#[ who can outstubborn whO ]
mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
There are a lot of things about us that probably make sense if you know that roughly 99% of our skills are picked up in order to help us repair and maintain Old Shit that people either give away or sell for incredibly low prices thanks to it being something that one needs to acquire Specialized Skills to repair or maintain.
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aworldofyou · 2 years
“   i’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.  ” Bella & Wan @swanfcrged​ / random ic thing.
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         She knew something was up, and it was clear that she was getting desperate for answers. And now this Bella Swan was going to the last resort to poke at the out of towner. Part of him wondered why, but the other part of him figured it was because he was neither bound by the pack, the treaty, or by the rules of her personal leeches. A failed attempt to step around her on his way to his truck had him halting and fixing her with a look. John ponders on telling the girl before he huffs. “Y’know..” He starts, “You don’t smell as great as Jacob says you do-” Cue, the resume to step around her again.
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local-fire-dumpster · 1 month
Crossover time! I think it would be really funny if Luffy was in Star Wars and simply started defying all the rules and laws of its universe.
The force is a delicate thing to deal with. Force-Users ,especially strong ones have to be in tune with their emotions lest they fall victim to the pull of the Dark side. They can't be greedy or have too much of a temper and anger.
But for some reason none of that applies to Luffy. He left the Jedi in order to become a Space Pirate and he is a selfish little shit, yet the Dark Side never gets a hold of him.
And the reason for that? He doesn't like being told what to do. Pirates are free and the dark side can whisper into his ear all it wants but he'll never do what it wants and he'll never submit to anyone.
This entire logic baffles anyone who hears him bc that's not how this works? You can't just say no thanks and outstubborn the Dark side of the force?Well too bad Luffy did.
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garaviel · 1 year
@arcann tagged me bc somehow they KNOW i need to finish my 2nd playthrough!
Your “canon” trait combination? I did Mystical and Keen Eye on my first playthrough and i honestly really liked it. Combining a more “practical” trait like Keen Eye and a more ‘emotion” based trait like Mystical really balanced the interactions between the characters and environment for me in a way that didnt make one or the other seem useless
What 3rd trait would you add for hardcore mode? After genuinely thinking about it probably Talk to Animals. I have no clue how useless or not it would be in Hardcore Mode but i love all those critters and any extra info is good info, right? 2nd choice may be Street Smart for obvious reasons and a more practical application!
What trait are you least drawn to? Hot. I have heard it can open up more but it kinda seems like it could be a free pass for MC to be the Worst while still being buddies with people just bc they’re attractive and idk how i feel about that. I also don’t really flirt too much even on romance routes. I’m sure the writing would still be incredible tho as nothing has felt like a let down yet!
Coolest trait? I just started a Streetsmart + Talk to Animals combo and i really like Streetsmart so far. Seems like the one I might choose if you only got one option instead of 2! Will have to finish the playthrough to confirm my thoughts tho bc i surprisingly miss Mystical, at least in trying to outstubborn Sybil (even if it doesnt work)!
Who are you romancing? I have my first MC who i guess is closest to my “canon” playthrough branching off with different saves bc i am unsure if staying single or romancing Reese or Kaneeka is more in line with the personality im developing for her. Kaneeka is a fellow goth so of course i love her and my MC is punk as hell so theres some crossover there, but also horror movies and weird fucked up body horror art is always fun as hell so theres my boy Reese. But honestly the friendships have been fulfilling enough that i wouldnt need MC to romance anyone i guess.
What romance are you least interested in? Waynes is probably 50 shades of fucked up and i dont personally want to give it a shot but i might for a really weird MC so strangely i might have to say Stella? Not that she isn’t the sweetest but i kind of like her with Tabitha potentially, even if its not a Canon Thing.
Who would you romance if every character was eligible? Still Reese, Kaneeka, and Avery. They all have good interactions with the MC and although the game isnt 100% done yet at this point im not sure other characters would have the same amount of friendship built up to where i would want to start a romance.
What character would hurt the most if something bad happened to them? Avery honestly. Theyre very mellow and friendly and one of my MCS faves and i would be pissed if i fucked up something and got them seriously hurt.
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow once the week is over? Im not sure there will BE a Scarlet Hollow once the week is over. Either it will be wiped out by Supernatural Shenanigans or the strike will end the coal mine (as it probably should) and everyone will have to move anyway. Even if somehow the town is Fine my MC is probably going to die or something bc holy shit Mystical is feeling very foreboding.
Who would you vote for dog mayor? I think i will know for sure when i finish my Talk to Animals playthrough. I take this stuff very seriously after all.
Not tagging anyone bc i am unsure if anyone else has played it yet but YOU SHOULD.
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ainyan · 11 months
Okay, so the song that just came on is 'Only', by Imagine Dragons, and this song is for Kal'istae x Thancred.
Oh, pretty baby, you're my motivator Got me changing my words and my behavior Pretty lady, you're my operator Got me dialing your number just to hear ya Tell me the things that you want I give you all that I've got Open your eyes, then you will see It's just you and me
Like in my canon, Thancred in the modern AU is a player who has never had a serious relationship and avoids them like poison. Until, that is, until he has a parent conference with Ryne's tiny little slip of an Au Ra mentor. Suddenly, everything changes and he finds himself chasing her with a single-minded determination that batters against her determination to keep him at arm's length and beyond.
Trust Thancred to outstubborn Kal'istae.
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Next up it appears is 'Easy to Love' by Bryce Savage.
