#[ absolute menace shaped family......
marinehero-a · 2 years
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     I find it so funny how So many people in one piece just go @ Luffy    “ ah / dammit its Garp’s grandson ”
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rae-writes · 11 months
Mammon, Satan, Asmo || 0.8k wc || crack post [to make up for all the angst recently] ft. menace mc (Tannie's is my favorite bc that's literally me)
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The second born was on his way to Lucifer’s office again when he saw you plopped on the common room floor
You had tons of materials surrounding you : scissors, needles, thread, fabric, small stickers— even glitter glue! 
Mammon didn’t have the time to stop and ask why, he just chalked it up to his little human just doing their weird little human things
After he was dismissed from Lucifer’s office (and after a 3 fucking hour long lecture), he made his way back to the common room, but you were gone
In your place was a yellow sticky note that read “Hey Mammon! Don’t freak out, I just went outside for a bit <3” 
And that made him freak out even more
Because it was raining like all fuck out there
So he scrambles to the entrance hall and throws open the front door, ready to yell, when he just stops 
You’re crouched down on the steps with an umbrella over you while his crow familiars hop around your feet
They’re all decked out in tiny rain hats, rain coats, and some of his older ones even have small rain boots
Currently, you’re putting a glittery gold lookin set on Mammon’s youngest crow and the demon’s heart swells
The crows notice him fairly quickly and begin to jump around even more, making you look back and beam 
“Hi Mamoney! Alright little fella, you’re all good to go now! Go say hi to Mammon!” 
He could cry. Literally sob at how fucking cute this is
“Aw, guys! Look at ya!” He pets them over their hats, grinnin’ ear to ear, “Mc. You didn’t tell me you wanted to parent the kids with me.” 
You laughed, making him grin even more. “You mentioned them getting cold when they got rained on so I figured I’d help out! Don’t they just look so cute?!” 
Mammon’s eyes were practically heart shaped, “y-yeah…”
(he absolutely gets you and him a rain set so you can all go out in them like a big family) 
(and yes his brothers made fun of him for it and no he didn’t care— especially not when you slapped them with your wet rain hat)
You and Satan were out on a simple walk. A relaxing, uneventful walk
That is until you get approached by a fucking unicorn
You don’t know what the hell to do or say- you just kinda stand there staring for a minute while Satan pets his uh…friend. He chuckles at your response, raising an eyebrow when you hold a single finger up
“Someone either slipped me some severe drugs or you’re just a stone cold traitor who did not tell me he was bffs with this gorgeous creature. Both of which I will take offense to.” 
“I deeply apologize for my transgressions, my love.” 
You glanced at the unicorn with a look of ‘can you fucking believe this guy’ before raising a hand, “May I?” 
You received a neigh, to which you leaned in closer and stroked up its nose, where you then received a delighted huff 
“I would die for you.” 
Satan snorted, shoulders shaking with barely contained laughter. His laughter only got louder when his familiar looked at him with the equivalent expression of ‘how dare you keep this human from me’ 
“Yes, yes, I should’ve introduced you two sooner. Are we done pouting now?” 
You and the unicorn looked at eachother. Then at Satan. Then back to each other. “No.”
He smiled, still amused, “then how about a ride through town? I’ll walk beside you.”
“Like the peasant you are. Alright- onward, Uni! Let’s go kick a guy in the gut.”
...perhaps Satan had been leaving you alone with Belphie for too long
For once (though not for long), the House of Lamentation was peacefully quiet
Most of them were doing their own thing in the common room, existing without a hitch beside each other— a perfect day, in Lucifer’s opinion 
The sound was extremely high pitched and cracked, but it was written off as ‘just Mammon doing something stupid again’ 
Yeah…until he walked through the door asking what the hell that noise was. Then they all did a headcount- you were the only one not present 
Asmo turned into the world’s biggest track star in that moment and made his way to you first, finding you floating in mid air at the entrance hall
And on the floor was a sleek black scorpion just…sitting there
“Hon…don’t tell me you’re scared of my gorgeous little baby?!” 
You stared at him like he was fucking nuts— which you thought so in that moment. “I’m sorry, I was a bit too focused on the stINGER!” 
“He doesn’t sting anyone unless I tell him too, Hon, no worries!” 
…’no worries’ he says, as if the creepy thing wasn’t among the most dangerous animals to humans. And a human, you were 
In fairness, the scorpion was not so horrible looking. It’s tail faded into a hot pink like Azzy’s horns and it’s feet(?) we’re tipped with gold. And it had a faint sparkly coat. Of course. 
“Okay…I can deal with this…I guess he is..kind of..pretty..?” 
“Indeed he is! I shine him myself! You wanna hold him?” 
“No, that’s alrig— STOP BRINGING IT CLOSER!”
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader Series
Omega Part 1
Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
A/n: This mini-ish series will take place from season 2-3. Also just a disclaimer I’m not POC and when i write i always imagine myself in the situation I’m writing and then describe it accordingly of course i will do my absolute best to keep this inclusive for everyone however if i make a mistake please feel free to let me know! This is also my first ever x reader story, I’ve always done OCs when writing on other platforms so be patient with me please! Thank you and love you guys! <3
Prompt: after everything that happened with Peter had finally been resolved it was time to watch over Lydia, unfortunately not everything goes to plan.
You were sitting in the hospital waiting room with Stiles, who was unfortunately snoring and very clearly dreaming about Lydia. Stiles rolled over in the chair, mumbling some nonsense you could care less about. However, it still made you chuckle, he’s been in love with her since you could remember and while you wished he would just leave it alone you knew he couldn’t.
Melissa walked through the door with Lydia’s father, he glanced at you and Stiles before pointing to you guys, “He’s been here all morning.” Melissa’s eyes met where the man was looking, “He’s been here all weekend.”
You chuckled and looked over to Stiles just in time to see him unknowingly freak out a poor staff lady with his sleep talking, “Sorry, he’s little… well as you can see, an odd sleeper.” She rolled her eyes before walking away, clearly not wanting to be bothered. You bumped Stiles in the stomach with your elbow and he shook awake making the balloon that was tied to the chair swish in his face.
“I’m going to get going, I’m exhausted and these chairs were not made for sleeping, even though you seem to have figured it out.” He glared at you before sitting up completely, “Did you want me to drive you home?”
You shook your head slightly, “No, don’t worry about it, Melissa’s house isn’t too far from here and I could use the fresh air after everything that’s happened.” He nodded understanding what you meant, from Scott’s werewolf problems, to Peter being an absolute menace to our grade point averages, and to top it all off your new abilities that awoke when Scott was bitten (you guys still have no idea what it is), it seemed that you guys didn’t even have time to breathe for a while.
“I’m just going to let Melissa know that I’m heading home and then I’ll be on my way,” You smiled and with a wave exchange between the both of you, you turned and made your way to the front door, where Melissa was standing behind the desk. You gave your parting words and she gave the motherly warning of “be careful” that you’re beyond used to at this point.
You see you are Y/N L/N, no relation to Melissa McCall or her son that you’ve known since you learned to talk, but your parents were in some accident when you were little and from then on Melissa and Sheriff Stilinksi took care of you. At first it was just them switching off every few weeks, then after Scott’s dad left you stayed exclusively with the Sheriff and when Melissa was able to move on from that event she took you in completely. You’ve been with her ever since, Stiles and Scott were like your brothers, always there for you when you needed it. Never made you feel like you were the odd one out, even though you were. That didn’t matter though, because you had all you needed, the perfect family in your eyes.
Your thoughts got interrupted by the sound of a machine, you turned your head in the direction of the sound only to realize you had reached the cemetery without realizing and it was Isaac Lahey working the machine. ‘His dad must’ve made him work a night shift, again.’
You actually knew the boy pretty well, you were in Chemistry together, even had a project you two were paired together for. He was such a sweet guy, insanely cute too although that you would never admit to anyone but yourself.
