#{Around Each Other They Melt: OT3}
floridagirlboy · 5 months
suddenly been thinking a lot about rhode island/alaska/hawai'i throuple. what is going on. i think i have a brain eating parasite named ot3. anyway:
bi4bi4bi. t4t4t. you cannot change my mind.
alaska and hawai'i were together first. and at some point rhodie kinda became integrated into their relationship? absorbed into the dynamic. friend -> close friend -> basically dating them (haven't said anything about it yet) -> rhode island asks them what "they" are -> alaska is like "we have been dating for 3 months" -> rhodie is like "..WE HAVE????" -> hawai'i turns and stares at alaska "Did you talk to him about it like i asked you to." -> alaska awkward silence "...ehm." (no) -> long conversation about what they are + boundaries + etc etc -> yayy polyamory wins!
rhode is the shortest. naturally. alaska clocks in at around 6'11". hawai'i 5'9". rhodie....barely clears 5'0".
but do not be fooled by rhode's short stature he is often a big spoon. I don't think alaska had ever been spooned before (bc he's always been the Big Guy™️ in the relationship n he felt like he didnt have a choice) but rhode spooned him and he was like Oh. i think this is what happiness feels like. and now Alaska is always the little spoon save for special occasions. even with hawai'i.
hawai'i spoons rhode a lot though. he puts up less of a [half-hearted] fight than with alaska. it's not that he dislikes being spooned he's just convinced he has a reputation to uphold. hawaii melts them both so easily.
which isn't to say that alaska and rhodie aren't soft for each other. they most definitely are. but it looks little different with them. they're both very emotionally closed off (and frankly emotionally constipated), so it's hard for them to like...express the same shameless affections hawai'i does with each other. rhode's softness for alaska is obvious in him leaving out snacks for him, tidying up alaska's stuff without being asked, and insistently taking up alaska's chores when the former just isn't feeling it. alaska's is kinda like..making sure to leave stuff rhode needs on the lower shelves, making sure nobody picks on him for his height (not that rhode needs the help — but the sentiment is very touching to him), and checking in on him a lot without being very obvious. and also hawai'i is helping them get better at communicating more openly and emotionally plus being less embarrassed about seeking physical/verbal affection.
hawai'i has no shame for (reasonable) pda. alaska & rhode island? both fluster extremely easily. alaska is even worse though. rhode'll get all red and mumble a half-hearted "you're killin' me, babe" but relent. alaska will freeze up and, upon recovering, death glare every single witness because Fuck You he is not soft. and then smile at his partner. she's a big hugger. also butterfly kisses and nose kisses. she doesn't really kiss on the lips in public, she considers that something to be done in private.
rhode and alaska both rarely ever initiate pda. rhodie does it if he gets jealous or angry and needs to reassure himself. alaska does it because he notices the aforementioned happening with rhode. alaska is always so fucking awkward about it though. he's doing his best he doesn't really Do physical affection, he usually only reciprocates if anything.
hawai'i is the "excuse me they asked for no pickles" while rhode n alaska both stand awkwardly off to the side (both are introverted and asocial).
hawai'i is the sun. alaska is the moon. rhode island is their star. do you get it? you get it.
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blackbird-brewster · 7 days
Friday Fic Recs
Mostly been reading polym fics to add to my ongoing [CM Polyam Fics Collection] on AO3. There are so many good OT3+ fics out there!
Want to see all of my Friday Fic Recs? Check the links below the cut at the end of the post.
What I've Been Reading:
Tara/Penelope || Rated: E || WC: 6124 Series: Drive Author: @swpf
Why I Love It: This whole Tenelope series is superb, but this fic really blew my mind. I loved everything about it from characterisation, to the dynamic between Tara/Pen, to the absurdly mind-melting sexy smut. Aces all round.
Derek/Emily/JJ || Rated: E || WC: 5043 Author: Mournful_shapes
Why I Love It: I love everything this author writes, but I especially love their OT3 fics. This is such a sexy work of art.
Tara/Emily/Reader || Rated: G || WC: 2413 Author: DAlexandriaG16
Why I Love It: This fic is so soft. It's depictions of anxiety were so very real. I love how Tara and Emily take care of reader through their panic attack.
Tara/Emily/Penelope || Rated: G || WC: 1756 Author: alreadyacccepted
Why I Love It: A very wholesome fluffy fic. I adored seeing how Tara and Penelope took care of their partner and how happy Emily was to go to the fair. Just tooth-rotting fluff!
Tara/Emily/Penelope || Rated: G ||WC: 2151 Author: sweetmidnights
Why I Love It: I'm such a sap for a wholesome OT3 fic and this one ticks all the boxes for me. I adore the way the relationships between these three are written. I love seeing the different ways they comfort each other. This is one I've read multiple times.
Current WIP:
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[Primed for Love] is my newest expansion to the Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) series! This 3-part mini-series fills in the gaps between Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 by delving into the back stories of each of the ten main characters.
Read the first installment here:
Past Friday Fic Recs:  [Friday Fic Recs - Tumblr] || [CM Fic Recs - AO3 Collection]
My Fanfic Master Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [JJ/Tara] || [Tara/Rebecca]
2023 Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily + Other Femslash]
2022 Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [Other Femslash]
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bluerose5 · 4 months
Yeah, I'll post this one. Why not?
First kiss for Erys, my Durge, and Falorin, my Tav. Been trying my hand at developing some Tav/Astarion/Durge OT3.
“What do you think you were doing?!” 
Erys scowled when Falorin approached him, the latter staring up at him, fangs bared.
“What did I do wrong now?” Erys sighed, both of them soaked in the blood of their now-fallen enemies.
Erys's heart still pounded after the fight. His blood raced hot within his veins.
His skin tingled, hands trembling, spurred on by the excitement brought about by their kills.
The shadows in those cursed lands certainly didn't help matters any, worming their way inside their minds and encouraging their darkest desires.
Falorin was affected more than most, his cursed soul soaking up the shadows like a sponge.
Yet he resisted. He remained in control.
In spite of all the forces working against him, he held strong.
Erys respected him all the more for it.
It made him want Falorin even more.
They had discussed “them” by that point. They had wanted to give their relationship a try, but there were more uncertainties between them than in their respective relationships with Astarion.
Falorin poked him in the chest, pulling Erys from his thoughts. 
“In what world did you think it was okay to go rushing in against a group of githyanki?” Fal snapped. “You could have been hurt!”
Erys started to reply, to say that he wasn't hurt though, but Falorin continued to lecture him before he could get a word in.
It was… interesting. To have someone to stand up against him, to have his interest at heart, despite his murderous tendencies.
Falorin wasn't afraid, and it enticed Erys.
Without realizing it, he found himself watching Falorin's lips while he spoke.
Then, in the blink of an eye, Erys leaned down, closing the distance between them.
They both froze when their lips touched.
All sense came rushing back to him, and Erys started to pull away, an apology at the ready.
However, before he could get too far, Falorin tossed his arms around his neck, dragging him back down into their kiss with renewed fervor.
Erys's hands nearly covered the entire expanse of his back. He clung to him, claws teasing at his armor.
As they got lost in the sensation, their eyes slipped closed, and they melted into each other's embrace.
Behind them, Astarion exclaimed, “Finally!” Then, aside, he continued. “Pay up, my dear.”
Shadowheart grumbled something in Elvish at him, and Lae'zel snorted.
Not that Erys and Falorin paid them any mind, lost in their own little world.
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fatherfigurefusion · 2 years
Okay, guys! So...
I just came up with the most BRILLIANT OT3 for Project Eden's Garden!
Eloise X Desmond X Ingrid!
(AKA. TaulGrimHall or Weaponshipping)
You have three characters who, when you hear their talents and compare it to their personalities, are the prime examples of "looks like they would kill you, WOULD probably kill you, but are actually cinnamon rolls".
True example of T4T4T (my personal headcanons, anyways) with transfem she/her Eloise, transmasc she/he demigirl Ingrid, and genderfluid he/she/they Desmond.
