#[​be proud of your accomplishments] self promo!
royboyfanpage · 7 months
What is your absolute favorite thing about Roy?
Oooh, this is a tough question, I love everything about Roy. If I had to pick, I'd say his relationships with younger people.
Obviously, the biggest example of that's Lian. Being a single father's such a compelling character trait, especially in a superhero setting, and it adds so much depth to his character. Even when Lian's not actively on-panel, the way Roy reacts to the world around him is constantly influenced by her existence. Hands down some of my favourite Roy panels are the ones where Roy forces himself to keep fighting when everything seems hopeless because otherwise Lian would be alone, when he bases his decisions on making Lian proud, or when Lian's in any sort of danger*. Lian shapes who he is, both as a hero and a person, and erasing her was maybe the stupidest decision DC ever made.
However, his relationships with younger heroes are also so endearing! A post by @/mysterycitrus made an amazing point about the significance of having a recovered addict being seen as a support figure to younger people, so absolutely go check that post out. Grant's the most obvious example, (which, a little bit of shameless self promo, but I wrote a fic of him and the Harpers which four people said was good so apparently it's worth the read) and the way that he and Grant interact is so telling of the type of person Roy is. Roy specifically requests Grant be added to the Titans '99 roster because he sees potential in Grant, and because he thinks that Grant wants that chance to prove himself again. However, when he realises just how much Grant has on his mind, he sees that superheroics isn't helping him so he gives Grant the chance to walk away. His relationships with Rose and Bart are also good examples of this within the Titans, and Bart respecting Roy more than Wally is one of the funniest/sweetest things to come from that era. Also the fact that Mia is explicitly inspired to become Speedy because of Roy, not just because of his accomplishments as a hero but also because of his recovery, is so sweet and an absolutely amazing message about how Roy's recovery is much more telling of his character than his addiction.
*An aside, while I hate talking about Rise of Arsenal because A) it makes me cry and B) it kinda had the same tone as a villain origin story, I do think that him killing the Electrocutioner was in character, and a good comparison point between He Who Is Incorrectly Labelled As DC's Best Dad and DC's Actual Best Dad. The differences between UtRH and Green Arrow #1 are also great for that.
Thank you so much for the ask!! :)
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thequibblah · 7 months
I have read and re-read your work so many times, it's unbelievable to me that I get to read such great writing for free! Thank you!
I'm trying to work up to writing something, in your opinion what is the best perspective to set a fic from? Do you have any big no's or tips? Thanks so much!
aww thank you for reading! i am glad you enjoy my writing <3 answers to the rest under the cut!
and hmm i'm not sure i understand the question about perspective. do you mean which character's pov should the fic be from? for me that always depends on the story. sometimes it's a bit more obvious, like which character is going to be moving the story along/the primary actor. for example in i bend like a willow, the story had to be from lily's pov because the story was mostly happening to lily. sometimes the story could be from anyone's pov, but whose thoughts or internal monologue will add the most to what i want to say? this was my thinking in unbelievers, where the story could easily have been multi pov or just from james's, but i wanted to focus on lily's tangled feelings about having shelved her career for a few years (like no surprises i wrote that in 2022 by the way). in come together i have a sense of who needs to be narrating most scenes for plot reasons, but there a couple where i'll be like [any marauder POV] or [any of the girls] in my outline, and i typically try to make sure whatever POV i pick is actually adding to the scene. remember that the cleanest, most efficient scene work is all about doing multiple things at once: can you further the action, establish character, deepen relationships, all at once? what pov is most fruitful to accomplish as many of those things at once with? especially when you're writing something with multiple or changing povs, it's so fun to play around with what parts of one character readers get to see directly, or see from another character's eyes.
in terms of no's: no self-deprecation. ever, not even as a joke. there's a difference between being honest with yourself and others when you want to improve your writing, and being like "here's my trash writing heehhoho" — i really do believe you can start to internalise the latter. be proud of what you've worked on, even once time passes and you improve, because that's evidence of the fact that you were brave enough to put yourself out there, and that you've come so far. don't get too preoccupied with promo or your numbers; that should always be a plus, not why you do it, especially when you're writing for free and it's not like kudos get you a royalty. don't write things other people are writing/things you feel like people want to read unless you're actually invested — why bother? fanfic is The place where your niche little story can turn out to be someone's favourite thing.
as for other tips: have fun! read widely, and reread often. when you read something you like, think about what it did that managed to capture you. how can you accomplish something similar in your work? when you're starting out, write often, even a few lines a day, just to keep that muscle warmed up. you can and should learn how you write best — in silence? with music on? in your room or in a public setting? during the day or at night? — but the most important thing is to just do it rather than trying to perfect the circumstances. hang on to every idea you have, because even if you don't end up using it right away, a banked premise can come back in a big, big way. and...have fun!!!
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sfwordsmith · 9 months
National Novel Writers Month 2023
Hello readers, welcome back. Spencer here with a writing update.
So this year I participated in NaNoWriMo. For those not deep in the writing life, it’s a non-profit-backed call to action to all writers to write 50,000 words of a new novel’s first draft during the month of November. Happy to report, I was a winner! Just barely. I wrote 50,004 words. It was an interesting challenge, fast-paced, and took lots of time and dedication to accomplish. It gave me a better understanding of the type of discipline it takes to match what essentially is the well-known daily word count of Stephen King. (His is a self-reported 2,000 and to beat NaNoWriMo you need to do 1667 a day to reach 50 thousand by the end of the month.) With that said, it’s not undoable, and I managed to accomplish it while working 50+ hours a week at my day job. Oh to imagine what I might accomplish with this being my full-time job. Buy me a coffee here if you’d like to help make that a reality.
With that said, while I appreciated the drive that NaNoWriMo gives you, the pace of writing didn’t quite fit my usual style. I found myself at times wanting to take the time to develop the plot and stories a bit more mentally, but feeling like if I didn’t just get the words down I wouldn’t be able to maintain my pace. Speaking of which, there is a graph below that showcases that I did exactly that, keep pace. I would write to my word count, and on some days just slightly above, in an effort to just finish the challenge.
This sort of pace makes it so that you don’t self-edit much, or really, that you don’t have the time to self-edit much. It’s good for getting words down on a page but definitely isn’t suited to all types of novels. Luckily, the idea I had for my new novel was one that was heavily conversation-based and focused entirely in one setting. This made it easy to just play with the characters and develop their personalities in a variety of scenarios and really delve deep into who they were and how they acted and interacted with each other. Had I been working on my big trilogy of novels in this challenge, I may have felt that the quality of my work had suffered, however, due to the type of novel I chose to write in the challenge – it actually worked well.
Not to say that the novel is done or anywhere near being a final product. I imagine it needs another 25,000 – 50,000 words for me to be able to wrap up the story, and it will need a major dose of editing. Yet I am still very proud of what it was I was able to accomplish during this month, and am happy that I have joined the community that NaNoWriMo has helped flourish over the years. I look forward to continuing this project, which as of now is tentatively titled The Man on the Couch, and is primarily a story about a man who loses his job and is dumped by his girlfriend, winding up on his best friend’s couch after that same friend has just recently moved into a new apartment with his girlfriend… as told by the narrator, the apartment itself. It’s been really fun to write and I can’t wait to be able to share more of it with you all.
