#[ take he noooow ]
txnichtgut-archive · 1 year
continued from here @prxenuntius
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"maybe. i'd like these off of you." chifuyu sighed, no longer afraid to voice his desires, but he also respected whatever baji was going to do and the events he was invited to. this didn't happen to often and when he loosened his tie the blond sighed. "that is not as formal anymore, i suppose."
he looked up at the other male, tongue swiping over his bottom lip. "don't make me wait too long..." a hand brushed across baji's crotch before he turned on his heels.
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coca-lastic · 3 months
How would the THG male characters make the tiktok trend about ranking kisses?
Characters: Finnick Odair, Corionalus Snow, Peeta Mellark.
If you don't know what trend i'm talking about, click here <3.
My first lenguage Is not English btw.
Modern AU.
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I think that if Finnick lived in a world like ours, he wouldn't be that kind of person who uses social media a lot, I think he would preserve his love for nature, especially the sea, so he wouldn't find out about this type of trends, you are the one who should ask if you can do it together.
Once you ask him and let him know the trend, he would gladly agree, he is too sweet, he simply saw that it was an activity as a couple, kisses, laughter, and said "yes"
Noooow, his ranking:
1. Lip kiss: Have you seen this man? He is the sweetest, kindest and most loving person there is, so a kiss on the lips would be his favorite kiss. He loves to kiss you on the lips at all times and looks for an excuse to do it even in the most unexpected moment, but if there is something he loves most it is that you take the initiative, that makes him feel loved and cared for.
2. Forehead kiss: He likes it because he considers it something cute and a sign of care. According to him, it is a way of consoling and giving comfort, a way of saying "I'm here for you but you have your space."
3. Check kiss: He loves to use it as a way of saying "hi" or "bye", he likes it when you do it to him and he likes it when he does it to you. "It's simple, but it's important," he says.
4. Top of the head kiss: He likes it more when you do it to him than when he does it to you, because yes, it's cute to kiss you in the middle of all your hair, but when you do it to him, OH GOD. He loves that because that almost always comes accompanied by a lot of cuddles and cuddles, scratches and caresses in his hair and a lot of kisses there, and that relaxes him a lot, he loves those little touches.
5. Nose kiss: It's funny, a kind of funny that makes you laugh, you also like it because it's tender, but at the same time it's fast, you don't need much time to do this type of "kiss", just a small approach and the magic It is done.
6. Neck kiss: The reason why this is not higher is because he feels that they are necessary for specific moments, I mean he is not going to use them unless he wants something, but if he not dislikes the sensation, he likes it and even more so when the room is hotter than usual and you are on top of him. BUT he doesn't mind if you do it at any time.
7. Butterfly kiss: It's a bit like the nose kiss, he likes it because it makes him laugh, but he doesn't like it as much as the nose kiss. Although, the advantage of doing this kiss is that he loves seeing the color of your eyes, and you love his.
8. Air kiss: "I'd rather you kiss me on the lips and that's it, but you look cute when you do that."
9. Hand kiss: It's not a common thing in your two's relationship, so it's not something he loves very much, but he values any kind of kiss, so obviously a kiss on the hand will also make him smile.
10. Bite kiss: He doesn't even do it, you just bit him a little because it appeared in the filter and he smiled, but he doesn't totally like it.
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I admit, I'm not a fan of Corio, but I think he's soooo handsome, I just can't forget his future stuff.
But it's all for the girls. Anyway, I think Corio would have social networks and use them, but he would not be the guy who would participate in trends, I don't even think those things appear in his fyp, but if you ask him, he will be totally willing.
In my opinion, Corionalus, unlike Finnick, is a spicy boy, so I think the kisses he likes would be more double meanings, so this part may be a little suggestive.
And, his ranking goes like this:
1. French kiss: I think that for this and the kiss neck it was a complicated battle, but what could be more pleasant than a French kiss? He likes the feeling of mixing, the unification of the voices and tonges of the two of you.
2. Neck kiss: And here it is, almost number one but it was number two. I have a feeling that he likes to do it, to do it to you, because I think it would be a song for him to hear your voice telling him that you like his kisses, so he would go on and on and on, so a well-deserved 2nd place.
3. Lip kiss: It's the classic, the boy may have his hot side but I have a feeling that he also likes the little moments in which you go to an expensive restaurant and kiss each other on the lips while the moon and stars watch you two. Small kisses while you two laugh, or while you talk, perhaps it is not the first place in the ranking but those moments and those kisses are important for him.
4. Earlobe kiss: And we return to that usual side, he likes to hear your voice close to his ear, saying sweet little things. He likes the mix of emotions and the way both of your bodies react.
5. Bite kiss: It depends a lot on what type of bite it is, sometimes you two do it as a joke to scare or annoy the other, but if you do it after a French kiss and in specific areas it totally moves up the ranks.
6: Forehead kiss: Making sure his girl feels loved is important too, so he would do whatever type of kiss you like. But this one in particular he considers very sweet, he likes to do it to you and he likes it when you do it to him, he loves it when one of the two of you does it after a long night or after a moment of stress.
7. Top of the head kiss: The level of his affection for this kiss is a little similar to the previous one, the only reason this is lower in the ranking is because he can't feel your skin or your lips touching his skin as much, so 7 is the right place.
8. Hand kiss: He's done it to you a few times but not enough to love the gesture, it just seems elegant to him.
9. Check kiss: Once again, if you want it he will give it to you, but it doesn't seem like a big deal to him.
10: Butterfly kiss: "what Is this shit?"
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MY BABY PEETA. Ok ok ok, if Peeta lived in our world his tiktok would be full of random things, but yes, things about couples would appear, so maybe he would be the one asking you to make some trend, maybe it would be you, it doesn't matter, he will always will be willing to do them.
I think that, like Finnick, he is a boy who likes the sweetness of a relationship more, a person who values small signs of affection, so his ranking would be like this:
1. Check kiss: This is because as I said previously he is a person who values even the smallest things, mine needs a long kiss to be happy. Also, when you kiss him on the cheek and smile at him I suspect he would blush and smile like a fool.
2. Lip kiss: Didn't you see him kissing Katniss? This guy knows how to kiss and he loves it, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, he would just come up to you and ask if you could give him a kiss.
3. Earlobe kiss: Whatever the intencion is, he likes it, it seems like a sign of affection in which he can hear your silly giggle and at the same time receive affection.
4. Forehead kiss: He sees that kiss as tender, so kind, so loving. He would probably enjoy giving them to you, he would like to see you close your eyes briefly and give you a little kiss there, it makes him happy.
5. French kiss: I feel like it would take you two a while to do it, because I have a feeling that Peeta would prefer to slow down, appreciate each moment and get used to your affection. But when they get to this point he loves it, he loves doing it but he doesn't do it so often so as not to take away that special effect.
6. Butterfly kiss: "Awww, that's cute, you look cute".
7. Top of the head kiss: Maybe after help you with your hair or when you are already in bed, but it is not that common, although that does not mean that he does not like it.
8. Spiderman kiss: "That's very complicated, better just give me a kiss." And he is right, because it is not a bad position but it is not the most comfortable for the two of you.
9: Nose kiss: Find it cute, but that's all :(
10. Air kiss: Because he prefers that you give him a kiss, but if for some extra mega hyper ultra important reason you can't, he might accept it.
My mom just hit me because I told her that she always gets upset, so she got upset and hit me 😀👍🏼 I want to kill myself haha
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silentmoths · 1 year
HSR thirsts 2, Electric boogaloo
I promised @ainescribe I would write her a sacraficial Jing Yuan thirst bcs she is desperate for the mans, figured I'd add a couple more in here too ehe
Jing Yuan, Welt, Lan x Reader
NSFW but not exactly explicit, Monsterfucking i guess??? looks at lan???? godfucking??? idk??
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Jing Yuan
Careful hands and soft lips explore your skin, your own hands tugging at his silky soft hair, pulling it free of its tie as you watch a wall of white cascade down his shoulders.
Jing Yuan’s gaze only seems to smoulder more, his smile is soft, but his eyes give away the lust and the intentions as his lips return to yours. He’d been fighting today, you can smell the residual Ozone that always seems to linger on his skin after a fight, mingling with the usual scents of his favourite tea, and freshly polished wood.
“How many Mara-struck today?” you whisper as he pulls back just a hair, enough for you both to catch some air as his hands slide to your waist. 
“Too many.” he responds, his smile never faltering, but you know deep down, he’s so very tired of dealing with it all, which is why you’re always waiting with open arms when he returns home for the evening. Some nights you both simply exist in each other's hold, other nights turn out like this, a more… primal stress relief that neither of you minded. Careful, practised fingers working your clothes off so he could access more; he always wanted more, and you were always happy for him to take as much as he needed.
“I love you.” he murmurs against your collarbone as he settles between your knees, revelling in the soft shudder it sends up your spine, it happens no matter how many times he says it.
“Love you too…” you whisper, tugging his bicep until he comes back up to kiss you again-
Skrrt, skrrt skrrtOh, not again.
“Mimi-” He gasps softly against your lips. The Lion was at the door, again.You hear her familiar, growling moan from behind the door as she continues to scratch at the wood. 
Every. Fucking. Time. 
Skrrt, skrrt skrrrrt.
“Mimiiiii.” you whine in frustration “Not noooow.” “Mrrrrrrrrough.” comes the indignant reply from the other side of the door, which only serves to make your boyfriend snicker. 
“Should we…let her in?” he asks, you look at him in absolute horror.
“No!” you cry at him.
“Why not? She just wants to cuddle.” 
Sometimes, you think your boyfriend is only pretending to be stupidly smart. 
You motion at your naked body, and then at his mostly naked one.
“You see nothing wrong with this!?” you sigh, exasperated when he simply shakes his head.
Another round of scratches at the door, and then a mighty thud, followed by a pitiful, grumbling meow. You knew that thud, that was the ‘I’ve fallen over, come dote on me, dad’ thud.
Jing Yuans golden eyes land on yours again, wide, soft and pleading.
Sometimes you think you let him get away with too much. Then again, it’s always you who ends up receiving most of the aforementioned Lion cuddles at the end of the day.
So perhaps it's you who wins.
“You’re up late.” the familiar voice calls as you trudge through the parlour car at some ungodly time of the night.
“And so are you, Mr. Yang.” you respond as you quietly sit beside him. 
In the dead of the night, when everyone else was asleep, the parlour car was truly a lovely place to sit and watch the stars.
“Another nightmare?” Welt asks as he gently pushes his glasses up his nose.
“How can you tell?” 
“You learn these things when you’ve been around long enough.” He responds as he leans back against his seat. 
“And what brings you to the parlour car this late in the evening?”
“Just…restless I suppose.” He sighs “Sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and watch the stars.”
You nod, leaning back as well as you both simply sit and admire the view out of the large glass viewing windows, Pom Pom had obviously cleaned them today, not a single streak or speck of dust to be seen. 
Usually, you came to look at the stars after a nightmare to decompress and distract you from them, but tonight it seemed, not even the stars could help you. Your leg is fidgeting, bouncing up and down repeatedly as your mind lingers on darker places, on decisions made and on lives you could have saved-
Until a hand rests on your bouncing leg, and the touch is enough to cease the thoughtline entirely as you look over to the man beside you; he’s watching, his gaze soft, concerned, his thumb slowly rubbing circles along the top of your thigh.
“Sorry, Mr. Yang…” you murmur, “Usually the stars are a good enough distraction…”
He simply shakes his head “Don’t be… and you can call me by my name, you know.” he points out “I don’t know who it was that decided to call me ‘Mr. Yang’ but it’s never bothered me either way.”
You let out a soft noise in response and nod.
“Thank you…Welt.”
At this, he smiles softly, his gaze slowly slipping from you, back out to the stars.
“You said you come here to use the stars as a distraction?” he asks after a long moment of silence.
“Yeah…there's something both…calming, and kinda terrifying about it.” you muse “it’s beautiful, but it also puts things into perspective, we’re just…specks of matter in the grand scheme of things…” 
“And you find that thought…distracting?” He asks with a raised brow.
“I mean…yeah, usually.” you nod as you shrug your shoulders “not tonight apparently.”
Welt hums in thought for a moment.
“Are you still in need of a distraction?” He asks after a moment.
“I mean…if the stars aren’t gonna do it, I don't know what will- mph!” Your sentence is cut off as nothing but a surprised squeak, you’d been so unfocused as you stared out at the universe, you hadn’t noticed him leaning closer until his lips pressed over your own. 
Something sparks inside you both, how long has it been since either of you had done anything like this? What was meant to be a simple kiss, breaks for a moment, lips an inch apart as you both blink. 
And then your on eachother like rabid animals, the next series of kisses only growing rougher as you find yourself pushed back against the plush seats of the parlour car. You grip at Welt’s jacket as his cane clatters to the floor. 
Somewhere amongst it all, you both regain enough faculty to move from the car and to welt’s room, neither of you wanted to deal with Pom Pom yelling about any mess when he woke up.
You wake the next morning to Welt sitting on the edge of his bed, stroking your hair, and you realise your mistake, what would the others say if they saw you leaving Welt’s room? 
“Stay here, you should be safe to leave in fifteen minutes. March 7th is already up, and Himeko is like clockwork.” He tells you softly, seemingly reading your thoughts. 
He leaves you then, after pressing a short kiss to your temple.
This may have been the first intimate encounter with the enigmatic Mr. Yang
But it certainly was not the last.
Lan, Aeon of the hunt, Archer lord of fate.
Never in your life did you think you would be standing before his mighty presence.
He stamps a single, mighty hoof and you kneel, he needn’t say anything, his sheer power alone was enough to command respect.
So colour yourself surprised when the indomitable god of the hunt lifts you, One of his mighty hands easily wrapping around your waist and pulling you from the ground.
He has no discernable face as he holds you up, only the sleek, black facets of the horned mask, even still, you can feel something akin to hot breath ghosting over your body as he holds you. It’s impossible to tell what he’s feeling, is he angry? Pleased? 
And then he does something… unexpected. 
He tilts his head at you, curious, almost confused at your presence. 
With a gulp, you slowly reach out, your hand caressing one of the facets of his mask, and you feel his massive frame shudder as one of his hooves gives another stamp; you couldn’t kneel this time, so you simply continue, hoping that it’s what he wanted. 
