#[chanting] TONG TONG TONG TONG!
kinnbig · 1 year
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Tong Thanayut in the Man Suang (แมนสรวง) trailer
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nofatclips · 2 months
The Cycle​/​The Spiral: Time To Go Down Slowly by Algiers from the album The Underside of Power
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matan4il · 1 year
For Mileapo posts, I try not to step on anyone's toes, not even unintentionally, but it's not easy. It does make me sometimes not post something in case others will, and then some of the stuff I don't post doesn't get shared here at all. It's a bit hard to keep track. So, here's some stuff that I haven't seen on Tumblr from various dates.
Mileapo had lunch at a restaurant with Thailand's Tourism authority today (Sep 5):
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They were both wearing Dior!
While Mile's mom later (Aug 26) posted the full pic, among the first batch of pics she uploaded (Aug 22) from the Man Suang gala (Aug 21) she included a pic where both Tong and Bas are cropped out. Basically JUST the Romsaithongs are in this one. ;)
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And today she also posted pics from the new Vogue pics of Mile as Chat and Apo as Khem in Man Suang. She could have only posted pics with Mile or pics featuring both Mile and Apo, but she also included two pics of just Apo...
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That woman adopted Apo without thinking twice about it.
A fan shared that during one of the screenings for Man Suang (Aug 26), a group of Apo fans were chanting his name while Mile specifically was speaking. Apo hushed them:
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Mile and Apo both uploaded Dior pics today, they also liked and commented on each other's posts. Since it's the winter collection, Apo commented two snowmen emojis on Mile's post, while Mile commented with the rocker hand emoji on Apo's, and Apo replied with the partying emoji...
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(I've seen the pics shared, but not the comments...)
And lastly, from the Shopee Game Show, which will air on Sep 9, and was probably recorded Sep 1 at the latest, Mile and Apo were asked to mimick what it's like when they're hungry. Apo rubbed his tummy, while Mile ended up staring at Apo...
Apo shared on IG his invitation to a Piaget event on Sep 12 to 14 in a heritage house in Bangkok.
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On the wall, a postcard can be seen from a beach, on the right it bears the (incomplete, because the pic cuts out) date "19.08.20..." and on the left it says "w/ BOC for photobook...":
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So this seems to be from the BOC cast trip to Phuket, from which Mile posted pics taken of him by Apo, dating them Aug 19, 2022:
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(for all my Mileapo/Kinnporsche posts, click here)
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Banishment Spell🔮
A spell to banish a person and keep their ill intentions and negative energy away from you.
What you will need:
- a dark, peaceful environment
- a black candle
- pen/pencil
- small bit of paper
- fire safe tongs/utensils*
- fireproof surface to work on
- your energy and focus
- a shallow dish of water
- salt or sand (I use sea salt)
Begin with a clean and fireproof surface to work on. Furthest away from you, place the black candle. Closer to you, place a shallow dish of water. You must have enough room to safely work and not disturb the salt circle during the spell.
- This spell works best when done in a dark room or at nighttime. Allow the sole candle to be your light source.
- Cast a circle, or begin the spell how you see fit.
- Harness your energy and begin the spell by lighting the black candle.
- Engage with its protective glow and energy. Allow its warmth to flow through you.
- Gather your salt or sand. As you make a salt/sand circle around the outside of your shallow water dish, envision its protective properties.
- Write down the name of the person you wish to banish on a small bit of paper.
- Roll up the paper and envision the person’s negative, stale energy and grip on you being enfolded and trapped within.
- With your fire safe utensil hold the paper over the flame. As it burns down to nearly ashes, say chant, or repeat in your mind:
“You’ve crossed a line with me
Now I banish thee”
- Bring the paper over your water dish. Release it. As the ashes and remnants of paper dissolve into the water, say, chant, or repeat in your mind:
“You’ve lost your grip on me
Now I banish thee!”
- Allow the candle to burn down fully. Or, you may take the candle and place it into the shallow dish of water; allow it to burn down fully in there.
- Close the circle you cast.
- Once completely cooled, you may leave the mixture overnight for a more aggressive banishment — ensure the salt/sand circle remains undisturbed.
- Otherwise, remove the burnt down candle/wax once completely cooled and dispose of it safely. Do not bury it.
Note: If you wish to use this spell on more than one person, you must repeat the entire process.
*Please do not attempt this spell if you are uncomfortable working with fire, are not well versed in fire safety, currently live in a dorm/campus housing, etc. Be safe, be smart, and remember there are always flameless candles and alternate methods of banishment.
🌊sea star witch🌟
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ryansjane · 7 months
I’ve been trying to look up information on Thai Buddhist funerals but all the English websites are vague or have little information. Do you have any information or websites you could recommend?
so obviously I'm not the authority on those, but I remember doing research on it back in the day + thai dramas are surprisingly realistic at portraying their culture, and even their funerals. funerals usually take either 3, 5 or 7 days. it has to be an odd day due to buddhist beliefs. there's is a water bathing ritual after death, and the body is then dressed and placed in a coffin in a temple where monks & the deceased loved ones will visit the deceased for the number of days they've chosen before the cremation. buddhist chants are of course involved, and the loved ones also pass cloth to the monks on behalf of the dead. usually a family gets a whole room for their loved one and stay with them and at least one person stays with them the whole day, greeting guests and taking care of them. finally, the body is cremated. all temples have a crematorium. some people can also actually wait 100 days after the death to cremate the deceased one (as can be seen in the lakorn chuamong tong mon.) the ashes are usually either stored in funeral chedis, which are small pointy towers present in all thai temples, or they can be stored in line around the temple if it has extra walls around it, where people will come to pray for their loved one. special merit-making also happens 7, 50 & 100 days after the person passed away. hope that helped!
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andromedaexists · 8 months
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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟺𝚝𝚑 || 𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰𝙰
Am I finally writing a WUPDATE on time?? YES I AM!!!
I've been working really hard on getting Incorrect Eyes into a workable state to send to beta readers, which means adding a lot of new content and trying to beef up the manuscript. I'm also working on background CMI stuff right now, between a potential audiobook and writing down random thoughts that pop up between chapters of IE
All in all, kinda busy on the writing front at the moment! I feel just as busy now as I was in school, but instead of school work that needs to be done it's entirely just me trying to write and prepare stuff for publishing!
I'm also writing this as I sit in a queue waiting to buy tickets to the next Sleep Token show so my thoughts are discombobulat-NO I DON'T HAVE THE PRESALE CODE I NEVER GOT IT I'M SCREAMING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
But that's not what y'all are here for, you're here for snippies!! CW: Paranoia, hallucinations, blood
For now, I can feel my soul being drawn to the next section of the text. To what the Angels are singing…
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; His glory fills the whole earth.
I can remember what I was told to believe in church all those years ago. That the chants of the Angels was something to be heard, that it could lift your soul and bring you closer to God. But when I read the words on the pace all I can hear is the screaming and wailing, shouts that beg for atonement and forgiveness. Images pop into my mind: Angels as we knew them growing up, human-like and innocent, with tears of blood streaming down their faces as they grovel before His throne, screaming and begging for His warmth. Seraphim and Cherubim just behind them, blocking the pathetic Angels in, forcing them to submit to His holy gaze. Their screams harmonize in the worst ways, ringing through my mind and spilling through my ears. The mind-numbing pain it causes is only worsened as my eyes are drawn further down the page.
