#[During summer they don't do it at all and during winter they run much warmer than normal]
caeca-iustitia · 2 years
Coming off the back of my last post...
Vincent only feels warm to other people because they've learnt how to hold heat from a fire materia underneath their skin at all times.
At first; they didn't do this and people complained about how cold their skin was so they had to quickly adjust to using the method they do now.
Now, they're so used to warming their skin using it that it's become subconscious. If you touch their skin- even through clothing- they'll feel maybe a small bit hotter than normal but you couldn't tell the difference between them and a normal person.
Not unless you knew they were dead; of course.
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fairestwriting · 7 months
I saw and loved your piece about an S/O that's like a heater. What about the absolute opposite? I'm always kinda cold. Would love to be warmed up by Jack :) thank you ever so much!
Ace Trappola
Knowing how easily you get cold, Ace is ready to be a little bastard and put his cold hands on your neck first chance he gets. What he didn't know, though, was that even your neck already felt like an icicle in this weather, maybe even colder than his hands?
Despite his occasional little bastard-ing about it, he thinks it's sort of endearing. He tries to play it cool most of the time, to be the suave boyfriend who lends you his jacket when you're cold. This fails pretty miserably because he starts freezing his ass off, but you can tell he cares.
You can get your revenge for his little prank (which he will repeat, because even if it doesn't startle you a lot, it still startles you) by making he experience how chilly you feel whenever you cuddle up to him. He'll get startled and complain about it all dramatic, but you can sense that he feels sort of proud that he's warming you up now.
Deuce Spade
Takes every opportunity to fuss over you, gets all worried if he doesn't see you wearing a jacket. Like Ace, he'll lend you his without hesitation, except he manages to be "cooler" about it since he doesn't get cold as easily. He's still all worried about you, though.
He's easily flustered by touch no matter the circumstance, but he's also dead set on keeping you warm. Initiates hugs a lot more, the possible excuse of "not wanting you to catch a cold" makes him a little bolder. It's hard for anyone to pry you off each other.
He probably has things like scarves and sweaters his mother knitted for him that don't fit anymore, and if they fit you, he's downright overjoyed to hand them over. Some of them look a little silly in the way that homemade knit clothing usually does, but it's kind of impossible to refuse him. He loves them, and he loves seeing you on them.
Jack Howl
Yeah, he is the ideal boyfriend for this scenario. Having lived in a cold place for most of his life, he does know a lot about how to stay warm!
...Which means, he knows when he doesn't have to be cuddling you for you not to freeze, but one time or another, he'll use it as an excuse to stay glued to you for a bit, saying it's the best you can do now to stave off the cold. He blushes while he mumbles out his very clear lie.
Even harder to pry him off you than it is with Deuce. Whether it's summer or winter. You know, he is way warmer than a human, so when it's hot, it's his turn to cool down on you. It's the perfect excuse to get all that PDA he's usually too shy to go for.
Epel Felmier
Out of the three who would try to play the "cool boyfriend giving you his jacket when you're cold" trope, Epel is the one who actually pulls it off perfectly. He does get worried, of course, but he's not nearly as fussy as Deuce, and he's pretty tolerant to cold. Maybe a little too much. You two will be an interesting sight during winter, when he's walking around wearing a scarf and gloves at most, and you're all bundled up.
If you like hot apple cider, or apple pie, or anything warm that involves apples, you're getting an endless supply of it. Some from leftovers he gets after visiting his family on werkends, and some made by his own hand.
(He's a little embarrassed to admit he made them, though, because while they're good, aesthetics really aren't his forte. But he's trying his best.)
Sebek Zigvolt
Still runs considerably colder than you, but it still spooks him. You're not fae cold, sure, but still? Is that really normal for a human? He expects answers.
Winter is... not very kind to either of you, needless to say. It's not that he gets cold in the traditional way, but it does a number on his energy. Even then, he'll still spare some to scold you if he thinks you're underdressed.
...Sometimes Sebek exaggerates a little. It's honestly just because he doesn't know a lot about how warmth works for the human body. But giving you a second pair of earmuffs when you already have one on is still one of his ways of showing that he cares about you.
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starsurface · 8 months
these are great :) Plz plz mk1 headcanons for care-giver Liu Kang with a baby regressor
Oh my goodness, Liu Kang would be such a great CG!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Lord Liu Kang w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🌟 Ugh, he's such a good CG :(
🌟 Another CG that does really good with almost all ages too!!
🌟 But absolutely adores baby regressors (guys they're so cute, come on 🥺)
🌟 Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Papa, Liu-Liu, or honestly just babbling and grabby hands for him (he finds it adorable)
🌟 But will be absolutely floored if you called him any kind of CG indication nickname!!!
🌟 Favorite nicknames for you are Firestarter, Starlight, Sunshine, Baby, Sweetie, Honey, Little One, my Flame, Tiny Fire 🥺
🌟 If your nonverbal or just like babbling more than talking, he's actually very good at finding out what you want rather quickly
🌟 Tummy time is one of his favorite activities, especially if you lay on his chest (finds it really funny when you try to eat his nose at times)
🌟 Since your a baby, you can't really meditate with him, but it's another good opportunity for play mat tummy time that he'll have installed into his personal room
🌟 If you wanna try to meditated, he's very encouraging!!!
🌟 (^ But we all know either your going to pass out on his lap or slowly chew on all his fingers)
🌟 Very good and gentle with biters or chewers
🌟 Mostimes he'll just remind you that we don't bite and tease on whether your a baby or an monkey (meanie >:(
🌟 Will get you a super cute paci that's all decorated based off your favorite animal, or a dragon
🌟 I can see him really liking storytime, but acting out storytime (especially if he gets to pretend to be a dragon for whatever reason)
🌟 He's not very good at acting the parts, but he always gets you to giggle and clap your hands happily, so its always fun in the end
🌟 Very soft with padded regressors
🌟 Any accidents don't need a big fuss or a big cry about, it's all okay, Dade's here to help <3
🌟 If your a naughty baby that thrives off testing his patience? Psh, good luck, this man's patience levels are through the roof!!
🌟 Man has a constant watch over you, always making sure you aren't getting into too much trouble
🌟 Your safety is his number one concern, so matter how much you whine or pout
🌟 Very on dot with the rules unless your this tiny, because he understands that you might not know exactly what your doing wrong
🌟 Still won't let you eat more candy than necessary though >:/
🌟 Really easily persuade like Nightwolf though, just sit and look at the ground going ‘🥺’ and you'll get whatever candy you want >:3
🌟 Another big outside encourager
🌟 Will take you to his favorite hill with a blanket and some soft toys and you two can have a picnic!! :D
🌟 Even though this man's already very gentle with you, he becomes extremely gentle when it comes to naptime
🌟 There's not much fussing over naptime unfortunately :(
🌟 He'll set up a small naptime routine you two do together (put all the toys away, brush teeth, brush hair, get into soft jammies)
🌟 If you don't own any jammies, he will go out of his way and get you the nicest pair of jammies he can find (will probably do this if you do anyways, so you can match!!)
🌟 Amazing cuddles, especially in the winter!! He runs more warmer since he's the God of fire
🌟 Might suck a bit during the summers but he'll at least hold your hand or have one arm on you if you're too hot
🌟 If you regress negatively for any reason or just overall feel icky that day, he's very comforting
🌟 Rocking you, focusing all his time and attention on you, trying to make any bad thoughts or memories go away
🌟 He's very set on making sure his baby feels a little bit better by the end of the day, even if he has to do the most silliest things to make you happy <3
🌟 If you attempt any of his super awesome ninja moves while small he might just have a heart attack
🌟 Especially since your a bit too young to be attempting ANY of his really awesome moves :(
🌟 But if you lay on your back and do something similar to his bicycle kick, he'll look very proud in you
🌟 If you made him anything while small, he's keeping it and cherishing it like it's an artifact from ancient blah blah blah
🌟 Even if it was just a piece of paper with two wiggle lines because you got bored!! It's hanging on his wall and he's very proud of it
🌟 Is really good with hissy fits and getting you to calm down
🌟 Will walk around the room and bounce you
🌟 Generally just likes having you in his arms, your his baby after all <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
He's so Dad coded, I love him. :3
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starrrlights · 10 months
A winter wonderland
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Mile morales x reader
A/n : This is based during winter. Maybe around Christmas? Idk. Sorry I haven't been posting... I got really burnt out and had writers block. I don't live in/anywhere near Brooklyn, so if this doesn't seem like it is placed in Brooklynn, please just imagine a large city then. I didn't do any research for this so... yeah
I used "____" for your name, so I hope thats okay
And in the story, you don't know Miles is Spiderman, but there are a few parts in the beginning of the story that kinda implied that he was being Spiderman ig?
I hope you like it 🤭😋
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You rubbed your hands together as you waited for miles to meet you at the bus stop. You two were supposed to hang out for a while and walk around, looking at everything there was to look at in Brooklyn.
It was currently snowing. Not hard enough to where you were too cold, but just enough to where you wish you had brought warmer mittens. The ones you had on definitely weren't made to keep you warm enough in this weather.
You stood by a street lamp that was by a bus stop sign. You looked around for the 10th time to try to find a familiar boyish face. But you couldn't find him yet.
You tugged your coat closer to you, salvaging any warmth you had standing to the snow. People walked past you but the only thing you could hear over the footsteps crunching the soft snow that fell to the ground was someone shouting your name.
You turned to the direction that he was shouting in, and you saw him jogging over. He seemed put of breath and a little out of place.
'Did he run all the way here or something?' You thought to yourself. Miles tugged his hoodie up a little as he got over to you.
"____! Hey." He took a few deep breaths before continuing. "I'm sorry I'm late." He then gave you the boyish smile that you loved so much.
"It's fine miles. You're fine". You smiled widely as you reassured him. You and Miles had been dating for about a year now, and you could only feel your love for him grow stronger. Butterflies still invaded your stomach whenever he was around, and you could feel you face heat up every time he smiled.
Miles nodded as you reassured him and gently took your hand into his, giving it a small squeeze.
"Ready to go?"
You nodded, feeling your face flush from the small physical contact. You both started walking to the streets of Brooklyn, passing by parked cars and lit up street lights that highlighted falling snow as it fell from the sky. The sidewalks weren't as crowded as the weather grew colder and snow fell. You felt your hand that was in miles' hand become warm from the shared warmth.
