#[ i am so sorry if this is incoherent will check in morning today has been. a hot mess sldfsds
pirateborn-a · 2 years
✧. 31/12/2022.
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     The idea of birthdays as a moment of celebration hadn’t crossed Roger’s mind until later in his life -- likely at some point  ( if not a few years )  after first meeting Rayleigh. And after the concept had been first introduced, it never left. Roger adores celebrating and anniversaries which hold, admittedly, little meaning upon the turbulent waves perfectly suited the bill. To celebrate life is such a grand reason for festivities in his eyes, and so he celebrates all those he knows if he remembers, and celebrates his own just the same: loudly and proudly.
     Ironically, he’d learned about celebrations in regards to a  “ New Year ”  long before birthdays, and likewise, he loves it. He views New Years Eve as the true beginning of the new years, the true start of a new chapter to his life and to the world. He may despise ends, but for forces beyond their control such as time, he embraces it with warmth and excitement. Taking it as a signal for something greater ready to come.
     While upon the sea it’s difficult to keep track of time, or that during the exact days things are too busy whether due to attacks or adventures, Roger still does his absolute best and assures that there is always be some kind of celebration in honor of the end and start of a new years; and his crew, in turn alongside him, celebrates his life. Parties which rage from early morning and late into nights for anywhere between the two days to weeks at a time, often getting other crews, islands, and so on involved if they hadn't started with them. Absolutely excessive, flashy, and grand events, often involving fireworks and more, celebrated with his crew and friends. In short, the perfect kind of events for Roger.
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findingnemosworld · 7 months
𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 - 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐤 𝐬𝐳𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐳𝐥𝐚𝐢
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬.
(𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭)
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩 …
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝟐: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐥𝐳, 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲.
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This was it, the biggest moment she had ever experienced, her graduation ceremony.
Physiotherapy has been her greatest passions ever since she was a child, she had graduated school from her home country, opting to pursue a masters degree in Oxford University - and along the way she'd started working as an intern in one of the biggest football clubs known, Liverpool Football Club ... during the internship, not only was she able to implement her thesis topic, but also find love with a lovable Hungarian player.
Like her, Dominik was new to the club which was a common point that led to the pair growing closer during her time working there - eventually, a relationship was born, one that tested time as both were quite occupied with their passions yet despite that, were able to find time for one another.
Dominik was everything she could ever hope for in a man, charming, attentive, funny and ridiculously handsome.
The past ten months were a pure blessing, despite his busy schedule. Dominik would constantly call in to check on her as well as ask about her studies, he'd often sit with her whenever he wasn't busy with training and help her study, even going as far as to ask her about what her thesis topic, further assuring her just how attentive he was to her passion, the same way she did with her constantly being present during every match he played as well as helping him rehabilitate during his injury.
Each and every moment they spent together had led to this very moment now, today was a special day, it was the day she was set to recieve her degree.
The excitement had led to her waking up at around six in the morning despite the ceremony not starting for another three hours, she turns to her right to find a sleeping Dominik, his lips slightly parted, hair disheveled due to tossing and turning, the tattoos quite promiment and peeking from the bed sheets as his chest rose and fell evenly.
She didn't have the heart to wake him, therefore she gently removed the bedsheets from her body and tiptoed to the kitchen to make her-self some tea, she pours water into the kettle and turns on the stove to let it boil, she then proceeds to grab the mug that read, Future Doctor - the mug was a gift that Dominik had gotten her for her twenty first birthday which was quite adorable given that in his words, he knew that fancy gifts weren't exactly what she wanted.
Lost in thought, she barely noticed her boyfriend of nearly eleven months stride up to her from behind, he wraps his arms around her waist and lazily nuzzled his face in the curvature of her neck, "I told you I don't like to wake up alone." he whispers.
A soft smile appears across her lips, "I'm sorry baby, I am too nervous about today, I don't want to look like an idiot."
He grunts something incoherent before he said, "Baba, you won't look like an idiot! If anything, you're the opposite of an idiot."
"I almost spilt my coffee on your chest the first time we met," she reminds him with an amused expression across her face.
He chuckles, "God I wished you did, would have been an excuse to be closer to you back then."
She giggles at his remark, "I'm excited, I'm scared and nervous Domi, I mean I worked so hard for this, I don't want anything to go wrong."
Dominik reaches over to turn off the stove then swiftly turns her to face him, he cradles her face in his hands then proceeds to lean in and peck her lips before muttering, "You are going to look absolutely gorgeous taking that degree, and then I can brag about how I'm dating the most intelligent girl in the world."
His words soften her almost instantly and she proceeds to hug him, "I love you."
He grins then presses a kiss on the top of her head, "I love you too baby."
There was no denying that she had his whole heart, from the very moment he saw her in the training center until this very moment - he was and still hopelessly devoted her, yet the insecurities in the back of his could not help but rear their ugly head, she was so accomplished, so intelligent, well spoken and put together ... what was he? just a guy that became well known for pushing a ball in between his feet because his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps, sure he loved the game, granted the circumstances weren't healthy but in contrast her, he felt like ... nothing.
And boy did he loathe that emotion, it was akin to jealousy, something he had never felt in ages, not since he was a child having to see other children enjoying a normal life all the while his days consisted of training.
"Domi," she murmurs, breaking his train of thought.
"Hm?" he replied, rubbing her back.
"I gotta make my tea." she said.
"Make me one too then, please." he murmurs.
"Ok," she said then kissed his cheek.
He watched her with pure admiration as she quickly whipped up two mugs of chamomile tea, adding a hint of cardamom to help both of them relax for the big day, and as they make their way back to their bed, Dominik couldn't help but wonder if she would be better off with someone else, a doctor perhaps, or a lawyer, or someone with a normal occupation that doesn't force them to be away half the time.
He wanted to ask her, desperately wondering why she would rather stay with him than seek another man, yet he remained shut, especially when she curled up next to him after drinking her tea and quickly drifted off to sleep leaving him with only the ugly insecure thoughts swimming inside of his mind.
Dominik was seated with her parents who had traveled to attend the ceremony, dressed in a three piece black suit which he believed was suitable for the ceremony - he noted just how proud both of her parents were which in turn made him happy as the pair had worked so hard to provide her with this opportunity, "She was quite nervous." he remarked.
Her father chuckles, "she's always nervous,"
"Our angel is a pessimist at heart despite recieving the highest degrees, succeeding both in her studies and her extra curricular activites," her mother chimes in. "Hell, she was even nervous before she introducued us to you, she thought we wouldn't approve of you,"
Dominik smiles, recalling just how nervous she was at the propsect of him meeting her parents yet things turned out quite well, her father treated him as though he was his own and her mother doted on him, insisting that he visited whenever he could, "She definitely is ... but look at her,"
They watch in awe as her name was called out, and she gracefully walks up dressed in a beautiful dress topped off by the graduation cape and hat, she accepts her degree, flashing a smile towards her parents and Dominik, then making her way to the empty chair to sit whilst the others recieve their degrees.
"I don't know what I've done to deserve her," he murmurs, mostly to himself.
Her mother leans in and whispers, "You two are soulamtes."
Dominik turns to her then says, "Huh?"
"You think you two just met by chance, not at all," her mother smiles softly then adds, "God has put you in her path and her in yours, you two are more alike than you think."
He grows silent, contemplating if she was right yet the small voice in his head says otherwise causing him to momentarily grow frustrated at how insecure he was. "I love her," he said.
"She loves you too," her mother assures him just before saying, "Oh look, she's set to make a speech."
Dominik shifts his focus towards her as she takes the podium, with a clearly nervous look on her face, their eyes lock for a moment and he sends her an assuring smile, which seemingly worked on calming her nerves.
"Good afternoon," she begins with a soft smile, "I'm not good at speeches but I shall try to make this as short and brief as I can, I'd like to first congratulate my colleagues who worked as hard as myself to achieve their dream and make their mark as future Physiotherapists, it wasn't easy but we made it," she pauses, "I'd like to thank my professors, the department and everyone who pushed us to work hard, and be confident in our abilites, I'd also like to thank God as well as my parents who risked just about everything to give me this opportunity, and lastly, I'd like to thank my boyfriend ..."
Dominik's eyes softened as he sent her a sweet smile, tears brimmed at the corners of his eyes.
"He doesn't know that much about the inner depths of Physiotherapy and god knows I bored him night and day but he stuck with me, supporting me day and night until I got this far, so thank you." she smiled at him. "And lastly, I'd like to say, let's face life with the bravest face we got because it's not easy but it's worth it, thank you."
A thunderous roaring applause rippled through the auditorium as she made her way back to her chair, the photographer snapped a couple of photographs before the graduates were able to unite with their family and loved ones, she rushed to her parents, embracing the two of them as they congratulated her, she then turned to Dominik and said with an obvious squeal, "I made it."
"I knew you'd do it baby." Dominik embraced her before adding, "Now come on, dinner is on me."
"Nonesense, dinner is on us." her father interjects.
"No no, you two are here for two days, dinner is on me." Dominik smiles.
They dine in a beautiful Italian restaurant with a comfortable atmosphere, her parents spent the entire time conversing about the prospects she'd have now that she graduated and while he wanted nothing more than to pitch in, he found himself feeling less like her boyfriend and more like an idiot who did not understand a single thing they said.
She deserves better than you, the small voice reminds him. She's intelligent, beautiful and young, she deserves someone that can understand her, not a dumb fool like you.
Suddenly, Dominik stood up, excusing himself to head to the restroom unaware that she was rather confused by his demeanor as she had noted just how distant and lost in thought he was - she opted to wait until they were home to try and speak to him, meanwhile he was in the restroom, staring blankly at his reflection in the mirror.
What am I? just a clueless idiot who runs after a ball, he lets out a soft sigh, and she's just, ... perfect.
He hated this, this nagging sensation of jealousy coursing through his veins at this moment. Maybe I am holding her back, ... I should just let her go, she would find someone better, someone that can understand her and doesn't feel like an insecure child.
He splashes cold water on his face, then dries it off with a paper towel before stepping out and returning to their table, he sits down next to her and she leans in to whisper. "You ok love?"
"Yeah," he assures her with a smile.
She nods, albeit not convinced as she could tell just how distraught he was.
The pair drive back to their shared flat, and the moment they step inside - she stops him halfway before he enters the kitchen - he turns to face her, yet avoids looking her in the eye, "What is it?" he asks despite knowing that she is on to him, and had read through his façade.
"Domi, what's wrong?" she pulls him in, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"Nothing," he grumbles, instinctively wrapping his arms around her lower back. "Just my stupid brain making assumptions."
She frowns in confusion, "Assumptions about what?"
"Us." he blurts out then blushes, "I just ..."
This was difficult, far too difficult than he could imagine yet as he looked into her eyes, noting just how concerned she was for him - he realized that there was no way he could hide his emotions any longer. "I'm jealous, but I'm also insecure."
The phrasing served to both concern and confuse her as she replied with a gentle tone, "What do you mean?"
"You're a graduate with a masters degree, you completed your studies, you had a perfect life ... perfect grades, extra curricular activites and a social life, ..." he sighs then adds on, "All I had was the football pitch and my father asserting that this was the best for me, it's not that I hate football but the circumstances were toxic at best."
Her eyes soften as she reaches to run her fingers through his hair, "I had no idea."
"I didn't want to concern you, it's all stupid ideas. I just, I can't help it ..." he pouts then murmurs, "You deserve better than me."
Her eyes widen at the last phrase, "Absolutely not, if I had the chance to turn back time, I will meet you again, fall in love with you again and picture the most beautiful life with you."
He looks at her then says, "But why? I'm just an idiot who runs after a ball."
"Not to me you're not." she says then leans in to peck his lips. "You're my Domi, the one who makes me laugh with the stupidest jokes known to men, the one who listens to me ramble about the most trivial subjects and my studies, and on top of that he doesn't get bored, you're the one who goes above and beyond during date nights even though he doesn't have to, and you're the one who stole my heart the second I met him, I don't want anyone else to have my heart and I sure as hell don't want any woman to steal you, so what if you're a football player, you're still an amazing man, my man."
Her words were both soft and assertive, serving to lead him to lean in and capture her lips in the most romantic and passionate kiss he could muster, driven by his pure love and affection for her, "I love you baby."
"I love you too" she smiles.
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
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I’m pretty sure I’ll throw up, it’s not a matter of if, but when. I sit shivering and grey faced in the boys changing room at nine o’clock, Friday morning and wish I was dead. Actually, I’ve wished I was dead rather consistently for the duration of the morning, from the moment I woke up at seven after maybe two hours of sleep, while preparing my sister’s breakfast, while showering, dressing myself in my horrible uniform and for the whole seafront walk to the school gates, where I kept imagining cars swerving over the cycle path and mercifully mowing me down. 
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“Jude, man, what time you get home at last night?” Fitzy is in my ear, “I’m so hungover, man, my head is bloody pounding.”
“Dunno,” I reply, “Not long after you I’d say,” through the aura of my vicious migraine I peer at my phone screen where one new message notification blinks at me. 
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Jude, darling. Just thinking of you after our call. I hope you’re doing okay. I know I shouldn’t be worried but if you want to talk again tomorrow I am available. Lots of love & miss you every day. xoxox Maureen. 
Jesus Christ. Did I call Aunt Maureen last night? I check my call log to see that indeed, I made a long distance call to New Mexico at four in the morning. A seven minute call. A groan of despair escapes me. I have no recollection. What did I say to her? Something unhinged enough to warrant this anxious text message, whatever it was. I bet I was an incoherent, embarrassing mess. 
Sorry Maureen, it’s all good. I was just a bit homesick. We should catch up properly at the weekend if you’re free. No need to worry. X J
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It’s a cruel thing, P.E first thing on a Friday morning, but Mr. Doherty, a likely sadist, seems to love it. This is the same man who scheduled an African drumming workshop the day after our junior cert results came out, knowing full well what he would be inflicting upon a classroom full of hungover sixteen year olds. 
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He’s got a basketball in his hands today, bouncing it around the gym floor with his legs spread out about a metre apart. I don’t know why he stands like that, though I suspect perhaps it's a part of his lifelong quest to become the world's most intimidating man and take up the maximum amount of space possible. I made up a story about seeing him on a public bus seat with his legs at a 180 degree angle once, and I still hear it repeated sometimes as though it's fact.
He’s going on about teams, explaining something involving those smelly polyester bibs that nobody has washed since 1972, but I am distracted by the sunlight from the windows edging the ceiling and the way that is so unmanageably bright. Doherty pulls the first of the neon bibs out of the bucket and the sight of it, the colour, the sweat stains around the armpits, makes my stomach lurch. 
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“Bib, Turner,” he barks as he throws it at me and I catch it, along with a whiff of stale sweat and Jurassic era skin cells and I drop it right onto the floor, guts churning as I race to the toilets and retch and puke, fallen to my knees inside the filthy stall until there’s nothing left inside me. 
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“Classic Jude,” someone is saying when they all filter into the changing rooms afterwards while I still clutch the bowl. I must be here forty minutes now. “Always throwing up.” 
“Y’alright?” Someone else calls out, and I groan. “Well Doherty wants you when you’re done. He’s waiting in the gym.”
“Fuck sake,” I fist my hair in my hands and considering knocking myself out and getting the nurse to send me home.
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It’s another few minutes until I trust myself to exit the bathroom, and then, like a shell of a boy, I trudge out to the gym on rubber legs to where Doherty waits beneath a basketball hoop. 
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“I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while,” He begins, his voice echoing through the rafters.
“Uh huh,”
“It’s Friday. Jude. It’s a school day. How is it that you think you can show up to class in this state?”
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“Dunno, sir.”
“I know that you’re a smart boy, right? You know better than this. So when you’re at school, that means you come prepared, well rested, homework done, and in a decent, respectable state, do you understand? You can’t be off doing whatever you like with your evenings, especially if you’re going to show up to my class like this. I shouldn’t even have to explain this to you.”
“Yes sir.”
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“This is an insult to me, do you hear what I’m saying? You think because it’s P.E on Friday that you can rip the piss? That you don’t have to take it as seriously as other classes?”
“No, Sir.”
“You’re the same at my Rugby practises too these days, you’ve gone all soft and unfit on me. Is this why? Are you out galavanting every night of the week?”
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I hesitate, “Some.”
“Is the boom back already? Sex drugs and rock n roll and whatnot.”
“I dunno what any of those things are.”
“Oh, give me a bloody break. You think I was born yesterday? I could smell your type a mile away, and this is my last straw. I want to see you in detention today from four to five.”
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I leap to attention, “Wait, no, sir, I can’t do detention.”
“Seriously, Turner? Are you joking me right now?” “Yes, no, honestly sir. I have an agreement with the school. I don’t have to do detention on Fridays, ask the vice principal, I have-”
“Well that’s the biggest load of bollox I ever heard, do you know that? Special agreement,” he scoffs, “Yeah, pull the other one.”
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“I’ll do it Monday, I promise, I just can’t tonight.”
“You’re heading out again, is it? More partying? More drinking and acting the mick? I don’t think so. Detention at four.”
“But sir, I-”
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“Don’t talk to me. Decision is final, and if you’re not there, consider yourself suspended.” 
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I pace the yard at lunchtime waiting for a call to connect. 
“Oh, Trisha, hi, it’s Jude Turner, um, Ivy’s brother?”
“Oh Jude, sweetheart, how are you keeping?”
“Good, yeah, uh, just wondering, are you picking her up from school today?”
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“As usual… unless something has changed? She and Ella were planning to work on some sort of group project for school, but if you want to come and get her earlier…”
“No, this is about her piano lesson.”
“Yes, I expect I’ll drop her off at four as I always do…”
“Right, yes, is there any chance that maybe you could collect her too? Just for this week.”
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She hisses through her teeth, “Ahh, well you know that we have swimming lessons Fridays at five, we’ll have to be straight on the road… is there going to be a problem collecting her?”
“Um, no, just school stuff, there’s a chance I’ll be delayed.”
“What about your mum, sweetie?” 
“She works until six usually,” there’s dead air on the line and I quickly babble on to fill the silence, “But I’m sure if I tell her what’s happening she’ll leave early, never mind anyway Trisha, I just thought I’d ask.”
“Alright! Sorry about that, love, I’m sure your mum will get it sorted.”
“Yeah. Same. Bye,” I put my phone back into my trouser pocket. No point even trying mom’s phone. She never answers and if she did she wouldn’t help.
The bell rings for the end of lunch. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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sunshine-overload · 1 year
[BSTS] Main Story S5Ch5 ‘Dark Flare’ Part 1
Getting these posted before the second half drops !
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Chapter 1
-street, daytime-
???: (on phone) ...Yep yep. I just got to the shopping district I think. But somewhere along the way I messed up. Like come on, every shop here has similar signs and the streets are all so narrow~! I don't even know which street I just walked out of... I have no idea where I'm going.
-he spots saki-
???: Ah, hey hey Miss, you over there! I'd like to ask you a quick question...!
saki: Hm? Are you talking to me?
???: Ah thank god, thanks for helping me, luck must be on my side today!
saki: (I haven't even agreed to help him yet...)
???: I seem to have gotten lost you see... Could you tell me where this spot on the map is? Oh woops, I'll hang up first.
-phone beeps-
???: See here, this store. I'd like to go there.
saki: Hm? That place is...
???: Are you familiar with it Miss? I'm saved then~! I'm glad I don't have to worry about getting lost.
iwami: Weren't you already lost?
???: Ah, Iwa-san! Jeez, you could've showed up sooner~
iwami: Big talk for the kid who disappeared from our arranged meeting place.
???: But that's just cause I can't wait to meet Team B! I couldn't sit still any longer.
iwami: There's no point if you show up on your own, you'll just be turned away at the door.
saki: (Is this person a friend of Iwami-san...?)
iwami: Anyways, who would've thought you'd catch Saki-san here. Is it your hobby to get dragged into other people's business like this, young lady?
saki: Ahaha…
???: Huh, what? You guys know each other? Oh wait I got it! You must be the rumoured princess, right Miss? Nice to meet you, my name is... um...?
iwami: Hinata, got it?
hinata: Right right, that's what it was, Hinata! I'll be known as Hinata at Starless, alright? That's how things work there after all.
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saki: U-um, yeah... Nice to meet you too, Hinata-san.
hinata: Ever since I heard that I'd get to see Team B's show today I've been super hyped about it! You should come with us!
iwami: This was some good timing, could you teach him a bit about Starless as we walk, young lady? Like the right route to take, you were headed there anyways weren’t you?
saki: Yes, I was planning to...
hinata: Yay! This really was a happy coincidence then. I'll be in your care, Miss ♪
Chapter 1 extra 
-hospital room-
nurse: Good morning Haseyama-san. The sun's shining again today. Let's see, blood pressure and body temperature are both normal... Hm?
haseyama: .........
nurse: Am I imagining things or?
haseyama: ko...nn...
nurse: He's regained consciousness!? Haseyama-san, can you hear me?
haseyama: ..........
nurse: Haseyama-san! I'll call the doctor right away ok?
-time pass-
kei: So, what you mean to say is that he woke for merely a moment and then fell back into unconsciousness?
nurse: Yes, I'm most sorry for calling you out here so urgently.
unei: There's nothing you need to apologise for! We are grateful that you contacted us. The fact he woke up at all means he should be properly out of his coma soon right?
nurse: I'm sorry, but we don't know that for sure yet.
unei: Is that so...
yakou: Did he communicate anything to you in the brief time he was awake?
nurse: I wouldn't call it communication but if I remember correctly... He mumbled "ko, nn" before falling unconscious again.
yakou: "Kon"? I wonder what he was trying to say.
unei: Maybe he was trying to say navy blue? (*kon-iro)
yakou: What would he have meant by that...?
unei: Kon...kon... Ah! Could he have been imitating a fox...!?
(*in Japanese 'kon' is the noise foxes make)
yakou: That doesn't make any sense either.
unei: Um, did he happen to say anything else?
nurse: No, it was just incoherent mumblings. Excuse me, but I must go and check on some other patients.
unei: Thank you for talking with us whilst you're so busy.
-nurse leaves-
yakou: If it was just incoherent mumbling as she said then it's likely it had no deeper meaning.
kei: We won't know until Haseyama himself has woken.
Chapter 1 SideA
-locker rooms-
ran: Alright! I've done myself up to be one stunnin' young man once again today-!
kongou: Ran, the hair on the back of your head is still sticking up.
ran: What? But I just got done hair sprayin' it!
lico: Would you be quiet. I have to get set up here too so stop freaking out in front of the mirror.
mizuki: Geh, what's it matter spending so much time on that.
ran: Aw c'mon, why aren't ya more excited, we finally get to have another solo performance. Heath is lookin' healthy lately too!
mizuki: ...Are you sure about that?
heath: I'm fine. Rather, I'm actually feeling quite good today.
akira: Oh, the whole B gang is here, give it your all out there~
mizuki: The heck, what are you here for?
akira: I just came to collect something from my locker~ What about you? You look like you're all fine at least.
mizuki: Duh of course. So we don't need you getting involved.
lico: No need to blow up at every little thing, Mizuki. Akira's just here to check on us.
akira: Welp, if anything happens just give me a call.
heath: Mm sure. Don't worry though, we won't need to.
akira: I am your understudy just in case. Anyways, see ya~
-akira leaves-
lico: Well, it is true that Heath's role this time isn't on the stage the whole time. So we should actually be good. Rather than Heath, isn't it you we should be worried about right now, Mizuki?
mizuki: Huh? What's that meant to mean?
lico: What are you even going for with your interpretation of Oba Yozo? Shouldn't he be more timid?
mizuki: Who gives a shit about interpretations. All we need to do is match the energy of Heath's song.
kongou: While it's true our show gives a different impression than the source material 'No Longer Human', I think it's fine the way it is.
ran: Yeah it gives off a feelin' like 'if you're feelin’ rejected come on over here~' y'know what I mean?
heath: We don't want to be shoved into the box of what's considered 'normal' by society. Because that's how Team B is.
mizuki: Hahah, as expected your ideas are the best, Heath! Alright then, let's get goin' already you guys.
-mizuki leaves-
lico: Hey... I'm being serious here, please quit overdoing it. If I catch you looking even a little unwell I'm subbing you out.
heath: ...I know. I don't want the audience to ever have to see me like that again either.
Chapter 1 SideA extra 
-starless break room-
ginsei: .......
sotetsu: What're you reading?
ginsei: Ah!? Oh, it's just you two.
yoshino: Sorry for frightening you. Which script is that you're reading?
sotetsu: You were reading it with one intense expression, is it that immersive?
ginsei: Oh this? It's the script for B's current show. Kongou let me borrow a copy.
yoshino: Why are you reading their scripts again...
sotetsu: What are you scheming this time?
ginsei: It's not like I'm trying to involve myself in B's performances or anything. It's more like an analysis, I guess you could call it research. 
yoshino: On the script?
ginsei: Yeah. Reading the other team's scripts has been great learning material. 
sotetsu: Really? 
ginsei: It's because I can analyse them more objectively than our own scripts. This one's especially interesting, seeing how it differs from the original source and how it's been adapted.
yoshino: 'No Longer Human' is what it's based on right? 
ginsei: Yeah, that's it. Since Mizuki is the lead role it makes you see that Oba could even be depicted in this way. It's fun making new discoveries like this.
yoshino: Could it be that you're planning to continue properly studying scripts from now on?
ginsei: In my own way, yeah. So I'm planning to check out every show's script like this. 
yoshino: I see.
sotetsu: There's no way you'll have enough time for all that.
ginsei: True, that's the biggest problem at the moment. If the staff shortage issue could be solved I'd be able to devote myself to it more...
yoshino: We have no choice but to ask the temp management team if they can hire more people. It's not like we can do anything about it... I think your efforts are a good idea though Ginsei. I have to do whatever it is I can as well.
sotetsu: Looks like a flame has been lit in you. Jeez, you're all so diligent.
Chapter 1 SideB
-starless hallway-
unei: Ah, Qu-san. Could I borrow you for a moment? I have something I'd like to discuss with you...
qu: It's rare of you to seek me out, Unei-kun. 
unei: In regards to this you're... No, you're the only one I could ask, Qu-san!
qu: Sounds like it's serious, what is it?
unei: Please, could you give me your opinion on my costume design once again!
qu: Hm...?
unei: I'm sure you'd give me a straightforward assessment of my design proposal! Here, I took a picture of what I drew...!
qu: I'm not sure I'd be much help with that.
unei: That's not true! You assessed my design last time, remember? If I can get your ok on the design then it's almost guaranteed everyone else will agree to it too!
mokuren: Don't block the hallway, you're in the way.
zakuro: It looks as if you're putting on a single act comedy. Though it is also true that I am quite interested in your design Unei-kun, to a surprising degree.
mokuren: Don't say anything unnecessary, Zakuro. And you too, Qu. Just refuse him straight up. If you're late for our reservation in lesson room 2 I won't be happy about it.
qu: Well, you heard them, sorry Unei-kun.
unei: Aw~....
zakuro: My my such heartbreak. If you'd like more ideas than that... Why not make a trial costume for yourself? If you do that then no one would interfere.
unei: Uu... B-but that wouldn't solve the problem...
qu: If you want to solve the main problem then wouldn't finding a costume designer be the best move? How's that been going?
unei: Um well, the temporary management team has been asking around within their acquaintances...! Taiga-san made a post about it on our blog too but so far we haven't gotten any responses. 
qu: Probably because it's not that flashy of a job offer. I guess there's nothing we can do for now but wait and see.
mokuren: Unei, I couldn't care less what you do, but I won't let you off easy if you get in the way of our rehearsals.
