#[ me basing his uncle's trait off the fanon idea that ghira's trait was toebeans back when he was first revealed? bet ]
lunyrd-blog · 6 years
Sabre’s tribe is primarily comprised of apex dinosaur faunus. A large portion of them are Tyrannosaurs and Carnotaurs, but several other species make their homes there, including Deinonychus and Allosaurus faunus. Sabre’s family is almost entirely Tyrannosaur faunus, with the exception of his mother.
Brenyn Grimlock is Sabre’s father, and the leader of the apex tribe. He is a Tyrannosaurus faunus descended from a long line of powerful Tyrannosaurs, and it was expected he would marry another Tyranno faunus to continue the purity of the line. It was a point of contention in his leadership when he married Kamaria, as many thought him to be muddying the bloodline and reducing the Tyrannosaur name, but this ended long before Sabre was born. His faunus trait is ridged scales running from the tip of his nose up and over his head to the small of his back; they are grey-green in colour and rough to the touch.
Kamaria Grimlock, known prior to her marriage as Kamaria Umber, is the chieftess of the apex tribe and a Carnotaurus faunus. She does not wield any true power in the running of the tribe beyond the weight of her name and marriage; her title is more for show and ceremony than aught. During the contention, she fought back against the dissenters with word and action, slowly winning the hearts of the people. Her faunus trait is a circle of red-brown horns on the top of her head, with the largest extending from her temples.
Donnchadh Grimlock is Sabre’s older brother, and the heir apparent to the apex tribe. He is referred to by the entire family as Donn, with Donnchadh being the name those in the tribe use to convey respect to him. His faunus trait is exclusively scales, with them trailing down his neck, shoulders, and arms. They are primarily grey-green in colour, like Dann’s, with flecks of red from Kamaria in them. Donn is a no-nonsense heir, highly aware of his duty and determined to never waver from it. Sabre’s laidback attitude and proclivity for nonchalance irritates him like no other, and Donn can often be found berating Sabre for his laidback nature when Sabre returns.
Rhydderch Grimlock is Sabre’s youngest brother, only twenty years of age. Born Rhiannon, Rhydderch knew he was transgender by the age of ten. He began transitioning at 12, just before puberty, and had top surgery at 15. At 19, he underwent his phalloplasty in the form of a radial forearm free-flap phalloplasty, taking the skin entirely from his forearm. His immediate family was accepting and supportive of his transition, with Sabre citing his excitement at finally having a brother who “isn’t a massive ass”. Rhydderch’s trait is a large scaled tail, around 1.75m in length extending from the small of his back and following his mother’s colouring of red-brown scales.
Other notable members of Sabre’s family include:
- Idwal, a Triceratops faunus whose trait is a green-scaled, hard horned crest growing from the crown of his head, and serves as Dann’s right hand and advisor. He is the sole herbivorous dinosaur faunus allowed in the apex lands.
- Meurric, the eldest of his maternal uncles. He is a red-haired Carnotaurus faunus whose trait, red-brown scaled ridges over his eyes, give him a consistently warped and angry expression. He is mostly calm and stoic, however, though easily angered and makes no attempt to hide his disdain for Sabre’s behaviour and distinct preference for Donn.
- Urien, the younger of his maternal uncles. Urien is the more relaxed of he and Meurric, and fiercely defensive of his sister. His temper during the contention of his sister’s marriage almost provoked the dissention into violence, although he has since and continues to make amends for his behaviour, especially now he himself is married. He is a Carnotaurus faunus with a claw trait similar to Ghira’s. His claws are brown-marbled bone in colour, however.
- Cadfan, his paternal uncle. Cadfan is the most like Sabre in terms of personality and disposition. He is laid back to the extreme, with very little phasing or bothering him. A running joke in the family is that he ought to have been a bear faunus, or something similarly lazy, instead of a Tyrannosaur. His trait is the most prominent of the family; his toes are not the five of humans, but the three of the Tyrannosaur, each with its own massive talon. 
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