#{pro hero momo}
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
The treatment of Momo by Bnha fans is fucking horrifying.Within canon while it's true Horikoshi sexualizes her,it's still said multiple times she's still a child-Aizawa literally SAID she's still mentally a 15 year old girl and rn she's only 16.In the same episode,Shouto recognizes he's been accidentally been ignoring her emotional needs and feels awful about so he makes it up to her with the 'One of those vote's was mine!' speech and always looking out for and taking care of her from then on because he thinks she deserves it and loves her as a person.It's also canon Momo is as is important to him as Izuku is,hates Bakugou due to his extreme toxic masculinity,wasn't allowed to be a real kid to be raised to be the perfect proper lady instead,has her own unique diverse dynamics with other girls and gets anxiety attacks when treated as older than she is
And YET.Everybody calls her a mom.She gets defanged of her 'silk hiding steel' archetype to replace it with her being a doormart in female form,which is what society thinks women should be.Her goofy silly side that comes out when she's happy like the 'bouncy Momo' moment when her classmates asked her for help with classes and she took it as an excuse to bring them over to her house because she's just a little girl who wanted to play with her friends is completely erased to make her the wet blanket.Her naivetee is flanderized from not understanding social norms and normal teenage girls to her being essentially born sexy yesterday.Todomomo is downplayed nonstop with the 'cisheteronormativity' excuse by white gays who don't know what trans love is and that Momo is as autistic-coded as Shouto because they think autism is a boydisorder.Todomomo is considered a Bakugou involved triangle,the ONLY guy Momo's age she actively hates and that told Shouto he dosen't care he was abused and treats him that way too with zero remorse for either.Her girl ships are turned into background token wlw for the creators to prove they're not misogynists only to out themselves as deadass lesbophobes.Dadzawa and Momo gets jackshit and so does Fatgum Intern Momo despite all the posts she should've been one with the 'women❤that's enough feminism for today i think' ahh beat.All the her and Dabi content is him being a pedophile as he's not literally a child by r*pe who hates his dad for being abusive and as if they don't have tons of potential for being platonic soulmates and found siblings,including that Momo's love interest is Dabi's little brother so they'd literally be in-laws so it all comes together and i've met exactly one person that recognizes the sisterly potential with her and Himiko and nobody's ever brought the parallel between Shouto and Himiko becoming obsessed with Momo and Ochako for the same reason(their specific hero skills)but the stark contrast in dynamics
It's INSANE the way she's potrayed in fanon vs how she actually is and her untappedness that has so much range.Bnha fans not only saw the misogyny and treated it as a part of it instead of a flaw but somehow made it WORSE.LIKE WAY WORSE,FOR MOMO MOST OF ALL!!!!!!Y'all ain't ever making it out of the patriarchy
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wooiamamess · 1 year
MHA Hero Costume Redesign
… again
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Thank you to all my lovely followers!!
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myheromedia · 7 months
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Team Up Missions 43!
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meganwiththeknees · 2 months
You and Denki have been best friends since your first year at UA. Unforeseen circumstances lead the two of you to follow different paths in life which causes the two of you to fall out as friends. Now after three years, the two of you meet again and wish to sort things out. Will you two be able to mend a broken friendship, or does the universe have different plans for you?
Chapter 1
“How do you feel when I ask you more intimate questions about your past?” You ask the man sitting right in front of you. You always know what the answer will be, but being the person you are, you always hope for a new outcome.
You notice the way he starts to play with his hair, seeming like he wants to be anywhere but here. He’s sitting on a couch not too far away from you, hunched into himself, almost as if he’s trying to make himself appear smaller.
“Uhm, don’t know, I just feel a little uncomfortable talking about certain things,” he stammers, looking anywhere but in your direction.
You feel taken aback, not hurt by the answer, but the fact that he actually said something this time.
“What do you mean you feel uncomfortable? We’ve been talking for about six months?”
“I just feel like you're a little intimidating.” He continues, purposely not directing his gaze on you.
Your mind starts to race. Why would he think that? Are you really that intimidating? You keep your composure and review the neatly written notes in front of you from the past few months . This client has been taking a while to open up, but you didn’t think it had anything to do with your behavior.
“Do…do you not feel like we’ve made any progress these last few months?”
“Yes, yeah,” he finally looks back at you.
An alarm goes off signifying that your session is over.
“Okay, Mr. Yuki, we'll try this again next week and see what progress you’ve made. I can’t seem to get through to you if you won’t open up to me. So, please make sure to go through the lessons I gave you last week.”
Mr. Yuki stood up and you quickly followed suit. You proceed to head for the door to let him out of your office. You exchanged your goodbyes and quietly closed the door.
You let out an exhausted sigh, finally happy that the week was over, and looking forward to the events happening later that night.
You tidied up your office and packed your valuables, getting ready to leave after a long day. You quickly leave the office to beat any unforeseen traffic to get ready for your outing with Mina.
You made it home only encountering one light traffic. Opening the door to your studio apartment, you feel the aroma of home as soon as you step in. You kick off your shoes immediately and walk over to your couch. You plop down knowing you have a little time before you need to get ready.
Last month Mina invited you to the Annual Japan Hero Billboard Chart as her plus one. Throughout the years, you and Mina stayed in contact and grew closer than ever. Your mind started to think of all the people that would be attending the event tonight. More specifically, Denki. After you graduated from UA high, Denki and you drifted apart due to communication issues and the fact that he just had never made time for you.
While in your thoughts you were interrupted by a phone call. You sat up to see who was calling.
“Hey girl!” Mina said enthusiastically.
“Hi, Mina.”
“Are you dressed yet? ‘Cause you need to be there in the next hour so we can walk in together. I got to show off how good my plus one looks.”
You look on your phone realizing you had lost track of time while you were consumed with your thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m fixing my hair right now.” You lied to Mina running off the couch and stripping off your clothes to hop in the shower as soon as possible.
“I hear you turning on the shower girl…”
“What are you talking about? That’s just the sink.” You lied again
“Whatever, just make sure you're there in an hour.” She giggles shortly after.
“Okay, I’ll see you there.”
You got out of the shower and brushed your teeth and put on some light makeup to make your skin glow. After that, you got started to slick back your hair in a low puff fluffing out the ends to make sure your curls pop then doing your edges after. You walked to your closet and pulled out a cream-colored satin dress that had a slit mid-thigh. You put a few things in your purse before heading downstairs and putting your heels on. You grab your keys before heading out the door to meet Mina.
A cold breeze hit your body, not having time to grab a jacket. You got in your car and texted Mina before you pulled off. The GPS confirmed that the address was only thirty-five minutes from your studio and that you would make it to the event with ten minutes to spare.
You arrived at the event with just enough time as you expected to walk in and get seated. You proceed to get your phone out and call Mina to let her know that you had arrived.
“Hey Mina, I just got here and parked. Where do you want me to meet you?”
“Oh perfect, you're here. I’ll come and find you so that we can walk in together. Where did you park?”
You proceeded to tell Mina where you were parked so that she could come to get you. After looking for about eight minutes you heard Mina screaming your name.
“Girl over here!” you jolted your head to see the pink-haired lady waving crazily at you.
Mina called out a little too happy as if she didn’t see you a week ago when you went out for drinks with her and Eijiro. Although you enjoyed yourself every time you hung out with them you couldn’t help but feel like a third wheel even though neither of them minded your company and always made you feel welcome.
“Oh my God Mina you look so good,” you say, eyeing her attire as she twirled around giving you a spin showing you her whole dress.
Mina wore a green cocktail dress and her black heels. She also had her hair slicked back at the side with some pins in it. Her hair never changed much from back in the days at UA High. It was still the same pink and curly shortcut that you have grown to love over the years.
“Me? I should be the one complimenting you. Who told you that you could go out of the house looking so sexy? But I expect nothing less from my plus one.’’
You both begin to laugh at the continued compliments that you give each other. Your talk is cut short when Mina gets a call on her phone. She picks up the phone and begins to talk. After a short amount of time, she hangs up.
“Eijiro just called and said that they are about to seat people in the next five minutes. So, we have to get going if we want to get some pics of us walking on the red carpet together.”
You were surprised when Mina said that you two would be walking in on the red carpet, but in all actuality, you should have known that there would be a red carpet at this event just like there was at every other event throughout the years. You remembered this especially because you used to love watching this same event on TV as a little girl. It was almost like a dream come true to attend, but you never would have thought that you would be attending as a plus one and not a pro hero.