Chapter 1 SideB extra 
-rehearsal room-
taiga: Their show’s starting soon, yeah?
takami: Are you concerned for Team B?
taiga: Nah, I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm concerned. But I wouldn't say it's unrelated, I'm just wondering how things are going to go, I guess.
akira: Why do you keep glancing at me?
takami: Well it's true that Akira has a relationship with them at the moment.
akira: Ew why'd you have to word it like that.
kokuyou: How stupid. All it means is that you weren’t needed this time, nothing more nothing less.
akira: I suppose~ Basically if Heath’s feeling fine and dandy then I don’t need to appear.
takami: That’s because Mizuki’s opinion that Heath is their one and only MC won’t change.
sin: As long as Heath doesn’t collapse then, hm? The water in the fountain has already overflowed. The time for enlightenment is still in the distant future.
taiga: Being their pinch hitter is even more of a pain than just being a regular understudy though. I mean, do B really plan to just continue handling things like this?
kokuyou: Who knows. As long as they aren’t hindering us I couldn’t care less.
taiga: Wouldn’t it cause quite the drama if we were to have a versus with B and Heath isn’t able to perform though?
kokuyou: If that ever happens then it would be on Mizuki to take full responsibility.
taiga: The responsibility of being a leader huh?
takami: I don’t think a malicious versus such as that would even happen in the first place.
kokuyou: You never know.
Chapter 2
-starless lobby-
iwami: So, what did you think of Starless' Team B?
hinata: They were amazing...! I knew seeing them live would be completely different to just watching recordings! It's not even comparable! Do you always get to watch their shows like this, Miss? I'm so jelly-!
saki: You really love Team B huh, Hinata-san.
hinata: Well duh! I'm still freaking out just standing in the lobby here. I'm not dreaming am I? What am I gonna do if I get to meet Team B~!
iwami: Oi oi, isn't that the whole reason I brought you here?
saki: Huh? Then do you mean...
iwami: Oh, look who chose the perfect time to appear. Hey, Mizuki.
-mizuki walks over-
mizuki: If it isn't Kouichi. Saki too, what're ya doing standing around out here?
iwami: We had just been watching your show.
saki: The performance was great, I had a lot of fun.
mizuki: Course it was, it was a B show after all.
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mizuki: ...By the way, who's the blondie?
iwami: I invited him along, his name's Hinata. He's a massive fan of Team B.
mizuki: Oh? He's got good taste then.
hinata: (gasp) ...Oh my god! H-He spoke to me...!
mizuki: Huh...?
hinata: Holy crap... Mizuki in the flesh makes such a huge impression! His gaze is so intense! Aha, my heart feels like it's gonna explode~! I'm so glad I came here today~!
mizuki: The hell's up with this guy?
iwami: I already told you, didn't I? He's a massive fan of Team B.
hinata: I've loved Team B for ages now. This is the first time I've gotten to see you perform in person, it was crazy intense. 
mizuki: Ah, y-yeah...
hinata: Your show today was amazing as always obviously, but still, it was on a whole other level! Heath's rap was especially great! The song, his voice, he's just the best, I admire him so much! No scratch that, I respect him so much!
mizuki (awkward): Hahah, is that so?
hinata: Yeah, Team B really are the best aren't they? I want to join! 
mizuki: You what...?
iwami: I heard that you lot were understaffed, so isn't this a good opportunity to increase your numbers?
mizuki: Quit saying stupid shit.
hinata: I'll rehearse till I drop! The name 'Hinata' too, I was given it by Iwa-san for this so...!
mizuki: No way. B is the five of us, no one more, no one less. As if I'd let some guy I know nothing about join us just like that.
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hinata: Huh? So you're saying I can't then...?
iwami: I see, so the main requirement is that you have to understand who Hinata is then?
mizuki: What?
iwami: Well, that's how it is Hinata. Do something about this yourself from here.
-iwami leaves-
hinata: Ok, I will! 
mizuki: What!? Hey, wait, Kouichi! What the hell... I don't get this.
Chapter 2 extra
-starless office-
iwami: Appears you haven't fixed your worker shortage yet.
kei: Iwami... I didn't expect to be hearing that from you.
iwami: Well, I'm mostly just here to say hi. I felt like I should talk to you lot.
yakou: Is this about that person you brought along to be a potential cast candidate...?
sinju: The guy who wants to join B right?
iwami: Oh so you're all already aware then? That saves me the trouble of explaining things. Well, that's how it is, I'll leave him in your hands.
-iwami goes to leave-
kei: Halt. There is still something I want to inquire. 
iwami: It's rare for you to ask so nicely when you're usually so rude to me. What is it?
kei: I want to know your true motive.
yakou: Yeah, why did you suddenly bring in a cast candidate...
iwami: You said you were understaffed so I brought someone in, what other reason would I have besides that?
sin: A notion that even the devil could verify.
sinju: It's surprising to hear that a new person just randomly showed up.
iwami: My apologies. But it's not a bad deal is it? He's rearing to go, no matter how you look at it he'll prove useful. He's of working age too of course. He won't cause the store any disadvantages.
sin: And what is it that you desire beyond this?
iwami: For this store to prosper, don't I keep telling you all this? Plus, as always there's been shady fellows hanging around the store’s vicinity... So wouldn't having more people here be beneficial?
kei: As an outsider you have no say in such a decision.
iwami: I'm well aware. I'll be leaving Hinata here, It’s up to you lot to decide what to do with him.
-iwami leaves-
sinju: I wonder if he really is doing this for the sake of the store.
yakou: ...I'm not so sure.
Chapter 2 sideA
-rehearsal room-
mizuki: Alright, let's stop here for today.
ran: Ah~ I'm so tired. Isn't the last part of the performance way too complex?
lico: Aren't you the one who was whining about wanting it to be more flashy? Don't start complaining about it now.
ran: Ya but I didn't realise the difficulty would increase this much.
kongou: But because of that I think our show tomorrow will be even better.
mizuki: Make sure you get some rest. If any of you are shit tomorrow I'll beat your ass. Heath you too, you're banned from any solo practice today.
heath: I know. I'll be going straight home.
-hinata runs in-
hinata: Mizuki, are you done with practice!?
mizuki: You- Why the hell are you here!
hinata: I wanted to talk to you, so here I am! I really want to join B no matter what.
lico: What? Who's this kid?
ran: Someone Mizuki knows?
iwami: Kouichi brought him here...
hinata: I'm Hinata, nice to meet you all! But nevermind that, ohmigosh, Heath is here~! Your show the other day was seriously the best!
heath: ...Thanks.
kongou: I'm not exactly following but, why are you looking to join B...?
hinata: I love hip hop so I became a fan of B. I want to be able to rap like Heath does.
mizuki: That's obviously not gonna happen.
hinata: Aw but why~? Even though I love B so much...
mizuki: We don't need any other MC but Heath.
hinata: So you mean I can be a performer then?
mizuki: I didn't say that.
lico: Nevermind all that, the hell is even going on here? Explain, Mizuki.
mizuki: I don't know either!
hinata: Hey hey, I can perform too y'know. Here, watch!
-hinata dances whilst stumbling-
lico: Dude... He can't perform at all. Why the hell was he acting so confident about it?
ran: (laughs) He really can't huh. Well, his sense of rhythm is sorta there.
kongou: Even so... Mizuki, what are you planning to do about this?
mizuki: I got no fuckin' idea, go and ask Kouichi.
lico: That bastard... He really is the worst.
heath: .......
-heath leaves-
hinata: So, how was that? I threw some moves fitting of B in there right? Uh wait, huh...? What happened to Heath, did he leave already?
ran: Hm? Oh ya he's gone.
kongou: I wonder if something happened.
lico: Who knows, maybe he just had no interest in you.
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hinata: Whaat-! But I really wanted to hear what he thought...!
Chapter 2 sideA extra 
-locker room-
sinju: Maica, Nekome! Listen to this, something crazy happened yesterday.
nekome: You seem pretty excited, is it something interesting~?
sinju: Iwami-san brought in a new cast candidate that's hoping to join Team B. He's called Hinata.
maica: Huh? What are you talking about? Why would Iwami-san... Is this what he meant?
sinju: Do you know something about it Maica?
maica: No... Well, what kind of person is this Hinata guy then?
sinju: I don't know, I haven't met him yet.
maica: He didn't introduce himself?
sinju: All Iwami-san told us it that he's leaving him here and we can do whatever with him. I think he's already met Team B by now at least.
nekome: Intriguing~
maica: How about you Nekome? Do you know anything about this new guy?
nekome: Hm? I've been too busy with my own matters to know anything else.
maica: That so.
sinju: I suppose it's a good thing, getting a new cast member.
nekome: Even without considering Heath's situation it's still better than nothing. Plus if there's more staff the the burden on those working in the hall will lessen.
sinju: That would definitely be helpful! Lately I've barely been able to make it to my shifts.
maica: True, but on the other hand, what will happen to Akira then?
nekome: Guess we'll have to wait and see~
maica: ...Also, whether he's hired or not may depend on what kind of guy he is.
sinju: Rindou said the same thing when I spoke to him before.
maica: You can't tell how capable someone his just by looking at them.
nekome: Well, that goes without saying.
menou: Yawns... Hey, is what you all just said true?
sinju: Uwah!? You were here too Menou?
menou: We're getting more hall staff then? So does that mean I can keep napping?
sinju: Of course not! Nothing's even been decided yet.
menou: Huuh~? That's too bad then.
Chapter 2 SideB 
-second rehearsal room-
kasumi: Hah~ Thank god, I made it just in time.
mokuren: Hmph... One more minute later and I would've sent you flying with a kick.
kasumi: I remember you said that and ran here as fast as I could.
qu: Were you busy with temp management work? As always you guys seem swamped with tasks.
hari: It would be advantageous for us to solve the understaffing issue quickly.
kasumi: Yeah I guess~ We were just discussing that before actually.
mokuren: Did you find someone new to hire? In that case what's the problem.
kasumi: Mm~ The issue is more with who brought in the new person.
zakuro: My my, seems yet another complex problem has arisen.
kasumi: Well y'see, yesterday Iwami-san brought in a cast candidate. It appears he's looking to join Team B, so it became a question of what we should do about this.
hari: If he's accepted would that mean Tam B has two understudies then?
zakuro: Hm... And what would the issue with that be?
hari: There shouldn't be any. I've heard that in the store's early days it was normal to have multiple understudies.
qu: I think the issue would lie with how those involved feel about it. Including Akira of course... What does Mizuki and his team plan to do?
kasumi: Seems they're undecided, which is to be expected. That's why he hasn't been accepted as an official member yet.
mokuren: In that case, we'll take him.
kasumi: What?
mokuren: If a new person is joining then I want him on our team. Even more so if Mizuki's wavering.
kasumi: Um but, we don't even know what he's like or if he's capable.
mokuren: Then we just have to drill him with dance lessons. It’s a perfect opportunity for you to teach them, Hari. You agree with me that having an understudy is necessary, so there shouldn't be a problem.
qu: ...You don't seem to be joking.
mokuren: Of course I'm not. If a member’s poor condition has even the slightest chance of ruining our dance then it's no laughing matter.
qu: That's... I can't refute that.
mokuren: It's decided then. I'll go and invite him.
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Chapter 2 SideB extra
-second rehearsal room-
qu: Mokuren, about that conversation earlier. You really are serious about recruiting him then?
mokuren: I already said that, didn't I?
zakuro: My my, the smell of commotion once again. The scent is quite enticing to me however.
hari: It is true that Team C are also in need of an understudy…
mokuren: Not just that either. Being in mixed teams for Christmas and the June Bride show wasn't half bad. Since I was able to experiment with new things. 
qu: So because of that you want a new member to join us?
mokuren: If the mood stagnates then our dancing will rot. We can't be confined by staying the same forever. Kasumi, what is the name of this cast candidate?
kasumi: I heard that it was Hinata~
mokuren: Got it. 
kasumi: Wait, you don't intend to look for him right now do you?
mokuren: I'm going to go and capture him before it's too late.
-mokuren leaves-
hari: By before it's too late they must mean before Mizuki's able to come to a concrete decision.
qu: How overbearing hm? 
kasumi: I agree with the opinion that we need an understudy though~ 
zakuro: It is said that while some things remain unchanging one must still be open to the new. Even water that is unable to turn into clouds will stagnate overtime and become dead water.
hari: Seems like we're all of the same opinion here then.
qu: Hinata said that he wants to join B though didn't he? Wouldn't it be wrong to forcibly bring him over here.
hari: It would depend on how Team B sees it, but it's true that as things are now it could be considered a robbery.
kasumi: Well, whatever happens happens~
zakuro: Lately, Mokuren seems to be trying to find a new spark in the melodies themselves.
qu: I guess this means C has to evolve as well huh…
To Part 2
10 notes · View notes
hisoknen · 4 years
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warnings: dubcon, mirror sex, unprotected sex, mild degradation, malpractice lol wc: 2.9k prompt: “do as you’re told.”
a/n: thank you @joyousandverywarlike​ for being the best beta reader, friend and hype lady! i appreciate you endlessly
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Your lower back has been killing you for weeks. When you went to the doctor, they had recommended Advil a few times daily, but it certainly wasn’t getting any better. You couldn’t sit at work properly. Getting out of bed sent pain shooting down to your legs and you couldn’t take it anymore. You finally decided to go back and beg for a physical therapist recommendation.
The clinic was very intimate and quaint. The walls are a soft beige paired with dark brown chairs and couches. You sit in the waiting room, idly scrolling through your phone after checking in. 
Your eyes move up from your phone as you hear a low voice call your name. There’s a toned man with dark brown hair giving you a crooked, charming smile. He has a white button-down that snuggly wraps around his figure, paired with a dark green tie.
“Uh, that’s me-” you thickly swallow as you rise from the chair walking toward where he stood. “Right this way,” he holds the door open, letting it go as you cross the threshold. 
“I am Doctor Shindou, you can call me Doctor Yo,” he speaks as he strides in front of you. You can see the muscles in his back ripple against his tight shirt. “Right in here, you can take a seat,” he motions as you step past him and find the spot. “So what brings you in today?” he settles himself in front of the desk, taking a look at the file in his hands. 
“I’ve been having an ache in my back for quite some time now,” you relay to him the steps you’ve been taking with pain meds and how work has become a challenge. Taking in his unruly dark brown hair and warm chocolatey eyes. 
“Where would you say it’s located?” His jaw fixes as he holds out a diagram. You can’t help but let your eyes wander to his large hands, nails trimmed, before you point at the spot.
“Did you start experiencing this after something in particular?” He places the chart onto the table. You stare up at him taking in his gaze wandering down your body before climbing up to meet your eyes. “Picking up a heavy box or falling?”
“Nothing I can really think of.” Your brow furrows as you try to rack your brain for something inn particular that could have started this all, coming up blank.
“Chin up, Y/n!” He clasps his large hands around yours holding them tight, the warmth radiating against your skin. “We’ll figure this out together!” He assures you with a vibrant smile. The initial contact startles you, but after taking in his warm gaze, you nod with a smile.
“Stand up for me, yeah?” He drops your hand, rising. Gathering your bearings, you stand. He smiles warmly, closing the distance between you. Taking a step toward you, a little too close for comfort. Shindou wraps his arms around you, pressing his fingers into the small of your back. You stumble forward, against his chest.
“Is it here?” His breath fans across your face, a hint of mint washing through you. You glance up at him with a start, the same vibrant smile from before sending a shudder through your body.
“Uh, yeah-” you can feel your cheeks heating up, eyes darting to the floor. “It’s actually just a bit lower down.” You aren’t lying. He needs to know where it is, but the close proximity and prompting for his hands to travel lower feels indecent. 
You wouldn’t mind letting your own hands wander down his body. Worse things could happen. The hottest man you’ve encountered in months has his hands on you, who are you to complain?
“Here?” He asks, his hand lightly tracing down your back to the small divots at the base, thumb swirling circles against the fabric of your shirt. 
“Yes-” you clear your throat as his touch lingers a second too long. Doctor Yo steps away from you, seemingly not as phased by the close proximity you shared only moments before. 
“Lumbar pain is fairly common, let’s try out a few things and let me know if you feel pain or a stretch anywhere.” He shoots you a friendly smile, walking to his desk to make notes.
This couldn’t have all been in your head, right? He could have checked from the side if he wanted to, but he came at you straight on. It seemed a bit too casual for a physician to be doing. But then again, you aren’t going to be the one to complain. You think to yourself, recalling the feeling of his body close to your own.
“Y/n, you still with me?” A voice brings you back to reality, you can feel the heat creep onto your ears. 
“So what I’m going to have you do is put your legs shoulders width apart and bend at the hips,” he motions with his own body. “Make sure to keep your back straight as you lean forward and go at it at a 90-degree angle.” You follow his motions, feeling a stretch in your muscles. 
“Feel anything?” He asks tilting your head up. You find him in front of you. “Here I’m going to take your hands and adjust you real quick,” his fingers grasp at your wrist, lightly tugging your body forward. 
“Make sure you keep the angle, angel.” You look down at the floor, the name sending chills through your body. “You’re a little off-kilter. Here one second.” Shindou drops your wrists throwing you off balance momentarily, standing up straight. 
“Everything good?”
“Ah, yes, sorry I could feel the stretch. I just needed a second to catch my breath.” You assure him. Taking the opportunity to slow your heart that’s pounding too fast for a physical therapist visit.
“Alright, this time, grab onto the exam table for something to prop you up,” he smiles kindly. 
“Okay, I’m ready,” you look down and adjust your feet before bending forward once more, fingers latching onto the cool plastic, feeling his gaze on your body.
“Like this, right?” You let out a breath, relaxing into the position. The stretch feels fantastic. Dr. Yo really knows what he’s talking about.
“Almost, here more like this,” you sense him moving behind you and feel him press gently against you, hands lowering onto your hips to push you down slightly. 
“That’s better,” he moves slowly, sending your warmth through you. “See, if you don’t do it right, it can actually be more harmful than helpful.” His laughter makes you uneasy. There is something about it that you can’t quite place. It feels empty.
“Doctor Yo, I-” you try and straighten up. 
“Do as you’re told.” The tone he’d taken at the beginning of your appointment has disappeared completely. Once light and friendly, his words are now cold and stern, fingers digging into your clothed hips.
Your mouth dries up. You can only focus on the heat radiating off of his body as he commands you, the shape of his hardening cock imprinting into you.
“Can you feel it?” You can’t tell if he’s talking about the stretch from the exercise or his growing erection pressed flush against you. He dips his fingers underneath your shirt, scaling them up to your waist, kneading your flesh.
“Lucky for you, I have a tool that is perfect for getting your muscles relaxed,” you can feel his breath fan across the back of your neck as he cranes over your body. His hands moving to your hips, thumbs pressed into your lower back. You let out a startled gasp as vibrations begin to course through his fingertips. He lets out a soft chuckle above you, massaging into the muscle.
“Feel’s good, right?” He pulls your ass to his strained cock. A soft moan floats past your lips as you feel the vibrations thrum through your tense muscles. Maybe this is all just his method of practice. Your body that were once tight and sore is starting to release tension.
“I- It does,” you nod your head, moving back against him without thought. 
“These might get in the way.” He pulls away from you, releasing your hips in a swift motion. The cold air hits your naked skin the instant he drags your shorts down to your knees. 
“Dr. Yo,” you try to push off of the table. 
“Ah-ah,” he pushes your back, “You didn’t even wear panties to come here?” His tongue clicks in amusement
Your cheeks heated up. He shouldn’t be doing this. It’s not like you knew something like this would happen, you left in a hurry this morning to make it here on time. You could reason with everything else he had done up to this point, but this was another level. 
“What do we have here,” your body jolts forward at the light touch he directs at your glistening core. You can feel his breath tickling the skin, craning your neck back to see what he’s doing. He’s crouched down, parallel to your indecent body. His eyes look over to you when he notices your body shift. 
“We can’t have you making a mess in my office, Y/n.” His mouth closing in on your exposed cunt as he envelopes your lips. You let out a moan, the feeling of his tongue softly trailing up and down, sending a wave of vibrations to the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
You feel his smile against your skin after letting out a string of incoherent sounds as he continues his assault. The combination of the vibrations and the swirling of his tongue take over your mind. 
You hear a shuffling accompanied by the sound of a zipper as he disconnects from your core. You let out a whine at the loss of contact.
“But if you stretch in one position for too long, it’s no good,” he whispers into your ear, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you flush against his chest. Your back arches as your ass is pushed flush against his cock, a bead of precum leaking onto your back. Your head rests against his shoulder, his other hand wandering to your hips. 
“How about we turn over here so we can see your form?” He shifts his body so that the both of you are now facing the mirror beside the exam table. Your heart picks up when you take in the reflection. He has his hand wrapped around your throat, tilting your head back, and his other hand sneaking around your front to prod your clit.
“See, for the most part, you have it down. But I think we need to make one more adjustment to make sure the form is perfect Y/n,” the hand vanishes from its place, a whine escaping your lips at the loss of delicious contact. 
“I think this will do the trick,” you can feel the tip of his cock running a lazy line up and down your soaked lips. He sends another steady wave of vibrations to his length, teasing you while you struggle to let him know what you want. 
“Pl-” you try to get out, the vibrations increasing in their intensity. Your mouth hangs open, eyes closing while you focus on the sensations overcoming your body. 
“Eyes open,” he commands, his hand tightening its grip around your throat, pulling you from your lustful thoughts.
In one fluid motion, he has your lips splayed open as he buries his cock in you. A gargled gasp escapes from your open mouth, walls convulsing around him as they attempt to accommodate his size. The stretch is laced with pain and pleasure. 
The pronounced veins on the underside of his cock imprint their memory into your mind. Your entire body just a vessel meant to receive the pleasure he is willing to give you.
“Fuck Y/n,” Shindou lets out a strangled groan. Dragging his cock slowly out of your quivering hole, only to plunge back into it once more with haste, mouth attaching to the soft spot where your neck and shoulder meet.
“Your slutty pussy is just sucking me inside.” He ruts into you, gradually picking up his pace. Snaking his hands to your front, finger sending waves of pleasure the moment it makes contact with your bundle of nerves. 
Pleasure surges through you, your mind going blank as he uses your cunt to please himself, fingers creeping past your lips. “Suck.” Hazily, you wrap your lips around his fingers, swirling your tongue around his digits. 
“Fuck angel, you’re really getting the hang of this,” his voice is full of enthusiasm while he continues to pump himself into you. You can feel yourself on the edge of climax, your cunt milking his cock, each stroke timed with a growl in his throat. 
“Come for me, Y/n,” his fingers push down onto your clit while picking up his pace. The urgency in his rumbling voice and the pulsing of his fingers pressing into you sends you over the edge. You cry out his name as the orgasm is ripped from your body. His fingers don’t let up their pace as he slows inside of you. Your cunt threatens to push him out with the way it squeezes around him.
“Good girl,” the slick sounds of cock moving in and out of your abused hole reverberate around the room, slowly coming to a halt as he stills inside of you. His heavy breathing tickles the back of your neck.
Your knees give way under you, and he moves in tandem with you to the floor. The slick covers the insides of your thighs as you pant, recovering from the waves of pleasure that coursed through your body.
“On your knees,” he lets out in a raspy breath. “What do yo-”
“We’re not done with your exercises Y/n,” you weakly crawl forward so that your knees are pressed are on the tile, your arms trembling as you press your palms into the cold surface. 
“Knees apart,” he prods your thighs spreading them for you. “They need to be line with your shoulders,” he instructs, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand, grabbing hold of your hip.
“Your eyes need to be looking straight ahead, so you keep your spine in line.” He positions behind you, bottoming out in your stretched hole. “You’re going to need to alternate between curling your back and straightening it.” You push back against him, following his instructions with a weak ‘yes.’ The authoritative tone in his voice ringing through your ears. 
“Just like that. Fuck, you feel amazing.” You let out small moans as he continues his sloppy thrusts, using your body to stroke his cock. Continuing to undulate your back like he’d instructed, you feel his cock begin to twitch inside of you.
“Plea-” you beg him to give you more. Your core flexing and releasing around, you begin to push back against him, forgetting all about your instructions.
“You want more, huh?” His grip on your hips is impossibly tight. Fingernails dig into your flesh. With each thrust, you can feel the vibrations strike against your cervix, tears pooling in your eyes, and clouding your vision. Pain and pleasure blend into one as he fucks into your spent body. 
“You have such-” he thrusts into your tight hole, “an eager little pussy.” You can hear the sound of him pulling air through tightly clenched teeth.
“Are you that hungry for my cum?” He pulls at your thighs, using them as a lever to inch further inside of your cunt, his thick cock threatening to enter your womb.
“I’m gonna cu-” you’re cut off by the tremors in his cock intensifying. Your hands give out from under you, your cheek pressed to the floor, vision going blurry. The buildup of pressure in your stomach releasing.
He stays buried in you, wet forehead resting against your heaving back, both lost for air. Your pussy continues to milk the cum from his cock as you both let out soft noises. Gruff pants escape from his lips with each pull.
The moment he pulls out of your abused core, you can feel the cum spilling out. You lay on the floor to catch your breath. The cold tile is the only thing tying you to reality. There is no sound in the room other than the both of you gasping for air, bodies spent.
“You still have plenty of work to be done before that back of yours is back in working order.” He smiles at you before walking to the mirror to readjust his tie. He walks over to the desk and opens the cupboard, pulling a towel from it and tossing it your way.
“Clean yourself up, you’ll need to schedule a follow-up appointment on the way out. Make sure you look… somewhat presentable,” he nods to your disheveled figure. Is he just going to fuck you and leave? Move onto his next patient while you lie in the other room, cum spilling out of your sore cunt?
“I’ll be seeing you here again next week.” You look up, startled to find him zipping his pants, threading the belt back through the loops. You hadn’t even noticed him standing, let alone dressing once again. 
“I’m excited to continue working with you, Y/n! You’ll be feeling as good as new soon enough.” The same buoyant smile crosses his lips, a glint of satisfaction shining in his eyes as he closes the door.
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earliebirb · 4 years
Hey, I hope you are having a nice day. If you're taking any asks, may I request for a cuddly needy Steve insisting on being close to Tony all the time. Like not letting him out of bed in the morning or making Tony sit on his lap during movie nights. That kinda stuff. Please, please consider writing this one. Thank you!
Hello, Anon. Thank you for the prompt. Cuddly and needy Steve is my favorite.
Have some tooth-rotting fluff in honor of my birthday! 🎂🥳🎉
keep me warm
steve/tony, fluff, established relationship, 4015 words
Steve will take any and every opportunity to touch and be as physically close as possible to his husband, thank you very much.
(Or, five times Steve demonstrates that physical touch is very much his love language and one time Tony seeks him out for it.)
Tony wakes to the sunlight shining in his face. He groans, instinctively hiding his face back in his pillow. The light feels too warm and bright for early morning sun and a quick glance at the digital clock sitting on his nightstand confirms his suspicions: It’s ten minutes to eleven.
Upon seeing the date and time on the clock, the first thought that crosses his mind is of the numerous tasks he has to finish that day. He sighs a long, drawn-out, and heavy sigh. He hasn’t been feeling his best for the past few days and he has the horrifying suspicion that even his ultra-workaholic self is teetering on the edge of a full-fledged burnout. Between SHIELD, Stark Industries, and the Avengers, he has no shortage of work to do. This is definitely not the time for burnout. His only saving grace for the day is the fact that Pepper has allowed him to come in the afternoon. 
Closing his eyes, he relishes the brief yet sweet escape from reality, pretending just for a few moments that his day is blissfully empty. The work seems never-ending. The only reason he is in bed at all is because Steve had coaxed Tony to come to bed, complaining about how cold he was and steadfastly refusing to sleep without Tony in his arms. 
After a few minutes, he resigns himself to the harsh reality of a busy day and moves to roll out of bed. Except the minute he tries to do so, his body moves further back toward the center of the bed instead of the opposite. Tony blinks at the arm tucked firmly around his middle. A warm weight is plastered against his back, a puff of breath tickling his ear. 
He gets a short hum in reply, rising at the end in intonation.
“It’s eleven.”
Tony gets another sleepy hum and Steve burrows closer, the cold tip of his nose tucked behind Tony’s ear.
“Why are you still in bed? Did you come back to bed after your run?”
A quiet sigh, and then Steve’s gravelly voice is in Tony’s ear: “Never went.”
“What? Why?”
“Missed you.”
Tony’s lips quirk up into a small smile without his permission. “I never went anywhere, baby.”
“You’ve been busy.”
“Sorry, honey. Work gets crazy this time of the year.”
