#[v; searching for the last of us (emma au)]
whorunthewcrld-a · 2 years
The virus was inescapable. Even for a country who consumes much less wheat then countries like America. Japan stood no chance. They were an island after all. Where could they run? 
The Sano’s ran to the Musashi Shrine. So did the other members of Toman. It was where they’d created the group after all, and the locations was optimal. Up on its hill it was easier to defend then a lot of other places. So they made it work. Set up barricades, scavenged supplies, created a little community on their hill. The six members of Toman and their families. They’d protect each other like they always had. 
Two years into living with the state of the world and somehow they’d survived. And while “thrive” would be a stretch to describe how they were living, they made things work. They’d even added a few more to their group. Baji and Kazutora had saved a kid and his mom from a Runner and they’d joined the community. Emma liked Chifuyu, he was fun to hang out with (though he spent most of his time shadowing Baji now). And a random boy named Takemichi showed up at the shrine one day. He was a little weird, and not the best fighter, but he was a nice guy. 
Emma shook her head, bringing her back to her task. She’d been sent out on a simple supplies mission. The community was running low on some essentials and Emma was one of the best at finding what they needed. She joked it was because she always loved shopping before. Normally she would have come out with Mikey or Draken but it was just supposed to be a quick run. And she had her bow and one of the communities guns for emergencies. 
And it had gone without a hitch. Her pack was loaded with supplies and she’d only run into two Runners, both of which she easily took out from a distance. So her mood was high as she rounded the corner back to the shrine. Maybe Draken would be on guard duty and would be there to greet her. She blushed at the thought. But the second her eyes landed on the torii gate she knew something was wrong. Their barricaded doors were open and no guards where to be seen on the look out they’d built.
Emma’s heart dropped at the same time she broke out into a sprint. 
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‘Nononononononononononononononononononononononononono,’ it was on loop in her head as she ran up to the doors, peeking through for any signs of infected before continuing up the steps at the same pace. But no one greeted her. There was no one tending to the garden or working on the west wall they’d started reinforcing last week. The shrine was empty. 
Completely empty.
Her family was gone. She was alone.
closed starter for @prxenuntius
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keelywolfe · 6 years
FIC: Sable
(A Spicyhoney ‘The Village’ AU)
Notes: Even more from @cheapbourbon ‘s Village AU.
I’m so sorry it took me so long to update this story. This story never has come to me as easy as ‘baon’ and this chapter in particular was such a struggle to write.
Warnings: This story is Not Work Appropriate
The story so far:
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It was much later in the morning than Rus had meant when he came downstairs that Wednesday. He’d meant to have his chores done and on his way to the woods before Blue had awoken.
He hadn’t counted on not being able to sleep, tossing and turning far into the night while fretting over what he would do today. The decision hadn't been made by the time he fell into a fitful sleep and it was the light spilling in through his window that had awoken him.
A dismal light, to be sure, the sky was gray and overcast as Rus quickly cared for the livestock before going to the kitchen to breakfast with his brother. He had little enough excuse to beg off and the frown on Blue’s face as he came in made his soul clench.
“I’m not sure you should be going out in this, brother,” Blue looked out the window at the sky, his brow furrowed with concern. “It could be a storm is coming.”
“this will be the last time, though,” Rus pleaded. “i know winter is upon us, i won’t stay out late. but i’ll be inside most of the season. please, brother, i promise! only once more?”
Blue still hesitated and Rus waited to see if he’d forbid him from going, already guiltily knowing it wouldn’t make a difference. Whatever Blue decreed, he would still go. He would have all winter for his brother to forgive him.
Picturing the coming season made him weary. He rarely left the house on the coldest days, leaving only long enough for chores. Maybe Emma would visit him, on the rare occasion as the weather allowed it? She seemed keen to speak again. Otherwise he would be alone, waiting for his brother to return from town, knitting while listening to the wind blowing. And wondering about Edge, if he was all right, if he was surviving in the dreaded woods with the trees nothing but icy dead branches and no easy food to be had.
“All right,” Blue said at last, interrupting the downward spiral of his thoughts. “Go out and play your little games. So long as you bundle up well!”
“thank you, brother,” Rus pressed a reckless kiss to the top of his brother’s skull and earned a startled laugh before he was shooed away.
“Off with you then, you silly thing,” Blue scolded, “and if you start to feel chilled, come home straight away!”
“i will,” Rus called, winding on his scarf and pulling on his old mittens. He’d change them for the gloves Edge had given him once he was in the woods.
For now, he set aside the turmoil of his thoughts and focused on the walk.
Blue hadn’t been entirely wrong; with the biting wind it was bitterly cold, and Rus could feel the pinch of it at his toes even through his fur-lined boots.
At least his new gloves were warm, surprisingly so, and Rus marveled that such thin, supple leather could hold in heat so well. It had to be the way Edge made them, though Rus couldn’t see anything particularly unusual in the sewing, past the pretty symbols that were embroidered at the wrists.
Rus lifted his wrist to his own mouth and pressed a silly kiss to the symbols, the same way Edge always did. Soon enough he wouldn’t dare wear these gloves, so he may as well appreciate the lovely warmth while he could.
Their clearing was in sight and Rus slowed, nervousness rising. He knew what he wanted, he could be honest enough with himself to admit that. He did want Edge, wanted to know him in the intimate way that only lovers could and yet, even with Emma’s encouragement, he couldn’t help that twisting sense of fear.
The entirety of his life, he’d been told this was a sin outside the marriage bed, no matter that Blue insisted it was a pleasure to be shared with a spouse. And yet, so was simply being here in the woods, Rus already had sins atop of sins, what was one more when it came time to beg forgiveness?