You and Mina get to the entrance of the building and see the red carpet and all the paparazzi surrounding it. You two walk up and the cameras start flashing. You both pose for the cameras as you try to walk into the building. As the pictures are being taken one of the cameramen asks who Mina is walking in with.
“Pro Hero Pinky, who is this accompanying you tonight? Are you and Pro Hero Red Riot still in a relationship?”
All the cameras turn to you and Mina. You look at Mina waiting for her to answer the question until she bursts out into laughter.
“You people are really funny! Can’t two people just hang out without being together? Anyways, yes I can assure you that Red Riot and I are still a couple. This is my best friend.” Mina states as she says your name.
Mina proceeds to look at you and all the cameras are now focused on you. You are a little embarrassed by all the sudden attention, but it’s not anything that you weren’t used to. Back in your days at UA, all the news could talk about were all the kids in class 1-A.
“Oh yeah, I can confirm that I’m just her best friend.” You begin to smile and wave at the camera.
“Miss how long have you known Pinky?”
“Miss did you attend UA High with Pinky?”
“Miss over here. Did you happen to attend UA at the same time as Pinky and participated in the sports festival about six years ago?”
The paparazzi began to bombard you with hundreds of questions to the point that you couldn’t even understand what they were saying anymore. Mina grabbed you by your arm and pulled you the rest of the way until you two were inside of the building and safe from the paparazzi.
“Man I didn’t think that any of them would remember you from that long ago, it’s been years?”
“Me neither, but we should get seated now.”
Mina nodded in compliance. You guys begin to walk into the auditorium that the ceremony is being held in to find your seats. As you two are walking, Eijiro spots you guys and waves y'all over. As expected, you guys have seats close to the stage next to a whole bunch of other pro heroes. You can’t help but feel a little out of place, but you realize that you're here to have a good time with your friends.
As you sit you greet Eijiro and hug him. He begins to tell you how womanly you look in your dress and you just smile at him accepting the compliment that was given. Looking on the stage you see someone come up and say that the ceremony will begin in about five minutes so that everyone can get situated in their proper seats.
As you all wait for the ceremony to begin you and Mina start to talk about frivolous things. Like about the times you and her would sneak out of UA and go have nights on the town or when you used to be so dead set one being a pro hero.
“You remember a time when I wasn’t your number one bestie. I used to be so sure that you and Denki would end up together.
Your eyes widened by the sudden change in topic, not expecting Mina to even bring Denki up.
“Like I used to ship y’all hard. Even Eijiro did, isn’t that right Eijiro?”
“Huh?” Eijiro asked, looking up from his phone.
“Didn’t you used to think that she and Denki would be-”
“Ladies and gentleman, I would like to welcome you to the annual Japan Hero Billboard Chart and give a special thanks to all the amazing heroes out there in the crowd and even the ones that couldn’t make it tonight for keeping all of us safe with the sacrifices you all make every day.”
The crowd began to cheer and the host went back to their speech. The ceremony felt so different being in person than at home. It was nice to see some of your favorite heroes up close and cheer for them and they could hear you instead of cheering to a non-responsive TV screen.
The ceremony was continuing in its normal fashion and you cheered loudly and even let out a little scream when Mina and Eijiro’s names were called as well as a couple of your other old friends from UA were called to the stage.
You could tell that the ceremony was drawing to an end because the top ten were drawing close. You already knew who the top ten heroes were so there wasn’t much for you to expect. Of course, number one was the symbol of peace himself Deku. Right under him was the hot-headed explosive hero Dynamight in number two. Holding the third-place spot was the half-hot half-cold hero Shoto. Dynamight and Shoto always go back and forth holding the second and third spots so you assumed tonight you would see if Shoto took Dynamight’s place. And of course, you couldn’t forget that fact the eighth place was held by none other than Chargebolt himself.
“Now for the top ten heroes of Japan and congratulations on your hard work to make it this far!” The host of the awards show stated about announcing the top ten heroes.
You proceeded to listen to the hostess announce the tenth and ninth heroes. Even though you and Denki may not be on the best of terms didn’t mean that you wouldn’t clap for him when it was his turn next or so you thought. The eighth hero was called and it wasn’t Denki. You were shocked, but you knew that could only mean one thing.
“The hero coming in seventh place is Chargebolt! Kaminari Denki, our new number seven, congratulations!”
You began to clap, happy that he was finally moving up in the world and becoming what he always wanted to be. Even though you were happy for him you couldn’t help but think that you were somehow a bump in the road on the path to Denki’s success. You started to think that maybe if you had not stopped talking to Denki when you did that he wouldn’t be where he was right now at this very moment. You were probably a burden to him a few years back and that’s why he started to distance himself from you.
As the cheering died down you snapped out of your terrible thoughts. You don’t know why but whenever you see Denki you start to have negative thoughts. It’s not really like you and Denki have any bad blood between each other but you can’t help but feel a bit awkward whenever you're around him now. No matter how many times you try to tell yourself that nothing has changed and that you and Denki are the same people you know deep down that that’s not true in the slightest. The last time that may have been true was when you both attended UA and you still wanted to be a pro hero just like him.
“Thank you ladies and gentlemen for all coming out tonight and supporting these fine pro heroes. I’d like to give one more special thanks to all the pro heroes out there for keeping families safe around the world. With that being said, thank you for letting me host this tremendous event and goodnight Japan!” With those closing statements, the ceremony had been concluded.
Extra Notes:
To those who are completely new to this story, I hope you enjoy. To anyone who remembers the old version of this story I've decided to comeback and make it better than ever. It still has the same plot I just really wanted to change some things and I feel like I've made the story 100 times better for everyone to enjoy. <3
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plushmer · 2 years
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randomized expression challenge
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Can i have some Momo yayorouzu And tenya iida (separately) With A protective and Strong reader, like the reader can carry them On her shoulder i love ur writing Btw. take ur time❤️❤️
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A/N: Yes!! My first ask for these two fine wines!! Thank you sm, stay well :].
Warnings: None!
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Momo Yaoyorozu:
She finds you extremely attractive!!! She thinks you're so fucking cool!!
Momo has a hard time containing her blushing cheeks whenever you become protective over her, pulling her close to your form before kissing her.
She can't help but awe at your behavior.
But, she blushes even more, when you pick her up, throwing her over your shoulder like she's nothing; she literally squeals.
"Darling! Put—me down! Aren't I heavy? I might hurt you!"
Sadly, Momo tends to fear she'll hurt you whenever you carry her, which leads to the two of you bickering like old couples.
This means you're gonna have to yap at her till stop the negative thoughts; some ways might help with some insane cuddles and letting her feed you chocolate.
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Tenya Iida:
Iida is quite embarrassed by the fact you can pick him up. Doesn't mean he loves it, he just isn't used to it!
Whenever you tend to casually walk over, willing to hold him over your shoulder (or over your head)... he gets so embarrassed; face all red while covering his face.
At most, his glasses are fogged, and his laugh quite loud.
"Honey! Please... please put me down. People may see us. I don't wanna cause a scene."
However, when you do become protective over him, connecting hands in his and getting closer to his form out in public; it makes him smile gently.
He appreciates it but you do know he'll never leave you... right?
My masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!! Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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lesbomaticlove · 1 year
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thanks to super eyepatch wolf on youtube i have obtained a new hyperfixation: professional wrestling.
this is already culminating into a full au so uh. yeah.
(want me to draw your characters? dm me for commission info!)
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gj-morrowstrike · 4 days
Mimi Yaoyorozu (8 Years later) but she kept her old outfit design.
Happy bday, Creati🥳🎂
(Redrawn from that one assistant sketch from Vol.41)
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simp-thingz · 2 years
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!TW! Mentions of alcohol and drinking! Viewer Discretion is Advised!
-The Affectionate Drunk-
Will literally cry if you don’t give him affection, like please give them a hug.
Tamaki Amajiki, Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, Keigo Takami
-The Secret Drunk-
Nobody even notices their drunk, like bro how.
Shoto Todoroki, Shota Aizawa, Fumikage Tokoyami, Kyoka Jiro
-The Reckless Drunk-
Please call them an Uber. They might want to drive a motorcycle through flaming hoops but don’t let them.
Touya Todoroki, Neito Monoma, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Toshinori Yagi
-The Blackout Drunk-
Won’t remember anything from the night before
Ejiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Nemuri Kayama, Tomura Shigaraki
-The Sloppy Drunk-
Will continue drinking knowing full well that they are drunk and then complain about the massive hang-over in the morning.
Ochaco Uraraka, Hanta Sero, Rumi Usagiyama, Jurota Shishida
–The Happy Drunk-
Very cheerful, like MLP Pinkie Pie possessed them using alcohol or something. Please don’t give them glitter.
