#{v.|| Superhero Without A Cape}
The Boys is the Undertale of superhero media
#james talks#like they both work specifically because of how they subvert expectations of the genre#if you watched The Boys without knowing anything about the culture it was responding to it just wouldn't fucking work as well as it does.#like yes The Boys is still a phenomenal show with a lot of relevant things to say but its subversive qualities come through in—#understanding how it is messing with our understanding of how we put superheroes on pedestals like Homelander is NOT just evil superman—#Homelander is a stand-in for how we idealize people in power because we see them as inherently heroic and someone working for us.#like being a hero is a business in the world of The Boys.#the first shot of Homelander is literally him walking into the frame with his American flag cape. HIS NAME IS FUCKING HOMELANDER.#like he's very clearly commentary on the state of the US fearmongering about criminals and immigrants and shit like—#it's very clearly commentary on fascism but like it just doesn't hit like it's supposed to if you don't know stuff like Marvel and DC and—#the place they serve in culture and what that means for us as a whole like—#I'll avoid going on a rant about the MCU's ideology of Perpetual War and how DC's whole thing is just glorifying violence—#(see: Zack Snyder's obsessive need to make everything in slow mo but also go watch Patrick H Willem's video on him)#but like Alan Moore's critiques of superheroes and fascism in Watchmen and V for Vendetta like you have to know what it's responding to.#Undertale is subversive obviously in the same way bc if you haven't played RPGs the game doesn't fucking hit for you at all.#see: Razbuten's video on what it's like for a non-gamer to play an RPG.#that video was what got me thinking about this at all but anyway like hopefully this makes sense#james rants in the tags#The Boys
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 months
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Bill Finger’s Batman Universe - Born on February 8, 1914, Bill Finger began writing comic strips in the same studio as artist Bob Kane in 1938. After National Allied Publications (Now DC) approached Kane to create a hero just as popular as their newest star, Superman, Kane conceived the idea for a character called “The Bat-Man", Finger was brought in to ghost write on the project. Not only did Bill Finger do major design changes to Kane's original vision of the Bat-Man, such as changing the red and yellow color scheme to blue and grey, the domino mask to a cowl, the stiff bat wings to a flowing cape, but he also made ‘the Bat-Man’ a scientific detective (inspired by figures like Douglas Fairbanks and Sherlock Holmes), even adding gloves to the vigilante's ensemble. Those elements and Finger's brilliant stories mixed with Kane's superhero vigilante persona refined the character as the dark icon of the DC Universe to Superman's bright image, and the Bat-Man was launched in Detective Comics #27 on March 30, 1939.
Bill Finger's contributions surpassed creating Batman; Finger is credited for bringing to life iconic pieces of the Dark Knight’s mythology such as the Batmobile, the Batcave, and naming Batman's home 'Gotham City'. Bill Finger also co-created many classic DC characters such as Robin, the Boy Wonder, Green Lantern, WildCat, The Joker and Catwoman (with Kane and Jerry Robinson), The Riddler (with Dick Sprang) and The Penguin. Finger passed away on January 18, 1974 and in his honor, Comic-Con International established in 2005 the Bill Finger Award for Excellence in Comic Book Writing. Due to Bob Kane's contract with National Publications back in 1939 stating he was the sole creator of 'the Bat-Man', for 75 years Bill Finger was not credited with the creation of the Caped Crusader or anything within Batman’s mythos he helped create. It wasn't until September 2015 when DC Entertainment announced Finger would begin to see credit for Batman, beginning with projects such as FOX's "Gotham" and Zack Snyder's 2016 DCEU film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", along with various comic books. We thank Bill Finger for being one of the most important figures in all of Batman’s iconic history, because we as fans wouldn’t be able to celebrate the many interpretations of the Dark Knight in and outside of comics without Finger’s genius of helping bring to life the Batman and his universe.🦇📚 #Batman85 #LongLiveTheBat
🖼️: A look at many of Bill Finger’s co-creations within the Batman universe.
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Random Hero x Villain prompts: Presentation
(The game: this site gives me a random word and I turn it into H/V prompts. You’re welcome to play, to add your own or to use them to write a snippet, just tag me or something if you do.)
The word is: Presentation (oh, Megamind vibes)
It’s Sidekick’s first official presentation to the world. They’re really nervous, sweating in their brand new costume made for the occasion, but Hero brings an accessory that might help.
Villain always gets their crazy plans passed after meetings with the Evil Board. Why? Because their project presentations are so long and so boring that everyone wants to cut them short, at any cost. It’s the only way to make them shut up.
Hero meets for the first time their colleagues and all the superheroes. However, something is terribly wrong here. They don’t have the right costumes. Why is everyone dressed in black? It was supposed to be a cocktail.
Villain gives a lecture to their henchmen: efficiency is for peons. Now, flair? That is important. First impressions count, you know.
Hero proudly shows to the world the band of misfits who helped them save the day. However, said band is not good with protocols and social skills. Chaos ensues.
This old superhero is supposed to represent all that is good and virtuous. However, when they’re awaken from their slumber to save the day, they reveal themself as very different.
Villain is so good with their public image that the Hero agency is losing control as more and more citizens are rooting for them. Under the pretense, though, their plans are anything but benign.
Villain is very good with words, less with limb coordination. They’re cut in the middle of their fear-striking monologue when they stumble on their own cape.
This citizen with the tattered jeans and the old pull? It’s a shame, but they’ve seen too much and they must be destroyed – hold on, why do they shrug everything off without a word? What do you mean, they’re the highest-ranking hero?
Hero has been out of town for a while. When they return, the new Villain feels they must present themself and their team. It’s only polite.
More prompts like this under this tag.
Back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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daisyvramien · 6 months
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🏕️🍫"Camp NaNoWriMo Survival Checklist: Snacks, Sprints, and Scribbles!"📝🔥
Hey there, fellow campers!🌲🌟 Planning for Camp NaNoWriMo is half the fun, right ? So, grab your backpacks and let's make sure we've got everything we need to tackle this writing adventure ! Here's your essential survival checklist: I. Snacks: Because let's be real, no writing marathon is complete without an arsenal of snacks to fuel our creative genius. Think chocolate (for those emergency sugar boosts), popcorn (for munching during intense plot twists), and maybe even some veggies (for… balance? Let's go with balance). II. Coffee (or Tea, if You're Fancy): Ah, the elixir of life for writers everywhere. Whether you take yours black as midnight on a moonless night or with enough cream and sugar to drown out your existential dread, make sure you've got a steady supply to keep those creative juices flowing. III. Comfy Blanket or Writing Cape: Let's face it, writing can get chilly, especially when you're burning the midnight oil. So, pack your coziest blanket or writing cape to keep you warm and snuggly during those late-night writing sprints. Bonus points if it doubles as a superhero costume. IV. Emergency Plot Twist Generator: Because let's face it, even the best-laid plans can go awry. Pack your trusty plot twist generator to shake things up when your story starts to feel a little… predictable. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility (and possibly a few confused characters). V. Extra Pens and Notebooks: You never know when inspiration will strike, so make sure you're armed and ready with plenty of pens and notebooks to capture those brilliant ideas before they vanish into the ether. Plus, there's something undeniably satisfying about the feel of pen on paper. VI. Campfire Stories (AKA Writing Prompts): Keep your creativity burning bright with a stash of campfire stories (aka writing prompts) to spark your imagination when you hit a rough patch. Whether you prefer tales of haunted forests or epic quests, there's a prompt out there just waiting to inspire your next masterpiece. VII. Sense of Adventure: Last but certainly not least, don't forget to pack your sense of adventure! Camp NaNoWriMo is all about embracing the unknown, pushing your limits, and discovering just how far your imagination can take you. So, strap on your hiking boots and get ready for the writing adventure ! Alright, fellow campers, that's it for our Camp NaNoWriMo survival checklist! So grab your favorite writing beverage (mine's a triple shot of espresso, no judgment here), cozy up by the virtual campfire, and let's make some writing magic together. The Fox's Den is open 24/7, so whether you're an early bird or a night owl, there's always a place for you here !!🦉✨ Ready to join our pack of literary foxes ? Shoot me a message for an invite, and let's embark on this writing adventure together !!🦊💻✨
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rwac96 · 2 years
Just one more prompt for the Boys vs the DC universe;
Batman vs Billy Butcher!
They both lost people dear to them, and regularly go against those with powers despite being powerless, all in the name of vengeance.
But Butcher let his vengeance consume him to the point that he stopped caring about the lives of the innocent who get caught in the crossfire, only caring about getting back at Homelander to the point that he thinks EVERY superhero is just as bad as he is.
Batman on the other hand learned how to control his rage and channels it to motivate himself to NEVER cross the line, because it make him just as bad as the scum he fights. He knows that killing is like a drug that can darken the soul, and if he were to allow himself to cross that line, he knows he’ll never go back. He made a promise to never do so.
Bruce would definitely feel insulted by Butcher’s actions, since Butcher is essentially what he has to keep himself from becoming every-time he dons his mask. A man who takes the easy way, who enjoys hurting others to the point he became EXACTLY like the people he despised.
Bruce would find the evidence to permanently take down Vought, go after the Boys, give Milk and Hughie the chance to go back to their normal lives, and easily take down Butcher, and drag him kicking, and screaming bloody murder and lock him up in the most secure holding cell that Arkham has to offer. Because Batman is more than vengeance, he’s a true knight of justice! Something that Butcher has long since turned his back on.
"F-Fuck," panted an injured Billy Butcher, who clutched the crowbar in his shaking hands.
Beaten black & blue, blood pouring from one of his nostrils and the edge of his lips; his right eye was nearly swollen. The leader of The Boys found himself in a situation that many criminals dreaded; a fight with The infamous Batman. Billy didn't know how, but he figured that the Dark Knight had a hand in something he tried and failed to do for years: Bring down Vought. The once untouchable company was now facing many charges, the top executives & CEOs facing prosecution and many victims of Compound-V Supes were stepping forward.
If it was back when he first began his crusade against Vought, it would've been the end of it for William "Billy" Butcher. But, his rage against Homelander grew into hatred against all Supes, heroes & villains. In his eyes, they were corrupt hedonists, ticking time bombs. He wanted to see every Supe dead and was nearly successful if it wasn't for the Seven being brought down by the Justice League. Now, he was alone, the other members of The Boys likely have been likely taken out. Frenchie and Kimiko were tied to a pillar, meanwhile, Soldier Boy was found knocked out. Milk and Hughie seemed to have surrendered without a fight, due to the fact that there wasn't a reason to.
"It's over, Butcher," Batman's voice ring out from the shadows, making the injured man look around. "we can end this without further violence."
"Is that so, eh mate?" Billy replied, letting out a pained chuckle. "you and your Supe pals taking down those Vought Cunts and suddenly we're all buddies?!"
