#[ my excuse is that i've been doing chores around the house xD ]
despairforme · 11 months
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He'd like to play some kinda sport again.
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Excuse me- May I please ask for a poly Thomas and Vincent headcanons?... how you write them is just so- 🥺❤️💕👌😤😫
VERY ADORABLE ❣️ Thank you!
Sorry this took a million years, I've been working on it a bit at a time xD I used the same format as my poly!chromespann headcanons.
With Thomas, you feel so…
Delicate – no matter what kind of frame you have, he’ll treat you like something precious he’s afraid of breaking. He knows how rough and strong his hands are, and he’s constantly anxious about accidentally hurting someone important to him (laughably, this extends to Vincent too – watching him treat the other man, who is quite strong and sturdy in his own right, like he’s made of porcelain is something to behold).
Safe – he may be worried he’s going to harm you, but you certainly aren’t. You know he’d never hurt you, and what’s more – he’d never let anyone else hurt you either. Strangers lurking around the neighborhood? So what. Things going bump in the night? You don’t even wake up. It’s impossible to be frightened when you’re beside such a big, protective bear of a man.
Cherished – you’re so, so precious to him; it’s obvious in the way he looks at you, the way he touches you, the little notes he leaves for you, the things he does around the house - every interaction with him is drowning in tender affection. He’d do anything for you, you’re sure. He feels so lucky and grateful to have you, and he tries to demonstrate that as often as he can.
With Vincent, you’ve never been so…
Accepted - you can be yourself around him, completely without judgment. Rarely have you been so comfortable in your own skin. It's important to him that you feel able to be completely open with him, and he has succeeded in that.
Revered - you're his muse, his light in the darkness, the altar at which he worships through burnt (sculpted?) offering. Sometimes you get vertigo from how high on a pedestal he's placed you, but it seems impossible for you to fall off - he knows you're not perfect, he just holds you in high esteem despite your imperfections.
Understood - it's almost unnerving how accurately he can guess, without a word from you, what you're thinking or how you're feeling. It's as if he's memorized every subtle expression or movement you make. He's also good at knowing what you need - whether that's space, or comfort, or distraction.
All together now!
They have a great dynamic on their own, but you're the icing on the cake. Both men enjoy nurturing and being nurtured equally; in this relationship, you all take care of each other.
It's a quiet, peaceful household. Lazy weekend mornings cuddling in bed, low-key evenings making dinner together, board game nights. If you like cozy familiarity, this is the relationship for you.
Thomas' love language is acts of service, which tends to manifest in househusbandy ways; he does chores (he's used to those anyway), he cooks, he fixes things around the house. It makes him happy to provide for the two of you in that way.
Vincent's love language is quality time; if he's not engrossed in his work, he's hanging out with one or both of you - whether that involves watching a movie, working on a project together, or just keeping you company while you fold towels or something.
NSFW below the cut
Oh boy, these two are a treat.
What are you in the mood for? Slow and sensual or fast and rough? Top or bottom? Kinks you wanna try? They'll happily grant any wish you may have. They're very well-rounded and flexible.
One thing is for sure: you'll be extremely well taken care of - before, during, and after. They endeavor to make you feel special at all times, so it's no surprise they dote on you in bed too.
It's like they can read each others' minds; they pass you back and forth and maneuver you into position for one another with zero apparent communication.
Usually it's all three of you at once (hands everywhere), but sometimes they like to take turns watching you with the other one.
Thomas has the higher sex drive and often instigates. Most of your one-on-one sessions are with him.
Vincent is kinkier. Restraint, temperature play (with or without wax), you name it. Thomas is a simple man and would be perfectly happy with just the basics, but he enjoys the extra stuff too.
Vincent lasts longer, but Thomas can go more rounds. You're going to end up exhausted for sure. :) enjoy!
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luxenbm · 5 years
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~Silent Corps~
A/N: So uhh, this is my first time ever writing a smut. Don’t expect it to be good, cause I’m an amateur! I’m sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advanced too! I have no idea what I’m doing so be prepared to read one of the worst smuts ever! XD
Genre: Smut/Mafia AU
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: ???? Cringey as fuck,
Summary: In which a girl gets an arranged marriage with a mafia son by her parents. Still being the hopeless romantic she is, she agrees.