A flash of red caught his eye and Rus smiled to himself, that the very sight didn’t choke him with fear. Forbidden the color still may be, but on Edge, it was growing to a comfort.
Stepping in to the clearing, Rus faltered, his smile fading. Edge was there, true, but with him was something he’d never had before. Leaning against one of the trees was a large pack, well bundled with supplies. At the top, Rus could see a glimpse of the quilt he’d given Edge, neatly folded in with various furs.
It confirmed what he already knew. The leaves had fallen, the snow was coming, and Edge was moving on. He was leaving and this brief, borrowed moment in Rus’s life was coming to an end.
In that moment, Rus shoved his fear aside and made his choice. The undeniable proof decided it for him. If he only had this once chance, he was going to take it.
Unbidden, tears were welling, and Edge’s warm expression of greeting turned to one of alarm.
“Rus?” he ventured, with such gentleness. Always, he had been so gentle, so careful, and they dared call him a Monster of the wood?
Rus lifted his chin in defiance and stepped in close, summoning all his daring as he pressed their mouths together in a firm kiss. He felt Edge inhale sharply, felt his surprise, but Rus was determined.
Gathering his courage, Rus slipped a hand downward to press between Edge’s legs, curving his palm against the hard bulge he found there. The sound Edge made was tantalizing, a low, growling moan, and suddenly his mouth was eager, devouring against Rus’s own.
In no time, Edge was lowering him, and Rus braced himself for the chill of the ground. His timing was poor enough, he should have found his courage while the weather was still fair. He didn’t care, he’d made his choice and Rus was determined to have this, if only once.
But instead of icy leaves and dirt, Rus found himself draped in Edge’s cloak. It couldn’t possibly be as large as it seemed, but he felt like he was wrapped in voluminous folds, cushioning him against the bare ground, and none of the chill wind was seeping in.
Atop him, Edge looked down at him, searching his face with those crimson eye lights.
“yes,” Rus murmured, “oh, yes, please.”
It seemed that was all the confirmation Edge needed. Carefully, Edge plucked at the buttons and fastenings of his clothes, and Rus breathed through his nervousness, reminding himself that Edge had seen him bare before. He made quick work of Rus’s boots and trousers, slipping his fingers between his legs. The way they moved gently against him made Rus gasp, arching up. It felt as good as he remembered, that longing ache rising, and he spread his knees wider, urgently. “edge, oh…oh, yes. please, yes.”
This time when Edge settled between his legs and lowered his leggings, Rus only caught his shoulders and held on, trying in some feeble way to brace himself. The tip of his shaft brushed against him almost teasingly, then firmer, pressing into him. Rus caught his breath as Edge pushed inside him. The stretch of his body opening up to that inward press pinched a little, not quite painful but hardly as pleasant as he’d hoped.
“oh,” Rus breathed out, digging his fingers into Edge’s shoulders, desperate to hold on to something. He stared up sightlessly at the overcast sky as that pressure filled him, Edge pausing whenever he whimpered, then easing in deeper still. Tears were stinging in his sockets, would this never end?
It seemed an eternity until Edge’s pelvis was tight to his. Rus could taste warm salt, his breath hitching.
“Rus.” The rough tenderness in Edge’s voice startled him. Gentle fingertips cupped his cheekbone, wiping away the dampness, and Rus looked up into his face. The warmth there, the concern, drew away some of his tension and the pain eased some as he relaxed. He still felt uncomfortably full and squirmed a bit, trying to relieve that pressure. Edge’s gasp was overshadowed by Rus’s choked cry at the surprising flare of pleasure and he clutched at Edge, squirming more, trying to catch that feeling again.
Edge settled more of his weight on top of him, stilling his wriggling but before Rus could complain, he shifted against him, pulling out a little then pressing back inside. The slide of it seemed easier now, gliding into him, and Rus moaned, arching up into it hesitantly, wanting more.
It seemed to be what Edge was waiting for. In no time he found a rhythm, his hips rocking as he moved, thrusting slowly into the slick welcome that Rus’s body was offering. The wet sound of their bodies coming together made heat rise in his cheek bones but how could he be embarrassed when it felt so good, pain forgotten in the wonder of rising pleasure.
This was not how he’d imagined it in the darkest part of the night, in his own bed as he touched himself and pretended it was other hands on him. The reality was so different; bundled up in a thick cloak of the forbidden color with the strange, visceral sensation of Edge moving inside him, his weight atop him. It wasn’t the sweet romance that Emma seemed to picture, it was sweaty and instinctive, made him want to writhe and cry out and beg for more.
“oh!” Rus cried, pleasure rising, and heat flared in Edge’s eye lights. He pushed in a little harder, moving against him, and Rus clutched at him, rocking his hips up with shocking wantonness and oh, it felt good, it felt so good, the deep slide of Edge into him, that aching emptiness as he pulled out, only to be filled again.
“Rus,” he groaned. He pushed himself up on one hand and reached between them with the other, his thumb a firm pressure at the crux of Rus’s legs, circling in the same driving rhythm as inside him. That building heat finally crested, and Rus clawed at Edge’s back with blunt fingertips, his knees jackknifing upward to clasp Edge’s hips.
Edge’s own pleasure was obvious in the low, guttural sounds he made, groaning as he pushed in hard and held there. The sudden rush of wet heat inside him made Rus gasp, still trembling from his own peak even as Edge sagged against him.
For a long moment there was nothing but ragged breathing between them, Edge’s weight growing uncomfortably heavy. Then Edge shifted, slowly withdrawing and Rus had to stifle a sound of discomfort.