Woe is me for I am ruined [must be silent] because I am a man of unclean lips and live among a people of unclean lips, and because my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.
Unclean, unclean, unclean. The word repeats in my mind, tearing through the chorus of terror put forth by the Angels. I am unclean just like he was. I live among people with unclean eyes, just as he with lips. He—I—we are RUINED. My mind conjures the image of the next paragraph, of the Seraphim flying towards me—Isaiah—us holding a glowing coal by means of a pair of tongs. From the altar it came, and as it laid the burning stone in my eyes it spoke:
Now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed and your sin is atoned for.
And I scream.
@winterandwords @crypticcodexcreations @inkspellangel @smol-feralgremlin @joswriting
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
Elven medicine
January Trope Roulette Challenge courtesy @fellowshipofthefics
Pairing: Legolas x Fem. Reader (Elf / third person POV)
Themes: Soft | Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of pain and injuries | healing procedures
Summary: After being stabbed by a Morgul blade, Legolas is a brought to a healer for help.
Word count: 490
If you’d like a reader insert based on this challange, do follow the instructions given in the challange and send me a request. I will be doing two based on this challenge.
Want to be tagged? Want to know the rules? Read all here.
If you like this, please consider giving it a reblog. Scheduled posts, rules and spicy levels for reader inserts can be found on my pinned post. 
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He had never experienced anything like this.
He'd heard stories about what it was like to be stabbed by a Morgul blade from others, including his own father and Frodo. Hearing such tales, however, and experiencing them happen to him were two different things altogether. The slash that cut into his flesh stung, but the pain that came afterward... Legolas would choose an early death a thousand times if it meant never having to bear such pain again.
Legolas experienced other things too: being carried, worried voices talking to him, and trying to keep him focused and awake. He heard the sharp rip of his tunic being torn apart and barely felt a damp cloth gliding over his wounds and making him wince in pain. He forced his eyes open and looked around before settling his gaze on the elleth who was cleaning him up.
Y/n felt it, him staring. She didn't have time to stop or even talk. The broken tip of the blade had to be taken out, and he had to be healed. And she didn't have much time, for the change was coming upon him. She picked up an implement and said, "Hold him down. If he moves too much and flails, I could hurt him even more."
His legs were restrained, as were his arms and shoulders. "Forgive me for this," she said apologetically before clicking the tiny tong-like instrument she had in her hand and diving in.
If the pain was excruciating before, it was nigh unbearable now. Immobilized, his screams frozen on his tongue, Legolas could only watch helplessly as y/n carefully poked and prodded, searching and searching, before she stopped. She had found it, held on to it, and apologized a second time before carefully extracting the broken piece. When she pulled it free and held it under the light of a taper, she almost smiled. Almost. 
She had completed the easy task. Now came the difficult part: healing the wound. Y/n carefully placed Athelas over the blackened cut and chanted, her voice growing softer, almost echoing, as if it came from another place. Legolas felt the pain slowly ebb away and sighed as warmth washed over him like a gentle wave. He could breathe easier. It no longer hurt to move. He could feel the wound slowly seal itself shut. Finally, when y/n's chanting reached a crescendo, the pain washed away for good. When he blinked his eyes and looked at her, it felt like she was cloaked in the light of the stars. It even looked like there were stars woven into her hair. Legolas swallowed. All his life he had seen the wonders of Elven healing being performed on others, and this was the first time he had experienced it for himself.
He then turned his attention to the one who healed him, wondering how he was going to repay her for saving his life.
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zhuhongs · 2 years
萬千花蕊慈母悲哀  (Bān-tshian Hue-luí Tsû-bió Pi-ai) Thousands of Flowers of a Mourning Mother’s Love
下晡 一个人踮厝內 ē-poo, tsi̍t ê lâng tiàm tshù-lāi One afternoon, I was home alone 西北雨 沃澹窗外的衫 sai-pak-hōo, ak-tâm thang-guā ê sann A sudden downpour drenched the clothes outside 外口的人 猶未轉來 guā-kháu ê lâng iah-buē tńg-lâi The one who has left has yet to return 戇戇咧等 戇戇攑一支雨傘 gōng-gōng--leh tán, gōng-gōng gia̍h tsi̍t ki hōo-suànn I waited foolishly with an umbrella at hand
為你 幾若擺睏袂去 uī lí, kuí-nā pái khùn bē khì Because of you, I had many sleepless nights 全世界 揣袂著你的形影 tsuân-sè-kài, tshuē bē tio̍h lí ê hîng-iánn From every corner of the world, you can’t be found anywhere 凡勢 會當共你放捒 huān-sè, ē-tàng kā lí pàng-sak Perhaps I’ll give up one day 氣身惱命 我哪會攏無要無緊 khì-sin-lóo-miā, guá ná-ē lóng bô-iàu-bô-kín How was I so damn calm?
踮遮規暝 看電火閃爍 tiàm tsia kui-mê, khuànn tiān-hué siám-sih Staying here all night, watching the light flicker 我踮遮等待 拍無去的人 guá tiàm tsia tán-thāi, phah-bô--khì ê lâng I waited up all night, for the one who didn’t return 聽厝內的聲 聲聲佇咧吼 thiann tshù-lāi ê siann, siann-siann tī-leh háu Every corner of the house can be heard grieving 我踅來踅去 思念火燒房間 guá se̍h-lâi-se̍h-khì, su-liām hué sio pâng-king Pacing back and forth, the memory of you burns in this room 袂開的花 無欲轉來的人 buē khui ê hue, bô beh tńg--lâi ê lâng The flower that will never blossom, the person who will never return 美麗的你啊 想著你彼當時 攑懸你的旗仔 bí-lē ê lí--ah, siūnn tio̍h lí hit-tong-sî, gia̍h kuân lí ê kî-á My dear, I still recall the moment you raised your flag 路邊的話 滿街路雨紛飛 lōo-pinn ê uē, muá ke-lōo hōo hun-hui Th rumors splatter like rain on the pavement 時代的變卦 孤單的我一个人 問天也��捌 sî-tāi ê piàn-kuà, koo-tuann ê guá tsi̍t ê lâng, mn̄g thinn iā m̄-bat The changes of a new era are hard on me, even as I ask the heavens
手內啥物攏無 只賰我欲予你的愛 tshiú lāi siánn-mih lóng bô, tsí tshun guá beh hōo lí ê ài In my hand all I have is nothing but my love for you 有血有肉的人 煞下落不明 ū hueh ū bah ê lâng, suah hē-lo̍h-put-bîng How can such flesh and blood disappear without a trace
共你的 記持啊 囥佇我的心內 kā lí ê kì-tî--ah, khǹg tī guá ê sim-lāi Keeping your memory deep in my heart 騎你的 白馬啊 行你欲行的路 khiâ lí ê pe̍h-bé--ah, kiânn lí beh kiânn ê lōo Ride your white horse, follow your own path 風吹來 花落塗 點一欉香祈求 hong tshue lâi, hue lo̍h-thôo, tiám tsi̍t tsâng hiunn kî-kiû The wind howls and the flower falls. Lighting an incense, pleading: (南無觀世音菩薩) (lâm-bû-kuan-sè-im-phôo-sat)  (Namo Avalokiteshvara) (tn: a buddhist chant, often performed at someone’s passing, or to release suffering)
若準講你 算著這齣悲劇 nā-tsún kóng lí, sǹg tio̍h tsit tshut pi-kio̍k Heaven, if you have foreseen the horrible tragedy 你敢會看顧 紲落來伊頭前 彼逝歹行的路 lí kám ē khuànn-kòo, suà--lo̍h-lâi i thâu-tsîng, hit tsuā pháinn kiânn ê lōo Please look after him on this bumpy road he is to walk 夢中的我 看你沓沓仔行 bāng-tiong ê guá, khuànn lí ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á kiânn In my dreams I can see you walking slowly 牽你的亡魂 有一工咱做伙 轉去彼个所在 khan lí ê bông-hûn, ū tsi̍t kang lán tsò-hué, tńg-khì hit ê sóo-tsāi leading your soul, “one day, let’s go back to that place together.”