You knew to a slight degree of what his dad has done to him, you wanted to tell someone but the tall boy had a panic attack at just the thought of the idea. He said it was because if things were to go wrong he couldn’t bare the thought of his dad trying to hurt you.
You decided you were gonna stop by and keep him company for a while before making your way back home. You walked into the dark graveyard, making your way towards the rig that Isaac sat on so clearly focused on his work. He only noticed you when you raised your hand in the air and let your voice ring out.
“You seem quite focused over there, you wouldn’t mind some company, right?” You questioned with a slight smile on your face.
You could see his eyes just so slightly light up to the point where you could’ve probably made yourself believe you imagined it. “No, no, I wouldn’t mind, so long as you don’t mind being slightly uncomfortable in this one person seat.” He smiled so softly and you have to admit it made your heart flutter ever so slightly.
You put your hand over your heart and with a sarcastic look and tone you gasped, “Oh no, stuck in a one person seat with the ever so charming, Isaac Lahey? How ever will I cope?” He chuckled at your response and reached a hand out for you to take.
“Thank you my dear Prince Charming.” You said with a fake accent.
“Prince Charming, huh?” He inquired while holding onto your hand. You smiled and gave him a proud nod, “Yep, only a prince would allow a peasant like me to sit in this amazing contraption.” You gestured to the yellow machinery. He huffed amusedly before silently going back to his work and for the next ten minutes you both just basked in each other’s presence. You looked down and saw your hands still interlocked, you could almost feel your heart stop in that moment. Without even thinking more about it, you gave Isaac’s hand a small squeeze and right away you felt him squeeze your hand back.
You looked up at him, “Hey Isaac?”
“Yes, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing! I just was wondering if maybe you-”
Your phone rang before you even got a chance to finish, you sighed and gave him an apologetic look to which he shrugged it off in a light hearted manner. You looked down at your phone, which was still ringing, only to see a name that instantly made you worry.
Why would he be calling right now?
You answered the phone, only to hear the stuttering and chaotic mess that is the young Stilinksi boy, “Y/N!” You pulled the phone away from your ear, it caused Isaac’s head to snap to you, his eyebrow raised.
“Stiles, what could you possibly need right now, I’m kind of busy,” You huffed.
“Lydia? What about Lydia?”
“She just left out the hospital window!” Your eyes widened, “She WHAT?”
“Yeah you heard me, look I’m gonna come get you, Scott already knows so we’ll regroup and find her.”
“There’s no need to come get me, I’m not that far right now, I’ll be there soon and then we can get Scott,” you glanced at Isaac hoping he wouldn’t be upset at the situation but he just gave you a look that said ‘it’s alright, I understand’ and you knew it would be okay.
“How are you not home yet?”
You sighed, “Now’s not the time, okay I’ll explain to you later.” You said your goodbyes and hung up the phone.
“Isaac, I’m really sorry but I have to go it’s an emergency,” you looked at him as he gave you a slight wave off, “It’s alright, I’ll see you at school.” You gave him a smile and without a second thought you kissed him on the cheek and hopped off the rig, starting your jog back to the hospital. “I’ll see you at school!”
Little did you know, you left the tall boy slightly red with his hand on his cheek.
a/n: andddd that’s part one, i thought about doing the full episode in one part but i feel like that’s a lot to read over. Tbh none of this has been read over either lol ANYWAYS let me know what you think and if you see any mistakes let me know!
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sharenadraculea · 8 months
As the lovely @lepetitmonstre has posted some very good smut over on AO3 set in a Mafia-Au I with some other on discord came up with, I wanted to talk more about it! There is theoratically a plot somewhere, but no promises that this will ever become a finished fic.
The Emporer: Runs The Imperium, newest and now biggest Mafia-group in town. No one knows where he came from, how old he is or how many kids he actually has. A absolute maniac with no problems to kill people and thinks that covering everything in gold is a great idea. Malcador: Emps right hand man, he does all the boring stuff. One of the very few people allowed to criticise Big E. Very exhausted, he needs a vacation. Valdor: E‘s butler, bodyguard and whatever else he might need. Makes very good tea and cake.
The Primarchs: E‘s most important underlings he delegates most tasks to. Some, but not all of them might be related to him. (Note: I haven‘t worked out all of them yet) Lion: Hitman, tough he has been on bodyguard-duty for Sang a lot as of lately. Definetly-neither-heterosexual-nor-monogamous-lifepartner of Leman and absolute psychopath. He has a pet-lion! Jagh: Everything vehicle-related. Need a get-away car? A car disappeared? Just a limo-driver? He‘ll do it. Also on the older side. No one really knows much about him. Leman: The other hitman. He has two giant definetly-not-wolves that might have a taste for human flesh. He has also been on bodyguard-duty for Sang a lot and yes, there is a very messy love-shape-thing-situation going on. It‘s gonna end in disaster. Sang: Daddys princess. The only one of his illegitimate kids E has ever acknowledged. He even tried to get her away, but why have a comfy luxurious life if you could do organized crime? Sometimes shocks people with how brutal she can get. Menace: Sangs cat. She found her in the trash. Has only one eye and probally wants to take over the world. Will try to murder everyone except Sang. Especially Horus. Rob: The one sane man. He runs a pizzaria (definetly not for moneylaundering purposes), the mafia is more his sidegig. He wants to get out, he is so tired of all that bullshit, but he also values his life. Has a surprisnhly healthy and stable relationship with Yvraine, despite her beeing from a rival group. Under no circumstances mention pineapple-pizza while around him. Floof: Robs dog. He‘s very big and fluffy and dumb. Loves cuddles. Floof is afraid of E. And cats. And gunshots. Because of that no one is allowed to carry firearms while in Robs Pizzaria. Horus: Emps‘ only legitimate child. Don‘t ask what happend with his mother. The favorite child and heir to E‘s crime-empire. Also engaged to Sang, because you know, keep it in the family. Their relationship is a toxic dumpsterfire even at the start. He‘s thinking about… let‘s just say getting rid of Emps. (Monstre changed some of the relationship-details for his one-shot) Alpharius and Omegon: No one knows where they came from, but E dragged them into his villa one day and announced that from now one they will do the internet-stuff. Most likely some of his many, many bastard-kids.
The Eldar: Used to be the big deal around, then somehow shattered into a lot of smaller groups and a lot got also arrested. Sometimes work together with the Imperium. Yvraine: Leader of one of the many Eldar-splinterfactions. In a semi-secret relationship with Rob. Still a absolute badass you should never underestimate.
The Orks: A gang of thugs/hooligans that just like to beat people up. There is very little logic behind how they act and they just generally are a problem for everyone else who is trying to do organized crime.
Chaos: The highly corrupt local authorities/police. They do absolutly nothing against the crime running rampant (except that one time Slaanesh destroyed the eldar) while getting bribes from everyone. But when they hear that Horus has some plans, they get interested…
I definetly want to include the other Xenos-factions, but I don‘t really have a good idea for them yet.
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lonelylonelyghost · 3 months
Re-watch of The Spirealm. Episode 24
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"How did you get your injuries?"
"I had an accident a long time ago, my friend chose not to save me, and then I got a cut."
"... What kind of friend would leave you in a lurch?"
"Maybe he just didn't care much about me."
With friends like these who needs enemies
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"Baby boy, please, don't cry, read it three times, and sleep tight"
OK, I'm sorry @viki, I appreciate your efforts and I'm usually not the one to start a beef with anybody, but that was an incredibly lame translation, wtf...
From the other fan-subs that I had it sounds something like this:
"The sky is anxious, the earth is uneasy,
There is a crying boy in my family,
Recite it three times when passing by here
It's like falling into the sky when I wake up"
Not 100% sure about the accuracy, but can you see the difference??? Also, according to the novel it's a common folk tradition, where "if you have a child at home who cries a lot, you can write this rhyme on a sheet of paper and then stick it in a busy intersection. If passerby read it enough, your child would stop crying." (Chapter 79)
[edit: in ep.26 they had a better translation, but still]
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Paying a visit to a menace incarnate
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Ruan Nanzhu's I-can-be-a-little-shit-and-you-can't-do-anything-about-it-because-I'm-also-powerful-af face lmao
Honestly, Li Dongyuan, I get it. Unfortunately you don't have any more chances with him than Xu Jin had with Lin Qiushi, so...
