#[your hands are shaking. are you struggling? I can teach you if you really need- oh. you know already? ...why? why do these things?]
mail-posting · 4 months
honestly just kind of. rotating norton (and orpheus with him sometimes)
they’re so funny to me genuinely i adore polar opposite characters who would probably get in a mild fist fight for nothing but still choose to be around each other
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rubyreduji · 1 year
a sheep in wolf's clothing — kmg
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summary: kim mingyu is the biggest player on campus, so why is he coming to you for sex help
tags: smut (minors dni!), college!au, inexperienced!mingyu, tutor!reader warnings: explicit protected sex, biting, hair pulling, fingering, attempted oral (f. receiving), mingyu is called puppy, pussy drunk mingyu, subby!mingyu, choking, praise, bondage/restraints, minor overstimulation wc: 7.2k an: the build up is kinda long and this is a lot longer than i was expecting it to be…but yay! gyu smut!
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It’s early winter when Mingyu approaches you one day after a tutoring session. Finals are coming up soon, and after it will be winter break.
“Mingyu?” You look at him curiously.
Mingyu bows low to you. “Y/N-ah, please help tutor me in sex.”
You stare at him incredulously. What did he just say to you?
You smack him upside the head. “You idiot! You can’t just ask people that.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I just thought, well, you’ve been so nice about tutoring me with my classes that maybe you could help me with this as well.” There’s a guilty look on Mingyu’s face.
“Sex and algebra are not the same thing! You can’t just go around asking people to teach you about sex. It’s weird.”
“I’m sorry!”
“What are you going on about anyway? You’re like the biggest player I know. Girls are always lining up to hop on your dick.”
Your crude choice of words makes Mingyu blush, like he didn’t just ask you to sleep with him. “It’s never…good, when I do it,” he admits in a small voice. “I just thought maybe I could figure out why.”
Kim Mingyu is bad at having sex? That’s hilarious.
The other thing you don’t get though, is why you? You don’t have enough hands to count the number of people you know who have crushes on Mingyu. So why is he asking you to help him with this? You shake your head, it doesn’t matter, you’re not going to say yes. 
You guess this may need some kind of context.
Right after midterms Mingyu approached you one day.
“Y/N.” You looked up to see Kim Mingyu standing in front of you.
You don’t really talk to Kim Mingyu. He’s in your seminar class and you know who he is, but you’re not really someone who is on his radar. He’s a frat boy and on the basketball ball team and hangs out with all of the people you try to generally avoid. Not that you don’t like Mingyu, he’s…sweet, just not someone you would go out of your way to spend time with.
“Hi. I have a question. You’re smart right?”
“Is that the question?”
“What? Oh- no, no! I guess that was more of a segue into my actual question.”
“Which is…?”
“Oh right. I’m kind of failing a couple of classes and was wondering if maybe you could help tutor me? I can pay you if needed!”
“What subjects do you need help with?”
“Biology and Algebra. If I don’t pass I don’t graduate and then my dad’s gonna kill me.” Mingyu looks guilty and you sigh. Biology and Algebra are both freshman gen eds, but it’s not uncommon for people to push them back until their later years of college, which Mingyu must have done, and now he's struggling to pass them.
It was…a bit pathetic, if you're being honest, but you also feel a bit bad for the guy. Which is why you find yourself agreeing to help him out. 
“I’m here! I’m here!” Mingyu comes rushing up to your table in the library. His face is red from exertion and papers are starting to spill out of his unzipped backpack.
You slide your headphones off your head to cast a glance at Mingyu from the corner of your eye. “You’re ten minutes late.”
“I know, I’m sorry! I promise I have a good reason though!” Mingyu takes a seat across from you.
“I don’t really care to hear it. Let’s just get started, yeah?” You shut the lid to your laptop, putting your own homework to the side. “What are you struggling with?”
“...all of it? I don’t know how to do any of it and both of my teachers hate me!”
You sigh. Mingyu better be paying you good money for this.
You spend the rest of your day with Mingyu in the library. He’s…not as helpless as you thought he would be, in all honesty he’s not dumb, he really just does need the extra help. Maybe new professors as well. The topics are easy for you to pick back up even though it’s been a while since you’ve studied them.
You take your time explaining them to Mingyu in a way that makes sense to him. You sit there with him as he works on his overdue homework, helping him when he needs it. You’re surprised that he can still turn the work in but he then tells you he was able to get an extension on it so he can graduate and stay on the basketball team. Stupid basketball bastard.
It’s going on four hours of sitting in the library when Mingyu starts to get unbearably antsy (he got regular antsy within the first thirty minutes of sitting down). You can tell he’s not going to be able to do much work anymore so you start to pack up your things.
“Wait, we’re not done!”
“I know, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
“What does that even mean?”
You huff. “It’s going to take time to work on this. It’s not a one and done kind of thing. We can meet later in the week if you want but you’re not putting out your best work right now so let’s quit for the day, okay?”
“Yeah, okay, I guess you’re right.” Mingyu starts to pack up his things as well. “Thank you for your help so far though, I’m really starting to get it.”
“I’m glad. You’re smart Mingyu, you just need some help, and that’s what I’m here for.” You smile at him and Mingyu smiles at you back.
“No one’s ever called me smart before.”
“No one’s ever believed in you before,” you say with a shrug. Simple as that. You will admit you didn’t have much faith at the start either, but even in just four hours you saw the improvement in him. If only his professors could have just as much faith in him.
That was two months ago. You will say Mingyu’s grades have steadily been improving, enough that he’s not failing anymore and actually understands what’s happening on his tests, so he’s not wrong about you being a good tutor. You just weren’t expecting it to lead to…whatever he’s asking of you now.
Now that you think about it, a lot of your interactions make sense now that you're aware of his…lack of skills in the bedroom.
“So what’s the question you’re looking at?”
Mingyu turns his laptop to you so you can look over the question. You lean in closer to look at it properly before reaching over Mingyu to grab his scrap paper.
“Yes?” You look at the boy.
“You’re just…really close.”
You roll your eyes and pull back. “Does a woman’s touch scare you Mingyu?”
“No! That’s not what I mean,” he pouts a bit. “I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“I don’t bite Mingyu. You’re the one who asked me to look over the question.”
“I know! I just-, nevermind. Can you just help me with the answer?”
That wasn’t the only instance like that. There was also that time he tried to buy you dinner and you teased him so badly he went home instead. You didn’t think you were actually flustering him. But it seems lately you can’t assume anything from Mingyu.
“Why did your stupid best friend ask me to help him with his stroke game?”
“He WHAT?!” Wonwoo chokes on his lunch as you sit down next to him. You know Wonwoo from some of your honors classes so you’re not sure why Mingyu didn’t ask him to tutor him but you can’t worry about that now.
“I’ve been tutoring him for two months now and he’s now asked me to tutor him on how to be good in bed. Every girl on his campus worships the ground he walks on and are all dying to get in his pants and you’re telling me he can’t even lick a pussy?”
Wonwoo snorts at your words. “Trust me, all of those girls have got him all wrong. That sexy cool guy act is just that, an act. They just want to think he’s like that. He’s actually a giant idiot who thinks he can get anything he wants by whining and using puppy dog eyes.”
“So you’re saying he can’t pleasure a girl because he’s a loser?”
“Basically. Anyone claiming to have hooked up with Mingyu are either too obsessed with the idea of Mingyu himself to admit it was bad, or haven’t even been with him and just want to brag. He’s not the player he wants people to think he is.”
“That doesn’t explain why he’s asking me for help.”
Wonwoo sighs, like he doesn’t want to tell you what he is about to. “You hooked up with one of our friends last semester and he may have bragged a bit about it and ever since the whole friend group now has this idea you’re some…sex deity or something.”
Now it’s your turn to snort at Wonwoo. “Excuse me? Sex deity, yeah right. I guess if we’re talking about DK then it makes sense. Kissing and telling is totally not cool though,” you scoff. “Wait- did Mingyu ask me to tutor him just because he wanted me to teach him how to be good at sex?”
“I do know for a fact that Mingyu is failing his classes, but I cannot confirm or deny if he had ulterior motives for asking you for help. I did tell him I wouldn’t give him help though. I gave up on trying to help him out freshman year.”
“This is crazy,” you mutter.
“So I’m assuming you told him no?” Wonwoo raises an eyebrow at you.
“Unlike some people, I don’t kiss and tell. Whether any ‘kissing’ happens or not.” With that you stand and walk away from Wonwoo.
The true answer is, you haven’t decided. You were so sure when he first asked you that it was going to be a no, but now you’ve hesitated giving him a solid answer for so long that you’re starting to question your own choices. 
For one thing, you haven’t been laid since last semester when you hooked up with DK, which was seven months ago. You also like Mingyu. You’re not sure if you have any romantic feelings for him, but you for sure like hanging out with him as a friend, and you do trust him. He’s also, objectively, very attractive. Even if you’ve seen him trip over air before. You’d just be helping out a friend. How is it any different than what you’ve been doing?
It’s also the end of the semester. In reality anything goes wrong you can just ignore him until you graduate. It wouldn’t be that hard. There’s really no harm in just trying…right?
“Y/N.” You’re not expecting to see Mingyu at your apartment doorstep two weeks later. You avoided Mingyu during finals week and you haven’t had a reason to see him since the semester ended.
“I just wanted to come here and apologize for what I said to you. It was completely inappropriate and I never meant to make you uncomfortable. I know you probably don’t want to see me anymore but I just wanted to thank you for helping me this semester. This is for you.” Mingyu holds out a small gift bag to you that you take tentatively.
Mingyu is about to start to walk away but you stop him. “Would you like to come inside?”
Mingyu hesitates, like you’re testing him. Eventually he allows himself to step through the threshold. He’s been to your place plenty of times within the last eight weeks, but right now he’s acting like this is the most uncomfortable place he could be right now.
“I talked to Wonwoo about you,” you tell him.
“O-oh…? Did he uhm, say anything?”
“He said lots of things, nothing too noteworthy though. Didn’t know DK had such a big ass mouth though.”
“It wasn’t because of DK why I asked you!” Mingyu jumps in to say, his voice raised all of a sudden. “Sorry I just, I don’t want you to think that I think of you like that?”
“So you don’t think I’d be good at sex?”
“What? No, wait! I do! No that I think about you having sex. Well I guess I do? Because I asked you? But not in that way. I do think you’re hot! I just-”
“Breathe Mingyu,” you laugh. “I’m messing with you.”
“DK isn’t why I asked you, I asked you because well, I trust you.” Mingyu’s voice is softer now and you can’t help but find him cute in this moment. “I understand why you don’t want to though, and-”
“I never said I didn’t want to, Mingyu.” Mingyu’s mouth drops open a bit. He suddenly looks invested in what you have to say. “I just needed time to think.”
“So…what did all of your thinking decide?”
“I think that you should come over here and kiss me.” It’s bold. Mingyu doesn’t hesitate to do so, though.
He’s on you within a second, his body dwarfing yours as he pushes his mouth up against yours. You two stay like that for a moment before you pull away.
“Okay, you definitely need help.”
Mingyu whines. “Already? I thought at least I was a good kisser.”
“What girls are lying to you?”
You realize that this is going to be a lot more difficult than you were expecting. Mingyu is truly inexperienced. It’s going to be awkward and a lot of stopping and starting but you’re committed now so if Mingyu doesn’t come out of this his own kind of sex deity, you’re going to be so mad at him.
“You’re too rough. You need to build it up. Girls like being able to be eased into things. You can be soft even when your dick’s not, right?” You two have relocated to your couch where you sit facing each other.
“Softer….okay. Can I try again?”
“Eager to kiss me again?”
“Y/N,” Mingyu whines.
“Fine, fine, come here.”
This time Mingyu’s approach is…softer. It’s also rigid as hell. It’s like kissing a dead fish.
“What now? I’m doing what you said!”
“You’re doing nothing! You’re just sitting there. You have to at least put some effort into it, be interested.”
“Be interested, but don’t be over eager. How do I do that?”
You huff. “Just, let me take the lead. But please kiss back this time.”
You scoot closer to Mingyu to the point you’re almost on his lap. You cup his face and pull him towards you. He feels more loose, which is a good start. You press your lips to his you can feel Mingyu hesitate a moment before finally pressing back. It isn’t too firm and you slide your lips over his. You can hear the soft smacking noises of your lips and you rub your thumb over Mingyu’s cheek.
When you pull away Mingyu looks at you with wide eyes. “That was…so cool.”
You snort. “Cool?”
“I’ve never kissed like that.”
“I can tell.”
“That’s how most girls want to be kissed, at first at least. Then when things feel right, you can start to deepen it. Get a little more passionate,” you explain.
“What do I do with my hands?” You get flashbacks to past tutoring sessions with Mingyu. You tell him something and he has thirty questions to follow.
“You just touch. Her back, her cheeks, her neck, her waist. Maybe her thigh. Have you never made out with a girl before? You have had sex before haven’t you?”
“Yes! It just was always super rushed and half drunk. I’ve never cum from a girl, and a girl has never cum from me.”
“That’s…sad, but we’re going to fix that. Also stop having drunk sex.” 
“Is that why I can’t cum?”
“It’s probably because you’re doing something wrong. And we’re going to figure it out,” you tell him. “Now that you can kiss properly, let’s move on to the next part. Making out.”
“Isn’t that the same as kissing?”
“No. Kissing is soft, slow, innocent. Making out is more intimate and passionate. It’s the real build up into doing other things.” Without warning you crawl into Mingyu’s lap and plop yourself down. “Want me to show you?” 
Mingyu’s pupils widen and he nods. “Please.”
You pull Mingyu into you by the back of his neck and smash your lips together. You press up against him, pushing him against the back of the couch. You move your lips against his. You feel Mingyu gently place his hands on your waist before kissing you back. His lips slide against yours, meeting your pace.
You break away from Mingyu for a second to catch your breath before diving right back in. It’s not the most experienced kissing, your teeth clash together and your noses keep bumping, but the passion makes up for it. You bury your fingers into the hair on the back of Mingyu’s head and you tug at it a bit and Mingyu mewls into your mouth.
“You like that?” You whisper to Mingyu and he nods frantically. Mingyu goes in to kiss you again but you stop him. “Eager are we? Remember, this is a teaching lesson, so you’re here to learn.”
“Y-yes Y/N.”
“Good boy.” Mingyu shudders at this and you smirk. “Next step is touching. Do you wanna touch me, Mingyu?” You ask and you swear to God Mingyu whines.
“Yes. Please let me touch you.”
“Where do you wanna touch, puppy?” The nickname slips out, but you can’t help it. That’s exactly what Kim Mingyu is. An eager, adorable little puppy. Mingyu seems to like it too, considering his physical reaction to being called the name.
“Anywhere, everywhere. Wherever you’ll let me Y/Nie.” He’s practically squirming under you, and you can already feel his bulge starting to strain against his pants under you.
“Well go ahead,” you tell him. “Touch me where you want to.”
With shaky arms Mingyu lifts his hands up to your breasts. He hesitates for a second and you nod at him and he pushes them forward, cupping your boobs in his palms. He squeezes there as he stares at his hands, like he can’t believe this is happening.
“Softer,” you tell him as you cover his hands with yours. You show him the right amount of pressure to squeeze with. “Here.” You push his hands off before pulling your shirt over your head so your bra is exposed and Mingyu’s eyes widen, staring at your cleavage.
He brings his hands up again to touch you. His fingertip traces along the top of your breast, before taking the whole thing in his hand. He paws at you and you let out a soft moan. This seems to encourage Mingyu and he kneads at your tit more, thumb brushing over the swell of it.
“Put it together with the kissing,” you tell him. Mingyu leans forward and you connect your lips. Your hand rests on his jaw as you guide the kiss. You push your tongue into Mingyu’s mouth and he lets you.
One of his hands continues to work at your boob, while the other runs up and down your back. It seems he’s getting more comfortable with you and the whole situation. You roll your hips in his lap, grinding down on his cock and he hisses. You giggle to yourself.
Mingyu’s hand moves down off your boob and trails down your torso before reaching around you. Both of his large hands clamp down on your ass, squeezing there. You moan into his mouth. Bold move. You throw your head back and Mingyu takes that opportunity to move his mouth down to your neck.
He presses kiss and bites against the exposed skin, licking the marks after he bites down. Just a big ole puppy.
“Mm, Gyu,” you mumble. “You’re doing so good right now. You’ve always been a fast learner though.”
“Only when it’s you,” Mingyu says against your neck.