我 蔫去的愛(規路攏是) guá, lian-khì ê ài(kui-lōo lóng sī) My withering love (scattered along the street) 佮你 恬去的心(你) kah lí, tiām--khì ê sim(lí) And your silent heart (you) 佇這烏暗時代(佇這烏暗時代) tī tse oo-àm sî-tāi(tī tse oo-àm sî-tāi) In this dark era ( in this dark era) 是有緣無份(想欲講出) sī ū-iân bô-hūn(siūnn beh kóng-tshut) We are doomed to be apart (you want to say)
寫袂了的批(的) siá bē liáu ê phue(ê) Letters left unwritten (but) 佮講袂煞的話(奈何) kah kóng bē suah ê uē(nāi-hô) Still things I have left to say  (亻因) 開袂完的銃(開袂完的銃) in khui bē uân ê tshìng(khui bē uân ê tshìng) The gunfire near ceases 看人去樓空(火烌猶在) khuànn lâng-khì lâu-khang(hué-hu iû-tsāi) Everyone is gone, nothing remains (only the ashes)
雨 微微仔落 hōo, bî-bî-á lo̍h Rain, falls softly 天 微微仔光 thinn, bî-bî-á kng Day, breaks softly 看你 微微仔笑 khuànn lí, bî-bî-á tshiò And you, smile softly 後世人再會 āu-sì-lâng tsài-huē “We will meet in the next life”
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stories-and-stars · 2 years
Dreams of Chaos Pt-2
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a spell she found very entertaining.....
It took her a short amount of time to learn the spell she wanted to use first before the one needed to return to the dreamscape later that night. She raised her hands, writing the runes needed to cast the spell. Chanting the words, she could feel the spell working. Her connection to Laxus was being created. The spell would only let her do so much however. She was able to whisper to him,
“ lay down, somewhere private” her voice low and seductive. The hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. She could tell he did so, immediately. Once she felt him relax into a bed, she did what she started out to do.
“ ghost touch!” she cast the spell.  She could hear him almost moan,
The spell allowed her to make it feel like she was touching him, without her being there at all. She put her hands on his lower stomach in the same spot as before to let him know it was her. He understood and his muscles flexing under her touch let her know. She trailed her finger delicately up his muscled stomach to his shoulders. Where she began rubbing them, like a massage. She couldn't say anything else through the conection but she could hear him still. He groaned from the kneading as his tense muscles relaxed. Her hands traveled up the back of his neck and her fingers intertwined in his soft hair. She pulled lightly to expose his neck. He breathed heavily in response. She wanted so badly to latch her lips onto the soft exposed skin, to leave a mark so everyone knew that he was hers. She recoiled at her own thoughts and lost the spell. She slapped herself internally. 
“ that he's yours! the hell y/n. you just met him!” she talked at herself. She couldn't help it. She’s never felt like this before. 
The spell was broken and he could feel that she wasn't there anymore. He sat up quickly and out of breath. 
“ fuck.. “ he trailed off. Shaking his head and clearing the hazy eyed look he knew he had. He grabbed his coat and rejoined the table he abruptly stood up from earlier. 
“ what happened to you?” his long tonged guild mate chirped at him. 
“ n-nothing” he replied quickly. They didn't press and just continued talking to one another. This girl is driving him crazy. He's never felt like this before.
It grew darker outside and she figured she’d cast the next spell. She cast the same dreamscape spell that Mystogan cast earlier but she cast this one in connection with Laxus. He'd be able to feel her falling asleep and that when he did too, he’d join her there once again. It seemed to be working correctly, she opened her eyes to the same picture as the night before. 
“ Laxus?” she called out quietly, unsure if he was here. She stood from her spot and began looking around, maybe he was in a different area. She cleared a little bit of ground and was about to go back to the original spot until a strong arm wrapped around her from behind. Startling her momentarily but she calmed in his grasp. 
“ what was that little spell earlier?” he growled in her ear. She let out a breathy moan,
“ pay back for the night before” she smiled. A mischievous grin grew across her face, one he could not see to anticipate being tripped and turned over. Causing both of them to fall to the ground in a pile. Her victorious laughter caused him to begin laughing loudly too. They rolled a couple times until he ended up on top, holding himself above her. The laughter died down but her smile was big as ever. He looked at how happy she seemed right then, in the warm sun of this place and how her e/c eyes shown in the deep red light. Before he did something he’d regret, he pulled himself away. 
“ I want to see you, come to my guild” he said more than asked. She was afraid at first, they'd act the same way as everyone. She trusts him though. He was very powerful, she could tell. If they accepted him, maybe they would her too.
“ What guild?” she asked. 
“ Fairytail” he smiled at her and she burst out laughing. His completely puzzled look made her calm down. 
“ Im sorry - ha - sorry” she managed out between laughs, 
“ The friend who put me to sleep the first time was Mystogan, he's been trying to get me to join for ages now..” her face dropped slightly. 
“ I wish I had listened “ she smiled at him. He understood what she meant. They would have been able to meet sooner. Be happier sooner. 
“ Come in tomorrow, walk up to the master and ask to join. I’ll be there and don't worry I’ll know as soon as you walk in. “ he winked at her. She blushed and agreed. They laid in the grass the rest of that dream and just talked, About themselves and he let her go on and on about storms while she didn't know his magic. He went on about the guild and how she’d love it there, She can take big jobs with him, she froze, he could feel it. He sat up and looked at her,
“ what's wrong?” 
“ Ive never been in a guild, I've never used my magic like that” she confessed. his face contorted into a confused look.
“ I don't understand, you have magic. why wouldn't you be in a guild?” he asked, genuinely concerned. 
“ My magic, I was born with, unlike most wizards who have to learn it. My magic.. is that of chaos.” her eyes watered as she continued, 
“ Im a chaos mage or etherion mages after its discovery a few years back, we are beings born from pure magic energy. It can be used to create, enchant, destroy and everything else in between, and we have to learn to control it from a young age or we would be in a word, chaos. I learned to control it with the help of my teacher. I decided to be a simple enchanter. Woodworking is my specialty, thats how I met Mystogan. I fix his staffs from time to time.” 
“ you’ll do great, I’ll be there “ he smiled at her, before vanishing. If only you knew, she kept the pain she's endured all these years from the world to herself.  She could feel herself waking up too. She opened her eyes to be back in her bedroom. She could feel her heavy heart and how she knew this would be hard. How could it be, she thought, Laxus will be there. Her heart lifted, and raced, at the thought of actually standing in front of him. She wanted to see him as badly as he did her. She finished the final touches on Mystogans staff and left him a note, see you at fairy tail . She laughed to herself and packed a small travel bag for the road. It was a couple hour train ride to Magnolia from the small town she lived outside of. She caught the first train out and, with no small amount of courage, was on her way.