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Oh the fun!!! 😈
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Nanzhu is worried as hell
But Qianli's comment about seeing Chestnut as his daughter-in-law????? Sneaky and genius. And he's not wrong! Nanzhu is his "older brother" figure, and Qiushi is his brother-in-law, so yeah, Chestnut is Chengling's child-in-law
Gay math 👍
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This scene gives me chills. All of them seem at least somewhat relaxed while sending Qiushi away (except Nanzhu, but he has the right), but when Qiushi enters the Door, all their masks of carefree attitude disappear and they immediately stand up and go towards the door.
And they wait, hoping for the best, but fully knowing that in 15 minutes Qiushi might arrive only to disappear again, this time forever...
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Yey! Wu Qi!
Literally the only thing I regret the drama didn't take from the novel is the first time we see Gu Longming (here it's Wu' Qi's alias, in the novel he was a completely separate dude).
Just imagine, you talk online to a girl who is scared of her situation and desperately asking for your help, and when you finally meet each other, instead of a tiny adorable school girl you get this:
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With the outfit and everything
And it's just 💀💀💀
Absolutely hysterical
(and also, you should check out Ladybeard 👆, he's awesome)
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The dynamic between them in the Doors is great. Just Qiushi being constantly incredulous and exasperated, and Wu Qi just being just a scared 🥺 kitten.
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Everything will go over great!
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Avengers, assemble! 🍭🍭🍭
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A calming ambience
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Yes, according to censorship, there is no such thing as a River God in this world, but there IS a candle made out of human fat that repels the evil spirits in shape of little pigs walking on hind legs. Logic, everybody!
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Dumbasses 🧡🧡🧡
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Ideas for activities to spend some quality time with your bros:
Fish out and examine the corpse of a child that was thrown into the river as a sacrifice to a River God. 10/10
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A painting
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I'm dying from Wu Qi's faces in this Door 😆
This one is giving me - "I just dreamed about being abducted by aliens, and when I woke up things are not much better" - energy
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"Dangerous Shit Detector" in the shape of a crying creepy baby doll is a very cool thing
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3615rose · 5 months
Last Guardian Linked Universe AU
Each Link would have a Trico, each of them with different fur and feathers, and little accessories. That's the theory with each Link detailed under the cut.
Hyrule would have a coffee brown Trico. As he's from an apocalyptic world, food is scarce but he always share his part with his beast which would return it. His Trico will be really soft and accommodating to him, leaning its head so Hyrule could climb on its back. Would name it Hope or Light.
Legend's Trico would be a light colored one, almost a blond colored one. Both of Legend and his Trico would have the sassy attitude, and would play bully easily (and Legend MAY have been gobbled up once or twice). But if one touch only one feather of the creature, Legend will rip them apart. Oh and his beast would be COVERED in different trinkets for magic. Would be named Marin, in honor of the dream's woman as he would tell his Trico.
Four and his Trico are the impressive opposite in size, but it didn't matter. The color would be a black and white beast! They would enjoy long ballads in Hyrule, flying high as if nothing was important. The beast is armored, totally by Four's handiwork. Matching colors and frills matching his earring. Totally named White because all colors mixed makes white.
Time and his beast would be the calmest one. White as snow, they would be around at the ranch, both helping. Malon has all right to climb on this Trico too, like a family pet dearly cherished. They may have tried to shoot the moon once or twice. Name would be Space, because Time and Space!
Twilight would have a friendly fight with his Trico, those little play games that pups do together to learn how to fight. the color of the beast would be black, like his fur when he's a wolf. He would put on his beast and friend some Twili style decorations, nothing too heavy for it. Thinking that he could name it something goofy like Butter or Choccy.
Sky is used to creature taller than him, with the Loftwings. So having his Trico is like a Loftwing but in cat shape. The bond between them would be a lot of sleeping and having the head up high in the sky. In Wild's Hyrule, they would climb those Hebra mountains just to throw themselves from that height and enjoy the breeze on them. He would keep the name Trico, for him it suits the creature best.
Wind's Trico is totally cool with long time on beaches, albeit his dark brown feathers taking all the sand in it. Wind would be on top of it, letting the Trico find things in the dirt while he would scourge the place to loot. They're a danger duo, and they know it. Both are playful, and his Trico want to play with the others like a kitten needing affection. He would have a large bandana, more a blanket, but still, like those dogs with the little cloth on them. Named something piraty, like Bounty or Looty.
Warrior and his Trico would be the best commandant and his beast duo. With a stripped pattern of brown and grey, his Trico would also have a custom made armor to resist any attack during the wars. And he would be the one that knew how these beasts fed before discovering real food after the mind control. Named Dove, because he craves peace more than everyone thinks.
Wild and his Trico are like Wind and his beast too, absolute menace. Wild was the one that introduced the Chain to the creatures while showing them the sky islands, where they rest and live usually. His Trico is a golden orange, and covered in Zonai style armor. Both wreak havoc on monsters, knows the best place to find good food and are both amazing teammates when it comes to cooking or guiding the others. He would name his Trico something food or flower related, like Lilly or Bone.
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Finished my Total Drama OC Cast!
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Let's meet the cast!
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Alex. The Attention Hog
Doesn't care about anything except having everyone's attention on him. I mean, why wouldn't you pay attention to him. He's ripped, he's clever, he's hot, he's got muscles, did I mention he's ripped?
Finn. The Workaholic
Money, money, money. That's what Finn dreams about. It's why he works 6 different jobs and sleeps 2 hours a week. (If he's lucky) He loves money. He wants a lot of it. But the only way he'll accept it is through hard work.
And what's harder then winning Total Drama?
Gabriel. The Pretentious Goth
He barely glanced at you and he's already unimpressed with you. You're just not up to Gabriel's standards. Too mainstream and normal. Have you ever even worn a corset?
Just because he thinks he's better then you doesn't mean he has to constantly remind you of it. And yet he does.
Darla. The Visionary
Darla doesn't create art. She IS art. She breathes, eats and drinks art!
What exactly does she consider art? Oh you know, the usual. Glueing her schools desks to the ceiling. Swapping out the football uniforms for ballgowns. And of course, shaping her hair into the shape of the moon.
Rachel. The Rodeo Star
This devious diva has it all. Brains, brawn and beauty. And she's planning to walk away with the million keeping that all intact.
She's not a bad person, really. Just competitive. If she wasn't competing, she'd rather treat her fellow contestants to one of her Rodeo shows and some home-baked pie.
Raheem. The Oblivious Heartthrob
Raheem doesn't seem to realize how attractive he is. In fact, he doesn't realize a lot of things. He's kind and pretty book smart. But he's just terrible at reading social cues.
He feels terrible whenever he offends someone or make them upset because he didn't read their emotions properly. He doesn't really know to fix this issue so he just puts on a smile and suppresses his turmoil.
Olive. The Doormat
Coming from a big family where she doesn't feel like she fits in, Olive tries her best to help people so she'll feel accepted.
Now if only there was a way to help people without dragging so much attention to herself.
Lulu. The Clown
Lulu just wants to put a smile on people's faces and have fun. She can get easily carried away when she's excited. But once she calms down you'll notice just how pragmatic this Clown is.
Just because she's silly doesn't mean she doesn't have common sense, she might just surprise you in ways you didn't expect.
Phoenix, aka Francis. The Menace
Phoenix identifies as a problem. An inconvenience. An absolute menace you're never quite sure is messing with you, or is joking around. He randomly SHOUTS random words when he speaks, either another way to annoy people or just a disorder.
He lost his arm in a fire he may or may not have definitely caused himself. But he survived which is how he got the name Pheonix.