Mingyu’s mouth moves farther and farther down until his lips press up against your breasts. He bites down particularly hard on your right one and you let out a cry of pleasure. “Shit, Mingyu.”
“S-sorry,” Mingyu pulls back quickly but you shove him right back where he was.
“No, don’t stop. So good.”
Mingyu seems to get what you mean and he continues what he was doing, biting and kissing all over your chest. His hands move up your back and you can feel him grab the clasp of your bra, but stop before doing anything. He’s waiting for permission. What a good boy.
“Go ahead Mingyu,” you tell him and two seconds later your bra is on the floor.
“Oh fuck, Y/N,” Mingyu’s hips buck up into yours as he stares at your exposed breasts. Your nipples are perky and staring straight at Mingyu. He stares right back.
“Well go on, touch ‘em.”
Mingyu brings his hand up and brushes his thumb over your nipple and you whine and push forward into his hand. This excites Mingyu and he does it again. He squeezes at the supple flesh there, watching the way his large hand envelopes your tit.
Your other boob is left untouched and Mingyu seems to realize this and he leans his head down to wrap his lips around your areola. His tongue darts out to flick at your nipple and you grind your hips down, your pussy screaming from the feeling of his hot mouth on your breast.
You throw your head back again and bury your hands into his hair, holding him in place as he feasts on your chest. You’ve never been too big on marks, but you find you can’t tell Mingyu to stop as he gnaws on your chest. 
It takes you a minute or two to remember that you’re doing this for a reason. You do your best to try and clear your head as you push Mingyu away from you. “You’re…very good at that,” you say, trying to catch your breath.
“You’re so pretty Y/N,” Mingyu whispers to you as his thumb brushes against your waist. “Especially like this.” You look down to see the red marks starting to form on your chest.
“There's more to learn, pup,” you tell him. “You’re doing so good for me right now though.” 
“Wanna learn more. Wanna do more.”
“First step is to get you out of this.” You tug at Mingyu’s shirt and he helps you pull it over his head.
You take a moment to stare at his bare chest. You’re aware he’s a fit, good looking guy, but you’re still stunned at what you see. His pecs are huge and his abs are like a washboard. You wanna drool all over his stomach. You can do that later, you have a task at hand right now.
“You know how to touch a pussy Mingyu?” You ask him.
Mingyu looks alarmed at your boldness and he averts his eyes from you. “Uhm…no.”
“That’s okay baby,” you grab his chin and force him to look at you again, “I’m gonna teach you all about it.”
You climb off his lap and Mingyu whines as you do. He shuts up real quick when he sees you shimmying out of your pants. You nod at him to do the same and Mingyu quickly pushes his pants down his legs and kicks them onto the floor.
You have a better view of his bulge this way, and you can already tell he’s huge. His cock presses tight up against his boxers, begging to be freed and played with. You push Mingyu back onto the couch and crawl back onto his lap, hovering over his thighs.
You slowly lower yourself down against him and grind your cunt against his length. Mingyu whimpers below you as you roll your hips in slow, teasing motions. You can feel almost everything with there only being two thin layers between you two. Your panties are already damp with your arousal and you stare at Mingyu in the eyes as you move against him.
“It’s so warm,” Mingyu mumbles.
“I’m wet. You did that pup. You’re gonna make it happen even more though, yeah?” Mingyu nods at you. “You know where the clit is?”
Mingyu doesn’t respond and that gives you your answer. You grab Mingyu’s hand and place it against your cunt. Mingyu’s face goes through multiple emotions before settling on one of amazement. You press two of his fingers against you until they catch on your clit. You stifle a moan as you start to move Mingyu’s fingers in small circles.
“Feel that? That’s the clit. Keep touching there.” Mingyu seems hesitant to do so, though.
“I don’t wanna do it wrong,” he tells you.
You grind your cunt down against his hand. “If you do it wrong I’ll tell you, but you better start touching me now or I’m kicking you out and getting myself off.” 
This sets Mingyu in motion and he starts to move your clit around in circles. His touch is still a bit shy at first, light and fleeting and almost not enough, like he’s teasing you.
“More,” you tell him. You reach down and press his fingers hard against you. “Firm, but not harsh.”
“It’s so wet,” Mingyu says. He’s right. Your panties are soaked through now and you can feel the roughness of the pads of his fingertips against you.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “super turned on. Gonna need you to finger me soon.” 
“F-finger you?”
“Mhmm,” you hum. “It’s easy, don’t worry. Just keep touching me like this for now.”
You lean down and capture Mingyu’s lips again. It takes him a moment to double task kissing you and touching your clit but he eventually gets the hang of it. You take one of Mingyu’s lips between your own and suck on it, pulling it into your mouth before releasing it and doing it all over again.
Mingyu moans and his fingers accidently press harder against your clit, causing you to moan as well. 
“Fuck, do that again,” Mingyu groans.
“What? Suck on your lip?”
“Yeah, please.”
“Only if you stick your fingers in me.”
“Ah, Y/N, I’m not sure…”
“You’ve come this far already. I’m so needy for it Gyu, please?” You give him your best begging eyes. “You’re the one who got me all worked up, the least you can do is fix it. You’ll learn a valuable life skill as well.”
Mingyu contemplates it for a few more seconds before agreeing. “Okay. Just, show me how, please?”
You lift your hips up a bit and push your panties to the side before grabbing Mingyu’s hand and moving further between your legs. You press Mingyu’s fingers up to your entrance and slightly lower yourself down on them, so you’re half riding his hand.
“Just push them inside and move them in and out. Like you do with any fucking motion. If you want it to feel really good, curl your fingers and try to find my g-spot.” 
“What if it doesn’t feel good?”
“Then we’ll stop and try again, or move on to something else. You’re learning Gyu, it’s okay.”
He still looks a bit weary, but he slowly pushes his fingers up in you and you bite down on your lip so you don’t scream out. His fingers are thick and you probably should have told him to start with one. He’s awkward with his technique and it’s more like he’s jamming his fingers into you, rather than thrusting.
“Gyu, Gyu, baby,” you mutter and you grab his wrist. “Remember, take your time, it’s okay.”
You pull his fingers out of you before rearranging his hands so only his pointer finger is sticking up. You help him guide it into you slowly and you start to pull his finger in and out of you, moving your hips along as you do. 
You loosen your grip on Mingyu’s hand and he starts to take over. “Mm, just like that pup. Can you curl your finger, like uh, like this.” You make the come hither motion and Mingyu does the same. You can feel his fingertip scrape against your walls, before pushing right up against where you want it.
You gasp and grind down against Mingyu’s hand. “Right there Gyu. Keep hitting right there. Add another finger too.” 
Mingyu does as told and you work on holding up your end of the bargain. You pull Mingyu’s bottom lip into your mouth and suck on it before tugging at it with your teeth. You drag your teeth over his lip before releasing it. His lip is plump and slightly red when you pull away, but his pupils are blown wide.
Without him having to ask, you dive in to do it again, enjoying his reaction. You don’t think Mingyu realizes this, but as you suck on his lip his fingers start to thrust harder into you. The harder you suck, the deeper his fingers go. Not only does it feel good but the fact he doesn’t even know he’s doing it is so hot.
You break your lips away from Mingyu, both of you a little breathless. Your mouth isn’t lonely for long though as you dip down to press kisses against his neck. Not many guys you hook up with are into it, but Mingyu seems like the type who would, and you are so right. Mingyu mewls as you suck a mark right into the junction of his neck. 
You can feel him shifting under you, his boner is probably painfully hard right now.
Mingyu’s fingers are now drenched from your arousal and you can feel yourself getting closer and closer by the second. Your legs start to tremble and you bite down onto Mingyu’s pec as your pussy spasms. You feel your whole body flood with pleasure as you ride Mingyu’s fingers. 
“Y-Y/N? Are you okay?” Mingyu asks you softly. His free hand cradles your face and he looks at you with big eyes.
You gently pull his fingers out of you as you laugh, sinking into his body. “More than okay Gyu,” you mutter. “You just made a girl cum for the first time.”
“Wait, I made you cum? Just now?” You nod into his chest. You look up at Mingyu to find him looking down at you in awe.
For a fleeting second you think about how you just taught him how to finger a girl. How he can now go out and use those skills on anyone who’s willing (and that list is quite long). 
The idea makes you…a little jealous to be honest. The thought of Mingyu using the skills you’ve taught him on another girl. You do get some satisfaction knowing that no matter who he uses them on though, you’re the one who taught him it.
You shake your head, why are you even thinking like that? Mingyu isn’t your boyfriend. This is just a tutoring lesson, nothing different than what you’ve been doing with him.
“Ready for your next lesson?” You ask him, banishing those thoughts from your mind.
You caress his face, rubbing your thumb over his cheek. “You wanna learn how to use your mouth? Lick all over my cunt and make me feel good?”
Mingyu whines. “Yes Y/N, please.”
You slide off his lap and lay yourself down on the couch. You spread your legs a bit and you let Mingyu stare at you for a second. “Well come here pup.” 
Mingyu quickly moves so he can place his face between your legs. His fingers run along the soft skin of your thighs. “How do I…”
“Uh, remember the clit from earlier? You just kind of suck and lick at it. Then if you want to do more you can do what you did with your fingers, but with your tongue instead,” you explain. Mingyu nods his head along, like he’s soaking up every word you’re saying.
Mingyu dips down between your legs and experimentally juts his tongue out and licks at your clit. His tongue is hot and wet and you need more. You let out a little encouraging hum and Mingyu dives in more. He laps at your clit, he’s a bit rough with it, but you don’t stop him, enjoying the roughness.
You reach down and bur your hands in his hair, tugging a bit. He hums against you and the vibrations go right into your clit, just as you hoped. Mingyu wraps his lips around your bud, sucking it into your mouth. You’re just about to tell him to suck a bit harder when you suddenly scream out, and not in the good way.
“Fuck, Mingyu!” You instinctively smack Mingyu against the head and he lets up. “Gyu what the hell?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He quickly backs away from you.
You sigh. It’s not his fault, he didn’t know. “You can’t bite down on the clit, it’s sensitive. How would you like it if someone bit the tip of your cock. If you really wanna use your teeth, just scrape, don’t bite.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Mingyu whispers. You scoot closer to him. He looks afraid of touching you, but you reach out and grab him instead.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. You’re still learning, you’re not going to be perfect the first time. I’m sorry for smacking you.”
“No, I probably deserve it. I know you didn’t mean to.”
“Exactly. We both did something we regret, and now we can forgive and forget, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay.” Mingyu still seems a little nervous but you just kiss at his jaw.
“We can come back to it another day, okay pup?”
“A-another day?”
“Yeah, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I promise I’ll suck your dick then too, show you how a real girl should take care of you.” Mingyu nearly drools on you. “But let’s move to something more fun, yeah? Gonna show you how to use that big cock of yours.”
“Please,” Mingyu begs, his shy demeanor suddenly gone again. “My cock is so hard.”
“I know, that must hurt a lot. C’mon puppy, we’re gonna move to my bed, okay?” You crawl off of Mingyu and he scrambles to his feet. He hurries after you as you lead him to your bed. “Boxers off, on the bed.”
Mingyu quickly obeys. He strips his boxers off and climbs onto the bed, his back resting against your headrest. His dick rests against his stomach and you lick your lips at the sight. Just as you suspected, his cock is HUGE. Long and thick in all the right ways with a delicious vein running along his whole length. Yeah, you’re definitely going to have to suck his dick at some point.
“Now puppy,” you crawl onto the bed, sitting on your knees as you face Mingyu, “are you going to let me tie you up?”
Mingyu’s hips buck into the air involuntarily and he blushes. “I- uh, I’ve never thought about that but, I think I want to try.”
“Good boy.” You climb off the bed and move over to your closet. You can feel Mingyu’s eyes trail your naked form and you take your time bending down and picking out what you’re looking for.
When you turn around Mingyu is still staring shamelessly. A soft tie that you think once belonged to an ex is in your hands and you saunter back up to Mingyu. You climb over him, straddling his waist, your bare pussy hovering over his abs. You’re sure you could grind your clit to completion against them.
You lean over Mingyu’s face, bringing his wrists up over his head. You tie them to your headboard before leaning back. Mingyu’s gaze follows your tits that were just in his face and you roll your eyes. “Eyes up here pup.”
Mingyu blushes and drags his eyes up to meet yours. “Sorry.”
“If you want your arms to be let down, just tell me and I’ll untie you, okay?” He nods. “That’s a good boy.”
You lean down and kiss Mingyu. Your lips clash against each other, but Mingyu easily lets you have the dominance. You lower your body down onto him, grinding your clit against his abs. Your prediction was right. The grooves as his muscles catch on your clit.
“Fuck puppy, you’re such a good boy.”
“Y/N, please. Need to cum so bad.”
“Well since you asked so nicely.”
You reach over to your bedside table and grab a condom out of one of your drawers. You move down Mingyu's body and you roll it onto him. You notice his cock is already starting to produce precum and you resist the urge to lean down and lick it off.
Once you have the condom secured you hover over his lap and line him up to your entrance. Slowly, you sink down onto him. It takes a second for him to get into you, due to his large size.
Little by little, you’re able to fuck yourself down to his base. Your pussy is stuffed full and you swear you can feel him pressing up against your stomach.
“Gyu, how can you be this big, but have no clue how to use it?”
“I don’t know,” he whines, “but you feel so good right now. I think I’m gonna combust.”
“Don’t. Not until I say so.”
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Mingyu says.
“Now be quiet pup, I’m gonna show you how this thing should actually be used.” 
You brace yourself on Mingyu’s chest and start to roll your hips slowly. His cock stretches at your walls as it moves in and out of you. You bite your lip, half in concentration, half in covering up your moans. 
Eventually you’re about to find a good pace that’s not too fast but not painfully slow. You can hear the soft noises Mingyu is releasing, letting you know how good he feels.
“You’re being so good for me baby,” you tell him as you lean down and press a kiss to his pec.
“Feels so good Y/N,” Mingyu whimpers. “Never felt a pussy as good as yours.”
The idea that you’re the best Mingyu’s ever had drives you crazy and you start to pick up your pace. You fuck yourself on Mingyu’s dick, hard and fast. Underneath you, Mingyu is a mess. As good as this is making you feel, you know Mingyu is even closer to falling apart than you are.
“Y/N, please,” he begs.
“Please what puppy?”
“Please, choke me.” The request isn’t what you were expecting, but you’re not mad at it.
You slide your hand up his chest and to his neck. You slide your fingers into the right place for safe choking and squeeze slightly. “Aww, does my pretty puppy like when my hand is collar?”
Mingyu just nods to the best of his ability, his breath coming out in small puffs.
“What a good boy for me.” You lean forward and kiss his forehead. “Look at you, all fucked out. That’s been your problem baby. You’ve never been successful because you need someone to take care of you, don’t you? You’re just a pliant little pup who needs to be bossed around.”
Mingyu whimpers at your words and you know you’re right. It’s almost laughable. The big, campus “player” is nothing but a submissive puppy who didn’t even know how to kiss until two hours ago.
It’s kind of hot though, discovering Mingyu’s kinks before anyone else can. This is just for you and him. You lean down and press your lips against Mingyu’s. Your grip on his throat helps you guide his face to yours and press hard and firm against him, wanting to taste every part of him.
You’re not sure what you were expecting when you agreed to help Mingyu out with this, but it definitely wasn’t how intimate it feels right now. You can’t say you hate it though. Mingyu’s body pressed against yours, your breaths mingling as his fat cock crams up against your cervix.
“Nngh, Y/N, close,” Mingyu mutters to his best abilities. “Please. Needa cum.”
“Aw, doesn’t my puppy want me to let him cum?” He nods. “Hmm, well since this is your first time being able to cum during sex, I guess I’ll let you have this. Come on puppy, give it to me.”
Mingyu sighs in relief at your words and he thrusts up into you once, twice, and then he’s cumming, painting the condom white with his semen. You don’t let him catch a break though, continuing to fuck yourself with his cock so you can cum too.
Mingyu whimpers with overstimulation as you reach down to furiously rub at your clit. You can tell Mingyu is dying to help but his hands are still tied up. You feel your stomach start to tighten up and then your legs are giving out and you fall against Mingyu, your cunt throbbing against him. You pant into his chest as you roll your hips lazily trying to prolong your orgasm as much as you.
When it seems that it’s over you reach up and untie Mingyu’s arms before gently lifting yourself off him and flopping down onto the bed.
“Normally after sex you do aftercare. Drinking water, going pee, cleaning up. Cuddles if needed,” you explain, still a little out of breath.