He moved his group to a table by the large main door of the guild, when they asked why he just said 
“ Its nice out”. They took the answer but they felt something was different about their guild mate and team leader the last few days. They sat there and went about their normal day to day talk and antics as usual. Laxus watched the door like a hawk. Not that it mattered if he looked away, he could smell her if she was close. A scent he wanted to get intoxicated on again, Lilacs and lavender. She must grow them outside her house. He smiled in his day dream until Bixslow got  his attention. 
“ what's been going on with you lately, you are acting -” he stopped mid sentence and the air in the guild went stiff. He watched her walk in the large open door  with a bright smile in her face. He was oblivious to the faces of fear his friends held. He watched her walk up to the guild master but before she could even introduce herself he stood from his seated position and held a defensive stance to her. She grabbed her bag strap a little tighter. Mira and Erza took the same stance as the master and they extruded massive amounts of magical energy to intimidate y/n. He didn't understand why they were acting like this. He rose from his seat and began to realize everyone frozen in place. It slipped passed her lips, barley audible to those standing right in front of her but he heard it clear as day. 
“ Laxus...”
“ Leave! “ the master commanded. 
In a flash, she was in his arms under his coat and in another flash they were gone. He took them to a small hill outside the city. She was holding onto his shirt collar with white knuckles. 
“I don't understand why they acted like that, my flower Im so sorry” he wrapped his arms around her tighter. 
“ My flower?” she giggled. He turned red at the cheeks and she straddled him where they sat on the hill. Everything that just happened already leaving her. Simply because he was there, really there. She cupped his face and smiled at him.
“ Everyone says my magic feels evil or dark-” he cut her off before she could continue, brushing hair from in front of her face.
“ I don't feel anything but you and it's the farthest thing from evil” his voice soft and caring, like a gentle breeze. Before she knew it, her lips were on his and his hands were in her hair. Her magic caused the wind to blow around them and sparks came from his hands causing her to moan into the kiss as the tiny electrical waves coursed through her. They finally broke apart and simply held each other, looking at one another. 
“ Damn woman, what are you doing to me?” he huffed breathlessly. She went to kiss him again when an orb enclosed her and pulled her from his grasp. He yelled out and jumped to his feet. He watched as the guild master came down next to him, he was the one holding her in this orb. 
“ Gramps! what are you doing?“ Laxus yelled out. She pounded on the barrier holding her, tears welling In her eyes. Laxus couldn't stand the sight of It and  again begged his grandfather,
“ Makarov, Stop! “. The older wizard held her in the magic orb and turned to his grandson,
“ Why can’t you feel her power? It’s not right. I’m saving you from whatever black magic spell she has you under.” Laxus could tell the master was going to blow up the orb and her with it. His magic started to crackle around him and lit up the surrounding area. He blasted Makarov with a bolt of lightning, it was barley enough for him to lose the orb holding her. He caught her before she started to fall and bolted them away again. This time she begged to go home through tears. It broke his heart in ways he never thought possible. She directed him close enough and asked to be put down near a small pond. Almost like the one in the dream, she wished they could be back there again. Laxus didn't realize it but his anger began to well inside and he created a storm above them. She jumped up and playfully smacked his arm, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
“ Why didn't you tell me you were a lightning wizard!?” she yelled while smiling. 
“ Why?” he laughed back at her. 
“ You don't remember me saying I wanted my dream to be a storm? you just let me sit there going on about how I loved them that second night and how I wrote poetry about them - “ she gasped. 
“ That's why you were smiling so much!” she squealed in embarrassment. He let out a hearty laugh and grinned down at her pouty figure,
“ I liked to think you were talking about me the whole time” he quipped.
Her face turned so red she buried her face in his torso and beat her hands against him. He chuckled at her antics and wrapped her in his arms and long coat. It began to rain from the storm he accidentally created, taking cover in a small rock cropping near the edge of the pond. They laid his coat out and simple embraced one another. She couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight. The lightning crashing in his eyes took her breath away. She closed her eyes to drift asleep inhaling his scent. Sandal wood and earthy aroma. Until a tiny spark nipped at her side. The action causing her to unintentionally moan. His cheeks reddened but his mischievous smile came through, 
“ It seems Makarov was wrong, I'm the one with the spell over you” he crawled over her slowly. She giggled and pulled his shirt collar down, humming in agreement
“ Im yours Laxus” she said so seductively she shocked herself at the confidence. He smashed his lips onto hers and she deepened the kiss. It turned into a heavy make out when she arched her back into his torso. He groaned into the kiss and she pulled him closer to her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her so tight she moaned in response. She turned them over so she was straddling him and removed her thin jacket she had on. Laxus grabbed her hands at the hem of her shirt and stopped her, She looked confused.
“ I want to wait, I want you so badly right now” he showed her by pushing her hips down onto his very hard member, 
“ but I want to wait, my flower” she held his head against her chest and understood. 
“ im okay with that” her voice soft as she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, 
“ but im not done with you yet” her eyes turned dark. She made him lay back down and cast ghost touch again. This time she used the ghostly hands to hold his wrists above his head and pin them there. He pulled his hands down, expecting to grab her and turn the tables. When his hands didn't move he was taken back, the spell must add to her physical strength. She had control over him and he.. liked it.  She released his hands only for a moment to rip his shirt open at his torso. The cold air hitting his exposed skin raised goose bumps. The hands he couldn't see once again pinned his hands. Her lips and teeth attached where ever she deemed fit, his abs, his v line, his neck, his collar bones. He was a writhing mess underneath her. He'd never been handled so dominantly before. His cheeks where red and he buried his face in his arm stretched above him. The moans dripping from his mouth made him feel vulnerable for how easy she did this to him. He couldn't remember the last time he was so hard it hurt, If there ever was a time. She was definitely the one for him. 
Pleased with her work and the mess of the man in front of her. She waved off the spell and his hands were free. She placed gentle kisses over the spots of hard love bites she could already see forming. She straddled him gently once again and all seductress feelings were gone. She was scary in that moment for him, that she could do all that and act cute again. 
“ Don't do anything to me please. Ill be so loud they'd be able to find us” she laughed and fell next to him. He simply wrapped his arm around her and tried to catch his breath. His mind was so hazy from the high he just got from that experience he couldn't if he wanted to. They fell asleep listening to his storm, it was the rest they'd been trying to get for a few days now. No dream needed this time. She couldn't describe how she felt. 
The following morning she could describe it, pain.
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elfsone · 2 years
People on twt are like bible and tong look so sad! Omg what if they cry!? We gonna chant his name and hold his banners so that everyone feels uncomfortable and they can cry... idk what tragedy p*rn they're looking for. That man has already caused the ruin of the career of 15 other people(esp bible) who had nothing to do with this nonsense and now his fans are hell bent on making it worse!
His stans are worse than him istg... i may forgive build but never the fans... seems to be a collection of the worst kind of people on internet 😕 I hope they realize that no one is gonna want to work with him again even if he's proven innocent
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Algiers – Shook (Matador)
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On Shook, Franklin James Fisher, Lee Tesche, Ryan Mahan and Matt Tong sound refreshed, energized by collaboration and completely confident in their identity. Switching organically between punk, gospel, soul, hip hop, jazz and afro-futurism, Algiers speaks directly to a world under siege, a cacophonous ball of confusion from which they meld a cohesive interrogation of the violence at the heart of American power and a celebration of resistance and survival.
