#[ honestly. 'pegged'. 'boned'. 'deep'. 'it's all about that closeness' and whatever the hell else. ]
araneitela · 4 months
Challenge to Jace: Write anything OOC or IC that has zero sexual insinuations whatsoever.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: couples costume contest; elias
Sooooo... the idea of Elias as an Alpha wouldn’t leave me alone. It intrigued me. And so, when I got this ask on my main, I went that way with it. 
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles }
Elias wasn’t looking for his true mate. Rosalie wasn’t expecting to find hers. But somehow, that’s what happens. Fluff ensues.
Elias x OFC, Rosalie
heavily implied alpha / omega dynamics, fluff, Randy Orton being a dipshit..
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Everyone was in costume and by comparison, Rosalie felt that hers was possibly the tamest. Which suited her fine, in all honesty. She wasn’t into the skin show that most people tended to turn the holiday into if she had to admit it.
A flyer caught her eye and she gave a wistful sigh as she read the words. Apparently, the roster was holding a couples costume contest backstage. Given that she felt like she was the ‘help’, -and the even more regrettable fact that she wasn’t seeing anyone or mated to anyone, on the roster or otherwise that she could bring if she were planning to go, she highly doubted that she was invited to this little party and contest, so she put it out of her head.
Even if she wanted to go, going was probably not the best idea, her Omega status and being unmated and what have you. And she could feel her heat cycle beginning, so that was also a huge deterrent in her attending the little costume party. Someone backstage was her Alpha, and she wasn’t entirely sure whether knowing would be a good thing or not.
… and even if I wanted to find him, it’d probably go badly, given that I’m me and… yeah… she shoved the thought out of her head, even as the irony of her costume for the night’s festive air hit her with the force of a speeding train. Yep, she was little red alright… But she wasn’t going to find her Big bad wolf anytime soon, of that she had no doubt.
From behind her, Randy Orton spoke up casually as he leaned in a doorway, eyeing her up and down. “Little Red Riding Hood. That’s cute.”
“No and no.” Rosalie stepped around the man, about to push open the door on her workstation. She had costumes to get mended and fittings to attend to, no time at all to be the test subject for whatever Orton had in mind.
“Aw, c’mon. Don’t be like that.” Orton was blocking her way.
“Get outta my way. Unlike you, I actually have a purpose?” Rosalie stuttered slightly, flinching. She’d never been fond of being cornered like Orton seemed to do as of late. She tried to step away.
“Ouch. If I had feelings, that might hurt.” Randy was stepping closer, all up in her personal space. Rosalie groaned inwardly, grumbled a few swears. If she didn’t enjoy her job as costume designer, she’d probably explode on the man. But honestly, she enjoyed her job entirely too much to give it more than passing thought.
“Well, I mean… Who doesn’t have a match tonight? When was the last time you actually had an actual match worth watching  anyway, hmm? Exactly my thought. Now move before I…” Rosalie trailed off and Orton leaned in, a finger hooking in the neckline of her dress as he smirked down at her, “Before you what, little red? Go on, finish what you were saying.” the finger hooked in her neckline was pulling her closer and Rosalie began to feel like shooting off her mouth as she had may well have been a serious mistake.
From behind them, a throat cleared. Rosalie gave a grateful look to Naomi, who stood there, eyeing Randy with a hand on her hip.
“Is there a problem here?”
“Randal was just leaving, actually.” Rosalie glanced up at him, the firmest look of warning she could muster in her eyes. Randy glanced from Naomi to Rosalie and then, as he walked away, he called out casually, “See you tonight, little red.”
“Only in my nightmares, you human barfbag.” Rosalie retorted, muttering a few swears under her breath in her native Italian before turning to unlock the fitting room so that Naomi could come in and be fitted up for the ring gear concept she’d drawn up and emailed to Rosalie a few hours prior.
“Sorry about that.” she apologized and Naomi eyed her, snorting in laughter. “Girl, you have not a damn thing to be sorry for. That fool needed to be taken down a few pegs.”