Until then, check out my other book! By the way, my Press53 promo code is still running for a 53% discount off that book until January if you buy it directly through me.(It’s also available on Amazon with no promo.) That promo code is special because of my poem getting placed into the Press53 January 2024 edition soon to come. If you didn’t read about me winning Press53’s Prime 53 Poem Summer Challenge, now’s your chance.
I’ll try to check back in here before the end of the year. Feel free to hit me on socials in the meantime. Adios!
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khalidalqoud · 2 years
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Ask yourself what are your five ways to overcome the challenge of self-confidence?
There is an ability inside of us, that might be closed. We can bring it out by answering this question.
Imagine yourself standing and talking with a full voice, with beautiful speech and using the right words confidently.
Ask yourself what are the five ways to reach there?
You will be surprised by how fast you will come up with those answers!
You can make yourself believe that there are ways of achieving your dream of having strong self-confidence.
Next you’ll choose one step out of five, that will make you feel proud if you accomplish it. This way you will find out which of those steps is the most interesting one for you.
Next you will initiate all those steps.
Do you think you lack self-confidence? TELL me in the comments.
SHARE with someone who wants to improve self confidence.
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pricklerick · 4 years
Okay, let’s talk about Beth.
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I think the fandom tends to forget how fucking young she is.
Beth got pregnant with Summer when she was seventeen. Canonically, Summer is seventeen. That means Beth can’t be more than 35 in the pilot. At the risk of sounding like an old fart: dude, she’s just a baby. 
Let’s see what we can infer from this information. 
Did you guys know that the prerequisites for veterinary school and medical school are pretty much identical? Basically, it’s four years of undergraduate biology and chemistry, with maybe some math and physics thrown in for fun.
With this in mind, ti’s likely that Beth still planned to go to medical school after she had Summer. We know that Summer is Beth’s favorite child (Morty’s Mindblowers). On top of that, there’s evidence to support that Beth had a pretty big hand in raising baby Summer, while Jerry may have had more of an influence on Morty. Remember this little exchange in Raising Gazorpazorp?
Morty: What do I do if it cries?
Beth: Then you put it down and let it cry itself out.
Jerry: Yeah, right, we tried that technique on Summer, and she's gonna end up stripping, isn't she? Yes, she is. She's gonna strip for attention because she was denied it.
Beth: Stop filling it with your own insecurity! You're gonna turn it into Morty -- uh, mm -- more  -- more of you!
This suggests that Beth kept baby Summer at hime during the day while Jerry worked. It’s easy to imagine Beth taking night classes as the local university, studying like mad to keep a competitive GPA, and justifying her indifference to Summer as “good parenting.”
Beth has Morty when she’s about twenty. This falls a little into headcnon territory, but I think that Beth was a year ahead if her peers academically and probably started college at seventeen. Based on this headcanon, I’m going to say she’s a junior in when Morty is born. 
I think the show makes it pretty obvious that Morty is a mistake. If you really want to get dark, I kind of like the idea of Jerry sabotaging Beth’s birth control in order to get her pregnant because he’s resentful fo her desire for a career in medicine. He sees it as abandonment or some shit, and he also can’t handle the ego-blow of his wife being a doctor. But that’s just a personal theory. Regardless, I think it’s clear that Beth Smith didn’t want to be saddled with another kid.
She probably didn’t want to be saddled with the first. 
Making it through medical school with a toddler is a fucking challenge. Making it through medical school with a toddler and a baby, with a husband who is nebulously supportive at best; well, Beth is a smart woman. She knows an impossibility when she sees one.
Beth is twenty years old, and her dreams have been shattered by her husband and children. I’m sure Jerry makes her feel pretty guilty about how much their family would sacrifice if she continued to pursue her goal of being a surgeon.
Four years, Beth, and the five more years of residency! And you’re talking about fellowship after that! The kids would be teenagers! And how are we going to pay the bills??
Beth settles on vet school for several reasons. First of all - and you better believe she tells Jerry this - what the hell is she going to do with a bachelor’s degree in biology? Teach high school? Even Jerry knows that’s off the table.
But Beth’s already got the prerequisites for acceptance into vet school. Unlike medicine, there’s no residency required to practice as a vet, just four years of graduate study. Some of that is clinical rotations, a much better schedule for balancing family life and academics. Beth tells herself that being a vet is the same as being a doctor; after all, humans are just primates. Besides, there are less than one tenth as many vet schools as there are med schools in the United Staes - it’s just as competitive, more competitive, vein, to become a vet than it is to become a doctor. Sure, she’ll take a pay cut, but she’ll rack up considerably less debt in the process. 
Beth convinces herself that it will all balance out in the end.
She’s a competitive student with a stellar GPA. At barely 22 years old, Beth is accepted into one of the top veterinary promos in the nations, no problem. Jerry pretends to be proud. They don’t even have to move far from Muskegon, but Jerry takes a lower paying position that allows him to take care of the kids while Beth attends class. 
Summer is five years old and startlingly independent. Already, she despises her father. Jerry tells himself that he’s always wanted a son anyway. Morty is young and impressionable, and Beth is never around. 
“It’s just you and me, buddy!”
Beth finishes school in four years. She’s 26, Summer is nine, and Morty is five. She takes a job in a clinic, and for a while, things are okay.
But when she turns 29, something inside Beth snaps. Her twenties are gone. Here she is, mindlessly writing antibiotic orders and spaying cats. Summer is a preteen, Morty is whatever he is. Jerry got a promotion at work, despite his useless civics degree? And Beth?
Beth is bored. 
She briefly entertains the idea of returning to medical school, but dismisses it instantly. Her classmates would be so much younger. They’d find out about her background as a vet and they’d laugh at her. Jerry would whine incessantly. It feels too much like starting over.
So, again, Beth settles for the next best thing.
“I’ve applied for a residency program,” she tells Jerry one evening over a glass of wine.
Three years, she promises. Three years, and then I’m done for good. Equine Surgery, she gushes to Jerry. It’s prestigious, the highest paying specialty in veterinary medicine!
“We’ll have to move!” Jerry protests. Beth justifies it by saying that the salary for horse surgeons is highest in the northeast.
It’s surgery, she tells herself. It’s what you’ve always wanted to do. Horses are big mammals, just like humans are big mammals.
They move to Washington. Jerry takes yet another pay cut. Beth is 30. Summer is 13. Morty is nine.
Washington State’s equine surgery residency is tough. Beth is challenged. She wakes int he wee hours of the morning and falls into bed, exhausted, in the wee hours of the night. 
And for the first time in years, Beth feels alive.
Rick shows up on the doorstep on Morty’s thirteenth birthday. It’s a day of dual-celebration. Morty is finally a teenager, and Beth is finally finished with school.
Beth already feels like she’s in mourning. She’s 33, and she’s at the peak of her career  (you’ll never be smarter than you are in this moment, her favorite mentor had reminded her the day before boards). She starts a job and the horse hospital next week. She’s signed a contract, already received her hefty sign-on bonus.
Then Dad shows up, and all of Beth’s accomplishments fall hollow from her lips. 
She thought he was dead, for christssake.
She introduces Rick to her family: Jerry, her loser husband (cringe, cringe, cringe); Summer, basic teenage bitch (does poorly in school because the would rather be popular than smart); Morty, the fuckup with some learning disability that Beth had never bothered to pay attention to (the real reason that I never lived up to the potential you saw in me, Dad).
It’s enough to drive any woman to drink.
