#[ out of cells ] (ooc)
bugeyedfreaks · 2 months
I bought the comic! 💖
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I have a couple of my usual little minor nitpicks (as I am want to have), but I don’t even want to get into them because there were so few and they didn’t impact my enjoyment of the comic all that much. I thought it was super cute!
I won’t spoil anything in case anyone’s interested in buying it for themselves (which, I would say… yeah, buy it, totally!), but what I appreciated the most– especially since this is the first issue and it’s establishing who the girls are for anyone not super familiar with them– is that the girls end up saving the day together. It shows the importance of them not just being heroes, but also being a team (and also being supportive sisters, which… 🥹🫶) and that makes me feel like, even on a basic level, they get the characters. And that’s reassuring! Yay!
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liroyalty · 8 days
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Mira/Vulcan still living rent free in my head
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(i feel kinda bad about it but that terrorized pep is so funny lol. sopping wet kitten in the rain
that next part is cool as heck tho. i think it’s the first time we’ve seen pep in a more monster-y form, right?)
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(It's a defence mechanism!!! Who'd want to hurt such a little guy!!! A tiny, sopping wet baby boy!!! You wouldn't hurt this little puddle that can fit in the palm of your hand, huh!!!
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And yee, that's Pep's chase form! I'd say we'd see more of him soon, but he requires some... special circumstances to achieve that form :3 (or we can just go into Peppino's thoughts again, Imao)
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iobartach · 3 months
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I dont know why, but the icon you use as a Mun makes me giggle everytime time I see it.
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Good. Excellent. The Jelly Jiggler Propaganda stays strong.
You're gonna be Pavlov'd so hard anytime you see blue giggling jelly you're gonna laugh, this I swear.
And then you're gonna watch the show he's from: Bobobo-bobo-bobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobo-
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huntershowl · 2 months
ok yall. today is the last fucking day i have to suffer thru this hellish double work week. pls pray for me its the home stretch HDKSJDEK
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So I may have gotten blown up a lil bit. Hospital’s tryina keep me til monday. I probably won’t post much over the weekend.
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winterdeepelegy · 4 days
Going to take a break from FFXIVWrite today since it's freebie day and my new job role starts at work tomorrow. Gotta start fresh.
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detnu-a-h · 11 months
Nah man cause... why two Ghosts, even Shepard but no Gaz? I could've had Gaz on my birthmonth! Fuck these dudes. Even the Little Cae.sar package excluded him and I'm just losing it.
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redhead-reporter · 1 year
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guys i'm so tired...
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godblooded · 1 year
it has been a helluva day but here’s this reminder i love y’all so much.
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drengar · 2 months
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@thuganomxcs asked: ❝ i took 400 yen out of your bag last night. ❞
Gold eyes blinked a few times before the statement registered. Keigo immediately opened his gym bag and rummaged through it. When he didn't find the spare cash he tended to keep there he laughed and smirked at the other.
"So it seems you did." Not that Keigo really tried to hide it. He had cash stashed in other places for emergencies and he would have been more concerned if those spots had been pilfered. But he was still impressed that someone slightly younger than him managed to steal from him. Shoulder his bag his smirk grew a bit more as he said, "Keep it, you deserve it at this point." Was it possibly going against his code of ethics for his job? Probably but Keigo was never really one to do everything by the book.
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caestusvulpes · 3 months
hikari fills a niche in part 2 that gets a little overlooked and thats as the dps. If joseph is a bard or rogue archetype, and caesar is a ranger archetype, 2kari in particular fits into the barbarian archetype. Fresh off her vampirism and indulging in her darker impulses by hitting everything as hard as she can, getting even more damage as she gets angrier and angrier at her opponents. She wields a cactus as a baseball bat, which is a bludgeoning weapon that also tears at and digs into flesh, breaking off and leaving hamon-delivering payloads like jellyfish do when they sting you. I know i talk about it sometimes but i need y'all to understand how vicious she can be.
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talentforlying · 11 months
ok constantine would sooner strangle me than be compared to roderick usher, but "the gates are always open but that doesn't mean you answer the phone" feels very close to how he operates with his friends and allies. you can always come to him for help, but it won't necessarily be the help you wanted. eventually people learn to just stop calling, because the silence is better than the disappointment.
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kaleeshbled · 4 months
still got a good chunk of work to be done before I'm free, but psssst did you know I created a SW verse for my muses over on @ashenwinds and you should definitely enable me and write with them
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
Little low activity notice!!
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