#{ ' many things can be a dream tbh if you want *eyes emoji* }
inkedinshadows · 3 months
Hello lovely people! 🌸
(snippet of fanfic at the end)
Hi everyone! I'm not exactly new here, but I've never really posted anything before. I lurked in the dark, sometimes appearing in someone's comments, but mainly silently devouring fanfic for Azriel because I'm such a sucker for our shadowsinger 🖤
But now that I've got a lot of free time on my hands, I've decided to give a shot at writing something of my own and share it with anyone who'd be willing (and kind enough) to read it.
And while I work on the final scenes of my first fic, I thought it could be a nice idea if maybe I introduced myself a little a bit? I don't know, maybe no one really cares, but maybe someone does? So here it is.
🌸 I'm Italian, so forgive me if there are some mistakes or some weird stuff, but don't feel bad about calling me out on it so I can improve ✨️ it's my first time writing something other than an essay or dissertation in English after all
🌸 My name is Yennifer (not very Italian, I know), but you can call me Yen or Yenni. Whatever you like works tbh
🌸 I started writing when I was 10 and the first thing I ever wrote was a crossover for Harry Potter and Narnia, in which Peter and Ginny ended up together. I actually rewrote the whole thing at 13, then again at 15, and then I started writing a sequel. When I tell you I made that my whole personality for a few years, I mean it
🌸 I studied Foreign Languages and Literatures in university (and hopefully it helped with mastering English enough to use it for fanfics) and I recently graduated. I'm currently waiting and praying for my admission to the Master program
🌸 I've always wanted to be a writer, but since now I'm old enough (22 lol) to realize I'm not sure I've got what it takes to plan, write and finish (they tell me this is an important part of it) a whole ass book, my dream job is translator: reading, writing and languages all in one. What else could I possibly want?
🌸 My favorite authors are Jay Kristoff, TJ Klune and Jojo Moyes. If we stick to classics, I love Oscar Wilde and a few Italian dudes probably not many know
🌸 I love the color blue in all its shades, so I like to think it as fate that Azriel's color is cobalt 💙
🌸 I am OBSESSED with music. I can't live without it and I'm not even exaggerating. If I'm not listening to music, then there's still music playing in my mind and it never shuts up. Sometimes it can even be a bit frustrating. But whether it's real or just in my head, music is playing 24/7 around here
🌸 In case you couldn't tell, I particularly like this flower emoji. I just think it's really cute and a nice change from the usual lil red heart
Now, before I wrap this up, here's the little snippet I promised. Enjoy!
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His shadows lunged forward as if they wanted to reassure her, but he held them back. He approached her slowly, stopping just in front of her. He crouched down next to her and waited for her to meet his eyes before speaking.
“Let me help,” he said, unable to hide his concern any longer. He wanted to erase that haunted look from her eyes and he’d do anything to make her feel safe and protected again.
“You’re not alone, Y/N,” he continued, his tone gentle. In his mind, he was cursing himself for not having thought that she might experience this kind of problem. “I could help you. We can do it at your pace and stop whenever you wish.”
She stared into his eyes and it felt like an eternity passed before she nodded. Relief flooded his chest at her trust, her willingness to finally let someone help her.
Tears were streaming down her face and she sobbed, drawing her legs close to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She began to rock back and forth and maybe she was begging for it to stop, to never start, maybe she was screaming or calling out for someone, maybe she wasn’t saying anything at all.
As that dark freezing water closed over her and pulled her under, she knew the pain would come soon. And there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was drowning and there was nothing she could do, nothing she could do, nothing she could…
A tender, gentle touch on her cheek. From far away, someone called her name. And among the chaos, the darkness, the crippling fear, she saw a pair of hazel eyes, soft and yet concerned. A male voice assuring her that she was safe, that he was with her.
She wanted to believe that voice, but the water was pulling her under, cold and dark and terrifying. And yet that gentle voice was still talking to her, those hazel eyes still looking into hers, and she tried to hold on to them, to not let it all slip away.
And then someone took her hand and suddenly she felt something thumping beneath her palm. A heartbeat, she realized. Life.
Heartbeat meant life. Not death, not pain.
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Alright, I really hope you liked this and that it sparked your curiosity just enough to stick around to read the whole thing. I'll post it in the next few days, I just have to write the end.
Whether you've read the whole post or just skipped to the snippet, thank you so much and hopefully I'll see you again! 💙🌸🙈
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ichoriism · 3 years
@temporalobjects​ inspired: 👨‍��️‍💋‍👨Jinwai pwease ☺️ 25. …as a ‘ yes ’ 
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– jin leaves a cup of steaming, fresh coffee in front of the japanese man, a slightly concerned expression crossing his features. the baker takes a seat in the small dining table in the kitchen and waits as munehisa seems to sway on the chair. there’s a red hue touching the younger’s cheeks and even his nose seems to be coated in cherry. jin would coo if he wasn’t worried about why munehisa would appear in his house on a saturday night, drunk, of all things.
   he clears his throat, wetting his lips as he leans forward, forearms over the little table. ❛ do you want a bit of water while the coffee cools down? ❜ he asks, voice soft and gentle but strong enough to reach the other’s ears and pull him out of his daze. munehisa shakes his head however and jin continues to stare at the marks in the table's wood. it is weird, to be sitting here with the other, silence charged with things jin doesn’t understand fully.
   ❛ are you in love with me? ❜ munehisa asks suddenly, voice so tiny jin would have missed it were they not immersed in this silence. a crimson hue is still settled on creamy, sun-kissed skin but jin cannot miss the way his attention seems more focused than before —the way eyes seem to sparkle as if there's something akin to hopefulness shining there, in their depths. jin wonders if he is looking at himself in munehisa’s place or if the heavens have been generous enough to grant him this…
   jin looks away, swallowing. is it really okay if he reaches out with both hands and offers up his heart? could this be the right moment… the right time? can things work out if he comes clean and says…
   munehisa gets up and sways dangerously. jin is on his feet in a second, hands over the younger’s smaller shoulders, steadying him. warm light casts a beautiful glow over the man’s skin and hair, his expression is softer, unguarded, there is even a small pout on his lips and for a second there is a strong resemblance with that kid jin used to know who would pout exactly like this when he didn’t get his way quickly. the light chuckle that slips through his lips is inevitable and munehisa looks up, upset and with something probably unking at the tip of his tongue.
   so jin stops thinking. he leans in, one hand traveling up to cup the smaller man’s nape. they stay quiet, jin’s heart beating so fast. he brushes his cheek against the heat of munehisa’s forehead and the younger’s breath hitches. jin lets the tip of his nose brush against the smaller's cheek and it is easy to spot a shallow breath and feel fingers digging into his arms. jin gives in. 
   the gap is closed in a moment. the first kiss is a firm and gentle press of their lips. jin feels his heart soar when he's not pushed away. instead, munehisa makes this little sound that ignites something primal deep inside him. jin steps in closer, lets his chest be the firm pillar of support that holds them up and he presses lightly on the other’s nape, directs the motion of his head so they can find the perfect angle. jin slides his tongue across the seam of munehisa’s lips and it’s deliberate, slow, purposeful. hands become restless, breath wavers, and it’s not a practiced dance but it’s just as exciting and different.
   ❛ does this answer your question? ❜ jin breathes out, caramel hues fixed on the shiny, wet lips before his. want stirs low in his abdomen, sends a tingling rush of adrenaline through his veins to dare him to do it again. jin resists barely as fingers brush dark strands to the side with gentle uncertainty. munehisa opens his eyes, mouth parting. he is about to say something, jin’s heart thunders and— 
   it’s a dream again. one of those recurring ones he has been experiencing for a few weeks now, vivid and plagued with endless wishful thinking not having place elsewhere. jin runs a hand through his face, eyes bleary and lips tingling.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 4 years
Hi there! From what you’ve written so far I’m a huge fan of your writings! Are you comfortable writing polyamory? For example, a head cannon about a reader dating Louis and Legosi? If not, that’s totally fine!
Thank you! I’m so glad to hear it! 
I am! I love this idea tbh, they both got two hands. Poly relationships can be wonderful as long as everyone consents, so I’m very okay with it!
It got kinda long so...under cut (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Being in a relationship with both of them is great, for the most part. Just like any relationship there’s a few pitfalls, but nothing serious enough that any of you have any big problems.
The most difficult thing is the lack of communication on Louis’s end. It’s hard for him to adjust to the idea of not only going against his father by dating someone outside the female he was arranged to, but dating TWO animals at once? Huge deal for him. He’s just not used to allowing himself to be emotionally vulnerable period. 
He’s emotionally constipated be patient with him
Legosi couldn’t be happier. He didn’t have to choose, he didn’t want to choose. Having both is the perfect option for him. Honestly, when you three came together to discuss it, and settled on it, Legosi pinched himself. He actually pinched himself. He thought he was dreaming. 
“Legosi stop!”
“Stop pinching yourself you dumb dog!” 
“But there’s no way! I have to make sure I’m awake if I don’t and I’m dreaming, I’ll be heart broken!” 
He’s usually is kind of in the middle when you three go out. He adores both of you equally, so it’s ideal for him to have equal ability to hold hands and make eye contact
 Louis is VERY uncomfortable letting people know you three are together (he’s not ashamed, he just doesn’t know how to act in ANY relationship) so he tends to walk a little behind you two. Legosi is always worried he’s walking way to fast, being so big, so eventually he hangs back until you three are side by side (until someone else walks, then you adjust. You’re polite and share the sidewalk...I hope)
If you three go out to eat Louis is usually close to the wall, so he can observe everyone else without having to worry about being exposed. Legosi will sit wherever, but again, he likes being in the middle if possible.
 If you sit next to Louis he wont pull away if you grab his hand. He may actually end up holding it a bit to tight if he gets stressed. 
You and Louis both have to stand up for Legosi if someone is giving him a hard time. Legosi can handle it, but he just really likes seeing you two ready to throw down for his sake (but don’t actually, if you get hurt he wont forgive himself)
In private Louis is a very different male. He’s still awkward, but away from prying eyes he relaxes. He tends to become more affectionate, and will hold hands at the table, lean on you or Legosi on the couch, and wont pull away if you cuddle him (please do, he needs it)
Legosi and you have to remind Louis to take care of himself, he gets so in his head that he may forget to eat or drink a good amount of water. Don’t nag him, just bring him a snack casually. He’ll realize he hasn’t eaten and just feel loved knowing you two have his back
Legosi needs lots of affection, snuggle him when you can. He’s big and worried he’ll hurt you, so take initiative. Once he knows what’s okay, he’ll be all over you. 
Louis always gives you and Legosi a kiss goodbye when he leaves.
Legosi texts you and Louis pictures of bugs he finds, and uses far to many emoji’s when he texts about anything else. 
Sleeping arrangements depend on your preference. Sometimes two of you sleep in one a bed, sometimes all three of you squeeze in. No matter what Legosi is always the big spoon, and is a snuggler. Louis pretends he doesn’t want to snuggle, but if you hold him he will feel SO LOVED. If he’s in the middle of both you and Legosi...HEART EYES (keep a fan on, or the AC, it gets hot with three of you in a bed)
Louis makes sure both you and Legosi are comfortable financially. He worries, even if he’s not good at showing it until he gets to the breaking point. 
It’s hard to find anything cheesy and romantic when there’s more than two in a relationship, but Legosi buys you three mugs with different colored hearts on them. He thought about doing initials, but he and Louis both have L’s. At least the hearts match!
Legosi’s screensaver is a picture of you and Louis taking a nap on the couch, with one of those cheesy heart stickers on it
Louis and Legosi tend to try and handle problems as individuals, and it takes you and your other partner (whoever currently isn’t in crisis or doing something stupid and impulsive) to talk sense into them. 
That being said, if YOU are in crisis...well, whatever is troubling you is going to get fixed and FAST. Between Louis’s brains and connections, to Legosi’s strength and determination, there is very few things that would ever seriously pose a threat to you.
ALSO! While Louis is awkward and many people may not know he’s part of your relationship, you bet that he’ll come out swinging if someone starts talking bad about you and Legosi. He may not be as physically strong as Legosi, but his mind is a lethal weapon, it only takes one jerk to say something for it to QUICKLY spread not to mess with you three. With everything he’s been through, you two are his world and he’s not going to tolerate people talking shit about you two. 
While Louis’s father may not initially be supportive, he’d come around...slowly. It takes a lot for him to do so (even a few years) but at the end of the day he does love Louis, in his own way. He chose Louis as his son, Louis didn’t choose him. He decides as a parent, he needs to be supportive, even if it confuses him a little. On the plus side, now Louis has even more people to keep him out of trouble. 
The Shishigumi are happy when Louis is happy. They’re just not happy that Legosi is a canine (why not a big cat huh? They’d even take a leopard but NOOOO! Louis had to pick a canine) but they accept it because they care about him. They still tease Legosi though, but nothing malicious. 
Gosha (I hope you know who he is, if not just ignore this segment) is very supportive. His family is SO important to him, and he got an EXTRA FAMILY MEMEBER by having his grandson date two people. You couldn’t ask for anyone to be more supportive than Gosha. For Rexmas he’d get you three matching sweaters. 
I hope you like it! This was really fun to do!