Rosalie laughed gingerly and then sighed, shaking her head. “I swear, it’s like the fifth time that asshole has used his nose and tracked me. I mean I know my cycle is close, but damn. I’m using suppressants and doing my best, y’all.”
“Girl.” Naomi closed the door quickly, eyeing the petite brunette in concern. “Does Trips or Steph know? That you.. You know..”
“They do, but I’ve assured them that it won’t affect my work. I’ve also told them I fully intend to take every necessary precaution, including sequestering myself into the Omega wing at the hotel when it does begin…”
“Or, you could just try to figure out why your heat’s being triggered..” Naomi suggested casually.  Rosalie nearly pricked her finger with the needle in her sewing kit and she swore, raising her finger to her lips, catching the droplet of blood. She knew she had to look absolutely panicked and the truth of it, she was.
Because trying to find him, she was convinced, was only going to go badly.
No matter how badly she wanted the opposite to be true and for things to go better than her wildest dreams.
She just wasn’t anything special. Which is why it baffled her that Orton continued to pop up lately. The guy had to have some kind of nose on him, to scent her so well despite the dulling of her scent thanks to the super strength suppressants she’d gotten.
“Or do you already know? You do, don’t you?” Naomi attempted to figure out why Rosalie looked so panicked when she mentioned Rosalie possibly attempting to find her true Alpha. It had to be that.
“No, I don’t. And honestly, Naomi.. I’m kinda thinking it’s better it stays that way.”
Naomi raised a brow, tilting her head slightly to look at her friend, perplexed by the statement. She knew how badly Rosalie wanted to find her other half, so it made no sense to her as to why she was suddenly so against it.
“I do know that he’s someone that we work with. I’ve… caught their scent on numerous occasions, I just… Always chicken out and hide rather than try to follow.” Rosalie admitted as she got out the tape measure and began to take Naomi’s measurements.
Not wanting to pressure her friend for more, Naomi changed the subject. “So are you going to that costume party? I think it’d be good for you, you could get to know everybody back here better. Since you’re gonna be spending a lot of time traveling with the show.”
Rosalie bit her lip and shook her head no, nervously. “No I probably won’t. Because it’s just… I don’t think I’d fit in well?”
“Naomi, no.”
“Rosalie, yes.”
Rosalie gave a defeated shrug and then muttered, “Fine. But if Orton pops up one fucking time, I’m gonna shove my the heel of my  shoe through his eyeball.”
Naomi laughed and then placing her hand on Rosalie’s shoulder, she assured her friend, “Just don’t worry, okay? Me and Jimmy and Jey got you.”
Rosalie nodded and bit her lip, then glanced down at her costume. “This is gonna be so childish compared to the skin show everyone else is gonna put on…”
“But if that’s what you’re comfortable in, girl, don’t you even worry about the rest of them.”
Rosalie took a shaky breath, nodding and then smiling. “Okay, fine… I suppose going for a few minutes couldn’t hurt.” - her sentence trailed off and a whimper came rushing out as she caught the scent of her true mate again and sniffed at the air, fidgeting.
Her skin was starting to feel tighter, almost tingly. “On second thought….”
“Girl, you’re coming.” Naomi cut her off, shaking her head as she laughed at her friend’s tense posturing, nose in the air while pretending not to be distracted and entranced by whatever the scent of her mate held. “I’m gonna be right back.” Naomi stood so quickly and she flung the door open right as Rosalie began to act the most affected by it.
Elias stood outside, a hand in his hair, acting pretty much the same way Rosalie seemed to be acting at the moment.
As soon as her scent hit his nose, he tensed all over and grunted quietly to himself, eyes darting around. The closed door across the hall was flung open by Naomi and as soon as he fixed eyes on the tiny brunette in the Little Red Riding Hood costume, everything just… Fell into place.
He knew somehow it had to be her. He could practically feel it in his bones. She was the scent he’d been catching sporadically, only to lose it’s trail before he could ever properly catch up to her.
