#[ more the testament to how they can lose control and now Leah has something heartbreakingly in common with Sam ]
aworldofyou · 3 years
       He was happy she came back at all. There was no telling what would have happened, where she would have went, after she fled off into the night the day they lost Seth. The weeks had passed by like years and the healing process itself had slowed with John’s unwillingness to take his mind off the worries of Leah’s disappearance. Jacob was long gone with that little tic child, the one that they had all fought to protect - and through all their troubles. Through Seth dying, they hadn’t received a single ounce of gratitude. And here they were, preparing for their own end of this conflict, picking up the pieces after the remnants of the Cullen family had scattered to the wind to stand up against the Volturi.
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       “I told you it was fine.” He starts, seeing that expression flash across her features, feeling guilt twist in his gut for her to see the gaping scar of missing flesh in his healing arm. Wolves tearing into other wolves, always left the recipient to slower healing. Granted it was still quick by normal standards; but slow when compared to other injuries from other creatures. John himself was almost completely healed after the fight, now there was only his arm and the scars that remained would always be a reminder of that failed attempt in reaching through to Leah. “I’ve been doing it myself this whole time, I can do it a little more.” He finishes as he holds still, unmoving as she begins applying the new dressing to his forearm.
        @copiesofher​ / Leah Clearwater, asked for a starter from Wan’s twilight verse.
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