As Edge sat back on his heels to straighten his leggings, Rus reached for his own clothes awkwardly, pulling his trousers back on and wincing at the chill in them, damp from the snow. Now that it was done, he felt almost pleasantly sore between his legs and wetness was starting to trail down the insides of his femurs. A hot bath would likely cure both, but it wasn’t about to touch the ache that was settling into his soul.
Edge crouched back down next to him, his tunic and leggings back in place and Rus offered him a weak smile, hesitantly shifting to pull Edge’s cloak out from beneath him and handing it back. Guiltily, he suspected it would need washing. The thought didn’t seem to bother Edge, he only drew it carelessly back over his shoulders, reaching out to adjust Rus’s cloak more closely around him.
“K’uhah,” Edge murmured with such tenderness that tears pricked Rus’s sockets. He was never going to learn what that word meant, Rus realized dismally. It would be set aside with the rest of his memories, taken out occasionally and idly considered, but he would never actually know.
A hand circling Rus’s wrist, tugging gently, and with a watery sigh, Rus allowed Edge to pull him to his feet. The cold was starting to seep through his own cloak in a way it hadn’t managed with Edge’s and much as he didn’t want to leave, Edge was right. Time to end this.
Only, Edge’s grip tugged him along, pulling him towards that pack and Rus followed for a few stumbling, baffled steps.
“what are you—” Rus began, confused. He tried to pull away, but Edge’s grip tightened, minutely, tugging harder when Rus dug in his heels and forced him to stop.
Edge stopped, turning back to him with a frown. He pulled again, gently, saying encouragingly, “Edge and Rus, home.”
“home, yes, i need to go home,” Rus agreed and tried to pull free again, “that’s why you need to let go.” His grip didn’t lessen a bit, tight around Rus’s wrist. “home,” Rus persisted and pointed in the direction of the village.
If his grip had been firm before, now it felt like iron, and his eye lights blazed as he said, firmly, “No, no, no.”
“edge,” Rus pulled harder, panic starting to rise. “let me go, i need to go home.”
“Edge and Rus, home, leaf fall,” Edge said sharply. He twisted Rus’s hand around, turning it to tap a finger against the symbols at his wrist.
And sudden understanding clicked in Rus’s head like a key in a lock.
Oh, he was a fool, a complete, utter fool.
All this time, Edge had been courting him, bringing him food and gifts, and if Rus had been paying the slightest bit of attention, he would have recognized it. Hadn’t Emma even sighed over the romance of it all and here he was, foolishly imagining that Edge had wanted a tryst when what he was after was a spouse. And now Edge thought Rus was going with him.
Frantically, he tugged against Edge’s hand, trying uselessly to pull free.
“i…i didn't know, i'm sorry!” Rus pleaded. “let me go, please, i can’t—” Panic was taking hold, rising up in him, and Edge had never held him like this, never forced him, and now he wasn't letting go, he wasn't--
Rus slowly stilled as that word filtered through his panic. He stared at Edge in teary bewilderment, "what...what did you say?"
“Stop,” Edge told him. “Stop.” He didn’t let go of Rus’s wrist, but pressed his free hand gently over Rus’s sternum, the red of his glove stark against the saffron of Rus’s cloak. His voice was deep, thick, as he said, softly. “Love. Rus, love.”
“how do you even know that word? you don't love me, you barely know me! let me go,” he sobbed, resisting. He needed to get home, he needed to be with his brother, he couldn’t stay here, he couldn’t…!
“Rus…” Edge shook him lightly, until Rus gave in, sagging against him, tears streaming. He felt Edge sigh, the rasp of his breath, then he finally said, “Rus, no go.“ Edge mimicked letting him go, though his grip didn’t lesson. “No...” he grimaced, struggling, “...run? No run.”
“i won't run, now let me go!”
“No run,” Edge warned, and let him go. Rus snatched back his hand, cradling his aching wrist as he staggered back a few steps. Edge made no move to stop him, though he watched warily.
“you know more of my language than you've been letting on, you...you sneak!” Rus hissed, glaring at him through a tear-filled gaze.
Edge shrugged, unapologetically and fury was starting to outdistance Rus’s fear.
“how much do you understand?” Rus demanded. How much of his constant babbling had Edge understood?
Edge made a seesaw gesture with his hand and that alone certainly meant he understood enough, more than Rus ever could have guessed. All this time, Edge had understood more than he was letting on, it was as good as a lie, and—
“wait, how do you understand?” Rus asked, suspiciously.
Edge waved that away with obvious irritation, and instead returned, persistently, “Rus, Edge home.”
Rus swallowed hard. Much as Edge had understood, it seemed that much had been unclear between them. “i can't go with you. i can’t.”
Edge moved slowly, giving Rus a chance to back away as he came closer, and even in his fear and anger, Rus tearfully noted his gentleness. He couldn’t stay, but oh, some part of him wished…
Cautiously, Edge stepped up to him and reached out, patting Rus’s front and when Rus only stared in bewilderment, Edge curved his hand over the front of his shirt to mimic a belly, what…oh. Rus’s soul dropped, aching.
"no,” Rus shook his head, “no babies. i...i can't. i can’t have babies. no babies."
He saw the moment Edge understood, his eye lights widening. Now he knew Rus could never give him children, there would be no babies for them.
Well, now that Edge knew he was...he was defective, at least Edge would let him go home.
Except, he only sighed and seemed more disgruntled that Rus had countered his argument than upset.
At least it was a blatant reminder to have a cup of slippery elm tea when he returned home. Edge might have been hoping he was here to breed him a litter of little forest creatures but that was not possible.
