#[stacks & queue]
eqt-95 · 4 months
💙 for supercorp , pretty please!
oh brilliant! yes of course!! i was hoping for this one so i'd finally be motivated to write the scene that was inspired by this post. i have literally had it saved in my tumblr drafts since february. and yes i just scrolled through half of my 784 drafts to find it.
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“Actually no, we're not ‘dating’. We're bound together for infinity. Like the stars. So, fuck you, actually-”
Alex clicked the remote, freezing the screen to perfectly capture a very outspoken, very drunk Lena Luthor doing an uncanny impression of Taylor Armstrong in front of a throng of paparazzi.
“Can we watch it again?”
“No,” Alex answered tersely, setting the remote next to three overflowing folders, a coffee mug that needed to be filled with something a little stronger, and a cellphone she had to silence after the hundredth social media notification sent it rattling off the table.
Nia slouched in her chair with a ‘hmph’ and muttered something that sounded like garbled nothing to normal ears but very much like ‘never any fun,’ to Kryptonian ears.
“Right,” Alex continued, her attention directed across the table. She’d spent the majority of the recording with her face downturn and fingers pinching the bridge of her nose in what could only be described as ‘resignation’ mixed with the ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ strategy she had been trying with Esme.. “Care to explain what compelled you to proclaim you... infinite, cosmic link with Supergirl?”
“Not really, no,” a much more subdued, much less drunk Lena answered.
“Seems pretty self-explanatory,” Nia chimed in, spinning in the chair next to Alex. “Luthor can’t hold her liquor.” She bounced a clicky pen on the table-surface to accentuate the point. Alex gritted her teeth.
“I most certainly can-”
“Channel 7 says otherwise,” Nia grinned. The clicky pen was pointed accusingly.
“That,” J’onn began, and then pen clicked in offense, “is the least of our concerns-”
“Exactly,” Alex interrupted while blindly swiping the pen from Nia's hand and slamming it onto the table. “Do you have any idea how many conspiracy theories have started because of this? This has gone national-”
“International, actually,” Brainy added. “Canada and Australia have both picked it up.”
“Which means it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world is needling around about- about…” Alex’s face plunged closer to a shade of raspberry.
“About what, Alex?” Lena asked. She leaned forward, arms crossed with her super sexy calm, cool, and ceo-collected face. It was almost working too, except for the mischievous glint and flicker of her eyebrow that revealed she was not taking this remotely serious enough for the eldest Danvers sister. “About my throuple with Kara Danvers and Supergirl?”
Alex’s face found her hands. Nia sputtered laughter from behind her own. J’onn stared longingly toward the closed door. Brainy scowled in confusion.
“It cannot be a throuple if two members are the same person,” Brainy said, glancing quickly toward Nia who nodded in confirmation.
“CNN doesn't know that. But fine, call it infidelity, stepping out on-” Lena offered lazily.
“Still not the point. You’ve jeopardized Kara’s secret identity,” Alex interrupted crossly. “And now you've put her in danger of-”
“I thought it was sort of sweet.”
Five pairs of eyes turned toward Kara who, until now, had remained silently observed. She sat at the head of the table wearing her suit and a recent bout of puppy love. Two pairs of eyes were gobsmacked, the third was failing to hide the glee over the entire exchange, and the fourth included a quick wink that made Kara’s cheeks flush even redder and bat her figurative tail even harder.
“Sweet. Right, well,” Alex began again, “‘Sweet’ doesn’t exactly handle the problem, does it?”
“It’ll blow over; these things always do,” Lena added. “We can have Andrea run a boring fluff piece about my night on the town being a slew of misguided comments. Say I said the earth was flat and that I challenged the Second Law of Motion or something. Make it dry. Everyone will chalk it up to part of that.”
“And we can put this whole thing to-”
“Don't you dare-” Alex warned.
Alex sighed, J’onn climbed to his feet like a tired high school teacher, Nia bounced giddily in her chair, and Lena was already glancing over at Kara and giving her a look that suggested they were not going to make it through the day without a trip to the broom closet. 
Kara's cheeks flushed even redder if that were remotely possible.
And so a fluff piece was written, the tabloids took a few lazy swipes at another Luthor edging toward instability, and then the story deflated entirely into obsolescence. The news cycle moved on, Alex's blood pressure returned to normal, and Kara was permanently living on cloud nine.
Everything was fine.
Everything was great.
Everything was going swimmingly.
Until the second video was discovered.
From the same night.
Nia brought popcorn. J’onn brought a heavy sigh. Alex brought a decade of instantaneous aging. 
“Care to explain?” Nia asked with her best angry-Alex impression. 