It seems like second nature when he pulls you even closer, to press your lips against the mask, your hands gently tugging at strands of his cosmic hair, it feels soft in your fingers. And yet also feels noncorporeal, as if it would simply vanish if you clutched at it too tightly. The massive lord lets out what you can only describe as a hum.
It’s the only word he utters, but to hear it, and for it to be directed at you? 
It might as well have been the only word you’ve ever heard.
You feel his other hand as it begins to explore, as if the mighty lord had never actually laid hands on a mere mortal before, and you let him do as he will. You feel his fingers roam across skin and tear at your clothing, all while you grip at his hair, one of your hands eventually coming to grab at one of his horns, just seeking a more corporeal anchor point.
That is, until Lan shudders once more, dragging your body down his torso, until something slides between your thighs.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Ugh i love your writing 😩🙏
Heres an idea? An s/o who is secretly embarassed by the height diffrence between her and ben. Not ashamed embarassed😩😩😩😩
I didn't know if you wanted to be taller or shorter than BEN, as he is pretty short, like maybe 5'2"-5'5", so i can imagine youd be a little embarrassed, BUT ALSO imagine trying to talk to him and having to look alllll the way down there??? Anyways, i decided to do both!
Also, thank you for the compliment, friend!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Being embarrassed of your height difference with BEN
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Honestly, BEN doesn't even notice your embarrassment
He's always been one of the shortest members of the manor, only really being taller than the small children
So he's pretty used to being short, and doesn't think it's different from talking to anyone else
But when he notices how hesitant you are to look down at him, thats when it hits him
"Babe, im down here" he says with a chuckle
"Sorry" you mutter with an embarrassed tone and a laugh, finally hanging your head to look at his tiny self
God, you feel like a giant when you look at him
He of course, notices your discomfort
"What's wrong with you? Why's your face making that shape?" He asks, mimicking your embarrassed expression with his own
This makes you laugh a little, but you still avoid looking at him as best you can
"I dunno. I just feel really...big. you know, height wise?"
"And you're ashamed of that?" He asks, genuinely shocked
You nod meekly, making him take your face in his hands and look into your eyes "you're joking. Do you know what i would give to be as tall as you??"
You laugh again, moving your face away and making BEN pout
"Oh. Noooow you're laughing" he continues jokingly
He stands on his toes and kisses your cheek "i love your tall self, even if i do have to get a stool to kiss you"
The laughter starts up again, only being interrupted by BEN giving you kisses on your face
Oh my god, imagine being shorter than BEN??
He genuinely couldn't believe it the first time it was pointed out
He non-stop teases you, of course
"So, is the soil healthy, worm?"
"Oh my god go away BEN"
He's not really into babytalking someone he has romantic interest in, because he thinks it's weird
But he does babytalk you just to poke fun at how little you are
"Awwww does the little baby need a nap? Little baby's getting cranky"
"Leave me alone BEN, I'm not that short!"
"Oh, is the little baby ticklish? Are they? Are they? Are they?" He asks repeatedly as he tickles you mercilessly
"BEN!! Leave me alone!! You're so dead!!" You squeal, trying to wiggle out of his grasp
After he's satisfied, you are well out of breath and still kind of laughing from the ridiculousness of it all
He presses a quick kiss to your forehead before stretching and exclaiming "shit, that really was exhausting. Remind me to never have kids. I can't do this everyday"
You giggle at his silliness and grab the collar of his shirt, bending him down to your height and kissing his pointy nose
Yeah, just lots of teasing from him in general
If you want him to stop, just say so and he will
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phantomskeep · 2 years
I really, really love Clockwork as a character. He's legit my favorite DP character (besides Danny, but even then they're pretty equal). Anyways, have an excerpt from Putting the Fun Back in Funeral chapter two :) (Should be finished by the end of this upcoming week!)

... A sarcastic reference to the Observants trying to murder Danny should not have made Clockwork laugh.
Danny eyed the other with obvious suspicion. “What’s funny about that?”
The older’s form aged up as his chuckles died down. “You simply reminded me of when the Observants came to me about this very issue.” Clockwork loosened the grip on his staff and used it to lazily jester towards Danny’s throne. “They came to me months ago, warning me of how our timeline was going down the most horrible path. Danny Phantom, a half-dead ghost child with too much power taking the throne? It was something out of a nightmare for them.”
When Danny’s eyes flitted nervously downwards, his body unconsciously curling in a defensive motion, Clockwork used his staff to gently lift his king’s head. Pupilless red eyes met burning green, and a comforting expression graced the middle-aged ghost’s face. “My King, they were very wrong. This is the best possible timeline - one with such a powerful king who wishes only for peace? Whose Obsession isn’t one of power, or rage, or a burning greed, but of protection? Danny, this is the best timeline, the best era - and it is because of you. The Observants are correct with many of their findings, but they can make mistakes like any other being. Their power resides in control.” Here Clockwork paused, a mirthful feeling brushing against Danny’s calming one. “This is something I know you are very aware of. They fear the lack of control they will have during this timeline. It was their goal to gain control of the throne through you, but I’ve made sure the Observants failed every time.”
Danny’s eyes widened, a small gasp escaping his lips. Tears welled in his expressive eyes as he tackled his mentor into a monkey-gripped hug. The older ghost chuckled, easily returning the embrace. His form shifted, aging quickly as he ran time-wrinkled hands along the young king’s back.
“I had suggested a boarding school, of sorts.” Clockwork whispered into his apprentice’s hair. “A chance for you to go and stretch your proverbial wings. This other dimension has an old friend of mine who has offered to continue with your teachings, and the Earth there has many different protectors you can learn from. Of course, there are still duties you will need to attend to.” The old ghost broke from Danny’s clinging hug, looking the twenty-one year old king in his eyes. “It will be dangerous. There are many different forces who now have their eyes on you, my King. But know that if you choose to go this route, you will always be able to access the Infinite Realms and the dimensions attached to her.”
Danny discreetly wiped his eyes, nodding in agreement with Clockwork. A burning determination danced in his eyes as Danny’s gaze steadfastly stared into his most trusted advisor’s. “I need to explain things to my family, at least a little bit. Tell them I’m going on a mission for you at the very least - but I’ll be back. I’ll go to this other dimension and do what I can to be a better king for my people.”
[mmmm there's more stuff in the actual chapter here but for noooow LARGE TIMESKIP]
... However, instead of joining in the festivities like the others on the Council of Ancients, the time ghost had another important meeting to attend. Clockwork allowed the quick passage of time to overcome his form, aging him down like an ancient phoenix recently reborn from its own ashes. His young body turned to face the newest ghost king’s throne as a maelstrom of blue energy rapidly crisscrossed around his form. Wild winds whipped Clockwork’s pale purple cloak as a dark clock-hand appeared behind him, sweeping in a large clockwise motion to reveal a swirling blue and teal portal. The sound of a striking old grandfather clock echoed hauntingly across the empty room of Phantom’s Keep as the hands reached the metaphorical twelfth numeral. When the clock-hands began their descent backwards in time the Master of Time was swept under them, disappearing into the portal of his own creation. The hands again struck the midnight position with the last thrum of a dull, heavy, monotonous clang - once again leaving the now-empty room with the wistful cry of an old clock.
On a different world - one full of heroes, aliens, and otherworldly forces fighting vicious battles for justice - a smog-filled city held within the dark heart of an old ghost was just starting to awaken. When Clockwork’s portal faded from view, time snapped back into place. Loud honking filled his ears as the Master of Time floated above a striking clocktower, his back turned to the ever-moving bay that lapped at the shores of such an inspiring city. A low voice caught Clockwork’s attention, but he did not turn to face the ghost.
“Clockwork, perfect timing as always.” The voice was lofty, easily gliding over syllables with an ease born of hundreds of years.
The purple-cloaked ghost tilted his head in a small greeting, his own words spilling past smiling lips. “It is my pleasure - as always, Lady Gotham - to be welcomed into your haunt.”

:) I'm very excited to post this chapter!! Finally getting into those awesome DPxDC storylines I have planned out!!
(Also, I’m currently high-fiving baby-me for deciding on using “PhantomsKeep” as a username. Cause now I can name-drop myself in my own fics! And I laugh every time >:D )
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 11: April I
{{ Chapter 10: March I | Chapter 12: May I }} Chapter Directory
noooow y'all can understand why i had to rename the ex-boyfriend to zack instead of having him be porco because i made him too much of a dick skdjfksd
if you wanna get tagged for updates, fill out this form here!
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackerman x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, mutual pining, idiots in love, the ex boyfriend that used to be porco that i renamed to zack, emotionally abusive behavior, negative self-talk, levi being kinda mean again, levi being bad at feelings ✧ word count ➼ ~7.2k
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It was finally spring break. After the events of last month, you were more than ready to leave town and get a much needed vacation. Luckily, Hizuru wasn't far and was just across the bay, so you got a nice cruise ride in addition to your time spent at the resort. You decided to keep this trip just between you and Petra, spending the week with just the two of you to recharge and be ready to take on the rest of the semester once you came back.
Levi couldn't be more thrilled. The past few months have all involved something related to you that ended up distracting him from reading or writing. Having you gone for a week means he can finally catch up on work without being distracted by your shenanigans every other week. 
However, he currently found himself standing at the doorway of the apartment, glancing into the living room. He was thrilled for sure, but despite that, he seemed to have a heavy heart when he entered his empty apartment. It didn't make any sense to him. Why would he feel remorseful that you're gone when all you've ever done is be a pain in the ass to him?
He couldn't deny it. He missed you. Levi felt a confusing mix of emotions and he couldn't keep his mind off you all week. Given your habits with partying, he wondered how you were doing on your own in a foreign town. Sure, Petra was with you, but she could hardly count as a sober contact. If she was drinking with you, you'd have to rely on yourself to get home, which was unsettling to him.
He found himself both looking forward to and dreading you getting back home. It got to the point that when you did find yourself back home, Levi did everything in his power to ignore your presence. He was too confused and lost in his thoughts to want to be around you. He would have a mix of happy thoughts and distressing ones of confusion and anxiety while you were around. Thus, he barely said a word to you once you got home.
"Nice to see you too, I guess," you mumbled, a little taken aback by your roommate's increased level of aloofness. 
Ever since November and especially since January, the two of you had started to bond. Levi wasn't always referring to you as an annoying undergrad and you no longer saw him as just your "grumpy roommate". You understood each other more and there was some foundation of basic respect there, but none of that was to be seen at the moment. 
You awkwardly shifted around the house as you unpacked your suitcase from the trip.
"Hey, have you seen my phone charger?" you asked Levi, who was standing in the kitchen, brewing his late afternoon tea. 
"No," he said, glancing at you. "Why would I have?"
"You're the one that's been here all week," you said with a shrug.
"Yeah," Levi scoffed, "actually doing work, unlike whatever the fuck you were doing across the bay."
You frowned at him, slightly offended by his comment.
"Hey, I was doing work!" you said with a pout. "Whatever. Can I borrow your charger then? My phone's almost dead."
"What else is new?" Levi said dryly.
You were on your way to grabbing his phone charger when you heard him make that comment and you immediately halted, scowling while looking back at him.
"Okay, what the hell is up with you?" you said sternly as you walked back towards him. "You've barely said a word to me ever since I got home. Did I say something? Do something? Did I not clean something the way you wanted it?"
Levi responded with an overly exasperated groan.
"God, it's such a pain in the ass to have you back again."
You fell quiet at his comment. The fact that this was all he said in response to your questions over what you did wrong indicated to you that it was just your presence that he was pissed about. You weren't sure why his comment stung you as harshly as it did. He essentially thought the same thing when you first moved in and you didn't give a single shit—but now the idea of him hating you made you want to shut down and hide.
"Well," you spoke quietly, "I'm sorry being around me is so bothersome for you."
Levi didn't respond, which only confirmed your suspicions. 
You clenched your fists as you felt your emotions beginning to rise up and threaten to boil over.
He was an asshole. That's all he was and that never changed and you were a fool to think otherwise. He probably hated you for all the times he had to come rescue you from some dumb situation that you found yourself in.
"Whatever," you whispered as you walked past him and grabbed your phone and keys.
"Where are you going?" Levi said with a sigh as you opened the door.
"Getting some air, I guess," you grumbled before glancing back at him without fully making eye contact. "I thought we were over this."
You had stormed out in such a hurry that you didn't even bother to change into outdoor clothes. You were currently swinging alone at an empty playground that had been long abandoned for the day due to the incoming storm. The wind blew through your hair, which had come undone from its ponytail and you lacked the motivation to put it back up. You were wearing a loose t-shirt with a pair of sweatpants on. 
Normally, you'd feel a sense of shame for being out in public like this—but right now, you couldn't give less of a shit. You needed to get away from Levi.
Things had begun to improve ever since November when he took you on that drive after your aunt had decided to tear your entire life apart through a single phone call. You had reached some point of mutual respect. He wasn't the aloof asshole you thought he was, and you weren't the naïve undergrad that he thought you were. After January, it even seem like he cared for your well-being. He went out in the middle of the night searching for you and even went out of his way to care for you when you were sick. 
Yet, he seemed to have completely regressed after you came back from spring break. What if you were misreading him? What if his opinion about you never actually changed and you were just deluding yourself? 
Maybe I should find another apartment after all.
Levi's lack of a response earlier when you were trying to figure out what was wrong only confirmed your suspicion that he thought you were a nuisance. You had asked him what you did wrong so you can do better, and all he responded with was that he was sick of having you around. If it was a few months ago, you'd be more than happy to continue being a nuisance to him. With how grumpy he always was, it felt like a comedic job to you. 
However, after you had opened up to him about your dynamic with your aunt and even slightly alluded to your situation with Zack, you had hoped that dynamic would have changed or at least improved. The fact that it didn't seem to wear away at you. 
His comment had hurt you.
You gripped at the chain holding the swing onto the bar above it as thoughts of your inability to hold any type of long-term friendship began to swirl around in your mind. Oluo and Gunther were surface-level at best. You called Petra your 'best friend', but even that relationship felt shallow, as if she was just tolerating you. You were always the one reaching out. 
Being tolerated was a feeling you were used to. After all, that basically summed up your relationship with Zack. You had started off as high school sweethearts, but over the course of the three years that was your stormy relationship with him, you knew that he only tolerated your presence, which is why he was more than ready to kick you out in June.