She's got a little crazy in her Sharp eyes with the mind of a sinner All those dark thoughts, yet still a beginner But you can tell that she's got a little demon in her 'Cause she could make a man obsessed She could make a man confess She could make a man cut checks 'Cause she looks better when she's undressed Just a couple secret sinners Yeah, she's just what he eats for dinner
Yep, you guessed it. More CipCir. Ciprys is a hellion in the body of an angel - tiny and pale and to everyone else, demure and innocent to the world at large. Cirdan knows better - intimately, and he inhales it and always craves more. She's his drug of choice, and he'll be addicted to her until the day they die.
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Send me a 👾 for a random song from one of my OC playlists and an explanation!
Thank you for the ask!
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dangermousie · 2 years
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Period shows really are the best. I love the look so much.
But also, no wonder Efnan is gone for him - he’s saved her (thrice now, and counting) and then like a fairy-tale prince, pulled her up on a horse behind him after covering her in his jacket. A more experienced lady than her would be swooning!
But then he tries her off in town, giving her money to stay somewhere and the way her face falls...
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And she insists she knows him (when he’s all “why on earth do you want to go with me, you know nothing about me” but doesn’t tell the whole “you save me from rape” thing so he is all wtf.)
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Of course he comes back!!!
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(the caption says “didn’t you want to go with me to the ends of the world?” But the thing is, what Aziz needs and has (even tho he doesn’t know it yet) in Efnan is something more important - someone who is willing to stay with him in Antakya because he does not ever want to leave, one of his dealbreakers with Dilruba.)
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It is worth noting that he does not change his course, once decided, for Dilruba, but even this early he does for Efnan, even if it’s not out of love but sympathy and I think because like recognizes like and despite all their differences in gender, age, status, education etc etc, something in Aziz recognizes someone as unbendable and as set on what they want and whole in their sense of self as he is. Efnan may not be an educated woman but she is no fool and she is unshakable. You cannot imagine her doing what Dilruba did and moving on less than two years in. She can outstubborn Aziz, I think.
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gentrychild · 3 years
Do you think it could be possible for two users of AFO (the quirk) to be able to keep the other from accessing their quirks? Or do you think their quirks are even more vulnerable to being stolen than the average persons?
I think that users of AfO, since they are aware of their quirks in a way most people aren't, are less vulnerable to having their quirk stolen. However, I also think that the ability to steal quirk from someone who shares this ability is a matter of will.
Usually, when I write AFO and AFO!Izuku, if they fight, Izuku has to metaphorically drop everything to focus in order not to have his quirks stolen while AFO, who is older and stronger, can still move and use his other quirks.
If I write AFO!Tomura and AFO!Izuku, not only can't they do much apart playing an extreme game of who's-gonna-yank-the-quirk-first but they also have to make sure that they don't exchange quirks mid fight.
So, in my book, you aren't protected from having your quirk stolen just because you have AfO. The trick is to outstubborn your opponent.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
More Bounty Hunter!Anakin thots...
[OG post here] With Anakin being found by QuiGon and then being rejected by the Jedi Council he is aware of what the Force is. He goes with Padme to Naboo to grow up instead of waiting for Obi-Wan to outstubborn the Council. Only later for Obi-Wan to circumvent the council's decision anyway to give Anakin some training. He pops up on Naboo every so often, stays for dinner and a drink (or several) and gives Anakin some guidance. Not true training, just enough so he doesn’t accidentally shatter something or cause objects to start floating without meaning to.
With Anakin growing up alongside Padme I feel like their relationship would have danced on the romantic side a few times before eventually falling into the platonic camp. (no friends with beenfits is not a favourite trope of mine what do you mean). This also means that Anakin and Obi-Wan have a much better approach and understanding of one another to actually be brothers in all but blood. At some point, Obi-Wan visits and he finally has a padawan in tow? A fiesty Togruta who takes a shine to chaotic spirit Anakin and Obi-Wan can feel himself age on the spot.
Obi-Wan: What have I done? Padme: You brought this on yourself
Shmi is freed but she does not leave Tatooine, choosing to stay and use her knowledge to help other slaves too. Plus, it becomes well known that her son has become a rather famous bounty hunter who even the Hutts can’t buy. There has also been more than a few slavers that disappeared after they refused his terms. He, of course, tries to do everything legally at first - or as legal as you can get on Tatooine - with Padme’s support but, man, some people just really want to die apparently. If Padme happened to look the other way at the time she can’t be held accountable.  Anakin almost goes back to Tatooine but Shmi was adamant about him keeping up with what he was doing (even if she wasn’t aware of the more illicit things he was doing for his job) as he’ll have more opportunities out there. But he gets to keep in touch, which is the important thing, and visit more often now that he has his own ship and can fly himself places (or he and Padme ‘escape’ on adventures together). While on Naboo as he’s growing up I like to imagine he trains to be a licensed pilot within the Royal Space Fighter Corps and graduates at 16 years old because of his skill level and his efforts during the Trade Federation Blockade. Defeated an entire station at 9 years old because of his intuitive force use and quick evasive flying. Plus, the Royals actually like him and please god they’ll use anything at this point to get their dignitaries to accept the security assigned to them. A couple of years later, he decides he wants to try living somewhere apart from Naboo. He’s seen so little so far and while he’s good at working in the military, he wants to explore. Like his heart yearned to when he was a trapped little boy.Only now he has the choice to do whatever he likes.