Meanwhile Alex was struggling to unclench her jaw.
“Deep fake?” Lena offered lamely.
“Deep fake,” Alex parroted. “You think someone somewhere invested the time to deep fake Lena Luthor and Supergirl making out? For what? Fun? Kicks? Laughs?”
“They already spend hours writing steamy fanfiction,” Lena shrugged. 
“They what-?” Alex choked.
“Hot, steamy, inspired sex, really-”
“Kara, darling, do you remember the one with my desk and the full-length windows?”
Kara flushed but nodded. Nia squealed with delight. Alex had had it.
“Or the one where we lived in an alternate universe and you were a cowboy and was your-”
“Stop. Stop it.” 
Lena leaned back into her chair, a smile of victory spreading across her face.
“I’m just saying, stands to reason someone might show us in the throws of deep, passionate-”
“I don't want to know. I don't. Want. To know,” Alex interrupted, hands cupped around her ears.
Again five pairs of eyes turned to Kara. 
“Could've been cosplay.”
“I can't believe… J’onn can you… handle… this,” Alex waved between the two.
“Should we watch it again?” Nia suggested. “Just to check Kara's theory.”
And without preamble, she clicked play again. It was far fuzzier, far more amateur, and far less deniable than the first.
“Charlie, Charlie, baby look here,” the phone holder shouted over a group of laughing, tipsy NCU students. “Do the impression again, please? I want it for-”
“Yo, yo, check it out.” 
“Is that-?”
The camera pivoted from the ginger-haired Charlie to a dark alley between 
“Oh damn, is that Supergirl?”
“And… Lena Luthor?”
“I knew it. I told you!”
The stage whispers were doing far more for Alex’s discomfort than the shaky camera zooming 2x onto what was very clearly Supergirl pressing Lena Luthor into a wall and doing a very good job of ripping Lena’s $1,200 blouse open. 
“Ooph, Mrs. Fischer is not going to be happy about that,” Nia commented.
A glitter of buttons bounced off the sidewalk, and Supergirl’s mouth was moving hungrily and decidedly across the exposed skin.
“We’ve seen enough,” Alex chimed in and reached, some might say ‘desperately’, for the remote in Nia’s hands. “Once already scarred me for life-”
“But we won’t know until we see drunk, cosplay-Lena’s face. It’s for science, Alex,” Nia answered, clutching the remote like the lifeline to a sinking ship and climbing onto and over the conference table just as ‘cosplay’-Lena pulled ‘cosplay’-Supergirl’s mouth back to her.
“Bullshit,” Alex hissed, making quick work of scattering across the same table. 
Meanwhile ‘cosplay’-Supergirl’s hands were no longer visible and the gang of NCU students were actively chanting them on. “Nia Nal, if you do not turn that off right now-”
The chase continued under the table, over three chairs, and around a trash bin Nia knocked over in a valiant attempt to slow her assailant. And while Nia and Alex made a mess of the conference room, ‘cosplay’-Supergirl was making an absolute mess of ‘cosplay’-Lena’s bun-
“Never!” Nia huffed and side-spun before making a poor calculation and tripping over an empty chair. Alex saw her window and lunged, tackling Nia, gripping the remote free and slamming pause just as ‘cosplay’-Lena found the zipper to ‘cosplay’-Supergirl’s suit.
“Do you have any idea the-” Alex’s vitriol stopped in its tracks. Why? Because they were totally and completely alone. No Brainy or J’onn and worse, no Lena or Kara. “What… where’d they go?”
“Probably the broom closet,” Nia mused.
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ask game
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tazmiilly · 3 months
i keep disappearing off the face of the earth, I just haven't been reminded to post here in a bit. need to get back into the swing of things
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Angst you say? Looks like I am waiting 2-3 chapters because ya girl can't do angst with put comfort and if I gotta wait several chapters I will. I will be billing you for my therapy 😭😂
Mmmmmm probably more than 2 or 3. I'll tag the chapter where the comfort starts as either hurt/comfort or something about the comfort starting for those that don't want to read the angst without it.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ya boi made washi tapes, please consider Purchasing them. at cozylittleartshoppe on etsy. good print, good sticc, i am obsessed
#small business#washi tape#portal 2#infinity train#the owl house#etsy#support small business#there were sticky notes! they dont stick very good. they kinda have a couple problems. im still talkin it thru with my manu as of queueing#the print is ok - the print is great actually! they just dont. stick. and that's one thing#but they leave just a liiiitttle bit of sticky residue on the Next notepad in the stack#and you can see it#and it sticks just a little bit on the front of that next note. like 1/10 sticky; MAYBE 2/10 if ur unlucky.#if you tend to washi-tape your notes up anyway it's probably fine but im not sure what i'll do with them yet#but i have Two Hundred of them so uhhhhh#i'm thinking i'll sell them at a big discount. because they're still pretty ok as memo pads! but i have to see what my manu decides to do#which is such a shame because they LOOK really really really cool!!!!!! they just dont Sticky good#but also i have people buy seconds all the time and say 'i dont even know whats wrong with this' so i wonder if#my standards are way too high and people really would be ok buying these for like 50% off or something#hrmmmm. send dms/replies/asks (anons on) if you have any opinions#im hearing from other shop owners that generally unless its officially post-it brand it doesnt stick very well#but custom print post its are very expensive OTL so i think for now i'll just make non-stick post its in the future#the washis are beautiful and perfect though. i love the washis. beautiful perfect flawless tapes. they even have stickers on the side!!