Steve hums again, lips resting against the back of Tony’s neck.
“And I’m really sorry, baby, but I have to go. More work awaits.”
“No,” Steve mutters decisively, throwing a leg over Tony’s body and pulling him in. 
Tony snorts, amused. “No?”
“No work. You’re mine for the day,” Steve grumbles, arm curling tighter around Tony’s stomach.
Tony strokes the arm Steve has around him soothingly. “Pepper’s going to have my head if I don’t check off at least half the things on my to-do-list today. You want your husband to stay alive, don’t you?”
“I’ve told Pepper to give you the day off.”
“You told Pepper to give me the day off? And she agreed, just like that?”
There is a period of silence, and then:
“There may have been… some flowers involved. And some cupcakes and… bagels sent to her office, along with a—” Steve breaks off to yawn. “A very sweet and carefully worded handwritten note.”
Tony pauses. Then he gasps. 
Turning around in Steve’s arms to take a proper look at him, the ends of Tony’s lips are tugged upwards in a disbelieving grin. 
“Did you— Did Captain America commit an act of bribery?”
Steve frowns, squinting at Tony, sleep still heavy in his eyes. “It wasn’t bribery. It was… a gesture of appreciation.”
Tony raises an eyebrow. Steve stares back at him.
Eventually, Steve sighs in defeat. Tony’s grin widens.
“Fine,” Steve grumbles, shuffling closer to bury his face in Tony’s chest, “it was bribery.”
Tony chuckles, running his fingers through Steve’s soft blond locks. 
“Captain. What would the people say?”
When Steve speaks, his muffled voice comes out rough and near incoherent, speech slurred groggily. “Captain America condemns bribery.” He lets out a content sigh, body melting further into Tony’s. “Steven Stark-Rogers, on the other hand, is not above bribery to get his husband a much-needed day off.”
Tony grins helplessly at his husband’s unfairly adorable antics, leaning down to nuzzle the top of Steve’s head fondly.
“What a menace you are, Mr. Stark-Rogers.”
His husband lets out another noncommittal hum that Tony feels against the bare skin of his chest.
“Go back to sleep, Mr. Stark-Rogers,” Steve mumbles. Tony closes his eyes obediently, slipping back into slumber with ease, a smile on his lips and a newfound lightness in his bones. 
The sun is shining brightly up in the clear blue sky. The farmers market is bustling with life, with people visiting various tents stationed along the long stretch of road, each offering a variety of fresh produce as well as various finger foods and cold beverages.
The road is also lined by trees on either side, their towering height allowing their leaves and branches to form a natural canopy high up above, effectively shielding people from the sun’s scorching heat. There is even a gentle summer breeze that blows every now and then.
All in all, it’s a wonderful summer day, perfect for an outdoor date.
Now, if only Tony’s husband would stop ruining the day by being a stubborn bastard.
“Steve, this is getting ridiculous.”
“Give me a bag!”
“You have a bag.” Steve nods at the bag of red apples Tony is carrying.
Of course, that is nothing compared to the four bags of produce Steve is carrying. He even refuses to distribute the weight evenly between his two hands, insisting on carrying all four bags with one hand and using his other hand to hold Tony’s instead. He tries to reach around Steve in an attempt to grab one of the bags, grunting in frustration when Steve moves the bags beyond his reach. “Steve, your arm’s going to fall off. Just— Give some to me.”
“Tony, your shoulder just barely healed.”
“It’s completely healed. It’s fine, Steve. Just—”
Tony reaches for the bags again only for Steve to catch his arm and bring it back down. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. I’m a supersoldier.”
“You do not get to pull the supersoldier card right now.”
“Why not?”
“Steven, let me hold some of the bags.”
“You want something to hold? Fine, I’ll give you something to hold.”
Steve reaches for Tony’s arm and secures it around his own waist. Tony glares up at his husband and removes his arm from said waist with a sigh. 
“Come on—”
Letting out an abrupt grunt and doubling over dramatically, Steve clutches his own waist and fakes a pained expression. “Oh, why is my waist suddenly so heavy?”
“Steve, that doesn’t even make any sense—”
“Oh, God. So, so heavy. If only my husband were around to help me hold it—”
Tony rolls his eyes, slipping his arm back around Steve’s waist.
Pulling Tony closer so that he is pressed flush against his side, Steve beams at him, smile bright as the sun. “I feel a lot better now. Thank you.”
He leans down to kiss the tip of Tony’s nose. Tony wrinkles his nose, but he is determined to not let his glare falter.
“Ugh, I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
Steve’s face falls the second he sees Tony walking into the study. Somehow, Steve has managed to infuse an impressive amount of frustration into the two syllables making up Tony’s name. 
Tony freezes after having taken a few steps into the room, wide eyes blinking in bewilderment and a mug of hot tea in his hand. He racks his brain to figure out whatever sin he has committed to make Steve’s face crumple up like that—sandy brows furrowed and the edges of his lip tugged down into a displeased frown.
Coming up with nothing, he pads over quietly to the desk and sets the mug of Steve’s afternoon tea down on an empty space between a wooden penholder and a Stark Industries memo pad. Looking up at Tony from his seat in the plush leather office chair, Steve’s frown deepens.
Tony takes a few steps backward, hands raised in surrender.
“Whatever it is I did wrong, I’m sorry, and it’s one hundred percent my fault. Look, I even brought you a peace offering. A cup of tea to make you feel all warm and cozy?” Tony flashes him a wide, placating grin, gesturing to the mug sitting on the desk. Never mind that Tony has been bringing Steve his tea everyday for years now.
Not even sparing a glance at the mug of steaming English Breakfast, Steve stands up wordlessly.
Slowly, Steve begins walking toward him, eyes on Tony and frown still in place.
“What? I said I’m sorry.” 
Steve continues to walk toward him and Tony continues to walk backward until he feels his back hitting the wall.
“Honey, please—”
Slumping forward, Steve buries his face in the crook of Tony’s neck with a grunt, hands coming to rest on Tony’s waist.
“How am I supposed to get any work done if you walk around the house dressed like this?” Steve whines.
“What—” Tony blinks, looking down at his own attire—or rather, the lack thereof. Having just woken up from a nap, he is dressed only in his boxer briefs. A laugh bubbles up his throat, his entire body shaking with it. “Steven.”
“Don’t you ‘Steven’ me,” Steve grumbles.
“I don’t walk like this around the house all the time. I just woke up, honey.” Tony chuckles, hand coming up to bury his fingers in Steve’s hair, massaging his scalp lightly. “Go and finish your paperwork.”
“You can’t expect me to get any work done after seeing you like this,” Steve says, almost mournfully, nuzzling the delicate spot under Tony’s ear and sending a shiver down Tony’s spine. 
“Shut up, you sweet talker. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. Also, you have to finish your paperwork. We have dinner plans, remember?”
“Can we cancel dinner?” Steve asks hopefully. He runs his index finger along the boxer briefs’ elastic waistband and Tony squirms, ever ticklish.
“We can’t, darling,” Tony says, soft and apologetic even as he grins. “We’ve cancelled on Carol and honeybear twice already. They’ll kill us if we cancel on them again, especially if the only reason we’re doing it is because you can’t keep your hands off of me.”
“Your fault for walking around naked.”
“I’m not naked.”
“I can get you naked.” Steve slips his thumbs under the waistband and Tony grabs his wrists, stopping him before things can truly escalate.
“Nope,” Tony says with a breathless giggle, squeezing his eyes shut and resolutely ignoring the delicious curl of heat in the pit of his stomach. “Dinner plans.”
Steve lets out a defeated sigh, stepping back with a pout. “I hate it when you’re being responsible.”
The sight brings a fond smile to Tony’s face and he hooks his fingers under Steve’s chin to drag him into a soft, languid kiss.
“Please,” Tony says before planting another kiss on his husband’s jawline, “you love me.”
“I do, sweetheart,” Steve whispers, blue eyes gazing down at him softly. “I really, really do.”
When Tony walks into the art studio and sees the floor littered with paintings of different shapes and sizes, he whistles.
“Look at you go, Picasso.”
Steve turns to him, brush in hand, face lighting up like a Christmas tree. There’s a streak of blue paint across his cheek that Tony is tempted not to tell him about.
“Picasso?” The sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the studio illuminates the entire room. From the doorway, Steve’s blond hair gleams golden.
Tony winces as he steps into the room. “Sorry, did I miss the mark completely? Art’s always been more of Pepper’s thing.” Steve grins, easy and bright. “I know.”
Over the years, Pepper and Steve have cultivated a monthly routine of sorts. They have a standing date—sans Tony—whenever Pepper comes over to visit. Bonding over Tony’s antics and the intricacies of fine art, they get along pretty well, much to Tony’s surprise and delight.
Tony tiptoes cautiously around the studio, taking extra care not to step on any of the paintings Steve has laid out to dry. When seen from up above, the wooden floor of the studio would probably look like some rendition of abstract art, the vibrant colors on the different paintings lying on it coming together to form another picture altogether.
He finally manages to make his way to where Steve is sitting, stationed in front of an easel carrying a piece of stretched canvas which has been painted with streaks of red and gold. He looks around and frowns at Steve. “There’s no place to sit. There’s barely any place to stand.”
Steve looks around to confirm Tony’s observation and laughs sheepishly. “Sorry, guess I got carried away.”
The art studio is always in some state of disarray and it drives Tony up the wall sometimes, if he were being honest.
“But there’s always a place for you to sit, sweetheart,” Steve croons, voice all soft and honey sweet. He curls an arm around Tony’s waist and draws him closer, fingers stained with dried paint of different colors resting on the small of his back. Steve nuzzles his stomach and plants a feather-light kiss on the spot just below his sternum. He looks up at Tony with a child-like grin. “Come sit on my lap?”
“Sap,” Tony remarks, but proceeds to sit down sideways on Steve’s lap, his legs perpendicular to Steve’s. Spotting the smears of colorful paint staining the floor and the painting supplies scattered all around the studio, Tony clucks his tongue in disapproval. “You know this is going to take forever to clean up, right?”
Steve’s grin widens and he starts trailing kisses along the column of Tony’s neck. “Maybe this was all part of an elaborate plan to get you to sit on my lap.”
Tony snorts. 
“I highly doubt that.”
“Hm?” Tony’s eyes are glued to his armor as he circles it to inspect the damage from all angles, the suit looking slightly worse for wear. Nothing that a little tinkering and a new paint job won’t fix, but the real problem lies within. He had experienced a brief glitch with his right repulsor mid-battle and he is hoping that he will be able to pinpoint the source of the problem immediately after JARVIS finishes running diagnostics.
“Come here for a second?”
Tony walks to where Steve is lying down on the workshop couch, long legs stretched out comfortably along its length. He beckons Tony closer.
“Come here, I need to tell you something,” he whispers, like someone who is about to divulge a monumental secret.
Tony bends down obediently. Steve reaches up to cup Tony’s cheeks in his hands, leaning close until their noses are brushing against each other.
“You look really good in a tank top.”
The corner of Tony’s mouth jerks upward in an amused smile. “You just called me over to say that?”
“Well, no. I also wanted to do this.” Steve promptly hooks his arms and legs around Tony and pulls him down.
Letting out a surprised yelp, Tony lands on top of Steve’s body. Steve grins smugly before tilting his head to growl playfully in his ear. “Caught you. You’re trapped now. Good luck escaping.”
Tony tests Steve’s hold. Steve’s limbs tighten their hold in response. Hiding a smile in Steve’s chest even as he sighs, Tony says:
“Steven, darling, love of my life. As much as I’m enjoying this, I’m afraid that my broken armor isn’t going to fix itself.”
“Shhh,” Steve whispers into his hair, “you look tired. You deserve a break.”
“Okay, okay. And maybe, I just wanted to hold my husband for a moment. Can we stay like this for a while? Give me one minute.” Steve plants a kiss on the top of his head. “Please?”
“...Okay. One minute. Start the countdown.”
“Sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight…” Steve begins. 
Tony allows himself the luxury of melting into Steve’s arms, relishing the way the solid warmth of Steve’s hold squeezes the tension out of his own muscles.
“Fifty, forty-nine, forty-eight…” Steve’s warm breath tickles Tony’s forehead as he continues to count down. 
“Forty, thirty-nine, thirty-eight…” Eyes closed, Tony focuses on Steve’s voice and the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. 
They stay like that for a while, both of them calm and content, Steve’s hushed voice counting down the seconds the only sound in the room. Time passes by slowly and too quickly at the same time, and the next thing Tony knows, Steve has reached the final ten seconds.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…”
Then Steve turns quiet. Tony waits, but when Steve doesn’t continue the countdown, he looks up. His husband is already gazing at him, face looking deceitfully innocent.
“Hm?” Steve says distractedly as he caresses Tony’s right eyebrow with the pad of his thumb. 
“You stopped counting.”
“Oh. Did I?” Steve asks, still maintaining his ridiculous charade. “Sorry, sweetheart. You know how forgetful I am.” His thumb migrates down to Tony’s bottom lip, as does the gaze of his blue eyes. “I am a centenarian, after all. My memory is just not what it used to be.”
Tony sighs fondly. “Continue the count, please.”
“Will do, sweetheart.” Steve smiles. “Thirty…”
“I’m sorry?”
“You stopped at five.”
“I did?” Steve’s smile widens, leaning forward to capture Tony’s lips in a kiss.
“I know what you’re doing,” Tony says against Steve’s lips.
When Steve leans back, his face is all confusion. His blue eyes, however, are teeming with mischief. “And what is it that I’m doing? I told you, sweetheart, I’m just a very forgetful person.”
Tony rolls his eyes before resting his head back on Steve’s chest. 
“Let’s go, soldier.” He pats the side of Steve’s thigh. “Start with five.”
“Sir, yes, Sir. Five, four, three and a half, three…”
“What the—”
“Two and a half, two…”
Tony pokes him in the side.
“One and three-quarters…”
Giving up, Tony breaks into laughter. “Honey.”
“One and a half, one and a quarter, and…”
“Uno. Okay, good job, Captain. Let me go now.” Tony tries to wriggle his way out of Steve’s hold, but Steve’s limbs remain unyielding.
“Shhh. Zero,” Steve whispers. And then:
“Minus one…”
“Steve, no!”
Laughing gleefully, Steve finally releases Tony. “Okay, okay. I’m letting go.”
Tony extricates himself from Steve’s hold. Steve glides his fingers along Tony’s arm as he does—determined to get his fill of physical contact until the very last second—and it ends with him catching Tony’s wrist just before Tony is about to stand.
His warm blue eyes hold Tony’s gaze as he brings said wrist to his mouth, pressing a lingering kiss to the pulse point. Something warm unfurls in Tony’s chest at the way Steve’s every movement screams of his reluctance to let Tony go. 
“Meet me for dinner later?” Steve whispers against his skin.
“Of course, baby. Wouldn’t miss date night for anything,” Tony promises.
With that, Steve lets Tony’s wrist go with a sigh before throwing an arm over his own eyes.
“Now go. Before I change my mind.”
Tony leaves, snickering all the while at his husband’s dramatics.
“I need a hug. And a kiss. And I need you to tell me that you love me.”
It has taken years for Tony to be entirely comfortable with asking for affection in such a blatant way, but over time he has learned that doing so—actually communicating his needs and wants—has actually done wonders for their relationship. He desperately needs some loving at the moment—the end-result of a long day of all work, no play, and the worst of all: no Steve.
Plus, there is also the fact that Steve always turns all soft and happy without fail whenever Tony does ask for some affection. 
Steve blinks and turns his head around from where he is crouched in front of the oven, waiting not-so-patiently for his mac and cheese to finish baking. At the sight of Tony sitting atop the kitchen counter, legs swinging lightly and eyes staring back at him expectantly, a slow smile blooms on his face. He stands up and makes his way to Tony. 
Enveloping Tony in his arms, Steve presses his lips to Tony’s temple. Tony scoots forward and wraps his arms around Steve’s broad shoulders, locking his ankles around his husband’s waist like a koala on a tree. 
Pulling back slightly to plant a kiss on the corner of Tony’s mouth, Steve cradles his jaw, thumb rubbing his cheek affectionately. “I love you, sweetheart. So much.”
Then he pulls Tony close again, gently placing Tony’s face back in the crook of his neck. Steve rests his head against Tony’s and sways their joined bodies together slightly from side to side, humming a slow love song that Tony knows he has been listening to repeatedly for the past week. 
Tony inhales and lets Steve’s comforting scent fill his lungs, a mix of his coconut-scented body wash and the laundry detergent they share together. It smells a lot like home. 
For the first time since he woke up in the morning, Tony’s day is finally looking up. 
“This is nice,” Tony mumbles tiredly into Steve’s shoulder. 
Steve hums sympathetically, gradually stopping their swaying. His hand comes up to massage the back of Tony’s neck. “Rough day?”
“Something like that.”
“You did a great job today.” Steve’s fingers are still pressing into his neck in slow, circular motions. “You worked very hard at the office. I love you.”
Lips brushing Steve’s neck as he speaks, he says, “You don’t know that. You weren’t there.”
“There are some things that I just know. For example, my husband worked hard today. My husband did an excellent job today.”
Tony snorts.
“Here’s another example. I didn’t see you at all today, but I knew, I just knew that my husband looked beautiful today.” Steve pulls back, cupping Tony’s cheeks and looking down at him. “And would you look at that,” Steve says, voice hushed with something akin to awe, “I was right after all.”
Tony squeezes his eyes shut. “You are so corny,” he says, in the hopes that his remark would distract Steve from his burning cheeks. Years of being married to Steve and the man can still make Tony blush like no other. He just doesn’t understand how Steve can make all these sappy declarations sound so sincere, so genuine. Like he’s just stating an indisputable truth.
“I am also so very right. You are beautiful.”
“Corny.” Tony keeps his eyes shut.
“Beautiful,” Steve whispers in his ear, warm breath tickling his skin. A fleeting kiss is planted on Tony’s cheek. 
For a few seconds, nothing happens. Hesitantly, Tony opens his eyes. He is greeted by the sight of Steve bending down slightly to meet his eye level, hands planted on the counter on either side of Tony, eyes looking straight into his.
Steve’s smile turns lopsided when Tony meets his eyes.
“Hey there, beautiful.”
Tony punches Steve’s shoulder lightly in protest and buries his face in his hands.
“Jesus Christ, stop. I will hurt you.”
“Hm, feisty. I like it.”
“Please just go check on your food or something,” Tony mumbles miserably, voice muffled by his own hands. “It’s probably burning.”
Chuckling lightly, Steve finally lets him off the hook with a kiss to the top of his head. “Love you, sweetheart. Go shower, dinner will be ready in a minute.”
Tony hops off the counter and makes a hasty escape, lest Steve continue torturing him with more saccharine words that make him want to melt into the floor in embarrassment.
His husband can be so ridiculous sometimes.
(He wouldn’t change it for the world.)
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refinedbuffoonery · 3 years
Looking Through A Window (7)
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macriley married undercover au
Sorry for the delay! I either have my shit together in real life or fandom life, but never both at the same time lol. Anyway, I got endless joy from reading all your reactions to last chapter’s clifhanger (sorry not sorry). I didn’t respond to comments because I don’t trust myself not to spoil anything, but just know that I appreciate every single one of your theories. Also, many of you were at least somewhat correct. (Yikes am I becoming predictable?? Gotta fix that.) This chapter ends at a good stopping point, so I’m going to switch gears and write a couple chapters of other fics (which I encourage you to read!!) before coming back to this. But fear not! I have big plans for the future of this fic, and I’ll send you all down the theory rabbit hole soon enough. xoxo
The world narrows until Mac is only aware of two things: his racing heart and the fact that Riley is gone. 
The blood is fresh, but there’s no sign of a struggle—no sign of anything, really. The windows are locked and unbroken, the bedroom door is half-closed the way it always is. Not a single thing is out of place…except for Riley. 
So, where the hell is she? 
His body goes taut as the worst case scenario plays in his mind. Please don’t be gone, Mac silently begs. Please. 
The apartment is quiet. Too quiet. So when the shower turns on with a loud thunk, Mac flinches. Hard. Without thinking, he scrambles out of bed and lunges for the bathroom door. 
As he bursts through the door, Mac’s awareness shifts to three things: Riley is alive, she’s naked, and she’s screaming. 
“Mac!” She hisses, glaring over her shoulder. If looks could kill, he’d be very, very dead by now. At least her back is to him. “What the hell?” 
Mac barely hears her over the roaring in his ears. He scans her naked body, trying and failing to be professional as he scans for injuries. 
His eyes land on the blood smeared between her thighs, then the thin stream rolling down the inside of her knee. As understanding dawns on him, Mac holds out his own blood-covered hand in silent explanation. 
Riley winces. “Sorry about the blood.” 
Mac still feels a little disconnected from his body when he says, “I was afraid you were dead.”
Embarrassment floods Riley’s face. She begs,“Can we please finish this conversation when I’m not naked and bleeding all over the floor?” Mac’s gaze automatically flicks to the drops of blood between her feet, but he doesn’t move. His limbs are still frozen in place, the way they’ve been since he found her. “Get out!” Riley snaps. 
His own embarrassment finally taking hold, Mac stumbles backward, tripping over the door frame on his way out. 
While Riley showers, Mac busies himself by stripping the bed and washing the sheets and blankets. Not just because it needs to be done, but because it’s easier to process emotions when his hands are busy. It feels like he just experienced the entire spectrum of human emotion in the span of three minutes, and now all these untethered feelings are floating around in his head. As he works, Mac examines them one by one. 
He woke up this morning wanting to cuddle with Riley. Not just wanting to, but comfortable enough to act on that desire. 
When his hand landed in the blood, his brain immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. He is deeply afraid of said scenario. 
Then panic set in, as he desperately tried to prove himself wrong. 
Followed by relief at finding Riley and learning the blood was not from an injury, but from a normal bodily function. 
Then embarrassment, because he freaked out and barged in on her over something he could’ve deduced for himself if only he’d just stopped to think. He’s supposed to be smart, so why couldn’t that big brain of his, as Jack would say, figure this out? 
The answer to that question, at least, comes easily: Because it’s Riley, and he doesn’t always think with his head when it comes to her. 
For example, while he’s mortified at seeing her naked, a part of him wishes she’d been facing the other direction. 
Mac starts the washing machine and decides to do the mature thing and hide in the kitchen for the entire foreseeable future. He spies Harley lying on the couch, gazing out a window. “And where were you for all of this?” he asks. “A heads-up would’ve been nice.” 
Harley stares at him for a few seconds before resuming her vigil, and Mac hears the message, loud and clear: You’re on your own. 
When Riley still hasn’t emerged from the bedroom long after the shower turned off, Mac suspects that she’s hiding too. He doesn’t blame her. 
It’s late morning by the time the laundry is finished, and Mac can’t hide any longer. Clutching the still-warm sheets and blankets to his chest, he cautiously ventures into the bedroom. Riley is lying on the bed with her knees tucked up to her chin, and a pang of sympathy echoes in Mac’s chest. Her eyes are closed, but Mac doubts that she’s actually asleep. 
Dropping the sheets on the floor, he asks, “Are you alive?” 
Riley groans. “No.” 
“Could you please go die on the couch then, so I can make the bed?” She groans again and mumbles something incoherent. “Also you’ll feel better if you eat something.” 
“No I won’t.” She sounds like a whining toddler, and Mac has to stifle a snort. Still, a bit of the awkwardness dissipates. But only a bit. 
“Yes you will. I know you, Miss Hangry.” 
“I’m not hangry.” 
“Says the one who skipped breakfast.” 
“I was hiding from you.” 
“So was I,” Mac confesses. Riley cracks a single eye open at that, just in time to see his cheeks heat. “Trust me, I am way more embarrassed than you.” 
It takes him a second to notice that she’s blushing too. “Wanna bet?” 
Mac starts putting the fitted sheet on the unoccupied side of the mattress. “I didn’t see anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Nothing he hasn’t seen before, anyway, but Mac wisely decides to keep that part to himself. “Victoria’s secret is still a secret,” he adds with a wink. 
Riley rolls her eyes. “You did not just say that.” 
“Made you laugh, didn’t it?” Mac gives her a shit-eating grin, and despite her best attempt at hiding it, amusement slips through the cracks in Riley’s unimpressed facade. 
“Whatever. We don’t have to do anything today, do we?” Mac raises his brow at the question. For all the years he’s known Riley, she’s always been more of a ‘suck it up’ kind of person, not a ‘stay in bed’ person. So her question is surprising, if not mildly concerning. 
“Nope.” He pauses. “Are you okay? This isn’t like you.” 
Riley rolls onto her back. “Dude, it feels like someone took a cheese grater to my insides.” 
Mac winces at the mental image. “Ouch.” 
She pauses, as if contemplating her next words before she says them. “I got a new IUD a couple months ago, and this one makes my cramps way worse. I used to be able to ignore them, but this sucks.” 
Not knowing how to reply to that, he squeezes Riley’s ankle in a way he hopes is reassuring. Mac flicks his gaze up to meet hers and finds Riley already looking at him. Her gaze is warm and steady, but Mac can see hints of pain clouding her dark eyes. He thinks it isn’t fair that her body turns on her like this. 
"I'm getting back in bed the second you're done making it," she warns. 
"Go right ahead." 
Riley wanders into the kitchen, and, true to her word, reappears right when Mac finishes smoothing down the comforter, with Harley at her heels. To Mac's surprise, Harley jumps on the bed, waits for Riley to get situated, and then tucks herself into Riley's side. A smile blooms on his face. Riley puts an arm around Harley, pulling the dog into her stomach before moving to scratch her head. When Harley licks Riley’s face in return, Mac suddenly gets the feeling he's watching something private. 
Satisfied that Riley is in capable hands, Mac leaves without another word.
Beneath the weathered wooden conference table, Harley’s head rests on Mac’s foot as she dozes through the Patriots’ council meeting. When they arrived, no one looked more put off by their presence than Conrad, but, true to his word, Ethan welcomed Mac and Riley with open arms and encouraged their participation. A murmur of dissent snaked through the room, but no one openly questioned Ethan’s decision to include them. 
Twenty minutes in, Mac would rather be anywhere but here. The “meeting” so far has been very little business and mostly rehashing some fishing trip a few of the guys went on over the weekend. Mac is holding out hope that it won’t be a complete waste of his time, but said hope dwindles each time someone exaggerates about the size of a fish. 
There’s nothing interesting to look at in the room, save for Riley. No art, no plants, no wall of guns. Not even a clock. Just drab gray walls with no windows. And he doesn’t dare study any of the men for longer than a second or two each. Making an enemy is as easy as looking at someone the wrong way, and Mac has no desire to antagonize the other members of the Patriots…at least not yet. 
Extricating his foot from beneath Harley’s head, he’s just about to make an excuse about needing to use the restroom when Ethan’s phone rings. After quickly checking it, Ethan excuses himself from the meeting with a curt nod to Conrad. Mac understands the look; he’s given and received it countless times himself, after all. Permission to continue without him. Because despite his tendency to toe the line, Conrad is still Ethan’s trusted lieutenant. The exchange is subtle, practiced, and apparently insignificant to the other men at the table, who are somehow still talking about fish. 
When the storytelling finally lulls, Conrad clears his throat. "Let's start with recruitment. Report." No nonsense, right to the point. Maybe he’s tired of the fish conversation too. 
As Conrad steers the conversation through the various items on the agenda, Mac realizes two things. 
One, the Patriots are far more organized than he originally made them out to be. This is no grassroots startup, and their plans go much deeper than protests and parking lot shootings. 
Two, Conrad is careful not to let anyone share too much information, instead asking everyone to give their detailed reports in individual meetings. And it's more than just trying to keep him and Riley in the dark. It's almost as if…almost as if Conrad doesn't want anyone to see the big picture besides himself. 
Mac decides to take his theory for a test drive. "I know I'm new here," he says, "but why have everyone meet with you a second time individually instead of sharing their full reports now? Wouldn't that be a better use of time?" 
Conrad sneers. "On the contrary, boy, why would I waste everyone's time making them listen to information they don't need to know?" 