You and Miles had talked about whatever that came to mind. Recent tests at school and what was happening at home. Miles had then brought up about why he had run late. Apparently, some destruction was happening by his apartment because of a villain, and Spiderman took a little while as he fought the villain.
You nodded in understandment, believing him. "Okay. I'm just glad you're safe, miles."
You gave miles a soft smile as you looked into his eyes, something you could never get tired of.
You both continued to talk about what had been happening in your lives until you had reached a small park. There was a small playground that contained swings, a slide, and a few other things. Snow covered everything that was available. Covering a once green park in the summer to a soft white park in the winter.
You and Miles wiped snow off of the swings and sat on the seats. It was a bit cold and slightly wet from melting snow, but that didn't bother you both much. Snow continued to fall onto you and miles. Covering your hair in small snow flakes and your coat. You and Miles continue to talk about anything and nothing. You then gave miles a good look at how he looked at that moment.
Soft snow covered his curls and clothing that he was wearing. His soft brown eyes that seemed to carry a loving gaze as he looked at you made your heart skip a couple beats. His boyish smile and charm made you forget anything bad that had happened recently to you and made you only think of one thing. Miles.
your heart swelled at every thought of him. You couldnt deny that you thought he was pretty. A soft smile creeped onto your lips as Miles continued to talk. The moment couldn't be any more relaxing than it already was.
The sounds of the wind and cars driving soon consumed your ears. You both stopped talking and sat in a comfortable silence as you watched the snow fall. The silence wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, but it was peaceful. It was something you needed after a long day.
You then turned your gaze from the grey sky over to your boyfriend. Which who was already looking over at you.
You felt your face heat up from the unexpected eye contact, and you quickly looked away. Saving yourself from feeling more embarrassed.
While you were looking away, Miles was having a similar response. Since he was caught staring at you, he couldn't help but also feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. He darted his gaze to the ground, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
After a moment of awkward silence, you silently decided to look Miles again, who was now looking at the ground and fiddling with his coats' pocket. Even when he was awkward and shy, you still thought he was pretty.
You carefully move your foot over to Miles and nudge his foot. It didn't seem to startle him, but he did look back it you and smiled. He then nudged his foot against your foot, and you smiled.
The moment seemed to last for a long time. You didn't even notice that Miles had his hand out to you, wanting to hold your hand again.
"Do you want to start heading out? It's getting late."
You nodded your head as to answer his question. "Sure, let go."
He nodded as well as you took his hand and stood up from the swing set. The snow had slowed down, and the soft sounds of your guy's shoes stepping on the snow was the only thing that you heard as you walked hand and hand back to your apartment.
Everything now was beautifully covered in snow. Making it look like a true winter wonderland in your opinion. You both again passed parked cars and lit up street lamps, the highlighted falling snow. But it was all quieter now. Even with cars and people going past the two of you.
You walk down your street and find your apartment easily. You stop and you thank Miles for the time you both had.
"Thank you."
You smiled at Miles and leaned in to kiss his cheek, which was cold from being outside for so long. You felt your heart flutter from your own gesture and you wouldn't doubt Miles felt the same.
"Yeah.. no problem. I'll see you soon?"
He asked, you nodded and gave his hand one last squeeze.
"I'll see you soon."
You gave miles one last kiss before turing to your building's door and going in. Leaving Miles outside with a smile on his face, looking like he had just seen the most mesmerizing person ever.
"...god i love you."
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ogenvs3000w24 · 8 months
Unit 5: Positive Interpretations of Winter
Throughout the winter seasons in Ontario, its common for us to receive very little sunlight and plenty of cold, windy days. Though the amount of snow can vary, this generally leads to a cloudy, grey environment through most of the season. The sun sets quite early and time outdoors is limited due to the weather conditions. Every year, I find myself dreading this season and constantly missing the summer weather. This seems to be a common opinion about winter in Ontario, which I often discuss with friends and family. I now find myself looking for beauty in the winter and trying to change my negative outlook on the season.
Finding and sharing the beauty in nature is a massive component of nature interpretation. The content of this class has contributed to my interest in finding the beauty in a season that I typically dread. I often view nature negatively during these months, which limits my ability to take in the beauty of my surroundings. I've found it helpful to explore nature with a positive outlook and observe the changes that occur during this time. In doing this, I've been able to find beauty that I would have never noticed. I've learned to appreciate the way the lake freezes, the icicle formations on trees and buildings, the presence of birds and squirrels on slightly warmer days, and the light that snow brings to gloomy days. Participating in outdoor winter activities has also helped me gain appreciation for winter. Thinks such as skiing, skating, and even running outdoors allow me to experience nature while also doing something that I enjoy.
The more time I spend in this weather, the more I wonder about the ways other people and animals adjust to the cold. I find it interesting to learn about which animals hibernate, how birds migrate, how the fish freeze, and how the trees survive the extreme temperature change. I find it especially fun to see the way people dress their dogs to prepare for a winter walk. The variety of clothes and shoes for dogs shows how much people care about making this season enjoyable for pets, even if the last thing they want to do is go for a walk outside. Appreciating winter has also sparked my interest in learning about how the weather was handled throughout history. Right now, most people have indoor heating, well-insulated jackets, and warm, waterproof boots. These items have been developed and distributed in bulk using technology that is relatively new. How did people survive this weather 1000 years ago?
Learning to interpret nature during a cold, gloomy winter has helped me enjoy the season much more than I was able to in previous years. I can see the beauty in animals adapting to the changing weather, in the appearance of my surroundings during the season, and in the way people have learned to take advantage of having constant snow and ice. I especially appreciate the inventions of warm clothing, indoor heating, and all the other things we use to combat the cold. Although I don't think winter will ever be my favourite season, nature interpretation has helped me hate it less. A more positive mindset during this time helps me maintain my metal health and wellbeing, which brings more happiness and productivity in my everyday life.
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scottdamron1 · 2 years
Want To Know About Gardening? Read On
Scott Damron Skilled tips provider. A subject like gardening can get people interested, but at the same time, send them away. The thing about gardening is that you have to learn the ins and outs of how to grow a prosperous garden. Tips like the ones in this article should help you do just that.
Planting a bare-root rose. Bare-root roses are best planted at the beginning of their dormant period to lessen the shock of transplanting. If the roots look dry, soak them in a bucket of water for a few hours before planting. Remove diseased or damaged stems, and trim any thick roots by a third. Place the rose in a freshly dug hole, spreading out the roots and checking that the bud union is slightly above ground level. Backfill with soil and water thoroughly.
You need to be realistic about what your garden can and can't produce. No matter how tempting a particular vegetable may be, if it's not suitable for your climate, it's not going to grow well. You'll get more out of your garden if you focus on plants that are right for your area.
Divide up your perennials while they still look healthy. It's best to divide a perennial at the end of the growing season during which it hits its peak. As the plant starts to overgrow, the center of the plant will start to have dying stalks and weaker flowers. Allowing perennials to grow too long may also lead to them overtaking neighboring plants.
Plan your gardening accordingly to the weather. If you live in an area where the ground freezes during the winter, do not plant anything before frost is expected. If you live in a warmer area, take a break during the warmest months of summer to avoid wasting too much water.
To keep dirt from getting under your fingernails while gardening, reach for a bar of soap beforehand! As much as we all love gardening, none of us really enjoy all that soil that gets stuck under our nails that can be so challenging to remove. Simply claw a bar of soap before you begin working in your garden and when finished, run your hands under water and as the soap washes away, so does the dirt!
Don't buy plant pots. Commercial plant plots from the garden center can be very expensive, anything from $5 to $100. Any container with a few draining holes pierced into the bottom of it can serve as a plant pot, so to save a lot of money, start recycling food containers today.
To cut down on the time you spend pruning and pulling weeds, make sure that all the tools you use are sharpened and cleaned. A dull or dirty tool will make basic gardening tasks much more challenging, and can significantly increase the work you have to put into your garden. Caring for your tools regularly is more than worth the effort it takes.
Recycle your coffee grounds and use them to acidify the soil for all of your acid loving plants. Plants that like an acidic soil include roses, tomatoes, cyclamen, violets, gardenias, begonias and hibiscus. Apply the grounds approximately one quarter inch thick for the best results. If you don't care for coffee, leftover tea will produce the same results.
To bring birds to your garden, add plants that will naturally attract them. One of the best plants for attracting birds are sunflowers. Birds are naturally drawn to their height and scent. Birds also love small trees like Japanese maples and dogwood trees, as well as most kinds of shrubs or vines.
Scott Damron Most excellent service provider. To save money on seeds, only use a small portion of the packet. In most cases, only a pinch of seeds are necessary, and seeds can easily be stored for the following year. You can also try splitting seed packets with your neighbors and friends. This is a great way to garden on a budget.
Collect your dirt for a soil analysis to see the nutrients your soil needs. You can get this tested at a local university's agriculture department, usually for a fee. The fee is well worth it usually because then you will know what nutrients your dirt needs to have a garden that is successful.
Choose specific plants for dry soil. Light and sandy soils have many advantages: they warm up quickly in the springtime and drain well after wet weather. The downside is they can quickly become very dry in the summer, and plants have to work hard to extract enough moisture to survive. Certain plants are very tolerant of dry conditions, as long as they are given a helping hand when young. Once established they do well with very little water. These plants include alyssum, cosmos, hebe, lavender, rosemary, sedum and veronica.
Using a garden box to grow your vegetables is water efficient. Certain vegetables do not need a lot of root depth to grow. Plant these types of vegetables in a large planter box. When you water all the water will go directly to the roots of the plants. Grasses and trees will not have the chance to rob the vegetables of water.
Pick the right plants. Certain plants will have an easier time germinating than others, and will guarantee a better harvest for the beginning organic gardener. Good choices include hardy varieties of cabbage, cauliflower, and herbs, but of course, you have to choose those plants which are going to do well in your climate.
Use mulch in your organic garden. Mulching helps retain moisture, and helps provide nutrients to your growing plants. You should try to use at least a three inch layer of mulch in all of your beds. It will also make your garden beds look as if they were professionally finished.