Momo Yayoyorozu, Hizashi Yamada, Himiko Toga, Nejire Hado
-The Angry Drunk-
Get a warning sign or something cause this person is about to go off on the slightest thing that’s not their S/O.
Izuku Midoriya, Jin Bubaigawara, Enji Todoroki, Mei Hatsume
-The Sad Drunk-
Will spend the entire night belting out the saddest song lyrics in existence. Please hug them.
Bakugou Katsuki, Hitoshi Shinsou, Toru Hagakure, Yu Takeyama
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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"Bakugou is a child genius who's parents were constantly emotionally abusive and he dosen't feel like a real kid and hates the system now :(((( But at least he's Shouto's best friend along with Izuku!!!"That's a funny way to spell Momo and you misgendered her but alrighty!!!
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moomsies-blog · 3 months
Until the Day I Die - MHA Fanfic
Cross Posted - AO3
Word Count - 2970
Summary : Obanai Shinobi just hopes for an easy year as she works at UA High School, counseling young future heroes who seem to just attract trouble. With the looming doom of the League of Villains, along with a mysterious vigilante who haunts Shinobi’s life, nothing’s easy.
She must learn how to navigate memories and pain she had tried so hard to ignore while also making sure no child died while in the school’s care, but the biggest question she had was if she'd be able to do that without a quirk.
Chapter One - Another Day Another Hero
It was a quiet night, light pollution in the city clouding the starry sky, though with how far out the warehouse was one could see a few if they tried really hard. The dilapidated building was abandoned, once used as some hero support tech factory but after a bad villain attack they deemed it unusable.
However, despite how calm it was, despite the gentle sounds of someone cleaning their gun, a man sat sobbing and begging for mercy, “Please! I’ll give you anything! Anything at all, is it money? I have plenty of money!”
Matsumoto Ankoku, leader of a small group of petty criminals that prey on the poorer side of the city. Tying folks in need to debts they couldn’t pay back, leading them to be terrorized by the goons for whatever money they could scrounge up. Which eventually led the people finding a way to contact a certain vigilante to assist them out of desperation. Seeing as they had borrowed money from criminals and they’d rather stay out of jail.
The masked figure didn’t even spare the pathetic man a glance, continuing to clean their gun as if they didn’t have a man tied to a chair, beaten and bloody. Their calm silence only served to unnerve their captive more, succeeding as he screamed out in hopes someone- *anyone* would hear him.
His captor calmly looked up towards him, glaring from behind their mask. They were an odd vigilante, they looked the part with the dark clothes and mysterious persona. The tech they wore was unfamiliar, a dangerous red glow to the enhancements. It wasn’t clear what kind of quirk they supported, with matching arm and leg guards, and a bullet proof vest it was anyone’s guess. In this situation, quirks didn’t matter much unfortunately.
“Oh shut up,” the vigilante grumbled, finally meeting the end of their patience, voice staticky from the voice modulator in their mask, “I don’t want your dirty money, but someone asked me to clean up their mess… and I suppose I’m nothing more than a janitor now huh?”
“What-What do you mean?” He whimpered, shaking as he chuckled softly, attempting to mask his fear “Come on, please, talk to me! I got plenty of shit, I got weapons- real good ones too! You like weapons right?”
The click of their gun signaled their intention and the fact his time was coming near, the vigilante clearly ignoring his offers, “You’ve got that lovely mansion out in the woods, surrounded by guards and pretty expensive dogs. Not to mention… that necklace on your wife’s neck, was that not recently stolen from Yamanashi?”
“Do-Do you want the necklace? My house- take it! Take everything in it!” Because if anyone was going after him must be out for money, right?
“I don’t want any of that shit,” the vigilante tilted their head, a hidden smirk spreading across their face, “I’ve been asked to kill you.”
“Kill me…? But why?!” Matsumoto tugged on his restraints uselessly, “What could you possibly gain from killing me?!”
“Oh, ok maybe not kill per say, but I’m taking a few creative liberties,” they shrugged, “I don’t gain anything, other than a night of lost sleep.”
“Who the hell are you!?”
“No one you’ll need to know, not like it’ll serve you much in the after life. You’re lucky I have an early morning and want to get this over with.” they answered, ignoring the last question.
Their arm raised, aiming.
“Wait- please!” He tried, fruitlessly, a single gunshot silencing his annoying wailing.
His body was left tied to the chair as his murderer walked away, leaving the crime scene to be found by some idiotic teens being places they shouldn’t.
Shinobi glanced at her watch, annoyed at the jackass in front of her, “Oh just order a normal fucking coffee…” she groaned, knowing she was about to be late to work.
“Mmmm,” the woman didn’t hear her grumbles, tapping a finger on her lips in thought, “How does the brown sugar frappe taste?”
“Ah, really good ma’am, would you like to order it?”
“Oh, can I get a sample?”
“I don’t know ma’am, the line is getting a little long,” the poor girl was just trying to get the line moving, chuckling nervously, but the older woman didn’t seem keen on making a decision any time soon…
“Don’t rush me!” The older woman glared.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I need to keep the line moving…” Junko hummed, glancing away and silently begging someone to handle this instead, “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to look at the menu while I help the other customers.”
“And you don’t think I’m a paying customer too? I want to try something new! Every single time I come in here, you stupid teenagers ruin my drink-”
“Lady if you don’t order your damn drink and move on.” Shinobi interrupted, she needed some coffee, staying up all night doing paperwork was not the way she wanted to start the new school year and it left her with very little patience, “It’s not like you have anywhere to be,”
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are?” The pissy bitch huffed and puffed, gasping when Shinobi just stepped around her.
“Hey, Junko, just the usual please,”
Junko sighed softly, relieved to not have to deal with the ornery customer as the woman quickly went to find whoever was in charge, “You’re later than usual,”
“Had a late night and slept through my alarm,” the woman frowned, both of them ignoring the previous lady screaming at the manager about them.
“Damn, well I’d love to catch up but we’re packed,” Junko smiled, knowing Shinobi wouldn’t cause her any trouble.
“No worries,” she waved, stepping away after getting her coffee, “Gotta run, have a good day,”
“You too!” Junko smiled, getting back to work.
Shinobi wasn’t all too worried about her job, being a counselor for Japan’s top hero academy was honestly an easy gig. At least until Aizawa decides to expel an entire class and she had parents basically up her ass demanding their kids be let back into school. That was the worst year, so much paperwork and then Aizawa just casually re-enrolled the students without telling her a thing- “The stupid bastard…” she grumbled, finally getting to the faculty office and sitting down. She didn’t even have a moment to sip on her coffee before the first of many conversations started.
“Miss Obanai!” The little mouse… bear, dog…? Animal thing she called a boss suddenly appeared, making her flinch, “Welcome back to school for the new year, you missed the exam spectate,”
She could already tell he wasn’t all too happy about her absence, but Shinobi was fully aware he wasn’t truly mad about it. She’d be caught up before school officially started anyways.
“Yeah, I emailed you about previous engagements,” she hummed, setting her desk back up after her time off, “I’m sure it’ll be fine,”
“Of course, but we have a very impressive line up of students this year,” Principal Nedzu smiled, sitting on her desk, “Along with new faculty!”
“Yeah, All Might… what a headache,” she sighed, already feeling one coming just by the thought of the loud hero. She could only handle one loud blonde…
“Now, Miss Obanai, no time to waste! You have plenty of work to catch up on!” He cheered the tired woman on as she groaned.
She actually did enjoy her job, more than she’d like to admit at least. She loved seeing kids achieve their dreams of becoming a hero, helping them through the process, seeing as she couldn’t do it. Being without a quirk was a pain in the ass, and a disappointing thing to hear as a child of two pro heroes.
Any dream of becoming a hero was squashed, and she accepted it, she had to. Working hard throughout school, eventually landing a job at UA as a school counselor. Where she proudly advocated for students and their well-being, not just their physical health but also mental. No hero could help people if they couldn’t help themselves.
Shinobi situated herself, opening her laptop to start looking at the new roster of teens looking to be heroes or support, at least until someone’s phone was shoved in her face, “Look! Ghost attacked again!”
“Who was it this time?” Shinobi huffed, uninterested as the scantily dressed heroine sat on her desk.
Kayama Nemuri, the first person Shinobi could say for certain was her friend, quirk or not Kayama was attached to her hip and vice versa.
