#^just a hc of mine obvi
saiki's gloves are so thin that realistically he can probably feel textures pretty well, tho there's always gonna be a degree of dulling when you have smth on your hand. that aside if i want to angst abt saiki not being able to really truly touch things i will
anyway isn't it so fucked up that one of the only times kusuo gets to properly feel things is when the heat of the volcano is literally burning his gloves off his hands
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rcdiostcrs · 1 year
mills deals with his claiming.
(part one “being claimed”)
triggers: self harm (cutting) mentions, insecurity
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Mills didn’t know if he was upset or glad that no one mentioned the wings on his back when he walked back into the dining pavilion. Everything had calmed down and the meal was wrapping up. It was cleanup and break time, but soon it would be evening campfire. And evening campfire would see Mills separated from the family he had built in the Ares cabin. He knew he had to appreciate what little time he had left with his brother while it lasted.
He stood in line with the Ares kids as they walked back to Cabin Five.
When he got to the door, Mills got slammed back by the frame. He raised an eyebrow before realizing that it wasn’t done by some divine power—Ares trying to keep peace away from the kids of war—but rather it was just his wings being a nuisance already. They made him bigger than the doorframe.
The brunette tried to will them away like Eirene said could be done, but they stayed.
Instead of fighting with his new limbs or the doorway, Mills grabbed his new whiteboard and started writing.
He knocked one the doorframe so someone would look at him to communicate. “[Hey, can someone pack up my stuff? I’d do it, but I don’t fit.]”
Owen looked up at the sound. “Sure bro.” He didn’t look too happy about kicking Mills out of the cabin, but that was just how camp worked. Godly relations came before adoptive ones, so Mills had to leave. It didn’t matter that it made Owen’s blood boil—his brother had to leave.
Soon enough, Mills’s late May through early August life was in a suitcase, ready to be moved to Cabin Thirty after the evening campfire. The suitcase was left just inside the door so it was safe from theft (Hermes kids were ruthless and Mills didn’t expect all of them to respect cabin integrity), but easy enough for the winged boy to grab when the time came.
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Evening campfire was delayed—no doubt to prepare for the ceremony of getting a camper to switch cabins, the celebration of being claimed.
Mills dared not complain. It gave him more time with his brother. More time with his cabin mates the Ares kids.
“[I don’t want to be claimed.]” It felt like a sin to let the words into the air—like they would get him smited by a god who could give the world peace if her father allowed—but Mills still wrote them and let Owen read them.
The brothers stared across the lake, where an hour previous Mills was gaining two extra limbs and losing his family.
“I don’t want you to be claimed either,” his brother said.
“[If only I hadn’t shown violence. If only I had stayed harmless.]”
“Yeah, well...” he trailed off. “Can’t change the past. Can only move forward.”
“[Yeah. We can only go forward.]”
Even with the delays, that evening’s campfire came.
Mills thought about finding a way to hide somewhere—maybe even leave camp entirely, the Mist would hide him enough. If he hid for long enough, people would forget, he could remove the wings, and he could go back to being unclaimed. He could go back to everything he knew.
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“Don’t do it.” Mills didn’t turn. He would know his brother’s voice anywhere and after their last conversation, he expected the other. “Seriously, Mills. You’re either thinking of finding a knife or running away, both of which you haven’t done in months.”
“[You’re an ass.]”
“Sure, but I’m right about this.” Owen sat next to Mills. “Let’s enjoy one final campfire as family.”
Mills stood up after his brother, needing a lift to get stable. They joined the Ares kids in the line to march to campfire. He was handed the banner of Ares, a privilege that usually went to the counselor.
“Come on, Mills. This is the last time we’ll be together. You earned it.”
“Campers,” Mr. D shouted and everyone sat upright. “Before your typically meaningless festivities can begin, we had a camper get claimed today. Hip hip hooray or whatever.”
Chiron grimaced at the other’s tone. “Will a Millstone Parker come to the front? It is time for you to join your siblings.”
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Mills made his way to the front, as did the campers of cabin thirty. All of their wings were out and proud and none of them had visible scars or callouses from weapons-holding. Contrast that to his majorly scarred face, his shredded thighs, his callouses from the climbing wall, his inability to speak, his everything. He was not looking forward to it. But he had to deal with it. These were his people now.
“You have been claimed by Eirene, the goddess of peace and one of the Horae. Henceforth, you are a member of Cabin Thirty, no longer one of the unknown in Cabin Eleven.”
“He’s from Cabin Five, jerk!”
“He’s our family!”
“You can’t take him away from us!”
Chiron glared at the Ares kids, an expression that looked awful on him, “Excuse me. No longer one of the unknown in Cabin Five.” While it had been nice to be defended and fought for, Mills really just wanted this to end as quickly as possible.
He walked to the other Eirene kids, shaking the counselor’s hand.
“C’mon Millstone, time to sit with the cool kids instead of the lame Ares cabin,” they said, dragging him to their section of the Amphitheater.
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He wanted to defend his cabin mates the Ares kids his family, but with one hand being held and the darkness that would hide the words, he didn’t even bother. He let himself get sat down and tried to enjoy the rest of evening campfire.
“So, where’s your stuff?” the head counselor, a woman who looked slightly older than him, asked.
He pointed to Cabin Five before walking, not caring if the others followed or not. He could carry one suitcase full of stuff. That had always been a perk of being a summer camper.
His stuff was where it was left, letting him just duck a hand in to grab the handle and leave.
One of his half-sisters had stayed with him. “I’m here to escort you to the cabin,” she said, seeing his expression.
He sighed. Whatever. It wasn’t like it was hard to find the right cabin. Thirty was one of the newer ones, so everyone knew where it was. And there was only one with a massive door out of those. Seriously, he could have found it.
“My name’s Harmony,” the other said, skipping along as Mills made his way towards his new cabin. “Yours is obviously Millstone. You go by your last name?”
He glared at Harmony—and of-fucking-course her name was Harmony. It was dark and he was carrying a suitcase how was he meant to answer a question?
