#[ or her human verse if u prefer !! ]
rennisaturate · 8 months
open to: anyone relationship: this is sariyah !! a vampire in her main verse, in her human verse she's in her early 30s, zinnia's sister and in both they dance at the same club together. sariyah's a sweetie but she does not like dealing with bs, she's a serial ghoster tbh lol ✨ this feels obvious but have fun with it !! ✨
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" no, you don' even gotta explain it, like, i don' wanna hear it, " sariyah rolled her eyes and picked up her bag and coat, wanting to just get home for the night. the club had finally closed, it was four am and she was tired. " why don' you save it for some other girl, okay?? "
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gccdwitch · 3 months
@r3dblccd liked for a starter (1/2) Based on: this plot
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“Oh my G-“ Tatum chokes on the words but hopes that her incessant giggling covers it up well enough and her companion doesn’t catch it. She’s grinning brightly as she looks around. “I haven’t been to the garden since I moved out.” She reaches for them, sliding her fingers between theirs and pulling them closer. “You think they’re going to catch onto us this time around?”
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de-fright-ful · 11 days
A M I T Y J O Y — F U L L A B O U T
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🎃 I M P O R T A N T L I N K S
🎃 SYNOPSIS. Amity Joy (Japanese: ジョーイ アミティ Ami Joy) is a trainer and Pokemon specialist who serves as the 5th Gym Leader of the Saijikaran region— representing the late summer & fall season and celebrations. Amity’s Gym, known as the ‘Old Joy Property’ or the ‘Fogweaver Estate,’ is located on the outskirts of Kiyose. She hands out the Kaika Badge to those who defeat her. While not EXCLUSIVELY a Ghost-Type Specialist, Amity is renowned for her expertise & talent with Ghost Pokemon & the Supernatural.
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🎃 B A S I C S
NAME. AMITY DE-CLAIRE - JOY is only ever referred to as AMITY JOY*
NICKNAMES. Ami, Hyu~dorodoro (or Hyu) (from her father exclusively)
OCCUPATION. Gym Leader (Primary), Homecare Worker (Secondary) & later School Nurse (next-gen verse)
TITLE. Nurse (licensed & board certified), Gym Leader, 4-time Champion of independent competitions in the Region
AGE. 26 (primary verse),
35 (next gen verse)
BIRTHDAY. April 11th (rough birth year is 1998, but I have no idea how timelines work for Pokémon)
GENDER. Cis Female ( She / Her )
SEXUALITY. Bisexual, HEAVY fem preference (85/15 split roughly)
BIRTHPLACE. Tatewaku Village
CURRENT HOME. Old Joy Estate, Kiyose Outskirts
RACE. Mixed, Saijikaran-Unovan-Paldean, real-life equivalents are; Japanese (through her father), White and Latinx (through her mother)
REGION. Saijikara
LANGUAGE(S). Saihōka (native language of Saijikara, mother tongue; all of Amity's Pokémon answer exclusively to this language)
English (a common tongue of sorts across the Pokemon world, invaluable for travel, secondary)
Sinnoan (understood primarily because of proximity to the Sinnoh province, spoken with some difficulty on the accent)
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🎃 P E R S O N A L I T Y
ZODIAC. Aries Sun, Cancer Moon and Virgo Rising
ENNEAGRAM. 3x2 - The Enchanter
MORAL ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good / Neutral Good-cusp
MENTAL HEALTH. OH, IT'S NOT GOOD, CHIEF. Amity, while not OFFICIALLY diagnosed with anything. Is falling apart at the seams in most conceivable ways and emotionally spent beyond. Amity never went through the channels of grief she needed to for all of the loss she’s experienced since the birth of her youngest sisters.
In short succession, Amity lost her MOTHER, ALL POTENTIAL PEACE WITH HER OLDER SIBLINGS, THE LAST CLOSE PARENTAL FIGURE IN HER LIFE, HER DREAMS & CHANCES FOR ADULTHOOD, AND BEING JUST A SISTER TO HER SIBLINGS. And it’s only been sharp up-and-downs since then with little room to breathe. Amity is running from emotions and herself on momentum cause if she doesn’t? It’ll drown her.
In terms of a proper diagnosis, I would say Amity has UNDIAGNOSED DEPRESSION & ANXIETY
NEGATIVE. ANXIOUS, CUNNING, COMPETITIVE, DISHONEST (when she believes lies are the best method to achieve a ‘greater good’ that would excuse the lying), DISTRUSTING, DEFENSIVE, EMOTIONALLY DISTANT, INSECURE, INHIBITED (read as repressed emotionally and neglecting herself in all ways that aren’t socially noticeable), REPRESSED, SELF-ABASING, PASSIVE
FEARS. Losing what’s left of her little family. Death. Pregnancy & Childbirth. Deep Water (i.e the ocean), Clowns and Mimes & Human Hospitals (funnily enough)
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🎃 F A M I L Y
*Of note: this family is INCREDIBLY dysfunctional. Keep this in mind when reading ahead.
FATHER. KIJA JOY † (1969 - 2011, 42 years old at death)
MOTHER. RHIANNON DE CLAIRE † (1973 - 2016, 43 years old at death)
EIJI HAYASAKA— an affair partner of 6 years (unknown to everyone but Rhiannon and Kija), the bio-dad of Mira, born during their marriage. Kija accepted her as his own, and Eiji was never named father or even given the chance to meet Mira, but many suspected the truth.
MATEO FOURNIER † — boyfriend of 1 year, fiance of 2 months, father of Orin & a text-book gold-digger with a storied, royal name from the Kalos region.
He’d sought out Rhiannon following the De Claire name and hoping for access to riches left by Kija, only to find everything tied to Kija’s bio children and especially Amity, not Rhiannon.
He later left Rhiannon after it became clear there was no social climbing through her. Abandoning the Region and his son in the process. Mateo died in 2022, by what circumstances Amity and Orin have no clue. Orin feels conflicted about Mateo's death and his inheritance from Mateo. Due to his age, Amity safeguards Orin's inheritance for him with a dragon's fury.
TAKUMA SATAOI — Rhiannon's longest-running boyfriend, Yuhuza's father & involved in Yuhuza’s life w/ part custody.
Although Takuma came into Amity's life during a rough period for the family, the rocky waters quickly cleared, and Amity grew fond of him and Takuma, in turn, became paternal and fatherly to Amity & her siblings. When the relationship between Takuma and Rhiannon began falling apart with her mother’s growing instability and abusive temper. Amity begged Takuma to take care of himself and Yuhuza and leave.
Takuma ends up breaking off the relationship and going their separate ways from Rhiannon but continues to have a warm relationship with Amity & co-parents Yuhuza with her, allowing her contact and normalcy with her other siblings.
AXEL GRAVES †- Rhiannon’s last live-in boyfriend at her death and father, or rather sperm-donor to her twin daughters, Yvita and Yvona. Abusive and unpleasant are the two words that come to Amity's mind when describing him. Axel was no stable or parental figure by any stretch, and at barely 9 years older than her, Amity wasn't exactly warm when Rhiannon brought him home. Amity believes her mother chased after him because of his younger age and the thrill of being desirable to a younger man, regardless of his personality and what little he had to offer.
After Rhiannon's death, Amity attempted to bury the hatchet between them and, out of respect for Rhiannon's love of Axel, allowed him to continue residing in the palace. Still, there was no improvement between them, and without Rhiannon's tempering of his temper and solidifying his 'superior' status over Rhiannon's children, tensions grew greater and greater. Eventually, his ire moved beyond heated arguments between Amity and him and into cruelty towards Noriko and Orin; Amity threw him out of the home and willed to her & her full siblings. There was an altercation; he beat Amity savagely, threatened to take the twins & left, never to be seen again. (KILLED BY AMITY’S HAUNTER, MAGNUS)
JUSTICE ‘JUST’ JOY (1994b, 30) is estranged from Amity and has an openly hostile, antagonistic relationship with her. They haven’t spoken in seven years after she bought him out of the family estate & Justice pressured Amity to give up their half-siblings to Foster Care rather than waste her time on ‘whore’s bastards,’
TEMPERANCE ‘PERRI’ JOY (1996b, 28) is estranged from Amity and has a non-existent relationship with her. Amity cut contact after she sided with Justice in a feud over Amity’s decisions with the property & her decision to keep her younger siblings. They haven’t spoken in years since & Temperance is not allowed on property after an altercation she had with Mira. She was bought out of the estate with minor hassle.
CHARITY JOY (1997b, 27) is in low contact with Amity but not estranged. Due to Charity’s open judgement of Amity, they have a cold, impersonal relationship. Worsened by the emotional distance between them. Charity visits the estate annually, though she has been legally bought out of the property and has a lukewarm relationship with her half-siblings.
PATIENCE JOY † (1997-1997, SIDS death), Charity’s twin sister, died before Amity was born. Charity never fully recovered from her death & holds her memory against Amity out of grief for losing her sister— her other half, meanwhile Amity, a mistake, unlike Patience was allowed to live longer than Patience was.
NORIKO 'NORI' JOY (2004b, 20) is Amity’s oldest half-sibling, treated like a full sibling. Amity had full custody of her until she became a legal adult. Amity and Nori have been inseparable since Nori's birth. Amity has always cared little that they didn’t share much physical resemblance and cared even less about the rumours about her parentage. Amity shielded her from their elder sibling's abuse and public judgment & regularly refuted any insistence she wasn’t Kija’s daughter, even as Noriko grew to resemble Amity less and less over time. Despite the age gap, Nori loves Amity and sees her as her twin sister; after all, they've always been as close as all of the twins she's seen in movies, even down to having a code unique to only them! While she'll never share it, Nori worries greatly about Amity and her lack of self-preservation in pursuit of finding stability for her siblings. Nori continues to live on the estate while studying at a local university, hoping to someday take to the medical field like her older sister before her and become a doctor like their father. She doesn’t want to leave the local area out of fear for her family, siblings, and oldest sister. She’s terrified that if she leaves, Amity will burn herself at both ends until she dies young like Kija did. Nori is often confused for her older sister by strangers and non-locals, a comparison she finds to be equally complimentary and hilarious, given she towers over her older sister and stands at 5'8. Nori favours her mother and her mother's side of the family in appearance, being thin, graceful and tall with light brown hair and dark eyes. She enjoys fortune telling and divination as a hobby and offers a service to determine an egg's stats, moves, and nature before it hatches. She will randomize all of them in exchange for Star Pieces.
ORIN FOURNIER (2012b, 14) is Amity’s second-oldest half-sibling. Amity has full custody of him until he becomes a legal adult. Orin is nonverbal and mute & can be considered a stern or solemn figure if a person doesn't know him well or takes his resting scowling expression at face value. In truth, Orin is shy and reserved but deeply warm in his own way. He is upbeat, loving hugs and high fives and making it a point to greet everyone each morning with a happy wave. He has a particular interest & affinity for Pokemon Breeding & is involved in rebreeding region-exclusive Saijikaran Pokemon that went extinct back into the wild.
