blow up the bar. You study it for a minute, getting a feel for the technology.
 “Is this Russian made?” You ask, nudging some wires around.
 “How on earth can you tell that?” Tony asks. 
 “It’s obvious, really.” You stand up and snap off the flashlight. “Where do you build your chips?” You look at Tony.
 He leads you to a workbench towards the back. “We don’t have any compatible.”
 “Tony, Tony, Tony. Have a little faith, will you? Also, do you have a computer with all of his information on it? I’ll need that, too.” You scoot out the stool and sit. 
 “What are you going to do?” Steve asks, stepping up next to you.
 “I’m going to help.” You answer obviously.
 Tony comes back and sets a laptop next to you before moving away again. He starts gathering up some supplies as you begin to pull the tools you would need towards you.
 “Bucky? Hand me those glasses right there.” You point up to the safety glasses on the wall above you.
 “You’re making me nervous.” He mumbles, grabbing them and placing them gently in your outstretched hand. 
 You catch his hand and pull it to your mouth. “No need to be nervous.” You smile and press a kiss to the back of his hand before letting it go. Tony brings back over the boxes of pieces you would need. 
 You start assembling the first chip, not pausing to really think about it, just letting the pieces fall into place. Once you’re satisfied that you have everything you need on there, you set the tools down to let it cool. 
 Stretching your back as you straighten up, it cracks loudly. You glance around and realize you’ve been lost in your own head for a long time, a lot longer than you realized. Tony has gone off to work on something else, and Steve and Bucky are talking back in the room with his arm. 
 You tilt your head from left to right, cracking it before pulling the laptop to you. Searching through the different programs that make his arm work as a whole, you find the one that controls basic function. 
 You scroll agonizingly slow through the millions of code lines, adding what you can to improve the quality. It takes you forever. The lines are tiny and your eyes are ready to fall out. You sit back for a minute, closing your eyes and pressing the heels of your hands into them. 
 “You doing okay?” Steve asks, his hands coming to rest on the back of your shoulders.
 “Yeah. It’s a lot of code. It won’t be perfect, I’m not as familiar with this kind and it should probably be rewritten better, but I’m not that good.”
 “Well, how much do you have left?”
 “About six hundred and fifty pages, give or take.” You answer off-handedly.
 “Oh, shit.” 
 “Yeah, where did Bucky go?” You ask, looking around. 
 “To make some coffee.”
 “Oh good, I’m gonna need it.”
 “So, bad news. We’re out of coffee.” Bucky says, coming back and draping his arm around your shoulders.
 You tip your head back and look up at him. “How can you be out of coffee?”
 “Either that or someone moved it. Which would just be dumb.”
 “Well, with the amount of code that I have to correct, there’s no way that I can keep going without any.” You sigh and rub your face. “I can’t even fix it all.”
 “Who can?” Steve asks.
 “Super geniuses?” You reply sarcastically, then you have a serious, actually helpful thought. “Well, I’ve heard of this girl, crazy inventor good. She might be able to help if we bribe her with something good. But, she lives...pretty far.”
 “How far?” Bucky asks. 
 “Africa, Western Africa.”
 “Well, I better make some calls.” Steve says matter-of-factly. 
 “If you can get her here, I think she and I can fix this.” You tell Steve and he nods.
 “Then it doesn’t look like you can do any more tonight. Bucky, why don’t you take her home? You can come work on this tomorrow, Y/N.”
 “You sure?” You ask.
 “Yeah. Go home, get some rest.” Steve nods.
 Bucky steps back and holds out his hand for you. 
 “Are you sure you’re okay to leave?” You ask Bucky. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
 “I think I’ll survive.” He smiles and you slide off the chair to follow him. 
 “Goodnight, Steve.” You say and he kisses your cheek. “Bye, Tony!” You call as Bucky pulls you towards the door. 
 He’s silent on the elevator ride down to the lobby, across the wide-open space and outside. He’s walking slowly so you can keep up with him, but still silent. 
 “Are you mad that I came tonight?” You ask quietly. 
 He looks down at you, surprised. “Why would you ask that?”
 “Because now you’re not speaking.”
 “I’m just thinking. Definitely not mad at you.” He pulls you tight against his side. “Are you kidding? You were the best part of the last three days.”
 “I can’t believe you thought I would care about your arm.” 
 “I don’t have a decent response to that, so I’m just gonna shut up.”
 “Probably a good call.”
 “So, how forward would it be if I showed up tomorrow to walk you to work?”
 “It would be worse for you if you didn’t. Trust me.” You grin, poking his side. 