"You're unhinged," the Bat of Gotham answered, as he drops down from a railing; shrouded in the shadows. "you planned on killing every metahuman on the Earth with Luthor's enhanced Amazo Virus."
"It would've wiped every Supe off the bloody Earth! Bastards like Homelander, Pyscho, Veritgo!"
"They deserve to stand trial for their crimes," the Caped Crusade said, approaching Billy. "but not every Metahuman is like that. There are heroes, genuine in their cause. Other Metahumans who wish to live in peace, the peace that you and Beth were robbed of."
"Keep her name outta your bloody mouth!" Butcher proceeded to charge toward Batman, who evaded the swing of the crowbar and delivered decisive blows to his torso and face. Billy fell down onto his back, groaning in defeat.
"William," Batman spoke, "you need help. Your vengeance turned you into the very thing you fought against, nearly taking down everyone who followed you. This is not what Beth wanted, Billy, and deep down you know that."
"S-Shut up," he panted, his blue eyes glaring at the vigilante in black & grey.
"Stop," the Dark Knight instructed, kneeling down to restrain Butcher's wrist with custom-made rope. "it's over. Maybe time in Arkham will give you some perspective, or at least get you to see how far you've fallen."
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minnowtank · 9 months
it's so funny how right wingers have zero sense of. idk if media literacy is the right word but they just don't have any semblance of what's what. i saw a comment where someone tried to argue that The Boys had criticism of "left-wing ideology" because it had scenes of maeve being pressured to do "coming out" tv specials, superhero merchandise having gay flags on it and labels like "woke tacos" etc. that's not a critique of "the left.: that is blatant commentary on rainbow capitalism. rainbow capitalism does not embody "the left." of course right wingers don't realize this because they have no idea what the fuck anything means.
i think reactionaries latched onto The Boys at first as a way to replace the mcu. at first they were intrigued by the show being 18+ and gory, which the mcu could never be. they attributed the mcu's decline in quality to its "wokeness." and also they thought that the Boys' satire of the mcu was meant to appeal to right-wing ideas of "wokeness" ruining media.
s2 of The Boys destroyed this reality for them by introducing a nazi villain that homelander fucks. the show also displayed pretty thorough commentary on racist/paranoia propaganda: stormfront's team of racist facebook meme generators and her political rallies, a scene where a white man is radicalized into killing a brown man because of said propaganda, a school shooting safety video that references the "we should give teachers guns" thing that republicans once said, stormfront trying to convince ryan that "white genocide" is real, etc. this stuff was beyond anything the mcu would even think of putting in their movies and shows. and of course it just pissed them off lol.
but also. how do you not see that this is always where the show was going to go. they act like season 1 had 0 politics...Vought's main goal in season 1 was to put supes in the military. homelander plants compound V everywhere in order to create "supe terrorists" for the sole purpose of convincing the gov to put supes in the military. vought is a corporate hellscape. homelander kills innocents and/or leaves them to die without mercy. a-train tears through robin and his only consequence is that he has to give hughie a handshake after. the entire "believe expo" episode. compound V, which creates supes, was a nazi invention. homelander is the bad guy and he wears a USA FLAG FOR A CAPE. HOW IS THIS NOT POLITICAL
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The Mysterious Shapeshifter
[AO3 version]
Daisuke and Iori head to a village in danger, but their enemy is... Lightnimon!? Unable to change, Daisuke has to face an enemy without revealing his secret identity... Who's this copycat and what is he planning to do?
[Note: It's 2008; Just a funny Daisuke-Iori combo action. I like this one too!! The comical tone was half inspired in the Kizuna Drama CD]
“I’m tired from that last battle, sigh” Daisuke lied on the grass, his arms behind his head. He was watched by Iori, Armadimon and V-mon who were collecting fruits for the camp.
“I know you’re tired but could you help us, Daisuke-san?”
“Yeah, please we can’t carry all of those alone, dagya”
“I’m… not sure what to do… Having a double identity this time is making me appreciate Spider-Man, Batman, Supergirl, and other superheroes…”
He got up from the ground and walked to the group, to help them get the fruits.
“Where have you been?” Iori asked out of curiosity “Don’t tell me you didn't sleep last night.”
“Yeah, you got me. I had no peace last night” and he sighed, “Ranamon and Frostmon are out, but there’s still troops and Lekismon around. Actually I didn’t sleep because I had to fight a horde of Tyrannomon all alone. I mean, V-mon helped but we couldn’t call for help.”
“I see…”
“Lightnimon works alone. V-mon can only help if hidden or covered by a cape.”
“But… won’t the cape burn, dagya?”
“...” Daisuke glanced at Armadimon for a few seconds. Then… “That’s a good question, but thankfully it never happened.”
Suddenly, some screams were heard in the distance, coming from a village. Its villagers started to run away, so some passed through the boys.
“What the…” Daisuke said, then dropped all fruits on the group to stop a panicked EbiBurgamon, “Oi, come here kiddo! What’s wrong?”
“A-ah…!! H-humans!! Um… You must be the Chosen Children… Please save our people and town! We’re under attack…!!”
“Those guys again!?” Armadimon gritted his teeth.
“N-No… It’s… Lightnimon! He’s against us now!!” and the child level digimon started to cry. Daisuke's eyes widened when he heard that name. He looked at Iori, Armadimon and V-mon with a grimace. Then, he patted the digimon’s head and smiled.
“Don’t worry, we will talk to him. Maybe he’s under a spell or being controlled by a gear or ring. We will save your home.”
The group ran to the village, but during their way…
“Daisuke-san, shouldn’t we call the others?”
“There’s no time for that,” he replied, “Someone’s pretending to be me.”
“Don’t you think this is exactly what he wants you to do? It’s a trap to lure you and unmask Lightnimon’s identity.”
“But… I promised that villager we would help them…!”
“... I think we can do something about this” Iori mused “We’re far away from the camp right now…”
“Alright, but I can’t change here… Whatever, I will have to face the imposter as myself then.”
“Do we have a plan?” V-mon asked.
“The plan is… Not screwing up. And you know I said it to myself too.”
Once they arrived in the village, the quartet saw a very bootleg black armor digimon walking around, commanding troops made of Fangmon. Daisuke and Iori evolved their partners to XV-mon and Ankylomon to fight such troops.
“Tail Hammer!”“X Larser!”
Iori was using the Submarimon-esque Sword to attack such enemies as well, while Daisuke couldn’t do anything this time except warn the other three about the enemies coming.
“Isn’t that a good hour for you to change?” Whispered Iori.
“The villagers will be scared” Daisuke replied, “and I can’t use that weapon without changing to him”
When the last Fangmon got beaten, they proceeded to search for the fake Lightnimon. Though, it was still risky for Daisuke to take part in battles yet, especially if their enemies didn’t know he’s still alive (or was what he assumed) which could turn things a little worse.
“There it is!” Daisuke muttered to the group, and they hid behind a house “Wait, that feels like a bootleg Lightnimon… I’m offended.”
“What, you take offense to that?” V-mon said (both him and Armadimon devolve to child form) eyes squinting at Daisuke.
“I… I mean! Ken felt insulted when I copied him…”
“That’s not the time for that” Iori whispered, “We need to find a way to unmask the copycat quickly.”
“Catch’em from their back!”
“That… is a good idea, I guess...” Iori blinked twice.
“Hmm, someone managed to beat my army” they heard the ‘bootleg’ Lightnimon monologuing, and his voice wasn’t like Daisuke’s at all, “You bet it was those annoying Chosen Children.”
He wasn’t looking, and the quartet approached carefully, until…
“I GOT YOU!” and the copycat turned back, releasing from his finger a shot of dark water and forced them to dodge.
“You knew we were around, heh...” Daisuke laughed nervously.
“Huh aren’t you… the dead Chosen Child?” the enemy gasped, “So, you’re alive!?”
“I didn’t die. I was just… Stuck in some dark cave waiting to be released from that prison” he shrugged. Armadimon didn’t catch that reference, but somehow Iori and V-mon did.
“Interesting… But you think you can beat me, the grand thief, Lightnimon?!”
“We know you’re not him, cut it off” Daisuke suddenly said with an annoyed tone.
“How are you so sure, human?”
“Hmm, as we saw… Lightnimon’s appearance resembles an armor based on Lighdramon” Iori started, “And judging by this fact, his attacks should be based on Lightning.”
“Yeah, and he uses a weapon with the same motif, dagya” Armadimon shrugged.
“Right!” V-mon nodded “And he doesn’t call himself by ‘Grand Lightnimon’ but more like ‘The Warrior of Night,The Silent Knight’ by what I heard from the digimon”
“Kh!! How do you all KNOW about him?! He’s a mysterious figure! Of course I am him!”
“Then, what’s your proof?” Daisuke rolled his eyes, “If the digimon in this village had time to take a look at you, they would totally see you’re not him.”
“You brats, I will--”
“Shoot us with lightning now!?” V-mon asked, “Because yeah Lightnimon’s name comes from ‘Lightning’ which means… You’re an imposter.”
The faker was making some noises of distress until he stopped and started laughing. Louder and louder, the laughter scared the digimon duo and made the boys uncomfortable.
“You’re sly foxes” the faker finally spoke again, “You manage to know more about a myth than me. Very well, I don’t have to keep this ugly form anymore.”
And his shape deformed from a small silhouette to a man’s size. A man with water-like hair and a white suit.
“This is my real form, and I’m Splashmon, the Water-tiger Shapeshifter.”
“What should we do now?” V-mon muttered to the group, “I assume he’s a higher level than us…!”
“It’s still ‘don’t mess this up’ !!” Daisuke replied in a murmur, “We might heat things up here”
“Ok! Heating things up is my middle name!”
“... V-mon, you don’t have a middle name.”
“Are you done?” Splashmon sighed.
“No, wait a little more” and both him and Iori took their digivices from their pockets “Courage Digimental Up!”
“Knowledge Digimental Up!” 
V-mon and Armadimon amor-evolved to Fladramon and Digmon, stood in front of the kids and ready to attack. Iori summoned his Submari-Sword and got on guard, just to protect Daisuke this time.
“You can’t change yet, I believe” he muttered to Daisuke “I will be your bodyguard this time. Just once.”
“ ‘Just once’ you say… You had saved me countless times already, heh”
“I’ll not keep waiting for you to finish your chit chat!” Splashmon hissed, then ran in their direction.
“Here he comes!” Digmon alerted the group, “Gold Rush!!” and he shot his drills like missiles against Splashmon.
“This won’t scratch me!” the enemy laughed, the drills passed through his body like if they were passing through a waterfall, “I can turn my body solid and liquid as I please!”
“Uh oh…” Digmon gasped, the drills came back to him, “Now what should we do, dagya?”
“Fladramon might be useless too” Daisuke babbled, “I… We have to think quickly!”
Splashmon punched Fladramon and kicked Digmon quickly, making the hero digimon duo step back.
