#[asher f2f :: ophelia spaulding :: 003]
asherbaudelaire · 9 months
Closed Starter for @opheliasflood Setting: Ophelia and Asher's Building
Asher hardly recognizes the face staring back at him. Clean shaven, hair carefully combed and tied back; even the dark circles beneath his eyes seem fainter now that he's actually sleeping at night. He reaches out to tap the mirror, half convinced he's fooling himself. Between the glow-up, the fresh scent of fancy bath products, and the finely curated outfit--shacket included--there's hardly a trace of his usual grunge. J.C.'s expertise has yielded quite the transformation; the vampire has solidly outdone himself. For the first time in a very long time, Asher is pretty sure nobody is going to mistake him for a bum tonight.
Trying his best to cling to that confidence, he heads for his front door and makes his way down the hall to his neighbor's. Their reservation isn't for half an hour and it's only a short walk from here. On second thought, maybe he's a couple minutes early. He hesitates, but then he figures that's better than late. Steeling his resolve with a deep breath, Asher knocks on Ophelia's door.
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