 A cold shiver trickles down your spine and you stop dead, looking around. You’re definitely being watched. You glance up to the windows on the side of the building but no one is looking out of them.
 “What’s the matter?” Bucky asks. 
 You want to tell him but there’s just so many benign explanations that you still don’t want to worry him over nothing. 
 “So, does this mean we can have dinner at your place now?” You ask, tilting your head to look up at him as you continue walking. 
 “Yes. I will pick you up from work, and then we can finally have dinner.”
 You walk in silence for a while, his arm wrapped around you and you couldn’t be happier. The implications of your happiness aren’t lost on you, you know what will happen if you fall in love but as long as he’s your favored, you can claim it’s all an act, that this is what he needed to get going again.
 But you know the truth.
 And it scares the Tartarus out of you.
 He walks you up to your apartment, hesitating outside your door again. If he leaves you a second time without a kiss, you’re going to throttle him.
 “You’re coming tomorrow morning, right?” You ask, tilting your head to look up at him. 
 “I’ll be here.” He promises, taking your hand gently. You lift it to his face, cupping his cheek softly. He lowers his face to yours and you meet him the rest of the way, capturing his lips with yours. Your skin prickles, nerves coming alive as he kisses you, backing you into your door slightly. Your fingers slide into his hair, curling into the strands and scraping against his scalp. 
 He pulls away breathlessly, his eyes unfocused. “I should go.” He mumbles. 
 You nod, hating to watch him leave. “Tomorrow morning.” You remind him. He smiles at you and turns for the stairs. You wait until he’s out of sight before unlocking your door and heading for the window overlooking the street. You watch him emerge and he glances up at your window, a broad smile on his face. You can’t stop the weightlessness of your heart. 
 This is bad.
 Really bad.
 But you can’t bring yourself to mind too much. Not after he kisses you like that.
 With a sigh, you turn and get ready for bed. 
 Why is walking to her apartment so difficult? He’s walked home from there plenty of times. He groans in frustration and reaches for his door handle again.
 “Just fucking open it, you coward.” He mutters. And yet, his hand hesitates just out of reach. He groans and pulls back, pacing away from the door. 
 “What are you so afraid of? She’s already seen you without your arm, and she wants to continue seeing you. She wants you to walk her to work.” He says to himself, pacing around his living room. 
 “And then what? Leave her at the museum while you go back to work and deal with Tony being insufferable? You’re no good for security with just one arm, so Fury makes you stay in the lab. You’re alone all day.” He sighs loudly and smacks his face a few times, trying to get himself together.
 “You like being alone, moron. It’s better than having to deal with Sam or see Nat. Definitely don’t wanna see her.” He catches sight of himself in the mirror and points at his reflection. 
 “Listen here, you little shit. Twenty minutes with Y/N is better than three days without her. Get your ass over there and walk her to work.” He snaps. 
 He marches over to the door, flings it open, and steps outside. He barely remembers to lock it behind him before he’s off, walking to her apartment before he can chicken out. But with every step, his stomach tightens into a series of knots and he can’t catch his breath. 
 “Damn it, Y/N, what have you done to me?” He mutters. 
 Her building comes into sight and it’s like his skin ignites with electricity, nerves ramping higher and higher. He steps up to her door and raises his finger to push her doorbell. His hand is shaking so bad he nearly pushes the wrong one.
 “Come on, man, get it together.” He shakes his hand as if that can expel all his nerves and pushes the right buzzer.
 “Hello?” Her voice comes over the box and he can’t answer. “Bucky? That better be you.” She says and he smiles, despite his anxiety.
 “Yeah. It’s me.” He replies.
 “Come on up.” She says, buzzing him in. He pulls the door open and goes inside, her voice echoing in his ears.
 He reaches her door and knocks nervously. His hand starts to go to his hair, maybe to flatten it down or fix it, but honestly, what good would it do at this point?
 She opens the door in her robe, with a tank top and long pajama pants on underneath, a big cup of coffee in her hand. “Come on in.” She steps back, watching him.
 He steps inside, trying to look anywhere but at the gorgeous woman in her pajamas. “You’re not ready yet?” He asks, turning his gaze to her living room. He wanted to be here twenty minutes ago, but now, with her swirling all around him, he just needs to leave. To get this over with.
 “I called in sick.” She says, giving a pathetic fake cough. 
 The knot in his chest loosens and he can breathe a little easier now. “You did?”
 “Yeah. I thought we could have breakfast, and then go back to SHIELD and work some more on your arm.” She says with a shrug. 
 “You did?” He repeats, stunned. She continuously surprises him. 