As if he was listening in on your thoughts, you felt your phone buzz and frowned when you saw that you had received a text from your ex-boyfriend.
> [zack (3:45pm)]: we need to talk. i'll pick you up at the bar we used to go to. > [you (3:46pm)]: why > [zack (3:51pm)]: wtf do you mean why? plus some of your shit is still at my place > [you (3:53pm)]: wonder who's fault that was > [zack (3:54pm)]: the hell is up with this attitude? just get to the bar, i'll be there in 20.
Levi's day had been going terribly. Without even considering your little tantrum, he was already stressed about a research update he had to do in two weeks that he hadn't had the time to work on. 
The forefront of his mind blamed it on you. You came home and immediately began disrupting his life and bringing chaos home again—but he knew that wasn't true. It wasn't your fault. You were gone for an entire week throughout spring break and he still wasn't able to get anything done. His inability to work had nothing to do with you. 
Upon realizing that fact, he scrunched his eyebrows together, wondering if he had actually been a bit too cold with you once you got home. He had caught himself getting much softer with you throughout the last month, even allowing you to sleep in the same bed with him because you had a nightmare. That, itself, was already unheard of for Levi Ackerman. 
He brought out his phone. The time was a bit past 6:30pm. He had around two hours before he had to get to the café to pick up a closing shift from Onyankopon. He opened up his text message thread with you and frowned, wondering if he should shoot you an apology message.
Eventually, he decided against it. After all, why should he apologize to you when you were the one being a little shit? 
Still, you were gone for a while. It was around 2:00pm when you stormed out of the apartment, and it was starting to get late.
He placed his phone in his pocket, annoyed for even getting remotely concerned about your well-being for something as simple as you stepping out of the house for the day. He could feel himself getting attached, despite all of his efforts to get himself not to. The feelings that you elicited out of him were miserable to deal with and he knew the best way to get rid of them was to put a stop to any feelings of this newfound attachment. Why he was even getting attached to you in the first place was astonishing. It pissed him off.
He let out an exasperated sigh as he shut his laptop and got up from his desk, walking out of his bedroom. He grabbed his jacket off of the coat hanger as well as his car keys, deciding on going for a drive in an attempt to clear his mind from any remaining thoughts of you.
After an exceedingly awkward dinner and car ride with your ex-boyfriend, you finally arrived back at Zack's apartment. You felt an uncomfortable, dull feeling appear in your chest as you walked into the apartment that you had lived in for the first two years of your undergrad. It could hardly be even called an apartment. It appeared more like a loft that had multiple bedrooms and bathrooms and nearly triple the amount of the living space that you currently had in your apartment with Levi. It was obnoxiously luxurious and it ironically made you appreciate your humble lifestyle with Levi now.
You shuffled awkwardly as you followed Zack towards the dining room area. The t-shirt and sweatpants that you wore felt out of place and inappropriate. He rarely saw you like this, if ever. Even when you were home for the entire day, you were constantly wearing outdoor clothes, like a blouse and jeans, around him. That's just how you were. Appearing the way you did now around him felt wrong, although you couldn't quite explain why. It wasn't that you were uncomfortable with dressing more casually—you did that at home now all the time, but the minute that you stepped out the door of your home and into Zack's, you began to feel your anxiety rise up.
"Well, you certainly look like a slob," Zack mumbled, glancing at your outfit.
"Well, I didn't have time to dress up for you, Your Majesty," you retorted, frowning at him, "since you decided to text me last minute."
Zack was not used to this outspoken nature of your personality. When you were with him, you were much more pleasurable to be around—at least according to Zack. He did not appreciate this new facet of your personality that has suddenly arisen within the past few months.
He made a head nod towards a box of some of your stuff that was casually thrown into a corner of the living room. You looked over before taking a seat at the dining table.
"What did you want to talk about?" 
He sat down across from you.
"Listen," he began, and you immediately clenched your jaw, having a basic idea of where this was going. "I know I overreacted when we left off. I shouldn't have exploded at you like that. I shouldn't have kicked you out."
Your mind went back to the fateful interaction with Zack that led to you being forced to find an apartment last minute. No matter how you tried to rationalize it, you knew that Zack was controlling and prone to getting extremely angry whenever you resisted his wishes. Small grievances with him had built up to a penultimate point in which you confronted him and he reacted poorly.
If this was any other day, you'd likely immediately tell him to fuck off—but the events of the day that had happened earlier with Levi left you much more emotionally vulnerable than usual. You'd be lying if the idea of falling into someone's arms didn't bring even the slightest amount of comfort to your mind—even if that someone was Zack. 
However, as Zack continued to monologue about the potential of you moving back in with him, you began to pull up the reality of your relationship with him. You were definitely more unhappy than you were willing to admit to anyone and you knew it had something to do with his controlling nature. He had kept you pretty isolated from any potential friends—and now that you think about it, that could be why you struggled with making and keeping deep friendships now. 
No matter how desperate you were right now for some form of intimacy to make up for the turmoil swirling within you throughout the latter half of the day, the last thing you wanted to do was get back together with someone that felt the need to dictate your every move and action. 
"You're the one that kicked me out, Zack," you said once he finally gave you a chance to speak.
"Well, now I'm inviting you back in."
"What if I don't want to?" you responded, feeling your anxiety kicking in. Zack hadn't even done anything yet, but your instincts immediately dumped all of the reactions that constituted being anxious onto you.
"What the fuck do you mean you 'don't want to'?" Zack asked, scowling at you, the anger beginning to creep into his voice.
You took a deep breath, clenching your fist that was resting on your lap to maintain your resolve.
"I said what I said. You kicked me out and I'm over it."
At this point, Zack had fully realized that he can't control you anymore, which further irritated him.
"Whatever," he said, waving you off. "Just take your shit and leave."
"Gladly," you responded coldly as you began to get up. 
"I'm not driving you."
You stopped and looked back at him. You weren't that surprised by his comment, but you still felt a little off-put by his lack of remorse to just leave you stranded again.
"The buses around here aren't running this late."
"Sounds like a you problem."
You remembered this. If Zack got pissed at you and didn't get what he wanted from you, then no one was getting anything at all. 
"You really expect me to walk?" 
He shrugged.
"Or sleep on the streets until the buses are up. I don't really give a shit."
You felt your anxiety quickly turn into anger and frustration as you felt the corners of your eyes heat up. The last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of the person responsible for all of your recent misfortunes, but what was currently happening was representative of all the bullshit that you had to deal with for three years.
"Fine," you said quietly as you headed for the door, not even bothering to grab your stuff from him. "You're a dick."
As you walked out the door, you felt your breathing quickly destabilizing.
Recently, the only person you had been regularly referring to as a dick was your grumpy roommate. However, after having this interaction with Zack, you realized that Zack was actually a dick and that Levi was nowhere close to it. It brought up a slight sense of guilt regarding your hostility towards your roommate. You would choose living with Levi over moving back in with Zack any day.
Reminiscing about your attitude towards your roommate immediately reminded you of him, and although you were still mad at him for his behavior earlier, you knew that you could at least trust him to not leave you stranded. 
As a result, you immediately pulled out your phone and shot him a quick text, asking if he could pick you up as you continued to navigate your way out of Zack's apartment complex.
The rain had already started pouring. There wasn't too much wind, but the rainfall was heavy, which would have made it even more impossible to walk home if you were forced into that decision. Instead, you were waiting for Levi to arrive, seeking shelter under the canopy of Zack's apartment building to stay dry.
You glanced up as you heard the front door open and saw that Zack came downstairs with the box of your belongings with the intention of tossing it all into the dumpster. You watched as all of your former stuff disappeared into the green container of garbage. 
When Zack saw you on his way back, he scowled at you.
"When I said sleep on the streets, I didn't mean here. Fuck off."
"You fuck off," you replied, matching his scowl. 
The two of you held a staring contest for a few minutes until you heard a car drive up out of the corner of your eye. A feeling of relief washed over you once you saw that it was Levi's. You could finally go home and forget this nightmare.
He had arrived faster than expected, and part of you knew that this was likely due to a combination of the situation that had occurred in January and how far out you currently were. Plus, at this point, he was probably more than ready to expect texts from you to ask him to pick you up. It had become a pattern, although you weren't entirely sure how you felt about that fact.
You did not include in your text message the reasoning as to why you were trapped at an apartment that was a 20-minute drive from campus, so you weren't too surprised when you saw a look of concern on Levi's face as he saw you scowling at who he was able to deduce as your ex-boyfriend.
"You'd really call anyone to pick you up, huh?" Zack said to you as you began to walk off. "You're fucking pathetic."
If you were the same person that you were when you were with him, then his insult might have had some merit. If this was a year ago, you really wouldn't have had anyone to call. You didn't have any reliable friends back then, and that's likely what Zack still believed to be the case now.
"He's my roommate, you asshole," you said as you grit your teeth, "and a much better one than you ever were."
Your last comment must have made something snap within Zack's psyche, as he immediately grabbed onto your wrist before you were able to walk further towards Levi's car. 
In the split second before you were forced to turn around to face Zack, you were able to see Levi's face transition from one of confusion to one of immediate concern as he began to move out of the car to see what was going on.
"What, I leave you for less than a year and you're already hoeing around with other men?" Zack scolded. "Why the fuck would you get a male roommate? Did you do this shit-"
"Just leave me alone, Zack!" you yelled back at him as you yanked your wrist back from him.
"You're fucking pathetic, _____. I'm giving you maybe another two weeks before you come crawling-"
"Do you ever shut up?" a third voice said.
You looked up and saw that Levi had walked over from the car after seeing the commotion. He held an irritated look on his face that was directed towards your ex-boyfriend, able to fully deduce the context of what was going on.
Zack was caught off-guard by your roommate coming out of the car to come to your defense. He was almost half a foot taller than Levi, but Levi's commanding presence took up all the space between them, making it so that it took Zack a few seconds longer than usual to come up with a retort.
Levi rolled his eyes at him as he turned to follow you after you began to storm towards the car, not paying particular attention to Zack, who had begun to open his mouth to speak again. 
Any word that came out of his mouth was unheard, although you couldn't tell if that was due to your own thoughts overwhelming you or if it was because of the rain and wind that was rapidly picking up into a full-fledged storm. 
Once you finally got into the car and shut the door, you buried your face in your hands as the tears finally flowed out from your eyes and down your cheeks, eventually collecting in the palms of your hands, only adding onto the chaotic whirl of thoughts that were running rampant in your head.
Levi remained silent as you continued to sob quietly in the passenger's seat, giving you time and space to process whatever the hell just happened.
You peeked through your fingers as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. With how frequently it was vibrating, you were already able to tell that it was Zack spamming you with text messages.
You glanced at your phone, opening the texts, although you were barely able to see with your tears clouding your vision. You vaguely saw a string of text messages of Zack calling you pathetic, a burden, a waste of three years of his life, and everything in-between. You clenched at your phone as you felt more tears gathering up in your eyes and you shakily navigated to his contact information to block him before tossing your phone into the back seat of the car.
After a few more minutes, you felt your breathing stabilize and you rubbed at your now-swollen eyes.
"I assume that's your shitty ex?" Levi finally spoke, breaking the silence between the two of you.
"Wonder how you figured that out," you grumbled with a sniffle.
"Tch," Levi said as he clenched his jaw, more than a little annoyed with the attitude that was attached to that response. "Why'd you have to choose the one night that I have to work an extra shift to pull this shit? How the fuck does you 'getting some air' translate into this?"
While Levi's grumpy attitude and snarky remarks were something you were usually used to and barely fazed by, given the fact that you were already really emotional and vulnerable from what had just happened with Zack made Levi berating you hurt much more than usual.
"I'm sorry, okay?!" you yelled out. "I didn't know who else to call. You could've said no."
Levi glanced at you for a moment. He found himself getting increasingly annoyed.
That wasn't the point. He wasn't annoyed because he had to come out to get you. That was the least of his concerns. What had concerned him more was what could have happened if he didn't come to get you. What annoyed him the most was how reckless you were and how you were never able to see that.
"Why did you even go to see him anyway? You said he's your ex? The one that was dragging you around all over the place and-"
"I don't know, okay?!" you yelled out again, feeling increasingly frustrated with every word that was coming out of Levi's mouth. "He just texted me and said we needed to talk and as usual I was dumb enough to listen to him. I don't even know what the hell I was looking for. The minute I got into his car, I was able to tell that he wanted to do something along the lines of getting back together and I was enough of an idiot to believe even for a second that it was genuine—and then I saw how pissed he got when I said no and he kicked me out all over again and I'm always, always, always making these stupid decisions and it's probably just a burden on everyone around me: Zack, you, my aunt—hell, probably even Petra and Oluo and-"
"Cut that out," Levi said in an attempt to cut off your rambling.
"-and my aunt was probably right in that I'm literally wasting my life getting a degree in something that might not even get me a guaranteed job. Literally every single decision I have ever made in my entire life has been a fucking disaster and I bet you can't fucking wait to get rid of me once summer arrives, because I'd be wanting to get rid of me, too! And-"
"God dammit, cut that shit out, _____!" 
The storm was pouring down on you full-force at this rate, almost as if it was mirroring how volatile your emotions were.
As soon as Levi snapped at you, you clenched your fists, nearly trembling with rage.
After a few seconds of saying nothing, you decided you had enough. You immediately went to undo your seatbelt, fumbling around a bit more than usual due to the shaking that you couldn't seem to control.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Levi asked as he noticed your movements. 
His eyes widened and he had to slam down on the brake pedal as he noticed you open the door to the car as he was still driving. 
Luckily, he wasn't going very fast in the first place due to the storm, but you still ended up stumbling out of the car, nearly falling straight down onto the soaked concrete.
He slowly came to a stop right next to you, leaning towards the passenger seat as the door still hung open.
You shot him a glare before turning around and beginning to walk away.
"Where the hell are you going in the middle of this storm?"
You stopped walking and clenched your fists as you faced him again. 
"Anywhere but here!" you shouted. "I'm sorry I made you come out all this way. I'll find a cheap motel to stay at or something if I'm really that much of a bother to you right now."
You turned towards no direction in particular and began walking again.
"_____, come back."
You glared at him again.
"So you can just berate me again? Fuck off."
You continued walking.
"You're such a dumbass."
You halted in your footsteps as he blatantly insulted you again.
"Excuse me?"
