#[ but then i remembered you noted you're fine with multi-para so i decided <.< to leave it <.< ]
orchideae · 7 months
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There was almost no sign left of the patrons that Yanshang had hosted for hours on end throughout the evening. The remnants of cigarette smoke from one particular benefactor unfortunately being the last to go, and it was always this specific lingering scent that'd prompt the delicate wrinkling of her nose. But the fragrance of light spices of incense would overpower it soon enough; either that, or the smell of the freshly fried dew-dipped shrimp she'd only just brought to one of the seating areas, alongside the smallest bowl of jueyun chilis. A personal indulgence after, well, did anyone ever truly need a reason to indulge in what delights them most?
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Tonight, in ever rare exception, the establishment would serve as an abode to her. Solitude, peace, and quiet— something that the sounds of stumbling footsteps and overbearing whispers right outside those doors were definitely not a part of. Whatever was at cause for the entirely out of character behavior and disturbance originating with the Fang and Halbert didn't truly matter, but it definitely was at cause for them to retire a little earlier tonight. But it was an enduring curiosity that beckoned her most to ease the door open and peek, and it was soon rewarded: the wood met the briefest of resistance (was that Halbert's ankle?), and amusement bubbled in her throat at the sight of him stumbling. "What is going on—?" She started amidst relative bemused gaiety, though the cause of the commotion soon became clear. The Yuheng.
Such a revelation prompted the door to continue its inching outward, a gesture of invitation from one to another. "Forgive me, Yuheng, I didn't realize that I had one of your greatest fans employed here." That too came served with a chuckle, though one of jest at the Halbert more than anything (and she was rather certain that she'd never seen him light up red before), before she continued. "Thank you, both of you can go home early tonight. I'll see you in the morning." It was not done in malice or reprimand, it was no more than a dismissal after a day's work. And once both had gone, one scrambling a little more messily than the other, the invitation came again, the door left open as she slipped back within the walls of Yanshang. "I wasn't expecting the company of a celebrity tonight." Yes, she was going to linger on this some time longer.
@starwardsword // A 'little' owed starter
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