Ingrid could easily craft new swords and (possibly) guns for her lovers, and could probably geek out over swords and armory with Eloise (ND SpIn, possibly?).
Desmond and Ingrid would both be open about their affections for their partners, but Eloise would spontaneously combust just trying to say "I love you".
Desmond and Eloise would melt just hearing Ingrid's adorable country bumpkin accent, even if she says the most ridiculous of things.
As both Eloise and Ingrid hate crowded places and Desmond hates rainy days, having indoor hangouts and dates are a must for them.
Ingrid could literally bench press both of his lovers, and neither would object to it.
After accidentally clicking on a particularly-scary and gory horror movie, Desmond and Eloise refused to sleep with the lights off for weeks on end, and Ingrid's on high-alert to prevent any of this from ever happening again.
They each own a stuffed animal of each other's motif animal (swan for Eloise, lion for Ingrid, and shark for Desmond)
(Oh my god, Desmond deserves ALL the Ikea sharks!)
I'd imagine that all three of them would be really big in the LARP and D&D scene, and regularly have LARPing sessions every other day. (Eloise is a dwarf paladin, Desmond is a human ranger, and Ingrid is a half-orc artificer)
Who confessed first out of the three of them? Toshiko, on behalf of all of them. They have been dense and dancing around their feelings for weeks now, and Toshiko's sick of her repeated failed attempts to light the fires of romance beneath all three of their butts.
Probably might add more headcanons, or even write a fic centering around the three of them.
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kneesntoess · 2 years
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I posted 2,502 times in 2022
That's 795 more posts than 2021!
40 posts created (2%)
2,462 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,397 of my posts in 2022
Only 44% of my posts had no tags
#lotr - 108 posts
#the magnus archives - 81 posts
#note to self - 69 posts
#queer stuff - 58 posts
#reference - 54 posts
#history - 46 posts
#hades - 41 posts
#uk politics - 40 posts
#my chemical romance - 39 posts
#the witcher - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#taking the collars and sleeves off a bunch of my tshirts and getting increasingly frustrated because the goddamn sides never line up!!!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
heyaaaaa!! For the WIP ask game!!! soft nsfw crimes??? Curious about the crime part of it all ngl!
it was a crime because i started writing it when i should have been filling out job applications /o\
have a (not very nsfw) snippet!
It started with a dream.
Or - not started, exactly, because Jon is pretty sure it started around the time Martin’s smile first made his chest seize up like a poorly maintained motor, all the essential cogs and gears that made breathing possible and controlled his heartbeat and the ability to feel his fingertips getting caught up with whatever else had started leaking into his chest cavity. A twitchy restlessness in his limbs that increased with proximity and distance both. It fluctuated with
It started at some undefined point between Martin’s residency in document storage and the Unknowing; because Jon might have awoken changed, but the way Martin made him feel wasn’t new, even if the knowledge of what he felt was.
the outline is for a jon pov safehouse fic in which jon has a series of tender dreams - sexy and otherwise - about martin, made more awkward by the fact they're sharing a bed and haven't talked about anything.
eventually they do Have A Talk about they agree to try out some of the things Jon has been dreaming about
thank you so much for the ask!!!
5 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
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this man is going to get people killed.
A Conservative MP has claimed that people taking precautions during the heatwave are “snowflakes” and “cowards”. 
John Hayes, who was previously a government minister at the climate change department, suggested that fear of the heat was everything wrong with modern Britain and “the state in which we now live”. 
It comes as forecasts hit a record-breaking 40 degrees of heat on Monday and Tuesday, amid Met Office warnings that people should stay inside and avoid the sun. 
But Sir John, a Brexiteer who voted against reintroducing Covid restrictions told the Telegraph: “This is not a brave new world but a cowardly new world where we live in a country where we are frightened of the heat.” 
“It is not surprising that in snowflake Britain, the snowflakes are melting. Thankfully, most of us are not snowflakes.” ) 
(from the independant, here)
6 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
absolutely convinced the ot3 gets together after the rundown job and i cannot tell you why except to say that it’s the first episode their “walking towards the camera, arms around each other” bit has eliot in the middle 
there are a hundred and one moments in this show where the three of them could have slid so easily into something more than what they were, but it’s that end scene that makes me go oh. OH. a dynamic has shifted here 
7 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @evanescentjasmine, thank you friend! 
I have, oh boy, a whole lot of WIPs! somehow they keep multiplying when I’m not looking, which I guess is why they’re called plotbunnies :D I am also not including things that exist only as chatfic files because otherwise I’d be here all day. given how many there are I think it makes sense to sort them by fandom, so! 
buckle up, folks.
the magnus archives:
ghost martin
fma fusion
fantasy week fic
soft nsfw crimes
sexy leitner cnc
the witcher:
sweetheart fic
geralt of rivea, supernatural pest control
geralt gets dewitchered
there’s only one bed in the snowed in fishing village, oh no
 eskel/jaskier “i had nowhere else to go” 
eskel pov - endgame ot3 
hobbit au of doom
legolas gets baby fever 
critical role 
pike/vax - sex in the light of everlight
sidlink reverse knot 
I’m fairly sure almost everyone has already been tagged, but please consider this a blanket tag if you want to have a go! 
8 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
wonder what song is going to hit #1 in the charts this time & trigger a huge constitutional argument about whether the bbc is going to play it
UPDATE: I made a playlist
140 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous
@queenxfjustice // @empereurvoleur
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kureis-writing-hell · 2 years
The Car Ride [S3:E17]
A short discussion Jim and Ed have while they're driving to the meeting with the Court of Owls. The main topic? A certain mayor that's allegedly dead.
So I've watched Gotham. Actually, that's a lie. I binged Gotham in a week and now I'm watching it again, but with my mom because no one is safe from my fixations.
Watching Gotham means I got a new OTP. OT3. OT4 even considering I do ship Oswald and Ed and Jim and Lee all at once in a funny, mad little poly relationship. It's not even that far from canon, honestly, it's Gotham. Everyone slept with everyone at some point. But that's a later topic (soon, maybe).
This ficlet came to me because, honestly, I wanted to make fun of Ed and Jim. Especially Ed, considering he's so madly in love with Oswald but won't admit it. So, here are the two of them, calling each other out on their own bullshit.
And tbh I'm very proud of this one!
You can also find it on AO3.
They were driving.
The road to the harbor was quiet, and so it seemed way longer than it was in reality. They both knew it, they knew very well what that road looked like. Yet none spoke up. Not even the radio was playing. Just two, lost men, a cop and a cop murderer drowned deep in their thoughts.
Jim was tired. He didn’t sleep well for what seemed like ages by now, the road was dark, the car was quiet and his eyes felt strained. Lately there was no time for a break, his brain was running every hour of the day, to figure out the court, to protect the people of Gotham. To not think about Lee and Mario and the heavy, heavy guilt weighing his shoulders. To not think about the mayor, gone and dead by the hands of the very man taking the passenger seat right now. Sure, Cobblepot was a menace, a criminal and an insane murderer, but having him around was normal . It was something Gordon got used to, even despite himself. To think that he was really dead right now was… unsettling. And added to Jim’s pile of things to not think about.
The anger was bubbling softly in his abdomen, but he didn’t want to let it win. Instead, he let the tiredness take over. The kind that made his brain into a mush and his muscles into cotton candy, that could melt and let him fall any moment.
That would be more pleasant than sitting by Nygma right now.
The other man seemed emotionless. He was looking straight ahead, on the pitch black road, his eyes dark and unfeeling. He looked like a statue yet it was far from what was happening inside of his head. Contrary to Gordon, he couldn't make them shut up. But oh, he wished for it so much. For the thoughts, screaming at each other, to quiet down. He was lost, caught in a crossfire between Riddler, yelling about murder, revange, betrayal and raging like a monster and Ed, spilling riddles that had no sense. And in the middle was he, trying to focus on the goal, on the riddle that he had to solve, otherwise the two voices would drive him mad. Madder than he already was.