”Ahh! This should be the last one out of them!” She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. The poor girl has been doing chores the whole day, which she was supposed to be resting. She turned her head to look at the clock on her wall. ”6:35 p.m. already? Have I been doing chores that long?” She let out a sigh and headed back to the living room hoping to just chill for the rest of the day.
She turned on the tv hoping to watch some of her childhood TV shows. A couple of examples was Rollie Pollie, Franny’s Feet, Blue’s Clues, Pingu, Bratz you named it. Not before even 10 minutes have passed by she received a call from her parents.
”Yes, dad?” she paused the tv show she was watching. ”Sweetie, we need you to come to this restaurant called ’JYP Buffet’ please dress nicely. Like a dress or something, last time you wore sweatpants saying that was a ’nicely’ outfit you had.” I groaned, already know that I won't be able to deny anything. ”Do I really have to?”
A sigh could be heard from the other line already giving Y/n her answer. ”Alright ill go, but can you tell me what it’s about first though?” She asked. ”You’re gonna be in an arranged marriage with the son of the company we are aligned with.”
Okay yeah, I know my parents know that I’m a loner and won’t ever get a boyfriend or a husband in general, but they had the audacity to sign me up for an arranged marriage with a guy I have never met before?! Who knows too! Maybe the guy could even kill me, knowing that he is involved in some mafia shit. Ugh.
I let out a sigh, “Alright I’ll go to this ‘dinner date’ or whatever you call it.” You could already tell that both of your parents are smiling just by the time of your dad’s voice. “Alright sweetie, we’ll see you in a few minutes.” You could hear your mom’s voice in the backyard excited for some grandchildren’s, and that’s when you knew that you have to end the call. Turning off the tv, you head upstairs to take a shower.
After putting on your best dress that you could find, you drove to the location where the dinner date was held. You decided to put some Ateez songs on, with Wave being your favourite song at the moment.
You drove in silence soaking up the silence.
Finally arriving at your destination, you hopped out of your car and headed towards the entrance. After dealing with the front desk, you went upstairs and searched for your parents. It wasn't crowded as usual due to it being Sunday night.
After scanning the room, you found your parents sitting near the window wall. You made your way to them, noticing that your ’husband’ and his parents weren't here yet. Very professional, you mumbled.
You settled down with your parents, sitting to the left side of your mom giving you the beautiful view of the city. 
”Hey mom, I know this is kinda straight forward but like, why are you letting me marry a man that I doing love. Heck, I've never met him before.” You asked, she looked at you with a sad smile. ”Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it right now. Given our current situation, our rival gang is planning an attack and we need to be on top of our game.” She placed a hand on top of your head, caressing it slowly. ”I hope you understand our situation and perspective dear.”
Nodding my head, I turned back my attention to the city lights displayed. A few little minutes passed by when they finally arrived at the table. ”I’m so so sorry we were late. We kinda had a little problem on the way here.” The man chuckled, trailing behind him was a woman and a young man. Y/n and her parents stood up and bowed do them, both her father and the man shook hands while her mother and the woman hugged each other.
All of you sat back down, with your supposed ’husband’ was sitting right in front of you. Of course, you being you, you weren't great with people. So what else would you do? Start a conversation with him. Simple right? Well, not for your introverted ass.
”So, my name is Y/n if you didn't know yet.” She looked at him smiling. While he stared back at her with a cold dagger eyes. You gulped down the lump that was slowly forming in your throat. ”Taehyung. My name is Taehyung.” he replied, before eating his coq au vin. Feeling rejected already you decided to eat your cassoulet.
You continue to start a conversation but you would only get a simple yes or no, or dry answers sometimes resulting in him of ignoring you completely or just a nod of the head. For sure you felt very awkward, due to both of your parents happily chatting away and there's the two of you.
You couldn't help but hear a few of their conversations were, like how Taehyung was the son of the most feared mafia leader in Korea. Or how Taehyung doesn't handle drinking well, leading that to one of his disadvantages when doing one of his missions. You couldn't help but chuckle on a few more things that you have heard about Taehyung from his mother.
The dinner went unexpectedly well, with no problems occurring. Both of their parents had said that they will be announcing something to Y/n and Taehyung.
