#[sad deflated honk]
Chapter 1
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"That's it? I got the good ending but why do I feel so unsatisfied with it?"
The city streets are bustling with noises from cars and trucks honking horns and screeching their tires to the clacking of people's shoes and idle chatter.
One of those people being you, (Y/N) (L/N), currently waiting at the cross walk for it to turn green so you can get back to work since its been up for a good 5 minutes since your lunch break ended.
"I only played it for the villianess anyways but in the end she died." mumbling to yourself and in truth that was truly the only reason you got hooked on the game after a Co-worker showed you the character , Sasha Evermore, who looked and acted exactly like you minus the master manipulator part. She was part of a otome game called “to catch a prince”, a game that popped out of nowhere and instantly became a hit amongst the crowd that includes you.
The weird part was as you started the game the parts with sasha would pang your heart with sadness,disgust, and anger but always written it off as indigestion or heartburn. You pitied her for some odd reason but others look at you crazy when you express this notation to them. Writing it off as just another one of your favs getters killed off to further write the protagonist’s narrative.
Sighing and holding the app down you press the tiny 'X' next to it and clicked the "delete app".
Only,it didn't delete. You repeated the same steps and still nothing. You hold it down and move it to ensure you're not crazy. that it was there. Trying one more time to do it; you never noticed how you were planted in the middle of the crosswalk. So into your own world you never heard the screams of the people who sat on the sidelines or the horn of the truck coming full speed and unable to hit the the brakes in time.
It was when you registered what was happening that is was to late. Your phone flee in the air and landed next to you with a cracked screen and fighting to stay on. Mangled body twitching in its last moment as people gather to gaze upon you like an animal in the zoo. Some calling the police and the trucker sputtering out apologizes. No one saw your eyes flicker to your screen that miraculously light up with a single message and angelic voice to accompany it " @яε ¥ꪮʊ яε@∂¥ ⊥ꪮ εҳ⊥я@ḉ⊥ ¥ꪮʊя яεṽεηɠε, ʟꪮ⊥⊥ʟε ꪮηε?"
Your brain bloated and swollen from impact that you couldn't recognize the familiar warm voice. It was in a instant your phone began to shake and shoot out a beam of white light that sucks you in as you succumb to darkness.
"He...llo? Hello~?"
Groaning in response and holding your head trying to register what is happening. Slowly blinking trying to adjust to the light in the room.
"You're finally up?" the soft voice next to you speaks sweetly to you as the clanking of cups and bowls hit eachother until they meet a bedside table.
Sitting up and looking over you are met with the sight of a long blue haired that framed a round brown woman. Her eyes are the darkest purple that had literal stars in place of pupils and her smile she stares at you with is the brightest stunning white. She stands in some sort of white sheer dress showing off her cleavage while she tilts forward to hand you the bowl of food.
You take it hesitantly and look from the bowl back up to the large woman a few times waiting for her to tell you that you're in heaven but nothing was said. The only thing you saw was her child like innocent aura as she stays seated close to the large bed you laid upon watching as she's aswaits for you're approval.
"I'm sorry but who are you… Where am I? Wasn't I...dead?" You push the ceramic bowl away and the feel of the deflation of the atmosphere around the woman's.
"oh? I um—I am sorry," she pokes her pointer fingers together and puffs out her cheeks, " I got caught up with meeting my favorite person and I didn't bother to introduce myself. My name is Hesitia . I am the entity that brought you back to life...twice. Kind of hurt that my idol doesn't remember me." She snaps her fingers making the bowl disappear.
"Brought back? Died twice?" You could see her nod her head to confirm your mini question, " what do you mean by idol? No wait, How did I die twice?"
"That's a lot to explain. Come,let me show you." She stands at her full height of 7'2 while pushing her hair behind her ears while extending a hand out to you.
Taking it without hesitation. Being determined to find out anwsers as you get pulled to your feet. Not expecting to be wearing the same sheer white gown as the large woman but more tailored to your size.
She brings you to an open space that has tall and pristine pillars surrounding the large area. She pulls you into her side and drape her arm over your shoulder.
"You have no sense of personal space ,huh?" you ask peeking up at her.
"nope," she giggles and pops her 'p'," now shush and watch." Waving her hand the area goes pitch black except two large orbs that held two human beings wrapped up in themselves. Hesitia and yourself walk up to them your steps illumanting one by one all the way.
You put your hand against the one you couldn’t recognize with such care and stare at it with awe, " is that...me?" You look back at the brown skinned deity with stars in your eyes.
"Yes,those are both versions of yourself. Right now your soul is preserved in this room I created when you first died," she puts a hand on your  shoulder as if she knew the next question, " like I've stated before this isn't your first time being dead, my little one. The first you had met a unfair end. To make is simplier, Have you ever heard of the woman Sasha evermore?"
"You mean the villainess from how to capture a prince?"
"precisely,lovely.  Except sasha is actually you. I made the game for you not to forget where you started. But I guess now that I say it out loud, its confusing and complicated. I'm still new to the whole resurrection plot. I was just so excited to meet my idol." She scratches her cheek in embarrassment.
"how can there be two of me? And how am I your idol?"
" well I've been assigned to watch over you since I came out of goddess training ,hehe. You were so powerful and demanding in everything you did since you were born. It made me become quite a fangirl," she giggles," how there is two of you is like what I stated before. Your first life you had died by your one true ,love. So in love you had choose to walk down the road of being naive and oblivious to his actions.Personally,He was not my cup of tea but sadly I can’t interfere. That’s a Different department and lots of paperwork I don’t wanna do. But to sum up the rest you were put to death after being framed and I as your personal goddess and guardian chose to strike a deal with you."
" Can I ask what deal former me made?"
" of course!" She claps her hands together and pulling them apart as a golden contract is constructed in the space," when I brought your soul here the first time. You told me you wanted revenge on those who wronged you. Your heart was tainted black and as the rules state I needed you to have a pure and clean one in order to make that happen.  But since you are my #1 I slightly bent the rules with some help, “she leans in to whisper yell , between you and me I owe favors to a lot of my older sisters.” She squished the golden paper making it disappear.
"So am I officially dead now?"
"No you aren't dead, silly. What would happen to the story! I just had to wipe your memories and put you in your once current timeline to make your heart pure again. Sorry about the truck. I couldn’t think of another way,but now what I can finally do," she gathers you in a hug and squeezes you letting your feet dangle off the ground, " is send you back to before you met your unfortunate demise by that vile woman."
"Vile woman?"
"Tut tut. I can't give away to much information or I'd get in trouble with the big guy upstairs." the dark space disappear and restore the room to its originality as she carries you back to the bed.
"I'm going to put you back to sleep because I can’t keep you here for long but when you awake you should be back in your past self’s body and you should retain memories from your modern self and this conversation. As I can not interfere I can only allow you to have a few memories of your previous life. The rest you will have to discover over time. Now you might feel a bit dizzy it’s a side effect of gaining your past memories,” she places a kiss on your forehead, “Please remember I'll be with you, (y/n) and will check in on you."
It was her final words to you before putting you back in a state of slumber.memories from a being you couldn't remember come back to you like a train hitting you.
"lady (y/n), you are to ne the betroth to prince izuku Midoriya." You at a young age are holding hands with a green haired boy that looks to be of the same age.
"She pushed me down, Zuku" the green haired boy is now holding a brown haired girl closely to him as you’re on the ground. In a crowded place.
"Disgusting vile woman. Such a title for an orphan" this time you’re in a col dripping wet cell. Chains bounding your legs and hands together as a older man shoos away the knight that was guarding it.
Your eyes shoot open to light shining from a large window at the side of the bed. Blinking the sleep away as you look around the decorated room. Your first instinct was to look into the mirror that is across from your bed and you remember the opening scene of the game. The pajamas where the same as the villainess in the game. You try to move from the bed to gain a closer look but a hit of wooziness and a turning stomach hits you like a bat and you fall over. You try to grab onto the bed for footing but you miss it by a inch thus making you hit your head and passing out on the ground.
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adventures-of-bucket · 2 months
hello! i need some advice.
my hobo clown and my sad clown are both family clowns who have been with us since my grandparents were children, and recently their face paint has had some discoloration, it's getting splotchy and paler, and they don't seem to be sick or in pain or anything, just more lethargic than usual. is this normal in clowns who are aging??
Hi! I'm happy to give the best advice I can. This question is a toughy, as I am a bit new to the clown husbandry scene. However, I am getting more knowledge every day!
You're very lucky to have family clowns that have been there for such a long time! To my knowledge, generally, clowns will start to lose colour as they get older; Their hair will grey, their puffy coats will deflate, and their honks get weaker.
Using that knowledge and what you've described, it's very likely that these are just signs your clown is getting older! I highly suggest a clown vet checkup to make sure they have all of their vaccinations and any medicines they may need just in case, though.
- Cardinal
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Mikey: *Tries to honk Donnie’s nose*
Donnie: *Denies*
Mikey: *Deflated honk*
Donnie: W h a t-???
Mikey: That was a sad honk…
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lime1991 · 1 year
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Perry Rowe, daughter of a Pierrot! :o(
Perry Rowe, sometimes called Pear or Pierre because people dont bother to know her name and she doesn't bother to correct them. She originally went to Clown High but was kicked out for being too depressingly and unfunny.
Her and PW Gracy actually know each other from said school, but a while ago Penny was kicked out for being a murderer lol (murderous clowns are allowed in Clown High, yes im making my own lore, but they arent allowed to actively murder anyone. its like... rehab in some way.)
Perry has the ability to make people laugh on accident. shes not funny, she doesnt try to be, shes just sad and even gets followed around by rain clouds. but some people think shes just playing a character or something. like Penny, she has a horn tail (its a clown trait, sometimes it can be different instruments) but when you try to honk it and it just sounds like its broken and dead.
All of her balloons either pop right in her face when shes blowing them up, or they deflate immediately. shes meant to be... content with a life like this, as a pierrot, but... its just sad :(
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c4ndystarz · 1 day
[ouch. with a sad, wheezing honk, the clown deflates.]
NOOOOOO. grabbing an air pump RIGHT NOW
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*sad deflated honk* does that mean you hate alotta us? :0( honk honk...
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I don't hate you voices. Just a majority of your are...
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Irritable at times. Not you though.
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stickymem · 4 months
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The small man was certainly undead like himself. That was evident not only by his scent but by how he slept, no breathing but plenty of rem eye movement. He hadn't been undead long, Lukas suspected, with how pathetic he was in a fight. Then again the smell of booze and how inebriated he was last night suggested he was losing any reason to carry on as an undead.
That would be changing, Lukas told himself as he drug a fresh corpse into the basement he managed to make his home. Stubborn habits inherited from a nagging sibling taught him that a well fed man was a healthy man. Slumping the stiff onto a messy table he started rummaging through its pockets in hopes of finding valuables.
The racket stirred his guest, poor miserable Burp groaning as he turned in bed. His chubby face twisted sour from a throbbing headache. “Nnn…ughnn..” Peeling his eyes open he saw Mr.Tall and scary undressing the corpse. “Eghk seriously do that somewhere else if you're gonna-”
“Don't be weird, this is breakfast.” Lukas chuffed in disgust as he tore into the body's chest to pry open its ribcage. Pulling out the juicy organs to slide them down his gullet with nary a thought. The sickly sweet smell would have put any normal person into a nauseous fit but as a ghoul it was like sniffing freshly made cheese.
Burp however wasn't accustomed to the diet, regardless of how loud his stomach was whenever the urge turned. Fighting tooth and nail just to swallow anything that wasn't rotten, and boy was it showing.
You see, a healthy ghoul is a ghoul who did their job, eating corpses. Muscle, gut and bones are all a part of their diets. Without it they become weak and brittle, not to mention cranky. Animal meat works sure but it certainly doesn't touch the perks dead human meat would give.
“Don't yah got somethin else…Like a squirrel?” Burp sneered as Lukas handed him an arm. Shoving the smell right up to his honking noise making his insides bark with demands. In better physical condition he'd be able to resist, but today he is weak, sad and hungover ensuring his instincts would win.
Lukas's shoulders jolted as the arm was snatched right from his hand. It was in the clown's massive jaws before he could blink. It was quite impressive how the small ghoul crushed it with a few chomps. “Good to know something shuts you up…”
With a slimy gulp Burp sat right up with such a bratty fury anyone would have gotten whiplash “If you don't like me running my gabber then why'd you bring me home? Some kinda weirdo?” Squinting like someone farted.