And detective Gordon, quietly driving them to the place of meeting, seemed to be an anchor. No, not because of the images of his suffering that Ed used to play over and over in his head since Arkham. Actually, it was because of the riddle. Jimbo was always a riddle, so righteous, always nice to Ed when they still worked together, sharp and quick with his deduction. Yet still morally gray. Knowing stuff that normal cops shouldn’t know. Like right now. Jim Gordon, out of all people, just had to know about Ed’s goal.
Still, the silence between the two men was long and awkward.
“What happened between you and Penguin?” The sentence felt like a violation. As if Jim grabbed the silence between them and ripped it in half with his voice, causing Ed to recoil in almost physical pain.
“I’m just curious. You two seemed… close. And suddenly he’s dead.”
The implication was there. Oswald got close to Ed, he died. Miss Kringle got close to Ed, she died. Isabella-
Nygma didn’t know if it was intentional, but he took it as such. It was Jim he was talking with. Detective Gordon, smart and sharp and dangerous with his deduction.
“He killed someone close to me. It was revange.”
The word shouldn't feel so bitter on his tongue, but Ed still had to lick over his lips to get rid of the after taste. He thought that, in the darkness of the car, Gordon wouldn’t see.
“Was it worth it?”
The question felt weird, out of character and, to both men’s dread, hung in the air between them. Nygma saw how Jim cringed briefly, then furrowed his brows. Ed licked over his lips again.
“What’s with the chit-chat, Jimbo? Does it really matter? He’s gone. I was sure that you, out of all people, would be happy about it.”
Ed sounded irritated, bitter and, somehow, also weird. He knew it. He used all his strength to calm his nerves, to focus on his goal. And then he saw how Jim clenched his jaw, doing the same thing.
“Criminals murdering criminals should suit my book,” he said with voice gruffier, more annoyed. “But it’s still a murder.”
A soft laughter filled the car. Nygma smiled one of his wide, creepy smiles at Gordon.
“Don’t tell me you also wanted to put your hands on poor, ol’ Oswald? Considering how much of your hair turned white because of him I shouldn’t be surprised, but Jim , he was your mayor!” Jim kept quiet, focusing on the road. He shouldn’t have spoken. “Or… am I missing a clue here?”
“He should just go back to Arkham.”
“Oh! A fate worse than death for him! Cops really are sadists, aren’t they?”
Again, Jim didn’t answer. He met doctor Strange more times than he wished for. Usually, he tried to not think about the kind of therapy Penguin had to indulge.
Something on his face had to sell his thoughts to Nygma. He wasn’t sure what it could be, but Ed always had a knack for noticing tiny details.
“He was a criminal, you’re a detective. It was inevitable one of you had to die at some point. The only riddle here is: why do you suddenly care ?” Ed’s glasses glimmered dangerously. “You always seemed to hold a soft spot for Oswald. Is it because you let him live? Or because he considered you a good friend all this time? Is it the- maybe? Nobody wants me, But those who never have me, nobody wants. What am I? ”
Ed shut down his loud thoughts, waiting for an answer. Gordon could hear Harvey’s voice, calling him an idiot in his head.
But he indulged.
“Guilt. But no, I didn’t feel guilty about him. That sounds awfully honest though, Ed.”
Jim smirked, hearing a harsh inhale through the nose. He hit right in the spot, didn’t he? The anger, bubbling in his stomach, was making him vicious and petty and Nygma’s reaction gave him a short lasting joy. And now, that he took the initiative over their discussion, he was not going to let go of it.
“In any way, who cares . Oswald is dead. It’s time to forget about him,” hissed Ed. For a reason Jim would never speak about he tightened his grip on the wheel.
“You say so, and yet here you are. Penguin’s gone and you run around like a lost puppy, searching for its master. Kill random people, play with police, get yourself into schemes bigger than you. It’s like you lost your purpose and are frantically trying to replace it. What happened to the ruthless cop murderer that framed me? With a smart guy that had a plan for every occasion? What happened between you and Penguin, Ed?
The way Nygma got red was almost amusing to Jim. He never showed his emotions like that.
“I don’t need him,” huffed the criminal. “I never needed him, especially not with emotions getting in the way. He was naive and that was-” Suddenly Ed cut off and got quiet. Jim felt a piercing, furious glare on himself. It didn’t get rid of his smirk, nor the anger swirling in his stomach happily.
“ I can fill a room or just one heart. Others can have me, but I can’t be shared. What am I? ” He asked the riddle, thanking himself for that one night at the bar with Lucius once he was back from his break. Harvey was antsy about being reminded of the whole situation. And Gordon had fun.
“...loneliness.” Ed sounded crestfallen.
“Don’t you have to answer my way?”
“That’s enough .” Nygma chuckled but it sounded forced. Jim smiled wider, more proudly. “I don’t know what’s the purpose of your games, detective Gordon, but I suggest that we answer it the way of the person who’s holding the gun .”
Gordon knew Ed wouldn’t shoot him right now, he still needed him. But still decided to go with the other man’s suggestion.
The silence was back, but not for long.
Suddenly Ed chuckled and shook his head. He looked at Gordon again, a cunning smile on his face.
“You know, detective, if I didn’t know better I’d think you also sound awfully honest. Wouldn’t that be just pathetic of you, though?”
The anger in Jim’s belly was gone, leaving only tiredness so strong it was making him nauseous. His face fell, darkened and he felt a need to just punch Nygma to shut him up.
“We’re close,” he said, instead of answering, bringing back a heavy silence between the two of them.
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sholiofic · 3 years
Your recent SamBuckyZemo fic melted my heart and gave me an idea: it's the same ot3 timeline and the guys have first real opportunity to actually sleep together, not adrenaline rush sex during mission, but really sleep and cuddle in one bed. Turns out Zemo moves a lot and talks in his sleep (Raft trauma?) and SamBucky, really wanting for their first cuddle night with Zemo to work, have only one option to actually get some sleep for themselves: squish that cat 😺
Same universe as the poolside curly-hair fluff, although a bit earlier. 💜
It was long after midnight by the time they got to Zemo's Colombia estate in a warm, humid tropical night, and Sam didn't even know what time his internal clock thought it was—morning, maybe? His internal clock was still on Eastern Europe time.
"Well," Bucky said, looking around at the arched entryway and floodlit grounds. "I don't know else what I expected."
They dropped their luggage inside the door, in a flagged entry hall with some artificial plants and an ornamental end table.
"Lucia said that she would have the beds made up," Zemo said. "She and her husband are the caretakers for the property. I ..." And at that point he seemed to wind down, staring vaguely off into the distance as if he had forgotten what he was going to say.
They were all completely fried. It had been a busy, hectic, occasionally life-threatening couple of days, and a trans-Atlantic flight and world-class case of jet-lag wasn't really helping.
"Where are the bedrooms?" Sam asked, and Zemo looked relieved to be given a cue.
"This way, I think. I haven't been here since I was a child."
They got a little turned around, wandering through an enormous kitchen and taking a wrong turn by way of the pool—Zemo looked both annoyed and embarrassed by this—but ended up, eventually, in a bedroom with a huge bed. Silk sheets, of course.
Bucky threw himself onto the bed. "Mine."
"No, you don't," Sam grumbled. "This bed is too big for one person to hog the whole damn thing." He flopped on the edge, and then looked up as Zemo took a step back, slipping quietly into the hall. "Where are you going?"
"In search of an unoccupied bedroom," Zemo said patiently.
"No you don't." Sam pushed himself up to a vague approximation of a sitting position. "If this bed's big enough for two, it's big enough for three. Get back in here."
Zemo gave him a look, and there was a moment when Sam really wasn't sure what he was going to do. Or what Bucky was going to do, for that matter.
They had really never taken it to the next level. He and Bucky were kind of a thing, but with Zemo, a couple of adrenaline-fueled "yay, we're not dead" hookups were all they had.