It takes every ounce of Mac’s self control not to roll his eyes. 
Beneath the table, Riley grips his knee, nails digging in through his khakis. Mac wants to tell her that he’s thinking the same thing she is, but he can’t. The best he can settle for is a brief touch on her arm before needing to do something with his hands to distract himself from the way his skin burns under her touch. He elects to drum his fingers on the table, mostly to push Conrad’s buttons even further. 
If Conrad’s furrowed brow is any indication, it works. 
“Do you mind?” Conrad says with a pointed glare at Mac’s hand. 
Feigning ignorance, Mac replies, “Mind about what?” 
“The tapping.” 
“Oh!” Mac makes a show of sliding his gaze down to his hand before flattening his palm against the table. “My bad.” 
Looking none too pleased, Conrad moves on, but to Mac’s surprise, the man sitting beside him leans in to whisper, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. He's not the one to piss off." His words are tinged with genuine concern, and under different circumstances, Mac would appreciate the advice. 
"He's a man," Mac whispers back, "just like everyone else at this table." Minus Riley, of course. 
The man presses on. "The previous occupant of your seat was shot point blank for asking too many questions." Mac's brows raise at that. "You're sitting in a dead man's chair." 
Mac pockets that little detail gratefully, but he hesitates before ultimately heeding the man's warning. He fiddles with the button on his sleeve, impatiently waiting for the meeting to end so he can share his theory with Riley. 
What Mac doesn't anticipate is Riley beating him to it, pulling him aside before they're even back in the car. "Conrad's compartmentalizing information," she says in a quiet, confident tone. 
They’re too exposed to be having this conversation. Mac nervously checks for eavesdroppers, but doesn’t spot any. Deeming it safe for now, he replies, "Yeah I thought so too." 
"He's made himself essential. No one else knows how everything works." Riley pauses, eyes catching on something over his shoulder. Barely audibly, she adds, "An asshole and a control freak." He doesn’t need to turn around to know she’s looking at Conrad, not when she has a white-knuckled grip on Harley’s leash. 
"So if we eliminate him…" 
Riley nods in understanding. He’s controlling everything in an attempt to rise through the rankings and seize power. So if they eliminate Conrad, the whole organization may very well come tumbling down in his wake. 
Now they just have to figure out how the hell to accomplish that. 
"What if we help him?" Riley suggests, reading Mac’s mind. 
"We've spent all this time looking for the weakest link, but maybe…maybe we need to attach ourselves to the strongest one." A stray curl falls in Riley's face, and as she brushes it behind her ear, Mac absentmindedly wishes his fingers were brushing it back instead. Riley continues, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think we should help him become more powerful than he already is. That way, we can do as much damage as possible when we take him out." 
A man they don't know walks by, and Mac nods in greeting. Waiting for the man to move out of earshot, Mac drops to one knee, giving Harley a good scratch. She wags her tail and opens her mouth in a smile, clearly enjoying the attention. When the coast is clear again, Mac says, "You just made this op so much longer, but I think you're right." 
Riley snorts. "What, is there somewhere else you need to be?" 
Gazing up at the woman before him, the answer is obvious. Not unless you're coming with me. 
In the gray hour before dawn crests over the world, Mac wakes to something tickling his nose. He exhales sharply, trying to blow it away, but the tickle persists.
His face is pressed into the nape of Riley's neck, and a deep inhale causes a few strands of her hair to go up his nostrils. Reaching up to brush Riley’s hair out of his face, he hesitates right before his calloused fingers brush her skin, afraid that even the barest touch will shatter the moment. As soon as Riley wakes, he'll have to hide behind his mask of indifference, and Mac isn't ready to do that yet. 
For as long as he dares, Mac allows himself to imagine what it would be like to wake up with Riley for real, in his own home. He sees her curled in his bed, sheets pulled up to her chin, hears the soft, steady cadence of her breathing, smells the lingering traces of perfume on her skin. 
Riley stirs in his arms, and the vision blurs, moving out of reach. Mac grasps for it, but it evaporates into nothingness as she settles back against him. 
He shifts his focus to the very real sensation of Riley’s body tucked into his. Her back to his chest, his leg slotted between hers, her ass pressed against his—
Mac jerks backward, trying to put as much space between them as possible before Riley wakes and realizes just what she scooted back against. 
Except, in his haste, Mac doesn’t realize there’s a third party present until his foot slams into the small, warm body lying at the foot of the bed. Guilt washes over him at Harley’s ensuing yelp. 
Awake, Riley mumbles, “Did you just kick the dog?” 
“It was an accident!” Mac insists, sitting up. He turns his attention to Harley. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. You can come back if you want.” He pats the bed in a way he hopes is reassuring, but Harley merely eyes him with suspicion before slinking out of the room. 
“I can’t believe you kicked the dog,” Riley says, still half-asleep. “She finally slept with us, and you betrayed her.” 
“I told you it was an accident!” 
Mac rakes a hand through his hair. “You’re never going to let this go, are you?” 
“Nope.” Riley sighs, rolling back to her side of the bed, and Mac isn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. Or maybe a little bit of both. “You better go apologize.” 
Mac scoffs. “And let you take over the entire bed while I’m gone? I don’t think so.” 
And there it is. The closest they’ve come to acknowledging the evolution of their bed-sharing habits. Particularly the newfound lack of sticking to their respective sides. If he’s being honest with himself, Mac doesn’t know where to go from here. He wants to see it as a sign of things changing between them. Obviously Riley is aware of their precarious positioning, but based on her casual relocation, she doesn’t see this any differently than the dozens of times they’ve slept squished in a small space together in the past. Whether she’s aware of the other thing, she doesn’t let on. 
“Your funeral,” Riley says, pulling Mac out of his head. 
The dog. 
The dog whose forgiveness he needs to earn via extra breakfast. Maybe extra dinner too. 
Sighing, Mac goes after her, cursing his inability to get things right with either of the females in this house. 
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hi! I just read your fics in AO3 and I LOVE THEM!! You are such a good writer. Your work is literally the only thing that allows me to take a second to relax and have fun in this very stressful partials week :') Have you considered writing snippets of Kate and Anthony's honeymoon? I think it would be fun to see them both in that moment in time.
Thank you so much! I’m very glad that you enjoyed this series!! And I hope your stressful week has finished and you’re now having an easier time of it! (I’m sorry for not responding to this sooner I have been having a rather busy time of it recently, and I have some knitting to do. Funfact about me! I am I reasonably competent knitter! 
Okay, enough about me! Some others were also interested is seeing some of Anthony and Kate’s Honeymoon! 
Anon Asked: Honeymoon Anthony and Kate? Where do they go? What did they do? How was the wedding night?
Anon Asked: Kate and Anthony on their honeymoon! Please!
Now we saw a little of Anthony’s POV of this time in Saturday which y’all may or may not have read but should we perhaps check in with Kate?
It was very odd really, to have to consider your name when you introduced yourself. One would have thought a month after your wedding, you would be quite used to it, and yet, no. When she’d walked into work on the Monday morning after her wedding Anthony’s hand wrapped, yes perhaps a little possessively, around her waist, greeted by Lucy and then she’d heard it, Hermione Watson’s voice saying  “Mrs. Bridgerton is unavailable today I’m afraid. A family matter requires her attention, her assistant Miss Abernathy will return this call later, Sir.”  And Kate had startled a little, her head spinning towards the reception desk. Her heart leaping a little, a small smile coming to her face. 
And when she walked further into the office a soft whoosh escaped her, when she reached her office. For three years the nameplate on her door had read Katharine Sheffield and now someone had changed it, something she hadn’t even thought of. Katharine Bridgerton was engraved on shiny brass right there on the office door and she had to swallow down the inexplicable lump in her throat as Anthony kissed her cheek and whispered  “Have a very good day, Wife.”
Even as a little shiver went down her spine at the word wife. Obviously she’d known when she married Anthony that she was going to be his wife. She wasn’t an idiot after all. But she hadn’t really thought she’d find much difference in it. Surely, it couldn’t be any different? They lived together, they shared a car, they had a joint savings account, he had even hyphenated the last name of her dog at the veterinarian (though she was sure Anthony regretted it given his brother Colin now referred to him almost exclusively as Newton’s Daddy) their lives couldn’t be anymore intertwined than they were already, the ceremony was just a legal matter really. Clearly, she’d been quite wrong. Because when Anthony had tugged her hand and said Let’s sneak away Mrs Bridgerton and they’d escaped from the marquee giggling and trading kisses and stumbling over each other to get up the stairs, and his hands had shaken just a little when he’d undone the row of buttons down her back cursing slightly, and he’d laid her gently down and groaned I am so proud to be your husband Kate as she came undone around him, She knew her life had changed. 
But it would settle, she’d told herself. The shine would surely wear off, she’d thought, even when the little thrill rose in her again when Araminta Gunningworth, truly the worst woman imaginable, had called her Mrs Bridgerton. But it truly didn’t seem to. When they’d left for Switzerland three weeks later, she’d rolled her eyes when Anthony had said My Wife and I again and again and again, when they’d checked into their flight, when they’d checked into the hotel, to a waiter in a café. It was ridiculous, and yet her heart leapt every time. 
Every time the shiny new wedding band caught the light she had to bite back a smirk, some tiny possessive part of her thrilled at him being marked as hers. She’d never seen Anthony wear any jewellery in all the time she’d known him. Just his Father’s old Breitling. So she’d honestly assumed he wouldn’t want to wear a wedding ring, plenty of men didn’t and she hadn’t minded. Though when he’d asked to see some Men’s rings that would match her own her heart had practically beat out of her chest. And now he seemed to have developed a curious habit of covering her left hand with his own when it lay clutching the bedsheets, staring down at the way the bands tapped together softly. The thought of the way he stared down at her so intensely made her cheeks flush honestly. Truly this honeymoon was only making it worse. 
Even when the bickered for the entirety of their three hour hike because Anthony absolutely refused to admit that they should have gone back to the hotel for the forgotten map.  “I know exactly where we’re going Kate! I know these parts like the back of my hand!”  As it transpired, he did not, and they ended up rather lost.  “If only someone had said we should have gone back for the map.” Kate had muttered a little furiously.  “We Didn’t need a map, Kate! Are we or are we not back at the hotel now?”  “We should have been back 2 hours ago!” She’d said, tension building between them as they stood in the middle of their room, their eyes locked together. Before Anthony broke, tutting as he leapt forward their lips crashing together as their hands fumbled at clothing. Okay, maybe not that much had changed. 
I’m so sorry. This is basically a few hundred incoherent words        
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Yoosung Kim X Reader [y/n]
Author’s Note - Sorry this took so long! I also apologize if the ending seems rushed or if Yoosung is OOC. Thank you to the lovely @latte-delf for requesting this, it was an honor to write for you. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings - There’s a brief mention of a panic attack and slight bullying! I’ve tagged where it starts and ends if you’re uncomfortable with that. Lots of time skipping cuz I can’t fucking write. This is unedited, please tell me if there is any mistakes.
I hate him.
I hate him so much!
He stole the position of class president from you three years ago.
Yoosung Kim. He stole my position by two votes. Two. Votes. I was always class president before that! Yet he took it from me. My classmates even had the audacity to say he was a better president when it was time to vote for a new one! Sure, Yoosung was intelligent and popular, but he only won because the girls found him handsome.
And of course, he just (HAS) to go to the same university as you do. Sky University was supposed to be a place free of Yoosung Kim. At least he hasn’t seemed too interested in studies this year. He has failed almost every pop quiz your professor has handed out. Whenever you see his down face, you can’t help but giggle a bit.
I dislike how he’s majoring in the same thing as me still. It feels like he’s saying he can do better. Though his grades haven’t been showing that. He must realize that I’m superior than he ever will be.
On Wednesday during your last lecture, you diligently take notes and listen to your professor. You make sure to absorb every bit of information that you can. During the last twenty minutes, your professor makes an announcement. 
“Students, I will be assigning a project due at the end of the month. You will have to find out the evolution of the animal as well as their behaviors. Please include any infectious diseases that they can carry. I will be giving you partners to make the workload easy.” You shrug your shoulders, can’t be too bad.
You wait until your name is called, which takes awhile since your name is lower on the list. You pray to whatever god is out there to not get Yoosung as your partner. 
Apparently, the gods refused to listen to your plea. Your professor calls your name out, “[y/n] [l/n] and Yoosung Kim...you two will have the koala.” A loud groan escapes your mouth at the name.
“ Class is dismissed. Have a good day.” You quickly pack up and speed walk out the lecture hall. Yoosung rushes up to you and taps your shoulder.
“Hey! Wanna exchange numbers so we can find time to work on the project?” The blonde smiles at you. You roll your eyes. “No. I’m going to do it on my own. You can play your stupid little game.” He frowns at your snappy words.
“Are you sure? I’d feel bad if you took all the work by yourself. We also have some tests coming up, so it’ll be a lot to take care of.” The genuine worry in his voice ticks you off. You write down your number on a loose piece of paper and shove it into his chest. Yoosung struggles to keep it off the ground as you walk away.  The walk to your dorm is full of your mumbled curses.
A chill on Saturday morning wakes you up. You grumble as you check your phone, seeing a text notification from Yoosung. He delivered it at 3:45 am. He’ll be an especially lousy partner today. The previous day, Yoosung invited you to his dorm so that you could work on the project together, to which you begrudgingly agreed. 
You arrive at his dorm within a five minute walk. Your notes and laptop are nestled in your backpack. After a quick rap on the door, Yoosung answers. His hair is mussed and his eyes look droopy. You scoff and push your way inside. Surprisingly, his place is a lot neater than you expected.
“So, should we make a slide and divide the work.” He asks. “I’ll do it on my own, go find something else you can do.” You jab. Yoosung lets out a frustrated sigh and speaks up. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but it’d be a lot easier if we shared the load. Plus, this is my grade as much as it is yours.” You grumble an ‘okay’ and split up topics to focus on. Both of you take turns borrowing your notes and his textbook. 
Around two hours after starting, you and Yoosung decide that you worked enough for the day. He offers to get takeout, to which you agree to. You’re a broke college student, how could you refuse? You sit on the floor with your back against the couch, too brain fried to think. Yoosung plomps on the small couch he has and lets out a groan.
“Want to watch Bulu or something on my laptop?” He offers. You nod your head. Yoosung opens his laptop and signs in to his streaming service. You decide to watch ‘The Workspace’ as you wait for your food. 
Your food arrives. Both of you continue to watch your show. Cheap pizza has never tasted this good. Maybe you’re just so hungry and tired to the point where you don’t even care. “Sorry if it isn’t too good. It was the only place I could find on FoodHub.” He apologizes softly. “It’s okay, I’m too hungry to care anymore.” You earn a chuckle from him. There’s an odd silence after that.
“Uhm…. hey, [y/n]?” He speaks shyly. “What?” You say in a cranky voice, irritated about being disturbed from your slice. Yoosung struggles for a minute before speaking for a minute. “Did I do something to offend you? You seem like you have something against me...”  You stiffen. (TW) Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You honestly never expected this to happen.
A can of worms open up. Your breathing slowly becomes ragged. Averting your gaze doesn’t help, you know his amethyst ones are on you. A wave of panic crosses you. You stammer something incoherent to him. “A-are you okay? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to..” He hurriedly apologizes. You grasp tightly at his wrist, wanting to ground yourself to something. Yoosung’s pulse is a bit fast, yet it helps you regain focus. He awkwardly places a hand on yours. “He….hey, It’s okay.” For once, his voice is actually reassuring. 
“Back in highschool..” You murmur. “You won student president even though I had been the president the years prior.” He looked shocked, eyes wide and lips a bit parted. “I remember. You worked really hard on that campaign.” Yoosung gives you a lopsided smile. “Since I didn’t win, people who I reported causing issues started to bully and harass me. Even some people who I used a slightly harsh tone with mocked me.” Your eyes started to sting. “Oh [y/n]...”
“The worst part of all, my parents were upset that I didn’t get the role again. They scolded me for not doing good enough.” (TW End) Yoosung can only pat your back. You don’t know what to think about it. He seems to think that as well, seeing as his hand jumps off you like he was scalded. “I uh… think I should go now. I’ll Lendmo you money for the food…..See ya.” You pack as quickly as possible and run out as fast as you can until you’re out of breath. A block away from Yoosung’s dorms, you stop to take a break. Warmth sets fire to your face when thinking back to being with him. Maybe it’s because you’re embarrassed? Maybe you’re just winded from running. 
There is NO. WAY. your face feels hot because of Yoosung’s comforting presence. There can’t be, it's impossible. You slap your cheeks in an attempt to compose yourself. It doesn’t work.
Its been a week since you’ve talked to Yoosung. He tries to talk to you, but you always scurry away when he gets too close. He’s even tried texting and throwing notes at you in class which the two of you got in trouble for. It’s only on a Wednesday that he finally catches you in the hall before you run off. The grip of his hand on your wrist is firm, but not to the point of pain.
Yoosung sighs and looks at you. You turn your head away slightly to avoid his burning gaze. “Please don’t be mad…” You hear him suck in a breath. “Mad? Why would you think I’m mad?” Your bottom lip trembles. “For avoiding you..” Yoosung releases your wrist and pats your head. “I’m not mad, I’m worried.” His hand slides down to your shoulder. “I know this won’t really help, but I’m sorry for what happened to you. You’ve been holding this feeling of hate because of some stupid people.” You giggle at his insult to your past peers.
But why do your cheeks feel blazing again? Why are there little butterflies in your stomach? There’s a slight squeeze on your shoulder before he retracts his hand. You wish it was still there so badly, that spot feels cold now. “How about going to my place? We can relax for a bit then work on the project.” He offers. You nod, maybe a little too eagerly as you hear him laugh. Why does he look so cute when he smiles?
You take the bus to his place, the campus being a bit far from his dorms. You immediately collapse on his couch and place an arm over your eyes. The groan that comes from your lips is loud and dramatic. Yoosung laughs loudly, oddly comforting you. He sits by your legs, looking rigid. “So uhm...do you still hate me?” You look him dead in the eye. “Only if you’ll teach me how to play that stupid game of yours.” You smirk. “LOLOL isn’t stupid!” He whines. You start laughing. The scowl on his features make Yoosung look like a puppy who hasn’t gotten a treat. You laugh harder.
Yoosung rolls his eyes. “Fine. I guess I’ll teach you.” You wipe away the tears from your laughing fit and sit up happily. He retrieves his laptop and starts up LOLOL. You notice that the both of you are inching towards each other. “I’ll make your own account just in case you want to play again.” “You mean so I won’t mess up your save file?” Yoosung flounders as you let out a hearty chuckle. You put your email and username in. “ShootingStar_[y/n}? I like it!” He guides you as you create an avatar looking similar to you. You decide to be a mage. During your tutorial levels, you have a hard time navigating with the mouse. He places his right hand on top of your hand on the mouse. Your heart beats erratically while his hand is on yours. There’s a slight blush creeping up on his face as well.
By the time you finish, it’s nearly evening. You take out your laptop while Yoosung logs out and goes into the presentation. You guys spend six hours working, editing each other's slides and practicing presenting. It’s around 12am when you two are content with your work. Yoosung orders some sandwiches from a 24 hour restaurant. 
You decide to stay over since its late. Yoosung lets you sleep on his bed while he takes the couch. His bed is like sleeping on a cloud, so soft and warm. You let yourself drift off peacefully.
On a Wednesday, you and Yoosung have to present your project in front of the class. His face looks pale, his hands are shaky. “Hey, you okay?” You pat his back. He gulps and nods. “Just a little nervous. It's been awhile since I’ve given your last presentation.” It's your turn to pat his head. His face immediately goes a bright shade of pink.”Wh-what was that for?!” “You did that to me last time I was sad. Besides, I think you’re just mad because you know I’m going to beat you in LOLOL tonight.”  He quickly pouts. “I shouldn’t have shown you PVP mode!”
Your presentation goes well. As you leave your class, your professor hands you a rubric. “Nice work, guys.” He gives you a smile. Yoosung meets you out in the hallway. You both peer at the paper. There’s a huge ‘A’ on the top of your paper. Yoosung looks at you with wide eyes. “Oh my god… I can’t believe we did it!” You jump up and down in exuberance. Yoosung hugs you tight. You can’t deny that you have feelings for him anymore. You kiss his soft lips.
On a Wednesday, you chase him down the hall.
“Get back here!” You yell. “Make me!” This childish man. You continue your chase until you’re outside on campus. He suddenly stops dead in his tracks. The shock of him giving up so quickly nearly makes you trip. You would’ve become a pancake on the pavement.
“Yoosung Kim, I hate you so much!”
He chuckles warmly. “I love you too”
Yoosung presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’ll buy you another sweet bun for you. Forgive me?”
“Fine, I guess I forgive you….I love you too..”
You press a kiss to his cheek, relishing in the warmth of the sun shining above you.
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thebiscuiteternal · 4 years
Reverse Age Nies, One-Sided Attraction, Sexual Harassment, Ancient Chinese Roofies (but nothing happens), Nie Mingjue is this close to committing murder. And his friends might help.
"What has you so troubled?" 
 Nie Mingjue blinked and looked up from adjusting the fletching on his arrows to find Lan Xichen watching him with concern. A short distance away, his friends from the Jiang sect were also studying him with expressions a bit more tense than usual. 
"Nothing. I'm fine." 
Wei Wuxian openly snorted. "You usually kick our asses way easier than this. Something’s got you off your game." 
He rolled his eyes, then scratched the back of his neck with an annoyed growl. "He's doing it again." 
Lan Xichen’s eyes went wide. “Oh, no. I thought that would have stopped by now.”
"Wait," Jiang Cheng cut in. "Who's doing what again?" 
"Every time they're in the vicinity of each other, Wen-zongzhu starts eyeing my brother like a particularly nice dish at a banquet." 
Wei Wuxian's nose wrinkled. "Seriously?"   
"Watch this." 
Turning, Nie Mingjue waved to his brother up in the stands. Nie Huaisang beamed and enthusiastically waved back, and, just a couple seats away, Wen Ruohan turned his head slightly in the middle of a conversation with one of the minor sect leaders. 
There was no missing the way his gaze tracked from Nie Huaisang's raised hand down his back and then back up before he resumed whatever he and the other sect leader were discussing. 
"Oh, that's fucking creepy," Jiang Cheng muttered in disgust.
"How long has this been happening?" 
"Seven fucking years. Ever since their first meeting as fellow sect leaders. Sang-ge insists he's only doing it to provoke us into embarrassing ourselves by making accusations we can't prove." 
"Yeah, no. If that were the case, he wouldn't be doing it where other people can see it."
"Unfortunately, no one seems willing to actually call him on it," Lan Xichen pointed out, disappointment written on his face. "Even shufu only reminds him of propriety every so often." 
"Which is why I told the disciples that Sang-ge has to have at least one guard at all times until we get the hell out of here. I trust that bastard as far as sect Leader Jin could throw him."
“A fair assessment.”
It was well after dark when a pounding on the door startled Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng out of bed. 
"Wen Ning? What are you doing here so late?" Wei Wuxian asked, ignoring his shidi's hissed question as to how the hell he knew a Wen. 
 "I am so, so very sorry!" Wen Ning stumbled over the words and nearly his own feet as he bowed low. "But there is a problem and your room was the closest!" 
 "What kind of problem?" Jiang Cheng asked, immediately suspicious. 
 "This way." 
 The two of them glanced at each other, then followed. 
Whatever possibilities they had been considering, finding Nie-zongzhu slumped against a pillar in a daze, barely able to stay standing, wasn't it. 
"Drunk?" Wei Wuxian asked. 
Wen Ning shook his head. "I checked his eyes. This is something much worse. He needs to see a-jie, but-" 
"We'll help," Jiang Cheng said roughly. "Wei Wuxian and I can get him to his room, then one of us can keep watch while the others get Mingjue and your sister."
They took up positions on both sides, slung the barely-conscious sect leader's arms over their shoulders, and put their own around his waist. Even with the sluggishness of the drugs, one of them probably could have carried him easily, and he made only the smallest incoherent mumble of protest as they started down the hall. 
"Wasn't he supposed to have a guard already? Why the hell is he out here alone?" 
"I have a feeling that no matter what answer to that question is, we're not gonna like it, and Mingjue's gonna like it even less." 
Nie Huaisang's room was empty of anyone when they arrived. At the sight of the overturned table near the door, Wei Wuxian cursed softly. 
"And was already addled enough to get lost. Damn. Lucky he came our way, instead of running into a Wen guard." 
"He must have tripped over it trying to get out of the room." Which would have meant he was aware of the drugs starting to take effect. "He wasn't just wandering around, he was trying to get help." 
Actually getting their burden onto the bed proved more difficult than getting him down the hall. Whatever it was he'd been given had progressed enough that it was more like moving an oversized noodle than a person. 
But they managed, and when Wei Wuxian turned, Wen Ning had already vanished. "Okay, so who has to break this to Mingjue?" 
Jiang Cheng winced, then sighed. "I'll do it. If someone shows up to make trouble, you have a better chance of defending Nie-zongzhu." 
Wei Wuxian clapped his shidi on the shoulder with a grin. "You're a brave and noble man." 
"Shut it."
Nie Mingjue stood beside the bed, a positively murderous scowl on his face as he watched Wen Qing work. "Well?" 
He didn't bother fighting the urge to growl. He had absolutely no illusions as to what this was about. There was only one reason that someone here would so obviously want his brother alone and entirely unable to defend himself. "Can you purge it?"
"Frankly it's a miracle he was still on his feet at all," she said as she finished running her tests. "The combination of sedatives and muscle relaxants should have put down a horse." 
"Qi circulation would help, but with that dosage, it'll still take hours. Since there's no danger to his breathing or his heart, it would probably be better to just let him sleep it off." 
"Why not?" Nie Mingjue asked bitterly. "He has been for almost a decade." That earned a round of flinches from the rest of the room's occupants. "But I know what Sang-ge will say," he continued. "And as much as it pisses me off, he's right. We have no way of proving that it was actually Wen Ruohan or someone on his orders. It could have been Jin-zongzhu or one of the vassal sects looking to settle a score." 
"What do we do in the morning?" Jiang Cheng asked. "Sect Leader Wen can't just... get away with an attack on another sect leader." 
"If that were the case, it says nothing good about the security here," Wen Qing pointed out archly. "Wen-zongzhu would still take offense." 
Wei Wuxian looked absolutely galled. "So we have to keep quiet about this? That's horseshit!" he protested. 
 "It is horseshit," Nie Mingjue agreed. 
Wen Qing sighed. "You're... not wrong. But you're also in the middle of a stronghold not your own, with only a few disciples to back you up. Can you actually afford to piss him off?" 
Nie Mingjue gritted his teeth, and for a moment, he was damn well willing to try. But... if he lost, that would leave Huaisang alone to face someone who'd already shown he'd use the worst of underhanded tactics to get him into bed. 
He forced his jaw to unclench and his hands to relax. "No. We can't. Not yet." 
Wei Wuxian looked like he had something to say about that, but Jiang Cheng elbowed him sharply before he could run his mouth. "So what do we do?"
"I'll tell Sang-ge what happened in the morning and see if I can find out what happened to the guard. And then I'm taking over guarding him myself. There's still another day and night to go before we can leave, and if that bastard had the stones to try once, he'll probably try again." 
 "If you don't mind other sects assisting, we could take a couple of shifts," Wei Wuxian suggested. "I bet Lan Xichen would, too." 
"I'll consider it. For now, the rest of you should get back to your rooms." He hesitated for the briefest moment, then saluted sharply. "Thank you all for your assistance and good night."
His brother was still sleeping when the door cracked open and Jiang Cheng poked his head in. "The first event for today's at si shi, do you need one of us to take over so you can get a bath and some sleep?" 
"I bathed before bed last night," Nie Mingjue replied. "But I suppose I could use an hour nap or so." 
The other boy nodded, then vanished. Roughly a fen later, the door opened again and Lan Xichen entered with a breakfast tray. "The others explained what happened," he said as he set it down on the bedside table. "Is he alright?"
"Hasn't so much as twitched, but his breathing evened out a few hours ago. It's just a waiting game, now." 