“Do you…want to cuddle?” Mingyu looks at you with innocent eyes and you melt a little.
“Uh, yeah, if you want to.”
“I’m always open to cuddles!” It sounds like a message that would be pre-recorded in a Valentine’s Day teddy bear, but you guess that kind of sums up Mingyu. 
“Lemme go pee and get some water, and then we’ll cuddle okay?” You get up and go through your list of things you need to do. When you make it back to your bed it seems Mingyu has cleaned himself off with a tissue and you hand him a cup of water that he happily chugs down.
You climb back into your bed and slip under the cover. Mingyu does the same and you bury yourself into his side. His body is warm and still buzzing with that after sex glow and you rest your head on his chest. Neither of you bothered to get dressed and you relish in the feeling of his bare skin against yours.
“Y/N-ah?” Mingyu whispers and you look up at him. “Thanks for doing this. It uh, means a lot to me.”
“Yeah well, I got something out of it too, so no big deal.” 
“I know but, I’m just really happy it’s you.”
The words hold a second meaning to them that you can’t quite place yet. You don’t respond, just press yourself up against Mingyu tighter. You can wonder about the future for you and Mingyu after you’re done cuddling.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
Hiii! I really like your works. Can I request Husk, Lucifer and Adam teaching their daughter how to fly?
A/n: dad's teaching their little babies how to fly.
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Marylin was the one that refused to fly, unlike her brothers the little kit would often bury herself into her father's back or sit under his hat but to day was going to be different, Husk was going to make sure his little girl knew how to fly.
Holding the white ball of fluff in his hands, Husk placed Marylin on the bar top watching her. "Come on sweet heart....come fly to daddy." He smiled patting his chest as you stood by his side. Coltrane and Harry sitting on each of your shoulder.
Wrinkling her nose, Marylin looked towards you then her father. Her little wings twitching as she then let out a small mewl. Her body shaking as the wings started to flap, hovering for moment her tiny body then flopped back down on the bar top. A dramatic cry escaping her as Husk quickly scooped her into his arms.
"Oh baby it's okay, daddy will be your wings."
Sighing, you rubbed your tired eyes turning your back as you made your way to the bed room. "You can't coddle her forever Husk."
"Yes I can!"
•Lucifer Morningstar•
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Crying, Edna looked down at her father with tears in her eyes. Her wings twitching as she clutched the duck plush tightly in her grasp.
"I don't wanna!"
"But it's fun sweetie! And when Damien get's older you can help daddy teach him how to fly!" Lucifer did his best to cheer his little girl up. He hated seeing her cry, this was the last thing that he wanted. "See look at daddy! Daddy will fly with you."
Unfurling his wings, Lucifer hovered a few feet near his little girl as he held out his arms for her. "Just fly to daddy."
Lip's quivering, Edna sniffled as she slowly nodded her head as she struggled to fly. Her little wings flapping until she collapsed into her father's arms as she heard Charlie, Vaggie and you cheer for her.
"Did I do good daddy?"
Smiling, Lucifer placed a kiss to the side of your head. "You did wonderful Princess."
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"Haha look at her go!! She's a natural."
Adam watched as his little girl zoomed around the room chasing off the Cherubs.
Sighing, you rubbed your eyes pushing the sleep away. From your daughters excited squeals to the terrified screams you knew you weren't going to get some sleep any time soon. "Why is she chasing the Cherubs?"
Scoffing, Adam shrugged his shoulders. "They woke her up by bein fucking annoying."
"Can you make her stop....I need some sleep." You muttered leaning into your husband's side nearly falling asleep on his shoulder.
"Anythin for you babe." Adam gave your hips a squeeze as he let out a whistle. "Sweet pea, come to papa, your mama is tired."
Stopping in her tracks, the little girl's wings twitched as she then flew into her father's arms with an excited giggle.
"Look at my little angel...just like her old man."
Humming you nodded your head as you gave your daughter a tired smile. "Good job sweetie."
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
The Teacher
Milf!WandaNat x Female Reader
When Wanda’s boys need tutoring, you offer to help with the small stipulation that you do at her house. While at the home, you meet Natasha. What happens one day when Wanda forgets to cancel tutoring and you happen upon her and Nat in a compromising situation?
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, oral (R, W, N receiving), strap on sex, dominant Natasha
Note: I could not stop thinking about these two. Enjoy!
WandaNat Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You’re anxiously waiting in your classroom for the mother of two students to arrive for a conference. You hated to call her, knowing that she is very busy, but her sons have been falling behind in class. And you never want that to be prolonged by your own nerves.
So, you wait for Wanda Maximoff to arrive for your scheduled after-school meeting. The door opens with five minutes to spare. In walks in a woman with an air of confidence you haven’t quite seen before. Her blonde hair rests over the lapels of a red suit. She looks like a million bucks in every sense of the phrase.
“Hello, I’m Ms. Y/l/n, you must be Ms. Maximoff,” you greet her.
“That’s me,” she says. “Please call me Wanda.”
“Nice to meet you, Wanda,” you say. “Thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me.”
You gesture for her to sit in the chair across from your desk. She does so and looks back to you with waiting eyes.
“I am concerned about Billy and Tommy falling behind in class,” you explain. “They’ve taken a dive the last few weeks in grades and participation.”
“Well, Billy has always been shy,” Wanda supplies. “And Tommy just can’t sit still.”
“Yes, that’s true. But they’ve been my best students all year until recently. I just wanted to be in touch with you to maybe find the cause and take steps to correct this misdirection,” you say.
You hate this part of your job. Every parent thinks their child hangs the moon. They don’t want to hear they’re struggling. You prepare yourself to face rejection, but Wanda just thinks for a moment.
“How can I get them back on track?” She asks.
“I can tutor them before and/or after school,” you say. “If their in-class participation improves that will also help with their grades.”
“Okay,” Wanda says. Her green eyes look you over. “I have a hard time getting them to school early because they ride a bus. And getting here right after school is very difficult.”
“Right,” you say. “I understand.”
“Maybe you could tutor them at my house?” Wanda asks.
“Oh, I’m not sure if that’s really allowed,” you say.
“Please?” Wanda asks. You don’t think you have the strength to say no to her soft expression. She is almost pouting. You feel an attraction to her in your gut. She leans forward. “I will pay you anything.”
“Oh, I definitely can’t take payment, Wanda,” you say. She pouts completely now. “But I can tutor them at your house.”
“Thank you!” Wanda practically cheers. “I appreciate it. Really.”
“Of course, Wanda. I can start as soon as possible.”
With that, Wanda leaves your classroom with the exchange of phone numbers and the shake of your hand. It’s probably a bad idea, but you keep the success of your students in mind as you push away any worries about the tutoring.
The next day you drive to Wanda’s house after school. The boys let you in on instruction from their mother to only let you inside and not strangers. You set up at the table and teach the boys some math. To your surprise, they don’t put up much of a fight about the work.
When you’re almost done for the day, the door of the house opens. The boys run to the door to hug the mysterious woman who enters. She wears a leather jacket and black pants. God, she is attractive. Her red hair is tied back in a braid.
“Oh, hello,” she says once she sees you. “You must be the teacher Wanda was telling me about. I’m Natasha.”
“Hi, yes, I’m y/n,” you say as you shake her hand. Her green eyes sparkle like Wandas.
“Nice to meet you,” Natasha says. You think you see her look you over briefly before the kids grab her attention again.
“We’re done for the day, so I’ll head out,” you say, gathering your things.
“Okay. Thanks for helping them. I hope to see you again soon, y/n,” Natasha says.
She disappears into the kitchen, and you wonder about the nature of her relationship with Wanda.
The next few weeks of tutoring go smoothly. You see Natasha a couple of times. She doesn’t say much but she always thanks you for your time.
Today, when you knock on the door and wait for an answer there is a long delay. The boys usually open the door immediately. Five minutes go by, and you decide to knock a couple of more times.
Finally, Wanda comes to the door. She is never here when it’s time for tutoring. And especially not in a robe with messy hair.
“Oh shit,” Wanda remarks at the sight of you. “I forgot to cancel today. The boys are visiting family.”
“That’s alright,” you say. “I’ll just be on my way.”
At the time you go to turn around, Natasha emerges from the other room. She has only a t-shirt and underwear on. You try to look away.
“Who is it, detka?” Nat asks.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” Wanda says. She doesn’t look away from you. “I forgot to cancel tutoring.”
“Oh,” Natasha says. “Don’t be rude, Wanda.” She walks to the door and looks at you. “Come on in, y/n.”
You don’t even argue with that despite the very little clothes either of them are wearing. You enter and Nat pours you a drink.
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” you say when she hands it to you.
“No worries,” Nat supplies. “Just an afternoon meeting. Right Wands?”
“Right,” Wanda agrees. She seems a little uneasy, but when Nat places a hand on her thigh, you see her nerves calm. “A meeting.”
It’s quiet for a few moments. You try hard not to notice how far up Natasha’s hand has moved or the way Wanda’s thighs look so delicious. Natasha’s too. Nat catches you looking.
“You know we could use help with our meeting,” Natasha says.
“Nat,” Wanda warns.
“Look, sweetheart, she is looking at us,” Natasha says. “I think she wants to join.”
Wanda looks directly into your eyes. Her gaze is hypnotizing. Natasha’s hand dips completely between her thighs. Wanda moans quietly.
“Do you want to join?” Wanda asks. It’s the first time you’ve noticed she has a bit of an accent.
“I- um- yes?” You phrase it like a question.
“I need you to be sure,” Wanda says.
She reaches her hand out towards you. You get the memo. You cross the room and Wanda takes your hand. She pulls you onto her lap. Nat’s hand remains between her thighs and as a result brushes against you too.
Wanda brushes your hair off of your face. She keeps her hand on your face. The long digits hold your face tight. She leans in and kisses your lips softly. The feeling makes your head dizzy.
“So good,” Wanda whispers when she pulls away. “Natasha, you need to taste her.”
Natasha pulls you by the back of your neck over to meet her lips. She moans into the kiss as she deepens it. Her tongue invades your mouth. The kiss is rough, but you want so much more. Your hips stutter over Wanda’s lap.
“Hm, needy girl,” Natasha says once she pulls away. She lifts your shirt over your head and Wanda immediately starts sucking at your breasts.
You kiss Nat as Wanda stimulates your nipples. She leaves no inch of your chest untouched. She unbuttons your pants and you stand up to let her pull them down your legs. Wanda instructs you to stay standing. Nat stands up behind you and kneels while Wanda kneels in front of you.
“Your pussy is so wet,” Wanda says. “Hm, I just want to taste it.”
“Taste it, Wanda. Make her feel good,” Natasha says. “And I’ll do the same.”
The two women dive into you. Natasha’s hands help spread you as Wanda eats you out. Natasha joins her and you feel both of their mouths hard at work. You would fall over if it wasn’t for Natasha’s strong arms holding you up.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” you mumble way too quickly. But they don’t care. They keep up their ministrations until you’re shaking with pleasure.
“So fucking good,” Natasha says.
“Mhm,” Wanda agrees.
The two women pull away from you and share a filthy kiss. In the process, Wanda sits back on the couch and takes her robe off. Her entire body is exposed to you. You’re sure your mouth is watering.
Natasha pushes you gently to kneel between Wanda’s legs. You waste no time kissing her soft thighs. Exactly as delicious as you thought she would be.
“Such a good girl,” Natasha says. She takes her own underwear off and reveals she’s wearing a strap. You’re not sure how you hadn’t seen it before.
Nat gets it wet before she gets on her knees. She angles the fake cock perfectly to enter you from behind. You’re already wet, so it goes in easy. Nat moves her hips at an excruciating pace as Wanda pushes on your head to keep you between her legs.
You lick stripes over her folds and take her clit in your mouth. Wanda watches as Natasha pounds into you.
“Fuck that’s so hot,” she says.
“She takes me so well, Wanda,” Natasha says.
The words drive you crazy. You pick up your pace on Wanda and she comes in no time. You clean her up as Natasha brings you to another orgasm.
You and Wanda turn your focus to Natasha. You take the cock in your mouth and Wanda’s juices coat it. Natasha groans at the feeling. Wanda maneuvers herself to lick Natasha’s pussy that’s not covered by the strap.
The two of you get Natasha off quickly. And you all rest on the couch. Natasha and Wanda hold you between them as your limbs tangle together.
“I’m really glad I forgot to cancel tutoring today,” Wanda says.
“Me too,” Natasha adds.
“Me three,” you say and share a laugh with the women.
You hope Wanda invites you over more often now. Especially if Natasha is going to be there.
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taintedcigs · 9 months
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thinking about beefy!bartender!eddie who has had ENOUGH of your teasing.
warnings: mean!eddie, degrading, LOTS of degrading, rough sx, p in v, unprotected probs, kinda dub-con but not really? (reader says t'much but doesn't mean it and eddie continues), nicknames, n just overall horniness, MINORS DNI.
first it started with you purposefully flirting with one of the regulars in front of him, knowing he couldn't do anything about it or the manager would be on his ass for beating up one of the regulars.
he swallowed it all down, throwing a glare at you, his hands forming into fists as he rolled his eyes at the back of his head to hold himself back to not punch the asshole who's hand was grazing your thigh.
but then you giggled and batted your lashes at him while he was busy trying to make a drink, he would usually love your little bratty flirty antics, but not when the bar was this busy. his breath hitched as your manicured nails brushed against his bicep, traveling further and further down his chest, grazing his soft tummy, giggling as you slowly made your way down to his crotch, nobody else could see it because of the bar, and once you got closer to his bulge that was straining against his pants, he dropped the shaker in his hands, making a mess and ruining everything.
"shit- fuckin' great!" he cursed through his gritted teeth, piercing gaze quick to turn on you. you pouted at him, all brattily and he shook his head.
without his deadly glare leaving you, "cover for me for ten minutes," he muttered toward his right, his co-worker groaned at the sight of the mess.
"dude, are you kiddin' me, the place is packed we can't-"
"ten minutes," he said through gritted teeth, almost like it was a warning.
and his possessive gaze on you remained, once the guy nodded with a sigh, eddie didn't take another second to grab your arm harshly, ignoring your bratty whines while he took you to the bathroom.
manhandling you roughly, he dragged you to the first stall, locking it before he quickly had you bending over, you whined and squirmed but he didn't care, smushing your cheek against the walls while he had you all sprawled for him.
your skirt flipped over your back, and he was quick to undo his belt and to free his hardened cock, pre-cum dribbled all over his hot tip. one of his calloused hands roughly grabbed you by your waist. other holding your neck, squeezing it just a little to have you in your place.
"y'think it's fuckin' funny to be a brat, huh?" he mocked, and you were quick to shake your head.
"no?" he chuckled, dark and mean, "then why were you actin' like such a desperate lil' slut out there, huh?" it wasn't a question and he didn't let you answer, his hold on you bruisingly tight, and it made you squirm excitedly.
he barked out a chuckle. "needed my attention, didn't you? needed me to fuck you dumb, isn't that right?" the best you could do was faintly nod, tummy filled with excitement and the need to have him fuck you, to feel his big cock stretch you out.
he tutted. "words, sweetheart, if you can be a desperate fuckin' brat, showin' off to everyone what's supposed to be mine, i think you can use that slutty little mouth of yours, hmm?"
"n-needed your attention, eds," you murmured quietly, earning an approving grin from him.
"that's right, baby, that's right... don't worry, i'll fuck the brat out of you, yea?" fingertips grazed against your slit, coaxing pathetic whines out of you.
two digit-fingers slipped inside of you without a warning, making you gasp. "teach you some fuckin' manners?"
"p-please," you whined. and that's all it took for him to remove his fingers and pound into you, slipping inside of your wet cunt easily, stretching you out with one deep thrust.
he enjoyed your mewls, pathetic and lewd, encouraging him to rut himself deeper inside of you, feeling your tight cunt stretch on his big veiny cock. your walls struggling to accommodate his size.
"that's it sweetheart, take it, just like that." low grunts push past his gritted teeth, hips working into you at a fast pace.
you're crying out, voice muffled by your moans, as your pussy twitches around him. with a gruff, "what, is this too fuckin' much for the little brat?" he spits, tone filled with venom and desire.
you nod sheepishly, it isn't too much, but you enjoy him being mean, going all out, fucking you till you see stars. and eddie knows this, he fucking knows you like the back of his hand.
with a grin, his thrusts pick up, rougher, meaner, cock fully inside of you.
"too bad, sweetheart, you wanted attention? you're gettin' all my fuckin' attention."