That comment threw the boney spector into a sudden motion of justice. His hand clutching the clown's throat with a way too tight grip. “You have a problem with ‘weirdos’?”
“Elck-gulk!” Burp's eyes crossed at the sudden pressure around his neck. Squeezing out a response like a deflated balloon. “Wh- depends what sort-kk” He really needed to watch his mouth, but wires were crossed somewhere.
“You worked in a circus?” Lukas pressed him down into his cot, hand not as tight but he certainly wasn't letting go.
Squirming the clown panted “Why else would I be dressed as a clown dumba-ckk?!” He has been thrown around before but this felt different. Too bad he was too hungover to figure out why.
“Surely you knew workers who were engaged with the same gender, yes?” Lukas asked, easing up so Burp could answer.
“Yeh…what's your point?” Burp huffed.
Pulling the dumbass back up to get real close Lukas growled. “Are they these weirdos?”
“What? No-” Burp snorted. “I was making a poor joke…in bad taste.” Shrugging with a goofy smile.
Lukas's eyes focused deep into Burp's, the tension thicker than mud.
“Honest!” Burp defendely gestured. “I was implying you were gonna do somethin’ gross…without my consent…”
“Never.” Lukas huffed, letting his guest go, fixing the clown's suspenders. “Was a bad joke.”
Fidgeting Burp grumbled. “I don't have much material lately…”
“Also run your mouth too much.” Lukas shoved more corpse meat at the man.
Burp was far too hungry to argue, tearing into his meal. Greedily swallowing it down.
Lukas had finished off the organs before taking some thigh meat. “Do you hunt?”
“Been avoiding it…” Burp chewed a bit slower. “Not exactly attractive to be eating dead guys you know…”
“You want to find out who killed you don't you?” Lukas swallowed, quite finished with the meal. A cute pudge sitting over his belt line.
Burp huffed, getting up. “Sure, but I can't exactly do that without clues…those ran out back in Europe.”
“Use your instincts, I'll teach you.” Lukas motioned his hands as if to encourage his guest to finish the corpse.
Pointing at the half eaten stiff the clown blinked with disbelief. “You want me to eat the rest? You're kidding right?”
“That's your game, not mine. Eat.” Lukas pushed.
“You really like bossing people around huh German boy?” A brighter smile brandished the clown's chubby face. It was actually quite striking.
Lukas had nothing more to say then, watching Burp eat this thing on his own without further assistance.
It was a bit clumsy but he certainly made good work. Finishing the meal with a satisfying belch, Burp patted his bloated gut. “Woof, I guess I did need that…”
“Feel better?” Lukas tilted his head a bit, a bit surprised himself by how much the sma man could put away.
Nodding Burp stretched. “Yeh…thanks.”
“Good, we can start training.” Lukas hurried to the other side of the basement to move a wooden plank that revealed a tunnel.
The clown's brows rose up in surprise. “Whoa what's all this?” The smell of the cool dark depths caught his attention. His big honker pulled him along as he looked down the corridor.
“Come and you'll see!” Lukas looked excited rushing down the tunnel, the sound of his panting echoing along the walls.
“Hang on-” Burp huffed and hobbled down like an awkward penguin. “You're fast.”
“Run on your fours!” Lukas called from further in.
Burp stammered with a flabbergasted tone. “You're shitting me!?”
“There will be none of that, no.” Lukas sounded innocently confused by that statement.
“Oh you're adorable.” The clown said with an exasperated drag of his voice. Hunching down on all fours. “This would be funny if it were part of some skit…too bad this guy's humor is as dry as Germany’s comedy.” Mumbling to himself as he attempted to walk like this, looking a little bit like a turtle. It didn't help that he just ate, his stomach kinda in the way of any semblance of a gate.
Lukas was clearing out an old cavern of debris when he noticed the small man awkwardly hop down like a pug dog. His face twitched with a soft smirk, hot air escaping his boney nostril.
“Huh?” The clown's ears twitched at the almost familiar sound. “You mother-”
He was already laughing, hunched over as he covered his face. It was a raspy noise like glass inside a rubber tube. By his embarrassment you could tell he didn't normally let himself get so giggly.
Something about it got Burp in a tizzy, a naughty tizzy. “Oh you're the funny one now huh? Think you're tough shit huh?” A huge grin gracing his face like it hadn't done that in some time.
“No-no…it's just ha-your form is all wrong.” Lukas gasped for breath.
“Oh is that all? Then how's this form for yah?” The clown got on his head to stand on it.
Chuckling Lukas shook his head. “I'm serious, here.” He came over to help him back down into his fours. “Watch me.”
He got down with him to show him how to walk on fours. His movement is that of a primates. “Your body will adjust.”
“I've heard of monkey business but this -” Burp started following along, noticing how easy it actually was. Like his muscles were already adapted for this reason. “Ridiculous? Hey…this is actually great.”
“Good! Keep that up.” Lukas hopped up on a stone casket.
Burp hopped around, even trying circus poses as he got accustomed to it. “Say this would be great in showbiz. Who needs monkey's when you got ol Burp?” Gripping a beam to hang about.
“That is your name then?” Lukas found that hard to believe.
“Stage name, real names Bartholomew” he flipped down to sit in the dirt to light a cigar. “Not exactly a fitting title for my gig.” Puffing a hot cloud of smoke he asked. “You gotta name stretch?”
“Lukas.” He seemed lighter, a lot less intimidating now. Almost softer, kinder as he asked “What exactly is your gig Bart?”
His new friend smirked with delight. “Tell dad jokes while I do silly tricks usually, but I'm infamous for my name's sake.” Tilting his head up to suck in air just to push it back out with a hearty noise. A loud belch bouncing around the walls making the little devil giggle.
It certainly was impressive but Lukas seemed more interested in what skills Burp could have carried over in the afterlife. Brows furrowed in thought he spoke up “Once I show you how to fight I'm sure you'll learn what else you can do.”
Burp pursed his lip in an annoyingly bratty way. “What am I not wowing you yet?”
“Not what I mean.” Lukas got up. “Our bodies have abilities linked to our past. Such as how weapons come out of my chest.” He gestured to his handsome pectorals that smiled with sharp teeth.
Eyeing them with a bit of envy Burp huffed. “So yer saying I got powers and shit?”
“More than likely.” Lukas hopped down to help his friend up. “Just have to trigger them.”
“Alright…so I gotta beat you up then huh?” Burp looked much too excited for that idea.
Smiling darkly Lukas looked at the cocky little fuck like this would be much too fun. “You certainly can give it a try.”
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librarycard · 3 years
i was a hannibal blogger before this
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abiik · 4 years
"you came into my life like a gift" what the FUCK
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Can you do one where Tom comforts reader when she’s upset after y/n has to go pick things up from her ex and they get in a huge fight like they always use to. 🥺
A/N: So happy you sent one in! I love this idea, I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 💕
Warnings: Swearing. Mentions of a shitty relationship.
Tom hated seeing you upset, it was something that felt so out of place to him. You were always the person to light up a room, never taking anything too seriously, you were the best person to lift someone's mood, the happy go lucky attitude wore off on others. So to see you upset? Tom hated it.
"I'm sorry it didn't work out." Tom said, your head was currently stuffed into his chest as he ran his hands on your back comfortingly, chin resting on your head.
He knew it was harsh but it was a complete lie, he hated the man you'd spent the last year and a half with. He was so negative, he found an issue with absolutely everything in your life and Tom had almost punched him last week at your birthday party.
"Y/N, I want to go." Justin said as he found you. He'd been moping at a table all night, showing no interest in your birthday what so ever.
"Really? It's only ten." You pouted and Tom wished the guy would piss off, he was clearly putting a dampener on your evening and Tom wondered if it was on purpose.
"Yeah, no offence but I'm a little bored." Justin shrugged.
"Oh," you replied, clearly deflated. "I haven't seen Tom for a while, I was hoping to stop out with him, celebrate my birthday like we used to. He couldn't make it last year." You said. Tom had come back from filming last month and was taking some time off, he felt so guilty about missing your birthday last year that he made a massive effort to clear his schedule so he could be here this year.
"So? You're taking a break aren't you? You can see her tomorrow, tell her." Justin directed his attention towards Tom.
"Mate, it's her birthday. I think she can go home when she wants to." Tom fired back, challenging look in his eye. Justin and Tom weren't fond of one another, everyone knew that.
"I think she should come home with me, I am her boyfriend after all." Justin snapped back, Tom felt angry, he didn't deserve you. You deserved someone who could make you happy and Justin never seemed to want to do this.
"I'll see you at home?" You said with a sad smile and Justin huffed as he made his way towards the exit.
"Whatever, don't be home late and please don't be fucking pissed out of your head." Justin snapped, Tom wanted to follow him and punch him for being such a dick.
You'd broken up with him a few days after, showing up on Tom's doorstep.
"I don't even know why I'm crying. He was such a dick all the time. He's demanding I go pick my stuff up. Today." You sniffled and Tom nodded.
"Want me to come with?" Tom asked and you sighed.
"We'll only fight, I know we will and I don't want you to feel awkward." You said, he adored this about you, if you thought it was going to affect someone's mood you tried not to involve them.
"I don't care darling. I'll come with you." Tom said comfortingly. He'd been in love with you for a very long time, since you were teenagers, you were his first love and however hard he tried he could never get over you, he'd do anything for you.
"You really don't have to, this isn't your problem." You said as you put your shoes on, Tom following suit.
"You're my best friend, of course it's my problem too." Tom spoke and you smiled.
Here you were outside yours and Justin's old flat. You'd managed to get most of your things into Tom's car without much hassle, that was until you were ready to leave.
"So that's it. A year and a half, done?" Justin snapped.
"Yeah, I guess it is." You shrugged.
"You don't seem overly bothered, moved on already?" Justin gestured towards Tom and you felt your anger boil over. It was strange for Tom to see you so angry, something he wasn't used to after only having witnessed it a handful of times.
"How dare you," you snapped. "Tom is my best friend and he has nothing to do with any of this. I left you because you are an angry arsehole who wants nothing more than to drag everybody down with him. You're not happy? You sure as hell make sure no one else is." You shouted.
"Bullshit. This is all so you can run off with lover boy over there." Justin shouted back and you laughed sarcastically.
"This again? You are ridiculous. Don't blame Tom because you can't make me or anyone else happy. That's on you, not him. He knows how to make me laugh, maybe if you spent less time being so jealous and more time getting to know my best friend, you'd also know how to make me smile every once in a while." You were shouting at each other now and Tom noticed as a couple of neighbours stopped what they were doing to watch the interaction.
"Y/N, come on. We should go." Tom said as he gently grasped your hand.
"Fucking hell. You know what? Have her. I don't give a fuck." Justin snapped as he slammed the door. You couldn't help the anger that was coursing through your veins as you stomped over to Tom's car, getting in and slamming the door shut, Tom winced at the action.
"I hate him. I hate him so much!" You shouted into the small space of the car as Tom climbed into the drivers seat. "He's such a fucking arsehole, he's obsessed, thinks you're in love with me." You said and Tom almost laughed as he thought about how true it was.
"He was just trying to get a reaction out of you, ignore him." Tom said comfortingly.
"Every time we'd fight like that he'd always do this. It used to piss me off when he brought up the fact that I told him I was in love with you a few years ago." You said in your anger, eyes suddenly widening as Tom almost missed the red light, the car jolting as you stopped suddenly.
"What?" Tom asked, completely in disbelief. You'd been in love with him?
"Shit, Tom. Please forget I ever said anything. It was years ago." You said and Tom felt like he couldn't string a sentence together, the honking of a horn bringing him back to reality as he looked up at the green light.
The drive back had become somewhat awkward, Tom parked back up and you sat there in silence.
"Tom it was a long time ago." You said, voice small.
"Do you still have feelings for me?" Tom asked, he couldn't help himself, he had to know that he had a chance with you, not now obviously but when you'd gotten over Justin.
"I don't- Tom, does it matter?" You said, voice still quiet.
"Yes. To me it does, yeah." Tom said almost frantically and you looked at him for the first time, eyebrows furrowed. His expression was completely readable to you, like an open book. He was almost begging to hear you say you were, but why?