When Edge reached out again, Rus flinched, staggering half a step back, away from him.
Edge held up his hands, then, and didn’t try to hold him again, "No, no, no," he soothed. "Rus. Home, yes? Home."
A little wildly, Rus nodded. "home, yes, i need to go home, to my village."
He nodded slowly and Rus wished he didn’t recognize the pain in his eye lights. This was his fault, entirely, his foolishness in not considering what Edge might be seeking out of meeting with him. Selfishly, he’d thought only of himself and in the end, Edge was the one to suffer for it.
“i’m so sorry,” Rus whispered, wiping fruitlessly at the tears that were streaming down his cheek bones. He started stripping off the gloves, thinking to return them, only to have Edge stop him, lifting one hand to press a kiss against those symbols as he had before and now Rus was weeping in earnest.
Edge only sighed and drew away, reaching into his pack. He pulled out a cloth and at first Rus thought he was offering him a handkerchief of some sort. But no, it was leather, Rus saw, a circle of it, and there were symbols drawn on it.
A map, Rus realized with a jolt. There were little hooked points on one part Rus thought was meant to be the village. Edge pointed at a spot where there was what seemed to be a large, twisted tree that Rus recognized as a distinctive one on the outskirts of Dogamy's farm. He tapped a spot on the other side, a strange rock formation. Rumors and stories had always told of caves in those hills where creatures dwelled. "Edge home."
"edge home," Rus repeated, tapping it as well. "you're going there, for the winter, aren't you, where the caves are."
"Edge home." he agreed. He seemed to be waiting, patiently, until Rus came to a dawning conclusion.
“you…you still want me to visit?” he asked in disbelief. That seemed to be beyond Edge’s skills in language and Rus tried again, tapping the map and then laying a hand on his chest. “rus? here?”
“Rus, yes.” Edge nodded, seemingly relieved.
“i…perhaps? it depends on the weather i…i don’t know how to tell you this,” Rus said weakly.
It didn’t seem to matter. Edge left the little map in his hand and turned away, gathering up his pack. When he turned back to Rus, his expression was bleak. Gently, he traced a hand down Rus���s cheekbone, his gloves rasping softly against the bone.
“Love?” he asked and the wistfulness in it near broke Rus’s heart.
“i…i’m sorry,” he said again, helplessly. He couldn’t, he couldn’t. Not this, not what Edge was asking of him. His home was in the village with his brother, the woods were not for him. The escape they offered was brief and stolen; it was not something that he could keep.
Edge’s hand fell away and without another word, he turned away, trudging through the thin snow and leaving Rus standing alone, watching him until even the bright crimson of his cloak vanished from his sight.
Hastily, Rus swiped his tears angrily away on his sleeves. And what right did he have to stand here weeping when he’d hurt Edge so? He didn’t, that was a fact, and it was getting close to dusk. He needed to hurry home.
Despite his wishes, the tears refused to be staunched and he was nearly in the deserted barn before he remembered to strip off the gloves. For one moment, he buried his face into the warm, supple leather, the only thing he had left of Edge except the lingering ache between his legs, and that would fade in time. He tucked the gloves away, wiping his face fiercely, determined to stop his pathetic weeping lest he be forced to explain it to his brother.
Enough, it was time to go home. It was what he wanted, after all.
Rus slipped out the front door of the barn and hardly took two steps before something caught his arm, far harder and crueler than Edge had ever touched him.
“It’s true, then!” Came in a shout and Rus staggered as he was yanked forward, shoved forward until he stumbled. “He’s been to the wood to couple with monsters!”
Wildly, Rus looked around and, to his terror, he saw he was surrounded by other villagers, their stony faces glaring at him, so many people that he knew, and…and his brother, his beloved face as stark as the others.
“wait,” Rus began, desperately, unsure of what to say, of how to explain. He cried out as his arm was tugged again, viciously, and saw that it was Elder Smith who had a grip on him, shaking him roughly.
“It’s as I told you,” he shouted. “I told you all that he was slipping out to the woods and here is the proof!”
“it’s not like that—” Rus tried, and pain exploded across his face. Rus cried out, falling to the ground. He stared up in shock as he held a hand to his bruised cheekbone, hardly daring to believe that Elder Smith had struck him, and no one offered a word of protest.
Not even his own brother.
“blue—" he started, desperately, turning to his brother.
Elder Smith raised a hand again and Rus cringed back, “Shut your mouth, devil whore!”
“That’s enough!” Blues’ voice rang out then, though the coldness in it made fresh tears spring to Rus’s sockets. “I’ll not stand here and watch you beat him to no end! You’ll have your tribunal, back in town.”
“Very well,” Elder Smith said coldly. He nudged Rus bruisingly in the ribs with the pointed toe of his boot. “Get up.”
Haltingly, Rus did, staggering to his feet. He clutched his cloak around himself and walked, his head down and watching the road through blurred vision as the others crowded around him. Not a one of them came close enough to touch, not to offer comfort or even disgust. He dared to look at his brother’s back, several paces in front of him, but Blue spared him not a glance.
Perhaps this was what he deserved, because Rus surely regretted now not staying in the wood.