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hitomisuzuya · 1 month
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is my first time requesting and I wanted to ask for step brother Scaramouche Fluff for readers because they’ve been really stressed recently about school, 😔 (can we tell this is about me😭) I love your writing tysm!
Stepcest, even though it's fluff, DNI if it makes you uncomfortable. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluffy fluff fluff. Soft Scara.
Because everyone needs a little comfort and stress relief🥺
Scaramouche was two kinds of annoyed. Annoyed and really annoyed. With him, two modes of annoyance at the same time was possible. He was annoyed because you were sitting too far away from. He was playing video games in the living room, while you were in the kitchen busy with schoolwork. He played better his beloved stepsister was next to him, praising him in some way for playing well. (He also likes to have you by his side).
But, mode really annoyed was because every time he glanced into the kitchen, he noticed the following things snowballing despite your brave face.
Your fingers were starting to shake. Your breathing, though quiet indicated that your heart was racing. Your posture was rigid and stiff, your body coiling with stress.
Scaramouche did not like it when you were stressed. He knew school was demanding (not like he had to study much cause he got good grades effortlessly), but you were piling too much on yourself at once. And eventually it would to one thing.
One thing he couldn't stand.
One thing he started to hear the beginning to stages of: you started to cry.
His eyes snapped away from the TV the moment he heard the first soft sniffle. He froze, not even pressing pause on his game. He didn't even notice nor care that the monsters killed his character.
You were crying.
And he hates it.
"Scara, I don't know what to do," You said shakily, looking up at him as you hastily brushed tears away from eyes that were way too pretty to have tears like that in them, "It just keeps piling up. I dunno how I am going to get this shit done."
Scaramouche was already getting up off the couch to go to you. "Stop that," He said, and it wasn't said in a mean way. He just can't stand to see you cry. He hastily scooped up your books and notebooks, moving them all the way down the table away from you.
"Scara, I am nowhere near being done yet," You protested, reaching across the table for your stuff. Scaramouche hastily pushed it further down the table.
"No you don't. You are finished tonight," He replied firmly, "You have another week to get this done. What are you doing trying to do it all at once?" He raised an eyebrow at you.
"But Scara, I--" You tried to protest. He cut you off by putting a finger on your lips.
"You are coming to the living room with me," He added, taking hold of your wrist. He knew you looked and felt way too tired to protest or struggle anymore. "I am going to teach you how to play the videogame I just got."
"Scara, I'm not going to be any good. It's a first person shooter, I'm not good at those," However, your feeble protest as he pulled you to your feet fell on deaf ears. You looked more nervous, but in a cute way. Not a stressed one, which was important.
You absolutely were afraid of completely playing badly in front of him. How cute.
Before you knew it, Scaramouche seated you on the couch next to him, restarted the mission (with some quiet swearing at bullshit monsters), and handed you the controller.
You stared at the controller, unsure of what to do. The way his heart fluttered when you looked up at him for guidance. It was such a pure hearted, soft look. You looked at him like he was the only person in this world that you wanted and trusted to guide you.
Fucking hell he is so in love with you.
"I've got you," Scaramouche said, moving so that he sat behind you on the couch. He put his hands over yours on the controller, bringing your back to rest against his chest. "This is what you do, aim, and press A to fire."
His voice was like soothing velvet on your ears. You felt warm, and safe in his embrace. The tension was slowly ebbing out of your body. The rhythm of his breathing against your back quieted your heart rate. Scaramouche is the center of your world.
He guided your fingers on the buttons and joy stick for a bit. When he saw you get comfortable with the mechanics, he took his hands off of yours. He was proud you picked up the game mechanics so quickly. And you let out the cutest little laughs every time you hit what you were aiming at.
You are having fun. His mission was accomplished.
"That's my good girl," Scaramouche put a hand on your head, he always gave the best headpets, "Shooting like a pro," He peeked around to see the shy blush on your cheeks.
"Hey, Scara?" You said after awhile, handing him the controller, "Can I just watch you play for awhile?" You sounded sleepy. "I think one of the bigger bosses is coming up, and I don't think I can handle him."
"Scared?" He teased, smirking when he heard your shy squeak.
"No, I just want to watch you play for awhile," You looked away shyly as you moved to rest your head in his lap. It was always relaxing for you to watch Scaramouche play video games. You got to see his experience playing, plus your own experience watching the game.
Pretty good deal, honestly.
For Scaramouche all was right with the world. As right as it could be, anyways. You were by his side, tucked safely in his lap where he could protect you from, well, life.
Before long, you were asleep. Carefully, so as not to wake you, Scaramouche reached for the blanket on the couch and draped it over you. He would wake you up in a few hours to carry you upstairs to your room.
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elizzsush · 1 month
The Mask | Jason Todd X Reader
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Red Hood X Villain Reader
— in which you, a shy nerdy vigilante/Wayne family obsessed barista- is actually a villain that torments the Red Hood at night.
AU: Soulmate (bc I can)
Rating: Sfw
Note: Y/N is based off of Furina from Genshin bc I thought this would be fun and I saw a prompt somewhere, I think? It’s just my interpretation of it as to not step on anyone's toes!
Also, this isn't really a imagine. It's more of an Idea I was thinking of and needed to get out of my head! So that's why it's kind of not finished? Most of my stuff is WIPs anyway so this isn't really new.
You were a popular villain.
People loved you. Maybe not the theft and distraction you caused but hey- we all have flaws? “I will teach this city the true meaning of Justice!” You’d boldly claim standing on the stage that was Gotham city’s tallest building- scarily close to the edge. “Join me- and together we’ll cleanse this city of its evil and corrupt ways!” You’d state so boldly.
You loved for the attention, the lights- cameras and reporters. That’s why the red hood could only shake his head. Another psychopath spewing their ideology like it should be praised- like it was the absolute truth.
Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.
The world wasn’t black and white enough for an ideology to trump all the others and ‘cleanse this city’. Fuck, not this city- not even close. Gotham was just in too deep. Too much crime, too much of a drug problem or a poverty problem- too much of everything. The joker was a prime example of that. The evil of this city boiled up into one twisted person… Anyway, you were an attention seeker, classic villain profile. Does it for attention- maybe mommy or daddy didn’t give you enough love? It didn’t matter. What happened was you were breaking the law and Jason was still on Bruce’s keep an eye on list. So, he’d keep his hands off the bigger more horrible criminals.
Still sometimes, only sometimes, he'd find himself listening a little too closely to your ideals- Like you believed in the death penalty for Gotham hardest to kill roach: The joker.
So, while Red Hood was chasing you... Well, it'd started off small, you’d steal from the rich of Gotham- sometimes even Bruce Wayne himself. -Those days Jason found himself chasing after you slower, not that he’d admit that. It was a classic Robin Hood situation and Jason… didn’t know how to feel about it. On one hand you were breaking the law, in the other, power to the people. Eat the rich.
Jason knew how it felt to grow up struggling so too see you helping people? It was almost nice.
What annoyed him though was your loud, for the people persona. “I will judge all of Gotham! Batman himself can’t escape my judgment!” Okay, slow down… you were fast and agile, but Batman would be able to catch you. And if Jason really put his back into it, he could too. Still, that never stopped you from making bold claims. It garnered attention, it was bold and daring and just what the people wanted. Your ideal matched up with what so many people were fed up with the batman for.
Eventually your behavior began to escalate. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep the Bats eyes from you. “This is a cult...” He muttered while he hides away on the roof of an abandoned building you holed your followers up in for a speech.
“My loyal follower!” You’d greet them with a smile and a bow. You’d put in stage performances. Sometimes with Jason, except he never knew, and the performance was just you and him fighting on the stage. Most days, some days it seemed it was just you acting and being alive on that large stage. Others you were preaching your words to the cult your loyal followers. You were building an empire and catching the attention of other criminals.
An empire that while he agreed with, went against the bats no kill rule. The longer you stood on that stage the less safe from the bat you were.
And no matter how much he wanted to agree with you, a small part of him still wanted... something from batman. You would be an issue.
“How much longer do I have to do this…?”
Red hood was no detective, but he was raised by the greatest one. So, while he was lacking in that department compared to the rest of his family (Even if it was just by a smidge.) He still noticed how after a speech or a fight- your smile, no, your persona dropped.
It was a persona you probably garnered for attention.
but still...
So how…
…That just didn’t make sense.
“Can I have your autograph…? Please?” A civilian would ask shyly, hiding behind a Batman themed phone case with a Robin themed charm hanging from that same phone.
The worst part of it all? You didn’t ask for the Red Hoods autograph. You asked for Jason Todd’s autograph, you were a fan of the Wayne’s. Gotham's golden family. No actually, it was the way you jumped up and down eagerly when you thought he was far enough way and did a dumb victory dance.
He sighed and leaned against the alleys stone wall as he watched you leave. A sense of worry invaded his mind as he watched you in your nerdy and totally lame Superman shirt walking away. All while staring at your phone.
He was surprised you recognized him. He was never in the public spotlight- maybe here and there when he was younger. Not now, not anymore. His death and how vague it was left question. Ones people didn’t ask when he wasn’t there, dangling in front of them like bait to a fish, they’d ask why and how and while they had a cover up: One the bat, the world's greatest detective made up. It still was messy. You must be a real fan.
He wasn’t even sure if that was really you…
It had to be though, there was no mistaking it. So, with your civilian name in his head, he walked back home.
“…so… lonely…” `
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redcherrykook · 4 months
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College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader
27 year old, stupidly handsome asshole teacher Mr. Jeon has absolutely no human decency, he believes your victim complex is what keeps you from ever achieving anything, letting people use you as a bridge. When something unexpected happens, the ice starts to melt as a foreign word called "empathy" enters his egocentric lense. Maybe he will finally manage to teach you a lesson now, since you keep failing his class.
(Mini series)- Episode one!
Song recommendation: bloodline- ariana grande
Content: Cold, mean, distant, unprofessional Jungkook, hurt, stubborn reader, enemies to lovers, lowkey dramatic, accident happens, mutually beneficial relationship (emotionally), Jk learns a lot from her, Jk is mean but has a soft spot for reader (eventually), 6 year age gap, Reader is from a struggling background, Jk kind of rescues her, happy ending, angst at first, fluff, smut, comedy/crack, bickering, college setting, brief hospital setting
Warnings: swearing, name-calling,mentions of an accident involving a biker, mentions of hospital, really mean Jungkook, i promise he gets sweet, mentions of trauma and abuse (non detailed), mental health struggles (semi detailed), arguments
Notes: Hey lovelies! This is my first time on tumblr. pls be nice! leave a comment if you like, feel free to go to my ask! to request drabbles of this couple
A picture speaks more than a thousand words, so do eyes
At least when 26 pairs of them stare at you for being late, again. To be precise, for the 5th time in a row.
"Miss Y/n? what a surprise" Mr. Jeon stares through his glasses, direct and monotone as usual.
Bowing, you try to sit down at your desk that´s next to the door. "What is it this time? Couldn´t find your pens?" A almost routine like greeting from your teacher when you show up to class late. He tries to guess your reasoning each and every time, while increasingly mocking you. Just last week, when you showed up in a stained Shirt, he asked if you had to wash your clothes first before coming to class. You bet he found that hilarious.
On this day, his creativity seemingly died down, while his sarcasm certainly did not. "No sir, simply could not catch the bus. I apologize" you shake your head. Turning back to the Presentation behind him, wordlessly he resumes the lesson.
So likewise, you sit there. Waiting for it to be over. Photography has never been your strong suit but as a performing arts major, you needed this class to pass.
Not that you ever passed his class before, not in your first semester and certainly not in this second one.
"I will hand back your portfolios for the midterm preparations. I´m far too busy to be disappointed with them, although there are a few that gave me nightmares" his steps are small but powerful as he walks around the classroom, head pointed to the floor, his fluffy brown hair making it hard to read his face. It was blank, no one needed to see it to know. With his arms folded across his chest, he stands still.
If any other teacher had joked about having nightmares from awful projects, the class would have bursted into laughter and groans. In mister Jeon´s class, it remains silent, because for him, it´s not a joke.
Grabbing the pile of folders on his desk, he parades around the classroom, silently throwing folders down on the desk of the student it belongs to. Occasionally, a sigh of relief can be heard from your classmates.
When he reaches your desk, he slams the folder down, scoffing with his belittling smirk. It´s rare to see his face outside of his blank expression or unamused scoff, but when it does change, it is never positive.
Failed, repeatedly.
For one, because you prioritized other classes, far more important ones. Staying up until ungodly hours in the night to research for your English literature class and at the same time, trying to recall the notes for your practical music exam took a lot out of you. On second viewing, because your shitty 3 year old camera is barely holding on and you have no sense of stylistic layout or skill for settings and atmospheres. Not in pictures, at least.
Like you said, photography has never been your strong suit.
The bell finally releases you from the horrible strings of mr. Jeons depressing class, that is until his stern voice stops you from actually leaving.
"I have never had a student as careless as you" his scoff is as belittling as his eyes that look down at you. Without having to say it, they tell you how highly he thinks of himself, how lowly he thinks of you. Mr. Jeon has never been nice, too straight forward, never showing understanding for any misdemeanor. Handed the assignment in 5 minutes late? He would not dare grade it, even touch it. If you had worked tirelessly? , too bad. Ignoring the evidence of eyebags and puffy faces, he believes everyone simply lacks discipline.
"You show up late every time, fail every single exam, barely pass any group participation. Do you need this class for credits? I would drop out and take something that doesn´t require thinking, like theater. You have no chance of passing here" The words fall off his tongue naturally, so do the last footsteps of students leaving the class.
"I do not understand sir, why this concerns you at all. You have no consideration or awareness of my circumstances, I would expect some empathy from someone who´s job it is to interact with people" Honesty is not owned by him, for once, you decide to not let people treat you as if you were below them.
Once again, a scoff paints his lips as he steps closer, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly like he is taken by surprise from the sudden change of heart you seemingly underwent. Maybe it is just that no one has ever tried to talk back to him, knowing it leads practically nowhere. You know that as well, but the need to try and scream for the smallest drop of understanding, maybe even reassurance overcomes you with the sudden confrontation.
"Understanding? I think you are the one that needs to understand. Grow up, the world isn´t made to adapt and cradle you" It´s now your turn to scoff, your head shaking with a laugh of disbelief.
"That is exactly what I meant. The way my life is, I am well aware, mr. Jeon, that the world does not give a fuck about its people. Maybe, just maybe you know" you pause, searching his face for reaction as the frustration boils up, begging to be led out. As expected, it reads nothing. "You could try to see things apart from yourself, not everyone lives a life like yours"
"Oh my god, you poor little thing hm? What is it, lost your Phone? Got broken up with? People like you will find anything, anything in order to avert the blame. Its so-" he stops, his eyes darkening, the tattooed hand slips out of his pocket to swipe right through his hair. In a whisper of disgust, he resumes "...pathetic"
As a means to shield yourself from the way he spits out his words, your voice raises.
"Lost my home among other things, that good enough?" The words leave your mouth hurriedly, while wishing to be met with a soft smile. Stupidly enough, you know that´s very far from the reality that will weigh down on you in a matter of seconds. According to him, you are delusional anyways
The secret of yours that you had kept so warmly, so safely deep down in your mind had crept its way out your mouth, betraying you shamelessly. Not as shameless as the blatant lack of sympathy from the male stood in front of you.
" Good enough? Everyone has some shit they went through. You´re simply a loser, a lonely loser who cannot get over themselves. Get some help kid if you can´t do things for yourself but stop expecting people to let everything slide because of your helplessness. This huge victim complex of yours is infuriating. Did you expect me to cry and say oh what a cruel world, you poor little girl, i will let you pass my class?" Relentlessly he rants, with every word the sound of a distant laughter in your mind grows.
Every second that passes he manages to give you further proof that you were never to find a spot in people's uselessly stern hearts.
Stammering to leave, the only words you manage to utter are "You´re heartless" mustering the courage to look at him is as far gone as your belief in his existence of ability to care.
Out, you want out of this wall tightening lecture hall that´s suffocating you with the strong hands of his stern voice.
"Good thing I don´t rely on the validation of others. I´m suspending you from this class to save you some work you would not do anyways" he turns sharply, walking back to his desk.
Parallel to him, you storm out of the University. Anywhere, anywhere is better right now.
Clouded by the tears of your resurfacing past you run along the streets. History repeats itself, the cycle of trust and naitivity is your biggest weakness.
Giving a way a piece of you for someone to keep safe, for someone to listen to, to care,
It has never worked before.
