#{OOC | ᴹʸ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳᶦᵗᵉ ᵖᵒᵏᵉᵐᵒᶰ ᶦˢ ᴬᵘᵍᵘᵐᵒᶰ }
asurising · 4 years
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|| Hey Pokemon verse you alive
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asurising · 4 years
|| What if one day I came back to tumblr
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asurising · 4 years
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asurising · 5 years
Mains call.
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Hey squad beep boop here I am with the mains call, im sure you all know the deal but in short this means that if I ever got an ask about your muse or they were mentioned in a thread, it’s your version of the muse i’d be referring to! Obviously this also means I’d be your main and the same treatment is to be expected. That means that when I answer asks or do starters or anything the like, you will both be my primary example of that muse (for example, if you write Elesa and i get an ask about Elesa, I  will answer it as though im talking about your version of Elesa), and will get priority when I’m doing this specific things. Please note that, again, this is not a one way thing, if we are mains I expect to have the same treatment back and if that ends up not being the case for you I’ll remove you from my mains list. Note: I will not be accepting Nate’s as main’s just because I spent so long writting him discord my own Nate and Golds interpersonal relationship and their opinions on eachother are to strongly rooted in my head, it’s nothing personal, sorry.
 Current mains will be listed bellow:
Calem: @rivalcalem Moon: @illunasionary Elesa: @nimbasah Pearl: @hustlingup Morty: @heartbxnd Hilda: @unovabcrn Ruby: @megacuff Platinum: @distortstep Lillie: @powdersnowed​ OC’s:  Nicole: @gamenu
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asurising · 5 years
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                                   I can make a promise I can make a plan                                                I can make a difference                                                   I can take a stand                                                 I can make an effort                                              If I only understand that I                                                I can make a change
                         IND | PRIV | SEL | GOLD & NATE | PENNED BY CHRIS
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asurising · 5 years
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{{Nervously posts this Gold redesign I’ve been meaning to draw for a while...}}
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asurising · 5 years
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When every door is locked away // With every possibility // Okay, okay - Just another day // I'll break the wall that's in my way // I'm shootin' past that limit break // I'm shoutin' "This is just a piece of cake!" // Just wait and see how strong I'll be // I'll reach invincibility //Just tell the gods I'm blowin' them away!!
           Indie | Private | Selective | Pkmn Trainer Gold | Penned by Chris | Promo credit
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asurising · 5 years
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Samurott to me is a tragedy of a pokemon. Not because its bad. I actually like Samurott a lot. But why is it on all fours? it was never on all fours before. They put it on all fours for the stage where it got fucking swords. Surely it should have just been a big ass boy, a proper Shogun. Instead its whatever it is.
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asurising · 5 years
shipping meme || Accepting!
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    {{Incoherent stuttering mostly-      But in all...seriousness I guess(?) Gold is a pretty rude guy all and all if you hadn’t managed to figure that out. He speaks his mind and isn’t afraid to really beat the hell out of you on a whim. The issue is that Gold gets nervous when he likes somebody romantically and obviously he doesn’t want to beat them up. So he gets nice. Not polite or less vulgar by any stretch of the imagination but..nice. He’ll just treat you real good. A bit less talkative and he’ll fumble over himself a lot. A real dweeb. But in like a cute way
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asurising · 5 years
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Now feels like a goodtime to bring up that I headcanon Gold as the most physically buff/in shape of the pokemon protags after Red. Not like hulking but those muscles be rippling yo.
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asurising · 5 years
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So uh, sorry about the big bold letters here but I felt like it was something I needed to post because I realized I never actually put where I stand on the anime anywhere on this blog which makes things difficult for the anime blogs. To put it simply, I adore the anime, admittedly I don’t watch it much but I cant help but like it when I do. I know a lot of people tend to differentiate between the ani-verse and the game-verse and I feel like I need to specify that I usually actually default to anime a lot of the time. The way I see battles and contests playing out are always centered around the way the anime does it, in general I like the way the anime portrays the relationship between Pokemon and what they can and can’t do, and I’m MORE than willing to make changes to Golds bio a little bit to better suit the anime, so heres a list of things to know if you write in anime-verse to make things easier!!
