#{ANSWERED | ᴹʸ ᵃᵈᵒʳᶦᶰᵍ ᶠᵃᶰˢ﹗ }
asurising · 5 years
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    “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH STOP STOP STOP! IF ‘A KNEW PEOPLE WERE WATCHIN’ A NEVA WUDDA DONE IT!!” Poor guy...he was far to easily embarrassed to have been spotted holding hands with his girlfriend in public.  That was like...at least fourth base right?! 
     A pause.
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     “...’nd don’ act like ‘am th’ kinda asshole dat wouldn’t...geez...”
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asurising · 5 years
〝 gold!! the nursery lady gave me an extra egg... do you want it? 〞 - Lillie.
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    “ ‘n egg?” He blinked in surprise. Well, it was pretty rare that people just offered to give out things like that, even though he received them pretty regularly in hindsight. He takes a moment to consider it, looking towards Togekiss who was clearly very excited at the prospect of taking care of a new egg (she always enjoyed that) before he turned back to her and smiled.
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    “Sure, if yah don’ mind!”
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asurising · 5 years
shipping meme || Accepting!
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    {{Incoherent stuttering mostly-      But in all...seriousness I guess(?) Gold is a pretty rude guy all and all if you hadn’t managed to figure that out. He speaks his mind and isn’t afraid to really beat the hell out of you on a whim. The issue is that Gold gets nervous when he likes somebody romantically and obviously he doesn’t want to beat them up. So he gets nice. Not polite or less vulgar by any stretch of the imagination but..nice. He’ll just treat you real good. A bit less talkative and he’ll fumble over himself a lot. A real dweeb. But in like a cute way
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asurising · 5 years
How do you ever plan on making things last with someone like elesa?
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    “Wh- “ Normally he was quick to dismiss any and all topics involving his love life, for a variety of reasons. This one though, struck a cord with him. Specifically the word ‘last’. Gold was somebody who oozed confidence, he was an undeniably rare case of somebody who truly, from the bottom of his heart, believed in himself in every single way. This, however, was the one topic he couldn’t help but feel a deep anxiety towards. The kind of anxiety that left you bedridden and shaking with a pit in your stomach if you thought about it to hard. The question all the same, was a good one.
    How was he planning on making this last? He wasn’t a romantic or the kind of guy who’d ever thought about romance. He was a fighter, the kind of guy who could always find a way to make things work if he just faced it head on and beat it down til things went his way. He couldn’t do that here. He couldn’t just fight his issues, he couldn’t just punch them into submission. 
    What a terrifying thought that was.
    He was silent for a long while. An unfamiliar sound in his presence. His hand was shaking anxiously by his side as he thought about it. It didn’t matter right? He’d always lived life not knowing where he was going…so he was fine right? He could manage to find a way to make his relationship with Elesa work with or without a plan?
     …He wouldn’t be his father again, right?
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      “…who knows?”
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asurising · 5 years
"Shit, you're hot ;)"
send 'damn you're hot (or some variation) to see how my muse reacts! || Accepting
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     “Ye’ ye’ nice try pre’e boy bu’ yer gon’ need t’do be’er th’n dat t’ bu’er me up. Now whadaya want?” His outward hostility was to be expected but you could tell pretty clearly Gold was at least a little bit embarrassed. He found it easier to hide than normal though, considering how he could probably snap Calem in half on a whim. 
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asurising · 5 years
"Be nice, Gold."
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“Its fine eets Pearl.”
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asurising · 5 years
Approaches, and cicada blocks him. If they don't return gold back to the prison cell, then maybe this would work temporarily.
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“…so….yer th’ blonde girl in Calems house right?” he did not know where to go from here, so we will casually try and just..slip under her-
No wait shes wearing a skirt thats a HORRIBLE idea. New plan then…
He’ll climb to freedom
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asurising · 5 years
“No, he was arrested for stealing Elesa’s heart.” 😉
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“No it was assault ‘nd I’ve learned nothing. Do not test me.”