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aramblingjay · 2 years
Geraskier headcanon: witchers are humans too, aka Geralt could survive on nothing but spite and willpower with no sleep and minimal food, but that doesn’t mean he should (and Jaskier makes sure he won’t)
Geralt doesn’t need to follow normal circadian patterns, but it’s better if he does. He can see nearly as well in the dark as during the day, but too much prolonged night vision leaves him with stinging eyes and splitting headaches. Sleep can be an afterthought for days at a time, but after several consecutive hours of rest he’s less likely to be overwhelmed by every little sound or scent. His metabolism can process just about any food he gets his hands on, or shut off entirely if he can’t get his hands on any at all, but his grumpiness is directly related to the quality and quantity of his last three meals
Of course Geralt doesn’t really realize most of this, because he’s never taken enough care of himself to find out. It won’t kill him to travel at night when there are fewer people around to curse and spit at him, so he often does. It won’t kill him to skip a meal or two when a town seems particularly hostile. His stomach growls and his head feels like someone’s using it for target practice and he has to wait several days before heading into the city because every sound grates on his ears, but to Geralt that’s just life on the Path
Along comes Jaskier
Jaskier does not share Geralt’s views about neglecting his self-care, but more importantly, Jaskier is very much not a Witcher and physically can’t function on Geralt’s schedule. At first this is an annoyance, and Geralt overdoes it in an effort to make Jaskier realize that following him around isn’t the life he wants. But Jaskier can outstubborn literally anyone, and just hangs on like a (very lovable) barnacle the more Geralt tries to push him away
Eventually, there comes a breaking point. Jaskier trips over something in the dark and nearly splits his skull open on a rock. Jaskier is so sleep-deprived and drained of energy he very quietly asks if Geralt would be willing to carry his lute for him. Jaskier hasn’t had enough water in days, and loses his voice when he tries to perform at the next inn they stop at. Geralt has two options: 1) use this as a final opportunity to rid himself of Jaskier forever or 2) adapt
To nobody’s surprise (except maybe Geralt’s), he adapts. They start to travel only during the day and rest when it’s dark. If some dire circumstance presents itself (sometimes people take exception to him, or Jaskier is recognized by the wrong husband) and they have to flee in the night, Jaskier gets to ride on Roach. He tries to make sure they stop early enough and leave late enough that Jaskier gets at least six hours of sleep most nights. Geralt starts carrying a second waterskin and takes detours to make sure they pass by a stream whenever it begins to empty
As a result, Geralt accidentally takes better care of himself too. He’s lived so long in a constant state of discomfort that he doesn’t even understand what’s happening the first time he wakes up completely pain-free, no headache, an unfamiliar lightness in his muscles, eyes bright and sharp, ears attuned to every sound but equally able to filter them out, and strangely calm. Geralt didn’t even know it was possible to feel like this, thought his aches and pains and weariness was just the consequence of the Path. Some of it is, but turns out sleeping and eating well and not overtaxing your senses can help your physical and mental wellbeing. Who knew? Not Geralt
Geralt does his best to describe it to Jaskier who has to try very, very hard not to cuddle his witcher into the next dimension in response. After that, it’s Jaskier’s mission to make sure Geralt doesn’t push his limits more than he absolutely has to. “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, Geralt!” When he sees Geralt tiring (or what counts as tiring for a witcher), Jaskier makes a show of how much he’d like a bed for the night so they camp at an inn and Geralt can rest in an actual bed. He likes to order Geralt’s favorite meats and wines when they go to taverns, even if it means kicking up a fuss (Geralt won’t ask for an extra portion himself, he’s just happy enough to be served at all, but luckily he has no reservations about stealing off Jaskier’s plate)
Jaskier can always tell when Geralt’s taking care of himself, sees the way he moves more freely and smiles more easily and (on the really good days) barks out beautiful, booming laughs at Jaskier’s bawdier jokes
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
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It’s a rainy Saturday morning, I slept amazingly well, it’s 11 a.m. and both my girls are asleep?!  Aug has already been awake and back down but Erp?!  Still snoozing.  Maybe that means she was up during the night playing in her crib, as she’s wont to do, but I will take this extra peaceful morning!  
(Photo 1): Check it! I’m wearing something other than just a black t-shirt or workout gear!  AMAZING!  This week I decided to start wearing some of my new Stitch Fix sweaters.  Since I never go anywhere anymore I figure the clothes aren’t doing any favors being hung up waiting for the chance to be worn so why not.  Though, I did take off the orange sweater during a particularly dirty diaper change and I’m constantly waiting to be spit up on, but that’s life.  
Yesterday morning we went to go drop off the final paperwork and check for Erp to start daycare on Monday.  I come up to the front door only to have a nice older man pop out to inform me that the facility is closed that day, asking why I didn’t get the notice through their communication app.  I explain that I’m not in the system yet as my brain is searching for any known holiday I wasn’t aware of.  I explained how I was specifically told to come by to drop off these items before 3 p.m.  It was at this point that a woman pops up behind him to tell me to come in.  
The woman who chimed in is the founder of the daycare (along with her husband, the man I first saw) and she explained that they had to unexpectedly close that day due to a lack of staffing.  She had several staff members out on vacation, a few others were sick, another had an emergency and another one was coming in that day to pick up her final paycheck due to being terminated.  While inconvenient to close, I do like that she has high standards (firing an employee who apparently didn’t fit the bill) and that she’d rather close than risk the safety of the children due to lack of supervision.  
I had a very good conversation with the woman and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to meet her.  She made my good feeling about the place increase even higher and I’m feeling positive about this decision.  (Also, a day earlier I learned that Erp’s speech therapist’s sister brought her kids to this center so having a personal reference seals the deal for me).  
The last few days I’ve made some huge eureka moments in my parenting.  I learned that you just have to outstubborn the child!  I’ve been struggling with her refusal of clothing, diapers, sleep sacks, obedience, etc.  APPARENTLY, at least with Erp, you can just wait it out and they’ll eventually relent!  When she refused her sleep sack again after basically an entire week straight of doing so, this time I didn’t give in.  (I’ve been folding too quickly and putting her to bed in just a diaper to which she’d eventually take off).   This time I kept telling her that this is the way it had to be and she finally agreed!  I didn’t fight or force the issue, just kept waiting and explaining.  Perseverance paid off!  I’ll now be applying this to all aspects of our power struggles!  I’m sure every parent is already aware of this fact and I feel slightly stupid not realizing it until now, but glad I’m learning it now and not once things are too ingrained to reverse!