While you were taking your time eating your dariole, you couldn't help but notice someone getting impatient with you. Just to tease him you decided to order some more food!
”Excuse me! Can I please have two more darioles, one opera cake, one charlotte, and one Tarte Tatin!” You ordered happily, knowing that your stomach is gonna be happy. The waitress scribbled down your orders and walked back to the kitchen. ”You fat fucking pig.” Taehyung cursed to you quietly not letting both of your parents hear. ”Excuse me? But can you let a girl enjoy her food without being body shamed?” you huffed out. He rolled his eyes and looked at the city lights.
This dude is really trying to disrespect me! Nah, he even tried to disrespect food! Who the hell in their right mind would disrespect food?!
Finally finishing your food, both if your parents decided to tell you guys the news they have kept. ”Okay, we know this I very unexpected and very shocking but it's only gonna bring you guys good luck, and a good future!” Taehyung’s mother stated. The three other parents nodding their heads. ”So then, we decided that the two of you will be living together, starting tomorrow!” Your mom happily squealed.
You knew your parents were crazy but never THIS crazy! In the end, both you and Taehyung agreed. Knowing the punishment that you two will get since both of your parents are top mafia leaders in Korea. Sure there were a few arguments about it here and there, but they all resolved that at the end.
It was the day that you were gonna move in with Taehyung in the new house. When you got there you were surprised that all of Taehyung’s stuff and a couple of other stuff from both of their parents were all ready there. After organizing all of your stuff you decided to meet up with a friend named, Mia.
”Mia oh my god! You wouldn't believe what has happened yesterday!” You quickly sat down after getting your coffee. She placed down her cappuccino and looked at you with a straight face. ”Let me guess you either did something dumb, or something that you regret. ORRRR, your ’husband’ Levi has died in one of his missions.” She ranted just a few possibilities that you have called her. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. ”C’mon I ALWAYS don't talk about Levi!” You argued, ”When you’re not talking about Levi, you’re talking about food.” She calmly argued back.
”Ugh, the reason I called you hear is that I'm in deep shit.” You retorted, ” What did you do this time?” taking a drink out of her cappuccino.
”I may it may not have accidentally married a mafia son.” You mumbled, so the other people around you couldn't hear you. She almost spat out the cappuccino that she was drinking, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and looking at you with wide eyes.
”You did what?!” And that my friend started the whole question of trains from Mia. After answering a few more questions that Mia asked, you decide to go home.
You locked the gate of the house, and walked towards the door. Due to this house being obviously large, its front yard was also humongous. Right when you were about to open the door you were met with Taehyung outside holding something.
“Listen, I know now is not the ‘right time’ for this, but I need your help. Will you help me or not?” He asked impatiently.
“...Is that a dead body?” I looked at the dead corps in his hands.
Still fully shocked you said nothing but stared at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. Taehyung getting irritated with your silence and the weight of the body, he decided to drag you with him. Holding the body with one hand while gripping your hand with the other.
”Hey! Where do you think you’re taking me?!” You gasped.
”Just shut the fuck up, and follow me.” He growled. You guys ended up going into a woods that was just behind your house. You tried everything that you could to let him stop gripping you so tight and pulling you, but there was no use.
The three of you, ahem plus the body was just standing beside the river which looks like it would lead to a place where it has a lot of water. He let out a relieved sigh and looked at you.
”So, what do you think we should do with the body?” He asked you. You being you, you still couldn't process the situation. Dead body? Taehyung? Taehyung killed someone?! There were so many things going through your mind all at once, it seems like you were back in math class again.
”I have a solution.” You chirped, he turned his attention back to you.
”Thank goodness, well, what is it?” He asked.
”It involves fire.”
”Absolutely not.” looking at you in disbelief. ”Alright how about this.” He murmured.  Taehyung started to take the body and putting a black beanie that looked like robbers would wear, and then began writing some stuff. Getting irritated again with you just standing there, he called you to help him throw the body into the water.
”Don’t just stand there dumbass! I dragged you hear for a reason.” He scolded you. Who do does he think he is!? I swear to God, I’ll get my revenage on him someday. With your face filled with horror with on what you have to do, Taehyung started to snicker due to your reaction but turned to a bitch face again.