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asurising · 5 years
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“ ‘nd also th’ fact ‘a even ‘ave a girlfriend since dat was neva somethin’ dat ‘a like...y’know..told people”
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asurising · 5 years
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She’s usually the type to nip and bite at girls who are nice to Gold. She’s very possessive like that ...a brat. She’s a brat...buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut....she’s not immune to being spoiled and well...berries were pretty good....Nic can stay. For now.
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“Wha’ th’ fuck is goin’ on...”
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asurising · 5 years
6, 12, 21, 11!!
The pokémon headcanon ask meme! Acceptting!!
Do they have a favorite pokéball type?
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Not really. Gold’s never actually “caught” a pokemon in the wild before. His team are comprised entirely of Pokemon that willingly chose to accompany him on his journey, or were given to him as gifts. He’s never actually bought a pokeball before. He never used the ones he was given when he first started out and the spare ones he found lying around every so often, so he usually just uses whatever he pulls out his bag first.
Which berry is their favorite? How do they like to eat it? [On its own, in a pie, smoothie, etc]
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Again Gold doesn’t really have a favorite berry. He’s not a picky eater so he’ll just have whatever he pulls out first with no real preference. In general though, he prefers sweeter berries in a smoothie.
Do you follow the headcanon that real animals exist in the pokémon world? Why or why not?
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Nope. I’ll be honest I really don’t like the concept that real life animals exist in the Pokemon world. For one thing they haven’t been specifically implied to be present in the real world since gen 1 or something like that, and as a general rule I tend to ignore a lot of the original gen 1 world building if it hasn’t been reincorporated in gen 1 remakes or mentioned in later games like the existence of real actual fish, I feel like it was there originally just to make it feel like the world was more inhabited but as they made more Pokemon they didn’t need actual animals anymore.That said, I’m not opposed to the idea that they did exist. Most Pokemon are referred to as actual animal’s in the pokedex, the specific phrase ‘cat’ and is brought up a lot. I just headcanon real animals did exist but they eventually just went extinct because they were either hunted into extinction by Pokemon, or evolved into pokemon naturally over time. 
Has your muse ever lost one of their pokémon? If so, how did it happen?
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Gold has never lost a Pokemon personally, but he has seen his fair share of death in the world just by the nature of exploring it. The one that sticks with him the most is the death of his Ambipom’s mother, which despite being almost entirely unrelated to him he feels responsible for. He met his Ambipom when it was an Aipom and their family was being hunted by a Tyranitar, a pokemon that wasn’t meant to be in that environment and was damaging the ecosystem through its hunts. Gold decided to assist the family of Aipom but failed to protect some of them and got badly injured in the process (he still has a gruesome scar covering most of his chest from the encounter). Despite managing to subdue the Tyranitar and his Ambipom coming with him after the whole ordeal, the encounter still haunts him, despite the fact he won’t ever admit it.
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asurising · 5 years
“Hey...gold,” she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. These kind of things really weren’t their style. Still, she wanted to change, she wanted to be better for the people who had accepted her as she was. “Thanks for coming out to see me. I actually, kind of missed you,” she had to bite her tongue to keep her from adding some kind of stinger at the end.
    He hadn’t thought much of it when she asked him to come by and pay a visit when he could. Sure it might have been strange for somebody who knew Gold to think about how ‘when he could’ to him was ‘I’ll get on a boat right now’ on a moments notice. For him though, it was no big deal. He liked Moon a lot! Some might say love but he wouldn’t say that because he was a child and might end up having a meltdown over the insinuation. That didn’t make it untrue it just meant that Gold was a disaster.
    With that said though, he himself had always thought their inability to be genuine with each other and show affection without there being some form of catch had been a mutual thing, at best they say something mildly flattering and underwhelm it with an insult, never….that. It showed on his face to. Mild intrigue being quickly overturned by flustered confusion. He had never been able to stay composed in this kind of situation and oh boy, he was certainly proving it right now.
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    “Wh…huh!? W-where’s dis comin’ from!?” normally, he’d have called her a moron at the end of that, but he was distracted by the warm feeling in his chest as she spoke. It was true he’d never considered their relationship one where they needed to vocally confirm affection for one another, regardless of what kind of affection that may have been. Yet it was….nice, to receive it anyway. He could get used to that.