YUHUZA SATAOI (2013b, 11) is Amity’s third-youngest half-sibling by Rhiannon and her most stable, long-time lover, Takuma. Yuhuza is a bright and upbeat little girl with little memory of the deep turmoil their broken family faced during the youngest years of her life, including the briefly abusive period between her birth father and mother and their explosive separation. Even after Takuma rightfully left Rhiannon, Amity kept maintaining her friendship with Takuma to keep a relationship with her younger sister. While Rhiannon was never given any custody time with Yuhuza in life. After Rhiannon's passing and a torturous time of fighting to prove her responsibility in Takuma's eyes. Amity was given partial, informal custody of Yuhuza with Takuma to allow her to grow up with her half-siblings in arm's reach. Despite some arguments between Amity and Takuma, Yuhuza begins her Pokemon Journey early, joining the main character of the Region, Comet, with the Third Starter, thanks to Amity's long-term friendship with Banyan, which allows her to squeeze in.
YVITA JOY and YVONA JOY (both born in 2016, 8) are Amity's two youngest twin sisters and Rhiannon's last children. Amity has exclusively raised both girls since their biological mother died during birth and their biological father failed to step in to care for them.
Despite not being biological members of the Joy Family, Amity gave both girls HER last name and their first names. Amity did this for manipulative but selfless reasons, worrying that if anything ever happened to her, the twins would be left without any family to care for them and hoping that by giving them the Joy Family name and the distant but devoted family structure to emotionally leverage her distant family into taking them in like they would for their own blood.
Because of the Joy last name and Amity's maternal role in caring for them, many believe the girls are Amity's biological children & refer to them as her 'daughters'. Amity is disconcerted by the assumption and is always quick to correct strangers when they make that assumption - but she can never bring herself to correct her sisters when they call her 'Mom' or 'Mama.'
Neither girl appears to have processed their parental loss; they don't grieve for parental figures who were never a part of their lives. How can one mourn a mother when their older sister has always filled that role and been exactly what a mom should be? And how can they miss a father when the man who should have been a dad is merely a shadow, defined by the empty space and tales of cruelty from older siblings? In truth, Amity worries a lot more for them than she should, and her concern is not borne by observing anything amiss about them; they're ordinary little girls, a bit quirky but average, but more by her guilt about the uneven hand dealt them by fate that SHE couldn't prevent.
Regarding their older sister, Yvita and Yvona IDOLIZE her. They put any fan club to shame with their love of her, and they've taken to Pokemon training, hoping to be elite trainers too, just like her, and someday live up to fill her shadow and take over the Joy Estate.
🎃 A P P E A R A N C E
HEIGHT. 4’10 in, or 147 cm
WEIGHT. 107 lbs or 48 lb
BUILD. PETITE & COMPACT, somewhat slender but best described as ‘sturdy,’ wide hips with softly rounded edges, long, solid legs and thicker ankles
SKIN TONE. PALE & FAIR, with warm undertones. There are few marks/blemishes other than scars and her tattoos.
HAIR. NATURALLY WHITE, after developing CANITIES SUBITA, was previously SALMON PINK.
FREQUENTLY dyes her hair bright colours (x, x, x, x, x) and styles beneath hats.
EYES. JADE GREEN, crescent-shaped with a particular softness about them. Often shaded by her hats (x, x, x, x, x, x)
FACECLAIM. Kero Kero Bonito / Sarah Midori Perry
VOICECLAIM. DayumDahlia ( X, X speaking | X, X singing )
PHYSICAL HEALTH. FINE, NOT GREAT. 20/70 vision, requiring glasses. Low mobility in the left arm, requiring an arm brace, and occasional muscle pain. Had asthma in her youth, but it has waned in intensity since she’s grown up.
TATTOOS. A COMPASS ROSE with flowers and a bird on her inner right wrist with the dates ‘12/07/1969’ on the top right edge and ‘06/11/2011’ on the lower left edge and the phrase ‘Wherever you go,’ in Saihōkan
A KAIKA SYMBOL on her left inner ankle stems from folklore in the area about the Kaika in the mountains around the Joy estate and is in reference to the badge given out by her gym.
TWO TRADITIONALLY STYLED CAMEILLA CONNECTED BY A SPIDERWEBS, AND A STYLIZED SPINIRAK on her sternum, along with the dates ‘11/19/2017 - 08/16/2019,’
A SIMPLE, WRAP-AROUND TATTOO OF FLOWERS AND LEAVES starting above her collarbone and wrapping from one shoulder to the other like a stole just above the cameilla and spiderweb tattoo.
A STYLIZED BAT WITH TWO FACES on her inner upper arm, a reference to Laverna, undoubtedly
TRADITIONALLY STYLED MIRRORED PEONY FLOWERS on both sides of her torso, stretching from her lower stomach to her waist
A DRIFBLIM WITH GUSTS OF WIND located on her right upper Ribcage
PIERCINGS. BOTH EARLOBES ARE TRADITIONALLY PIERCED; Amity is incredibly fond of esoteric and outlandish dangling earrings and deeply dislikes stud-style earrings.
HORIZONTAL PIERCING THROUGH HER NASAL SEPTUM; often worn with a tight-fitting, silver, lace style hoop with a skull in its centre
VERTICAL LABRET STYLE PIERCING THROUGH HER LOWER LIP, which is often worn with a silver hoop
Upper forearm, elbow and shoulder of her left arm are covered in thick, raised, third-degree burn scars. & Reconstructive plastic surgery scars from efforts to better salvage the arm.
Faded first and second-degree burn scars on her left chest
Three distinct gauging-type scars going from her last rib to her navel on the right side
Small faded scar under her lower lip, the result of a biking accident at 10
Several bite wounds across her body from taming and training her Pokemon
Missing the tip of her left ring finger, though it’s far less noticeable beneath the scars on that arm.
Noticeable, patchy bald patches the size of dimes and quarters on her scalp, the result of Alopecia Areata: Amity tends to try and style her hair to cover these spots or wear hats
A raised scar on her lower back, just below the dip of her hip that is shaped like a fishhook; she doesn’t enjoy talking about it.
🎃 B A C K G R O U N D
WARNING, this is Really Long and includes mentions of Childhood Bullying, Child Death, Parental Death, Death during Childbirth, the Child Protective Service, Sibling & Peer Bullying, Ghosts, Possession and Fugue / Derealized Mental States after Trauma. READER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED.
Born in the small community of Tatewaku, Saijikara, shortly after, the entire family (Kija, Rhiannon, Justice, Temperance, Charity & Patience) returned to the region after living in Unova for a decade prior.
Amity was an unplanned child born prematurely the year following her older sister, Patience’s death—such an unfortunate timing, in conjunction with being born prematurely & having higher needs, meant Amity’s older siblings were never able to bond with her.
It certainly didn’t help that she was the apple of her father’s eye.
Wherever Kija went, Amity was the silent shadow following after him with adoration and such rapt curiosity — it scared the crap out of him more often than once, earning her the nickname Hyu~dorodoro, like a ghost. But Kija adored the frights, no matter how many times he jumped out of his skin.
To Kija, Amity felt as though she wanted a level of love from her father that her older siblings reserved for their mother alone. Amity wished to follow him and be taught—to hear stories from the lab, learn about the family trade in medicine, and take the inspiration with a grin.
At 4, Amity and her family moved from the small family home in Tatewaku to the Old Joy Estate in Kiyose, ostensibly to help care for Amity’s Grandfather, Chikao, who had recently begun losing his mobility.
In reality, many (including her older siblings) suspected the move was made because of Rhiannon’s latest pregnancy and heavy suspicions that the child wasn’t Kija’s, which she wasn’t, ultimately.
At this time, Amity & the other siblings met many of the close family friends for the first time, including: Illumise Mikasa, Kazuya Mikasa; Junpei Eurya the late professor for the region.
The move was difficult for all involved & despite her young age, Amity was not spared the growing pains.
At 11 and 10, respectively, Amity’s older siblings levelled much of their grief onto their youngest sister. Blaming her for the move, taunting her to tears and eventually escalating into Amity’s first, but not final, unfortunate brush with bullying.
After the move, Amity found little respite in leaning on her father for acceptance and affection. The negative of the move meant her father had to travel 2 hours daily to work and often couldn’t return home at the end of the day. And efforts to lean into her mother were a moot, pointless endeavour, like trying to pull blood from a stone.
Amity found herself alone for the first time until Mira was born. Mira, Rhiannon’s 6th child and legally Kija’s, though in reality she was fathered by Rhiannon’s affair partner, was Amity’s best friend from birth and the one piece of the broken, broken family that fit beside Amity. Mira gave Amity strength and a kind of resolve that pushed her to finally distance herself emotionally from her older siblings.
Amity stopped chasing after love she wouldn’t get from her older siblings. Mira was affectionately known as ‘her baby’ given how often she was seen playing with and caring for the baby — pushing her pram, feeding her and reading her stories.
This was the origin point for the later parentification that would balloon to incredible lengths later in life.
For her 6th Birthday, Amity's grandfather gave her the gift of enrollment in a local School for Pokemon Trainers. Despite the family's reigning precedent of only employing personal tutors for previous generations of children, Chikao and Kija wanted Amity to have the chance to make friends beyond the family.
Despite this, getting Amity to explore beyond the home & staying with family friends did little when she was suffering under the circumstances at home. The results of the ongoing bullying from her siblings and emotional neglect from her parents were plain and present: Amity’s former jubilant personality of a happy little shadow always underfoot and wanting to be a part of everything was just… gone. Amity became evasive, furtive & fearful, and it hurt to watch. To see her shrink so far inside herself, become shy when that wasn’t her, and go numb to the mistreatment that had become so normalized at home.
At 7, Amity’s grandfather, Chikao, died, leaving his 4 household Pokemon to be passed down to his descendants. Kija, still deep in his grief and struggling with the loss of his father *who he had only begun rebuilding a relationship with*, couldn't bear to take the Pokémon on himself and instead passed them onto his children to distribute among themselves. But the cruelty and dysfunction of the relationship at play came to unfortunately rear its head through this matter, and the 3 older children (Justice, Temperance and Charity) took all 4 for themselves, arguing the fourth had to go to Charity, as it was only deserved by her deceased sister, Patience. Amity, who had a good relationship with her grandfather, was gutted by the decision and was despondent. By the rejection, insult of her siblings, and loss after loss. Illumise tried to interject on Amity’s behalf to bring the subject to her parents, but Kija didn’t have the strength for it, and Rhiannon saw no flaw in the logic and let it stand.
Illumise, however, was stubborn and grieving in her own way. Perhaps she saw herself in Amity, or maybe it was how she just seemed to accept that this was her reality and that fighting it would prove nothing. She couldn’t let it stand and brought Amity to her home to give her a Pokémon directly: a Trapinch, born from her Flygon, which Amity’s late grandfather had caught for her 40 years earlier. Illumise hoped she would accept the Trapinch and that it would ease her pain, make her feel powerful and valued and not forget the waysides of grieving. But, when presented with the offer, Amity bristled, terrified and misty-eyed. She rejected the Trapinch presented to her as politely as she could. She didn’t like Pokémon; she never wanted a Pokémon, and she couldn’t. She was sorry and scared of Pokémon, so she had to go. Illumise was at a loss, dumbfounded. Amity was terrified that much wasn’t a lie, but everything else? There wasn’t a thread of truth in any of it. Amity loved Pokémon and coveted one; she once made a ‘persuasive’ poster to convince her parents to let her adopt a Swablu. Hell! The first thing she always wanted to do when visiting Illumise was to check on her team. Where was this sudden change coming from? Short answer: it was her siblings.