I don’t think I’m too far off the mark here. Beth is so tetchy and self-conscious about her job because she’s relatively new at it - remember the “we’re losing him!” scene in the pilot? She’s incredibly resentful fo Jerry, for all of the reasons. Summer is her favorite child because Beth spent more time with Summer when she was a baby, and she is independent and self motivated - traits that Beth values. She regards Morty with vague disdain, to the point that she hardly remembers his existence, because she was absent for the majority of his childhood. Beth view Morty as “Jerry’s child,” and Summer as hers.
(Quick headcanon that Beth thinks of Morty as looking like Jerry, which just adds to her aversion, when actually, he looks a lot like young Rick. Beth has no way of knowing this, though, because there are no photos of kid Rick Sanchez).
I don’t mean for this post to sound sympathetic toward Jerry, because I’m really not. He’s a hot mess, too. I just wanted to flesh out Beth a little bit, and maybe justify Rick’s choice to clone her. Beth is young; she still has a whole life to live, and she never got the chance to be the woman she wanted to be, or the mom that her kids deserved. 
Rick chose to give her the opportunity to succeed at both.
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
hi! i recently picked up writing again and i’m almost done with my first fic (!!!!)
what advice do you have for a new writer to get their work out to other people? i feel like self promo is suuuuper awkward but i have literally no idea what to do lol
(s/o to all of my other awkward writers... join the club)
hi! first of all, CONGRATULATIONS on almost finishing your first fic!! that’s a big deal and i hope you’re proud of yourself! 
as for your question: i’m going to be honest and say it’s really hard to get your work out especially when it’s your first but there are definitely things that help! 
first off: fic posts
this may seem obvious but it’s really important! there are readers that check the newest fics on ao3 when looking for something to read but there’s also so many people that find fics to read from fic posts on tumblr and twitter that are rbed/rted onto their dash/tl. it’s one of the best ways to tell people you wrote a fic and they can read it right now!!
more under cut!
some things to keep in mind:
- moodboards/graphics catch the eye of potential readers and also often give them an idea into what the fic is about. i know it may seem intimidating to make a moodboard (especially if you’ve never done it before) but they can really be as simple or complicated as you like! some general tips are to include the main characters (if this is louis x harry, then include them both), have somewhat of a color scheme, and incorporate other significant elements (can be places, pets, objects, etc) from your story. use other moodboards as inspiration!!
- make sure to have the LINK. this may be self-explanatory but it’s truly so important. if there’s no link then anyone that sees it will have to look it up if they want to read - one more step that may just make them not bother in the first place.
- include important info such as the summary, rating, and word count!! those all help potential readers determine if a fic will be up their alley or not.
also, you can tag accounts on tumblr that will reblog your fic post and expose it to a bigger audience. for a harry/louis pairing, you can tag @/hljournal, @/hlcreators, @/hlsource, and @/yourlarrysource among others i may be forgetting. @/1dsource extends to any 1d-related pairings, and @/tracksintheam is a tag checked by a lot of people too and extends to any sort of created content. @/blouisparadise will rb your fic post if the fic is bottom Louis and/or omega Louis (any pairing). there’s plenty of other accounts that you can look into for tagging but unfortunately only the first five tags will show up when using the search function so you may have the prioritize.
there are also single accounts that will rb your your fic posts if you ask nicely!! just remember that no one is entitled to promote your stuff especially if they don’t know you. i’m pretty sure there’s some lists out there with a lot of people that will boost your fic posts but i can’t remember any off the top of my head!
and this is more so for future projects when you’ve gained a bit more of an audience (even if that audience is three people!! three people who are genuinely intrigued and interested in your writing is incredible!!!) but posting snippets and teasers is a great way to build up anticipation and excitement for fics!! i’ve seen a direct correlation with how many snippets and teasers i share and the reactions when the fic comes out.
involving people through polls, surveys, and requests is something else to consider! i did this with my peach fic most notably and it had the biggest debut of all my fics on ao3!! it can be for anything from side pairings, title ideas, plot directions, or name for pets!! i know i’d definitely feel more like reading a fic if i helped play a role in it somehow!!
(some other little things i do are add a count down to my display name on tumblr from three days to “today!” and also make posts on twitter/tumblr saying i have a fic coming out in a week, etc—)
the main thing to remember is that there’s no shame in self-promo (again, when you’re polite and respectful about it) - self-rb as much as you want, post as many snippets as you can, mention it to your friends, etc.
also just want to take the time to remind you: don’t get discouraged if your fic posts don’t get as many notes as you’ve seen others (often from already-”established” writers or bigger blogs) how many people see or read your fic is never a true indicator of its worth nor is it a judgement on you or your abilities!! there’s so many factors involved with things like this (including time of day when you post, time of day when people who reblog are reblogging, the tropes or themes of your fic— some are more popular than others in this fandom, for better and worse) and what’s most important at the end of the day is the people who do read the fic and enjoy it. not how many of them there are but just the fact that there are. someone, likely many someone’s, are going to adore your writing and be grateful for the story you share!
(i also just want to say that the first fic i ever posted doesn’t have any fic post - okay, it has one random tweet with 14 likes that i posted about four months later - and i wrote and posted the entirety of it without having tumblr and only twitter in the last couple of months and it’s to this date one of my most read fics— sometimes people just find and read a fic by their own accord)
anyways i don’t know if any of this made sense or if it could be qualified as helpful but i hope it is in at least a small way. i wish you all the luck with finishing your fic and posting! again, it’s such an accomplishment to even write something in itself. (feel free to send me the fic post if you decide to post too!!)
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oh-no-another-idea · 3 years
30 Day Writeblr Challenge
Day 25: Self-promo time! Share a snippet from your main WIP that you’re proud of
Greetings, writeblr! I am back and very excited to see all of your WIPs!!! 
Today’s excerpt is from The Invisible Girl, and it’s a piece early on, where some of my characters are getting to know one another in a detached caboose that has come to a stop at the bottom of a hill. I’ll edit it a lot most likely, but I had a lot of fun with this dialogue--what a bunch of idiots.
“Ten minutes, hmm?” Fynn Aaronson said. “That should give us enough time to sort out whatever this ghost business is.”
Velia tried to back away and tripped over her own feet. “For the last time, I’m not a ghost. You just can’t see me, that doesn’t make me dead.”
“Doesn’t it?” He wondered.
Antonio West started to argue and then broke off, thoughtfulness settling across his sharp features. It was a new look for him, and it made him look young. “That’s a very interesting point you got there. What makes a thing alive?”
“If it needs food and air to live,” Lewis Huen said bluntly, clearly impatient. Velia couldn’t say she disagreed with him. There were times for worthless conversations, and now clearly wasn’t one of them.
“Fish don’t need air, do they?” Fynn Aaronson pointed out.
“They need food,” Lewis Huen muttered.
“Fish get oxygen through the water,” Antonio West said distractedly, running a hand through his dark hair. “But this isn’t the time.” As though he should get the credit for a thought Velia had definitely had first.
“Well...it’s nice to meet you all,” he continued, with the firm cheerfulness that a person acquires in a new and unsettling environment when he’s trying vainly to be the backbone of the group.
“Nice to meet you too,” Fynn replied bracingly, when no one else said anything.
There was some more silence, where Velia peered out the window and wondered if it’d be faster to slip out and walk back up to the train. After all, time was dwindling a little fast for her taste, and she still had a massive task ahead of her and little to no idea of how to accomplish it.