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corvidsofthedeep · 9 months
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No Context Crow #23: Rose Garden Crow
Photograph/Artwork created by June Hunter.
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satelliteduster · 1 month
the curry fandom
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vladdyissues · 1 month
Hi hon. Any chance of a new chapter soon(ish)? 😘
Probably not as soon as expected. I had a medical emergency Monday night and spent most of Tuesday at the doctor's, and the medication I'm currently on makes me severely drowsy. I plan on taking it easy for the next week, until I go back to the doctor to see what my tests show. I'll still be reachable, but I'm gonna lay low for a while and rest.
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slunch · 3 months
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source games in a nutshell, photo creds to @mhyphendash
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi prime defenders#jrwi pd spoilers#jrwi show#cw blood#okayokay tryin out this queue thing for the first time despite usin this webbed site since 2013. if all goes accordin to plan this should#post at noon tomorrow. in the mEANT TIME CAN I TAAALLK ABOUT THIS EPISODE PRETTY PLESe??? THIS SHOW IS SO FUCKIN FUNNY...#SO MANY BITS I WISH I COULDVE DRAWN.. THIS WHOLE SHOW IS SUCH A PERFECT CARTOON IN MY BRRAAIAIINN. VYNS whole deal with talkin to himself#wasnt his dealio like. he had like NO complications for most o the show before this. wats that one gravity falls scene with soos goin like#i knew it. im literally the perfect man. and then he raises his arms for a heavenly choir and a dove lands on him. thats vyncent. BUT NOOW#MY BOY COMPLICATED!!! THE OVERTHINKING THING IS SO FUCKIN GOOD AND FUNNY. MY BABY BOY CAN DO ANYTHING. HES SO GOOD AT BREAKING ROCKS#Oh and this doodle page also includes the winebago shenanigens after reuniting with tide. the DARTS remember the darts#remember when tide actually snapped at william for driving like a FOOL!!! LOVE THAT SO MUCH. i gotta draw tide more aauuughghghuhh#ohh my GOODD WILLIAMS BEEF WITH THE RABBIT N THE BOAR WAS SO FUNNY... THESE CHARACTERS ARE ALL SOO FLAWED#WILLIAM IS SUCH A LITTLE ASSHOLEE. VYNCENT IS STUBBORN BEYOND BELIEF AND REASON. DAKOTA IS PERFECT HES A LIL DUMB BUT HES SO SWEET AND KIND#AND OH MY GOD ONE MORE THING CAN I JUST SAY. bizly is such a magnifiscent dm. i remember sayin months ago that#he finds ways to stack impossible odds against our heroes while still leaving room for them to succeed. the pd hasnt taken a single W but!#theyre surviving!! theyre keeping it together! from meat planets to cartoons to other dimensions to fighting the GODS!!! pd is genuinely#such a delight to listen to. a comedy and a tragedy. a story of ragtag heroes doing their best to do good despite their own failings.
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gayafsowhat · 2 months
To everyone who has sent fic prompts I love you spinning you around and kissing your forehead forever 💞💞💞 I am literally so excited to write these and the only thing stopping me is my laptop acting like it's an ancient relic that I have just awakened from its slumber
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 2 months
sometimes you take so many L's in an extreme that it fucks your ego up
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“Why is Sturges on the roof?”
“He likes to feel tall.”
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Hey are you still taking those outfit requests? No worries if you closed it! 🌼🤠
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godbirdart · 2 years
Thanks for being the source of aesthetic nature images that I wouldn’t otherwise be getting. I feel like I’m receiving necessary vitamins.
glad you enjoy them!! ;w;
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dingodad · 5 months
ohhhh guys i just got the difference between queue and stack
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divinekangaroo · 7 months
The strange thing of being online only partially is, now I feel even more awkward “””interacting””” because I don’t have the contextual ebb and flow
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