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi baby 💕 ✉️ 🌝
Ahhh those Sunghoon gifs you reposted 🔥
I hope you had / are having an amazing day ! I kinda love your routine rn :) exercises are def good for the health I hope you are eating good and balanced meals ? Plus water ? ( ah I’m struggling heavily with all of those 😅🙈)
I can be literally so silly sometimes, I was checking your blog yesterday and I saw your reply and “I guess I replied in my head” till now , it’s literally next day 9pm here I was checking your blog literally 10 times looking for your message for me💀 but I think lmao just now I remembered I didn’t write anything 😭 I was waiting and checking your blog between the breaks and ah all my fault 🤦🏻‍♀️🤧😅🥲🥲
I happy for you again *^^^ uwu^^^ studying abroad is always an interesting experience & I hope everything goes smoothly and really happily :) medicine is hard tho too! I think even harder than law school 🏫.. I hope you still have time for your blog 😭🤧
Pat* pat* thanks for sweet messages 💕❤️💖 you are so adorable and I’m so happy I got a new friend:)
Also I got new medicine, my sickness (?) ah is kinda progressing .. I hope it’s not covid😭 that’s why I’m so slow on replies , I liter. would love to chat with u 27/4 and I am usually like this 😭🤧
Todays song recommendation that I can’t get enough is aespa— illusion , do you listen to GG? Maybe you have a bias in aespa? Also is your skz bias Felix ?:)
Thank you for 🍊 SUNOO 😽🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hugs and kisses baby , remember you are the best❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also what do you think about my ideas for fic ? :) any you could work on ?🙈🙈😅😅🥰🥲
~ 🐁 nonie:)
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🐁 anonie 🥺❤️ enjoy a little, fluffy sunsun edit first ( ♥︎ )
and about finding my asks ah you don’t have to go through so much trouble! Just go to “about my blog” portion in my pinned post and when you scroll down there’s a whole organised section for asks. “Anon list” over there click your emoji and tada! All your replies will show up🥰 I just opened my eyes from my sleep and I had such a romantic dream about taehyun ( from txt) 😳 my cheeks are blazing 😳👉🏻👈🏻 it’s always him I see romantic dreams about, today’s the second time! *gets shy and blushes uwu*🙈 he looked SO good AND SO MUCH TALLER THAN ME I could’ve passed out..*heavy breathing* 😮‍💨 and yeah ikr? Medicine is harder than law..and it takes up almost 24 hours of your time bc there’s so much study material and things to cover..I’m not sure if I can keep up w my writing speed and post fanfics as frequently, but I’m never leaving tumblr. 🫶🏻 I’ll always reblog gifs and answer asks and interact with the people here cause this is my safe haven.🥺🫶🏻💓 and I DID check out your fic ideas! I liked all of them tbh they are so cute T.T I wanna do a y/n’s best friend who is jealous over hyunnie and all, who also has feelings for y/n like you mentioned. But I can’t decide if it’s gonna be soobinie or sunoo! I feel like soobin would make a better appearance here since soobin and hyunjin are the same age? Better rivalry🤣 and more interesting love triangle haha. But ofc it’s upto you and who you want!! And naaaaahhh!! I hope it’s not covid :(( don’t worry it isn’t! Bc of rapid weather changes so many people around me (and even I did) face cold, fever, throat ache symptoms. I wish you a speedy recovery <3 I’m also glad I found a new friend T.T you’re so <333 I heard the last song by boa I think? It was pretty cool🤩 actually I’ve never heard songs from girl kpop bands before. I’m into the boyband culture so deeply haha. I only know itzy and heard one of their songs bc I literally simp for yeji!!😍 hugs and kisses back at you 😚 and I will leave this song review in our next ask <3 YEP felix is my skz bias WITHOUT A DOUBT 🌤💛 but my loyalty usually swerves between minho and seungminnie!😆
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border-spam · 4 years
-- Uroboros log - Encrypted E-Call - Or8cle / S0litar3 - source Commercial trade vessel ID 122-J-Prom / Cpt - Seifa A’rosk / SAVED blame=GKT --
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(Mid CoV, Ven belongs to @hieroglyphix and JK to @godkingsanointed)
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See - I mean of all hthe things. Of all the things you coudl have warned me about in the last what. 4 years now of this? Of telling each other things tht mattered? You could have said nt to take a swing at Troy's stupid fucking face.
See - Hurts so much to type this. God excuse the typos tbh im not doing grea t.
See - I got everything I need tho I'm gd. Take it you know where IM heading yeah? Figure as much at least. I hope this was the right call, Ven. I really hope this was the right choice. Weird cause ive run this through so many times in my head u kno? Wexactly stept by step what I'd do what would happen where I’d go. Shit packed up and stored for a year now, but hey you do actually know that, huh.
See - Feles like my stomach is gone, dropped out of me somewhere back in the cathedral or something. Feels like imnot really here like this whole thing is a dream and I'll waitke up at my desk with a 20 messages I cba reading and a pot of takeout noodles one of you left for me. This doesn’t feel real but it is aint it. Nothing outside the hull cept empty space and silence.
See - Never thought I'd hatee silence, Ven. Wish you were here filling it.
See - Look after JK. Watch out fo rthem. please. Eli is good I;m not worried, you always got Eli, Eli will outlive me I think, probably all of us with how loved he is. But watch out for JK primise me. They love Troy so much that they'll try and pull the monster off his back and that thing is going to be screaming now, Ven. That thing is going to be looking fo sr someone to rip in half and it's not me anymore stanidng in the way of it because I couldn't do it anymore.
See - I'm so fucking sorry man I couldn't do it. Not anymore. I coldnt. Put it off for so long but he was taking everything I had and there was so little left, and then what WAS left he .. he hurt tonight so bad.
See - Been crying for hours now bit Im not really crying you know? tears just dripping down. Can't stop them. Stupid really, eyes hurt.
See - Ven you ever think how funny it would be if verything had been juwt that bit different? Like not this not the COV. Us tho we could have. Like think about it we'd be unstoppable, me and you hahaha. We'd run this fucking galazuy if we wanted, can you imagine. Some bar somewhere we own with a lil casino, luck always somehow on our side? PAir of us could have wrapped anyone we wanted round our fingers we'd be a joke. We'd be terrifying. Could have owned shithoels like Pandora with a little time and a little work. Scam the riches off all those bastards, fucking XAN, oh my god. Leave the prick with nothing, man it would have been so eASY for me and you. Just me and you.
See - Could have saved some kids. Worn ourselves as who we were proud and free not hidden under rules and titles and whatever the hell kind of fake Gods we tried to walk the paths of. It would have been funny wouldn't it Ven, me and you.
See - But Then I think, you know? About how that affects everything tlese. Eli? Without this life Eli wouldn't be here would he. Not now.
See - God sorry, my hand is killing me I'm putting on speech to text.
See - Would JK be alive? Would they have found their lady and their family at all without that cancerous bullshit of a life we joined.
See - And with what he is now still, Troy wouldn't. I know that. Maybe Ty would be, and idk if she would even be something I could CALL Ty, but he'd be dead. I don't know if what I am is worth that. If like. My happiness in some other life, some other choices, is worth all these losses.
See - Maybe that's what it means to care, right? Me and you we get that, don't we. Caring so much about people you want to tell yourself you don't need but you deep down know damn well you'll fade away without. Maybe it means you always sacrifice yourself in the end, your choices, what you could be, what someone else could be with you, all for the people you find yourself loving.
See - Ven I am very drunk right now this was meant to dull the pain till I got base side but whew.
See - Wish this thing had emojis
See - :ass:
See - aww man.
See - Listen.
See - Don't hate him. I think maybe you already can't because you knew, all along, warned me what 2 years ago? Knew and I still saw the way you'd look at him like he was that kind of horrifically embarrassing younger teen brother who's insisted on hanging out with your friends and is SO cringe but you all kinda love him anyway? I know that haha. Don't hate him. You had a terrible life, but Ven, he's had none. Nothing.
See - Idk how much he's told you really, it's not for me to tell, and if you don't know everything, like how they grew up, what happened when they first got here, the things he had to do to make sure she would be happy? Find out. Wait till the monster subsides and he's broken and alone and just. Take that chance. Find out.
See - No one ever really understood why I put up with it all for as long as I could, and I guess I still sound like a moron rn when ur reading this. But if you know, I think you'll understand.
See - Cause me and u Ven. We are so close. man. We are so the same. You're better than I could ever be, but you understand who I am, and if you can understand who I am, you'll understand why I can’t give up on him once you know.
See - Tell E I love him so much. I'll be off grid for a while, gimme a week ok, and then I'll send a vid call and we can all talk.
See - Sorry I won't make it tonight.
See - Sorry, Ven.
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-- Encrypted contact ends --
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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imagines-mha · 5 years
How class 1-B are in the mornings
Have u ever seen something so tired in ur life
He’s 100% that annoying person who REFUSES to get up no matter how many times you shout at him
Takes him 39 years to actually get out of bed and he’s hellbent until he gets some form of breakfast (thank u tetsutetsu for being the typical morning provider)
Like fr he hates just about everyone
He’s the reason most of the morning dramas break out in the class. He argues with EVERYONE and it causes so many fuckin arguments there’s at least one every morning some1 restrain him
He’ll wake up exactly on his alarm, hopping out of his bed as awake as he’s ever been he’s so excited everyone plz give him a kiss
Once he’s up he’s up and he’s the biggest morning person in the house like he brings SO MUCH joy
It annoys the sleepy squad™️ but on the plus side he offers to make breakfast for everyone cus he’s always up so early so who rlly wins???
Closeted member of the sleepysquad™️
sleeps until he HAS to get up lmao he ain’t one of those “i’ll get up early to get breakfast and get prepared for the day!!” NAW he’s more like “don’t even enter my room til 10 minutes before class starts”
If you DO enter his room earlier than allowed he will end you. Like it’s one of the few times he gets really REALLY angry at people and u don’t wanna see him angry cus he can be a demon
He pretends he’s up when his alarm rings, but he’ll sit at breakfast letting his eyes shut every few minutes and it’s so easy to see how tired he is
He’s grumpy when he wakes up
If monoma or ANYONE even opens their mouth he glares so hard like if looks could kill lmao
Can’t eat breakfast in the mornings. Thinks anyone who does has deeply rooted issues
Literally. Don’t even breathe in his direction bro. It’s for ur own good
He and awase make the worst duo in the mornings to be around they can be so SASSY
Either the happiest person alive or the sleepiest. Fr it’s 50/50
One morning he’ll wake up with a start and greet everyone and get off to a happy, bouncy beginning to his day
Other mornings he can and will fall asleep in a bowl of cereal
He’s also the cutest though like he has that messy hair aesthetic and he’s literally a 4 year old in need of care when he’s sleepy
His mood depends on whether he’s showered the night before or not
He wakes up extremely tired: his hair a mess, pyjamas all ruffled, and he yawns 3 times per minute
Does he care though? No
Like fr an avalanche could hit the building and he still wouldn’t react heS SO SLOW
It takes him like 2 hours to wake up properly but the class find it adorable cus he has this croaky voice when he’s tired and they all LOVE IT
He wakes up every morning exactly 4 minutes before his alarm. He doesn’t know how to fix it
He’s learned to reap the benefits though cus these four minutes are his time™️ to get his life together for the day
He 100% sleepwalks
He’s that weirdo who does stretches in the mornings and drinks water to “fully energize himself”
In a good mood most mornings- just like he usually is tbh like they don’t affect him much
Does he,,,, does he sleep?
Honenuki went into his room one night to grab a charger and found him just,,,sitting there
He doesn’t like to talk about that experience
Noone really knows what happens once lights go out tbh
He does sleep though. If you look closely in the mornings his hair’s a teeny bit more disshevelled and his voice is slightly more gruff but it takes a genius to figure it out
She is literally the defiance of logic in the mornings
10pm will hit and she’ll be snoring on the sofa, then after her 9 HOUR SLEEP she’ll wake up for school, more tired than anyone in the class
Sleepysquad queen™️
She’s dangerous whenever she’s tired like i mean she needs constant assistance cus my girl be walking into walls n shit
She just makes confused noises til class starts
She’s tired but mom gotta work so she forgets abt it 😤
She’s the resident alarm clock of the dorms
As in she comes and wakes up the idiots who hit snooze too many times (*cough* moNOMA *cough*)
A little moody in the mornings, and it’s not a rare sight to see her arguing with a grumpy monoma or awase
Pls be kind to her in the mornings she tries so hard.
shes the only one monoma can stand in the mornings cus you just CANT be mean to her
Always has her hair in plaits to make it wavy and wears matching pyjamas every night
She literally is an angel she’ll wake up with a croaky “good morning everyone” and start her day with smiles and happy thoughts
Definitely a morning person she cheers everyone up
She gets up at 5:45am every single morning to meditate and do yoga
Always the first one up
She’ll come outside the dorms and watch the sunrise in the summer with a cup of tea and her own company- if this doesn’t happen she goes from angel to demon in minutes
When everyone wakes up she’s already dressed and has already eaten and they’re lowkey jealous of her time management
Don’t look at her in the mornings she’s a mess
Ask her a question and she’ll stare blankly at you until you go away there’s no hope for conversation sorry bro 😔👊🏻
She just sits on her phone and tries to absorb as much caffeine as possible before going to school like she litrally gives 0 fucks u could feed her paper in the mornings and she wouldn’t second guess it
She’s the most normal when she wakes up. Not too happy not too grumpy just 👌🏻
Will help tetsutetsu make breakfast cus she’s one of the only ones who can stand his energy
She’s the go to gal for homework in the mornings. If you need to copy some shit up or finish off smth her schoolbags always open to everyone and the answers are always right
She’s the only one everyone can collectively stand in the mornings
How does she have so much energy??? What the fuck
Wakes up ready to run a marathon
Her eyes fr snap open at 7:00am and she’s like “LETS GOOOOOOO MORNING TIME YEE HAW!!!!”