Well, that and a couple months of saving each other's asses, sharing hotel rooms, fighting over the bathroom, and generally living in each other's pocket. But ... not this. Quick, frantic sex was one thing. But they'd never shared a bed before.
"C'mon," Sam said. "You're tired. We're tired. Bed's easily big enough for all of us. In the state you're in, you'll fall in the pool before you find a place to crash."
Bucky snorted a laugh. He sat up and started peeling off clothes and weapons. Sam noticed Zemo's gaze following him, weary as it was.
"Up to you, anyway." Sam reached down and pulled off his shoes, dropping them over the side of the bed. "if we hear a splash from the pool, we'll come fish you out. Maybe. If we're not asleep."
The corners of Zemo's mouth twitched reluctantly. "All right," he said, as if coming to a sudden decision, and peeled off his shoulder holster, dropping it on the chair beside the door.
They were all mostly undressed by the time Zemo turned off the light and rolled onto the bed beside Sam, and by that point Sam was too tired to appreciate the mostly-naked bodies on either side of him. Sleep was his main priority.
He woke what felt like five minutes later when Zemo spasmed all over.
"God," Sam groaned, fuzzy-headed with sleep. He knew exactly what was happening because he was already semi-used to sharing a bed with the other twitchiest motherfucker on the planet. He'd at least developed a little practice at settling Bucky down, mostly by laying on him in the night. Bucky slept like a grasshopper on meth—unless he had someone touching him, and then he settled right down.
Zemo was awake now, shivering next to him under the stupid silk sheet.
"Dream?" Sam asked quietly. He felt Bucky twitch on his other side.
Zemo sat up, half-visible in the dark. "This was a mistake," he said, mostly to himself, and started to swing his legs out of bed.
"Hey." Still fuzzy with sleep, Sam reached out and caught him by the wrist. "It's a bad dream. We all have 'em. You go stumbling around in here half asleep, you really will fall in the pool."
His hand circled Zemo's wrist lightly, not enough to really hold him. On his other side, Bucky was muttering something irritably about people who wouldn't just settle down and go to sleep.
"Like you're one to talk," Sam muttered. He laid his leg firmly across Bucky's and curved his foot around Bucky's ankle.
He was already drifting off to sleep again, his fingers slipping off Zemo's wrist, as he vaguely felt Zemo slide back under the covers.
And then Zemo twitched awake again with a sharp all-over jerk before Sam had even properly fallen asleep.
Sam had just one solution for this. It had worked on Bucky, after all. He rolled on top of Zemo, and felt Zemo go tense all over.
Sam draped his head over Zemo's shoulder. "Go to sleep," he said in his ear.
"I can't breathe," Zemo said tightly.
Hmmm ... maybe the supersoldier solution had a few drawbacks with an ordinary human. Sam wriggled across Zemo, who made annoyed noises, and shoved him firmly into Bucky.
"Wha?" Bucky mumbled blearily, while Zemo let out a startled noise.
"And stay put," Sam muttered. He threw an arm over Zemo, and then a leg, and he was aware of some weird blend of cuddling and bed combat happening on Zemo's other side as well.
"What are you both doing," Zemo said, and then it sounded like Bucky climbed onto more of him, from his angry squashed noises.
"Trying to sleep," Bucky mumbled. "If anyone else wakes me up, I'm spending the night laying on both of you."
"You don't want that," Sam said. "He's heavy."
"You're both insane," was Zemo's response, but they lay like that, wrapped up together in a slowly relaxing tangle, with Zemo's breathing evening out against Sam's hair—and the next thing Sam knew, there was silver-gold morning light shafting through the windows.
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squadrah · 2 years
ship ask - prosciutto/formaggio/ghiaccio :3
Send me two characters and I will tell you what my ideal ship dynamic is for these characters!
Oh, hell yeah! This has to be my favorite OT3 to think about because 1) these guys are my top three favorite members of La Squadra, hands down; and 2) I actually enjoy the idea of each possible pairing in this poly triangle. I have only written about Promaggio to date, so if anyone is curious, send me a ship ask for Prosciutto/Ghiaccio and Formaggio/Ghiaccio - but especially the former, because my vision for Proghia is wildly different from everything else that could be going on in Forghia, or in this three-style for that matter.
To my mind, this ship starts with Prosciutto and Formaggio having already hooked up, and Ghiaccio gravitating towards each of them for totally different reasons. On the one hand, to my mind Ghiaccio craves the sort of validation that actually means something, and Prosciutto is exactly the type of professional whom he could respect enough to actively seek his approval… and on the other hand, Formaggio is the sort of casually charismatic wild cat that someone like Ghiaccio would begrudgingly acknowledge to be "cool" because he himself struggles with presenting as self-confident and laidback in public. Now, Ghiaccio is self-conscious about all of this; there is no guarantee that he can get what he wants, but he can't help himself, so he starts awkwardly hanging around the charcuterie board. He might be observing them a little too obviously, he sometimes tries for conversation… and since Formaggio likes to tease and Prosciutto is so blunt, things would progress really fast once the two of them realized that Ghiaccio wants a bite of their Croque Monsieur.
And then I want Formaggio and Prosciutto to pair up on Ghiaccio and praise kink him into oblivion, but not in that "good boy" sort of way. I see that too often and I personally don't enjoy it. No, I want straightforward praises about his body and his endurance, about how good he feels, how strong he is, how great this is, on a very equal footing; remember, this is between three regular members of the team. The point is that Ghiaccio is completely melting from all this, he is absolutely putty in their hands all the way. From then on, he becomes this welcome addition to the fooling around, and gets more comfortable due to all the positive feedback and attention he is getting. Hell yeah.
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runawaymun · 3 years
Strawberry Scones | Elrond/Celebrían/Lindir OT3 
For @polyshipweek 2022, for day 5 - “kitchen table”. I’m late to this lmao but like I’m always late to these things. I didn’t want to completely miss out on a perfectly good excuse to write some Celrondir content. 
Read on AO3
Sindarin translation: mîr mín - our treasure
“Is something burning?” Celebrían asked from where she stood at the kitchen bench, slicing strawberries.
Horrified, Elrond turned on his heel to check the bread oven. The scones at the back were, indeed, turning a very dark shade of brown. He hissed a curse and reached in to fish them out, dropping them one by one on the bench.
Celebrían gave him a longsuffering, dry look.
“That’s what that is for.” She gestured to the wooden baker’s paddle hanging on the wall.
“Waste of time,” Elrond said, blowing on his scorched fingers and muttering a healing cantrip.
He’d gotten so focused on the hollandaise sauce for the eggs benedict that he’d forgotten to rotate the scones at the correct time, but at least breakfast didn’t look to be utterly unsalvageable. Celebrían reached over and picked through the pastries. Most of them were still perfectly good, with nice crunchy rosy-brown crusts. She selected those out of the pile and began to split them, enlisting Elrond to whip the cream.
The sun was only just rising over the peaks of the Misty Mountains as they climbed the stairs to their bedroom, trays in hand. Lindir was still fast asleep in bed, curled beneath the eiderdown duvet, dark hair fanned out on his pillow, face flushed from a long night’s sleep. They tiptoed in as quietly as they could and set out the trays on the bedside table.
“He’s perfect,” Celebrían murmured with a fond look cast Lindir’s way as she poured three cups of tea and sweetened each.
Elrond merely hummed in agreement and sank onto the bed to press a warm kiss to Lindir’s cheek.
Lindir stirred, leaning into the touch. His eyes fluttered open. He turned to give Elrond a sleepy smile and mindlessly sought a hug, which Elrond drew him into without a second thought.
Then, it registered.
Lindir’s face pinched in that cute way it always did and he observed a bit groggily: “You— you are already dressed?” He worked himself upright with a rising note of panic in his voice, “ Oh! Oh dear. I’ve overslept. I apologize—“
“—you have not,” Celebrían reassured with a little laugh. “We were up early.”
“We made you breakfast,” Elrond said.