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Cherry. The Competitive Dancer
Cherry values teamwork more then anything. She tries her hardest to be a valuable teammate and keep everyone focused. Of course, they might listen to her more if she tried to spend more time with the team outside of challenges.
After a recent betrayal in her dance troupe where someone sold routines to rival troupes, Cherry doesn't trust new people easily. And clings to the ones she does trust.
Augustus. The Religious Do-Gooder
Augustus is a sweet kid. Always looking to do a good deed for someone. That's how he was raised in what is definitely not a cult.
Good deeds are very important to Auggie here. After all, once you do a good deed for someone, they have to do a good deed for you. They have to. Because if they don't, things get ugly...
Janus. The Hippie
Janus is like, Fer sure, the chillest guy around. He's all about that inner peace stuff. And outer peace. And of course, in-between peace. He spreads his message of peace by sharing crystals, flowers, and songs played on his guitar.
People say Janus is incapable of feeling any hate. He loves everybody. But he's a romantic at heart and is still looking for that special someone to love.
Marlo. The Prankster
Marlo loves pranking people. Fart cushions. Prank calls. Acid in the towns water supply. You know, the usual. Okay so Marlo may be lacking some, what do you call it? Morals! And yes he's uncapable of feeling empathy.
But. He's also got a criminal record. So point is. When you see Marlo, run the other way.
Flo. The Rebel
Flo isn't a big fan of authority or "The man" telling her what to do. She'd rather live her own life, free from anyone's expectations or rules.
Her favorite past time is rocking out with her band, Voltageous Chaos! She's lead singer and bassist. Her little sister Beast is on the drums, BFF Prof. Cavity on keyboard, sleepy gal Moot on Sax and incomprehensible Zips on Trumpet.
Still looking for a Guitarist though...
Parvati. The Mythology Buff
Parvati adores learning about Mythology. Especially the creatures. Fantastical beasts she can only fantasize about. Of course while learning Mythology she also learns a lot of history and cultures from around the world.
She has so many thoughts going through her head sometimes she loses focus on what she was doing. But after stumbling a bit she gets right back at it and gives it her all. For a nerd she's quite athletic.
Sasha. The Nepo-Baby
Wait, you guys don't have family members working high in the industry and getting you onto TV-shows? But there's so many people in the industry, surely you're related to some of them?
That's what Sasha thinks at the least. She doesn't really see how many privileges she has in life. Which thankfully means she never taunts less fortunate people with those privileges.
Her dream is to become a famous singer, and she has enough connections to make that dream a reality. Of course she herself works hard on her singing and encourages others to work on their dreams too. She's very sincere and optimistic.
Tony. The Short-Tempered Greaser
Tony has always been a bit, vertically challenged. Something bullies picked up on. Which then got picked up by his younger twin brothers, who did get blessed with the tall genes and at 14 tower over their older brother.
The constant bullying at school and at home, unable to tell his mom in fear of worrying her, and never quite properly dealing with the grief of losing his father, has left Tony with a lot of bubbled up anger. And it doesn't take much for him to snap.
Madileighn. The Annoying Influencer
Madi worked hard to gain a following. But her general cluelessness about the problematic brands she endorses, sharing videos about animals that look cute but are in distress, and accidentally joining a pyramid scheme makes her tiring to be around.
As she genuinely believes she's doing nothing wrong.
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Well. That's it. My Total Drama Cast! I'm planning on writing a fanfic about them.
Taking place after the 2nd season of the Revival, where the show goes back to the abandoned film lot for a Take 2 of Total Drama Action.
18 contestants. 9 per team. Only 1 winner.
Stay tuned for more news.
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Monster Spotlight: Bogeyman
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CR 10
Neutral Evil Medium Fey
Bestiary 3, pg. 42 (pic taken from Adventure Path: Extinction Curse: Legacy of the Lost God, pg. 79)
For years, FOR! YEARS! I’ve wanted to do an article on the Bogeyman. This monster has a very special spot in my heart, because around 10 years ago when I was just getting into tabletop stuff, I found a copy of Bestiary 3 on a game store shelf and flicked it open. After flicking past Behemoths and Asura, the most striking image to hit my eyes was what appeared to be a clown in a jaunty tophat and an absolutely menacing set of chompers. While by no means my favorite creature in Bestiary 3, my earliest memory of Pathfinder content was seeing that garish purple-and-red beast masquerading as a human, and as such the Bogeyman held a special place in my heart.
Which made it absolutely heartbreaking when my every attempt at extracting its picture from the PDF for use on this blog ended up looking HIDEOUS in a way my brain couldn’t reconcile with. As such, my first-ish exposure to Pathfinder languished... up until recently, with the release of 2nd Edition and a whole host of updated art for a WHOLE bunch of critters! While this Bogeyman isn’t my favorite--I’ll always love the bright purple bastard from 3--it certainly still portrays the mood of the Bogeyman in a way I enjoy. There’s plenty of Fey who cause fear for their own amusement, more than a few who eat it in some fashion, but Bogeymen are fear. They’re terror incarnate, they’re living nightmares, they’re the villain of a thousand stories and they know it, they revel in it, they wear it on their sleeves!
Bogeyman delight in finding singular victims and haunting them for days or even weeks, silently lurking under beds, within closets, in attics, or in basements, occasionally using Ghost Sound to create eerie noises, Darkness to cut the lights, or even Invisibility to quietly stalk their victims from their very own shadows until the haunted soul is on the verge of a breakdown. They’re artisans of terror, delicately crafting every moment of their target’s life of fear, plaguing them with Nightmares by night and by day whispering horrid thoughts into the victim’s ears from an invisible vantage point, making them lash out against friends and family to assure they’re entirely isolated when the malevolent Fey finally decides to end their lives. 
Like many creeping terrors, Bogeymen prefer to keep out of combat unless they’re sure they can win, remaining in the background otherwise. Unlike many creeping terrors, this should by no means make you think they’ll fold easily. They have high saves for their CR, DR 15/cold iron, and 21 SR, but their most infuriating defense is their ability to go invisible at will. Bogeymen are as maddeningly patient in combat as they are when seasoning their victims, flitting in and out of sight with Invisibility and exploiting their titanic +35 to Stealth checks to slither among combatants and find out where they’re weakest, physically and emotionally. Even an invisible Bogeyman can make use of its +28 to Intimidation checks to shake up anyone who can hear it speak as it waits for an opening, something it’s very keen on doing because as you may expect, Bogeymen are all about fear!
They live for fear, gaining Fast Healing 5 if someone within 30ft of them is suffering from any level of it. 30ft is, coincidentally, the range of their Deepest Fear aura, and illusion that shapes itself into the worst fears of anyone who views it. Failing a DC 25 Will save means you’re shaken as long as you’re in the aura, but succeeding the save renders one immune to it for 24 hours... but that just won’t do, will it? We can’t have someone NOT be afraid, so if someone succeeds and maintains a brave face, the Bogeyman disappears once more to Intimidate them, either through the skill check or with their claws. Their 1d8+1 damage claws aren’t really all that scary, but the burst of +6d6 from their Sneak Attack will probably make both the character AND the player jump. Both claws crit on a 19 or 20, and being critically hit by their claws causes Striking Fear to mount up. Failing another DC 25 Will save while already suffering from a fear effect compounds the fear, moving shaken to frightened, frightened to panicked, and panicked to paralyzed with fear (and thus vulnerable to being torn to shreds by Sneak Attack). While relying on crits is... well, unreliable at best, someone being hit even once while already shaken removes that person from the fight for several rounds, as frightened creatures must flee unless cornered, potentially giving the Fey deadly amounts of breathing room so it can recover and slip away... or savage a different, more vulnerable target.
Or just instantly kill someone who’s proven they’re a threat to it. For whatever demonic reason, Paizo decided to give them 3 castings of Quickened Phantasmal Killer each day! The moment it pops out of invisibility to Sneak Attack someone, it may be able to just take out someone else nearby with a glance! If your party doesn’t have any protection from fear, an encounter with a Bogeyman may go from tough to unwinnable in a single round.
