#[ katherine pierce / malkalisitsa. ]
wastheheart · 5 months
Continued from here || @malka-lisitsa
To be honest, Esme would normally let these things slide, but exhaustion was cruel. She remembers what it feels like to run on nothing, but keep pushing regardless. In a way, this life is cruel; no matter how tired she is, she can't rest. The closest she'll ever get is feeding, but even then, the respite is brief.
A smile curls the corners of Esme's lips upwards in response to Katherine's less than kind words, Esme's shoulders offering a shrug shortly after.
"That's true," she agrees, smoothing creases from her skirt which is resting across her legs, one crossed over the other. "But I can still make sure you're alright. Consider it, well... consider it a question in good faith and nothing more."
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founderscouncil · 10 months
♛ — KATHERINE PIERCE (@malka-lisitsa) brings a bottle of bourbon, a tin of cookies and a really warm scarf to MATT DONOVAN. She stole them all but he doesn't need to know that.
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It gets cold in Virginia, with the occasional snowfall, though it's always a tossup whether that snow arrives in time for a white Christmas or not. Still, it's enough to make the windshield of his truck ice over and he spends a good amount of time each morning scraping it off.
This morning is no different, and he can see his breath as he tries to work quickly. He's just thinking to himself that he probably should get himself a new hat and maybe some boots when there's a prickle at the back of his neck, his sixth sense when it comes to supernatural creatures. Still, it doesn't keep him from jumping when he turns and sees Katherine suddenly by his side.
"Jesus, Katherine," he breathed out, trying to bring his heartrate back down. He doesn't know what it means, the fact that he's fairly easily able to distinguish between her and Elena at this point. "What are those?" he asks, cautious when he spots the items in her hands. "Did I miss the Secret Santa drawing?"
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snnydcysarch · 9 months
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@malka-lisitsa wanted things with sonny
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she's  not  saying  anything,  but  she's  silently  judging.  "matt  donavan  isn't  that  cute..."  okay,  now  she  has  spoken.
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antiqsvchoticarchive · 8 months
@malka-lisitsa liked for a starter
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minah  was  seated  on  the  table  top.  legs  dangling  with  a  little  swing  as  she  watched  katherine  go  to  work.  nibbling  on  her  poptart  while  looking  around  then  her  gaze  falling  back  onto  the  vampire,  "whatcha  doin?"
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insidi0summoved · 9 months
katherine pierce « @malka-lisitsa » cast a spell : 🌿🍒 〃 ⛧
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The smirk directed at her was nothing short from wolfish, despite the way the gleam behind white and pale gray hues was filled with amusement, a hint of mirth even.  " Was that your idea ? "  Playful words as cold fingers reached for her jaw, tracing along it before they slipped to the back of her neck, closing around it in a firm grip.  He was playing with fire.  He leaned in, close enough to feel her breath against his lips, but not enough to touch.  " Trying to get taste to see if getting involved with a monster is worth it ? "
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snnydcysarchivee · 1 year
@malka-lisitsa liked for a starter
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the witch was practicing her craft silently. it was another quiet day where she just wanted to work on something. normally she didn't mind the silence, but having silence everyday can do something to a person. so working on a spell that could benefit her and katherine should keep her busy, right? though she nearly jumped when the vampire was now in front of her, "oh, katherine! i had no idea you were coming."
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cursedbcrn · 2 years
Several weeks had passed since her humanity switch had flipped and honestly, not all that much was different. There had been more than a few attempts at people trying to get her to flip it back, pitiful and trying to invoke those stupid little emotions that caused this mess in the first place. It was like a train of familiar faces, from her Auntie Bex to the kids at the school and they barely made a dent. When she sees the face of her newest challenger, Hope has to laugh. The sound is ugly, derisive, and not at all like her usual smile. "You've got to be joking. Didn't my dad try to kill you and everyone you love like four times? What are you doing here, Elena?" / @malka-lisitsa + semi-plotted starter
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starter for @malka-lisitsa​​
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how did this even happen? she had no idea. one moment she was hunting katherine, then the next they have been working together. purely out of survival. however, things started to change when minah started to realize that there was SOMETHING about katherine that had the hunter wrapped around her finger. she was practically SMITTEN over the vampire. but she had to try and keep it together. otherwise, it could just ruin EVERYTHING. cleaning her gun, she glanced over at katherine and the words suddenly slipped, “you look pretty today.” minah quickly looked down as to play it off as casual and not something she just BLURTED out of adoration.
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snnynaturalarchive · 11 months
Shed probably call her song bird.
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she says it's cute and she likes it but what's the catch
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wastheheart · 4 months
"Yes, your kitchen is on fire, but did you ask yourself why...."
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"Or actually don't." Because she doesn't want Esme to know she was actually attempting to make her food to be nice.
Esme isn't exactly the next Miss Marple, she can put two and two together. Still, Esme takes Katherine's advice and doesn't ask.
Instead she finds the baking soda, dumping it over flames before placing the lid over them.