"Tell me why it matters?" You asked, face softening.
"It just does okay? But I need to hear you say it before I say anything to you." Tom's heart was pounding in his chest.
"I do." You whispered. "I'll always have feelings for you Tom, I can't help it." You sighed, Tom's heart lifted as you spoke.
"I do too. Have feelings for you." Tom spoke as he cupped your cheek. "In time, I'm gonna take you on a date, show you just how well you deserved to be loved. Fuck Y/N, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that."
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Spiderbug Siblings
Peter sighed to himself struggling not to pout as he sat through the meeting. He was continuously reminding himself that he was the one that begged his father to bring him along, but he didn't think it was going to be this boring. Usually he was more than happy to take over different things at SI to give his father a break, such as paper work and meetings his dad really-really didn't want to go to. However this meeting had sucked his soul out ten minutes in. He missed the glances he was getting from said father, who had noticed his son's complete and utter boredom. 
Tony struggled not to smirk as his son deflated. He had warned him that this meeting was the worst one he'd ever been to. Tony discreetly moved his hands under the table, flicking his right wrist causing a holographic keyboard to appear on his forearm. He quickly typed out a message before sending it to Peter.
Peter's wristwatch vibrated softly, alerting him to the message. He moved his left arm under the table before flicking it allowing the message to appear across his arm. 
'Kiddo, go ahead and stand up saying this in french. "Ladies, Gentlemen, I hate to cut this short but unfortunately I have another meeting to get to. My father however will be remaining behind, I sincerely hope our business deal goes through." Then go have some fun, I know you're dying inside right now so go.' 
Peter closed his eyes smiling softly before giving his father a barely noticeable nod, standing up and apologizing in French. He shook a few people's hands before giving them a bright smile and a nod to his dad, turning and leaving the room.
"Je me suis demandé quand il allait enfin s'ennuyer.(1)" One of the women said, turning to Tony with a teasing smile, causing him to burst into laughter. 
Peter was more than happy to strip out of the suit and into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt with a silly science meme, his black converse and a green hoodie. He had planned to go check out the young man that applied to MIT and the Stark Industries Internship Program after the meeting, however he thought now would be better than ever. Peter knew that after a quick talk with the Principal he'd be allowed to sit in on the class in the back unannounced to see Max Kanté in action. He ran a hand through his hair before checking his phone's battery life, satisfied that it was at seventy-eight percent. His Stark watch was at sixty-five percent as well, so he knew that he'd only have to charge them once he got back to Le Grand Paris. Pulling out the file on Max, he decided that walking to Lycée Françoise Dupont would be rather relaxing and give him the time to stretch his legs. Plus if his calculations were right, which they usually always were, he'd be there by lunch time. Giving him enough time to talk with the Principal and the man's teacher, then find a place to sit in the back. While leaving the luxury hotel he put on his Edith sunglasses watching as directions to the school popped up, then pulled his hood up, and placed his Stark buds in. He left giving little more than a glance to the paparazzi planted firm outside, he knew they'd be waiting to get pictures of his father or him, after all their pictures sold for big bucks. He fidgeted nervously with his sunglasses until he was finally out of the paparazzi's sight. Letting out a breath he took out his phone hitting play on his album filled with Ella Fitzgerald music. He relaxed listening to it allowing the glasses to guide him through Paris. 'I really need to convince dad to market these. After the failure that Google created people would be skeptical, but having the Stark logo on it would cause many to trust them.' Peter thought about it drawing up blueprints in his head as he walked not paying attention to the outside world. Definitely not noticing the car heading towards him as he crossed the street heading to the school, until his senses started screaming at him.
"Monsieur, soyez prudent!(2)" Marinette cried out as she ran towards Peter tackling him back onto the sidewalk, his hood dropping and his sunglasses flying off his face. The car honked loudly as it skidded to a stop. Both teens turned to it wide eyed and apologizing profusely, in near panic attack states which ended up with the driver worried for them. They waved him on both stating that they were fine and just in a little bit of shock as they sat side by side on the sidewalk.
"Thank you." Peter said after a few moments of them just taking deep breaths together. Marinette looked up at him, blue-grey eyes meeting toffee brown eyes, before she glanced away. She picked up his sunglasses holding them out to him with a tired smile.
"English, yes? You're quite far from home are you not Mister? After all your accent is clearly not British so I'm assuming the States, not the south though I'm thinking from the north maybe the east?" Peter blinked in surprise, finally taking in the young woman that had saved him. Marinette was side sitting leaning against the light pole next to her. Midnight black hair was pulled into a long fishtail braid that went past her waist, Peter knew that once out of the braid her hair would be even longer. Her clothes were designer, M.D. specifically, something that would cause his dad slight annoyance since the designer still hadn't gotten back to him. She wore a soft pink cold shoulder tunic sweater, with black jeans that were loose enough for full mobility but tight enough not to sag or get caught on anything. She had a black and pink backpack on and a small matching purse, both clearly made by M.D. as well. He smiled politely, taking his sunglasses back and carefully sliding them into his pocket. 
"Yes I'm from the States. New York to be specific but I've traveled all over. You speak English?" He asked before adjusting his position sitting criss-cross in front of her. Marinette laughed softly nodding.
"I have learned a few languages, French is obviously my first, English was my fourth and hardest to learn!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes and throwing her arms up in exasperation. Peter laughed loudly nodding his head with a slight smirk.
"Ah yes, English is hard and weird. For instance read and lead rhyme, and read and lead rhyme. But read and lead don't rhyme, and neither do read and lead!" Peter said his smirk grew when Marinette groaned glaring at him before punching him softly in the arm. "Sorry, sorry I had to do it." Peter said rubbing his arm as they settled down. Marinette simply rolled her eyes shaking her head. "But seriously thank you, not many people would risk themselves to save another. You're amazing Miss." Marinette gave him a sad smile not meeting his eyes anymore.
"Well, I'm afraid not many people think that about me. Besides it was the right thing to do, I couldn't just let you get hit when I could do something." Suddenly her purse shifted slightly almost like something inside was moving to press closer to the girl. Peter just barely noticed it, but could tell the girl took note of it right away. She stood up brushing the dirt off her pants, and Peter followed her up. "I'm afraid I must go, we've already spent quite a bit of time sitting here and if I want something to eat before my next class I must go. Au revoir Monsieur." Marinette turned heading down the street to a cafe, Peter turned watching her go but not moving.
"Wait!" He called out quickly shocking himself and the girl as she turned around curiously. "What's your name?" He asked, blinking when a mischievous smile covered the girls face.
"My name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, and I'll see you around." Peter's eyes widened and a burst of laughter left him causing the girls eyes to alight with mischief. "I'll see you around Monsieur." She said before continuing on, Peter watching her as she leaves. He resisted jumping when Karen talked to him over his Stark buds.
"That was a meme was it not? Searching the web for it, oh. I understand that, that was very funny, yes? After all I believe this is what one would call a 'crack' fic." Peter held back his laughter as he crossed the street continuing to the school. He really hoped he'd see the girl again, he knew his dad would love her. He himself already felt a connection to the girl that had saved his life. He walked into the school heading to the office. He greeted the office secretary explaining why he was there and asking to talk with the Principal Damocles and Mr. Kanté's teacher Ms. Bustier. The secretary was quick to let him in and summon Bustier to the office. Peter took the time to explain to Principal Damocles that he simply wished to sit in the back of the class and observe the young man. Damocles was quick to please Peter, and it didn't escape his notice causing his opinion of the Principal to drop. He was quick to introduce himself when Bustier arrived, but allowed Damocles to explain what was going on. Ms. Bustier quickly agreed before escorting Peter back to her class room, telling him all about her class. He barely paid attention however once he realized that she was attempting to take complete credit for her students accomplishments. That was until she mentioned her 'bad egg' at least in her opinion.
"I just don't know what happened, Marinette used to be such a good student. She was the class role model, and everyone would go to her when they needed help. Then out of nowhere she just started bullying this girl that joined my class! She told me the girl was faking everything no matter how much I told her that the girl's condition was no excuse to treat her like that. I kept trying to get her on the right path but couldn't. Now she just sits in the back of the class and no one will talk to her. I've even had to exclude her from class outings because she still won't leave the girl alone! Honestly I always told her that no one will get better if you don't give them chances. Lila won't become a better person if Marinette continues to target and try to expose her. I'm just glad that Adrien is on my side and agrees." Peter frowned, giving the teacher's back a dirty look as he took in what she said, piecing a few things together. 'So this student is a pathological liar, but they're covering for her with some lying condition. Marinette, who was the designated role model, caught on and tried to expose her. However, Bustier and Adrien don't agree so they allow her to be excluded. Wow, I really hope Mr. Kanté does not fall for the lies. I'd hate for his intelligence to go to waste. After all not everyone can create a highly-functional robot, that manages to develop emotions on its own. Falling for lies is something that would hurt him incredibly in the eyes of SI.' Peter smiled politely when the teacher turned to him once they arrived at the door.
"Would you like a seat at the front Mr. Stark?" Bustier asked as she opened the door walking in with him behind her, Peter shook his head as he took in the room. "We only have two seats open one in the front and one in the back." Bustier finished turning and watching Peter look around the room.
"No," he said, not missing as she tensed up slightly. "I need to be able to observe Mr. Kanté. If I sit in the front everyone will notice me turned to look at him. I'll take the back seat, where does he sit now?" Bustier glanced at the spot at the front where Chloe Bourgeois used to sit, and then the one in back by Marinette.
"Are you sure Mr. Stark? Unfortunately the one in the back is by my problem student and I'd rather you not get a bad impression of the class because of her." Peter gave her a tight smile as she rambled on about why it would be better for him to sit in the front. He let out a sigh as she continued on, and wished his father was with him. Knowing Tony wouldn't care about being rude to the women, where Peter himself couldn't pull the courage up.
"Yes Ms. Bustier I am positive. I will take the seat in the back, now please tell me where Mr. Kanté sits and then where my seat will be." Bustier sighed knowing that she wouldn't win this one, she had hoped she could convince him to sit there. That way he could see the entirety of the class and they would see him, the class would also know to behave themselves. They won't pay much attention to him when they walk in and he is sitting in the back. 
"Very well, Max sits on the left side, third row and closest to the window. Your seat will be on the right side, last row and next to the wall. Peter nodded before thanking her and walking up to his temporary seat, sitting down and pulling out his phone. "Lunch ends in twenty minutes so the classroom will slowly start filling up." He gave her a smile showing that he heard her before returning to his phone. He pulled up his group chat with Shuri, MJ, and Ned, knowing that it was almost seven am in New York, and that Shuri only slept when forced to. He smiled reading the argument between Ned and MJ.
Guy in the Chair- I don't want to eat at Veselka after school today! I want to eat at Lil' Frankie's!
MJ- I can almost hear you whining through my phone screen. Send me a picture of the face you're making, I want to add it to my sketch book.
Guy in the Chair- Seriously MJ?
Guy in the Chair-  I'm not sending you a picture of my face.
Princess Memes a lot- You Americans are so silly. Here MJ.
Guy in the Chair-...
Guy in the Chair- Seriously?
Guy in the Chair- Did you seriously hack my phone to send her a picture of me?
Princess Memes a lot- Hack is such a strong word, I simply introduced my computer to your phone's systems.
Guy in the Chair- I hate this. I can't do anything in retaliation, chemistry is what I'm good at not technology. I can't get revenge. Peter help me bro!
Peter-man- Sorry Ned, I'm not going up against Shuri. She is scary smart, and I'd rather live to see Captain America and his group of runaways finally realize all the changes we've made to the Accords.
Princess Memes a lot- Listen to my favorite colonizer Nedy-boy.
Peter-man- Awe, I'm your favorite colonizer? I thought for sure it would be my Dad.
Princess Memes a lot- Oh no, I do love you father. You and him are some of the only people that can give me a challenge. On top of that he got so excited when he discovered I was smarter than him, I thought for sure he'd want to adopt me.
Peter-man- Oh dad did, however you're a Princess and dad knows his money would get him nowhere in Wakanda. Instead he has settled for us being friends, that way he can subtly drop hints to invite you over for some science time.
Peter-man- I'll talk with you all later have a good day in classes MJ, Ned. And Shuri please get some sleep, I'd rather your brother not blame us for keeping you up again.