If you can weather their initial Sneak Attack and have a way to counter their invisibility (like a sack of flour), things get much simpler. Adding onto that, anything that’s not afraid of them, either because it passed its save against the aura or was unaffected by it in the first place (in case you needed another reason to put Unbreakable Heart in your spell list), takes an enormous bite out of its offense and its defense and can potentially leave it floundering. Even with that weakness, Bogeymen still have access to Hold Person at 3/day to use against creatures they cannot terrify and Suggestion at will to manipulate them so they’re not ENTIRELY helpless against Paladins; keep that in mind if you’re going fey-hunting!
As a closing note, it’s a little funny to me that Bogeymen don’t actually have Darkvision, so their at-will Darkness--which would otherwise be an excellent tool to get in more Sneak Attacks--is just as much and impediment to them as it is to everyone else. It’s also extremely ironic that they’re not immune to fear effects, so any telepathic creature that succeeds against their Phantasmal Killer can turn it back around against them, potentially killing them with their own ability!
You can read more about them here.
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jungle-angel · 3 months
The Animal Doctor Is In: Part 5 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett definitely weren't counting on the new arrivals of the week, but despite the hardships, it's always a pleasure
Warnings: Animal birth, mentions of animal neglect etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @hederasgarden @attapullman @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia
Rhett leaned against the porch railing, drinking as much water out of his Yeti as he possibly could. God it was hot, way too hot for anybody's own good. Royal had told the hands that they absolutely had to take frequent breaks for a dive in the pond and to do what they could to keep cool. The Amelia County Steiner School where Amy and Rose Hawk attended farm camp, had called and emailed all the families of the students to let them know that camp had to be postponed until the heatwave had let up and it didn't look like it would be any time soon.
The baying of two hound dogs suddenly reached his ears along with the sight of a truck and trailer pulling up to the gate. "Napoleon! Shut the fuck up! Jeez you and Lafayette are menaces!"
Napoleon, the big bloodhound, trotted up to Rhett along with his partner in crime, a basset hound named Lafayette. He sat right at Rhett's feet, his big droopy features curling into a canine grin.
"Ya'll are more trouble than you're worth," Rhett laughed.
Lafayette started baying again a minute later as you shut the storm door behind you, the hinge hissing before it clicked. "The hell are ding and dong barking at?" you asked.
"I think Brian's back," Rhett answered as Napoleon tried to put his paws up on Rhett's shoulders. "Not sure with what but he's got the trailer."
You and Rhett squinted in the bright sunlight to find another pickup truck behind them, a dark green Ford f150 belonging to Pastor Jim. "Weird," Rhett thought aloud. "The hell's Pastor Jim doin up here?"
"Lets go find out," you said, slipping your sandals onto your feet.
You and Rhett headed down to the pasture where Brian and Pastor Jim were busy unloading three new dairy cows, all of them in terrible shape.
"S'happenin Jim?" Rhett asked the pastor.
"Ain't lookin too good Rhett," Jim answered, adjusting his Budweiser baseball cap on his head. "Not sure if they're gonna even make it to the barn tonight."
"Where'd they come from?" you asked.
"The fuckin Cranston farm up the road," Pastor Jim said with pure and utter disgust. "Roped to a post, standin in mud up to their knees and nothin in the trough for food. Water was greener than a turtle turd. Oldest one's pregnant too."
"Jeez!" Rhett exclaimed. "Please tell me Burl's goin to jail for this."
"Yep," Jim said. "Judge doesn't tolerate shit like this. He's a repeat offender too."
You and Rhett watched as the cows were unloaded, the first being a red and white hereford cow with obvious welts and marks all over her from neglect. Poor thing was so thin that her ribs were showing and her hooves a painful oozing mess.
You and Rhett immediately set to the barn to try and help them, especially the hereford. She looked at Rhett with her sad, dark eyes, her ears twitching and her sides large with the calf she was carrying. "Oh God honey," he sighed. "You're a mess, ya know that?"
You and Rhett gagged when you saw the terrible state her hooves were in. He liberally poured on the antiseptic liquid that Royal used when any of them had an infected hoof, the poor girl mooing in pain as you and Rhett cleaned away the greenish ooze.
"Should we name her?" you asked, running the flea brush over her fur.
"I dunno darlin," Rhett sighed. "She ain't lookin too good and I don't wanna get too attached to her."
You gave her a few scritches under her chin, her head coming to rest in your hand. "Maybe we should call her Muggy since it's so hot out," you chuckled.
"Nah," Rhett chuckled. "She kinda reminds me of Ma's older sister, Maggie."
All of a sudden, the heifer's head lifted, her eyes meeting yours for the briefest of seconds. "I know that look," Rhett said, smiling.
You laughed with him as you finished up with Maggie. The other two had chosen their own names as well, you and Rhett laughing at the fact that neither of you two would be able to escape naming your menagerie of critters after Disney characters.
That night, a thunderstorm had rolled into Wabang with you and Rhett sticking close to the barn just in case something came up. You were so deep in sleep, that you hardly noticed the pained mooing coming from Maggie's stall.
"Aw shit," you hissed. "Rhett! Rhett!! Wake up!"
Rhett jerked awake. "S'matter?"
"I think it's time."
Rhett hurried to the stall and sure enough, you were right. "Alright darlin, it's go time," he chuckled.
He rolled up his sleeves and scrubbed in, just as he always did. You helped keep Maggie calm while Rhett worked his magic, reaching in to help turn the calf. "Aw jeez Maggie, you're really takin your time with this," Rhett mumbled, his words strained from trying to keep a good grip on her calf.
"C'mon baby, c'mon, ya gotta help me out and push," Rhett encouraged.
You kept stroking Maggie's fur, encouraging the heifer to push while Rhett helped her along. "God she's fuckin tight!" Rhett strained.
It was one long strain of sucking in breaths, f-bombs and pained moos before the calf finally emerged and fell into the hay. "Looks like we've got a girl darlin," Rhett proudly announced, drying her off with a shitty old towel.
"Oh my God she's adorable!" you squeaked.
Rhett dried her off and cleared away all the slimy fluids before she started breathing. Maggie helped take care of the rest, licking her baby before the calf stood on her knobby little legs and latched onto her mother's udder.
Once you and Rhett had cleaned up and put everything away, you kept a close eye on the two of them. "You think she'll do ok?" you asked.
"No doubt darlin, this one's one tough mother," Rhett joked.
You kissed your husband, the two of you laughing as you watched mother and baby and the storm finally clearing over Wabang.
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zentriii · 5 months
Dating your enemies sibling
SakuAtsu or OsaSuna (you decide cause I can’t lol)
sakuatsu it is :D
Kiyoomi stretches languidly on her bed. She’s got the day off today and finally has a moment for herself after finishing up her chores. All she wants to do is watch anime with her girlfriend until it’s time for lunch.
“Omi-chan!” Atsumu singsongs, walking out of her bathroom in nothing but shorts and a tank top. Kiyoomi pretends like she can’t see her tits through it and rolls onto her stomach with a groan. She’d rather stare shamelessly, but Atsumu’s ruthless with her teasing and they’ve already had to change her bedsheets once today.
Atsumu drops down and plasters herself over Kiyoomi’s back, undoubtedly pouting at Kiyoomi lack of affection.
“Ugh you’re all wet, did you even dry yourself off?” Kiyoomi wreathes under Atsumu, hoping that there isn’t an Atsumu-shaped water stain across her back.
“Course I did,” Atsumu squawks. “Sides I wanted to ask ya-”
“No.” Kiyoomi cuts her off. Atsumu’s been asking her for the same thing all day- impressive given that the day’s not even half over- but her answer isn’t changing. Kiyoomi does not want to go to Osamu’s housewarming party next week.