You grabbed the bottom part of the body while Taehyung grabbed the upper part. On a count of three you guys threw the body into the river and watched it moved due to the toughness of the river flow.
“I’m sorry God for who I have sinned.” I mentally readyed myself, knowing that I will have to deal more of these in the future. Taehyung let out a scoffed. Turning my head to his direction I shot him a glare.
“Why did you kill that dude anyway?” I asked him, as we walked back to the house. “Why? It’s because I caught him trying to rob our place.” He simply stated. Rob!?
“They must’ve heard that people were gonna move in.” He started to walked ahead of me. Huh.
The same day when you were preparing for dinner, you and Taehyung got into a heated argument. Weather if coffee was good or not. Of course both of you were very pressed, Taehyung being the coffee hater and you being the coffee lover.
Who in their right might would hate coffee!? You shouted in your thoughts. “Listen here buddy, I don’t dare who you are, I don’t care where you’re from, but never, and I mean never, disrespect coffee like that!” You pointed at him with your spatula. He looked at you in disbelief.
“I never knew people who loves coffee can irritate me this much.” He mumbled. Of course you got easily offended, I mean who wouldn’t?
“Excuse me sir, but coffee has its rights to be a good drink. You can pull off any dessert or pastries with coffee!” You argued back. Walking towards you in a slowed pace, looking like he was about to punish you( WiNk WiNK). His stare wasn’t helping the situation either. Pinning you down on the couch he then starred at you deeply.
“If you run, I will follow you. Search these city streets until I’ve found you and I will never let you run away again.” He said in a low raspy voice.
“You don’t owe me.” You boldly said, ahem, which wasn’t a good idea. Not at all.
“Oh, I do.” Pressing his lips into your own plump lips, taking you in full surprise. He started leaving small trails of kisses down to your neck, before kissing your lips again. Taehyung carried you upstairs to your bedroom, not breaking the kiss even one bit.
( Pov all over the place for this one sorry xD )
He closed the door with his foot and placed me down on the soft cloudy mattress. Our tongues pressed together in a hot, openmouthed kiss. She felt wetness dampening the fabric of her panties, already feeling aroused. Pinning both of your wrists with one hand he started to slowly undress the girl underneath him. Unhooking the red lacy bra that was immediately thrown god who knows where in the room.
“Hmm? Were you planning to seduce me today?” He asked in a low raspy voice. Knee between your thighs he slowly slides his hand down your leg up and down. You couldn’t help but let out a few moans out when he started to suck on your neck leaving love bites. His lips slowly trailing down from your neck to your breasts. He admired the soft swell of your breasts, before placing his mouth on your bud.
Shivering slightly due to the new feeling being delivered to your body. His lips brushing on your left ear, “Now, be a good girl and behave for daddy alright?” He whispered, already loosing your mind you nodded.
He let out a deep chuckle that could make anybody aroused. Taehyung got up and sat on the end of the bed looking at you with pure lust in his eyes. “Suck.” He commanded. Getting up from your position, you got in front of him and started unzipping his pants, removing his boxers you look at his size. God. It was the biggest one you’ve ever seen, probably about 8 inches.
I grabbed a hold of his cock and started to licked the head with small, short strokes of her tongue. Looking up at Taehyung, face full of pleasure. Bobbing your head in a fast pace you can feel his cock start to shudder. Eventually releasing his orgasm. Taehyung immediately grabbed a hold of you and threw you on the bed. “All fours, face the bed frame now.” He ordered.
I followed his orders before feeling a sensation near your clit. Taehyung started to rub my sensitive clit through the fabric of my red lacy panties. He slowly pulls down my panties revealing my sensitive area to him. Taehyung rubs the tip of his cock against my swollen pussy lips, teasing me until I can take it no longer and whine for him to fuck me. He complies, pushing his hips forward to bury his cock deep in my pussy.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk!" He grunted. He started to pound in a sonic pace inside me, not even letting me adjust to his gigantic size. Pleasure. All I felt was pleasure. “Fuck you are so tight already!” He howled. “Yes! Oh god yes!” You moaned out when Taehyung found your g-spot.
He immediately started to hit that spot over and over again. You on the other hand, were losing your mind due to how much pleasure you’re getting. Is this how being a slut feels like? You thought. Your cheeks over and over with Taehyung’s abdomen.