“So there’s only six bunks and now there’s six of us! Now I have a bunkmate. I already claimed the bottom, so you’ll have to be on top. Sorry, you’re kinda tall.” She kept chattering, asking questions and giving statements, but the two eventually reached Cabin Thirty. Thank the gods.
The head counselor smiled at him. She pointed to a set of bunks—the bottom one covered in bright yellow sheets and several stuffed animals, the top with standard-issue white sheets. “That’s where you sleep. Sorry, I know there's no choice, but what can you do?"
She shrugged. “Aside from that, I’m Serenity, she / her. I’m twenty, so I’m in charge. You’ve met Harmony, my twin.”
Harmony grinned from her bunk, where she’d sat as soon as they walked in. “Heyo. Also she / her. I’m in charge when Serenity’s got other stuff.”
The smallest of the bunch waved from his arms from a top bunk overflowing with stuffed animals. “Hiiii! It’s so nice to have another guy now! I’m Malcom and I’m ten!”
From below Malcolm, “Name’s Olive, she / they, fifteen.” Her bed had posters galore on the wall and Spiderman sheets.
The final sibling smiled at him from her bed above Serenity, “My names Malina, she / her, and I’m thirteen. I just camp summers, unlike the rest of these guys.”
How had they all gotten names that meant peace? Did Eirene tell her lovers in order to get a scheme going? Or did they all get absurdly lucky?
“Millstone, you never answered my question from earlier. Why the last name?” Harmony asked.
“Were you not paying attention? Chiron said his name was Millstone Parker. It’s not his last name. You’re such a silly goose sometimes,” Olive giggled.
“You have a last name for a first name?”
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As they had been talking, he’d managed to get his suitcase onto the top bunk. With his hands free, Mills took out his new white board. “[I have three last names. Millstone Grayson Parker.]” Underneath he wrote, “[Also, I go by Mills, not Millstone.]” He gave an awkward smile. He was so used to making himself scare that even just asking to be called the right name was anxiety inducing.
“Oh shoot, sorry Mills,” Harmony said sheepishly. A hand reached towards him. “Apology fist-bump?” The two tapped fists.
“Interrupting whatever that was—” Serenity ignored her twin’s indignant yelp “—how old are you and what are your pronouns?”
“[18. Masculine.]”
“Coolio. Olive, mark it down.”
The younger nodded, stepping to a chalkboard on the back of the door. On it they wrote “[Mills —18, he / him].”
Serenity clapped twice, the cabin’s fairy lights turning off. “Now everyone, it’s been an eventful night. Let’s all get some shut-eye and we can return to meeting our brother in the morning. Sleep tight!”
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After an awful night of very little rest, Mills woke with the sun. As beautiful as the sunrise was, it meant that he had spent all night on the roof. The brunet quickly made his way back into the cabin only to be met by Serenity’s stern gaze.
“Where were you last night?”
Her tone made him hunch in on himself, anxiety pouring off him in waves. Mills pointed upwards since he didn’t have his board on his person. And he really didn’t feel like taking the time to collect it from his bunk and write an explanation when she was glaring.
“And the harpies didn’t eat you? Likely story. You were consorting with the Ares kids, weren’t you? And on the eve of Capture the Flag.” She tt-ed, shaking her head. “We’re on Athena’s team once again. Better be ready to crush those losers to dust. I don’t care if you used to be buddy-buddy, you’re with us now.”
That hostility had an air of finality to it. If the counselor wouldn’t accept him, would he ever find his place among the children of peace?
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nebulous-library · 1 year
little acts of intimacy: how they like to be touched - tokrev boys
in specifically a not-inherently-sexual manner. what kind of physical contact with you gives them the warm fuzzies? hcs for a selections of my personal tokyo revengers blorbos, including: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Hakkai, Taiju, Koko, Inupi, Sanzu, Ran, Rindou, and Izana
Mikey feels most at home when he’s cuddled up into your arms, especially if you’re taller than he is. It makes him feel like your teddy bear. 100/10, definite nuzzler. 
Draken likes sitting on the floor by the couch while you have your legs draped over his shoulders, just chilling. Better yet, though, if you start massaging his shoulders or neck, he’ll melt. 
Baji is a sweetie who just wants to hold hands, actually. There is a specific part of his brain that simply demands Hand Holdies. He will feel so loved and special if you hold his hand, especially if you do the interlocked fingers hold instead of the criss-crossed palms way. Also is not opposed to it if you simply rest your hand on his ass. Like, not even in a sexual way, just as a little “hehe, mine >:]” kinda thing.
Chifuyu will fucking melt if you rest your head on him, or put your hand over his heart. Especially the latter, he’ll be so flustered. 
Kazutora likes when you run your fingers through his hair. It makes him feel safe. Like, this is a genuinely therapeutic sensation for him, it’s so gentle and he doesn’t fully understand why his heart swells when you do it, he just wants you to never ever stop.
Hakkai’s favorite way to be touched is when you reach up and put your hands around the back of his neck and stroke his jaw with your thumbs. He’s so shy at the start of your relationship that he can’t always find words, but sometimes all you need is that communication via eye contact. It takes a little time, but that’s the kind of thing that makes his heart flutter – you, holding his face, and looking at him with adoration. 
Taiju’s favorite place to be touched is mid- to lower-back. He carries a lot of tension there and it can be on the sensitive/tender side. He loves it when you’re out together and you sling your arm around him and rest your hand there. When you’re in private, he’ll just flop down on the bed shirtless, staring at you until you take the hint that he wants a massage. Just sit on his ass and work the tension in his lumbar region, he’ll melt for you. Bonus points if you get playful and start writing things with your finger and making him guess. He thinks that shit’s hella cute.
Koko has a few things he likes. Number one is when you pet the buzzed side of his hair and will nuzzle into your hand. Another favorite is when you hold onto his arm when you’re beside him. Just kinda loop your arm through his and hold on. He likes having such full body contact without it being Full Body Contact™️, y’know? Also, adding a little bit of zest to this, he’s 100% a “pull him close by the waistband of his pants” kinda fella. Yes, in a spicy way, but also just in an “enjoying being pressed against you” way.  