"I said what I said," he said, frowning at you. "Did you really think I'd come out all this way if I didn't want to?"
You matched his frown.
"Well, it sure sounds like it with how pissed you sound."
"Because you piss me off."
You threw your hands up in frustration.
"Then why the fuck are you still here?!"
Levi let out an exasperated sigh.
"Yeah, I'm pissed beyond belief and I'm still here. Now get the fuck back in the car before you get all soaked and make a mess all over the seat."
You glared at him for a few more seconds before mumbling a "fine" and reluctantly getting back into the car.
He drove in silence for a bit, bewildered at the fact that you almost ran off into the middle of nowhere during a raging storm without your phone. If that wasn't the definition of reckless, then he didn't know what was.
"You didn't have to come out just to pick me up," you mumbled again. "I know I texted you, but that doesn't mean shit."
"Tch, did you not hear me?" he said, slightly shaking his head at your repeated commentary. "I came because I wanted to."
He glanced at you before speaking up again.
"Get over yourself, you didn't force me to do shit."
His grip on the wheel tightened as he looked back towards the road.
"You're not special."
He heard your breath hitch at that last comment and his finger tapped on the wheel gently as he felt a very subtle hint of guilt creeping up in the back of his mind. 
You're not special.
That thought kept running through your mind. You knew that you weren't special. The chaos that was your life was pretty indicative of that. Yet, why did it hurt so much when it was him that said it?
You finally opened your mouth to speak again. Your voice was quiet, as if you had given up on fighting against that comment. You'd accepted it, whether you wanted to or not.
"Then why the fuck are you so pissed off?"
It took Levi a moment to figure out the best way to respond as he continued to glare at the road.
"I'm pissed because you're always putting yourself in these situations without thinking for yourself. You're always going alone to get shit-faced at a party or staying out late enough that you're forced to walk home, or getting into shitty situations with shitty people."
You didn't respond, trying to figure out how to interpret his words.
"I'm pissed because you keep putting yourself in danger."
Ah, you thought as you came to a conclusion over what he was trying to say. He was saying that you were too dumb or naïve to take care of yourself.
Whether that was actually true or not didn't matter to you—that's what was going through your head. No matter what Levi was actually trying to say, you had now settled on the idea that you were nothing more than a nuisance to him and that he felt some weird sense of responsibility for you. Similar to everyone else in your life, you were nothing but a burden to him.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice barely audible. 
Levi slightly looked over at you, noting that you were getting caught up in your head from the events of today. He knew that he was at least partially responsible, yet he still never imagined that he'd find himself in this type of situation again. He was used to picking you up from random places at this point. He was fine with that. However, picking you up from your ex-boyfriend's in the middle of what could be interpreted as a violent confrontation was not something that he was expecting to have to deal with.
By the time you got home, you were shivering from standing out in the rain. Levi had given you his jacket to wear and it hung off of your shoulders as you got up out of the car. It had provided you some warmth, but your shivering wasn't going to resolve itself if you didn't change into some dry clothes. 
As you walked from the parking lot into the lobby of your apartment, you saw Levi pass you your phone, having completely forgotten that you tossed it to the backseat of the car after blocking Zack. You mumbled a quiet thanks as you put it into your pocket.
The two of you walked into your apartment and you noticed that literally nothing had been moved since earlier in the afternoon. All the stuff you were unpacking was left in place, despite the fact that the mess was likely driving Levi through the roof. You gripped on his jacket, an uncomfortable bubbling feeling rising up within you. It was just another inconvenience that you unintentionally threw onto him.
He flipped on the light switch, allowing you to properly see the mess that you had made. However, within the next 30 seconds, a crash of lightning lit up the room before all of the lights fell dark.
The power went out.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Levi groaned as he tossed his keys onto the table. 
The night couldn't get much worse.
You let out an exhausted sigh as you slid down the wall across the hall from Levi. The two of you gathered next to the balcony doors for what little light peaked in through the blinds. It seemed that the power only went out for your apartment building and the street lights were still functional. There was a small candle lit in between the two of you. 
You had stumbled into your room and changed into a hoodie and a pair of loose pajama shorts. You had your hands tucked into your hoodie pocket as you looked over towards Levi with a blank expression, unsure of how to process the events of the day.
He was sitting with his back leaning against the wall with his legs out in front of him as he matched your expression. The two of you were quiet for a bit, simply listening to the rain. 
The entire room lit up as another flash of lightning cracked through the sky. 
You felt yourself flinch and tense up at the sudden sound. You weren't particularly afraid of storms, but you were significantly on edge due to the events of the day. Every sudden movement or sound made your heart skip a beat. Your mind was on overdrive.
"How was your break?" Levi asked. He had noticed your reactions to the storm. Initiating conversation, no matter how frustrated he was at you currently, would at least provide you with a distraction.
You gave him a weird look before freezing up again due to another lightning crash. You rapidly shook your head to try to shake off the tension.
"It was okay," you finally replied. "Traveling was more annoying than the trip was enjoyable—honestly kinda wish I just stayed here."
Levi grunted at that last comment without acknowledging or dismissing it, which made you frown.
"Which I guess would've ruined your break. I assume you just spent the entire break reading and writing?"
"Something like that," he mumbled. 
In all honesty, he probably would have also preferred it if you had stayed for break.
You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them, resting your chin on them. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't get the events of the day out of your head.
"Lev', can I ask you something?"
"What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"If you really didn't mind coming out, then why were you so pissed off?"
He blinked at you, not really expecting the question to be brought up again.
"I already told you."
"I don't believe you," you said with a frown. There had to be more. What he said and what he did was too contradictory for you to just accept without getting more information.
Levi gave you an annoyed scowl and clenched his jaw. After a moment, he parted his lips to speak again.
"Why did you go back to him?"
"What?" you asked, not expecting him to deflect your question with another question.
Levi looked you straight in the eye. He couldn't wrap his head around why you would've ever been involved with someone like Zack. A few months ago, he wouldn't give a single shit, but now that he's had a few months of knowing you, he legitimately could not understand why.
"Answer the question."
"Answer mine first," you immediately responded.
He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Because you're always putting yourself in these shitty situations, _____," he said in an exasperated tone. "First, there was the thing with Floche, and now this. I can't even count the amount of times I've had to pick you up from somewhere and that's not even counting when I had to drive around the fucking city looking for you when you went out."
You fell silent, hugging your knees a bit tighter.
"I'm sorry I'm such a shitshow, Levi," you mumbled. "That shouldn't have to fall on you."
"Tch," Levi's eyebrows scrunched together into a frown. "Didn't I tell you to cut that shit out?"
"Cut what out?"
"Quit pitying yourself," he said as he leaned forward and gently flicked your forehead. "That's not what made me mad."
A pout appeared on your face as you rubbed at your forehead, although you finally began to understand what it was that he was trying to say. He was pissed that you kept finding yourself in these situations, but he never thought it was because you couldn't take care of yourself. You were more than capable of it, which is why he's pissed that you still found yourself in those situations.
"Your turn," he said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"I answered your question," he nodded towards you, placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Now you answer mine. Why did you go back to him?"
You looked down, away from him as you contemplated what it was that you wanted to say in response.
Levi could tell that the topic was another sore spot. You had reacted similarly during Halloween when Hange brought up the topic of your parents.
"He..." you started speaking before trailing off.
"He what?"
You buried your face in your knees, clenching your fists as you pulled up those turbulent memories. You were more emotionally vulnerable than ever.
"He made me feel good about myself when nothing else would," you said, your voice muffled. "My parents had just died, my friendships at school were falling apart because I couldn't keep my shit together, and he just gave me whatever I wanted as long as..."
You trailed off again before lifting yourself back up and looking towards Levi, without really making eye contact.
"...as long as I gave him what he wanted, too. As long as I just shut up and listened to him, as long as I wore the clothes he wanted me to wear and presented myself the way he wanted me to present."
You recalled that Zack didn't even really let you hang out with anyone outside of school when you were dating, which heavily contributed to why you were so confused about navigating everything on your own now. 
Upon noticing Levi's lack of a response, you buried your face in your knees again as you felt the corners of your eyes heat up again from the tears building up.
"You probably think I'm pathetic, don't you?" you mumbled as your voice began to break up. The last thing you wanted to do was to start crying again, but the events of the day only added to any pre-existing thoughts of self-doubt and shame.
"Stupid? Yes," Levi began to speak. "Reckless? Yes. But pathetic?"
He paused as you looked up at him again.
"No, I don't."
You gave him a slight nod as you used the sleeve of your hoodie to wipe away any stray tears that were threatening to fall.
"You don't need that douchebag's approval—or anyone's approval, actually—to be worthy of love and respect, _____."
You felt your cheeks immediately begin to flush up at his statement. You were also able to see out of the corner of your eye that Levi began to awkwardly shuffle in place, as if he just realized what he had said. 
"So quit pitying yourself like that. You're valued more than you think you are."
You pressed your chin into your knees and wrapped your arms around your knees in a way that hid your cheeks that were rapidly heating up. You've felt nothing but guilt and turmoil the entire night, but his comment made something else pop up deep within you. You didn't know how to describe it. You didn't know if it felt good or bad, but there was something there.
Levi watched as you struggled to navigate your own reaction to his comment. He tapped his finger against his leg as he held his hands in his pockets. He'd be lying if he said that there weren't also confusing feelings that were arising within him as well. He remembered pulling up to Zack's apartment and feeling slightly distressed upon seeing you with Zack—maybe even a little jealous, although he would never readily admit to that—before feeling incredibly panicked as soon as he saw Zack grab you. 
He could no longer deny that you were not the shallow undergrad that he thought you were when he first met you in June. You weren't just a student dredging their way through college. Life had thrown misfortunes at you left and right and you were forced to try to navigate through that on your own. There was more to you than you had ever let on.
"Just promise me something," he finally said, waiting for you to look up at him. "Just, try not to get yourself into those situations again."
You looked down again, wondering if his intention was to tell you that he didn't have time to help you anymore when the time came to it. However, he didn't give you much of a chance to dwell on that thought.
"It'd be a shame for me to see something happen to you."
You immediately felt your cheeks flare up again. It was clear that he cared at least to some extent and that itself was enough to get you to question everything around you, including the nature of your relationship with him.
"Storm's over," Levi mumbled as he began to stand up. As he was pushing himself up off the ground, the lights flickered back on.
He held his hand out towards you and helped you get up off the ground.
"Go take a shower and get warm since you decided to casually run off into the rain earlier," he said, motioning towards the bathroom, letting go of your hand. "You were a pain in the ass the last time you got sick."
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17 @kamyru @l1zk4 @layenacreates @lamees004 @whoami-72 @highgoon69 @chaotic-on-main @levishotgf @nube55 @chosos-mascara @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @alexkibutsuji
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spookyserenades · 2 months
Hiiii Dana, hope you're doing so so well!! So sorry I took so long to comments on this chapter, life has been a whirlwind lately (a good one but I can barely catch up)
I read the chap a while ago but I was in a hurry so I barely remember what I wanted to say, I will sit down to reread calmly soon but for now, here are a few things I do kinda remember:
First off, I'm SO glad y/n and Tae's relationship is a bit better, even if they still have a long way to go to get back to how they were. I feel like their interaction sort off put both of their minds to a bit of ease (and I mean a TINI bit) and they both deserve to be at ease in the house so 🥳 BABY STEPS 🥳
Second off, I just love Joon more and more as each chapter goes on😭😭 Idk if anyone else is gonna agree but his character gives me the energy that a Divine Masculine is supposed to give and I just absolutely adore when he's in any scene. He's very clearly getting more comfortable around y/n and establishing his role in her life and we LOVE to see it🥹 All the kisses for him🥰
Also Jungkook is obviously still a bit of an ass most of the time, but can we appreciate how he's been gradually getting softer with y/n?? Like he doesn't bitch at her much anymore and if he does it's very clearly a jokey joke😊 Also his interaction with y/n when his antlers fell off had me CACKLING the ugliest cackle in my life
As much as I love that they were able to cleanse the house of the BITCHES spirits😒 I feel like it's a bit too good to be true?? Like it was wayyyy to easy for the threats they were posing...I'm so scared that they'll come back even stronger to haunt y/n and the boys personally
Like y/n, baby, let's upgrade those protection spells around the house PLEASE😭😵‍💫
JIN IS SUCH A SWEETIEEEEEE😭😭😭 HOUSE HUSBAND MATERIAL FRRRRR❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 The way he's so willing to educate y/n on anything with no judgment, no matter how taboo or uncomfortable the topic is😫😫😫😫 PLEASE I LOVE HIM😩
🙂 All in all, loved this chapter so much!! I can't describe in words how fucking amazing your writing is; every chapter just encapsulates me and sends me into another dimension. This series is no doubt the best series I've ever read of BTS and possibly any other fandom. Just absolutely incredible, so much love for you!!❤️
HELLO CHERRY!! I am finally answering your lovely review of Chapter Eighteen I'm very excited! I also hope you're doing well, I agree life has been so so so nuts lately (cold kicked my ass and it's hot as hell out!) BUT I digress! We do what we can!
AH okay so Tae and Y/N in chapter 18... they DID seem to take a tiny step forward but yes hard agree they have a little ways to go. Relationships are complicated and with the added bonus of all of the boys being hybrids, things get sticky LMAO. Most of them aren't used to humans treating them, well, like humans, so I think that's why hybrids such as Tae or Joon struggle with communication. That said, Y/N has all the time and patience in the world to work through the hiccups with them!
