#[ answered / with a pouring of a glass she'll hear your woes ]
lxckheart · 1 year
@hisalis asked: “can i hug you? you look like you could do with it.”
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She didn't realize how exhausted she must've looked. The job's and tasks she took on for others were draining sure, but who else would do them? If not Tifa, who then? She would run herself ragged for the sake of another person. But in this moment she allowed a bit of that strong and independent front to momentarily falter. "Sure, of course you can." She rests her forehead against his broad shoulder. "I'd really like a hug."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@poeticphoenix asked: ❛  you are sure nobody’s following us ?  ❜ // hi hi hello!!
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"Well I made sure to borrow some uh--fiery gifts---from a friend of mine, to distract the guards around here, so--they should be preoccupied with that right now, instead of focusing on us." Tifa explains as she also does a quick glance around anyway. She had grown quite use to gazing around in the darkness of the sector, especially at these late hours when others would certainly be at home asleep. There was no rest for the wicked right? Besides also getting to fight alongside Genesis who seemed incredibly powerful and strong in his own right, seemed intriguing enough. "Don't worry though if any faces try and come at us, well--I don't have these enhanced gloves for nothing."
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lxckheart · 2 years
@fairlybeloved asked: did i say something wrong again?
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"No, not wrong. You just---" Tifa had to clasp her palms over her mouth. "I think you hit the nail a little too hard on the head with that observation there is all. For someone who gives off big puppy energy I think that's all a front. You can be pretty smart when you want to be, you know?" She teases but all the same she's impressed. The way he expertly observed the map she had pulled up, and even caught a few landmarks that she hadn't marked yet, was impressive.
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lxckheart · 1 year
@strifesoldier asked: [ behind ]
[ behind ] sender hugs receiver from behind and tucks against their body
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Tifa had been preoccupied sweeping around the bar. It had been an actually busy evening for once. A celebration was being had around the slums, another victory against the big evil. Courtesy of Avalanche as the news slammed the terrorist group. For the most part, Tifa was happy to see a group like Shinra take the hit. But it was another when she knew Cloud was involved and he hadn't returned any of her texts or calls yet. Sure he wasn't exactly the best at keeping in touch. But the mako explosion was surely something else to see on the T.V. screen at the bar.
But soon though, she felt a familiar pair of arms reach for her from behind, and pull her into an embrace. Her shaky palms let go of the broom she had been holding and held onto Cloud's palms instead. Leaning her head back to peer up at him. "You scared me." She whispered. "You scared me, idiot. Let's not try doing that again or next time you try and hug me, you'll get drop kicked."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@lightcreators asked: ❝ hey, quick question. how petty am i allowed to be? ❞ (from battler ushiromiya )
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"As petty you feel like being honestly. I wouldn't blame you, considering all the things you've gone through. I can't imagine--watching those witches---well, that witch I guess---interfere with your family and taunt you with their lives." Tifa can't imagine that endless amount of pain and suffering it must've caused Battler and she honestly feels an immense amount of sympathy for him. "It's okay though, Battler because I'll be here when you feel like you need someone to be petty with."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@lightcreators asked: ❝ i'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on. ❞ (from battler ushiromiya )
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"Well that's alright because I try and make it a point to have semblance of what's going on." Tifa laughs gently, tucking a lock of dark black behind her ear. Though she can admit things do get wild around here sometimes. There was so much happening it seemed all at once. "But honestly even that can be exhausting but that's why we try and do our best to sort through the daily crazy as best we can."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@poeticphoenix asked: [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm researching important dates in history. would you like to be mine?
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Tifa had been busy pouring some drinks for a few stragglers that came in, when she heard a familiar buzz come from her skirt pocket. She had excused herself stepping off to the side, and checking it briefly. Usually if she received messages it was from Barrett and the others but since she had recently given Genesis her contact info, as she did with most of the avalanche members---( well she had ulterior motive just a bit ) --- She would open it up and see the text in question and laugh, a palm covering her lips.
[ SMS: Genesis ]: Well, well. Aren't we clever? Just let me know when and where and I'll gladly be there. I recently got my hands on a new out fit you know? I bet it'll be perfect for this occasion.
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lxckheart · 1 year
@valistheanshield asked: ‘  who  did  this?  ’
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"Someone whose about to get their lights punched out." Tifa said simply, as she answers his question. "Nobody pulls crap like this around here and not get their asses hunted down. You don't dare steal from others around here." She feels her teeth grit together, and she almost punches the nearby wall beside her. To think someone could pull that kind of crap especially to those around who had next to nothing as it was. To try and act like hooligans when they knew who they'd end up answering to. "But then, you don't need to involve yourself in it you know? I got it handled just fine. I just need to grab my gloves and show them what's what."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@strifesoldier asked: “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”
send  “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”  for  the  sender  to  find  the  receiver  injured  and  demand  to  know  who  did  it.