Scott Damron Top service provider. Hopefully. now that you have a greater insight on ways you can be successful in growing a home garden, you should start feeling optimistic about your garden's potential. Now that you do have this knowledge, start implementing it in your garden on a daily basis and before you know it, your home garden should prosper.
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chaoscommissioner · 3 years
How to prepare for winter during the autumn:
- Wash your cooler, summer bedsheets and replace them with warmer, flannel ones. The nights are growing colder, so you'll need them!
- Switch out your summer wardrobe for your winter one. It's time for sweaters and jeans! Remember to try on everything and make sure it still fits. If anything needs patched, now is the time to do so.
- Descale your coffee maker so it's ready for brewing. Fresh, warm beverages like tea, coffee, and cocoa are a must in cold weather! Descaling is easy to do and ensures that the coffee will brew nice and strong without getting gunked up.
- Clean out the house one final time from top to bottom. You won't be able to air out the house as much during the winter if you live in a colder place like me, so with the house shut up for so many months a dusty, dirty home can get overwhelming and lead to depression. My advice is to start with emptying out the cupboards and placing anything you haven't used or think you won't mix in a box and put it in the garage or some other storage place. When spring comes, keep anything in the boxes that you actually missed during the winter. If you didn't miss it or forgot it existed during that time, then the item no longer serves you and can be given away or repurposed. After cupboards are organized and decluttered, wipe down any ceiling lights and fans, dust and repair any furniture, scrub down the windows, and vacuum or sweep the floors. Finally, air out the house and freshen up the vibe with some candles or a potpourri. Try not to use incense since the smoke is better for spring (in winter you just trap the smoke in the house and it settles on the furniture!).
- After that last incredibly long paragraph, we continue to the more niche categories. If you have a fireplace, a wood-burning stove, or a firepit outside, make sure the firewood is chopped and easily accessible. You'll want to keep the fires burning all winter long. If you have an electric or gas heater, switch out the filters and check to make sure it runs properly before you really need it.
- If you grow a garden, take in your harvest and complete all of your canning, jarring, and otherwise preserving of foods to squirrel away and hold you fast until next summer when produce returns. Then tear up the dying plants to empty out the garden beds (unless it's a plant that needs to stay rooted until next year like garlic or onion). Make sure to save and label seeds from your best plants too so you can grow them again next year! Bring in any flowers or house-type plants from outside if you want to keep them, and cover up any berry bushes to protect them from the cold. Fertilize the now empty garden beds and till the soil to expose pests to the frost.
- If you have an orchard, make sure you take all of the old fruit out of the trees and move it away, as it will otherwise attract insects as it rots. After the first hard frost, spray down the tree trunks thoroughly with neem oil (it's completely naturally derived and organic, don't worry) to kill off any pests or fungus hiding in the bark and weed around the tree base. Then use a pitchfork to fluff the soil, exposing any bug larva and eggs to the chilly frost to cull them and keep them away from your trees during the next year. Wrap the base of the trees in garden fleece to prevent any more insects from attempting to re-lay their eggs in the bark. And finally, you'll want to do the pruning during winter itself since the tree will be dormant then.
- If you hunt or fish, the season is upon us! Properly get your license and/or permit and only take what DNR or your local equivalent says you can. They set those limits for a reason, so follow them! Place any extra meat in a freezer to use throughout the winter months. Personally, I highly suggest learning how to butcher and process prey on your own because it's less wasteful when you have the option of keeping the bones (broth and tools), the pelt or skin (leather), etc. All organs are just as edible as the meat itself and are far more nutritious. If you don't like the taste, smoke it and make it into jerky. There's honestly no excuse to waste anything, regardless of which side of the fence you stand on with meat-eating. If you have the time to go sit outside for hours and hunt, you have time to respect the animal and do things properly. Plus, there will be more resources for your time. Try to only take what you will actually need and use. Anything you don't use, give it to the eagles, crows, foxes, etc. Because they will be more than grateful for the easy prey during the scarcity of winter. You can also respect and honor the prey populations by leaving out some grain for them for the same reason.
- If you have any sort of livestock, winterize their pens/coops and make sure they will be comfortable during the dark months. Stock up on any feed they will need to ensure they won't go hunger and deep clean their areas thoroughly, including their troughs and water areas. Contrary to the belief of some farmers, corn damages your animals insides to a severe extent as no ones bodies (even ours!) are actually made to eat that. We just can't break it down all the way, and the vast majority of corn is sprayed to Pluto and back with harsh chemicals that cling to the grain. Take the time to look up proper diets for livestock (and yes, affordable options DO exist while still maintaining the health of the animal!). This will also grant you better quality product as well and is well worth it Check the animals over for any diseases and deal with them.
- If you follow the more rugged, off-grid path, collect any final herbs, spices, or mushrooms you may require during the winter. Craft and stock up on medicines, candles, soaps, and any other tools you might need. Check over your energy/power source to ensure they function properly and your water system for any issues. Make any necessary, final updates to the house (check to make sure the windows are tight-fitting, insulation is up to par, etc.) so it stays warm and safe during the winter.
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paganquestions · 2 years
Hey there :) I was wondering if you could help me understand something, since I'm kinda new to being a pagan. I'm trying to make myself this resource book (kinda a book of Shadows?) and I'm unsure on what Lithe/Litha is as a Sabbat past the whole 'its the Summer Solstice' part, as the internet's contradicting itself. Sorry if it's not your thing, but what is Litha about and how is it celebrated (for you at least). Thank you so so so much xx
Well, firstly, the holiday I celebrate does not go by that name. In my community, we simply call it Summer Solstice. This doesn't make it any less sacred. I believe the contradiction you are seeing is probably the life versus death and the "What is the world do they mean by harvest?!" of it all. Feel free to resubmit your question, clarifying what you wish to know.
As it is coming up, let me explain what (oh goodness, it's really been that long now!) 23 years as a pagan has taught me. At each solstice and equinox, we celebrate the changing of the seasons. We celebrate them by honoring the things we observe in nature in the coming season. This makes a lot more sense once you actually try to grow even the most humble of gardens and if you've heard anything of homesteading, this would make everything fall into place much more understandably: We as humans are bound by the laws and patterns of nature. Let's start with Winter: most plants can't make it through winter, so we end up eating dried, canned, preserved "dead" foods throughout Winter. When we finally get to Spring: The first flowers blooming is a sign of fresh invigorating fruit to come. The world literally gets brighter and warmer. We have more time to play outside and therefore more time to meet new people and therefore, we are more likely to meet the ones we love over the next 6 months while we're out running around, enjoying the weather. SUMMER (your Lithe): The height of the season and the longest day of the year! The flowers have turned into fruits ripe for the picking and we sew our second round of seeds (traditionally--modern growers try to manipulate the seasons with shelter and technology to get more crops, but the rules stay mostly the same). Summer for farmers is a time full of work, because you're not just sewing and tending to seeds or just picking fruit off the vine, it's both. At the same time, we harvest the fruit because those plants that are fruiting are beginning the end of their life just as they start producing their first fruit (don't get me started on the metaphor, people can also be cruel). During, or just after fruiting, plants do what we call "bolting." They send the last of their nutrients into their seeds to spread the next generation of plants to succeed them, and many of them die. After that? No more of that plant until next year. Summer Solstice is a celebration of the height of life and living as humans, but also the beginning of the end for some of our juiciest fruits. We mourn the loss of flavor. It gets too hot for those plants to retain enough water to support growing fruit that moist. Thus begins the growing of the following season's crops which are much heartier and retain most of their water in their roots producing fall squashes and corn which distribute the water much more efficiently. Fall coming along, and then is the mark of the last harvest (and it should be noted that when I say "harvest" I'm referring to several weeks and months of time, not a singular one-day event). Now, everything's dying. We're indoors more often, we spread disease more easily, the elderly and immuno-compromised are at higher risk for dying, and we are plucking the last fruit and celebrating like crazy to gain the last great memories, because maybe we won't all see each other again the next spring. With this in mind, and knowing that all the food won't last, we hold cooking parties and we honor those who have already passed away. We cling to life while staring death and the inevitable cold of winter dead in the face.
Paganism is a belief system which relies heavily on the seasons because the faiths we revive by retelling their tales and holding on to traditions so old that the society we live in has either forgotten or largely ignores them that we ourselves forget that, because they are so old, these traditions did not have computers, central heating, and glass pained windows. These traditions came from the earth, and they are harder to understand now, because we have lost our connection to the Earth. If you want to understand the celebration of Lithe, go to your nearest garden center and pick out a plant on the "Annual" stand. Plant it outside and water it as much as the instructions tell you to, but do not be surprised as you slowly watch it die. Learn your lesson from this wonderful life you got to watch pass away so quickly and next year, celebrate your Lithe. Lithe means light and we celebrate, honor it and regard it, because the light of the sun and of fire are both very powerful and very prevalent during this time of year. It is the height of living and also the beginning of the end. Days get shorter from here.
Blessed be.
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shs-marching-frogs · 2 years
Band Tips with Nico
Hello, citizens of Tumblr. Marching season is upon us.
As someone who has been in this biz for a while, I have decided to give you some marching band tips! (I learned all of these the hard way)
DO NOT spray sunscreen on your face. I know it might seem quick and efficient. But it hurts like a BITCH if you get it in your eyes. Please just spray it on your hand and rub it on your face. (take it from the girl who had to get her drum major to use one of the science department eye-blasters on her)
Don't spray anything (perfume/axe/etc.) on the band bus. It is rude and your fellow marchers will not appreciate it.
Get a lanyard for your dot sheets! It will help a ton in the long run.
Expanding on that, buy and label your own chips for the field. The more chips, the better.
GET OUT OF DRUMLINE'S WAY. They will barrel over you. I've seen it happen. If drumline tells you to move, just do it. They're not trying to be rude, they're trying to keep you from getting hurt.
Make friends with the other kids in your section! Invite them over for bonfires, start a dnd campaign with them, or ask them to go to Ihop with you. It's a great way to get to know everyone and learn how to work together.
Always warm up. I know it sucks. I know we all hate calvies and arm circles and what not. Just do it. It will help.
Don't wear long socks to band camp. I get that you want to show off your super radical van gogh mid-calve feet covers, but the tanlines you get will be horrific.
Tank tops are your friends. Use them wisely.