“Any plan??” Fladramon asked, and he dodged another kick, “hurry up!!”
“We… We are thinking!” Iori replied nervously, “Uh… Fladramon is fire, Digmon is earth… They’re not good for this battle…”
If… -- Daisuke thought -- If I could change to Lightnimon we could get some advantage since Lighdra-Glaive could stunt him, and water plus electricity is not a good match…
“Ugh…” Fladramon blocked a kick. “Argh!” But Digmon received a high pressure shot of dark water and fell on the ground.
“What? Are you that weak?? Or are you trying to buy time for the real Lightnimon to appear and save you all?”
“Darn it…!” Daisuke whispered, “I should’ve changed the moment I had a chance…!” “Hmm… What if…!! Daisuke-san, I got an idea!” “You got one!? Quick, say it!” “Right… Listen carefully”
“You’re too slow to attack, to block, to do anything!” Splashmon complained, but Fladramon shoved him away from them, “Oh…? That’s a different reaction…”
“Enough!” Fladramon growled, but Daisuke approached him, the same time Iori approached Digmon, whispering something in their ears “Oh, I got it…!!”
“What?” their enemy had no interest in what they were saying and conjured a chair made of dark water “Are you planning to entertain me this time?”
“Well you will see” Daisuke smirked.
“Big Crack!” Digmon impacted his drills on the floor and caused the ground to open under Splashmon’s feet. Once the enemy fell, Fladramon threw rocks to cover it quickly.
“Did you forget I can change from solid to liquid you silly-mons?”
“We know that” Iori said with a serious glare, “But you forgot that…”
Fladramon quickly changed its form to BurningFladramon and hit his paw on the top of the rocks burying Splashmon, “ Knuckle HEAT!!”
Splashmon’s screams were heard, and steam came from the opening. Yes, they had beaten Splashmon.
“... If you go to a liquid state, we will just need to boil you until you turn into steam.”
“As expected from Master Iori hehe~” Daisuke laughed, then, “Oh, wait a second. Point your digivice to the white mist before he disappears! And then press this button to devolve him to the Digiegg stage.”
“Huh…? O-Okay!!” And Iori pointed his D-3 to the steam, pressed the mentioned button and a flash of light shot from the screen, hitting the vapor and turning it into a Digiegg, who got caught in time by Daisuke.
“There, there you faker…” he gave it a little pat, “I think Frostmon can take care of you too…”
“Huh, Frostmon is alive?” Digmon and Iori exclaimed.
“Yeah, she is” BurningFladramon returned back to V-mon form, “Lightnimon didn’t kill her.”
“He didn’t, dagya…?” Digmon returned back to Armadimon form.
“... She devolved to a lesser form and is free from the bad guys” Daisuke said, then… “Ah, we need to bring everyone back… I need to do one more thing.”
“Huh?” The three tilted their heads.
The villagers came back, after Iori, Armadimon and V-mon gathered and brought them to the village. The absence of Daisuke made them confused, and once all the villagers were reunited…
A shadow appeared at the top of one of the houses.
“Fear not, dear villagers” Iori just recognized that voice and him plus Armadi-Vee squinted at Lightnimon, the one and only, jumping to the ground.
“Y-you!!” The villagers cried nervously.
“I don’t want to cause more trouble” Lightnimon tried to calm them all down, “To be honest, I’ve been under control of an evil digimon, but the Chosen Children here broke the curse and I’m back to my senses.”
Some noise from the crowd was heard, they were rumbling about what they had just heard.
“I’d like to give my sincere apologies for what I had done” and he bowed his head, “I’m so sorry, please accept my apology.”
“So… it was what I thought that happened!” The same EbiBurgamon from earlier said, and looked at the villagers “Lightnimon was out of himself, he’s fine now!”
The villagers cheered, “We forgive you, thank you for defending our village!”
“No, no…” Lightnimon said, “This time I was causing havoc. The ones you have to thank are the Chosen Children there.”
“Thank you, Chosen Children!”
“Uh… Thank you” Iori blushed, Armadimon and V-mon were waving their paws and hands.
“Now I need to go! See you! ” and Lightnimon ran away.
“You really had to do that?” Iori, Armadimon and V-mon had caught up with Lightnimon and now they were a few kilometers away from the village, in the forest.
“Couldn’t ya tell’em the truth, dagya?”
“I wish I could” he replied  “But don’t you think it’s easier to let them believe the copycat was Lightnimon and then he was controlled by some spell or evil digimon?”
“Hmm, yeah I think so” V-mon said.
“All I could do was apologize for the damage. Even if it wasn’t me, I think I had a part in it…”
“I see,” Iori nodded sagely.
“Well, I have to bring this egg to his friend so he can hatch and have Frostmon and Ranamon’s company at least.”
“... Oh, so you will have to go there first?”
“Yeah, and quickly. If we’re seen together it might be suspicious.”
“Ok. Let’s go, Armadimon.”
“Come, V-mon.”
“We… meet at the camp right?”
“Yeah, I’m not running away anymore.”
And they went in different directions.
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themovieblogonline · 1 month
Supacell on Netflix: A New Kind of Superhero Story for Season 2
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Supacell is back! Season 2 of the hit Netflix series has officially been greenlit, and fans couldn't be more hyped. If you missed out on the first season, let me catch you up: Supacell isn't your typical superhero show with capes and world-ending villains. Instead, it’s a fresh, street-level take that’s grounded, gritty, and uniquely Black. It’s like someone took a page from Marvel, mixed it with some South London vibes, and threw in a dash of "what would you do if you suddenly had powers?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frmk94Etedo Rapman's Supacell Story Created by Rapman, the same genius who brought us "Blue Story," Supacell follows a group of five ordinary Black South Londoners who suddenly develop superpowers. These powers are not the usual flight, super strength, or telepathy. Instead, they're abilities that challenge their users and put them in some seriously tight spots. The only thing these five have in common is their Blackness and their shared community, but now, they've got a new reason to band together. Our reluctant hero is Michael Lasaki, played by Tosin Cole, who steps up to the plate to unite this motley crew of superhumans. Why? Because the love of his life is in danger, and the only way to save her is to bring these misfits together. It’s a story that’s part "Avengers Assemble" and part "I need to pay my rent," which makes it all the more relatable. Supacell's Amazing Reception The show’s first season was a smash hit, landing at the number one spot on Netflix’s Top 10 English language TV charts not once, but twice in July. With 11.8 million views in its first full week alone, Supacell proved that there’s a hunger for superhero stories that look and feel different from the norm. It's no wonder Netflix quickly renewed it for a second season. Critically, Supacell has also been a winner. Aramide Tinubu of Variety praised the show for its deep dive into how individualism has fractured Western societies, particularly within Black communities. Rapman uses the superhero genre as a lens to explore these themes, all while keeping you hooked on action, drama, and a bit of humor. Because let's face it, what's a superhero show without a few laughs? Speaking of humor, the cast is packed with talent who knows how to deliver both punchlines and punches. Adelayo Adedayo, Calvin Demba, Nadine Mills, and Eric Kofi-Abrefa all bring their A-game, making their characters feel like people you could run into on the street—if those people happened to have superpowers. And let's not forget the man behind the camera. Rapman doesn’t just create; he directs, and his vision is all over this show. Alongside Sebastian Thiel and executive producers like Steve Searle and Mouktar Mohammed, Rapman crafts a world that’s vivid, dangerous, and oh-so-real. As we look forward to Season 2, one thing's for sure: Supacell is set to keep us on the edge of our seats. Whether you’re here for the superhero action, the community focus, or just the pure South London swagger, there's something in Supacell for everyone. So, if you haven't binged the first season yet, now’s the time. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this cultural phenomenon. (Source: Variety)  
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safethaw · 7 months
Top 4 Deicers Every Homeowner Should Know.
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Brrr! When winter bites, it leaves a cold, icy mark on our driveways and sidewalks. But fear not, fellow homeowners! For every frosty challenge winter tosses our way, there's a deicer ready to take it head-on. Let’s chat about the top 5 deicers you absolutely, positively must get to know. 1. Rock Salt: The Classic Deicers Choice When people think "salt for ice", good ol' rock salt usually pops into mind. It’s like that popular kid in school – almost everyone's used it or knows about it. Pros: - Widely available. - Budget-friendly. Cons: - Starts slacking below 20°F (-6°C). - Harmful to plants and grass. - Pets? They’re not fans of it either. - Can cause concrete deterioration. Moral of the story? Rock salt might be a classic, but classics aren’t always the best pick for every situation. 2. Calcium Chloride: The Melting Machine This one's a champ when temperatures drop, working its magic even at -25°F (-32°C). Pros: - Quick action. - Gives off heat as it melts, making it super effective. Cons: - Can get a bit pricey. - Not exactly green-thumb-friendly. - Can be harmful when in direct contact with skin. 3. Potassium Chloride: Environmentally Friendly-Ish A milder alternative, potassium chloride is like the gentle cousin in the deicer family. Pros: - Less damaging to vegetation. Cons: - Not the most efficient melter out there. - Higher price tag. - . 4. Safe Thaw: The Future Of Deicing Remember when I said classics aren't always the best? Here's a modern twist to the de-icing tale. Pros: - Toxins? Nope. - Chlorides? None of those either. - It's a friend to your plants, pets, and concrete. - The formula is so concentrated; it's like the superhero version of a deicer. - Industrial properties, machinery, wires... nothing stands a chance against Safe Thaw's non-corrosive nature. Cons: - Honestly, struggling to find any here! Beyond The Salt And Chemicals It's easy to grab the first bag of deicer you see at the store. But remember, not all heroes wear capes. Some come in bags labeled "Safe Thaw." While many deicers come with a list of cons that might make your plants wilt and your pets' paws itch, Safe Thaw promises gentleness without compromising on effectiveness. Its secret? A patented mix of crystalline amide core with a touch of glycol and traction agents. It’s like the perfect blend of coffee but for your icy driveway. It's got the kick and the flavor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2uACuEGD4k Summing Up The Icy Affair Winter might play rough, but with the right deicer in hand, we can play it smart. While salt and other chemicals have long been the go-to, it's clear that options like Safe Thaw are changing the game. So, next time Jack Frost paints your driveway white, you know what to do. Be savvy, be safe, and as always, may the frost never stick to your driveway! Read the full article
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janhavi-21 · 1 year
Real Estate v/s Gold: An Ongoing Debate!
Given the multitude of investment options like stocks, fixed deposits, gold, and real estate, it's understandable to feel uncertain about where to allocate your funds. Making a decision can be challenging in such a diverse financial landscape. In our discussion, we will examine the fundamental distinctions between investing in gold and investing in real estate. So, let's embark on this exploration and gain a deeper understanding of these investment avenues.