Amity could be evasive from her siblings' wrath, slip away like a wimpod beneath the waves, but her younger sister, Mira, who was only a baby? She couldn’t learn to evade like Amity could at her age, and if their anger didn’t go to Amity, it would surely go to her. Amity WISHED she could be sure they wouldn’t pull a baby’s hair until she cried or pinched her until it bruised, but truthfully? She couldn’t be. It was better for her not to rock the boat and openly go against them for her safety and Mira’s.
So ashamed of herself for turning down Illumise’s gift to her, Amity couldn’t bring herself to visit her adoptive Aunt’s home for months. It broke Illumise’s heart — but Amity blamed herself, in her child’s mind, she’d committed an unforgivable crime. She WANTED that Trapinch, she WANTED to make Illumise happy, she WANTED that last bit of her grandfather, she wanted it, she wanted it so bad it made her chest ache, but it would make her siblings angry and if they’re angry and she isn’t around— she couldn’t. Amity successfully dodged Illumise for a month but broke down in tears and sobs when she finally asked directly.
That day marked a change for Amity and Illumise. Not only did they bridge the sudden gap, but came out stronger for it. But Illumise no longer felt right in her soul, leaving Mira and Amity under Rhiannon’s watch. From that day, subtly, Illumise would host Amity and her younger sister at her home, watching them as long as Rhiannon would let her, which at times was for full days at a time. Her home became theirs.
From this point in her memory, everything becomes a blur for Amity—a fog of colour, bleary faces, and the vaguest disembodied feeling of terror and distress—like listening to the shrieks of some B-movie star from the next room over.
One morning - September, she thinks. She'd just returned to school, and she had this- what was it, a cleffa backpack for school. Yes, that's it, that brings it back. It's embarrassing to admit, but it was a gift from her father, from the CITY, and that was a big deal back then - hell, many in Kiyose had never been so far. She was so proud of it; that morning she'd wanted to show it off to her friends.
Her friends, it's a thought that brings pause — knotting her throat, but her friends met with her that morning, bright and early before school at the gate of the property. She'd thought, she THOUGHT they were going to walk to school together, get there early to get started on making a club — but they sort of laughed - it was a mean sound, now that she thinks about it, but it seemed sweet back then. They had other plans.
They knew there were wild Pokemon on the Property—it's always been something of a reserve—and they knew she didn't get one when Chikao died. They felt so bad for her, especially since so many of them had their own. They—so considerately, she thought—were going to make up for it. They were going to take her to the back of the property and catch one for herself - they had the Pokeballs and everything, and with their team together, Amity. She felt safe, she was excited, she was so so appreciative.
They went back, to the pond — she'd thought they'd stopped there, where the frogs slept, but no — the main girl, ████ laughed, 'c'mon, you deserve better than a tadpole,' Amity paused, she remembers the burn of shame at the back of her throat and the start of something, she thought it was just embarrassment then — don't make yourself look MORE stupid - but it was her gut instinct that this was... off. But she took them at face level, and she WANTED to, deeper and deeper, she followed them.
They seemed to know where they were going, but Amity had never gone this far back—she remembers Chikao always warning her against it. The Pokemon were powerful and proud there. This land was a sacrifice to them. They won't back down, so steer clear. But they INSISTED - that's all the more reason, Amity, this is YOUR house, you shouldn't let them tell you where you can and can't go - you're like the boss, right? Amity wanted to disagree, but she didn't, she wouldn't, she didn't want them to think less of her. Then, they started to tell stories - some she'd already heard, but haunts, the tales of angry haunts, endless woods that change like mazes to trap you, and missing people.
By the time they'd taken her to the final destination—the Forgotten Minka—Amity's breathing was laboured with fear. She didn't need to stare at the building long, the splintered, aged wood choked by brambles and vines, while pieces of the finery had fallen away—it already seemed to glare at her with anger. She didn't care about the Pokemon anymore; she just wanted to go back, go home, and go to school.
But the girls looked at her with such - betrayal - she didn't know how else to put it— it makes some part of her boil when she thinks about it. Don't you trust us? She had, she did, she stopped. She tried to calm herself down: she dropped her cleffa bag into the dried leaves and tried to steady herself. Alright, I'm sorry, we can go, let's do this. Then, on cue - there was this sound, a pager; one of the other girls paused. 'Hey, hold on a minute, I think that's my dad,' a lie. 'I'll stay out here with you,' 'Oh, wait, Amity, here - you take the ball and go in ahead — we'll be right behind you. Promise!'
It's okay. I trust you. I trust you. Amity tried to steady herself and pulled herself over the step into the building. She heard the girls behind her, and she felt relieved. She opened the door and looked down the hallway, which was dusty and sun-bleached but... untouched. No Pokemon activity, or vermin or- something was really wrong - she turned around. 'I'm sorry, I ca—' Push, and she fell back hard. Her body hit the wooden beams with a thud as the door was yanked closed, and she heard giggling.
After that — well, she remembers screaming, pulling at the door the girls barred shut from the outside — she was crying; someone said something, 'feeding her to a Gengar,' but the exact sentence was lost in the details. She remembers feeling like she was choking, clawing at her throat —feeling warm run down her fingers to her wrist - then it went black.
Amity was missing—it wasn't noticed for the first several hours, even when her group of girls returned to classes without her by their side. It was not until her final-period teacher noticed she never showed up that the community took heed. Teachers talked to teachers, spoke to the principal, spoke to everyone. Kiyose & its outskirts were a tight-knit community—and soon enough, every phone line seemed to be jammed—call after call after call, panic gripped the status quo.
Amity's friends said they had last seen her at the gates of the family's estate, clad in her little pink cleffa backpack and in light fall clothing with a red patterned jacket and that she had told them she was heading to school and was excited for the Moon-Viewing Festival -- they never cared to mention all the details that followed, of the adventure into the wilds and the Forgotten Minka and their 'prank.'
Immediately, many feared the worst—and locals will say that Autumn Day was when time seemed to stop entirely in Kiyose. Local businesses shuttered for the day early, leaving to join in the search. Police from local districts journeyed down the beaten country roads, and even the local Pokemon Gym, Center, & Doctor's office were closed to aid in the search.
For the secret happenings of what happened to Amity in the Minka, see the end of this post here
Eventually, in the dead of night, Amity stumbled out of the Minka and slipped into the forest around it, her clothing torn into shreds and in what could only be described as a fugue state. Unfocused and entirely unaware of the danger of her surroundings, she enacted what Magnus would later describe as a death march. Stumbling and falling in the brush and growing sicker with every mile, she walked further and further away from her home into the wilds' depths.
She was easy prey—no, not even that suffices to describe how delicately her life hung in the balance and judgement of the wilds'. Amity's foot was firmly lodged in the spirit world, more dead than alive, and her light ever dimmed under her body's demand to keep moving, just keep moving.
But, for Whinnie the Drifloon, something about the sight of her — like the living dead — he couldn't leave her to die. She reminded him far too much of his former best friend and of the accident that took his life. Whinnie saw him in her, and he wouldn't — couldn't — let another child die because he couldn't protect them, and he sure as hell wouldn't let any other Pokemon hurt her. That was Whinnie's stance, and his stance gave him strength through grief and guilt that Magnus had never seen.
Magnus wanted to wash his hands of it at first — he and Whinnie were companions of convenience. They couldn't understand the trauma compelling him to stick himself out to protect the pitiful girl, nor could he understand endangering himself for the dying. But Whinnie's resolve inspired him, and despite himself, he followed suit.
So, they joined Amity — and she remembers that — a daze, a mantra in her head finally breaking when she saw the glimpse of the soothing purple in the brush and a soft 'woo' that seemed, afraid? Afraid of scaring her? It was a Drifloon, Whinnie, and their eyes were so... kind. She could never shake that — even years later and in the fog of that day.
Amity took Whinnie by the hands—despite every warning from every legend and folktale to exist—and rather than being shepherded to her doom, the pair guided Amity through the forest towards humanity, giving her berries (thankfully keeping her from dehydration) and watching her in her derealized state.
Two days passed, and it seemed the entire countryside had been checked over twice, but there was no sign of Amity or clue to her whereabouts.
It wasn't until the dawn of the second day that Amity resurfaced into humanity. The sun rose, and she stirred from the nest that had been created by Magnus for the trio. Looking at the clouds and hearing the distant chime of... school bells? Something clicked in her brain. School, I was supposed to go to school. It's my first day. I don't want to be late.
Amity stood and wandered away from the nest and onto the country road - dishevelled, blood and bruise covered, hair a mess and now a deathly white, and pupils the size of saucers. By the time Magnus and Whinnie noticed she had wandered away - it was too late - she had wandered back into humanity where they knew they couldn't stray.
When she entered the school, Amity didn't say a word—instead, she shambled to her first room, interrupted the class inside, wandered to a desk, sat, and emotionally shut down.
Amity has no memory of the chaos that followed. She only learned of the events through later news reports and was told what happened by her parents, siblings, and friends. Elaborated on at length here
In short, after returning to school, Amity was rushed to the hospital, given her dire state of health and held under medical supervision for weeks. Amity wasn't very responsive during this time - either due to her treatment or disassociation from the trauma. She was entirely mute, much to the bewilderment of the adults around her, and her family underwent intense and intrusive investigations by CPS to ensure the household was safe for Amity to return to.
The broken family drifted further apart, and sides began forming after Rhiannon blamed Amity's near-death experience on the older children for their tormenting of her. Amity refused to speak about the incident or explain how and why she went missing, and all that kept her going were the brave nightly visits of Whinnie and Magnus, who came to check on her and ensure she was healing well.
9 - 10 YEARS OLD
Quietly, Amity's time under the custody and supervision of Protective Services continued, even after she was released from the hospital, and there was this growing sense of - guilt? Guilt was the only way Amity knew to explain it.
Illumise was the font of stability during this period that Amity relied on the most heavily emotionally - if only because Illumise could contain her devastation - she could treat Amity like Amity - not a cracked porcelain doll, not a tragedy, just... herself.
Amity was home again, and though her homecoming was warm, her house wasn't, even with everyone buzzing around. It felt... wrong, even at the time. Like a puzzle with jagged pieces, they never fit together, regardless of how they were rotated. She was given smiles, but she knew they were hollow, as was the reassurance that 'everything is fine,' but they weren't; she wasn't fine, and things felt forced.