(Photo 2):  LOVE seeing her in my old frozen yogurt shop apron!  
(Photo 5): One of the requirements of the daycare is for the kids to have a nap mat so I got her this one they recommended.  I’ve been trying to get her used to it by putting it in her crib so it’s not a foreign item come Monday and hopefully it’ll help give her some comfort.  While she certainly doesn’t sleep in it like it’s intended, she’s been wadding it up into a ball and hugging it like a stuffed animal.  She’s going to learn so much from daycare!!  
Soaking up every moment I have with my babes and looking forward to enjoying our last full day alone together.  Kevin finally has a day off work tomorrow so we’re looking forward to some long awaited family time as well! Happy weekend!
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vaguely-concerned · 3 years
Could TF outstubborn Graves or does he just try to steer him in the right direction without actually butting heads?
oh I think graves could outstubborn anything in the world up to and including actual mountains, tf definitely has to employ some lateral thinking to get anywhere if they're disagreeing about something hahaha. (as perhaps best seen in 'don't mess with yordles' -- sometimes all you can do truly is pick up the frog-imbued pieces after the fact and bask in a fully justified 'I told you so' while all your partner can do is 'ribbit' glumly in response)
thankfully for tf he's a natural & professional sneak and graves is easily distracted by someone who knows him that well, though, so I feel that in the end it evens out as pretty much a level playing field lol. in a way I think that's a symbiotic element of their relationship too -- if tf had partnered up with someone less imperturbably brazen in both thoughts and manner it feels like he would have to worry that he's manipulating them into taking his side of things without even intending to just because he's so good at it, but graves is as malleable that way as a hunk of granite and so tf can at least rest assured that if he changes his mind about anything it's because he was willing to. (I do think they'd start to get better at actually y'know. communicating properly once they meet up again when they're older too. older and wiser in some ways, the same hilarious fools in others)
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ryuichirou · 3 years
(Copy of an anonymous question we got on cc) Do Adam and Langa ever disagree or fight about anything? And if so how quickly do they make up?
Interesting question, Anon! Short answer would be “no”, but it all depends haha.
It’s difficult to imagine them having casual disagreements or fights because of two reasons. First of all, Langa is usually ok with whatever bs Ainosuke’s doing, he’s not confrontational and is very patient. But Langa can also get extremely stubborn sometimes, and frankly we think he can be even more stubborn than Ainosuke (who’s like the emperor of stubbornness). So here comes the second reason: Ainosuke knows people very well and knows when to surrender and when to make compromises. Sometimes he just gives up and lets Langa have it his way, like the soft and caring husband material he is. But sometimes he only agrees with Langa in word, and then does his own thing anyway just without telling him. He’s quite cunning, and it’s important to him that Langa has a good impression of him and trusts him.
Let’s also remember how the last episode went. Langa literally outstubborned Ainosuke, and even the fact that Ainosuke wasn’t really ok and was ready to attack him physically (and frankly kill both of them) didn’t stop him. He kind of bullied Ainosuke with his kindness and eagerness to accept him, to be honest… So yeah, if it’s something that Langa feels very strongly about, there’s no way he’s going to change his mind because of Adam. And Adam will have to work around Langa’s stubbornness in that case. But other than that, Langa just rolls with whatever Adam is doing, so it’s all good.
If we’re talking about them making up… well, Ainosuke is definitely the one to apologize first, because it’s either a situation where he genuinely feels guilty (and suffers greatly) or a situation where he decided to take the blame and make it look like he’s genuinely sorry. I think he won’t just sit there waiting for Langa to make the first move: he’s just not interested in being upset with him; he wants their relationships to bloom beautifully. And if he feels guilty, it’d eat him so terribly that he wouldn’t be able to tolerate it for a very long time, so he’ll apologize quickly too… after agonizing over it for some time though.
(But if in some parallel universe Langa does something so terrible that Adam feels extremely hurt/mad/betrayed, apologizing to him wouldn’t help… this man is too vindictive and holds onto grudges forever. Doesn’t mean he’d let Langa go though… but this is a whole other topic)
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I’ve been so grateful for (and obsessively rereading) everyone’s kind comments on my Inklings Challenge story. I’m never sure how one should respond to tags, so I’m just going to take the chance to thank/respond to everyone in a separate post.
@why-bless-your-heart, @rosesnvines, @redheadedgirl, @radiowrites, @mademoiseli: Thank you for your kind comments, and I’m glad you enjoyed the story.
via @incomingalbatross: #oh that's beautiful#and i really love how he's totally conversant with BOTH worlds#genuinely a full citizen of both#you don't see that done very often and it creates a unique perspective i think
Thank you! I always love the intersection between the mundane and the fantastical, and I had so much fun creating a character who’s so familiar with both. If I ever do anything more with this universe, it’ll be to take advantage of the fun I can have with David’s character--he’s 100% the native and rightful king of this fantasy realm and can navigate all the trappings surrounding that, but he can also code-switch and talk with native knowledge of things like video games and television.
via @taleweaver-ramblings: #this is MAGNIFICENT#you know I'm a sucker for a good portal fantasy#even more so when it has this much depth#can I have a whole series please?