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sun-summoning · 7 years
naruto masterlist
tinder fic/sasusaku - part i, part ii, part iii, part iv, part v, part vi, part vii (wip)
team seven baby - prenatal class, proposal, photoshoot
the thirst - part i, part ii, part iii, part iv
officer uchiha au - prequel, part i, part ii, part iii, part iv, part v, part vi
five years later - part i, part ii
jurrasic world au - version i - version ii part i, part ii
zombie au - part i, part ii, part iii
taken au - part i, part ii, part iii (wip)
there’s a girl in my head - part i, part ii, part iii (wip)
time travel au - part i, part ii, part iii, part iv (wip)
sasuke’s best friend - part i, part ii (wip)
uchiha fam/sasusaku - flailing
uchiha fam/sasusaku - uncle itachi uses sarada to get dates
itachi/sasusaku - sherlock au
sasusaku - sakura heals sasuke during the war
sasusaku - sasuke does not like his duvet
sasusaku - sasuke continues working with taka after the war
sasusaku - game of thrones au
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sasusaku - premature
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sasusaku - post-488 when sasuke gets itachi’s eyes
sasusaku - height difference
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sasusaku - scandal au
sasusaku - pacific rim au
sasusaku - house of cards au
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sasusaku - deatheaters au
sasusaku - soulmates au
sasusaku - inception au
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sasusaku - roleplaying
sasusaku - ride or die au
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sasusaku - short stays during sasuke’s time away
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sasusaku - a tender moment while healing
sasusaku - star wars au, nightmares
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sasusaku - missing clothes
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sasusaku - fire alarm
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sasusaku - non-massacre, everyone thinks you’re my girlfriend
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sasusaku - bubble bath
sasusaku - breakfast
sasusaku - you’re my family
sasusaku - facial hair
sasusaku month 2014 prompts
rtn!sasusaku - teacher/student
rtn!sasusaku - fake marriage gone wrong
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sasusaku/naruino - maid of honour crushing on the best man
sasusaku/naruino - best friends’ kid
sasusaku/naruino - cheating
sasusaku/naruino - last christmas
team seven - frozen au
team seven - western au
team seven - winter soldier au
team seven - naruto’s new haircut
team seven - fma au
team seven - hokage
team seven - naruto’s new haircut redux
team seven - chuunin exam
team seven - brooklyn 99 au
team seven - race au
team seven - sakura’s dress
team seven - food sex
team seven - itchy back
team seven - mom friend
team seven/sasusaku - jounin gifts for sakura
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team seven/sasusaku - sakura is forbidden to go on dates
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team seven/sasusaku - sasuke and sakura make a porno
team seven/sasusaku - long live
team seven/sasusaku - father’s day cards
team seven/sasusaku - undercover couple
team seven, gaara - stranger things au
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sssfam - after school
sssfam - sasuke has amnesia
sssfam - you need to start picking your daughter up from class
sssfam - sharing is caring
sssfam - chicken pox
sssfam - sarada doesn’t want a sibling
sssfam - family vacation to the land of spring, prequel
sssfam - sex
sssfam - i’m home
sssfam - sarada doesn’t want to shop with sasuke
sssfam - it’s okay, you go, we’ll be fine
sssfam - sarada’s birth
sssfam - avatar au
sssfam - sarada watches her parents
sssfam - sarada is sick
sssfam - teach her
sssfam - ladybug au
sssfam - time travel au, alterate ending
sssfam - birthdays
sssfam - sakura dies protecting sarada from shin, prequel
sssfam - ringu au
sssfam - halloween costumes
sssfam - needy
sssfam - sarada isn’t their daughter
ssssfam - are we there yet?
ssssfam - full house
ssssfam - sarada names her new brothers
sarada - six people tell her who her mother is
sarada, boruto - sleepover party
sarada, boruto - bolt has a crush on sakura
sarada, boruto - dbz au
sarada, harunos - adopted
sakura, ino - he snores you know
sakura, ino - can i stay with you?
sakura, ino - long distance relationship
sakura, ino, tenten - bridesmaids au
sakura, kiba - no one is happy
kakashi, sakura - “you told the raikage you would fight him?”
kakashi, sasuke - acting cool
kakashi, sarada - peek a boo
kakashi, sarada - such a small girl
naruto, sakura - you know how sex works right?
naruto, sakura - number one girl
naruto, sakura - miscarriage
naruto, sakura - sarada write letters for her papa
naruto, sakura/sasusaku - sex tape
naruino - breakup
sasuke, sai - blind leading the blind
sasuke, ino - sakura in the hospital
sasuke, ino - naruto’s wedding
sasuke, boruto - you’re a shitty guy
sasuke, boruto - crush
sasuke, danzou - game of thrones au
sasuke, itachi - get out of my school
sasuke, kizashi - caught
boys, favourite thing to do
sasusaku - sasuke on intimacy
sasusaku - she finds him pitiful really
sasusaku - waiting game
sasusaku - sasuke uses his mouth, and only his mouth
fic drops
sasusaku - "pa," the little girl looks at him with a determined scowl, and raises her chubby arms, asking to be lifted. "pa!"
sasuke, sarada - hey apologize in groups of three, heads bowed and eyes lowered. sasuke barely hears them leave
sasusaku - her husband is a gentle man
naruino - he thought of her too—on storm days, on winter mornings, on every night that ended in thunder
sakura, sarada - "i don't feel like going," sarada says, crumpling the pamphlet in her small, clenched fist. "it's a waste of time, mama."
sasusaku - "squeeze it," sasuke demanded, looking at his wife with a pained expression.
last updated: feb 7, 2017
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Episode 45: Amy Adams, China & Two Compounds
It is almost time for the Christmas music to stop playing in the shops, and the return of the normal drone of unintelligent selection of dribble. Yes, I like Christmas music and Christmas it is a fun time of year when we all try to be nicer for a change. Also that time of year we watch John Maclean run around Nakatomi Plaza welcoming us to the game pal, and for watching the Muppets Christmas Carol. So to one and all, Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year, we thank you for listening and hope we see you all next year.