“So, tell us, Miss Greene,” Antonio said out of nowhere. “How it is you came to be…like this? We can all share an interesting fact about ourselves, if you’d like, but you’re so much more exciting.”
Fynn sent him a disapproving look. “She’s not a caged animal.”
Antonio sputtered again. Velia was sensing a pattern here; Antonio moved out of turn, and then went purple trying to apologize.
“You shouldn’t say caged animals,” Lewis Huen disapproved, his dark eyes narrowing. “Animals should be caged just about as much as humans, which is to say never.”
“I think crazy, murderous humans ought to be in cages,” Fynn said eagerly. “And if a tiger is going to be crazy and murderous, then so should he.”
Velia lost her patience. “Has it been ten minutes yet?”
Lewis glared at the wall to her left. “I wish it had.”
WIP Intro here
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iridescentides · 4 years
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hey friends! the end of this month (may 28th, 2020) marks the one year anniversary of the first gifset I ever made using Photoshop!
for the past year, making gifs has been a passion of mine and something I have taken lots of personal pride in, so I wanted to celebrate! and through this celebration, I hope to recognize, uplift, and inspire other content creators to love themselves and their work as well!
throughout the month of May, please help me celebrate this milestone! I will be doing 6 special things on my blog, all listed under the cut:
To celebrate a year of making gifs, I will be doing/posting the following:
gif requests will be open from May 1st (today) until the end of the month. during this time, please request in my ask box:
gif headers for mobile
sidebar gifs for desktop
for each request be sure to specify characters, colors, words, scenes or anything you think is important to include. please stick to media listed on my gif request page.
creator spotlights will be posted all throughout the month of May. in these shoutout posts, I will be highlighting some of my favorite gif makers across different fandoms, and the friends I have met through creating. if you are selected for a shoutout, you will receive:
a promo post where I will talk in depth about why I love your creations, and link the best ones
my undying love and support
a spot on my brand new creators hall of fame page!!!
when you see these creator spotlight posts, please click the “read more” links, look at the creators’ content, and reblog their work. reblogs mean a lot to us, especially when people leave nice comments in the tags.
gif maker masterpost will go up on May 7th. this will be a collection of resources that I have found helpful over the past year in learning how to gif, for anyone out there who is looking to get started or pick up new skills. if anything on this list helps you, please reblog it to spread the information to other people.
gif maker positivity meme (#gmpmeme) will officially take place the week of May 10th through May 16th (but you can change these dates if you want). it will feature simple prompts to inspire all kinds of gif makers to create and try new things! the prompt list will be posted later today. please participate in the meme if you can, reblog the work of others who participate, and reblog the prompt list to spread the word! 
self-reblog marathon will start May 17th and go until May 23rd. I will be reblogging some of my favorite gifsets I have made, some that I felt were under-appreciated, and some that I would like to start circulating again. this is a sentimental piece for me, and i will be writing in the tags of each reblog the significance the gifset had to me, something I learned from making it, or why I’m proud of it. all posts will be tagged #srb marathon.
if you create content, I invite you to join in and have your own self-reblog marathon! let’s all look back at what we’ve made and take pride in our accomplishments. from May 17th to May 23rd, reblog your own creations and tag them #srb marathon.
top 10 countdown will be posted on my anniversary, May 28th. in this post, I will link my 10 favorite gifsets that I have ever seen on Tumblr, and talk about what makes each of them so amazing.
thank you all for supporting my gif making journey! I hope to interact with you all in some way through this celebration!
tagging some mutuals so this doesn’t flop: @oliviasrodrigo @ethancraft @sarahsjeffery @summercohen @ewangmcgregor @dancingwithourshandstied @gwcngrayson @bravababys @timeslord @willburobinson @slowburnreddie @mikewheeler
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daesungindistress · 5 years
You do know artists “retire” all the time and come back whenever? You do know you’re still pushing a false narrative of seungri just because you personally feel so betrayed from believing false media? Can you stop twisting words/purposefully misinterpreting for one sec and see it’s obvious the other 4 still support him?Where do you get off? Honestly you suffer from narcissism(google it please) and should probably get it looked at.
Oh, someone’s feisty! Alright, let’s go. *cracks knuckles*
False narrative? Please tell me what’s false about Seungri publicly announcing his retirement “because the issues I caused a societal disturbance with are too great.” About YG terminating his contract. About BB continuing on and making their comeback as four starting with Coachella next month. About their official promo materials portraying four members for the first time in their history. Not just on the Coachella website, on the YG website too. What part of this is false to you? All of this is real, all of this is true. But you, unable to adapt to changing circumstances, have barricaded yourself inside a world of your own making in which nothing has changed, not really, and everything will soon go back to the way it was. Newsflash: everything has changed and nothing will ever be the same. He did not “retire”, in quotations like he didn’t mean it, he retired. Actually, genuinely retired. Seungri bailed on BB and the industry, that really happened, and BB are going on without him, that’s really happening. To anyone with their head on straight it’s quite clear that he’s gone and the members are moving on. But yours seems to be duct-taped on backwards. No wonder all you can see is what we’re leaving behind.
It’s funny. You act like Seungri isn’t a competent, grown man who can make his own decisions about his career – and has! He made the decision to end it. Choosing not to believe the finality of it, which you are doing, doesn’t make it any less real or any less permanent. What you need to understand is that he did more than say goodbye to BB, he took it a step further – a big step further – and quit the industry. If he had any thoughts or hopes of coming back he would not have announced his retirement from entertainment, he would have pulled a Hanbin and left the group and left it at that – although even then, let me remind you no one in kpop has ever returned to their group after leaving. I think it’s safe to say Hanbin’s heart is still in music and we’ll be seeing him again someday, even if it’s not as a member of iKON. Seungri though… that’s a hard no.
Of course, it’s difficult to make this comparison due to the severity of their scandals being vastly unequal, which directly correlates to their chances of a successful return. I know you OT5/Seungri fans are stuck inside your own asses where I’m sure it’s all very warm and cozy and your precious trash panda isn’t regarded as one of the worst criminals in the history of kpop, but fact is… he’s regarded as one of the worst criminals in the history of kpop. And as if that wasn’t enough, his involvement in that chat, though he isn’t facing charges for it, is enough on its own to put his music career six feet under, which it did. It’s no coincidence that he retired the day that chat log went public. It’s time to face the music: Seungri can’t come back and he knows it.
But you poor thing, you’ve convinced yourself he wasn’t being serious when he made such a serious announcement. You think – oh, I see now. You think he was bullshitting when he broke everyone’s hearts and said he was out. You want that to be the case. How on earth is that any better? Wait, does that mean you’re cool with lies and manipulation? You must be if you’re still a fan of Seungri. Sorry, can’t relate.
Let me explain something to you. If you truly believe Seungri will come crawling back to the group after the immense amount of damage he’s single-handedly responsible for, the shame he’s brought to all of BB, the distrust he’s instilled in fans and non-fans alike re: the remaining members, the complete and utter disregard he’s shown for his hyungs’ well-meaning warnings, and the appalling lack of moral character he demonstrated the moment the mask came off… you haven’t been paying attention. You are not only turning a blind eye to the shitstorm he was at the center of last year (and still hasn’t found his way out of, in case you weren’t aware), you are also disregarding everything the BB members have been making sure we knew about him since late 2015. Which is that they expected him to leave – and they’d come to terms with it. It may even be that they wanted him to. Seungri’s days as a singer have been coming to a close for years as his interest in business gradually eclipsed his waning interest in music and his reasons for staying with BB for as long as he did became a source of tension. He was moving in a new and separate direction, one that was taking him away from them. BB knew this and they weren’t quiet about it. They made sure we knew it too. But you weren’t listening, were you. Now all their warnings to him have come true and you’re still not listening. What to do?