Lindir’s eyes grew saucer-wide and luminous. His cheeks stained pink. He sat up just a little more and spied the trays on the bedside table. Celebrían handed him a steaming cup of tea and sat on the edge of the bed. Lindir took it, looking thoroughly befuddled.
“It’s not my begetting day,” he said, twisting around to look up at Elrond.
“No,” Elrond agreed, leaning against the headboard and guiding Lindir to rest back against his chest. “But you’ve been overworking yourself of late—“
“—if I’ve been neglecting anything—“ Lindir began anxiously.
“You haven’t,” Elrond interrupted gently. “We only thought that you ought to have someone look after you for a change.”
Lindir opened his mouth, no doubt to find some other reason to protest, but Celebrían pressed a finger to it before he could get very far and said: “Hush. Let us spoil you, mîr mín. I can think of no one in this city more deserving of it than you.”
“Elrond—” Lindir attempted.
Elrond chuckled and kissed his cheek. “I am spoiled by you both. Rest. I will command it if I must.”
That seemed to assuage him. Lindir’s spine melted. He took a sip of his tea, then mumbled into the rim of his cup: “Are those strawberry scones?”
Celebrían and Elrond exchanged a knowing smile. Celebrían reached over to pick one up and set it on a plate and held it out of him. “We know how much you like them.”
Lindir accepted the plate, blushing an even deeper shade of red, looking pleased, and leaned over to set his teacup on the table so he could eat. They spend the morning that way: Lindir curled up into Elrond’s side, Celebrían opposite them both, crosslegged on the bed, enjoying the scones and eggs’ benedict and tea with more sugar than was probably strictly good for them. When Lindir stirred again to begin habitually collecting the dishes, Elrond stayed his hand and did it for him.
“Might we…?” Lindir fidgeted with his hands. Celebrían and Elrond were patient. At last he landed on: “Might we stay like this? Just for a little while?”
Elrond just smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Today? We will stay just like this for as long as you wish, my Lindir.”
Lindir’s shy little smile burst into something radiant. When he took the last strawberry scone for himself without asking first, Elrond and Celebrían counted themselves victorious.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
for your ask game:
tonight, where I'm set alight - 3, 4, 6, and 9
make me crescendo - 1, 4, 5, 9, and 11
nearer and farther than they - 2, 3, 6, and 13
thank you 💛
tonight where I'm set alight
3: What’s your favorite line of narration? I’m gonna go with this one, because articulating this idea makes me fizz like a glass of prosecco:
He melts into the touch, exhaling, wanting to make himself malleable, to be sculpted over in her image, made new by her hand. A magazine profile tried to call her his muse once, but it isn’t true. She is art and artist in and of herself. His writing—just like he is here—is in service of her, not the other way round. Hers, hers, hers.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? Not sure how to answer this one like a Lady, but I have to say:
“You’re so pretty...So pretty when you’re needy.”
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? Oh, well…I guess because it was virtually written on a dare from Nads. well, maybe not a dare, but this was around the holiday season, and we were joking at the time that we should get back to the #dangetspegged agenda in the new year, and this fic just…happened. I guess it’s notable bc I wrote it on my phone while bored at my parent’s house? 
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? Nope. I wrote it pretty much in the space of like…maybe 48 hours. My smut fics don’t really have alternate versions, my writing technique when it comes to that genre is just to fire em off  and not get too into the weeds, because they’re really just one (1) scene that doesn’t require much plot, so they don’t take long to write, and if I were to think about them enough for alternate versions to exist, idk…that just sounds way less sexy. 
make me crescendo
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? Well, this was a kinktober fic, so I took two of the prompts from the list I was working from—I believe it’s still linked in the series description—and just ran with it. And well, I chose those two prompts “Wearing Their Clothes + Lingerie” because Ivy and Nads and I are all big on the Dan Humphrey in Lingerie agenda, so I knew at the onset of the month that that was something I wanted to write if I could find the right idea, and then I opened the month with another Blair/Nate/Dan fic, which got SO many demands for a sequel *cough cough* S *cough cough* that I was peer pressured into more ot3 territory, and all those elements just came together from there into this. 
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? I really like the post coital banter at the end:
“I think we wore him out,” Blair muses quietly, stroking gently along Dan’s sleep-serene face. “We?” Nate jokes, his voice low, mouth turning up in a smirk. “Not to be a credit hog, babe, but that was all me.”
5: What part was hardest to write? I think just the…choreography? The movement of getting from one monet to the next. I do not by any means claim to be an expert in this particular…genre, but I do think of it in terms of like, blocking a scene, choreographing it, like what happens physically, what beats I want to hit, and then sort of connecting those dots. And since there are three bodies in this fic, that choreography was that much more complex. 
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? Again, I don’t really do alternate versions for smut, they just don’t take up that kind of time or headspace. 
11: What do you like best about this fic? Kind of to 5, but I love the domesticity of these three and how they love each other, and I feel like I show a good balance of how they all interact with each other, as a trio and in their respective duos and how they are all parts of a loving whole. There’s a specific kind of softness to Them that I really love. Even with all the filth. 
nearer and farther than they
2: What scene did you first put down? Oh gosh, it’s been like, over a year since I posted, so my memory is fuzzy, but the first things that were so clear that I had to get them out were the chunks of dialogue over Dan and Blair’s conversations, those exchanges they had at the bar and in the car etc etc. I remember once the story took shape around those having to move some bits and pieces around, but it started with those conversations, the “why did you chose to become a conductor?” and “why were you in italy/why did you come back” those one-on-ones came to me first, and the rest sprung up around it. 
3: What’s your favorite line of narration? This bit from the penultimate scene:
There’s something in the way he’s looking at her that sets her cells humming. Like that first sounding of A440, right before she takes the podium. Like the beginning of something.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? I mean, it is my niche expertise fic! That tumblr post that’s like, when fic writers do an au about their very specific professional field, that’s this one. It’s the closest to home I’ve really gotten with fanfic, and I was honestly kind of surprised that I wrote it when I did, because I was (and am!) still mourning my past life as an opera singer, so for a lot of 2020 and 2021 I skirted away from any shop talk for fear it would hurt, but writing this fic was actually a really lovely experience, and I got to geek out and talk shop and share something I love with this facet of my life, and it felt really good!
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading? OH SO MUCH! I do have links embedded in the fic for listening pleasure, but the absolute musts are the Liszt Dan plays at the concert, and the Oberthur Blair plays, the both of these are all time favorite pieces of mine. And of course, I listened to my favorite bits of the operas Blair conducts: L’enfant et il sortileges and Il segreto di Susanna (my favorites of L’enfant are the fire aria, the cat duet (i’m dead serious), and the math teacher, and my favorite in Susanna is the duet between the two leads). So that’s all the plot relevant stuff, but I also listened a lot to my assorted classical music playlists on my Spotify: Lit™ Opera Lit; Lit™ Piano Lit, and Lit™ Orchestral Lit, oh, and my Art Song Literature playlist too. Recommendations for selections from those are available upon request 💕
fic asks game!