On and on unsure at this point if you were running from his words or ones of your own mind. They laugh at you, telling you their "I told you so"
Being powered simply by fear, and really, only fear, is far from enough to keep running, but you can´t stop. You can´t see either. Apparently, neither can the biker that runs into you, knocking you cold to the ground.
"She really did not show up, expected, Good." he mumbles to himself while sorting the material on his desk. The small cubicle like space in the teachers workroom is decorated with photographs of his very own camera. Simple, organized, plain.
"Who did not?" Mrs. Park´s curious voice rings next to him, as his fellow art subject teacher, they share most of their students.
Nosy, he thinks.
"Lee Y/n. I suspended her recently and I-"
"You mean the girl from the accident?" casually she mentions it.
The cut off on the other hand, is sharp and unexpected. Jungkook is shocked for one, because someone interrupted him and two, because of the mention of you in an accident.
"Excuse me, an accident?" mentally cursing at himself for appearing to show interest in the situation, he diverts his attention to the teacher next to him. It must be a misunderstanding.
"Jungkook with all due respect how did you think a girl lying in the hospital for the past three days is going to show up to your class? You and your high expectations" She shakes her head, having completely misjudged the situation. Surprisingly, that is not his priority.
"Three days? How come I have not heard of this? How unreliable" He scoffs, old habits die hard, certainly for Jeon Jungkook.
Mrs. Park hums, reluctantly whispering "Probably because people are.. speculating. She has lots of problems , if you understand what im trying to say" it is subtle, fleeting, but her eyes glance up at him with the raise of an eyebrow
It flashes to Jungkooks as briefly as his coworkers judgemental eyes. His mind goes on to remember his conversation, well, argument with that stupidly helpless student of his.
Three days ago.
Mentally, he shakes his head.
Even if she tried something, he isn´t to blame.
"Anyways, I think she is in Incheon hospital now. I might visit her later, she used to be in my literature course" Mrs. Park voice fades out as she stands up to leave.
Doumbfounded he sits there, tied to the chair by the revelation that he might have sent someone to a hospital.
I can not believe I´m driving to the fucking hospital. He curses at himself while punching in the address of Incheon hospital onto his phone. It´s okay Jungkook, you´re doing this for YOUR sanity. Has nothing to do with that idiot. The words keep reassuring him of his selfishness, maybe trying to convince him that what he is feeling is not empathy, no, it is just to soothe his mind.
Why was he anxious in the first place? Not like it would make a change.
And so, 25 minutes of staring blankly at the road commence.
Blankly, because he needed to focus.
Blankly because he was not willing to face the possibilties his thoughts hold at the moment.
When he finally arrives, the huge metal doors welcome him in.
Straight to the receptionist he goes, asking for your room, providing proof of acquaintance with the patient.
What a hassle it was to gather everything, he remembers
And yet it does not stop him from heading up to the second floor.
Having just woken up from your second nap of the day, you audibly groan when the door opens, expecting to see a nurse.
"What the fuck" staring at your asshole photography teacher that is, somehow, in your hospital room.
"Good afternoon to you as well" he replies, as always, far removed from any and all emotion.
"Am I having a nightmare?" Questioning the validity of this surely odd situation, you sit up, combing through your hair. He Sighs, removing his coat and sitting at the chair across from your hospital bed. He would never dare to think he should ask if you even find it tolerable he is there.
He wants to speak to you, so he will.
"No, unfortunately not" Without knowing what to say further, because frankly he does not even know why he came here, he remains silent.
"Did you seriously come here? For what, to tell me to go to school because everyone has accidents and i need to get over myself?" The bitterness of your words match the usual one of his own, tainted ones. However this time, his eyes shift briefly.
You think, at least.
"I get it, I was an asshole. Don´t tell me you jumped in front of a biker because of it" the strong, decorated hand of his makes it´s way to rub against his forehead as his voice comes out in a low groan of frustration. No need to sugarcoat, this is all he needed to know from you. Right?
Deciding to use it for a little revenge, you leave his semi question uncommented.
"Came here to apologize? Soothe that non existent conscious of yours, mr. Jeon?" his eyes dart up to meet yours, is it as though he really believes his words may have been the cause.
Regret, maybe. If he is capable of such.
"Fuck seriously? Yes, okay. I came here because" he stops, his tongue pressing the inside of his cheeks as he looks out into the window. The words leave his mouth without him even knowing that prior to hearing it out loud, that is what he felt.
"because I got worried that I made someone try to..." he cannot bring himself to finish that sentence.
"Is that really what people are saying? God that´s awful how am I supposed to go back to College with this being my reputation" small, barely audible you chuckle.
"Ah, no. Well.. partially i guess. I ran out after the hatred you threw at me and unlucky me, your so called cruel world strikes again" At the quoting of his words you make a mockery out of his monotone voice, the absurdity of this conversation still not catching up to you.
"Don´t worry, if that is even possible for you, I will just get over my accident" With an annoyed laugh, Jungkook stands up to stand in front of your hospital bed directly, hands in his slack pockets ever so casually but somehow, dominantly.
"I get it you idiot, I was an awful guy that day, my god give me a break. I came here, all the way here to fucking try and talk to you, give me a chance" his eyes look down at you, bored, plain. His mouth betraying him once more, spilling the unknown truth from his plump pierced lips.
"You sure have a way of asking for things. I want you out quick so, make it fast will you mr, Jeon" your reply makes him tilt his head to the side quickly, muttering a finally under his breath.
"I decided to not suspend you. And I´m deciding that maybe, you should tell me your circumstances. I´m not going to be held accountable if you try some shit"
This is about him, of course.
Just now he's taking an actual look at you, trying to decipher how hurt you really are, he would never bother to ask though.
The bruises on your arms become visibile to him, looking them up and down with tightly pressed eyebrows. They look older, some of them appear fresh.
Is she being hurt? his mind wanders
A snort from you makes him snap out of his thoughts "What? So you can laugh at it?"
He groans in response, "If you stopped being so stubborn and listened to me maybe you would know why. I´m taking your advice god damn it, I´m trying to build understanding" both hands are now running through his longer hair, the frustration of the wall you build up almost making him give up. Deep down, he knows he can´t blame you. The consequences of his own actions are catching up to him slowly, just as the realization of his heart softening ever so slightly does.
Silence fills the room, being the loudest sound to present itself.
"Fine" you roll your eyes at him. Unlike him, you want to show some grace, show him that yeah, it is possible to go through shit and need help. Sometimes people need to be ripped out of their tunnel vision egocentric world to understand their flaws. At the same time, you worry your good heart will once again only lead you too give more than you should be.
"Took you long enough" he remarks snarkily
"Nevermind then"
"Oh my god"
You laugh at his response, making eye contact with him as he laughs too. Small that is, before catching himself doing so. Still, it made a smile try to creep up your lips at the unfamiliar sound.
"That was a first" as if you´d pass up a chance to embarrass him.
"Don´t mention it" returning to his habits as always, the stern teacher voice is perfectly matching his lurking stance. ´´You´re below me´´ practically radiating off of him. What a shame, you had just begun to find him pleasant.
"Okay so, summary: Was admitted into our shitty foster system, got a whole bunch of friendship trauma, had to run away from said foster horror house and am now basically homeless in a women´s shelter. Oh and before you ask, I have a scholarship. I may be poor but I am not a criminal" the hands up in a surrendering pose make up for the awkwardly tense situation after having revealed something so personal to your photography teacher. For the second time. Right now, it´s impossible to tell what he is thinking.
Nodding he starts off his sentence,
"you were right that is a lot. Fuck, now i get why you called me a heartless asshole. Had no idea a twenty-one year old can already live that much shit. I swear, I was convinced you were bullshitting because you just did not care about my class" his rambling turns into muttering when he makes his way back to sit down on the chair, the usually bored eyes of his look softer now, while his words are as insensitive as they have always been.
"You are meaning to tell me that outburst you had on me was because you were pressed i didn´t take your class seriously? I just suck at photography, but i tried" in a subconscious motion your hand clutches your chest melodramatically, a slight smirk tugging on the side of Jungkook´s mouth.
"I know you suck, saw all of those awful collages. I did mean some things I said, someone needs to teach you how to grit your teeth and stand up for yourself, would have taken you seriously much sooner" His deep brown eyes roll with the memory of your conversation, sighing deeply he shakes his head.
Oddly enough, his truthful joke about your inability for photography makes your heart a little warmer. The belittling presence of his turning into a much closer, normal one. While the distance of his emotions is undeniable, the closeness of his growing interest in your life is as well. His mind is occupied with your conversation, unable to focus on his only mission, that is to protect who he is. The mask slips but really, does he still feel like wearing it?
"If that is what you tried to express someone needs to teach you how to empathize and communicate with people, mr. Jeon"
He wants to leave the mask off for just a little longer
"Jungkook" his first name slips out of his lips seamlessly, in the heat of the moment, lost in the fact that for some reason, he wants to understand you. Not in a suggestion, he´s still Jungkook, no is not an option if he set his mind to it. He´s demanding you to adapt to him
"Call me Jungkook. We have been far from professional anyways. Calling me mister and all that formal shit makes it weird" his face scrunches up briefly, the embarrassment of acting more like a highschool bully than a teacher is slowly catching up to him.
You can´t help but laugh softly at this whole mess. In a hospital, constantly fighting while simultaneously trauma unpacking with your heartless, maybe not so heartless after all photography teacher who now wants you to call him by his first name.
Cruel world, as he puts it.
"Sure, Jungkook" his name leaves your lips in way so naturally it makes him jump inside.
What the fuck?
"I guess we could learn a lot from each other then, idiot" never failing to remind you of his stance on your personality, the sound echos in the room when his eyes meet yours,
but it is not his eyes that matter in his moment, they have returned to their stern nature long ago,
It is the fact that he softened his voice, as if he was afraid to let you in his mind. As if it was only possible for him to let one small spot of his soften at a time,
While you were just as afraid,
"Yeah. Deal?"
He naturally irritated face showing up to greet you once more
"Seriously? What are you, 12?"
"With the way you're acting i should be asking you that"
Unamused, he manages to mutter out
It's like the nurse had waited for you to be done before entering the room, informing you that visitor time is up and Jungkook needs to leave. Your eyes dart to his as he puts on the coat he had hung up previously, thanking the nurse before shifting his body slightly to hover over your sitting form.
"See you in class then" with that, he leaves you to rethink everything that had happend the past days. More over, he leaves you wondering just how honest he was about the little deal you guys made.
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tinydefector · 2 months
Not really a request but more of a ramble. Ive always been torn betweenn Cybertronians not really having any material instincts and just essentially knowing how to function since creation. Kinda like Steven Universe. They can be young and differ in how much knowledge they hold but overall they have the bases of how to function without any caretaker needing to be around. But then I immediately start shaking at the thought of them having even stronger instincts that humans. Maybe closer to animals that have come to accept a human as their own. Just picturing a cybertronain seeing someone who's carrying and immediately is distressed on how little protection our clothes offer. Nows theirs a bot who keeps hissing at those who get to close other humans included. Their plating is ruffled and if they are a seeker their wings are spread in a threatening manner. May you have the patience of a Saint if said seeker has a large trine because now they all share the same feral need to protect. A con that stumbles upon a lost child and immediately claims them as their sparkling.( if you wanted to make it a bit gross I can imagine they do a forced adoption the same ways farmers do sometimes. Where they just kinds cover a stray baby with the fluids of a mother to create that connection. Kinda gross but I can see it being used to further claim a child) They consider the biological parents of the child nothing more than food and shelter for their now sparkling. They try a coo and speak to the child in their natural tongue. A seeker that chirps and clicks its glossa. A grounder that does low hums and songs like a whale. Sorry for the long ramble haha. I just think the ideas of cybertronains either having no idea what instincts are but also the ideas of them drowning in them. Or meeting humans just relights their feral mindsets in any and every way.
I happen to really love both ideas a lot. I enjoy the idea of Cybertronians not understanding family or parental rolls, Forged sparks start off in smaller frames and slowly gain more framing as they get older. Instead, it works more like a mentor and apprentice side of things. They teach you how to do your job, keep your head down like Terminus with Megatron. Their race doesn't have a name for the connection they have so in turn they call each other friend, but intruth it's more than that but they don't know how to explain it or express it, they dont raise the younger one but they are their for special events such as plating ceremonies. To Megatron Terminus is an elder, someone to be respected for his knowledge and teachings. And they both care for each other, when Terminus us gravelly injured Megatron does everything he can to try and help him because he feels like he owes it to terminus for everything the older bot as done for him. It's a mutual benefit of a bond that's isn't family but also is much closer than friendship.
But on the other hand, I look at Optimus and Codexa, and I love the idea that I found this little bitlet and instantly went mother mode. Practically scoops him up out of a hotspot and takes him home with her. She's very attentive and is the one who even names him. In all aspects, he is her son, and she does everything she can to try and raise a good mech, and she does a wonderful job. She teaches him to read, sings to him, and each plating ceremony, she keeps a piece of his old plating similar to humans and baby teeth. She celebrates when he gets his first job as a Liberian because she put so much effort into making sure he had a comfortable job, not wanting him to struggle like so many other mechs less fortunate.
And then there is my headcanon for birthed sparklings, which differs depending on what frame type they are. They experience different behaviours. Grounders are in different sub sections
- Tanks: Megatron, Tarn, Warpath, Blitzwing
- Mine frames: Megatron, Terminus,
- Hauliers : Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, Inferno, Kup,
- Emergency services: Prowl, Ratchet, Pharma, inferno
- Battle Chargers: Ironhide, Hound, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, wheeljack, Tracks,
- Praxian carters: Prowl, Bluestreak, skids, Smokescreen,
- speeders: Rodimus, Drift, Jazz, mirage, redalert, blurr, Tracks,
- mini vehicle: Bumblebee, Tailgate, grapple,
- Vosian Fliers (later Seeker's): Starscream, skywarp, Thundercracker, sunstorm, Nacelle and so on all of the Jets.
- Helimech: Whirl,
- aerial Shuttle: Cosmos, Omega Supreme, Senator Shockwave.
- Combiners: stuntacons, combaticons, constructicons
- Cassettes/ mini bots: Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy, Rewind, Lazerbeak, buzzsaw
- non Traditional frames: Rung,
- Non shifters:
There's a lot more but these just just who I can think off off the top of my head.
Tankers and Mine frames don't get the luxury of families or raising sparklings, most of them are cold constructs, and don't get a chance to see life outside of mines or duties they have been put into. But if given the chance they are actually very protective of a sparkling, they will fight to the death for their bitlet even if it isn't their. Their behaviour is very similar to a bear mother with their protectiveness of a child, human or cybertronian.
Megatron's optics focus on the tiny form in his lovers arms. If it were any other situation, people would think he is glaring at the tiny baby being placed again in his Chassis. "They have no plating or outer frame, no protection." He states while looking to his lover. "They are a baby, Megs, human babies don't have anything like sparklings, they are very fragile," they explain with a smile as they watch their child try and grab Megatron's large digits. His optics soften as he watches their child as the baby babbles and giggles up at him. It makes a switch inside his possessor flick. Nothing would ever hurt this child. He would make sure of it. A deep rumble leaves his chassis as he lets them play with his large servos. A laugh leaves his lover as they watch him. "You look like a grizzly bear with a cub," they chuckle as they lean up to press a kiss to the side of his helm.
Hauliers tend to see a random sparkling and go. "You're mine now, I'm going to warp you up in bubble wrap and keep you in my cab so no one can hurt you" Hauliers tend to be very attentive carriers/ Sires to adopted or sparked bitlets. A lot of Hauliers tend to be very nomadic in the rust sea moving inpacks. They tend to behave more like migrating herds when on cybertron, but those who live in the cities tend to make a very homey and comfortable for sparklings. But also they are the ones who panic the most when their child puts something in their mouth they shouldn't have.
Optimus chuckles as he watches his bitlet roam around. Playing with sticks and mud. He sits not far off watching them as they play his optics soften as they giggle and let out little buzzes of excitement as they find a new rock. "They seem to be enjoying their first proper road trip," His lover calls out as they walk their way over to him. Leaning down to press a kiss to his Helm. "They are very fascinated by a lot of things on Earth," he rumbles his optics, meeting his partners. "Can you really blame them, I remember a certain bot being very fascinated with Terra's fauna when we first arrived here," they tease him. Another squeal of delight comes from their sparkling as they begin trying to chew on a rock. Optimus let's out a slight noise of panic as he quickly moves towards them. "No, no, Bitlets, you can't eat that," he states while trying to pry the rock from the little ones' servos. They squeak and squeal in protest before eventually letting go of the rock. Another laugh leaves his lover as they watch the two.
