#{ I would like offer both her and Diantha a brief prayer in preparation for white day gfehgjhdg }
aaetherius · 4 years
Well, Amethyst thought this was as good a start as anything. Who knew their first real meeting would be close-ish to a holiday where she could show off her culinary prowess without worry? After all, as the big sister to four siblings and one chocolate-loving primal, she’s had her fair share of experience with chocolate making. Of course, even though she’s healed up quite a bit, she half-expected a soft scolding about pushing herself too hard by slaving away in one of the kitchens. 
Of course, with Amethyst being Amethyst, she’d stubbornly brush the concern aside. Even though her movements are obviously a little slow, and okay yes doing so much did make her ache a little. But, nevertheless, the box of chocolates is still presented with a smile. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Lucifer. I made sure to make your box have each type of filling I used for the others; I even made a chart of which chocolates had what.” 
A piece of paper is handed over soon afterwards, the same size as the box, with little boxes drawn on and each flavor written inside each little box. “Let me know which ones are your favorite, okay?” Because food was one of the best gifts she could give, but within reason of course.
Valentine’s Day || Always accepting (feel free to turn into threads)!
                                                        ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☼ ― ★ ☆ ✮ ✯
       Concern makes itself evident upon his features when dips into one of the kitchens aboard the ship to add the finishes touches to the chocolates he’s been toiling over for the better part of the month after learning of Valentine’s Day from the crew, and he just so happens to see Amethyst inside. After everything she had endured, the last thing she should be doing right now was working on something. While her injuries may have begun to heal by now - some of them having quite possibly healed entirely - she certainly hasn’t fully recovered in such a brief period of time. And he couldn’t stop himself from worrying about her well-being given just how dangerously close she had come to losing her life, but much as he wanted to press he found himself unable to do so. This holiday brought with it a great sense of cheer and relief to many of the crew members, and he couldn’t bring himself to dampen the joyful atmosphere that had fallen over the Grandcypher or deny her the happiness that came from being able to take part in the various traditions mortals had invented in order to celebrate this day with their loved ones. So any words of protest are swallowed quickly as the wrinkles that had formed upon his porcelain-like features in his well-intended concern smoothed out once more and a smile was quick to slip upon his rosy lips. Ah, he really has no right to scold her in this situation when his own wings were still a tad bit sore as a result of his own reckless actions that day - their sheen still a bit dull compared to the typical pearly shimmer that had been present before. There are clumps of downy that remain uneven and tattered - some parts still having not grown back in yet, and a handful of his feathers still had traces of burns upon then. Thankfully, most of his plumes had been restored to their former glory thanks to Sandalphon’s power and Cagliostro’s skilled hands - after a thorough lecture from both of them, of course.  
     So, instead of asking her to rest his lips part with the intention of greeting her and asking how her wounds currently feel, but before the words can leave his mouth she’s addressing him instead - box of chocolates in her hand that is presented to him as she explains its contents. But surprise remains evident upon his features - bright eyes widening upon realizing that she had included a set for him in all of the baking she had done. His knowledge of the holiday was, admittedly, rather limited - he knew only what Lyria had told him as she had assisted him with perfecting that chocolates he had been making for Sandalphon, and - ah, now he wishes he would have made extras so he could have given her a few in exchange for thinking of him. But though he had many countless in his adventures leading up to today only one of the batches had turned out well enough to present to another, and she hardly deserved the many failures that had come before it. So, instead, he finds himself determined to return the gesture to her when he next has the chance before he accepts the box that’s been presented to him - handling it with great care to ensure the sweets inside weren’t tousled about or damaged in the exchange. She had worked so hard on them, the least he could do was treat them with the respect they surely deserved.        
      "Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well,  Amethyst,” he offers, his voice maintaining its typically gentle and calm tone. “You have my gratitude for keeping me in mind on this day, and I will be certain to try every last one of them. I am afraid I must admit, though, that my own ventures into chocolate were not as fruitful as I had hoped. I pray you will forgive me for not having something to give you in return at the moment, though you have my word that I will repay when next I am able to.” He sounds nothing short of sincere when he speaks as he accepts the paper that is handed to him after the box, and there’s little doubt that he’s anything less than. It seems his understanding of the Holiday hadn’t been entirely accurate and he’ll have to rectify this with more research in the future so he doesn’t make such a blunder again. He might be taking this a bit too seriously, but it’s difficult not to when his grasp on the various traditions mortals have is limited to books and journals written by Astral explorers and the handful of mortal-researched documents that happened to be have once been stored amongst countless other books back in the various buildings that had composed Canaan. Thankfully, he’s already made chocolates once now so he’s confident he can do it again and will be able to return her gift in due time. 
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        Her question; however, has him glancing downwards at the paper she had given him - a map of the chocolates and their fillings drawn upon it, each one a different flavor. And he has to admit that he wasn’t aware there were so many different flavors of sweets. Another thing that would require more research when he had a moment to spare. For, now; however, he will gladly accept her request, after all, she had been the one to give them to him. “Of course, I will be certain to inform you once I have had the chance to try all of them,” he answers with an enthusiastic nod - if anything, he’s now more eager to taste them than he had been before. The scent that wafts up from the box is rather pleasant, and reminds him of some of the more fruity blends of coffee he’s created in his various attempts to invent new brews to suit the preferences of the countless crew members aboard the ship. But he lifts his gaze after a moment, head tilting slightly to the side in thought - enough that locks of white tap softly against his jaw. “May I ask what flavors you prefer?” It’s an innocent enough question, but he prays she’ll give him an answer so he can ensure the chocolates he makes in return for the ones she’s given to him today will be just as full of thought and flavor as they are. And, if he knows what she prefers, he can be certain to piece together the perfect box (well, save for the fact that, for some reason, no matter how hard he tries or how much research he puts into a recipe, the things he cooks always seem to come out a bit...questionable - entirely unknown to him thanks to a certain archangel always grinning and bearing the godawful taste of his rather ominous creations).
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