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When evaluating investment options, it's important to take into account the volatility levels associated with each choice. In comparison to real estate, gold is renowned for its higher volatility, influenced by factors like global economic conditions, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. Conversely, real estate typically exhibits lower volatility. It's worth noting that gold prices can undergo significant fluctuations over short periods, while real estate values generally change at a more gradual and steady pace.
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Evaluating gold prices in the market can be challenging due to their high volatility, unlike real estate. Gold prices frequently experience significant fluctuations within short periods, making it challenging to accurately predict future prices. In contrast, real estate prices generally display short-term stability and gradual long-term appreciation. This relative stability makes it relatively easier to assess and forecast future real estate prices.
Passive Income Source:
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Have you ever ventured into the realm of passive income? Well, here's an enticing proposal: you can generate extra income from your real estate property. But how can you achieve this? By transforming your property into a coliving space, you can earn rental yields of up to 7%. 'Xtra Income Homes' is a reputable company that specializes in assisting property owners in seizing this opportunity. With nearly 8 years of experience in the real estate industry, they provide meticulously chosen properties of exceptional quality. Unfortunately, gold investments lack the same potential for generating additional income.
Real estate investments possess a unique advantage called "leverage," which can be likened to a superhero donning a financial cape. This superpower enables investors to unlock a realm of opportunities by using borrowed funds to purchase properties. By combining their personal savings with borrowed money, investors can become real estate owners and control assets of higher value than what they could achieve independently. It's akin to having a sidekick that enhances their potential returns when property prices soar.
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On the other hand, gold investments lack the same superpower. They function more like a solitary warrior armed with a gleaming sword. When investing in gold, individuals typically acquire the physical metal or invest in gold-related financial instruments like ETFs or gold mining stocks. Returns in the realm of gold investment depend solely on the movement of gold prices, without the added advantage of leveraging borrowed funds.
The safest investment:
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Although gold is often regarded as a secure investment, it is difficult to match the level of safety provided by real estate. Real estate investments offer unmatched security and stability due to their tangible nature. The fact that real estate is a physical asset, something you can see and touch, provides an additional layer of reassurance for investors. Furthermore, the real estate market generally exhibits more consistent price movements when compared to other investment markets.
I hope the information provided has enlightened your journey and provided clarity when making investment decisions. This blog aims to be your guiding beacon, empowering you to make intelligent choices that will shape your financial future. Remember, the world of investments is a vast canvas, filled with endless possibilities. By diving into its intricacies and exploring its boundless potential, you can create a masterpiece of wise investments. So, let's pick up our financial brushes and create a vibrant portfolio that would make even Picasso envious!
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budgetlascl · 2 years
Lego batman 2 game imdb
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Lego batman 2 game imdb movie#
Lego batman 2 game imdb full#
Enjoy the game with friends and family using easy drop-in/drop-out co-op play that features dynamic split screen.It is the sequel to 2014s The LEGO Movie, with Phil Lord & Chris Miller again writing the script (along with Raphael Bob-Waksberg) and Mike Mitchell of Trolls and Sky High fame taking the directors chair.
Lego batman 2 game imdb movie#
For the first time in a LEGO video game, hear the LEGO characters talk! The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part is a 2019 CGI animated space action comedy.
Players can also explore Gotham City by walking, flying or unlocking and controlling a variety of cool vehicles including the Batmobile, Batwing and Batboat.
Master new suits and gadgets such as Batman’s Power Suit and Robin’s Hazard Suit equipped with a Pressure Cannon that can absorb and dispense hazardous liquids.
Collect 50 DC Comics characters and flex your new super abilities-soar through the air with free-roaming flight, freeze and push objects with Super-Breath, and heat up and cut holes through objects with Heat Vision.
By night, however, he sheds all pretense, dons his iconic scalloped cape and pointed cowl and takes to the shadowy streets, skies and rooftops of Gotham City.Legends Unite! The Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin join other famous super heroes from the DC Universe including Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to save Gotham City from destruction at the hands of the notorious villains Lex Luthor and the Joker. He portrayed Clark Kent/Superman in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League.
Lego batman 2 game imdb full#
And he's assembled teams of his fellow DC Super Heroes, like the Justice League, the Outsiders and Batman, Incorporated.Ī playboy billionaire by day, Bruce Wayne’s double life affords him the comfort of a life without financial worry, a loyal butler-turned-guardian and the perfect base of operations in the ancient network of caves beneath his family’s sprawling estate. Ended The LEGO Batman Movie - Full Game Walkthrough LEGO Batman Movie DK Books Haul and Review The Making of LEGO Batman Movie ¦ DK Publishing Book Review - BrickQueen The Lego Batman Movie The The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 computer-animated superhero comedy film produced by the Warner Animation Group and distributed by Warner Bros. He's developed an arsenal of technology that would put most armies to shame. He voiced the character perfectly in 'The Lego Movie,' 'The Lego Batman Movie,' and 'The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part. Interactive Entertainment.Hay versiones para PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Nintendo DS, Xbox 360, y Microsoft Windows. Fue desarrollado por Travellers Tales y comercializado por Warner Bros. Set in an open world experience within the DC universe, the Justice League has disappeared, leaving. Players will create and play as an all-new super-villain throughout the game, unleashing mischievous antics and wreaking havoc in an action-packed story. Since that tragic night, he has trained his body and mind to near physical perfection to be a self-made Super Hero. Its tough to say whether Arnett has it easier or tougher having to do only a Batman voice to play the Lego version, but its entertaining regardless. Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes es un videojuego de Lego y DC comics estrenado en junio de 2012, y es la secuela de Lego Batman: El Videojuego (2008). Embark on an all-new DC/LEGO® adventure by becoming the best villain the universe has seen. One of the most iconic fictional characters in the world, Batman has dedicated his life to an endless crusade, a war on all criminals in the name of his murdered parents, who were taken from him when he was just a child. In the name of his murdered parents, Bruce Wayne wages eternal war on the criminals of Gotham City.
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magnificent-nerd · 3 years
Why Naqib in The Boys sucked
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Image description: fictional character Naqib in Amazon Prime’s show The Boys.
(Is the fire in the background an excuse to use racist Yellow Filter to show how exotic he is? Hmm.)
I first posted this on my blog in Dec 2020, and since nothing in superhero media has changed for the better at this time (September 5th, 2021), I’m going to keep talking about it.
Because nobody else does. So, without further ado:
I was a big fan of The Boys season 1; I love superheroes, I love deconstructing a genre. Sure, it has its problems, but overall I enjoyed season 1 and thought the show had potential.
(That’ll learn me for being hopeful!)
When season 1 ended with this big build up of mostly nameless brown and background characters as Muslim terrorists (deep sigh) we the audience are left thinking this one Muslim character (Naqib) whose superpower is to blow himself up repeatedly (insert another long deep sigh here) is going to be The Big Bad of season 2.
I had my misgivings about that direction. Firstly, as you can see from the image of Naqib, he is highly exoticised and is walking around bare chested with Arabic writing on his chest. He looks more like a generic western media depiction of a genie than he does a supervillain. 
And yet he's the first prominent Muslim character in superhero media I've seen in YEARS.
(See my post about MENA and Muslim character good guys, including Joe played by Marwan Kenzari in The Old Guard, which is technically a comic book movie but it’s not what I’d call ‘caped and costumed’ superheroes so it’s more... superhero adjacent.)
I follow superhero content closely and as far as I'm aware the last time we saw any named Muslim characters in superhero movies WITH SPEAKING LINES was:
Instance 1) Iron Man 1 back in 2008 with The Ten Rings in Afghanistan, showing multiple Muslim characters as baddies/terrorists, but only two of them as a named character and with any meaningful lines to say. And despite one of them, Yinsen (actor Shaun Toub), being a good guy he still dies! Which is common in western media for Muslim and MENA characters.
Note: Fellow Iron Man 1 castmate, actor Sayed Badreya, makes an important point in this GQ article: "I die in Iron Man, I die in Executive Decision. I get shot by everyone. George Clooney kills me in Three Kings. Arnold blows me up in True Lies…" (x)
Instance 2) A more recent instalment in Batman V. Superman in 2016, with some unnamed 'General' character and mercenaries/terrorists in Nairomi, Africa, referred to only as "the desert" throughout the movie. All reference to the General's actual name are available in an extended/deleted scene only, so a very poor and vague depiction in the final cut.
Instance 3) The generic and badly written ‘bad guys’ in Wonder Woman 1984 (2020 movie), which was honestly such a racist depiction of Arabs and Muslims that many critics pointed out we hadn’t seen a depiction this terrible since 1994′s True Lies. (At least most critics were in agreement that WW84 movie was generally terrible, so there’s that.)
And that's it, those are the only major instances showing any Muslim actors or characters in a caped and costumed superhero movie. 
Some other fleeting glimpses of Muslims onscreen:
Glimpse 1) I spotted a girl wearing a hijab among the nameless and unspeaking background characters of Peter Parker's class in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019). A first for Marvel movies, apparently.
Glimpse 2) Disney Plus show Falcon and Winter Soldier (2021) had two nameless Muslim characters walk by in a scene that’s supposed to be Tunisia (using Yellow Filter), and ‘thank’ the present American Air Force (eye-roll).
Glimpse 3) Netflix show Jupiter’s Legacy (2021) had a nameless Muslim sailor conversing with one of the main characters in a scene, with meaningful dialogue about racism. (WOW. Really good.) Bonus: no yellow filter. It’s a pity he’s a nameless background character because this brief instance is the least problematic MENA rep I’ve seen in ages, but it is very brief.
I just wrote about Glimpses 2 and 3, and how the Netflix show outdid Disney when it comes to these nameless walk-on Muslim characters.
This is pretty pathetic overall, these small crumbs, especially compared to better rep and probably the only instance of legit MENA superheroes in a ‘costumes and capes’ style superhero show, the Tarazi siblings on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
Anyway, now I’ve listed what crumbs are available across the live action superhero genre, back to The Boys.
I was intrigued about how season 2 would handle Naqib and any characters relating to him, and what storyline they'd use. 
Was I excited at the possibility of seeing Muslim supers onscreen? Damn straight I was. Did I mind that they were baddies? Well, yes and no. When you only ever get crumbs or no crumbs at all, you tend to get excited over one stale old crumb.
After the build up for season 2, I eagerly sat down to watch the first episode, only to have the first five minutes of episode 1 Trigon him.
Note: who's Trigon, you ask? Well if you didn't watch the DCEU's Titans show, Trigon was The Big Bad who was hyped up throughout season 1, introduced in the season 1 cliff-hanger episode as this big 'oh shit!' moment for the cast of heroes, only for him to fizzle out like a wet fart in the first episode of season 2 while the show pivots wildly in another direction. 
Exactly what happened to Naqib in the first five minutes of The Boys season 2.
Erm, so, Naqib. Farewell, I guess? As a character you briefly appeared in 2 episodes, portrayed by a different actor in each (Krishan Dutt, and Samer Salem). It seems the writers used you as a plot device when they needed a cheap cliff-hanger for a direction that ultimately went nowhere.