“Some low ranking boss in the Yakuza,” Kayama smirked, “All the way in Tokyo too, wow he sure does move, still odd no one’s gotten even close to finding him,”
“He’s a vigilante,” Shinobi shrugged, leaning back and reading the article on the woman’s phone, “He probably knows how to clean up after himself, but he hasn’t killed any civilians. Didn’t he dismantle that old villain organization? What was it called again?”
“The Ceramics? Please anyone could have gotten rid of those idiots, even a baby~” Kayama snickered, “But he does seem to have some sort of twisted sense of Justice, a shame he didn’t go the hero route- bet he’s hot~”
“You just say that ‘cause you’re curious,” Shinobi laughed.
“What can I say? I like a man in a mask,” she joked, glancing at her computer, “You’re already starting work? School doesn’t start for another week!”
“Yeah but I procrastinated. Nedzu wants me to make some speech during orientation,”
“Oooh, public speaking, your one weakness,”
“Shut up,” she snorted, “I can speak in public, but I’m not a motivational speaker, I’m sure that’s why they hired All Might… seems odd though… you’d think he’s too busy with all his hero work to worry about the future generation of heroes,”
“You missed the exam spectate,” Kayama shrugged, “There was a meeting too, introducing him ya know? He’s getting up there in age, I’m sure he’s just trying to make sure there’s someone that can replace him for his retirement.”
“That’s… kinda sad,” Shinobi was no fan of All Might but she would be lying if she said she didn’t admire him for all he’s done for Japan and the world.
He’s the main reason most kids want to become a hero, the reason schools like UA exist. To make honorable heroes to protect and serve the people, even if she doubted anyone could ever make it to All Might’s level.
His quirk alone was a mystery, having avoided answering questions about it was made to look easy. She couldn’t help but sit there thinking about all the theorized quirks that man could have, holding her chin in thought-
“Ah! You’re doing it again!” Kayama teased, poking Shinobi’s cheek.
“Oh, scram Nemuri! Don’t you have work to do?”
“Yeah, yeah, I finished it a few days ago, I’m all ready for my class,” she smiled, waving her hand to dismiss Shinobi’s scoldings, “But you always do that cute little face when you start thinking too hard about something~”
“I’m not cute.” She blushed, turning back to her computer to look busy.
“Sure you’re not~” Kayama winked before sauntering off to annoy the other teachers after not seeing them for so long.
Shinobi sighed softly, sitting in her chair as Principal Nedzu welcomed the students to their new year. All except Class 1-A were there.
‘If that bastard expels his whole class again,’ Shinobi cursed in her mind as she zoned out, crossing her arms as her eyes floated over the heads of all the students.
So many of them are now in their third years, the last year she’d see them, she never admitted it but she always missed the old students. Shinobi worried about them, about how far they’d make it, not all heroes survive for long. So many fail to make it past the sidekick work, finding it easier to quit or they die trying to make it in the higher ranks. She wondered what it felt like to rise above the rest and become a hero everyone adored, was it truly as amazing as they make it look?
She flinched a bit, Yamada nudging her, “You’re up!” He offered a thumbs up, pushing the woman gently out of her seat to give her speech.
She mentally cursed herself for not paying attention, she was meant to go after All Might and she completely zoned him out, “Hello students, both new and returning…” she muttered into the microphone awkwardly.
“My name is Obanai Shinobi, one of the counselors for the time you’ll be here at UA, any questions and concerns you have I will be able to answer… um, oh and for the third years, please come visit me whenever you wish to know anything about the Agency Placing Program…” the woman glanced over to the other teachers, “Good luck, don’t die.”
“What a speech,” Kayama snickered when Shinobi sat back down.
“Don’t tease… I don’t know what to say to kids,”
“Now they think they’re gonna die,” Yamada chuckled, getting up to finish the orientation announcements before lunch.
Shinobi got tired of the loud blonde pretty quickly, sneaking out of the auditorium to look for the missing class. She had a feeling Aizawa was wringing them dry already, he never gave his students a peaceful moment.
She was not expecting All Might however, to be peering around the corner of the building watching. Silent as she stood next to him to see what he was so curious about that he had also snuck out of orientation, she paused at the sight of a green haired kid throwing a ball- ‘Even I could throw it farther than that…’ Shinobi deadpanned, shocked at the lame attempt.
It was quickly proven that Aizawa had used his erasure quirk on the kid, however. The tired teacher’s quirk had always amazed Shinobi, a part of her jealous that she couldn't have a useless ability at the very least. Getting lost in her thoughts again as Aizawa scolded the poor new student, she mindlessly leaned on All Might, her hand on his arm as she continued to watch as the young boy went to throw the ball again.
She didn’t notice how the hero she leaned on got tense, unaware she had been there until she touched him. All Might was shocked to say the least, surprised she had managed to sneak up on him even if that wasn’t her intent. She must have been checking out the new students as well, or well All Might wasn't checking on the new students more so checking on one specific student. Midoriya Izuku, otherwise ‘affectionately’ dubbed Deku by Bakugou Katsuki.
Midoriya wasn’t seemingly exceptional in any way, yet when he threw that ball a second time, Shinobi’s eyes widened. The ball flew from the force of the throw, but it was clear he was injured from it. Whatever quirk Midoriya had was not one he could seem to rely on, any time he used it it left him hurt and damaged.
Surely he had plenty of time before school started to figure out his quirk and handle it, yet he still stood, “Mr. Aizawa… you see? I’m still standing!”
Shinobi sighed softly before pushing herself off All Might, leaving the man glancing at her, “Don’t you have places to be?” She finally acknowledged him.
“Ah well, I’m simply checking on my class is all!”
“Checking on the class?” She rose a brow, “This isn’t your only class,”
“Yes, but the only class that missed orientation!”
“Every class that happened to have Aizawa as a homeroom teacher misses orientation, it's an every year occurrence,” Shinobi informed, “I’m sure they’re fine, none of them are crying yet at least.”
“I suppose so…” he stood there, tense, not sure what to say to the woman.
“You were watching Midoriya,” she pointed out, just staring up at him blankly, “Why?”
“Ah! You’re very perceptive! But I was merely watching Young Midoriya because he was put on the spot!”
“Oh…” she didn’t believe him completely, but it wasn’t anything she had the energy to argue about, “Obanai Shinobi,”
“My name is Obanai, you weren’t there for my introduction and I missed the meeting earlier this month.”
“Right! It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Oban-”
“Are you always smiling like that?”
“Of course! I smile to-”
“It’s creepy.”
All Might froze for a split second, he’d never heard that before. He began doubting himself for a second, wondering if it really was creepy and how many people he must have frightened by it, “Is it?”
Shinobi nodded, “It’s not a natural smile, it just seems forced.” she pointed out before she waved, “I have to get back to work, it would be wise not to favor Midoriya. You don’t want the other students to think you give him special treatment.”
“I’m not playing favorites-”
“I’m just warning you, your job is to train the whole class, not just one of them…” Shinobi looked back out at the group of students looking at their scores and ranks.
She could already tell this year was going to be a long one…
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quinncupine · 1 year
Chapter 14: Fall From Grace
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Chapter Word Count: 6,700
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Female Reader
Previous Chapter: Thirteen
Next Chapter: Fifteen
Warnings: violence, drugs, cursing, weaponry
Notes: I actually had to split this chapter into two because the word count got a little out of control😅 so Reader is not mentioned much in this part. She gets her spotlight in the next chapter though!
I know it's taking an eternity to finish this story so for those of you still hanging on, I appreciate you. And as always, please enjoy!
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Bakugo shouldered a heavy punch to the back and twisted on the impact, a growl rising in his throat. Teeth gritted in frustration, he countered a second punch with a swift kick to his attacker's heels. The woman tumbled and he delivered the finishing blow. A satisfying knock upside the head. She definitely wouldn’t be getting up from that one anytime soon.
 Sparing a quick breath, he glanced around and spotted a mini tornado full of debris headed straight for him. Tables, dishware, and even a few unconscious heroes had all been caught up in the dust devil that was launched in his path. He took to the air to avoid the whirlwind that knocked aside the surrounding heroes whose mental states had declined to the point that they hadn’t even seen the giant swirling mass behind them.
A few of them crashed into the stage, shaking the plexiglass podium where Toshinori was supposed to be giving his speech later.
That was another alarming detail he’d yet to solve. The man had disappeared among the chaos and he wasn’t quite sure whether that was a good thing or not yet. The retired hero, who once could’ve easily stopped anyone in his path, was now a liability. He silently prayed that Toshinori had somehow made it clear of this mess and was safely waiting it out where he wouldn't be in the way. But that never was Toshinori's style. It’s another annoying trait that Izuku shared with the old man. But for now, he needed to focus on the problem in front of him.