Inupi’s favorite thing is when you cup his jaw or rub behind his ear (big puppy vibes, obvi), especially if you’re calling him by his given name. His heart will simply explode. Also like, any time you rest the palm of your hand on his tummy. He just feels relaxed idk. 
Sanzu likes when you sit with him and have your legs across his lap. It’s casual but just intimate enough that he can comfortably squeeze your knee and grin to himself that he’s lucky enough to call you his. But if you wanna be extra forward with him, bite him in front of the others. Hold his hand and just casually bring it up toward your mouth and CHOMP. He knows that means you love him. 
Ran is a surprisingly big cuddler. Whether it’s falling asleep or waking up, he just likes having you in his comfy space — his bed. Non-sexual physical contact is absolutely his jam. Not that he doesn’t love railing you, but man, his natural state is so low-energy. He wants to trap you in his blanket cocoon and just stay like that and watch youtube videos or some shit. Definitely makes a fuss if you break free because the heat is too much, but you will not fully get away from him. He’s one of those “must have some part of himself touching some part of you” dudes. Good luck. Also, bonus: he also enjoys when you braid his hair for him (his arms get tired when he does it himself)
Rindou is also cuddly, but in more of a Mikey kind of way. While Ran is very open with the fact that he wants you to let him hold you, Rin Rin would never be so bold. He’ll pretend that he thinks it’s dumb or some shit, but somehow at the end of the day he’ll always curl up with you. But HE wants to be the one being cuddled. Much more tsuntsun about it than Mikey, who would simply dive into your arms. Treat Rindou like he’s your snuggly little teddy bear. Let him bury his face in your chest while you stroke his hair. Tell him you love him and know that when he responds with a muffled, “......shut up.” that’s simply his way of saying he loves you too. Bonus: if you’re out and about, he’ll lean on you. Like, in the way that tall people do. He won’t mean it to mock your height, he just doesn’t know how to convey that he wants to be touching you when you’re out in public.
Izana honestly probably prefers touching rather than being touched. He likes to have you in his lap, letting him just have his hands roaming all over you. His fingertips will dance along your thighs and up your sides or along your arms. He imagines he’s painting his marks along your skin, in patterns only he can see. He’ll smile to himself and rest his chin on your shoulder. But if you must return the favor, he particularly likes it when you sit beside him and just hold his arm in your lap and mindlessly run your fingers up and down his forearm. 
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bluessmutifyplaylist · 9 months
Can I req an Overblot Riddle fingering and arousing his pure female s/o in the rose mazes maybe? He's very sexually frustrated- (It can be a fic or hc.)
This is smut, so yeah.
Warnings: Fingering (obvi), degrading, corruption, pre-established relationship, reader is a 2nd year (and not Yuu), Yandere(?), non/dubcon turned consensual, edging
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Riddle Rosehearts
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“Y/N, my rose, where are you?” Usually, those words would have you searching your lover out, but with the dual-tone voice, you could tell that the ink was infecting him.
You stayed very quiet, hidden in the labyrinth. You were praying to any being that was listening that someone would come to your aid. However, you were probably being left on read by every single one of those beings.
It was only a matter of moments where your boyfriend took hold of your wrist, pulling you up from where you were curled up on the ground. Tears were running down your face as he dragged you to the center of the maze, making sure that you were isolated.
Then, he turned to you.
“Usually, I would like to stick to the rules. However, maybe indulgence is necessary sometimes…” And then he kissed you rather passionately. You tried pushing him off, struggling against him, but his grip remained firm.
Once you broke apart, tears were still streaming down your face as you continued to wiggle and squirm, trying to break away.
“Riddle, please! I don’t want this!!” You exclaimed, desperate to try and reason with him.
“Oh, but you do, dear rose,” He turned you around so that your back was against his chest, and his hands snuck lower and lower, lifting your skirt as he started rubbing circles into your clit through your panties.
“Please, don’t do this…” Your resolve was disappearing the more and more he rubbed, and you sounded so broken already that he knew he was not going to stop.
“You needn’t worry, darling~ I am not going to deflower you quite yet. However, I need to remind you that you’re mine. I didn’t like how you clung to Ace and Deuce for protection of all people. Your body seems to know, though, as you’re so wet for me.”
Your head fell back into his shoulder, and he placed kisses all over your neck. His hand started going faster, and you let out moans that got louder and louder as you were about to climax, only for him to pull away. Your eyes snapped open as you looked at him to see him smirking.
“Say you’re mine,” He demanded, “And I will make you release all over my fingers.”
“I’m yours, Riddle. Please please please…” A gasp made its way out of your mouth as his hand actually reached into your panties and he started actually fingering you. Luckily, he caught you when your legs gave out.
“My sweet, delicate rose… You’re going dumb just on my fingers alone! No matter, I will do your thinking for you,” He wasn’t that incorrect. This was the first time you were being touched so intimately, and he was making sure that it was a pleasurable experience. Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head and you moaned so loudly that he had to cover your mouth so that you wouldn’t be discovered.
After all… he is the only one who will ever be able to see you so vulnerable.
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multifariousqueer · 2 months
🤎Logan Howlett smut hcs!!!🐻
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A/n: ahhh is it good to be back 😍😍. But seriously, I missed you guys and I hope to write more for yall. Requests are open and feel free to request any Logan smut or images(or thoughts) 🫶🏽🤎
Warnings: smut obvi, PiV, unprotected sex, mentions of cum, pet names(Princess, baby, good girl), strong language, NOT PROOFREAD, mentions of smoking, idk I think that’s it 🫶🏽
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Okay so this man is completely into foreplay. Like it can last anywhere from hours up to days and it is mind numbingly amazing.
This man isn’t patient but if foreplay lasts days, it’s because of work and maybe just wanting a better release however he will never deny you of what you want.
Will play with your ass every chance he gets. On the couch? He’s kneading your ass. In bed? He’s biting. Anywhere he can? He’s playing with it. How can he help it? It’s so soft.
Picks you up and throws you around like you’re nothing. Honestly, you could be 200lbs and he would still toss you around and pick you up like you were a doll.