Am I disappointed? Yeah, I am. Overall I thought season 2 of The Boys was weaker than season 1, but I'm not here to talk about the whole season: I want to talk about Naqib and this missed opportunity.
The Boys and its showrunners sell the show as being a satire of recent and well known superhero content, of all the big movies and TV shows. There's been a lot of patting themselves on the back for calling out overused tropes in superhero media (and sometimes they've done this satire well: see the LGBT marketing scene with Queen Maeve in season 2), but my issue with the show on their Muslim rep, or should I say lack thereof, is if your show has even less Muslim character rep than the content you're trying to parody, how is this a win for satire?
Naqib and that whole angle came across as a lazy, half-assed swing from the writer's room. Sure, perhaps a lot of the non-Muslim and non-MENA audience won't even notice, as we've been ignored by western media or made into nameless, generic, vacuous baddies for decades now. Non-Muslims and non-MENA just accept that we're always the baddies for no particular reason at all (which feeds into Islamophobia, by the way) and The Boys' writers could say they are simply satirising the tropes already present in media...
But, and this is a big but, the media that The Boys is satirising has already made a step toward better inclusion and representation: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Marvel comics' first Muslim superhero, is entering the MCU as a lead character in her own Disney Plus show, debuting in 2022. 
Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan is also cited to appear in upcoming Captain Marvel sequel, The Marvels (2022), which will be a major movie.
The MCU has also cast a Muslim actor (Mahershala Ali) as the lead in a reboot of Blade. That's going to be big news when it starts filming.
So to the showrunners on The Boys, I say this: now you've done this small angle of 'all Muslim characters are terrorists, yuckity-yuck!' like we've seen in major superhero movies thus far, and you've brushed that aside in favor of focusing on other whiter villains, my question is will you come back to Muslim and MENA characters again? Or is that all you got?
Because if that was ALL, then the current score is Disney/MCU:02, Netflix:02, DCEU:02, and The Boys: a big ZERO as far as Muslim and MENA rep goes.
Originally posted on my blog, magnificently nerdy.
If you, like me, are always on the lookout for onscreen Muslim and MENA characters in superhero media, and have spotted any characters in superhero TV shows I haven’t watched yet, let me know about them!
Here is my post on good guys, featuring Old Guard’s Joe, and Blindspot’s Rich Dotcom.
Here’s my post about the Tarazi siblings on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow TV show.
And, if Marvels’ Eternals gets released on schedule for 2021, we will have a MENA actor portraying a supporting character. I just hope Marvel gives him a name.
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bluerose5 · 3 years
Cool Costume!
[AO3 Link Here.]
[Inspired by this Tumblr post by @bridoesotherjunk and all of its beautiful notes.]
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,121
Relationships: Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Additional Tags: Romance, Halloween, Established Relationship, Halloween Costumes, Partying, Drinking, Mentioned/Referenced Recreational Drug Use, by a stranger, mentions of eating people, because this is venom, Gender-Neutral Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Venom Symbiote Loves Eddie Brock, Eddie Brock Loves Venom Symbiote, Suggestive language, Brief Mentions of Kink, nothing graphic, Pet Names, Post-Canon, On the Run, Inspired By Tumblr
Summary: Eddie and his Other decide to spend Halloween together.
If there was one holiday that Venom couldn’t get enough of, it was Halloween.
While they didn’t exactly dive deep into the history and origins of it all, there was plenty of candy and costumes to go around, and that was enough for them. They were a symbiote of simple needs, after all, and the fact that they could walk around without concern was always a bonus.
All they had to do was brush their appearance off as a costume, and humans were typically gullible enough to believe them. Perhaps it was a coping mechanism of some sort. It was probably easier to believe that someone had put in the effort to make a hyperrealistic costume than to come to terms with the fact that aliens were real and walking amongst them.
Venom didn’t care, so long as they got to experience their night of freedom as promised.
After everything that Eddie and his Other have been through lately, both of them figured that they deserved a little R&R.
Which is how they ended up at a costume store on Halloween night, browsing their selections at the last minute.
Apparently, Mrs. Chen had sent V a little surprise in one of her latest care packages. While Venom had munched happily on the chocolate, rummaging through the supplies, they had come across a pink, sparkly tiara with a note attached.
Eddie remembered watching through V's eyes as they turned it over, the words written in a crisp, clean style.
Hope you two have a great Halloween! Remember to go out and get some fresh air. Enjoy yourselves for once.
After that, it was like they had gotten permission from their parent to go out to a party or something. V made it their personal mission to get out while the night was still young, determined to make the most of it.
Eddie didn’t know why his Other was dead set on wearing the tiara, though, but he didn’t question it.
Once V got an idea stuck in their mind, Eddie knew that it was best not to argue. Most of the time, he even enjoyed the outcomes that came from indulging his symbiote.
Standing outside of the dressing rooms, Eddie leaned casually against the door where Venom was currently snarling and swearing under their breath, connected to his Other by only a few tendrils.
Eddie shifted in place to get comfortable, huffing as he adjusted his eye mask for the umpteenth time since he donned the cheesy superhero getup. V had picked it out, of course. The bastard even pouted when Eddie refused to wear the costume’s matching tights, but they seemed content enough to leave it be when Eddie put on the mask and cape.
Dashing, they had called him.
Eddie tried not to let that tiny sliver of praise get to him, but he was a hopeless cause when it came to V. He grew flustered, but refused to acknowledge how he stood a little taller under their adoring gaze.
Keeping in mind how late they were with their costume hunting, Eddie figured that they lucked out. They found a decent enough store that was still open, and the costumes weren’t that bad, all things considered.
It could have definitely been worse.
“I’m done!” his Other called out, startling Eddie out of his thoughts.
Eddie quickly moved away from the door, only for V to duck out from the tiny room, looming over Eddie with a wide grin.
They spread their arms out on display.
“Well, what do you think?!”
Eddie had to admit, “It’s not bad.”
Not bad at all.
The tiara that Mrs. Chen had sent was proudly perched atop the symbiote’s head. Eddie had expected the colorful dress they chose to be an eyesore on anyone, but the bright, rainbow fabric contrasted surprisingly well with V's slick, black frame.
Plus, Eddie had to admit that his eyes were repeatedly drawn to Venom’s torso, where the fabric was stretched out across the expanse of their chest.
There was a thwack as V smacked Eddie on the shoulder with their plastic wand.
“Eddie!” they shrieked. The outline of their body wavered ever so slightly, then quickly righted itself before they quite literally fell apart at the seams. “Shameless! Absolutely shameless. I can still hear your thoughts, you know?”
Eddie smirked up at them.
“I was counting on it,” he chuckled. However, as much as they complained, they still puffed their chest out with pride. Eddie settled his hands upon their waist, and a whole bunch of tiny tendrils instantly clung to his skin. “You look amazing, love.”
“We look amazing,” they corrected.
Taking Eddie by the hand, they all but dragged him to the register.
The cashier working that night barely spared them a second glance, too occupied with whatever they were scrolling through on their phone to care. They rang them up without once looking away from the screen, and even Eddie had to admire that level of talent.
After they paid in cash, Eddie told the kid to keep the change, not even giving them a chance to respond before the two rushed out of the store.
As they stood out in the parking lot, Eddie glanced around with a questioning gaze.
“Okay, we’re dressed up,” he said. “Where to now?”
“As if I don’t have everything already planned out. Here!” V shoved their hand against Eddie’s chest. “Hold my wand.”
Eddie fumbled to catch it, only to be scooped up into his Other’s arms.
Eddie yelped, unable to contain his surprised laughter.
“Hold on tight,” V warned, squinting at a nearby sign as they strolled deeper into town.
They attracted quite a few stares on their way. Some of the more courageous trick-or-treaters even approached them, asking to take pics before they continued on.
What Eddie didn’t expect was to end up on Main Street, where a block party was in full swing.
Eddie eyed V with a fond smile.
“Let me guess,” he said. “You found out about this little gathering on the internet.”
“Of course!” Venom said, practically thrumming with energy as bass permeated the air from a nearby stage. He set Eddie down onto his feet, but they kept a hold on his hand as they explored.
Together, they listened to the live music, maneuvering their way carefully through the bustling crowd.
All around, V received constant compliments for their “costume,” and more photos ensued. It probably wasn’t the best idea, considering that they were on the run and all, but Eddie figured that there was no harm done.
They would be moving on by morning anyways. V deserved the chance to appreciate the attention while they still could.
Bouncing from booth to booth, Eddie and his Other enjoyed all the festivities that the event had to offer. There were games, some even with prizes, and there was even a costume contest that would be held at the end of the night.
While they decided to skip out on the latter, they still admired all of the talent surrounding them.
Eddie ate and drank to his heart's content, and they somehow ended up covered in glow sticks by the end of the night.
That might have had something to do with a certain someone's obsession with them, but Eddie played along, letting V drape them over him as they desired.
Eventually, they ended up in front of the stage again.
Even if it didn’t suit the song that was currently playing, Eddie swayed back and forth in V's arms, his back to their chest. Their embrace enveloped him in a sea of black, arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
As they got lost in each other’s presence, Eddie finished off another piece of candy, humming low in delight at the mix of chocolate and caramel melting over his tongue.
With fingers warm and sticky, Venom forgot where they were for a moment. Grabbing Eddie’s wrist, they brought his hand up to their mouth.
Their tongue stretched out and wrapped around his fingers, licking them clean before retreating.
Thankfully, everyone else was too preoccupied with the music and dancing to notice.
All except one guy, it seemed.
His eyes bulged in shock, and Eddie’s heart sank when he caught sight of him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the stranger beat him to it.
“Holy shit,” he gasped, running his fingers through his hair as he took a few deep breaths. “I need to lay off the edibles. What the fuck?”
It was then that Eddie realized that the man was talking to himself, not them.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Eddie watched the guy turn on his heel and start to stumble away, but not before he heard him say something along the lines of “need to find me someone with a tongue game that strong.”
Eddie’s face was instantly lit aflame, cheeks warm and flushed.
Venom finally caught on to their blunder, but that guy’s last comment earned him a confused look.
Digging through Eddie’s thoughts and memories, V soon plucked the knowledge from his brain.
“Huh, interesting.” Truth be told, Venom didn’t know how to react to that. “Eddie, are you certain that we have to stay in hiding? Besides your human governments, I doubt many others would be interested in keeping us locked up in a lab. If anything, I’d be more concerned about winding up in someone’s dungeon.”
Eddie choked on his own spit.
Oh, no, no, no…
“Okay,” Eddie wheezed, voice cracking. “On that note, it’s time for us to leave.”
“Aw…” They paused, only to pout. “Eddie!”
“Listen, when you start talking about sex dungeons, it’s time to go.”