Uses her quirk to prank people in the mornings and it makes the morning clique™️ giggle
As opposed, it makes the sleepy squad™️ so fucking angry but it IS funny to be fair
U know those cute ZZZZZZZ emoji things that appear on his speech bubble whenever he’s sleepy
They stay there til midday
He just drags himself around every morning and bondo ends up carrying him HES SO TIRED
He stays up all night drawing and dancing around his room like it’s 4AM and he’s bouncing on his bed to the fuckin ghostbusters soundtrack he’s a dork
Another angel in the mornings
If it weren’t for him fukidashi would have been dead due to tiredness
Makes all his sleepy friends their coffee and gets them ready for school
Hes a mom
He sleeps a good 10 hours a night tho like damn he does get his beauty sleep
He’ll help out as much as possible and everyone just loves to be around him
“Ah,,,,,kendo,,,,have you by any chance seen my glasses?”
He asks shit like this every morning and every morning they’re in the EXACT same place god someone help him pls
He sleepwalks and sleeptalks and it’s TERRIFYING because from a distance he looks so scary
Don’t get into a conversation with him in the mornings he’ll talk for hours on end
He’s another sleepy boy
He doesn’t have an ounce of malice in him, but he’s also the most disorientated
He’s dropped and smashed so many cups on the floor from just being too tired vlad’s gonna kill him one day
He actually doesn’t give a fuck in the mornings
You could tell him the house is on fire and he’d still try and roll back over to get that extra 5 minutes lmao
Do u want 2 die in the mornings? No? Ok just don’t look at him and you’ll be fine
The definition of “if looks could kill”
He doesn’t want to be awake. He doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to be in bed, dreaming abt nice leaves or some shit idk what do preying mantises dream abt??
He’s threatened monoma with a knife before and vlad had to pull them apart it was scary as heck but he regets nothing
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Nakamoto Yuta  Astrology Ask: How he loves
“That“Hello!  Can you please do an astology post about hpw yuta from nct 127 loves ? With all the fluffy and nsfw details included ? I loved the ones yo did already and I was wondering if you’re interested in look into his chart? Thank you 😊😊🌸” - @marinemousemarie
A/N Of course I am happy to! Thanks again for your patience !!  ALSO THIS HAIR IS KILLING ME ON HIM OML   thank you for your request!!!
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what is he so perfect for????
Alright !!!!
Yuta’s chart is HEAVILY water influenced
which right off the bat means he is very in touch with his emotions
someone help me I am c o m p r o m i s e d
that is so daddy 
so even though he HAS these very deep emotions, he will still come off as mysterious and likely has a wall up
Scorpios exude sex appeal honestly I knew his sun was Scorpio but he makes so much sense with his moon there too 
His rising is Capricorn (by estimation)
so he is likely really thoughtful and analytical too, especially when you first meet him and a very, VERY hard worker
he even REALLY fits the physical description of a Scorpio honestly
his north node is Libra so even though he has a lot of Scorpio (typically a less social sign because they tend to be a bit... suspicious)
he probably desperately needs a tight knit group around him he trusts,and leans on them only when he feels he can’t handle it alone
 also his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality
he probably revels a little bit in the parts of his nature that stir him
..... i’m going to let you deduce what I feel about that until we get under the cut cause uh
a bitch is shook
so SUN in Scorpio means he is quieter at first, tends to ask more questions instead of revealing his own feelings (which are there and are strong)
puts off a really entrancing seductive mystery that draws people to stare and commands attention on it’s own
MOON in Scorpio means INTENSE 
Lunar Scorpios can cut right through anyone’s bullshit
there’s no point in faking emotion around him he is going to know immediately 
and have you ever seen such intense side eye from another sign???
They are incredibly all or nothing. if you are in their good graces they respect you and will show it 
if you lose that respect it is GONE forever
they are also courageous and tend to be on the cutting edge of fashion and social issues he has a golden heart and a steely gaze oh lort 
his mercury is in Libra which is the best place for that sign tbh
the negotiation skills this man would have is uncanny
tbh this makes me feel like he has the silverest of tongues
between Scorpio’s natural affinity for privacy and mystery and Libra’s skill with mediation, he will be effortless at wrapping someone around his finger
has a very solid sense of justice though, so it will only be used for good 
desires someone to sharpen his mind on
wants to be able to verbally spar and debate- always done in a friendly way though!
Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius  so he is the kind of person who wants to travel, is governed by a strict moral code all his own
and really just wants to enjoy the experiences of life 
these things can impact his desire to settle down however so his focus has to be on a relationship part of his life before he lets that happen.
his VENUS being in Scorpio well.
that’s ah. the exact opposite of his mars and Jupiter tbh
so they balance out a bit, but basically his venus says “when you are ready to settle down you settle down, and you don’t mess around.” 
they are loyal and sensual and they need emotional connection that goes both ways
they LOVE commitment and they expect FULL devotion
they wanna pick you apart and know every little thing about you because they want to fill all your cracks with little pieces of themselves so that you are hooked and sticking around
but they aren’t fully forthcoming with their own emotions
with his Mercury being Libra if you can GET him to talk, it’s fine because he will express it well
but you will have to be fantastic at deciphering different emotions in his eyes
there’s actually a lot of Capricorn in his chart, so even though he has a lot of Scorpio ( a very self sufficient sign)
he also probably has a few places where he can be a bit harder on himself and a little self defeating
he probably won’t need MUCH encouragement though, considering the really active fire sign in his Mars 
in relationships this boils down to 
you meet and he seems very withdrawn
polite but there’s a mystery behind his eyes you can’t quite pin down
no matter how much he likes you, he will not tell you 
no he will hint by initiating really subtle flirting
you’ll find him guiding you by two fingers on your low back, a gesture of helpfulness that will linger a few seconds too long
prolonged eye contact from across the room that drives you insane because you can’t figure out what it MEANS
the raise of one brow if you say something that he considers a little flirty back
he wants the push and pull to see if you are really interested  
after some playful non verbal flirting he will probably make sure you know he thinks you’re attractive more explicitly
his mars is Sagittarius so he will frame it casually but he would really need you to know
so say you dressed really nicely
he is going to make sure you get a compliment from him
“That fits really nice.”
and you will thank him only to realize he’s smirking and you know it is more than a basic compliment he is low key dirty okay
He’d be the type to have someone else invite you to a group gathering and then monopolize your time 
he would ask you a million questions about yourself until he knew you better than you do
and then he would flirt more
as he drank more his compliments would get softer and more kind and less borderline sugestive
and that’s how you know he genuinely likes you 
like he’s tipsy and it’s “You’re so sweet and I like being around you.”
“why won’t you ever rub my head like you rub Mark’s?”
“Why do you laugh at all of Johnny’s jokes and not mine?”
“I really just wish you’d love me too.”
and you’re like   👀👀👀👀👀👀
he will deny it like... one time and then he will cave hard
might lay on you and play with your hands while he talks about what he likes about you
and you’re in shock because he rarely speaks about how HE feels and usually only asks you things
and you realize his feelings are real and you finally just say “If I’m so great why won’t you date me?”
and he will 0.0 
because why didn’t sober him think of that ???
he did but also he doesn’t want you to know how MUCH he did you feel me
so he will just be like “okay, then it is what we’re doing now.”
and you expect him to forget but the next day he is at your house with flowers and he wants to do cute shit
domestic shit like changes your name in his phone to a shit ton of cute emojis
spam you 
with love via text while he is away
just one after another of CHEESY ass heart and flower pictures
and the most adorable good mornings and goodnights and every meal time he texts to be sure you’re eating
is genuinely so sweet and open with you once you are together
loves to lay in your lap and stare up at you 
run your hands through his hair while you do what a dream though
back hugs!!
front hugs!!
he wants
how precious I 
18 + below the cut let’s get spicy
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you don’t understand I am incoherent
remember  THIS “  his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality “
i usually don’t agree when people insist someone IS a specific roll in the bedroom but
Yuta is a whole dom
Comfortable with his darker sides... comfortable with his kinks
willing to explore and not in the SLIGHTEST concerned about what society thinks
if he likes it he tells you and you guys will decide if it’s something you wanna do
ALL THAT SCORPIO. Sun, Moon, Venus,and pluto all being in scorpio I mean this dude I FUCKIN CAN’T
 Scorpio is known for being passionate, sensual and incredibly unrelenting 
a bit egotistical about their abilities
not in a bad way, in a “I got this and I will show you that I do”  kind of way
Yuta stop that’s hot
This is not romantic sex
this is not lovey dovey handholding sex
He wants you incoherent and lost in pleasure
he wants to dominate you and watch you beg
listen he really loves the power rush that comes with it
maybe choking look don’t kill me he strikes me as a choking type
Libra mercury so his dirty talk is ALWAYS ON POINT AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU LIKE
seems like the type to be a LITTLE into degradation
I’m sorry look I don’t mean anything too serious
just “You’re a slut for me aren’t you? Such a good girl all day but you can’t wait to spread your legs for me?”
that kinda stuff
Orgasm control/Denial
holds a vibrator to your clit while you beg him to stop
finger fucks you while he does
Maybe a sir/daddy kink 
the type to buy you a “collar” made of diamonds and smirk every time someone who doesn’t know compliments it
“Don’t cum and don’t let anyone know and I will reward you at home.”
while he fingers you under the table
thinks it’s funny if you have minor slip ups
fast, accurate strokes that leave you seeing stars
sometimes deep, soul shakingly slow strokes that roll your eyes back into your head
scratch his shoulders he likes that shit
spanking and biting are definitely a yes
aftercare is SO SWEET
cuddles you and shhhhh’s you
strokes up and down your arms with his fingertips
lays your head in his lap and smiles softly at you
asks you what you need to calm down
wraps you in the softest robe or blanket
makes you feel safe and loved
tells you how well you did 
a good boyfriend wow
here you go !
thank you for your patience !!
I hope you enjoyed it !!
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ljnuwu · 5 years
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summary: heartthrob!jeno wants his habits to die but all his attempts to show you always seem to go wrong
genre: fluff(?), angst
warnings: cliche, like SUPer cliche, horrible grammar, cursing, kinda long(?) depends the kind of reader you are ig, not proofread
lee jeno amirite
alr so naturally being lee jeno everyone loves you
like how could you nOT love him its like impossible
now there are like a few people who don’t and that’s ok just live your life yknow
now lee jeno is like really really loveable
you know those situations where people are so nice that you want to kill them? that’s like everyone @ jeno minus the wanting to kill
instead it’s wanting to protect him at like all costs which is reasonable
ok so onto his dating life
jeno has a record of dating someone for like a solid one to three-ish weeks maybe the longest he’s ever dated anyone was like five weeks everyone thought he’d stay with them but it ended up breaking up so like :/
no one knows why jeno is like this like he drastically changed like kinda in the middle sophomore year 
like he went from a shy boy who couldn’t even look at a girl without blushing to this like confident boy that could make anyone’s heart flutter by just breathing
ok so like onto you
you actually were partners with jeno on a project in like the first half of sophomore year so like you know the og jeno yknow 😔
you also had like a minor crush on him at that time but we don’t talk about that
at first, you didn’t believe the rumors but then you saw/heard it with your own eyes & ears
you remember it so vividly like woah 
it was like maybe march or april of sophomore year when you were late to class and just didn’t bother going lmao 
so you were wandering around the school building and you thought you were the only one bc everyone had a class at that time so like you were kinda shocked to hear some voices in the hallways
so you wanted to be nosy bc like why not jsjd 
alr so this is what you heard 😳
“hyejin, what don’t you get? why do i have to repeat myself so many times to you?!”
“because i don’t get it! we’re literally perfect for each other!”
at this point you kinda regret eavesdropping so you try to leave quietly 
“it’s simple i don’t love you, i never did and i never will. please, did you think this would last forever? i only date for the thrill and when it’s gone so am i”
as much as you hated to admit it, you felt a little pang in your heart when you heard the boy’s words
how could someone live like that? but then again, who were you to judge how someone lived their life 
“screw you, lee jeno!” 
your eyes widen when you heard the name that was yelled out by the girl 
lee jeno?? the shyest boy on earth broke someone’s heart???? really??
at this time you didn’t know jeno was gonna be a new resident heartthrob at your school cause you’re kinda slow with news 
your friends weren’t even surprised when you asked why there were so many sad girls, seeing as you can be pretty oblivious sometimes :// me too dw 😔
so they were like jeno became like a fboi/heartthrob/heartbreaker something like that over night 
and you were like :0 bc you knew as jeno as the like really shy and nice guy who’s smile was like so adorable and made you want to protect you know 😔
alr so now to the present like two-ish years later it seems that jeno’s goal is to break like every girl’s heart at least in your grade yknow he’s going a grade at a time guys ghksd 
so you were his next target *sad emoji* how did you know this? well it seemed that he popped up next to your locker like everyday since school started back up after summer break lol
he’d usually greet you with a good morning or pickukp line
today’s was “aside from being absolutely breathtaking what do you do for a living?”
“well, i don’t really have a job but i am a student which means if i spare you any more of my breath i’ll be late to class. see you later heartthrob!” 
with that you zoom up the stairs and to your next class 
so class is over and it’s the ONLY class you share with jeno and like a third of his friends
the class was,,, overwhelming to say the least
from the girls swooning at literally everything jeno does to his friends being loud
yall know how loud like three of the members in dream are so 😔🖐
ok so this teacher is pretty chill and lets students like sit wherever which you at this moment realize is a mistake so you’re just hoping some girl at least tRiES to grab jeno’s attention and convince him but it seems luck isn’t on your side and all of the girls just seem to starstruck by jeno breathing
so he sits next to you surprise surprise 
and every time he’d tried to talk to you you’d ask the teacher a question, pretending not to hear him every time
at this point jeno got kinda annoyed but he just inhaled and exhaled, he could do this
when he was going to ask you something or flirt with you the bell rang
you didn’t pack up quickly like jeno expected- no you wanted to confuse him or maybe annoy him furthermore so when you’re practically done packing up you turn to him and say, “i miss the old shy and sweet jeno, don’t you? isn’t this whole heartthrob thing kinda tiring at times?” 
and jeno was like shook no one’s ever said that to him like woah yknow
he just kinda stayed frozen looking at you he was like: 👁👄👁 lmao jskfdj
so you just offer a smile and rush to your next class instantly regretting all your life decisions and when you get to your next class you sit down and your shoulders slump and you just bang your head on the desk yknow like jinsoul in that one live yeah :/
meanwhile jeno is still in the classroom stuck standing at that same spot and just staring at space
“hey jeno you alright bro?”