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loveswickedpitch · 3 years
the canonical list of my favorite ships (for now)
first off, junnanana. (yes, even after the movie.) this will probably always be my revstar otp. it’s perfect and i love them so much. and their hair colors are complementary (...in the RYB model, not the RGB model)! idk why i just love them
i also like all of the other “canon” ships. futakao, kuromaya (NOT mayakuro, hoping more people come to my side on this after the movie)... and of course, hikaren, though for that i definitely prefer mahikaren OT3! and in that OT3 my favorite couple is probably mahikari. absolutely love their dynamic. another “non-canon” pairing i love in kurotaba. absolute brotp. bromance. love the idea of claudine teasing and flustering futaba. very powerful.
also, futahika is extremely funny as a joke, and i love nanahika (and to a lesser extent nanamaya) as like... otp but they hate each other (or do they???). i think that’s about it for seisho-only ships. wait no i just remembered that nanataba is kind of cute. i love the seishos
i absolutely adore tamaruiyukko OT3 (two of the six fics in the AO3 tag were written for me). i don’t even like reading fanfic that doesn’t include all three of them in a triad bc i think it’s perfect, though tamarui and ruiyukko can still be fun as long the third one is like, around and i can headcanon them in there. i know a lot of people have moved towards tamafumi/ichitama/tamaichifumi but i never really did. i just like tamaruiyukko and fumichie, which is another all-time favorite. though polymeikan can be good. just a bunch of girls doing crimes and being gay
gotta be misoruru. easily my favorite frontier ship. i love misora crushing on aruru for a million years and aruru being either oblivious or being worried that reciprocating misora’s feelings will ruin their friendship... you can easily go either for comedy or for angst and it’s great. it’s really clear to me that they love each other a lot.
shizukasa is fun! i’ve commissioned at least one art of it. throwing lalafin in there is great too. shizulala is also really cute on its own. tol and smol. also misokasa’s good, mostly bc it’s basically canon that misora thinks tsukasa is attractive. not super into frontier polycule but it could work.
akishio akishio edelbowl akishio. siegfeld is probably my second-favorite school after seisho bc everyone there is dumb. they are all just slightly insane except for mei fan who’s just all too willing to go along with whatever dumb insane shit the others get up to. akishio was my first siegfeld ship and still my absolute favorite, but also i love edelbowl bc i invented it (well, i probably wasn’t the first person to ship all the siegfelds with each other, but i did name it and write the first fic of it on AO3! edelbowl is even a valid tag for them on AO3).
yachimei is extremely strong. absolute dipshit duo. yachiyo is too clever for her own good and mei fan is way too earnest. power couple. i like to imagine that yachiyo loves to flirt with and fluster mei fan but as soon as mei fan returns it with incredibly sincere affection yachiyo just melts. yachiori’s got a similar vibe imo. akimichi is good for that childhood friends vibe. what if hikaren was dumber???? akimichi dares to ask and answer this question. but really the edels are a set and you Cannot Separate Them.
i mostly just like kohahisa. (hisakoha? kohasame? hisaru? who knows). i’m not as into the stageplays (i have trouble with live action stuff) so i’m not quite as familiar with the characters. sometimes i like to throw suzu in, for flavor, but i mostly find suzu a boring character... sorry suzu fans...
first off gotta shout out kaotama/tamaoruko. absolutely wild. childhood friends/rivals to rivals/enemies to ????. throw futaba in for bonus fun. hell, throw in rui and yuyuko too! futarui’s great and obviously we have to include yuyuko. can’t not. also a friend of mine started shipping junna and ichie and drew a bunch of art where junna was a huge fan of ichie’s when the latter was an idol and that’s fun! i actually wrote a fanfic about it, though it ended up mostly being about fumi and nana...
can’t not also mention akifumi, michifumi, and yachifumi. akifumi and yachifumi especially, though bc i usually do edelbowl i end up not going for yachifumi bc yachiyo dating both sisters might be weird. a lot of these kind of end up as Angst Central but not necessarily! i think you can write some good comedy about these ships now. also a lot of yachifumi was based on super early interpretations of the characters that are kind of dead in the water now, lol
akiruru is hilarious and cute. yachikasa is also cute. kuromayaharu is incredibly based. just kuromaya slowly absorbing koharu into their relationship. i don’t like mahisuzu but i’m often enamored with the idea of hikasuzu. that’s hilarious to me. especially the idea of hikari just hating suzu for literally no reason while suzu sees hikari and is just like “oh! it’s my friend hikari :)”. they furiously make out in the closet at parties. that’s just the way it goes.
i also really strongly dislike nanahisa... i am sorry. it feels like a ship where they could’ve been in a relationship in the past, but that was then and this is now, and i don’t think it’s something that they could do in the present day. does that make sense? there was a time and a place for nana and hisame to get together, but it’s gone now, and you can’t get that time and place back... nana knows that better than anyone tbh
also the fuckin uhhhhhhh... teachers. what are their fuckin names? sawa and kyouko? evil teacher and flip-sensei. also me x teru
idk anything about the blue glitter OCs or siegfeld 2: monarchy harder
anyway i hope you enjoyed my unhinged ramblings. i’d wanted to do a post like this for a while but today i finally did it. i took my dextroamphetamine like i’m supposed to but don’t usually do and i wrote a bunch of words about shoujo kageki revue starlight on the internet. congrats if you read this far. if you did reply with “junnanana4ever” for $5 off your next purchase
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hello Gina. I am new to fandom and have a question for clarity. I have searched your tag system and could not answer, my apologies. I am really enjoy watching old concert footage where they are looking at each other, I find this to be big proving of their connection. My question is that because I am not fan at that time, did they look at each other very much? Or was it considered a rarity. Because it seems even in time when they are “not friends anymore” they are still doing the looks. I find it very heart melting. Just curious if this was fandom experience all the time to see these looks of companionship. Very amazing how many videos have been compiled of these moments, a very impressive fandom. I apologies for my English, I am still learning! Thank you.
Hi love. I apologize for my tags... they're very inconsistent. They looked at and touched each other a lot between 2011 and 2012. But as the closet closed in around them (mid to end of 2012) it was clear they weren't supposed to be talking/touching/looking/communicating etc. And by 2014/2015, Harry was further separated from OT3 in an attempt to make him look like he was "ready to move on"/"better than" the others. But, as you can see from MITAM promo, all of that is just bullshit.
And yes, the fans did notice most of it at the time because it really was something being looked for since larries were being constantly told that they broke up/hated each other.
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empress-things · 3 years
So actually a big fan of Reed/Indra/Siege ot3 and I hope to one day actually write them. But until my ability to write comes back from vacation, here are some thoughts on the Indra/Reed side for now. Probably political marriage AU where Reed and Siege are married, but doesn't have to be.
Reed actually falls for Indra first. There's so much bad blood between Reed and Siege's people that I think the two of them would be extremely wary of each other in the beginning. Reed is obviously wary of Indra, because everyone knows she's utterly devoted to Siege.
But Indra, despite being a criminal, doesn't have a dishonest bone in her body and Reed would have sniffed that out within 5 minutes of meeting her. Indra can't lie to save her life. And she never tries. So even in the early days when there isn't much personal trust between Reed and the cats, she does know that she can always take Indra at face value and that's actually really refreshing for Reed.
So how does Reed actually fall for Indra? Well nobody can resist Indra's idiot, knightly charm. The thing is, Indra doesn't care at all who Reed is. She treats Reed the same way she'd treat anyone else. She doesn't hesitate to joke with and be utterly obnoxious around Reed.
When Indra looks at Reed, she see's someone who's strong as hell (which is hot) and someone who looks like they need a bloody hug. Though Indra never actually hugs Reed without permission once she finds out Reed does not do well with physical contact.
Indra went to hug Reed *once* without thinking, and Reed immediately jerked back. Indra held up her hands and apologized, then made a dumb joke and moved on. She never again tried to touch Reed without permission, but otherwise, didn't change any of her behaviour.
The first change comes when Reed see's that Indra's just as willing to throw down for her sake as she is for Siege's. Could be someone talking trash about Reed, or in battle. But Indra doesn't hesitate to go protective tiger and send them running. She acknowledges Reed could have done it on her own, but "Nobody messes with my muckers."
Reed probably hasn't had many, if any friends. And once Indra explained what mucker meant, Reed feels...good. She would be the last to consider herself friend material, and she hasn't been particularly warm towards Indra, and it feels nice to be accepted without any conditions. Indra doesn't care if Reed thinks of her as a friend or will suddenly start being nicer to her. Unless Reed tells her to get lost, Indra's happy to consider her a friend.
From that point on, it's easier for Reed. Far from a switch being flipped, but it does open the door a bit. Sure, Reed knows that Indra's final loyalty is still, and always will be with Siege. But maybe this idiot, more charming than she realizes, accidental tiger knight wouldn't be such a bad friend to have.