A couple nearby overheard, then tossed them both a curious yet suggestive look.
Eddie didn’t wait to see what that was about, turning around and shoving at Venom’s chest for them to get a move on.
V chuckled. As they departed, they eventually reached down and tossed Eddie over their shoulder. Their host didn’t mind in the slightest, so long as they got away from there.
As if Venom would let the conversation go that easily.
“It is nothing to be ashamed of, Eddie. Some humans are very sexual creatures. Some are attracted to that which indulges in their darkest desires.”
The implications there were excruciatingly loud.
“You mean like me, right?”
“Yes, although, I would like to think that our bond transcends the sexual aspect of our relationship.”
Of course.
“But the sex is good, though.”
Venom shrugged.
“If you say so.”
Eddie huffed.
“Oh, you little shit.”
They only responded with a booming laugh, but then Eddie shrieked when he felt their claws tease down along the curve of his ass. He slapped his hand over his mouth, but it did little good now that the damage was done.
“On second thought,” Venom hummed, “while we’re on the subject of dungeons—”
“Which we are not,” Eddie clarified.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you in leather.”
“And you had the audacity to try and call me out for being an alien fucker.” Eddie groaned. “Alright, no more internet for you for a week. What have you been searching for online while I’m sleeping?”
“Hmph, this is kinkshaming, and I will not stand for it.”
“The fact that you even know what that is, let alone can use it in a sentence, makes me want to cry.”
“You’re being dramatic, Eddie.”
“Says the cute fairy princess.”
“Damn right. I am adorable!” They held their head high. “And I will save my sweaty human superhero from certain peril at the hands of ‘monsterfuckers.’ I find the term to be a bit insulting, but that seems to be the one that the internet agrees upon for relationships such as ours.”
Eddie snorted.
“You know, out of the two of us, I doubt that I will need to be saved from the ‘monsterfuckers.’”
“Huh, fair point.”
“Don’t worry, love.” Eddie reassured them, grinning uncontrollably. “Your Lethal Protector is here to keep you safe.”
As if right on cue, they passed by the mouth of an alleyway, where a call for help could be heard.
They stopped short when the scream turned painful.
Neither of them hesitated. Eddie allowed his Other’s tendrils to engulf him entirely.
Together, they grew stronger, bodies and minds merged as one.
They grinned wickedly. Power and adrenaline coursed through their veins. Saliva dripped from sharp teeth.
It had been so long since V had a worthwhile snack, but tonight they were going to feast.
“I guess it is time for my treat,” they snapped, both of them speaking as one.
With a feral snarl, they rushed forward into the alley and had a Halloween to remember.
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M Night Shyamalan's World
Always been a huge fan of M. Night Shyamalan's work ever since I watched his first big screen movie and I've been following his work ever since. Here's my two cents of his works (WARNING: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS, SO PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK):
The Sixth Sense
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This was my first movie from M. Night Shyamalan, and the movie that made Haley Joel Osment (even though technically his first role was as Forrest Gump Jr. in Forrest Gump). The movie was obviously very cool in a sense that it doesn't have too much of the "OMFGWTF" scare-the-bejeesus-out-of-you moments, but when they do have it, it still scares the bejeesus out of you anyway. Bruce Willis delivers, as always, and Haley Joel Osment was just soooooo cute~! This movie spawned the pop culture quote "I See Dead People" and sometimes it's kind of fun saying it. LOL! And M. Night also does what he does best: twist endings! LOL! I was so shocked when I found out that all this while, Bruce had been dead all along and that nobody is really seeing or talking to him except Haley! Woah!
Rating: 8/10
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This will probably be the number one in the list of I-Love-M. Night's works. The story is slow in build-up, actually and it's mostly silent in the works, with a rather dark theme to the setting. Character build-up and development was crucial in this movie, so you have to bear with the slow pace, but near towards the end when Bruce Willis accepted Samuel's theory and accepted the fact that he was a modern-day superhero, he set off for that first crime he had to solve as a real superhero, and I kinda like the way he dressed himself in that security guard raincoat that gave him a very mysterious caped maskman hero kind of feeling and the way he managed to kill the bad guy without even needing to use flashy superpowers, reminding me that like Batman, a true hero is not measured by the superpowers, but what the heart does. And holy shit mama, the twist was also shocking in which Samuel is the one who created all those accidents that had happened during flashbacks of the movie, all for the sake of finding someone like Bruce.
Rating: 9/10
The Village
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This movie is pretty alright. It's also a bit slow-paced in context, and it showed the old medieval 19th Century life of villagers and their constant fear over the monster that resides in the forests and that no one dares to brave it through to get to the city without the risk of getting killed. Then someone got hurt by the monster and they were all debating whether to go to the city to get the medication he needed, and slowly the ruse was out, though only known to the village founder's blind daughter, in that the monster was fake, that it was made up to keep the villagers within the village and not leave, and the reason for that was again, a plot twist in which they were actually living within the confines of a wildlife preserve that was bought over by the founders back in the 70s after years of grief-counselling due to the cruelty of the harsh modern society life. It was a real shock to me to think that this entire village was a huge conspiracy theory cover-up in which even the government was involved to make that area a no-fly zone. All that to create the perfect utopian world! Now is that twisted or what?
Rating: 7/10
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This is the worst work ever done by M. Night, in my opinion. The story was alright, the slow pace as usual, but it's not that that I was upset about. The really big beef I had about this movie is that throughout the whole movie, there were only hints, sounds, faraway sightings and more sounds of probably doors banging and stuff and nothing more to show for. It had its gags and fun and stuff, but the horror and thriller that was supposed to be there was not satisfying or delivering enough. Ugh! After all that, towards the end, the alien only made its appearance once and then died by something so simple and anti-climatic as water. Oi vey...
Rating: 4.5/10
Lady in the Water
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This is voted my second best movie of M. Night's work. I don't understand why everyone said that it was M. Night's worst work, but to me, this is his second best. It feels like one of those moments where you have to relive your childhood and bring out the trust in fairytales that you had when you were a kid to life. An age-old folklore in a modern day life. It's also nice to feel that you could do things you never knew you had it in you. Almost like Unbreakable, in a sense, and it felt rather intriguing to watch a simple little clumsy Narf who was supposed to do a simple job soon found out that she was actually groomed to be a big figure in life that would change the world. If anyone actually noticed, she started off with red hair then slowly her hair turned into platinum blonde. And the ending where she gets taken away by the Great Eatlon, it was just wonderful. The scene was just...enigmatic. I could just watch it over and over again
Rating: 9/10
The Happening
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This is probably an OK movie with an interesting concept: Mother Nature is pissed at you, and she is biting back. It definitely sparks a new way of originality, in which you are getting killed by plants as they let out a sort of chemical into your bloodstream that makes you commit suicide. Mark Wahlberg did a pretty good performance, though sometimes they tend to elude the simplest of solutions, just as my friend who watched this with me had mentioned: If the plants are killing you by releasing suicide chemicals into the air, why have they never considered wearing breathing masks? LOL! The ending was also a little anti-climatic in which the attacks just stopped out of the blue, then started all over again at the ending in France, though that was more or less a nice touch since it shows that the nightmare has only just begun.
Rating: 5/10
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It's actually pretty decent movie, considering that he only wrote the story but not direct it. I kinda sorta guessed from the trailer where the plot was going and all, but I defo did not expect who the devil was until the very end. And it was a pretty good comeback after that disaster of his adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: 7.5/10
The Visit
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Now this one I definitely enjoyed, as it had the old M. Night feel to it. It's not so much of a supernatural horror as it is a psychological horror, and as usual, the twist at the end was defo unexpected. And it's a collab between him and the guys who produced Paranormal Activity and Insidious, and they made a pretty good combo to deliver a very powerful thriller/horror.
Rating: 7.5/10
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Absolutely amazing, suspenseful and your mind reeling as to which personality out of the 23 will pop up next, and whether or not The Beast will actually show up and wondering how he will look like (though I was expecting him to look like how the drawings we're portrayed of him).
Once I've looked it up, these are the names of all the personalities of this guy, whom he nicknamed them all as The Horde:
Kevin (the original personality)
Mary Reynolds
Mr. Pritchard
The Beast
And the ending!! OMFG the ending!! A lot of people talk about the shocking twist, and rumours about the next sequel called Glass, but seeing Dunn and hearing the familiar Unbreakable music at the end was an absolute OMFG moment!!
Now I can't wait to see the upcoming movie Glass and the face-off between Dunn and The Horde!!
M. Night Shyamalan had definitely made a comeback with this amazing movie, after his moderate success in returning to his roots with his horror movie The Visit, and the King of Plot Twists has delivered his best twist yet! Highly recommended to watch, but for those who didn't watch Unbreakable, check that out first so that you will understand the significance of the twist ending.
Rating: 9/10
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An exciting and enticing movie in the beginning, but then a bit of a disappointment in the end. A missed opportunity, but still it was a good run. Sadly M. Night showed that his weakness is doing adaptation and sequels.
Rating: 6.5/10
These are my two-cents so far on all of M. Night Shyamalan's works. I have always loved M. Night's movies ever since the first time I watched Sixth Sense, and I have been an avid follower since. I noticed that in certain movies, M. Night tends to have favourites. Like for this movie and Unbreakable, he has Bruce Willis, then in The Village and in Signs, Joaquin Phoenix was in his payroll, and in The Village and Lady in the Water, he had Bryce Dallas Howard. It was almost like his pattern or something. And M. Night always makes cameos in his movies, no matter how small the role. The only time he had probably not cameoed was in The Happening (I think), and the time he not only cameoed but played an acting role in it was in Lady in the Water.
There was, at one point, where I was fooled by a mockumentary into thinking that M. Night actually has supernatural powers, which caused him to be able to gain inspiration for his movies, that he so-called drowned and had a near-death experience for almost half an hour before he was brought back to life by the paramedics. It was so real that I almost believed it, until Wiki showed me to be a mockumentary. So yeah, I felt really stupid that day.
But still, M. Night is one of the best directors I've seen so far, and even though there had been setbacks, like his live-action of Avatar: The Last Airbender, his first movie that required special effects when he usually doesn't do so, which unfortunately didn't do the cartoon justice, sadly, but after that pretty good success in the movie 'Devil', he got back on his feet from there. And I defo look forward to his new movie "Old", in which I will add into this post once I watched it.
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Limitless Podcast Transcript [S2E2]
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TW: Mentions of a Character Death, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of a Serial Rapist who is killed, Mentions of Castration, Mentions of Porn
Notes: Please I love writing these sjdhakhds
Word Count: 3.6K
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Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
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Release Date: July X 2021 Episode Title: The Fall of Aegis and the Rise of Blackguard Run Time: 26:24
Intro Song: take us back - Ngyn
Johnny: Hey, hey, and we are live, coming to you from right outside of Mark’s closet and giving you the best episodes at the best time of 11:45 pm, damn, what a time.