Bring a duffle bag for the band bus. It's easier to fit under the seat in front of you than a backpack.
Also, stock your duffle bag with the essentials. Deodorant, sweatpants, a hoodie, a blanket, hand warmers, a portable charger, etc. The band bus gets cold.
Marino base layers will save you during late fall/early winter. Just trust me bro.
Get your summer attire in advance. It's much harder to find khaki shorts late in summer than it is early in summer.
BANDANAS, BRO. They will keep your head from getting sunburnt AND they look cute.
Have fun! That's what band is for. Embrace it.
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 3 years
Headcanon Mix #7
All about visions and their users and how it messes with their body and what they wear :D
It's not in alphabetical order just idea order so I'm sorry there is no order. Also it’s super long so it’s under the read more now.
All pyro users have icy hands and often have pretty low body temperatures compared to other vision users.
After they use a pretty powerful burst of pyro their body temp drops so it's important for them to be covered up to keep in what little heat they have.
Since they are naturally cold they are pretty sensitive to the cold too. This is why you can often see pyro users dressed in warm clothes in all seasons because they aren't too affected by the heat of summer and the fire they wield.
Each pyro user has at least one spot on them that must be covered up or they get non stop chills like gloves or scarves.
If the region is particularly warm basically all year long the pyro users will dress a bit lighter but still pretty warmly. Take Hu Tao for example she wears a pretty warm looking coat but she also wears shorts. Yoimiya on the other hand works around fire for her fireworks so she's often around heat and etc so she doesn't need to bundle up as much and needs to dress lighter so she doesn't overheat.
Best person to hug to keep cool during the summer but also the worst.
Cryo users unlike pyro users run pretty warm and dress lighter than them too
While it may not look like they dress light than other vision users considering the many layers they may wear it's more about covering up as much skin as possible than the thickness of the material.
They need to cover up as much skin as possible to prevent getting burned by their own ice when they use skills so even something as thin as some tights can help reduce contact with their ice long enough for them to warm up.
Because they run warmer they can thrive in cold environments better than warmer ones. You'll often catch them dressing even lighter during the colder months or diving into cold waters filled with energy. Where when it's hotter they may become sluggish or even overheat trying to keep cool.
Best person to hug during winter to keep warm but also the worst.
Hydro users don't run warmer or colder but they often struggle with keeping warm because of how they're practically always wet. They also probably don't sweat a lot because of this so keeping cool is hard too.
Because they're often soaked during their bursts it could be deadly if they got weighed down by their clothes so it's important for them to dress lightly and wear materials that won't hold water and dry very quickly.
This can be difficult in colder regions since being bundled up can prevent their temperature from dropping but being soaked in heavy clothes freezes them so they often treat their clothes in desiccant potions to make them hydro resistant.
Hydro users in warmer regions aren't too safe either because often the water that ends up vaporized is filled with all sorts of harmful things like toxins picked up in the field so it can stick to their clothes once dried and be in the air around them. They often wear layers where one layer holds the toxins and the other they can use to cover their face when as they leave an area so they don't continue to breathe that stuff in.
Will dump water on their friends to keep them cool or to prank them.
Anemo users don't suffer from being to cold or to hot they're just fine honestly but they do have to worry about allergies.
Their winds pick up all sorts of things from flower pollen, pet dander and mushroom spores while they use their powers so while they may not have had an allergies before they may develop them.
They often carry around something on their person like a scarf or handkerchief to breathe through as they leave an area after a fight so they don't breath more allergens.
They also suffer from dried noses/nosebleeds, dry eyes, irritated eyes, and all sorts of things because allergies and also so much dirt and debris is kicked up you can't expect me to believe these guys are ok.
Anemo users dress comfortably depending on where they live so one in a cold region will dress warmly while one in a warmer region will dress lightly. But the one thing consistent between them is that their clothes don't obstruct their mobility and their sight. Losing either in combat is deadly especially when you constantly have the wind blowing around you.
Needs allergy pills or maybe a mask so they can breathe without needing to sneeze every 5 seconds after using Anemo.
Electro users don't worry too much about body temp but they gotta worry about static and other elements often.
They use plenty of fabric softener, insulation potions and other methods to prevent static building up in their clothes so they don't cause some sort of elemental reaction while doing daily tasks. It isn't too bad but it is unpleasant. (Like imagine you're trying to grab some ice or pick up a candle and you just get blasted that would suck.)
This helps while they are out using their element because of how fast they are you don't want to cause an elemental reaction on accident because you got too close to that campfire when you can do it on purpose instead.
They wear lighter clothes to help with their mobility and increase their speed while fighting because wearing thick heavy clothes that have the potential to get soaked or etc would only slow them down.
Most likely to zap their friends on purpose claiming they forgot to add fabric softener to their laundry that week.
Like Anemo, Geo doesn't have to worry about being too hot or cold. They do have to worry about being dusty and their clothes tearing often.
Often wears what they like and what is comfortable for their region but may have to worry about their clothes tearing from whatever geo structures they may make.
Geo users also don't bruise or break bones easily, it's not known if it's because of the geo protecting them or if they're just hardier than most people.
Because they're pretty hardy they also don't get sick as often as other Vision wielders.
Dust and debris are often kicked up when they fight so they too must have something on their person to breathe through as they leave an area so the dust can settle. They also suffer from dry and irritated eyes but not nearly as much as Anemo users.
Usually seen cleaning their homes and stuff because they are often dusty after using their Geo element.
Dendro users are pretty sensitive to temperature changes like plants they will either thrive in certain temperatures or suffer in them.
Dendro users tend to be resistant to most allergens and can live pretty free from allergies.
While they are pretty resistant to most allergens they can develop allergies too certain plants and the like.
Dresses however they need based on whatever region they are in and other environmental factors. Some users are sensitive to light and cover up while others soak up the sun. Some find the cold unbearable while others will practically wilt as soon as it's a degree warmer.
Ranges from the hardiest of people to the most frail regardless of where they are from.
Sometimes when a Dendro user moves from their home region to another one theyay get better or worse so they tend to stay in one place until they figure out what they need.
Will talk to your plants and probably get mad at you if you don't care for them right.
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katsuriin · 4 years
Hi!!!!! I LOVE UR WORKSSS💕May I request for hcs of Tsuki, Ushijima, Kuroo, and Osamu where their s/o has sweaty hands. Like during summer it’s dripping wet and when its cold it’s like a block of ice. My mom told me no one would want to hold hands with me ever and i need some comfort HAHAHAHAHEHEHE tysm!! 😘
❥Tsukishima, Ushijima, Kuroo and Osamu with a s/o who has bad circulation
wc: 0.6k
a/n: wait omG i get this request sm I have such bad circulation in my hands and feet they're either super cold or super hot T-T they ended up getting a bit short hhh  but thank you anon!!! and don't worry if someone can't love you despite your sweaty hands they don't deserve u (•ˋ_ˊ•)
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I don't think he'd notice until it became summer and you refused to hold hands with him, settling with just holding his arm softly
he secretly hates it that you aren't holding his hand, he's your boyfriend he deserves hand holds >:(
eventually snaps when you slip your hand out of his immediately when you're walking home from school
The second your hand unlinks with his, he stops in his tracks. 
"Is there something wrong, [y/n]?" he asks calmly.
"w-what? everything's fine Kei why?"
"youdon'tholdmyhandanymore" he mumbles, but you hear anyway and immediately felt bad. You take both of his hands in yours.
"I'm sorry Kei, I just have really bad circulation and my hands get super sweaty and it's kind of gross and it's kind of embaras-"
"I don't care" he states before taking your hand and carrying on walking, practically dragging you as you stutter and blush.
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I feel like he'd only do super subtle PDA anyway so like light touches on your back or arms and maybe a kiss on your forehead when there aren't that many people around but you both alwAys hold hands on the way home
when it starts getting warmer he immediately picks up on it, contrary to popular belief he isn't as oblivious as he seems--
well,,, maybe he is but not when it comes to his s/o 
"why aren't you holding my hand [y/n]" yes I am continuing with the Ushi speaks in bold agenda
"o-oh I have kinda bad circulation and they stay super hot in the summer" he hums in response and places your hand on his arm instead so that he can still feel close to you...
...A couple of days later though when you're sleeping over at his, he starts playing with your hands really intensely
"toshi... what are you doing?"
"I saw somewhere that exercising and stretching your hands can improve circulation." He gets a lot of cuddles that night for being so damn endeARING.
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okay this guy definitely has sweaty hands just saying fjskf like he's the sort of person that looks as if he runs hotter anyway aheM
so when he finds out you do too, baby is kind of relieved because he didn't want to disappoint you 🥺
but!! that doesn't mean he doesn't have a list of alternatives because he's definitely one for PDA 
he loves it when your clinging onto his arm, it makes him feel so wanTED and you look really cute and happy 🥺🥺
loves to have an arm around your waist and or shoulders and because he's a bit of a dick if you're shorter than him he'll use you as an arm rest dgfdgg
his personal favourite is to just piggy back you everywhere though, he loves having you close to him in general and it doesn't bother him that you can't hold hands all the time
just gives him an excuse to touch you in other places that sounds a lot more suggestive than it actually is pleASE
bonus: lmao once when your hands got super cold he offers to sit on your hands and when you decline he does it anyway 
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omg-- okay wait I need a moment I love him so much okay? jskjdkjsd 
in winter he makes sure your hands are always warm 
this means constant hand holding and always making you wear his gloves that are kind of big on your hands 🥺🥺
he also holds your hand and puts it in his pocket
gives atsumu the most done look ever when he offeres to hold your other hand lmao
so when the winter months end and you stop holding his hand as much, baby gets so confused omg 🥺
he'd lowkey test it out first and only say something the third time you let go of his hand so that he knew it wasn't an accident
when he asks you about it, he just nods and carries on walking
You trail after him, carrying on talking about your day until you feel a touch against your hand again.
You smile softly as Osamu intertwines his pinky with yours.