 “Is that not okay? I thought that since we haven’t really spent a lot of time together over the last three days that we could now, and under the pretense of a good cause.”
 “No! I like that idea. I just wish I had thought of it first.” He says and she laughs, walking passed him into the kitchen, catching his hand in her soft one as she goes. 
 “Besides, you still owe me for that kiss you withheld. Don’t think I won’t be collecting on that.” She warns and he can’t stop the grin on his face. 
 “I genuinely can’t wait.” He says as she pushes him into a chair, her hand trailing around his neck. 
 “Can you use a fork right-handed?” She asks, leaning down close to his ear.
 Her perfume clouds around him, seeming to seep into his skin, fogging his brain and he can hardly focus on what she’s saying. All he can picture is pinning her against the wall and kissing her for all he’s worth. “Um, yeah. I got used to it before I got the arm.” He answers nervously. 
 “Good.” She straightens up and steps back, leaving him feeling empty like he’s missing something. 
 It’s quiet in her apartment as she moves about the kitchen. He feels pressure on his shoulders, something weighing him down. He gets up and goes to the bar to watch her.
 “I’m sorry.” He says after a long minute. 
 She looks up at him in some surprise as she cracks eggs into a frying pan. “Sorry for what?”
 “Avoiding you.”
 “I understand, Bucky. Probably better than you might realize. But I want you to know something, okay?” She puts down the spatula and walks around to stand in front of him, easing herself between his knees. She places her hands gently on either side of his face, her skin soft and warm on him. “There is absolutely nothing that you can do, or reveal about your past, or say to me that will make me leave. Do you understand? I don’t care if you have one arm, one eye, and one leg. I’m in this.” 
 He closes his eyes and nods. “I understand.”
 “Promise me, no more secrets.”
 “I promise.”
 “Good.” Her hands slide down his chest and she grips his shirt, pulling him against her, kissing him deeply. Her lips are soft, sweet on his, and yet so urgent. 
 He wraps his arm around her, pulling her against him. She pulls back, her beautiful eyes closed as she rests her forehead against his. “I should make breakfast.” She mumbles.
 “I’m not done kissing you yet.” He sighs and she chuckles.
 “We have time. We can pick up where we left off later.”
 “You miss the arm.” He says softly.
 “I like the way the hot and cold feels. And I don’t like that you’re uncomfortable.” She pulls back out of his grasp and goes back into the kitchen. 
 “I’m feeling better.” He shrugs lopsidedly. It mostly has to do with the fact that she’s so accepting of this whole situation.
 “Be that as it may,” she pauses and looks up at him with a soft smile. 
 He sighs and sits back. “Fine. We can finish kissing later.” 
 She laughs, grabbing a mug out of her cabinet. “Sounds like a plan.” She pouts him some coffee and sets it in front of him. He captures her hand, pulling it to his mouth, kisses her palm, inhaling the scent of her skin. Images of flowers, bright and full and oh so delicate, fill his mind. Peonies and roses and lots of others he didn’t know the names of. Soft pinks and deep purples and bright reds. So vibrant, so alive. He lets her hand slide out of his and his fingers itch to grab a pad of paper, but he doesn’t have his dominant hand. 
 Maybe she’s right, they need to finish his arm. 
 He lifts his mug and sips at the coffee, savoring the flavor of it. She hums softly as she cooks in the kitchen and a strange feeling washes over him. 
 The complete sense of domesticity about this scene. This gorgeous woman that he can’t get enough of, making breakfast for the both of them. The normalcy of it twists in his heart like a knife. 
 He knows he shouldn’t rush things, should take their time. It hasn’t really been that long in the grand scheme of things. It’s dangerous for her, he’s dangerous. 
 But he can’t make himself stay away from that look in her eyes when she sees him. Soft and affectionate, not disgusted, not terrified. She treats him just like he’s anyone else. And it’s been so long since anyone has done that. 
 Even Nat, when she came to see him. She had a hard time looking at him. She stayed across the room the whole time, afraid of him. It’s not her fault. She did what she needed to do for herself, to protect herself and he can’t blame her for that. 
 A plate sets in front of him and he blinks and looks up. 
 She’s smiling at him, teasing. “I think I lost you there for a minute.” She says.
 “Just thinking. This looks great.” Scrambled eggs with fresh tomatoes and spinach, sausage and toast. 
 “Just breakfast.” She shrugs, bringing her plate around to sit next to him. 
 “Well, unless Stevie and I go to a diner for breakfast, mine usually consists of protein bars.”
 “That’s boring.” She sighs, digging in. 