A lot of emergency vehicles tend to not be the best for being parents. Mainly due to their work and just not having the time for a bitlet. But they are very attentive to those who do have them, trying to calm them and make sure that they aren't hurt and can make it back to their parents. A lot of the time, they will put up the disgruntled act of the dad who said they didn't want a cat, but then ends up with a child curled up on his chest as he works.
Praxian carters tend to act very similar to seeker, but with children and sparklings its as if they can feel where they are but have a tendency of paranoid when they can't see their little ones. Their door wings will flicker and twitch when they hear their children and will respond back with soothing little clicks. A lot of the time, they will carry their sparklings on their back between their door wings.
Prowl wasn't impressed with Sunstreaker or Sideswipe. The two young mech burst out into fits of laughter watching him with a human baby strapped to his chest. His wings flutter in dispair as they begin taking photos to send to every mech they know. "Oh Primus Prowl, when did you get yourself a bitlet!" They ask while also fauning over the baby who giggles and reaches out with grabby hands. Prowl let's out a slight,all collection of angry clicks as his optics narrow in on the twins. "I am looking after them as their parent had an important meeting today," he snaps as he begins walking, trying to outpace the twins as they continue shooting questions at him. "But you have them strapped to your chassis like they are battle gear!" Sunstreaker laughs, which earns him a smack up the side of the helm from Prowl. "They are too small and too young to be left to their own devices, and the safest place for them is where I know they are," he grumbles before slamming the door to his office shut.
Speedster are one of the cybertronians who tend to forget their child exist sometimes, having no awareness until they are like something is missing. Oh Primus, where is my Bitty!. They are very live fast die hard kinda mechs and it translates over to their child. They are very much the one who will proudly show off their child who is currently eating something they shouldn't be. But they are also one of the most cuddly with their child. Curling up with them to their chassis as they purr loudly.
"RODIMUS PRIME, DRIFT DEADLOCK WHATBARE YOU LETTING MY BITLET EAT!" their voice boomed as their optics narrowed in on the two speedsters and sparkling. Drift turns around in an instant. "I tried to stop them, I swear, but Roddy dared them," he states. Rodimus looks sheepishly at his lover as their sparkling laughs and shouts. "Told you I could!" The little one shouts in excitement, not carrying about the disappointed look from their other parent. "You timeout, you Decontamination spray Now, and You... I'm not angry, but I'm disappointed, " they state, which makes Rodimus face drop. "Nooo. That's worse!" He shouts only to have his bitlet laugh at his whining.
Seekers are the most parent of all cybertronians to the point that some trines work as a family system. Each seeker is a carrier to one seekling, but also being the sire to another or having one seeker who is the sire to two. But then their is the others who aren't spark bonded to others in their Trine, because tries can consist of siblings, cousins, parents or complete strangers so each trine is different. but the family works to train and care for all of them together. They speak in a pigeoned vosian, which is a mix of chirps, thrills, and other little vocial noises. They are also the most social. With large gatherings for sparklings to meet and also bond with others so that they can eventually find their own trine.
For example, I love the idea of Thundercracker and skywarp being brothers, but starscream is trine bonded with them.
Acid storm, Nova storm being a bonded couple who ended up with Sunstorm who is much younger who try care for as their sparkling.
Dirge, Thrust and ramjet who are all random Seeker's who became friends at a young age and are a trine but aren't together at all, they be the boys who go out on the town and wake up in their flat with a hangover and a random mech/ Seeker in their berth.
Nacelle trills lightly as the little seekers curled up in blankets and pillows. Wings fluttering in delight as he watches the little mechs curl up again each other. His two lovers chuckle softly, watching how me preens and chirps and thrills at his two little bitlets. One of his lovers moves closer to him, resting their helm against his backstruts as his wings flutter again. "They are just sleeping sweetspark you can step away. They aren't going anywhere," they call out to him. "I know, they are just..." he starts before his other lover calls back. "Fresh, I know and very you, but they are here finally, you don't have to stand guard all the time," They tease before leading him into the room towards the fluffed up berth. "I think that's enough playing guard for the night"
Link to second part for Megatron
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littlefireball · 3 months
ʜᴊ|ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴛɪᴏɴ (ᴍ)
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ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ! ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ
ꜱᴍᴜᴛ|ᴏʀᴀʟ (ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ)|ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx|ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ|ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ|ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴅʀᴀɴᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍᴀᴛɪᴄ ᴘᴏᴛɪᴏɴ|ʙᴏᴛʜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ ᴏɴ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ᴇxᴀᴍ ɪꜱ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ꜱᴏᴏɴ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴏᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ɪꜱ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴɢʀᴇᴅɪᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴘᴏᴛɪᴏɴꜱ, ꜱᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀꜱᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ "ᴍᴇɴᴛᴏʀ"-ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʏᴏᴜ. ʙᴜᴛ ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴜᴛᴏʀɪᴀʟ, ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴᴇᴅ…
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.3ᴋ
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"Oh, finally, you're here! I feel like I'm going to die," Hongjoong exclaimed, looking at your cluttered desk with a mixture of herbs and an unknown potion bubbling on the stove. He could tell you were struggling again.
"Why do you always end up like this?" he asked, shaking his head in disappointment. "I don't know. I followed the instructions for the potion, but it still failed," you sighed. "Clean up the desk first, then try making it again so I can see where the problem lies," he instructed.
As you quickly tidied up the desk and start following the potion-making instructions from the book, Hongjoong warned, "Don't turn up the heat."
"You added the wrong ingredient first, and don't turn up the heat."
"Wait, you missed a step. Don't turn up the heat!"
"Y/N, I specifically told you not to turn up the heat!"
With a loud 'bang,' the potion exploded once more, filling the room with thick smoke. Hongjoong swiftly waved his hand, dispelling the smoke with a few incantations. Coughing and tears streaming down your face, you assured him, "I'm fine." "I did warn you about turning up the heat," "I'm sorry," you mumbled, the desk now in disarray once again.
"Now I understand why you're struggling with this subject."
"Let's try again, and this time I'll demonstrate first," Lost in his gaze, you didn't hear his words.
While grumbling, Hongjoong helped you clean up the mess. You remained silent.
"I… well…" you hesitanted, at a loss for words, and continue cleaning quietly. You glanced at his handsome face, captivated by his sparkling eyes and fluttering eyelashes that made it hard to look away.
"Y/N? It's your turn to start," he reminded you.
"Oops, sorry," you blushed, feeling embarrassed. He chuckled and shaked his head, a gentle smile on his face.
"You need to put in more effort, or you won't pass this exam."
"Hmm…" you murmured, avoiding his gaze out of fear.
"Is there really such a medicine?"
"Hongjoong, do you think there's a medicine that can improve my memory?"
"What? Are you thinking of using some unconventional methods?"
"No! I really can't remember the recipe."
"No, don't think too much about it."
He has always been your mentor. Whenever you don't understand something, he is always there to help you. Even if its not related to academics, he will be by your side whenever you need him. In this long companionship, you have developed unique feelings for him, more than just friendship.
"I'll teach you step by step. Don't worry, with me here, your exam will be fine." You nodded, feeling warm from his words.
However, it seems that he doesn't have the same feelings towards you. He considers all the help he provides as something friends should do. Whenever there are ambiguous moments between you, he immediately changes the topic or avoids you. But this doesn't stop you from liking him. Yet, this love must remain hidden, or it will ruin your friendship.
"It seems like all the ingredients have been used up," he said.
"I can go fetch them from my storage room,"
"I'll go back to my dorm and get them myself. Who knows when you'll find them,"
"Okay, fine,"
He left your room and returned to his own dormitory, while you continued to tidy up the desk. After cleaning up, Hongjoong still hasn't returned. Looking at one failed potion after another, a sense of helplessness washes over you. The mischievous thought from earlier resurfaces in your mind — the memory potion.
You opened your computer and searched for "memory potion," but the results were all strange. But one particular title suddenly catched your attention.
The potion turned out to be even simpler than you imagined, at least easier than the exam content. In no time, you have successfully prepared the "memory potion."
"Make your memory forever." You curiously clicked on the link. This webpage introduces the exact potion you desire.
"I can't believe it actually exists!" You carefully read the introduction on the web page and followed the instructions to prepare the potion, eagerly anticipating the moment of success.
"Hmph, I thought it didn't exist! But now I have prepared it. Let me show you my improvement!" You swallowed the purple-pink potion in one gulp, feeling a cold shiver as it goes down. For some reason, you had a bad premonition.
"Alright, let's start revising!" You opened the recipe and prepared your notes. But suddenly, you felt dizzy and the surroundings seem to float in mid-air.
"Hmm…? Could it be the potion…?" You had a bad feeling and want to immediately drink the antidote to relieve the discomfort. But wait, the antidote? You didn't prepare an antidote for this potion!
"Y/N! I'm back! How is your progress?" Hongjoong rushed into the room, his hands full of bags of herbs and snacks, only to find you in distress. Your body was burning up, limbs weak, and a sense of discomfort filling you. He quickly knelt by your side, concern evident in his eyes.
"Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked, worry lacing his voice as he checked on you. His gaze fell on the web page displayed on your computer, and his expression turned to one of realization.
"These ingredients… when used together… shit!! That's a sex potion! Who the fuck writes this fucking title to distract others?!"
"You are so hot!? What happened… you…Make your memory forever? Did you mix up some unknown potion again?" Sharp-witted as he was, realising you drank some unknown potion. He quickly scanned the potion's composition and identified it as a sex potion, cursing under his breath at the misleading title.
"Joong…?" You heard his voice through your blurred consciousness and tried to call out his name.
"Y/N…" Before he could react, you grabbed his shoulders and leaned towards him, wanting to kiss him. Startled, he backed away, causing you to lose your balance and fell onto him.
His avoidance made you retreat. Great, you've ruined your friendship. He didn't like you at all, you were just a friend to him, nothing more. "I…" He hesitated unsure of what to say.
"No… I am wrong… You hate me, right?" In your dazed state, you said something nonsensical, tears filling your eyes. You struggled to get up, but your weak arms couldn't support your body, causing you to stumble and fell onto Hongjoong again.
"What are you talking about? Why would I hate you? You know, you're my… best friend…" His voice weakened as he mentioned the term "best friend," as if unsure if the words were correct. Is that all you are, just best friends? Is it really like that?
In reality, Hongjoong had already fallen for you, caring deeply for you in ways he couldn't fully express. He was afraid of crossing the line and jeopardizing your friendship, not realizing that his actions were unintentionally hurting you.
But sometimes, he's afraid to cross the line and ruin your friendship, so he avoids you. Little did he know that this action has unintentionally hurt you many times.
Both of you were fools.
"Ummm… I am so hot… Why…"
"That's a sex potion, Y/N. Why did you drink it?"
"Hmm… the antidote…"
"There's no antidote…" You wrapped your legs around Hongjoong's thighs, and the slight friction excited you even more. The heat intensified, urging you to continue to enjoy and pursue this sensation.
"Y/N…" But underneath you, Hongjoong also started to feel a reaction. He could feel his semi-hard cock pressing against your lower core.
"I've been struggling… Hongjoong… please… I want… help." You embraced his neck with both hands and leaned closer, the friction between your lower bodies making you both even hotter.
"Y/N… I…" Hongjoong, unable to resist any longer, cupped your face gently, his touch tender and affectionate. "Let me help you." As he leaned in to kiss you, a flood of emotions washed over both of you, blurring the lines between friendship and something more.
You let out a muffled sound, sliding your hands under his clothes and stroking his chest. You felt his right hand tracing its way over every part of your body, sending shivers down your spine.
He placed his hand on the back of your head and pushes you onto the ground, straddling you and pressing his lips against yours again. This kiss was gentle, careful not to hurt you. He paused and looked deeply into your eyes, having butterflies in his stomach but also the guilty─unsure if his actions are right and if you truly want this. He was afraid that once you wake up, this friendship would be destroyed, so he decided to speak the words that had been on his mind all this time.
"Y/N, I think I like you… I've been suppressing these feelings all along, afraid that you'd leave me…" Whether it was the effect of the potion or simply psychological, your heart raced, tears unknowingly streaming down your face as the pent-up emotions finally received a response.
"I…like you, joong."
He kissed you once more, igniting a fire within you that was hard to extinguish. Your lips meld together, a passionate dance that left you breathless. As his hand trailed down to your waist, he slowly undid your pants, slipping his fingers beneath your underwear and teasing you with delicate caresses.
The sensation was both ticklish and electrifying, causing you to moan softly and arch your hips in search of more. He pressed his knee between your legs, urging them apart to draw himself closer to you. The gentle friction of his body against yours sent shivers down your spine, building an exquisite tension between you.
"Hmmm… Please…"
"Patient, girl."
Aware of your growing need and desire, he quickened his movements. With practiced skill, he slides two fingers inside your cunt, expertly exploring your most sensitive areas. Your back arched in pleasure, a sultry moan escaping your lips.
"So wet for me. I wanna taste you. It must be delicious."
Leaving a trail of kisses along your jaw, collarbone, and stomach, he eventually reached your core. His tongue danced over your skin, tracing patterns of pleasure as he lavished attention on your clit. The sensation of his tongue and fingers working in tandem drove you to the edge, each touch sending waves of ecstasy through your body.
He licked over every part he can find, kissing it from the bottom to the top. You cry with joy and excitement as the heat rushes over you body. His fingers are so deep inside of you, even hitting your spot with different gestures and angles. You can feel your cunt become wetter and desire for more.
"Don't hold it, just come and you will feel better." Without warning, you reach your peak and all of your juices wet his mouth and nose.
"Are you better now?" You shake your head with discomfort. No, its not enough! Far from enough! Even if you climax, but the heat in your body keeping rising up and shows no sign of cooling down.
"No…no…please more, joong."
"Thats fucking potion…"
"Hmm…" You can't help but reach your cunt as the emptiness is hard to bear.
"Hey, just let me help you. Don't touch yourself." He kisses your clit again and repeats what he did. But you are never satisfied. You had already climax three times but the potion keep pushing you to the edge over and over again. You start to cry, tears flow down to the ground.
"Hey, hey. Don't cry, I'm here."
"Please, it is not enough."
"But I…"
"Please help me, joong…I need you."
He originally wanted to make you climax a few times so that the effects of the potion would wear off, but it seems to be in vain. If he doesn't have sex with you, the effects of the drug will last.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Let me fuck you hard."
He wipes the juices from his face and pulls down his pants and underwear just enough to free his cock. He presses his lower body against your entrance, slowly entering. The sudden satisfaction makes you sit up, holding Hongjoong tightly and laying back on the ground.
"Oh shit, I think I can't last long."
Hongjoong's thrusts are expertly aimed, hitting your G-spot with precision and sending waves of pleasure through your body. His intense gaze never wavers as he watches your every reaction, his movements synchronize with your own. Your breath quickens, and you arch your back in response to his skillful touch.
"You feel so good, babe… so tight around me," he whispers, his pace increasing with each thrust. The sound of your combined moans filled the room, drowning out any concerns about being overheard. Your nails dug into his skin as you hold onto him, lost in the moment of passionate connection.
As the effects of the potion begin to fade, your senses sharpens, and you find yourself fully present in the intimate moment. "Hongjoong…" you gasp, your voice fills with desire. He pauses, concern flickering in his eyes before he kisses you deeply, reigniting the fire between you. Without hesitation, he resumes his movements, and you clung to him, lost in the sensation of his wet kisses and the rhythm of your bodies moving as one.
On this night, you finally confirmed each other's feelings.
At the end of the web page, there is one sentence:
"Let these 7 minutes in heaven be the best moment in your life. MAKE THIS MEMORY FOREVER."
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xfgpng · 1 year
them reacting to you texting —: “come put it deep in my stomach”
— : [NSFW] : name calling, rough sex,spanking,squirting, fingering, creampie, pussy slapping, overstimulation+ very unrealistic cervix fucking
|| eren, jean, sanzu, ran, suna&iwaizumi
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EREN — •
he was one hand wrapped around your throat while the other hand is firmly gripping your hip. it’s bordering on painful but you can’t even think straight let alone speak.
“what, suddenly you can’t speak baby?”
he chuckles darkly, fucking you harder into the mattress. you’re moaning just the way he likes it and it’s only been 2 rounds, he was determined to teach you a lesson about trying to rile him up.
you were always doing something to get under his skin so he’d gladly give you exactly what you were asking for. he slapped your ass hard before pushing your face into your pillows. you feel the head of his dick brushing against your cervix with each hard thrust.