            This week’s episode the DJ tells us that Amy Adams might be finished with playing Louis Lane for the Superman franchise. Which starts a debate over who was the best Louis and who should replace her; Buck loves Margot Kidder still, but believes Elizabeth Henstridge would be a great replacement for any reboots. What do you think?
            The second topic for discussion is China banning games, some of which are from China. The laughs you will get from this are fantastic, particularly the reasons for why the games are banned. Want to know which games will be the biggest surprises for being banned? You will have to listen, but trust us, it is epicly awesome.
            Buck brings us news about two compounds found in coffee that show interesting promise in preventing and fighting Parkinsons disease and Dementia. Talk about an awesome show, right? The science behind this is solid and has many other possibilities, and Buck is excited. Things like this is why he likes science, also science-fiction, breaking down the barriers and limitations and boldly searching for new and better ways to do everything.
Amy Adams thinks she is done with the DCEU
- https://au.ign.com/articles/2018/12/11/amy-adams-thinks-shes-done-playing-lois-lane-and-that-dc-movies-are-being-revamped
China banning games
- https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a4w3ux/chinas_ethics_board_reviews_20_popular_online/
Two compounds in coffee vs Parkinson’s disease
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/12/181210122851.htm
Games currently playing
- Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered - https://store.steampowered.com/app/667720/Red_Faction_Guerrilla_ReMarstered/
– Cragne Manor - https://rcveeder.net/cragne/
– Darksiders 3 - https://darksiders.com/
Other topics discussed
Jason Mamoa
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Momoa
Margot Kidder
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Kidder
Amy Adams
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Adams
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_v_Superman:_Dawn_of_Justice
Justice League: The Movie
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_League_(film)
Man of Steel, Women of Kleenex
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_of_Steel,_Woman_of_Kleenex
Emma Watson
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Watson
Elizabeth Henstridge
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Henstridge
Caffeine helps premature babies
- https://vector.childrenshospital.org/2014/05/caffeine-helps-premature-babies-breathe-a-little-easierbut-how-much-and-for-how-long/
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-15/benefits-of-caffeine-for-premature-babies-long-lasting/8709772
Early Dementia in Teens
- https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=172604
Hole in the Ozone Layer healing
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2016-07-01/hole-in-the-ozone-layer-is-finally-healing/7556416
Guy eats lunch everyday at the base of Eiffel Tower
- https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/09/20/priority-french-writer-ate-lunch-everyday-base-eiffel-tower-place-paris-not-see-2/
Doom 25th Anniversary mod : Sigil
- https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/11/18135751/doom-sigil-the-ultimate-doom-5th-episode-mod-john-romero
Famous Birthdays
12 Dec 1881 – Harry Warner, Polish-American businessman, co-founded Warner Bros and a major contributor to the development of the film industry, born in Krasnosielc, Congress Poland - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Warner
12 Dec 1970 – Jennifer Connelly, American actress (Labyrinth, Dark City, Requiem for a Dream & Alita: Battle Angel), born in Cairo, New York - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Connelly
12 Dec 1975 – Mayim Bialik, American actress (Blossom & Big Bang Theory), author, and neuroscientist, born in San Diego, California - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayim_Bialik
13 Dec 1929 - Christopher Plummer, Canadian actor (Sound of Music, Doll's House), born in Toronto, Ontario - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Plummer
13 Dec 1967 -  Jamie Foxx, American actor (Ray, Dreamgirls, Django Unchained, Baby Driver, Collateral & The Amazing Spider-Man 2) comedian and musician, songwriter, record producer, and comedian, born in Terrell, Texas American actor, singer, born in Terrell, Texas - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Foxx
15 Dec 1832 - Gustave Eiffel, French engineer and architect who designed and built the Eiffel tower, born in Dijon, France - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustave_Eiffel
15 Dec 1852 - Henri Becquerel, French physicist who discovered radioactivity (Nobel 1903), born in Paris, France - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Becquerel
16 Dec 1770 – Ludwig Van Beethoven, German composer (Symphony No. 3, Symphony No. 5 & Symphony No. 7, Symphony No. 9) and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Classical music, he remains one of the most recognised and influential of all composers, born in Bonn, Electorate of Cologne - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_van_Beethoven
16 Dec 1928 – Phillip K. Dick, American science fiction writer known for his works such as The Man in the High Castle, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik and A Scanner Darkly. A variety of popular films based on Dick's works have been produced, including Blade Runner, Total Recall (adapted twice), Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly, The Adjustment Bureau and Blade Runner 2049, born in Chicago, Illinois - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_K._Dick
Events of Interest
10 Dec 1936 - Britain replaced King Edward VIII stamp series with King George VI - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_VIII_postage_stamps
10 Dec 1936 - Edward VIII signs Instrument of Abdication, giving up the British throne to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_VIII_abdication_crisis
10 Dec 1993 – Doom a First Person Shooter by ID software was released - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_(1993_video_game)
10 Dec 2018 – Doom celebrates 25 years - https://www.cnet.com/news/doom-anniversary-trailer-celebrates-25-years-of-gore-crazy-mods/ 
11 Dec 1936 - Edward VIII announces in a radio broadcast that he is abdicating the British throne to marry Wallis Simpson - http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/edward.htm
11 Dec 1950 - British Physicist Cecil Frank Powell awarded Nobel Prize in Physics for his study of nuclear processes and the discovery of the pion - https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1950/summary/
11 Dec 1967 - "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner", directed by Stanley Kramer, starring Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier and Katharine Hepburn who won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1968, premieres in NYC - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guess_Who%27s_Coming_to_Dinner
11 Dec 1972 – Apollo 17 becomes the sixth and last Apollo mission to land on the Moon. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_17#Moon_landing
12 Dec 1901 - Guglielmo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio signal, from Poldhu in Cornwall to Newfoundland, Canada - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/marconi-sends-first-atlantic-wireless-transmission
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title –  Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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thevalicemultiverse · 8 years
Things You Need To Know About: In The River Valley
Tag: ~V: In The River Valley
Premise: Victor wasn’t sure what would come after the Land of the Dead, though he knew something must. A strange pastoral landscape dominated by a river, with his body restored to 19-year-old youth, was not what he expected, but he’d certainly take it. One problem – he’s revived in this new world separated from his wife. Fortunately he’s already made some new friends ready and willing to help him find her, including one Alice Liddell. But then there’s the next problem – he’s starting to develop feelings for Alice…
This AU is basically a post-canon crossover between Corpse Bride, the Alice games, and the Back To The Future trilogy & BTTF: The Game using the rough setting of the Riverworld from the Philip Jose Farmer books. In this world, Victor had his adventure with Emily, and then settled down into married life with Victoria with no further issue (well, other than Pastor Galswells calling him damned, meaning they had to get another pastor in for the wedding). He lived a happy, full life, complete with taking over the cannery when William finally retired (in name, anyway -- everyone knew that it was the foreman who was really running things), getting two new dogs (a husky named Bayard and a corgi named Lightning), and having three children with Victoria -- twins James and Emma and single son Charles. He died at the age of 85, waited patiently for a year in the Land of the Dead for Victoria to join him, spent another two years with her exploring the pleasures of the place, and then prepared to move on with her at his side.