“jun shut up i think he’s having a realization moment”
“wtf is that?” 
“idk i just wanted to tell you to shut up”
and so renjun and hyuck start fighting and then jeno was like
“guys, do you miss the old me?”
“you mean the shy guy in freshman and like the first half of sophomore? nah you’re way cooler no-”
“hyuck literally shut up for oNCE oh my god”
“why should i”
“he doesn’t mean it you know we all miss the old you jeno, but who you choose to be is all up to you”
“woah that’s some deep shit renjun”
“i know bro” 
so like time skip to lunch everyone starts whispering when you enter the cafeteria and you were confused but then you sense a presence next to you and you can’t help but roll your eyes
does this guy just not give up?
so you sit at your table with your friends who give you pity looks and they eventually scoot a bit away from you and jeno 
some friends they are 😔
and you just start eating ignoring jeno because you don’t really know what to say?? like ok jsjf 
you’re kinda awkward and don’t know how to start a conversation with someone who wants to break your heart so it’s obviously gonna be a bit awkward yknow ://
then jeno just like clears his throat and is like “we were partners for a project in sophomore year, yeah?” 
to say you were surprised that he remembered that is an understatement but like your pride got the best of you and so you were like, “you can remember that but you can’t remember the last three girls you dated? interesting”
jeno poor boi chokes on his food like jaemin in that one video yknow 
but he just nervously laughs and decides he should just give up but like his pride man
“why don’t we go somewhere after school?” 
“are you asking me on a date lee jeno?”
“yes i am, you do know i’m not as shy as before, right?”
“trust me, i know that all too well” you mumble giving a tight smile you think jeno didn’t hear but he did and he thinks back to your words, it has gotten quite tiring and not to mention lonely doing this whole heartthrob thing
“well, are you going to answer my question?”
“hmm sure why not”
jeno was surprised by your answer but you just gave in knowing he won’t stop annoying you until you give in and you’d rather have a very peaceful school year
so time skip school is over and everyone collectively sighs in relief when the school gates are open 
you’re not surprised when you see jeno at the school gates waiting for you,,,,, with a bunch of girls surrounding him, asking him questions in their honey voices so you just stand there and watch him suffer at his attempts to tell them he’s got somewhere to go or smth like that 
he catches you looking at him and his situation laughing, i mean you were pretty amused by his situation but eventually you got bored and walked out of school and on your way to a cafe where you usually go to study
you don’t expect jeno to show up next to you out of breath, looking like a lost puppy
“finally got out of the hands of your adoring fangirls i assume?” you ask
you couldn’t help but smile at your own comment
“wouldn’t you like to know”
“actually i wouldn’t”
“so where to now?” jeno asks looking ahead changing the subject
you giggle again and quicken your pace
jeno finds your giggle,,, what’s the word... cute? 
no impossible
all the girls he’s been with had cute giggles
so why did he feel butterflies erupt in his stomach when you giggled? werid lmao
so yall made your way to the cafe and once you get there you immediately get your notes and stuff out
once you got everything settled and stuff you mumble a quick stay here to jeno so you can order and jeno can save your spot bless him 
so you order and stuff (i don’t really go to cafes and places like that often so that’s why i’m so awkward sorry)
once you settle back down in your seat you offer a sip to jeno and he reluctantly takes the cup and sips the drink he’s surprised at how good it is tbh same 😔
so once he sets your drink back down next to you you look up at him expectantly
“good, right?”
he simply nods and looks like he’s trying to solve all his life problems (me too bro)
you quirk your brows which jeno found REALLY CUTE LIKE REALLY REALLY CUTE HOW IS SOMEONE SO CUTE but shrug it off and go back to reviewing your notes while jeno contemplates the world’s exsistence
“so was that indirect kiss intentional or?”
you look up at him while you’re drinking your coffee with wide eyes but unlike jeno, you don’t choke you just set your drink calmly at least that’s what it looks like but inside you’re screaming 
“if we’re going to be talking and possiblly even dating for two weeks might as well become more friendly” you respond looking at him dead in the eye 
and at this moment jeno realized you had guts like bro no one he’s ever dated was that bold
and so he just smiles yknow that smile i’m sure you know that smile 
and so once you’re done studying and stuff idk you go back home and jeno offers to walk you home and you were like sure bc it’s not like he’ll take no for an answer
so the next day ! 
and on his way to school he thinks about all his life choices so far
and one of them is this heartthrob thing
is it really worth it? does he really want to continue committing to his goal i mean is the goal that important
deep shit like that yknow
and then he decided he’ll continue his goal bc why not
so when he got to school he waited at your locker for a WHILE
jeno almost gave up waiting but when he saw you rushing through the school doors his face literally lit up and he stood a little straighter
he’s whipped wbk
so he looks down at his phone rereading the pick up line he found on the internet 
when you opened your locker you were like, “sorry to keep you waiting, i missed the bus and just made for a run for it. sorry for being late, babe.”
hfhsjk i just cringed typing that hNGn ok 
so boi jeno was like shook and made that noise yknow the eH  
and you just smile and it seems your timing is always perfect bc then the bell rings 
so time skip to like a week later
by this time you’ve gotten used to jeno and jeno has gotten used to you and how you can sometimes be bold like REALLY bold lmao
and you get used to jeno being awkward and cute and his pick up lines but i mean you got used to it immediately bc that was how the old jeno™ 
so you guys are just walking with ice cream (cliche i know 😔)
so there’s this ice cream parlor that’s pretty close to your school and a lot of students go there so that’s why you’re not that surprised to see a bunch of familiar faces as you walk out of the parlor but you become aware of the fact that you are walking and holding hands with the lee jeno™ and so you kinda loosen your grip on jeno’s hand and look down at the ground
jeno notices this and immediately grabs your hand again, lightly squeezing it to reassure you everything is fine :)
and that’s when you hear it
“lee jeno got a new girlfriend already? guess i was too late” 
“don’t worry they probably won’t even last two weeks”
“how much you wanna bet they won’t even last one week”
and then your mood drops even more :(((
you think that jeno doesn’t hear it but he did and he’s >:(
and that’s when he decides that you will be first person he will love and no one else his first and last amirite
it’s not like he’s forcing himself to love you bc he’s well one his way 
everyone can see how he’s whipped for you but they still doubt it’ll last :/
so while he’s deep in thought he doesn’t realize that you’ve just stayed in that same spot after hearing those girls and when jeno realizes this he rushes to your side and takes your hand in his
then you look up at him in somewhat surprise and he just smiles
“i promise you that i will love you and only you, you’ll be my first and last love” (can you hear me dying and cringing while typing this?)
you can see the sincerity in his eyes and voice when he says this to you and you were like, “ayyy that’s a bit cringe even for you heartthrob no?”
he just chuckles softly and you can’t help but smile
believing him at that time may have been your worst mistake 
“soooo, how would you feel being my girlfriend?”
“why not, heartthrob” 
scratch that, that was you’re worst mistake
so a week later everyone is surprised to see jeno pursuing a girl for that long yknow i don’t even know what this is anymore shfjls ok 
so when it’s revealed you are official the whole school starts placing bets to see how long yall would last and although you’re kinda :( you immediately go :) bc you remember jeno’s words and decide no one needs to believe yall would last only you two. yknow cliche and cheesy stuff like that bc love has you blinded sis 
and so when you finally get to your locker you see jeno,,,, followed by a bunch of girls begging to break up with you and get with them and he just smiles and nods 
cause that’s all the poor boy knows, smiling and nods and then he spots you and his face immediately lights up and you just give him a tight smile and a questioning look bc how are you gonna get to your locker with all these girls in the way
you don’t want to be rude or anything so you just try your best to push through the crowd
when you finally get to your locker jeno’s attention goes to you and what you start doing, ignoring all the girls trying to get his attention lmao
eventually the crowd thins out and you just look to him with a slight smirk
“the heartthrob title seems to follow you everywhere, huh?”
“i really wanna drop it for you, yknow”
“hmm i can tell” 
you both just share a knowing smile and it’s so cute omg uwu
and so time skip to like lunch and you’re sitting with your friends after you had an agreement with jeno to let you sit with your friends this time around and he just obeys like a little puppy jskj
“what did he tell you that has you so whipped?” your friend finally starts with a slight smirk 
and you’re just like hmm? and look up from your food 
you aren’t necessarily into love but neither are you heartless you get me?
so you explain to them what jeno said to you that day in the shortest way possible and they just look at each other 
and you’re left clueless like, what?
and finally one of your friends speak up
“you don’t believe him right? he says that to like every girl when they’re unsure if they want to get with him”
and you’re just like ‘oh’ and look at your food
you can’t believe you actually believed his words
you’re mad at jeno, sure but more mad at yourself for believing him so you just nod at your friends
as if to tell them you understood
so skip to where you confront jeno :0
“you think you can lie to me and just simply get away with it?” you look jeno dead in the eye and he’s just caught off guard by your words and your voice 
“w-what do you mean?”
“don’t play games with me lee jeno. you know i thought something could actually come out of this, if not a relationship then at least a friendship! all you know is how to lie to someone jeno. i’m not going to waste my time on a relationship built off of lies.”
jeno is left speechless, what did you mean? why are you suddenly acting like this? wasn’t everything fine last time you guys talked
you seeing his confused face you decide to explain furthermore
“that whole first and last speech was just something you recited to every girl, wasn’t it?” 
jeno doesn’t respond for a while and just looks at you, searching for what you’re feeling but it seems he can’t figure out what it is you’re thinking
you take his silence as him agreeing with your question
you scoff and decide you’ve had enough of lee jeno today and start walking home
you weren’t surprised when lee jeno didn’t follow you 
the next day at school you don’t see jeno at your locker and you just shrug it off 
when you open your locker an envelope falls out and you hesitantly pick it up
you open it and start reading it because your curiosity got the best of you
dear y/n, i’m sorry for not following you home when it’s pretty dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to go on your own. not that you aren’t perfectly capable of protecting yourself but it would calm my heart a bit if i knew you got home safely. i just want you to know that i wasn’t bluffing when i told you that. i may have said something along the lines of those words but that doesn’t mean i didn’t mean it with you. you are probably the only person that has told me they missed the new me. when you told me that you really put me through a spiral of thoughts. one of them being what happens if i just drop this whole heartthrob thing? then what will happen. maybe i can actually find love in this highschool, highschool sweethearts are always interesting stories to tell. that’s when i realized that it could be you. someone who has seen the old me and even misses it. which, if i’m being honest i kinda do too. this is getting too long ahhhh. what i’m trying to say is that i will truly love you and only you. 
sincerely, lee jeno
you hear someone clear their throat next to you and you look up to see jeno himself with a single rose which you gladly take lmao
“give me another chance?”
“three dates starting tomorrow, all at the diner we went to. don’t be late”
“r-right of course”
the next day was a saturday and you were waiting for jeno
“hey! i know you said not to be late but something came up with my family and i couldn’t get out of helping-”
“i get it, it’s fine jeno” you smile, letting this slide
you get it, family situations are always hard to get out of
the second day was sunday and you were waiting for jeno
you start regretting ever talking to that boy, it seemed like he didn’t even care at this point
maybe that letter was nothing but lies as well
you hear a bell ring, signaling someone had entered the diner 
you look up and see jeno searching for you with worried eyes
he was about to open his mouth to give you a reason but you just nod and smile, “it doesn’t matter right now, what matters is that you’re here now”
jeno just nods his head and reluctantly agrees with you
the third and final day was monday and you were once again, waiting for lee jeno
it just so happens that he ended up getting detention today so he was going to be late
at least that’s what he texted you
when you hear the door open you see jeno and you decide he’s not worth your time anymore
jeno tries his best to explain to you why he’s got detention but all you can look at are his crinkled clothes and the lipstick stains all over his face and neck. 
he realizes you’re staring at his face. he raises his forefinger hesitantly up to his left cheek and looks down at it, only to realize what you’ve been staring at this whole time. 
when he looks up to where you stood, he tries once again, to explain but it seems the words are just stuck in his throat. 
“it’s okay, old habits die hard.” you spoke, offering him a smile and walking out of the diner, leaving a defeated jeno.
he really wanted this to work
he really wanted to give you all the love you deserved 
but nothing seems to go his way
being known as a heartless boy who gives up on trying to love or even having a relationship seems fitting for him, right?
a/n: this is crap and the ending was kinda rushed sorry :( this is my first bulleted scenario and i really enjoyed it! it turned out to be longer than i expected it to be lmao but please do drop some more requests!1! hopefully this will be a filler til i get my phone back jsjdf (part two? i’m jk skks)
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lingdidi · 4 years
Hehehe then, dear love counselor berry, what about your mutuals × golcha!!! Just like the cix one you did? 💖💖💖💕💞💖💗💕💞
mY DEAR KEE!!! thank you for sending this hehe i’m sorry it took me so long to get to it but !! finally here it is!! once again........ i................. actually don’t have that many mutuals who stan golcha. i’d say it’s only you and isa,,,, so to compensate that it’s only two people i will do once again who you are most compatible with and who you are more similar to!
i LOVE being called love counselor i will make myself a business card that says “Love Counselor Berry (20 years of expertise). Contact @lingdidi (tblr) for professional love counseling”.