Lan Xichen shook his head a little. "Horrible. I knew Sect Leader Wen was brazen, but this-" 
A tiny, confused noise from the bed caught their attention, and when he turned his head, Huaisang's eyes were slitted open. They still looked cloudy, though, and when Huaisang tilted his head to look at him in turn, his brother blinked several times before registering his presence. "Jue-er? What time is it?" 
"Still early," Nie Mingjue murmured, gently sweeping mussed bangs out of his brother's eyes. "Do you remember anything from last night?" 
"Anything after the banquet?" Lan Xichen clarified. 
"N... no." Huaisang put an unsteady hand to his forehead, then rubbed his eyes. "I don't. Gods, did I seriously drink that much?" 
"No!" Nie Mingjue snapped vehemently, then at the startled looks from the other two, he took a deep breath to get his anger reined in. "You didn't. Someone gave you drugged wine." 
Huaisang stared at him, the color slowly draining from his face. "What?"
"Nothing happened!" he quickly elaborated. "Some of my friends found you and got me and a physician." 
"Still... Wait, what happened to Zhang Fai?" 
"I'd like to know that myself." 
"I overheard Liu Hei telling your deputy that he didn't report in this morning." 
Huaisang groaned softly. "Fantastic. So he's either in a dungeon or a ditch somewhere, or he left on purpose." 
"He better be in a dungeon or a ditch," Nie Mingjue muttered. "And I'm taking over guarding you." 
"No. We're not arguing about it. My friends-" he nodded to Lan Xichen, "-have offered to help when I absolutely have to take a break, but I'm not letting that asshole get near you again." 
Huaisang sighed and reached up to swat lightly at his cheek. "Stubborn brat," he chided fondly. "Fine, then. I'm in the capable hands of you lot until we leave for home." 
"Good. And on that note," Nie Mingjue said as he rounded the bed to flop on the other side, "You're up, Xichen. Don't disappoint." 
Lan Xichen smothered a laugh with his sleeve. "I'll do my best," he said with a teasing salute as Huaisang rolled his eyes.
Satisfied, Nie Mingjue settled in, and sleep claimed him surprisingly quickly. 
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ateezmakemeweep · 5 years
four in the morning.
Tumblr media
yunho x reader; strangers to lovers
word count: 11k
angst, fluff, smut
10:05 p.m.
you never wanted a public proposal. you had told your boyfriend every time you saw someone get down on one knee in times square on new year's eve or in front of cinderella's castle at disney world that you would absolutely die if he did that to you.
and maybe it speaks to your naivety, to your complete disregard of just how shitty he's treated you over these past five years, that you thought that would ever be a problem in your relationship. because he's the guy who ditches you for his friends and religiously forgets date night, who falls asleep right after extremely unsatisfying sex that has you faking orgasms, who doesn't answer your texts all day but freely like posts on instagram.
and evidently, he's also the guy who breaks up with his girlfriend in the middle of dinner.
because one second the waitress is putting down the dessert, a tiramisu cheesecake you were drooling just thinking about all night, and then the next, before she's even out of ears reach, he blurts out, "we should break up."
you don't even say anything at first, just stare blankly and shake your head because he didn't just that. he wouldn't say that. not today on this day and not right now in this setting.
but he doesn't miss a beat.
"i've been thinking about it for a while, y/n," he says to you, leaning on his hand like this whole conversation is about to be a bore. "i just...we've been together for so long and i'm really kind of...sick of it."
"you're... you're sick of it?" you squeak.
"well yeah, i mean it's been four years and i don't wanna lie and say i feel like i'm still in love with y-"
"what?" he asks, looking at you in pure and utter confusion and you don't know if you feel more heartbroken or angry at this very moment.
"five. we've been together for five years," you tell him, voice too calm and composed for how you're feeling inside. "in fact, today marks our fifth year together. but you didn't remember that, did you?"
you think you would've felt better if he showed some sort of regretful or guilty reaction, his mouth dropping open or face lighting up like the date sent off alarm bells in that stupid little head of his. but nothing. just a thoughtful nod, like you told him the food was good or you needed another drink.
"oh," he says with a small shrug, "well five years then, even longer than i thought. see, y/n, i'm just over it. i'm over this relationship and i'm over being someone's boyfriend."
"hm....hm," is all you hum because you refuse to make a warner and elle woods type of scene in this restaurant right now. but your burning throat and shaking hands want so badly to do something. to scream and curse at him or throw that cake right in his face or maybe even slap him for being so cold and harsh and detached.
"are you mad?"
a laugh bubbles out of your mouth now and anyone around can probably hear how unhinged it sounds, like you're a second away from having some sort of breakdown or bursting into tears and screaming.
"am i mad?" you ask, a cold edge finally seeping into your tone. "am i mad my boyfriend just broke up with me, in public, at our anniversary dinner? are you seriously fucking asking me that?" you grunt out the words through clenched teeth, lowering your voice when you let the profanity slip out.
"well...yeah," he says dopily, "i still care about you as a person. i just- don't wanna be in a relationship anymore. i kind of figured i was making it obvious these past few weeks."
"then why wouldn't you have just told me the second you had these thoughts!" you spit and now the volume of your voice is considerably louder. "why make me wait and then do it at this very moment!"
"i-i don't know, i didn't really know how or when was a good time to tell you."
"oh, well thank god you waited, this was truly ideal," you growl sarcastically.
and then, like he has any right to be offended or upset, he lets out a scoff. "look, i'm sorry but this is what i want....i'll still pay for dinner if that's what you're-"
"you think i give a single fuck if you pay for dinner!"
you finally break whatever composure you were channeling, voice breaking and raising and causing the several groups of people to look in your direction. some of them are subtle with their side-eyes and whispers while others are full on staring, mouths agape with looks of pity and you wouldn't be surprised if you find a video of this on the internet later.
"what is your problem," he says, "i said i'm sorry but you really can't be that-"
"leave," you tell him, quietly now, with your head down and eyes on the table. "i'll take care of it. just please...get away from me."
there's a few beats of silence before he mumbles something along the lines of "whatever," deeply sighing like this is actually causing him any distress, like he's the one who has to stay here with lingering gazes and pitiful stares. you think he might take a breath to say something else but then ultimately decides against it, the squeaking of a chair and heavy foot steps walking away indicating you're finally alone.
and it's during that time your tears start falling, your head hung and hand cupping your forehead so the people around you don't get more of a show.
maybe a part of you knew deep down that the relationship was gonna be over, that it really should've been for your sake and you were just too scared to accept it. but it was just the manner in which he did it, so coldly and out of nowhere, like the past five years didn't mean anything to him. and you can't deny the sickening parallel to years of you telling him you didn't want him to fucking propose to you in public and then going and dumping you at one of your favorite resturants.
"i'm so stupid, oh my, god, i'm so fucking stupid," you mumble out, voice wobbly and wet before you feel the presence of the waitress at your side. you peak up at her as she bends down holding out a packet of tissues, a sympathetic look on her face that has you realizing she probably watched the whole thing go down.
"you're not stupid, baby, don't say that," she says, placing her hand on your arm comfortingly.
you thank her quietly for the tissues, taking one out and dapping at your wet face. "i'm sorry, this is so embarrassing," you squeak out, "i'm gonna pay the bill don't worry, i just...i needed him to leave."
"no, i'm so sorry that just happened. i can't believe he thought that was okay."
you sniffle as you scrunch up the tissue. "i-i know," you say, "i mean i knew he was an asshole but he really just...our anniversary dinner! and during dessert! i was so excited for this cake."
she laughs softly at your sad whine, placing down the tissue packet and moving the plate closer to you. "well, you can still be excited. don't you dare let him ruin this tiramisu." you're pleastantly surprised when a small chuckle leaves your mouth, wiping at your face with your wrist.
"you're right, he can't taint it," you say before catching the side glances of people surrounding you, "but i think i have to get out of here before i cause any more of a disturbance."
she nods her head sympathetically, urging you to take a few bites and that she'll bring the check right over.
you keep your head down as embarrassed tears threaten to fall again, the feeling like a milllion eyes are on you making you feel even more awkward and unsettled; you're sure it's just paranoia but you swear you can feel eyes boring into the side of your face, someone probably laughing and mocking and feeling so incredibly sorry for your pitiful situation.
sorry enough that when the waitress comes back, she tells you someone has already paid for your bill. your eyes widen upon hearing the news, looking around curiously and stuttering out incoherent bits of sentences.
"who?" is the only clear thing you're able to ask.
"i don't know, he just left," she tells you, "brown-haired guy. very tall. cute, too." you feel her hand on the back of your chair when you stand up. "and i'm sorry again, honey. i didn't charge you for the cake but i hope to see you in here again enjoying it," she adds on quietly.
you give her a grateful smile and nod, assuring her you'll definitely be back before rushing out to catch up with the mysterious man who just dropped well over $100 on two complete strangers. and luckily, you don't have to look very far. because there he is, all dark hair and broad shoulders, leant against the side of the building with a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth.
he sees your teary-gaze meet his and his lips quirk up ever so slightly before he flicks the ashes and begins to turn around. but your low "hey!" stops him in his tracks. he cranes his neck back to look at you, the sky dark around you both but the light from the streetpoles clearly showing both of your expressions.
his is unnervingly blank, only a flicker of soft sympathy in his eye while your own, still heartbroken, also holds a curious, maybe even a wary look. because why would this stranger do that? could he have felt that bad?
you make your way up to him, feeling slightly intimidated when he fully turns around and you see just how much he towers over you. but it's funny because his face is shockingly...sweet looking, like a fresh-faced boy you'd see in church or volunteering at a nursing home.
but then his large stature, the shoulders you can't stop eyeing, his all black attire mixed with the scent of cigarette smoke and cologne makes for a very strange contrast. even his voice, when he finally mumbles back a "hi," is sweet sounding.
"why did you...the waitress said you paid my bill." your tone is quiet and small but still manages to sound accusatory.
"i did, i'm sorry," he says and you're wondering if the pink flush on his cheeks is from the cold. "i hope you didn't mind." you find yourself staring at him blankly, eyebrows pinched together because...did he really just apologize for that?
"i...well no but..i..it was probably expensive," you eventually get out, "you didn't have to do that."
"well, neither did he," yunho mumbles and you can tell by the airiness in his tone he didn't mean anything bad by it. but it doesn't stop your face from dropping slightly, lips pressing into a firm line to distract yourself from your stinging eyes.
"i'm sorry, that was insensitive," he winces, the sincerity in his tone only confirming your thoughts. "but i just... i wanted to pay for it. why should you have?"
you swallow the lump in your throat, shrugging your shoulders lightly because you don't really know what to say back to that.
"because i'm the one who got dumped," you squeak out before a humorless laugh bubbles out of you. "dumped on our anniversary. how pathetic is that?"
"it's pathetic of him," the boy grunts out and you cock your head to the side at how mad he sounds.
"i-i guess..." you say after a few quiet seconds before words start pouring out of you. "i just.. can't believe it. i don't know what i'm gonna do now. i've been with him for so long and got so used to him and then he really went and-" your voice breaking cuts off your sentence, like it's finally hitting you that the relationship is over.
because no matter how bad it was, it was still something you put years of yourself into. years of effort and years of memories and you feel so stupid for feeling this upset when there's far more bad than good.
"i'm sorry, you definitely don't wanna hear this," you laugh out humorlessly as tears sting your eyes. "but...i just wanted to thank you for paying the bill. i wish i could make it up to you somehow, it was probably expensive."
you meet his gaze to see him smiling slightly at you, even though you're on the verge of a breakdown and talking far too much.
"you're welcome," he says before hesitantly continuing. "i was gonna go walk around for a bit. do you wanna join?"
when you look up at him with a wary expression, he puts his hands up in defense, eyes soft and wide as he shakes his head. "it might clear your head a little, that's all."
your fragile heart warms at the gesture but you find yourself declining, insisting you're not the best company right now and that'd he probably regret inviting you.
"i don't think so," he says and his voice is just so kind that you're questioning if he's even real, questioning why on earth this stranger seems to care about your wellbeing. and when he sees you're still teetering, teeth sunk into your lip as you look at him with conflict in your eyes, a sweet smile spreads across his face.
"c'mon, you said you wanted to make it up to me."
your lips purse to the side, eyebrow raised ever so slightly before letting out a quiet sigh. "okay... but don't say i didn't warn you."
his smile widens as his long arms come out to showcase the sidewalk in front of him and you find yourself giggling slightly at his dramatics. you take one last look back at the restaurant before exhaling sharply and feeling his looming presence next to you as you both begin to walk.
"so....were you there with friends tonight?" you chirp, hoping to distract your impending nervousness with conversation.
he tells you he had met his mom there for dinner, who brought along his new step-father he can't help but detest. but he sat politely all throughout the appetizer and main course until one too many ignorant and snappy comments had him putting the man in his place.
"he was also mean to the waitress which is why i eventually snapped," he tells you. and by snapped, he means lowly speaking for him to either find some manners or piss off. "my mom asked for the check so fast and they left within five minutes. so i stayed for a drink."
"i could so use a drink right now," you laugh out, "but it sounds like you were in the right. you're just all types of chivarlous, huh?"
you peak up at him to see a smirk cross his face, his eyes falling to you at the same time and pink covers both your cheeks at being caught. but you and him will pretend it's because of the harsh winds whipping through the city; yes, the whipping wind, definitely not the soft curious gazes and arms bumping into each other clumsily.
"what made that obvious?"
you shake your head as another giggle falls from your lips, tightening the sweater around your body when a particularly harsh breeze pelts into you again. and of course, the boy next to you immediately notices, hears the clattering of your teeth and sharp intake of breath.
"you cold?"
"no, i'm okay," you squeak out. but you already see his movements from the corner of your eye taking off the black bomber jacket.
"please don't give me your coat, i can not-"
but it's already placed around your shoulders before you can finish your sentence, a knowing smirk on his lips when you huff at him, exasperated.
"....i was gonna say your name but it appears i don't even know it."
his deep chuckle rings through the air, stopping his feet so he can properly put his hand out.
"i'm yunho."
"y/n," you say back, taking his large hand in yours and what an innapropriate time for you to admire its sheer size and the length of his fingers. "you're... nice, too nice."
his smile widens looking down at you, hands still intertwined as he cocks his head to the side. "because i gave a cold girl my jacket?"
"and paid for her bill. and welcomed her on a walk," you say, "i'm wondering how much more i can get out of your very obvious pity."
his smile falters, eyebrows knitting as he shakes his head. "i'm not doing this out of pity."
the firm way in which he says it has you lowering your head shyly, eyes on the concrete as you take the hand in his back. all of your emotions are out of wack tonight, your chest not knowing how to feel, broken and aching over that awful dinner but also...slightly warmed by the actions of this random boy.
"then why are you doing it?" your voice sounds so small and it makes a frown cover his face now.
"can't i just be nice to you?" he asks, "why do i need a reason?"
"because we're...strangers," you say, looking up at him hesitantly and pressing your lips together nervously, "and you don't know me."
"everyone's strangers until they're not," he retorts, stepping just a smidge closer to you and it makes you swallow down the dry patch in your throat. "and maybe i want to know you."
when you can't find the words to respond, heart racing and throat clogged, he speaks up again.
"let me distract you tonight."
your eyebrow raises, head turning to the side because you don't know what to make of that comment. because you know you're vulnerable right now, know you should probably go home and cope normally in the form of crying and ice cream.
but you trust him for some reason. trust his soft voice and kind eyes and the way he seems so genuine and pure despite his dark appearance.
"what do you have in mind?" you find yourself asking, stomach fluttering and whether it's from nervousness or his bright smile, you don't know.
"could you still use a drink?"
12:22 a.m
"okay, i think....this is a weeeee bit unsafe!" you say as you stumble up the stairs behind him, his hand pulling you carefully by one of your fingers.
"probably," he says, "but we'll be okay."
the sound of a door squeaking open is the first thing you hear, the harsh whipping of wind the next as your hair blows back and coldness envelops your body. yunho bends to stick a brick in the door before guiding you to the middle of the rooftop.
the dark sky is lit by faint lights shining from apartment buildings and bulletin boards, the only sound an occasional honk of a horn making it's way up the 20 stories. you disconnect your hands to stumble over to the edge, placing them on the cold concrete to peer your head over. you take in the sight of tall buildings and taxis and little figures of people walking the streets.
"heeelllooo!" you scream down at them, your hands cupping your mouth in hopes someone will hear you. yunho's laugh echoes through the sky, quickly walking over to place a hand on your lower back.
"be careful."
you turn around, back now resting on the ledge as you poke his chest lightly. "you're the one that said we'll be okay," you mutter, lowering your voice to imitate his words. "because i'm big and strong and a suspiciously nice boy."
"okay, nice you told me," he says, voice teasing as he stares down at you with bright eyes. "but big and strong, you say?"
"very big and very strong," you say, letting your finger travel from his chest to his shoulder. he watches your eyes follow your hand, roaming from one side of him to the other before meeting his eyes. and it's like his gaze acts as an electric shock, your hand immediately falling from the black material.
"and i had very too much drink."
he smiles down at you, making sure to stay close because he'd be lying if he said you being so close to the edge didn't make him nervous. and perhaps this wasn't his best idea, bringing you up to the roof of his apartment complex after you had one too many beers.
but it's a nice place to clear your head, to take in the sights of the city in a less noisy and crowded way. and he thinks you could use that after the night you had, after the night he couldn't help but hear take place as he sat alone at the bar.
he had ohad a perfect view of you all night. you caught his eye the second he sat down, your shy smile and the way you fidgeted nervously with your hair making him not being able to tear his gaze away.
but then he'd heard the bored tone of the guy across from you, the way he was barely entertaining the conversation and just avoided all your softly spoken questions. he had tightened his grip around the beer bottle one too many times, sick and tired of asshole men who never learned how to respect other people.
"i just wanted my cheesecake."
your sudden whine rips him from his thoughts and he can't help the smirk creeping up on his face.
"which one? the tiramisu?"
it's your surprised gasp and bright eyes that has a smile stretching across his face and your own heart warms upon seeing it. because he is super cute.
"yes! oh, my gosh, yes!" you giggle, "have you had it?"
"every time i go," he chuckles out, "except tonight."
"me too," you say and the sudden thought that he wants to kiss the pout off your face comes into his head. but that would absolutely absurd because he's only known you two hours and you just got broken up with and you're a bit tipsy; there's just far too many reasons for him not to do it.
so he lifts his hand to your mouth, his thumb and pointer finger lifting your face into a smile. you giggle against his hand, opening your mouth playfully and pretending to bite it but he quickly rips it away.
"hey!" his voice is deep but teasing and it makes you squeal as you drunkely trot away from him. in fear that you'll somehow stumble over the edge, he chases after you but the sound of his feet causes you to speed up. your laugh echoes on the rooftop, his own deep chuckles and pleas of "stop!" ringing through the air.
and he wishes you would've listened because no less than ten seconds later do you trip over your shoe lace, stumbling and crashing down right on your side. he yelps your name, rushing over and is grateful to see your head didn't ricochet off the concrete.
"oops," you giggle out, rolling onto your back as you rub at your side. he kneels over you, assessing your face for any injuries and sighing in relief when you're unscathed. but then you sit up, looking around in a daze before your eyes land on the untied white lace.
"okay so not my fault....my shoe was untied."
"i see that," yunho laughs out, tapping his large hand on his knee. you look at him with a small unsure smile.
"let me tie you up."
your eyes widen for a split second, mouth dropping open and you see how bright red his face his face gets even in the dark.
"your shoe! let me tie your shoe up! so you don't fall again." you plop your foot down with a nervous laugh and watch his long fingers double knot your laces before gently placing it down. "next one," he says with a smile, "just in case."
you purse your lips to the side to hide your own, sticking your foot on him before laying back on the cold ground. he plops on his butt after he finishes tying the second shoe, watching you lay there and he hopes you don't fall asleep.
a few moments pass before he hears your quiet voice.
"what'd you say?" he asks, leaning his head towards you. but now it's his eyes that are widening, your hand pulling him by his sweater and if he didn't put his arms out, he probably would've fallen right on top of you. his large figure rolls off, laying right beside you just as you speak again.
"stars," you slur, "i wish we could see them here." because you're just staring at the black abyss, the crescent shaped moon the only thing beaming down at you. but what you'd give to see a sky full of twinkling stars, because there's a sense of wonder in them that always makes you feel better.
"i know, that'd be nice," he sighs. and it's a thought he's also had when he'd sneak up here. whether it was after rough days or okay days or great days, he always found solace up here. but he always thought, especially on those particular nights he felt gloomy, that the stars would've been good company.
"what made you take me up here, anyway?" you hum curiously.
he moves his gaze, watching you look at the sky and he feels his chest tighten. because it's like the moon is reflecting in your eyes, the only source of light shining down on you as you look up and take it all in. and even though your cheeks are red from the wind and tears and your hair is windblown and knotty, "you're beautiful."
he says it so lowly that you wouldn't have heard it if a harsh blow of wind whipped through the air. but because it didn't, because everything up here is now still and unmoving, you crane your neck to look at him.
his cheeks flush ever so slightly because he did not mean to blurt that out. but he got lost in his admiration, in the way you looked so angelic and at peace and content and now he really has to work on answering you.
"i'm sorry," he says, voice sounding breathy and flustered. "i meant....i mean, i don't know, really. i just think it's a nice place to get away for a bit."
he thinks he might've scared you off by his compliment, watching you turn your head back to the sky and remain silent for a few beats of time. his brain is screaming at him now that you're gonna jump up and run away and think his intentions were anything but pure. but then his brain and body relax when your soft voice begins to speak up.
"it is," you squeak quietly, "i...think this was a good first choice."
"first choice?"
your head snaps to look at him again, a smile on your face at just his presence next to you. because he's the type of person who has a light around them, who makes you feel at ease and whose soul you just know is good.
"well yeah," you squeak out, "i have you as a distraction all night, right?"
a big smile of his own brightens his face and you feel your heart flutter, jumping and shifting at the way he just looks so happy.
"you do."
"well, i have our second place in mind. but we might have to take a taxi," you explain to him, "on me, of course."
"no need," he says, "this is actually my apartment building. my car is downstairs."
you huff out as your eyes roll and he chuckles when you stare at him with a pained expression.
"you're too chivalrous!" you whine, smacking his chest lightly as you cross your legs. he only smiles as he shakes his head at you. but his heart hurts because the bare minimum for you would probably seem like an act of chivarly.
"fine. i'll drive myself there and you can walk," he teases, poking your kneecap lightly when he says the word 'you'.
"deal," you giggle and he bites his lip at the sound, placing his large arm behind his head before you continue. "but first..."
he watches you unzip his jacket, fishing inside of it before whipping out two beer bottles with a smile. "i'd like to finish these, if that's okay."
"did you smuggle those out?!" he asks, humor in his tone as he leans up on his elbows.
"well, i paid for them of course!" you squeak, cheeks heating up at the way he's looking at you with his soft eyes and red cheeks. but then it occurs to you why his poor face is probably bright red. "and since we're at your house now....can i please ask something of you?"
he raises his eyebrow at you.
"please get yourself a jacket."
2:38 a.m.
he'd been driving for a little over an hour when you quietly alert him that you've almost arrived. he'd been led to a suburban area, brick houses lined with garden gnomes and mini vans in a quiet town. he smiles when he drives around the corner and sees a fenced in playground, two jungle gyms equipped with monkey bars and slides as well as a swingset in the farthest corner.
"ah, so this is destination 2?"
"yeah..." he hears you mumble quietly, "do you think it's stupid?"
he looks over at you when he hears the almost whispered tone in your voice, eyes staring down at your lap with your hands tucked into one another tightly. it seems like you think he's gonna berate you, like you're reliving some sort of bad memory and expecting history to repeat itself.
so without thinking, he reaches out with his hand and places it over yours. the unexpected warmth causes you to jump, looking up at him with glossy, hazed eyes.
"of course not," he says softly and you swallow the lump in your throat. "i'm pleasantly surprised. i haven't been on a playground in forever."
the smallest of smiles makes its way on your face, whipping your head back to the park and wiggling your feet. "me either," you mumble.
"then let's go, shall we?" he hums, removing his hand from yours as he turns off the car and opens his door to get out. you just manage to place your hand on the handle when five seconds later, he's opening and holding the passenger side door for you.
"i'm not even gonna say it," you mumble before thanking him quietly. he chuckles as he follows you to one side of the park, a gaping hole in the fence that easily allows the average sized body to slip through. but it proves a bit more challengingly for him, a giggle leaving your mouth as you take him by the hand and pull him the rest of the way in.
"i forgot you're a giant."
he scoffs playfully at you, running past you to get to the swings first. but you're sluggish in your movements, teetering and eyes heavy because you really shouldn't have had those two drinks. you were hoping it'd liven your spirits, make you more fun and playful.
but it appears when you're as sad as you are, the fun parts of drinking get skipped over and the sorrow you're feeling only heightens. and the boy smiling at you on the swing is making it easier, the way he talked and laughed with you in the car, the way he's parading you around and keeping you company so you're not lonely and sad. but you still feel it, feel like you're being crushed by the pain in your chest and torn in two different directions.
"i shouldn't have drank," you whine, taking a seat on the swing and leaning your head against the cool chain. your statement immediately has his eyes widening, his feet stopping on the gravel and looking at you.
"why?" he asks, slight panic in his voice, "are you gonna puke?"
"no," you giggle out slightly as you shake your head. "i just...i know my company's about to get pretty depressing." you swallow the lump forming in your throat, feeling tight and like you're about to choke on it. "your distractions have been....great but i'm still feeling so- i don't know why i'm-"
you feel his hands on your knee, the warmth radiating through your pants as he's bent down and looking at you with those kind brown eyes.
"hey, it's okay," he says softly and it has tears stinging behind your own because he looks at you nicer than he ever did and here you are crying over that waste when you could be getting to know him. "it'd be unusual if you didn't, y/n, it just happened."
your teeth dig into your lip to stop it from trembling, sniffling against the cold air. "i guess...i brought him here once you know."
his heart wrenches seeing you stare down at your lap dejectedly, moving your foot in small circles that his thumbs micmic on your knee. and that's the way you stay for a while, in the cold silence together as he stays bent down rubbing your knee, your eyes trailing from your lip to his long fingers that have such a gentle touch.
"when we first started dating," you finally say quietly because it was probably one the first red flags that he wasn't gonna be the best boyfriend. you'd been dating for two months, driving back into the city after his first time meeting your parents when you asked him if you could show him one of your favorite places.
and you don't know why you were so surprised when he laughed at you, raised an eyebrow and scoffed  because 'why would a grown adult wanna go to a playground?'
"did he like it?" he asks, seeing that you're in your head again.
"of course not," you laugh out humorlessly, "he thought it was so stupid. asked why either of us would even wanna go here when we're full grown adults. but i...i don't know, i came here all the time when i was younger and wanted to show him. i though it'd be fun."
he forgets he's holding onto your knee so you look down when he squeezes it between his large hand, eyes tight and jaw slightly clenched as he shakes his head.
"he's the stupid one," yunho bites into the cold air, "you wanted to show him something meaningful and he couldn't see that."
you shrug as a quiet sigh leaves your mouth. you don't even know why you keep talking but words just keep falling out of you, making you even more mopey and sad and you know he's absolutely regretting this. regretting spending his night with a whiney loser who can't stay out of her own sad head, who doesn't ever know what to say back so you lapse into silence while uncomfortable thoughts plague your mind.
"would you break up with someone like that?" he hears your voice ask lowly and his stomach twists at your question. because it was so random and out of nowhere, he knows you've probably been mulling over everything for these past few silent minutes.
"would you just spring it on a person like that? at a restaurant in front of people?"
he doesn't even have to think about his response.
"no," he mumbles truthfully, "i...don't think i could ever."
you sniffle because you had known that would be his answer. he's nice and kind and everything you wanted your boy....ex-boyfriend to be.
"but i've also never broken up with anyone before," he shares quietly.
you wipe at the lone tear that finally escaped your eye, cringing when you see your makeup on his jacket.