Fisher’s voice is a commanding presence throughout, and the call-and-response construction of many of the songs provides a unifying motif. In the adrenaline-fueled rushes of “Something Wrong” and “Good Man,” the band rediscovers the power that made their first two albums so compelling. But it’s the engagement with collaborators that provides the most interesting moments. Rapper Big Rube calls for resistance over a minimal orchestra swell and massed distant voices on “As it Resounds”; billy woods and Backxwash speak directly to police violence and the manipulation of white grievance over a skittering drum machine and piano motif on “Bite Back.” Mark Cisneros ties the “Out Of Style Tragedy” of domestic weaponization to victory of political and financial self-interest as the band chants Sun Ra’s “Nuclear War” in the background. Jae Matthews provides the female counterpoint to Fisher and Samuel T. Herring on the lacerating “I Can’t Stand It.” LaToya Kent speaks from the perspective of a black mother: “Burying her feelings with the men she bore to life/Her heart heavier than the body.”  On “An Echophonic Soul,” DeForrest Brown, Jr’s electronics and Patrick Shirioshi’s sax provide a keening background to an invocation of the other dead in the electric mist.
The record closes with Lee Bains III intoning, “When we die/The neighbors will bring casseroles/Drag shows will be held in our honor/… /The marchers in the boulevard will take their knee/Raise their fist/Drop their face/Silent in the midday traffic/Like a stone in a quick river/When we die, our beloved, our kinfolk/Fear not, we rise.” The song delivers a modicum of hope amid the bloodshed and culture war bullshit that drives it. At a time when black, female and queer lives and agency are being erased and their histories whitewashed, the diversity of voices and styles gives Shook astonishing power as an expression of possibility. Algiers may not have the answers but they’re damn sure asking the right questions. The material is here, heed the call.
As a sidenote, in January Queens producer King Vision Ultra released Shook World, a mix tape built on stems from Shook (supplied by Algiers) and his own sound archive featuring guests such as DJ Haram, ELUCID, Dreamcrusher and Dis Fig. It is envisioned as a companion piece rather than a remix, a conversation which broadens the scope of both records. It is well worth hearing and can be found here: https://algierstheband.bandcamp.com/album/shook-world-hosted-by-algiers
Andrew Forell
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cicadacorpse · 1 year
It is the sinners' dust-tonged bell - Dylan Thomas
It is the sinners’ dust-tongued bell claps me to churches
When, with his torch and hourglass, like a sulphur priest,
His beast heel cleft in a sandal,
Time marks a black aisle kindle from the brand of ashes,
Grief with dishevelled hands tear out the altar ghost
And a firewind kill the candle.
Over the choir minute I hear the hour chant:
Time’s coral saint and the salt grief drown a foul sepulchre
And a whirlpool drives the prayerwheel; 
Moonfall and sailing emperor, pale as their tideprint,
Hear by death’s accident the clocked and dashed-down spire
Strike the sea hour through bellmetal.
There is loud and dark directly under the dumb flame,
Storm, snow, and fountain in the weather of fireworks,
Cathedral calm in the pulled house;
Grief with drenched book and candle christens the cherub time
From the emerald, still bell; and from the pacing weather-cock
The voice of bird on coral prays.
Forever it is a white child in the dark-skinned summer
Out of the font of bone and plants at that stone tocsin
Scales the blue wall of spirits;
From blank and leaking winter sails the child in colour,
Shakes, in crabbed burial shawl, by sorcerer’s insect woken,
Ding dong from the mute turrets.
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amitabhabuddha · 3 months
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Fo,
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Fa,
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Shen,
Namo Ben Shi Shi Jia Moni Fo x 3 times
Wu Sharng Sen Sen Wei Miao Fa, Bai Chien Wan Jie Nan Zhou Yu, Wo Jin Jian Wen De Shou Ze, Yuan Jie Ru Lai Zhen Shi Yi.
Chan Kui Wen.
Life's Main Reason Is Suffering (Sen Ming De Benze Se Tong Ku)
Life's Main Purpose Is To Seek Liberation (Sen Ming De Mu Ti Se Jie Toh)
Life's Main Motivation Is Compassion (Sen Ming De Yi Yi Se Chi Pei)
Bao Ji Ru Lai
Start - Basic (10.30 am)
Xu kung jin, Zung sherng jin, Niet pan jin, Wo yuan nai jin.
Hui hung zhun, zhung sharng jun, nit pun jun, ngo yun nai zhun.
<Not measured: Mouth (om soli soli..), Body (om sowa..) x3
Multiplier mantra 1x108 per day
Om Ram (use jixiang yin, thumb at 4th finger, use chanting beads x 108)
Om Chrine (7 times, one protect your house, three protects whole place, seventh protects the country, use jinguang yin, thumb closed by all fingers, use chanting beads x 108.
Earth Gods of Five Directions mantra
Namo Samanta Buddhanam Om Dulu Dulu Di Wei Soha) x3 per day>
Stupa mantra x3 per day, Done 230
A va la ka kia, 0.25 per day x108, Done 13
Sakyamuni Buddha mantra, 0.25 per day x108, Done 18
Om Mani Padme Hum, A Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha 1x108 per day, Done 52 days
Usnisa Vijaya mantra, Om Bhrum Soha - 1x108 per day, Done 52 days
Cundi Bodhisattva Mantra
(Namaḥ Saptānāṃ Samyaksaṃbuddha Koṭīnāṃ Tadyathā Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī) 0.25 per day x108, Done 25
Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī Svāhā 1 x 108, Done 96 days
<Om Bhrum 1x108 per the chanting bead>
Part 1 (11.30 am)
Om Vasudhare Svaha 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
Namo Samantha Buddhanam Om Mahakalaye Svaha 0.25 per day x108, Done 12.5
Om Mahakalaye Svaha x1080 per day, Done 50 days
(20x27x2 = 1080 or 60 x small beads)
(7x per day)
Zambala of Five Directions (Om Zambala Gari Zanayeh Soha), Done 359
Yellow Zambala (Om Zambala Zalendraye Soha), Done 359
Om Samaya Cha, Done 359
Part 2 (12.30 am), Lunch @ 1.30 pm
Medicine Buddha long mantra x3 per day, Done 154
Namo bhagavate bhaiśajyaguru vaidūryaprabharājāya tathāgatāya arhate samyaksambuddhāya tadyathā: oṃ bhaiśajye bhaiśajye bhaiśajya-samudgate svāhā.
Medicine Buddha heart mantra, 0.25 per day x108, Done 19.5
Makura (Buddhist Patron protector of the zodiac sign monkey), 7x per day, Done 555
Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Tathagata
Akshobhaya (Pudong Rulai) x3 per day, Done 149
- Namo bhagavate Akshobhaya, tathagataya arhate samyaksambuddhaya
Tadyatha Om kamkani kamkani, Rochani rochani, Trotani trotani, Trasani trasani, Pratihana pratihana, Sarva karma paramparanime sarva sattvanancha svaha
(0.25 per day x108)
Manjushri mantra, Done 14.25
Om Avira Hum Kachara Mum Soha, Done 12.5
Earth store mantra (Om Pra Mani Dani Svaha), Done 12.5
7th Past Parents mantra (Namo Mi Li Duo Duo Poye Soha), Done 12.5
Long life mantra (Om Sam Mei Duo Fa Chi Lai Yu So Wa He), Done 12.5
Om ye ye nan, Done 17.5
Food mantra , Done 17.5
Water offering mantra, Done 17.5
Liberate small water being mantra, Done 17.5
Om Bo bo Ti li, Cher (li) To li, Dan tuo ye tuo ye, Done 17.5
Om Maiyura Krante Svaha, Done 17.5
Om Ah Hum, 1x108 per day, Done 57 days
Part 3 (3.30 pm)
Amitabha (Nian Fo) 1x108 (6 syllable), 2x108 (4 syllable) per day, Done 49 days
Avalokiteśvara 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
Mahasthamaprapta 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
Om Maitri Maha Maitri Maitriye Svaha (7x per day), Done 557
Ksitigarbha 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
[Yeok Yan Yuk Liew Ji, Sam (3) Sai Yat Cai Fatt, Yin Dong Yu Si Kun, Sum (heart) Zhou G Yu Loi.]