Well - except with her mother, Rhiannon had been cold since Amity had returned - but not the sort of disinterested, forgotten cold that had filled the space of their relationship before. Rhiannon seemed angry in a way Amity could never fix - like something about Amity's presence annoyed her - or something she did that was unforgivable. Amity... well, she tried apologizing for a while. Still, apologies did nothing - her mother, she felt, wanted nothing to do with her & Amity was fine (not fine but able to accept her reality) simply... leaving her be. From a glass child - seen through - to an annoyance. She'd manage.
Kija had cut down on his 'business overnights' and 'trips to the city' (were they ever required?) and set things 'exactly as they used to be,' Amity was his shadow again; he took her everywhere, but it wasn't by her choice.
It almost seemed to her like he couldn't relax if she wasn't always in his eyesight - that trust was gone, and all of her former freedom with it. It was frustrating with a burn of parental control friction, but it was layered with a sense of distance that couldn't be bridged. Everything Kija did, frustrating as it was, dripped with a level of guilt she could FEEL, and she wanted to apologize for worrying him, but... well, she couldn't.
She knew he used to cry at night after he'd thought she'd gone to bed. Amity was alive, but he felt he'd lost his little girl - and to that end, he wasn't exactly wrong - but Amity was still there, not the same, but still there, in front of him, his daughter, not a ghost.
Given Rhiannon's attitude - Amity leaned far more heavily on her father and Illumise during this time.
Amity was put into speech therapy with the hopes of returning her ability to speak and overcome the 'mental block' as was concisely put by the child psychologist - to no avail.
The smallest mercy of the period was that Amity was allowed to continue her friendship with the ghosts, Whinnie and Magnus, and at 10, presented them with Pokeballs, which they willingly entered, cementing the bond they had formed since the incident into tangible reality, which hit Amity like a hot blanket after marching through the snow. At that time, she truly needed them to warmly return her friendship, and they were there unflinchingly and without hesitation.
OF NOTE: AMITY DID NOT BEGIN THE TRADITIONAL GYM CIRCET AT THIS TIME. Amity simply had her friends and trained and grew alongside them on the property: her parents would never have entertained letting her walk away like that after almost losing her.
Per gentle persuasion by the counsellors that Kija splurged on in the efforts to treat Amity - she was subsequently signed up for extra-curricular and student clubs with the hopes of aiding in her 'return to form.'
These namely being:
Shogi Clubs
Ikebana / Traditional Flower Arranging Classes
Arts & Crafts Clubs (teaching her, among other things, Calligraphy, Mizuhiki / Artistic Knot Tying, Furoshiki / Artistic Giftwrapping & Origami) 
& Dancing
Despite the mistaken assumption that Amity would ever return to the girl she was before the incident, the efforts DID help by giving her a positive social outlet without judgment, which gave her the space to heal her heart of the betrayal without closing herself off entirely.
On the subject of friends, Amity never spoke out about the truth of what happened that day—not only in her words but also in her actions. Close family, like Illumise, have always had suspicions, but nothing could be backed without evidence or word from Amity.
Amity, for her part, disconnected from those girls for a lack of better terms. Some part of her just stopped after the incident; she stopped wanting to ignore herself, her gut, and the past.
Before the incident, Amity thought it would be much worse to be alone than to only have them for friends. But it was wrong; they proved her so, so very wrong. They were worse friends than no friends, and she was tired of them and tired of being hurt for their entertainment. They tried to make amends in the hospital, and one by one, the families came with cut flowers and sweets and meaningless words: 'We went back, where were you?' 'it was a prank!' 'I'm sorry,' but it meant nothing to Amity then. She'd heard the excuses before; she was done, and she cut them off rather than fight.
11 - 13 YEARS OLD
Amity continues training Magnus and Whinnie, and their bond deepens intensely. While Magnus had previously been sucked into taking an interest in the girl by Whinnie and his resolve and agreed to the trainer bond out of personal respect formed for Amity, her strength and her transformation unfolding before Magnus' eyes. Magnus begins viewing Amity with much deeper fondness, which frankly taps into his previous life; she becomes like a granddaughter to him, and thus, they form a deeply protective, playful, nurturing dynamic.
This set the ground for Magnus's role as Amity's defender and Whinnie's role as her supporter, which continued into her adulthood and her team-building strategies.
Amity also meets her Shedinja, named Enjeru, while training with Whinnie after a gust blew it down from a tree at their feet. For some reason unknown to the rest of the waking world, Amity quickly becomes smitten with the humming, sentient exoskeleton (despite a lack of palpable life or personality that ANYONE else can determine) and, after begging to keep it, is allowed to keep it and adds it to her party. Where Enjeru became a mainstay for 7 years until it passed on to another life.
At 12, Amity began experimenting and participating in local youth Pokemon Tournaments held by her school and local community centers. Three events into the effort, she won her first gold, to much support from the friends she'd made, but most especially, Illumise, her most significant support and involved motherly figure.
Illumise mused that with golds and silvers beneath her belt, she should try for the traditional rites. And with that, her victory and seeing her friends all preparing to venture off on their own for the same. Amity emboldened her resolve, she threw out the idea of starting her journey and doing the traditional circuit around Saijikara—to no support from her parents. No, nope, not happening. What are you thinking about Amity? They'd given her some laxity, especially in keeping her Pokemon, but that was too far even for them.
Amity was GUTTED, but unfortunately, not surprised. All her older siblings had been allowed! Charity had been sent off as a gift for her 12th birthday! And it sparked a period of frustration for her little heart - Illumise tried to make the blow less crippling, letting her become a gym trainer beneath her - but it wasn't the same, and the pain lingered.
Though Amity didn't continue with ALL of the hobbies she had picked up in the aftermath of the incident, she continued with her dancing and flower arranging, going on to demonstrate in performances, display her flowers in local exhibitions, and earn a fair few ribbons and small medals for her efforts.
Just weeks after Amity's 13th birthday, Kija's father seemed to cut all contact with the family. There was no word, no calls, not a letter, postcard, or anything—nothing but the empty, aching place left by his absence. Rhiannon was furious, Just and Perri were non-fussed, Charity was confused, but Amity? She felt dread - like a pit of lead in her stomach—she knew, she KNEW—long before Interpol contacted the family to break the unfortunate news about his death.
But hearing your father is dead and suspecting your father is dead are two entirely different points of despair, and Amity broke. Worse than after the incident, worse than after the move, worse than any of it. Amity & Kija didn't have the perfect relationship, but she loved him deeply; he was her person, even when all she felt from him was guilt and pity.
Amity was never told the full details about what happened to him - only that it had been a 'work' accident and that he would be returned to them already cremated. It never made much sense to Amity, but she didn't have the heart to question it - she barely had it in her to attend the services in his memory.
Despite all of the turmoil and strife of those few years, Amity began finding her voice once again—slowly, mind you. By the tail end of 13, she had only begun having full sentences with close, trusted people like Nori and Illumise, but it was all an upward climb.
Amity's clashes with her mother began to come to a head after Kija's passing. This manifested in one-sided screaming arguments, which Amity rebuffed with snarls and bared teeth as best as she could. Rhiannon wanted to run and forget that pain, anger, and truth by wiping the slate clean. No artifacts, no memories.
Rhiannon wanted an easy exit; she wanted to fall into the comforts of her past (dating around, being 'taken care of,' etc.) and look to a future without painful reminders, but Amity wanted, needed to remember. Memories were her comfort, her connection, and the last bits of her father she truly felt him through—Amity has always been that sentimental sort.
It began when Rhiannon began throwing away Kija's personal belongings—clothes were one thing; they didn't need the suits—but his degrees, the family photos, his journals, and the knickknacks and hobbies he'd collected over his life well lived. Not even the family shrine was safe, and Amity—Amity couldn't stand it.
She tried to save what she could—sweeping in like a Murkrow to pick through the garbage bags to salvage what she could from her mother's efforts—but Amity couldn't get everything, and several small items were lost, much to her regret and anger.
Once Amity's older siblings learned about this, the oldest of the group, Justice, who had already moved out and was living independently with roommates, opted to take in his two younger siblings, Temperance and Charity. Leaving Amity and Nori in Rhiannon's custody.
During this period, Rhiannon began reverting to her neglectful habits from before Amity's disappearance. Rhiannon spent most of her time away from home, leaving Amity there alone to care for Nori and herself. Amity welcomed her absence in a way, it made the house feel less hostile.
But it came with consequences. Amity had to drop out of some extracurriculars, such as her Ikebana, and cut down on others, like her dance.
Amity refused to cut down in her role as a gym trainer with Illumise, though that was an area she would not budge - because the gym and Illumise had become her escape from worry. Illumise was an observant woman, though - she noticed Amity's downturn and how tired and run down she had begun seeming - she had her suspicions, and when she offered to let Amity bring Nori along to the gym with her - Amity's visible relief explained it all and Illumise's stomach turned.
Amity became drastically more independent during this period than any girl her age should be. out of necessity of living, unfortunately - she's learned to cook for herself, manage the morning and evening routines, work out travel (walking) times for school both ways and budget for groceries with the 'allowance' left by her mother.
Then HE came into the picture - Mateo wasn't the WORST of Rhiannon's boyfriends; even years later, Amity couldn't damn the man with that scathing assessment, but he was far from a good man - in fact, Amity would describe him as a mediocre man with a royal name - but his introduction came at the worst of Amity's resentment towards her mother.
Amity hated Mateo because he was the enabling force that let her mother run away from them, and the responsibility grew greater and greater for Amity. & Amity would admit, at the time, she did want them to break up - if only for the foolish impression that maybe if he wasn't around, she'd step up. (she wouldn't)
For a time, Rhiannon debated boarding Amity off elsewhere—family, a school, anything—to get her away from her home and from ruining her life, but ultimately, Rhiannon didn't. Amity was too much of a needed help to throw away—and the inconvenient truth is that she, Nori, and her older siblings owned the home and property, NOT Rhiannon. If Amity was thrown out, she'd go to the streets with her.
So they played balancing the boat - the mutual animosity was palpable - but they dealt with it. They dealt with it. First names, no warmth, Amity was the caregiver to her sister, and the lovebirds lived almost separate lives, and time ticked forward.
Then Rhiannon became pregnant, creating waves that couldn't be calmed by time apart and silence alone. Amity didn't want a brother - she didn't want more responsibility - she didn't want to babysit another, and she didn't want to be put between her older siblings and her.
But Rhiannon didn't care; she didn't even care enough to make false promises about changing, 'you'll adapt,' she'd said, and Amity did - but her view of Rhiannon did as well.
When baby Orin was placed in Amity's arms, any respect for Rhiannon and the last of her rose-tinting left the world, and she knew - she'd be stepping up for this baby now; it would be her responsibility.
For the first months of Orin's life, Rhiannon maintained more of a presence at home - caring for Orin in some ways, the more convenient ones, Amity would point out - but still leaving much to Amity, such as the nighttime care - as Mateo seemed uninterested in the child.
The late nights took their toll on Amity. During the day, she became more and more zombie-like, dozing off during classes and finding it impossible to concentrate on her work. This led to her grades suffering despite Amity being capable of so much better.