What’s more, please don’t tell me you actually think he’s going to stick his neck out there again and claw his way back up from the very bottom against the raging fires of hatred and disapproval and distrust, not just from the public but from BB’s own fanbase, to fight tooth and nail for a career he’d lost his passion for long before Burning Sun became an issue. He said in an interview that he had no plans to make a solo album, he was essentially pressured into it by fans. And in case you’ve forgotten, though his solo tour went well at first, it began falling apart shortly before he was swept up in Burning Sun. Cracks were forming, he was stressed and venting his frustrations in ways he shouldn’t have been, inciting unrest, turning fans against his boss and sparking inflammatory headlines and just generally making waves in a bad way. He bit off more than he could chew with that tour, and still greedy fans like you pulled on him for more, more, more. Burning Sun followed by the prostitution chats followed by the molka chats collectively became the straw that broke the camel’s back. Everything he touched crumbled and turned to dust. What makes you think he wants to try again? If it was hard then, it would be impossible now.
And it doesn’t end there. After almost a year of investigations (and probably another year of court proceedings to come) you really think he’s going to thrust himself back into the public eye? Live life under the microscope? He’ll be hounded endlessly, his every move scrutinized like never before. He would have to be on his absolute best behavior, never stepping out of line again… which he won’t do. In all his interviews last year it was clear that all he wanted was out. Out of the tight spot he’d found himself in, off the hook. He isn’t interested in changing his ways or the company he keeps off the clock. After seeing how he conducted himself when his and his friends’ crimes came to light (shameless, self-absorbed, too busy shielding himself and his criminal friends to breathe even a word of sympathy to their victims), returning to life as a public figure means he’ll probably end up in trouble again. You think he’s willing to risk that? I don’t. Better for him to live the life he likes out of the public eye where he and his buddies can enjoy that “shit Korean law” they bragged about without the media breathing down their necks.
Let’s talk about BB. By some miracle they made it through 2019 in one piece. Well… four banged up pieces that are working together to make a new whole. You think Seungri is going to subject them to more of his personal hell? After he’s put them and their legacy through the wringer already? He may have a big head and an ego to match, but he has always struck me as someone who is sharply aware of his standing among the other four. Obsessively so. He screwed up big time and he must know the members won’t stand for it, won’t stand for him, not with what everyone knows now. Are you forgetting how harshly they censured him when he had his first sex scandal? That was peanuts compared to this, yet the members took it so seriously that they moved in with him and babysat him. Alive!Seungri might have tolerated that, but the (ex)CEO Lee of 2020 would never endure that kind of micromanaging. Not a second time. He is too proud, too headstrong, in too deep with friends who stroke his ego and call him Boss. He is going his own way now, and so are the members of BB. His time with them is well and truly over. If you still don’t see this then you are only fooling yourself and setting yourself up for years of waiting that will culminate in nothing. Your fave is gone. Do like the rest of us and move on.
As for the members, sorry to burst your bubble but nothing they’ve done suggests that they’re taking him back or that they support him in the way you’re hoping. Any perceived “support” you think you’ve seen is merely a product of your own imagination driven by desperation and a paralyzing inability to cope with loss. It’s led you to make false connections and read coded messages that don’t exist. I suffer from narcissism? That’s a funny way of saying I’m well-adjusted enough to accept what’s happened and embrace what we still have, which is four accomplished artists with tremendous potential for more slowly recovering and resuming their careers in music after being dealt a crippling blow by one of their own. You, however, seem to be suffering from delusions stemming from your extreme and unhealthy emotional ties to a man you’ve never met and can’t bring yourself to let go of at any cost – even to the detriment of the group he left behind.
Seungri said it himself: BIGBANG will be BIGBANG without him. Though he said it years ago, this statement indicates that he felt he wouldn’t be with them forever, and he was confident that in his absence they would carry on as four. You’ll see soon enough that he was right.
PS. I promised I would make another OT4 edit for every OT5 ask I received, and I intend to keep that promise, so here you go, this is for you:
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dreamaze · 4 years
✨💌 self promo time: reply with five of your favorite creations and pass this on to some of your favorite creators! Thank you for making such lovely things 💌
Avaaa, thank you so much for sending me this! I’ve really enjoyed seeing what you and other content creators so far have shared. ♡♡♡
Hope no one minds that I am going to split this between both of my blogs! Truthfully, I am most proud of the work that goes into my BU-focused main blog, but I want to give some love to creations from both. :’) And please excuse me for inevitably rambling too much...
❀ @becomewings ❀
Creation 1 : Part 1 of Timelines : 22 May Year 22. The Timelines series has been one of the most time intensive to prepare, and not just because it spans April 11-August 30 (each posted on the corresponding date in the Notes). Each post took days or more from planning to completion. This is my favorite gifset of the series. With the two-column format and juxtaposed shots/captions, I feel that I was able to clearly accomplish my goal of portraying a major event altered in the BU timeline.
Creation 2 : Inspired by the section titles from Notes 1, this is probably the most “aesthetic” gifset on my blog to date. I’m happy with the shots I selected to represent each title and, as someone who doesn’t usually do significant coloring on this blog, am pretty pleased with the resulting color palette. Excited to eventually do a version for Notes 2!
Creation 3 : I struggled a bit to pick which of the Water elemental series was my favorite but finally landed on this one. I find the set quite visually cohesive despite the lack of color alterations. And while the accompanying commentary may not be long, I think this is the first time I really poured a bit of my soul into it and it laid the foundation for later thoughts in the Water series. Also, JiMin and TaeHyung are two of my favorite BU characters… so my bias(es) may be showing a little. :’)
❀ @ourownwings ❀
Creation 4 : This Stay Gold / Fake Love parallels set. I feel like there is an invisible pressure to produce content as soon as possible when something new releases, one that I’m trying not to let get the better of me. But I was excited when this idea came to me and did my best to reproduce it quickly. It’s personally meaningful, as I really enjoy the cinematic parallels throughout BTS’s work, and I hope that it might illuminate connections that some viewers had not noticed before.
Creation 5 : This We are Bulletproof: the Eternal set contains my first experiments with overlaying clips, and again I tried to call attention to some more possible subtle references to other MVs. I think this set is still the most unique of the edits I have made on this blog.
+ definitely cheating but adding this little Dynamite duo as well because I spent hours manually editing the masks frame by frame. It was my first (and maybe last, hah!) time trying something like this and the results are far from perfect, but I am proud of myself for not giving up on it. Notes aren’t everything, but I wish it had received just a little more love.
Thank you again for allowing me to share this! ♡
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Letting things go
A concept, the new year, yet a concept that I want to use intentionally to reflect over challenges and lessons and bask in the blessings.
At the end of the day we got ourselves for life, we are the main characters in our life and we have to act accordingly. Whatever that means for you, personally a question I like to ask myself a lot is “ are my thoughts, feelings and actions aligned w the version of me who is content and happy?”. I use it as my navigator when its difficult to hear the voice of your intuition.