Thanks so much! I’m playing around with at least one more short story in this realm. Possibly two or three. I’d love to get to see David in Fable, and there’s fun to be had with how he can navigate both worlds.
via @maltheniel: #oooooooh#oh I love this#I love David as thoroughly a person of both worlds#and missing Fable but determined to stay out of trouble#and he has a point! involving his people in two wars at once sounds bad!#but he's the only one who could plunge his people into two wars and bring them through victorious#I love the dryad#I love so much that she's willing to sacrifice herself to fulfill her mission#I love the way she goes from teenage stubbornness to the stubbornness of old age#I knew her dying would be the catalyst to get David to move#but whether or not it would be in time to save her I didn't know and it made me nervous#I love so much that you brought in the hands of the king are the hands of a healer!#that's such a gorgeous trope and not enough people use ir#and I love the hints of wider magic in this world of Fable that we just get to glimpse#and want to explore#anyway I really really enjoyed this!!!
David does have a point. He’s a very practical person who’s seen the terrible things that these enemies can do, and Elowen’s asking him to do a very dangerous thing purely on faith. It’s not an easy thing to do! Thankfully, Elowen can outstubborn him (because she does have faith in her mission).
I brought in the dryad’s aging as a way to maintain tension and add a ticking clock, and I’m glad the tension was sustained even though you could see through the narrative tricks.
You caught the LotR reference! It was very intentional (and a nice way to heal Elowen without an extended running-through-Fable scene--I very much wanted the story to end with him going through the door). And actually, as I finished writing this, I realized there was another unintentional LotR reference--I’m forever resentful that the movies took out Aragorn’s triumphant return on the ships, but this story let me write a story that was entirely about the Return of the King.
via @lady-merian: #I’m screeching#Its#Almost like he couldn’t take responsibility for the whole land— not until he was willing to take responsibility for this one individual!#and he was!#But he came to even that point by the hand of Providence#aaaahhhh!#The worldbuilding here is !!!
You are so much smarter than me! I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing until you pointed it out. I guess I knew it, but was thinking about it from the opposite direction? I didn’t want the sword to bloom until he decided to go back to Fable, so I threw in the “in defense of the people” requirement--which would let him misinterpret it as going to war, so he could be blown over when it turned out the prophecy had been referring to this moment instead. But you’re absolutely right--he has to show that he’s willing to take care of one person before he can truly care for the entire kingdom. (And I’m glad the worldbuilding works--it was very much thrown together on the fly, so I’m surprised it held together as well as it did).
via @scarvenartist: #the ending of this gave me SO MANY CHILLLSSSS #okay i LOVE how you used the progressive aging of the dryad to both heighten the tension and move the narrative #i also LOVE how she grows progressively stronger and more direct as she ages #that there's fire in her youth but also certainty and strength in her age #how David goes from intense dismissal to convicted struggle over his calling #there are so many layers to this!! #there's a hint of allegory in it in that he's called to be King in another world #(which is beautifully Lewis-ian) #but he wrestles deeply with unbelief and a desire to keep his own mundane comforts #anyway #just SO VERY GOOD #i'm terribly sorry you had to lose so much of it while you were writing but i really cannot tell#I am going to be thinking about this one for A LONG TIME
Ahhh, thank you so much! So glad the ending worked for you! And glad you caught the narrative tricks behind Elowen’s aging. She does get stronger as she ages, though I wasn’t conscious of it while writing. Part of it’s age, and part of it is frustration at the fact that she’s running out of time. She doesn’t have time to be polite and understanding anymore--this is urgent.
Your allegory comments--I feel psychoanalyzed. David’s struggles are some of my struggles, and you’ve just articulated so much of that struggle in a way I couldn’t have put in words.
(And I’m glad the behind-the-scenes troubles don’t show--the final story’s probably 90-95% the same, but there are pieces that I was very sad to lose).
Again, thanks to everyone who’s commented so far!
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agentmika · 3 years
Thinking about the parallels and dynamics between Pryce and Maxwell and Hera again and I've said this before and also I know in my own brain that they're still woefully under explored but—
I've imagined before a newly recruited Maxwell like, alright Kepler. You got me. Now take me to meet this genius who created your 15-years-ahead tech. And he tries to explain Pryce to her but she outstubborns him and he's like, defeated drawl, well if you insist.
And he gets her a meeting with Pryce. And Maxwell is in awe of Pryce. Of her tech. And then she sees how she treats the AI she's working on and she HATES it. She's appalled. But she's smart and office politics savvy enough to know she can't betray any of this to Pryce.
But she makes that personal promise to herself to be different where she can. Kepler talks about it all the time, but This is her bigger picture. Helping the AI. Progressing tech with recognition of their personhood. It kills her (literally, eventually) to do what she does to Hera.
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
This is a continuation of The truth.
Life goes quite again after the Sects marched into Lotus Pier and demanded answers. Answers they didn’t get, and Jiang Cheng knows none of them are happy with that, but they are leaving him alone, and that’s the only thing that matters.
At least until an invitation for the next Cultivational Conference in the Cloud Recesses comes in.
Jiang Cheng amuses himself for a few moments by imagining how much Lan Wangji hated writing this invitation to him, and then he burns it.
He would rather not go, but seeing as he’s the Sect Leader of one of the four Great Sects he can’t really bow out of this one.
“Xiuying,” Jiang Cheng calls out and he’s not even surprised when Jiang Xiuying steps around the corner mere seconds later, as if he was just waiting for Jiang Cheng to call for him.
“Lurking much?” Jiang Cheng asks with a little shake of his head and Jiang Xiuying shrugs.
“I saw the letter from Gusu Lan. I gathered you might need something after you read it,” he gives back and sits down when Jiang Cheng motions for him to do so.
“It’s the next Cultivational Conference,” Jiang Cheng says and Jiang Xiuying nods, clearly already planning what they need in his head. “It’s in the Cloud Recesses,” he goes on, and effectively stops Jiang Xiuying.
“Oh,” he breathes out, apparently only making that connection now, and Jiang Cheng hates that look he still gets on his face, even after all these years.
“We can go with the same excuse,” Jiang Cheng quietly tells him, because he wants to drag Jiang Xiuying back there as much as Jiang Xiuying wants to go himself, which is not at all.