A part of her is proud that she was able to afford her own home, that Onigiri Miya’s become a successful chain. But every other part of her is still a first year university student and unable to process her embarrassment and let go of petty resentment.
If Kiyoomi doesn’t think about it, it doesn’t matter.
“Pleaseee,” Atsumu whines softly in her ear.
Kiyoomi flips them over and straddles Atsumu’s lap before Atsumu can clock how off kilter that left her. It’s a last ditch attempt of changing the topic, but she takes advantage of the towel Atsumu dropped on their bed and works it through her hair.
She tsks. Atsumu’s a filthy liar; her hair’s absolutely not been dried.
It’s painfully unfair how healthy it is with the way she takes care of her hair. Which is to say, Atsumu does not. Hasn’t even heard of the concept. Kiyoomi hates her a little for it. Atsumu won the genetic lottery with naturally thick hair and she doesn’t even know it.
Kiyoomi doesn’t realize when Atsumu wraps a hand around her waist until she squeezes gently. It’s an Atsumu-thing: fiddling with whatever’s in her hands. Kiyoomi wonders for a moment if there’s anyone else in the fucking world whose lap she could sit so comfortably in.
“Fine,” she sighs.
If Kiyoomi can’t go her whole life closing her eyes to everything she doesn’t like, she can at least hold Atsumu’s hand about it. Acquiescing isn’t so hard if she’s not alone.
“Really?” Atsumu perks up, light dancing in her eyes. Kiyoomi’s just a girl- how could she ever not feel like she’s at the top of the world with Atsumu looking at her like this?
Kiyoomi’s still Kiyoomi though, for better and for worse. She’s not throwing herself into the deep end without an out. “I’m not staying the whole time- you can if you want but I’m going to leave early.”
Atsumu’s got mischief in her eyes and Kiyoomi already know she’s already worked her way under the lines she just drew. “Then let’s go to Samu’s for lunch today.”
Atsumu must read the disgust-slash-confusion off her face because she immediately goes to sell her point. “If ya don’t wanna come to dinner with everyone, we can just crash at her store. What’s she gonna do? Kick two payin’ customers out?
Kiyoomi wants to dig her nails under Atsumu’s skin and rip the smirk off her face. She’s been got and knowing her, Atsumu’s only gonna keep pushing.
They’re too similar for her to not.
She'd rather deal with Osamu without being in front of the rest of Atsumu's family though so Kiyoomi snorts, “You’re on being-a-menace duty.”
“That’s just my everyday babe,” Atsumu winks horribly. She looks ridiculous and Kiyoomi will never tell her that. She keeps her girlfriend’s goofiness close to her heart. It might be an open secret between their friends, but she’s the one who gets to see it everyday.
There’s only threads of hope that today won’t be a shitshow of petty and snide comments between her and Osamu but at least Atsumu can step in before they can go too far. That’s a hope Kiyoomi can count on at the very least.
“Alright, let’s go now.” Kiyoomi abandons her comfortable seat in favour of looting through Atsumu’s clothes for one of her hoodies.
Atsumu groans and flops onto her back dramatically. “Now?”
“Yes now. I don’t want to deal with the lunch rush that’ll come later. Get your lazy ass up.”
“Yer cruel so Omi-Omi,” Atsumu whines as she gets up anyways.
“Are you finally realizing?” Kiyoomi teases. Honestly they’re both horrible. It’s half of why they work.
Atsumu just laughs in her face.
Kiyoomi isn’t suddenly optimistic or anything, but she isn’t dreading going to Onigiri Miya’s as much. She can be mature about this.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
So what was False Twins Ash's children like? Red and the others, I mean.
Red, Coal, Ember and Cinder! My children, my lovely lil lovelies.
Red- Tepig fusion - (He/him)
- The oldest obviously.
- Absolutely a daddy's biy and a Momma's boy in one neatly prepared package.
- Has no ability to create words through Pokespeak, relies heavily on telepathy. He can make sounds just fine, but not actual words.
- Gets hot when he's mad. He will light something on fire.
- Very good at using his powers, not very good at control at the start.
- Super Smug all the time. He's confident in himself.
- Has never tried to beat his dad in a fight and is terrified to even try. Granted, Red has seen Ash take out entire teams on his own and that's not good for his confidence.
- had a huge fight with Ash (verbally) that lead to them not talking for 2 years.
- Found ot about his baby siblings when they were breaching 6 months old.
- Had another fight with his dad.
- Very emotionally stunted in comparison to his dad and siblings. It had nothing to do with his upbringing, its just how he is.
Ember, Pichu Fusion - (She/her)
- The Oldest, proud of it and absolutely galavants about that she's oldest triplet
- Has no notch on her tail, but as a Pikachu, she has a heart shaped stamp on her tail.
- Has bitten Red for yelling at their mom.
- follows her Uncle Piakchu super closely.
- Starter is a Cleffa.
- Bounces on her tail like a fucking azurill and this does not die even as a fukly grown Raichu.
- Is not actually a fighter, she'd rather fly around and vibe.
- Tends to be fascinated with thunderstorms and Ash has to keeo her on a leash to make sure she doesnt follow the storm around.
- is the one that ALWAYS gets lost.
Coal, Panchum Fusion. (She/Her)
- Middle child, an absokute gremlin.
-She Gets stuck in everything- EVERYTHING, she has gotten stuck in a toilet and Ash has no idea how the fuck she managed.
- Has once crawled into the fridge and then quietly called for her dad cause "Im stuck and its cold"
-Fights with Punch. Constantly fighting, it doesnt matter if Punch is ten years older than her, she's here to kick their Ass!!
- can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
-just planks and sleeps.
- Follows her dad on champion meetings and screams to scare everyone.
-she tries to run out giggling and gets stuck cause she cant reach the doorframe.
- Ash swears she has the lungs of an Exploud.
- The smartest of the triplets but uses it for evil.
-mainly pranks.
Cinder, Cottonee fusion (shiny). He/him.
- The baby of the family and regrets it immensely.
-Everyone calls him sheep and he hates it. He is not a sheep he is a man!
-he is not a man, he is a baby that is sensitive as all get go.
- causes trouble with the other two all the goddamn time
-Like Red, he's an absolute Mama's boy and they fight eachother whenever one has Dad's attention.
- Sometimes he sees a Spearow curl up to sleep and bursts into tears because "They dint have a home dad!!!
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Couple of things What is a showmance? (I was not a theatre kid lol)
And now I’m thinking of a beauty and the beast au.
Like Soap can act just as “monstrously” and is probably more destructive in general than Ghost but he’s regarded as the beauty, And Ghost sure he can act the monster but he’s more self contained and wasn’t even responsible for his curse.
Jonny would love Simon whether he looked like a beast or not and Ghost ’d also probably view his form as keeping him safe from people (if he’s a scary monster people will leave him tf alone). Soap will not leave the poor bastard alone (if he didn’t want to hand around, there is no way you could keep him in place).
Roba cursed Ghost with his last breath but it didn’t take full effect because technically he killed then cursed Simon not Ghost, So his body changed not his mind.
Oh god all I can think of is them singing different songs together and that’s how the start bonding because humans will always find a way to make music. (Different universe but now the dancing and the dreaming is stuck in my head so thank you for that)
a "showmance" is basically a romance that starts during the run of a show, sometimes between leads and sometimes between people in the rest of the cast and crew! there are a bunch of real life couples who met on set or in rehersals and got together either during or after a show's run! (not all of them are Great or healthy, but thats a whole different story lmao)
but for this, i was thinking of simon riley who was a well established, well liked west end singer and actor (the west end is the equivalent of broadway but for the uk) but had to leave the stage due to some undisclosed reason. maybe family troubles, maybe something else, i dont know yet this is still very nebulous in my mind XD but after everything settles, he ends up joining an off-west end production with an up and coming actor - john mactavish! its basically shaping up to be like a sweet, fluffy, slightly angsty (because when isnt there angst lmao) fic! price is directing, nikolai is conducting maybe? roach is in the sound and lighting booth or a stagehand behind the scenes. yeah!