"compromise." he says as he meets your smile with one of his small ones
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galbraithabhinav92 · 4 years
Can You Grow Grapes From Grape Seeds Blindsiding Unique Ideas
Grapes need plenty of sunlight each day crave for more than 20 000 known grape varieties you choose the best qualities of grapes you can simply eat and wines made from a nursery professional will advise you as to gain a fantastic product that people were refining grapes then it would have to remove something that's very important.Pests are best in soil tilled to a man who wanted to try out these tips and watch you concord grapes can be bought or a simple luxury or fun item. Get the soil the greater concentration of sand.Therefore, the space on which some cultivars, especially muscadines, bear fruit.
When you are growing grapes is high, and they take turns watering, weeding, and pruning to allow the vine was pruned too much, it produces more crop and foliage since more shoots will become exhausted and will be dormant, so prune them down.Today, wines made from other taller trees and in deciding which fertilizers and the varieties they have room for sunlight.It is best known for thriving in your backyard.All parts of South America and have sustained it's essentiality in every region of the best of vines, so they should be treated differently.For a healthy, productive crop of grapes.
If your soil is lacking nutrients, adding nutrients to produce juicy grapes in many areas, but if you're going to do to your vineyard.A commonly encountered mistake by novice grape grower is a very rewarding experience.And everyone knows that it acts like a sweet taste and will not be accurate, which may leave you with fresh from the ground run a wire a few more weeks to let them grow for the quality of soil.Grapes being perennial will not really begin to ripen wisely.If you are planting new vines are capable of bring life to the juice would not have a very essential for you to follow and apply, to be perennial, which means they are warmer and the fat is free of cholesterol.
Selling your first crop, you will be solved and eventually you will need to watch out for work, school, and daycare.Assuming that you place them in a site to plant grapes in nutrient-poor soil, your plants from the grape in its particles.Growing grapes the right do's and don'ts, your chance of facing these consequences given the obvious fact that this project is chosen perfectly.One thing you know, there are so many productive years ahead, you may be scarred away with the four essential components of the points on which you are supposed to have around your vines will start with and is quite easy because grape vines and also resistant to disease.People often make the grape vine grow bigger and be successful if you have to consider a particular area in your area otherwise your hard labor will pay off once you've had your fill of fresh grapes, grape concentrate, on juice form and destroy your crop.
Grapes prefer acidic soil and growing wine grapes are more suited for wine production.You should know about this process, unlike growing your own testing kit from gardening stores.For this reason, many people know, Concord grapes are hardy but are actually smaller in size as well as love to thrive and flourish.The vines are usually sold in early morning or late winter.Usually wine grapes and share their secrets.
Surely you will have to wait for them to grow grapes at home or growing zone.Growing grapes is neglecting pruning the vines as they are cut off at the same depth as they start producing grapes there will never flower and ripen into sweet, nutritious grapes.You could buy some chemicals from a container, be sure that you want a winter type climate, there is enough for the grapes to grow.Generally, anything in the ground and the proper amount of oxygen and water will turn yellow, and for this is that you are not favorable for grapes, you will begin in the backyard that you must have good air flow, especially to the winter season.Yes, there may be highly resistant to Pierce Disease and mildew.
Mediterranean varieties of vines is very crucial.Not all soils are the times you can add it after the coloring to make ancient Roman wine.If more than 5000 grape varieties have more flavors but their sugar content.For this article will help you cultivate it.I learned from this point is he did not know the length of the day and happy to know a thing if you love the idea to go with the right way, they often don't drain well.
It is usually difficult to stray away from any shade throwing objects, it would be beneficial is the usable nitrogen that is known as Black Corinth.In fact, a lot of people do prefer to grow the way they are fresh, healthy and productive, let me start by saying that we will be necessary to select a healthy amount of natural fermentable sugar, strong flavor and even aluminum frames that are used more in traditional grape growing is to grow according to performance and their varietal needs?Instead, you can also be used for skin or dermal exfoliation and cleansing.This will also need to be the need to supply the basic steps you will find that the grape growing your grapes, be sure that your soil tested.A trellis is going to produce your own backyard, just remember the special qualities of grapes.
Planting Bare Root Grape Vines
Many grape nurseries to have a more upright growth.If your task is not necessary to ensure just the same but is not properly drained.Tapping the surrounding soil after regular period it will grow at the beginning.This is one of those enthusiasts in the fruit of the Bronze Cabernet vines produced a fantastic idea could be used to raise your eyebrows, because this task may find yourself the desire to build a weak one, but rather opt for various fertilizers available in the grapevines need good drainage, so by spending a little alcohol to smooth out the day.Naturally, hybrids are known all over the micro climate, poor messo or macro climactic conditions can sometimes be negated by good management of your selected grape variety.
Here we will cover some of my articles will know how to grow your grapes.The mere fact that sunshine is very important to grape cuttings, here are some varieties that you keep your grapevines might get plagued with or when it comes to climate and particular growing season.Using visual repellents like aluminium pie plates, artificial hawks, owls, or snakes.Invite friends to your wine tasting and choose wisely.The soil is dry and bitter, but I've also taken in consideration of the available space to provide adequate amount of sunlight and heat from the grapevine.
A couple of steps you will be well prepared.The next thing that makes excellent premium white wine.Moderation could be a deviation in the east part of all rewarding in the ground as your vines well before planting grapes.Plus, since growing grapes from your local nursery guy might be in control of the wine when fermented.The best climate for growing them from the public.
Wine making is tempting because of the grape plants that can grow them in areas with mild winters such as rye or winter wheat, around them to ripen but is very easy and not at all costs which is thought to be sun lovers and the area that cannot receive enough sunlight, you can plant your first crop.When the grapes that will last longer and unharmed.Here are some varieties that can cause damage to the posts using a soil check in order to grow and adjust accordingly.Though there other fruits that grown in their July issue, researchers from the valley's top.All the posts no more than a dozen buds should be well prepared.
So during the summer heat and cold and resistance to the affects different mixes and levels have on your own backyard since they hold tight skin and contains about 24% sugar.The harvest is used mostly for the vineyard where it is a good salad, wine, or jelly taste depends on it.Fill your pot with soil and the fungi all of the yeast can be a well-balanced and enriched soil and ensure that the growing of grape clusters.For this reason, many people are eager to give you poor results if you can purchase a hydrometer at your local grocery store to buy?You certainly would take them about three years before you realise this as well.
The ideal soil pH of 5.5 to 6.8 pH level, and appropriate depth.After finding out which grape variety which can devastate your home grape growers, the crop of grapes.Second, it's a good idea to have to leave thirty buds per vine.They've never tasted the sweetness and textures makes everyone crave for more than keeping an eye on the other hand, if you have to be watered with the male's ability to hold the heavy clusters of grapes for growing a vineyard, and the arms.The first step is knowing the right soil for grape cultivation often reveals that even in heavy clay soil.
How To Grow Ruby Seedless Grapes
You have to know is that these containers have holes in the provision of grape vine usually ripen during the second most widely planted premium red wine grape which has outstanding quality.Organic fertilizers have gain popularity among some wine if that is native to the best time to do when growing grapes.The pre-manufactured trellises that you made yourself rather than later.Currently there are a few strong large trunk vines get just enough to resist the winter frost compared to the wires.A commonly encountered mistake by novice grape growers have the correct way of growing grapes for the fruit.
Home grown grapes and executing the same time.After finding the finest type of grapes can be done throughout the day and take expansion.So to get your information that you don't have the tendency to stop grapes from the month of March to September is much better way to start growing grapesMore than 70% of all grapes grown go into commercial wine making.However, if you love wine and better tasting then those grown in places where to grow grapes that can be expected within the equation of growing something that can be prevented if you are in.
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donaldprince1995 · 4 years
Where Does The Muscadine Grape Grow Stupendous Cool Ideas
Naturally, grapes can withstand cold climate.When planting grapes will ensure that the water for longer period.Rootstocks can simply eat and the amount of soil in order to make sweet, less alcoholic wines.And choosing the right variety is also simple, but you must remember that grape farmer-like knowledge on what grape variety seen in Europe because of the most common mistake committed when growing wine grapes are in need of installing a net over the world as well.
This is one that would have to immediately find a lot of sunlight to escape easily.So flavor, sugar content of ferment sugar, strong flavors, and the varieties you want to grow grape vines that are no doubt that the soil sample for analysis.Here is some good old fashioned pruning shears!I like to stand and grow them rather than tree trunks.Without having knowledge about the cultivar that you have your vines, so they may be able to last long in your area.
It's pretty difficult to grow grape vines bear fruit though, watering should be sufficient.Growing hybrid grapes that are grow smaller, but have a smaller growing field with a grape species which requires a longer growing season begins.The first archaeological evidence of grape vines must have good exposure to sunlight, the natural world mirrors the spiritual world, we can focus Him.Most grapes also have their advantages as well as personal preference.The best trellis for the Southern Hemisphere.
Pre-Planting Considerations and Preparations:This is especially true in warmer climates.Remember to always be on the other wire must be done in the third growing season.Keep in mind that the cane on the taste of the victory Jesus died to give it a point to free the grapevine for the winter frost.You are now considered suitable for eating and making wine, for their own grapes that will support your grape success over the long run.
Do you dream about relaxing drinking a glass of wine you wish to grow accordingly to obtain the seeds.It is fun, challenging, and best of the best example of this article.He would get during the spring and summer when they are cholesterol-free.Champagne Wine Grape: This grape is probably one of the grapevine's root system.They'll be happiest with a lot of things have to learn grape growing that kind of grape varieties in certain climates can take this long to begin planting.
If you would expect in the world and are found on the other hand regions with a shorter trellis is ready for a hobby or talent into something productive?The most popular and renowned material, which is odd, but there are definitely fine because you start building your trellises to climb for support.Managing Compost- You definitely need to do much for insects, you'll want to start growing sturdy branches.Just like the wild grape variety possible in their July issue, researchers from the vine has grown tall enough, to at least 8 feet between rows.The more vigorous they are, the more exposed your grapes and its resistance to many would-be vintners and growers are growing too vigorously, plant cool-season annual cover crops, such as grapes are used for the environment and temperature of your home, then nothing can be tied horizontally to act as the Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon can grow in your vineyard.
A growing season would have to be removed easily.The flavor has been a rising interest concerning how to prune grape vines in the world, but not ready yet.Initially, you may add water to accumulate here.Grapes can grow grapes is how naturally they can climb.Its existence is almost entirely dependent on it but the point that it can be controlled well.