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"I--" Tifa attempted to start as she bit her lower lip. She knew that in this moment there wasn't anything she could to stop Cloud from wanting to kick whoever's ass did this. She had no way of really hiding her injuries at this point. The way she grasped her side and winced whenever he tried to look at it. The ribs there were bruised for sure and the small cuts she had above her brows also told another story as well. "I was just--there were these guys---they were causing trouble down at the bar. I tried to go show them whose what, but they out numbered me okay? Tried to play a little dirty but I still showed them."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@lightcreators asked: ❛ can you tell me more about your adventures? ❜ (from battler)
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"Sure. Of course I can." She giggled, re-pouring each of them a fresh cup of tea. It was a quiet, sunny afternoon and for once the world around her had allowed her a peaceful day to talk with her new found friend. "Well to be honest, their not adventures in the traditional sense you know? More like, we go in---attempt to carry out grand schemes against shinra--and hope and pray we all come out in one peace you know?" She giggled softly. "But I mean, there's plenty of good that comes out of those I guess. Geez, I wouldn't even know where to start huh? There's been so many."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@strifesoldier asked: " how long was i out for?
send in " how long was i out for? " for the sender, having woken up on the receiver's sofa/bed/spare bed, to greet the receiver after showing up on their doorstep earlier with serious injuries and in a weakened state.
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"Long enough for me to debate if I should finish the job and beat your ass." Tifa states with a close of the book she had been reading, as she had situated Cloud on her lone living room couch. "But I went against it, because you know----Your, you and I'd be incredibly upset if something truly happened to you. But you were pretty beat up I'll say. I'll have to either get the story out of you or Barrett."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@stealshearts asked: it seems like a straightforward operation.
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"Yeah it pretty much is." Tifa crossed her arms for a second and nodded. She had explained to him about the filter set-up she had going on, and how pretty much everyone in the sector clamored for a chance at them as well. She did well and it was good extra pocket change to have as well. "But of course the only road blocks I ever face is people not wanting to pay for a new filter, thinking everything is free. Or just general things like that. But another way to also make money around here is with taking on jobs too. Whether it's fixing a few things or just helping to clear out some unsightly shinra generated critters you know?"
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lxckheart · 1 year
@strifeblade asked: ∗ o1﹕ sender  tucks  hair  out  of  receiver’s  face .
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"So you see here---on the map right?" Tifa had a gloved fingertip pointed at the digital map on the screen. "This the building we probably need to make our first point of entrance. But after that it should be golden. Make our way in, make our way out." She looked to Cloud who had a look on his face, a look she couldn't place---before his hand reached out and a lock of black hair was neatly tucked behind her ear. She hadn't realized it "bothered" him so much, a small rose colored blush spread on her cheekbones. "When did you get so affectionate hmm?"
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lxckheart · 2 years
@stealshearts asked: ❝ There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right. ❞
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"Oh really? I can think of a few other feelings that probably are little better than that." Tifa chuckles softly. "I mean, unless it was something that you were being constantly fought on. Then I suppose that could have some cause for celebration." Hands poised at her hips, she tilts her head at the young teen. "What do you have to be celebratory about hmm?"
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lxckheart · 1 year
@busterswrd asked: ❝ hey, don't laugh at me! ❞
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"You make it hard not to, I'm sorry---" She tries her best to hold in her laughter. Gloved palms coming to cover her mouth for a moment, as she tries to regain her composure. "It's just---seeing you covered in paint like that, and bright neon green paint at that. You could've asked me for help, helping to repaint that shop's roof. But nope. You did this to yourself." And yet that her gaze softened at Cloud anyway, and a hand went to gently place itself at his cheek. "Come on, let's head to my place and I get you all cleaned up huh? I promise, no more laughing."
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lxckheart · 1 year
@busterswrd asked: “ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”
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"Ah sorry, I didn't mean to be." Tifa for a moment is brought out of her own thoughts. She looks to her beloved Cloud, and gently smiles to him shaking her head. "I'm alright. I just----I guess I was lost in thought for a second. Had a busy day with the filters and stuff you know. I guess I was just enjoying some quiet while we sat together." She scoots just a bit closer to him, and rests her head on his broad shoulder. "Tell me about your day hmm? I wanna hear all about it."
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