    No he couldn’t. He couldn’t get used to that. He liked it but he’d never be used to it.
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    “Geez…fer somebody dats meanna be th’ smart one yer really dumb yah know dat? if yer gonna miss me when ‘m gone jus’ ask me t’ stick around dumbass, it’s not like a’d mind stayin’ wid you fer a while or nuttin’ “ He doesn’t seem to notice how much of an escalation that actually is. 
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asurising · 5 years
calem just throws a baguette in gold's face
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He catches it in his mouth like the animal he is. 
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asurising · 5 years
Send me a ◓➥ to hear one of my character's pokemon give an opinion about your trainer | Accepting
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    “Clearly he’s a fuckboy”
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asurising · 5 years
"Have you even had sex before?"
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“…w-why yah askin?…” the answer is no.
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asurising · 5 years
top 5 fairy-type pokemon 👀
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer | Accepting!
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This one was…surprisingly hard. When I looked at this ask I was like “Yeah okay this is easy I know my favorite fairy types-” but as it turned out theres only like 4 fairy types I don’t really like and only like 3 I don’t really have an opinion on…2 and 3 were easy though.
Honorable mention’s: The ones I think are really cool but I can’t say much on them ‘cos I’ve never used them or have only recently started warming up to them: Florges, Comfey, Whimsicott, Ribombee, Mawile.
Gardevoir. This is gonna go in reverse cos I can’t count down from 5 using in built features-I dunno man it’s hard for me to explain some of these cause there aren’t many to choose from. I either really like fairy types or just kinda don’t have an opinion. (except you Azumarill and Marill, my irrational disdain for you will rage on forever) but I dunno man, I always kinda liked sleek designs and recently (like within the last year recently) I’ve really started warming up to Gardevoir? Furry memes aside it’s a really pretty Pokemon and aesthetically I really like it to a point where I caved and made it one of my other muses main pokemon in their Pokemon au.
Diancie. My favorite legendary! I can’t really explain this one because it kinda came out of nowhere but honestly? It’s just cute. I think Diancie is cute. I like pink things (Assuming the pink is done right) and I really like it’s design? the colors are nice and I wish to hold its hand
Primarina. This one is where the list gets easier because I loved Primarina immedietly. When SuMo was still on the horizon and the starter evo’s got leaked Primarina made me pray to god they were real (and they were). Theres something about Primarina that makes me love it? it’s just so elegant and I honestly considered giving Gold one for a long time because of how much it didn’t suit him and how I thought it might be fun to play around with the idea of Gold having Pokemon that don’t work with him. there are actually shades of that in Gawain to this day!
Togekiss. Admittedly it’s pretty recently that I’ve started liking Togekiss as much as I do. I never really disliked Togekiss but I never really loved it either, back when I first made Gold he didn’t even have Togekiss, his flying type was actually Crowbat. After a while though I thought it might be interesting to have Gold interact with a big cuddly baby and writing Golds Togekiss made me really love it  because of how much time I had to spend thinking about it. A lot like Typhlosion except I still don’t really love Typhlosion or anything I just kinda like it now.
Sylveon. It’s not even a contest. Not only is Sylveon my favorite fairy type Pokemon it’s my second favourite pokemon in general after Infernape. Back when I started playing X&Y I didn’t have many opinions on Sylveon, I thought it was cute and everything but I didn’t love it or anything, but I wanted to try out fairy type so I gave Sylveon a go and ooooooooh boy. Unintentionally I ended up doing a Sylveon only run through X&Y and I loved it so much. My friends and I memed up how good Sylveon was because when we battled it didn’t matter what I did, so long as Sylveon was good to go I still won. Sylveon was not only the first time I really got attached to a Pokemon in a game, it was also the first Pokemon plush I ever got, and I’ve had a Sylveon on every team I’ve battled with since then! I just…I really love Sylveon. Lucas recently enabled me giving Gold one and I’m just…I’m so happy. Bonus points because Valerie also has a Sylveon and Val is probably one of my top 5 gym leaders? she’s up there.
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