“Naomi, what the hell?” Rosalie moaned aloud, attempting to shut the door quickly. Naomi shrugged and then said “I’d apologize but I’m not sorry. Look, you at least needed to know who it was. And now, you do. I mean… it has to be him.”
“Yeah, but that’s where it ends.” Rosalie warned, taking a few deep breaths, trying to resist -and failing miserably, opening the door just a smidge and peeking through the crack at him as he stood there, obviously in deep thought mode.  She couldn’t stop looking at him. Now her being drawn to him whenever she’d watch his matches made perfect sense. It had been him all along. Her mind was blown currently.
His head snapped up before she could get the door shut again and when she did lightly slam it completely closed, he grumbled to himself, staring at the closed door in confusion.
Did she not want to be bonded?
Who was she, to begin with? How had he missed seeing her around?
Standing in the middle of the hallway staring at a closed door was getting him more questions and no answers, so he took a deep breath and started to walk over, but Randy stopped him, casually speaking up. “Good luck with that one. She’s kind of a bitch.”
“Oh really? How?” he demanded, giving Randy a firm look of warning as his body tensed all over in anticipation of a fight. Randy chuckled and then answered calmly, “Well, I shot my shot and she shot me down. On more than one occasion. But I mean hey, if she’s so picky she won’t pick me, it’s not my problem if you wanna insist on trying.”
“What the fuck do you mean you shot your shot?” he stepped up closer to Randy, fists clenching and unclenching as he glared down at the other man. It was taking everything in him to stay calm and not just knock Orton’s fucking head right off his shoulders for him. It wasn’t like Elias at all, but then again, he’d just found her and he was now finding out this sleazy fuck had apparently dared to approach?
Elias was NOT a happy man at present.
“I told her that if she wants a mate, look no further. I mean… Nobody else is gonna step up and she’s hot.” Randy was saying it, well aware that he was currently about to push too far, say too much.
But not really caring, either. It was just Elias, it wasn’t like Elias was going to actually fucking do anything… He scoffed at Elias, squaring up, practically daring him to do something about what he’d done. He smirked and Elias growled quietly, grabbing hold of his tee shirt, holding him at the wall. “I need you to hear this clearly, Randal. Get it through your tiny, dense brain. She is not yours to mess around with. I don’t even want to see you looking her direction.”
Randy scoffed at him, shoving him back. “So what if I do, huh? What the hell are you gonna do about it, Elias? You won’t do shit.”
Jimmy and Jey happened to catch wind of what was going on and the two cleared their throats, giving Randy a warning look, their arms folded over their chests. “You at it again, Orton?”
Elias rolled his eyes at Randy, muttering a dry “Apparently. But he’s about to really see something.”
“We’ll see, Elias. We’ll see.” Randy shot off as Elias went to step closer, fully intending on just totally losing it and trashing the hallway with Randy’s skull if he had to to get his point across, but instead, Jimmy and Jey formed a wall, keeping the two seperate.
“He ain’t shit, man. Don’t let that fuckin idiot ruin your shot at gettin a match tonight.”
Elias snarled, “Oh, I’m getting a match. See, when I leave here, I’m going straight down that hallway. And I’m going to demand a match against Randy.”
Randy chuckled, rolling his eyes, waving a hand dismissively. “Go ahead, man. I can beat you in my sleep.”
Elias lunged and he and Randy wound up getting into the beginnings of a brawl in the floor of the hallway, during which, Elias caught her scent again, closer… Heavier.. He heard her shouting and as the fight was broken up and he was dragged away to calm down, he felt an insistent jab at his shoulder.
He turned to find her standing there, staring up at him, her face all flushed with a confused look in her eyes, her mouth opening and closing like she wanted to say something but she couldn’t find the words.
Instead of actually saying anything, she grabbed his hand and started to lead him towards the little room she’d been watching him through the crack in the door of before.