"They were ugly pans... had them since the '70s. In hindsight, I can see the mistake."
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wastheheart · 4 months
"Hey, its um. It's only a dream ok? Chill."
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That's Katherine trying to be reassuring.
My Muse Has a Nightmare || @malka-lisitsa (thank you!)
Esme flickers on the bedside lamp, Katherine's figure causing her to startle slightly despite having heard her voice through the haze. Carlisle's working the night shift and Esme prefers to get an early night when he's not home.
A hand comes to rake through brunette curls, a laugh decorating Esme's words as she tries to play it off. "Yeah, yeah... You're right," she replies, knees drawing up to her chest before both hands come to wipe across her face.
She pinches the bridge of her nose briefly, eyes pressing closed momentarily.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Embarrassment spur those words more than anything else; she's only ever okay with Carlisle seeing her like this. "But thanks... for pulling me out of it."
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snnydcysarch · 7 months
"I just found out you're not actually supposed to pronounce the L in Falcon..."
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"fal..  falcon..  facon-  fal..  fa-  stop  hurting  my  brain!"
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wastheheart · 5 months
Send “I’ve got you” to help my muse wash blood off their body.
@malka-lisitsa asked: "i've got you." (thank you!)
As much as Esme is an apex predator, she often forgets it when met with groups of men— especially at night.
She doesn't need to work, let alone stay at the office as late as she does some nights, but Esme hates leaving anything unfinished, or worse, half-assed. It was easily nearing 2am when she left for home that evening. She still remembers the heels of her shoes clicking against the pavement, her work bag over one shoulder.
She saw the man as she locked the door and made for her car. Of course she had to park a good fifteen minutes away.
That's the issue with blending in. She could have done the journey in seconds, but to bring unnecessary attention to her would invite Volturi meddling and she didn't want that. So she walked her practised, human space, only picking up the pace when the man behind her did.
She didn't want to break into a run, it would make it too obvious that she knew she was onto him, but familiar flight encouraged her to pick up the pace. She turned a corner, glancing over her shoulder and believing she had lost the stranger, only to come face to face with him as he intercepted her at the end of the road.
Esme was flustered. She tried to slip by him, but he put his hand up against the building next to her, his arm barring her way. She tried to say 'excuse me' but was met with a 'can't I even get a smile?'
Esme tried to carry on again, but was met with physical contact that time, his fingers coming to curl around her upper arm. It was Charles all over again, Esme becoming smaller to avoid any more conflict. Of course this man believed himself to have the upper hand.
He took the opportunity of her freeze to push her against the wall, his face extremely close to hers as his hand traveled down her arm.
She finally retaliated as she felt his fingers attempt to undo her jeans' button. It wasn't until she was standing, staring at the body of the man at her feet that she realised what she had done.
Esme left her car, opting to run home. She hadn't even realised the blood over her until catching her reflection in the multiple glass windows of their house. The burning in her throat assured her she hadn't consumed his blood, but she was covered in it nonetheless.
Now she sits shivering in the bath tub, the water staining red. She hadn't even checked if he was alive before fleeing. How is Katherine here? Did she suggest Esme have this bath?
Esme's dark eyes try to focus on Katherine's face, but everything is blurry. Esme's body doesn't even feel like her own. "Please don't tell Carlisle."
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wastheheart · 5 months
@malka-lisitsa || continued from here.
Esme's expression changes what she's sure is close to a hundred times though Katherine's diatribe. She lets silence envelope them once Katherine finds the end and, finally assured the brunette is actually finished, offers a small, curt nod.
"Well, I'm glad you've got all your ducks in a row."
She re-opens her laptop screen, the paper she's working on needing to be sent this evening. "And well, if there's anything else you need to know then don't hesitate to ask," she adds, only affording Katherine a quick glance before adding, perhaps a little sarcastically, "although not much seems to get around you."
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wastheheart · 5 months
@malka-lisitsa || continued from here.
It takes everything in Esme not to sigh. Between Katherine and Rosalie, Esme is exhausted. As time as gone on, Rosalie has softened somewhat, but Esme had never thought she'd be dealing with the attitude of a newborn Rosalie all over again in Katherine. That was saying something in itself when Katherine was even older than both Esme and Rosalie combined.
"Look, I'm not trying to make you an adoptee," she replies, arms coming to cross over her chest as she speaks, "but I'm also not blind. As much as I would love to leave you alone and brood over whatever it is, I also have to deal with Edward doing the same thing. I'm no Jasper, but I'm sure you can agree everyone can feel the atmosphere in this house."
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founderscouncil · 10 months
"What's the difference between an apple, and an orphan?"
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"The apple get's picked."
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He groans internally, not sure whether he should be thankful it wasn't any worse, or be offended at the joke itself. "Katherine... do you know how many of my friends are orphans?" He counts himself lucky that Kelly Donovan, as much as he sometimes misses having her in his life, is away from their little town and out of the grip of supernatural creatures.
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