A month before her 15th birthday, Amity had her final dance performance. She didn't know it at the time, but weeks later, she finally gave up the ghost and dropped the hobby entirely out of necessity. She simply didn't have the time or the energy. But the performance itself was more bitter than sweet—she stepped onto the stage and scanned the audience, and only Illumise and her sister were seated in the crowd—her mother absent.
Regarding her team during this time - Magnus evolved from a Ghastly to a Haunter, though Whinnie and Enjeru remain the same. Amity also adopts a small Spinarak, no bigger than her hand, and with a penchant for mischief, she names Trix.
15 - 16 YEARS OLD
Continuing her path upwards in Illumise's Gym, Amity becomes one of the two attendants / sub-bosses (essentially) directly beneath her.
Amity adds
Despite her troubles at home, she THRIVES in the position, less because of the battles - those are a bonus - but more in her position of helping the challengers and their Pokemon find their footing before facing their hardest challenge.
This is when Amity begins to find her passion in medicine, healing Pokemon and people, comforting, and teaching.
When Orin is 7 months old, Mateo leaves Rhiannon - to no one's surprise other than Rhiannon - it is just a matter of time until the lack of affluence and social climbing and piddling excitement of the country lifestyle drives him away. Amity predicted as much early into the relationship. Still, Rhiannon had perhaps deluded herself into believing she was different, that he'd change, or she'd just be inherently loveable enough to be the exception. She wasn't, though, and emotionally, she shut down for a time, putting the matter of Orin and Nori entirely on Amity.
Somehow, during this time, Rhiannon (through a single parent's support group) met Takuma and quickly began a short-lived and doomed relationship.
Amity was exhausted this time around. She didn't have the energy to resist her mother's push to forget her father and move on with a new 'father' to push down her throat. (Not that she would take him as a father, efforts or not.) But Takuma surprised her.
Takuma wasn't a cold shoulder or an iron fist attempting to crush her into submission. He showed interest but took things slowly and understood her distance; he allowed it and often stood in her defence before Rhiannon when she poked and prodded Amity.
Takuma wasn't only a positive presence for Amity; for a time, he had a familiar effect on Rhiannon. With him around, she seemed to take an interest in Orin and Nori - like she wanted to be a mom, if only to impress Takuma. It was cutting (she could do this for a man but not her own daughter?) but a relief nonetheless. Amity wasn't obligated to be a primary caregiver - not when Takuma was around, and Amity was too tired to not embrace the opportunity.
With Takuma now around, Amity made her stand and put down her foot: she would be doing the circuit and the challenge. Rhiannon tried to argue against it, but Amity was determined. She arranged approved leave from school: she WAS doing it, and she did—in record time, frankly.
Amity's role as an official Gym Attendant had already hardened her team against many of the challenges she'd faced thus far. Working the circuit, she only cemented the name she had made for herself in Illumise's gym and polished her team further.
On her way home from her journey, Amity received word from home that Rhiannon had once again gotten pregnant, this time by Takuma. Though, at least at this point, she felt some relief - with Takuma, things would have to be okay, right?
Amity's beliefs were dashed when she made it home, only to find the home a war zone again. Rhiannon was worse than Amity had ever seen her before—she couldn't explain it—she was just angry. She was always furious at everything and everyone, but she took it out on Takuma more than anything or anyone else.
It broke Amity's heart and scared her for him - he was a good man; he didn't deserve this, and Amity couldn't see this getting better. He toughed it out for the last end of the pregnancy, but after her younger sister was born - he took her and left. Amity couldn't blame him; in a way, she was glad, even though it meant she rolled back to the bottom of the hill.
Takuma leaving - her younger sister having a more stable home - and being left with Rhiannon and her worsening state with her siblings gave Amity a new fire beyond feeling sorry for herself and her circumstances. She was resolved, Amity wanted out, and she knew she COULD do it; she thrived during her Journey. She needed to stop asking for permission and waiting to be let onto a path - she had to barge through, no apology.
Amity knew what she wanted to do—she wanted to be a Pokemon Nurse, so she created her plan with unmatched fire.
Amity did an almost 180 on her schoolwork - from scraping just above passing grades to a solid B and A student. She officially filed the volunteer work she'd performed with the Pokemon League for the past 3 years. She collected all of her awards and efforts, and she prepared to
It certainly helped her resolve that the strained relationship between Amity and Rhiannon had worsened. Rhiannon frequently picked fights, accused Amity of 'being a traitor,' and sided with Takuma and helped him 'steal her baby.'
At this point, Amity finally started speaking at a degree that she had before the incident—not without strain—but she struggled with slipping into muteness during stress. Still, she was feeling confident in herself and her communication again.
Then Rhiannon met HIM, that bastard, that motherfucker, what a tool. Rhiannon brought Axel into the family home not even two months after Takuma had left. He made a bad impression on Amity quickly after that when she returned from school one day to Nori sobbing because she'd been moved out of her room to give Axel a 'man cave' close to his and Rhiannon's room (they live in an Actual Palace, there was space available he simply chose to flex his relationship and his perceived power.
Amity and Axel's animosity worsened as Axel attempted to assert more power over herself and her siblings.
Axel wanted to be the man of the house. Rhiannon was more than happy to give him that power, but Amity opposed it. Not out of pride—no, she couldn't care less about her mother's dating life anymore, her feelings mattered nothing to her mother—her opposition was only to protect her younger siblings from Axel's temper.
Axel was the sort of man who would create rules after you'd 'broken' them as an excuse to belittle you. The kind of man who'd throw china and glass to the floor to make you have to clean it up. The sort of man who refused to call you by your name: you were girl or boy to him. He was the sort of man who would've put his cigarettes out on you, if not for the fact he knew it'd leave a scar.
In truth, all that was achieved by that was putting Amity directly in the line of verbal abuse.
With the tension at home worsening, Amity began sending her siblings over to Illumise's more often, a favour she would never repay. To the point that 'visits with Aunty Mise,' became code for 'Axel is starting shit, I'll handle him, don't let the kids see it,' which Nori caught on to quickly.
In the meantime, Amity struggled to maintain her grade average and was forced to drop her volunteer work at Illumise's Gym, aware that she was running herself into the ground.
Somehow, someway, despite the hardship at home, Amity managed to secure herself a full-ride scholarship to the Poke RN nursing program in Saijikara's capital. Though terrified at the prospect of leaving her siblings, she wept out of joy. This was the way out - this was the way out.
After a particularly awful argument, with words flung about Amity's biological father, Amity had enough. Amity threatened to throw her mother and her mother's boyfriend out of her and her siblings' home. Axel was undeterred, but Rhiannon, knowing the truth of who owned the house and realizing just how far Amity had been taken, backed off and finally pushed back against Axel, too.
Axel never took Amity and her threats seriously, and on some level, he knew Amity didn't have it in her to throw her mother to the street. Still, at the time, Rhiannon did—and thus, she told Axel to leave the home during the day, which alone made him scarce enough for Amity and her siblings to breathe.
This pregnancy was different from Rhiannon's other pregnancies, though, and that became evident quickly. As time passed, she grew sicker and sicker, relying more and more on Amity. Yet, Amity, tired as she was, felt conflicted, resentful, and frustrated, and yet, this was the kindest Rhiannon had treated her in years. She almost seemed like a mom—maybe she knew in advance that this would be her last—or maybe it was manipulation. Amity had no idea.
When Rhiannon went into labour, Axel, per usual at that point, was missing in action, with no way to contact him and resting bile in the back of her throat about the thought of him even being there. It fell to Amity to bring her mother to the hospital and comfort her through the delivery.
Amity witnessed the life draining out of her mother; she heard screaming that would never wholly leave her mind and lurk at the back of nightmares, and when she bled to death on the table. Amity was there, disassociated but there.
With no one else around, Amity named her two newly born sisters, Yvita and Yvona, the first names that came to mind, the ones she'd earmarked to give to her own children one day.
Neither of the twins was strong enough to leave the hospital immediately, so, calling out of school for the first time since the incident, Amity remained by their side in the NICU for a week until they were discharged.
When she went to return home, she remembers distinctly the memory of her with the truck; she was so exhausted she could feel it in her bones; every step hurt and now, with both girls and no hands. She struggled to carry both car seats up into the home. She remembered that feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness, and then, Magnus and the others floated on over. Probably distracted from their playing in the gardens, they met her at the car. She remembers the sound of their joy, cooing and soft cries as they gathered around to see the tiny life. Their happiness was so infectious; it was like the horror of the last weeks was melting; then Magnus, the Haunter, sensing her fatigue, gingerly picked up one of the carriers for her and gave her this look, 'Let me help you,' and she could've cried out of joy.
With Magnus and Lamentation carrying the baby carriers, Amity walked in, feeling lighter in spite of her grief—only for her joy to turn ice cold when she saw Axel sitting in washitsu, eating a meal—utterly dispassionate, relaxed even. He turned to her, her ghosts, and the baby carriers and only barked, 'Where have you been?' without thinking to her mother, the children, or anyone besides himself.
Amity never felt hatred like she did in that moment, frozen, staring at him, unable to move because she couldn't be sure she wouldn't fly forward to strangle him.
She said nothing, instead walking deeper into the home - but that was the beginning of the end.
Amity was the one to break the news to her half-siblings - she'd called Illumise for support, to make it softer, but truthfully, SHE needed her more than her siblings did. They didn't cry, that hurt, they only seemed shocked and scared. 'What's going to happen to us?' Amity hated how her chest hitched; she wanted to say, 'Nothing, we'll be okay,' but she didn't know.
(following Rhiannon dying, Amity was appointed legal guardian of all but one of her half-siblings after she was the only one to step forward and both she and social services raised concerns about separating the siblings due to the vastly different parentage of all of them)
She was also the one to break the news to her full siblings—yet somehow, that call went harder. They seemed happy; they didn't ask about her or their half-siblings. They wanted to know about inheritance now that 'the bitch,' was dead & Amity was going to age into accessing the ones left by her grandparents on Kija's side.
After Rhiannon's death, Amity, in the immediate weeks, didn't have the emotional bandwidth to go through the inevitable drama of kicking Axel to the street - and with him seemingly bettering his act for a time, she was content to try and keep from rocking the boat.
This was until Amity broke the news that Axel would need to leave before her graduation from Senior High. This sparked a particularly violent fight, during which Axel raised his hands against Amity.
Amity was battered, and after the attack, and realizing what he'd done, Axel fled the house, yelling threats about taking 'his daughters' and that the matter wasn't finished with.
Amity didn't follow - hurting and stunned, she'd called Illumise instead, telling her to keep the kids as she 'sorted things' at the house (locked all the doors and treated her wounds,) but what neither realized was that Magnus, Amity's Haunter had heard the noise and followed them to find Amity hurting and Axel running.
Amity didn't follow, but Magnus did. He wouldn't let anyone raise a hand to his trainer or split apart his family—no, Magnus had seen enough, Magnus had let enough pass by for Amity, but this was too far. Magnus DEMANDED retribution for her, and Haunters aren't known for their mercy.
Axel disappeared that night—like he dropped off the face of existence. Neither he, his bike, or any trace of him was found after he'd gotten onto the roadway, though rumours persist. After Amity went into town with her bruises poorly covered in makeup, locals whispered that Axel didn't run away, and Amity's ghosts dragged him into the spirit world for hurting her.