She hadn’t said a word, and he felt like someone had to say something. So, he stopped them in the middle of the hallway and chuckled, staring her down.
“Where are you taking me?”
“To my room.”
His mind swam with ideas at her suggestion, and the dry wit threatened to leap right out, much less a cocky line or two he thought might be clever, but he got this sense about her… She wouldn’t realize he was only teasing and she’d think that he too was being your typical Alpha, which Elias prided himself on definitely not being.
So, for the time being, he kept all comments to himself and went with a nod. When she started to walk again, grabbing hold of his hand to continue leading him, he stopped them again.
“Do I at least get your name?”
“Do you want that little gash in your face taken care of? Look, sir.. If it’s all the same to you, I’d really prefer NOT to linger out here, not right now, not with….” she trailed off and it clicked for him exactly why she was in such a hurry.
Apparently those suppressants she thought were so strong weren’t strong at all. And apparently, his petite little mate well… She was currently going through the beginning stage of heat.
Just the thought had Elias barely restraining a growl as he started to strain against the leather jeans he wore. He swore to himself and let her lead him to her work room. The door slammed shut behind them and she locked two locks on the door and he chuckled quietly.
“A little paranoid, aren’t you?”
“Force of habit.”
“You were hiding from me, weren’t you? Before, when Naomi threw the door open.. Why?” Elias was staring up at her as she gently pushed him to a sitting position on a chair nearby. She wasn’t answering, instead, she made a point to busy herself finding her thrown together first aid kit. She probably wouldn’t have answered him, but Elias wasn’t having it, and he stood, stopping her, those large hands wrapping around her upper arms carefully as he stared down at her. “Hey.. Why were you hiding? For that matter, how have you managed to elude me since the first time I scented you?”
“I don’t know?” Rosalie shrugged as she took a deep breath. She was trying not to but the more he asked, the more he seemed to want to know, the more her hopes about the situation went up.
Her eyes darted around the room and Elias made her look directly at him. “It’s me, right?”
Rosalie’s brow quirked. “What? Why the hell would you even think… No, it’s not you. I’m not good with people.” she air quoted the words as she explained.. Or attempted to.
“Does Randy.. Does he bother you a lot?”
Her lack of an answer said it all and Elias swore to himself. Now he knew exactly why Randy always seemed to have the faintest trace of her scent on him whenever they had an encounter.
“He won’t anymore.” Elias stated, making her keep eye contact, his hand cupping her jaw.
She had these big brown eyes he could easily get lost in. He nearly did, just staring down at her, trying to reassure her she was safe.
Rosalie eyed him and then gave a little smirk and shrug. “ Especially not after I jam my fucking stiletto in his eyeball.”
“No. I mean I’m going to handle it. Me. Not you.” Elias took that firm tone and Rosalie eyed him, curious before asking quietly, “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it, hmm? Because…” she sighed, shaking her head, not finishing the rest of her thought.
“Because what?”
“You are aware that I’m.. Not like the rest of the women we work with, right? I mean you’re lookin at me.”
… Oh believe me, I am definitely looking… Elias thought to himself as he chuckled, tilting her head up. “What’s that even mean?”
“ I’m me and usually, things don’t tend to work out for me.” - it wasn’t exactly what she wanted to say, but close. Close enough without her seeming to whine and complain about the fact that she was about as ordinary and bland to look at as the sterile white walls in the room they currently stood.
Because that would just seem trite and petulant. Everybody said those things. … However, everybody doesn’t have other people telling them these things every time they turn around, either…
Her mom had always told her growing up that she’d better get real good at something real fast because if she was hoping to get by on looks alone, she never would.
Just the thought had her kind of frowning.
Elias noticed the frown and got the sense that she somehow felt like maybe she wouldn’t be good enough, or what he might want. Nothing could really be further from the truth, because that first initial glimpse earlier… He’d been blown away. So much so that he’d had to stand out in the hallway and process it all.
She was his.
Now, he clearly just needed to make her see and believe that.