Mark: We actually are at my place today, the studio we usually go to got like blasted by an electro-axe.
Johnny: Excuse you, that electro-axe was held by none other than the Matryoshka, apart of the famed vigilante trio 3Racha, who sadly had gone into retirement alongside the greater majority of vigilantes in 2019.
Mark: No, really! Like, there were even small groups of people forming to fight crime together, it was so cool, it really felt like it was straight out of those old comic books we used to read all the time, remember? The one’s that actually had those cool caped crusaders and stuff like Batman or Spider-Man or Spawn, like, man, that was a time. You don’t see a lot of superhero comics anymore.
Johnny: Nah, we really only get pirate comics now, and like there’s nothing wrong with that, but now that we have, like, actual superheroes and vigilantes it just doesn’t hit the same, you know?
Mark: Yeah, or like those vampire and werewolf ones? Like, I’m personally not a fan, but, like, Crys will tell me all about this one comic she’s reading about like a space prison.
Johnny: Wait, wait, wait, a what? [TN: It’s called Sector V, come on guys don’t embarrass me like this...]
Mark: Hold on, let me text her, cuz like it’s wild, bro, like this one girl gets stuck in space prison with like these seven inmates but it turns out they all know her but in like different timelines and like... uh... Oh! Oh, it’s called [Zemblanity].
Johnny: Oh! Now I know what you’re talking about, yeah, I think Yangyang was telling me about it but I wasn’t really listening.
Mark: It’s actually pretty good, I read the first issue the other day. But! On this topic, quick shout out to my friends Renjun and Jaemin! They’re the hosts of the My First and Last Podcast where they do a deep dive into comic books and their origins. Renjun’s actually an artist at Marvel while Jaemin’s the writer of the popular webtoon Seven Days a Week so they’re pretty cool! Give them a listen and let us know.
Johnny: Seriously, go check them out, there are a lot of us in the podcast community with so much interesting content! But, without further ado, let’s get on with today’s episode. But first, please welcome this episode’s guest star Dr. Jung Jaehyun! Why don’t you introduce yourself, professor?
Jaehyun: Sure thing. Hello, everyone, I’m Jung Jaehyun and I’m a professor of criminology at SKU. I’ve been following these vigilantes since most of them became active, starting with, I believe, the Mastermind and ending with the Timekeeper until the ban came out, but since some vigilantes have chosen to stay active, I’ve decided to take on a sort of personal project to analyze the way they work. They’re not necessarily criminals, per se, but they definitely act in the realm next to them. If you’re interested in knowing more about that, check out my book Crimilantes: A Deep Dive into the Anti-Vigilante Law, where I pick apart just exactly what it is that distinguishes the two, available at all of your local bookstores.
Mark: Lots of big words there, Jay.
Jaehyun: Yeah, I know, moving on, usually by now my student’s are fast asleep, sorry to the listeners or, er, readers.
Mark: Yup, we’re one of the podcasts that are signed with the “Speak for Accessibility” campaign where we help make more media accessible to everyone, shoutout to Crys! [TN: Hi!!] 
Jaehyun: Yes, yes, she was telling me about this. [TN: Oh no] 
Mark: Oh, you know her?
Jaehyun: Yes, she’s one of my students. When Johnny asked me to be on an episode, I took the liberty of looking in on the podcast a little more and I came across her transcripts! Obviously, I asked her about it.
Mark: Aww! Poor Crys, she get’s freaked out easily, bet you scared the shit out of her.
Johnny: Nah, I know her, she definitely thought she was in trouble. [TN: I don’t appreciate where this is going]
Jaehyun: Likely, she came into my office with two coffees. Bribery, every student does it. I just asked her about the podcast and she filled me in on a few things so I wasn’t walking in blind [TN: Student Affairs if you see this, no you didn’t.]. Either way, I got some hindsight to how you run this little podcast of yours, and I’m excited to talk about it.
Johnny: And we’re excited to have you on! Forgot to mention this earlier, but you can by Dr. Jung’s book through the link on our pinned tweet. Use the promo code “Loveholic” to get free shipping on it plus another book under $25, sweet deal, right?
Mark: Bro, you’re so good at sponsorships, it’s like so natural when you say it. You know, a couple of people on our CuriousCat were saying that you should consider a career in ASMR.
Johnny: What? I can just talk really up close to the mic like this and just whisper the episode’s scripts in our loving listener’s ears.
Jaehyun: Never do that again, I’m begging you.
Mark: Yeah, no, let’s stick to the podcast that we really should get back to. So! Dr. Jung, why don’t you introduce our topic today!
Jaehyun: Sure thing, I was invited today to talk about Blackguard, right?
Johnny: That’s right! The winner of our last poll was the one and only Blackguard who usually frequents the southern districts of the city. He was neck and neck with Cypher, actually; however, Blackguard is just amazing on so many levels. But, as per usual, we should start with some history on this person because, god, is it interesting. Mark, do your thing.
Mark: Alrighty, alrighty, grab a snack because it’s backstory time. Before they were Blackguard, this vigilante was known as Aegis. Aegis, as some of us may know, is the shield carried by the Greek God Zeus and later the Goddess Athena, but that varies a lot. The name was given to him by the general public during a siege in the capital by long captured terrorist, whose name I choose not to say, when he grabbed onto one of the metal doors that the terrorist had blown in and shielded a group of employees from gun fire.
Johnny: Oh man, I remember that day, I was in economics lecture when the news came out, the Tragedy on Capital Hill.
Jaehyun: I was turning in my thesis that day, I believe. It was all over the news, I can’t believe that happened. It’s amazing that Blackguard even survived the siege.
Mark: And fucking ballsy. Imagine just thinking, ah, let me put on this dollar-store mask and a helmet then run into the burning capital building getting gunned down by a... hoo, calm down, Mark, calm down, it’s just amazing. He was a lot of people’s inspirations, you know, they say that the government actually asked him to work for them but he declined. 
Johnny: God, I almost completely forgot about his “first suit” as many put it. Got a total upgrade after he did the crime fighting thing more, right? Damn... Oh yeah, I should probably mention now that Aegis was definitely one for PR. Always greeting people, saying hello after he beats up the bad guys, he was a people person, you could tell, anyone could. It’s insane though, you’d think with that much luck and care-free personality it would come back to bite him, and in a way it did in such a strange way.
Mark: For real, seriously. He even had a code and all, crazy dude their, straight up asking people “hey, are you sure you want to do this?” like it’s a therapy session or something. Come to think about it, pre-ban I don’t think he ever shot first, right?
Johnny: No, not to my knowledge he didn’t.
Jaehyun: He didn’t, no, I remember writing that down after the vigilante ban came out, the authorities asked me for some opinions. I was on Aegis’ side all the way, for me, he was proof that vigilantes weren’t all bad and unruly.
Mark: Yeah! Like, everything is sunny skies and all then the ban came out and...
Johnny: Jesus, do you guys remember that news segment?
Jaehyun: Clear as day, my students were going insane about it. Aegis leaves dead body in front of police station. Fucking hell, it was gruesome. Blood everywhere, the body was even castrated.
Johnny: Then the coroner revealed that he got his balls cut off before dying and- oh god, I felt it just now.
Mark: Come on guys, I don’t want to say the guy deserved it, but he deserved it. Serial rapist in the eighth district.
Johnny: Sick bastard had a paper stapled to his forehead that just said ‘No.’ You’ve got to admit, no matter how gruesome it was, that was such a fucking power move. Big dick move of his.
Jaehyun: But the point is that it was what started the shift from Aegis to Blackguard. I can’t help but think that there was another pushing factor in it, don’t you? Something must have happened behind the scenes that suddenly made this vigilante of the people snap and I find it so fascinating. Often times, it only takes one event to completely define a person and their values, then it takes a lifetime to reflect on them.
Mark: No, yeah, definitely. It’s insane. After the ban, Blackguard was all over the place, slitting throats and all. He turned into this assassin type of vigilante, didn’t give a shit about the casualties. Like, how does that even happen? Going from loving society to explicitly denouncing it, there’s no way that it was just the ban.
Johnny: Nah, no way, but whatever it was, the ban definitely made it worse. It was like he was a whole new person, and for all we know he could be, right? Like some Batman Robin type of thing.
Jaehyun: Ah, like a mantle? A title to be passed down?
Mark: Could be, maybe they were completely different people. But I find it amazing that like... you could just do a complete 180 from the image the predecessor established, like, I don’t know, it kind of adds up but it also doesn’t.
Jaehyun: No, Mark, I think you’re on to something, you too Johnny. It’s interesting to think about it that way, and now that you say it, you could probably apply this to other vigilantes too. Aegis is one of the vigilantes who have been active for quite some time in comparison to others, I believe they have been active since 2017, but I’ll have to check my sources. It’s entirely plausible that Aegis had become a title to be carried on, and if it was that makes this all the more interesting. Vigilantes do well to hide their identities, hell, we can barely even tell their presenting genders for some of them let alone any other distinguishable feature. 
Johnny: Yeah, definitely, it’s crazy how good they are at hiding these. Hell, if Han Jisung didn’t step out and say “I was the Ace of Clubs” and publicly destroy the uniform, no one would’ve known who he was. Or do you guys remember Midnight?
Jaehyun: The... the one who became a pornstar?
Johnny: Yeah that one! It’s crazy, it really reminds you that these vigilantes are just... just people. Like, they do this crimebusting thing then when they’re done they kick their pants off and probably have a beer or something, I wonder how many of them actually knew each other’s identities.
Mark: Yeah... and I wonder if we know any, I mean, we’d never know. And in a way that’s like wishful thinking but also, like, not.
Johnny: Yeah, definitely. Mark, don’t even think about it, you’ll just feed into your YN fantasies.
Mark: Dude, come on, I don’t read YN fanfiction... they almost never have male inclusive ones anyway...
Johnny: Mark, do you want recs? Just ask Twitter.
Mark: What? No! I was just joking!
Johnny: Better go delete your Internet history, you wouldn’t want me pulling up your Spades or Cheshire fanfiction, would you?
Mark: Come on, dude, we’re getting off of topic!
Jaehyun: Relax, Mark, it’s good that you’re reading.
Mark: I feel like I’m being roasted by my parents, you guys. But seriously, seriously, let’s get back on track with the episode and away from my regrettable past of fanfiction.
Johnny: Actually!
Mark: Oh no.
Johnny: Relax, relax, I’m not going to drag you anymore, Mark. But, on the topic of reading, today’s episode’s sponsor! Talkable! You know me, as an avid podcast fan and creator, have become very reliant on listening to audios instead of just reading. I’m just always on my feet, either I’m in the gym or I’m studying and I just don’t have time to actually pick up a good book and read it through, you know? Luckily, Talkable always comes in clutch. The link is in our pinned thread on Twitter and if you use our promo code “Superhuman” you’ll get three months free and it’s just $4.99 a month afterwards. Now, back to the episode.