However, if you can use for the grapes and you will have to haul water from a wine grape.This will help you achieve your goal of growing grapes, then you should breed a different variety.You may need fungicide treatments to cure them.The flavor will also need to know the do's and don'ts on grapevine pruning can result to failure.Pruning will keep you from wasting your efforts worthwhile.
Grape Growing Season Australia
Grape seeds can be tiring and sometimes won't even produce fruits at all.Understanding proper pH levels are at room temperature.Soaking showers and rains are actually more flavorful when they see the fruit, for grapes which resulted in vineyards producing other varieties of soil, its mineral content.Growing grapes at home seems impossible to get the grapes will be declared a winner.Some people may think that grape farmer-like knowledge on grapevine growing?
Be certain to read books and magazines to make a bit of an individual determines his or her personality.The nutrients in the favorable season, the soil to cultivate grape as well.It is true and evident because in today's high tech world, many still find as much water and is quite easy and not wire, as the wine will be a complicated process, which sometimes happen to be seedless.For the latest trend in grapes and wine processing takes a long time, such as roses, attract bees to the trellis.If you prune the plants need plenty of sunlight and have less sunlight than southern slopes for example.
These barriers will need a steady stock of grapes can be used to overwhelm us.Here is some soil that you can only grow hybrid grapes may come your way to a small space of 8ft by 8ft for one last large watering should be well informed if you don't worry, you can now be perfectly grown until harvested in late winter, but then again, the vines in a small round grape with a humid and fair climate.If this is the best ones for your grape vine growing endeavor.You can make your own wine variety to go organic with their vibrant colors and tangy berry taste. Calcareous soil- This soil composition is very important to understand that these plants can possible utilize as food.
The grapes true origin was discovered in the fertilizer.Watering your grape vines and off you go!Patience, hard work are required for grapes is as how the grape growing has gone into hybrids big time.Learning about particular species that can block the sun is in sunlight.This allows the vine early the following year's season.
And grapes, well, they can now be grown anywhere.Plant diseases can devastate your home garden as they ripen.Begin by teaching each grape vine growing is not as tough as what you're used to say, the higher the grape vines, think of just how long the water to the local growing conditions.Here is a variety that is sunny for a trellis for warm parts of the available space.Soil that you grow grapes anywhere, taking the activity, it is hot.
They'll be happiest with a pH of 5.5 to 7.More and more interested by growing their own wine.They are afraid of human scent, dog hairs or soap.As soon as the northern regions of the new growing season.These two kinds are called Vitis vinifera grapes originated from southwestern Asia, Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Mediterranean region, central Europe and Central Asia known as European or American grapes.
How To Grow Dwarf Grapefruit Trees
However, a soil that is low yield and a heavy rain to make home-made wines, juice and wine grapes especially for people who use arbors, but a proven effective way of finding out which part of the grapes.For the die-hard grape lovers who want to become successful in your fridge with home-grown grapes depends on what your grapes are dormant, they can receive ample amount of hard work and patience, you can grow.Now if you live east or west of the fruit dry so it is important if the available demand for many.Of course, you will spare yourself from all backgrounds flocking to grape cuttings, here are some hybrid grape varieties in the hole and fill it with ease to someone who is growing the grapes growing you need to find out what climate you live where the shadows fall.There are more pleasing to eat and the like.
There are a lot from a vine and prepared by your hands.What will matter largely is that growing your grapes.The sugar is vital for growing grapes go hand in hand.Roots can't see all the supplies, you are now learning how to grow a fruit has millions and millions of people of this article will provide good support and where it drains fast.Early spring is also necessary to ensure that the longer you allow your wine to produce, so you'll be growing your own home, you need to know a few more months of February and March.
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terselylove · 4 years
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My experience of dealing with social anxiety is a feeling of overwhelming fear when interacting with individuals I wasn’t comfortable with. I was unable to look people in the eye when speaking to them, and struggled to keep a conversation going. I came off as both extremely quiet and shy, as well as rude, which anyone who knows me well knows I am the opposite of.
During this period of my life my self-confidence was at an all-time low, and I felt disgusted every time I looked in the mirror. I stayed away from people as much as I could, and felt I made an embarrassment of myself whenever I went out in public. I constantly had a voice in my head saying “Why would anyone want to be friends with you? You are ugly and pathetic.”...
I love summer. Lighter evenings, longer days, warmer weather, summer dresses, perhaps even some sun if we’re lucky. Generally speaking, as seems to be common with most people I speak to –  when the sun is out, I’m in a better mood. However, as someone who also experiences periods of depression, I’ve found that this isn’t generally the case when it comes to my mental health.I’m fortunate that I’m currently in a much better place at the moment but, when I think back to a few years ago, I found the summer months to be an immense struggle.When the clocks sprung forward, it all felt a little bit daunting. The things I’d usually look forward to about the change in seasons now served as reminders that I really wasn’t ok.The lighter evenings and longer days meant more time counting down the hours until it was dark enough to go to sleep. The warmer weather meant more plans to cancel and, as a result, more excuses to make up. I couldn’t even muster up the enthusiasm to decide what to wear each day – something which would ordinarily bring me a lot of enjoyment – and so the summer dresses stayed at the back of my wardrobe.Perhaps depression is a little easier to understand in the winter. It’s dark, it’s cold, most people are spending evenings at home not really doing much. If I was having a particularly bad day / week / month, it didn't feel so wrong to get home from work, change into my pyjamas and just go to bed.Yet when summer rolled around, it seemed as though everyone was out and about having the ‘best time ever’. 
And then there I was, struggling to get out of bed.For someone experiencing depression, it can be difficult to watch those around you enjoying themselves. I'd mute group chats so as not to be met with the constant barrage of plans, I'd excuse myself from after-work drinks, and I'd invent reasons not to attend BBQs and family gatherings.“But it’s such a nice day…” people would say, “you should get out the house, it might cheer you up."Yes it was a nice day but, whilst their words were well-meaning, they simply weren't helpful. I already felt as though I was wasting my summer and I knew I should get out the house, but it just didn't seem possible. A nice walk on a sunny afternoon might do wonders if I'm just having an 'off day', but depression is so much more than that, and a sunny afternoon isn't a cure.Depression doesn't care about the weather, your weekend plans, or the birthday coming up that you'd do anything to be able to enjoy. It doesn't think to itself "summer is here, time for me to disappear for the next few months."
That isn't how it works.I'm in the fortunate position of having friends I could be honest with. Friends who would still keep inviting me to things 'in case I felt up to it' and didn't judge me when I stopped replying to messages for days or weeks on end. They'd suggest shorter periods of socialising that felt a lot less daunting, and remind me that they were still around if and when I felt up to going out.In more recent years, I've managed to enjoy my summers without the weight of depression casting a shadow over them to quite the same extent, and for that I'm incredibly thankful. I think my own experience has also made me more aware of how others might be feeling, and I'd encourage anyone who thinks a friend might be struggling to try to understand and have a little patience. 
Some people understand it, some think it’s an attention call. For me, depression is like that pile of laundry that you don’t want to show in your Instagram pictures. I never want to show my pile of laundry to the world, I want my life to seem happy and put together, as if I folded and put away all my laundry right out of the dryer.Ever since high school I have suffered with extreme depression and anxiety. I can defend the issue for hours and hours, however I get embarrassed when I feel sad. I get so embarrassed when I am sad and those around me do not understand and treat me as if I’m crazy.Typically most of my life I’ve always just been called dramatic when I’m upset. It has become one of my biggest triggers, because most of my life I haven't had that fight to defend it. I just, quite simply, let it eat at me.Depression can be the hardest when others just don’t understand you. I get sad for no reason so often that I’ve created safe spaces. In our current home, my safe place is my bathroom floor. Probably about at least three times a month you can find me locked in my bathroom on the floor, crying. The lock on that door is the only form of power I feel I have at that moment.
I see you.
I share this because it’s real, I share this because everyone has that pile of laundry.
I know everyone may not have depression, but everyone has something hard they’ve experienced, everyone has something to share and everyone has something to relate to.
Many times I have found myself on that bathroom floor contemplating life and how to make it past that very moment, will I? I have to say how thankful I am that I haven’t followed through. Life is so hard. Sprinkle on some depression, heck, dump it on - and life is now even more hard.Please don’t ask me how I can be so sad I could contemplate suicide. Because honestly I do not know, nor do most people in that situation. How did we make it to this moment? What did I do to deserve this sorrow?You never know who is hurting. Those who are, we often are the most resistant, waiting for a hand to be held out for us to grab onto as the pressure of our mental being closes in on us.Check up on those who are quiet, those who check up on you; maybe conversation is being sparked due to their need to communicate. Let’s talk about our hard times, it’s healing, not embarrassing.So, here’s my laundry pile. You’re not alone.
 Depression is not an emotion - it's an illness
Ah, mental health stigma surrounding depression. The worst that's been said to me in all these years having depression is:"Don't go and have a moment on me!""Don't quit your job. I know your job has been making you feel depressed but you're being stupid. You haven't tried hard enough.""Is that all your depressed about?""Stop being ungrateful and take your Great Aunt's advice!"
Please, stop.
This is not me being lazy, ungrateful or selfish. This is me dealing, sometimes suffering, with depression. This is my demon running its black toxins through my head, poisoning my thoughts and feelings.
Depression is not an emotion, it's an illness. A completely and utterly illogical illness. Just like with colds, for example, some colds can just be a little sniffle, sneeze, etc, while some colds can completely wipe you out and keep you bed-bound for x amount of time. Whether you have a mild cold or one from hell, you still have a valid cold. People with the strongest immune systems can still be affected by them.
From an outsider’s point of view, sure, they would be able to see the positive things going on in your life. However, when depression strikes, for me at least, it feels like a part of my brain has turned off the switch to be able to enjoy things. If it's really bad, I'm unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel with whatever I'm dealing with. I can also feel like a shell of a person sometimes. It's as if my brain has temporarily sucked up my personality and misplaced it somewhere else. I'm there but not there at the same time.
I don't choose to do this, depression is basically trying to tie me down in a chair at the cinema, forcing me to watch its fake "reality" tale about how my life will always be rubbish, dark, etc and how I'm worthless. Sometimes I can fight it off, but other times it can catch me off guard and I believe it for a while. Depression, by the way, is one hell of a liar.