2020 has been very tough collectively but also the biggest blessing and lesson for me personally. After x amount of years not really knowing how I actually felt behind all the parties, the accomplished career goals and surface level success I finally got hit w the biggest truth bomb. The truth of how ive been living in my own shadow in a way, one of the biggest things for me though is to not be to hard on myself, meet myself where I am at. When we know better, we do better.
Some highlights from 2020 that I listed today in my journal was that before the first lockdown I got to perform in London for the first time, I released loads of music, got some amazing promo opportunities that we locked in, magazines, new brand relationships etc. 
But the “problem” with these, although im grateful, is that its performance based, conditional. Something ive been very good at my whole life, so I had to sit down and really take inventory over my personal “accomplishments”. 
I've been consistent w my therapy, made a commitment to myself to pull myself out of my depression w new routines and tools that I´ve picked up along the way, and im making choices everyday that support maintaining my mental health which im very proud of. I´ve learned that I don't have to justify putting myself first and taking time for myself. I´ve learnt that I need to communicate my boundaries lovingly and also keep affirming that I deserve all my desires and to live a happy and calm life.
I wanted to share a little entry from my journal and maybe inspire you guys to do some self reflection yourselves because it might just feel a bit better, to allow yourself to feel everything.
“ healing isn't linear, remember that when it feels really tough. sometimes I really don't want to do my routines, but I know its times like these I need them the most. Why do we resist something that we know will make us feel better? I suppose its because its known and comfortable, but I know that the pain that I feel in the known is far greater than the fear of the unknown. Things may take time, gotta try to enjoy the ride, and knowing that the unknown isn't as scary anymore, that's tremendous progress. Its a step towards fighting for yourself”
I truly hope that 2021 and all the years that lay ahead of us will be prosperous and filled w joy and harmony. I choose to let go of what no longer serves me, habits and mindsets that take you down the rabbit hole or whatever people say and to forgive myself and others. When you know better, you do better. And any mistake or setbacks always come w a huge lesson to navigate us towards the better. Thats what I choose to believe.
Sending you all love and light. <3 
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( @andresdefonollosa, @gcvernedbalance, and @herocomplex — rp blogs for andrés de fonollosa / berlin, sergio marquina / el profesor, and arturo roman of netflix’s la casa de papel / money heist. penned by allison. )
( promo template by @apocalypseresources )
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fabuloussisterofsin · 6 years
Hana Chapter Three is Up!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14258097/chapters/33106503
Summary:Things are getting heated. Shinsuke and Missy are getting close, closer than they both know they should. Tensions are high as a night with friends turns into a flirt fest and denial of their feelings.
Please comment, like, reblog, and leave Kudos! 
Hana: The Vibe 
Missy smiled and made her way over to Shinsuke. "Hey Shin!" She said excitedly. She opened her arms to give him a hug. "How was your filmed promo today?" She asked him.
He hugged her close. "Promo go okay!" He said. "How are you today?"
Missy smiled up at him, she realized she was still clinging to him. "I'm doing okay! Excited for all of our days off tomorrow!" She moved hair from his face. "Hey do you like video games? Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity?"
"I like video games!" He said, arm still around her shoulder. "Never play that other game.
Missy could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to silence it. He was her friend and that was it, but it seemed her heart had different ideas. "Would you like to come to my place and play some video games? Maybe invite the group too? Or just us?" She asked feeling familiar butterflies, butterflies like when she had her first kiss kind of butterflies. She pushed them down.
"Yeah! We invite friends, sound like fun." He said with a smile.
Her heart skipped a beat, his smile gosh his smile was enough to light a up a room. "I'll text them then!" She texted the group chats. "Game night and drinks at my place! BYOB, but pizza will be provided! CAH and Video Games for all!" Missy looked over to Shinsuke. "I have a favor to ask. Could you come over before they get there and help me set up and stuff?" She asked him. "You don't have to." She stated. Missy thought of what Becky had said to her. She wasn't going to fall for him, but she was starting to show the signs, it scared her.
"Sure I help. Let me change out of gear." He said before he half arm hugged her and walked off to the locker room.
"See yah!" She smiled brightly at him and went to go change from gear too. She sighed and felt the pangs of love beginning to blossom.
Shin was looking forward to a little alone time with her. He was beginning to feel something. Something he wasn't sure he had really felt before. Missy got dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. She did her make up and fussed with her hair. She wanted to text Shin a picture of herself. So she did, she took a selfie and asked. "Do I look halfway decent?" She sent a laughing face. He sent her back a sticker of a broadly smiling face. "You look great! I'm waiting outside for you!"
Missy laughed and finished up her look. She hopped out the door and looked for him. "Alright lets get this party star..." She stopped mid sentence and saw him. He was wearing a leather jacket and she could feel the heat rising from her toes to her face. "Started."
He had his leather jacket on and a white t-shirt with dark jeans. "What the matter Hana?"
"Nothing." She said her face blazing with blush. "I Uh..just think I heard my knee pop or something." She lied and the quirked a half smile at him. "You wanna follow me in your car?" She asked him. "Or do you want to hitch a ride?"
"I follow you." He said, adjusting his jacket around his shoulders.
Shin and Missy left the building and she waited for him in her deep blue Chevy Traverse. Once h caught up with her they drove ot her complex. She got out of the car and headed for the door. "Almost lost you on the Highway!" She laughed. Missy tended to speed.
"You speed racer!" He smiled. "There's speed limit you know!"
“Yeah and I was going like five over." She laughed poking fun at him as she fumbled with her keys which were on an Eevee lanyard and had a collection cute little key chains. She opened the door and flipped the lights on. "Welcome to my humble abode." She said to him. Her home looking like a beautiful remake of a well off colonial home, blue and white pervading the space, with dark and simplistic furniture and brightly colored kitchen supplies.
"Nice place." He complemented, looking around.
"Thanks I worked on it really hard." She said as she set her purse down. She flicked the living room lights on and a 54 inch Tv was nestled in a dark wood entertainment center with a large bright blue suede couch. "And this is my living room." She said excitedly. Off to the side was a case filled with Missy's Achievements all the way from Her wrestling days in high school and her NXT titles.
He walked over to look at her titles. He needed a case like this at home, honestly. He felt proud of her, of her achievements.
Missy blushed. “Oh don't look at those." She said walking over to him. There was a picture of her in High school hoisting the belt in pigtails and braces. "I really shouldn't display them so prominently." She said feeling embarrassed.
"Good to know where you came from." He said. "You accomplish a lot."
“Thanks, by as impressive as you.” She said grabbing controllers and games.” You know I tried out for NJPW.”
"Yeah? You came to Japan?" He asked.
“Briefly.” She Said. “I didn’t make it I was in college.” She replied. “I got my shoulder separated by another girl.”
He grimaced. "Mmmm never fun injury."
“Yeah. But I made it through college and then the circuits until I tried out for WWE.” She smiled. “And I got into NXT just after you left.”
He turned to smile at her. "Lucky we needed up on the same bus and you fall asleep on me!"
Missy laughed. “Yeah lucky indeed!” She said. “Shin, help me move the coffee table?” She asked.
He moved her coffee table and looked around. "What else can I do?"
Missy looked at him. “Well we should move the couch a bit.” She thought out loud. Missy tried to push her couch. She fell forwards and laughed into the couch. “I’m special.”