It's little things at first, that change with Reed. The rigidity in her shoulders relaxes just a bit when Indra's around. Small, barely perceptible smiles can be seen on her face whenever Indra gets going with her antics. Dinner invitations from Indra start getting the occasional acceptance. And the big one, Indra becomes the first person who doesn't need an appointment to visit, though there is still a firm "don't bother me if I'm working rule." Which Indra tries really hard to obey. She really tries. But Reed...well maybe somewhere along the way she learns a distraction from work isn't the worst thing in the world if it comes with an honest, charming grin.
When Reed starts to actually fall for Indra, she starts panicking like crazy. Tries to pull back, tries to throw up every wall she dared to lower and then add some more. But Indra's not one to hide from confrontation, when she realizes Reed's pulling away, and demands to know why? Well, it's that damn heart on her sleeve again that gets Reed, she has a hard time looking at the hurt so plainly written on her only friends (and crush's) face.
Does she confess then? Maybe, or maybe she makes up a lie to ease Indra's worries and tries to go back to the way they were. Either way, it's Indra who kisses Reed first. It's unexpected, and takes Reed by surprise, but it's so unexpectedly soft she can't help but melt a little. And Indra even apologizes, though she doesn't look *that* sorry, too excited that she finally kissed her hot dragon friend she's been crushing on who may or may not also be her gf's wife.
Reed is shocked at first, doesn't go to kiss Indra back. Doesn't say anything. Which prompts a much more sincere apology from Indra, worry so clear in her face and body language. Reed shakes her head, tells her not to apologize, but requests time alone to think. Indra gives it without hesitation, promises to leave Reed alone until called, though with a little grin adds "Except to bring ya food, cause you skip too many meals, promise to shut up though."
Reed takes a few days, thinking, obsessing, freaking out, the whole big deal. Locks herself up in her room the whole time. True to her word, Indra doesn't both her except to drop by with food (even though Indra is actually freaking out herself. Though she used the time to talk to Siege about the whole thing, who promises it's fine.)
After a few days, Reed calls Indra to her room. She's nervous and fidgety, Indra looks surprisingly calm, and Reed can't help but ask why. And Indra just says bluntly that yeah, she really likes Reed, but she'd rather be friends than nothing and there's not gonna be any hard feelings if that's all Reed wants. She knows the whole situation is weird, but she'd love to take Reed on a date and "Maybe even get lucky enough that you'll wanna kiss me."
It's sincere, it's charming, it's a little dumb, it's Indra through and through and Reed has realized she might be a bit of a moronsexual because she's there for it.
They go on that date and it's wonderful and Reed certainly does wanna kiss this charming, idiot tiger knight who maybe is starting to become her knight as well.
Sorry for the long ramble. But also not sorry cause I'm gonna do more of them. These are all just personal headcanons of mine, feel free to agree or disagree but I hoped you at least had fun reading.
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theheightofdishonor · 3 years
Teen Wolf triads are something that can be so personal, so here’s a list of my faves 
The OG trio. The gang that dies together might not stay together, but they’re still iconic.
Any Scott/Stiles/X dynamic is brilliant, but few more than this one. These three have been there since the beginning and they’ve gone through so much together. There’s no Teen Wolf without them. 
They were the driving force in S1&2 and had some absolutely iconic moments together. Hate that there wasn’t more of them after that. 
Mostly based on S2/3. I was very invested in Isaac’s struggle to pick between these two. 
This triad’s dynamic completely changes between S2 and 3. In Season 2, Isaac, as part of Derek’s pack is a slightly antagonistic figure and it’s very much Scott&Stiles vs Isaac but in S3, Scott and Isaac grow closer while Isaac and Stiles erm, don’t. It’s very fun to watch. 
My ot3 and the only trio on this list that I 100% ship. 
Ayy, it’s the OG Hale Pack aka 3 teens bonding over being thrown headfirst into something they weren’t prepared for and Derek’s horrible leadership. Isaac should’ve ran away with Erica and Boyd for solidarity’s sake. 
Chris’s struggle between hating Isaac for dating his daughter and wanting to adopt him is hilarious. One of my favourites. 
 Who didn’t completely melt at Isaac joining the McCall fam? The scene where they’re ‘guarding’ Melissa was so cute. As a bonus, it made Stiles’s animosity towards Isaac that much stronger. Will forever hate that this trio was more or less non-existent in 3b even though I love Chris/Allison/Isaac. 
The non-dead Hales. Why oh why did Cora have to leave? Their family dynamic was great. 
I know they only had a couple scenes as a triad, but there was so potential. We love antagonism with underlying sexual tension. And ofc, the only thing better than 1 terrifying badass that can secretly be super sweet is 3 terrifying badasses. 
At one point, the only non-dead members of the Hale Pack (TW quickly amended that). I always think of the S3a Loft scene where Boyd and Isaac skip school to protect Derek. Despite how awful of an alpha Derek’s been, they still care about him and he cares about them (as actual people and not just betas that he needs for power like he did originally)
Yes it’s my 5th s3 based trio in a row, but can you blame me? This is 100% based off the classroom scene in 3x02. 
Although Lydia and Jackson were both awful in S1, their friendship with Allison and their immediately taking her under their wing was beyond precious. Additionally, it combines both the asshole-who’s-soft-towards-1-person- dynamic (jydia w/ allison) and assholes-who-secretly-care-about-each-other (jydia) And ofc, the underlying tension due to Jydia’s disdain towards Scott and later, Jackson and Allison’s experiences/knowledge of the supernatural. 
Comedy gold. Their scenes speak for themselves and we needed more. 
Their S6a dynamic is sooo underrated and should’ve been given more screen time. I loved watching Liam and Corey struggle to get along for Mason’s sake because they want him to be happy. It was all very wholesome and one of the few things that made 6a worth watching. 
Aka the best part of S4.Their dynamic is so fun and well-balanced and infinitely better because they’re a triad. You’ve got Scott and Liam figuring out their mentor/mentee relationship with Stiles co-parenting and preventing the Scott/Liam dynamic from turning unhealthy. (Liam and Scott’s S6 dynamic veered way too close to parent/child for my taste. They need Stiles to balance it out) It’s also hilarious how quickly Liam accepts being aggressively adopted by two idiots who are barely older than him. And Stiles takes so easily to playing older brother/co-parent. It’s adorable. They’re adorable. 
Very similar dynamic to Allison/Lydia/Cora due to Cora and Erica’s similar personalities but also not, which has a lot to do with Allison and Lydia’s reactions to Erica’s weaponized feminity. Also, there’s a lot more history between these girls and I want to know everything about what Erica thinks of Lydia after going to school with her for years. 
Of the top of my head, I can only remember that time where they were trapped under the Nemeton and that’s simply unacceptable. 
It’s a crime that this triad never got scenes. Especially after the Sheriff tried to arrest Kira. I know Melissa bitch slapped him but I wanted to watch these two badasses gang up on the Sheriff together. ( the Noshiko/Melissa dynamic would be so iconic.) 
Another triad that never shared scenes (obviously because Vic is dead) but their power would’ve been off the charts. I want to make a joke about milfs, but I’ll refrain. 
The Yukimura fam
Seemed appropriate since my last two also included. Noshiko.I love family dynamics and the Yukimuras are no exception. The attraction of this triad, for me, is mostly the dynamic between Kira and Noshiko and how Ken navigates between them. They’re also a trio that we didn’t see nearly enough of in S4 and 5. Like seriously, where were they? Noshiko’s on the dead pool, but she’s barely mentioned. (on a mostly unrelated note, how is the 900 yr old Kitsune worth less than a girl that just found about her kitsune powers?)
I don’t need to explain this one. The angst, the drama, Derek projecting Kate onto Allison and Allison trying to murder Derek and their evolution to reluctant allies with a good dash of Scallison and Scott navigating his own difficult relationship with Derek. Aka the complicated, tension fraught trio we all loved/should love. ( ok, I kind of explained it)
And here we have a two for one deal; two mentor/mentee dynamics in 1 triad. People much smarter than me have written about this trio in extensive detail, so all I’m saying is that Derek’s that one uncle who occasionally comes around and gives somewhat helpful advice. 