ANYWAYS here’s a read more for anyone who’s not interested!
KEE ( @inspiricons )
MOST SIMILAR: Bae Seungmin !
I was the most unsure of this choice because in my opinion you’re not that much similar to any member in golcha? I know it’s weird because there’s a lot of members and there should be anyone but it really was really hard to choose esp because many members gave me the same vibe and i felt they didn’t fit with yours! I chose Seungmin because you’re both!! Very sweet !! He gets shy at people calling him cute things or cute in general and so do you yet both of you (secretly or not so secretly) love it and that’s quite endearing ajkdnksjf also the tiny energy you both exude... i’m so sorry seungmin but it makes me want to baby you and protect you even though i am so much aware that you’re both older than me (and for you it’s ok because you wouldn’t mind it and i know but seungmin idk how he’d like being babied HAHA) you both are kinda shy in a cute way and i feel like you would be the kind to like?? sometimes get a bit carried away with your emotions and maybe if you’re upset you’d both have a hard time trying not to be mean without really wanting to and then you’d regret it a lot?? but it’s ok, as always, as long as it’s something you can learn from and improve. also needless to say because of course he’s an idol group member but you both’s dream is related to music so !! that’s really precious and i’m supporting the both of you in that pursue hehe. also i feel like you two are so great and nice and talented yet?? it goes kind of unnoticed amidst the other members and other people :/ but not for mE i love you and seungmin thanks bye
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Are you surprised? Probably not asjfnsdjkf You probably know that usually I would equally ship you with Sungyoon or Joochan but to be honest?? Not in a bad way, but while I think wajoo would make the best+sweetest boyfriends out of all of golcha, there’s something colder about Sungyoon (once again, not in a bad way, they’re just different) while Joochan gives me a warmer vibe! It’s weird since Sungyoon is literally... a honeybunny (insert eye emoji here... i can’t bc i’m on pc sjkfndskj) but this sounds cheesy and weird to say but literally honey and sugar are a different type of sweet and to me Joochan is more sugar and somehow I feel that suits you more. There’s something that feels more emotional to me about Joochan and I feel like that?? would be good for you? Also you two not only are opposites according to the zodiac chart but you two are also opposites in some personality/attitude aspects. I don’t know how to explain really well yet at the same time I wouldn’t want to do it here because I feel it’d seem personal JDNJSDKF but yeah !! I think you and Joochan would take really good care of each other but I think especially he would really love and dote on someone like you a lot?? and I think that’d be something very positive for you, to have someone dependable like him that will also find you dependable because he’d trust you and love you blindly. Probably super thoughtful and attentive hehe sjfjdsnksj The only con I can think of right now is that, as proven by the famous donghyun+joochan fight... I feel like when angry or after the fight he’s the type to push you away until he’s calmed down (me too joojoo me too) while you don’t like leaving things unsolved even with a promise of fixing it later because later feels too uncertain. But I’m sure he’d make an effort to take care of things as soon as possible because he knows it’d be a sensitive issue and a big problem for you. Anyways a fight between you two would be veeery hard since you both are pretty chill and pacific in my opinion.
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ISA ( @bluedelilah )
MOST SIMILAR: Bong Jaehyun !
YOU GET BONGO because you both are p silly, level: you both sometime ssay some silly (yet funny) stuff that maybe others wouldn’t say so casually or easily just like that one day we were playing the carrot-slicing minigame on wii party and when i was struggling you yelled at me “COME ON!! DO IT LIKE (i won’t say it for the sake of protecting her reputation but she knows what she said and me too and i’m actually laughing so hard right now)” and i went so weak laughing i couldn’t keep playing and i LOST the minigame horribly. Speaking of games! Jaehyun says he doesn’t play games but Donghyun (who would be me in an irl situation) says that he dOES and it reminds me of us hiding that we play ******** and in fact Jaehyun plays Kart Rider and so do you sometimes. You probs know but jaehyun along with the other 99' liners made an official subunit called googoos and that reminds me a lot of us and our squads like mississipi or the chengzeroppars. also I read he's friends with Haknyeon and i found it funny because we thought you'd be good friends with Haknyeon and we even called the lil pig plushie keyring you bought Juhaknyeon because of that KJDNKJFSNDJK also if i'm?? not mistaken?? doesn't he love harry potter too?  he’s either you or your twin flame
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I chose Jibeom straight away because, first reason, everyone says Jibeom is an angel and imo a patient+good man that will worry about you suits you a lot. I feel like he’d worry about you (not in an exaggerated dramatic way but as in, he’d take care about you) not even conscious of his own actions? As in he wouldn’t be like “I’m gonna do anything for you because I love you and I liek you being happy and I’m going to treat you right because I worry a lot and I do things consciously and I put effort knowingly” (even though that too) but it’s mostly because it?? comes natural to him?? he’s a caring person and he’ll be even more caring with you if you were his s/o. also he’s not just an angel but he’s also very funny in a non-overwhelming way so you two can do fun dumb stuff together and at the same time he seems mature enough so he’d be able to look after you well + also know you’re a strong independent woman and you two wouldn’t be depending on each other even though you obvs would love each other a lot and this is 10/10 tbh. I read that he studied chinese for ONE (1) month and I found it really funny because it reminded me of us in high school learning chinese on memrise in front of Wu Yu and showing everyone our incredible dialogue that just went “Hello!” “Hello, how are you?” “I’m okay, and you?” “I’m not okay :(” “Ohh *pat pat on the other’s shoulder* I’m sorry :(” “Thank you :)” and one day we realised we didn’t know how to say “You’re welcome” to complete the dialogue so we ran across the whole hallway to where Wu Yu was and asked him how to say it and he was very reluctant but in the end he did it. Therefore I can see you and Jibeom going all “Hello!” “Hello how are you?” “I’m fine and you-” SBJFDSFJSNJ you two invented chinese i guess Finally Jibeom is also part of the googoos so I think that could symbolise that you could be a best friends couple and that’s really nice
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shuuos · 4 years
tag game!!!
i got tagged by @fandomfishbish !!!!!! :D :D :D
tag game rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better !!!
here are the questions and answers !!!
Name/Nickname: bo !!! i may snatch the name kiki too idk it’s cute tho
Gender: fuck uh good question. idk like it’s related to feminity in the way a dog is related to a wolf but that’s abt it
Star sign: pisces hell yeah!!! i looked up my star chart and immediately forgot so pls don’t ask!!!!!!
Height: 5’3″ and fuck all my friends who are taller than me /j
Time: uhhh mountain standard time if i remember right?
Birthday: march 17!!!
Favorite bands: suddenly i have forgotten every band except for fall out boy ngkcsnkl
Favorite solo artist: JUST ONE?? god uhhhh cavetown maybe?? dodie??? idk man there’s too many good artists out there!!!!!
Song stuck in my head: rät by penelope scott sdncfdkn the animatic vibes are too immaculate
Last movie: god wait i remember give me a second uhhhh GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 I THINK
Last show: the umbrella academy bc my sister and i are still trying to binge watch it (and failing to get past the third episode orz we’re too sleeby)
When did I create this blog: ok let’s see i was in 7th grade i think so like.... sometime in late 2014-early 2015 i think?? idk i just know i was in middle school
What do I post: sometimes art, sometimes music, sometimes shitposts or other extremely good posts!!!
Last thing I googled: ancient girl names bc i’ve made yet another oc rip
Do I get asks: no :(
Why I chose my url: uhhh back when i was on deviantart i wanted a ~cool~ username, and i could have sworn i saw this on a username list but i can’t find it anymore so i guess i just made it up!!!!
How many blogs do I follow: 3599 holy shit
How many followers I have: 375 which is actually a lot more than i expected tbh
Average hours of sleep: about 12 hours on a good day, 4 on a bad one, i’d say?? usually i get 6-8 tho
Lucky number: 3, i guess?? that’s always what i’ve defaulted to anyway!!!
Instruments: i can play the ukulele and technically the piano but only by ear,,
What am I wearing: uhhhh shorts and the big star wars shirt my 8th grade homeroom teacher gave me for field day (i don’t watch star wars but we wanted a team uniform and her husband was a geek so she had a lot of shirts to spare sngckjfd)
Dream job: i’ve always imagined that being a freelance artist would be nice!! i don’t think i’m rlly made for capitalism tho i’d rather just run off into the woods and look at clouds
Dream trip: uhhh europe maybe?? i wanna see my friends over there,, or maybe a cross-country road trip????? idk i’ve never really thought abt this?
Last book I read: ,,,,,,, the angel experiment bc i needed to do research for some ocs
Favorite food: mmmmmmmm i’m gonna have to go with pan de dulce bc fuck yeah. sweets and bread.
Nationality: uhhh mexican-american on my mom’s side and venezuelan on my dad’s!!!
Favorite song: wh. why would you ask me this. i’m just gonna pick a song out of my spotify playlist and go: absolutely smitten by dodie HELL YEAH THAT’S A GOOD ONE!!!
Top three fictional universes: hmmm these aren’t in order at all but i’m gonna go with: maximum ride bc winge and also the pseudoscience is just vague enough where u can go buckwild with worldbuilding and i love it, revue starlight bc GOD the uniforms the stage girls wear are so fucking cool and i would kill to own one, and animal crossing bc it’s chill heart emoji
What is something you like about yourself?: if we’re talking physically, my hair is very soft and fluffy and it’s very nice, but if u mean like personality-wise, i am the funniest bitch in this house /lh
ok tag time!!!! unfortunately i have eggs eye and tea so i’m mostly gonna tag my friends and people i’ve generally talked to before:
@homotankki @aviandalek @maxtothemax @no1fan15 @procrastinatorkimberlygrey @autisticfang oh god i don’t talk to that many people uhhh if u see this feel free to use me as an excuse to answer these questions??? if u want???? there’s probably more people i wanted to tag but i have bad memory and Cannot remember
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sgnserena · 4 years
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what kind of cell phone do you have? :   —  iphone 11 pro in gold, with a black and gold marble case
how often do you use your cell phone? :   —  an average amount as most her age do
what is your phone’s lock screen photo? :   —   above ( left ), one of her most liked photos on her instagram from last year
what is your phone’s home screen photo? : —   above ( right ), she likes to be ~ aesthetic ~ kind of.
how many contacts do you have in your phone? :   —   she doesn’t keep count but she’s sure it’s a lot — she doesn’t delete contacts, unless you’ve done her wrong, and that’s mainly because someone could possibly be of use one day.
do you customize contact names or enter as given names? :   —   mostly customized with different ‘codenames’ that she gives people. if you’re special, she’ll use your actual name and an emoji since it’s easier for her to look up.
what is their default ringtone? : —   she would have it to something fun like ‘there some hoes in the house’ beat from wap  —  cardi b feat. megan thee stallion, but she’s afraid of having it go off while she’s on a date with her sugar daddies. because of that, it’s currently the mighty morphin power rangers theme song. y’know, something more family friendly.
do you have personalized ringtones for your contacts or does everyone use the default ringtone? : —  default ringtone, she can’t be fucked to give people personal ones.
how many alarms do you have set and why? : —  she has 4 alarms total; one set up 10 minutes before she needs to get up for her monday & wednesday classes, then another set for the time she has to get up. it’s the same for her tuesday & thursday classes as well  —  she doesn’t have class on fridays. she doesn’t have a hard time getting up in the mornings, but she likes to take those 10 minutes to prepare herself for the day.
what are your top 3 most used apps? : —  imessage, seekingarrangement, calendar app
what are your favorite apps? : —  burner app ; also one of her most used -- do you think she’s going to give these old ass men her actual phone number? absolutely not. on top of that, she loves the fact that she can just delete a phone number and get a new one at the blink of an eye in case something goes wrong. best money she’s ever spent on an app —   helix waltz ; a guilty pleasure that she’ll probably never tell most, but it’s a dress up game that she loves to play during her downtime. she ... may have spent an unhealthy amount of money on power ups and outfits as well.