"oh? but you've had a girlfriend before, right?"
when he doesn't answer, your eyes widen and you quickly correct yourself when you meet his gaze. "or boyfriend..."
a small smile crosses his face as he shakes his head. "it'd be girlfriend..." he says teasingly, "but no... i've never really dated anyone, officially. just flings and stuff."
"why?" you squeak out and his eyes flicker to you, roaming your face to see an avid curiosity in your wide, glossy eyes.
"i don't know," he says honestly and he wishes he had a better answer for you. "it's not like i haven't wanted one...i just never found the right person, i guess."
you can only hum thoughtfully, nodding as you take in this new bit of information. because how is it possible that he can't manage to find the right person?
"well who would that be then?"
when he looks up from your knees, he sees you looking down at him with your head back against the chain. and if was anyone else, he'd think they were asking coyly. like they were trying flirt or be tempting.
but he knows that's not the case, even if he wants it to be.
"someone good," he says after thinking about it for a second, "someone i can have fun with but also be serious with. just someone...genuine and sweet, who i know deserves the best."
"you just described yourself," you mumble and he can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him.
"yeah? i thought that kind of sounded like someone else here," he responds lowly, his deep voice causing your gaze to meet his. you bite your lip nervously at the eye contact and any other time it'd make you nervous and fidgety. but now, because you're in the state you're in, you can't look away.
and it's a state he knows you're in as well which is what causes him to look away and stand up, moving himself behind you until his hands meet the middle of your back. you jump in surprise, craning your neck back to look at him.
but before you can ask him what's happening, you start flying into the air. you let out a small squeal as you tighten your hold on the chains, his large hands pushing on your back as you swing.  
"don't fall again!"
"well, a warning would've been nice!" you squeak before another uncontrollable laugh cuts you off.
"that's not as fun."
he continues to push you until you whine for him to sit down next to you, pumping your legs as you two fight to get higher. but when he leans his head back a few minutes later and catches a glimpse of the dark sky, he's halting and grabbing you to stop the swing.
"what're you doing, cheater! i was winning!"
"come with me."
he grabs your hand and leads you over to the jungle gym, guiding you up to the highest platform before craning his neck up.
"what're you doing?" you ask as you mimic him before a gasp cuts you off. because the exposed ceiling of the playground shows off the sky full of bright twinkling stars, the lack of light pollution from the bustling city allowing you to see just what you're robbed of every night.
"the stars!" you squeal, looking at him excitedly and he feels his chest constrict like it has every time that bright smile comes out. "they're so pretty."
"they are," he mumbles, watching you plop down on the cold floor and lay out to stargaze. he smiles softly before joining you, bending his legs so he fits on the platform. and just like on the rooftop, your arms press together but neither of you make any attempts to move them.
and then if your head somehow ends up grazing his shoulder, he only peaks down with a smile that matches your own.
4:10 a.m.
once the cold got too much, lips chapped and hands red, you both ran to the car and waited anxiously for the heat to crank up. there was a sense in the air that your time wasn't over yet, neither one of you mentioning going home or ending the night despite the early morning hours creeping around.
so it's why you ended up picking up food at a 24-hour conveience store, crumps of snacks and water bottles littering the floor of his car. why you're both just pulled over on the side of the empty highway, the occurence of another flashing pair of headlights rare.
"so what do you usually do on a friday night?" you chirp as your feet rest on the dashboard, "you know, when you're not accompanying a weepy dumpee?"
"don't call yourself that," he laughs out, "but usually just at one of my friends. we're a boring bunch so you've actually spiced up my night."
"now i know that's a lie," you quip, poking his arm lightly and the sound of his deep chuckle has your cheeks heating. he is cute.
"it's not," he assures turning his head to the side to throw you a wink. "and thank you."
your body freezes as a gasp leaves your mouth, snapping your head to look at him. he doesn't laugh because of how wide your eyes are, how shocked and horrified you look that you just said that aloud, but he really wants to.
"i...i didn't say- oh, my god."
"what's so bad about that? i blurted out that you were beautiful two hours into meeting," he says, embarassment laced in his tone.
your cheeks heat at the memory, a shy smile on your face as you look down to hide the bright blush. it's daring on his part, daring to reach out and lift your face, rub his thumb along the warm skin and smile softly as he does so.
"why are you hiding?"
"because you're crazy," you say lowly, quietly, and you're cursing the dinner and the way this sweet boy affects you for your low self-esteem ruining the car's atmosphere.
"fine, i'm crazy," he says, "but you're still bea-"
"i'm not," you interupt quietly, before he can say those words and warm your heart and make you wanna kiss him. because that would be a terrible idea. even though you want to, even though you've developed the fastest crush in history and it would be so easy to just scoot over a few inches, move your head in just a little and-
"why? because he broke up with you?"
you bite your lip at the reminder, roaming over his face that's unwavering and serious. dark eyes looking into yours, focused on nothing but you with his hand still on your cheek. you swallow the ball forming in your throat as he waits for you to answer.
"yes," you mumble, feeling your eyes gloss over before you move your face to look back out the window. he sighs next to you and you can feel his gaze on you, boring into you and the tightness in your throat is almost suffocating you.
"i'm sorry, y/n, but you have to know-"
"stop it," you mumble brokenly, "please stop."
"why," he says softly and he's surprised by himself for pushing you. but he can't help it, not as he watches your fleeting moments of happiness fade in and out the way they have all night, sees your eyes water and hands start to fidget.
there's only a tense silence in the car for the next few moments, your eyes out the window and his on you as he watches your fingers fold into each other.
"he didn't deserve you," he suddenly says and you look up with your eyebrows furrowed, a humorless laugh leaving your mouth.
"how could you say that, you don't even know him," you mumble, hating that you're sitting here and defending him. and for what? you already knew he was the worst.  
"from the things you've told me. from what i saw and heard with my own ears," he tells you quietly. "i...he acted as if he wanted to be anywhere else but with you. and i just couldn't imagine why. because you seemed so... sweet and happy to be there with him."
you swallow nervously at his intense gaze and words, reaching out to fumble with the heat because it just got uncomfortably warm in here.
"why are you saying these things?" you ask suddenly, snapping your head up to look at him. "why are you still being so nice to me?"
he lets out a strangled sigh, his hard eyes looking you over and it makes something in you burn.
"i get it, you feel bad and wanted to play the knight in shining armor for a pathetic girl. but i can't take it, tonight. i can't take you...saying these things to me and not meaning it. just saying it out of pity."
"that wasn't why i did it," he's quick to say and there's something building in the air, a light buzzing as you become more snappy and he becomes more adament to prove himself to you. "and how do you know i don't mean it? i never felt pity for you."
"because it doesn't make any sense," you squeak out brokenly, "you're...you and i'm just some sad girl who can't keep her boyfriend interested enough to remember their fucking anniversary. can't keep her boyfriend happy enough to wanna stay with her and instead be dumped at-"
it's his large hand grabbing your jaw that starts it. halts your words and connects your gazes and has shaky, strangled breaths leaving your mouth. has him mumbling "stop it," through gritted teeth and you snarling a firm, "no."
and it could've been him bringing you forward or you pulling him closer but somehow, after a few beats of lingering gazes and breathy sighs, your lips connect.
at first neither of you even realized what happened, lips instinctually moving against one another and eyes shutting. his hand moves to your cheek and yours move to his shoulder, squeezing it lightly to ground yourself, make sure this is really happening because apparently the warm tingly feeling in your body isn't proof enough.
but it's what makes him rips himself away from you, chest heaving up and down from the adrenline of acting upon the feelings and actions he wanted to the moment he saw your smile on the rooftop.
"i'm sorry," he breaths out, eyes trained on the steering wheel, "i shouldn't have done that."
and if he thinks he shouldn't have done that, then you certainly don't think crawling over the console to straddle his lap would be the next appropriate move. but you do because it's like the second your lips met, you realized just how much you wanted and needed that.
his body freezes, back pressed right up against the black leather seat when watches you climb over. he looks down at you, dark eyes with a mix of agony and surprise and he's trying so hard to remain the nice, gentle boy he's been all night.
but then you bunch his shirt up between your hands, pull him down a few inches from your lips and mumble a plea to kiss you again against his mouth that has your lips crashing into one another again. his arms wrap around your waist hesitantly, your back arching when you feel how big his hands feel on your back, the warmth from his skin penetrating through your shirt. and it's all the encouragement he needs to tighten his hold around you, part his mouth and allow his tongue to sweep across your lips.
you stiffle a moan at the intrusion, meet his with yours as you slightly roll your hips on him. "y/n..." he groans against your lips but you only hum against them, body buzzing and the sound of heavy breathing fanning throughout the car only is only making you more willing to kiss him, to press yourself against his body and give yourself over to him.
but he quickly stops again, disconnecting your lips and squeezing your hips lightly. "wait..we shouldn't ...i don't wanna make you-"
"please," you say breathlessly, almost like a whine because your desire had been harboured by sadness but you now you don't even care. not with the feeling of him under you and the taste of him lingering on your lips and the way he's looking at you. "i want you."
"this isn't how how or why i wanted to distract you," he grunts out, "i swear i didn't-"
"yunho," you say, eyes boring into his and when he looks at you with wide, questioning eyes, you place a peck on his lips. "shut up."
and shut up he does when you bring his face down to yours, grinding his hips up into you at your eagerness and a tiny moan leaves your mouth at the feeling. because you feel the hint of a bulge and now arousal is just pounding through you.
your hands move to his hair, pulling and tugging and grinding against him and you hadn't realized how pent up sexually you were. and like the man under you has transformed into a new person, you just about faint when he disconnects your lips and mumbles against them, "he wasn't fucking you right, was he?"
your hazy, half-lidded gaze moves to him and you swallow at how different he looks. messy hair, red lips, dark eyes looking at you with such an intense, lustful gaze. and his voice, his deep and almost condescending tone causing wetness to pool between your legs.
"no," you whine out frustratedly.
"i can tell," he mutters teasingly and the way he says it makes your stomach flutter. his lips trail against your neck, kissing down and down as you lean your head back and bite your lips to suppress a moan.
"i'm gonna make you feel good, make you moan my name and come on my tongue and then fuck you right," he says pulling away from your neck to make you look at him, "is that good, baby? is that what you want?"
his dick twitches when he sees your roused hair and flushed face, eyes glossy and lips abused from his kiss and your teeth.
"hm?" he mutters again when you can only stare at him as your chest heaves.
"yes," you moan out and you can't believe how quickly you've fallen so needy and wet, "please."
"yes what?" he growls, "say my name."
"yunho. yes, yunho, please."
he lays you down on the seat, sliding it all the way back until he has just enough leg room to crouch down by the floor. he snakes his hands up your legs and thighs slowly, rubbing along your core and smiling when you thrash and twitch on the seat.
"are you gonna be wet for me, baby? i hope that's what i'm gonna see."
"yes, yunho," you repeat and he sharply inhales at how quickly you've learned to listen, how eager you are to respond and how you're already widening your legs.
"you're such a good girl, you know that?" he hums, undoing your pants with his fingers and you make sure to crane your neck to watch him. and it doesn't get lost on him either, smirking as his tugs your pants down to mid-thigh and you moan in response. your eyes roll back when you see his long finger trail against your wet lace thong and he has to surpress the growl in his throat.
"look at these," he hums moving them to the side just a little to graze your wetness and licks his lips when he feels his fingers get slick with your arousal.
"you," you gasp out, desperate for his touch or his tongue or just to feel him do anything but teasingly have his finger on you. "for you."
"yeah?" he mumbles, slowly moving around your dripping slit and you swallow down a loud moan. "you know. i wanted to kiss you all night," he hums, sliding your soaked thong down slowly and kissing in your inner thigh, "but i didn't think i'd get this lucky."
and with that, his hair grazes your stomach as he dips his head and places his tongue on your clit, lapping over it before trailing down to lick and taste more of you.
"holy shit," you gasp out and it only causes his tongue's assault to build frantically, sucking and licking and moaning against your wetness as he mumbles how good you taste. your hand moves to his hair, pulling and twisting the strands of hair and then gripping it harshly when you feel his finger slide into you.
"yunho," you screech out and you catch his eyes looking up at you, the image of him right between your legs, his mouth grazes over your burning core causing your own to roll back.
"look at me."
his deep voice commands it with such deep authority, so different than his sweet soft-spoken words, that you roll your head back to look at him with hazy eyes.
"i want you to watch me. watch me eat and finger this tight little pussy until you're screaming my name," he growls, bringing his other hand up to squeeze your bare thigh. "understand? i want you to watch me."
you nod your head frantically and you think you would've agreed to anything just for his tongue to go back on you and his finger to start pounding into you. and when it does, when he finally starts again between your legs, you bite your lips so your eyes don't roll back again.
because his tongue lapping over your clit, his long finger pounding up into you as looks right at you is quickly becoming too much. you can't ever remember a time oral felt like this, felt so consuming and had you making the sorts of moans and whines vibrating throughout the car.
"oh my god," you whine lowly, rolling your hips over his face but it only causes the hand not in your pussy to pin you down by your hips.
"hey," he warns lowly, his wet lips retracting from between your legs, "you've been so good for me, baby. what happened?"
"i'm sorry," you whine, "it just feels so-" his tongue laps at your clit teasingly and you screech "good, feels so good," when he sucks it into his hot mouth.
"i think i need to sit you on my cock," he says and the pride that floods through him when you clench around his finger is all consuming. "what do you think?"
"yes, yunho," you say, trying to remember how he likes you good, "please, i wanna sit on your cock." and it pays off because one second your laid out on your back, the next your pants are at your ankles and he's flipped you guys so you're straddling him again.
you feel his hardness under you, peaking down and your eyes widening when you see his sheer size. "whoa..."
your cheeks flush when you hear his deep chuckle, his hand running through your sweaty hair as he lifts your head.
"i'll be gentle."
but in a bold move, you spit on your hand and jerk his cock causing him to sputter in the seat below you. "i hope not," you mutter, eyes teasing and voice low and he squints his eyes at you.
"oh no?" he hums, "then sit."
thighs wet from the arousal dripping out of you, you swirl the tip around your slit teasingly and throw your heard back with a moan. and it's the only reason he humors it, because the way you look with your head thrown back, chest heaving and mouth hung open, is enough to make his already throbbing cock ache for you even more.
you move it to your clit, pressing him into it and grinding as a whiney cry leaves your lips. "oh my god," you squeak, your eyes shooting to his and you connect your lips again. he meets your kiss with the same fervor, taking his cock from your hold and lining it up with your entrance.
"i need to fuck you now," he growls, "please, baby."
"yes," you mumble against his lips, groaning out against him when you feel him enter you and stretch your walls. you both let out breathy moans when he fully enters, him because "you're so fucking tight" and you because "you're so big, yunho," and it's all the motivation you need to start grinding your hips onto him.
his hands dig into your hips, urging you on with coos of pet names and expletives that have you grinding and bouncing and moaning out. and if anyone were hitch hiking on the side of the road right now, it wouldn't take an expert to know just what was going on inside.
because both your deep moans and grunts are echoing throughout the car. your heavy breathing and sighs have fogged up the windows of the shaking car from your rolling and grinding and his thrusting to find that spot within you.
the spot he finds only a few minutes later that has you falling forward into the crook of his neck, bouncing your wet heat on him because you hear his strangled breathing and loud grunts until the familiar hot feeling of him releasing inside you has moans ripping out of your chests in unison.
it takes a while for your breathing to turn even, for your shaking legs to simmer and the ringing in his ears to stop. but when it does, he kisses the top of your head still buried in the crook of his neck and gently places you in the seat next to him.
he fumbles with the glove compartment and takes out a wipe, gently dabbing between your legs as you lay your head back on the leather seat.
"you okay?" he quietly laughs out seeing you still in a post-orgasm daze.
"i'm....good, great," you say, a laugh bubbling out of you before shyly thanking him for cleaning you. because even in the car, directly after an intense sex-crazed adrenaline rush, he still remembers aftercare. and you think if it was possible to fall in love with someone in a night, with a heart as fragile as yours, he'd be the person to make it happen.
"me too," he says quietly, throwing the wipe in the empty plastic bag before he looks over your face. "i...that was uh great, really great."
his face burns when you turn away to laugh into your shoulder, his deep of groan of "stop!" only making you giggle more. and like it wasn't the cause of what just happened in the first place, you mumble again that he's cute.
"also," you say, when your laugh and his red cheeks subside, "it'd probably be a good time to mention i'm on the pill."
6:49 a.m.
you're half asleep in the front seat of yunho's car, the familiar sounds of horns honking and the bustling city keeping you from falling into a full slumber. he had asked on the way back if he could bring you to one more place before you called it a night (even though the birds were chirping and sun was rising). and who were you to say no when he had smiled and asked so softly.
you pop your eyes open, hands under your cheek as you watch him silently bob his head to the soft music. he's at a red light, one hand atop the steering wheel as he looks over to see you staring.
"hey sleepy," he says, reaching out to fix your slightly messy hair. "i'm sorry, i know you're tired but we're almost there."
"s'okay," you mumble, meeting his soft eyes with a smile, "i don't wanna leave you yet anyway."
"oh no?" he hums softly and his heart tightens when you sees a shy blush cross your face.
"i didn't mean to say that," you sigh out sleepily and his small chuckle rings through the car.
"i was hoping you did," he says, hand moving from your head to pink cheek, "because i don't wanna leave you yet either."
the sound of a honk promptly ruins the moment, yunho's eyes moving to squint into the mirror before he drives off. you giggle as you shut your eyes again, burrowing yourself further into the leather.
he shakes you awake a few moments later, his hand on your shoulder as he looks down at with you soft brown eyes.
"we're here."
"where?" you mumble, sitting up and peaking out the window to see a small bakery.
"let me show you."
he gets out and meets you around the passenger side door, opening it for you and extending his hand out to you; you take it without a second thought and he smiles as he intertwines your fingers.
you walk up to the bakery door, the fresh smell of baked bread wafting through the empty store. the faint welcome from the worker is drowned out as your eyes peer over the shelves, bread and cookies and cakes lined up behind the streak-free glass.
you look up at him curiously when he leads you over to the cakes, tightening his hold on your hand when you guys stop in front of the display.
"pick anything you want."
you cock your head to the side before your eyes roam over the selection, squinting your eyes to read the script in front of every pastry when a tiny gasp escapes your lips.
"is that a-"
"tiramisu cheesecake," he confirms, "i heard it's really good here."
you stare at the glass as your heart tightens in your chest and you can't believe you have any tears left to sting behind your eyes today. but you don't wanna cry, even if they're happy tears, so it's why you lean your head against his arm and press your lips into a firm line.
"and i don't know if it's as good as that one," he says lowly, "but i figured it could hold you over until we....until you go back."
you lift your head to stare at him and he pouts upon seeing the one on your face. but before he can ask what's wrong or if he overstepped, your arm is wrapped around his body as you press your head into his chest.
"thank you," you choke out, "i....thank you." because if you try to say anymore, your hope that not even happy tears escape your eyes will be gone to shit.
and it's like he knows that. so he presses his lips to the top of your head and asks for a slice, your body still attached to his when he pays and ushers you out to the car.
and that's where you tell him you're so thankful for this cake but you also wanna enjoy the other one too. and at first he doesn't understand, his eyebrows furrowed together as he nods his head hesitantly.
"so i was thinking....maybe not this week, so i don't show up with a new boy right away...but next week, maybe we can go to-"
"yes," he blurts out and a big smile makes its way on your face when you see he can barely hold back his excitement. and he doesn't even care too.
because as he takes you home, you excitedly talk it over and exchange numbers. and he's quick to tell you you can start out as friends first, that he doesn't expect anything from you and will take this new found relationship at whatever pace you decide to set.
but you hope the smirk you throw his way shows him that you know within a few weeks time, you'll completely forget about the boy who made you so upset and dropped you into his lap, now filling you with such an excited, hopeful feeling even in your sleep deprived state.
you direct him to your apartment building and you thank him again for the night, sweet smiles and lingering gazes as you both delay separating.
but because that time has come, you gather your cake and open the door after teasing him that he better not get out and do it for you.
"so, i'll see you next week?" you ask quietly, a small shy smile on your face.
"next week," he says, watching you with a smile and light heart as you barrel up your apartment stairs and he gives himself two hours before his fingers start itching to text you.
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
Here is the ✨update✨ with what happend ✨yesterday night✨ and also ✨today morning✨
So, after I wrote my roommates conversation with Miss oh honey, I started reading it and
I wanna kiss my roommate so bad ;-;
But before I could panic even more, Miss oh honey gets in (I was in my roommates room because it's bigger than mine since we agreed to sleep together) and asks with big grin on her face "How ya doin?"
"Gay- Gay panic"
"Oh honey you need to make a move soon or roommates name won't handel it"
"What do you mean?"
"Honey you know that they are conserned about you and already doing that ugly sad kitten face"
"I don't think it's ugly"
"Of course you don't, you love roommates name! But now, take my advice and make a bloody move! I WANT PROGRESS IN MY SHIP"
Before I could say anything she got away and shortly after my roommate got back and didn't notice I was there
I was coverd in their blankets like a cotton ball with only my head slightly out, and for the face my roommate was doing they were in auto pilot mode
They literally started changing in front of me
And did I say anything? No cause PANIC
(I could only see their back since they were turned around BUT if they took their pants off... I don't want more panic and gay thoughts so I wont think about it)
As I evolved into a full white ball of blankets I felt a tap on the blankets. I got my head out and I saw my roommate only with a fucking top on, but with a really sofh expression that made me melt
But while I panicked they started laughing and saying that I looked like a cute tiny fluff ball
I never blushed so must for a laugh and a compliment, that laugh was music, I want more ;-;/
But as I keep staring without being able to say anything they grafmdualy stoped laughing and started looking conserned/sad (sad kitty face here we go again) and then they look down and finally notice they are only with a top on and then they say "oh- sorry" and put a shirt on
And what I said was "Nice"
But before I died of embaressment they asked "Nice what?"
"You are nice- I mean- I just- You are nice to me! You always have been since the beggining and uuhh... I just- I don't want you to be sad or- or think you are a jerk just because I got embaressed in the kitchen and uuhh-"
"Wait, how do you know about me thinking that?"
"I- I could hear you two talking"
And this when I finally notice how hard blushing!!! Were they that embaressed? But before I could jump into conclusions I rembered Miss oh honeys advice abd asked "Uh- glup Why are you so worried about me?"
Looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read and said "It's cause- sigh You've already been through so much... You deserve to at least be confortable in your own house, to have a safe place to yourself... Don't you think?"
I just- Give me second I need to CRY MY EYES OUT!!! WHY ARE TOU SO CUTE!?!? WHY!!!?? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!???
*incoherent gay gremlin noises*
I didn't notice I was crying until my roommate, with a very conserned voice, asks "Are you ok!? Why are you crying!?"
I kept sobbing until the picked me up, with blankets and all, and hugged me tight
At a certant point they layed down with me and cuddled me. I felt so tiny but yet so loved, it was so good and safe ;w;
Is this what real actually good relationships feel like? Cause I love it ;w;
And before we went to sleep, my roommate wiped my tears and said "Well, if it makes you feel better, I think you're hella strong"
"snif What do you mean?"
"I mean- I still about that time I saw you knocking out a guy, that was built like a greek god, twice your sise, in front of our door step!"
"Oh that- that was just-"
"Was just hella impressive!!! I ALMOST DROPED MY FOOD!!!"
THIS IDIOT MAKES ME CRY AND THEN LAUGH AND FEEL HELLA GAY ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! don't GIVE ME A BREAK!!! I NEED TO REST!!! And that's actually what I said to them, but more like this
"Jesus Crist- Look, let's sleep already before I pass out" AND MANAGE TO SOUND FUCKING CASUAL ABOUT IT!!!
It was because I was really tired
So, after I said that, my roommate nods in aproval and fucking kisses me in the forehead
Anyway, we fell asleep and this morning when I woke up, first thing I do is check tumbler, and when I get there I see shitlords ask about gremlin-fever and the gremlin in back of my head is like pspspsps do iittt
After I send that ask about giving permition for you to use my story as a fanfic I put my phone back in the table, roll over, and PROCEED TO HAVE A FUCKING HEAR ATTACK!!!
I'm starting to think that shitlord anon was right about the fevor in a literal way...
But them I look down and see their arms around me AND FUCKING HELL HOW STRONG IS THIS BITCH!?!?!
I probably panicked for and hour or so before I realize... I CAN TOUCH IT
I now I'm the volcano!!! But when I start touching their belly OUT OF GAY CURIOSITY
THEY OPENED THEIR EYES AND ASK "What are you doing?"
So, as an intellectual, I said "I- I was j-just c-curious to know how it f-feels to touch it"
"You were curious to know how it feels to touch other persons abs?"
"Well... Yeah b-but not- Not, like- I'm inocent I swear!!!"
They started laughing at me and got closer, and with their fucking casualty say "You can it I don't mind, you're inocent after all"
But I remberem shitlords anon little tip, and actually got the courage to kiss their forehead. The moment I kiss tgeir forehead they stop laughing and blankly stare at me for a solid minute, BUT THIS TIME I'M GONNA BE THE ONE TEASING BITCH, so I said what shitlord anon said "I was just checking your temperature, you look like you might have a fever"
They didn't even say anything anymore, they just nooded, IT WAS PRICELESS!!!
But then, Miss oh honey opens the door saying "GOOD MORNING LOVE BIR- Oh- Am I interupting something?"
We both just stare and since she cant se if we have clothes or not due to the blankets she does a shit-eating-grin and says "Oh- Sorry to interrupt your bonding time~ I will let you continue~ giggles"
But my roommate was FUCKING PISSED
They got out of bed and started chasing her, screaming her name in pure rage!!
And I stayed in the room... Looking at the ceiling... Thinking about my life choices...
I need it ;-;
And also, Miss oh honey is gonna sleep here today, cause aparently one of her neighbors has covid, and his wife texted everyone that he is coming back from the hospital so he can rest home (cause the hospitals are all full and he is not having trouble with the desease), like, he got positive a month ago, and Miss oh honey went for test and got negative, she stayed at home for a while to make sure she was okay, and since her covid neighbor wasn't at home with is family cause ge stayed in the hospital (and none of is family has covid, fortunatly)
So, baisically shes gonna stay for while...
Hope ya'll have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night
- gay panic Gremlin anon
Holy shit— you go, Gremlin anon! I don’t think I’ve ever been this proud of a stranger before in my life 😂
Y’all are too cute and I’m dying. Good luck with your roommate and your wingwoman Miss “oh honey”, Gremlin anon xD
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ct7567329 · 4 years
One Day: Fives x Reader
"Hey," you whispered, taking a seat next to your favorite ARC trooper. Things have been off lately in the 501st. Ahsoka's been gone for a while now and the boys are finally starting to pick up their momentum again. Losing their little sister wasn't easy for any of them. Today was one of the few days the 501st got a break. Just as you expected, Fives was awake before the break of dawn, waiting for the sun to rise over the Naboo country side. Having a day off on Naboo was a favorite among the boys, as it was much more laid back than Coruscant, though unfortunately, the break would soon be over and they would be shipped out later that morning.
Fives looked up at you, his legs dangling off a valley cliff facing westward. Seeing you brought a smile to his face, but he remained silent as you sat down next to him. The moment you hit the ground, your shoulder was met with his arm and the side of his head rested against yours. He closed his eyes a took a deep breath. For once, you sensed tranquility in him.
"I think we can end it," he finally spoke, his head still pressed against yours.
"End what?"
"The war. Ringo Vinda would be a huge step in the right direction and-"
You pushed your index finger against his mouth and softly shook your head, "Remember what I told you. We must take things as they come. If we shoot that high, it will only hurt if we don't achieve."
Fives closed his eyes and nodded, placing his head back where it was, "The last time I shot high, I ended up exceeding my goals," he chuckled, pressing a kiss into your cheek, "I wanted to go on a date with my General and now she's my girlfriend!"
You rolled your eyes and smiled, "Once again, the ARC outplays the Jedi."
