#[roxy:  *takes off makeup*  mission accomplished]
roxyrumbles · 7 years
It really was convenient that Stormer had family in London.  Roxy’d initially asked Jetta to come along with her, but Jetta was uncharacteristically antsy at the thought of going back to the UK for any length of time, even though Roxy had asked really nicely.  Well, nicely for Roxy, anyway.  So she’d had to head over with Stormer in tow instead.
Now, she couldn’t very well drag Stormer along with her to meet up with this detective guy she was after, because her Great Idea involved Jem and the Holograms (who else?) and Stormer just so happened to be dating one of those Holo-jerks.  Roxy loved her bandmate to pieces but she was also, like, 80% sure Stormer would rat her out in a heartbeat if it came down to choosing between her and Kimber.  Better not to test that theory.
So Roxy had to go alone.  She was in ultimate incognito mode (which essentially meant no Misfits makeup, sadly), shades, ‘Weights Before Dates’ muscle shirt, b-ball shorts, basically, looking like the exact last person you would expect to be looking for a detective.  Or so she hoped.  She was acting on her own, after all, and the fewer people who could tie this back to the band, the better.  She wasn’t Clash, after all.  She wasn’t gonna screw up if she acted behind the Misfits’ backs.  She wasn’t gonna drag their names through the mud.
Great plan, right?  Well, it would be better if she could actually find the place. Roxy had apparently gotten herself turned around somewhere along the way, and everyone she asked directions from had a distressing tendency to tell her to look for such-and-such street name rather than telling her how many blocks to walk before turning right or left or whatever, and it just wasn’t working out for her.  She’d eventually called Jetta, who’d spent approximately ten minutes swearing at her because “10 o’clock there doesn’t mean it’s 10 o’clock in LA, Roxanne Pelligrini!!”  But eventually, once Jetta had calmed down (and woken up), she’d been able to figure out where Roxy was and give her directions from there.  
So, by the time she finally found the damn place, Roxy wasn’t in any mood to screw around.  She slammed the office door shut behind her by way of greeting.  “So, like, do I have to make an appointment or what,” she said flatly.  God have mercy on the poor soul who tried to turn her away.
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