“be a good fucking slut and take this dick”
JEAN — •
he’s not surprised when he sees your name pop up on his screen. he’s already preparing to come see you right after work but when he reads what you’ve said, he bites back a groan.
he’s not too happy with having to drive 20 minutes to your place with his dick straining in his work slacks. he doesn’t even bother taking it off, unbuckling his belt so he’s able to grab his dick out.
“on your knees baby, please”
he’s just so horny and he needs to be inside you. there’s not much else going on in his head after that text. he’s determined to fuck you until you’re crying. he’s got all night.
“i can’t hear you slut, what was that?
“too much” you cry out, legs shaking from your previous orgasm
“yeah” he scoffs, “you were all talk but you can’t even take my fucking fingers”
“how can you handle my dick hm?”
he doesn’t like when you tease him. it’s hard to get anything done and mikey gets on his ass when he’s not focused so when he has to finish another hour before he can see you, he’s pissed and he plans to take it out on your body the entire night.
he slaps your pussy when you try to close your legs.
“open wide baby, take this dick like you asked for it”
RAN — •
he forces you to bounce on his cock. he has a tight grip on your hips and his other hand is between your legs, circling your clit.
it’s almost too much and he’s so deep that you feel him in your throat but ran doesn’t care. he loves to see you struggle to take all of him.
but you’re a big girl and you can handle it.
“too much baby?”
when you nod he simply chuckles, biting his lip to stifle a groan.
“that’s okay because my girl can take it”
SUNA — •
“rin!” you scream, squirting all over his abs but he doesn’t mind. in fact, it just makes him harder, dick moving impossibly faster inside you. it feels so good and he just can’t stop even if he tries to.
he knows you can handle it. you would’ve told him if it was too much but you were the one who asked for this and he was more than happy to oblige, ever the doting boyfriend.
“shit baby, stop squeezing so fucking hard”
he won’t stop until you’re making a mess all over him again. he loves to see you fall apart for him.
he’s not stopping until you pass out. he’s got a lot of pent up energy even after a long day. he’s a physical trainer for a reason so he’ll work you out as long as he wants to.
he’s also willing to fuck you both into overstimulation, filling you so much that it starts to leak out even with him still deep inside you.
he loves the feeling of his cum dripping out of you and it’s really your own fault. you can’t just text him dirty things without expecting consequences.
he’s definitely deep in your stomach and you’ll feel him for days.
“such a good girl” he moans, never one to shy away from letting you know just how good your pussy feels.
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wonbriiize · 11 months
pairing; anton x reader
genre; fluff, friends to lovers
warning; a little bit of cursing
note; i thought i should try to write about another member in riize than just wonbin, so here is my first anton story !! hope u guys like it :)
bound to happen
in which you go ice skating with your friends but it’s your first time so you’re struggling and falling a lot. one of your friends (anton) can‘t see you hurting yourself because it pains him, so he rushes over to help you…
“hey, don‘t leave me here alone,” you scream over to your friends who left you as soon as you all stepped on the ice. “oh, you will be fine,” sungchan screams while starting to skate backwards. of course he is good at ice skating, he is good at everything.
you try to step forward with one foot but your legs are shaking too much and you almost fall. it’s making you angry that you can‘t balance yourself.
people say that ice skating is easy if you can rollerblade, but why is it not working for you then? you loved rollerblading when you were a child. hell, you’d even consider yourself somewhat talented in it. angrily, you start rushing forward because you think that might help you find balance. obviously, it doesn’t. you just end up falling on the ground.
“*y/n*! are you okay? let me help you!” anton skates over to you. he has been observing you the whole time but he thought he should let you try ice skating out by yourself at first instead of directly approaching you to help. but seeing you fall down, it made him feel like he just fell down himself. it hurt him.
“thank you,” anton helps you up and you shake off the snow from your clothes. “no thanks needed. if you want, i can teach you how to ice skate,” anton offers with a shy smile, scratching the back of his head.
he‘s so adorable when he does that, you think.
“i would love that,” you smile at him. “but if you would rather go and have fun you shouldn’t waste your time with me.”
“being with you is never a waste of time,” anton shyly says. you can tell that he’s embarrassed by saying this so you just smile and nod, ignoring all the butterflies he has given you just now.
anton skates in front of you, softly grabs both of your hands and starts pulling you forward. it’s actually working, you’re actually moving. well, anton is pulling you so you’re not actually doing a lot by yourself, but still, at least you’re not falling down.
“wohooo, anton, i see you stepping up your game,” seunghan is skating so fast, he flashes past the two of you followed by sohee who’s grinning like crazy. anton rolls his eyes, acting unbothered but you can see that his cheeks are becoming even more red than they actually are (because of the cold).
after a few minutes of letting yourself get pulled by anton, you stop him. ”okay, i think i‘m ready to try it on my own.” “really? are you sure?” anton looks deep into your eyes and you can tell that he’s actually concerned. it makes you feel warm inside. he cares about me, you think.
“yes, i will give it a try.”
anton softly squeezes your hands before he lets you go. “you got this.”
falling in front of anton would be the most embarrassing thing ever so you’re really trying your hardest.. and it’s actually going well. you lift up your feet, one by one and after a few more minutes, you are actually sliding smoothly over the ice.
“oh my god, i did it!” you couldn’t be happier.
anton catches up with you, also having the biggest smile on his face. “you’re doing so well.”
“i learned from the best,” you say, grabbing after anton’s hand. it shocks him at first because he didn’t expect it, but he‘s fine with it.
anton would never have a problem with holding your hand. it’s what he has always wanted to do. it’s what he keeps wanting to do in the future, too.
“well, you weren’t so bad to begin with, you just needed a little help,” anton gives you an encouraging smile while the two of you slide over the ice together.
your other friends are watching you two intensely, knowing that this was bound to happen sooner or later.
anton and you were bound to happen.
shotaro and wonbin approach you two with the biggest grin on their face.
“so i guess anton finally had the guts to tell you that he likes you,” shotaro wiggles his eyebrows.
wait, what? anton likes me? you are surprised. in the best way possible.
“now we don‘t have to listen to him talk about how he should confess to you every second of the day,” wonbin somewhat sounds thankful to you when he says that.
“anton, why is your face so red? it’s not that cold,” shotaro asks, looking confused.
you look at anton whose face is almost as red as a tomato. you didn’t think that it was possible for a human to turn this red.
“wait a minute,” wonbin‘s eyes widen. it looks like a lightbulb lit up above his head. “he hasn’t told you yet, has he?”
you try not to laugh, because you’re actually finding this whole situation hilarious, knowing that anton probably wants to sink into the ground at this very moment.
“i would have if you two wouldn’t have interrupted us,” anton glares at them. he actually sounds mad. it’s the first time you hear him talk like that because usually he’s very soft-spoken and doesn’t get angry easily.
“holy shit,” shotaro joins wonbin in widening his eyes too. they look at each other, back to anton and you, and then again at each other. “we should go,” wonbin suggests and shotaro nods hysterically. “sorry anton,” they say in unison and seconds later, the two are nowhere to be seen within your sight.
you turn to anton, not letting go of his hand. he lowered his head, avoiding your gaze. you don’t want him to feel awkward so you give him a little squeeze, just like he did to you before.
anton can’t look you in the eyes though, he is totally embarrassed. he had his whole confession planned out in his head after discussing it with shotaro and wonbin for hours.. days even. he keeps asking himself why they’d destroy the plan after helping him come up with it. he knows they had no bad intentions, but still, it annoyed him.
it was actually anton’s idea to go ice skating. he knew that you didn’t know how to do it so he thought that it’s the perfect opportunity to spend more time with you. he strictly told the others that they‘re not allowed to help you because he wants to be the one to do so. he had planned to confess to you at the end of the day but well.. what did eunseok once tell him? plans are meant to go wrong.
“i feel the same way,” you say.
anton raises his head up super fast, not believing what you just said.
“well, if what shotaro said is true, then i want you to know that i like you too.”
now, anton is surprised. he had hoped that you’d feel the same way, but actually hearing you say it catches him offguard.
“it’s true,” anton says, smiling at you.
“well, then just ask me out on a date already,” you pout which makes anton laugh.
“*y/n*, would you go out on a date with me?”
to tease him, you let go of his hand and skate away. not fast because you’re still not feeling too safe on the ice, but compared to how you were skating a while ago, you were doing way better.
you turn around to see anton standing at the same spot, looking perplexed, not knowing what to do.
“you have to catch me to get an answer,” you stick out your tongue towards him and start skating even further away.
it doesn’t take anton long to catch up with you though. obviously. he is the better (and much faster) skater between the two of you.
anton pulls you into his arms, his chin resting on your head (since he‘s way taller than you).
“got you,” he whispers. “what’s your answer?” he distances himself a little from you so now he can look down to you.
you decide that after this little chase, he deserves to hear the answer.
“yes, i would love to go on a date with you.”
anton doesn’t let you go. instead, he wraps his arms around you even more and you let him. because you feel safe. because being this close to him makes you feel things you’ve never felt before.
and it also makes you forget that you’re in the middle of the ice rink right now, your knees feeling weak because of anton. you fear that if he lets you go, you will fall down.
“just promise me you won’t let go,” you look up to him, noticing that his face is even more handsome this close up.
antons smile only grows bigger once he sees you looking at him.
“i would never,” he says, pulling you even closer, if that’s possible.
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karamad · 6 months
late night practicing hours
pairings: sub!momo x dom!reader
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cw: degradation, humiliation, smut, slight age gap momo has a dick for the anti g!p ppl
noticed theres almost no sub momo fics:/:/ illegal i fear! lets change it
you've been dancing for the past 3 hours without a break in sight. your new dance teacher, apparently one of the best there is, was too mesmerized by your tits to focus on teaching you actual dance moves..
of course you noticed, but you tried to ignore it. your next big performance isnt far after all, you need to be perfect. you were struggling with a particular move that required your hands but even with momo demonstrating it you couldnt seem to master it. "could you maybe guide me trough it?" you asked her. that question alone already turned her brain to mush.. she'll get to touch you??
"uhm.. sure, i can do that..!"
she slowly steps right behind you and takes your hands into hers. "watch closely please" you hear her say before moving your hands with hers. although you were starting to grasp it you suddenly felt something poke your ass? maybe she had something in her pocket you thought.. but you were proven wrong when you accidentally bucked your ass into her crotch and heard a soft whimper in your ear.. momo got a hard-on. so many thoughts go trough your head in one second- should you ignore it? you tried brushing it off but when you heard a whimper fall from her lips once again you turned around with a stern face. "unnie... did you seriously get turned on from watching me dance?"
"n-no.." she mustered out in such a quiet tiny voice. cute. you look down and grab her bulge softly "whats this then?"
she looks away in embarrassment, she can't believe she got hard because of a girl shes training, what a disgrace. you start squeezing her harder, forcing a whimper out of her "are you really that much of a slut that you get hard because of your student?" she tries to turn around and run away to avoid the situation she put herself in but you tightly hug her waist from behind. "cant run away now unnie.. lets finish what you started." you whispered in her ear.
she thinks about giving in once you start kissing her neck, making sure you're leaving marks all over. she cant control herself, thoughts full of only your mouth on her body. "please" she mutters out.
you grin "do you think youre in any position to ask for anything? you should be happy im even touching a pervert like you."
you know shes strong, you know she could easily overpower and push you away, but she doesnt. she pushes into you, needing more. you slowly pull her pants down, softly groping her over her boxers. "please.. please more" she begs. you consider it, you really do, but she's so fun to mess with. you push her against a wall "please what unnie?" she whimpers again. "please touch me more mommy"
you take her cock out of her boxers. "open up baby" you whisper, holding your fingers in front of her mouth. before she can fully open her mouth you push your fingers so deep into her mouth having her suck on them. "be quiet and take it like the slut you are." bringing your hands down you start pumping her hard cock.
she keeps moaning so loud as you jerk her off.. "hm? want everyone to hear how much of a slut you are for your student?" she shakes her head murmuring a small no.
you notice her breathing becoming irregular "coming so fast?" you pout at her, but she doesnt answer. "answer when you're spoken to" you said, turning her head to you harshly. poor girl looks so lost in pleasure, begging for a kiss from you. you smirk finally placing your lips on hers, immediately starting to explore her mouth with your tongue. "c-coming" she says softly. you continue pleasuring her "it's okay baby, let it out"
she comes with a long whine, shaking in your arms. "shh its okay love, i got you" you whisper, holding her tightly in your arms.
"let's get you cleaned up yeah?"
a/n: repost AGAIN🥰 third times the charm if g!p annoys you so much write it urself! quit whining and get to writing
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aaronhotchswife · 10 months
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Drew Starkey X Female Reader
Chapter 2
Warnings : alcohol, panick attack, angst, want to give the reader a hug, smut, loss of virginity
If you missed chapter 1
"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter." - James Earl Jones
Y/N's point of view
I'm at Madelyn's, curled up on the couch with a hot tea in my hands. I don't want to go home, because I know that Drew will be there, with Odessa probably. I don't have the strength to see him. Even if at the same time, he is the only person I want to see.
I now know what heart break feels like and I now know that I have to teach my heart to accept disappointments, even from the people I love, even from him.
Madelyn is sitting next to me, playing with my hair. I respond to the worried texts of my friends, saying that I'm okay and that I'm sorry to have ruined their night. They are all understanding and tell me to have a great trip at my parents for the holidays, and to take time for myself. I respond to all of them except Drew. I just write him that I'm at Madelyn's and that I'll pass by tomorrow to get my suitcase for the holidays. I ignore his texts asking me what happened. I just answer him to have a great Christmas before turning off my phone and go to sleep.
Drew's point of view
I think I'm in love with Y/N since I saw her for the first time. When everyone got cast, we had dinner at the restaurant to get to know each other. I was sitting with the boys, talking about what we liked in life, when I saw her, making her way to the table. She was wearing a yellow summer dress with white converses. Her hair was tied up in a effortless ponytail, and I swear that in that moment, I saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
But I think that I truly fell in love with her 3 months after we met. We were walking in the city, and we saw a kid looking for his parents. Without hesitation, she made her way to him, kneeling at his height, asking him if he needed help. The kid was inconsolable so she sat with him, telling him stories and making him laugh until his parents found him again. In that moment, I knew. I knew that she could have broke my heart in a thousand pieces and I would've been grateful.
Since that day, three years ago, it always been the two of us, until tonight.
So when I arrive at Madelyn's apartment, I want nothing more than to have answers. I feel sick to think I could've put her in that state. I knock at her door, rubbing my hands in my face. When she opens the door, I can see how annoy she is at me.
"She's sleeping."
"Ok, then tell her I passed by and that I want to talk. Please," we're both surprised by my shaking voice. "What the hell happened out there ?"
"Maybe you should ask that to your friend Odessa, Drew. I know she is your friend, but you should've seen the state Y/N was. Getting humiliated like that in front of her friends, in front of you."
"In front of me?" I struggled to ask, my brows furrowed.
"Please Drew," she chuckled coldly. "As if she wanted you to know that she was a virgin. I'll let her know you passed by, but you need to let her some space, she has a lot on her mind right now."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You should go, Drew, she'll talk to you when she's ready."
I leave her house, cursing to myself. When I go to bed that night, I can't stop thinking about her, about us, about how I lost something I never had.
Y/N's point of view
I leave Madelyn's apartment early this morning, figuring out that if I go to our apartment early enough, chances will be that Drew will still be asleep. I guessed right because when I unlock the door, I can hear him snoring lightly.
As I'm driving to my parents' house, I put my Christmas playlist on shuffle, question to get into the mood. As I get on the highway, the song Blue Christmas by The Lumineers starts playing. I feel like it's the first time in my life where I can really relate to this song. My mind starts to wonder, how will Drew's Christmas will be like. How will my Christmas be like. I can feel the tears burning my eyes as I try my best to stay concentrated on the road.
I'm sitting on the sofa; my parents and my brother are talking about something I can't decipher. I'm scrolling on my phone, through Instagram. My heart skips a beat when I see a picture that Mackayla posted. I look at the picture, where Drew all smiling, is photographed with his family. I read the caption as it says "Merry Christmas from our family to yours.'' I double tap on it, liking it, even if it feels as if my heart throws itself down the 18th floor to see him smile like that.