—   cash app ; nothing beats an notification that states that money has been sent to your cash app tbh, the best way to get her excited.
what are your last 3 google searches or the last 3 things you’ve asked your built in ai? : —  what does 개이득 mean —  veterinary grad school application fee —  how bad do pleaser shoes hurt
do you delete your internet search history or use incognito mode? if so, how often, and why? : —   no, because she doesn’t feel the need to. no one else is using her phone besides her, so she isn’t afraid of what comes up on her searches.
do you download music or use a streaming app? if so, which one and why? : —   streaming app, she uses spotify because the curated playlists are too good to pass up. if you see ads for lingerie on her phone, then maybe you’re too damn close in the first place.
what are the last 3 songs you’ve listen to on your phone? : —   ungodly hour  —  chloe & halle —   all night  —  bree runway —   react  —  the pussycat dolls
what does your photo album consist of? : —   an amalgam of so many things ; selfies that she’s made hyungwon take of her, class notes / slides that she couldn’t write down fast enough, pictures of stray cats and dogs she happens to see ( and videos of her trying to lure them back with her ), funny screenshots of messages from seeking arrangement / instagram dms / tinder, drunken videos, thirst traps and nsfw pictures ( use your imagination 👀 ), and pictures of nature & the sky.
what is your texting style? do you reply quickly or are you a slow texter? do you send several messages at a time or paragraphs? : —  an average texting time, though she will reply quicker if you’re a close friend. she actually hates people that send 50 texts at a time, as it makes her worried that something’s wrong -- so she tries to send as less texts as possible. definitely a paragraph girl.
what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent? : —   hyungwon​ ; “ don’t @ me but what do i have to do to get you to watch the sonic movie with me? ” —   sugar daddy #2 ; “ are you at a meeting? i have a little something i want to show you 👀👅 ” —  hyunjoo ; “ do you feel better now? “
who do you text the most? : —  sugar daddy #2 & hyungwon. sugar daddy #2 is the clingy type and wants constant communication. she honestly can’t stand it but she plays up the manic pixie dream girl role he expects of her and he pays very handsomely, so it’s all worth it.
what are your top 6 used emojis? : —   🤔🥴💩😒👅💕 —   the last one is for her sugar daddies, naturally.
how often do you call others? : —  hardly. she doesn’t see the need since text is faster, and she genuinely does not like speaking on the phone. she’ll only call if you’re a sugar daddy that requires it, if it’s an emergency, or if you’re running late to something with her. or if she’s drunk. drunk serena adores phone calls since texting is hard.
who where the last 3 calls made to and why? : —  sugar daddy #2 ; again, the clingy type who wanted to speak to her after class. —  a professor ; she wanted to speak about her letters of recommendation for grad school —   grandmother ; she missed her call so naturally she returned it back, they talked about how things were going for her and how they miss each other
who do you call the most? : —  her sugar daddies. a lot of them still prefer phone calls over texts, which she assumes is a generational thing.
do you have someone blocked? if so, who and why? : —  she only has one number blocked, and it was guy who kind of turned into a stalker. she ended up getting one of her ripped guy friends from the gym on him and threatened him with a knife to get him to back off, but she’s still slightly afraid that he’s still out there somewhere.
are you apart of any group chats? with who? : —  volleyball group chat & student government group chat. she usually takes a back seat within group chats to begin with.
do you use the notes app? : —   yes, but she mainly uses it as a to do list or somewhere to keep passwords and other important things she might forget.
7 notes · View notes
horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 31
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- thanks for being patient btw! i work a lot these days and will work even more in the next few weeks (until halloween) so i may not update as often as i’d like. :(
- note for this chapter: i hope its not too bad. im scared ppl are gonna lose interest tbh. and i know, so many dialogues but it was needed!
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 31 : Her chapter
I woke up the next day a bit disoriented. I couldn't remember when exactly I fell asleep but as soon as my eyes opened, I felt my lips curl. Niall was laying next to me and we were both facing each other. He was still asleep and I brought my hand to his cheek, making him whimper very low. Slowly, I moved closer and pressed my lips on his gently, leaving a small and soft kiss on his mouth. His eyes fluttered half-open and when he saw me, his lips curled. It made my bite my bottom lip when I realized I hadn't seen him this happy in a while. Niall was someone who was always smiling but at this exact moment, it was even more than that. Or perhaps it was the reflection of my own happiness that I could see on his face.
He didn't say anything, he just moved closer to kiss my lips again, making them curl. I brought my hand over my mouth and smiled more.
He chuckled and also brought his hand in front of his mouth.
"Hi." he repeated. "Morning breath?"
"Would be bad if it was the first impression you had of me in the morning."
This time, he laughed and i felt my heart melt in my chest.
"I've smelled your morning breath and been a witness of more." he pointed out with what I guessed was a smirk from the way the corner of his eyes moved up. "Those little futile things won't change my love for you."
I could feel my heart flutter at the same time than my eyes when I heard his words.
"I woke up facing you like this so many times. I've wanted to kiss you so many times. This is the first time I actually do it. I never thought I would."
He stared at me and took his hand away. He was not smirking anymore, just smiling softly at me. I never thought Niall would ever look at me this way. I wouldn't have dared to wish for it.
"Fuck morning breath." he just said moving closer to me and getting half his body on top of mine before pushing my hand gently away and kissing me. It took me a few seconds to allow him to deepen the kiss but eventually I did. I closed my eyes, enjoying the way he kissed me and the warmth of his body over mine until he groaned in my mouth. "How did you sleep?"
I tried to think of an answer but all I could focus on was the way his lips ran down on my neck and how good they felt on my skin. I wanted to lock myself with him in his room for weeks like our own private and deserted island, leaving reality behind.
His phone started ringing and he groaned, his lips stopping on my collarbone. He simply sighed and I grimaced before he got up and searched for his phone through the pockets of the pants he wore the day before. It was not his type to leave dirty clothes on the floor but it seemed like both of us were distracting the other and I couldn't hide that I liked it.
"Hello?" he quickly answered without checking the caller ID... and with the way his face changed, I believed he shouldn't have had. "Oh hi."
I sat in bed and tilted my head, feeling suddenly a bit stressed, wondering who was on the phone but also annoyed, because whoever it was, they were clearly disturbing our alone time like some sort of ship running aground on the beach of my private island. I pushed on the covers and turned to face him, crossing ,my legs as I sat on the end of the bed.
"No, sorry, I'm busy tonight." Niall continued, turning to look at me before sending me a small smile. "I'm spending time with my girlfriend."
I held my breath and Niall stopped moving. After a few seconds, he raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. "No, I don't mean my friend who is a girl, I really mean the girl i'm officially dating. My girlfriend." Silence. "Okay, bye."
He hung up and sighed, throwing his phone on the bed and looking through his drawers for a clean pair of boxers that he just took out.
"Who was it?" I didn't want to seem invasive but the question was burning my lips.
"Oh." he just said with a shrug, glancing at me. "It was Heidi."
The simple mention of her name made my heart jump in my throat, making me slightly nauseous. I was not sure if it was because I was jealous or scared but all I knew was that Niall had sex with her a few times and that it was probably why she was calling. I wanted to ask him to delete her number or even block it but I knew I couldn't. I was trying not to be that kind of girlfriend, the type who gets insecure about every little thing that happens, and every girl her boyfriend talks to, but it wasn't easy. Niall and I were clearly not in the same league and although I knew love is not about physical appearances, I couldn't help but be nervous about all of this.
I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious but also mad at myself for letting someone like Heidi ruin my mood.
"I need a shower." he let out, taking me out of my thoughts. "Wanna come with?"
My mind suddenly went blank and my lips parted slightly as I stared at him. Did I want to see Niall naked and wet in the shower? Fuck yes. Did I want to stand in front of him in my birthday suit? Hell no.
"You reek too, by the way." he added with a smirk, taking his shirt off and throwing it in the laundry basket before turning back to me again and raising his eyebrows.
I couldn't talk and I couldn't move. I could feel my heart beat all over my body, not really knowing what to answer. He knelt in front of me with a worried expression and placed his hands on my thighs. I could feel how warm they were, even through the fabric of his sweatpants that I was wearing, and it made me swallow hard. I was so scared to do or say something that would make me lose him that I could barely think straight. I had to do something about it before it ruined the relationship I had with him. As lovers, but also as best friends.
"Tempting, but no, i'll just go after you."
I tried to look normal and sent him a smile but he frowned a bit before nodding and getting up again. He bent down to kiss my lips and it sent a rush to my brain. I already regretted saying no but I knew i'd regret a 'yes" even more when i'd be naked in front of him.
I realized I was holding my breath when I sighed as soon as I heard the shower start and I closed my eyes, feeling suddenly ridiculous. Niall was now my boyfriend, and he said he loved me... he wouldn't change his mind because of what I look like naked, would he?
I sighed loud and lied back down in bed, grabbing my phone and crossing my ankles together. I couldn't help it and searched Niall's name on google only to find recent articles about him. There were pictures of us kissing at the bar and although it was from afar and not very clear, I felt extremely ugly. 'It's official! Niall Horan finally dating lifelong friend!'
My heart jumped in my chest when I realized the article started with 'After years of friendship, it is without a surprise that Niall Horan is finally seen kissing his childhood friend...' My eyes roamed on the sentence twice, three times... ten. 'Without a surprise'?
I scrolled down to the comments section and started nibbling on my bottom lip. I knew that whatever I would read would end uip hurting me but it was stronger than me. I was not the type to really care about what people thought of me but despite what anyone may tell you, reading mean things about yourself sucks and hurts.
'Can't believe she dated both Harry and Niall! Talk about a dream life! 😍'
'I have no idea how that ugly girl got one of them let alone both. 🤔 It makes no sense'
'They are so adorable!!!!!'
'He fucking deserves better have you seen her? 🤮'
'He lost a bet 😂😂😂'
I shut my eyes tight again and threw my phone on the bed before groaning low. All I could see behind my eyelids was a parade of emojis and I did the best I could to hold my tears in. I knew Niall was out of my league but some people could be so cruel when hiding behind a computer screen. The shower stopped and when Niall came back in the room, he was followed by a cloud of steam. I looked at him quickly from head to toes, enjoying the view as he walked up to me with only a towel around his waist.
"My turn!" I just said, jumping out of bed. He stopped me as I walked by and pulled me closer, making me chuckle low.
"You're all wet!" I complained jokingly, making him laugh.
"Then just take your clothes off."
His fingers reached for the top of my shirt and he pulled gently on the collar to move it down as his eyes dropped in. I felt my heart jump in my chest and shook my head, taking a step back and making him groan low.
"Pervert!" I added with a chuckle, walking to the bathroom.
I turned around and before closing the door, I stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh again but I still locked behind myself. I knew my fear and my hatred for my own body was stopping me from living some great things with Niall but I just didn't feel ready to show him all of me. I just wanted him to think I was beautiful. I wanted to turn him on, I wanted him to want me the way I wanted him.
I brushed my teeth first and quickly got undressed and started the waterI stayed a bit longer than I should have in the shower, letting the warm water fall on me and relaxing me as the memories of the night before played over and over in my mind. It was still incredible and unbelievable to me that Niall had finally realized he had feelings for me too but it was my reality now and It felt like I would never get down from my cloud.
I got out of the shower, drying my hair the best I could with a towel before wrapping it around my body and remembering that I left my clothes in the room. I raised my nose up and inhaled deeply before going back. I frowned when I saw him laying in bed in only a pair of boxers and my phone in hands. He looked at me and sighed, turning the phone my way to show me the article I had been reading while he was in the shower.
"I'm sorry I checked your phone it's just..." he sighed again and shook his head. "You shouldn't read shit like that. You know those mean comments aren't true, right?"
I held my towel to make sure it wouldn't fall and sent him a sad smile, walking to the bed. He sat on it and I shrugged as he looked up, wrapping his arms around me.
"Liv, please, listen to me." he let out in a low but worried tone. "I feel so lucky to be with you. You are beautiful and I love you." he paused but he kept staring at me. "Olivia, I love you."
"It's just..." I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling him hold me tighter against him. "I don't know."
"Talk to me, okay?"
I nibbled on my bottom lip and finally just nodded. He let go of me and lied back down in bed, leaving space for me. I lied down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. I felt secure suddenly and the fact that we weren't looking at each other anymore made it slightly easier.
"You've never seen me naked." I just pointed out.
"That's... correct." he seemed a bit confused. "And i'd like to change that."
My lips curled in a fond smile.
"I mean, I don't know what you're expecting but you may be disappointed." I tried to explain, feeling his arm pull me closer. "I am not shaped like Maya or Heidi or those girls you normally end up with."
Silence. All I could hear was the sound of my heart beating against my chest. He started drawing shapes on the skin of my arm with his fingertip and It made a shiver cross my body as my heart skipped a beat. It reminded me of that time at the movies...
"I only had sex with Maya a few times." he confessed, making me frown.
"Like, how many times?"
"I don't know, four?"
I knew they had dated for a while and it was surprising that they hadn't had sex more often. Clearly, she wanted him and no one could not want her. I frowned more, a bit confused by it but also wondering why exactly he was telling me that.
My question was not clear but I knew he'd understand.
"I couldn't." he explained, shrugging a shoulder. "I couldn't because I only wanted you."
I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. It was laughable to think someone had the chance to bang a girl like Maya but couldn't because they wanted me more.
"I guess my love for you made it impossible for me to lust after an other girl." he continued. "I don't know what you're scared of but I know I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone else. And I won't be disappointed because it'll be you. And that's all I want. You."
I let my eyes roam on his body and I couldn't deny that I wanted him, too. I had never wanted anyone the way I wanted him. Obviously, this relationship was based on more than sex but it seemed to be an issue and I understood that he wanted to solve it. I also wanted to share everything with him. We had never really talked about sex together, at least not about our personal sex life. It's not that it embarrassed me but I didn't want to hear about the girls he had sex with and what he did with them. it would have been too hard to hear because of my love for him and for that reason, I also kept my stories a secret to make sure he wouldn't tell me his. It was a precaution I took to avoid my heart being too broken and so far, it had worked.
"Remember when we were in my room and you were about to check in a drawer and I told you not to?" I started in a low voice, raising my eyebrows without looking at him. "It was not because of my underwear.. It's just that... it's the place I keep my vibrators."
His fingers stopped moving on my shoulder and I held my breath, a small smile playing on my lips. I hadn't expected to admit that to him and obviously, he hadn't expected to hear it either.
We remained in silence for a while and he finally chuckled.
"That's so hot." he admitted, laughing a bit. "There's so many things I don't know about you when it comes to sex, Liv, and I'd love to talk about it with you."
My traits softened and I looked up at him, moving slightly to get my head on the pillow, my face turned his way. Talking about my body embarrassed me but talking about sex in general didn't and I was totally fine with that discussion.
"Okay, I go first!" I let out with a smirk. "Who's your favorite pornstar? And if you say Jenna Jameson I'm gonna be very disappointed in you."
He sent me an insulted frown, his lips slightly parted, and it made me laugh.