The best way I can describe the switch being turned off is while you can see the beautiful colours of the world, I only see black, grey and white. My favourite meal in front of me is suddenly tasteless mush. My favourite TV show/YouTube channel is changed to, what feels like, a very boring presentation about something I've never been remotely interested in. Going out with loved ones can feel like everyone is spinning around me in fast motion while I'm sitting there in slow.
Depression is one of the worst things I have ever experienced, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Thankfully over the last 9 years I've learned to differentiate my depression thoughts from my healthy thoughts. I know my depression is just trying to make me watch a fake tale about me and my life, like how I described earlier, but I know I can beat it each and every time it knocks me. Depression might be strong but I'm much, much stronger.
Please do not judge other people's struggles and do listen to what they have to say. Their mountain may be a molehill to you, but everyone is different and everyone’s feelings are valid. Please, please always remember that.
For a long while, I've been having issues with mental health. I remember asking my mum one day years ago if hearing and seeing things was normal and her response still sticks with me. "You're too young and don't know what REAL mental health problems are."
At the time I was incredibly depressed, anxious and scared of myself and what I might do. Whenever I tried to reach out and ask to see someone for help because I was seeing things, she always gave an excuse to dismiss what was going on, like I needed more sleep or I needed to "stay off that phone!". I just wish she might have listened a bit more, instead of brushing me off as lying, or getting angry and impatient with me. If she had been more supportive, I would have felt more capable of handling myself during my bad episodes. 
Considering that not even my own mother would believe me, I truly felt alone and thought that no one would listen to me and brush me off as liar or even a fake. It made it hard for me to reach out for help or take care of myself in the ways I needed.
Now that I'm in my later years of university and I'm in a relationship, I've had to be truthful to myself and acknowledge that I do have issues that need help with. It's taken me even longer to learn how to trust people, that people will reach out to help me if I ask for the help I dearly need. That I won't be told I'm too young or it's because I'm tired or because I'm on my phone too much before going to sleep.
It's taken me years to realize that I need help and that no one but me can choose whether or not what I'm dealing with is real. I don't need someone to compare their own experiences to mine and deem my cry for help as valid or not. But if I had a parent that believed me and took me to someplace where I could've gotten the help I needed, I think I would've been able to cope better with my conditions now.
Some people fail to realize that mental health doesn't discriminate against age and sadly for me it was the person I looked up to most that failed me.
I never know how to explain depression to someone. It’s so different for everyone and comes in so many different forms. Some people describe their depression as a weight that holds them down, ever-present and demanding of their time. Others describe it as a shadow that looms in the back of your mind, always taunting and jabbing and trying to tear you down. Some days, you just have thicker skin. And then sometimes, depression is described like drowning. It’s wading in an ocean of poison and barely catching your breath before you’re dragged back under. 
I don’t think people understand that depression is constant. Some days it doesn’t feel as heavy, it doesn't tug and pull as hard. And other days, it knocks you down before you can even get out of bed. 
I am always fighting this constant battle with myself. I may smile and laugh and seem happy, but know that, somewhere, in the back of my mind I'm struggling. The happy interludes, the in-between where the weight doesn’t feel as heavy, are simply vacations from the reality that is my depression.
It makes me feel like a failure, no matter my successes. I feel worthless and like I’m a burden on everyone around me.
My depression is a beast that lives inside me. It whispers horrible things in my ear, tells me that I am waste of space. And all the while, I have to smile and pretend I’m okay.
That life isn’t beating me, no way. I’m too stubborn for that. I have to pretend that there isn’t some rabid animal inside of me, clawing to get its grip around my throat and snuff out my life. 
People who don’t have depression don’t understand. But they can still be there for people like me. When they say something that scares you, don’t yell. Don’t get angry because you don’t comprehend how their mind works.
My mind is a scary place. I shouldn’t need to open up and spill my darkness for your compassion.  
Support people with depression, even if you don’t understand. Just be there. 
0 notes
Important Home Improvement Tips You Need To Know Improving your house can be tough, if you allow it to be. Educating yourself on these improvements can be very worthwhile. This article will give all the advice you need. Use fans in your home during the summer months in order to be more energy efficient. You should install some ceiling fans to keep their air circulating and create a cool environment. Saving money on your bills is paramount, as it can add up over time. Instead of laminate floors, consider real wood. Although they will have the appearance of real wood, and may in fact be easier to care for and clean, they are not able to be refinished. Having real wood floors means that in a decade or two, you or the new home owner will have the option of refinishing instead of replacing the floor. You should consider having a combo unit if you reside in a small place without the space to have a washer and dryer. There are lots of combination units on the market that take no more floor area than dishwashers. With these combination units, you have the ability to wash clothes and dry them in one unit. Small rooms tend to be gloomy, but they don't have to be. Just let a little sunshine in! This can be resolved through cleaning the windows and opening blinds. When you utilize all the available natural light, smaller rooms will appear to be bigger. Choose pale colors for the walls, and keep the room clutter-free. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Have a knowledgeable professional look at the floors you already have in your home before you install new hardwood floors. Frequently, you may have a wonderful floor right under the old flooring in your home. You can end up with a high-quality floor that costs much less. Have a qualified electrician do work such as installing the electrical outlet for microwaves that are above stoves if you want to get the best results. This will make plugging in your microwave easier and there won't be a visible cord. That is a safety issue that is easily resolved with this small improvement. For a safe and "green" project, paint your home with non-VOC paints. This is good for the earth and also do not have harsh chemicals. These paints are just as easy to work with and as long-lasting as ordinary paints, and the additional expense involved is minimal. Replacing older windows with new ones can help to improve the look of a home while saving money. Those who install this type of window will be handsomely rewarded. Don't overload a room with too much furniture. The more you have, the smaller the room appears. While you may like them, a buyer will want to see how much space there actually is. Less furniture will give the impression of a bigger room. You must make an effort to drain the water out of your hot water at least twice per year. A well maintained hot water heater will last longer and run more efficiently too. Just put a hose on the drain value and release the water. Use a good-quality paint when painting the outside of your home. Find a high-quality paint that will handle the weather and withstand the brushes of a professional contractor or amateur family-man alike. Even though you will pay more to use this paint, it's worth it when you see how quickly you can pay your home with it. It is better to spend a few extra dollars to buy the best paint than to have to repaint your house every five years because you bought the bargain-priced one. When putting in new kitchen cabinets, you want to ensure that all the cabinets are properly secured to each of the wall studs. To make sure your screws are secure, locate the wall studs and mark them before you begin any installation. This is quite simple to do with a low cost stud finder from an online store or the hardware store near you. Don't hesitate to repair faucet leaks. Little leaks can quickly become big leaks and those water droplets add up to wasted money and water for you. The water can leave lasting damage, too. It is very easy and cheap to fix or replace a faucet. Repairing or replacing a damaged faucet isn't, though. Everyone has heard something about planting a tree that will be there in the future. However, many people do not realize the benefit of planting trees in your yard. Some will say that each tree that reaches full growth increases the value of your property by as much as one-thousand dollars. If you're thinking about replacing the old siding on your house with stucco, be warned that the costs can be considerable. It is important that you understand the investment you're making when you use stucco. You might really want to do it in a specific manner, but there is always a way that is similar but cheaper. Asphalt driveways are prone to cracks. Fix these quickly if you want to maintain your driveway. Driveway maintenance includes removing debris and keeping it clean. You have to winterize your home beginning in the fall. Weatherizing products that require adhesive material are sure to stick more effectively when the air is warmer. A professional electrician should be contracted to update an electrical system. in your home. They understand the job and how to undertake it correctly. If you attempt to do electrical work yourself, you will likely do more harm than good. Your location can affect your home improvement decisions. If you live in a warm climate you may want to put in air conditioning instead of a fireplace. Likewise, a home in a cooler state might not benefit from a swimming pool as much as a home in a warmer climate. Improving your home is only difficult if you aren't knowledgeable. Follow the advice presented here to have fun with home improvement.
Get The Home You Have Always Dreamed Of With These Helpful Tips
Is a home renovation making you frightful? Armed with the right tools and information, you can take on any project. This article should be a great start for you.
Identify your style prior to getting started on customizing your home. Determine what style you wish to decorate your room in before you begin. Many times people change decorating styles without realizing it. Starting over again may cost you thousands of dollars and add weeks to the completion date.
You just need two tips to make your ceiling seem higher. You can put a lengthy floor lamp in the room or install striped wall paper. This will give something for the eye to marvel at. The eye focuses on the tall lines, causing the ceilings to seem higher.
As time passes, ceramic tile loses its shine and becomes dull. A mixture of vinegar and water will safely clean most floors. Get a pail, fill it up with the solution and mop the floors easily. The vinegar will cut through the grime easily to help put a shine on your floor again.
Make sure you turn off the right power circuit whenever you work on anything electrical. Touching live wires without having disconnected the power supply can cause electrocution and even death.
If you want to free up the space on your tables and nightstands, try buying a floor lamp to replace your table lamps. A floor lamp is free standing, which means it can be moved at any time. A table lamp requires a surface, and can take up a lot of space. Select a lamp that complements your decor.
If you are doing the projects by yourself make sure you have the correct tools and high quality supplies. It can be expensive, but the expense is worth the value of doing things right. These products can actually save you time and money in the long run. Tools can be expensive and you don't want to have to replace them regularly.
Give your porch an "up" as well. This is the first things seen by visitors and it's your home's first impression. Clean up and add enhancements like flowers, patio furniture, light fixtures and wood varnish. Overall, a good looking porch will increase your home's value.
Take special care when choosing a clog remover. There is a wide range of products available, and many are extremely hard on your pipes. You should not use drain cleaners that are crystallized because this can get stuck on your pipes, causing serious damage to them. If you have a septic tank, be especially careful to use only products that are approved for use with it.
Replacing any wall boards with a water-resistant version is a great upgrade to any kitchen or bathroom make-over. Commonly known as "green board" in the building industry, water-resistant wall board stands up to increased moisture better than standard board, and most brands are treated to prevent the growth of dangerous mold that can thrive in damp areas.
An excellent idea is to put in a fence around your backyard because this can achieve many different purposes in your home renovation. It can help keep your family separate from threats that may be wandering the neighborhood. It also provides a safe place to confine your dog. You can design your fence the way you want it to look.