He’s really into biting in bed btw.
Eats you out and finger’s you until you cum at least twice before he actually fucks you. He never leaves you unsatisfied
He’s been around the sun 200 times. This man knows his way around iykwim.
Bites your inner thighs, neck, and anywhere else he can find as a way of marking his territory
He swallows.
There’s no way that this man doesn’t have super stamina. Rounds can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours.
Isn’t afraid to use toys but he is good enough at his job to not have to use them
Loves watching you cum. Like it gives him a boost of serotonin
Cums just at the thought of you sometimes
Would talk you through it
Pet names get used all the time.
“You like that, princess? Yeah? Fuck you’re so perfect, baby”
Dominant but he won’t shake you off if you try to be dominant. He might even entertain it for a bit before giving in and guiding you.
When you first had sex, you almost shrieked at how big it was.
Speaking of big, this man is big in EVERY way. All I’m saying is that if he weighs 300lbs, something else must be big
His dick is the perfect combination of thick and long. Like it’s perfect
So perfect that the first time you gave him head, he let out a breathy laugh because you stared at him in shock
“That’s my good girl”
Like does this man have back problems or?
Speaking of backs, yours is getting blown by him. Like he definitely grabs your arms when hitting it from behind so you feel the full force of him
Light groaning and moaning bc of how good you feel 😵‍💫😵‍💫
“Oh Fuck, baby I love stretching this pussy out” “no one will ever fuck you this good?” “Yeah you’re all mine?” “My own personal pocket pussy?”
Unprotected because he loves to see his cum pool in your pussy and drip down your leg(if you can stand),
You had to have a long talk about him not smoking after sex in bed.
“Babe, you said you’d stop after our sheets got ruined because of the ash.” “I know I know”
Puts it out on his hand and goes outside to do it from now on.
Gives you his clothes to wear after
Lots of kissing and touching
Safe to say, you’re in good hands
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snookienthusi4st · 25 days
this req is so cute wtf, watch me lock in and do hcs PLUS drabbles :3
kyoya x commoner fem! reader hcs
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warnings: none, just language like always
no nsfw under the cut, just suggestive
• safe to say you two definitely met through haruhi
• haruhi’s a close friend of yours and she invites you to come and take a look at the club after school
• since you guys wanna spend more time together but school + work gets both of you busy
• so when you come in with haruhi who’s normally by herself and assumed to not have a social life outside of the host club, nothing short of chaos ensues
• i pity you if you have a short social battery bc you’re gonna be pulled in every which way by our fav short tempered blondie!
• you get to meet tamaki first obvi, given he’s usually the first one to meet haruhi at the door most days anyways
• he’s super cliche in a good way, greeting you happily and telling you how pretty your name sounds
• and then haruhi eventually swats his ass off the both of you and walks you further in to take your first look around
your shoes click against the floor as your hand remains lightly holding hers, your eyes wandering around the room as she guides you through it. “you never told me how pretty this place was, haruhi,” you murmur, your gaze still shifting to different spaces.
she scoffs softly, but there’s no malice in her voice with her next words. “it’s less exciting after you’ve gotten used to it, but i’m happy you like it,” she replies sincerely, tilting her head slightly to watch your expression as you look around.
• for plot’s sake, you know everyone by name already and like their upbringing/family because haruhi’s been keeping you up to speed
• so today was just a matter of seeing everyone’s faces for the first time and getting to meet them in person
• after a while you and haruhi get some tea and find somewhere to sit, just chatting and enjoying each other’s company
• and he’s walking around and making sure the guests are pleased like tamaki and the other hosts are, and that’s how you end up meeting each other
• he was charming as always, it wasn’t a surprise you fell for him
“so which twin ended up being pink?” you ask with a smile, earning a stunted chuckle from haruhi as she finishes her tea. “your guess is good as mine.”
“you all seem to make a surprisingly good team, considering your unorganized ‘king of the host club,’” you mutter teasingly, taking another sip of your tea. “i’d say the same,” she agrees, “but i’d say some hosts take care of things better than others.”
another set of shoes is heard against the floor, and haruhi seems to recognize the pair. she looks to the right of you, and you tilt your head to follow her gaze. your eyes soften. he’s gorgeous.
“speaking of which,” haruhi continues, as he moves to stand beside you two’s shared table. “have i introduced you to kyoya yet?”
“ootori?” you confirm quietly, your voice died down from an awe of some kind. he seems to notice and a ghost of a smirk is on his face as he nods.
“i’ve heard your family spoken of highly,” you say politely, lifting your hand out for him to shake. “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
he eyes your hand for a moment, his gaze a bit softer from your words as he takes it and kisses the back of it, haruhi’s eyes just barely widening at the rare sight. his response is a quiet mumble against your hand before he lets go. “likewise.”
• it’s easy to tell he likes you
• he’s not usually very affectionate with guests unless he knows it’s needed to satisfy them
• he talks with haruhi about like budgets and things for a quick second and then goes back to work
• but he can’t stop thinking about you
• so naturally he wants to see you again, and drops like crazy subtle hints to haruhi that she’s allowed to bring around her friends
• and our lovely haruhi takes the bait and brings you back around, and slowly it becomes a common occurrence
• you’d meet up with her after school and you’d walk to music room 3 together, and you’d catch up with her or help each other study while the other hosts paid you two sporadic visits
• except kyo, he’d make an effort to come see you everytime
• this goes on for a couple months
• and after a while you started catching on because the man is not as sneaky as he thinks he is
• so naturally you end up asking him out one day while haruhi’s away and hosting
he looks up from his laptop and meets your eyes, a silent sign for you to continue talking. “is it hard developing romantic feelings for people as a host?”
he hums in contemplation and shakes his head. “i’d say it’s about the same, considering this is nothing more than a job for me,” he murmurs truthfully, a slight smirk brimming on his face as he adds, “why do you ask? are you falling for a host?”
you shrug. “maybe. but it’s hard to tell if i should do anything about it.”
“and why’s that?”