Braeden and Scott were great in S4. Braeden and Malia were great in S5. Scott and Malia are pretty great when they’re not in a relationship. Combine, and you get what had to be a kick-ass triad that’s sadly never canonly shown together (I think)
Not actually featured in the show, but Isaac deserves all the parental figures and I want to witness the surely epic custody battle between Chris and Melissa. 
That this trio is on here is actually pretty funny because I hate both Scalia and the forced Peter/Malia bonding in S6. But I loved the scene where Peter warned Malia not to fall in love with Scott because a) he has absolutely 0 right to advise her on anything and b) because of the history between Scott and Peter. In a way, a relationship with Malia is just another thing tying Scott to someone that’s repeatedly caused harm to him and his friends and was the initial cause for all the pain he’s suffered in the last couple years. I just find this dynamic worth exploring. 
The Hales 2.0. Derek and Malia deserve to bond over unwillingly being related to Peter, that scumbag. 
Stiles and Peter are so fun together and Stalia is my jam. Throw in an antagonistic Malia and Peter relationship and they’re entertaining as hell. Much more lighthearted than Malia/Scott/Peter.  
To clarify, this has nothing to do with a love triangle and everything to do with how their personalities play off each other. It’s one of those trios where together, they’re either terrifying or absolute morons. 
Admittedly, my version of this is very Sterek+Cora and the hilarity of Stiles and his attraction to Hales but it’s also 3x snark and you really can’t go wrong. 
It’s Melissa and her boys 1.0. This woman is by far the best parent on this show, and I love the specific dynamic among these three. Melissa might not always like Stiles, but she cares about him and there’s the mutual understanding that they both adore Scott and would do anything for him. Also, Mel being exasperated by the dumbass duo is always funny.  
Lowkey another custody battle because Kate and Chris do fight to be the bigger influence on Allison This is such a tragic trio to me, and the lesson here is basically that sometimes love isn’t enough. Chris and Kate both genuinely love Allison and she loves them too but can’t have both and at some point, she has neither. Kate and Chris care about each other, but that’s not enough either. In the end, they all lose each other. There’s no happy ending for them, at least not with each other. 
Stiles just has chemistry (not necessarily romantic) with all Hales and this trio really shines through in 3x01 and in S3 in general. “Chess is Stiles’s game” asgdhfjgh. I wanted more of that very specific dynamic. 
That was a hell lot longer than I thought it would be, but what can you do. Feel free to tell me your own opinions in the tags/comments.  
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toukenramblings · 4 years
OT3: Izuminokami Kanesada x Saniwa x Horikawa Kunihiro
Warnings: I’m projecting so hard. I love the Hijikatagumi a little too much. I’m so sorry.
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There is no doubt that Izuminokami is a lazy ass bitch. He doesn’t do his chores and skips out on them, that is where Horikawa and you come in. He refuses to do his work and escapes from Horikawa? Oh you and Horikawa just begin to love on each other. Cheek kisses, hand holding, hand kisses, full on lip kisses, you sit on Hori’s lap, Hori sits on your lap, all just to annoy him. “You’ll get your kisses and affection too if you do your work.” Yeah it works every time.
And then there are the times where Izuminokami skips work just to go get your attention and affection! Horikawa immediately zones in on this, and you two have come up with a solution to stop this. He will get nothing but annoyed little pouts from you until he goes back to work. Of course you really can’t say no to him when he pouts and pleads for even a little kiss from you. You relent and give him kisses but won’t give him anymore until he does his work!
This means more often than not, Izuminokami is your attendant with Horikawa by your side.
Physical affection is mandatory. You three are adorably comfortable with physical affection. Horikawa is oft giving you cheek kisses, holding your hands, hand kisses and the rare peck on your lips. Izuminokami on the other hand is all for it! Will randomly hug you out of nowhere, random full on make-outs out of nowhere, hand holding is mandatory. It’s different if you are initiating it though. Horikawa melts when you do such a thing, Izumi flushes for a moment and then melts into your touch. Most of the time it’s Horikawa initiating affection.
 Horikawa is a morning person so he will wake up before you two, preparing for the day. Your clothing, breakfast, and make the bed. He always wakes you up with a kiss and either a kiss for Kane-san (if they are together) or lightly shaking him awake (if they are just comfortable with each other platonically). Izuminokami is a deep sleeper, and will whine and beg for more minutes as he holds you closer to his chest. Horikawa will drag the two of you out of bed if he must. If you are a morning person like Horikawa, you two have to tag team to get Kane-san outta bed.
 Both of them have different set of nicknames for you! Horikawa’s are anecdotes of your name or little things he made up; he sees a flower that reminds him of you? He begins to call you that specific flower. Izuminokami will call you more poetic things, “my darling, my beloved,” etc.
Speaking of poetry, if both of them are going on a mission before you wake up, both of them will leave behind a note or a poem. Of course it’s easy to see who’s poem is whose.
 Izuminokami is so fucking needy man. Needs affection all of the time. Horikawa does love it but it’s much more subdued.
·Horikawa is a little shit, knows how to tease you and Izuminokami (platonically or romantically) when he wants to. He has no shame when it comes to the affection he has for you!
 Beaches and aquarium dates are a no go. Horikawa holds a fear of water after all, so if you three go out somewhere it’s either to a mall or to a park, somewhere away from a big ol body of water.
Horikawa is the one who confessed first, Izuminokami isn’t all that good with his emotions; keeping them inside and hidden. Of course Horikawa can also tell that he is in love with you and gently coaxes him to tell you. If Izuminokami confesses first, Horikawa will feel almost…defeated? He won’t want to ruin your relationship; he wants you two to be happy! It’s the same with Izuminokami if Horikawa confesses first. While Horikawa won’t show that he’s upset and will almost try to avoid seeing you two – Izumi’s displeasure and discomfort is plain to see! Of course, the three of you enter a relationship and it’s all a-okay!
Izuminokami is a flirt and there is no doubt about that. He is loud and brash and proud with his flirts: “Did you fall from heaven, love? Because you’re an angel.” Cheesy and corny. But Horikawa is much more direct and sweet, “Do forgive me for bothering you, my beloved. But I must say you look gorgeous as ever today!”
Horikawa is a bit of a chef, he does cook for you two and it’s not Shokudaikiri or Kasen quality but homey and simple. He will always cook for you and Izuminokami tries to help…he really does fucking try uh. It takes at least an hour longer than Hori normally cooks because some of the kitchen is burnt is in the end.
Horikawa is a light sleeper, Izuminokami is a heavy sleeper, you are always squished between you two somehow.
There is no doubt that both of them are protective of you. Izuminokami will not hesitate to fight a ho for you to protect you. Horikawa may be plotting their demise but he will be the one to take you out of a shitty situation, his hand in yours and an arm wrapped around your waist.
Izuminokami’s fear of losing you stems from not being able to be by Hijikata’s side when he had died. Horikawa’s fear of losing you stems around loud noises and you being in general danger. Both of them express this fear differently but there is no doubt that they love you.
 Izuminokami is also a lot more possessive of you, Horikawa has faith in you and knows you can protect yourself but don’t you think that this little wakizashi won’t hesitate to cut a bitch if they hurt you.
Yeah uh you two have to keep Izuminokami from drinking because the minute he gets drunk he will immediately try to get into your pants and will sit on your lap/make you sit in his, demanding attention and affection.
Drunk Hori is whiny and desperate almost more so than his partner! He doesn’t drink a lot but when he does, he clings on to you all of the time. 
  If you three are doing work together, Horikawa can be trusted. Uh, Izuminokami can’t. He’ll be the one who tries to get you to chill out and have fun, Horikawa is trying to get you back on track. 
It’s those quiet moments you three share together that get you though. Cuddling in the library, reading, or watching a movie, it’s just bliss. 
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