So far they always managed to get Jiang Xiuying out of that; the Sects take turns in hosting the conference, so they only have to come up with a lie for Jiang Xiuying’s absence every four years, and no one actually dares to ask why Jiang Cheng always shows up without his right hand.
“No,” Jiang Xiuying says, much to Jiang Cheng’s surprise. “Not after what happened here. You’re not going alone.”
“I wouldn’t be alone,” Jiang Cheng reminds him, because he will be taking someone else with him, and Jin Ling will of course be there, but Jiang Xiuying straightens up.
“No, you won’t be,” he gives back, “because I’m coming this time.”
“What if they recognize you?” Jiang Cheng asks and but Jiang Xiuying shakes his head.
“It’s been so long now; they all long think me dead. And I’m no longer wearing blue or the ribbon, I even took a different name. It will be fine,” he says, even though he does look a bit pale.
“There is no need for you to come,” Jiang Cheng tries again. “They won’t do anything—can’t really—and you know what cowards they all are.”
“But cowards get courageous when you gather enough of them,” Jiang Xiuying replies and shakes his head when Jiang Cheng wants to protest again. “Don’t bother. I’m coming.”
“You can’t order me around,” Jiang Cheng snipes back and Jiang Xiuying tilts his head in consideration.
“Can’t I?” he asks and Jiang Cheng wants to argue some more, but then his eyes fall on Jiang Xiuying’s hands and he notices how they shake.
“I don’t need your protection,” Jiang Cheng gently tells him, but Jiang Xiuying shakes his head.
“You have it anyway,” he replies and Jiang Cheng sighs.
“As do you,” he reminds Jiang Xiuying, because for all that Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to start a fight he will if anyone as much as looks wrong at his people.
“I know that,” Jiang Xiuying whispers. “It will be fine.”
Jiang Cheng doesn’t point out that it sounds more like he’s reassuring himself, and instead he lets it go.
Jiang Xiuying is stubborn on the best of days, and this is neither a good day, nor a good situation. And truth be told, Jiang Cheng would feel better with him there as well.
The conference goes well for the first few hours. No one seems particularly happy to have Jiang Cheng there, but everyone is at least showing him the respect he deserves.
Jiang Xiuying is a constant presence at his back, and Jiang Cheng wishes he could shield him from the sight of the Cloud Recesses as much as protect him from anyone else, but this was Jiang Xiuying’s decision to come here and Jiang Cheng has to respect it.
There was a very tense moment when they were first announced where Lan Qiren stared at Jiang Xiuying for longer than either of them were comfortable with, but he didn’t say anything. Jiang Cheng honestly can’t tell if he recognized him or not and it doesn’t sit well with him.
But even hours later Lan Qiren hasn’t called them out, and so Jiang Cheng gradually relaxes again.
“Jiu-jiu!” Jin Ling almost yells as soon as the first break rolls around and he quickly comes to Jiang Cheng’s table.
“A-Ling,” Jiang Cheng greets him, as Jin Ling sits down next to him.
“Should Jiang Xiuying be here?” Jin Ling lowly asks and Jiang Cheng gives him a small smile.
He’s glad Jin Ling seems to have the same regard for his people as he does and he just hopes Jin Ling carries that over to his own Sect as well.
“It was his decision,” Jiang Cheng gives back just as lowly, “there was nothing I could do to stop him.”
“As if you couldn’t outstubborn him,” Jin Ling grumbles and Jiang Cheng smiles in his tea when Jiang Xiuying snorts behind them.
“He can try, young master, but history has shown that he’s not very good at it,” Jiang Xiuying conspiringly tells Jin Ling, much to Jiang Cheng’s chagrin and Jin Ling laughs.
Jiang Cheng finds himself thinking that this conference might not be so bad after all, when of course Wei Wuxian walks up to his table.
Jiang Cheng looks at him for long enough to greet him, before he avoids his eyes, but it doesn’t stop Wei Wuxian from sitting down with them uninvited.
“You have to stop, Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian quietly tells him and Jiang Cheng clicks his tongue.
“Stop what?” he asks, even though he can guess where this is going.
“A girl went missing a few days back,” Wei Wuxian says, voice serious, and Jiang Cheng can just imagine the accusatory look on his face. “Coincidentally you were seen in that area during the same time.”
“So?” Jiang Cheng wants to know and Wei Wuxian makes a frustrated sound.
“What did you do with her?” Wei Wuxian asks him. “She’s barely an adult. Surely you didn’t torture her?”
Fu Zhihao is indeed only barely of age; definitely too young to be married off to a man thrice her age. Too young to be forced to uphold her marital duties. Too young to turn to demonic cultivation in her despair.
“I didn’t,” Jiang Cheng gives back, but instead of reassuring Wei Wuxian he seems to only grow more agitated.
“So you killed her immediately?” he demands to know and Jiang Cheng hangs his head as he closes his eyes.
Why does Wei Wuxian never listen to him?
There’s a reassuring hand at the small of his back, no doubt Jiang Xiuying wordlessly showing his support, and Jin Ling scoots closer to Jiang Cheng as well.
“She was pregnant, you know,” Wei Wuxian tells him as if that fact alone should have made Jiang Cheng reconsider his actions.
When Jiang Cheng found Fu Zhihao, she was no longer pregnant; she burned the child right out of her, using demonic cultivation, screaming the whole time that she would rather be dead than carry her husband’s child.
Not that her husband would ever lay a hand on her again, given how he was only a broken body in the corner but no one was talking about that, it seems.
“She no longer is,” Jiang Cheng says, knowing damn well how his words must sound to Wei Wuxian, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Jiang Cheng has brought Fu Zhihao back to Lotus Pier to entrust her to Jiang Sushan’s very capable hands who had to put her into a healing sleep. Jiang Cheng almost came too late to save her.