Heart sutra x3 per day, Done 225
Tadyatha om gate gate paragate  parasamgate bodhi svaha x108, Done 12.5
Compassionate mantra x3 per day, Done 225 Om Du lin, Du lin, Jia Du lin Soha x108, Done 12.5
Om Ji zhi ya Soha 0.25 per day x108, Done 14.25
7 Buddha Names x3 per day, Done 68 days
Eliminate karma by 7 buddhas mantra 0.25 per day x108, Done 13
Pureland rebirth mantra 0.25 per day x108, Done 12.5
Pureland Mantra (Om Pu Kam), Light mantra (Oṃ Amogha Vairocana Mahāmudrā Maṇipadma Jvālapravarttaya Hūṃ) 0.25 per day x108, Done 12.5
Acala Heart Mantra (Namah Samanta Vajranam Ham) 0.25 per day x108, Done 14
<Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi>
Part 4 End (6.50 pm), Dinner @ 7.30 pm
(0.25 per day x108)
Tara mantras
- Green, Done 12.5
- White (Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha), Done 12.5
- Red, Done 12.5
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha, Done 365
Setrap mantra, Done 12.5
Dorje Shugden Mantra (Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha), Done 12.5
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung ~ peace, Done 12.5
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung
~ health, Done 12.75
[(7x per day)
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Punye Siddhi Hung
~ increase, Done 365
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
~ control, Done 365
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
~ protection, Done 365
Namkar Barzin (Om Biyada-Par Dhama-Dhara Soha), Done 365]
~ Shize,
During pandemic, Om Benza Wiki Bitana Chintau Kuru Ye Soha, Done 12.5
~ Gyenze
(Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Tseso Paljor Long Cho, Thamched Putrim Kuru Om), Done 12.5
Om Benza Satto Hung, Done 13.5
During 8 Kwanzai
(7x per day)
Surangama mantra, Done 365
Om Amarani Jivantiye Svaha, Done 365
Om Alolika Svaha, Done 365
Mahapratisara Bodhisattva
(Om Bhara Bhara Sambhara Sambhara Indriya Visudhani Ha Ha Ru Ru Ca Re Svaha), Done 365
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ, Done 365
Je Tsongkhapa/Jungkapa, Done 365
(Om Ah Guru Benzadhara Sumati Kirti Siddhi Hum Hum)
Om Garbe Ragam Soha, Done 365
Hum Mama Hum Ni Soha, Done 365
Target: Min 49 to 60 per month with 5 to 6 days of 8 kwanzai. Each time 26 to 34, each day 10 to 15 times until reached 49 to 60 or more.
49, 147, 343, 686, 1323, 12.25 (Jul 8th)
45, 135, 315, 630, 1215, 11.25
44, 132, 308, 616, 1188, 11
43, 129, 301, 602, 1161, 10.75
41, 123, 287, 574, 1107, 10.25
40, 120, 280, 560, 1080, 10
39, 117, 273, 546, 1053, 9.75
36, 108, 252, 504, 972, 9 (Jun 22)
35, 105, 245, 490, 945, 8.75
34, 102, 238, 476, 918, 8.5
33, 99, 231, 462, 891, 8.25
31, 93, 217, 434, 837, 7.75
30, 90, 210, 420, 810, 7.5
29, 87, 203, 406, 783, 7.25
28, 84, 196, 392, 756, 7
27, 81, 189, 378, 729, 6.75
26, 78, 182, 364, 702, 6.5
25, 75, 175, 350, 675, 6.25
24, 72, 168, 336, 648, 6 (Jun 15)
22, 66, 154, 308, 594, 5.5
20, 60, 140, 280, 540, 5
19, 57, 133, 266, 513, 4.75
15, 45, 105, 210, 405, 3.75
14, 42, 98, 196, 378, 3.5
13, 39, 91, 182, 351, 3.25
11, 33, 77, 154, 297, 2.75
10, 30, 70, 140, 270, 2.5
9, 27, 63, 126, 243, 2.25
8, 24, 56, 112, 216, 2
7, 21, 49, 98, 189, 1.75
6, 18, 42, 84, 162, 1.5
5, 15, 35, 70, 135, 1.25
4, 12, 28, 56, 108, 1 (May 25)
3, 9, 21, 42, 81, 0.75
2, 6, 14, 28, 54, 0.5
1, 3, 7, 14, 27, 0.25
Mantra of Ferocious Eating 殘食咒為(Namah samanta vajranam, trat, amogha canda, maha rosana, sphataya, hum, tramaya, hum trat ham mam)
+ Others:
Cui sui chow
Om tore tore cha tore so po ho
Om Am Bi Chanaga.
Om da de da de mohe dade svaha.
Om mani facili hum
Om Ami Dewa Hrih
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utopianadaosophy · 6 months
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Pizza-to-Juice Converter: User Manual
Important Safeguards:
Pizza Safety First:
Do not touch hot pizza surfaces. Use the provided pizza tongs or enchanted gloves.
Beware of molten cheese—it’s like dragon breath!
Keep your fingers away from the pizza-to-juice conversion chamber.
Juice Vigilance:
Avoid sticking your hand into the juice spout. It’s not a wizard’s wand.
Do not attempt to extract juice from non-pizza items (e.g., socks, broomsticks, or enchanted scrolls).
Children and magical creatures must be supervised during pizza-to-juice conversion.
Wizards, witches, and familiars are welcome but must sign a liability waiver.
Getting Started:
Unboxing the Pizza Converter:
Remove the enchanted wrapping paper and reveal the ancient pizza converter.
Whisper the secret activation spell: “Pepperoni, Margherita, Transformita!”
Know the Parts:
Pizza Input Slot: Insert pizza slices here.
Juice Spout: Where the magic happens.
Cheese Crust Crumb Collector: Collects cheesy remnants for later spells.
Pizza-to-Juice Conversion Process:
Choose Your Pizza Slice:
Select a pizza slice (preferably one with extra toppings).
Avoid pineapple—its magical properties clash with the juice enchantment.
Insert the Pizza Slice:
Gently slide the pizza slice into the input slot.
The converter hums with anticipation.
Incantation Time:
Chant the following incantation: “From dough to flow, from crust to must—juiceify!”
The pizza slice shimmers and softens.
Witness the Transformation:
The pizza slice swirls within the converter.
Crust dissolves, cheese liquefies, and toppings merge into flavor streams.
Collect Your Juice:
Position your goblet or chalice under the juice spout.
The pizza essence flows—a symphony of tomato, basil, and oregano.
Enjoy Your Pizza Juice:
Sip slowly. Each drop contains memories of pizza picnics and cheesy laughter.