“hosting is nothing more than a job for them,” you retort softly, a hint of a smile on your face as you look back down at the paper you’re working on. he’s silent for a moment as he takes in your words, before his collected facade transitions into something softer.
“and how would you feel if you were their one exception?” he inquires nonchalantly, his confession making your eyes widen slightly as you look back up at him.
“i think you should kiss me,” you ask bluntly, your words tentative but genuine. you don’t have to ask him twice, and it’s light and careful but his lips meet yours and his free hand moves to the back of your head to gently hold you still.
there’s a calmer look on his face that mirrors yours once he pulls away, his words soft and clear and almost teasing. “i think you should start calling me by my first name.”
you don’t fight the widening of your tiny smile and nod in understanding, gently pulling him in by his uniform collar for another kiss. he leans into and returns it, and it’s right now that he realizes he’s never gonna get enough of you.
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vera-king-hrfl · 2 months
Yay! OK so I picked this up from @dark-and-kawaii (thank you bebe! I only wish my design skills were as godlike as yours and not painfully infantile 😅) And I thought it was just a super fun way to explain my HC surrounding my two lovers, Cal and Ryldinn. Obvi Ryldinn is mine, so I decide what he's like, but the Cal stuff is also specific to this story, and might not agree with your own.
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Nsft below cut, CW: discussion of sexual trauma.
For those of you who have read the story and know his background, this might seem a bit odd, but just work with me. People handle things in different ways.
Ryldinn was a sex slave before he was kidnapped by the mindflayers. Basically, a prostitute whose owner kept all the money and who had no choice about who he slept with or what was done to him. He's also killed a lot of people for the same reason. He feels no guilt about that.
So it might be a surprise that he's quite submissive. He's definitely a bottom, and he likes pain. He likes to be spanked, clawed, bitten, and having his hair pulled. He likes it when Cal loses it a bit and gets rough. He never really minded his life that much before. He's never known anything else, and in his society, there was never anyone who would think there was anything wrong with that, so it doesn't affect him like it would affect, say, Astarion. There is trauma there, though it's very much buried in his psychology. He's starting to feel more agency over his own body, and now he'll only accept those things if Cal does them, but he still likes it.
He is very homosexual. He dislikes women in general and would never actually touch one in that way unless he was ordered to do so. Those of you who understand matriarchal drow society will understand why. He's gay due to past trauma. He's obviously not a gold star, but he's never been with a woman out of choice.
Part of his repressed trauma requires him to be very clean at all times. It's almost an OCD compulsion. He doesn't mind if Cal is sweaty or smells a bit like a horse, but for himself, he bathes as often and as thoroughly as possible and loves water and swimming, scented oils for his soft sensitive skin, soap, and anything that smells nice.
His body is the drow definition of perfection. He's not tall (5'7" or so) or extremely muscular but tight, hard, strong, smooth, and defined. He's lighter and stronger than he looks. His dick isn't very big but quite pretty, easy to take, or to suck. He's sinuous, lean, the elven equivalent of a gazelle or a cheetah. He has very dark grey skin, almost black, and pure white hair, almost translucent. Bright red eyes, slightly pink lips and nipples, lighter palms, and soles.
My sweet baby boy! The little brother, the peace maker. Always polite and accommodating. Possibly the only person who could have taken that weird damaged guy and made anything pleasant out of him.
Cal is a genuinely good person. He's been through literal hell, but despite the devil blood, he strains with all his being to keep his hope and his softness. He's also killed people, but he hates it, and it haunts him.
Sexually, he's actually quite dominant. He loves being asked for sex, encouraged, and being begged sets him on fire. He was a virgin before Ryldinn, but he finds his stride and discovers his likes and dislikes very quickly. He's a top, but the service variety, and he makes sure that his partner is feeling good before taking his own pleasure. He doesn't mind hurting Ryldinn as long as he knows that he's enjoying it, but he's not really into pain himself, and bottoming is not his preference, though he will do it if Ryldinn wants, and does have that occasional desire. He likes using his tail, likes when his horns are pulled on, and loves when his tiefling attributes are adored. He's a bit insecure about his heritage.
Cal is bi/pan, whatever. It wouldn’t have mattered to him if Ryldinn had been a woman or a sentient rock. He loves the person, regardless of what they look like. The fact that Ryldinn is beautiful and wants him so bad is a bonus. It's that want, that desire to be with him that makes Cal melt. He's also demi and has a hard time performing unless he loves the person and they love him back. That said, there is quite a bit of devil blood in there, and sometimes that takes over, though he tries with all his might to suppress that.
Cal is a bigger dude. I made him about 6'1" in my story, and reasonably muscular. He's a bit malnourished due to the exile and the journey, but he has a tendency to get a bit more chunky when he's comfortable. He'd definitely be softer around the middle with a bit of a belly. Nothing wrong with that! He'd be your very own squishy heater to snuggle with on cold winter nights. He is also a devilish tiefling and has that big thick ridged cock. He likes it when Ryldinn tells him how big he is, as plenty of men would.
They both love kissing. Ryldinn had never been kissed before Cal did it, but now it's his favorite thing to do. He loves the soft lips and the forked tongue and the intimacy. He can kiss his tiefling for hours. Cal has kissed, had a few hot and heavy make-out sessions when he was younger, just never went further.
Eye contact. Another thing Ryldinn has avoided, but Cals eyes are so beautiful to him, the gentle burning fires, the love and desire. It just makes him feel special.
They both have a pretty high sex drive and do it often. Cal usually tops, but he also likes to go down on Ryldinn, to taste him and make him shudder. Ryldinn likes it any way Cal does. Slow soft missionary, against a wall, bent over a table, whatever his man is in the mood for. Cal's favorite position is on his back with Ryldinn riding him. He loves to watch how his body turns his lover into a shaking panting mess. He loves to see the gentle undulation of the perfect gorgeous body enjoying him so much.
They both love touch. When they're together, they're usually touching, even if it's discreet. Hand holding, tail wrapped around an ankle, petting.