"Stay down ya drugged-up idiots!" He yelled, breathing labored. His landing was less than stellar and he stumbled a bit to stay upright. More converged on him the moment he landed. "Come on then! I can go all night!"
The sound of crinkling ice reached his ears just before a long jagged spire tried to impale him from behind. He pulled all the strength in his blast to dodge the sharp spear. Shoto was quick and powerful with his ice, which was usually invaluable in the field. Although, in this case, it was more trouble than Bakugo wanted to deal with at the moment.
"There you are." He grinned ferociously, facing the man.
Shoto wavered on his feet, looking almost in an angry trance. None of the heroes seemed to be cognizant enough of what they were doing. Which, in part, was actually a good thing. They were haphazardly using their power with no direction and barely any concentrated strength behind it. The hits that actually managed to land still hurt like a bitch though. Not that he would ever admit to anyone. Ever.
Something struck Shoto in the shoulder and he looked down to find an arrow tip embedded through the flesh. He glanced behind him and pulled on the wire attached to it, dragging Momo right off her feet. She quickly cut the line with a dagger popping out of her hand like magic and rolled back up, swaying almost like a drunkard.
Bakugo inwardly groaned as the two faced off. He knew the drug was altering their mental states. But they were still just as deadly in this state as in any other. Especially two of his…he supposed they were his friends. After all these years, it was still hard to admit the fact so he normally didn’t. But now, after all that shit with Izuku, he had somehow ended up as the emotional support crutch for everyone and that was something he was definitely not used to.
The two exchanged vicious blows that he knew were going to leave marks in the morning. If they all actually managed to survive this. Shoto slipped his foot forward, spreading his ice across the floor, trapping her feet in little glaciers of freezing ice. She fell forward, using her hands at the last second to stop her fall, and glanced at the ice, a snarl spread across her face.
Shoto didn’t give her a chance to counter as his boot smashed straight into her chest. The blow was so rough that even the ice at her feet couldn’t hold her in place and she bounced backward, rolling before she came to a halt on her stomach, breathing hard.
Though Momo, even in her dissociated state, was still clever. She had left three small discs lying at Shoto’s feet. The moment he kicked her, the mini bombs exploded, launching him back into a pillar, cracking the beam in two, and sending the giant marble columns crashing to the ground, nearly flattening a few heroes.
Bakugo smirked before he stepped in, wrenching Momo’s searching hands behind her and using his cuffs to secure her wriggling form. “Damn Momo,” he said glancing over to where Shoto, groaning, was getting back to his feet. “Where was all this vigor when we were sparring last month?”
Once she was secured, he picked her up and placed her off the side, behind a few overturned tables. The safest place he could gauge for the time being. As nonchalantly as he could, he searched her dress where she had stashed the few serums she had made in case any of them were infected. When he looked up, he couldn’t help the frustrated growl that bubbled up from his throat.
It was complete bedlam.
Bakugo spared a quick glance at the cameras mounted around the room, red lights still blinking. The world was watching this mess play out live unless Tsukauchi had been able to cut the public channels. This plan had backfired to a horrifying degree and he was wondering why he agreed to go along with it in the first place.
There wasn’t much time to spare thinking about it as he watched heroes drop left and right, viciously clashing with anyone within range and those iron-coated fears resting in the pit of his stomach had him doubting they would get up again.
Jumping back into the fray, he searched for the angry peppermint among the crowd, though he seemed to have momentarily disappeared. Striking down a younger hero who had decided it was a good idea to charge him head-on, he felt flames slash his back before a pillar of ice encased his right arm. With a bit of firepower, he managed to break the ice and flip back sans his usual grace, flying just over Shoto to launch an assault from above.
Shoto's reaction time was too slow in his current state and didn’t dodge. For the second time that night, he was blasted backward with intense firepower and slammed into a few other squawking heroes. All of them went tumbling in a writhing heap. Bakugo pursued, not wasting his chance to subdue him while he could. 
"You better not make me regret this Icy-Hot!" Bakugo hollered, flying straight into him like a missile, landing a solid fiery punch. Shoto gasped and his eyes widened in pain, body stumbling back before Bakugo grabbed the scruff of his neck. "Making me do all the work as usual!" He pulled out a small syringe from his belt and ripped the cap off with his teeth, the other hand in a vice grip around his collar. “Time to get off the crazy train!”
He plunged the needle into Shoto’s neck and the man stiffened, eyes narrowing as he bellowed, ripping the syringe off and tackling Bakugo to the ground. The two wrestled for control. Ice spread down Shoto’s right arm, encasing most of Bakugo’s torso before he slowed, face going slack and eyes rolling into the back of his head. He slipped off Bakugo and would’ve slammed his head into the ground if Bakugo didn’t catch him. With a rare gentleness, he laid Shoto on the floor and crawled to his knees, brushing the crackling ice off his already scruffed-up suit jacket.
Bakugo’s vision went a bit fuzzy as he slowly got to his feet. Wait, it wasn't fuzzy…that was mist. Coming through the vents above the room was a fine white wreath of mist he recognized.
"Dammit Deku!" He growled, scrambling for the mask that was no longer around his neck. It had been shattered by a lucky punch to the mouth a while ago.
Soon the haze grew in intensity and the air stilled as the mess of quirks died down. Though the deranged heroes took little notice, continuing to fight with their fists instead of their power. But Bakugo took a good look around and noticed they seemed slower…weaker. The drug was wearing on them and soon enough it would use up all their strength. He just had to hold out until then. Easy-peasy.
Bakugo struck out his hand to test his own quirk and was met with nothing. "Fuck." He muttered and rolled to his feet.
He was still heavily outnumbered here. Now without this quirk, it would make things even more difficult. Though he would never admit it to anyone but himself.
The hair on the back of his neck tingled and he twisted, narrowly avoiding a sharp punch to the jaw. Ochaco didn’t miss a beat and used her own momentum to wrap her arm around his throat, climbing onto his back and using the counterweight to flip him off his feet.
They both slammed into the ground, Ochaco using her body weight to keep him trapped beneath her. Out of all their friends, Bakugo always enjoyed sparring with her the best. She was probably the best hand-to-hand fighter he knew. Even drugged up, she seemed to retain all her muscle memory. Impressed as he was, he couldn’t let her get the upper hand on him.
She slammed her forearm into his throat, shutting down any attempts at talking. As pointless as he knew it would be, he still had wanted to try for some reason. Ochaco always had a way of doing that to him. She was really the only one he could stand to be around or talk to, or…he was going to stop there.
Gripping her arm, he wrapped his leg around one of her own and pushed his hips to the side. It was a move that ripped her off him and she went sprawling. Before she could recover, he had her pinned down in a reversal this time. Her angry shouts went ignored as he dug around his belt for the next syringe.
“As much as I wanna fight you right now, I’ve got other priorities,” he grumbled, biting off the cap of the syringe and struggling to keep her pinned in place. “But let’s do this again.”
He jabbed the needle into her neck and she gasped. Her hand shot up to grab his collar, fingers scrambling to try to tug him away, but in her current state, she wasn’t able to put up much of a fight.
It seemed the fog cleared from her eyes for a moment, even as they dimmed into unconsciousness. “Katsuki? …what…” Then she went limp.
He let out a heavy breath, staring into her slack face. Her red face was beaded with sweat, her hair slightly disheveled ( what did it matter that he smoothed it back into place?), and he still thought she looked beautiful.
Those unbidden thoughts were interrupted by an awful metallic screech of what sounded like microphone interference and he rose to his feet, standing protectively over Ochaco. The sound echoed around the room so loudly that it stunned the still-brawling heroes around him.
He covered his own ears as the noise crescendoed to a deafening level. The room came to a crashing halt as heroes dropped like stones. Bakugo nearly fell to his knees but through sheer determination and probably an abundance of fury, he stayed standing.
"Well, well, well," a woman's voice boomed over the speakers. "It seems like we have a real party going now. What a show that was!"
Bakugo glanced around suspiciously, wiping a bit of blood from his left ear. The sound reverberated too much to pinpoint where the source was.
"All we need now is the guest of honor. Where did that coward of a hero run off to?" 
Now that the fight was over, Bakugo wavered in place, and fatigue rolled through him. He bared his teeth, now onto a whole new fight with his body. Not that he would ever admit it, but fighting that many heroes off alone, was taxing. Though he suspected, this was only the beginning.
The quiet, aside from the tinnitus ringing in his ears, was unsettling. The room was a little too still. Whatever she did, it took everyone out in one fell swoop. That was powerful.