 They eat in comfortable silence. He can’t stop looking at her. The gentle way her hair falls like a curtain between us, the casual way she flips it out of her face. Her cheekbones are a work of art, her long eyelashes laying against her cheeks soft and delicate like a flower. He has a sudden urge to sketch her, to get her lines down perfectly. 
 “Mmm. That was good.” She hums, scooting her stool back. “I’m gonna jump in the shower really quick.” She carries her plate into the kitchen and sets it in the sink. “Make yourself comfortable.” She presses a kiss to his cheek and heads into her bedroom. 
 He slowly finishes eating before taking his plate into the kitchen. He draws some hot water and quickly scrubs the dishes, setting them to dry in the dish rack. He settles into her comfortable couch, looking around at all the pictures and artwork in her living room. 
 There’s a statue sitting on her entertainment center. It’s of a couple waltzing. The woman looks like she’s wearing a flowing dress but the only details visible are at the bottom, her sculpted back looks bare. She has her face tucked into his neck in an intimate moment, a private affair just for them. The rest of their world faded away while they’re in each other’s arms.
 Bucky stands up and crosses the room to the statue, picking it up and examining the couple. His finger traces across her back absently.
 “Do you like it?” She asks behind him. 
 He nearly drops it as he turns around. He sets it down carefully so he won’t break it. “Yeah.” He looks up at her in time to see her struggling not to smile.
 “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” She steps forward and picks up her shoes. 
 “It’s okay. Ready to go?” He asks, holding her hand as she balances on one foot.
 “Yeah. Can we call a cab? It would be quicker.”
 “Sure.” He opens her door for her and makes sure to lock it, handing her keys back to her. 
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femaleboysblog · 5 years
♥ super(hero) love ♥
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| hwang hyunjin x superhero!reader | sorry for any mistakes! english is not my first language!
part i | part ii (final)
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word count: 1,6k warnings: a little of violence A/N: just rewriting some old stuff :) | gender neutral reader (if you consider dude a gender neutral term lol) |
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I stared from afar, my white combat boots digging into the thick snow making it harder for me to lift my feet each time, looking for the spark boy. The park was open and surprisingly cold, saying it was freezing was surely an understatement, Chan had really outdid himself this time. Only a few people hung around playing, most of them probably heading home to their warm after the sudden climate change. Sitting on the bench, the bored boy sipped on his hot chocolate, while looking at the oldest running around trying to catch snowflakes. - Is he okay? I don’t think i’ve ever seen him smile before. - i questioned out loud, seeing him like this made my heart warm. Chan deserved to be happy, he really went through a lot. - Yeah. He was very gloomy earlier cause the weather was too hot so i tried cheering him up by helping him make a light snowstorm in the city, but his crush texted him back or something. - Wait, he’s seeing someone? - i asked, clearly surprised. - I didn’t know that! - Neither did he, Y/N. Neither did he. I thought maybe he would lose control again and i would need help, sorry. - It’s okay, kiddo. - i ruffed his hair and put my index finger on my chin - At least i can rock this outfit. Including this obnoxious white and long cape. - That reminds me, how was your date? Did everything go well? The guy wasn’t  a jackass, was he? - About that, - i took a sip from his mug before giving it back to him - Do you know who Scarlet Devil is? Who he really is?- i asked back a different question, making him frown, confused. - Yeah, he’s a boy from my school….Why? - Does his name happen to be Hwang Hyunjin? - i questioned making him choke loudly. - Please tell me he’s not the one you went on a date with. Please. - It is! Before i left, i was super weirded out cause he had the same lightning mark on his arm. My lightning mark. I honestly don’t know what to think, maybe i’m being too paranoid. - Come on, he lives close by. Just promise me you won’t blow up his house or something. -No promis- - Chan, Let’s go! You’re gonna need to see this!
The oldest and i walked side by side, admiring the youngest in front of us strolling adorably through the snow sitting softly in the sidewalk. - We’re here. - Jeongin stopped in front of a gate, clearly leading to apartment buildings. - You sure you know where this is, Innie? - Chan asked, rising an eyebrow, unsure of where he was. The boy smiled in a sappy way, clearly having high expectations for the situation. - Yeah, just follow me. - Looking at each other, i crossed my arm, not knowing what exactly was going to happen. He ran inside, going to the reception - Hey Jinyoung, how’s your day going? - It’s going fine, what about yours? - the man smiled answering back, without looking away from his computer screen, busy typing something important. - Still not sure. I came here to see Hyunjin, as usual. These are my friends, Y/N and Chan. - he introduced us, enthusiastically. - Nice to meet you guys, i’m Jinyoung. You three can go right ahead, Jeongin, just please promise me. No mess like last time, be a good kid, alright? - It was Hyunjin’s fault! I promise! - he yelled back, hitting the button for the fourth floor.