Leaving Amity alone, with her siblings and an uncertain future (though Axel was far from a significant loss)
18 - 19 YEARS OLD
WIP (jot notes I'll expand on later)
Amity's Haunter, Magnus evolved into a Gengar. Her Murkrow, Verity, evolved into a Honchkrow & Amity gained her Noibat, Laverna through her work with sick and injured Pokemon.
Amity got access to the trust funds created for her by her grandparents and father; however, in the process, she learned that Rhiannon had been stealing and skimming money from both her and Nori's accounts for years.
Amity was able to make it with her full-ride scholarship, though unfortunately had to leave Nori and Orin under the partial care of Illumise (who Amity paid through her trust funds to keep them safe and check on the property)
Amity moved to Saijikara's capital with her two youngest siblings and cared for them while studying to become a Poke RN.
In the meantime, she performed odd, one-off jobs, such as voice acting, and participated with her team in local Pokemon tournaments for additional money & became something of a micro-celebrity in the area.
20 - 21 YEARS OLD
WIP (jot notes I'll expand on later)
Amity added Malik, the haunted blade, to her team after a family member who had heard of her gift with Ghost Pokemon (based on her team and micro-celebrity status) surrendered him to her care. Amity's Drifloon, Whinnie, evolved near the end of the year into a Drifblim.
Amity finished her studies and graduated with her bachelor's degree in Pokemon nursing. She continued to serve in that role for several months while becoming board-certified for the region.
After realizing Amity wouldn't be able to cleanly pick up her new career and skills and drop them into her home community on the Outskirts, she changed pace and took a lower-earning job as a Community and Pokemon Healthcare Nurse (after taking another, far shorter and more manageable, course)
Amity scraped by in this position while continuing to participate in Pokemon tournaments and competitions for the prize winnings until Illumise had enough.
At the time, a former Gym Leader had retired, and they needed a new, young spirit to take their place and Illumise saw no one she felt could serve the position better (and needed the money) more than Amity
She proposed the deal to Amity, and with some hesitation, Amity agreed and began the trials to become a gym leader and register the estate as a gym and challenge location.
Amity was QUICKLY brought on board with excitement by the League, despite hesitation in some of the Gym Leaders. With her expertise and the offer of access to her land to create a gym, it was their simplest, easiest, and cheapest option.
Amity became a new Gym Leader to much acclaim, if mainly for the energy and novel take she gave to the antiquated role. In the eyes of much of the public, Amity brought modern excitement and the draw of incorporating elements foreign to the region in the form of 'rough battling' to what had become seen as a dull and antiquated theatrical performance for old people and children alone. Of course, that came with controversy in itself.
A short time after taking over as a new Gym Leader and halfway through renovations on the property to install an internal battling arena, there was an accident that left Amity being caught on fire by a competitor's attack, leaving her left arm entirely covered in scar tissue. Whinnie, Amity's Drifloon, evolved during the stress of the incident.
Despite her injury, Amity refused to retire or take extended leave from her position and doubled down, continuing to battle and remain active in it.
At the end of 21, Professor Banyan and Professor Inox move to the Region, filling the vacant position of Pokemon Professor, and Amity quickly befriends them.
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randomnameless · 9 months
The only time I felt a major arc in Boruto(anime wise. The manga is its own can of worms)was genuinely bad and didn’t make sense was the Mist Village vs Eco Pirates, especially as they threw cycle of revenge BOTH SIDES in even though the Eco Pirates were legit insane and their arguments don’t make sense that one of them sought ReVeNgE because his sister was hurt when Boruto protected himself in SELF-DEFENSE and killed herself in a hospital room by taking off all the tubes giving her fluids and KEEPING HER ALIVE! She was such an irrational spiteful human being who killed herself out of hate but clearly it’s Borutos fault! That he didn’t let her kill him!
Even the oldest son of the Eco Pirates leader who had been raised to believe his father was the only way to protect their clan realized his father was insane and was murdered by his father when he tried to make peace with the Mist because his father was just a spiteful mosnter and their mom was an idiot that died in battle on board a ship when the pirates were RAIDING MIST SHIPS. It was just genuinely stupid.
I think stuff like Naruto’s failings leading to things being worse in areas, like letting the Mist collapse despite being so physically close in location to Konoha and the Fire Country, or him not trusting people the way he does Kakashi or Sasuke, especially as he had no real answer to making things better in Naruto itself, makes sense.
The "both sides uwu" or "cyle of hatred sad uwus" argument, especially how it is depicted in this general verse really pisses me so much and is one of the reasons I vastly prefer 1st gen to the fuckery that was shippuden, and later, as you pointed out, Boruto (I haven't watched those episodes, but reading the wiki about them makes me puke lol)
At least, in the 1st Gen, when Gaara wants to "hurt" the world because his crap dad tried to kill him, Gaara is only 12 and not in the best mental state thanks to Shukaku being an ass, and is proven wrong, which prompts his change.
Nagato got his uwu moment to justify his "both sides" plan, because his random parents died in a war so in return he will bring "Tru Piss" to the world even if it means leveling a village full of randoms bcs he's pissed at Tsunade telling him to stop acting like a fucking brat and starting more conflicts that cause more and more senseless random's deaths.
(and then the dude nukes the village, including Ramen Guy and his daughter, to make a point or something)
but everything is alright uwu, since he rez everyone and we're supposed to follow Naruto's mindset, about the guy having had a point or something and the "uwu cycle of hatred that somehow includes killing people who haven't done a thing to you because they exist and it's not your fault if you had to slaughter them :("
(that's why, despite its own faults, I think BC is vastly superior, at least with this scene - Asta doesn't kill Patry when he reveals his tragic backstory and despite emphasing with him, he still punches him bcs dude, you killed a bunch of randoms who never asked for anything in your stupid plans)
Madara was the best example with his "wah wah, Hashirama y u kill me, i thought we could understand each other, see u and I are the same we kill because we can't understand each other :'(" after repeatedly attacking the Leaf, and all of its randoms, with Kurama many times.
As for those episodes you've mentionned -
Iirc Kagura was supposed to be the next Mizukage?
And lol @ his randoms friends for apparently wanting to ditch and betray him after they heard they would only get a 3 years reduction of their sentence, that they got, iirc, from the previous arc where they killed randoms and attempted a coup against the Mist???
Again, it's the general trend within that crap verse of giving more fucks to the perpetrators than to the victims - you can't fucking kill people and expect to get away with a slap on the wrist ; 1st gen Gaara understood it and swore to protect the people of Suna, as the Kazekage, to make up for what he used to do and what he used to be, which ends beautifuly with his final scene in the Deidara battle, and is corrected when he "wakes up" - aka his entire village loves him now (even if the later chapters of Shippuden try to retcon this in a Naruto wankering fest).
Anyways, iirc, one of those random dude in this filler killed Kagura by stabbing him after taking him hostage? And Boruto'n'co effectively dropped their weapons to comply to the dude's demands?
And then Boruto apparently goes in "rawr revenge mode" by pummeling randoms and nearly killing a kid, because that's totes how revenge works, I mean have you seen the old Chiyo pummeling Sakura to death because she comes from the same village as Sakumo? (and I'm pretty sure she was faking trying to attack Kakashi during her "senility" scene, because she didn't use any of the techniques she uses against Sasori!!)
Forget trying to build up or shoehorn an "uwu cycle of hatred uwu BaD uwu" with third rate characters in a third rate filler using a convoluted plot on how "killing terrorists BaD because their families will hate you afterwards :("
Why don't we have any samurai going to Konoha and having a beef with Sarada because Sasuke killed some of them during the land of iron arc? Like Pedro the Samurai's daughter, or niece, or grand-daughter ? I legit thought the samurai girl character would be something like this, but no, she's just pure filler material.
It's not a fair comparison at all, but I was re-re watching FMAB a few days ago, and I vastly prefer the "cycle of revenge" and Scar's general arc to whatever Kishimoto and whoever the fuck works on Boruto tried to give us.
Kishi's world is stupid enough to apparently make everyone accept Naruto's decisions even if those same decisions, if they were made by anyone else or during the Shippuden Era (or even the first gen), would have declared several wars or have been criticised to oblivion.
At least, the later manga reveals he is a shit hokage, even Shikamaru shits on him - and he receives the worst punishment ever, being fridged with "the woman who makes diner in his home" lol
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lockedtowers · 8 months
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NAME: Cassandra Amaris Morae
TITLES: princess of spades, cheshire cat, little witch
NICKNAMES: Cass, Cassie, Kitten, Cat
BIRTHDATE: April 15th
SPECIES: Witch/Fae Hybrid, 'Fae Halfling' by most definitions
NATIONALITY: Wonderlander
GENDER: Cheshire Cats are almost all fluid on a technicality. AFAB, mostly identifies as female.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Demi-biromantic, leans towards men, she falls a little bit in love w anyone who's nice to her, but deep romantic love is harder for her.
FAMILY: Feina Mare Morae (Mother), Aleksander Moritz Red (Arguably step-father), Vas Casimir Moraj (biological father), Miseris Cymbeline Morae (twin-brother) Lucian Aeolian Morae (Older half-brother).
PARENTS: Feina Morae (Mother), Aleksander Red (Sort of step-father) Vas Moraj (Father)
SIBLINGS: Lucian Morae (Older half-brother), Miseris Morae (Younger Twin-brother)
EYE COLOR(S) : Left: ocean blue, right: very pale, almost silvery-blue, and for the most part she's blind in it
HAIR COLOR(S): medium brown, copper undertones
HEIGHT: 4'11 3/4ths.
WEIGHT: 140 lb ish .
FACE CLAIM: D.anielle R.ose R.ussell
BODY BUILD: curvy, muscular, looks like a cute lil kitty, will tear your eyes out
Potential Fatal Flaw: desire for revenge; unwavering loyalty hasn't helped her much, either.
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NAME: William Everett Afton
TITLES: The Man behind the Slaughter, Springtrap, The Creator, The Killer
NICKNAMES: Springtrap is probably technically a nickname
BIRTHDATE: January 13th
SPECIES: 'Human', with a surprisingly high tolerance to being murdered
GENDER: Cis Male
FAMILY: Michael Afton (Eldest son, reanimated), Evan Afton (Youngest son, deceased), Elizabeth Afton (Only daughter, in circus baby), Henry Emily (object of his obsession).
PARENTS: Katrina Bailey (Mother), Mikael Afton (Father)
SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: Melissa Park (First wive, deceased), Sarah Creek (Second wife, deceased), Allison Kim (Elizabeth's mother, deceased), Henry Emily (affair partners)
EYE COLOR(S) : blue as hell
HAIR COLOR(S): Messy brown, with greys flowing through them.
HEIGHT: 6'5".
WEIGHT: so fun fact idk how weight works, he's tall and looks like a stick tho .
FACE CLAIM: D.avid T.ennant (Main), M.atthew L.illard (Alt)
BODY BUILD: Tall, lanky, yet somehow able to body bitches while wandering around in a fursuit
Potential Fatal Flaw: he's a prideful bitch and i hate him.
