sentofight · 8 months
"I'd hope we meet under better circumstances. But I have a penchant for finding myself in... interesting situations." Perhaps it was a sight that a commoner could hug Lyn warmly as he does. But she has saved him once and he has been at her side to reunite her with her family and in turn a side of her that she was kept from. Markus held Lyn in his embrace as he gave her a warm smile. "Who knew that serving Lord Eliwood would have me right back around to you in someway. Glad that Lord Eliwood's forces arrived as we did and Florina guided the way." (Mark @ Lyn! Lyn reunites with her boy after a year!!! 😀)
To think she would get attached to someone; to someone who she barely knew if fate hadn't brought them together in a mysterious way. Lyn was sure she would remain secluded most of her life in the plains Not to mention Kent and Sain showing up to tell her that she could have another life other than being a nomad. Lady fate sure have an interesting way to steer people's lives around.
Lady fate may have her ways, but also leaves hope for reuniting who your heart years for. And to follow on her kind leads, rumors of a genius tactician strategizing plans for lord Eliwood caught her attention. It would be a lie if she didn't pray for every deity she knew that this person be the one she wants to see. Though at this moment, her hands were full to actually go check for herself when reinforcement came to their aid. But once again, lady fate decided to give her joy other than pain; she had spotted the man. Well, more like he had braved the battlefield to come as close as he can to see her without endangering his companions.
Green forest eyes lit up when she saw his figure from a far. Oh, how she wanted to rush and see him, alas, the battle is not yet won.
When things calmed down and the table turned in their favor, her forces were able to take a breather to allow Eliwood's men to advance and land the final blow. That allowed the Sacaen princess to fall back and meet up with her ... friend.
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"Markus! Is that really you? I--I can't believe my eyes! It is really you!" no one could beat that beard and scruff look with a hint of aloofness. Of course, the embrace was not resisted one bit. In fact, she wrapped her arms around his figure as hard as she could (who to blame her when she thinks he might just take off if she let him go.) Ah, yes ... she misses this smell. Would it be bad that perhaps what Hector called her once--a hound, was slightly true? His smell is unique--old books pages, a hint of his handcrafted ink scent, not to mention a subtle familiar fragrance.. heh Sacean plains... perhaps the last one is more mentally itched more than being real.
"Y-yes, it is...heh..." pull it together, Lyn. Tears are not suited now, a smile is better. "I am glad, too. Florina did good by leading you back here to me--I mean, to us, ahem, yes. The battle would've been weighted heavily on everyone had it not for Eliwood's forces...yes." ooh!!! How embarrassing! What was she saying!? Hope she didn't make things awkward ...
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varus treating my muses good | @amalanexus
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do you see this shit my liege
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vadergf · 3 years
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radiation · 3 years
Huge pet peeve in video games is when you can’t hold your breath underwater for very long or it takes a good while to regain your breath above water. Unrealistic. Like my condolences to the devs for your lack of breath support but that just could not be me...
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comfortfrogblog · 3 years
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
wish there was a non rude way to be like "I understand your criticism, I don't even necessarily disagree with it, but I am doing these things on purpose, because I like them and I want to, and therefore your opinion has no value, because you might think me painting a room entirely pink is tacky, but I did it on purpose"
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stvrmbrekkers · 3 years
found family trope: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
found family trope but they’re misfits, outcasts, and criminals: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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kazieka · 3 years
issue: the kittens are still trying to learn words. gus knows his name and daisy knows hers, but they don’t seem to quite grasp that when I say “babies!” im referring to both of them.
hypothesis: “babies” is too similar to “daisy” and they’re getting confused
test: start saying “gamers” instead
Outcome: they’re understanding it and it’s hysterically funny
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thunderpibb · 3 years
something all children covet is the generic black t-shirt with white skull worn by cartoon teenagers
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severalowls · 3 years
Thinking fondly about the entire genre of victorian hauntings that were "everybody who stayed in the house after dark saw weird shit going on for months until the entire structure suddenly combusted of its own ghostly accord" which abruptly ended as soon as we stopped lighting our homes with vast quantities of odorless gas
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vamprisms · 3 years
vampire hunter? no i said vampire HAUNTER. this jerk sucked all my blood out so now i spend my afterlife knocking over shelves and scaring off potential victims and just making the castle generally pretty cold
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husband · 3 years
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this website is free
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wrender · 3 years
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peasunflower · 3 years
I'm in love with involuntary validation of a relationship. My best friend saying "our spot", my brother saying "our cookie recipe" or my mum saying "our song". Like YES I LOVE YOU TOO. I'm so soft for it.
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vonnegutcunt · 3 years
I'm al
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