ichoriism · 3 years
@temporalobjects​ inspired: 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Jinwai pwease ☺️ 25. …as a ‘ yes ’ 
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– jin leaves a cup of steaming, fresh coffee in front of the japanese man, a slightly concerned expression crossing his features. the baker takes a seat in the small dining table in the kitchen and waits as munehisa seems to sway on the chair. there’s a red hue touching the younger’s cheeks and even his nose seems to be coated in cherry. jin would coo if he wasn’t worried about why munehisa would appear in his house on a saturday night, drunk, of all things.
   he clears his throat, wetting his lips as he leans forward, forearms over the little table. ❛ do you want a bit of water while the coffee cools down? ❜ he asks, voice soft and gentle but strong enough to reach the other’s ears and pull him out of his daze. munehisa shakes his head however and jin continues to stare at the marks in the table's wood. it is weird, to be sitting here with the other, silence charged with things jin doesn’t understand fully.
   ❛ are you in love with me? ❜ munehisa asks suddenly, voice so tiny jin would have missed it were they not immersed in this silence. a crimson hue is still settled on creamy, sun-kissed skin but jin cannot miss the way his attention seems more focused than before —the way eyes seem to sparkle as if there's something akin to hopefulness shining there, in their depths. jin wonders if he is looking at himself in munehisa’s place or if the heavens have been generous enough to grant him this…
   jin looks away, swallowing. is it really okay if he reaches out with both hands and offers up his heart? could this be the right moment… the right time? can things work out if he comes clean and says…
   munehisa gets up and sways dangerously. jin is on his feet in a second, hands over the younger’s smaller shoulders, steadying him. warm light casts a beautiful glow over the man’s skin and hair, his expression is softer, unguarded, there is even a small pout on his lips and for a second there is a strong resemblance with that kid jin used to know who would pout exactly like this when he didn’t get his way quickly. the light chuckle that slips through his lips is inevitable and munehisa looks up, upset and with something probably unking at the tip of his tongue.
   so jin stops thinking. he leans in, one hand traveling up to cup the smaller man’s nape. they stay quiet, jin’s heart beating so fast. he brushes his cheek against the heat of munehisa’s forehead and the younger’s breath hitches. jin lets the tip of his nose brush against the smaller's cheek and it is easy to spot a shallow breath and feel fingers digging into his arms. jin gives in. 
   the gap is closed in a moment. the first kiss is a firm and gentle press of their lips. jin feels his heart soar when he's not pushed away. instead, munehisa makes this little sound that ignites something primal deep inside him. jin steps in closer, lets his chest be the firm pillar of support that holds them up and he presses lightly on the other’s nape, directs the motion of his head so they can find the perfect angle. jin slides his tongue across the seam of munehisa’s lips and it’s deliberate, slow, purposeful. hands become restless, breath wavers, and it’s not a practiced dance but it’s just as exciting and different.
   ❛ does this answer your question? ❜ jin breathes out, caramel hues fixed on the shiny, wet lips before his. want stirs low in his abdomen, sends a tingling rush of adrenaline through his veins to dare him to do it again. jin resists barely as fingers brush dark strands to the side with gentle uncertainty. munehisa opens his eyes, mouth parting. he is about to say something, jin’s heart thunders and— 
   it’s a dream again. one of those recurring ones he has been experiencing for a few weeks now, vivid and plagued with endless wishful thinking not having place elsewhere. jin runs a hand through his face, eyes bleary and lips tingling.
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getintheboxsteven · 7 years
Mara is weak to nuclear HUEHUEHUEHEUEHUEHUE
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kurattes · 7 years
Thanks for dragging us into evergarden hell
If I’m gonna be crying about Violet y’all are gonna have to cry with me these are the rules for my blog
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imaginegatos · 11 years
my friend bought me limes from trader joe's after jokingly saying that he should buy me limes bc i used the last one today for ramen 
and we sat on the patio and talked for a while
and i looked like shit poop
but hey it was fun (  ͡ °  ͜ʖ  ͡°)
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ask-lego-and-thrandy · 11 years
-Laughs at all the asks directed to Thranduil-
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