Tagged by @orangeshinigami :*tagging: if u see it n u wanna do it, go for et
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trailnapped · 10 months
character stat framework
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name: emily eleanor dikrats nickname(s): em, emmy, mouthface age: 17+ birthdate: april 1st, 1831 (or 2006 in modern verses) species: human gender: cis woman preferred pronoun(s): she/her romantic orientation: biromantic sexual orientation: bisexual parents: jack bauer dikrats & sue dikrats siblings: peter dikrats (younger brother) significant other(s): n/a or verse dependent, though she did almost marry the bandit king eye color(s): blue hair color(s): blonde body build: gangly, rectangular body shape, slight athletic build in her legs but her upper body? weak af. height: 5'6
tagged by: stole it hehe tagging: in this economy i encourage stealing, so steal it from me and say i tagged u!
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nerice · 2 years
oc ask meme! 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, and 47!
*rolls up my sleeves all the fucking way* let me introduce u to so many freaks. also linking my oc page again here not everyone's on there but for refrance!!!! this got long so im actually using the humble readmore function for once but im gonna showcase one answer up here and that is:
has anyone drawn fanart of your ocs? if yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
i love all the art you n charlotte have drawn but this pic you did of reina. man (i cry everytime i look at it, she's SO BEAUTIFUL here you got her down better than i have ever drawn her <33333)
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first oc ever: a young girl who gets her throat taken out by a big cat at a circus performance; who is now a young boy called honey who gets his throat taken out by kizuna while he wanders the swamplands searching for his brother! :D
personal favourite oc: absolutely without any doubt or competition whatsoever this goes to sky lmao. rabbit daughter of my life <33333
have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? nope! all organically grown ocs in my brain tbh i find the practice of adoptables etc a little weird but that's just bc it, for me personally, conceptually, just does not work at all lmao
if you could make only one of your ocs popular/known, who would it be? nightmare scenario that guarantees callout posts tbh but after reading a billion articles on traditional female villains for my thesis i am slightly tempted to blaze knowledge abt faye lmao. high femme lesbian villain (power armor notwithstanding) we need more of em <3
are your ocs part of any story or stories? only have story ocs!! if i think up a guy he comes pre-equipped with problems which i will somehow slot into the grander verse, i don't make the rules
sunshine oc: alissa!!!! tragic girl who dies too young but before then is the absolute light in the life of everyone she touches ;_; there is one au where she lives and aims to use the lifesong to help more people, in the process of which she becomes eliada's sworn enemy & also possibly romances damia. long story
troublemaker ocs: handsdown linn wins this category lol. always up to no good, a nsfw criminal menace <3
oc otp: YOU KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT IS JUMIE/REINA. thank you for drawing them make out it gives me life <33333
introduce an oc that means a lot to you (and explain why): gestures at reina. gestures at sky. gestures harder *camera pans over i am now on the floor sobbing* yknow?
introduce oc that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like: jumie used to be very mellow and leaned most strongly into the caretaking persona (it still comes out with sky a lot ;_;) but when i actually got around to writing her boy. oh boy. takes no shit and vibe checks every single person she comes across (for better or for worse) lawful good paladin behavior
which one of your ocs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? leah!!! unfortunate tendency to disappear on people bc of whatever piqued her interest & also knows no fear/loves freaky and spooky stuff. noah, her scaredy-dragon bodyguard, is as exasperated as he is close to a heart attack at all times
pick one oc of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) cait, avery, and jumie wld all run weapon aes focused blogs (swords, knives, spears&bows respectively) and would probably end up sending each other hatemail over their weapon preferences lmao
introduce an oc who is not quite human: kizuna!!! typical choice here lol but. fun-sized (bear shaped) omnivorous murder bunny who can shapeshift into the people she devours. has a little identity crisis from it eventually, its ok
do you have any certain type when you create your ocs? do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? it’s time to confess: i dont set out to create ocs so much as they just show up unasked on the doorstep of my brain but i absolutely love 2 give ocs a truckload of extremely visible scars (and some hidden ones for funsies) face scars are one of the greatest honors i can bestow <3
has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your ocs as their child? various yeah most frequently adopted are leah (statistical daughter of all time) and belle+sky for trauma reasons lmao
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chaos--mode · 1 month
@miercolaes embraced the chaos : leave me alone to die. / for ren (whichever verse u prefer im down for anything!)
the near-ethereal lights of the subterranean passage they've stumbled into casts ren and wednesday in a sallow green glow. her eyes still haven't adjusted, cursed human darkvision shit as it is. still, she can see enough to know that it's not that serious.
wednesday's hurt, sure, but like. it's far from the worst wound ren's ever seen. the raven-haired girl may be bloody and bruised and banged up (they both are), but she'll be fine.
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❝ gods, don't be so dramatic dove. ❞ ren scoffs with an exaggerated eye roll. her fists sit planted on her hips as she waits for the other girl to catch up. she blows a bit of hair out of her face but it barely moves, stuck to her cheek with warm, tacky blood. ❝ it's barely a scratch. just, like, chug a potion and you'll be right as rain. ❞
LILO AND STITCH (2002) PROMPTS. ( always accepting! )
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deathsbecome · 4 months
things to know about the muse
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NAME. Addison Marie Blackwood
NICKNAME(S). Addy, Ads (by Matthew only), Stargirl/Spacegirl (specifically I've referenced this being used by Ruby, but if anyone ships with Addy I think you should use it too)
TITLE. none
P E R S O N A L .
MORALITY. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
RELIGIOUS BELIEF. atheist, generally is more focused on a scientific approach to things even in more supernatural settings
SINS. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
VIRTUES. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
PRIMARY GOAL IN LIFE. to learn as much as possible and do something notable with that knowledge (i.e. spaceships. she wants to make spaceships)
LANGUAGES KNOWN. English, Spanish, some Latin (verse dependent, tends to know some Mandarin in adult verses and in DC verse she knows bits and pieces of. A lot.)
QUIRKS. gestures with hands a lot (particularly when enthused), miscellaneous stimming (foot bouncing, tapping fingers against thumb, soft clicks with tongue, etc) tendency to speak fast
SAVVIES. astrology, piano, guitar, singing, biology, dance, tumbling/acrobatics (due to dance), chemistry, engineering, physics (supers verse: knife)
P H Y S I C A L .
BUILD. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
HEIGHT. 5'11 until i make 6'0 addy real
WEIGHT. idk im not looking that shit up for exact numbers. also she's dead so like that complicates things. normal weight for a fairly athletic (primarily cardio/stamina based) woman of her height. a little on the lighter side in some cases (dc verse when she's younger, tua, thg pre and during games) due to malnutrition
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS. scar on bottom lip, rest are verse dependent (marks around head, Achilles heel, and neck in tma/cfp verses and just. many scars in thg and dc verses—notable for dc, scars resembling autopsy incisions, two scars from gunshot wounds, scar along back of neck near spine and hairline)
ABILITIES/POWERS. human: intelligence, general athleticism, stealth. ghost: that + reality manipulation to seem alive, if she knows she's a ghost, typical ghost stuff. tua/marvel: human abilities + reality manipulation. dc: intelligence, enhanced strength/reflexes/stamina/senses/pain tolerance, knows how to use many weapons and most fighting styles
F A V O U R I T E S .
TOPPING. depends
FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE. folk, musical theater
FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE. anything as long as it's done in a way she likes. probably fantasy and nonfiction (science/nature, psychology being bigger ones) are her most preferred, if really being pressed for an answer
FAVOURITE MOVIE GENRE. documentaries (nerd)
F U N   S T U F F .
SINGING IN THE SHOWER. hums on occasion
LIKES BAD PUNS. bad puns? no. well executed ones? absolutely
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yhwhrulz · 1 year
A Bible Devotional 31st August 2023
REVELATION 19:7-8 NKJ 7 "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." 8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
These verses hold an answer to the question often asked by humans facing difficulties and troubles: "Why?"
Since Jesus has already defeated the devil and gained for us all the blessings the Bible tells us about, why is the devil allowed to continue to attack us and steal those blessings?
Does any bridegroom desire to marry a bride he cannot communicate with? Certainly not!
Surely, no highly educated person would prefer marrying a spouse who cannot even read or write. No one would prefer marrying someone unable to speak their language.
Jesus is no different in this regard. His desire is also to have companionship with those who understand Him.
So you are being prepared to be a fit companion for the Lord Jesus Christ for eternity. This means you need to have opportunity to overcome and to walk in love in the midst of difficulty. Otherwise, you would never be able to truly appreciate all Jesus has done.
Does this mean Jesus will throw out those who do not perfectly overcome in this life? Absolutely not! Jesus promised that anyone who came to Him would never be rejected or cast out (John 6:37). But the richest fellowship will be enjoyed with those who overcome as He overcame.
Jesus does not play favorites. He freely loves us all. But we are the ones who choose how close to the Lord we desire to be.
Revelation 19:8 says the fine linen adorning the Lamb's companion is righteous acts. What makes her so beautiful to Jesus is not that she is clothed in His righteousness, which was a gift, but in her own righteousness.
No, we are not saved by our righteous acts, but when we allow Jesus to live and love through us, our acts of loving sacrifice are very beautiful to the Lord.
Verse 7 says His wife has made herself ready. She was not born ready. She was born righteous, but not ready. She had to grow up and learn to walk as Jesus walked in order to become ready to be His most intimate companion. She received right standing with God as a free gift. But the righteous acts she is wearing are her own.
This is why the devil has not been incarcerated yet. God believes every one of His children can overcome, so we are being allowed the opportunity to do so.
The wife of the Lamb is meant to have the opportunity to overcome evil with good -- just as Jesus did -- so she can fellowship with Him on a level of understanding that would not be possible otherwise.
Our wonderful Lord Jesus is worthy of companions who understand (at least somewhat) the difficulties He suffered, because of His love for us.
So let us ask Him to continue His work in us, making us what He desires us to be -- similar to Him. And let us persevere in faith, even when we face things we don't fully understand.
Then we will be ready for that wonderful, privileged position of intimate fellowship with Jesus.
SAY THIS: It is a great privilege to know Jesus Christ, and to become like Him.
To give: http://aDevotion.org/give
Devotions in book form: http://CFApublications.com To hear audio teachings by the author of this devotional, visit https://adevotion.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5ccca9ca3fa78afdf489a2454&id=9a22b79684&e=22c78815cb
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rennisaturate · 27 days
open to: anyone relationship: friends, strangers, friend of a friend, anything really, have fun !! ✨ her bio's not up atm so if u wanna know abt her hmu 💗✨
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she'd thought she was alone as she climbed down from the tree she'd been perched in. mylene liked parties, don't get her wrong, but she also got overwhelmed earlier than most of her friends did. she'd been watching through the windows , writing in her little green notebook here and there musings about what she saw, but around two in the morning figured her friends might be about ready to go. or at least drunk enough to convince maybe. so as she hopped down from where she'd swung a moment from the lowest branch, she started at hearing the other's voice. " jesus!! " she gasped and wobbled a bit. " you scared the mess out me, "
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valkxrie · 1 year
Character Questionnaire.