He wonders if she woke up by now.
“You have to stop,” Wei Wuxian pleads again, and Jiang Cheng shakes his head. “Even your disciples wouldn’t tell us what you were doing that night,” Wei Wuxian goes on and cold fury spreads through Jiang Cheng. “How can you live, knowing everyone is that terrified of you?”
“How dare you,” Jiang Cheng presses out and he slams a hand on the table.
A hush falls over the room and suddenly all eyes are on them, the tension thick in the air.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t care about that though, because Wei Wuxian has no right to interrogate his people.
“How dare you talk to my people,” he hisses at Wei Wuxian who looks at him with a complicated look.
“Are you that afraid of what they might tell us?” Wei Wuxian asks and Jiang Cheng cannot look at him for a second longer.
“This conversation is over,” Jiang Cheng bites out and Wei Wuxian leaves him be after one long look. It takes a lot longer for everyone else, though, and Jiang Cheng bares his teeth at Sect Leader Yao when he finds him staring.
As soon as he hastily avoids his eyes, Jiang Cheng turns towards Jiang Xiuying.
“Find out who they talked to. See if they are alright,” he instructs, and Jiang Xiuying nods once before he hurriedly leaves the room.
He’s just as worried as Jiang Cheng is.
“You don’t think he hurt them, do you?” Jin Ling pipes up and Jiang Cheng takes a moment to breathe before he turns to him.
“No,” he reassures him, because for all that he wants to strangle Wei Wuxian right now, he doesn’t want Jin Ling to get a completely wrong picture of his uncle. “But a few of my people have bad memories of Wei Wuxian; they participated in the war, or lost everything during it. I just want to see how they are doing,” Jiang Cheng explains as he wrecks his brain who he took with him that night.
Jin Ling clearly wants to say something to that, but before he can open his mouth, Lan Wangji sits down again, signalling that the conference will go on now.
It is only after the conference, that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk up to him again, and Jiang Cheng rubs his temples against the oncoming headache. He really is tired of dealing with these two.
“What?” he snaps out as soon as they are close enough and his eyes flick over Wei Wuxian, stirring the by now so familiar and hated mix of emotions in his guts, before he firmly looks at Lan Wangji.
“If we find her body, there will be consequences,” Lan Wangji tells him without preamble and Jiang Cheng bites back the urge to roll his eyes at him.
“Good luck with that,” he gives back, because he knows there is nothing for them to find, and he takes great pleasure in seeing the brief clench of Lan Wangji’s jaw.
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian starts, but Jiang Cheng is tired of listening to his accusations.
“I will retire now,” he interrupts him with a bow to Lan Wangji, and then simply walks away from them.
Jiang Cheng is not surprised to find both Jiang Xiuying and Jin Ling in his rooms.
“What now?” Jiang Cheng wants to know, because this can mean nothing good.
“I spoke to most of the disciples,” Jiang Xiuying starts, “and they are all okay. You had Gao Wu with you, but the others shielded him and prevented Wei Wuxian from talking to him.”
“Good,” Jiang Cheng breathes out and only explains at Jin Ling’s questioning gaze. “Gao Wu fought in the war. He lost his whole family to Wei Wuxian’s corpses. He’s not dealing well with the fact that he’s back.”
“Ah,” Jin Ling says with a nod and clearly he wants to say something else, but Jiang Xiuying goes on.
“Fu Zhihao woke up. She’s traumatized, as you would expect after what happened, and Jiang Sushan will keep her in the infirmary for a while. Fu Zhihao seems to be reacting badly to men, especially older ones, so the infirmary was divided.”
“Good thinking,” Jiang Cheng agrees. “Maybe a few of the grannies would like to sit with her,” Jiang Cheng goes on and Jiang Xiuying nods, before he gets up, clearly intending to relay that to Jiang Sushan immediately.
Jiang Cheng watches him leave before he gives Jin Ling a look.
“There’s something on your mind,” he states. “Speak.”
“After what you told me, I kept wondering why you didn’t save Mo Xuanyu,” Jin Ling starts and the by now so familiar feeling of failure blooms in Jiang Cheng’s chest.
“Rumours of his demonic cultivation were far spread,” Jin Ling goes on, “so you should have wanted to help him.”
“It took too long for those rumours to reach me,” Jiang Cheng admits. “People were mostly talking about how he’s a lunatic, and a cut-sleeve. The other rumours were too slow.”
“That’s not true, though,” Jin Ling interrupts him. “You weren’t following me on my night hunt in Dafan Mountain. You were on your way to Mo’s Manor, weren’t you?” he asks and Jiang Cheng is so proud of the man his nephew has turned into.
“It’s why you can’t look at Wei Wuxian for long, right? I noticed it before, but today again. It’s because it’s Mo Xuanyu’s body, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng admits and reaches out for Jin Ling to tuck him into his side.
His nephew is all grown-up now, but every once in a while Jiang Cheng needs to know that he’s still his little A-Ling. Not that Jin Ling is protesting that move, seeing as he snuggles into his side.
“It’s complicated, looking at Wei Wuxian now,” Jiang Cheng explains. “On the one hand I’m happy that he is back, despite everything that happened between us because he’s still family, but every time I look at him I’m reminded that I failed Mo Xuanyu. And I keep thinking if I had only listened better, if I were quicker I could have saved him, but then Wei Wuxian wouldn’t have come back.”
“I see,” Jin Ling mutters and slings his arms around Jiang Cheng’s middle. “But you saved so many other people.”
“And yet I failed him,” Jiang Cheng whispers and he is sure he will never forgive himself for it.