Fives mumbled incoherently into your shoulder as his playfully pulled your body onto the ground, allowing you to lay on top of him. You hummed, letting him know you had no idea what he just said.
"Would shooting for making my general mine forever be too high of a shot?" He asked, tilting his head towards yours.
His beautiful honey brown eyes met yours and you shrugged at his question.
"I think it's worth the shot," he smiled, reaching down into his holster, "what do you say?"
You looked at him baffled for a moment before breaking eye contact and looking at the ring between his fingers. Quickly, you sat up and gasped, "Shut up."
"I'm being serious, (Y/N)."
"Fives," your voice cracked, a few tears beginning to well in your eyes. You couldn't get out any other words. You nodded rapidly at him, prompting your favorite smile. He slowly placed the ring on your finger.
"I know you always say day by day, but I don't want a day without you. Ever."
You held your hand up and admired the ring, wondering how he got enough money together for something so beautiful. The glow of the rising sun made the ring sparkle. "You did an amazing job with it," you smiled, your gaze still locked on the ring, "I just wish we could have an engagement-moon!"
Fives chuckled and puller you closer to him, "We'll get one. Someday."
You two spend the last moments of peace together watching the final minutes of the sunrise. Everything was perfect.
Before you knew it you were on a transport to Ringo Vinda with the men of the 501st. The Republic needed extra assistance on the planetary wide space station, so who else would they call besides the "elite" clone company. Fives took his helmet off and exhaled, giving you a soft grin. You looked around at the other men and noticed Tup frantically tapping his foot.
"Everything alright, Tup?" you asked, knowing damn well he wasn't one to be too on edge over a simple battle.
"Just jittery, sir," he quickly responded, diverting his attention away from you. You looked at Fives and shrugged.
The rest of the transport ride was spend sitting in a narrow hallway with the legion, sitting across from Fives. You both had your legs extended, pushing your feet together playfully.
"Ready boys?" Anakin asked as the ship landed on the top of the space station.
You winked at Fives, something you always do before a battle before hopping out of the ship.
In typical 501st fashion, you all had control of another command center soon after arrival. All in all, you were enjoying this battle. There were minimal casualties and you got to fight along side other legions and Jedi Generals.
You, Anakin, and the twin Generals, Tiplar and Tiplee, gathered in the center of the room to discuss the take over of the central command center. The plan seemed pretty straight foward, just a typical attack from all angles alone then together strategy. With all the different corridors though, this meant sperating the 501st into three groups.
"We could put Fives in command of the best troops in the legion. I'll take Appo and you can take Rex. It would be solid group split," you suggested, hating the fact that ultimately, for victory you needed to be separated from Fives for a braid moment.
"I agree," Anakin nodded, "Let's get to it. I'll let Fives know."
Putting the mission at hand in front of your attachment, you led your men towards the east corridor and began the task at hand.
"Oh maker," you mumbled as you reached central commend. Thousands of driods surrounded the Sepertist general.
"Where is everyone else?!" Appo yelled through his comlink, startling you.
As if it was on que, Anakin's and Fives' groups entered the hangar, pushing through the droids like knives through warm butter.
Appo led the men into the heat of battle as you fought your way towards Fives.
"Has any one ever told you that you're the most fantastic ARC this army's ever seen?" You smiled, deflecting blasts away from Fives.
"Well," he dodged a blast and shot down a droid, "this gorgeous Jedi tells me that all the time."
An explosion stopped you before you could respond. "I'm gonna go help them," you groaned, rushing away from Fives' side. On your way to aid the struggling men, you noticed Tup standing in the middle of the battle field, frozen. "C'mon Tup!" You yelled as you ran past him.
Fives turned his head to your direction to make sure you made it to the other side safely when he saw the unthinkable. "Tup!" he screamed as he watched his brother shoot down General Tiplar, then point his blaster towards you. "Tup, stop" he screamed louder, lunging towards him as he managed to get one blast right into your shoulder.
You muttered an explicit then turned around, seeing Fives laying on top of Tup and not too far away, Tiplar's body.
"What the kriff?!" you spit through your teeth with venom, wincing at the pain in your shoulder.
Before you could get an explanation on what happened, Anakin commanded retreat and everyone fell back into that command room you gained control of previously.
After settling Tup with Kix and Rex, Fives rushed to your side and knelt down next to the step you were sitting on, "Are you okay?"
"You were in charge of him, Fives!" you whined moving your body slowly away from his.
Fives glanced up to make sure there wasn't anyone near you, "Cyare, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. You're not in too much pain, right?"
You shook your head,  "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay and just as confused as you are," he placed his hands on your thigh and tapped, "He's a good friend of both of us. We'll figure this out." He got up and went back over to Fives to check on Tup.  You grinned as you watched him walk away. Every time you see him in his full ARC armor, you notice he walks with more confidence, which you find beyond attractive. Once he was out of your line of sight, you closed your eyes to do some quick meditation, thinking maybe the force could guide you through Tup.
Internal Conflict, huh, you thought to your self, wondering what could have caused it. Without thinking, you walked up to the room where Tup was being held.
"Tup, has everything been al-"
You were cut off by Tup lunging at you, yelling inaudibly. Fives quickly sprung between you and Tup to protect you and pushed Tup onto the ground. Your lover turned around, with worry in his eyes. Still shocked with what happened, you retreated back into the command room, asking for Kix to come with.
"You need to bring him to the Jedi Council," you explained to Kix, "unless you can find something that's wrong."
Kix scrunched his forehead, "I'm not sure General. They don't train you for something like this. Maybe a trip to Kamino might be a better idea. Besides, they know clone anatomy better than anyone."
"That works, but (Y/N), we need to get you to the Jedi Council," Anakin butted in. He stopped you before you could give a reason not to, "We can't let that get infected."
"I am just as much as general here as you are!"
"The 501st is going to be on leave after this battle. You won't be without us long!" Fives chimed in, giving  you a wink, "what boys? We have maybe two more rotations left  on this piece of junk!"
After enough begging, you finally complied...until you noticed Appo was escorting you to your ship. "I thought Fives was escorting me back to Coruscant," you noted, stopping in your tracks.
"I'm sorry, General. But Fives was ordered to return to Kamino with Tup."
You pressed your lips together, "Oh! Well I forgot to give him his blaster back! I'll be right back!"
Appo looked at you confused, "General, what blaster?"
"Yes," you nodded, rushing back to the command room. You made you way to Fives and  pulled him out of the room, trying to keep your action on the down low.
"I know, I know. I wanted to escort you but-" you cut him off with a kiss, moving your hands up the back of his head and softly tugging at his hair. His hands rested on your hips, pulling you closer to him. You pulled back slightly.
"Please stay safe," you murmured, giving him a gentle kiss.
He trailed his kisses across your cheek and stopped at your ear and whispered, "Anything for you cyare."
You pulled him in for a passionate hug, "I need to get going."
"Hey, you need to be safe too. That was a pretty damn good kiss, better not be the last!"
"Fives," you sighed, "Don't say that."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
As you walked away to the ship, you glanced back at Fives, assuring yourself that it would be okay. Right now, the only thing you wanted was for your arm to heal for you could get back to the battlefield with Fives. But in that moment, the best thing you could look forward too is sleeping in your Jedi Temple quarters again.
The next morning, you woke up and immediately looked at your holopad, hoping to see a new message from Fives. Nothing. Only a message from Jesse, asking if you would like to join the boys at 79's that night.
"Guess Ringo Vinda ended sooner than I thought," you thought to yourself, getting ready for the day.
Once nightfall hit, you began to get ready for a night of fun. As you put the finishing touches on your makeup, there was a knock of panic on your quarters door. It was Anakin.
"Have you heard from Fives?!" He said in a rush, bursting into your room with Rex.
You gave them a confused look, "I actually haven't. Figured he was exhausted from the mission.  Is everything alright?"
Anakin stopped, "You haven't heard anything?"
"Guys, what's going on?" You asked, concern in your voice.
"Sit down," Anakin sighed sitting on the edge of your bed, "look, Rex and I know about you and Fives. We think you can help."
"Help with what?"
Anakin and Rex looked at each other, then at you, "Fives tried to kill the chancellor and he's on the run. We think maybe you can talk to him."
You looked at them in shock, "you can't be right."
"She was supposed to be here already," Jesse noted, taking another sip of his drink.
"I'm okay with that. Gives us more time to think of what we are going to tell her," Kix replied, "besides, she won't believe us."
Jesse chuckled, "that would be a first."
"Anyway, I'm going to head to the 'fresher. I don't care if she has the hots for Fives, I still need to look presentable in front of her!"
"Keep dreaming," Jesse snorted, taking another sip of his drink.
Kix rolled his eyes and made his way to the refresher.  Just as he began to check for any imperfections, the door opened.
"Looks like the 501st is back on Coruscant," the clone said, approaching.
"Yeah, the craziest thing happened on Ringo Vinda," Kix responded, turning to face to clone.
"I know," he mumbled, taking off his hat, revealing his identity.
"I'm so sorry Kix," you sighed, "I was almost ready to go but something came up with Fives and i-"
"I know. I'm sending over coordinates right now.  He wants you to meet him there," Kix informed you, sending over the coordinates.
"Thank you Kix," you softly smiled into the comlink after turning it off. You turned to head out of the crowded bar but stopped, looking back at Kix. He looked at you with sympathy, yet you could sense his hurt. Fives was hurting, hurting enough to effect his closest brothers.
"Good luck," he mouthed out before motioning you off.
You gave him a half assed smile and took off, desperate to find your lover. On the way to the coordinates, your mind was blank. Not a single thought racing. That was the only way you could get through this confusing nightmare.
The coordinates weren't anything much. Just an old abandoned hangar in the lower levels. With some hesitation, you leaped off your speeder and entered the hangar. Though you couldn't see him, you sensed his presence.
"Fives?" You called out, slowly making your way deeper into the hanger.
"Oh cyare," he sighed behind you, throwing his body into yours. He deepened the embrace and nuzzled his head into your neck, "please believe me."
"Of course I trust you, love," you whispered, running your fingers down his spine. You frowned slightly at the sight of his missing hair. There had to be a story behind it, but you didn't want to probe. Becides, hair grows back. "Fives, what happened?"
He struggled to get words out without weeping, "can we go find some cheap motel to lay down and talk. I just want to hold you close, lay under blankets and explain everything. I'd feel safer there, I'd-"
You pressed two fingers against his lips, "anything you need, we'll make it happen. I promi-"
"FIVES! Let her go!" Screamed Anakin from across the room, Rex accompanying him.
Anakin used the force to rip you out of Fives' arms and towards him. "Fives, how can we trust you alone with her after what you did."
"Anakin!" You yelled, slapping his hand and rushing towards Fives. Anakin couldn't let that happen. He scrambled to the closest control panel and activated a ray shield, making it impossible to reach Fives. "Fives, explain yourself." Anakin demanded, getting a look of rage from you.
"There's a big plan!" Fives began to rant, "A plan to kill the Jedi! It's in the mind of every clone! The chancellor told me. This is bigger than anyone could imagine. You've got to believe me!"
"Fives, why try to assassinate the chancellor?" Anakin asked as calm as possible, ignoring your attempts to break free of the ray sheild.
Before he could explain himself, Commander Fox and his battalion barged into the hangar, weapons drawn. "Surrender Fives!" Fox yelled, getting closer to Fives.
"No no no!" Fives screamed, holding up the pistol he managed to sneak off your belt while he was hugging you.
"FIVES PUT IT DOWN!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, fearing the worst.
Fives looked at you, then back at Fox, then back at you, but it was too late. As his eyes made contact with you again, a single shot went straight into his chest. The pistol dropped to the floor, and not long after Fives.
You screamed his name in agony as Rex and Anakin rushed to his side. Rex cradled Fives as you watched in horror behind the ray shield.
"Get her out of there," Anakin commanded to Fox.
As Fox shot your ray shield down, Fives looked up at Rex, gasping for air, but managed to get out, "Take care of her for me. Please."
The second you were free from the shield, you ran to your lovers limp body. Rex quickly handed him over to you. Tears trickled from your face as you began to stroke his cheek.
"Fives, Fives, listen to me," you struggled to get out. "Hang in there, you're going to be okay. We're going to be okay." You held up your hand with the engagement ring. "See, we're going to have our someday, together. And that someday is super soon and, and, and." You kept rapid firing anything you think could spark live in him, but you knew he was too far gone. You watched a few tears slowly make their way down his face.
With every last bit of energy he had left in him, he softy squeezed your hand, "I love you." he whispered, before fading away.
"No. No. No. Fives Fives," you gasped, shaking his body, "no no don't leave me don't leave me."
"(Y/N)," Anakin sighed behind you.
You closed your eyes, rested your head on your lovers dead chest, and began to bawl in true pain.
Rex took a knee besides you and slowing began to rub your back, making sure he does everything he can to fulfill the promise he made his best friend.
@ganondorf-has-greasy-balls @lightning-wolffe @jedi-dreea @smellssharpies @hannahjessica113 @gryffindorqueensworld @roadworkahead-404 @000ayfh @coffeeandtodd @soclonely @raf-loves-everything @persaloodles @peacelandbread @clone-lover501-212-104 @ahsoka-padme @dangerdumpling @callme-eds @808tsuika 
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labyrinthsofyou · 4 years
for you always
pairing: wong yukhei & female reader
genre: fluff
words: 6, 851
summary: in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
the thing about wong yukhei is that when he is in deep thought, it is difficult to get him out of it. his thoughts run with the ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ and every type of scenario and possibility. his brows will furrow the slightest and he grows so unusually silent that it makes you worry and love him a little more all at once.
to get him back sometimes involves a few kisses, some soothing touches or food because a way to get to yukhei is through his stomach.   
apparently not right now though.
a good solid two minutes since you walked in, your knock on the frosted glass door getting no response from the other side. next to the tv by the door you stand, hoping he senses another presence or smell the food filtering through the space to eventually sit up and see you. but really, you get nothing from him.
your gaze rests on yukhei sprawled on the wooden floor under the dim lights of the practice room. his arm is thrown over his eyes and gives the shirt he is wearing a bit of a rise for you to see a tiny peak of his skin underneath. you watch the steady rise and fall of his chest and for a moment you wonder if he has truly fallen asleep like that until his hands suddenly move to rub across his face as he clears his throat. he lets out a groan that sounds so frustrated and tired and mumbles something incoherent to your ears. 
he seriously doesn’t know.
“french fry for your thought?” 
you make your presence known, the sound of your question gentle to your ears but loud to his. yukhei jolts up and catches your reflection in the mirrored walls and wonders if his tired eyes are making him see things. but then he turns his head to fully grasp the sight of you a few feet away from him clutching paper bags. the small smile on your face differs from the way his mouth parts slightly with confusion. you know his brain is in overdrive, trying to sort through all the dance steps and lyrics and schedules to figure out your presence in front of him.
“what are you doing here?” he finally asks, pushing himself off the floor and dusting off his sweatpants. yukhei runs his fingers through his damp hair before proceeding to move towards you.
you let out a soft chuckle and scrunch up your nose. “you should really check your phone,” you insist with a grin.
yukhei is a handful of steps away when you know realization hits him because his eyes widen and he curses underneath his breath.
he forgot.
when you had mentioned the new restaurant that had recently opened and the raving positive reviews a few days ago, yukhei kissed you on the cheek and smiled brightly.
“we can go check it out,” he had suggested.
you had looked at him uncertainly because his schedules had been packed with practices and flights. the nights you got to seeing him, which hadn’t been much either, drained he had been. 
“it’s okay.” and a grin you had returned his way as your hand reached to thread through his hair to massage his scalp. “maybe when you get some decent rest time we’ll go. you haven’t gotten much sleep lately and if this place is really as good as everyone says it is, then i am sure it will still be open when your schedule clears up,” you had quietly reassured him. 
yukhei had looked at you for a moment then because in his head too long it had been since he took you out on a proper date. all he had wanted was a nice night out with you. 
“it’s a date,” he had promised you. 
then yukhei had held your face in his large hands, squishing your cheeks while placing a kiss on your forehead and lips to shush your protests of rest and much needed sleep for him. 
and now the guilt fills his heart and is written on his very tired face that you see so clearly once he is directly in front of you.
“everything just ran late today. the photoshoot this morning and the interview and i’ve been trying to go over the schedule and they’ve been switching up the choreography and adding to it and i wanted to get it right and-”
on your toes you go to tenderly connect his lips to yours, stopping his rambling and his running mind all the while feeling the pulls on your heartstrings. his messy hair, the dark circles underneath his eyes and the light sheen covering his face, neck and arms with the edge of the collar of his shirt wet, so exhausted he looks. 
too many times he overworks himself. 
when you release his mouth, yukhei doesn’t dare to pull far back. instead he presses his forehead to yours, disregarding the stickiness and sweatiness of it. his hands gently grip your sides, tugging on the denim jacket and pulling your body close. his familiar comforting scent of musk and spring fresh detergent is mixed with the hours he has spent dancing.   
his eyes find yours and how bad yukhei is feeling is evident in his gaze on you. “i’m sorry,” he quietly apologizes. “i really am.”
a soft hum you give him. “i know.” 
your calm and gentle voice has his head spinning because the warm smile you are giving him and the tone of your voice is not what yukhei is expecting and deserving at the moment. “you know, i didn’t even get a proper ‘hello’ from you,” you murmur sweetly.
you watch the corners of his mouth tentatively turn up as the heat rises to his face. “hi,” he whispers.
“hi,” you reply back, leaning up once more to give him another kiss in hopes to pacify the guilt he is feeling despite knowing fully well that this is eating him up right now and will for a little while. 
yukhei stretches his neck slightly forward, his mouth softly grasping on your lips for a mere moment longer until you tug away from him and take a small step back. “i have something.” then one of the paper bags you hold up in front for him and the familiar golden arches printed on the front from his favorite fast food place comes to view. that happy smile of his you love slowly comes out.
“i stood there hoping the smell would have made you look up or something but you didn’t,” you say, your voice laced with surprise. yukhei shakes his head because he really did not notice. you wave the bag as his eyes shift between yours and the food you are holding. “i hope you haven’t eaten yet because if you have, then i think i’ll be upset.” you finish your words with a playful pout that makes him chuckle lowly. 
another turn of his head he gives as he says quietly, “no, i haven’t eaten yet.” not since the lunch he had in the car ride from the station to practice. 
yukhei watches as your face lights up with his response. the food he is about to take and hold for you, but you turn, taking a step forward and glancing from the floor to the couch in the nook of the room before your footsteps move towards the latter. you settle the food on the little white table by the wall before giving it a push until it’s somewhat centered to the seats. you sit on the soft leather, curling a leg underneath you while placing your bag on the empty space beside you. 
but in place yukhei still is as he stares after you, his eyes fill with wonder because he doesn’t know how to describe you right now.
you look up, finding him standing motionless and watching you. 
“baby, come eat. the food is getting all cold.” 
yukhei clears his throat before nodding. he walks over to grab his flannel laying on the large speakers and reaches into the pocket for his phone. across the bright screen he notices the time and the six messages and three missed calls from you and ten and immediately wonders if it’s because of you. 
shitty doesn’t cover how yukhei currently feels.
yukhei takes a seat next to you, lightly tossing the shirt to land next to your bag. he slips his phone into his pocket and makes a mental note to call ten later. he moves forward, wanting to help you take out the food you bought, but the gentle squeeze you give to his knee and your quiet words telling him not to worry motions him back. so yukhei sits against the seat a little more. his body relaxes and sinks into the couch while his hand rests on your lower back and feels the soft material of your denim jacket.
you pass him his favorite chicken sandwich and some napkins that he takes with whispered words of appreciation. “start eating,” you say, turning back to the task of removing all that you had bought. 
yet yukhei waits, in spite of the hunger starting to call him and looks on as you pull out the fries, salads and chicken nuggets along with the soft drinks and two more sandwiches. 
“are you feeding an army?” he questions in amusement at the amount of food spread in front of his eyes. 
you chuckle though, “no, just you and me, babe. we can save whatever we don’t finish, but i figured you would be hungry.” two bottles of cold water you pull out for him to see. “and thirsty. i just wanted to make sure i had enough for us.”
and it takes a minute for yukhei to process your words. “you haven’t eaten yet?” because he thinks that in between all that time waiting for him you might have and you being here is just to make sure he is fed.
you rip the straw wrappers and slip it into the soft drinks, placing his favorite cola in front of him. “it’s not a date if only one of us eats, is it? besides, i wanted to eat with you.” and it’s the truth because with his schedules, the simplicity of having dinner with him means so much to you.
yukhei nods even though your back is to him. almost three hours long he has made you wait, he is certain you probably are starving yourself and that this doesn’t classify as a date anymore. 
you make sure he has what he needs before you pick up a sandwich for yourself and settle back to snuggle into his side, bringing your other leg onto the couch. the hand yukhei had on your back moves to pull you closer to him, erasing the remaining space with his large hand resting on your knee. 
the constant need to touch you and reassure him of your presence never changes.
you unwrap your sandwich with him following, and for a while, silence ensues as the food fills your stomachs. you don’t fail to notice how yukhei finishes his sandwich within minutes or how he eats the salad as if he hasn’t had a meal all day. when he’s dipping the fries between his fingers into the ketchup, yukhei questions you softly and curiously. “how did you get up here?” he plops them into his mouth. 
security is tight here for protection. coming up here is impossible. 
yukhei turns to looks at you. a sip of your drink you take before you give him a tiny grin. “hmm, i pulled some strings.” your teasing response has him staring at you in interest as he lets out a low chuckle. his thumb begins to gently rub the small circular motions on your skin. you lick the corner of your mouth, shifting your eyes to look down at the almost finished sandwich in your hands. 
“i waited for you to call to let me know if you were running late or we just had to postpone…” you say, your voice softening. 
because yukhei is always good with that, letting you know and making sure you were aware of anything that changes.
“i was afraid to call you just in case you were in the middle of something important and i didn’t want to disturb you. and i know sometimes things change last minute. so, i waited for a little bit and you still hadn’t called so i texted you. and when you didn’t respond to them after a while, i called you. i guess you were busy or your phone was silent… because you didn’t answer either.” you glance up then, to see his eyes on you. a faint shrug of your shoulders and a sad smile you offer him. “i was just worried that something happened because you always let me know.” yukhei doesn’t miss the faint crack in your voice. 
you place a hand over his and clasp the top of it. “so I ended up calling ten just to make sure everything was okay. he said you had stayed behind.” yukhei nods along, eyes going down to the food and feeling the guilt picking at him. 
when your gaze rises to find that he’s not looking at you, you tip your head towards his, giving him a nudge to do so. and once yukhei does, you give him a comforting smile. “he came back here to help me talk to security and even bought me up here. i promised him fresh baked cookies and you owe him dinner now,” you finish with a gentle laugh, hoping he will know it’s okay.
but instead, an uneasy chuckle comes out of yukhei, his mind thinking about what you had been thinking during that time. “i didn’t mean to make you worry.” he flips his hand over to intertwine your fingers together. “i really am sorry,” he apologizes once more, his tone deep and regretful. 
you nod at his response. “what’s going on?” you inquire quietly. 
yukhei is silent for a minute, watching the round movements of his thumb before lifting his eyes to you. a weak smile momentarily forms on his face before it disappears.
“i was just having trouble focusing today. they switched up the choreography a few times. everyone was picking it up like that and i just wasn’t getting it smooth like them.” you remain hushed as he lets out a weary breath remembering all the beats and steps he missed. “i just want to make sure to get the dances right. i don’t want to let anyone down.” a shrug he gives you. “maybe just nerves or something. i don’t know,” yukhei frowns with uncertainty and shrugs again, his attention returning to pick through the fries. 
it’s quiet for a moment as you stare at him, feeling the ache in your chest at the pressure he puts on himself. even when he says with the bright beam across his face and his voice confident that he doesn’t worry what others say, times like this you know he hears it all. so much hard work and dedication he puts into every opportunity he is given to prove himself to the people watching him and to make his fans proud. 
“do you know what i think?” yukhei brings his gaze back up to meet yours. with all your heart because you know it to be the truth, you remind him with a grin full of sincerity and certainty, “i think you’ll do amazing.”
the blush on his cheeks immediately rises and the tip of his ears turn red while the corners of his lips go upwards the slightest. “that’s not fair. you always think so,” yukhei says because you always do tell him that. 
you playfully scoff. “because you do. you always do,” you emphasize each word to make your point. 
every time you watch him, he shines on stage. you put the unfinished sandwich down and wipe your hands on a napkin before turning back to him. “today was just an off day, you know. we all have them, so don’t worry. but i do think the lack of rest is also taking a toll on you too. you need sleep, baby.” he hears the concern in your voice and faintly nods in agreement. you raise your hand to stroke his cheek and like a puppy, yukhei affectionately nuzzles into the palm of it. 
“but you’ll be amazing, okay? i know you will be. and i bet by tomorrow you’ll be able to do the steps with your eyes closed,” you tell him, words soft and reassuring. 
his mouth forms a gentle smile before he leans over to pucker them against your cheek. and when yukhei pulls back, he notices the mischievous look you throw his way. 
“so… you think you can spoil me and show me your solo now?” you ask with hope and interest laced in your voice.
the first time you asked him, yukhei had shaken his head with the boyish grin on his face and had said it was top secret. so you give it another try with your question now, wishing for the response to differ. but he laughs, that infectious sound making you happy. “you will see it like everyone else!” yukhei answers as he dips another fry into the ketchup to eat. 
“you know, after i said yes when you asked me out, i expected this as an advantage,” you playfully huff, rolling your eyes. “do i at least get a hint? that’s the least you can do since i’m currently feeding you.”
yukhei purses his lips and looks to the ceiling, thinking of what he can give away before snapping his fingers. he leans over to place his mouth besides your ear, his warm breath fanning against your skin. 
“body rolls,” he murmurs lowly, his tone sultry.
almost immediately you feel the heat rising in your body and your face turning flushed at the thoughts of him doing them on stage. and yukhei shifts back in time to admire your reaction as his perfectly sculpted eyebrows wiggle up and a smirk graces his face. you lightly swat his chest as he tries to covers his mouth to lower the sound of his loud laughter. “that’s all you get! you have to be surprised!” he says between his giggles through his hand. 
the glare you shoot his direction has you earning another kiss on your cheek. 
“tease,” you tell him before shifting to grab one of the paper bags, ready to show him the final note to dinner. but once you turn around to look at him, you find his hopeful eyes are fixed on you.
“you’ll be there, right?” yukhei prompts, his tone the opposite of how he sounded seconds ago.
you are as much as you can. and even when you can’t, he always comes back to tell you about it and it feels like you had been. you hold out your pinky that has him hooking onto it within seconds. 
“definitely. lightstick and all,” you promise with a beam.
yukhei nods, letting out a breath caught in his throat and smiles widely, satisfied with your response. he gestures to the paper bag still in your grasp. “what is that? do you have more food?” he drops the fries in his hand and takes a drink of his cola.
and you chuckle almost sheepishly, tugging out a small insulated bag and pulling out the cup of ice cream made just for two. “surprise!”
yukhei laughs wondering if this is for him or you because of your love for anything sweet. he takes the cold dessert from your hand and eyes the fruits and the drizzling of condense milk over the strawberry ice cream that is his favorite. 
he feels the tug on his heart.
to the smallest details you pay attention to make yukhei thinks right now you just might be perfect. 
“it shouldn’t be too melted,” you insist, hoping the insulated bag actually works. you take out the two spoons and hand him one.
yukhei takes off the clear plastic lid, the scent of sugar and fruits rise through the air. just the tiniest bit soft the ice cream is as he digs his spoon in to get a little bit of everything. but instead of taking that first bite, yukhei holds out the scoop for you to eat. you grin before opening your mouth for it. the satisfied sound you release when the cold and sweetness hit your tongue has him amused and thinking of all the other times he has heard it. 
and once the ice cream is more than half gone and yukhei doesn’t think he can eat anymore, you take it from his hands with glee. he giggles at your insatiable sweet tooth before he rinses his mouth with the water you bought. he stretches his arms up and drapes it behind you, providing you the nook and extra space to curl into him. 