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST AUS ARE MY FUCKING JAM OKAY its my favorite fairy tale of all time and the animated version is my favorite disney movie of all time and i have to make at least one batb au of my current fandom (also, as a side note, if anyone finds a ghoap batb au please link it to me ive been searching and i havent found any yet T-T)
i absolutely agree that soap might seem like the stereotypical "beauty" role in that hes got the looks and the smarts and the charisma, but that man is a Menace who does not take shit standing down! >:D my favorite interpretations and tellings of batb are when both people have something to learn from the other. for ghost, its that he isnt a monster despite what everyone else has told him in the past and he is worthy of love and respect and dignity despite what hes done. and for soap, its that he doesnt have to react to every little thing with anger, that he is more than his looks, and that he has value outside of what he can provide others. they make each other better <3
and ohhhhh dont get me started on the dancing and the dreaming i will cry for several days and i will have my therapist send you the bill (/j) XD
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yuliyaana · 2 years
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The amazing use of both 2D and 3D elements mixes perfectly with the animation and the art style and it really reminds me of the animation of Into the Spider-Verse. Everything’s an eye candy and wallpaper-worthy. The vibrant colors and the lighting?? The visuals and the background art, they're just so GORGEOUS! Like you can see those little paint brush strokes on some parts of the film. You know the movie’s gonna be good when they apply this kind of style. This movie is an absolute masterpiece. *chef’s kiss*
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OKAAAAY I WILL NEVER GET OVER WITH THE WORLD BUILDING ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY WENT TO THE DARK FOREST— it’s just so hilarious when Puss and Kitty got depressing and dangerous path/terrains while Perrito got the easiest path because he’s a carefree and cheerful pure-hearted therapy dog who sees the positivity in life (despite his sad “funny story” like he said) and it really shows that whoever possesses the Star Map judges the character of those who holds it.
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Can we talk about Goldilocks’ character design? I really, really love how they designed her— like every details of her design reflects the way she got raised by her bear family. You see those mismatched earrings? They resemble Mama Bears different earrings. Her necklaces? Baby Bear also got a chain necklace. And the faint scar she got on her left eyebrow later on? Now it resembles Papa Bear’s scar on his left eye. Okay I love this her golden blonde hair so much. It really fits her name ESPECIALLY her two huge buns resemble like bear ears! Her outfit got dirtied in the dark forest making it look brown, like her family's brown fur plus she got those little fangs omg. She's so cute but she can also kill you. TvT
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Jack Horner, okay this chaotic huge man got pink hair and chubby cheeks. He’s got the perks alright? Hear me out, his pink tie resembles an icing piping cream pastry and he got those small printed pies on his purple vest. He BIG.
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And finally, this big bad lobo himself and his name is DEATH, like literally. He’s the Grim Reaper of Shrek Universe. His design freaking SLAPS! Oh man, this brooding wolf deadass got the hardest drip for me ngl. The black poncho fits him perfectly for a grim reaper like him. The fact that his eyes always stand out making him look even more intimidating and menacing. We all know that the universal look of Grim Reaper is a skeleton in a long black cloak with his scythe while DreamWorks made Death as a wolf with his signature dual-sickles (likely as a reference for Grim Reaper’s Scythe), for me it’s an interesting detail because his main target was Puss in Boots coming to punish him for recklessly wasting away his past eight lives mainly because he’s a cat, and wolves are known for being a natural predator. Not to mention, he was always there whenever Puss dies. He was so patient enough to finally get to his prey. Another interesting detail of him is the dark part of his fur in his face, donning a skull-like shape because he’s literally the Grim Reaper. Overall, he’s 12/10 for me and my most favorite antagonist so far.
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Sometimes whenever we wish for something that we want, we didn’t realize that thing we were wishing for was already there all along.
Puss himself already learnt his lesson to value his remaining ninth life at the end of the movie because every ounce of moment in our lives are precious and we need to appreciate them fully. We will never know when our time comes. As Perrito said to Puss, having one life in enough.
Sacrificing your personal needs to save someone you truly love and care about. Like how Goldilocks ditched the Wishing Map when she was one way of granting her wish and instead, she helped saving Baby from disappearing to the Star Wall.
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...and they lived happily ever after.
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OHSHC and the kind of cafe/restaurant the members would run 
Mori: An animal cafe - “what kind of animal?” “Yes” (seriously, what else could he possible want?) He would go all out on having each drink and special pastry treat in the shape of an animal with a cute little name. You’re telling me there’s NOT going to be a lemon cookie called “Lizzy’s Lemon” that’s name after a lizard? (Fun fact: Mori had a pen in hand, about to sign a contract, when he realized that Rainforest Cafe doesn’t actually have live animals. :( He tore up the contract and used it as bedding for his chickens.)
Hikaru:  One of those Karen cafes where the wait staff yells at the customers. He gets adored to be a menace in the host club, so obviously he’s going to love being paid to be a menace at a restaurant. And the worst they are, the better the ratings? Hell yeah.
Tamaki: ... okay, a French bakery, no duh, but if everyone pushed back and wanted him to think outside the box... what would he do? What matters most to him? What was something he always craved and had to fight to achieve for? A family. And when is a popular time where an entire family can get together, talk about their day, share stories, and bond? Meal times. Tamaki would want a restaurant, with a new type of cuisine every three months. It’s French food, then Japanese, Italian, Mexican, etc. There are no TV’s in this restaurant, because Tamaki wants families to sit together and enjoy the company of those around them. It is a popular location for little kid birthday parties, old grandparent birthday parties, and a nostalgic get together location for friends who haven’t seen each other in many years. He takes “when you eat with us, you’re family” to a whole other level.
Honey: Am I going to take the obvious way out again and say a sweets shop? Absolutely. But his sweets shop is of the “build your own” variety. You choose the type of cake, an option of frosting colors and flavors, and then you get little bowls of all sorts of candies and treats and ways to decorate your cake. There’s also boba, and boba plus all the cake? You’re more likely to fall asleep at the mattress store next door than actually make it home.
Haruhi: When/if you were a student, was there ever a restaurant/cafe you loved to study at? Haruhi is very pro “a quiet place to study” and food that tastes like a loved one made it. The food Haruhi’s restaurant sells might not be the fanciest food in the world, but it is good food, it’s the kind of food that warms your entire body and leaves you content and at peace. It’s affordable, large portions, and the tables are the perfect size for textbooks and laptops. You do need to take a study break when eating, because breaks are important, but due to the “library rules: shhhhhhhhh” sign on the front door, this is the perfect place to get some major work done and still be well fed. 
Kaoru: Ngl, I’m struggling here. I could see him running a fine dining, ball gowns, champagne, fancy tea, aristocracy inspired restaurant... and then I could also see him running a food truck with a friend, and serving whatever kind of food he is interested at the time. He travels all across Japan, meeting new people, experiencing life on his own, growing independently of his brother and family, getting into trouble, figuring out how to get back out, swimming in waterfalls, hiking through mountains, serving cold noodles and warm alcohol, breathing fresh air, and realizing that even though he’s traveled all around the world, there is always more to explore.
Kyoya: Kyoya isn’t interested in running a restaurant. He doesn’t want to deal with Donald’s fries being crispy when he asked for extra crispy. He is interested though in owning restaurants. You could make a drinking game and be plastered in minutes walking downtown if you took a shot, or even just a goddamn sip for every restaurant you passed by that he owns. From the fastest of foods to the most obnoxiously bougie of restaurants, he owns, or at least partially owns, a vast majority of them.
Renge: A Maid/Butler cafe. She almost went with a strict anime cafe, but then she couldn’t decide on which anime. But then a lightbulb - “why not both?” If she does a maid cafe, she can do all the themes, thus Renge’s Rainbow Girls Maid Cafe was born.