"Do you know me at all?" he just asked, making me laugh. "I don't think I have a favorite, but I guess I enjoy Shyla Jennings."
I raised my nose up and groaned a bit, still looking at him.
"I can't say I'm surprised, and I also can't blame you."
"Why not surprised?" he asked, raising his eyebrows curiously.
"She's your type." I laughed, moving my chin up to look at him better.
"Oh I have a type now?" he wondered as I nodded. "Alright then, who's your fave pornstar?"
My face changed and I shrugged with a small smile.
"Gina Valentina, no second thoughts."
I saw a bunch of emotions cross his face and it made me laugh as he shook his head.
"Wait, what?"
"Oh, you wanted a man?" I asked, amused by the conversation, as I sent him a smirk. "Tyler Nixon, then."
His eyes roamed on my face and I tried to guess what he was thinking about. He was discovering things about me that I never thought he'd know but I was totally fine with it: I had nothing to hide. His lips curled into a small but fond smile and I licked my lips, my eyes never leaving his. I felt his hand take mine and he placed his palm against mine before intertwining out fingers together.
"Tell me something that you did that I would never guess."
His voice was low and the atmosphere in the room had shifted completely. We looked at each other for a few seconds and I licked my lips. He brought his hand on my waist, now completely facing me, and my heart jumped in my chest at how good he looked.
"One time I had a threesome with two other girls."
His eyes opened slightly more and his eyebrows raised up, making me laugh. He held me tighter, his fingers sinking in the fabric of the towel I still had around me, and I knew he had many questions to ask.
"You did too, didn't you?" I kept talking, raising my eyebrows too as my eyes roamed on his face.
"Maybe." he sent me a smirk. "I mean, one time when I was very drunk... it happened. But the whole thing is a bit blurry."
I don't know why but it was a relief that he didn't remember it clearly and I licked my lips. It was ridiculous of me but I couldn't help it. I knew it was impossible but I wanted to be the only girl he'd lust... the one who would make him cum the hardest, the one he could never forget.
"Was it someone you were dating?"
"I was... seeing one of them." he admitted with a groan. "And it sort of killed whatever relationship we could have had."
I nodded slowly. "It was the same for me. We broke up only a few days later."
"When was that?" he asked with a frown, probably trying to remember something he wasn't even there for.
"During your third tour."
It made me realize how little I talked about myself when it came to relationship and how little I knew about him, too. I had met all his official girlfriend, although the number could be counted on the fingers of one hand (and not the whole hand), but I wasn't aware of all the 'maybe's' and 'almost's'.
"Are you scared of what could happen after we make love?" he finally asked after a long silence. "Or what I will think? Say?"
I sighed low and looked away. Every time the discussion switched back to my insecurities, I couldn't seem to look at him in the eyes. I knew he'd be able to read me and it scared me, but I also knew that at some point, i'd have to open up to him, or I would lose him.
I shook my head slightly, looking at our intertwined fingers and It suddenly hit me. If someone was going to be there no matter what, it would be Niall, the way he's always been there.
"I hate my body, I hate the way I look naked, and there's no way you will like it. These people online, your fans, or whatever, they're all right."
The words came out of my mouth and I didn't even think. Everything I said I meant so deep that it hurt. All of this I had thought and believed for so long that expressing them out loud gave me a shiver.
"You're beautiful." he just said in a whisper.
I looked up in his eyes and I could see that he was hurt. I licked my lips and swallowed hard as he let go of my hand to slide it back on the towel around me. He kept staring at me as his hand pulled gently on the fabric and an other shiver ran all over my body, not only because of the cold air hitting suddenly my damp skin but also because of the thought of being naked in front of him. He pushed the towel on the floor and I held my breath, biting my bottom lip and sucking my stomach in. I didn't know why I cared so much, I had no idea why I was so scared after everything he showed and said, but I couldn't help it.
His fingertips ran on my waist and to my hip, ending softly on my thigh and I swallowed hard as he sent me a small smile. Slowly, he moved over me, pushing me on my back, and I moved my chin up to keep eye contact with him. I loved the feeling of his over me, like the weight on my whole body was some sort of protection against everything else, even my own complexes. He bent closer and brushed his lips against mine so gently that I felt my heart twist in my chest.
"You're beautiful and I love you." he whispered, making my lips part lightly.
I couldn't move, I was paralyzed, but I forced myself to keep my eyes open when his lips brushed on my jaw and down my neck. They traveled to my breasts and when I felt his warm tongue on one of them, I whimpered, my body jerking very slightly at the feeling.
I wanted to tell him that I loved him too, that I had never been in love with anyone else and that I never would, but the words got stuck in my throat. His mouth moved to my other nipple and I tried to push away all the questions running in my mind without much success. What did he think? Was he disappointed? Was he still lusting me? Loving me?" Or did he just feel bad for me?
His hand reached for my stomach only a few seconds before his lips and he finally looked up at me, shaking his head from left to right and pressing his fingers gently on my skin.
"Don't do that." he asked in a breath.
It took me a few seconds but I finally exhaled and relaxed my body. His lips curled in a small but find smile and he mouthed a 'thank you', making me swallow hard. I didn't know if he realized the strength it took me and what it implied for me exactly, but he seemed to be grateful and that was enough for now.
Very slowly and softly, he pressed his lips on every inch of my skin as my heart seemed to flutter. I felt dizzy suddenly by the way he showed me love but I still couldn't move. I just focused on his mouth brushing everywhere it could and leaving a burning sensation on my skin. Nothing had ever felt like that before.
His hands glided on my thighs until my knees and he spread them slowly. His lips stopped on my lower stomach and the sight of him between my legs was incredible and way more exciting than anything I had imagined before.
"Is this okay?"
I stared at him a few seconds that seemed to last an hour and he waited, his eyes never leaving mine. I licked my bottom lip but nodded slowly but he kept looking at me as he brought his lips down. I held my breath when his lips left a kiss on my slit and I gripped the sheets with one of my hands.
I was completely naked, the curtains were open and I was with Niall. It was everything I had wished for yet it was also my biggest fear. I tried not to think about it when his fingers ran between my legs and his tongue pressed on my clit, making my body jerk again. It slid down and entered me and my eyes fluttered close as I restrained a curse word from escaping my lips.
"Oh my god." I breathed out, forcing myself to open my eyes if only to look at my boyfriend and burn the image of him eating me out on my retina forever.
His tongue and lips worked between my legs, making them twitch as I got closer and closer to an orgasm but it's only when he started sucking on my clit that my back arched and my eyes finally shut tight.
"F-" I stopped myself and started shaking but he held me down on the mattress with one of his arms as an orgasm crossed my whole body.
I couldn't stop squirming as the intense feeling invaded me from head to toes and it's only when it was gone that I whimpered, feeling both embarrassed and happy at the same time. I felt him crawl up my body and when I finally opened my eyes, he was hovering over me, holding himself with his elbows and smiling down fondly at me.
I felt my heart melt at the way he was looking at me and I smiled back, feeling my heartbeats accelerate. Out of fear, and out of love. I just didn't expect his next words but it brought me near tears.
"I didn't think it was possible, but I love you even more."
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What type of friend are you?  funny mom friend so like... dad friend? XD 
Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? nah
Do you have a family member you hate? could say so
Does your family accept who you are? it’s complicated
Have you ever puked in school or at work? luckily not
Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? hate 
Have you ever coughed up blood? nope
Do you lie to your doctor? sometimes we all have to but nothing important
Have you ever been misdiagnosed? yup
Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? that too
Is self diagnosing good or bad? depends
Do you think sex is overated? it is
Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? I’m not dating men, I don’t want to have a son and I am not a doctor so I don’t care about male bodies, sorry
If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? ...
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? nooo
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? I don’t drink
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don’t think so
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? no
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? it wasn’t a lie but I bend the truth a little 
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? I might go without a bra but because I don’t wanna wear it and not because I might have sex 
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? nope
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? not less but not more as more attractive might make me feel insecure at times
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? I would if they let me stay in few places but luckily they didn’t care much about me as their worker hahaha
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? there is weight on a driving license? :o
Have you ever lied during a job interview? meh
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? I exaggerated feeling sick once to not get a job in a horrible place if that counts
Have you ever lied under oath in court? I wouldn’t!
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? I said NO
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? I only took tag from an identical item, just different color, as someone tore it out before and I really wanted that particular color, so no
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? umm... yeah ^^”
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? there are different types of like - like as I would want to wear that myself and like as I enjoy it in general but also like it on particular person etc. 
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? could be worse lol
Do you lie about your age? what for if everybody think I’m younger anyway
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? maybe
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? hell no
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? not really
Have you ever shoplifted? no way
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? yup Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? omg
Have you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? I don’t recall
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? hope not, I try not to, it’s manipulative and I already am seen this way due to my BPD so... 
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? pfft Would you prefer to have hot body or high IQ? good health
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I’m ashamed to tell them that I don’t have a job 
Would you give up your car to save the planet? if I had one...
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? woman :x
Has your credit card ever been declined? I don’t use a credit card
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? oh no...
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? my mother is
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? I usually have to take the blame for her instead
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? just my alters lmfao
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? I didn’t, I have no money to buy and no heart to act like this either
Have you ever re-gifted something? shitload of times
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? not for future ppl, just for itself
Do you own anything from IKEA? not furniture 
What was the last task that you required the use of scissors for? I just dropped them and let them lay on the floor under the table because I am unable to reach ‘em
Look around the room and name any item that’s grey. stuffed bad from Biedronka that I got on a flea market
Do you know what any of your close friends did yesterday afternoon? me and M. been spending time together while my parents were at home
Can you recall the last time you woke up in a bad mood? Why was that? I always do?...
Who was the last person to send you a message with a heart emoji? my gf obviously
Does your hometown have many good bookshops? none
What would be your typical outfit for a party? I don’t attend parties 
If your girlfriend/​​boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do? oh...
last dream you had: K. 3D printed or smth almost identical album as the ones I had as a baby and her and my current partner gave it to me as a gift :3
do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? I aware of that
is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment? I informed my father that I dropped scissors and now as I picked them up he asked me when and how they ended up there while I told him about it few minutes ago - I was more worried than annoyed tbh
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? she’s taking a nap
Sex ruins relationships, right? it can happen
Last person to stand up for you? hmm...
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? I lost count which is weird because I cry in front of my family members only (not even my grandma until I was a baby), I know that sometimes I cry in public but because I don’t give a fuck about strangers as much as I used to, close ones in the other hand... Nat hates the most when someone sees him so vulnerable
Something good going to happen tomorrow? doubt it
The last person you kissed hates you. Why? would have reasons
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? it’s a secret you can unlock in a very high level of our relationship
Do you like your cell phone? it’s ok
So, what if you married the last person you kissed? we’re engaged so that dream ain’t that unreal
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend? uh oh
Do you plan on moving out within the next year? I wish
What are you listening to at the moment? mom and dad talking <rolling my eyes>
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? or never
What’s your favorite high school memory? I have a bunch of those
Do you wish you had more money? absolutely
Team Jacob or Team Edward? team hate Twilight
Do you have a problem with bisexual, gay, or bicurious people? with bicurious maybe, definitely not gay
Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex? I have
Are you a patient person? weirdly unpatient Do you think you are a good person? am not
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? ewww
Is there a difference between the word ‘best friend’ and ‘friend’? there is 
How was your week? rollerclaster XD
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? usually
When was the last time you cried? recently
What letter is the song you’re listening to under? M if vocalist/band B if title of the song
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s I guess
Do your socks say anything on them? I have no socks with anything said on them
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. BBC
Gray or Grey? grey
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? I won’t
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? yasss, it was fine
How many weddings have you been to? less than 5
When you smile, are you confident? I am not
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? of course
Was the weather beautiful today? it’s cold
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? I don’t own a fan Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? walls? orange 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? why not whole
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I dislike it
Does/Did your school have a uniform? middle school only and that was a great idea
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? not gonna
What’s your favorite thing to do? nothing
If your house was haunted, what would you do? depends
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? slow internet
Are you a fast or slow walker? which alter? :P
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? I must buy belt for Nat
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? no comment
What age do you look forward to reaching? I live on borrowed air...
What exercise do you hate the most? awkward ones
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet? no
What color shirt is your mom wearing today? she’s wearing a striped pajama and light blue sweater atm
Does any part of your body hurt right now? mor than one
Do you like Greek Mythology? not a fan
When was the last time you had Pepsi? ages ago
What was the last question you answered, not on surveys? it was more an order than a question coming from my mom 
Do you own anything Polo? used to
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? neighbor
What is your favorite endangered animal? are elephants still endangered?
Do you like to dance? kinda, from time to time Who was the last person who screamed your name? mom’s calling me again, grrr...
Which underwater creature do you find the most badass? what do you mean?
How do you usually find out what the weather will be like for the next week? someone tells me, I ignore them, they were wrong all along
Why have/haven’t you joined Twitter? I left as it was boring and irritating Are you good at rhyming? but don’t like to rhyme
When’s the last time you were woken up in an obnoxious way? lately it’s common
Why do you/don’t you enjoy horror movies? they’re disgusting and pointless
Do you have any celebrity’s perfume? I don’t use perfume
How well do you do at Scrabble? in polish or english?
Who is your favorite Scooby-Doo character? Velma I suppose
Have you ever played or been interested in playing World Of Warcraft? been interested, liked the movie
What kind of cake/other dessert treat did you have for your last birthday? nothing?
Who do you think does the best job at cartoon voiceovers? Jarosław Boberek 
Does your dad wear a watch all the time? years ago frequently
How much ice cream do you think you’d be able to eat before you got sick? only a bit
Do you know anybody under 40 with grey hair? I have some myself
Do you think you have the potential to be a good stalker? oh well...