Note: Pizza juice pairs well with magical spells and moonlit incantations.
0 notes
hadeschan · 7 months
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item # K22D38
RARE Kumanthong Luang Phor Guay, Roon Pook Pattasima, Pim Lek, Nua Tagua-àap-thongdang. A small-size Golden Boy holding a money bag figurine, a Wealth Fetching amulet, made from lead alloy coated with copper. Made as gift to commemorate Ngan Pook Pattasima, the temple Boundary Marking Ceremony of Wat Khositaram in BE 2521 (CE 1978), made by Luang Phor Guay of Wat Khositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chai Nat Province.
BEST FOR: You will NEVER be alone EVER, the spirit of Kumanthong is with you everywhere you go. He is following you all the time. He watches your back, he protects you, and your family and prevents danger. He blinds people who are going to harm you. He casts magic charm and love spells on people around you. Kumanthong helps protect and guard your properties, and do best at safeguarding all your family members. Not only the spirits may communicate with you in dreams, or be seen or heard in daily life, but they also provide affection and companionship. Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Wealth & Prosperity, Maha Laap (it brings lucky wealth). It warns danger coming ahead, Klawklad Plodpai (it helps push you away from all danger), Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. Baihuay, the spirits of the dead may tell/give hints of winning lottery numbers. And the force of the bad intentions / activities / behaviors from your enemies hitting you, the Khata Sà-tón Klap Spell puts an equal force back onto them, meaning those bad intentions / activities / behaviors bounce back up to your enemies.
Kuman Thong is an effigy, or statue which is revered in Thailand by animists. They are believed to bring luck and fortune to the owner, if properly revered. Kuman, or Kumara (Pali) means “young boy” (female kumari); thong means golden. Kuman thong is not a Buddhist practice, but necromancy. Genuine Kuman Thong, which was revered and created in ancient times according to traditional method by Adept practitioners of Saiyasart, was made by surgically removing the unborn fetus from the womb of its Mother. The body of the child would then be taken to a cemetery for the conduction of the ceremony to invoke a Kuman Thong. The body is roasted until dry whilst the Mage chants incantations of magical kata. In the case of making a female spirit child, the effigy is not called Kuman Tong, rather “Hong Pray”.
Some Kuman effigies will be soaked in Nam Man Prai, which has extract of a dead child or a person who died in violent circumstances or an unnatural death. This is much less common now, because this practice is now illegal if using fat from human babies for the consecrating oil. There are however still some authentically made amulets appearing. Some years ago a famous monk was thrown out of the Buddhist sangha for roasting a baby. He was convicted, but later continued to make magic as a layperson after his release. The practice of creating Necromantic effigies of a Kuman Tong comes from age old tradition in Thailand. Thai folk have made Bucha to Animistic spirits and ghosts since time immemorial. The original Kuman Tong came from children who died whilst still in their mother’s womb. The Magic makers would take these stillborn babies and adopt them as their children.
From what information has been gathered from ancient Thai manuscripts about how to make a Kuman Tong, it appears that the correct method is to remove the dead baby surgically from the mother’s womb, and take it to undergo the proper ceremonial ritual; The baby must be roasted until dry. This must be completed before dawn, and should be performed in a cemetery. Once the rite is completed, the dry-roasted Kuman should be painted with Ya Lak (a kind of lacquer used to cover amulets and Takrut with gold leaf, and covered in gold leaf. This is the real reason why this effigy received the name of “Kuman Thong” (which means “Golden Baby Boy”).
Origins: In Thailand, the Kuman Thong is also spoken of in the legend of Khun Chang Khun Phaen, where the character Khun Phaen made one by removing the stillborn baby from the stomach of his wife.
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
Luang Phor Guay was highly respected by Luang Phor Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of Luang Phor Pare’s amulets were blessed by Luang Phor Guay first, Luang Phor Pare would bring them to Luang Phor Guay and ask Luang Phor Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
*All of the amulet made by Luang Phor Guay, the last mantra that Luang Phor Guay blessed on amulets was “The Khata Sà-tón Klap (The Bouncing Back Mantra)”. The force of the bad intentions / activities / behaviors from your enemies hitting you, the Khata Sà-tón Klap puts an equal force back onto them, meaning those bad intentions / activities / behaviors bounce back up to your enemies.
Luang Phor Guay was an abbot of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chainat Province living between (BE 2448 to BE 2522)
Luang Phor Guay was a disciple of many Legendary Guru Monks, for instance;
- The Holy Luang Phu Tao of Wat Kaang Kaao, a senior brotherhood of Luang Phu Suk of Wat Pak Klong Makham-tao
- The Holy Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang
- The Holy Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho
The supernatural power of Luang Phor Guay experienced by his Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees)
1)An ability to know the future.
2)An ability to shoot clay ball bullets from a sling bow with cursive path (line of fire) to any targets Luang Phor Guay wanted, no matter how far they were.
3)An ability to make a ring to be put on anybody’s fingers no matter where they were by blowing rings from Luang Phor Guay’s palms.
4)Photo shootings without Luang Phor Guay’s permission, those photos would be blurry or camera malfunctions.
5)An ability to make people who just visited Luang Phor Guay not to recognize Luang Phor Guay after leaving Luang Phor Guay.
6)An ability to stop gun from firing at him or anyone
7)An ability to make gun malfunction by squeezing out a piece of cloth in his hands.
8)An ability to make ants to return to their nest hole.
9)An ability to bless chicken food, and made chickens eat it if the chickens or the chicken eggs were stolen, and later eaten by the thieves, the thieves would got Dermatophytosis or Ringworm on their skins.
10)An ability to use a rock tying up with a robe, and beat up his looksit, and looksit felt no pain.
11)An ability to stop the gun from firing by saying “the gun jammed”.
12)An ability to treat people with headache by pinching their own thumbs.
13)An ability to heal people with broken bones.
14)An ability to replace the pain during child labor from wives to their husbands.
15)An ability to turn a man to both a crocodile, and then a tiger or vice versa.
16)An ability to turn midrib of a banana leaf to a green snake, and a loincloth belt to a cobra.
17)An ability to turn leaves of Maerua siamensis (Kurz) Pax tree to wasps.
18)An ability to turn a joss stick wrapped with red paper to a Siamese fighting fish.
19)An ability to hold burning charcoal in his hands
20)An ability to pick anything that his hand could hold from anyplace, no matter how far they were.
21) Luang Phor Guay’s message to his looksit would come true.
22)An ability to make his amulets floating in the water or flying in the air.
23)An ability to command wasps to sting any people he wanted. And command turtles to search for anybody he wanted.
24)An ability to toss his amulets into the air, and those amulets were flying to people whom he wanted to give amulets to, no matter where they lived.
25)An ability to know if his Looksit were assaulted or in danger, no matter where they were at.
Luang Phor Guay made and blessed all of his amulets by himself. Mon Pra Gaan, the Lord Kala in Sanskrit, the Pra Gaan Mantra, the one who is beyond time (death) and universe and all life within, and the god of death. Those who have good intentions of using Luang Phor Guay’s amulets would be blessed, those who are not will be doomed. And all amulets made by Luang Phor Guay, at the final of blessing ritual, Luang Phor Guay would end with Khata Sa-ton-klap. Such Khata has a power that helps protect amulet wears from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. Not only protection from those kind of people, but also people who are thinking a “bad” thought about the amulet wearers will also be doomed.