Joon BUG 😭 He really turned out to be sUCH a softie. Literally all bark minor bite. YES YES I so agree with him giving Divine Masculine vibes!!! He's very protective and comfortable being in a role of dominance, but not in a toxic way. I think he's grown to really really care for Y/N, especially since they have begun spending more time together during the investigations with Jeongguk. The fact that Y/N is interested in nurturing his interests and sharing them means a lot to Namjoon, I believe ❤️
Jeongguk the brat! I do love his comedic relief though. He might not be quite as soft as Namjoon quite yet, but he's getting closer to a Hoseok/Y/N vibe where they're besties. I like that he teases her and she teases him right back, whereas with Hoseok, Y/N is a bit more bashful with his teasing 👀 LMAOOO I love when his antlers fell off like Y/N was holding his face and he was like "this is just an average spring afternoon" 💀
Yessss I've seen others say that the cleansing might have been too easy or good to be true. We shall see if any of the spirits come back to follow the Dream Team around, but the three of them are getting to be a force to be reckoned with. They also have a lifetime of adventures together 😉
HNNNNGGGGH DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SEOKJIN. I am so incredibly down Bad for him. He's just so incredibly happy to have a safe home, where he can do whatever he likes, and explore new hobbies. That aside, he's fallen for Y/N so deeply 🥺 Considering she offers him a listening ear free of judgement, he does exactly the same. Yoonjin are both the BEST house husbands.... does that make Jimin the garage dad??? LMAO
MIN YOONGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 🥰🥵💕💜 Bro is way 2 sexy. He knows how to hit all the right spots if you know what I'm saying.... oof and his way with words...... goot bye
His birthday might have been my favorite one to write, it was so personal for Yoongi/Y/N's relationship 😭 He realized how deeply she loves him, or was perhaps reminded of it, and he was all heart eyes the entire evening. Clearly, he trusts her so much now that he's willing to tell her everything about himself, even about painful memories (his mom's death). Their connection through music is very special. The whole thing was swoooooon AH when he kissed her in the restaurant 🥰🥰 THAT IS OUR MANNNN
AHHH I'm so so happy you loved that chapter it was a DOOZY! Thank you so much for reading, sending in an amazing review and all of your thoughts, and being so sweet and lovely to me all the time ❤️🥺 It means so much to me, Cherry! AHHH and you flatter me 😭😭 I just love that Trouvaille has brought us together and I love YOU! 🥰💕💕💕💕
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autumnsup · 2 years
Prompt: Devotion
for @wolfstarmicrofic
“BUT. NOOOOW,” yowled James into his microphone, which was actually the forward-facing end of his Quidditch broomstick.
“Shut up,” said Sirius. He could feel himself blushing against the onslaught of song.
“There’s nooooo-where to hide, now that you’ve – “
“Shut UP,” he groaned, pushing himself sideways on the bench to get away from James, so that his Quidditch equipment tumbled to the floor. He leaned forward, elbows lining up with his knees, and took his head in his hands, feeling the silken shag of hair slipping between his fingers. “As funny as it might seem to you, I’m really going through it.”
James, halfway through his next gulp of air, paused. “Ah, mate.” He knelt and gathered the scattered equipment – knee pads, wrist and elbow guards, and, gingerly, a jockstrap – dumping it into Sirius’ kit bag before settling into place next to him on the bench. “Just because you’re out of your head over one of our very own, doesn’t mean I think any less of you.”
Sirius glanced around the locker room, which, fortunately, was deserted by now. “Keep your voice down, Prongs,” he said anyway. “I don’t exactly want the entire school knowing about my pash on Moony.”
James butted a shoulder into Sirius’. “I think it’s more than just a pash if you’ve been feeling it since second year.” He looped his arm around Sirius’ neck and gave him a resounding kiss to the top of his head. “And for what it’s worth, I actually think it’s cute.”
Sirius turned a haunted eye on him. “Cute? Try lying awake for an entire night while your mind circles over one adorable little thing you saw him do in Potions the other day while he thought no one was looking. Try going without food for a day because your stomach is so full of butterflies every time you see him that you feel like you might sick up. Try taking a bloody shower next to him, when all you can think about is whether your body is going to respond in embarrassing and friendship-shattering ways.” He huffed into his hair, which scattered and settled in a new configuration around his face. “Something needs to be said, I just don’t know how.”
Blinking at Sirius’ intensity – although really, he should’ve been used to it by now – James gave his shoulder a pat. “OK… Maybe you need to take a step back then, if you’re not ready yet.” He frowned and stared at the floor for a moment in concentration. “How about a letter? Have you tried writing him one?” When Sirius closed his eyes and shook his head, James pressed on. “You should. Not to send, necessarily, but just to get your feelings sorted out a bit. It worked for me, with Evans.”
Rolling his eyes, Sirius sat up and stretched out his legs. “Right. Because you and Evans are such a shining example of devotion.”
James shrugged. “I dunno. Even with her constant rejection, I feel like we’re developing a bond. Slowly, over time. Like those dripping things in a cave.”
Sirius stared at him with brows furrowed. “Oh. You mean like a stalagmite and a stalactite?”
James snapped his fingers at him and grinned. “Exactly. See, you and Moony are meant for each other, with the brains you’ve got.”
A glimmer of hope crossed Sirius’ face, but when he spoke, it was in dejected tones. “I’m hardly the brainy one, and it shows. Used to be that I could focus enough to study around him, but now…”
“You’re hopelessly devoted to him,” said James, still grinning. “Like it says in the song." His face transformed into pure delight. "That's what you should do - sing your feelings to him!"
It was a bold plan, yet Sirius, despite his inner turmoil, could see a curious logic to it. Just like there was a curious logic to the fact that out of all the school-themed Muggle musical records he might pick, James would fixate on one with the name of a hair product that dealt in themes of cliques and unrequited love.
But Sirius was feeling too far gone to take the piss out of him for it. “All right," he said, squaring his shoulders. "Let's do this."
Looking for more? This "microfic" is the first of three, and all three are posted on AO3!
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oathwilled · 2 months
my child wanted to go out and play with some kids in the culdesac, which is fine, but he hadn't eaten lunch yet so i made him a sandwich and told him to take it with him and there was this war of like " BUT I WANT TO GO OUT NOOWWWW " " TAKE IT WITH YOU " " BUT I WANT TO GO OUT NOOOOW " " TAKE. IT. WITH. YOU. " and oh my gods, parenting ya'll
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championofapollo · 5 months
hi hi hi!!! what ocs do you have? is there a post in ur blog i can look at for info? which is ur favourite?
Hiiiii. I need to update my master post, so- not exactly to the first one- But I’ve got a whole lot and they just swim around my head!
How can one pick a favourite oc tho… *squint* tough call between Liz n Jay are both such fun n chaotic beanssss
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Jay has about a million names. I’m in the mood for Captain Jay Owens, so let’s go with that! Psychological experiment(long story), Air Force captain (dishonorably discharged), present day mercenary. She and a team of thieves travel the world, doing miscellaneous jobs and monitoring another team they used to work with. Despite her flying skills, she’s our sassy pickpocket. ‘Prefers her lifts to be a little cocky, like in the middle of crowded rooms when there are multiple sets of eyes on her.
The other team they keep in check is probably their biggest competitor (not that anyone in the crew would openly admit it).
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Elizabeth Kore. My little witch. Shapeshifter adopted by the headmistress of an academy and taught to control her abilities. Before the help things got- explosive-
Her story is set in a Steampunk 1700s, before the Revolution. Amidst the chaos and threat of war, a nobleman tries to take over the town she’s living in. Before everything went south, she had made a deal with him in order to get protection in the slums (tiny bean in a shady part of town, not good), but noooow she has to find a way out of it. He’s not happy, her friends aren’t happy. Everyone is scrambling to get things resolved.
One of my few OCs who can’t pick a lock nor a pocket?? XD
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dendro-bunny · 2 years
My Spotlight
Saiki Kusuo x Theater nerd! Fem! Reader
Genre: Scenario, fluff
Synopsis: Despite all of the odds Saiki got himself a gf, and just so happens that she's a theater nerd.
Warnings: ABSENT PARENTING, GENERATIONAL TRUAMA, PLEASE OF ISSUES WITH FAMILY MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE SKIP THAT PART, ILL MARK THE PARTS WITH RED BEFORE AND AFTER. other than that oopsie i droped my fluff everywhere, swearing cause i fucking can. IS SAIKI OCC? DO I CARE? Oh and light mentions of kidnapping
(a/n): ask and though shall receive. Also i didn't realize i wrote so much, there may need to be a part there.
Tagdge: @
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The whole school like came in to watch even the board that was stopping by. All to see you 😶‍🌫️.
Like I'm not lying it was such a hit that the board wanted it to be an actual play at the community theater.
But What they don't know is all the bs you had to put up with behind the scenes. Mainly Teruhashi and her crazy older brother.
At first you were star structed then you overheard him threatening Saiki over his sister.
Then Teruhashi this bitch, really tried to get her fan club to kidnap you.
It's almost 2 hours before curtain call and no one can find you. Not even Saiki. Where the hell did you go, the class on panicking, your understudy was trying her hardest to memorize her lines. Saiki, for looking so calm was using every ability in his arsenal to find you. Not in your bed, not in your normal hang out spot, not at cafe Mami, where in the where's waldo are you?!
"Well, well, well, looks like your little 'princess' is a no show~ HAHAHHAHA I KNEW NO ONE COULD BE BETTER THEN MY TERUHASHI! THAT'S WHY HER FANS ARE TAKING HER AWAY NOW, NEXT IS THE UNDERSTUD-UGHF." The next few seconds moved so fast. All of a sudden you rush in and push him into the girl moving her out of the way of the falling bag above her head, as it falls on him instead. He screams in pain and his sister runs over.
"LOOK HE PUSHED HIS FAN OUT OF THE HAZARD!" You yell as the understudy clutches her heart in relief of seeing you and being saved by her idol.
Where were you?
"Didn't you hear i was fucking kidnapped by some guy with a bandaged arm. And a bunch of other freaks. So, I proceeded to act/lie my ass off to escape. They drove me back here and is in the audience." You whisper to him after you dragged him to the dressing. You start undressing and he immediately turns red when he saw your shoulder and turned.
"I-idiot warn me when you're gonna change." His voice quiet and soft, you're not used to it yet but at least you heard it enough to know he really trusts you.
"No time we got rehearsals to do, and I need help with my outfit." After changing you two step out and you immediately take front in center of the crew waiting.
"ENOUGH DELAYING, I KNOW I WAS LATE BUT IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOOOOW, WE HAVE A CROWD TO PLEASE!" The class shouts yeah. "DO LET'S GO OVER LINES AND SONGS AND MUSIC ONE LAST TIME, AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH COSTUME HEAD TO YUTAI SENSEI'S ROOM. SHE'LL FIX THE PROBLEM. NOW LET'S GO EVERYONE." You jump down from the box you were standing on and start running around trying to do everything. You didn't see Saiki staring at you with hearts in his eyes and a little smirk the whole time. God he's whipped.
SPEAKING OF WHIPPED. His parents ADORE you. Like with an extra dore.
Legit didn't even acknowledge Kûsuke (totally didn't spell homeboy's name like kukuse) existence when you walked in behind Saiki. Bro immediately his mom had tears in her eyes.
You're legit the most beautiful girl she's seen, and she thought about Teruhashi for a second, "Hey Saiki where's your mom, i see your sister... But where is your mom?"
Teruhashi who? Sorry only know Daughter-in-law. LABDKAKLA
The door rings and Kusuo feels something so unfamiliar, anxiousness? Joy? Whatever it was, was making him shake a little. He stands on the bottom of the stairs as his mother opens the door and sees.... His older brother. Kûsuke. Now the feeling was disappointment. Then he heard your voice.
(l/n), stop screaming I'm coming outside.
With much protest from his brother, he walks past him, and his mother out the door to you. From the door they see him smile at someone. Leaving them with shocked faces.
"Kuskuse? Di- is he smiling? Oh, my baby boy is smiling- OMG AT WHO?!" Your mom covers her smile with her hand turning to her husband and her other son.
"I believe a girl I did see her walking behind me, but I just thought she was going to her own house." The blonde (how ft) boy replies.
"Woah! Saiki smiling, I gotta see this!" Saiki's father rushes to the door to see a glare from Saiki pointed at all of them.
Please stay close behind me they're being weird.
You giggle and hold his hand slightly hiding behind him. "This close enough for you touched starved cutie~" you tease.
He huffs and keeps walking forward not trying to focus on what you said. Though his heart did jump at the way you pitched your voice. Man, he's gotta stop taking you to vocal lessons.
Mom, dad, Kûsuke... Hhh... This is my girlfriend (l/n) (y/n), don't make this weird, she came over for dinner and to study somethings she had trouble with in class.
They stare at you as you peak from behind him, your rosy (or however they get) cheeks from the cold highlight your eyes and your lip gloss shimmer in the florescent lights of their home.
What you see is the two men with their jaws to the ground, and their eyes kind of bulging out of their head. His mom has heart and star eyes, (how tf is that possible) she looks on the verge of tears as she smiles so warmly at you. She steps forward hesitantly like you'll poof if she doesn't.
"O-oh my god, you're so pretty! It's nice to meet you! I'm Kurmi Saiki!" She grabs your hands bowing.
"Omg Saiki you never told me you had a cute sister! Hello, it's so nice to meet you, I wish Saiki told me about you sooner." You smile and shake her hand enthusiastically.
"Oh sweetie, I'm not his sister, I'm his mother, nice that you see me as that young though." She blushes and laughs a little.
"Well little brother, didn't know you'd be the first out of us to have a partner- Hm guess that's another win for you. That's fine though, she'll be able to see who's the superior brother. Right mama?" Kûsuke is met with silence as all you are at the table talking without him.
Saiki is smirking to himself as his brother complains.
Later you and Saiki head up to his room and he sits at his desk as you close the door.
What's wrong?
"W-what?! Nothing- just your family all seems so nice... I've never really had a family dinner like that before." You nervously giggle as you see him turn to look at you.
"wanna talk about it?" He holds his arms open for you to snuggle up with him.
"Not right now, no," you walk over and get comfortable on his lap, laying your head on his shoulder and taking in his scent. "Just wanna stay like this and get that assignment done." He nods and rubs your back burying his face into yours.
"That was nice though, I actually... Enjoyed it, I guess." The tips of his ears turn red as do yours. You leave the conversation at that though. Just wanting to enjoy each other's company.
Oh yeahhhh let's talk about how secret ya relationship is, it ain't.
Like you don't hide it, you're both flirting, you with your body (not in that was ya nasty) and him with his telepathy.
But like took everyone a good month or two to figure out.
Wanna know how? At the fucking Okinawa trip. Blind bitches like 🧑‍🦯🤷🏾🙅
The class is in the airport, waiting for the flight number to be called. You were chilling sitting on the wall with a few of your friends listening to music as they laugh amongst themselves. You were barely focused as you stared at Saiki's back.
You should come sit down, it's gonna be a bit till the flight is called babe.
He turns around to see you pat the ground next to you, as you hug your knees and smile at him.