Guy in the Chair- Bye Peter!
MJ-middle finger emoji*
Princess Memes a lot- He can't force me to sleep if he can't find me!!
Peter- Love you too MJ and good luck with that Shuri.
Peter placed his phone down as people slowly made their way into the classroom. It was obvious to him that none even noticed him as they talked together excitedly. The volume of the class got louder until four people walked in, everyone was zeroing in on the girl hanging off the blonde's arm. Peter grimaced at her terrible hair style and decided that MJ would love to draw this girl, so he held up his phone taking a picture of her. He noticed a girl slip in behind them but his attention was stolen by the girl once again as she continued her story.
"Oh Alya! You would absolutely love New York city!! I'll have to see if Tony will allow you to come with me next time!" The girl said fairly loud her smile was bright but Peter could spot a fake smile from miles away. He'd learned that skill rather fast as he grew up, after all he needed to when his father was in one of his spirals. "Oh! I suppose I should let you know since I trust you so much! By Tony I mean Tony Stark!" She said giggling behind her hand as everyone gasped in surprise. "You see he is like a father to me! Him and his son Parker love me! We're like this!" She crossed her fingers winking at her classmates. Peter tensed fisting his hands trying to control his anger as he looked at Ms. Bustier who wouldn't not even turn around when the lie left her students lips. He watched as the students all sat down in their seats but they were all turned to the liar listening intensely. 
"Wow you're that close to Tony Stark? I just applied for his internship program a few weeks ago, I haven't heard anything yet though." Max said excitedly as he pulled out his things for class. Lila immediately zeroed in on him, her eyes gleaming.
"Oh Max! I'll send Parker a message right away and tell him all about you! You know he runs the Internship Program there! Tony asked me to but I told him I just couldn't leave Paris for good until after school! I also told him he really needs to give Parker a chance!" She glanced around worriedly before turning to Alya. "You can post this if you want, but you didn't hear it from me okay? You see guys Parker had a rough time these past couple years. He fell into the wrong group of people and started bullying, drinking, and doing drugs! It was terrible and Tony was just heartbroken! I could barely console him, he almost kicked Parker out! I convinced him to give Parker a second chance though, and he is getting better, unlike someone we know...but Tony still doesn't trust him fully, so I thought Parker would be able to prove himself if he did good with the program. Unfortunately he does struggle so I have to help him a lot, but Tony cannot know that! Their relationship is finally fixing!" Peter's anger grew even more and it took all his control not to stand up and fight the girl right there. That is when he noticed Marinette sitting besides him tense as well but glaring at the desk and not Lila. "Well hello there Ebony." He said softly startling her slightly, Marinette looked up at him in slight shock as he smiled mischievously at her. "I must say, you look very different from the Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way that I've read about." Marinette blushed embarrassed before she let out a soft giggle covering her face with her hands.
"Oh my gooood," she said, dragging out the word. "I said that thinking I would probably never see you again, and now you're sitting next to me. God I don't know if you're there, but please kill me." Peter snorted softly but both of their eyes were on Lila again as she began talking about Tony and his son 'Parker' once again. 
"Lying little squirrel." Peter mumbled glaring at the girl. "Parker Stark? Really did she even do her research? It's Peter Stark and the fact that Kanté is falling for her lies and trying to get in the easy way. This makes my decision easier." He opened the folder turning to Marinette holding out a hand. "May I borrow a pen Ms. Ebony." Marinette snorted, shaking her head and handing him a pen. He wrote denied across the paper and took a picture with his phone sending it to his dad before closing the folder and returning her pen.
"My name isn't Ebony obviously, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She said politely holding her hand out to shake, he shook it gently as she spoke again. "Are you a new student?" Peter chuckled smiling a little awkwardly as he shook his head.
"No I was here to observe Mr. Kanté in the classroom, ah let me introduce myself. Peter Stark, or from what the liar is calling me, Parker Stark." He rolled his eyes in exasperation, his smile still awkward. Marinette's eyes widened in slight shock as she started rambling to herself about how she tackled Tony Stark's son to the ground. Peter watched for a moment slightly amused at the woman's ramblings before squeezing her hand gently. "Listen, don't worry about it. If anything my dad would be thanking you profusely for saving me there. He wouldn't be upset, however once he hears about that little squirrel's lies. He will be more than pissed." Marinette snorted softly at his nickname for Lila; shel smirked, shaking her head. "Which by the way, can I get her full name? I want to have my lawyers here and ready with paperwork before I return to the states in five days." Her smirk grew as she pulled out a notebook and quickly wrote Lila's full name down before pausing and thinking a sadistic gleam in her eyes. Marinette turned to Peter tilting her head to the side innocently. "Tell me Parker Stark," she said using Lila's mess up causing him to laugh under his breath. "Do you happen to know Bruce Wayne or his kids?" Peter quirked an eyebrow before nodding and telling her that he was very close with Bruce's eldest son. "Well you see the little squirrel, as you call her has also lied about him and a few others." She turned back to the paper steadily making a list of all the people.
Tony and Peter Stark
The Wayne family
Lois Lane and Clark Kent
Jagged Stone
Clara Nightingale 
The Justice League
The Avengers
M.D. Clothing
The sadistic glint didn't leave her eyes as a plan formed in her head. "You see, I can get in contact with Jagged, Clara, and M.D. if you can get a hold of the others. We could sue her all at once for slander and defamation of character. If you do this I'll convince M.D. to finally take your dad on as clientele." Peter grinned at her and held out his hand, shaking hers once she grabbed his. 
"Well, my father would strangle me if I passed on an opportunity for him to finally get a M.D. suit and dress combo for him and mom. So you've got yourself a deal Miss Dupain-Cheng. If you can get Jagged, Clara, and M.D. on video chat, I can get the others. Do you think you could meet dad and me at Le Grand Paris tonight?" Marinette smirked a twinkle in her eye as Bustier called for the class's attention. Marinette rolled her, before turning to the front of the class.
"Since I am currently living at Le Grand Paris I can definitely meet you. Oh, Jagged and M.D. will be there in person. They live in Paris, Clara however is currently in Africa helping build houses, so we may be able to get her on a phone call but not video chat." Peter slumped in the chair and leaned over towards her slightly. "How about I give you a ride back then since we'll be going to the same place?" Marinette quirked an eyebrow before smiling and leaning against him getting comfortable in her seat.
"Very well Parker, I'll tell my driver I have a ride. Now don't move, you're quite comfortable." Peter snorted softly nodding before turning his eyes back on Max.
'It's a shame I was rather hopeful about him. I thought he'd be a great addition, if only he hadn't fallen for the squirrel.' He turned his gaze away and zeroed in on Bustier who was looking up at them. He could already tell that she wanted to reprimand Marinette for leaning against him. As she opened her mouth Peter sent her a sharp glare, staring her down until she looked away nervously. He sighed looking out the window in annoyance.
'Great, now I'm stuck here. At least I have Mari to keep me entertained judging by her eyes she is clearly zoned out. Something tells me she already knows what this sham of a teacher is going to be teaching today. She is smart, that is obvious, perhaps not as smart as Dad and me. Definitely not as smart as Shuri, but I'm pretty sure no one has her intelligence. She has connections too which is surprising at her age while being relatively unknown.' Peter wiggled slightly before settling down leaning against Marinette as well before closing his eyes.
Marinette waited until everyone had filed out of the class before waking Peter up. She gently shook him snorting as he looked around in confusion. His eyes finally landed on Marinette and a warm smile covered his face. She snorted again, as she packed up her stuff. 
"Maybe you should call up your driver that way we won't wait for long." Marinette said, pulling her backpack on as Peter sent out a quick message.
"Mr. Stark, before you go! I'd like to talk with you about what my student Lila said." Bustier said at the front of the classroom, flinching when Peter glared at her.
"Oh, you mean how she decided to lie about my father and me. Or maybe about how she didn't even know my name, but decided to tell everyone that I was a bullying, drunk, drug addict? Is that what you want to talk about? Or do you want to talk about how throughout her entire speech you said nothing knowing damn well that I was sitting in the back." Peter walked down the stairs, Marinette following behind him. When Bustier stepped in front of Peter stopping him from leaving Marinette grabbed his upper arm squeezing it gently. 
"Mr. Stark Lila has a condition that causes her to lie. The Principal and I decided not to inform the class because she'd never have friends if we did." Peter shook his head stepping to the side and walking around her Marinette following.
"That is no excuse Bustier. If that Alya woman posts anything that she said today. Well, lets just say it will not be pretty. Come on Marinette, as my dad says often, this person isn't worth our time." Marinette held back a laugh before nodding and walking out the door still holding his arm. She pulled out her phone with her left hand and typed out a few quick texts. Smiling gently when she got responses, she leaned her head on his shoulder before slipping her phone into her purse. Waiting until Tikki tugged it gently signaling that Marinette could safely release her phone. They stood together at the entrance to the school until a Mercedes Benz pulled up and the driver got out opening the door for them. Peter helped Marinette in before climbing in himself, he laughed grinning at her shocked face. She glared slightly before turning her attention back on to the tablets built into the driver and passenger seats.
"Did you buy them like this?" She asked curiously, slipping her backpack off and putting it down by her feet, buckling up afterwards. Peter shook his head, grin not leaving his face as he buckled up.
"Nope, Dad and I tore it apart and built it together. It's fun bonding time ya know." Marinette smiled sadly glancing out the window looking at the now closed bakery. Her thoughts drifted to before everything happened, when her parents were happy and in love, and still wanted her. Her gaze left the building as the driver pulled into traffic.
"I used to bake with my parents all the time. We ran a bakery, Maman would spend time cooking with me, and Papa and I always played video games together. Every night until, we played every night." Peter's eyes widened and he reached out taking her hand and squeezing it. Marinette blinked looking down at his hand before turning hers and squeezing his hand back. They just sat silently for a while enjoying being together with the other. Neither teen knew why they were inexplicably drawn to each other. In the span of a few hours they were closer than normal, and barely knew each other. This didn't scare either of them though, it felt so natural for them to seek slight comfort with the other. To just be able to sit together and feel like nothing could go wrong. Marinette leaned against him resting her head on his shoulder closing her eyes.
"What happened to your parents?" Peter asked after a while moving to rest his head on top of hers when she tensed up. "You don't have to talk about it? I've just found that it's better to get things off your chest and out instead of letting it linger." Marinette huffed a slight smile taking over her face before disappearing.
"My parents got a divorce two months ago. They had been acting for so long that they were still in love, but had grown to hate each other. In turn that meant they started to hate me, I reminded them too much of the other. So neither of them wanted me, my mother left Paris returning to China. My father decided to go to Italy to stay with his extended family. I was left behind, my honorary Uncle took me in till I turned seventeen." Marinette used her free hand to gently wipe her tears away. She squeezed his hand taking a deep breath. "They left me with nothing but 'good luck'. I stayed with my Godmother for a while but I couldn't sleep on the couch. Then my Uncle offered to stay in Paris with me until my seventeenth birthday. After that I'm technically on my own, I have some money saved up so I could get a small apartment, not in Paris though."  Peter brushed his thumb against her knuckles thinking to himself.
"So you're only sixteen? I'm seventeen." He said attempting to change the conversation, and from the giggle Marinette let out, she knew what he was trying to do. "What do you want to do when you graduate? I mean I'm just curious is all you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Like most people like talking about it but I know some don't, but uh, I'm going to be working at SI. Oh and I am already taking college classes online from MIT!" Peter rambled on causing Marinette to laugh and his driver to cough in an attempt to hide his own chuckles.
"I want to go into fashion. I've always been in love with it, and want to have it in my future." Marinette smiled, patting his arm to calm him down. "I've even won a few design competitions, although thanks to Gabriel being unmasked as a supervillain my most distinguished one is gonna be crossed off." Peter raised an eyebrow before connecting the dots with Hawkmoth and the Agreste companies fall. 
"I have to ask this after sitting through that god awful class. Do you even like that school?" Marinette groaned, shaking her head slightly. "Because I did notice you zone out in the class." Marinette snorted before nodding.
"See I finished everything online and my plan was to graduate early. However Bustier and Damocles wouldn't allow it, they told me I need my parents signature not my temporary guardian's. So I am stuck there until the end of the year. Especially since I don't have parents, so no one can sign. Child Services won't let my uncle adopt me, apparently he isn't a good role model. Which is kind of funny since he took me in when my parents just abandoned me." She was silent for a while thinking about her situation and Peter did not like silence on the girl. 