× G E N E R A L :
Name: Brunnhilde Nicknames: Brunn, B.  Gender & Pronouns: Female. (She/Her).  Birthday: Unknown. The Valkyrie celebrate Beltane and The Hibernal Solstice as times of birth and death.  Place of Birth: As a Valkyrie; on a battlefield. Beyond that; unknown.  Sexual Preference: Pansexual.  Occupation(s): Valkyrie. 
× A P P E A R A N C E :
Eye Colour: A greenish grey Hair Colour: Blonde Height: 5′9″  Major Scars: Brunnhilde has a ‘death scar’ between her ribs on her left side. It was a killing blow; one that would have sent her to Valhalla had Odin not turned her into a Valkyrie. It is a muted golden colour, not white or red. All Valkyrie have a similar mark. She has no other scars. 
× F A V O U R I T E :
Colour: Sunrise.  Songs: Mood dependant. To chill out, probably Work Song and Through Me (The Flood) by Hozier, to feel empowered, something like Banye by Akwaeke, Venom by Little Simz, or Dominate (VIP) by SpaceLaces Food: Brunnhilde had seasonal tastes; fruits in the summer, stews in the winter, wines in spring, vegetables in the fall... not much of a sweet-tooth, however. Drink: Alcoholic; wine, bourbon, and port. Non-alcoholic; keiffer water, coffee, tea
× H A V E   T H E Y :
Passed University: Never even enrolled. If she were human, she’d have joined the Air Force and become a fighter pilot.  Had Sex: Yes. Had Sex in Public: Yes. Not in an on-stage way; more like a finding a quiet spot during a party.  Had a Threesome: Yes.  Gotten Pregnant/Someone Else Pregnant: No. Valkyrie cannot become pregnant while frequently travelling to and from the afterlife. In one verse, Brunnhilde has a child (Aslaug) by Sigurd (Thor); but they are both mortal at the time. It is not cannon to my interpretation.   Kissed a Man: Yes. Kissed a Woman: Yes. Gender is irrelevant to her.  Gotten Tattoos: Surprisingly, no.  Gotten Piercings: Ear lobes, helix, and conch; but not always wearing jewellery.  Been in Love: Yes.  Stayed up for More than 24 Hours: Yes. 
× A R E T H E Y :
A Cuddler: She isn't cuddle-averse, and in some scenarios, it's really nice - but she generally won't seek it out.  A Kisser: Yes. While not a cuddler per-say, Brunnhilde enjoys being sensual.  Scared Easily: Not for herself, no.  Jealous Easily: Not at all.  Trustworthy: Her word is her bond.   Dominant: With the right person.  Submissive: With the right person. If given a title, Brunnhilde would be a switch. In Love: No. Single: Brunnhilde is perpetually unattached and has no intentions to have that change. She will engage in romantic entanglements, and would enter a relationship - but it is not at all a priority for her. 
× R A N D O M   Q U E S T I O N S :
TW for self-harm/suicide mention.
Have They Harmed Themselves: No. Thought of Suicide: No. Attempted Suicide: No.  Wanted to Kill Someone: Wanted to, and have.  Have/Had a Job: She is the leader of Odin’s Valkyrie.  Have Any Fears: Very few. She fears being caged, losing her wings, or having any of that happen to any of her sisters. 
× F A M I L Y :
Sibling(s): None biological that she is aware of. The Valkyrie consider themselves to be sisters. Parent(s): Unknown. The Valkyrie adopt Freya as a mother-figure, and Odin as a father-figure, but do not know their own parentage.  Children: None. Significant Other: None.  Pet(s): None officially, but she and Sleipnir are rather fond of each other, and she has befriended several of Freya’s cats. 
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it. 
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tresradiossolis · 1 year
Quick Verse List
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Main Verse : Takes place after Sunny had his Moon and theater programming removed, and Asterope and Elio were created (and Chandra got trampled). Sunny runs the Daycare, Asterope the Theater, and Elio roams the pizzaplex. Asterope is the latest addition, while Elio has been around slightly longer.
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Pre-Disaster : Sunny only, this takes place before Sunny and his Moon got separated, and they were in charge of the Theater together. No verse for when they're in the Daycare is currently in place, since it was so brief and so violent it's a bit tricky to work with. This verse has the addition of Sunny's Moon, who can usually be found over at @theatricalmurder ! If you want to interact with him more directly, that's the place to do so.
Addition : To adjust for other Daycare Attendant muses or dash interactions, this verse has your DCA added to Sunny's Daycare, be it from a different Plex, or they're recently created. Sunny's great at his job, but his poor mental health causes him to need a little extra support.
Transferred : This verse is also for other Daycare Attendants' convenience. This one has Sunny come in from a different, smaller Plex, where his whole history with his Moon played out. He was deemed not fit to handle the Daycare on his own, and was added to the bigger Plex to support your DCA as a helping hand. In addition, Elio was brought along with him, and Asterope was created from Sunny's old programming and placed in the big Plex after they revamped the Theater there.
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Main Verse : Elio works at an indoor playground and part-time at a local daycare in Utah, Aster travels the country in his van as a street performer, and Sunny is a daycare attendant alongside Elio, while also working as a scout leader. The pizzaplex can exist in this verse, or not, it's not crucial that it does. If it does, consider reading the next verse.
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Pizzaplex Employee : Elio specific. In verses where the Pizzaplex exists, Elio is usually a former intern that used to help bot!Sunny get situated, or to support other DCA's before she got let go when the internship ended. This verse is either when they still worked there, or them getting employed again a few years later.
College : College verse time!! Sunny is a professor in Early Childhood Education, Elio is studying said subject along with Theater, and Aster is studying Performance Arts and Theater as well.
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Young Sunny : Obviously Sunny only. Sunny when he was younger and still a part of the cult. This is a heavy universe with lots of dark topics such as abuse and religious trauma and, well, cults.
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Time-skip Sunny: Just a bit of a time-skip for Sunny discovering her gender identity. This would mostly be used for specific roleplays or ask memes, as I prefer to let it naturally progress.
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Blacephalon Aster : Aster is a Blacephalon that got sent through a worm hole and came into Paldea. On the way through, his genetic code got all jumbled up, and out on the other end came a small human-like child with no memory of who he is. He was raised by Katy, and now travels Paldea as a street performer alongside his Popplio and Larvesta companions. At night, he sometimes unknowingly transforms into his Blacephalon self and causes havoc...
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wheatlev · 2 years
wait i forgor are you also trans like me - sam
YEAH lol I am and I've actually headcanoned plankton as ftm before so
definitely not against the idea! I've just been working on my own human verse and my backstory requires her to be cis (sorry fellow lgbtees) so. definitely not against the idea of robots saying f u to gender anyway, I prefer Karen to be butch anyway but that's not part of this conversation
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randomnameless · 1 year
Seeing how badly sothis/byleth get treated by intsys makes me feel really badly for them and their fans. I thought self inserts were meant to fawn over the player but instead I see the company retcon them, replace, and low but high key shitting on them. I don’t think I would ever see this with characters like Link or Persona or the little pokemon kids so I’m not sure what intsys is trying to tell us about sothis/byleth if this what we see done to them, “they’re just a mindless beast”
As I realised thanks to talking and exchanging with people around and after years of discourse...
Fodlan suffers from "self-insert worship" but in a batman 5D chess gambit, from doylist wise, "player worship". Earl Grey must sell, thus the character who always loves the player and was made, designed, as the player's love-interest (Billy's), Supreme Leader's worship takes the cake.
As already pointed out, Fodlan games try their damnest to erase or not give any figs about Flamey, the "War" is just a background buzz and units are on snow class, and if something is to blamed for the destruction and deaths caused by the war it's deflected on the mole people, "Church/Kingdom BaD because they don't offer their heads on a platter" or the world and its systum - and the worst offender, on "crusts", aka, blood from a genocided race that mingled with "humanity" and is used as the scapegoat for everything wrong in the world. The "alien blood" is to blame and the real responsible for why Miklan tried to seduce people who didn't want to be seduced, or why classicism exist.
I exaggerate a bit, Heroes tried to poke holes at this smokescreen and it ended up with Supreme Leader running away from Lissa (the most persuasive character in the franchise?) because, hey, in her verse, no one told her 1+1 = 2, or no one she couldn't introduce to Aymr I guess.
(of course we have the lol!supports from the besf, but any opposition is resolved with a teaspoon in the following supports, there's no disagreement nothing, it's always "and John realised off-screen Supreme Leader was right and he was wrong", ultimate kuddos to the Ferdie support though, the biggest joke - but again, FE16's supports kind of suck).
With that in mind, Billy was always intended to be the SS Lord, and to opposed Supreme Leader (that's the gravitas and main steak served when you order Fodlan : "u will feel bad bcs u turn against ur precious student sad uwus").
And yet, not to prevent the irl players from, idk, buying Supreme Leader merch or routes or being engaged, even if it's through foolish fan-faction wars, Billy takes a backseat as Nopes fully embrace the core of the Fodlan games : Hresvelg Tea.
Player must feel bad for siding against Supreme Leader - so Supreme Leader must somehow be right, and make people at least some of them surface-level wonder if the ends justify the means, right?
Billy, when they are their character and not a self insert UI, thus must bow down to this rule - everything must be thrown in a blender so Supreme Leader's steak will look appetising, even if you have to destroy the tastiest risotto ever done in the process.
Rhea cannot have spotlight else we will be in a Lissa situation again - so if she has any, it'll play in the red herring already debunked 10 chapters ago "Church BaD Rhea BaD maybe she should have ruled over the world instead of letting HuMaNiTy rule itself". In Nopes? Conveniently, Uncle pops up so Rhea's goal changes, and she will prefer to save the world instead of putting the person who wants her out of Fodlan by tomorrow morning because her ears are pointy to the sword.
Dimitri? "BaD" as long as he wants to kill Supreme Leader, but when he'll become the Saviour King, he'll try to spare her and regret having to kill her - fuck to Baldo, Waldi, and the "creatures masquerading as humans" I guess - in FE16 ; in Nopes, he'll also join the "Church BaD" gang, thus isn't "really" opposing Supreme Leader, right?
Clout became a thing.
And Billy? Well, Barney's existence is their nemesis, so to prop Barney they should shit on Billy, right?
But to shit on them to this point - throwing them with the other Nabateans in Nopes in the "dgaf" trashcan but also, confirming the worst theories from FE16 (Jerry's not the best dad ever) hurts. Billy was, this time, sacrificed to make place for the new self-insert, but also, imho, to showcase how the damn space lizards are evil (and not only because we're playing an agarthan game/route, but also because it checks a certain someone's agenda).
So while I think it's less something of "the devs hate Billy" it's more like "the devs want you to buy Hresvelg Tea".
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partiallystcrs · 6 years
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i should do the bio first but we know me & we know that if i don’t do tags first, tags don’t come @ all.  these are the tags for one francis ‘ missy ’ warner, mother of the infamous warner bros & sister trio. 
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