He flounced down in the couch beside her and turned to look at her. "You are special. Special like..." He closed his eyes, thinking for an appropriate word. "Special, like unique."
Missy laughed. “Thanks you’re unique too.” She said rolling over half on top of him. She smiled up at him; the butterflies fluttering in her belly. Her heart was pounding as she placed her hand on Shinsuke’s chest.
He felt a strange warm feeling radiating in his chest. He smoothed her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.
“Your heart is beating like wild.” She commented getting closer to him. “Why is your heart beating so fast.?”
He smiled. ”The vibes." He replied.
Missy laughed. “Well what kinda vibes.” She said inching closer to him. Her own heart hammering in her chest. She moved his hand to her chest so he could feel her heart.
He flexed his fingers over her chest, the familiar touch thrilling him. "Good vibes. Exciting."
Missy almost held her breath. She was so happy to have him close. “Yeah, exciting.” She breathed. She got her face closer to his.
He breathed deep, trying to calm himself as she came closer.
Missy moved to kiss him. This was the first time the thought had crossed her mind. “Shinsuke.” She whispered moving his hand to her breast.
Shin was being pulled to her, like a magnet. Her breast was soft and firm under his hand. His breathing was shallow, their lips inches from each other when there was a knock on her door. "Fuck." He breathed with a chuckle.
Missy popped up and off the couch in a flash she fixed her self and fought off the heat rising to her cheeks. She felt like she was bowl of jello and not quite sure which was up. She ran to the door. “Hi Kev, Sami and Becky!” She smiled for them. Becky raised her eyebrow at Missy. “Hi shin.” She said knowingly. Missy smiled. “Okay let’s get this party started!” She Said.
Shin got to his feet and took off his jacket, moving the couch to wear Missy had wanted it.
“Okay so I’ve got lots of games and also Cards against humanity and pizza is coming what do we wanna do first?” She asked the group. Becky opted for video games.
Shin settled back into the couch, his arms spread across the back of it. Becky sat beside him under his arm and when he wasn't looking, she stuck her tongue out at Missy.
Missy rolled her eyes. She felt a a twist in her gut. Was she jealous? No she couldn’t be. She was though. She hopped on the couch and snuggled up against Shinsuke. “Well what do we want to play? I’ve got all kinds of games, I’ve got fighting games. Hell I’ve got 2k18!” She suggested.  She looked at Becky and stuck her tongue out back at her. Becky snuggled in close Shin and he looked from one girl to the other then at Sami who was staring daggers at him.
Missy glared at Becky. “Shin wanna play 2k18 with me?” She asked him. “We could all play I have enough controllers!” She said excitedly. "Sure!" He replied.
Missy got up and grabbed hima controller. “Which one?” She asked holding out a dark blue and black one. “And kev and Sami is you wanna play you can join in. Maybe we could do a tournament?”
He reached for the black controller and the guys joined in. Becky leaned against Shin. "Alright, we all guys or girls?" She asked.
“Guys!” Missy said. She flipped through and chose Shinsuke. “Well I’m gonna be Shin.” She spoke making a face at Becky.
Becky chose Stone Cold, Sami and Kevin chose each other, and Shin chose Finn Balor.
The match started and Missy got super into the game. She went right after Becky’s character. A sign and signal to her. “Ohhh Shit Kinshasa!” She said excitedly as she fought Becky.
Shin teamed up with the guys to start trying to throw people over the top rope. Missy got put in the corner by the AI controlling Roman who started to wail on Shinsuke.
"Missy you get me beat up!" Shinsuke said.
“I’m trying not to!” She laughed as she threw Roman over the rope. “There I beat him.” She said sticking her tongue out at Shinsuke. “Ha ha!” She cried out as she threw out Bobby Roode. She went back after Becky and punched Becky out of the ring. “Damn it Missy!” She said.
Shin was locked into combat with Sami.
Missy fought Kevin and threw him out. “Ha Gotcha Kevin!” She smiled. “You’re way too good at this game.” He teased.
Shinsuke managed to throw Sami out. It was down to he and Missy. He turned to her and smiled. "Come on!"
Missy got a dumbfounded look on her face and she turned beat red. “Yeah okay I’m so gonna beat you.” She challenged him.
They battled and eventually Missy tossed him out of the ring.
“Whooooo! I win!” She Said. “Beat cha!” She laughed hugging Shinsuke. She paused a moment their faces close.
He gave her a sly look and booped his forehead against hers before he turned away. "Lets go again!"
“Alright! You’re on!” She smiled at him and bopped his forehead, with her finger. Becky smiled and rolled her eyes. The doorbell rang. “That must be the pizza someone wanna sign for it.”
Shin leaned back against the couch, looking around the room expectantly.
“I’ll get it.” Becky said getting up. Key and sami opted to watch and drink beer. “Alright this time I’m going to beeee Roman!” She chose Roman. Shin picked himself. "I beat you this time!"
“Yeah we shall see!” She smiled and elbowed him. “I’m gonna beat yoooooouuu!” She smiled, Becky laughed “you two are adorable.”
"She going to be mad when I beat her!" Shin grinned. Kevin and Sami started drinking the beer they brought and eating pizza.
Missy smiled. “There is no way you’re gonna beat me!” She laughed as she Superman punched him. “Soo.” Becky said to the boys. “They’re an item soon I do believe.”
"Yeah I think so." Kevin said. "Is that why you were cozying up to him, Bexs?" Sami asked, his face and neck a little redder than usual.
“Yeah I’ve been noticing that missy like never stops talking about shin. What about on your end boys.” She asked. Back over at the gaming center shin had just Kinshasa’d Missy’s character.
"Shin's pretty quiet. Ya know? He's a pretty private guy."
Becky sighed. “Well they need to get together.” She said to them. “Shit! No there is no way I’m gonna let you beat.” Missy said to Shin.
"I going to beat you!" He smiled, their characters grappling.
Missy stuck out her tongue and concentrated. “Nooooo way.” She exclaimed trying to reverse.
He rolled her up for a pin and she couldn't kick out fast enough. "Yeaoh!" He said, holding his hands up in the air before he turned to her with a sly smile. "I beat you." He said slowly.
Missy looked shocked. “Damn it!” She said to him and looked at his sly smile. She playfully pushed him. “I do think you could actually beat me though.” She laughed. Becky smiled. “Fight fight fight!” She laughed.
Shin stood up and did his hand motions. "Come on!" He knew how she looked at him whenever he did it in the ring.
Missy bit her lip. Flustered in every sense of the word. “Well I Uh um eh hmph!” She Said to him. Becky laughed. “Ooohhh someone’s all worked up!” Becky teased.
Seeing how far he could push her he.stretched upwards, deliberately exposing part I his lower belly.
“I am not!” She protested angrily. “I’m not at all!” She peaked at his lower belly. “Yes you are!” Becky said. “Isn’t she Kev and Sami?”
"Be nice to her." Shin said crossing the room and pulling her to his side.
Missy blushed hard and moved out from under shin’s arm and stormed out of the apartment to her balcony. Muttering to herself.
Shin held his hands up at them. "Enough enough!" He walked out on the balcony with her. "Sorry Missy-chan."
“No it’s fine.” She said looking out at the stars. “I just needed some air.” She lied. She was only upset because the comments were hitting so close to home for her.
He leaned his back against the banister. "We tease them back. Sami like Becky, you know."