"Is that how you know M.D. through design competitions?" Peter asked, causing Marinette to laugh softly, wondering how to tell him that she was M.D. "I mean I just noticed that your entire outfit, plus backpack and purse are both M.D. and obviously exclusives." Marinette shook her head as they pulled up outside the luxury hotel, both unbuckling and getting out when the driver opened the door. Marinette adjusted her back back walking up the steps.
"No actually, I've known M.D. my entire life. Now what's your hotel room? Jagged needs to know to meet us there, come on Parker don't leave me hanging." Peter glared playfully at Marinette before telling her their room number. She texted it to Jagged, nodding to the receptionist that greeted her, welcoming her back. "Mister Franco is always so nice, he has worked here for years now. To be honest I'm pretty sure he never takes a day off, he really loves his job." Peter nodded smiling at Franco, before stepping into the elevator with Marinette pressing the button to his floor. "Have you alerted the others to the video chat?" She asked looking up from her phone, meeting Peter's amused eyes. He nodded watching as she slipped her phone into her purse, he noted her pause before letting it drop completely. At first he chalked it up to her making sure the phone was actually in the purse, but then he remembered watching it move earlier in the afternoon. 'Is she keeping a pet in her purse?' He pondered silently as they stepped off the elevator onto his floor. He pulled out his card and opened the door, to be greeted with the amusing sight of his father and Jagged opposite ends of the couch. Tony had his feet pulled up and he stared down at the crocodile lazing on the floor in front of Jagged.
"Ah, Petey, Peter, my son, my first born, my rock when your mothers not around, please-please, explain why we are having a video conference with Bruce Wayne, our favorite reporters Lois and Clark, a Justice League representative, Carol as an Avengers representative, and Jagged Stone and his 'rock 'n roll' crocodile pet?" Tony said, not looking away from Fang for a second. Marinette snorted and walked in further dropping her bag on the floor by the couch, then kneeling down and starting to scratch Fang in his favorite places. Making him roll onto his back, tail waving like an excited puppy. Tony blinked, watching Marinette turn Fang into a cuddly puppy in seconds before turning to look at Peter with a raised eyebrow. "Alright, tell me what this is about." Peter rolled his eyes, slipping off his jacket and kicking his shoes off walking over to stand behind Marinette. Looking down at the crocodile in puzzlement.
"I can do you one better. Karen please play the audio from the class today, starting when Miss Rossi entered the classroom. Oh and Friday can you drag up as much dirt on Lila Rossi as possible." Both AI gave confirmation causing Peter to smile as he stepped around Marinette and Fang sitting down on the couch. He introduced himself to Jagged briefly before turning back to Marinette. "Think you can type up every little lie, while I get incontact with my lawyers." Marinette nodded, the gleam back in her eyes as she pulled her laptop out of her backpack. She waited till Fang rolled back onto his stomach before leaning against him and placing her laptop on her bent legs. The next couple minutes were filled with Tony raging over what the girl said. While Peter clung to his back in an attempt to stop him from suiting up and hunting the girl down. Jagged watched the scene amused sipping on a juice box he pulled from Marinette's bag. Fang was also greatly amused and wanted to join in with the two newcomers to his family but he knew his girl was busy, so moving wasn't an option for him. Marinette ignored them the entire time up until she finished. Then she starred, amused at Tony laying on his side, a grumpy pout on his face as Peter was still wrapped around him. 
"Calm now?" She asked, her lips quirking up into a smirk as he leveled a grumpy glare at her. "Because I told Clara to call at five and it's almost time." Tony continued to be grumpy for a while before letting out a loud sigh and nodding.
"Let's get this show on the road, pinky." Marinette sent him a dry look raising an eyebrow before looking at Peter who grinned.
"That's his way of saying he likes you!" Marinette snorted before pulling out her phone before glancing back at Jagged, her eyes narrowing.
"Jagged, is that my juice box?" She asked already knowing that he was drinking the juice box from her backpack. Jagged glanced down at the juice in his hand before grinning at her.
"Well you see, I was thirsty and our hosts were obviously having a moment, and I'll buy you two more twelve packs of the juice boxes." Marinette nodded before turning her gaze off him, giving Tony her signature sunshine smile.
"Hello Mr. Stark, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I am unfortunately part of Lila Rossi's class, though at this point I'm the only one that seems to see through lies." She held her laptop out to Peter, who took it with a smile plopping down on the couch. He scrolled through the long list, Marinette had composed. "I'll be the one helping compile all the lies, you may want to make sure everything on the Ladyblog is documented. It used to be a reliable source about Paris's heros, but the reporter, um, correction tabloid writer now fell for Lila's lies." Tony nodded before telling Friday to look into the Ladyblog. A few minutes later Marinette received Clara's call, the two talked together in French until Tony had video connection with Bruce, Lois, Clark, Wonder Woman, and Carol. Everyone wondered what was going on until Peter sent them all the list of lies. Marinette placed Clara on speaker before speaking up to everyone. "A few years ago when I was still in college-ah, middle school for you American's. A girl named Lila Rossi transferred to my school, she spread lies throughout the class about famous people. I was able to see through her lies because she decided to lie about Jagged Stone. " She gestured to Jagged who waved at everyone from his spot. "She claimed that she saved his cat from getting hit by a plane and developed tinnitus from it. She also stated that Jagged Stone wrote a song about her, at the time she was thirteen. Then she claimed to be best friends with Parisian superhero, Ladybug. The hero in question shot those claims down very fast, however the girl twisted it telling everyone Ladybug was only saying that to protect her. The creator of Bugout did not believe the girl, and that is why Ladybug heavily backs her. The list Parker here sent you is every lie she has told about you, Clara I texted you the list." Peter gave Marinette a playful dirty look as Clara took over the conversation.
"Oh my, all these lies I can't believe my eyes!" Everyone looked confused at Clara's rhyming.  "I can't believe her claims, all the people she is trying to deceive, and all the names." Clara gasped on her side causing many to wish they could see here. "Oh dear! She could have ruined your careers!" Marinette smiled softly when Clara said that. "She even mentioned your alternate ID, and this simply can't go unmentioned." Everyone looked at Marinette in slight confusion causing Marinette to give them an awkward smile.
"I'm sure all of you can see that she has mentioned that she knows M.D. the new famous designer who has kept out of the public eye. Well you all are lucky enough to meet M.D. before everyone else. It's a pleasure to meet you all, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I run M.D. Clothing." Everyone stared at her in shock for a bit before the Stark lawyers joined the video chat. At the time they began making plans to take Lila down, and Marinette was at the center of the plans. "Tony and Peter leave in five days. His lawyers will be delivering her chargers, I want this to happen all at once." Everyone noted the determined glean in Marinette's eye, it reminded Tony of Pepper and he found himself about what his wife would think of this young woman. "If everyone has at least one of their lawyers to deliver them at the same time it will destroy her. That is why I suggest we do this during the school day, right before we are set to get out." Everyone agreed with doing it in front of the entire class. It was decided that Tony's lawyers wouldn't enter first, then Bruce's,  followed by the Justice League's and the Avenger's, Jagged and Clara's would enter soon after, and then Marinette's lawyer would hand Lila her final lawsuit. After the video chats Marinette gave Peter a big hug smiling brightly as Jagged picked up her backpack and Fang's leash. "Thank you for all the help Peter!" She let go before shaking Tony's hand, her smile not slipping. "As promised, get me yours and Mrs. Stark's measurements and I will make you a M.D. suit and dress combo. I think royal blue with ivory accents will suit you both. Peter has my number, so that you can get me the information." She walked to the door Jagged and Fang following her. "Goodnight you two!" Marinette said as they stepped outside. Peter and Tony stood at the door wishing them goodnight before closing it. Tony immediately turned to Peter once it was closed, wanting an explanation for everything. Peter sat down explaining what all had happened after he left the meeting. Tony listened intently while also thinking to himself about Marinette.
"So Max Kanté is rejected for the Internship program, damn. At least we caught this girl before more lies could be spread. I can't believe she dared to claim that I would give up on my own son." Peter nodded before picking the remote on and turning on Star Wars, he placed his legs across Tony’s lap and leaned again his side for comfort.
“Ya, she is pretty stupid. Did she think no one would ever hear her lives now she has multiple people coming down on her in less than 5 days.”
“Also that Marinette girl, think I can adopt her? Like joint custody? Pep would love her, seriously together they could rule the world.”
“Well with a little money you might be able to. Her parents gave up custody of her and the government refused to let Jagged adopt her.”
Tony looked at Peter silent for a moment before nodding to himself. 
“Already drawing up adoption papers Boss. Pepper has been informed and she had this to say, ‘I give up, let him adopt the girl, I’ll have her registered for online schooling.’ Shall I bribe the person that receives the papers.”
“Yes but remember, I never said yes.”
That caused Peter to burst into laughter as he pulled out his phone, sending a text to his group chat.
Peter-man- New sister on the way guys. You’re gonna love her, dad just has to bride Child services.
Princess Memes a lot- Another science genius??
Peter-man- Nope, ever heard of M.D. Clothing?
Guy in the Chair- You’re joking.
MJ- Why am I not surprised by this.
Princess Memes a lot- You met M.D. and your Father is adopting her.
Princess Memes a lot- That’s it I’m taking a vacation to Paris, I’ll be there by tomorrow Peter. Ayo will be with me, and you will introduce the two of us to your new sister.
Peter-man- Understood Princess, although don’t mention the adoption to her just yet. I think I’m going to ease her into the family dynamic with us. 
Princess Memes a lot- Very well Ayo and I will not mention a thing. I will make sure we are both dressed discreetly as well. That way we don’t have to explain why the Princess of Wakanda is in Paris.
Peter chuckled resting his head on Tony’s shoulder curling into his dad's side. Tony smiled, his eyes never wavering from the tv screen as he rubbed his son’s leg gently.
Marinette let out a content sigh as she dried her hair with a towel. She sat on a plush chair in front of a grand dollhouse that was opened so all the rooms could be seen. The Kwami say inside all talking happily, making sure that Duusu and Nooroo were comfortable. Marinette smiled down at them wrapping his hair in her towel before leaning back and looking out the window. Tikki and Plagg flew up to her causing the young woman to laugh softly. She held her hand out allowing them to sit down. “In a few days Lila will be drowning in lawsuits. I really can’t find it in myself to feel bad for her.” Plagg snorted leaning back against her fingers, while Tikki gave him a disapproving look.
“Honestly kid, all you had to do was say the word and I would’ve taken care of the brat.”
“Plagg!” Tikki said, glaring at him, causing the other Kwami to laugh softly with Marinette.
“What?! I didn’t mean kill her! I meant that I’d cut her hair into something that doesn’t look awful! Always jumping to conclusions aren’t you Sugarcube.” Tikki swatted the back of his head causing the cat goddess to fly away laughing hysterically.
“Oh leave him be Tikki. He wouldn’t dare do anything in fear of repercussions from you.” Marinette said softly, bringing Tikki closer to her face. “A few days left Tikki, I am so excited.” Tikki smiled, rubbing her thumb gently as she looked up at her chosen human, her creation soul. Tikki felt her power rise a few days ago and now she knew why. Instead of having just one and a half creation souls around her, she had three. Marinette will always be the soul that resonates with her the most but Peter is a pure creation soul. Then Jagged and Tony combined made the third, it was their pasts that caused half their souls to be that of destruction. Yet it was the fact that they still held half a creation soul that got her, yes they had a reason to be bad, yet they wouldn’t allow it. She was happy that they still held that half tightly, the only for once a human’s, that was not meant to hold Plagg, soul becomes full destruction they become the worst of the worse. Which is why Tikki was happy Lila was going down, her soul was so close to destruction it sickened Tikki. She knew that once that little bit of creation left, there would only be a monster, because she was definitely not suited to be a cat. Tikki looked over at her other half with a gentle smile knowing that they’d find Plagg’s true destruction soul soon as well.
“Princess, why are we going to Paris?” Ayo asked as she followed Shuri onto the jet. The servants following with their bags, placing them onto the plane.