Mark: Smooth like butter...
Jaehyun: Like a criminal undercover.
Mark: *cough* Sorry, uh, Blackguard, right. You know what, after the ban, I don’t think I’ve seen them working with anyone else, have you?
Johnny: Aside from that one spotting with Spades, nah, I don’t think so. But I know Aegis was often seen with Cheshire and Shadow, right?
Mark: Yup, I vaguely remember doing an episode on that.
Johnny: Yes, our long lost season one, gone but not forgotten, that was when we had like, what, 100 listeners average? Now we have like... 500 of you guys, that’s crazy. 500 people listening to starving college kids talk about people who run around in costumes.
Mark: Man... season one, that brings back so many memories... maybe it’s a good thing season one did get lost in the matrix.
Johnny: Nah, I agree, I agree. Actually, Jay, weren’t you on season one?
Jaehyun: I remember you asking me to come on for an episode, but then the ban happened and we never got around to it.
Johnny: Oh yeah, yeah, I remember now... oh shit, you were going to do an episode on Aegis too, right? Dang, at least you finally got an episode!
Jaehyun: I know, two years late, but here I am. But wow, that ban, it put a lot of dents into a lot of systems that no one really foresaw, no? Crime rates came up, the economy went down, jobs became more selective, and all of that dominoed from one law.
Mark: Yeah, like there’s no way that anyone could have seen the correlation. Like how the hell did a vigilante ban just topple the economy like it just threw everything off.
Johnny: Then in came Blackguard, just crashing in everywhere and hiking up taxes to fix everything. I swear, Blackguard doesn’t give a fuck. The only reason why we knew that he was Aegis was because of that shield emblem thing on his back that used to be Aegis’ shield.
Mark: Yeah and it was, like, super edgy right? Like it was all broken and stuff. Like it was kind of cool but also like, damn, it was pretty jarring to see that video of Blackguard bashing that other guy’s head into a wall.
Johnny: Nah it was super graphic, honestly I’d say that it’s what changed the Aegis image forever.
Jaehyun: I agree. It was... disappointing, to say the least, to see such a respectable mantle as Aegis get blackened. Aegis was always one that I found to be righteous in their own way, but I think it just proves that Blackguard is a completely different person.
Mark: While writing this episode with Johnny, I actually stumbled upon a couple of theories about it, if you guys are interested?
Johnny: By all means, go ahead! I’m curious to know what the ever-so-vast Internet put together.
Mark: The sidekick theory is definitely one I saw juggled around a lot, it’s the more “accepted” theory if that makes sense. I saw another one that was saying that the two really are just separate vigilantes and have no correlation, the shield emblem at the back of Blackguard’s jacket being just a coincidence, but that one seems like such a huge stretch. But, there’s one more that I see a lot of people talk about.
Johnny: Well? Don’t leave us hanging, dude.
Mark: Bro let me drink my water first... okay, good. I saw this mainly on Reddit as opposed to other sites, but some people actually think that Blackguard killed Aegis and uses their symbol to kind of scare people. It would explain why it’s broken, but I can’t help but feel like this one is farfetched too.
Jaehyun: Actually, part of that is rather fascinating, Mark. A lot of people don’t understand that the line between Criminal and Officer are already thin enough as is, the only differences are the playing fields and the uniforms. Now with vigilantes, they walk right on that already fine line, it’s like a tightrope and they can teeter any which way at any point; however, in the case of vigilantes like Blackguard, we see a vigilante fall off this line and into one of those two sides.
Johnny: Wait, wait, so what you’re saying is that Blackguard is, one hundred percent, a criminal now? There’s no redemption for whoever Blackguard is? Because, when you think about it, Blackguard is handling the people who slip under the radar of the police.
Jaehyun: True, but what we see with Blackguard is that he fights crime with more crime.
Mark: So is it like a case where if one person murders a murderer then the number of murders in the world stays the same?
Johnny: Mark...
Jaehyun: Mark... Mark, he’s killed multiple people.
Johnny: Should I just pull up what he’s done in the past week alone?
Mark: No, no, I just thought of it and realized how stupid it sounded. But you get what I mean, right?
Jaehyun: Definitely, definitely. He seems to have this method where the state we find these people in is roughly different depending on what they had done. And it has only gotten worse. Blackguard is the perfect example of a vigilante gone rogue. You have to admit that his motives are, ultimately, noble. It’s his methods that are what’s immoral. 
Johnny: I saw this on Twitter actually, but someone once pointed out that the only reason why Blackguard isn’t labeled a serial killer is because of the history of Aegis and the identities of those killed.
Jaehyun: That is 100% true, it is the title of “vigilante” that, in the end, keeps him “protected” from being a criminal all together. And it’s almost a shame. While Aegis was walking on the tightrope of vigilante, there was an opportunity where Aegis would have the opportunity to merge with the law force.
Mark: Oh! I remember seeing that on the news! But Aegis said no, right?
Jaehyun: Right, Aegis directly spoke up about it too. Aegis specified that the whole point of being a vigilante was to catch the criminals that work behind the scenes, and to catch the ones who escape, and that a lot of that can’t be achieved when working under the boundaries of legality. And this, obviously, caused a lot of controversy.
Johnny: It was one of the things that led to the ban, I remember the Senator citing it when he introduced the law. Then a lot of people suddenly turned on Aegis, who had only operated within public interest.
Mark: Which suddenly led to his possible murder, thus giving rise to Blackguard who is either Aegis’ murderer or successor seeking revenge on whoever it was that killed Aegis or seeking to fulfill Aegis’ legacy but in a different way but in the process completely rewriting what it was that Aegis originally stood for.
Johnny: Uh... yeah.
Mark: Or not.
Johnny:  Or not. Blackguard could still be the same person Aegis was.
Mark: That is also a possibility. But! That’s something we can talk about on Twitter. We’re out of time for today, so we’ll close this up on this note. Question of the podcast, what do you think happened to Aegis? Tell us on our pinned tweet at @/ thelimitlesspodcast and follow our newly made Instagram of the same name.
Johnny: That’s all we have for tonight, everyone. Thanks to Crys for transcribing and thank you again, Dr. Jung, for joining us for this episode.
Jaehyun: It was no problem, I had a great time.
Johnny: Buy either us or Crys a Kofi! We greatly appreciate it. We’ll be answering the first 100 questions on CuriousCat as always. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you all on Friday.
Mark: Have a good night, everyone!
Jaehyun: Bye, for now.
Outro Song: Star Valley - Shierro, Yestalgia
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rosykims · 4 years
8 for mona and judy please maam
"Shit! Motherfucking goddamn shit!"
"Hold still, V!"
Amidst the commotion, the knife is the first thing to fall. It tumbles precariously off the kitchen counter, clattering to the floor and splattering pink frosting all over Mona's four-hundred-eddie boots on impact.
It also sliced her finger open, but her boots are designer, while her hand cyberware is not.
Judy, unsympathetic to the now filthy shoes Mona spent two months saving for, captures the other woman's hand with both of her own in an instant, holding her as gently as her squirming arm allows for.
"Would you quit moving? Jeez, V, it was a butter knife, you gonk. You're barely even bleeding!" Mona's finger throbs dully in Judy's hands as if in protest.
"Oh – barely bleeding? That ain't as much a comfort as you think it is, babe."
"Don't babe me. I've seen you ganked by knives three times that size without breaking a sweat. Quit your crying and run it under the tap while I get you a band aid."
Johnny, showman as ever, finds this moment ideal as any to materialize onto Judy's coffee table. "Girl's got you there, V," he drawls, slow and smug as Mona shifts to run her finger under lukewarm water. "Nice attempt at getting a sympathy fuck, though. Bonus points for flare, as always."
'I don't need sympathy for that, jackass,' Mona retorts, though she has to work to bite down a grin. 'And I don't know what to tell you, man. The duller the blade, the worse it burns. There's a metaphor for life in there somewhere, probably.'
Johnny scoffs. "Let me know when you find it, so I can blow my non-corporeal brains out first."
'Psh. Everyone's a cynic.'
"You're goddamn right."
"Found it!" Judy's voice, soft and relieved, echoes from the bathroom where she emerges a half second later, brightly coloured packet in hand. "You didn't bleed to death in my kitchen while I was gone, did you?"
Mona smiles and brings her uninjured hand to Judy's cheek as she returns, her thumb brushing stray hairs back in place behind her ear. "Nah. You know me – I had to fight to stick around. For you, of course."
"Oh, of course," Judy laughs, though she leans into Mona's touch with a soft sigh. "My hero, huh?"
Johnny throws his head back and groans dismally.
Mona’s too caught up in Judy's eyes to dignify the noise with a response. "I may have overreacted, just a bit. It surprised me, that's all. When Frosting Attacks – title of your new BD?"
"Uh . . . we can work on it," Judy snickers. Gently retreating, the smaller woman opens up the packet, revealing a rainbow assembly of children's band aids, each one more colourful and adorable than the last. "Best part of getting injured at my place? You can get patched up and dripped out. Superheroes or princesses?"
"Damn . . ." V squints between the two, red and blue contrasted with pretty pinks and purples, and bites her lip. "Loyalty to my look makes me think superheroes on principle, but . . ."
"But the princesses are cute, yeah?"
"Cute as shit."
Johnny sighs. "How the fuck are you a veteran Night City merc, V?"
"Fuck it, I'm going with superheroes." She winces just a little as Judy rips the plastic off the adhesive, wrapping the width of it gently around Mona's finger. She admires the bandaging job as Judy steps back, already somewhat attached to the entourage of caped, spandex wearing heroes it depicts. "Yeah, I like it. I already have one princess in my life, anyway. More than enough for me."
Judy snickers, but her blush is unmistakeable. "You're too goddamn sweet for your own good sometimes, you know that?"
"Holy fuck." Johnny makes a gagging noise, loud enough to echo around in her skull. "I can't fucking believe she didn't dump your ass just for saying that."
"I could be even sweeter . . ." Mona's voice lowers to a murmur, trailing along Judy's jaw with her thumb, "if you felt like kissing it better."
Judy catches her bandaged finger as it migrates down her neck, pressing it slowly to her lips with a smirk. "Like this, you mean?"
"Come to think of it, I think I might've hurt my lips in the commotion, too. Among other things."
"Really? It it's that bad, maybe you should lie down. Let me . . . take a look at you for a while."
"You read my mind."
Johnny shakes his head before flickering out of vision, already settling into some corner of Mona's mind that might otherwise afford her some semblance of privacy. His voice, distant and muted, rings out as he departs.
"Don't know what I expected from a girl who calls you pumpkin unprompted. Fuck it, I take it back. You've got game, kid."
'Told you I didn't need sympathy,'' Mona answers cheerfully. 'It's all charm, choom. Just something I was born with, I guess.'
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