“i always wonder how it’s really like to be in these rooms. you spend so much time here and i see your lives that it actually feels… weird being in here,” you remark, observing the room.
his life in the practice room yukhei describes to you and you see through a phone screen every once in a while. the hours and sweat put into here you see on him when it’s late and he comes through the door with exhaustion painted on his face and when he’s under the brilliant lights on stage giving everything into a performance. 
your comment has him smiling. “it’s nothing much here,” he tells you because really, it’s not much. 
but still, between his words, you know he’s proud. 
yukhei motions to the floor. “that’s the floor you found me on when you walked in.” he points to the music system next. “that’s where we blast the music that you can hear five doors down.” he moves his finger to the water dispenser in the corner. “that’s the same dispenser we poured the coke in and had cola water for about a week.” he laughs at the memory as you murmur your disbelief before his hand waves to the mirrored walls. “and we have those so we can see how handsome and sexy we are when we are doing our body rolls,” yukhei finishes confidently with a beam. 
his descriptions have you giggling as you angle your head up. yukhei glances down to see the sparkle in your gaze and the faint and flirtatious smile. “i think i like the mirrored walls the best,” you whisper sweetly even if your thoughts about it are not. 
it takes yukhei a few seconds to register what you are saying before he raises an eyebrow. “look who’s being a tease now,” he retorts with his voice deep.
whatever concentration he has to muster up tomorrow to get all the dance steps correct yukhei thinks will be nonexistent now because his mind will be filled with you against those mirrored walls. and right now, how tired he is and how he wants you is a terrible combination. 
still yukhei lowers his head, hoping to erase the space between your mouths even if it is just for a kiss. quickly though you move away and stand up, leaving him in surprise and his lips in the air while you are in fit of light giggles. the wink you throw his way has him clutching his heart and feigning in pain. you turn away from him with a chuckle to walk over to the windows to peak pass the drawn shades, admiring the city night and lights from this high up.  
yukhei sits on the couch though, content to watch you begin to walk around the room and explore while taking the occasional spoonful of the sweet treat still in your hands. even if there is really not much in here, he still loves letting you see his life and sharing all he can with you despite how this night isn’t supposed to go like this. and once you stop at the other side of the room, taking interest in the piano you have seen them play with in their video lives, for the first time of the night yukhei notices it. 
that navy mini dress dotted with the pale pink petals you are wearing, that flows pass your hips to stop mid-thigh and shows off enough legs that makes him chew on the inside of his cheeks, is that one you had worn from your very first date together. 
like the back of his hand yukhei remembers that night. 
he can still recall how nervous he had been because all he wanted was for the night to go well. he can still hear his voice when he had blurted out how pretty you looked when he finally approached you in front of the restaurant. he can still smell the delicate bouquet of mismatched floras because he hadn’t remembered to ask what your favorite was. he can still feel your lips lightly against his warm cheek when you had thanked him to hide your shy face from his eyes. he can still picture every smile and that glimmer in your eyes when you laughed at his stories. and he can still replay it like a scene from a drama when he had finally reached for your hand and how they just seemed to fit together.
so enamored yukhei had been with you that night. 
and even now, he still is.
the way excitement drips in your voice when you talk about something you absolutely love. the way your cheeks heat quickly when he stares at you a minute too long or gives you a compliment because embarrass you still get. the way you always let him know what he does to you feels good so he can do it again. the way you trust him every time he takes your hand and you hold onto him tightly never wanting to let go. 
and as his eyes go from you to the leftover food in front of him, yukhei thinks of how in times like this when annoyed he expects you to be because he forgot. but you surprise him with dinner and still wait to eat with him. 
or how tired you should be because he doesn’t see you as often as you both would like. instead when you do finally see one another, you hug him too tightly and whisper that distance makes the heart fonder and reunions even better. 
yukhei doesn’t know if the universe can ever really understand what he feels for you. 
your fingers lightly press down on the black and white keys, the sound of the piano echoes in the room. you twist around then, in hopes of asking him to join you at the other side for a fun impromptu concert or dance. but what you get is yukhei staring at you. and unlike how he was when you first walked in, happy he looks.
“i am in love with you,” yukhei declares, a soft beam illuminating his face. 
he truly is. 
like the sounds from the piano, the words yukhei says echo in the room and in your heart. 
your face heats up and you bite the corner of your mouth while the butterflies form in your stomach. for a minute you stare at him, wondering if he knows how his words will always affect you. 
you move away from the piano to cross the floor back to him. his smile never disappears but only seems to widen as you get nearer. when you are a few steps away, yukhei holds out a hand for you take. the ice cream you place beside the remaining dinner on the table. your eyes never falter from his as you place your hand in his and he tugs you forward to straddle his lap. 
yukhei brings your enclosed hands to his mouth to press a kiss to your knuckles once and then again. your free hand lifts to affectionately cup his cheek while his goes to the hem of your dress, feeling the material between his fingers before they find their place on your thigh. your position makes him tilt his head a bit up, the lights making the glimmer in his wide eyes so clear. a quiet hum you give him as his hand moves to gently knead your flesh. 
“do you know that?” his question comes out softly in an almost sing song way that makes you unable to fight the breathless laugh coming out. that smile on his face stretches into something almost lovestruck and yukhei feels his cheekbones hurting a little as he repeats again, “i’m in love with you.” 
and yukhei says it as if you don’t know it already. 
but you do.
every time he looks at you with the stars in his eyes. every time he hugs you close and takes a deep breath. and every time he whispers those three words into your ears, you know it and feel it. 
“you’re so cheesy…” your voice trails off while you caress his warm and soft skin.   
you want to tell him more. you want him to know how he has filled your world with so many new experiences and so much wonderments. you want to tell him how in love you are with him too. 
but you don’t know if your voice can uphold to all that though because the way yukhei is looking at you has the warmth blooming in your chest and the sight of him becoming the tiniest bit hazy.
so the only thing you can think to do is bend forward slowly until you catch his mouth in yours. and unlike the enticing kisses when you are tempting him or the tender kisses when he’s about to fall asleep, this one is passionate in hopes that all that you want to say he can feel.
your hand reach for his jawline to tip his head to the position of your desire. his tongue gently swipes across your lips before sliding in. your mouth feels silky and with the added hint of strawberries from the ice cream, yukhei thinks you taste better than the actual dessert of the night.
he lets go of your hand to find its place at the back of your neck and glides his long fingers up to tangle in your hair, cradling your head. the blissful sigh you let out sounds like music to his ears. his touch on your thigh leaves to place at the curve of your waist. his soft grip makes you arch your back while you cup his face with your hand. the notes of citrus from your perfume and the scent vanilla from your body wash surrounding yukhei has him feeling dizzy in the best possible way. 
in between the slick sounds of your wet mouths together, you hear the inhale he takes before he intensifies the kiss a little more. the warmth in your chest spreads to your entire body and the jacket and dress feels too hot to wear. 
you give him a parting suck to his lips before you finally let go. you feel lightheaded as air fights to fill your lungs once more. yet you find yukhei staring intently at you with half lidded eyes and his puffy lips turning into a lazy smile. drunk from your kiss he looks while your face is flushed, the fluttering in your stomach seemingly wanting to stay.
yukhei remains unmoving, his breaths gradually evening out while he mesmerizes your own pair of swollen lips forming the sweet smile. he loves everything he sees in front of him right now. your hands shift for the pads of your thumbs to wipe the mess of your saliva around his mouth. yukhei doesn’t bother wiping his off you though. nor does he try to be subtle as his stare moves from your eyes to your mouth because still so kissable they are him.
“i like kissing you,” yukhei states softly with a pleased grin. 
you feel the heat on your cheeks intensify at his smooth words. and despite how you have wiped the messiness of the kiss off his skin, you shift to give him one more to satiate him. yukhei meets you in the middle to close the gap. 
it’s a gentle brush that moves in slow motion and makes your heartbeat thump a beat quicker in anticipation until he finally closes his plump lips around yours. 
yukhei will kiss you forever if he can. 
a tender nip to your lower lip yukhei leaves before his mouth slowly trails off, grazing your skin until he is able to bury his face into the crook of your neck. he encircles you with his strong arms and inhales deeply.
you let out a laugh that warms his soul, twisting and tugging your squished and trapped arms out from between your bodies. your arms loop around him despite how his hair and eyelashes tickle you and the closeness of your bodies make you still feel too warm. your hand reaches for the nape of his neck to gently scrape your short nails on his skin. closer he hugs your body to press into your touch, clinging onto you like a koala to a tree. 
the irony of this sight if someone is to see this now. how yukhei is inches taller and physically stronger than you in every sense. how he always insists on protecting you and making sure you are okay. but in this moment, all you want to do is to protect him and make sure he is okay.
you wish you can stop time for a little while just to stay like this with him. your head turns the slightest until you are able to place a kiss to his temple.
“i love you,” you whisper softly against his skin. 
and you tell him as if he has forgotten. 
but he hasn’t. 
his embrace around you tightens, your words making him feel like he’s the luckiest in the world. your touch begins to gently run up and down the expanse of his back, soothing the tired muscles. the quiet breaths he hears from you are calming his thoughts and lulling him.
yukhei wonders if any words can ever be enough for you because sometimes, he thinks there might not be. no words he thinks might ever be able to fully encompass what he feels for you, how he feels for you. 
his lips pucker against your neck. 
“i love you more,” he murmurs, his voice warm and deep. 
until he can find those words, yukhei will tell you that. 
a faint smile ghosting on his face you feel even if you are unable to see it. the small space you close between your heads when you rest yours against his. yukhei cannot help but let his eyes flutter shut. the touch you have on him feels too soothing and so good after everything today. he wishes he can teleport and be in a bed now. he wishes  the world will stop turning so he can rest with you.
“if you keep doing that, i might fall asleep right here,” yukhei mumbles into the peacefulness of the room. 
so sleepy he sounds and you think you would let him be if he does fall asleep right now. instead a soft hum you give him as your movements gradually slows down but never stops.
“what time is your schedule tomorrow?” you gently ask him.
silent yukhei remains for a minute until he lets out a breath.
“i have a fitting in the morning,” he mutters but you hear him clearly. he pauses then, trying to remember the schedule that had been presented to him hours ago. “and afterwards there’s another interview and a recording and then practice.” until late he wants to add but doesn’t.
another kiss yukhei bestows upon your skin before he slowly lifts his head. his arms around you loosens but he never lets them drop as he leans back the slightest into the couch. you hold his face in your hand as the other you place on his chest, fingering the worn material of his shirt. his stare he keeps steady to yours when his head turns to press a kiss into the palm of your hand.
“when promotions are over and after the tour, i’ll make it up-” for a second time of the night you silence yukhei with your lips to his. soft and sweet just like him the kiss is.
you don’t want him feeling the guilt over this anymore. even if this is not the night originally planned, you are happy just like this with burgers and strawberry ice cream because you are with him. 
when you pull back with a final peck to his mouth, you give yukhei a soft beam that has his heart wanting to burst. he will make it up to you even when you tell him he doesn’t have to. his nose he affectionately brushes against yours.
“it’s late. are you ready to go?” because much needed rest he needs for tomorrow. you angle your head, tenderly smoothing his hair. “i’ll drive you back to the dorm,” you whisper.
yukhei offers you a short nod. “i’ll leave a little early and get back to the dorm before we’re supposed to leave for the fitting.” his hand covers yours on his chest, fingers closing around it. “i just want to go home tonight.” 
and it takes you a second until you understand what he truly means, feeling your heart melting.
the dorms yukhei stays when he is doing promotions and the schedule is too hectic and too long that sometimes he forgets what day it is.
but with you in the tiny apartment with the shared bedroom, with his green toothbrush besides your pink one in the bathroom and the strip of photobooth pictures of funny faces and kisses is taped on the refrigerator door is where yukhei considers his home. the extra thirty minutes of sleep he will lose from the traveling. but the thought of holding you for a little longer, of hearing your breaths beside him calming him to sleep and waking up next to you and giving you a parting kiss before he heads to work makes it worth it. 
“i like the sound of that,” you murmur almost shyly, face warming once more. 
yukhei sees the sparkle in your eyes you can’t hide.
your lips connect to his for a short kiss before you carefully unfold your legs, feeling your muscles stretch for the first time in a while. yukhei keeps a hand on your waist when your feet touch the floor. you turn, your hand you offer to him to hold as you giggle and give him a little pull up and off the couch. 
yukhei stretches, his long arms extending as high as they can go towards the ceiling. you turn towards the table, the leftover dinner you sort through to make the small pile to bring back home and eventually eat. yukhei throws on his flannel and pushes back his hair. he makes sure the couch is free of crumbs before helping you clean up.
once the mess is cleared and the take home food is placed into the bags, you quickly scan around to make sure nothing is left behind. yukhei gently hangs your bag over your shoulder and feels for his phone in his pocket. he takes the food from you to take your hand, fingers linking tightly together. he shuts off the light and closes the door behind him. the short walk to the elevator at the end of the hall is silent, but he doesn’t mind. 
as you wait and watch the numbers change to your floor, yukhei glances down when you cover up your unexpected yawn. he bends to press a kiss to your forehead, his lips staying pressed to your skin seconds longer than usual. you fix your eyes up at him when he pulls back, your face warming at his gesture. on his face is a smile that is wide and adoring while his large eyes shine under the bright hallway lights. 
“thank you,” he says because all the words spoken tonight, yukhei believes he has not said that to you yet. 
forever grateful he is for you.
the elevator dings and the doors open. yukhei moves first with your steps following him into the metal box. the ground floor he presses once the doors close, the descend beginning your journey home together. you give a gentle tug to his hand, making yukhei look at you. 
you tiptoe and return a kiss to his cheek with your lips staying in place for seconds longer too before you step back to find his gaze. 
“anytime,” you whisper with a smile.
because for him, you will over and over again.
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scarletosprey · 4 years
Harry finally becomes a true Weasley after marrying the love of his life-Ginny, well she is the only person who is suitable for him....or is she?
Who does he likes the most?
Ron stumbled into Burrow’s kitchen scowling. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. Bill was sitting beside Charlie. Mr Weasley had left early for ministry. Percy was also there who has returned after the public announcement of the resurrection of Voldemort. He had begged for forgiveness to his family. His parents had readily forgiven him, but the siblings were still sore to him sometimes. Mrs Weasley was busy making breakfast for everyone. Only Harry and Ginny was absent from the kitchen.
Ron groaned and flopped on a chair.
 “Oh you are up dear, What would you like for breakfast? ” Mrs Weasley asked him.
 “I don’t think I can eat anything right now.” said Ron in a disgruntled voice.
 Every single person’s head snapped at him at his statement.
 “Ron are you all right”, Hermione asked bewildered. Cause Ron can stop doing anything but eating.
 “Are you ok? You or not sick are you?” Mrs Weasley started fussing over him, checking his head for temperature.
 “Did you heard what I heard dear Georgie!” Fred exclaimed with a mock panicked look
 “Oh, surely Freddie” George replied, copying the look of his twin.
 “Dear Ronnikins denied the food…the food.” 
 “Next thing we know will be Malfoy kissing our shoes.” 
Everyone else would have laughed at twins banter if they weren’t busy deducing reason behind Ron’s denial for food.
 “Stop it you two. After seeing your best mate and sister eating each other’s face off –first thing in the morning, anyone will lose their appetite.” Ron said Scowling
 Harry and Ginny had got together after Harry arrived at Burrow two weeks ago. He had realized his feelings for her during the end of his fifth year. She helped him through his grief for the loss of Sirius. He has confessed his feelings to her before it would have been too late as she has mentioned something about Dean Thomas on a return train ride. Ginny waved his concern. She told him that she had said that to piss-off Ron because he was acting like a overprotective git. They were together since then. Everyone was happy for the couple. Except for Ron, as he was having difficulty accepting the fact that his best friend likes his younger sister in that way. He always made the gagging sound even if they just held hands. Ginny was getting irritated by his behaviour. And now he has seen his baby sister and best mate snogging first thing in the morning.
 Mrs Weasley heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that nothing was wrong with his health.
 Hermione rolled her eyes. She had had this conversation with Ron many times. Many times she had to distract Ron when an argument seemed rising between him and Ginny.
 “Honesty Ron you’re just overreacting.” She said throwing him an irritated look.
 But Weasley brother’s faces were contorted.
 “Well we’ll just have to accept this fact.” Bill said acting as mature big brother all though he didn’t like the mental image of his sister snogging Harry.
 “I knew she had a crush on him but never thought Ginny could date him. It was just silly fangirl crush actually.” Charlie said thoughtfully
 “True, but she matured.” Hermione said catching everyone’s attention
She continued, “Ginny initially had that fangirl crush but she grew out of that. she even dated one other guy, that’s when she started seeing the real harry. Harry needs someone who can see him as harry as a real person and not as some hero.
 Everyone just stared at her.
 Fred and George had to my comment after such thought-full explanation-so they did,
 “Besides he just loves Weasleys” said Fred.
 “Just can’t resist the Weasley charm.” George said, merrily tucking into his breakfast.
 Hermione rolled her eyes smiling fondly
 “And that’s why he doesn’t have any other options. There aren’t many Weasley girls. Ginny is the only girl born in seven generations in Weasley family.” Bill mused out loud.
 “He doesn’t have many options cause he is walking straight.” Fred huffed.
 “If only he swung another way he would have had six options to choose from.” said George.
 “And he would have chosen me seeing that I am his favourite.” Fred said and continued eating.
 “Excuse me we both are his favourite, so why would he choose only you?” George asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.
 “Because I am a most handsome twin, everyone knows that.” Fred said that as if stating obvious.
 George was about to restore but Bill cut in.
  Bill brushed his ponytail before looking up at them and saying, “If we are going on looks then sorry brothers I think I am most handsome Weasley. So he would have chosen me.” 
  “You see we are talking about a boy here and seeing that I am one who is into a boy, his natural choice should be me.” Charlie stated matter-of-factly.
 “But we are speaking hypothetically. It is not important whether you are gay or not.” Percy waved away Charlie’s argument.
 “Percy shut up if you don’t have any valid argument. And he would never choose you so shut up.” Charlie glaring at Percy.
 “Of course it is a valid argument and how would you know that he wouldn’t choose me,” Percy asked him.
 “Why dear brother”-Fred
 “Want to choose one all for yourself.”-George said smirking at Percy, causing him to sputter incoherently.
 “As if he has any chance.” It came from Ron, who was silent during the argument.
 Percy raised his eyebrow and said “why not? Then tell Ron who has a chance with Harry.”
 “Yes you are his best friend you will be able to judge precisely.”- Bill
 Ron stared at his brothers as if they are small children and he is teaching them two plus two is four and said “Of course it would be me. I am his best friend after all. I know him better than any of you. And if you had forgotten I am the one whom he had rescued from the black lake during the second task in Triwizard tournament which means I am the person whom he will miss the most.”
 Everyone was quiet for a minute. Then Charlie exclaimed suddenly “We need a fair judge.”  
 Everyone nodded in agreement.
Fred scanned the table. His eyes stopped on bushy-haired girl and his lips turned into an evil smile.
 “Dear Hermione you are looking magnificent today.” said Fred.
 “Yes absolutely gorgeous.” George continued knowing what Fred was trying to do.
  “Ok ok shut up, I am not judging which Weasley boy has a chance with Harry Game.” Hermione said frowning at them.
 “Come on Hermione, you would be the perfect judge. You are his best friend and you are not competing either.” said Ron in an attempt to convince her, hoping that she would be partial to him..
 “Competing, honestly Ronald.” Hermione said exasperated.
  Harry and Ginny entered the kitchen. No one noticed them except Hermione as they had resumed their previous argument.
 “What’s going on?” Ginny asked piling food on her plate.
 “Ah! Just the man we wanted to see.” said Charlie looking happily at Harry.
 “Go on, tell them, Harry, you would choose me upon them any day,” Ron told Harry passing him the butter.
 Harry was confused as to what was going on and seeing at Ginny she was in the same state as him.
 “Ron don’t pressure him, let him decide for himself,” Bill told Ron glaring at him.
 “Harrykins just tell them I am most handsome and close the topic.”-Fred
 “First of all we look alike and why you when we have already decided that we both are his favourite.” George turned to Fred frowning.
  Charlie growled at them. “Will you just stop praising yourselves.” 
 “Everyone be silent. Let us ask Harry what he thinks.”-Percy said solemnly.
 Harry was now extremely confused. Were they fighting over him? No, they won’t do that, would they? Well, they were Weasleys and they can do absolutely anything. He had had the first-hand experience at that. He shot an enquiring look at Hermione. She was trying hard not to laugh at them ….or him.
 “Alright shut up and speak one by one.” Ginny said over the raised voices.
 “Ginny we were just wondering that who would Harry chose among us if he swung the other way,” Bill stated calmly
 Harry and Ginny kept staring at them until Ginny burst out laughing. That set Hermione on laughter fit. Harry can’t understand what they were finding amusing in this situation where he felt more and more uncomfortable by passing minute.
  “This is serious Ginny,” Ron said sending her irritated look.
 Still chuckling Ginny said, “Of course it is Ron.” Then she turned to Harry and asked him managing a straight look “What do you think Harry? Who would you dump me for?”
 Harry let his head fall on the table with a groan. Still, he could hear the boys arguing and girls laughing their heads off.
 Mrs Weasley entered the kitchen listening to the bickering of her children and honorary children.
 “What’s the racket?”
 “Mum…Your sons are trying to steal my boyfriend.” Ginny managed to tell between her laughs.
 “Boys leave the poor boy alone. I have told you not to threaten him.” Mrs Weasley scolded her son. 
 “We are doing nothing like that.”-Bill
 “Then what are you on about.” Mrs. Weasley asked narrowing her eyes suspiciously.
 All boys looked at each other, trying to come with reasons to tell their mother.
 “Mrs Weasley they were doing quite the opposite. They were fighting for…err…what can we say…Harry’s affection.” Hermione told her looking in amusement.
 In the meanwhile, Harry had gulped down his breakfast. He stood up thanked Molly and slowly walked towards the kitchen door.
  Ron saw him and said loudly ”Harry at least answer us.”
 But had leapt in the run towards backyard already.
 “I think he doesn’t want to disappoint anyone by choosing me.” Fred stated and started the argument once again.
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rosegiggles · 4 years
Wake up call (Tony x daughter!reader)
Request from @notmeblahh: #2, 16 & 42 with Tony x reader (These prmopts are from her list that I reblogged a while ago, if anyone is wondering)
I am so incredibly sorry that this has taken months to write, but I hope you like it!
*my prompts are currently closed so I can catch up on what is in my inbox*
also I’m posting this before my anxiety tells me it’s so awful it shouldn’t ever see the light of day lol
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It was a busy weekend. You’d been training all morning, and even though Tony wouldn’t let you on any big missions just yet, you trained every day because it made you feel strong. Today was no different, and your dad commended you on your hard work. “Well done, Y/N, you’re improving so much! Now, I’m gonna go take a nap, because I’ve earned it. Don’t wake me up, or you’ll have to deal with the consequences,” Tony pointed his finger at you and glared playfully as he left the room.
“You must be getting old, you’re taking naps all the time now,” you jokingly muttered under your breath as your dad left the room. “What was that?” he asked, turning around. “Oh, nothing, I was just saying I’ve got some work to do then I might relax as well,” you quickly replied, hoping he hadn’t heard you. He left it at that, and went up to his room to rest.
You spent the next few hours completing all your homework and assignment tasks, and finally, you finished, and headed down to the living room to watch your favourite show on Netflix. After a few episodes, you wanted something else to do, and someone to keep you company, but the compound was like a ghost town. No one was around, except your father, but he was upstairs asleep…unless…
“Surely he wouldn’t mind if I woke him up now,” you thought to yourself. “He’s been sleeping for hours, and it’s almost dinner, and I am hungry.”
Just like you, your dad enjoyed his sleep, but didn’t really appreciate being woken from his peaceful slumber. He was sleeping heavily, and it seemed like no matter what you tried, nothing was going to wake him up. Eventually, the only option was to jump on top of him until he reacted. It wasn’t usually this difficult to wake him up, but maybe he just needed to catch up on sleep…
You’d been so focused on waking him up, but because he hadn’t moved since you entered his room, you failed to notice the smirk on his face that he’d been hiding long before you began jumping on the bed. He used this to his advantage, and when you least expected it, he threw his blankets off, and pulled you to his chest, pinning you in a bear hug. You began to giggle nervously, knowing what was coming.
“So, first you call me old, then you wake me up after I specifically asked you not to. What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?”
“Waitwaitwait you heard me call you old?! I thought you missed it.” You knew you were in for it now…he wasn’t supposed to hear that.
“Thanks for admitting that you called me old,” you dad replied, releasing your wrists from his grip, scribbling into your sides, leaving you free to squirm around in his grasp. “I thought…” he began, poking your stomach with every word he said for dramatic effect, “I thought I told you not to wake me up, so, why are you in here doing exactly what I asked you not to?” he asked teasingly. You could tell he wasn’t angry with you, but between the tone of his voice and the look on his face, you knew you were screwed.
You couldn’t stop the blush reaching your cheeks as you tried to formulate an answer, but what came out of your mouth was just incoherent gibberish. “I, uhuhuh… I wahahahahas… I dohohohohon’t knohohohohow juhuhust leahahve me alohohohne.” Tony flipped over so he was now straddling your waist, and he caught your flailing arms and pinned them above your head with one hand, while the other fluttered on either side of your neck, bringing out high-pitched, squeaky giggles that your father loved.
“Looks like I have a job to do, since you can’t seem to tell me why you disobeyed me. Lucky I have all the time in the world to tickle it out of you,” he grinned evilly, knowing what his teasing does to you. “Plehehease don’t,” you begged through your giggles, squirming like crazy trying to get out of your father’s iron grip. He had never been one for granting you mercy as a young child, and you didn't feel like that would've changed as you grew up.
“Please don’t what?” Tony asked with a knowing smirk as he moved his hands under your arms, scratching at the overly sensitive skin. You screamed from the sudden attack at your underarms, slamming your arms down to your sides, and trapping his hands. “YOHOHOHOU KNOHOHOW WHAHAHT DAHAHAHD.” “No honey, I’m not sure I know. It can’t be the tickling, I know you love this, and you haven’t apologised for waking me up yet, so I guess I’ll just have to try another spot, because this one clearly isn’t working well enough,” your father responded with a knowing smirk.
“How about I make sure you have all your ribs, since it’s been a while since I checked.” “NOHOHO DAHAHAD I HAVE ALL 24 OF MY RIBS YOU DON’T NEED TO COUNT THEM.” Despite your pleas, he began counting them anyway, “losing count” several times and teasing you endlessly before you interrupted him. “Stop! You know I don’t like being teased!” The blush on your face was now a deep red and your stomach ached from laughter, but you had a feeling your dad wasn’t quite done. 
“I told you not to wake me up! Now you gotta pay!” he exclaimed, squeezing your hips, one of your death spots. “OHKAHAHAY I’M SOHOHOHORY PLEHEHEHASE STAHAHAP.” “Apology accepted, but I gotta do one more thing,” he said as he began lifting your shirt to expose your belly. You frantically tried to push it back down, giggling nervously, but it was no use as he grabbed your wrists, pinning them to your sides as he rubbed his beard into your sensitive stomach before blowing the most ticklish raspberry you’d ever felt. Your laughter went silent, and that was your dad’s cue to let you go.
You definitely should’ve listened when he said not to wake him up. He almost killed you!
“Sorry, beautiful. I hope I didn’t it too far, but you needed it anyway. You’ve been so mopey and down in the dumps lately, and this has definitely put a smile on both our faces,” he said lovingly as he hugged you into his chest. “I guess I was feeling kinda lonely. No one’s been around for ages except for us and I’m so used to everyone being around, so I guess I just wanted some company,” you smiled softly, appreciating the warmth of your father’s hug.
“Well, I’m awake now, so we may as well do something. What do you say, should we make some pizza for when everyone gets back? I’m hungry!” Tony asked, and you happily complied. Before you knew it, the pizzas were fresh out of the oven, and you were talking with the rest of the team about everyone’s busy day. 
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