Rosalie nodded to the chair and he sat down, she lowered herself onto his thighs, close to his knees. Not too close to him, but close enough for her own personal comfort. Taking the peroxide out of her first aid kit, she leaned in and dipped a q tip into the cap from the bottle after pouring some into it. A ginger swipe at the small cut on his cheek had him swearing and her giving this soft little giggle as she shook her head.
“You’re a baby.”
“I’m not, that stuff burns!”
“I barely touched the q tip to the liquid or your face, sir.”
“Call me Elias… What’s your name?”
“If you really want to know, you’ll find out.”
“Oh, I’ll find out.” Elias stated as he stared up at her intently. He wanted her closer. He got the sense that was a little while in coming. “When I find out, how will I tell you?”
“Assuming you can find out before midnight, I’ll be at that stupid costume party thing..”
… Perfect… Elias thought to himself as an idea began to form. Rosalie finished her patching him up and he walked out into the hallway, one goal in mind. And at first, anyone he asked was either unwilling or simply didn’t know her name..
But by the time he got to the costume store just before closing, he had her name. And a few other things about her, from Naomi, that explained a lot about her reaction to their bond.
And tonight, well.. Tonight, he fully intended to put all doubts to rest.. To show her -and the other Alphas on the roster, that she was his and he fully intended to have her all to himself.
Rosalie wasn’t sure why, but she found herself looking for him when she got to the little club that they were holding the party and costume contest at.
Rumor had it, not that she’d asked outright… Elias didn’t come to these types of things often.
… And then there’s the whole fact that he might not really want you for more than a matter of convenience… Or your bad luck… Take your pick…
She was standing off by herself sipping a mixed drink when she caught his scent nearby. Her eyes darted around and when she didn’t spot him, she put it out of her head.
After talking to Naomi and wandering outside, Randy Orton cornered her up. She tensed and looked for an exit. Every time she tried to side step and head back inside, Randy blocked her exit.
“Hey, c’mon.. Look, earlier, I fucked up. I wasn’t trying to come off the way I did.”
Rosalie eyed him, laughter following. “Oh, wait.. You’re being serious? Or is this one of your many go to tricks to try and get some girl to crawl into bed with you? I’m not interested.” she shoved past him just as the scent of Elias filled her nose. She’d honestly been intending to just leave the party, because Randy kept popping up and obviously, Elias wasn’t going to show.
Elias raised the wolf mask and glared at Randy. “Do I need to beat your ass again, Randal?”
“ I mean… you’re the one who let her come out all by herself. Not very Alphalike behavior, Elias.” Randy challenged, the two of them stepping up, as a result sandwiching Rosalie right in the middle of them.
“Oh for fucks sake will you two stop?”
Her words seemed to fall on deaf ears, but Ziggler came and practically dragged Orton away. This left her standing there, body to body with Elias.
Rosalie gulped and stared up at him, not sure what to say beyond what she ultimately did say. “You came.”
“I promised you, Rosalie.. He wasn’t going to bother you anymore.” Elias stepped closer, swatting at the stupid wolf mask as it tried to slide back down over his face. Rosalie laughed and said, “Color me shocked. You actually found out my name? Who told you? It was Naomi, wasn’t it?”
“In her defense, I wasn’t gonna leave her alone until she did.” Elias chuckled. From the door, Naomi yelled out Rosalie’s name.
“What’s up?”
“The couples costume contest is starting. You gotta come watch me and Jimmy win the damn thing!”
Elias spoke up. “ This is highly doubtful. I mean, Rosalie and I are going to be entering too.”
Rosalie blinked in shock as she met his gaze. “Wait, huh?”
“Well, I mean I did go to the trouble of buying this damned annoying mask… And you are Little Red Riding Hood.”
“Okay, okay.” Rosalie gave this little smile and that soft giggle again and Elias held out his arm. “So.. are we showing them how to properly do Halloween?”
“Sure. Why not?”