"Oh? No threats?" Where's that fighting spirit hero? Have you lost your tongue?" She laughed over the speakers. "And here I thought you might've had what it takes. I guess I was wrong."
"Oh, you'll get what's coming to ya!" He shouted to the air. "So stop hidin'!"
"If you insist." She sounded smug and didn't that just grate his nerves.
The very air bent in on itself. Ikari appeared like the demon she was. Standing on the stage in her old hero costume, she flashed him an overconfident grin.
He knew to expect her to show up tonight, but still seeing her in that old costume brought back memories of that night she was arrested. Izuku was the key factor in that arrest, but Bakugo had consulted on the case enough to know all the details. What a piece of work.
Stepping forward, Bakugo reflexively smacked his fists together, frowning when that familiar spark didn't flare between his hands. Right. Old habits die hard. Even that movement was enough for his body to protest. He was more exhausted than he realized. Like hell he'd let his weakness show.
"What's the point in fighting something that's already been decided." She said. "Stay down and you might just survive this. I'm not here for you, after all."
He growled, clenching his teeth. "Revenge. What a stupid notion."
"To you perhaps. But this is about more than revenge." Lifting a finger to the ceiling, she cocked her head. "Isn't that right?"
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Izuku had strapped the plastic long gun to his back, a bit awkwardly with the parabolic dish attached to the end, as he made his way up the stairwell. Phantom hot on his tail with his own twin stun guns holstered to his hips. There weren't many weapons inside the stash, and Izuku wasn't too inclined to give him something really dangerous, so they settled for stun weapons.
The two men were quiet, dress shoes clacking against the concrete as they briskly made their way to the top. Izuku used the time to get lost in thought. He couldn't even count all the things that had gone wrong. How had their plan gone so wrong so quickly? Did she also have a quirk that could predict the future tucked away into that arsenal of artificial quirks? That would certainly explain a few things. It's like the woman had only spent the last few years devising the perfect plan, accounting for every action that he would take, and over-analyzed all of them. He suddenly knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of such a personal analysis. He shivered at the thought.
“So…” Phantom broke the tense silence, “you sure you’re ready for this?"
Izuku started at his words and spared a glance back at him. “We have to be.”
“Yeah, I know that. It’s just-” he paused on the stairs, eyes narrowed. “I know you’re the older -ah more experienced-  hero, but this plan totally sucks. Remind me why I agreed to this?"
Izuku held in an exhausted sigh, absentmindedly rubbing the newly done stitches to his chest. He was really not in the mood for this. "With what you told me, I have a rough idea of what she might try. This is the only way we can get close enough to spring a trap on her. Attacking from above is to our advantage. Kach- Bakugo and all of the heroes down there are relying on us. Phantom,” Izuku turned to the man, desperation clear on his face. “right now we're all we have. All they have. If we can't work together, the chances of saving everyone in that room plummets. I’m trusting you to trust me." Grabbing the railing, he eyed the hero. "And for what it’s worth… I am sorry."
The younger hero harrumphed but he looked away, muttering something under his breath.
The rest of the trip up was taken in silence until they reached the maintenance access door for the ballroom. The door was locked but Izuku pulled out a thin wire from the metal band around his wrist and wrapped it around the hinges on the door, praying it would work. It took a few seconds before the wire began to glow orange and the metal sizzled. In no time, the hinge snapped off and he removed the door silently. Of course, he'd be a fool to doubt Mei's work.
"Why do you get all the fancy gadgets?" Phantom whispered the question leaning close to see the band but backed off as Izuku shot him a warning glare. "Well, aren't you unusually moody today? I thought you were always Mr. Smiles in the Face of Danger." 
Izuku didn't respond, simply heading through the door out onto the darkened balcony that overlooked the ballroom. He'd left his smiles at home, with you. It was hard to muster one up this time. His mind and body had been stretched to the limit recently and he still hadn't quite regained that confidence ever since the whole subway fiasco.
The high vaulted ceiling was about two stories high, meaning a fall, especially without quirks, would be deadly. The catwalk itself was narrow and expanded out across the ceiling to reach various lights and ductwork. The metal that made up most of the bridge was rusty and the railing was covered in a layer of dust. It hadn't been used in a long time.
Holding a finger to his lips in warning, he crept to the edge and peered down. Most of the heroes were out for the count and he hoped it was just because they had finally exhausted themselves instead of the alternative. Fog still marred most of the room, obscuring his vision, but he did catch sight of the unruly blond hair poking out. Relief flooded his already aching chest as he stared at Bakugo. Still Standing. Still breathing. Still alive.
Phantom moved to stand beside him, taking in the scene below. He wore a more serious look now. That playful (if you could call it playful) attitude was gone. His eyes moved rapidly, searching the floor with eagle eyes as if looking for something.
"They aren't dead, are they?" He glanced at Izuku for an answer.
"No." At least he hoped so.
An earsplitting squeal of electric interference resounded around the room. Izuku stumbled away from the edge, grabbing his ears. It reminded him too much of Tatsuya and for a moment, he was back in that faux house again. Then he shook his head, refocusing on the situation below.
Phantom had crouched down, covering his ears with a grimace. "That never gets easier to hear."
“What?” Izuku murmured, rubbing his sore ears.
"Well, well, well," a woman's voice boomed over the speakers, "it seems like we have a real party going on now. What a show that was!"
Izuku blinked, recognition crossing his face. He knew that voice. How could he forget the voice that haunted his dreams?
"All we need now is the guest of honor. Where did that coward of a hero run off to?"
Now was not the time to be getting lost in his memories. He moved back to the edge of the balcony, thankful for the shadows obscuring him in the darkness. Her voice boomed across the room, making it nearly impossible to tell where she was. Instead, he focused on Bakugo who seemed to be on the verge of collapsing. Even from this height, he seemed shaky, visibly trembling from exhaustion. Below him, Ochaco lay sprawled out on the ground. Guilt lanced through him just as painfully as the wound in his chest.
"Oh? No threats? Where's that fighting spirit hero? Have you lost your tongue?" She laughed, electricity crackling as the octave capped. "And here I thought you might've had what it takes. I guess I was wrong."
"Oh, you'll get what's coming to ya!" Bakugo shouted, his voice losing none of that fiery will. "So stop hidin'!"
"If you insist."
Up on the stage, the air condensed in a stomach achingly familiar way before Ikari emerged. She had even donned her old hero costume with the overconfident, egotistical grin to match. Beside him, Phantom hitched his breath, appearing to recognize her as well.
Izuku noticed Bakugo waver as he stepped forward, determined to face her head-on. "Don't be reckless," he muttered to himself, all too aware of the hypocrisy in his words.
"What's the point in fighting something that's already been decided." Stay down and you might just survive this. I'm not here for you, after all."
"Revenge," Bakugo growled out. "What a stupid notion."
"To you perhaps. But this is about more than revenge." Face still sporting that overconfident smirk, she pointed a finger up, almost directly to where they were hidden in the shadows. "Isn't that right… Phantom."
Izuku instinctively took a few steps away, turning to face the hero, on the defensive.
Phantom had the stun gun pointed at him, a dark look on his face. They stood in silence for a moment.
Phantom took a step forward, finger twitching on the trigger. “Nine years ago. Nine years, Deku. Her name was Umi. She died because of you.”
Izuku’s eyes widened, the name and the memory burning fresh and bright in his mind. It had been the first civilian death he was responsible for. He remembered that day all too well. A villain had escaped police custody, running rampant in a small neighborhood. By the time he’d gotten there, most of the evacuations had been complete. Except for her. She had stayed, hiding, watching, and filming in one of the half-demolished buildings.
She was young. A bright dream of becoming a journalist and one misfired attack from the villain crushed that dream in an instant. He had spent over an hour trying to dig her out and when he finally found her, she was on the verge of death, terrified and clinging to him like a lifeline. Her once-silver hair was caked in dirt and blood. Equally silver eyes had dimmed as her life drained out in his arms.
“Your sister.” He said quietly, hands held out in a pacifying gesture.
“The closest thing I had to one. To family.” He growled, gripping the gun tighter. “And you let her die.”
Izuku took a step back, bumping into the gate that led onto the catwalk. He glanced down to see both Ikari and an unsteady Bakugo staring up at them. By the satisfied grin on her face, she probably could hear their every word.
Looking back to Phantom he took a deep breath and made the first move. He launched himself at the hero, fist poised to strike. 
