#[ figured i'd throw him right at levi lmfao ]
vuulpecula · 1 year
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✖ @sxbaist inquired: i'm not above violence.
preacher's daughter ( 2022 ) ethel cain sentence meme | heck yes accepting
Levi's words were met with a flat, bored stare by the man who lounged at the table as if he owned the whole building. "And you believe that I am," he questioned back, grinning. His eyes, once vacant, changed. There was excitement gleaming behind the brown hues, shining in the way a prison inmate's might after gleefully murdering his cellmate.
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"Why all this talk of violence? I have done nothing wrong." It might have been funny, if he did not genuinely believe that. Laws meant nothing to Fane, why would the unspoken ones of humanity matter either? He did what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted. If the whim came to him, he granted it.
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solosatan · 3 years
For the MC ask meme: 2, 4, 12, 13? Or just pick your favorites if that's too many?
no worries, i can talk for hours -- everything after 2 is under the cut because this got long lol
link to the ask meme here
2. Who would your MC trust to protect them most in the beginning?
mostly diavolo tbh? she doesn't fully trust mammon to like... do anything if she's in trouble (at first! obviously this changes lol), but she has a good amount of faith in the idea that diavolo isn't going to let anything happen to her, at least for political reasons lol
she also comes to have a great deal of trust in beel -- i would say that he probably comes riiiight before mammon at the beginning of the exchange program, in no small part due to the lack of outright hostility he shows her compared to the other bros
4. How would your MC react to the brothers almost killing them and/or hurting them?
with regard to everything that goes down in s1... levi's heated gamer moment and beel's kitchen destroying tantrum definitely freak her out while they're happening, but ultimately they move on pretty quickly from that
lucifer's threat post-beel's tantrum is definitely like... superficially scary to them, but also they really dislike lucifer at this point AND doubt he's actually going to do anything out of loyalty to diavolo, so lydia is a lot more composed during that interaction and doesn't think about it much later.
satan's freakout when lydia refuses to make a pact with him is probably the most frightening to her, and confirmation in her mind that she was right to give the literal avatar of wrath a wide berth. also, for all her love of horror, she tends to prefer the psychological to the visceral, so the concreteness and vividness of his threats really throw her for a loop. she also never really has the time to process this in the immediate aftermath because of the bodyswap chaos, but i'd say when they're on the train in england right after that, she's definitely avoiding him until they accidentally bond over solving the murder lol. i can't fully remember what his canon apology is like, but i definitely think they have a much, much longer conversation about it once they start to get really close. honestly after belphegor, this is probably the most traumatizing interaction she has, and is the source of a lot of her hesitance to get romantically involved with him even after she clearly has feelings for him -- he's not exactly presenting himself as bf material in that interaction lmfao. it takes a lot of work for them to move past, is what i'm saying.
lucifer's freakout when they tell him they know about belphegor is similar to his first freakout in that lydia knew he was going to be pissed -- so the reaction was expected -- knew she could still count on diavolo's protection if he really did try to kill her, and figured that now that they were slightly closer than they were the first time around, he probably was going to think twice before actually doing anything. so more of the same kind of heart-pounding staredown happens there before the brothers bust in. ((it's honestly very very funny to me that for as much fear as the rest of the brothers have about lucifer, lydia approaches him with an attitude that very much screams "try me, old man"))
and of course... belphegor. obviously him murdering them is a massive roadblock to them even becoming friends (what a sentence lol), and in the aftermath of that they're really hostile towards him, if they have to interact with him at all. she has the occasional nightmare about it, but ultimately the lasting trauma from that incident isn't so much from the murder itself (lol) but from the fact that he literally is just hanging around the place where she lives after the fact. they don't ever become anything resembling friends until a little bit into s2, and only make their pact at the very end of s1 (where lucifer's pact occurs in canon)
THAT SAID, once they make their pacts with all seven of them and once they start to understand the power to control them that comes with the pacts, she's a lot more comfortable given the knowledge that she can always stop them if things start to get out of hand.
12. What would your MC write their paper on for the exchange program?
i love you for asking this question. lydia is ultimately a self-insert, so the thesis she initially comes to the devildom to work on is the same as my own thesis, and the changes she makes to that thesis are the same as the ones i would make.
initial paper topic, pre-knowledge of immortals: on the role of death in ensuring continuous personal identity and self-definition. essentially explains the ways in which the construction of selfhood is largely dependent on mortal anxiety (per terror management theory; essentially revolves around ideas of legacy and being a part of something bigger than yourself), and explains continuity of personal identity as being ensured by the past, present, and future selves all sharing the same threat under death. particular attention is given to the ways in which religious beliefs surrounding death influence self conception -- which is why she came to the devildom in the first place under the impression that it would essentially be a year long course in comparative studies in christianity LMFAO
the realization that immortal beings do, in fact, exist, they have a bit of a crisis because immortal selfhood poses a pretty direct contradiction of their thesis. i also can't remember when we find out about the reapers in canon, but iirc it's after the exchange program ends, so lydia probably has zero knowledge of the fact that demons and angels do have naturally limited lifespans until she starts the research for the new paper. the discovery that reapers exist comes as a massive relief for this reason LMFAO
so with that in mind, their exit paper topic is pretty similar to her initial one -- just with additional addendums on the nature of immortal death, how it differs from mortal deaths, and the roles that difference poses to self-conception and continuity of identity. it involves a lot of really tense interviews with the brothers/simeon and solomon lol
13. How would your MC wear the RAD uniform?
PROPERLY. it drives me crazy that literally only like half the brothers wear it right. like... i get it because it's a dumb fucking uniform, but still. they wear it with a teal turtleneck beneath instead of a collared shirt and wears the version of it with the slightly longer coat -- theirs has a high-low hemline so it's probably about the same length as levi/asmo's unform jacket in the front, and slightly shorter than lucifer's version of it in the back. (sidenote: looking at the different versions of the uniforms made me realize how wildly different their jacket lengths are?? why is belphegor's jacket so short???) she also has the same slightly longer... shawl?? scarf?? the red drapey bit that satan wears -- although she wears it over both shoulders like a capelette rather than just draping it over the one. she also doesn't wear the belt, but i cant tell if that's actually a required part of the uniform or not because only like 3 people actually wear it lmfao
i really hate the idea that "girl's" RAD uniforms have to have a skirt, and i don't think that that would be the case for canon MC's uniform. but if for whatever reason they did try to get her to wear a skirt she'd probably butt heads with lucifer/diavolo over it until they decided it wasn't worth the effort and just let her wear pants LMFAO. they prefer to sit crosslegged so a skirt is less than ideal. i like to imagine that in this scenario she winds up giving the skirt to asmo, who actually does enjoy wearing it instead of his slacks every once in awhile.
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