Anyway, there's probably more but those parts are still to come so I'll leave it here. I hope this helps you to understand where I'm going with this. I've had so much amazing encouragement and feedback from you guys it's inspired me to go deeper into the personality of these characters and how I see them. Thank you all so much for tolerating me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kokushibosbestie · 11 hours
ok so idk if u do like x reader stuff but if you do, can u do like a Sally face fic or headcannons with Sal and Larry. I wanted to request what it would be like for them to have like a very busy s/o. Like I do marching band and outside of school I do volleyball and lessons for trombone and piano. Along with that I take AP classes and student council which give me more work to do so I feel pretty drained by the end of the day
♡~ Sal and Larry w/ busy S/O HCs ~♡
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Warnings: None, just pure fluffiness and love. GN!reader.
♪ Sal Fisher ♪
· HE'S JUST A FKN SWEETHEART 😭😭 · I will say that he is going to make sure to make your life easier no matter what · like doing chores, helping you with projects and assignments, and planning out your week · I don't think many realize this, but he is not the "badass player" people portray him as. 😔 · So, he will make you sit down with him on the weekend and ask how things are going. · And this is with everything. Work, school, family life, your relationship with him, your mental health, etc. · He is serious about it too. 😅 He cares a lot and he doesn't like to see you stressed. · So when you come home tired and worn out, he will not be happy. · he knows it's not your fault and you can't help it "Love, please stop doing this to yourself. You know this isn't good." · Like I said, he loves you 🥰 · istg this man HAS and WILL beg you to take a break · so when you come home, he'll already have a bath ready for you · once you're done taking a bath, he'll make you sit down on the floor in front of the couch so he can brush / comb your hair · and I honestly think he's not the best cook, but he will cook your favorite food no he won't, it's going to be takeout because he failed · your room is already cleaned and he bought you squishmellows to add to your collection · he'll cuddle you to sleep while playing with your hair · definitely the big spoon on nights like this "Relax baby, you need to get sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up, okay?"
☆ Larry Johnson ☆
· I'ma be fr with you, he would NOT notice at first · Not until Ashley said something but after she brings it to his attention that you need a little bit more attention, he will do exactly that · and istg, he WILL pick you up bridal style and carry you away from whatever you were doing 👀 · If you protest, he will glare at you and ignore it. · Any kind of work you do is "overworking yourself" to him · so beware · Imma be completely honest, this man CANNOT keep up with you · Your ship dynamic is literally "busy mastermind and their assistant who worships them but can't keep up." 😭💞 · larry is the one worshiping you "Look, I know you have a lot going on, so don't try to convince me that you aren't. I might be stupid in school but I'm not stupid with you." · he will say shit that doesn't make sense WHATSOEVER. 😔 · Ofc, he won't admit that he's trying to take care of you · or keep up with you · obvi 🙄 · I have my own hc that he actually does know how to cook nicely, so I think he'd make you food you'd watch a movie together and talk · once your social battery is completely out, he'll offer you to sleep on his chest. 🥰 · and when you wake up, he's gunna make you breakfast. "Don't try to keep yourself up babe. You've had a long day, so just rest."
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hitmewithsomebooks · 9 months
Ok but I just love that fact that James calling Regulus “baby,” or even calling each other that, seems to be such a largely accepted hc
Like I’ve read so many fics that include that
I write it in mine
It just seems like a thing that’s not canon (obvi) and not like said (?), just spread bc someone reads it then writes it and it’s a chain and I love it
So yeah thank u to all my fellow jegulus ‘baby’ stans
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dutybcrne · 1 year
Most people can’t tell because of their respective gloves, but Kaeya, Lisa, and Jean all have a matching ring-like scars about the middle fingers of their left hands. Lisa was the one who took care of searing it onto them and herself, representing an oath they made to each other.
#hc; kaeya#hc; lisa#hc; jean#//Have I ever mentioned this is my ot3? bc this is my ot3 jdbfb#//Obvi people who muse any of the trio are exempt unless they want to#//But ye#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Yes; they were all drunk when they first did it#//Yes; they renewed the oath of trust and loyalty to each other when sober#//And yes; Kae DID cry bc he was scared of the burn; but wanted to anyways bc he adores them#//Jean held his other hand and everything#//They all know each other’s secrets bc of this#//Well#//On Kaeya’s end; they know of Exactly what went down That Night#//Not just that Diluc had tried to strike him down in anger; but the fact that he’d deliberately WANTED him to#//Jean believes it’s bc he was reeling over grief of Crepus (esp w the Delusion) & didn’t pry over WHAT started the conflict#//Lisa Knows it’s bc he’s Khaenri’ahn; but that was due to a DIFFERENT conversation they’d had while drunk#//Again; not mandatory to muses outside of mine; but in my trio’s Lore; they’re connected this way#suicide ideation mention tw#//Tagging jic#//KyJn learn of Lisa’s struggles both post and during Akademiya days#//And of her worries regarding Visions and understanding them#//Is why they both will Always concede to her demands they take breaks AND work to ease her burdens without much hesitation if at all#//Why Jean & Kae will work with her to peruse and find sources and legends she hasn’t accessed yet & compile things#//discussing and theorizing at great lengths she wouldn’t trust anybody else to take seriously or do with her#//KyLsa know the exact extent of Jean’s own personal worries and insecurities; her conflicts and longings#//They both are always there to ensure her burdens are light and she KNOWS they have her back; through successes and setbacks#//Both also v much intend and are Ready to duel anyone in the knights (sometimes even outside them) who speaks ill of her#//JnLsa are the only ones who know just how much Kae really wants to patch things up with Luc; & his unease about his place in the Winery#//How much he wants his home back; but would still adamantly choose to stay with them regardless; esp after their Oath
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a-smol-cosplayer · 2 years
Okay here is my master list of Wyler fic recs cause literally two people asked and I cannot control myself.
Psa I have probably read at least 70% of the fics on this tag in ao3 however these are my bestest/favourite ones. most of them are ongoing bc this fandom is hella new but still :) pls check ratings and tags before u read obvi. Also none of these fics are out to hurt u (as far as I’m aware) some of the longer ones might have angst but I’m here for relationship, plot and fluff rather than angst and pain (we go enough of that in the show). Some of the ongoing ones have updates every two/three days? Some haven’t updated since I have read them but most of them are under a week and a half old so I still have hope. There are ordered in shortest to longest in each category 
alright enough chitter chatter, buckle ur seatbelts people here we go!!
