#[Blood Red Witch | Akako Koizumi]
What about. ( Aoko, Akako, Hakuba, Shinichi/Conan, and Akira ).
Send “What about” and a person and my muse will say their honest feelings/thoughts about them.
What About Aoko?
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"Aoko..." Kaito sighs a moment. "She's brash and childish, loudmouthed and impulsive. She's also my best and closest friend. Some days I think if I didn't have her, I wouldn't have anyone."
"She's the only one who sees me for me. She's the only one who cares about Kuroba Kaito beyond anything that has to do with KID, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost that connection. I'm so, so tired of lying to her, but telling her the truth would ruin both of us."
"Guess I grew so attached because I'm jealous of how she can keep being herself without having to put up any kind of front. Guess I crave a taste of that freedom she has."
What About Akako?
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"Entitled would be the word for it," Kaito chuckles dryly. "With all her prophecies and her attempts to make me submit to her or die it's hard to tell if she's an ally or an enemy."
"Yeah, Akako does have a soft side, but it's buried under her entitlement to red magic this and all men being her slaves that. I'm sure if she'd get over herself a bit and understand the kind of commitment a proper relationship would take, she'd be a lot less malcontent with what she can't have."
"I duuno I'm a magician, not a therapist."
What About Hakuba?
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"Ah, yes Tantei-san. Guess some of what I said about Akako applies here too. He needs to get over himself a bit, being the son of the superintendent general isn't a free ride to having a successful career in law enforcement. I'm next door neighbors with the Nakamoris and what I hear about those jobs are tough."
"He's a bit too straight-laced if I'm being completely honest. He's gotta understand that not everything that is legal is the right way to do things. Yeah, hypocritical from my standpoint but you get where I'm coming from? Sometimes you gotta do bad things for the greater good."
"I'm sure if he loostened up a bit and saw things the way I do we'd be better friends than him constantly declaring I'm KID in front of my social group and their mixed opinions, and possible assassins'."
What About Shinichi / Conan?
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"The Great Detective, the Heisei Holmes, the titular protagonist archetype. The one person in this list who hasn't met me as Kuroba Kaito and dear god I hope it stays that way or I'm screwed."
"Look, Hakuba is a smart detective. But Meitantei is SCARY. He's like a human weapon. Those soccer balls are from hell. He's also scary smart. I'm lucky he's not on the task force and is really only around when old man Suzuki causes a fuss."
"Though I guess in all honesty I wouldn't mind meeting him as myself. Casually, without the KID stuff. There's something, I dunno, familiar? Relatable? You know, like Kindred Spirits about him that makes me think we could bond over shared experiences."
"Other than that I hope he stops calling me to martyr for him. I'm not his scape-goat thief."
What About Akira?
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"Like with Shinichi, I get a similar kind of Kindred Spirits vibe with Akira. I don't know what it is, but there's something there that just makes the guy likeable."
"Plus he isn't flaunting strong opinions about KID everywhere, so you know, small mercies. Most of the people in my social circle hate my alter ego, so I've been kinda tepid about asking Akira's opinion on him. Can't be too sure, some people are a bit closeted in their liking of wanted criminals like phantom thieves after all."
"Still, hanging around Akira is a good break from KID-related stuff. Just being able to have a casual conversation over a cup of coffee is nice, even if I can't have all that much chocolate in it for the sake of keeping his company."
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⚔️ ( Akako or Hakuba ).
Send “⚔️” and I will describe how I think our muses would team up in a fight
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[How About Both? XD]
[Fighting With Akako]
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Very, very reluctant team up here. Kaito is iffy about everything regarding Akako, and doesn't know if she's going to turn on him at any moment to try and force him under her thumb.
Still, in this situation she is the lesser of two evils, and she apparently thinks the same. Though of course she talks down at him the entire time about "I could have taken them myself if it weren't for that one specific things your tricks are barely useful for or whatever."
Or Akako has to hide her powers in a public space and actively relies on Kaito to set the distraction while she uses her own sorcery as subtly as possible to keep anyone from seeing her doing it.
Either way, they both make it out of it. There's a bit of arguing about who owes who, and who did more in the fight, and how magic tricks and real magic are better than the other.
Akako leaves Kaito with a tease toward trying to control him again, but doesn't act on it, leaving one very confused phantom thief in her wake once again.
[Fighting with Hakuba]
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Kaito doesn't want to be in this situation, but clearly he has no choice. That nosy detective from overseas seemed to catch up to him at a bad time where his enemies in black coats have gathered to try and shoot him down.
It's the most likely scenario for Kaito and Hakuba to team up, since Hakuba is the one detective in the country that isn't a murder magnet. Fending off a killer together would be highly unlikely by comparison.
So, Pandora Syndicate it is.
Kaito does his best to keep Hakuba out of harm's way when it comes to these guys. He's hellbent on keeping Snake and his croonies from killing anyone else as long as Kaito is still breathing.
It's heavy, it's emotional, it leads to a lot of revelations on Hakuba's part when the goons start calling Kaito by his deceased father's name. Kaito takes more than a few injuries on Hakuba's behalf to keep the detective safe. One of very few instances where Kaito will face conflict head on because it's personal, and even if he and Hakuba are rivals, he still cares enough not wanting to see him hurt by these bastards.
It's a waiting game for the cops to arrive. When they do, the syndicate flees to avoid being caught. Hakuba repays the favor by concealing KID from the task force and hiding the DNA evidence of Kaito being present.
The moment he's conscious again, Hakuba demands to know why assassins are after the Kuroba Family. No getting out of this one.
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