“Stark is adopting a young woman.” Shuri said trying on her phone. She looked up meeting Ayo’s eyes with a slight smirk. “The girl is the M.D. herself, I simply must meet her. According to Peter they only just met her and Tony is already adopting her. Peter also seems to have formed a connection with the woman. So I must meet her, and out of all the Dora Milaje you are able to be perfectly discrete. Anyone seeing us will believe you are simply my older sister, which is what I need. Miss Marinette does not know about the adoption yet and Peter wishes to edge her in. So I will simply be seen as Peter’s friend that decided to visit, and this will keep us out of the news.” Ayo nodded moving to sit down and relax knowing that they had an hour before reaching Paris.
“Very well, I shall enjoy meeting the new Stark child.” She said, causing Shuri to grin at her with a twinkle in her eyes. “I will not enjoy keeping you and Peter out of trouble however.” She finished teasingly causing Shuri to burst into laughter, Ayo only let a slight grin cover her face.
“Oh no oh no oh no.” Marinette muttered as she ran around her room getting ready. “I can’t believe I forgot this! Oh Miss Mendeleiev is going to be so upset! She went out of her way to have me come to her class’s party instead and I’m going to be late! Tikki, Plagg! Grab the pastries please!” The two Kwami lifted one try floating it over to the table by the door before taking the other over as well.
“My bug you must calm down. You have ten minutes before the party starts, yes, but Mendeleiev said to show up at any time.” Tikki flew up with Pollen the two gently fixing the French braid Marinette had begun putting her hair into. “There is no set time you need to be there so you are fine.” A knock on the door startled the human and Kwami slightly, Marinette ushered them into hiding spots before answering the door.
“Hello? Oh Peter! Do you need something?” Peter smiled brightly fidgeting with his sunglasses, he held up two bags filled with snacks.
“I was hoping we could hang out? Dad is in a really boring meeting and if I go it’ll suck my soul out.” He said dramatics causing Marinette to laugh.
“Normally I’d love to, but I have a class party today.” She gestured to the two large trays of pastries.
“Oh, that’s fine! I’ll just help you carry the trays then go find something to do.” Peter said, picking up one of the plates. “And before you say anything, shut up, I want to help.” Marinette glared at him before picking up her purse and folding her jacket over her arm. She picked up the other tray before checking her purse making sure Tikki and Plagg were in it. “Soooo,” Peter said, dragging out the word as he waited for Marinette to lock the door. “Where am I escorting you today fair Goddess?” Peter teased causing Marinette to quirk an eyebrow as they walked toward the elevator.
“Goddess? That's a new one. Care to explain?” She asked, stepping into the elevator pressing the button for the lobby. She reached over pulling his hood up gently with one hand before grabbing his sunglasses and slipping them onto his face. “There you go Mr.Famous.” She teased softly before fixing the strap of her purse. Peter smiled shifting the bag in his hand.
“Well my first thought was princess, but it just doesn’t suit you. Queen had popped in too but that didn’t feel right either. Trust me I know princesses and Queens, and they’d definitely love you but you have an air of difference compared to them. Something that makes you stand out something kind of magical-as silly as it sounds.” Marinette shifted slightly at the mention of magical glancing down at the purse that contained the most powerful beings in existence. Something that did not go unnoticed by Peter. “So when I settled on Goddess it just felt right, of course I tried other names but none compared to Goddess. So that is your new Stark patented nickname! Property of Stark & Co., nobody else can use it without express consent from Stark CEO, Head of R&D, and CEO in training!” Marinette snorted softly stepping out of the elevator Peter followed behind her as she began to giggle.
“Alright I suppose I shall let it slip this time! Besides it is definitely better than Princess, I hate that stupid nickname.” She turned to look at him, eyes twinkling slightly. “Now make sure to stay close, don’t want to have to save you from a car accident again.” Peter laughed rolling his eyes before calling out that it only happened once.  Causing Marinette to laugh again as they started the walk to Marinette’s school.
“Oh Marinette! You’re here!!” Aurore  called out as she, Mireille, and Jean hurried to meet both her and Peter as they entered the school courtyard. “And you brought a friend!” She said hugging Marinette once Jean took the tray from her. Marinette chuckled nervously hugging the girl back before hugging Mireille as well. “Pleasure to meet you I’m Aurore, that is Mireille, the man that took Marinette’s tray is Jean. Oh and of course you’ll meet the rest of our little family in a bit!” Peter smiled at the girl pushing his sunglasses up.
“I’m Peter, it’s nice to meet you. I am not staying though I was only helping Marinette carry the trays.” He said as Claude bounced over taking the tray from him and passing it off to his sister Allegra. He grabbed Peter’s shoulder directing him towards the rest of their class, smiling goofily. Marinette rolled her eyes smiling as Allan wrapped an arm around her shoulder following behind the two. He was telling her about his most recent audition calmly but excitement was clear in his voice.
“Nonsense! My new friend!!” Claude said smiling brightly leading him to the snack table. “If you’re a friend of Marinette’s then you are more than welcome to our party! I’m Claude Renou, the blonde that took the tray is my sister Allegra Dimont! You already saw Jean, Aurore, and Mireille. Kagami is over there teaching Ondine how to hold a saber, Kagami is wearing the red and black Cheongsam,” He paused turning to Marinette with a hopeful look. “Did I say it correctly?” He beamed when Marinette nodded before turning back to Peter. “And Ondine is the young woman who is completely out of her element on land!” He teased causing Ondine to glare at him playfully before waving politely to Peter. Over there controlling the music is Marc-pretty sure his mom, like runs France’s known yet unknown mafia but he won’t tell us.” Marc shot them a playful look before turning to and beginning to eat Marinette’s cookies. “And behind us is Allan Duval! Better known as Coté Spanghero, a rising actor! Then there is our teacher the wonderful and sometimes cruel Ms. Mendeleiev.” Anne-Claire Mendeleiev turned and stared down Claude who simply grinned at her. She sighed, shaking her head before looking over at Peter.
“Ignore him, of course you are more than welcome to join us. This is our little graduation party, these kids have been my students since middle school, except for Marinette unfortunately. Though I tried to get her multiple times.” She gave him a polite smile before patting his shoulder. “Oh and please call me Anne-Claire, all my students do when they remember they are almost out of school.” Marinette pulled away from Allan with a soft smile before linking arms with Peter. Peter grinned at her leaning closer to her.
“Looks like you don’t need to find something to do.” She said laughing with him. “Now come on, Jean knows some pretty cool magic tricks!” She pulled him over and they stood watching Jean perform different card tricks. They stood together, arms still locked while Peter watched Jean and Marinette talked with Allegra both women laughing together. Peter’s attention was stolen a few minutes later by his phone going off.
Princess Memes a lot- Stark where are you and your new sister?
Princess Memes a lot-Hello? Spiderboy?
Princess Memes a lot- Very well I have already found your location, Ayo and ai are on our way.
“Ah? Will Anne-Claire be upset if my friend and her older sister crash this party?” Anne-Claire raised an eyebrow as she took a sip from her cup looking over. 
“Depends Mister Stark, are the delinquents?” Peter was surprised that she knew him and even more surprised when he noticed none of her students were surprised.
“Ah, no not at all. Since you know who I am I’ll be honest. One is royalty and the other her bodyguard acting as sister.” Anne-Claire looked slightly excited at the prospect score nodding. 
“As long as they don’t cause trouble they’re welcome here.” Peter nodded smiling brightly before responding to Shuri that they were more than welcome to join. 
“My friend will be here soon, they may be a little stand off-ish at first.” Claude laughed, shaking his head, giving Kagami a teasing smile causing the woman to raise her eyebrow, faking an unimpressed look.
“Worry not Peter! We managed to break through Kagami’s Ice Queen persona!” Allan smirked rolling his eyes before handing his drink to Allegra. He stood behind Claude mining all of his actions. This caused them all to burst into laughter while Claude simply grinned looking at them. “Well besides that! Peter I have to ask, are you following in your Dad’s footsteps as head of R&D, or will you be taking up CEO. Oh perhaps I should start with my plans. I want to work in Public Relations, I actually have an internship with Wayne Enterprises. Cool right? Everyone here is going on to amazing things actually!” Peter smiled looking at them.”Why don’t we tell him? I’m sure Marinette has already told you her plans. We might as well tell him the rest!” Allegra shook her head smiling softly.
“I’ll tell him, obviously Allan is continuing his acting career, I am going to Harvard to study Law. Kagami is taking over her family business, Ondine is already an Olympic swimmer. Aurore and Mireille are continuing their weather girl careers, Marc is on his way to becoming a famous author and Jean is continuing his figure skating career.” Peter nodded looking at all of them., rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well I am actually already working at Stark Industries, I run the Internship program. Paid and Unpaid, I decide if you are given a chance in our company. I am however in training for both CEO and head of R&D, my parents told me that it is my choice. Although neither plan to retire for quite some time!” The class plus two continued to talk happily never noticing the girl glaring at them from Ms. Bustier’s classroom. Lila knew something was up, ever since she had laid eyes on the man sitting next to Marinette. It was something about him, something that made him stand out. She looked over at her sheep all of who were too engrossed with final plans for the last class trip. These were her sheep, the people that fell in line just to stop her crocodile tears. She sat high and powerful atop her kingdom and Marinette was in her rightful place, alone and ostracized. Something told her though, that the man out there with Mendeleiev’s class was going to ruin her. She sniffed looking away again giving her sheep a fake smile. She’d simply have to destroy him first.
“This is the place.” Shuri said looking up from her phone as Ayo and her walked through the school. “Peter said the teacher they were with is fine with us being here. Apparently they are having a party. Which sounds like a lot of fun!” They finally walked into the courtyard spotting Peter and the class before walking over when Peter waved excitedly. He introduced them to the class, smiling brightly when Marinette and Shuri hit it off right away.
Over the next couple days Marinette grew closer with Peter, Tony and Shuri. Marinette showed the three around Paris with the help of her friends in Mendeleviev’s class. Tony had even promised them visits to Stark tower the summer after their graduation. Of course it wasn’t known to Marinette that she’d soon be living there. In fact they still had to break it to her that Tony’s adoption request went through. It finally came out during a move night that Tony and Peter were holding with Marinette, Shuri, Ayo, her friends, and Jagged.
“Ya know, I’m going to miss you guys.” She said softly leaning against Peter’s side holding his right hand and carefully painting his nails a navy blue. Peter tensed slightly, sharing a look with Tony. Marinette noticed immediately when Peter tensed looking up at him sharply. “What?” She asked, turning to look at the father and son duo. Peter looked at Tony knowing that his father had to tell her.
“Ah, well you see Pinky, I decided that I didn’t want to lose you. So you’re mine now.” He said not looking her in the face, attempting to hide his nervousness.
“I’m yours now?”
“Yes. Our if you want to be specific and bring Pep into this considering she’s my wife, but mine either way.”
“You do know I’m not something to be owned, correct?”
“Well yes, but you’re still mine. End of story. You’re my daughter now, which means you’re Peter’s sister.”
“You know, I should be upset about this but  honestly I really didn’t want you guys to leave. I’ve grown attached and I think Uncle has too.”
Peter smiled brightly wrapping his arms around Marinette, careful not to mess up his nails.
“We just have one last thing to do.”
“Change your last name to Stark.”
Tony said, smirking as he ruffled his now daughter’s hair. It wasn’t until after the movie finished that they announced the news to the rest of their group, and the celebration was anything but quiet. The night ended with a big sleepover in the Stark’s current living room and all went to bed knowing that tomorrow was the day they took Lila off her fake throne.
Lila smirked looking at herself in the mirror taking in her makeup. Nasty fake bruises covered her face and lower neck. She looked down at her clothes to make sure they were properly ripped. She nodded before heading out, stopping before she made it to the school before starting to cry. She rushed to the school bursting into Ms. Bustier’s class immediately having attention on her. She hid a smirk before spouting her sob story. Not knowing that Peter and his father were about to walk through that door with multiple lawyers Shuri and Ayo also tagging along. The moment Peter stepped through the door Kim charged at him fire in his eyes. Ayo was quick to move, taking Kim down flawlessly in seconds. “What do you think you’re doing! Get off my student!” Ms. Bustier said standing quickly but not moving towards Ayo and Kim.
“Shut it you banshee.”Ayo growled out standing up but keeping her foot in the middle of Kim’s back. “I shall act as guard for you all.” She said after Shuri gave her a subtle nod of permission. Tony and Peter’s lawyer Ryan was the first to step forward. 