Don't really want to, plus isn't 'Six' playing, you should focus on learning the lines so i can hear them in my head for a week straight, but you're tempting.
You furrow your eyebrows and huff. A pout finds it's way your lips as you hear "ALL YOU WANNA DO, ALL YOU WANNA DO BABY, I think we can all agree I'm 10 amongst these 3's." And immediately block out everything else.
"(L/n)! Did you hear?! THE FLIGHT IS CANCELLED!" You snap your eyes open to look at your friend and pause your music.
"What?! What happened?!" You looked at yhe screen to see the typhoon swirling right in the smack dab middle of the route. "can't they go around!?"
Your friend shakes her head no, you look at your classmates as they all start losing their shit, as well as Hiro, trying his hardest to gain moral. So you stand.
"Sensei! I need to go to the bathroom!" You raise your hand.
"Make sure you take a buddy!" He doesn't pay much attention as he sulks in the corner picking up his uno cards.
Several people ask to be your buddy. You've gain quite a fanbase, they are very outspoken as well, they don't take shit from no one. Even Teruhashi's fanbase.
You fan them off and point at Saiki. "I already asked Saiki if he could take me, he said he knows where it is."
Damn ok I'm coming. You seem calm for your one chance "to catch some rays is gone."
My bladder takes priority, also i was gonna ask if you could just like tell whatever godly being to fuck off and stop fucking with our get away.
You know just as well as i do that that won't happen. And even at that we aren't in the same group, we won't have much time together.
"awee you want to spend time with me?" You step out of the bathroom shaking your hands dry. (DON'T USE AIR DRYERS IN THE BATHROOMS THEY ARE DISGUSTING)
Imma go get rid of the typhoon, might as well help everyone out
He teleports away and comes back almost immediately tired and soaked. "Pffft, i like the wet dog look on you it's cute." You move his bangs out of his eyes and kiss just above his eyebrows.
Stop that- we need to get back.
You laugh and start jogging back to the group as the announcements go off that the typhoon has miraculously disappeared and it's safe to fly.
Now for the flight, you didn't mind it all that much. Your parents took you on many flights when you were younger so you were used to it. The Takahashi incident went off without a hitch.
You shouldn't use your powers that much, you need to rest Saiki.
I'm fine, plus it's just-
You see Saiki zone out as he falls asleep. The snaps his eyes open.
The fucking plane is gonna crash.
Don't worry i got it, just gotta figure out- damn no time imma just hold it up.
Calm down i got it, I'll be fine.
And so he does, after the flight you're there woth Kaido and Nendou to hold him up.
"I can't believe you rn, you shouldn't push yourself!" You scold him on the bus.
I'm fine just let me rest here for a second.
He lays down on your shoulder and gets comfortable. You huff, and hold his hand. It's soft and silky. The veins on his hands are prevalent but it's always a delight to hold his hands.
You start humming 'No one is alone' from 'Into The Woods'. Your voice almost soothed him into a deep sleep, you could feel it. Then all of a sudden Nendou ruins your peace on the roudy bus.
"HEY BUD! YOU AND (L/N) LOOK ADORABLE SNUGGLED UP TOGETHER LIKE THAT. Y'ALL MUST BE IN LOOOVE~." All of the bus immediately turns to look at you.
Teruhashi distraught, so is Chiyo. Like the whole bus just went "HUH?!"
Thanks alot Nendou
Legit y'all won cutest couple in the year book.
However speaking on that Okinawa trip, bro he told you not to go in the bath because of Takashi's friend group was gonna peep on the girls. But you're stubborn and went anyway
You were fine, he made sure no one saw you naked. Even he hasn't, since in the last one i said it didn't work on you. THE. 👏WORLD.🌍 WANTS. 🤲 HIM. 🧎🏻‍♂️TO. 🕑 SEE.🙈YOU. ☝️ YOU OWN THE STAGE OF LIFE
But when the hotel teleported you were with him, on the lawn chairs. Just before Teruhashi took his head piece you peaked your eyes open to aee her reach for it.
And bam! You both were in a jungle. 😅
Bro swear you were gonna strangle her. Once you found her. You were pacing and you heard Saiki tell you he was on the way. And like you calmed down. The two of you ended up on opposite ends.
He was communicating what was happening and how Teruhashi had his device thingy and you were double sure you were gonna strangle her.
When you got into the hotel you immediately got dragged to a empty hallway. Saiki was holding you with little to no effort. Seeing as when his device came off he needed to get used to it.
You close your eyes tight, as a familiar feeling but still nauseating as the first time. You teleported, everything happened so fast, it wasn't only you Teruhashi did aswell. You're about 30% sure the whole class has teleported aswell. The hotel was close by, so the building must have gone too right?
That doesn't matter now. What matters is finding Teruhashi and making mu way back to Okinawa.
Yeah about that... You're on a different island. And there is a bear harassing her.
Yare yare, don't be so loud, she has my device so i can hear your voice very well... Actually you can be loud.
Saiki.. don't flirt with me in such a dire situation.
No response... Good thing he couldn't see you blush. Always such a tease.
After around 10 minutes of waiting. He still hadn't appeared yet. You were getting kinda ansty waiting for him. So you got up and started walking around the forest.
Fireflies flutter around you, as you walk towards a waterfall, you at the bottom of it. The reds and blues of the fish in the stream look so peaceful and serene. When you heard a leaf crunch behind you, you whip around to see Saiki smiling at you, sleepily.
You shake your head and grab his hand. You teleported again. The two of you in a hallway just a bit away from your room.
Laying your head on his chest, the soft pitter patter of his heart. The soft grip he has on your waist pulls you into sleep. A plush feeling on the top of your head. You start to hum 'our love is god' the more wholesome parts of course. You hear him hum along just a bit.
"get some rest Saiki, you have a long day tomorrow." You smile up at him and start to slowly pull away. You see him nod and yawn. He holds your hand for just a few seconds longer then you head your separate ways.
Now time for the beach scene... GIRL FUCKAJGDJAVS
Man's had a hard time not blasting anyone who breathed your direction.
But swear you looked so adorable he wanted to just squeeze you till you popped.
But ngl when you walked out of the dressing room so casually after everyone else the whole beach just FWOOM- surrounded you.
Like fly's to honey. Saiki wanted to squat them all.
No matter what you look like though, he's so fucking in love with your outfit and you. Like his face just lights up looking at you.
When those creeps came around you weren't really involved, you were sunbathing. All comfy and sleepy. Then you hear them insult Chiyo.
You snapped your eyes open and tilted your head back to look at them.
It was on.
Then the spotted you looking and whistled, then and there it was on for Saiki.
Laughter could be heard from the lady's locker room on one of the prettiest beaches in the world. The laughter was coming for you, your group and Saiki's, at least the females in the groups. Joking and playing around. Your group mate splashed you with a super soaker and ran out towards the exit. Teruhashi took a breath and looked back at you, who was trying to drain the water from your mp3 player. Not only that but they soaked your beach button up. Knowing you were distracted Kokomi walked out, shining as bright as the sun.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." She says with a cute look.
The whole beach (minus Saiki) went oh wow.
Chiyo sat in the corner sulking. Looking over confused you went to go walk up to her but the pants you had over your bottoms got stuck in the locker and ripped. (Bad luck for you ig 😌)
"Fucking c'mon!" With your little outburst Chiyo throws out her towel.
Absolutely nothing from the crowd.
Then goes Mera, she sees you struggling and helps you out.
"Oh no... The only thing salvageable is the button up, but it's completely soaked." She gives you a pitty look as you sigh and look at her.
"Thanks- uh, is that a used swimsuit?" You see that it's very tight on her (😳 ngl she looked cute af).
"Oh yeah! I couldn't afford one, ah! I gotta go Chiyo and Kokomi are waiting for me." She runs out and when she leave the people of the beach dig her. Even though she has to adjust the bottom of it from going up her butt.
"looks like I'm the last one... What am i gonna do, my fit is ruined. UGH WHATEVER THE SHOW MUST GO ON!" you sling the soaked white button that is now see through and shows top part of the swimsuit. And the shorts have been long forgotten in the locker room. Which leaves the tight bottoms of thw swimsuit.
As you step out, the people of the beach were just about to leave, but the moment they heard the pitter patter of your feet they instantly looked.
Everyone is in awe.
The hat you had was tilted to cover your face from the sun which gave you a slight mysterious look.
"GODDAMN- SHAWTY PTERODACTYL FLY!" One guy shouts. (Saiki 🤠 tf you said)And the rest start whooping and hollering. Like how the animals did for Jessica rabbit.
"Alright! Alright! That's enough!" Silence on the beach. You smirk turns to a big toothy grin.
SURFS UP!" With that the whole crowd goes ballistic and starts going amoungst their beach time fun. Your group is dancing the 'surf's up' dance from 'teen beach movie.'
Teruhashi, and Chiyo are in Shambles. Saiki lowkey is gonna make all those people drown a bit we won't talk about it though. But it's ok cause the smile on your face as you and your friends continue on with the choreography is just enough to not make him drown people.
After a while of fun on the beach you decided to lay on a beach chair just wanting to enjoy the sun.
Saiki is behind the chair hunched over looking at you. "You're blocking my sun."
You're hat is blocking my view.
He snatches your hat and smiles looking at you shocked face. Better
The bubblegum haired boy starts snickering at you're attempts to grab it. Out of nowhere you hear a low whistle, from behind Saiki.
"Wheeeew damn girl, that top is doing it for me, more than these broads. Especially this fugly one." The first guy nods to Chiyo.
"Do i look like mother Theresa to you? I'm not some fucking chairity case. And who the hell-" Saiki covers your mouth as Kaido punches the jerk in the face.
"HEY! DON'T TALK ABOUT CHIYO LIKE THAT!" The guy reels(?) back and looks at his cheek confused. (We don't talk about chiyo yo yo yo~)
"Ow- wait that didn't hurt at all, felt more like a mosquito bite than anything." The powder blue haired boy shrinked and started speaking in his higher pitched voice.
You see Saiki pinch his fingers together, and the guy howls in pain. They run away thinking Kaido is some master fighter, as well as himself. You over hear him compliment Chiyo. Then you see her swoon.
"Sha la la la ahhhhh." You sing softly as she blushes. (If you don't know it's from Hercules)
Yeah, but did you really have to lick me.
Yes... You taste like the sweets shop around from my house.
How do you taste like a shop? Wait how do you know what that tastes like?
You are long gone in the water with your group. He deadpans as his group starts trying to force him fo have fun. Why eould you do this to him?
I could say so much more on this trip, but at the end where he got the super rare coffee jelly you gave him your entire one, legit you didn't want it, the owners gave you an extra they made. And he was so grateful he teleported you home from the airport.
What i forgot to mention is when you met his parents.. they offered for you to go with them to his grandparents.
Though your parents didn't really care, Saiki lowkey did. Because of his grandfather. (Old tsundere ass) He knows how he treats his dad pretty roughly. And he didn't want that to happen to you. He was already against you meeting his brother but that just happened against his will.
When you said Yes? He gave you such a cold stare, and was dry when talking to you later that night.
Anyway ahdvkags
Like he has tried to convince you, bribing you too, but you gaslit him.
Did you actually want to visit my grandparents?
He turns to you, who is sitting like a gremlin in a chair doing 5 different assignments at once.
"yes." Saiki waits for you to say more, but instead you just go to a different assignment out of the 5.
Ok why?
"It's your family?? And i want to?? Like wot?" You look up at him slightly offended.
Is he embarrassed-
You know that's not the case. It's just my grandparents are a little weird. Mainly my grandfather.
"isn't that all old people? Saiki if you don't want me to meet your family then just say that, ik i just met your dad, brother and mom but really. If you're embarrassed of me then I don't have to go and I don't have to be here." You go to gather your things and he grabs your wrist.
He doesn't say anything, just puts his head on your shoulder.
You start hear a song play in your head near the middle.
'Don't know how it happened
Don't know why but you don't really
Need a reason'
He looks att you expectantly to finish the lyrics, seeing as you made him watch 'Rio' and 'Rio 2' on loop.
"When the stars shine
Just to fall in love... There are you happy?" You smile softly putting your things down.
Very, but what if i took you to see the original cast of Hamilton, and In the Heights?
"But why is it such a big deal? Your grandparents are crazy you say, but that's better than not ever being there. Even your brother and parents. Mine are never there, and maybe I don't know. Maybe i shouldn't go..." You tap your fingers on the table.
"Fine." He sighs. "Just if he says something disrespectful I'm breaking his hip." He looks at you with a smirk as you stare at him shocked.
"SAIKI!" You shove him lightly and laugh. "That's not funny!"
I'm not even laughing. He starts chuckling.
maybe focus on one assignment.
Time goes by and it's starting to lose daylight outside. You both step downstairs, all your things gathered to head out.
"See you later Mr. And Mrs. Saiki! I'd love to spend more time with you guys another day!" You wave by the entrance to living room. The two of them hop up so quick.
"YOU'RE LEAVING ALREADY?!" his dad starts rambling about how je didn't show you his new dvd player.
"It is getting pretty late, Hey Ku why don't you walk her home." His mom suggests like a reasonable person.
"Oh no I'm fine it's not that far and i still have some daylight to burn. Plus i wouldn't want to bother Saiki." His mother perks up at this.
"Wait, you don't call Ku by his first name? Or a nick name?" Both of you freeze, and he looks at you as you look at him.
She has to go.
Kusuo pushes you out of the door and slams ot behind him. When you get to his mailbox you both just stand there. Awkward. As hell.
"Well i better head out... Uhm... I'll talk to you on the way there." You turn to leave, then stop and turn around. He looks confused for a second.
You leave a chaste kiss on his lips, then start running away before he can chase you.
You're gonna be the death of him.
Like i kid you not, this guy legit has you pressed so close to him it's almost inappropriate.
Like almost creepy. Like he legit said "☺️ omg heyyyy, aren't you cute."
All of your- i mean his family wanted to kick him.
But his grandma is so cool, like you can talk to her without feeling like there is an age gap.
But someone come get his pop-pop. Cause the moment he starts getting weird thougts Saiki is doing a lot more than shaking a damn ferris wheel.
This may be a long one hold your horses.
After a short discussion with your parents, they just let you leave the house and don't bother helping you with your bags. As you lug your heavy duffle bag down the driveway you feel it get a bit lighter. You turn to see Saiki Standing next to you. You look forward and see his parents car, you smile at the two and wave.