REMARK: According to Looksit (disciples / followers / adherents / worshippers / devotees) of Luang Phor Guay, Luang Phor Guay made amulets every day to release his mind power (Grasin Fire) that generated heat in his body, and Luang Phor Guay NEVER made amulets for sale. Luang Phor Guay just gave amulets to anybody he wanted.
Luang Phor Guay blessed his amulets at the 7 times of the day firstly in the early morning, in the late morning, in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, in the evening, in the late evening, and at midnight. These 7 times of blessing was said to be the blessing process of Black Magic, and to prolong/extent the lives of people who wear his amulets in case that people’s lifespan on earth are shorten by their bad karma. And only best guru monks or Best white robe masters could perform such rituals. Luang Phor Guay would pick the day on auspicious constellations (Rerk Mongkon), master of devil constellations (Rerk Boon Phraya Maan), and criminal constellations (Jora Rerk). Luang Phor Guay said that the Rerk Boon Phraya Maan, and Jora Rerk are constellations that help criminals, and evil people to successfully commit their crimes, and amulets of Luang Phor Guay would perform miracles to persuade those bad people to believe in good and bad karma, then they will return to support Buddhism, and finally, they will be decent citizens.
*with Certificate of Authenticity issued by DD-PRA
DIMENSION: 2.70 cm high / 0.90 cm wide / 0.70 cm thick
item # K22D38
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
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swedesinstockholm · 11 months
5 octobre
maison sans loki. y a un trou à côté du canapé maintenant. un énorme trou. j'avais personne à qui dire bonjour ce matin quand je me suis levée. je peux traverser le hall d'en haut, le hall d'en bas et le salon comme je veux, sans faire de détours pour éviter les taches de pipi sur les tapis, y a plus de tapis. je peux me laver les cheveux à l'heure que je veux sans avoir à prendre en compte ses sorties. je peux aller où je veux quand je veux. j'ai plus aucune raison de sortir dans la rue en pyjama et en tongs. mais je ressens pas de tristesse. je ressens rien. je rêve juste beaucoup de lui. c'est le même schéma qu'avec chacun de mes quatre grand-parents. comment je peux rester insensible à toutes ces morts, imperméable à toute émotion, et en même temps me laisser entièrement consumer par un chagrin d'amour jusqu'à le sentir dans mes os? c'est la mort spécifiquement qui me bloque, me paralyse, me désensibilise? c'est une histoire d'auto protection? est-ce que si r. venait à mourir je serais moins triste que lorsqu'il m'a dit qu'il m'aimait pas?
6 octobre
j'ai accumulé trop de retard dans ce que j'ai à dire. hier soir au cours de chant du centre lgbt j'ai chanté all that jazz en tremblant et la prof qui devait avoir dix ans de moins que moi a fait remarquer mon manque de confiance et j'étais mortifiée, j'en peux plus d'être comme ça. y avait deux jolies filles, une avec l'accent espagnol et une au crâne rasé et je me sentais très hétéro dans mon jean moche et mon haut rouge à imprimé liberty hérité de c. ma tante homophobe. celle avec le crâne rasé est en stage à la cour de justice européenne. elle est allemande. je l'enviais. j'en peux plus de ma fausse vie. ce matin l'orl m'a demandé ce que je faisais comme travail et je l'ai fait répéter pour me laisser plus de temps pour réfléchir à une réponse. j'ai dit j'écris mais j'en ai marre de dire ça parce qu'écrire est un hobby et non un travail. je veux pouvoir dire je travaille à la cour de justice européenne moi aussi. même si j'y survivrais pas deux semaines avec ma fragilité. j'avais dit que je déménagerais à la rentrée mais la rentrée est passée et j'ai repoussé à 2024 et là je me dis que mon plan est défectueux depuis le début parce que d'abord je dois trouver un moyen de gagner ma vie mais je dois aussi partir et trouver un appart et les deux font la course côte à côte dans ma tête en se rattrapant l'un l'autre et c'est sans fin et la course ne s'arrête jamais et en attendant je bouge pas.
8 octobre
hier soir après manger j'étais un peu tristoune sur le canapé de voir m. avec son copain o., même si elle doit le partager avec quelqu'un d'autre et que ça la fait souffrir, au moins elle l'a à moitié. hier soir on faisait des blagues parce que j'ai bu trois gorgées de bière à la vanille dans le verre de m. et quand on est passés aux alcools fort après manger j'ai dit non merci et o. a dit she's had enough alcohol for the next fifteen years! à moins que c'était she's had more alcohol than in the last fifteen years? ce qui est encore plus déprimant, je trouve. on faisait des blagues aussi parce que je me réveille à 7h30 comme les vieux maintenant et parce que j'avais envie d'aller au lit après le dessert mais d'une certaine manière (je commence à parler comme r.) c'était pas drôle du tout. il m'a dit qu'il connaissait un café qui embauchait, en face de l'église où j'avais tenté de soigner mon coeur brisé avec l'amour de jésus à la messe polonaise, et aussi qu'y avait une place qui se libérait dans une coloc mais que je devais m'attendre à entendre beaucoup pleurer parce qu'ils étaient tous en burn out aux institutions européennes. il m'a dit que je pourrais tenter de donner des cours dans des universités d'art aussi parce qu'il faut pas de diplôme ni rien, et je me dis que m. m'a peut être un peu survendue, comme maman l'autre jour avec les invités sur la terrasse.
j'ai envie de casser mille verres et mille assiettes, je supporte pas de voir m. avec son copain, je me sens exclue et abandonnée et j'ai peur d'être malade, de souffrir de troubles de quelque chose. c'était plus simple quand j'étais seule à la mer, même si à la fin je commençais à me sentir trop seule, au moins j'étais en colère contre personne, à part jean luc. j'ai à peine vu m. à part à table hier soir et deux minutes ce matin au petit-déjeuner, ils m'ont même pas proposé de les accompagner au musée cet après-midi et ça me donne envie de casser toute la vaisselle de la cuisine, puis la cuisine. f. m'a dit que sa mère voulait venir à ma lecture, elle pensait que maman et m. viendraient aussi et je lui ai ri au nez. la mère de f. est la seule personne qui me soutient. avec r.
j'aime pas quand je suis larmoyante comme ça, heureusement j'avais ma lecture au rainbow center qui m'a un peu sortie de ma colère triste de cet après-midi. y avait quatre personnes dans le public, soit deux de plus que lors de ma précédente lecture lesbienne dans ce maudit pays, et cette fois-ci j'étais pas seule avec ma solitude, y avait une autrice-prof de français qui a publié un roman et une artiste plasticienne qui a présenté une vidéo-poème un peu nulle. j'ai lu le texte que j'avais lu à la bellone mais rien avoir avec la bellone, zéro rire, personne a du comprendre les ref non plus, personne n'est venu me dire que mon texte était un chef d'oeuvre à la fin, mais tout le monde ne peut pas être aussi brillant que le public des soirées et caetera, la plus fine des fleurs des publics, qui entre autres m'a donné r. j'avais oublié à quel point le texte était sombre, j'avais retenu que les rires des gens pendant les passages drôles. on m'a quand même dit que j'avais un bon rythme de lecture et que c'était très agréable de m'écouter. comme on me l'a dit mille fois déjà je me dis que je devrais trouver un moyen de le rentabiliser, mais comment? radio, podcasts, doublages, voix off, voix de livres audio? je dois devenir plus entreprenante.
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