Ocean Blue Eyes, Looking In Mine (I Feel Like I Might, Sink And Drown And Die) - cute Wyler one shot where they are dating at nevermore, after season 1, {1,876 words}
Grocery shopping in c minor - alternate au grocery store, Tyler works there, love the fact that he’s still super sweet but slightly unhinged, characterisation on point, {3,759 words}
A Half Life - Tylers pov of the first ep or so, kinda angsty bc its Tyler and he’s struggling, but still nice, not sure if its technically Wyler but its got the vibes {4 chaters but only 4,272 words}
Yeah, all you did was smile (‘cause I’m a mastermind) - canon divergent but still similar story line, Tylers pov, love how they have chemistry, no hyde Tyler but still really good, {8,536 words}
In progress - y’all don’t understand, I religiously check these for updates every single day
What if… you helped me change? Basically what could have happened after the kiss in ep 7, minor kidnapping but we forgive him bc he was freaking out, no real ‘hyde Tyler’ more like ‘idk how this happened but I want to make it better Tyler’ {3 chapters, 3,592 words so far}
I never fell again - only really the set up so far, Wednesday comes back to school and finds that Tyler has come back and is enrolled in nevermore, she hates (misses) him so much, na they love each other {4 chapters 5,505 words so far}
On Wednesdays we dance - wednesday buys a laptop and enters a horror writing group, and yet, one prompt is about a date, and Tyler offers so that he can have real life experience, another wednesday style date which is so cute, I really love this fic its super fluffy and nice {2/3 chapters 5,733 words so far}
Perfect Match - READ THE TAGS (is rated T but really should be M/E) not much plot just wyler smut, and unholy use of the gates mansion, set after season 1 ends, also slightly off topic, but I like the hc that wednesday eats dried strawberries, idk why but I love it, anyways, read at ur own warning, {3/4 chapters finished 7,387 words so far}
Frump Family Curse - from ep 8 into post season 1, we get some obsessed wyler at the start, and then, build on each of the characters for upcoming chapters, shaping up to be a really good fic. Also surprise Gomez and Donovan friendship over there cute murder children, 100% support {4 chapters 9,111 words so far}
Woe to do with two soulmates - Wednesday has 2 soulmate marks (writing of their first words to her, I think we know where this is going👀) and doesn’t know which one she wants yet, deals with Wednesday and feelings and well and our adorable barista, some angst cause ew laurel but still really good, sort of plot twist?/something I didn’t expect but I’m glad it happened in chap 8 {9 chapters and 11,498 words and counting}
My unconquerable soul - wyler, mostly after season 1 in the break, tags!! And ratings!! Please!! They are psycho but psycho for each other, some light kidnapping, the hyde side of Tyler appears a little, some angst but mostly dark fluff {10 chapters, 12,749 words so far}
A Girl and her Monster Of Woe - post season 1, wednesday realising that she actually liked and missed him, in her own dark way obvi, setting up for them to meet again, sort of adresses how Tyler can stay and not be charged, yet again pls read rating and tags {7 chapters, 13,266 words so far}
Woeful - wednesday comes in wondering about Hydes and the cute barista seems to know an awful lot about them👀 basically, Tyler knows he’s a hyde, but!! He isn’t the one murdering people, developing some alternate plot line which seems really good so far, plus wednesday and Tyler being cute in the weathervane {7 chapters, 13,906 words so far}
She’s mine - I know I keep telling y’all to check ratings but I don’t want any ‘I didn’t realise’ complains, basically Tyler realised that he fucked up and wednesday is actually his mate (I dislike that word but oh well) and basically fixes his mistakes in ep 8 ect ect, goes slightly further, loving the surprise Tyler/ajax friendship that comes with dating enid/wednesday, also good Adams adopting Tyler vibes {10 chapters 20,203 words and counting}
Just the Two (Three) of Us - wednesday if she’s known about the hyde from the beginning, I really love this fic, lots of wyler connection and chemistry and stuff, trust me, its good, the characterisation and writing is excellent {7 chapters 22,728 words so far}
You can occupy my every sigh - wyler!! Literally my fav fic rn, Tyler already goes to nevermore, has its own plot line sorta, pls check the tags and rating before reading, Wednesdays characterisation is so good, got some Tyler/enid friend vibes as well, soulmates? Bonded? Something? idk its really good and super long - {11 chapters, 123,607 words and counting}
okay thats it!! let me know what u think in the comments, also if u have good fics that I haven't put on here I'm always open to more recs :)
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boosterwithad · 11 months
If y'all had to assign genshin visions to cod charas who would get which?
(under cut bc long)
like mine would probably be:
Phil: pyro
idk personally i've always kinda seen phil as like someone who went from genuinely wanting to do something good to being tainted by one thing or another into being something completely different. im thinking like Diluc here, where he went from passionate baby to "i want to kill myself" adult.
Alejandro: hydro
Justice is this man's middle name, probably. while Falcors is absolute dogshit at being the god of justice, Alejandro would be a pretty good one. like, he's leading a war against the cartel.
Rudy: anemo
Rudy seems like the type of guy to where once he has a goal, he'll tuck his head in and work until he gets it. he also seems like he'd hate facists so good on him.
Valeria: cryo
only boss ass bitches get cryo
no seriously i dont have any argument for this one just look at her. she screams tsaritsa.
Soap: pyro (could also see anemo)
demolition expert
anemo is more tied to a personal ✨Foap backstory hc✨ in that soap spent pretty much his entire life trying to escape from an overbearing father. so when he finally did, and found people who actually like him for who he is, he was granted an anemo vision.
Ghost: electro
I will not expand on this. if you say cryo you're basic (/hj).