"I got it Saiki... Mother and Father said to be a big girl and not be a burden. Since I'm intruding."
You aren't intruding one, two it'd be rude of me to not carry your bags, especially after that like disagreement we had, about this trip. This doesn't make up for my words but i want it to help.
As he speaks you feel yourself growing still, while he just continues on taking the bag from you and putting it in the trunk of the car. You watch his pink hair move along with him, and his eyes stray from yours. You walk forward as he's about to close the trunk and hug him.
You know he's not big on affection, and uses it only when needed. So it's not often that you two do more than hold hands and kiss foreheads. That being said you're action startled him even if he knew it was coming. The feeling of you hiding your face in his back let's him know, besides your thoughts, of how you feel right now.
"Saiki..." He turns to hug you and burry you in his chest, effectively hushing you.
"Let's get in the car and head there, it's a long ride." You feel him speak against your head.
Normally emotions for you are hard to express. Your own that is, you can read a script and get it down pact, trying to put into words how you feel is different. For Saiki he never met anyone else who he could trust besides himself. It was a barrier you both were trying to overcome.
"Oh it's really good to see you!" His parents warmly greet you, Like they weren't watching you both the entire time.
"It's so good to see you both as well! It's been a bit hasn't it? I've been looking forward to this!" You smile feeling the good vibes coming from the two.
"I'm surprised your parents just let you go without getting to know your boyfriend or his family, I know as Kusuo's father I would need to know 100% that everything would be fine... And..." He looks back to see you looking down in a gloomy expression.
"Oh nice going! You hurt her feelings honey!" Kurmi interjects from the passenger side.
"No, no... It's fine... I... They haven't been there for me... After i turned 5 they started putting me in different lessons. Booking for different acting jobs and uhm classes and all that stuff. This is the first time I'm talking about it woth anyone. But I love acting and singing, theyake me feel like... I actually belong and I'm not myself... I'm someone so much more. As a character than who i actually am. I don't know it's stupid. But they didn't really care about what i did as long as they could focus on their company. I was never involved, my older sibling (he/she) was their successor. I was just a waste of space for them i guess. It doesn't matter really, they told me not to burden you guys, and Not to be a waste of space, but other than that they were happy for me to leave. They had a party for business partners tomorrow and they didn't want me messing anything up... I'm happy though to be here, with you guys, you all are so lucky to have each other. To be able to just enjoy each other's time. When in order to have dinner with mine it has to be on a schedule and they only ask me about what audition am i gonna waste my time with..." The entire time you were talking you looked out of the window, avoiding their eyes.
You couldn't bare to look at them, seeing the pity they felt. It would have made you sick. You were fine, this was normal. You felt a hand lay itself and you look up to see Saiki's mother is turned around in her seat smiling at you.
"Were happy, that you get to be apart of our family now. If you need anything, im here, and so is Kuni. And there is no need to feel as if your alone, cause you will never be, after hanging out with us enough you'll wish you were alone." She giggles and turn back around.
You stare at back of her head in amazement. "Yeah, now wait i remember i didn't get to tell you about my new collection..." Kunihara starts going on about his collection of toys. A small smile glides over your lips. You feel a hand press against yours and look over at Saiki who just rolls his eyes. You chuckle and hold his hand while brushing your thumb against the back of his hand.
Yare yare this is gonna be a long car ride.
Laughter is shared throughout the car ride as well as embarrassed looks, or just comfortable silence. Occasionally you and Saiki woukd hold hands, or he would beush his pinky against yours and you would latch pinkies. He mother will giggle every time, it causes you both to hastily pull away.
"Oh! I just remembered! (L/n), You never answered my question. Do you and Ku not call each other by first names? You are dating right?" She looks back at the two of you.
You are stunned and blushing, your nose and cheeks are a redish color. Saiki is looking out the windows at the mountains covering his face, the tips of his ears are red.
"W-well I've never really thought about it, I don't really call anyone by their first name except my older sibling. S-so it's not that natural i guess." You start fidgeting with your hands in your lap looking at them.
"Hey! Why not try now!? Because Kurmi's parents also have the last name Saiki, and for us you can call us mom and dad." Kunihara suggest looking in the rear view mirror seeing how you both git redder.
"(l/n) you don't have to... they're being weird..." His words are muffled behind his hand but you can hear him clearly.
"Ku! Don't say that about your parents!" His father protests.
"I could try... As long as you try..." You look at him from rhe corner of your eye. You see he snaps his head towards you.
His mother is gleaming, recording not so secretly on her phone. The two adult are tapping each other like children watching that soda based hero. It's embarrassing.
"From now on, I- I guess I'll work on Calling you Ku-" you stutter a bit, and take a breath to regain your composure.
"From now on I'll call you Kusuo!" You hunch over and cover your face in your hands. You feel the heat radiating from your cheeks.
For a good minute you hear nothing from Kusuo. So you look over and see him GONE.
Like put of this world trying to understand the meaning of life, and trying to calculate how big is the universe. Cause no matter how big it is he loves you 2 times as much. His face is completely red though. Like cotton candy when it's wet but not disolved. Like completely a different skin tone.
"Ku? Honey? It's your turn!" His mother is clutching her chest at how cute you were.
"U-u-u-uhm.... G-g-g-give me a, a, a, sec- sec- second." He covers his face and hides in the back of the driver seat.
Anyway, it takes him a solid 5 minutes to come back to earth, from whatever galaxy he was in. But when he does he sighs and turns to you slightly.
He mumbles something none of you can hear, but you see him blush a bit.
"Ku sweetie you have to speak up." His mother coax like a cat.
"(Y/n), I will call you (y/n) from now on... Ok?" There is a sniffle from the other side of the car.
The three look over at you too see you star strucked, though there are tears rolling down your eyes. "I'm sorry i just never thought it would feel this nice to have someone you care about say your name. Do you mind if we pull over for a sec, it's stuffy, that's why im crying." You say trying to deny the fact you're so touched by the kindness of his family. They all look at you so enduring as you lean against the rail, they also get out to stretch their legs.
"Saiki- Uh I Mean.... Kusuo... Does your grandparents know about your powers?" His parents freeze looking at you and Kusuo, as he sighs.
"Kusuo? Powers? What you must be mistaken." His dad goes on to say.
Dad it's fine, She knew for a few months.
The two of them let out a sigh of relief. They both wipe their brows from the nervous sweat.
But they don't... (Y/n)... So don't tell them, they wouldn't know how to handle it.
He says your name still hesitant on it just as you are with his. The faint blush that adorn both of y'all's cheeks is evident. So you look away from the embarrassment.
"Y-yeah sure... No problem... Oh god, will your grandparents think it's weird i call you by your first name?!" You feel his hands grab your cheeks as he forces you to stare into his eyes.
"Don't stop saying my name... Don't let them stop you even if they don't like it..." You can tell he's hesitating. He wants to say more, you want to say more. But hearing a camera click behind him stop the both of you.
Then the sound of it breaking.
"C'mon! It was for memories to play at your wedding!" His mom exclaims. Which causes you both to go red. You don't say anything and just go in the car, your tired of fresh air.
Kusuo follows after you and sits a little closer than before. His parents get back in the front seat and start the car to keep going down the long road to that little house in the middle of nowhere. The jokes, and the banter never stopped the whole way there. However as you near the house your anxiety grows. You take a deep breath and bite your lip trying to calm down.
"Oh? Are they standing outside? How... Nice..." You slink your body down to the floor trying to hide from them and the world.
Oi get up here. If I gotta be here so do you.
Ok damn- Wait is that your grandma? Why she look so young? Is that where your mom gets it from?
Uh i guess but look, if anything makes you uncomfortable just tell me alright, my grandpa is a bit of a Tsundere.
"We're here! Here let me get the bags out the car." Kuni speaks as she parks the car and opens the door.
"Shit-" you mutter under your breath. You continue hide on the floor. You feel cold hands grab you and lift you up. Then you see a tuff of pink hair as you get thrown on a shoulder.
"HEY! WAIT PUT ME DOWN SAIKI!" you start laughing while flailing your arms and legs.
Yare yare, you're causing a scene
"Oh? Who is that?" You look up to see your in the house in front of his Grandma.
"Saiki put me down! Ahem! Hi I'm (L/n) (Y/n) it's nice to meet you, I assume you're Saiki-" you look over to see his mom sorta pleading to you.
She wants you to say my first name.
"K-Kusuo's G-grandmother." Your cheeks flare a vibrant red.
"Oh wow! I didn't know our little Ku had a girlfriend, did you hear that honey?" The older woman calls out to the back of the house. Then this old skinny man walk out of, what you assume to be the bathroom, with a news paper.
"Great another Nuisance in this house." He grumbles sending you a glare as well as Kuni. In his mind though he's crying happy tears, wanting to get to know you more.
"Nice to meet you sir! Saiki never told me all hos family looks this amazing." You give him your award winning smile. He huffs a whatever and walks into a room with a traditional Japanese table. (Forgot what it's called). He gains a whiff of arrogance as you compliment him.
For half an hour you got to know the two older adults. Making jokes and bonding with mainly his grandma. His grandfather ended up leaving half way through because of a temper tantrum. Though he wanted to stay.
"Oh i brought snacks! I had Sai- Kusuo... My bad, I'm still not use to saying your name." You sheepishly grin while blushing.
He only shakes his head and flicks your forehead.
"Owie! Kusuo! What was that for?" You pout at him.
"How long have you two been dating? You seem to have good chemistry, just like Kunihara and Kurmi!" His grandmother giggles with his mom.
"O-oh! Uhm we've been dating for a few months!" You look down getting even more shy.
This is so new for me... I've never felt this nervous about interacting with people before
You feel Saiki's hand on yours. You're doing great!
What saiki doesn't tell you that his grandpa and crying wishing that he could talk to the both of you. It's honestly creeping him out.
I'm leaving this one here for right now. Since this is so long and i need more motivation.
SO THERE WILL BE A PART 3 eventually 😅
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eflen-n-reegee · 3 months
Peter’s Playground Part 3 - “Play Date”
Whoo! Finally got part 3 finished! Hope you guys like it! :)
Ashley grinned and grabbed Wendy’s hand, pulling her through the blue door of the Playground. Wendy giggled. Unlike her last visit, she already felt close to regressed and she was excited to play.
“We’ve gotta go to the Bounce House,” Ash said, swinging her arms as they walked. “That’s where the boys are.”
Wendy nodded, chewing on her necklace. “Jonathan and Micah,” she mumbled to herself.
Ashley nodded, then gasped and waved. “Hi!” she shouted.
One of the young men - Micah - waved back. Jonathan ran over and grabbed Ashley in a hug, then turned to Wendy.
“Jonathan,” a woman said in a kind but firm voice. “We ask first, remember?”
He blinked and smiled bashfully. “Hug?”
Wendy nodded, hugging him back, but her eyes were fixed on the two women approaching them.
“Hi!” said the first. “I’m Kay. You’re Wendy, right? Ash’s told me so much about you!”
“You too,” Wendy said softly, trying not to feel shy. She knew that Kay was Jonathan’s caregiver, that she was super nice, that she probably understood more about regression than Wendy did - but it still felt strange to be in this headspace in front of a “real” grown-up.
“Are you okay?” the second woman - Alice, she remembered - asked gently. “You look uncomfortable.”
Wendy felt her face burn and she stared at the floor. “It’s still new,” she mumbled, tugging on her necklace. “Still a little…”
She trailed off, but Alice nodded as if it all made sense. “It’ll feel less strange as time passes, I promise.”
Wendy smiled slightly. She didn’t know this woman, but she believed her. “Thanks.”
“Can we go jump now?” Micah asked hopefully, bouncing from one foot to the other.
“Sure!” Kay said, taking both Micah and Jonathan by the hand and leading them away. Alice held out her hands to Wendy and Ash and they accepted, following behind the others.
The store they stopped in front of hand a sign in big bubble letters: “The Bounce House”. Peeking inside, Wendy gasped in delight. She saw dozens of trampolines and tumble mats covering the floor and walls. A handful of people were already jumping, hopping from one trampoline to another or jumping and flipping onto a mat or even leaping into a padded wall and collapsing to the floor in a fit of breathless giggles.
“Wait a minute, sweetheart,” Alice said, stopping Wendy from rushing forward. “Kay needs to pay first.”
Wendy huffed, annoyed. She wanted to jump noooow. At the same time, she felt oddly pleased. A part of her recognized that she was being childishly unreasonable, and she liked feeling that she was actually regressed.
Finally Kay finished paying and the regressors were set loose. Wendy ran to the nearest trampoline and jumped, laughing as she was propelled back into the air. Her feet hit the springy fabric and she bounced again, this time landing on her backside. She shrieked with delight as Kay landed hard on the other end of the trampoline, launching her up.
It went like that for over an hour, jumping and laughing and pushing each other down. Finally, Alice caught onto Micah’s hand and gently pulled him off the trampoline. “It’s time for lunch, guys!”
Ashley gave a whine, but she obediently hopped onto the floor. Wendy followed, her legs feeling wobbly on solid ground. Jonathan jumped one last time and then ran for the exit, Kay right behind him.
Alice laughed. “He’s still got a lot of energy.”
“Me too!” Ashley giggled, racing after Kay.
Alice laughed again, reaching out for Wendy with her free hand. “What about you, sweetheart? Do you want to run or walk?”
“Walk, please,” Wendy said, holding Alice’s hand.
By the time the trio reached the food court, Ash was holding her stomach. “I’m huuungryyy!” she said.
Kay gave her a playful poke in the belly. “Well, now that everybody’s here, we can order. What’re you in the mood for, guys?”
“Culver’s!” Ashley said immediately.
“Pizza!” Jonathan and Micah said together, followed quickly by, “Jinx!”
“How ‘bout you, Wendy?” Kay asked, smiling wide.
Wendy tugged on her necklace thoughtfully. “Hmm… mac n’ cheese, please?”
Alice gently ruffled her hair. “Whatever you want, sweetie. Now, can you four sit nice at a table while Kay and I order?”
“Yep!” was the resounding response. The regressors ran to the nearest available table, giggling as they playfully fought over seats.
Once they were settled, Wendy started to chew on her necklace while Jonathan and Ashley played “Lemonade”. Micah pulled a couple of toy cars from his pocket and rolled them across the table, making soft engine sounds.