Missy smiled. “Huh now that’s a pairing I wouldn’t have noticed.” She laughed. “I’m all for it.” She smiled at him. She walked over and gave Shin a hug. “I just really did need some air.” She hugged him tight.
He hugged her tight and before he could stop himself he kissed the top of her head.
Missy froze in his arms. He kissed the top of her head. She was as stiff as a board unsure of what to do.
He just held her close. "You sure you okay? You are tense." “Ummm Yeah.” She said to him. “I’m..I’m fine.” She relaxed her body but her mind was racing. She could feel that warmth and that desire growing in her heart. It was trying to break free.
He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "Loosen up hana. Relax!"
Missy looked up at him, her eyes shining. She looked up at him with a look in her eyes that she had never given him before. One that told him everything.
He ran his hand through her hair and brought it to rest on her shoulder.
She kept looking at him her heart almost bursting, she wanted to kiss him but she couldn’t. Instead she buried her face in his neck.
His hand was on her lower back, rubbing a soft slow circle there. He had this curious feeling like he was home. The closest he had come to that feeling since he left Japan.
For the first time since she was a child, missy felt safe. She felt safe and calm in his arms. She nuzzled his neck. “Don’t let go.” She whispered.
"I don't want to. Ever." He admitted.
She hugged him tight and let out a relieved sob.
"No cry hana!" He said, pulling back to look at her. He held her upper arms gently. "What wrong”
“For the first time in my life, I feel safe, and that I belong somewhere, for the first time in my life, I’m happy.” She said looking up at him.
He gave her a small smile. "I glad, hana. You belong right here. You safe with us."
She hugged him tight. I belong with you. She thought. “Yeah, just whatever you are whatever you end up being I’m happy that you’re in my life.”
He nodded. "I happy you in my life too. He said, brushing his hand through her hair. Missy nuzzled him and then started to laugh. Sami, kevin and BEcky were all eating chips and drinking watching them.
Shin made a face and held open his arms. "What you all looking at?" He taunted.
“It’s cuuuute.” Becky said. Missy laughed. “We’re just...were just friends.” She said the lie tasting bitter on her tongue.
He nodded. "She need comforting. Because you are mean!" He said. "You want someone to pick on? Sami like you Becky!" Becky blushed and missy laughed. “Ha not so funny now!” She laughed before they headed inside. Missy popped on a movie and sat on the couch. Kevin took an individuals section and missy made Sami and Becky sit together. Shin smiled at the two. "There! Now you couple!"
Missy laughed and sat down next to Shinsuke. The took up their normal bus ride cuddle positions. “See not so funny now.”
"Yeah! We pick on you little while! When you two get married?" "This is awkward." Kevin said, taking a swig of his beer.
“Then bring your wife next time.” Missy said. “Poor woman.” She fist bumped Shinsuke. “Listen y’all can leave if you like.”
Becky and Sami got up at the same time. They looked at each other than down at Shin and Missy. "I'll see you later Missy. Sorry." "Come on Bex, I'll go catch a cab with you." "Yeah, I'm going to. Later guys." Kevin added.
“By guys sorry this was disaster!” She said to them. “We can try again later, or never again.” She said to them.
Shin pouted a little. "Sorry Sami, shouldn't have told on you." Sami looked at. "Well you don't say it, but you like her."
Missy blushed. “And she likes you, but you two are stubborn.” Becky shook her head. “I’ll see you the day after tomorrow for training. No hard feelings.” She Said Missy.
When the room was clear Shin sighed. "That went terrible."
“Yeah...I guess we won’t be having game nights anymore.” She Said. “I feel like a real shit heel.” She Said standing up and walking away from him into the kitchen.
"That was me, not you." He said. "I am a jerk. " “You’re by a jerk.” She said grabbing a piece of pizza. “I think tempers were hot tonight She said munching. “I’ll brb.” She Said as she went and put her pjs on. A pair short shorts and a tank top. “Okay I’m back.” Her hair was down and around her shoulders.
He tried not to look to hard at her as he ate his piece of pizza. "I should leave too."
Missy pouted. “Come on stay the night play some more games with me.” She munched. “Bff sleep over.” She suggested.
"Yeah, make things worse." He said. "They really tease you if they find out I stayed."
“No one has to know.” She shrugged. “Our little secret.” She suggested.
He nodded. "Okay." He was halfway interested in the movie she had put in. "Watch movie with me?"
“Yeah.” She said sitting down and cuddling with him and it wasn’t long before she was passed out on his lap.
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osaelligr · 7 years
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wow, so we’re like, hitting a trifecta of accomplishments / events at the moment -- on the 6th, this blog will be five and a half years old, I just hit a huge follower milestone, and Thor: Ragnarok just came out. so like, let’s celebrate, yanno? it’s been a hell of a journey, you guys. thank you, each and every one of you, for your support through these years, and here’s to the years to come. I can’t wait to see what the future brings. ♥
prize, for one winner, 1 theme image, 1 self promo, related theme graphics ( ex. banners for pages ). see examples of my work here, including this blogs theme: ( x , x , x , x , x ). 
to enter to win, just be sure you’re following me - as this is a thank you to my amazing followers and friends for their endless and amazing love - and reblog the post! likes will not count for an extra entry. the giveaway will end November 21st.
@thrumdir​, nerd I know you’re not around yet, but I gotta include you so you’re getting your dang name mentioned, aight? you’re my best friend and my rock and I will never, ever be able to express my appreciation for your unwavering support. I love you, and you’re gonna kick ass in everything you do and I believe in you. ♥
@kaledvoul​, oh my god, where do I even start, like... holy crap our babies have come so far. you’re my longest running ship partner by far, and I fucking love Vlad and Loki ( power couple of the universe lbr ), and a wonderful, freaking amazing person that I will always count myself lucky to have as a friend. thank you for everything. ♥
@aintashes​, bro !!! look at you go! i’m super proud of you, and by the way let me just reiterate how phenomenal your Daryl is and how clear it is that you love him and that is just the absolute best thing in the world to see. keep loving your son and being a kick ass person okay. thanks for being such a cool dude. ♥
@wraithwolf​, hi son. I hope u hydrated today, ok. I can’t find the words, really, but I know we’re going to be friends forever. you and me have been through so much shit together, and you’ve always been there for me. thank you so very much. ♥
@learnedskill​, lovely, thank you for your patience and your kindness. you’re the sweetest person I know, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. you’re freaking awesome at writing on top of all that, and I hope things are going well for you. ♥
@silfursvik​, hey!! we haven’t really talked but we’ve been following each other for awhile and when we have talked you’ve just been so incredibly nice. I wanted to give you a special thank you for your support. you’re a super rad person, and I adore your blog. ♥ 
and a huge thank you to everyone that makes my dash a wonderful place and also a apology to anyone I managed to forget because there’s a ton: 
@hrimhvat, @dichotomisi, @telepaf, @edhelaran, @riddarii, @dxdger, @fangedbarbie, @kingxfmischief, @xaedificare, @nihtwulf, @amazonianmade, @peredhellen, @perturbcd, @tahitiwoke, @earnedstripes, @fasciinating, @quinn, @motherwolf, @learnedprice, @talentforlying, @focusedtotality, @arielshepard​, @wcrldserpent, @heavenspat, @reddreaded, @antagxnized, @sanctamater, @fauxmasked, @sinfil, @shieldarmed, @roskliga, @calledstrength, @inferuxs​, @bctfallen, @valorisen, @diligetur​. ♥
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