Chan put his back against the wall, looking irritated. I eyed him back, also irritated. - I still don’t understand what we’re doing here or even who this dude is. - Imagine me! - i threw my hands in the air. Jeongin knocked on the door, looking at his foot while waiting for his friend to reply. - Hey, it’s me! - People walking in the hallway staring at us in a mix of both curiousness and weirded out for seeing a trio of people standing there in weird costumes, talking loudly. We’re just superheroes, ma’m. Taking care of superheroes matters, nothing to see here. - Come in! - someone yelled in the other side of the door. My little brother opened the door and let us in like it wasn’t weird at all. Hesitating, Chan got inside pulling me with him. - Didn’t i tell you to wait for me at the park? I’m still putting my uniform on! - the boy kept rumbling to Jeongin. But my little brother was right. - Hyunjin you prick! - I yelled in pure anger, ripping my mask off and feeling my eyes turning white, the lights in the room bursting out and the sun getting a tad bit darker. The usual. The boy named froze in his place, turning back slowly, in fear. - Y/N? What’s happening here? Why are you dressed like Starlight? - Don’t act up, Y/N knows everything. Just tell them your master plan. - Plan? So that was your master plan? - i said loudly, lifting off in the air, not being able to control my powers anymore. - Trick and lie to me? Make me fall in love with you and break my heart? Was that your villain’s plan all long? - No! You have to listen to me! - I’m done with you. - i said, storming in his direction making him cower with fear. I blasted a shot of light against him with as much force as i had, making him fly through the window. - Dude! How many times do i have to tell you, you can’t just throw people off the window! - My brother yelled out of reflection making Chan laugh even harder than before. - What you’re laughing at? Go help my best friend! - Why is it always me? - the older buffed, running and surfing out of the window to help the boy. Surfing back in, he had his hand holding the supervillain by his collar, which was coughing with his face all red. - Done. - he said dropping him down. - Ground. Thank god ground! Floor, i love you floor. - the fire boy said kissing the ground, clearly still shook from being thrown from a high height. - I’m leaving. - i turned around to the door but Jeongin was faster than me, stepping in front of me spreading and shaking his arms to stop me. - You can’t leave! Please, i’m begging you. Just listen to him, i didn’t do all of this all this time for nothing! - All this time? I wondered to myself. - Fine. - Jinnie, you know what to do. - Ok, just give me a sec. - he asked so he could recover his breath. - Y/N, the truth is that…….I’m in love with you. I know. Just please let me finish. - i nodded slowly, in disbelief. - I’ve been in love with you for years. - What- - Y/N! - Innie exclamed. - Sorry, keep going. - Anyways, Starlight. I saw myself looking forward everyday to fighting you, or at least talking to you, even if that meant me becoming a super ‘villain’ in some way. But then i realised, i was only making you hate me and as much as tried to get over it, it was hard, especially since we saw each other almost everyday. The only way i saw myself getting over it was if i fell in love with someone else, that was when i found your blog, we started talking and months earlier we met up today and i fell even harder.  The only person who knew about all this was Jeongin, he tried to tell me both were the same person but i didn’t want to believe, but he was right. I was just falling again for the exact same person, without knowing. It was obvious, he kept calling Starlight his sibling, and then he says his sibling was you, it was right in my face, i just didn’t want to accept. - I tried telling Y/N that Scarlet Devil and you were also the same person but they didn’t believe me too. You dumbasses are meant to be together. - First of all, you dingus. I didn’t hate you as Scarlet Devil, the way you acted, it just rubbed me the wrong way. Crossing while it’s red to mess the traffic, ringing the bells of multiple houses and then running away, or even pretending your finger was a gun and blowing it after shooting fire bullets at me. You were, just, so annoying. - I’m sorry, i guess i can be reckless sometimes. - Another reason they hated you, was also because i teased Y/N for thinking you’re cute. - Admitted Chan with a smirk. Hyunjin looked down, visibly shy. I crossed my arms, not sure what to say. I was also in love with him. - I forgive you, - i paused, walking closer to him - but in one condition. - Which is… - You take me out on another date and this time, we finish the ice cream. - Deal. - Hey Genie! Can i have another wish? - W-What is it? - he asked, blushing. - Gross, no. Let’s leave, Chan. - Jeongin said out loud pushing the older who gave thumbs up before leaving. I turned back to the cute boy in front of me. - Can i kiss you?
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