“Thank you warrior.” He said nodding in respect to Ayo before turning to the class. “I am Ryan Wilson and I am Tony and PETER Stark’s lawyer. I am looking for one Lila Rossi.” Lila sat stock still not wanting to draw any attention to her. That failed when Ayla was quick to point her out.
“She is right here! You’re here to help her after that monster attacked her earlier aren’t you? Wow! Stark works fast! Oh can I record this for my blog?” Ryan galred at both girls before walking over and placing papers on the table.
“No, you may not! Lila Rossi you’ve been served! The Stark family is suing you for slander and defamation of character as well as claiming to others that you work with them. I suggest you find a lawyer and soon.” He turned away from them and walked to Bustier’s desk placing papers on her desk. “This is for allowing and even helping your student to lie.” He stepped back ignoring the class crying out in outrage. Lila just sat staring down at the paper in horror. The horror mounting as more and more papers were added to the pile until Marinette’s delicate and manicured hand placed her own papers down. She looked up at Marinette’s blank face, tears streaming down her face as anger slowly built.
“Lila I have let you get away with a lot, all because I was supposed to be the ‘better person’. Well I am done with that flawed idea, it’s time you learned that lies have consequences.” She turned heading back over to Peter smiling brightly until she saw Tony and Peter’s eyes widened as they moved forward. LIla let out a blood curdling scream launching herself at Marinette. Marinette turned quickly but Ayo was faster than both girls and slammed Lila into the ground. She calmly turned to look at Ryan not releasing her grip from Lila. “It may be smart to call for the police.” Officer Raincomprix walked in soon after sending the teacher a disappointed look as he pulled out handcuffs.
“We are already here. Lila Rossi evidence has been discovered proving that you willingly worked with Gabriel Agreste, also known as Hawkmoth. Anything you say can and will be held against you.” He cuffed her ignoring her screams and holding the young women still as she thrashed trying to get to Marinette. Tony wrapped an arm around her shoulder as Peter linked their arms together causing Marinette to smile.
“Ready to head home, daughter of mine?” Tony said with a smirk as Marinette leaned her head against his arm. 
“Ya know, I can’t wait to see my new home. Lets go.”
I wondered when he was finally going to be bored.
Sir, be careful! 
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strangestcase · 2 years
The Joker is a little little sad cuck and whenever he honks his nose it makes a deflated little sad sound.
11 notes · View notes
miraculousluvbug · 3 years
***WARNING: Season 4 Spoilers Ahead
***New to Wingless? Start at Chapter 1!
CH. SUMMARY: Of all the people Rena could let slip that she knows Ladybug's identity in front of . . . it had to be Chat Noir.
< < < THREE MONTHS AGO < < <
Ladybug swung from building to building, the exhilaration of a job well done fueling the fire in her veins. Traffic it would seem had resumed immediately, the sounds of wheels on pavement and cars obnoxiously honking ricocheting throughout the city’s architecture. This didn’t surprise Ladybug, seeing as the city had grown quite accustomed to akumas blocking the roads. Once the tips of her toes touched a rooftop, it wasn’t long before she was joined by another pair of boots.
“That went well,” commented Ladybug as she swiveled to face her teammate.
Rena Rouge folded her arms across her chest and popped a hip, lips puckered in a frown. “Are you kidding, girl?”
Ladybug’s face fell. No, she wasn’t kidding. She honestly had felt it went well. Was she missing something? Did a disaster strike while she was focused on her lucky charm? Had her Miraculous ladybugs not corrected all of the damage? Were there civilians hurt somewhere--
Abruptly, Rena clapped her hands on Ladybug’s shoulders and squealed, putting a halt to Ladybug’s internal meltdown. “That went amazing! We’re like a well-oiled machine, you and me. I still can’t believe I get to do superhero stuff!” At the sound of Alya’s impromptu shrieking, some pigeons nearby took flight, cooing what Ladybug imagined was a bird version of crotchety old people grumbling. Not even the least bit deterred, Rena leaned forward into Ladybug’s personal bubble, eyes wide with excitement. “But what I really can’t believe is that I’m doing it all with my best friend!”
Ladybug relaxed her posture and let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. But she quickly regretted it when she got a nice, big whiff of crepes, urine, and cigarette smoke. Ah, Paris. Home, sweet home. However, noticing her thoughts were veering dangerously offtrack, Ladybug shook herself mentally.
So nothing had gone wrong. Rena was just being Rena and drawing out the suspense. Ladybug patted her friend’s right hand--which was still firmly squeezing her shoulder--and smiled sweetly.
“It sure is convenient that I don’t have to hide from you anymore,” the spotted-heroine remarked. “I think half the time I took so long to get to a battle because I always had to come up with excuses.”
Rena grinned with a knowing glint in her eye. “I might be impressed if your excuses were actually good.”
Rolling her eyes, Ladybug turned away from Rena, causing Rena’s hands to fall to her sides. “Hey, you try having to come up with five hundred different reasons you have to flake on your friends and see if you fare any better.”
Rena was about to sass her best friend some more, but the words caught in her throat at the sight of Ladybug hugging herself. She recognized this stance. Ladybug’s head was in what Rena deemed the “Guilt Grotto.”
Rena stepped forward to wrap Ladybug in a warm, girl-you-better-get-your-head-out-of-the-guilt-grotto-or-I’ll-tickle-you embrace when there was movement across the rooftops in her periphery. She craned her head to the right to find the familiar silhouette of Chat Noir vaulting his way over, a goofy grin clearly plastered across his face the closer he got.
In a matter of seconds, he landed squarely beside Ladybug, startling her. Ladybug, the epitome of grace that she was, did a series of awkward hand gestures before falling back on her bum, shrieking.
Chat Noir didn’t even look a teeny bit remorseful.
“Looks like I got here just in time!” he quipped, bowing and sliding his baton back into place on his suit.
Rena held out a hand for her friend as Ladybug voiced her question: “In time for what?”
Chat bounced on the balls of his feet. “Well, for the akuma, of course! You guys were having a quick team meeting, right?”
Rena and Ladybug shared a look. So that’s what he was so happy about. Ladybug opened her mouth to reply, but Rena beat her to it.
“Actually, we already took care of the akuma.”
Chat Noir visibly deflated. His ears drooped and his belt tail started to swish back and forth. “Oh.” He turned to the edge of the rooftop and hunkered down, letting his legs kick to and fro in an attempt to get rid of some of the adrenaline.
Ladybug winced. Chat did not sound happy. Hesitantly, she sat next to him. Rena then took a seat beside her, making her the middle. “Sorry, Chat. I know you like battling akumas more than I do.”
Chat nodded before murmuring, “Thirteen.”
“Hm?” Ladybug scooted closer to him to hear him better, their legs nearly touching. She leaned to her right to get a better look at his face and tilted her head innocently. If she were Marinette then, she might have fallen off the rooftop altogether, but she was Ladybug, and Ladybug had way more poise.
Chat didn’t answer immediately. Whatever it was that he was about to say, Ladybug knew it must be something important if he, the guy who was always upfront about his feelings, found it difficult to say. The guy who told her . . .
It’s precisely when something is important that it’s important to say it.
No matter what.
Ladybug gingerly rested a hand on his arm, hoping he understood what the gesture meant. It’s okay. Take your time. I’m ready to listen.
After a few more moments of staring at his feet, Chat Noir lifted his head so his eyes bore into Ladybug’s. They creased with . . . Was that worry? Sadness? Fear?
“Thirteen,” he repeated, a bit louder. “That makes it thirteen times you and Rena have battled an akuma without me. Since Montparnasse Tower.”
Ladybug was speechless. As she stared ahead, eyes unfocused, she tried her hardest to recall all the akuma battles. It was challenging as her memory loved to fail her when she needed it most. Had he really not been in any of those battles? Had it really been thirteen times?
Had he . . . had he really been keeping count?
Ladybug didn’t know what to say, but she knew she had to say something, anything. But what could she say? Was she sorry?
No, she couldn’t be sorry that the akumas had been defeated, that the victims had been rescued, that she had been able to do so quickly because Alya had been spending a record amount of hours by her side.
She couldn’t be sorry about any of that. She was only sad that he felt sidelined.
That was not her intention.
But she knew what the solution to that was.
And she would rather die before she let Chat Blanc see the light of day.
Somehow, knowing her identity had led to him being akumatized. Somehow, whether it was in an alternate timeline or when their memories had been wiped by Oblivio, she knew that what he said at Montparnasse Tower--that to know him was to love him--was truth. And Chat Blanc had told her what their love did.
Their love destroyed the world.
Their love had killed her.
Their love broke the moon, for crying out loud.
But, most importantly, their love hurt him.
Chat Noir had told her he loved her, many times, and she had even been considering giving his pun-spurting, jokes-at-the-worst-times self a chance. But being forced into combat with her akumatized partner had violently squashed any hope she had for them, for LadyNoir as Alya coined it on her blog. Ladybug would be damned if she allowed that to happen again. And if that meant encouraging him to move on even though it broke her heart . . .
Well, it wasn’t supposed to be easy being a hero.
Ladybug had this entire conversation with herself in a matter of seconds. She was careful not to let her face expose any of her innermost feelings, instead sporting an expression of neutrality. What she ultimately decided to do was tell him the only truth she had to offer. He hated secrets and she hated lying. What a pair they made.
“I wish it could be different,” she whispered.
And oh, how she did. She desperately yearned to tell him who she was, to know who he was, to tell him about Alya and Nino and all the other people she had entrusted with a Miraculous.
She wanted him to know how she grew up, what kinds of things she did at school, how she was utterly ridiculous when it came to her rotten luck (and she tried very hard to push a certain blue-eyed blonde out of her head the moment that phrase came to mind). She was sure he would snicker at all the times she made a fool of herself in front of Adrien, of all the ways she made her own life a living hell with her clumsiness.
Or perhaps he wouldn’t laugh. Perhaps he would pat her shoulder and uplift her with words of encouragement. She didn’t know. After the stunt he pulled with the balcony of candle-lit roses, the boy was a wild card, an enigma. He was complex.
And it thrilled her.
But no matter how she felt about him, they couldn’t know each other that way.
Sighing quietly, Ladybug brought her knees up to her chest and turned away from Chat Noir. If she had been watching him when she responded, she might have seen him look longingly at her, but she didn’t.
Rena Rouge did, though.
Wanting to make her friends feel better, Rena added, “Don’t you worry your pretty kitty head about it. I’m sure all those battles would have taken way longer if we weren’t already together.”
Ladybug and Chat Noir both stiffened. Chat’s gaze flicked from Rena to his partner over and over before they finally rested on Ladybug. “Uh, what does she mean by that?”
Ladybug shot a glare in Rena’s direction, but her eyes softened when she saw that Rena genuinely appeared surprised.
He didn’t know? Rena’s eyes asked Ladybug.
He didn’t know, Ladybug’s affirmed.
One would think Rena was Lady Luck because her pendant had decided that that moment was the best time to beep, and she couldn’t agree more. Now she had an escape route from this conversation. “Welp,” she clapped her hands together, “I’m gonna go chill in that fine-lookin’ alley over there.”
Before Ladybug could agree, Rena sprang from her spot and promptly disappeared. She was a regular magician, and her latest trick was leaving Ladybug with a rabbit to put back in the hat.
Or, er--a cat back in the bag. Whatever.
“What she meant by that . . . ” Ladybug began slowly, like she was addressing a wounded animal. Which, maybe she was but just, you know, emotionally wounded.
“Yeah . . . ” prompted Chat, signalling that he was not going to drop this.
Ladybug quickly jumped to her feet and began her ritual of frantic pacing. “Look, I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while, but I didn’t know how to because I knew it would raise questions that I couldn’t answer--”
A blonde boy in white leather with somber blue eyes appeared in front of her and she dug her heels into the cement, skidding to a stop.
Chat Noir was behind Ladybug now, his voice soft and curious. “Bug?”
Ladybug was frozen in place for a few more seconds before she shook her head hard enough to give herself shaken-baby syndrome and nodded, satisfied that the aggressive head-shaking had rid her of he who shall not be named. She whipped around and started.
Chat Noir was incredibly close.
She didn’t know he had gotten this close.