To his surprise, "moving on" seems to involve waking up on a grassy riverbank in a strange one-piece blue outfit, restored to his 19-year-old body -- and surrounded by strangers speaking what he later learns is Italian. Baffled, he searches through the crowd for someone who speaks either of the two languages he knows -- English and French -- and comes across a lady who speaks both (as revealed when they start off in French, but then she notices his accent and switches back to English). She introduces herself as Alice Liddell and explains that she had roughly the same experience as him -- she'd been in the Land of the Dead, preparing to move on with her family, and had woken up here all alone. And while she can't complain about the look of the place so far, she's a bit sour at being separated from her parents and especially her sister yet again.
Victor, understanding this feeling, makes her an offer -- they stick together and look for his wife and her sister together. She accepts, just in time for someone else to hear the conversation and ask if he can join too. He introduces himself as Dr. Emmett Brown, saying he's been separated from his wife and his best friend and would appreciate the help in looking for them. Victor and Alice are open to having another companion, and scour the crowd to see if there's anyone else who wants to join them. There is --and to Victor's delight, it's Bonejangles, restored to life just like the rest of them. He's keen on finding Emily, whom he's missed ever since she moved on. The four band together and, after a bit of adjustment to the rules of this new world (such as apparently magical mushroom-like things that fill cannisters with food -- Dr. Brown's going on about 'energy-matter conversion' but it's all Italian to Victor), head out along the river to find their missing loved ones.
It's a long trek, though a pleasant one -- the "mushrooms" provide food and other things; the weather is largely pleasant with few periods of rain; the landscape is beautiful, with a largely pastoral air; and the company quite entertaining. Victor happily resumes his friendship with Bonejangles (aka Sam Thatcher), and rapidly grows close to both "Doc" Brown (whose stories of the future time period he lived in Victor finds fascinating) and Alice. Very close to Alice, in fact -- about two months into their journey, he realizes that he's starting to develop feelings for her. A near-miss kiss on the banks of the river one starry night confirms she's starting to fall for him too, but both of them agree to delay any start of a relationship until they're both certain Victor's unlikely to ever find Victoria again.
Two weeks later, they come across Victoria -- and Doc's wife Clara, and his best friend Marty, and Marty's wife Jennifer, and Emily, and Alice's sister Lizzie.  The latter two are chasing around two other men -- Victor recognizes in horror Barkis Bittern, while Alice furiously informs him the other is Angus Bumby, the man responsible for her losing her family in the first place. There's a bit of chaos as the three groups collide, which is eventually broken up by someone demanding order on "his" bit of the river. Doc recognizes the man as an old foe of his, Kid Tannen -- but it seems age and being deposited on the "Riverworld" has mellowed the man out some, as he merely asks what the hell is going on and how he can stop it interrupting his card game. Barkis and Bumby are outed as the murderers they are, and they're chased off by some of Tannen's friends. Tannen himself tells them to take a hike as he doesn't like the look of their faces, and they're only too happy to comply -- after a few minutes for a joyous reunion, of course.
Later on, safely settled out of Tannen territory, Victor guiltily confesses to Victoria about the near-kiss, and how close he's grown to Alice. Victoria's response?
"...would now be a good time to admit I kissed Emily?"
As it turns out, she and Emily ended up developing feelings for each other while on the search for him and Emily's other Land of the Dead friends. Victor, not sure how to take this, asks Emily about it, and she confirms the story -- and admits she's not quite over him either. Fortunately, it's about this point that Marty asks what's going on -- and, upon being told, informs them of some interesting discoveries regarding romance and sex that his time period was privy to; namely the "queer"/LGBTA+ spectrum of sexualities and polyamory. Having names for some of their feelings helps Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Alice sort things out, and they decide they might as well try having a sort of open relationship all together. ("After all, it's not like we can really get married again here -- unless you want to track down Pastor Galswells." "Oh God no!") It works out surprisingly well, and the gang decides to just keep traveling together over the world. After all, there's a lot of it to explore -- and maybe someday, they'll figure out why they're here in the first place...