“Ahh” you moaned out, a burning sensation stride to the rest of your body. You then realized he had slapped your ass. He let out a chuckle.
“From the moment I had laid my eyes on you, I couldn’t help but stare at your ass.” He purred. “They always jiggle whenever you walked, especially yesterday when you were wearing that tight dress.” He slapped your ass again, letting out a horny moan out of your plump lips.
“But now, I have this fantastic view of it right in front of me. I can eat it out whenever I want...” He cooed. You started to get more pleasure if that was even possibly, due to him talking dirty. “Nnggh, ahh! Taehyung I’m close...ngh..” you moaned. “I-I am too, let’s cum together baby girl...” his voice trembling.
Suddenly a rippling wave of shockwaves was released. Taehyung pulled out of you just in time, he had cummed. A pulsing feeling lingered in your sensitive area. Taehyung left the room and came back with a few tissues in his hands; he then started cleaning you up. Taehyung pulled the duvet over the both of you guys and starred living at your eyes.
“You aren’t that half bad you know,” You told him. He raised an eyebrow, “Why? You thought I was gonna be one of those bitchy, cocky, immature mafia son’s?” He chuckled.
Oh how much you love that chuckle of his. You smiled sweetly, “maybe..” He pounced on you and started ticking your sides.
“Ahh! Taehyung! Stop it!” You gripped his shoulders trying to push him away. He then gripped your sides and placed your foreheads together.
“I’m sorry if I was too rough with you...” he closed his eyes.
“It’s okay, also,” he let out a quiet yeah as a response.
“Coffee is good.”
A/N: KSFNJSJSIRISIZFIIDS I’m sorry once again, because I have no idea what I’m doing! Hope you enjoyed though! Xoxo
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persorene · 7 years
I've been looking for an excuse to ask so I'll do it now that you posted that list XD any more stories about your creepy house? Also, how did you find your house. Those stories are fun.
Feel free to ask me anything whenever. I really don't mind at all! Anyway, I'll start with how I found it. So, Andy and I had been sort of looking into buying a house but not seriously because who was going to give a mortgage to two people under 25, it was silly thinking but we hated the building manager at our apartment (he was the actual worst) One day I was off work and just scrolling through Zillow because why not. I had been on the day before and nothing had caught my eye but that day there was a new listing. It was this big Victorian house; all light yellow with white gingerbreading and trim. It was ridiculously cheap considering the size so I assumed something had to be wrong. I clicked on the house and flipped through interior pictures and I was shocked. It was just as beautiful inside, completely updated and renovated, just stunning. I sent the link to Andy he said we needed to see it in person before we made any decisions. We called the realtor and went to see it the next day. I was in love immediately, the creaky wooden floors, old doors, glass door knobs and old charm won my heart. Andy loved it as well, more than he thought he would. We asked why it was so cheap if it was in such excellent condition, the realtor told us the previous owner had just left it. It had sat empty for two years and that had dropped the price. We were concerned it would have some damage from being abandoned for so long so we hired an inspector but everything turned out to be above code standards. So we took a chance and applied for a mortgage, we were approved within a week and got the house within a month. Anyway, I have creepy stories for days, but nothing evil or malignant. The occurrences always seem benevolent or kind; even helpful. I'll go with a recent one. I brought in some groceries the other day and I layed a can of soup on the table, it rolled into the floor, one of the cats patted it away and I just let it go because I had other things that needed done so I decided I'd come back to it later. I go to do other chores (dishes, mopping, scrubbing bathrooms, vacuuming, etc.) Eventually I come back to the kitchen to sweep and as I was in, I notice that on the center of the table is can of soup from earlier. I know it's the one that fell, it was the only one I missed putting away and it had a dent from where it fell. I went to grab it and when I lifted it up there was a dime underneath it. The dime hadn't been there before and for whatever reason, coins pop up around our house all the time. Coins, marbles, newspapers, once an entire door lock... they just appear. It's strange but pleasant, I've amassed a collection of odds and ends. We call them our house gifts. One always shows up when something strange happens. I've started to just say thank you out loud when these things occur. Like I said, I never ever believed in paranormal things until I lived here. But it's just one of the house's quirks and I've come to like it.
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