Ghost probably got his vision after he dug himself out of that grave he was buried in. at his lowest moment he was granted the power of the gods, just to kick him while he was down, and this guy probably fucking hated it. i doubt anyone on the 141 (besides price obvi) even KNOWS this mf is an allogene
Gaz: dendro
while some of these match up to their allogene in a metaphorical sense, this one matches with a literal sense because I refuse to believe Gaz ISN'T a plant dad. his and price's house are probably covered in succulents or smth.
Price: geo
Price seems like the typa guy to keep a very cool demenour in oder to keep everyone around him calm. i think that would be what makes him such a good leader. he's stern but not unkind while still being able to keep his boys under wraps.
the genshin visions have had me by the throat for like two years i cant help it
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lvnesart · 7 months
chewing on your artstyle its so YUMMY and ur a pretty sizable part of the reason why im getting back into art after years of not drawing anything
anyway thoughts on poly neuvi/wrio/clorande? me personally, im putting them in the microwave and pressing my face up against the glass to watch them spin
love u <3 (/p obvi and lowkey parasocially)
Oohhh ni c e. Good luck getting back into art! Coming back with a fresh mind!
Me personally, im not the biggest fan of wriolette (with the exception of the concept of Wrio waiting on Neuvillette only for Arlecchino to snatch him up because he was little too patient. And just. Divorced wriolette because its funny)
Also, I straight up don't think Neuvi's more stiffness and "aloof" nature is really Clorinde's type lol
However, I do actually like wriorinde! It's a personal hc of mine that she was the first person he trusted in an intimate way, therefore his first lay and serious relationship
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Hello! I really love your acc sooo much! I just found it out and I love your taste especially in....well your general hcs about Marauders. Bc our tastes are so similar I was thinking....which fanfics do you recommend? with Jegulus, wolfstar and obvi Rosekiller. Istg- there is so less of Rosekiller fanfics. I'm in love with those idiots! Also also also Dorlene how could I forget Dorlene.
Hi Hi Hi! Im so glad you like my content (sometimes I get a bit self conscious about it)
I’m not going to teach him how to dance (I forgot the author but it’s a long fic)
I would say I love you (but it’s so hard so I won’t say it at all) by graveryavery /longfic
Yeah my boyfriends pretty cool (but not as cool as me) by paintmegrey /longfic
Annoying by godforsakenmess /longfic
Aces up your sleeve by brtyls /oneshot
Sweater Weather by lumosinlove /longfic
Currents by thelunchbucket /longfic
Keysmash by AllThisAndLoveTooWillRuinUs /longfic
Stop the world I wanna get off with you by MoonyonMars /longfic
To the moon and back by arbeana /longfic
When you were mine by sequinhaze /longfic
Pink Lemonade by moonysbookshelf /longfic
Edge by pinkpalaceapartments /longfic
Literally anything by @calamitoustide or @not-rab
Quite like us by alarainai /longfic
I have much much more but these would be some of my favourites :)
I haven’t really found many Dorlene centric fics but they’re in the background of a couple of these ones
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sweetest-chick · 2 months
IM BOUT TO GO OFF ON AO3 AND NEED TO TALK ABT IT. So i'm in my room rewatching descendants (rip Cameron Boyce) as a teenager does when she wants to get that sweet nostalgia intake. And then my brain comes out of retirement and is like 'Mal x Ben but make it Brance'. So now i'm about to make this whole multichapter long fic with the basement boys. Here's my idea so far, if you are reading this and have suggestions pls give them to me ! Mal- Vance obvi Ben- Bruce duh need them to create the ship Jay- Robin idk its just his attitude Evie- Billy a personal hc of mine led to this one Chad- Finney only he's way toned down. Chole- Gwen bc siblings gonna be siblings Now you might be asking "where's Griffin?" well to that i say OC. Griffin- Vances adopted little sibling (I love the siblings hc for those 2)
Why not Carlos? 2 reasons 1, I really wanted Griffin and Vance to be related and that's not possible if Griffin was Carlos, 2 Idk it just felt weird for some reason
Extra Amy (Brues sister)- is in this as another OC being Bruces little sister
idk how im gonna do the songs and stuff but ill figure it out. please give me any advice to make the fic the best it can be !
When I actually get around to writing it I'll link it here for suggestions !
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warmshotamilk · 2 months
FAULBCDT - for the ship thing Points if you get the reference <3
I don't <3 I'm sorry LMAO
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Well I've been in the South Park fandom since 2017 and I haven't left yet so-
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Same answers from when someone asked me for my 3-5 favorite ships. Rn, leaning more towards Luca x Alberto just because I recently rewatched the movie
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
1. Kyle (South PArk, obvi) - Because I am in love with him
2. Luca (Luca) - He is a baby boy. Very sweet. I want to rewatch Luca again now LMAO
3. Tails (Sonic) - I am also in love with him and also he is a smart, fluffy little baby boy. My heart is easily won
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I'll do Pip from South Park for my mutual who likes Pip: He was honestly a really funny character and I'm a little disappointed they just sorta killed him off. Like I know WHY but I feel like more could have been done with him instead of just McFucking Murdering him
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Mmmmm I could cop out and do literally any incest ship since it use to be a squick of mine but I WON'T
Actually, I will LMAO Dipper x Mabel (Gravity Falls)
It use to bug the hell out of me since 1. I prefer BillDip and 2. incest ships use to squick me out but 1. I am a multishipper now and 2. incest ships no longer squick me out LMAO
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Ky//man (South Park) <3
No offense to ky//man shippers but I will NEVER ship it. To an extent I get WHY one would ship it but for me it's too far. You do you but I will not join you
(typing it that way so it won't show up in search)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Another one of my NOTPs: Cr//eek (South Park.) It's just meh to me but I dislike the ship because some (SOME!!) of the shippers are... too fucking annoying. They killed any interest I would have ever had in the ship and the ship is super duper popular so I WANNA like it but like... all the fandom content makes BOTH character super OOC and I just can't. The ship in canon is purely mid and the ship in fanon is unbearable to me
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Very South Park specific but I am VERY particular about my eye color hcs for all the characters, especially Kyle (I die on the hill of green eyed Kyle)
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