Geez, his eyes were really cat-like.
He also had a really cute nose--
Ladybug, FOCUS!
Ladybug took a step back. She made it her mission to ogle his bell instead of looking into his dumb kitten eyes. “You--” she began, but Ladybug’s throat was suddenly dry. She gulped. “You know how much I hate secrets and lying. And I know how much you hate secrets and lying. So I’m not going to lie to you. But I may not be able to answer the questions I’m sure you’ll have, so please . . . ”
Ladybug grabbed one of his hands then and held it firmly between her own, pleading with every fiber of her being that this would communicate how much he meant to her even though she knew what she was about to tell him would make it seem like he didn’t mean anything.
Please forgive me, Ladybug’s heart supplied.
When he didn’t immediately take his hand back, she looked up at him. She looked into those dumb kitten eyes and knew without a shadow of a doubt--
She was a masochist.
This was going to hurt. He didn’t like when she was the only one to know Rena’s identity. He definitely wasn’t going to like that Rena knew hers. This would be so much easier if she wasn’t ogling those big, emerald green, beautiful, brazenly dumb kitten eyes.
But she was a masochist. And she needed to see them while they still held love for her.
“I told Rena Rouge who I am.”
There. She ripped off the band-aid. Straight to the point. Zero room for interpretation. After all, her worst arguments started because of her clumsy miscommunication.
Ladybug braced herself for an explosion. She had played this moment in her head a couple hundred times since exposing herself to Alya.
Yelling. There was always yelling.
Sometimes, he stomped away while doing that weird T pose where his fists didn’t connect to his hips . . . a pose she herself was guilty of, too.
Others, he chastised her about her thoughtlessness--to which she responded that she definitely thought about it long and hard that day.
Ladybug braced herself for an explosion because she was sure there was going to be one, especially after seeing him upset about her always running off to Master Fu. He hadn’t even known there was a Guardian for a while.
What she hadn’t braced herself for was the expression on his face.
Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
His head was bowed.
His eyes were closed.
A lone tear slid down his cheek.
Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
Her heart thudded against her ribcage, screaming at her to run because he wanted her Miracul--!
No! She refused to finish that thought.
Her head yelled back that he wasn’t akumatized right now, that she wasn’t back there, that she wasn’t with him. She desperately tried to shove the image from her mind. This was more than she could bear. She just--she couldn’t take it! She couldn’t take it because . . .
Because . . .
Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
Because he looked just like him.
Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
He looked like Chat Blanc.
Heya! Thanks for reading. ❤ Check out my Instagram for Wingless updates. I'm also posting pieces of a Wingless cover with each chapter update!
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wumblr · 3 years
baby are you an hors d'ouvres? because you're the only horse i'd divorce. call me sugar daddy cause i raised this beet. do you know what a trial it is to live in my mind every day? it's like a neverending stream of this. if i don't write a noir detective novel then what's even the point. she walked in on legs like. um. stilts. like a clown. one of those sad clowns, i could tell. naturally i offered her some scotch, something special i had reserved just in case of the occasion, the occasion of a clown who couldn't really keep her balance. it's more of a professional hazard than you might think. she sat down at the chair across from my desk and honked, like a deflating balloon at a suburban kid's birthday party. a whole three ring circus and a half. it wasn't until i offered her a kleenex that the waterworks really started. seltzer. i should have known. but could she tell that i knew? it was so hard to see beyond that painted-on smile. this clown absolutely killed her husband. but what was she paying me for? it was going to take a real detective's detective to figure that out. my old colleague, private private eye eye... DO YOU SEE WHAT I'M DEALING WITH HERE
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jackie-starburst · 3 years
"Daddy? I'm a...Wait...Evil?! I am not evil! *sad honks* Why would you say such a thing, I'm a good clown! *even sadder deflated honk*"
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
idk if you do like song request sorta things, but could you do a fic based on the song "night bus" by gabrielle alpin? especially the "suddenly i know that i'm on my way home to you for the last time" part--maybe an angsty sort of thing where the reader and anakin's relationship gets discovered and she gets sent away or smth? idk i couldn't stop thinking ab it last night and i have no motivation to write it myself and i love your writing so maybe?? tysm!
Oh sis this was so much fun to write. Even though it is sad... idk i liked getting in the feels. Anyway I hope it meets your expectations. If it didn’t, well, pls write it yourself and tag me! I’d love to see what your vision was ❤️🤗
Read it on ao3
WC: 1.8k
Night Bus - Anakin x gn Reader angst
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You swore this would never be you. You promised yourself it would last. If two people love each other, there should be no reason you couldn’t be together.
That’s childish thinking, you tugged your jacket tighter around you. Your boots dragged through the grey sludge of the sidewalk, remnants from a lazy downpour of wet snow a few hours before. Your mind whirled and stomach churned as the streetlights began blinking on one by one, the markets closing up for the night. 
It should have been a peaceful thing, but you felt sick. With each step closer to your destination, you felt as though a current was dragging you back, the darkness closing in around you. You knew as soon as you reached him, it would be for the last time. Your fairytale would come to an end, and as you walked through the bitter streets of Coruscant on your way to the Jedi temple, you prepared yourself to say goodbye to your prince charming. 
“It’s selfish, what you’re doing,” Master Windu had hissed at you. You were still reeling from his admittance that he knew about your and Anakin’s relationship. You had been so careful to keep it a secret, you had no idea how he found out. 
“Obi-Wan told you,” your lips felt like rubber.
“He did not,” Mace leveled his gaze at you. “He knows, I’m sure of it. But he respects Anakin too much to give him away like that. A flaw on his part, which will be dealt with later.”
Your head was swimming. What did this mean for you? For Anakin? For the both of you together? Obviously you knew what was next, but your mind couldn’t wrap around it, couldn’t accept it.
“You need to let him go,” Mace declared, not a hint of mercy detected. 
“I can’t.”
“Then he needs to let you go.”
“He won’t.”
“Then you will be the fall of the Jedi!” His sudden outburst made you flinch. Your heart beat fast, blood swishing in your ears. His body was still as a statue, but his eyes were wide and his chest was heaving with an anger that was barely under control. Master Windu was of the more… pessimistic Jedi, but you had never really seen him lose control so completely. Now, you could see he was overwhelmingly stressed. No, not stressed-- panicked. 
“He needs me,” you replied shakily, unwilling to stand down. Anakin had made it clear over and over again that if you just said the word, he would leave the Order for you. The only reason he was still here was because you wouldn’t let him abandon his purpose for you. Windu may think you would be the downfall of the Jedi, but you were the reason it hadn’t completely fallen yet.
“You’re a poison to him.”
It looked like neither of you would be backing down. Windu saw this, and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. When he opened them, he strolled to his seat, and then motioned for you to take the one beside him.
“Let me explain myself,” his voice was much calmer now, but the hard look in his eyes remained. “Anakin is important. Not just to the Jedi, but to the balance of life itself.”
“He never asked for any of that.”
“But he still is,” Windu argued. “There’s no changing that fact. He is powerful. He has potential. And he’s unstable. He was before he met you, and he is now-- even more so.”
“Because of me?”
“Because of how he feels about you.”
You clenched your fists and glared at Windu. “How could being in love ever be a bad thing?”
“Love is an attachment. When one is attached to something, it can be taken away. When it is taken away, it breeds anger and hate and resentment, a path to the dar--”
“Oh, spare me the lecture,” you spit. “I know of your Jedi laws and morals. Now tell me why our love is so forbidden if all it’s bringing him is happiness and peace?”
“For now. It’s happiness and peace for now, because it’s new. I should have stepped in sooner, should have stopped it before it was too late. But with the start of the war, I lost sight of it, got too distracted…” Windu shook his head. “If you end it now, he’ll be able to move on. The damage won’t be permanent.”
“I don’t understand,” your chest stung. 
“He loves you. Any Jedi can sense that. And you love him, too.” You couldn’t meet Windu’s gaze. “If something happens to you, and you are taken away from him, or-- Force forbid-- you die, it will break him. He will be consumed by anger and hatred and he will fall to the dark side. His emotions are strong, far too strong to be handled easily. If Anakin goes to the darkside, the Jedi will be no match for the Sith. We will perish, and the war will be lost, and so will any semblance of peace that exists in this life.”
Mace’s tone softened as he saw the tears build up in your eyes. “This path is inevitable, and it needs to be prevented. The only way we can be sure is to remove you from his life. It was a mistake letting you two get so close, and the Council takes full responsibility. But now, you must let him go.”
“How certain are you,” you forced the words from your aching throat. “How certain are you of this future?”
“Yoda had a vision.”
Your breath left you like a balloon deflating. You were glad you were sitting now, because you didn’t think your legs could handle the weight as you felt your world crumble around you. Anakin’s smiling face flashed through your mind, and a tear trailed down your face.
“You have until sunrise to leave Coruscant,” Mace’s tone was back to authoritative, formal and commanding, leaving no room for argument. “You can never return. Not as long as Anakin is here. You may never come in contact with him ever again.”
“And who’s going to stop me if I do? Who’s going to stop him?”
“If you have any respect for every innocent living being in this galaxy, you will do what needs to be done. Now go. You have a job to do.”
You swore you could hear your heart drop and shatter to the ground in a million tiny pieces as you stood from that chair and walked out of the council room. You spent the day mulling over your conversation, crying, pacing, and pulling at your hair. You tried to think of anything you could do to be with Anakin-- pretend to leave him and be even more secretive, get a different identity so you could stay on Coruscant, run away together. You knew he would if you asked.
But deep down, you knew Windu was right. The Jedi needed Anakin, and you were his weakness. If Anakin left, or fell to the dark side because of you, it would be the end of the galaxy. Just because it wasn’t a possibility now, doesn’t mean it wasn’t one in the future. Yoda had a vision, after all, and the fear in Windu’s eyes told you it was serious. 
Now here you were, walking to Anakin’s place to spend one last night with him before you had to leave him. Forever. Your body ached from the cold, the grief, and from packing your belongings all afternoon. You could barely form words as you booked a ship off the planet for early next morning. Then, you had numbly pulled on your jacket and boots, and began your trek to Anakin one last time. 
Cars whizzed overhead, the honking distant in your hollow ears. You were shaking, but not from the cold, as you caught sight of the Jedi temple ahead. The entrance was only a few feet away. You just had to walk through the door, sneak down the hallway, and you’d be there. He’d open the door, offer you a blinding smile, pull you inside, and warm you up with a drink and a kiss. You would put something on the holonet like you always did, just for background noise, and lay down on the bed and just be together. Talk, or kiss, or hold each other. Feel his laugh vibrate through your body because he was pressed so close to you, watch his curls bounce as he shook his head, listen to the soft sounds of him sleeping. The moonlight always made him look like some sort of space prince as it glistened off his cheekbones, painting him in a pale blue. You would trace your fingertips along his face, and he would pretend to still be asleep as he smiled and kissed your fingertips. So happy, so at peace, so in love--
You stopped in your tracks.
I can’t do this.
The pain was building up again. You thought your heart had already shattered, but the ghost of it kept cracking. Something awful was breaking in your chest with each breath, each second, each step toward your goodbye. There was no way you could face him and be okay tonight. The tears were already making an appearance.
“You need to let him go,” Windu’s voice battled your sorrow. “You will be the fall of the Jedi.”
The breath you took was like swallowing razor blades as the cold air filled your lungs. Steadying yourself on the wall of the temple, you pushed your way past the entrance and entered the main hall. The familiar smell worsened your nausea, and you kept your hood up and head down as you walked the familiar path down the hall, taking the elevator up, and then crossing the last hallway before you found his door.
You schooled your features and shoved down the swirling tempest threatening to spill out of you. Once your hands stopped trembling, you brought a fist up and knocked on the door.
Anakin opened the door. He was smiling brilliantly, blue eyes sparkling in the light. The image of his face falling, eyes clouding over in confusion and hurt as he searched for you the next morning and found you gone flashed through your mind. You knew he would never stop searching for you. This is not what he would have wanted. But Mace was right-- he would heal, in time, and he could live the life he was supposed to live; as a Jedi, a General, and the Chosen One. 
“Anakin,” you forced yourself to smile. “Hi.”
His smile turned from charming to soft, hands immediately moving to pull you into his room for the last time. “You’re freezing, my love. Let’s get you warmed up, I already made you something to drink.”
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