Drew's point of view
Christmas sucks this year. I try my best to act like everything is fine, to act as if she's not mad at me. But my mind keeps wandering and I keep asking myself why she acted like that. I mean, sure what Odessa did was not nice, but I keep asking myself what was the meaning behind Madelyn's words.
''Drew!'' Brooke's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, ''We're opening the gifts!''
I sit on the floor, watching my mom handing me a gift. I unwrap it, finding an air fryer under the paper. Before I can say anything, my mom almost screams, ''It's for you and Y/N! I know how you both love easy and quick cooking.''
I laugh slightly, trying to push away the thought that I miss her, that I love her, and that I hope that our friendship can pass through whatever happened that night.
Y/N ‘s point of view
As I come home 2 days later, I see Drew laying on his bed, reading a book. I feel my heart throbbing in my chest, and weirdly, for the first time, I don’t know how to act around him. A mix of thoughts is spinning around in my head, and I find myself wondering if I should apologize to him for how I acted at the bar. Madelyn told me how he went to her apartment to have answers and I can’t imagine how bad he must’ve felt.
He must have felt that I was standing in the doorframe of his room because he turned his head, looking at me with so much gentleness, as if he was afraid to break me just with his gaze.
''Hi.'' I say, making an effort to keep my voice steady.
I make my way to him, laying next to him on the bed.
He clears his throat before speaking again, ''how was your Christmas?''
''T'was fun,'' I answer, my eyes focused on his bedroom's ceiling, ''what about yours?''
''Was great, my mom says hi,'' he smiles.
''We should talk,'' we say at the same time.
Drew chuckled softly, and for the first time since I'm laying next to him, I stop looking at the ceiling, looking at him instead.
''I feel like I owe you an apology for how I acted at the bar,'' I say, my voice not even louder than a whisper. But I know he heard me he interrupts me.
''No, I should apologize. I should've done something while you were having a panick attack. Does it happen often ?''
Drew's point of view
I look into her eyes as I ask my question. I can see her breath getting stuck in her chest.
''It's fine if you don't want to talk about it,'' I say, giving her an occasion of changing subject.
''No, it's ok,'' she answers, ''I used to happen a lot more when I was younger. I used to do them when there were a lot of people or noises. But the one a couple of days ago was the first in a long time. I thought I was getting better, I honestly did. But sometimes, I just lay in bed at 3 am, trying to figure out what is wrong with me and why I'm never enough.''
''I'm sorry,'' I say to her. I truly feel sorry for her, because I know that she can't see herself the way I see her. So strong, always there for the others, always happy. I'm cursing mentally to not have realized how she was doing.
''You don't have to be sorry Drew.''
My hand reaches for hers and my gaze goes from her eyes to her lips. I can see hers do the same. I just want to close that gap between our lips. But before I can do anything, she turns her head, excusing herself and leaving me alone in my room.
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ghostie-in-wonderland · 3 months
Kento Nanami x f!reader - Happy House
Fluff; Reader is referred to as a mother-figure and called mom
Part 2 here!
I heard the door open, my heart filling with joy as I turned running to the door. “Ken!” I shouted, giggling as I ran over, his arms catching me with little struggle as our lips met for a quick kiss. I looked up at him, my lips pulled into a large smile. “You’re home.” I whispered. He nodded his head, a gentle smile on his lips. 
“I am, my love.” He whispered back. I looked seeing a pink haired boy, Yuji Itadori. I knew of him. “This is Yuji Itadori. Gojo is keeping him hidden from the higher ups and the school right now. I figured you wouldn’t mind if he came home for dinner.” I nodded my head. 
“He’s more than welcome!” I said, smiling at Yuji. “Hello Itadori, I’m (name).” I said, ushering him into the apartment. “Ken rarely brings students over.” I said, turning and grabbing plates. Kento taking them to set the table. 
“Thank you for letting me stay!” He said cheerfully. I nodded my head. 
“Of course, sweetie.” I said, waving my hand. “I made Katsudon, that’s okay with you right? I can make you something else if you’d prefer?” I asked. He shook his head. I nodded. “Wonderful! So how long have you been at Jujutsu High?” 
“I started not long ago, but then I got killed. Gojo and Nanamin have been teaching me Jujutsu.” He said. I looked at him worried with how okay with it he seemed. I looked to Kento who shook his head. I smiled at Yuji. 
“Isn’t Jujutsu weird? I feel like I had so many weird different days.” I said, trying to differ the conversation. I turned grabbing the items for dinner, Yuji helping me bring it to the table. 
“You were a sorcerer?” He asked. I nodded my head. 
“Technically I still am. The higher ups don’t tend to send me out.” I said, shrugging. 
“What’s your technique?” He asked. 
“I have two, they’re called the Soul and the Mind Techniques.” I said, sitting down next to Kento, Yuji sitting on the other side. He tilted his head. I motioned for him to help himself, the boy quickly plating his food. “I can control souls and minds of people and curses.” I explained. He looked up surprised. 
“What? So you’re a special grade, right?” He asked. I nodded my head, giving him a polite smile. 
“I am yes. However, I am currently out of commission due to the higher-ups suspending me from missions.” I said. He looked at me confused. I shrugged. “I accidentally may have nearly killed a higher-up who went on the mission with me.” Kento sighing.
“Love, you threw him into a brick wall.” 
“He should have stopped his body from hitting the wall.” I said, Yuji stifling a laugh. The three of us moving into a casual conversation about their day. 
I smiled at the pink-haired boy as I stepped into the room. His friends were making him hold a picture frame around his face. “You really shouldn’t have gone with Gojo’s idea, sweetie.” I said, everyone turning to me. The second years cheering my name, while Megumi explained who I was to Nobara. 
“It sounded like a good idea.” He mumbled. I giggled, shaking my head. I looked around the room. 
“Well, either way, you all better win. I have a bet going with Utahime.” I said, smiling. “Don’t tell my husband though.” The group nodding their heads. I looked to Yuji. “Is everything going well?” I asked him. He nodded his head, smiling at me as he stood up. I nodded my head. “Good, I’ll see you later. Be sure to win!” I said, he nodded his head again. 
“I’ve got this!” He said. I giggled, saying goodbye to everyone and heading to the viewing room. Gojo walking in step with me. 
“So how’s the happy couple?” He teased. I laughed, shaking my head. 
“We’re good.” I said, looking up at him. “How are you doing?” He shrugged. I frowned. “Please let me know if you need anything Gojo.” He looked down at me, before nodding. 
“Of course (name)-chan! You’re the only one who’s strong enough to fight me on a daily basis!” He cheered. I smiled at him shaking my head. 
The knock resounded on the door. Ken looking at it confused as I laughed, hopping up. I walked over opening it up. “Yuji!” I cheered, pulling the boy in for a hug. The boy accepting it quickly. 
“Itadori, is everything okay?” Ken asked. He nodded. 
“(Nickname) invited me to dinner!” He said, smiling up at Kento. Ken’s eyes changing slightly, a warm look in them as he nodded his head. 
“Come on in.” I said, ushering Yuji in. The boy excitedly walking into the home, sitting on the couch, excitedly talking to Kento, who nodded his head, patiently listening. I leaned my head on my hand as I admired how he treated the boy. The three of us eventually moving to the table as the boy continued to talk to us, clearly feeling comfortable in the apartment. He eventually stood next to me helping me clean the dishes as Kento put them away. 
“How is Todo?” I said jokingly. He laughed, shrugging. “So Yuji, is there anyone special in your life?” I asked. He shook his head. “Really?” I asked, the boy blushing as he scratched the back of his head. “Oh come on, Yuji, you can always tell me.” I said, giggling. 
“Mommm.” He said, dragging out the last syllable, when the three of us all paused, silence filling the air. My eyes widening as my heart filled with pride. He sees me as his mom? He sees me as his mom! My hands shaking with nerves and excitement.
“D-do you see me as a mother-figure?” I asked him, a smile stretching onto my face. His face turning red as he nodded, happy tears filling my eyes. My stomach twisting with joy. “Ken! Yuji sees me as a mother-figure.” I said, excitedly pulling Yuji into a hug as he let out a laugh, hugging me back. He sees me as his mom! I hugged him tighter, my body feeling warm and happy at that revelation. His arms tightly holding me, as if scared this was a dream. Ken smiling in the reflection of the microwave. I waited until the boy pulled away, a smile on his face. His eyes showing happiness and relief. Mine showing joy and Ken's showing a certain warmth while looking at the two of us. My family may be considered weird, but I couldn't ask for anything different... I would never want it any different.
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sc0tters · 1 year
Teach Me | Mackie Samoskevich
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summary: when Mackie learns of your struggles he finds a way for you both to win.
request: yes/no
trope: lessons in bed
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving), swearing.
word count: 1.76k
authors note: first off kei thanks for helping with this and I’m sorry that I didn’t do it justice. This piece just didn’t click with me tonight but I really wanted to get it out for you all. So thanks for reading as an build the celly up.
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Mackie knew that it was wrong.
The way he thought about you as his room went dark each night, how your laugh made him feel. But worse of all how Mackie let out a cheer when he realised that Spencer was being sent to the AHL. Yes all of it was wrong.
But as your boyfriend left you in the state of Florida with Mackie as your next door neighbour, he couldn’t help but feel like the universe was on his side.
You two had grown close, the daily dinners together helped that bond grow. By the end of October Mackie was your favourite person in the state.
So naturally he was the man who eventually heard about the struggles you didn’t want to share with your boyfriend.
Spencer was a great guy, don’t get you wrong. But he was as vanilla as they came, especially when the distance came into play. Phone calls about your days ended in ‘I love yous’ and you knew you should have been happy about it.
Yet you wanted him to tell you how he pictured his hand around his cock being your mouth instead. The two videos you had tried to send Spencer with you wearing nothing in them it only had your boyfriend requesting that you stopped sending those to him.
To say that you were a mess of horny nerves was an understatement “you okay?” Mackie asked snapping his fingers in front of you.
You had taken him up on the offer of going to the gym in your apartment building together, ironically the offer came up minutes after your vibrator decided to stop working “yep.” No you weren’t. Mackie was in his compression shirt and some shorts that left little to the imagination.
His curls stuck to the top of his forehead “you know you can tell me the truth.” Mackie smiled putting his weight down to crouch between your legs as you were still sat on a weight bench.
It made you feel guilty how you enjoyed the way his eyes looked at you “I miss having someone between my legs!” You blurted out quickly slapping your hand over your mouth feeling grateful that nobody else was in the gym.
Mackie’s eye almost popped out of his head “you’re going to need to elaborate f’me princess.” His voice was soft as he pulled your hand away from your face so that he could hear you again.
The gesture calmed your nerves “you promise you won’t judge me?” You were dangerously close to telling him everything at its most unfiltered “I promise.” The hockey player moved to your side joining you on the bench.
You sighed fiddling with the ends of your braid “Spence seems like he’s no longer sexually attractive to me and my vibrator decided to break this morning-” your cheeks reddened as your ramble worsened “did you finish?” Mackie crossed his arms.
“Did you finish?”
All you needed to do was shake your head to make him smile “even when I do it’s not the same.” The feeling of someone’s cock in your cunt was truly never going to be replaced by the device that you now swore hated you “do girls like being gone down on?” Mackie’s question was genuine causing you to hold back a laugh “have you never gone down before?” He shook his head staying quiet until it seemed like he had a light bulb go off above his head “I think I have an idea that could help us both.”
You practically followed Mackie downstairs to his apartment like you were a lost dog as you followed him back “what do you say?” His suggestion made sense to you, you got your release and he got the practice.
The environment was safe, you two were comfortable and you both needed this. All signs pointed to yes “what about Spence?” Sure you knew your thoughts about the boy in front of you weren’t pure but you still loved your boyfriend “what he doesn’t know won’t kill him.” Mackie shrugged causing you to nod “let’s do it.”
His room had a similar layout to yours. It smelt of smoke oak and a candle you swore you had given him “you sure you’re okay with this?” Mackie watched as you sat on his bed.
You smiled at his care “c’mere Mackie.” You held your finger up at him motioning for him to come over to you.
The hockey player smirked as your cool fingers ran up the inside of his shirt “shit baby.” The American groaned as he leaned down.
Kissing you was everything he thought it would be. His lips were rough against yours his tongue slide over your lip making you gasp.
He pulled away to look at you “won’t make you wait for this.” Mackie smiled shifting his attention to your leggings “your ass looks so fucking good in these.” He confessed making your cheeks redden “Mackie-” you groaned feeling his hands run up your now bare thighs.
Mackie smirked “tell me what you want?” His lips pressed against your skin making you forget how to speak English “your tongue.” You begged watching as his fingers hooked in your waistband of your panties “where baby?” The boy watched as you grabbed at his sheets.
Your bare cunt faced him making him lick his lips “on my cl-clit.” Your voice was shaky as he wearily ran his tongue over the sensitive nub “fuck!” You groaned almost jumping in the process.
Mackie was quick to pull away as he thought he had done something wrong “go softer,” you pleaded sticking your tongue out in the way you want him to do so. The hockey player nodded repeating his actions with your instructions “right there.” You nearly melted into his mattress as he watched you silently taking that as approval.
His tongue lay flat against your slit “use it like your fingers.” You remembered that you were meant to be teaching him “fuck my pussy.” You instructed him wrapping your fingers in his hair.
You gasped feeling his tongue thrust into your cunt as his nose hit your clit “Jesus Mackie!” You cried feeing his fingers move to your pussy “you liking that baby?” Mackie cooed focusing his tongue on your clit once more.
This allowed him to thrust his fingers at a quicker pace drawing louder noises from your lips “y-yeah.” You nodded bringing your hand to cover your mouth “let me hear you.” The hockey player clicked his tongue as he focused on getting you close.
As your thighs wrapped around his head Mackie couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t done this before “I’m gonna come.” You announced not even caring about how quickly you grew close to your high.
Mackie continued to suck at your clit occasionally laying his tongue flat causing you to arch your back “don’t stop.” You begged driving your hips into his face as your body shook letting pleasure wash over you.
The boy didn’t stop his movements until you were pulling his face up to yours “fucking hell,” you mumbled not wasting time to kiss him.
Mackie enjoyed how your release tasted on his tongue “so sweet,” his voice was soft “you’re a good listener.” You were quick to compliment him letting your eyes flash down to the bulge in his shorts.
It seemed that the boy want get all embarrassed but you stopped him “think you deserve a reward.” You mumbled bringing him onto the bed with you.
In that moment he swore he was in heaven. Watching you let his cock go free from his pants only really bringing him back to reality when you let your cunt sink down on his cock “you’re so big.” You were both far too focused on the pleasure that soaked the room to care that he was fucking you raw “oh my god.” Mackie groaned watching you pull your shirt over your head leaving you both naked now.
His eyes stuck to your nipples particularly the one highlighted with a titanium bar “been hiding this beauty.” The hockey player didn’t waste time bringing his lips to it.
Your head fell back as your eyes screwed shut “making me feel so good.” You gasped occasionally hitting your clit against his torso as you rode his cock.
The room began to feel sticky as your hands went to his chest softly running up his abs “you like them baby?” Mackie smiled kissing up your neck as he held back a smirk at your responsiveness.
The two of you had been quiet for the most part as you enjoyed the peace that you got. Softy savouring each and every second of this like there was a small part of you that knew this couldn’t happen again.
A cry left your lips as you brought your hand down to rub your “you feel me in there?” Mackie’s hand pressed against your stomach making you nod “yeah.” Your mouth formed an o.
Now just because Mackie wasn’t used to eating girls out it certainly didn’t mean that he didn’t know that face, you were close.
Which was a good thing because the way your cunt squeezed his cock he was not far behind you “I know baby you can let it go.” The hockey player’s words seemed to let you drop your face into the nook of his neck.
His fingers dug into your hips as you whined finally coming for the second time in the night “oh my god.” Mackie had to held guide your body as it shuddered above him “holy shit!” The boy let out a grunt as your cunt clenched around him causing his cock to throb as he came.
Mack used his fingers to brush your hair out of your face “you okay?” He asked with his chest still heaving as he recovered from his orgasm “never better,” you nodded sending him a smile before you kissed his lips.
12 weeks later
You knew something was off, you hadn’t felt well and all of the possibilities of what could be causing this you had crossed off.
Well all but one. Your period had yet to come and was now eight weeks late.
So there you sat on the floor of your bathroom waiting for the alarm to go off.
It pulled your attention away from your gaze as your alarm went off.
Yet the thing that made you feel worse was that tonight was your first time seeing Spencer since he got sent to the AHL.
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