This verse has two distinct time periods/locations threads can be set in:
For I Would Walk 500 Miles: The period of time before Victor, Alice, Doc and Bonejangles encounter their missing loved ones again. Victor's roaming along the edge of the river and surrounding environs, searching for his lost love. He's worried about Victoria (and his children -- did they end up here as well?), and is wondering if he'll ever see her again...but at least he has excellent company on the journey. Although...the way Alice makes him feel...but no -- he and Victoria had that incident with Emily already. He's going to stay faithful. At least, until he's certain she's gone forever. Could you help him make sure?
We'll Be Counting Stars: The period after the three groups collide and everyone is reunited. Victor really didn't expect his wife to be so understanding about him falling in love again with another woman -- but then, he also didn't expect her to have fallen in love with what is technically his ex-fiancee. And the fact that they're all willing to give just being together in one little group a try...not to mention all the new friends he's made with Doc Brown and his family, plus the McFlys and Alice's sister...when did he ever get so lucky? Probably best not to question it -- just enjoy it while it lasts. And besides, he's got bigger things to worry about -- now that Victoria's been found, it's time to locate his kids! And his pets, if he can find them.
Common NPCs:
Alice Liddell (throughout)
Victoria Everglot (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Emily Cartwell (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Lizzie Liddell (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Emmett Brown (throughout)
Marty McFly (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Jennifer Parker (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Clara Clayton (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Bonejangles (throughout)
Scraps, Bayard, and Lightning (We'll Be Counting Stars)
Shipping: More poly fun! Between Victor and Victoria having been happily married in the past, Victor and Alice developing feelings for each other while on the search for Victoria, Victoria and Emily developing feelings for each other while on the search for Victor, and Emily and Victor rekindling their spark upon reuniting -- well, it just made sense for them to fall into a four-way relationship. They're all a little surprised at how things turned out, but very content with it too.
NPC Ships: Marty McFly/Jennifer Parker; Emmett Brown/Clara Clayton; Lizzie Liddell/Bonejangles
Important Facts:
While this AU uses the general Riverworld  setting, certain elements have been tweaked -- you'll notice that nobody ended up on the banks of the river hairless and naked! There's also more animal life than just fish in the river (Victor can still chase his butterflies, and I have an idea that stray pets are wandering around having fun waiting for their masters), and the matter converters that provide the food can also provide other things upon request (Victor will eventually end up with a very futuristic roll-up keyboard for his musical needs). Basically this is "Riverworld, but with everything I thought was stupid taken out/changed."
Speaking of that, don't expect to see any "canon" Riverworld characters, in particular the famous Richard Burton. I -- well -- all right, I actually loathed the first book I read in the series and found Burton in particular to be a horse's ass. I just like the general idea behind the universe. Fandom fun only here!
NPC Alice's history includes both games and a smidge of Otherlands -- while there was no great "Leviathan" threat to all of London, Alice did figure out she had a magical talent for jumping into other people's minds. She used it to help out the children of London, working part-time at Houndsditch with Dr. Wilson and June Thatcher (her other job was at the Royal Opera as a stagehand, as hinted in "A Night At The Opera"). She died at the age of 83, not perfectly content with her life but figuring she'd made the best possible of it. Her parents and sister had managed to hang onto themselves long enough to meet her down there (though they'd decayed all the way down to skeletons -- No Rot only works for so long), and the four had prepared to move on together when they were taken to Riverworld. The elder Liddells woke up together in a different spot on the river, and they're on the move looking for their daughters, much like Alice (and later Lizzie) are looking for them.
Doc, Clara, Marty, and Jennifer's history includes the trilogy of movies and the Telltale Game, with just a bit of the Ride -- after the events in 1931, Doc and his wife set up a proper part-time home in Hill Valley 1986, with Doc eventually gaining fame as the inventor of personal hover technology -- first in the form of the hoverboard, then in flying cars. He and the boys (Jules as a fellow scientist, Verne as the PR guy) set up their brand as the Institute of Future Technology, which developed into a full-blown lab on the outer edge of the town, employing and encouraging the best and the brightest. Marty, meanwhile, became a reasonably-successful musician with the Pinheads for a few years, before retiring to a life of songwriting. He and Jennifer married in a proper chapel and eventually had twins -- Douglas and Marlene (Marty slightly soured on "Marty Jr" after his first trip to 2015), though -- as he learned when they were five -- they were actually Marlene and Douglas. They all spent a happy life together, managing to keep future time travel trips to the "sightseeing" kind. Doc naturally was the first to pass on, and was absolutely dumbfounded by the Land of the Dead -- he spent most of his time before his wife and best friends arrived making a thorough study of the place. Like the Liddells, they'd planned to move onto whatever came next together, but the Riverworld had other ideas. When resurrected, Doc resembles his 1931 self, Clara looks like the teenage version of herself briefly glimpsed in the comics, and Marty and Jennifer as they do in BTTF I.
Much like Alice has her Otherlands "enter other's minds" ability, Victor has some minor magical talent -- the whole experience with Emily and the Land of the Dead inspired him to research it. He and Victoria both know Scrub & Shine, Mend The Shattered, Warmth & Chill (heating and cooling spell) and Flower's Blush -- Victor also knows Glowing Orb and Break The Bonds Of Earth (allows levitation of objects).
There will probably be appearances from all the children and parents of the main characters as applicable. This doesn't have to be in NPC form either -- if you play one of the appropriate characters, feel free to jump in! Think of how hilarious it'll be for poor Victor to have to explain his current romantic situation to his mother, Maudeline Everglot, AND Lorina Liddell.
This verse is open to everyone!
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