evviejo · 3 days
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astralbondpro · 11 months
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Star Trek: Enterprise // S02E14: Stigma
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atlanticghostcrab · 3 months
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fleur-aesthetic · 1 year
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instagram | littlefarmhouseflowers
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honeystar-is-alone · 6 months
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Moon 0 | Catastrophe
The camp had bern upwind of the fire, set down in a hollow where no cat had much of a chance to take note. Honeyfoot had panicked- of course he had, everyone had taken to shouting and fretting- and nobody had wasted the time it would have taken to organise.
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He’d grabbed Phloxkit and run out onto the plains- trying not to fall behind or be trampled, knowing he could meet up with the others once the danger had passed. She didn’t protest for long, understanding his fear, if not the situation.
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But they were exhausted, and the camp had burned so very hot, and Honeyfoot had run till his paws bled, and covered quite the distance. . As rain started to fall, bringing an end to the white-hot terror, and the two cats found some meagre shelter, Honeyfoot promised himself- and Phloxkit- and they’d search for survivors tomorrow.
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hinged-door · 8 months
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trekkie-polls · 1 month
Ds9 really out there representing this category
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squimp · 1 month
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my doctor phlox gif #love
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odo-apologist · 2 months
Every ENT character is the most character ever. Archer is a bitch he plays a fundamental role in the creation of the Federation he brings his dog on away missions which once causes a diplomatic incident he likes water polo he commits war crimes he saw a gazelle giving birth and implements it into his rousing speeches he had a wet dream about his first officer that included his dog's funeral he had to carry the soul of the creator of the main tenets of Vulcan philosophy in his head he gives a lecture on Tycho Brahe while getting his ass beaten during an interrogation scene. T'Pol is strict in her Vulcan beliefs she doesn't believe in time travel even as she's presented with irrefutable evidence and remains somewhat skeptical after experiencing it firsthand she is the funniest person on Enterprise she is more emotional than average Vulcans to the point that she had to have memories erased for causing her too much distress she could canonically pick up any of her crewmates and carry them bridal style she has Vulcan HIV she has it cured by the woman that later watches Spock and Kirk roll around in the sand in Amok Time she is technically canonically trans she is a recovering drug addict. Trip is a perfect gentleman he undergoes incredible emotional losses his favorite movies are Frankenstein Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein he gets pregnant five episodes in he dies in the worst episode of the entire series (and the entire franchise) only to have that death retconned in the following tie-in novels he ran around the ship in his underwear he leaves the ship for a couple weeks only to come back after one person had been kidnapped another thrown in jail and the engines are on the verge of destruction and reacts like :/. Malcolm is gay he has 50 ex-girlfriends he has only had one friend in his life his own sister barely knows anything about him he dies alone he likes pineapple even though he's allergic to it he gets spacesick he worked as an agent for a top secret organization he's afraid of drowning he whined about getting a cold he had a spike driven through his leg and didn't complain at all he has a psychosexual obsession with a man he thinks is after his job and grows to respect once they had a homoerotic fight scene before witnessing him die. Hoshi is a linguistic prodigy she's the greatest contributor to the universal translator she has a panic attack on one of her first missions she ran a gambling ring she has a black belt in aikido and broke her superior's arm she has never been to the principal's office in her life she is afraid to use the transporter she became an empress in an alternate universe she is the only one who gets laid on Risa making her the first human to do so she reacted to the threat of getting worms injected into her brain to make her reveal secret information by spitting in her interrogator's face. Travis is the sweetest man ever he loves rock climbing he gets injured whenever he tries to use those skills he's a fan of ghost stories he grew up on a small freighter he gets neglected by the narrative his counterpart helps Hoshi become empress he works out when he's horny he dies in a alternate future where Earth is destroyed he's a movie buff who would probably love the Criterion Collection he likes to chill in a part of the ship with zero gravity which he calls "the sweet spot." Phlox grins like the Cheshire Cat he breaks doctor patient confidentiality to help figure out Malcolm's favorite food he goes crazy when the rest of the crew have to sleep through part of space because of how social his species is he has three wives who in turn have three husbands he responds to the news of one of his wives propositioning a crew member by being like "cool! have fun :]" he once nearly vivisects Travis because he's being affected by radiation and gets obsessed with knowing why the guy has a simple headache he has a menagerie in the middle of his sickbay. And they're all my best friends.
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margocooper · 3 months
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Флокс растопыренный " Блю Парфюм''. Phlox divaricata 'Blue Perfume'.
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evviejo · 16 days
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noseysilverfox · 26 days
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September 2020
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flowerishness · 1 month
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Phlox paniculata (garden phlox)
As regular visitors to this blog may remember, my house is up for sale. Unfortunately, It hasn't sold yet but this gives me an opportunity to say a long, loving goodbye to a garden that has given me so much pleasure.
This species of Phlox is a perennial and it's been putting out these beautiful pink flowers for years. I'm planning to dig up a chunk, put it in a pot and see if it will grow on a balcony. When I sell, I'll look for a place that get's the morning sun. I think my pink garden phlox would prefer that.
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andulkaphoto · 1 year
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honeystar-is-alone · 6 months
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Honeyfoot had always been instant he wasn’t the child-caring sort… but fate had other plans, so it seemed. Still, Phloxkit had an insatiable appetite, and with the plains of NettleClan’s territory burned away as they were, hunting on familiar territory was near fruitless.
Still, she was fed, even if he could feel his stomach rumbling.
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He’d gone back to the clan’s home, of course- more in hope than expectation. It had all been ash, save for the remains of his clanmates.
He left them where they were, hoping the smoke had gotten them, rather than the heat and roaring terror.
Phloxkit could learn the truth when she was older. Perhaps they could reclaim this old camp, once prey had returned to the area, and the autumn and winter had passed.
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They set out days later, a series of temporary nests in the grass serving as their homes. Phlox’s little legs got tired… often, but it was forgiven especially when a stand of stones, strewn about with saplings, was found by the pair; found and found to be uninhabited, even better. The ground was warm, and the tiredness of the last few days caught up with them…
Honeyfoot didn’t even complain with Phloxkit snuggled up against his belly, pronouncing his fur most comfortable. Idly he wondered how she was avoiding overheating like this.
Trying a different format today, where I put the text on the images instead of going purely for prose … please let me know which you prefer! Or maybe if you’d want text on images only?
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fleur-aesthetic · 1 year
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instagram | theflowerfairies
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