1. Red isn’t some massive celebrity in ani-verse, he’s just a very very VERY strong trainer who Gold had an encounter with who drove him to be the person he is today, he still trains under Red but Red isn’t the prime example of ‘strong trainers’
2. Obviously Team Rocket still exists, since Gold didn’t really play a part in defeating team Rocket outside of his one run in with a small sector of Team Rocket members this...isnt entirely relevant but I’m making it clear anyway. 
3. Gold was never the champion to begin with!! so no biggie!!
4. THE BOND PHENOMENON IS A THING. I actually really love Ash-Greninja and it’s interesting that the anime added something entirely new for a bit of fun and I fully intend to role with the fact that it’s a possibility in universe, I do have an AU where Golds Ambpom can undergo a transformation much like Ash-Greninja but obviously that is not a default.
For now these are the things I think are important and if you write in ani-verse and feel like theres anything else I should play around with, please let me know! I’ll be queueing this up for the next 24 hours so my ani-verse followers who might have been having trouble figuring out how to interact are aware of this, so just blacklist the ‘ Gold ani-verse ‘ tag if you don’t wanna see it! thank you!
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asurising · 5 years
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This TikTok is gold.
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asurising · 5 years
{{ What Color is Your Soulmark? }} :
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People with red soul colors are usually cheerful and active. They are optimistic and turn negative situations into a positive one. They are dreamers and visionaries, ready to aim high and achieve great things.
One thing this color is never short of is attention. Whether they’re actively seeking it out or getting it unknowingly, this color basks in the positive praise of others. Their charismatic and high energy personality draws people to them.
Often competitive, this color is always trying to outdo themselves. Perfection is a never ending goal, and they will constantly feel like they’re never doing enough. They’re always looking for new and exciting, often overlooking things that are a constant in their life and taking them for granted.
One thing that’s notable about this color is their explosive temper. Because they feel so deeply in what they do, they will often lash out when feeling threatened. They have a knack for saying things they don’t necessarily mean. However, it’s often short lived, as is their attention, and they will most likely forget about what angered them in the first place.​
Tagged by: I stole it from the dash Tagging: YOU! HA! GOTTEEEEM Link ( x ) 
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asurising · 5 years
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NAME:  Chris MUN FC:  Konami-kun from yugioh tag-force GENDER:  Male HEIGHT:  6′1″ HAIR COLOR: Brunette EYE COLOR:  Brown RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single SEXUALITY:  Girls good BIRTHDAY:  August 17th ZODIAC SIGN:  Leo NATIONALITY: British TIMEZONE: BST HOBBIES:  Gaming, play a lot of card games, complain about movies like a lot. # OF SIBLINGS:  I have a half sister I’ve never met # OF PETS: 1 VERY GOOD BOY (I have a puppy) CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: Nooope FAVORITE COLOR: I like red. FAVORITE SINGER/BAND:  UUuuuuuh, i don’t really have a favorite singer or anything but I guess Nathan Sharp or Jonathan Young? LAST SONG LISTENED TO:  ...Caleb Hyles cover of Change from the Steven universe movie.. CURRENTLY LISTENING TO:   ..Caleb Hyles cover of Change from the Steven universe movie.. LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  Joker. It’s not as good as people say it is. FAVORITE BOOK:  uuuuh, Skullduggery Pleasant.  LAST BOOK READ:  I think it was Warcraft Chronicle volume 1?  CURRENTLY READING:  I dunno I dont really read but Warcraft Chronicle volume 2. BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT:  Theater.  MAC OR PC: PC DAY OR NIGHT: I dunno man im a disaster of a person SUMMER OR WINTER: Winter. MOST-VISITED WEBSITE:  Youtube, Tumblr, Ambiguous anime streaming site. Netflix. 
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asurising · 5 years
So he may not make it last but does he actually love her?
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He does. He doesn’t really know it because thinking about it genuinely terrifies him to his core for a multitude of reasons. But he does. Gold is Gamophobic which means he has a fear of commitment. Opening himself up to the possibility that he is genuinely in love with Elesa would mean opening himself up to the reality he wants to spend his life with her and he genuinely just cannot deal with that all at once, he’d have flat out panic attack. That said, he really does want to make it work he just doesn’t know how, but he’ll try. And maybe, with a little bit of help from her given enough time he’ll be able to say with confidence “I love you”
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asurising · 5 years
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I redid it cos my list was outdated and I found one that has the megas.  if you wanna do it (x)
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