Why did you read the last book that you read? I watched film and heard it has a different ending so wanted to check it out
Have you ever cross-dressed? clothes have no gender but I drew mustaches and such 
Which sport are you the best at playing? unihokej/floorball or however it’s called
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? possibly
What would you do if you were in that situation? I’m an asexual and I’m into girls
Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? not possible
Do you prefer on-campus classes or online classes? online
What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? personal
What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? my skin for example (not color)
What gaming consoles do you own? I only play PC and android 
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? been to ER few times
Do you know any lesbian couples? I’m in one ;)
Have you ever lived in an apartment building?  just when I was staying with my grandmother
What was the last topic you asked someone for their opinion or advice on? not sure which was last
Is your house visible on Google Street View?- barely
What’s the largest thing you currently have in your refrigerator? *shrug*
Do you know anyone who has never had a pet? I believe
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? no thx
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? neither Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? not every single time, it’s impossible!
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment? sorta, I think they’re lying/want something or make fun of me (even if just slightly teasing for fun)
When you are home alone at night and hear strange noises, are you afraid someone is going to break in? I’m more “ghost” type of person hahaha
Do you wake up cranky? mhm
What is on your wrists right now? sleeves
Are you a beach, country, or city person? country or small town
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? we are 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? ex - I got a gift and found a shirt for Nat and myself :3
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? -
Are you waiting for something? food
Something you do a lot? suffer
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? it’s not about the amount
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? she likes hugs
How long have you liked the person you like? it’s a long story 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? not our last kiss
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I worry
Have you ever given your ALL to someone who walked away?
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Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? we kissed 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? not always but often
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? I still feel like it even tho I don’t, I thrift often but spend little for those trinkets
Did you sing at all today? może coś nuciłam, nie pamiętam, w headspace?
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? weather
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? gave it away to John
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? typing on the computer
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? hate
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? trashy
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? none
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I don’t care for diamonds
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? plenty of times
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? smth in between
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? I don’t need period to have mood swings, it’s stereotypical!
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? aha
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? we would end up having sex? jk
When/where did your last hug take place? today
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? kind of
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? and with family 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? no shit Sherlock!
What’s one thing about today that you didn’t like? don’t wanna talk about all that
Who is the last person that you said i love you to, besides family members? my fiancee
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? done
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? we’re together again
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? :D
What’s a cuss word you use often? there’s a whole list
Who’s the last guy you texted? dad
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? this question...
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I remember how we met
Do you believe that people talk about you behind your back? ha!
If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? yuk
What are you listening to? Tame Impala - Let It Happen
Did you do something mean to someone today? she deserved it!
Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? babcia...
Give us a lyric from a song you’re listening to: The truth of it is it doesn’t get better than this
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? whoops
What brings out the worst in you? better not say that out loud
How’re you feeling right now? bad
Are you afraid of the future? very
Do you believe in true love? I’m trying
Do you believe that every one has a soul-mate? not everybody
Was today a good day? should be better
What woke you up this morning? woke up on my own
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them? I don’t 
Have you ever played naked twister? wut...
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? not yet and don’t plan to keep it that long
Would you get in trouble if you came home drunk? that would be a shock to my family (and to me)
Do you ever think about things and start to worry? 100% of the time
Are you one to get annoyed easily? that me!
Is the last person you kissed yours? we don’t own ppl...
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? girl
Are you scared of spiders? am not
Do you hate the last boy who talked to you? I love my parent
Do you tend to make things complicated? not on purpose
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”? gqe1gIQASGCK...
Do you think things will change in the next few months? I’m afraid for worse 
Do you like when people play with your hair? it’s strange
What are you wearing right now? bluzę w czarne i białe paski, zieloną bluzkę z długimi rękawami i szare legginsy z niebieskim wzorkiem
Ever feel like you have been replaced? more than once
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? write
Are you lying to yourself about something? thx a lot for this ask...
Is the person you last texted single? she’s with me
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? tha hell
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? just my own apartment
Which do you prefer, relationship or a one-night-stand? relationship
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lnarizakis · 4 years
— sam’s match-ups masterlist
hi! if you sent in a match-up ask, you can find ‘em all here! if you sent off anon, i have just tagged you and added the link to the post. if you sent as anon/anon with identifying emoji, i included your description along with the link. this post will be constantly updated as i continue to post my match-ups! thank you and i hope you all enjoy your match-ups!!
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— @hqprotectionsquad . . .
— anon . . . ❝ could i get a matchup🥺 with 2 boys~ i'm 4'9, i'm really tiny and i've been told i have really nice hair hehe personality wise i've been told i'm really gentle and calming, i had a teacher that said my voice is "serene" and "soothing" >__< i'm the mom friend of the group🥰 i'm quite the introvert, i enjoy just staying home with some takeout, studying quietly or playing acnh underneath all my blankets.. i'm quite fond of hugs and cuddling and forehead kisses too though😚😚💞💞💞 ❞
— anon . . . ❝ could i request for a matchup?🥺 i'm about 5'3, my friends always say i'm the perfect height to hug 🤗 i have long hair till my waist that i dyed a rose-gold colour, i like wearing green or grey contacts because i like the way they make my eyes look. i have a resting b!tch face though...i'm not very approachable because of it😭 i've been playing netball for about 6 years now and i'm quiet irl i guess, but off the court and when i'm comfy, i'm quite the goodball🤙🏻🤙🏻 ❞
— anon . . . ❝ grats for 500! I'd like to request a matchup w 3 ppl pls! Im female, 5'2, i LOVE volleyball! i play wing spiker but i used to play setter, i loved setting for my besties in hs after training. I like to work out, read books & study. i clean my room every morning cos i like neat things, my closet's organized. i have dark brown eyes and thick thighs, proud of em! i also dance, im flexible, and im taking journalism. i wanna play pro vb in the future but tbh 158.5cm's too short, but im not giving up! ❞
— ⭐️ 🌸 anon . . . ❝ Hey hey! If ur still doing the matchup event i would love one!! Im a short gal with wavy dark hair and green eyes. I wear makeup p often esp red eyeshadow and black winged eyeliner (bc im an egirl until i DIE). Speaking of egirl i dress in black and with a chain most of the time but i also randomly flip into floral soft girl hours?? As for personality im really energetic once im comfortable and i love people who can match that energy, esp bc i get anxious rlly easily so i need someone . . . who will help keep me calm and happy when my drive for success gets a lil out if hand lmao. I’m also v combative towards ppl who i think are disrespectful! I love classic novels and watching foreign movies, but I also LOVE sports and get rlly hype abt them. I also LOVE music esp metal but i can and WILL vibe to literally anything esp if its during a workout (bc i live at the gym and someone spotting my squats is so romantic 2 me 🥺). A match w/ 2 boys would be sick, tysm in advance! ❞
— anon . . . ❝ Im medium height with long brown hair and sharp features. I like drawing, reading, cooking. I’m rather chill and level-headed, i’m usually the one to fix objects and solve problems, I avoid drama. I’m compassionate and caring but sometimes indifferent. I like mountains, art galleries, concerts, cello and graphic design. I’m adaptable and open to learning new things but I don’t like changing my routine too much. + 1 male character. ty for this and congrats on 500 followers!!! you deserve it ❞
—anon . . . ❝ hihi!!!! congrats on 500!! i lov ur content sm.. akfjag im asking for a two chara match up!!! im 5'3 and i have pink hair,, i switch between so many hobbies LOL i play volleyball and softball,, and i love singing and painting!! i have a really cottagecore aesthetic and i love baking things for people!!!!! im really energetic and v bratty over text but i get flustered so easily in person,, i hope youre having a good day//night !!!!!! ty for ur fics ❞
— 🐧 anon . . . ❝ match up please!!🥺 2 characters n no gender preference!! im a tall (around 184cm) kinda chubby girl w/ shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, pale skin w/ a lot of moles n i wear glasses! im p shy n it takes me a while to open up. but when i do i am a completely dif person,, making friends is hard but the ones i do have i love more than anything! when im w/ them im cheerful, talk a lot n goof around. otherwise i look p intimidating n serious cause i have a rbf n barely talk,, . . . im the mom friend, an optimist, a dreamer n a procrastinator. im p hard to piss off but when im angry i can get scary 😳 im sensitive n cry a lot, currently im working on being more confident! i love animals n flowers!! cause im not the best with words i use lil gifts n touches to express my love! my hobby is drawing! ive been doing it my whole life n im rlly proud of it!! congrats on 500 followers love❤ ❞
— @raevaioli . . .
— 🦆 anon . . . ❝ Happy 500 bubs! You def deserve it :)! I was wondering if I could get a #1 male matchup? Looks: 5’1 petite fem w/ small chest/tiny waist. Thick/medium brown hair and eyes. I’m a cancer with ENTP type! I’m a very affectionate person to my loved ones. I’m very stubborn, sensitive (but I try to hide it), ambitious, witty and very talkative! I like to tease my friends, watch Netflix and try new baking things! Although I show my love through actions, I’m fine with getting love back in any way . . . Also I like baths! (It’s random but why not 😌) I wish you a good day! ❞
— anon . . . ❝ Hey! Can I get a matchup? (#1)I’m a Leo and a ISFJ chick! I have medium brown hair and big eyes w/ glasses. I have a petite body with a small waist and chest. I’m really nice to people but very awkward (I’ll laugh at the floor) and when annoyed. I’m much more open to others like my best friend,I feel at home with her :,) .My hobbies include watching greys anatomy, shopping for clothes, and calling my friends. I would want my partner to be a lil more extroverted than me. Happy 500 😊 ❞
— anon . . . ❝ hi! Can I get a matchup? I’m 5’2 straight girl w/ long brown wavy hair and big brown eyes. I’m thick in all the right places🥴 plus I have a curvy body. My star sign is Pisces and I’m a ISFP. I’m more introverted than extroverted. I dress like Hobo type of way, but i always wear AF1s and I NEVER crease them. In my spare time I draw,listen to raps (mostly by Tupac) and oldies, learn raps, and hang out wit friends. I also have a bunch of piercings on my ears and one on my nose. ty CONGRATS ON 500+ ❞
— anon . . . ❝ CONGRATULATIONS ON 500 WHOOP WHOOP❣️🥺, can i please have a matchup doe! so happy to celebrate this with you❤️ i’m a female, straight, 5’4 and a half, dark skin with medium black curly hair, chubby cheeks and always smiling, i love being outside just experiencing life or trying new drinks at restaurants!! i also enjoy staying home to watch tons of anime & movies or dates to the museum or theme park, spring is my favorite season and orange is my favorite color, i’m so hyper and loving, thank you! ❞
— 🐾 anon . . . ❝ Twice the charm I suppose :) I’m a 5’1 girl with long wavy brown hair. I have a lot of piercings and I tend to wear a lot of jewelry. I wear two knee braces due to a connective tissue disorder. I’m bisexual, so either way works for me owo. I’m an INFJ and a type 4. I’m told that I’m pretty easygoing but I get angry real quick when someone I love is threatened. I’m very empathetic and I’m the mom friend of the group 🐾 . . . Fun fact, don’t leave me alone in public for more than two seconds or else random strangers come up to me asking for advice. This has happened way too many times now don’t ask me why lmaooo. I’ve been playing soccer for eleven years now. I was the captain of a coed college-age division team for two years. I play left defense and goalkeeper. 🐾 . . . I go hiking a lot, I love cliff diving, and I’m an archer. I am also a painter and a writer. My dream job is to become a book editor, but I want to eventually live off my books. I tend to be pretty clingy when it comes to people. I randomly need a lot of attention and force my friends to cuddle. They like rejecting me 😔. Sorry that this was so long aha. Ily and have a good day 💕🐾 ❞
thanks for sending in an ask ! didn’t see yours? please let me know !
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girlstar · 4 years
nicknames:   i don’t have nicknames i have other legal names AHSJKSDKSHDHSAKJ zodiac:   sagittarius sun, pisces moon, leo rising ! height:   5′3″  timezone:   cst !  sexuality:   bi <3 favorite bands / artist:   mother mother, hozier, florence n the machine, depeche mode, duran duran, keaton henson song stuck in my head:   money money money / abba ! last movie i saw:   it’s STILL the old guard last thing i googled:   bow and arrow emoji (SDKJJKSK) do i get asks:   yeah for prompts & memes but i get more on my personal tbh DSHKJSD following:   88 followers:   169 ;) average amount of sleep:  depends DSJSDSJ i can function well on like 4 hours but i try to get 8-9 what i’m wearing:   very big tie dye shirt from this pretty girl i met at camp <3 dream job:   theatre tech <3 theatre kid by ritt momney playing  favorite food:   i love anything caramel so much favorite animal:   i do love them all but specifically my deaf cat who has dementia n has had two strokes. she slaps <3 play any instruments:   my VOICE i did choir for so many years (12+ or something) but in actuality i play guitar (electric & acoustic) & ukulele (baritone & concert) & piano & i CAN play bass guitar i just don’t have one & i used to be able to play cello & upright bass but i haven’t in five years so. eye color:  blue !!  hair color:  brown & white !! card carrying member of the white streak club baby languages you speak:   in actuality english & high school french & spanish but like. i can think in french & read it REALLY well (i can speak & write french too just not 100% fluent) spanish is shaky but i can understand & write it if needed, speaking but only basic conversation? & i can read/understand italian still i think i just haven’t in a while & i USED to know russian but it’s so rusty at this point idk if it counts.  random fact:  JSDAJKSDASD I LEFT THIS BLANK LIKE A DUMBASS ORIGINALLY uhhhhhh i am immigrant <3
tagged by:     @appleyed ! ty b tagging:     @manstar & @fightwing & @systripe & you if u want <3
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