“I like cars,” Wendy said, watching him.
Without a word Micah passed her one of the cars then rolled his own closer, tapping them together and making a crash noise.
Wendy giggled and drove her car in a circle, then sped it towards Micah’s car and crashed them together. He made an explosion sound and jumped his car into the air.
After several crashes and explosions, Kay and Alice arrived at the table, carrying trays of food. They set the correct meals in front of each regressor and Wendy grinned wide. She shoveled a bit of macaroni into her mouth, savoring the flavor of the cheese sauce. It wasn’t high-quality mac and cheese, but rather the store-bought kind she’d loved as a child and hadn’t eaten in years.
“When we’re done eating,” Kay said, popping a French fry into her mouth, “why don’t we go upstairs to the museum?”
“Yeah!” Ash cheered.
“Okay!” said Jonathan.
Wendy grinned and ate a little faster.
The regressors climbed onto the escalator, right behind Alice. Kay brought up the rear, reminding Micah to hold the railing. Ashley giggled as they rose up, and Wendy peered over the side, watching the floor move further away.
“Now, Wendy, the museum has dead animals,” Alice said gently. “Are you going to be okay seeing that?”
Wendy nodded. “I think so.”
“It makes me sad,” Jonathan said, “but it’s so cool I still like it. But my friend Merry is TOO sad to go in.” 
When they reached the top, Wendy looked around. The second floor was a wide balcony area, stretching around a corner in both directions. Unlike the first floor, there weren’t multiple stores. As far as she could see, there was only one entrance, directly in front of them; a set of double doors under a sign reading “The Natural History Museum”. 
“C’mon!” Micah yelled, running for the door. The other regressors followed suit, fighting to be the first inside. Wendy was the second one through the door, and she gasped in delight.
She was in a forest, with realistic fake trees and glass cases holding taxidermied animals that had been posed to look alive. A beaver stood at the base of a tree, nibbling twigs. A deer peeked out from behind a bush. A pair of cardinals perched on a branch, grooming each other.
“This is so cool!” Wendy said, bouncing with excitement. She ran to a tree and peeked inside a knothole, staring with wonder at a nest of baby woodpeckers.
“There’s all sortsa stuff,” Ash said happily. “There’s an Arctic forest and a savannah and a tunnel that goes underground! I mean, not really, but you FEEL like you’re underground!”
Wendy grinned wide, running from tree to tree to check for secrets. There was a rabbit, sheltering under a root! There was a huge beetle, up by the branches! There was a beaver lodge, so big that she could duck her head and go inside! “So cool!” she squealed again, looking up at the surface of a faux pond and seeing the webbed feet of ducks.
Alice followed her into the lodge, smiling and patting Wendy’s shoulder. “Are you having fun?” she asked teasingly.
Wendy grinned. Her discomfort from earlier had completely vanished, and she grabbed for Alice’s hand. “Yeah! Come look with me!”
“I think it’s time to call it a day,” Kay said, smiling at Jonathan. He was dozing off on his feet and didn’t react to her words.
Ashley nodded, rubbing her eyes. “Yeah, I’m ready for a break. This was great, though - thank you!”
“No problem,” Alice said with a smile. She had Micah by one hand and Wendy by the other. “Are you ready to go with Ash?”
Wendy nodded, though she was slow to let go of the woman’s hand. “Can we play again?” she asked, a yawn punctuating her words.
Alice laughed. “Of course!”
Wendy smiled.
“Ready to go, kiddo?” Ashley asked, holding out a hand.
Wendy nodded, taking it. “Ready!”
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Halloween Fun: Part 6
The entire class screamed as GhostRose rushed over to snuggle her slasher girlfriend. They nuzzled each other, giving little mask head bumps as the new girl turned around. Upon getting a closer look, most could see how similar she looked to Juleka Couffaine. There were some differences, she looked a tad bit taller and a tiny bit heavier, although the scarers had simply given her small pads to wear under her clothing, and taller shoes. Her eyes were a tad more red, which was done by giving her contacts. Still, the thing that seperated her from Couffaine was how... unnerving she acted. The girl bounced back and forth, her eyes were extremely wide as she gleefully stared at all her new “friends”.
“Hiiiii, everybody! I’m Juleka Voorhees, but you can call me JV! Did I scaaaare ya?” she asked in a sing-song voice, before giggling as if she were a child. Even her voice, Marinette noted, was off. The deep and raspy voice and terrifying build contrasted with her childlike personality. The class couldn’t even respond, merely nodding their heads in confirmation. JV just turned to her teacher, gasping with joy at a sudden realization.
“Are you a spoooky ghost?” she asked, tilting her head. Miss Boostier woooed happily. “Of cooourse, my darling! You like spooooky thiiinnngs?” she wailed. JV nodded her head with joy. “Uh huh! I like playing scary games with people, and I always win. Hide and Seek is my favorite.” she gushed. Her wording made Marinette feel a shiver down her spine.
“My brother helps me with games all the time.” This really got Marinette interested. “Brother?” she asked. JV nodded again. “Yep! He used to be human like me, and he’d do little games for demons. He loved the Devil. Now he’s a demon and it’s awesome!”
“Hooowww woonderfulll!” Miss Boostier cooed. “I can't wait for you to meet my brother. Maestro's gonna be so happy!“ JV squealed. “Ooooo! I’m sure heee willll! Nooow, how about you tell the class aboouuut yourself?” Boostier asked.
“Well, I was a born a while ago, and my mama named me Juleka! She liked the name the lady next to us used. I think her name was Anarka. I loved to play games, but when I got bigger, they said there was something…wrong with me. So Momma sent me away.” JV said, looking sad and staring down at the floor. She was quickly comforted by her lovely GhostRose, who stroked her mask.
“They’re a match made in hell, aren’t they.” Alix whispered to Mylene. This angered JV, who gave her a rageful glare. “I don’t like it when people make fun of my Ghosty.” she growled. The spectral instructor glided over to Alix, glowing once again as sounds of thunder roared outside. “Now, Aliiiixxxx, remember what I tooold Chloeeee? We need to beee considerate of ouuur guestssss.” she warned. Alix gulped and nodded in understanding.
“Alright, alright! I'm sorry, Miss Boostier.” She promised, before getting an idea. “Ooh, at some point, could you haunt my brother? You'd give him a real fright.” she said. Miss Boostier became calm once again. “Splendid ideeeaaa! Noooow, JV, would youuu like tooo contiiinnuee?” JV grinned and talked about her time at camp.
“I liked it at the camp, the people there screamed a looottt. I got to play with SO many people. But the best day was when I met my Ghosty! Then things got even MORE fun!” she said, clapping her hands.
“I had finally found my lovely robe and mask that they had confiscated,” GhostRose added. “Along with some of my favorite tools, and had some fun with the campers. One night, I was in my room and I saw the prettiest girl in the world, staring at me, she had such a wonderful mask.” JV grinned bashfully.
“Thaaank you. I liked my spooky sweetie right away, and I knew we’d be together forever and ever! She loved scary and sharp stuff just like meee!” JV giggled, snuggling her Rosie once again.
“So, teach. Want us to get to our seats?” GhostRose asked. “But of cooourse! Take your seeeaatsss, everyoooneee!“ Boostier moaned.
GhostRose and JV took Juleka and Rose’s seats, and gazed lovingly at each other. As Miss Boostier began her bonechilling lesson on the history of Halloween, she made sure to add references and jokes to the fact that she’s a spectre. What was also odd was that the guests answered every question seriously, albeit in their own sadistic style of answer. Marinette was unnerved like everyone else, but felt confused at the same time. She decided to whisper to Tikki. “Hey, did you slip something in my OJ this morning?” she asked. The kwami shook her head in bafflement. “No, Marinette. This is all real. Do you think an akuma is behind all of this?” Tikki asked. Marinette scoffed at that, and gave a little chuckle. “Nah. Hawk Moth isn’t this creative. I mean, I’ve met dead ancestors, time travelers, and you. Anything’s possible.” she admitted.
Meanwhile, Adrien was whispering to Plagg. “Hey, did Bunnyx accidentally alter the timeline.” he asked. The mischievous kwami shook his head. “Not that I know of, kid! She woulda stepped in by now, dont’cha think?” Plagg replied.
“Hmm... good point. Hey, how come I don't feel like I'm in danger?” Adrien questioned. Usually my Miraculous instincts kick in around now.” Plagg shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know, maybe it’s some Halloween thing? All this spookiness is throwing off your radar!” Plagg guessed. Adrien nodded, even if he was unsure.
“Yeah... maybe.”
JV’s left camp, and she’s gonna kill it on Halloween! I loved writing JV as this psychopathic gothic lesbian with a childish way of talking and a love for her precious GhostRose! The next chapter is gonna be a lot bigger as we’ll be seeing how the Fearsome Foursome pull off some scares around the school. As usual thanks to Weeby for helping with dialogue. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask to spread the love. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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moviesatmidnight212 · 2 years
Aaaand last review before I take off tomorrow!
2 for 1! Warzone & Home Review- Pros and Cons
Warzone- no Cons. But there were CONS. Shooooockwave and Meeeeegatrooooon Sitting in a tree. Trying to k-i-l-l each other in front of me!
10/10. Now I’m just pissed that there hasn’t been a Decepticon episode yet and there’s only one episode left in the season.
I guess I have a nitpick and that’s the lack of an interesting voice cast IMHO. Shockwave sounds like a tired Steve Blum and Steve Blum as Starscream is trying to do his best G1 impression. Add in a normal sounding tarantulas and you pretty much can’t tell the Cons apart. It’s almost like modern cartoons aren’t allowed to have accents anymore in fear of insulting someone. But man, if Shockwave was given his Animated/G1 VA?? Uuuuugh I’m so mad now that he just sounds like a guy.
His snatched waist makes it for it though.
Con- has anyone on the voice acting team ever BEEN to Philly? It’s like they just made up an accent and said “close enough”. Awful but in a funny way. “Eh youz guyz ever seena’ wrestlin match beforah?”
-not a pro or con buuuuut lazerbeak can talk?? Aaaand he has a Texan drawl?? Mmmmmmkay. I hope they let Ravage talk then since he’s ACTUALLY spoken in many renditions of himself in the past.
-dang Acid Storm just can’t catch a break from getting the shit kicked out of her all the time lol
- Pro!!!! I didn’t know Grimlock was in this!?
-Pro- Mandroid with 5 o’clock shadow. Mama like.
-Con- if I made a drinking game to take a shot every time someone says family, I would be dead before the credits. Fuck, taking a shot when only Twitch says it will get me hammered.
Is that it? That’s the first season!? Booooo I want more noooow!!!
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Hello Sadist, I'm back to ask my 'How to' (I'm flattered by the way to be considered a pal).
You see, I'm chipping away at this whumpish bsd fic I'm writing (it's centered around the time frame in-between Dazai being arrested and transferred to Mersault) but I'm struggling on how to depict the transition from strong-willed to broken.
I'm wanting the emotional journey to feel ethnic and convincing, and slow enough to fit the various experiences.
I admire your work in both art and writing and was wondering if you might have a tip or two to spare.
~Mr. Noose
Hey Noose! Nice to have you back for the ask. Noooow it makes sense what you meant about the 'how to' questions.
Oh, gods, it's really hard to sort out advice, especially on so big a scale as it would be for this topic. Because half of it just comes naturally? To me, at least? So it's hard to sort out the details of how to make that progression happen.
But I'm assuming by the emotional journey feeling "ethnic" you were looking for the word authentic, in which case I can try to give a few tips!
In my style, at least, I'm really big on subtlety. The most effective way to break someone down is not to do huge, horrible things all at once, but to do scenes where small things are made big. Emotional manipulation is the most destructive, so things like wearing a person out in an argument to make them accept something, even something small and insignificant, can be a good start. Or tiny, nagging ways of abuse. The victim doesn't get food if the abuser doesn't like their attitude that day, or he doesn't get to wear clothes if he acts out of defiance.
The back and forth of action and punishment for that action is probably my default. Punishment doesn't have to be physical, either, but it can be. If your victim is a smart-mouth, the way to break him eventually is to keep up a cycle of punishing him for every time he is. My greatest experience is in the domestic realm of abuse, so with your situation it might be different, but hopefully you get the idea.
What you want, most importantly, is a series of events and aggressors that will continue to build upon each other until finally it hits a climax, the victim can't take anymore, and he gives in to the abuser's wishes. Since I'm long-winded and like to build things very subtly and over a great period of time, for me it might look different than what you're going for. Physical abuse and the extremity of it can make that process much faster, but will be pretty worthless if you don't have some undercurrent of emotional weight to it. Otherwise I firmly believe a victim like Dazai would just keep resisting without a problem. So make sure you locate the victim's biggest weakness, have the abuser find out, and have the abuser use that in the best way possible.
If that's employed to create the climax, it will give a lot of authenticity to that being the victim's breaking point.
OKAY HOPE THAT HELPED AT LEAST A LITTLE. There's a lot that goes into my thought processes on this subject, but it's highly specific to my stories and dynamics, so I hope that can be generally applied enough to be useful. But hopefully you've chosen characters that will play off of one another very well in this dynamic. That always makes the story stronger as a whole. Character is always the most important part.
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ao3gingerswag · 1 year
idk if you're still doing snippets from ssbms but i am sooooo sosososo excited for that fic to come back 👀 it is 100% one of my comfort reads and i poke in here every so often to hear about any potential progress. happy to hear you're free for now as well!!! tyty for sharing 💖 (also happy to see supernatural is winning tbh. i voted back when it was losing by a significant margin and was like WHAT!!! so it's good to see the reverse lmao)
Thank you so much!! Here's a little snippet for you haha:
It feels good. It feels good, to have Dean give in to him, to stop fighting and accept what he is.
A sub, yes, but more importantly Cas’s sub, made to take whatever sweet things his dom will give him.
That those sweet things will never stop is something Cas will have to prove with time, but he starts establishing it now, under the water’s warmth. He runs the sudsy washcloth all along the man’s freckle-clean skin, applying only as much pressure as will feel good.
I'm actually working on it right noooow and just opened tumblr to take a lil break. Finishing this chapter has been driving me NUTS. You would think porn wouldn't be this hard, but it is!!
Trying to finish it maybe tonight, and post tomorrow?? If the gods that be will it!!! Pray 4 me!!!!!!
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