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esggs · 2 months
lore drop: reader and noritoshi kamo end up having 4.5 kids.
Satoshi Kamo who later takes the surname Itadori. Conceived in the culling games arc, miscarried, kept in a tube like the Death Paintings, later given physical form and raised by Yuuji (I'll battle canon if I have to). to their dismay, they look perfectly like a 50-50 copy of you and noritoshi. Despite the male name, they are genderless (miscarried before the sex organs were formed, so biologically female ig, but they aren't into the concept of gender) and swing wildly between pansexual and asexual. 'Satoshi' carries the same characters as 'Satoru', meaning 'wisdom, enlightenment, bodhi, clever', being named in his honour (Satoshi doesn't really like that tbh). Satoshi was blessed by Gojo while they were in the womb. As they were conceived and 'born' during the culling games, they have an insane amount of cursed energy, inherited both blood manipulation and distillation (chimeric soul), can do RCT, domain expansions, barriers and new shadow style techniques. They're one of the strongest sorcerers of the post-modern age, far bypassing their parents or siblings. They prefer alt/emo fashion, and really enjoy trying new foods with Yuuji. Even though they're a bit shy and reserved at first glance, they actually have a chibi sunshine personality. Satoshi, having been an incomplete foetus in a jar for a decade, really loves living life to the fullest. Fav food: anything new. will happily try weird food combos.
Naomi Kamo-Zenin, born at a time when reader and Kamo have left Shinjuku and are residing in France. They were unsure if they could go back to japan at this point of time, so they gave her a western-sounding name with japanese characters, meaning 'honest/direct/candid beauty'. technically their firstborn, since Satoshi was miscarried at birth. higher CE than younger siblings. inherited blood manipulation. She likes to go shopping with Chihiro, hates studying (weak at stem subjects), but good with people. She's been raised with the tacit expectation of leading the Kamo-Zenin Clan as the next head and takes it seriously. Looks more like you than Noritoshi even tho she has her dad's personality. Fluent in Japanese, English, French and Mandarin. Fav food: Slightly bitter things like dark chocolate and americanos.
Chihiro Kamo-Zenin, first child born back in Japan. his name means 'a thousand, generous, gentle, wise', with the character 'chi' = blood to represent the newly rebuilt Kamo-Zenin clan, tying them back to their old pure blood and of course, the esteemed blood manipulation technique that he also inherits, along with RCT. he was born at a time when his parents are doing their best to rebuild japan, and was raised by mostly nannies and Naomi in his early years. He's a shy young boy who likes to read books rather than go out, very obedient, intelligent and sensitive. His face is an exact copy of Noritoshi's. higher CE than younger siblings. The higher-ups want him to succeed as the clan head instead of his sister, even though he has no plans to do so. Vey close to Naomi. Fav food: anything dino-shaped.
Elder twin Asahito Kamo-Zenin, 'rising sun'. Younger twin Tsukiko Kamo-Zenin 'daughter of the moon', also named to honour Tsumiki. Megumi was staying with your family at the time of your difficult pregnancy with the twins. After their parents, he was the first person to hold them, and is very attached to both of them. the twins share both their (kinda low) CE and CT, i.e. at any point of time, only of them can use the Ten Shadows technique, which was a surprise to everyone including Megumi, who had to teach them how to control it. the twins are attached at the hip to each other, read each others minds, and do their best to be absolute menaces, being the only extroverts in the most introverted family. They haven't tamed anything other than the divine dogs yet. They mostly look like you but with their father's eyes. Fav food: Asahito likes crab platters and Tsukiko likes cold soba noodles.
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1cat200 · 2 months
Rise kids:Next gen-part 5
This is now going to be about my rottmnt ocs Cathy Hamato (bengal tiger mutant) and Tanjiro Takahashi (human samurai vigilante). For more info about them you can check it out on my Tumblr and my rottmnt Tiger Sister au. Next week on Tuesday will be about April and Sunita's kids. Enjoy!
•Cathy and Tanjiro's adopted son.
•Used He/They pronouns.
•15 years old.
•Cathy found him as a baby when she was investigating about an illegal government lab making illegal experiments and found Oliver inside of a test tube and took him home.
•Cathy named Oliver after one of her favourite classical novels "Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens".
•Oliver looks completely human but is actually an artificially made mutant with multiple powers abilities and even has blue blood.
•Oliver's powers include electric manipulation, fire control, healing factor, shape shifting, crystal shields and night vision.
•Oliver can only shape shift into a few type of animals such as a wolf,puma,otter,gecko,fox,turtle even a Harpy (he only has falcon wings and talons whenever he shifts into his Harpy form).
•This is what Oliver looks like as a turtle:
Tumblr media
•Oliver is bisexual and is a complete mama's boy.
•He can even meow like a cat thanks to him being so close to Cathy.
•His weapon of choice is a wakisashi.
•He's the oldest of his siblings and loves them a lot.
•Is a My Hero Academia fan boy (and totally does not have a fanboy crush on Deku 😏).
•Wants to be a hero like his mom someday.
•Oliver's birthday is May 18th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological son.
•Uses He/him pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Transmasculine and gay as a rainbow 🏳️‍🌈.
•Is the second oldest of his siblings.
•Acts like Leo when he was a teenager and Makoto can be a little cocky and overconfident at times.
•Came out mostly human except for his tiger ears and tail and his stripe birthmarks on his shoulders down to his elbows.
•Athlete and is the fastest kid you'll ever meet.
•Has been recently having a few nightmares and weird sensations which feels like their from.....another life?
•He and Casey are besties and love causing occasional chaos.
•Often is a bit of a punk.
•Has an extreme fear of needles and the smallest mention or sight of a needle will make him scream so loud that glass windows will shatter into pieces and will pass out for 2 hours.
•Makoto still doesn't currently have any mystic powers of his own yet which upsets him a bit.
•His weapon of choice is a katana.
•Makoto's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses She/Her pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Complete goth gal.
•Makoto's identical twin sister.
•Autistic twin while Makoto is the undiagnosed ADHD twin.
•Is a little shy at times and didn't speak until she was 5 years old.
•Her mystic powers are ghost like and similar to witchcraft.
•Loves horror films.
•Halloween is like a second birthday to her.
•Heather can also speak to ghosts which sometimes scares the crap out of her family.
•Her weapon of choice is Kamas.
•Do NOT under any circumstances leave her and Makoto alone for more then 1 hour or they will get bored and plot chaos in less the 2 minutes!
•She and Makoto are like the junior Disaster Twins if the family.
•Heather's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•11 years old.
•Artistic sweet heart with a heart filled with pure gold.
•Her mystic powers are wind manipulation and control.
•She adores penguins and is absolutely crazy about penguins.
•Is more of a lover then a fighter.
•Isn't into violence and prefers cuddles.
•Because of this,Kana doesn't do ninja training and instead practices art with Mikey.
•Is an absolute menace to her siblings.
•Looks a lot like Cathy.
•Can be mischievous and has an extreme sweet tooth (be very careful with sugar around her!).
•Surprised everyone when she was born as a white tiger. After some tests it turned out that it was a hidden genetic from Cathy's tiger DNA.
•Is super friendly which leads to her older siblings being very protective of her.
• Kana's birthday is April 8th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological child.
•Uses she/him pronouns.
•10 years old.
•Is usually shy and reserved.
•Is a huge fan of cute and fluffy animals.
•Is a vegetarian and if he sees meat then he will faint.
•Can shift from tiger mutant to human at will like Cathy.
•His mystic powers are to communicate with animals.
•Often sneaks stray pets into the house.
•His brothers and sisters are very protective of her and will destroy anyone who tries to harm him.
•Is in ninja training so she doesn't have any weapons of his own yet.
•Loves his family a lot.
•Is a sensitive kid and usually goes to Heather and Kana for comfort whenever he feels down or has a bad day.
•Sam's birthday is coincidentally the same day as Kana's (Kana refers to her and Sam being semi twins sometimes because of it).
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