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animacruciari · 7 years
The Inferno | Derek & Damon
Derek: The night had dragged on, he and Hayley were trying hard to act like everything was fine but were mostly biting each other’s heads off instead. His body felt strange, his senses wired unusually so. Almost like the powers that coursed through his veins, his wolf DNA, caused him to flip out internally. Cora had messaged him for the umpteenth time and the alpha had pretty much had it. He kissed her goodbye and headed to the door, finally caving to Cora’s pleads, to get the hell out of there. There was no point in staying at this point, anyway. Only, when he reached the door, something slammed him back. Glancing down at his feet, a trickle of black dust ran along a solid line across the entrance….Mountain Ash.
Panic began to rise in his chest, memories of the same dust trapping his family in their home as they burned alive flashed across his mind. who put that there? Why was it there? Was Marcel up to something? He followed the line, looking for an ‘out’ he knew wouldn’t be there. If there was the slightest break in the barrier it wouldn’t have repelled him, but desperation caused him to keep searching….until he stumbled across a dark haired vamp he recognised. Barely. He’d met the guy once, at Rousseau’s when he first came to down…Damon or something…“Have you seen the circle? The Mountain Ash? Do you know why it’s here?” His voice unusually strained, his eyes bloodshot as he sought answers out from the other man…
Damon: “Mountain ash, vervain… who knows what else they put there…” Damon shrugged, more annoyed by the fact that everyone slowly started to panic and the fun appeared to be over, than about being locked in an opera house. He had been in tighter spots and gotten out… he wasn’t very worried about that. “Why? Afraid you’re gonna miss curfew?”, he sneered, put in a bad mood by the damper on the mood before he had actually managed to follow through on everything.
Derek: The vamp’s nonchalant response grated on the alpha, he cast his gaze over to the other’s ice-blue, a puzzled expression crossing his features. Something wasn’t right, he knew it yet he came. Cora knew it yet he ignored her, and now he was the butt of the joke. Every one was. “Curfew has nothing to do with this…we’re locked in here”
Damon: “I know that.”, he rolled his eyes. “Not just you, it’s me too…” He proved it by stepping towards the barrier, only to be thrown back the moment he came too close. “But come on. It’s early. There’s booze, there are women… why the hell is everyone making such a fuss about this. Or are you afraid they’re picking on you, mr. Broody-because-I-can’t-get-home-on-time?” He frowned… he had seen the guy before, but he started to get an idea about who he was. And he was in the mood to make a guess. “Or is your sister calling you home?” He smirked.
Derek: He eyed the man suspiciously, watching as he stepped towards the barrier. Same reaction. That didn’t make sense. If Marcel wanted to lock the wolves in, surely he’d give his own species free reign? Why lock them in here too, especially considering the fact that he was not the only alpha in here and their bite was very lethal towards the walking dead. Derek waved his hand, motioning away any talk about women. It wasn’t why he was here, even if he didn’t have Hayley. But then he mentioned Cora…the alpha’s head snapped up, confusion filling the void. “How do you know about my sister?”
Damon: He shrugged. The sister apparently hit a nerve, just like it had done the other way around. And if he didn’t have his favorite pastime because everyone was running around in circles, he might have to kill time with his second favorite. Pissing other people off. “You don’t keep her locked in a tower, don’t you? She’s out on the streets and she talks to people. One of them being me…” He smirked, again. “Nice, feisty thing, I have to admit. And very protective about you, I have to say.” All the more reason not to go soft on the wolf. “She didn’t tell me you were such a scaredy cat… or whatever the expression with your kind may be. One barrier and look at you… you’re a mess.”
Derek: He had a point, it was odd to get so worked up over a barrier, but at this point he couldn’t care less. He needed out and he couldn’t get that. But then the idiot kept talking….Derek took a step towards Damon, the veins in his forearms protruding as his fingers curled into tight fists. Anger welling in his chest as he continued on about Cora. Who the hell was this guy and how did he know who she was. Why was he bringing her up. “Shut up.”