Phantom fired. Two darts shot out and Izuku dove to avoid the sparking tips. Rolling to his knees, he unhooked the gun from his back and aimed the dish. But Phantom was already charging and before Izuku had a chance to fire, his hand was kicked, and the intense burst of sound from the dish missed. Invisible waves of noise crashed into a large chandelier, shattering the ornate glass and sending the entire structure crashing onto the stage beside Ikari. Though she didn’t even so much as flinch, watching the fight with keen interest. 
The gun flew from his hands and skittered out onto the narrow catwalk where it came to rest precariously on the edge.
He gritted his teeth and blocked the next hard kick with his forearms, then twisted, managing to grab Phantom's ankle to pull him off balance. Phantom stumbled back to regain his footing. Izuku used the chance to bolt onto the catwalk, hopping the little gate and running for the gun.
Phantom was right behind him, quickly closing the distance. He crashed into Izuku and they both tumbled onto the steel grating. The platform wasn't nearly big enough to fit them both so they struggled in the tight space, glancing a few rough blows off each other before Izuku managed to slide his knee underneath him and kick him backward.
The force knocked the younger hero back a few feet but he grabbed the railing to right himself and charged again. Izuku had rolled onto his stomach to reach for the gun, but Phantom was on him again, pouncing above him to grab it first. Izuku's fingers bumped it just enough for it to teeter over the edge before slipping through the bars.
"No!" Izuku slapped the metal band around his wrist and the wire shot out, wrapping around the handle of the gun, catching it about ten feet below. It dangled in a moment of silence as both heroes looked at it.
Izuku used the opportunity to see what was happening below them. Both Bakugo and Ikari were staring up at them, watching the battle. He caught Bakugo's gaze, giving him a slight reassuring smile that Izuku knew would probably irritate him before Phantom grabbed his wrist and smashed it into the grate. With a cry, he released the hold on the gun and it clattered to the floor.
The force of the blow creaked with the metal on the platform, making the entire structure sway. Cracks on a few structural wirings suggested someone's quirk must've reached high enough to damage them. The entire rig was destabilizing. They needed to get off or risk falling.
"Phantom," Izuku turned to the man shouting, "think about this. You're a hero!"
"Oh, trust me, I've put plenty of thought into this. For nine years, I’ve thought about how it would feel to do this!" He grinned and with one heavy kick, sent Izuku sprawling across the grates.
Izuku groaned and scrabbled at the metal to pull himself into a sitting position. His back pressed into the thick bars of the railing. He took a deep breath, clutching at his chest and doing everything in his power to keep the pain at bay. His newly done stitches were probably torn and Bakugo was going to kill him if he survived this.
 He watched with a heavy glare as Phantom slowly closed the distance then his eyes flicked down below and he couldn't help the small grin that flashed across his lips.
A loud snap drew both their attentions as the entire rig abruptly listed to the side, forcing Phantom to hold on or fall off. Izuku wasn't so lucky as he slipped through one of the bars and half his body was flung over the edge. He managed to catch hold of the lowest rung while the rest of his body swung over the deadly drop. He cursed, sucking in a harsh breath as he tightened his grip through a pained gasp.
"Well Deku, what do you think?" Phantom made his way over and leaned across the bars to stare down at the dangling hero. "Think that was enough of a distraction?"
They both glanced below.
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Phantom buckled the holster to his waist, spinning the twin stun guns before slinging them. He glanced at Izuku fiddling with the plastic band on his wrist. The guns were plastic too, he noticed. In fact, all the weapons in the bag were plastic.
“Let me guess, Creati made these?” He gestured to his weapons. “Smart.”
“Ikari's quirk,” Izuku explained. “She can manipulate metal.”
“Yeah, I know.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “Still, it probably won’t work attacking her head-on. You’re doomed to fail.”
Izuku looked up at him, his eyes sharp and almost…nervous? Phantom grinned. It wasn’t every day he could ruffle the number one hero.
“You’re working for Ikari, aren’t you?” He watched the pale white-haired hero warily, almost resigned. “You’re a promising hero. There has to be another reason why.”
Phantom lost his smile, body tensing. “I don’t know, you tell me. You always thought you had all the answers, World's Greatest Hero.” 
He was silent for a moment, ignoring the barb in favor of choosing his words carefully. “It’s clear you hate me. Maybe you and Ikari share the same goals.”
“Newsflash Number One, ” Phantom grumbled, “I do hate you. But if you seriously think I’d let that ruin my entire life, my entire career, then you’re even more dumb than I thought.”
Izuku blinked, still on edge as he watched the man in front of him. “But you are working for Ikari, aren’t you.” It wasn’t so much a question as it was a simple statement.
“Yes.” A simple answer in return.
“Phantom, I don’t have time for this. Every minute we waste in here, people get hurt.” Izuku leveled a glare his way. “I assume you have a good reason for doing so.”
He smiled wide, perplexed. “You’re so trusting. I can see why Bakugo is always so agitated by you. Or maybe that really is his whole personality. Regardless,” Phantom sighed and stepped off the wall, “how long have you known?”
“That you were working for her? About a few minutes ago. That she was back? About a month.”
“Two years. That’s how long ago she brought me in on her cabal.” Phantom held back a snarky remark at Izuku’s wide-eyed gape. “She thought she could use my hate to add fuel to the fire that would eventually destroy you. After I realized just how big an operation she was running, I knew I couldn’t turn down the opportunity.”
“The Kobaruto. Trace. You helped fund her entire plan.” Izuku said though he looked slightly baffled. “You wanted to play the long game, take them all down from the inside? That must’ve been a major undertaking. I’ve never heard about anything remotely close to something like that in the works.”
“Because it wasn’t government-sanctioned. I ran solo.” He gauged Izuku’s reaction, continuing when the man didn’t say anything. “You really pissed her off, you know? It took a lot of background work to keep everything running smoothly with minimal losses.”
“Minimal losses?” Now that fury Izuku was keeping in check came out with a passion. “So you knew Ikari would sic Tatsuya on Y/N? Did you know she was planning to slaughter the Hashira gang? You knew they were going to attack us on the bridge? You knew about everything?”
Phantom’s face hardened. “She wanted to just kill Y/N outright. To kill all of them. Her orignal plan was to slaughter your entire family and friends. She wanted nothing more than to see you left with nothing. I convinced her otherwise.”
Izuku faltered at that, stepping back as if the very words had sucker-punched him right across the face. “What?”
I spied on you for months. You had no idea, did you?” he asked. “I did my due diligence. Spied on everyone. That’s how I found out about Tatsuya too. Figured I could take out two birds with one stone. Though, I didn’t expect him to get that far. I never meant for it to get that out of hand, but there was little I could do with Ikari breathing down my neck.”
Izuku fisted his hands but kept silent.
“I did damage control. Hate me if you want, but I saved you all.” His words seethed through his teeth. “I did what you couldn’t do.”
They both glared at each other for a long tense moment before Izuku broke away, turning his narrowed gaze to the weapons bag still lying on the floor.
“Why did she turn to you?” He asked silently, a fragile tone to his voice. “You said she wanted to use your hate. Why do you hate me so much?”
“You really don’t know?” He scoffed, folding his arms defensively, or maybe…protectively. “A guy like you, I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that day.”
Izuku racked his brain, running through every scenario they’d ever run across each other. But nothing to deserve such hatred that even Ikari would turn to it.
It was just a name but again, he felt an impact right in his gut the moment it left his mouth. Of course, he remembered the name. It was one he would never forget. He would never let himself forget it. All of Izuku’s anger deflated as he stared at Phantom with a new light. It all made sense now.
“Someone you cared for. Someone important to you.” He heard himself speak, though his tongue felt numb. “Phantom I-” he paused, then let out a heavy breath. “Hirata, I’m-”
“We weren’t related, but we grew up together. She was my little sister in all but blood. You know, when we were young, we used to play heroes. I was always the hero, but Umi never wanted to be one. She always dreamed of being a journalist. We had even made a pact. I would become the hero and she would become the journalist that would make my name known to the world.” He laughed bitterly. “And I always keep my promises.”
Izuku could only stare at the man in front of him, those hard walls cracked in a few places as he spoke. He was lost in the memory. That same wrenching in his gut, full of devastation tried to pull him under again. That day had been almost too hard to move past because if he had just been a little bit faster, a little bit stronger, a little bit…better, then that girl might’ve survived.
Guilt had completely floored him that day. It ate away at him until he was nothing but a ruined, hollow mess. The first civilian casualty he had been directly responsible for. Toshinori had been there to help him through that day. He played through thousands of scenarios, all coming to the same conclusion that left him in such a dark place that even All Might had a hard time pulling him out of.