Neither for failing Mo Xuanyu when he needed Jiang Cheng the most, nor for being glad that he failed him because it means Wei Wuxian is back. The mix of emotions makes him feel sick to his bones and Jiang Cheng hides his face in Jin Ling’s hair.
“I’m not sure you could have saved Mo Xuanyu,” Jin Ling whispers. “He was behaving so strangely at the end. He must have been insane.”
“That’s what fear does to you,” Jiang Cheng gives back. “If he was that far gone he must have been scared out of his mind.”
“Jiu-jiu, you can’t save everyone,” Jin Ling tells him, pushing away from Jiang Cheng to look him in the eyes. “You can’t. You’re just one person, it’s simply not possible.”
“That never stopped him,” Jiang Xiuying suddenly says from behind them and Jiang Cheng only sighs at that.
“Someone has to attempt the impossible,” he replies, glad for Jiang Xiuying’s interruption because it gives him time to blink away the burn of his eyes.
“But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone,” Jin Ling says and Jiang Cheng frowns at him.
“I’m going to help you,” Jin Ling declares. “My people are a bunch of gossipers. I hear a lot, and I can help you.”
“Don’t,” Jiang Cheng tells him and grips his shoulder. “Do not do this.”
“Why not?” Jin Ling wants to know and it’s Jiang Xiuying who speaks up.
“It would paint a target on your back. The other Sects might be afraid to go after Sandu Shengshou, but they wouldn’t have the same reservations towards you. It would make you vulnerable.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Jin Ling says with an eyeroll, but he seems flustered by the obvious worry Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xiuying have for him. “I’m not going to deal with demonic cultivators on my own. I just meant that I could let you know if I hear something. That I could be another pair of eyes and ears for you.”
Jiang Cheng relaxes at his words and lets out a long breath.
“Don’t scare me like that,” he admonishes Jin Ling, who rolls his eyes at him again.
“Don’t jump to conclusions like that,” he bites back and Jiang Cheng flicks his forehead in retaliation.
“Brat,” he mutters. “But it’s not a bad idea,” he then tacks on and Jin Ling beams at him. “But only that!” Jiang Cheng reiterates. “You’re a silent observer and nothing more!”
“Of course,” Jin Ling agrees easily enough and Jiang Cheng just hopes he’ll keep to his promise.
But he does admit that it would help immensely. By now, the other Sects are doing their damnest to keep the rumours away from Jiang Cheng in fear of what he’s going to do to these people, and having Jin Ling as his silent spy would actually help a lot.
Jiang Cheng just hopes he can keep any heat away from Jin Ling while he helps him.
“It will be fine,” Jiang Xiuying mutters from his side, clearly reading Jiang Cheng’s thoughts. “You have us, too. We will help you to keep him safe.”
“I’m not a child,” Jin Ling protests and Jiang Cheng huffs out a breath.
“No, you’re not,” he agrees. “You’re just my very important nephew,” he goes on and watches as Jin Ling goes red in the face.
“Jiu-jiu!” he protests but Jiang Cheng smiles only fondly at him, before he pulls him into his side again.
“Nothing that would put you into danger,” Jiang Cheng tells him again and Jin Ling nods.
“I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“Okay, then,” Jiang Cheng agrees and when Jiang Xiuying smiles supportively at him, it makes Jiang Cheng think that this might just work.
Now with art of the best right hand man
Next part
{Buy me a kofi}  
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Megatronus Robespierre
I know Megatron was likely largely based off the stories of Spartacus: the Gladiatorial slave starting a revolt against the rich nobles is definitely apparent but did anyone else think of Maximilien Robespierre in the French Revolution?
Please note I'm not an educated historian and most of my knowledge is from high school and from my uni art history classes and me also checking what I remember against Wikipedia. History can often be misrepresented by biases clouding information and contexts. Plus high school education is often bare bones and rough generalizations of topics. So feel free to correct me and take my rambling with a grain of salt.
The reason I liken him to Robespierre was that even though he was a key player against the unfair wealth and class gap he eventually got caught up in his own ego and ended up becoming the very thing he had fought so hard against.
He stood to help bring down the three tiered system and French monarchy. He campaigned for the abolition of slavery and for universal manhood suffrage. He tried to give those who were considered lesser more power and equal standing. Then came the Storming of Versailles. (basically a giant riot on this really big manor that was RIDICULOUSLY costly to make. Partly the architecture but also because the monarchy were stubborn morons who demanded it be built on ground that was basically a swamp despite a ton of warnings by those responsible for its constructions that it'd be very costly to reinforce. I'm serious. Monarchy demanded they make it happen anyways and lost a ton of money constantly maintaining, repairing, and supporting the damn thing instead of just.... Building it on stable ground... Listen if I've learned anything from art history it's that the exorbitantly rich are stubborn morons who think that because they have a lot of money they can outstubborn even mother nature itself.)
So once claimed and the monarchy beheaded by guillotine it seemed to be in the public's favour. Monarchy, Nobles, and Clergy being the higher classes. But Robespierre got caught up in his vision of perfection no matter the cost of other's lives.
And so began the Reign of Terror. He and a few allies turned against even their own people and became caught up in killing anyone who posed any risk to his position and rule so much that it was a massacre. A large number of his own allies and followers eventually turned on him and had to fight back calling his habit of silencing any protest through murder frighteningly fascist .
If I remember correctly, he ended up being sentenced to death by the public when they saw his bloodshed and thirst for power for what it was and so ended the massacres.
Honestly it was the first thing I thought of when the explanation of Megatron's fall from grace and Optimus Prime's turning against him happened. And following a similar narrative makes sense to me for when Prime, I believe, says they once fought beside each other as brothers. If Megs mentored Prime about fighting it would explain too why they fight so well together in Unicron.
Anywho just thought it interesting.
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