Damon: “Shut up?” He never let anyone tell him what to do, let alone some upstart of a wolf who thought he could command him. “And what if I don’t feel like that? What are you gonna do? Pee on my shoes?” There was an endless amount of wolf jokes he could make and honestly… Derek seemed like the perfect guy to make them to. “You’re not telling me what to do, is that clear? You’re the one who comes to me, whining because the poor boy wants something he can’t get.”
Derek: “I didn’t come to you” Derek spat, anger rolling off him in spades now. The combination of his panic, the sudden heat filling his veins and the bloodsucker in front of him starting to overwhelm him. “I’m not a dog, and you’ll do well to not bring up my sister…ever again.“ 
Damon: “Well, I don’t remember seeking you out. Trust me, I can find better company than a wolf who can’t get a grip on himself.” Damon looked at the guy. The whole idea to amuse himself with Derek was starting to fade. He didn’t like him to start with, but that faint dislike started to mingle with disdain. If one barrier threw him off this much, how would he have surived the way Damon had, locked in a cell for years? Weak, that’s what he was. “Seriously? Then what do you become at the full moon. A unicorn? That would be a sight.”, he mocked. “You don’t get to decide what I do or don’t talk about. I think I do like your sister more than you, to be honest. Not that that’s very hard. Practically everyone is more likeable than a wolf who’s about to shit his pants because he doesnt get his favorite toy.”
Derek: The alpha took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Every fibre of his being told him to leave, to walk away before he did something he regretted…but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. “A unicorn that’s about to shove it’s horn up your ass” He growled, his eyes flashing red, morphing without realizing as his emotions heightened even more. “I said, shut up.”
Damon: “Never saw that before.” He grinned. “Just try to get there. You’d be surprised how fast I can be if I want to.” He could have been as far away from the wolf as he wanted, but where was the fun in that. Although the red in Derek’s eyes might be a sign that he should be careful. An alpha. But Damon disregarded it. He didn’t run. Not when he was just getting into it. “Wrong guy, wolfie. Should I have brought a bone to shut you up? It’s not like you have a very large vocabulary, don’t you? Although… maybe I should already be glad you’ve raised above barking at your conversation partner.” He smiled. “It’s not that different though. I definitely should stick to talk to your sister. At least she can string two sentences together.”
Derek: Derek’s fangs lengthened against the back of his lips, he felt the sharp edges digging into the flesh. The claws extended and cut into the palms of his hands as Damon stood a little taller, loathing rolling off him in spades. He wasn’t entirely in control of himself, his skin breaking out in a hot sweat as the insults kept getting pegged at him. He should walk away….any minute now he was going to- before he knew it, Derek had lunged at Damon. Pinning him against the wall, his teeth sinking into the shoulder of the heartless being…
Damon: Ok. Maybe he should have reined himself in. The way the other man seemed to grow right before his eyes wasn’t something he had counted on. There was mountain ash, there was vervain, there was bound to be some wolfsbane around too. Wasn’t that supposed to keep wolves down? He frowned and tried to jump out of the way when Derek lunged at him, surprised he was too slow. That wasn’t like him… He tried to hold back the scream when he felt sharp teeth pierce his flesh, teeth he hoped weren’t laced with the for him deadly poison. It wasn’t a full moon… that’s what he kept telling himself when he was trying to push away the feral man from him. It wasn’t a full moon… -but he was an alpha-, was a small voice in his head telling him. “Get off me!”, he said between clenched teeth when he finally had a grip on the wolf. “You’re nothing more than a beast, aren’t you? Resort to violence, the moment you can’t find your words?” He clenched his shoulder, feeling how the blood was seeping between his fingers.
Derek: It was over as quickly as it began. Cold fingers locked onto his shoulders, shoving the alpha back on a strangled moan. Blood dripping down his chin, staining the collar of his shirt as he stumbled backwards. “You’re nothing more than a beast, aren’t you?” the words pierced his soul as shock took over. What had he done?
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