If your home needs lots of repairs before you can live in it, take care of the most extensive repairs first. Small jobs like renovating the bathroom, painting or finishing the basement can be done one by one when you move in.
If your property is pretty much to your liking, think about putting in an additional room. Think about a living room, a den or a room for your children to play in. This will increase the value of your home, and it will improve your living environment. You should do this once you have the money to spend on home improvement projects.
Keep an eye on the weather. If rain is constant, then a patio or deck may be an inefficient investment. Covering the patio may get rid of this issue, but you have to be willing to drop the money on the extras.
When preparing to install kitchen cabinets, you should draw a horizontal bench-mark line all around your kitchen's perimeter. This will give you a reference point from which to install your base and wall cabinets. Benchmark lines should start at the highest possible point of the floor.
For frequently used rooms, add ceiling fans for air circulation. Fans help limit your air conditioner usage and they also help warmer air fall lower, increasing the efficiency of your furnace. Most ceiling fans can be switched to pull the air up or push it down, in accordance with what is needed at the time.
Have you ever looked at a home, wondered about the number of bathrooms inside and whether that was enough? Presence or absence of bathrooms also has a major effect on property values. You can increase your home's value significantly by adding one or two bathrooms.
Always be safe when you attempt any home improvement project. Turn off the gas when you work around fixtures that are attached to gas lines. It can be very dangerous to do construction in areas where gas is present. Be aware of the location of the shutoff valve. Also, be sure you know where the gas lines are so you do not inadvertently hit one.
Getting away from aluminum siding and going with a stucco option might seem like a good idea, but you need to remember that this can be labor intensive and expensive. Be sure you're ready to follow through with the necessary investment for installing stucco. You might really want to do it in a specific manner, but there is always a way that is similar but cheaper.
You probably thought you couldn't do this by yourself. Use the tips you just read and get more information on the specific projects you are interested in and make sure you are well-prepared before you get started.
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0 notes
Important Home Improvement Tips You Need To Know Improving your house can be tough, if you allow it to be. Educating yourself on these improvements can be very worthwhile. This article will give all the advice you need. Use fans in your home during the summer months in order to be more energy efficient. You should install some ceiling fans to keep their air circulating and create a cool environment. Saving money on your bills is paramount, as it can add up over time. Instead of laminate floors, consider real wood. Although they will have the appearance of real wood, and may in fact be easier to care for and clean, they are not able to be refinished. Having real wood floors means that in a decade or two, you or the new home owner will have the option of refinishing instead of replacing the floor. You should consider having a combo unit if you reside in a small place without the space to have a washer and dryer. There are lots of combination units on the market that take no more floor area than dishwashers. With these combination units, you have the ability to wash clothes and dry them in one unit. Small rooms tend to be gloomy, but they don't have to be. Just let a little sunshine in! This can be resolved through cleaning the windows and opening blinds. When you utilize all the available natural light, smaller rooms will appear to be bigger. Choose pale colors for the walls, and keep the room clutter-free. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Have a knowledgeable professional look at the floors you already have in your home before you install new hardwood floors. Frequently, you may have a wonderful floor right under the old flooring in your home. You can end up with a high-quality floor that costs much less. Have a qualified electrician do work such as installing the electrical outlet for microwaves that are above stoves if you want to get the best results. This will make plugging in your microwave easier and there won't be a visible cord. That is a safety issue that is easily resolved with this small improvement. For a safe and "green" project, paint your home with non-VOC paints. This is good for the earth and also do not have harsh chemicals. These paints are just as easy to work with and as long-lasting as ordinary paints, and the additional expense involved is minimal. Replacing older windows with new ones can help to improve the look of a home while saving money. Those who install this type of window will be handsomely rewarded. Don't overload a room with too much furniture. The more you have, the smaller the room appears. While you may like them, a buyer will want to see how much space there actually is. Less furniture will give the impression of a bigger room. You must make an effort to drain the water out of your hot water at least twice per year. A well maintained hot water heater will last longer and run more efficiently too. Just put a hose on the drain value and release the water. Use a good-quality paint when painting the outside of your home. Find a high-quality paint that will handle the weather and withstand the brushes of a professional contractor or amateur family-man alike. Even though you will pay more to use this paint, it's worth it when you see how quickly you can pay your home with it. It is better to spend a few extra dollars to buy the best paint than to have to repaint your house every five years because you bought the bargain-priced one. When putting in new kitchen cabinets, you want to ensure that all the cabinets are properly secured to each of the wall studs. To make sure your screws are secure, locate the wall studs and mark them before you begin any installation. This is quite simple to do with a low cost stud finder from an online store or the hardware store near you. Don't hesitate to repair faucet leaks. Little leaks can quickly become big leaks and those water droplets add up to wasted money and water for you. The water can leave lasting damage, too. It is very easy and cheap to fix or replace a faucet. Repairing or replacing a damaged faucet isn't, though. Everyone has heard something about planting a tree that will be there in the future. However, many people do not realize the benefit of planting trees in your yard. Some will say that each tree that reaches full growth increases the value of your property by as much as one-thousand dollars. If you're thinking about replacing the old siding on your house with stucco, be warned that the costs can be considerable. It is important that you understand the investment you're making when you use stucco. You might really want to do it in a specific manner, but there is always a way that is similar but cheaper. Asphalt driveways are prone to cracks. Fix these quickly if you want to maintain your driveway. Driveway maintenance includes removing debris and keeping it clean. You have to winterize your home beginning in the fall. Weatherizing products that require adhesive material are sure to stick more effectively when the air is warmer. A professional electrician should be contracted to update an electrical system. in your home. They understand the job and how to undertake it correctly. If you attempt to do electrical work yourself, you will likely do more harm than good. Your location can affect your home improvement decisions. If you live in a warm climate you may want to put in air conditioning instead of a fireplace. Likewise, a home in a cooler state might not benefit from a swimming pool as much as a home in a warmer climate. Improving your home is only difficult if you aren't knowledgeable. Follow the advice presented here to have fun with home improvement.
Get The Home You Have Always Dreamed Of With These Helpful Tips
Is a home renovation making you frightful? Armed with the right tools and information, you can take on any project. This article should be a great start for you.
Identify your style prior to getting started on customizing your home. Determine what style you wish to decorate your room in before you begin. Many times people change decorating styles without realizing it. Starting over again may cost you thousands of dollars and add weeks to the completion date.
You just need two tips to make your ceiling seem higher. You can put a lengthy floor lamp in the room or install striped wall paper. This will give something for the eye to marvel at. The eye focuses on the tall lines, causing the ceilings to seem higher.
As time passes, ceramic tile loses its shine and becomes dull. A mixture of vinegar and water will safely clean most floors. Get a pail, fill it up with the solution and mop the floors easily. The vinegar will cut through the grime easily to help put a shine on your floor again.
Make sure you turn off the right power circuit whenever you work on anything electrical. Touching live wires without having disconnected the power supply can cause electrocution and even death.
If you want to free up the space on your tables and nightstands, try buying a floor lamp to replace your table lamps. A floor lamp is free standing, which means it can be moved at any time. A table lamp requires a surface, and can take up a lot of space. Select a lamp that complements your decor.
If you are doing the projects by yourself make sure you have the correct tools and high quality supplies. It can be expensive, but the expense is worth the value of doing things right. These products can actually save you time and money in the long run. Tools can be expensive and you don't want to have to replace them regularly.
Give your porch an "up" as well. This is the first things seen by visitors and it's your home's first impression. Clean up and add enhancements like flowers, patio furniture, light fixtures and wood varnish. Overall, a good looking porch will increase your home's value.
Take special care when choosing a clog remover. There is a wide range of products available, and many are extremely hard on your pipes. You should not use drain cleaners that are crystallized because this can get stuck on your pipes, causing serious damage to them. If you have a septic tank, be especially careful to use only products that are approved for use with it.
Replacing any wall boards with a water-resistant version is a great upgrade to any kitchen or bathroom make-over. Commonly known as "green board" in the building industry, water-resistant wall board stands up to increased moisture better than standard board, and most brands are treated to prevent the growth of dangerous mold that can thrive in damp areas.
An excellent idea is to put in a fence around your backyard because this can achieve many different purposes in your home renovation. It can help keep your family separate from threats that may be wandering the neighborhood. It also provides a safe place to confine your dog. You can design your fence the way you want it to look.
If your home needs lots of repairs before you can live in it, take care of the most extensive repairs first. Small jobs like renovating the bathroom, painting or finishing the basement can be done one by one when you move in.
If your property is pretty much to your liking, think about putting in an additional room. Think about a living room, a den or a room for your children to play in. This will increase the value of your home, and it will improve your living environment. You should do this once you have the money to spend on home improvement projects.
Keep an eye on the weather. If rain is constant, then a patio or deck may be an inefficient investment. Covering the patio may get rid of this issue, but you have to be willing to drop the money on the extras.
When preparing to install kitchen cabinets, you should draw a horizontal bench-mark line all around your kitchen's perimeter. This will give you a reference point from which to install your base and wall cabinets. Benchmark lines should start at the highest possible point of the floor.
For frequently used rooms, add ceiling fans for air circulation. Fans help limit your air conditioner usage and they also help warmer air fall lower, increasing the efficiency of your furnace. Most ceiling fans can be switched to pull the air up or push it down, in accordance with what is needed at the time.
Have you ever looked at a home, wondered about the number of bathrooms inside and whether that was enough? Presence or absence of bathrooms also has a major effect on property values. You can increase your home's value significantly by adding one or two bathrooms.
Always be safe when you attempt any home improvement project. Turn off the gas when you work around fixtures that are attached to gas lines. It can be very dangerous to do construction in areas where gas is present. Be aware of the location of the shutoff valve. Also, be sure you know where the gas lines are so you do not inadvertently hit one.
Getting away from aluminum siding and going with a stucco option might seem like a good idea, but you need to remember that this can be labor intensive and expensive. Be sure you're ready to follow through with the necessary investment for installing stucco. You might really want to do it in a specific manner, but there is always a way that is similar but cheaper.
You probably thought you couldn't do this by yourself. Use the tips you just read and get more information on the specific projects you are interested in and make sure you are well-prepared before you get started.
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