“I don’t blame you Midoriya.” Phantom’s words cut through that thick layer of self-depreciation Izuku was working himself into, shocking him to his core. “I mean, I did. For a long time. But I knew placing blame on people never solved anything. I’ve analyzed that day more times than you could count.” He took a deep breath. “I’ve only ever wanted to be a hero to protect people like my sister from getting hurt. I know you’re the same.” He fell silent for a second as if his next words were hard to form. “...there’s still some part of me that has trouble forgiving you, but that doesn’t make me a villain and it never will.”
After what felt like an eternity, Izuku locked eyes with him again. “I don’t expect your forgiveness.” His voice was barely heard above the white noise of the ventilation unit. “But I need to know what you plan to do. There are too many lives at stake tonight.”
Phantom smirked, though it held no joy behind it. “Well, obviously play the villain.”
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Ikari stared at the two of them, satisfaction clear on her face even from this high up. “How does it feel Izuku!” She called up to his dangling form. “To be betrayed by a fellow hero? It hurts, doesn’t it? Maybe you can finally understand the pain of betrayal that I felt that night!”
Izuku focused more on keeping his grip. But he did spare her a glance, one that was not of despair, but one that mirrored her own triumphant smirk. Ikari blinked, confused before she whipped her head to where Bakugo had been wavering on his feet minutes ago. He was gone.
A thunderous sonic wave rocked the stage she was standing. The glass podium shattered under the powerful attack and Ikari's own scream was drowned out. Her hands slapped over her ears to try to fend off the attack to no avail. When the sound died down, she was left shaking in place before her knees gave out and she crumpled to the floor. 
Behind her, Bakugo stood on the steps, the long sonic gun in hand with a bloody grin. He dropped the gun and marched over to the hero, dug his knee into her back, and roughly slapped some metal-free cuffs on her.
Izuku let out another shaky breath, relief evident in this one. With one threat taken care of, he turned back to Phantom.
"I never took you for such a dramatic actor," he wheezed, a bead of sweat rolling down his face. "You don't pull your punches, do you?"
"Why should I, Number One? You can take it, right?" He reached down and gripped Izuku's wrist. "As crazy as your plans are, I'll admit, I have always wanted to kick your ass."
"Heh, not the first time I've heard that." He adjusted his loosening grip and offered him a wobbly smile. "Mind helping me up?"
Phantom grabbed both arms and hauled him halfway up before another rope snapped, this time tipping the entire catwalk on its side. His jacket sleeve ripped as he was torn from Phantom's grip. Eyes wide, he watched as Phantom tried to grab him again, nearly succeeding before Izuku disappeared over the edge. It took Phantom everything he had to stay on the dangling rig, nearly slipping off himself.
"Izuku!" Bakugo screamed from below, powerless to stop the fall.
The metal band on his wrist reacted, sending a thin bolt of wire back up to the catwalk, wrapping itself around one of the bars. He came to a sudden and harsh stop that jerked every stitch he had, but all he could do was hiss through the pain and hang on. Black spots danced in his vision as he tried to focus on Bakugo down on the ground. He was still high up, but he swore he could have seen a prick of fear in his eyes. A rarity on the man. He must really be in trouble this time.
"Deku!" Above him, Phantom cried out.
Izuku refocused, looking up. A faint hum from the wire grew louder as it slowly glowed brighter. The metal bar, the only thing tethering Izuku to the platform, had started to sizzle. A thin stream of smoke wafted from where the wire bit into it. His eyes widened as he smacked the band, but the interface had been damaged during Phantom’s attack. He desperately fidgeted with the overlay, peeling off the cover with his nails, and ripped the wiring loose. The entire thing shuddered and powered down. The wire cooled almost instantly and Phantom wasted no time in grabbing hold to act as another anchor.
He let out a shaky breath, tapping the fine filament a few times with caution.
"Use those stupid muscles of yours and climb up!" He yelled, grip straining.
Not wasting any more time, Izuku hoisted himself up, holding in the wince as his chest screamed at him. He wasn't at full strength, especially when each movement sent a flurry of pain down his torso. With as deep a breath he could manage, he pushed it to the back of his mind and kept climbing. He managed to make it halfway before the metal bar, the wire having melted halfway through it, irrevocably snapped in two.
Phantom scrambled to keep his hold, sliding along the edge of the platform with a yelp. The wire sliced his hands and wrenched itself right out of his bloody fingers.
Izuku plunged into a free fall.
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meganwiththeknees · 2 months
This story actually has two owners, meganwiththeknees and ethvera. Meganwiththeknees controls the A03 account while ethvera controls the Tumblr page, which is this!
Distant Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Hey, I’m ethvera :)
I’m not used to Tumblr, so bear with me, but I really hope you enjoy reading this story. It took a lot of time and effort (especially from meganwiththeknees!) so any praise or criticism is appreciated. I’ll try to post updates weekly!
AO3 Link (If you wanna see the latest chapters!)
We also have to a Wattpad!:
Pssst, you should also look at my coloring page: @ethvera
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a1h2d3 · 7 months
Momo's Better Outfit
An older fanart made a while ago. Just a better (more appropriate outfit) for Momo from one of my me and friend's fanfics:
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domxmarvel · 2 years
One of a kind
Pairing: Pro Hero!Momo Yaoyorozu x Female!Reader
Slot: Fireplace +Proposal +Present 
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To say finding a gift for Momo was hard was an understatement,what do you get the girl that’s both rich and has the power to create anything she wants. You had been thinking about it for the past four months and were still completely lost. 
“Y/N!” You jumped at your name,Momo moved to stand in front of you “Are you alright,I’ve called your name like five times”
“Sorry,I was distracted” You noticed that she had changed out of her hero suit and into a black turtleneck with a plaid skirt and black tights.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah,you look great” She gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. You ready to go?”
“Go where?”
“We were going gift shopping,don’t you remember?”
“Sorry,I guess I’m just tired”
“We could postpone if you’re not feeling well?”
“No,I’ll be fine. Just let me go get changed” You changed,still thinking about her gift. You put on some accessories,one of which was Momo’s ring that was slightly too big for you. 
“Darling,we’re gonna be late”
“Be there in a sec” 
The mall was crowded,just as you expected. You were just walking around when someone ran past you,bumping into an old lady next to you who fell to the ground. You quickly helped her back up and made sure she was alright. 
“Thank you so much,young lady” She looked at both of you and suddenly asked “Are you too married? You’re both so cute together” Momo answered before you could.
“We’re just dating” She spoke to you for a few minutes more before you continued with your gift shopping,Momo was pulling from store to store. You had bought a bunch of gifts but you still didn’t feel like you found something special,it was the first christmas you’d be spending with her,you wanted to make it extra special. You sat down to grab some drinks and take a break,she had already ordered and you were just waiting when the idea hit you,you knew what to get her.
“Momo,I just need to use the bathroom,I’ll be right back”
“Open this one first” She handed you one of the gifts,you were sat down by the fireplace with hot chocolate and opening presents. It was a gold necklace with the date of your anniversary. You traded gifts back and forth until there was none left. You made dinner and spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling. You had just finished the second movie and Momo was cuddled up to you.
“Momo” She lifted her head to look up at you “I still have one more gift for you”
“I have on for you too” You grabbed the small box from your pocket and knelt down before opening it
“Momo Yaoyorozu,will you marry me?”
“Yes yes of course I’ll marry you” You put the ring on her finger and kissed her. “Y/N,I still have one more gift for you” She pulled out a small box,revealing a ring. “I was going to ask but you beat me to it”
“I love you” She grabbed your hand and put the ring on your finger.
“I love you too”
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Part 3 - Chapter 42 - Keep Your Friends Close
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
And now for update number 2! :D Why? Because I can't help myself. And Christmas. The turkey is fueling me to give content just because. Present for you, dear readers!
More pov changes this chapter as well.
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
Uh oh! The battle has finally begun between All Might and All For One! Will the heroes prevail or will the villains take the day? ;) We'll see!
Also uh oh! Hitoshi and the others heard about Izuku's awkward dad situation. Certainly not helping in this tense rescue attempt. Sadly Izuku couldn't get away. Sorry! Blame All For One who just doesn't want to let him go. Well that will complicate the fight. Stay strong, Izuku!
Sh-sh-shout out to Rubyred21 for the Mr. Potato Head insult! Take that, Ass For One!
Alright, that's enough for now. Enjoy the double update! ^____^ More Kamino coming up next time. What will Izuku do? His very best that's what. Everyone is conflicted in their own ways as the fight continues and pieces are moved on this devastation of a chessboard. May the best player win! Okie, bye bye!
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