#|| daryl whisperer ||
sav1ored · 4 months
//Imagine an AU where in TWD everyone ended up in different places instead. like c'mon CRM - Rick, Michonne, negan, andrea, Abraham, SAVIOR'S - shane, maggie, rosita, Eugene, siddiq, sherry, Ezekiel, princess WHISPERERS - sasha, carol, daryl, Aaron, jadis, alden, elijah, ALEXANDRIA- tara, glenn, morgan, gabe, jesus, dwight, tyreese WOODBURY - Governor, Simon, merle, milton, joe, jared, lydia, mary,
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twdnonsense · 2 years
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Just Norman and baby Chandler being absolutely adorable in this interview :)
(The 3rd gif is of Chandler putting on Norman’s sunglasses, Ik it’s a little hard to tell lol)
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couldyoujustshutup · 3 months
There’s not many Beta (TWD) fan fics out there. At least, fan fiction that goes more into depth about who he used to be and the love I know he’s capable of feeling. So I’m writing it. Please give it a read and let me know what you think. I’ll post the first full chapter in a couple days, but here’s the prologue 😊
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They hurt you I hurt them.
Request: hey! I don’t know whether you’re still taking requests but I was wondering whether you could do something where y/n gets hurt somehow like someone purposely hurts her and stuff and how Daryl would react/ what Daryl would do? You can make it as violent/ nonviolent as you’d like! Thank you!
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader
Please read below! Important‼️
Massive trigger warnings: graphic, gore, swearing, SA (not detailed), torture of reader- the enemies in this will be alpha and the whisperers so I’ll be adding some pretty fucked up things so if you are sensitive to anything relating to blood and gore then please read at your own discretion. Thank you.
It all happened so quickly. You didn’t expect it… no one did. Lydia was with you all safe and sound but in return Alpha had decided to take you. She called it payback but you called it pure terror,
“If they give my daughter back then I’ll give you back. Unharmed. But by the looks of things they won’t be giving her back to me… she’s chosen the wrong path… they clearly don’t care about you.” Alphas words struck a chord within your heart but you remained deathly silent, your wrists were tied behind your back, your back against a tree where you stood ropes hugging your waist tightly not allowing you to move in the slightest way. Ropes were all tied around your legs to keep you from kicking or attacking in anyway. You were truly vulnerable to her… to the whisperers. If they wanted to leave you they would and you wouldn’t be able to do anything but one terrifying factor of it all was the fact that if they wanted to kill you then they could. You knew Daryl would say they were just bluffing to scare you but no if alpha wanted to kill you then she would. She had no mercy. She was a merciless, cruel monster. After a while she got closer to you your eyes locking with her sky blue eyes full of nothing but raging anger no other emotion in her eyes. Maybe she was the first human being who truly didn’t have a heart. “I want to make a deal with you… if you take the place of Lydia I won’t hurt you…” she said with a small smile. She couldn’t be serious? You licked over your lips shaking your head “no.” You said and she tilted her head to the side as if asking why “I don’t betray my family.” You continued before you spat in her face her face soon contorting with anger but she held herself back from hurting you.
As she wiped the spit off of her face she stared at you angrily, “I tried to make a deal with you. I did. But I have to take this another way so you understand… I don’t want to hurt you. But I’ll have to if your people don’t give my daughter back to me… I want to get that through your head. None of what’s going to happen to you is personal… just unlucky that you got chosen.” She said cruelly your eyes flicking around desperately trying to find some sympathy in the eyes of the whisperers around you but all of them held the same cold bloodthirsty look. “If we just go back now we can sort this out. Please.” You spoke, you after spending so long with both Daryl and Rick had developed both of their traits.. you wanted to fight alpha there and then but you also wanted to desperately try to calm her down and find another alternative to whatever she had planned for you. “Oh… cute. I would. But how do I know you’re not lying to me? Because you and your people lied to me quite a bit.” She said and you stared in silence. It was true. “I’m going to make sure your people know that if they mess with us any longer I will kill you next time. Or maybe I’ll just leave your head as a nice present for them, hm.” She said it so casually, it sent a shiver down your spine. You tried to not react but it was terrifying. You watched as she turned to look at two of the whisperers off to the side their masks bloody and torn making you believe they were the ones who always did her dirty work. She then gave them a curt nod holding a knife out to one of them and you quickly squeezed your eyes shut taking in a deep breath as you held your breath. You tried to not be scared but you were terrified. How were you supposed to survive this?
“No no no… please… you don’t-“ your words were cut off as one of the cold blooded monsters put their hand over your mouth silencing you before the one with the knife pressed the tip of it onto your knee cap “please please please” you begged, your begging muffled and desperate as you shook your head to the side eyes wide in pure horror. Alpha stood in front of you watching you a smirk on her face as the hand over your mouth only tightened “no, don’t,” alpha soon spoke- you could already feel the agony that you were about to endure “take your hand off her mouth. Let her scream. Her screams will attract the dead.” She said your heart dropping into your stomach. She was right. If you screamed the dead would hear and wouldn’t even care about the whisperers… they’d only care about you… because your flesh was the only thing that smelt like food to them. But before you could even say anything the whisperer drove the knife straight into your knee your eyes widening your jaw dropping as agony ripped throughout you. “Make sure she can’t walk.” Alpha soon demanded ordering them around and those words terrified you. What did she mean? And if you couldn’t think it could get any worse the knife that had been pushed further into your knee was harshly twisted, the screams you tried to contain being unbearable as agony swayed throughout you a gut wrenching scream leaving your lips your body writhing. Maybe you should’ve accepted the deal but no way would you betray your family like that. No fucking way. The knife was soon ripped out of your knee your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to stay quiet whimpers of pain leaving your lips “surprising…” alpha hummed out seemingly amused “she’s stronger than she looks.”
“Might be strong but won’t be strong after I’m done with her,” a man spoke- he was tall, someone you didn’t quite recognise. He wore no mask, his face was all cut up… as if he had gone through hell. As if because of him going through hell gave him a reason to put you through hell. “Untie the bitch.” He continued the whisperers unsure before nodding, the one with the knife cutting through the ropes that held you before you nearly collapsed onto the ground, the man’s rough hands grasping onto you as he dragged you away from where the whisperers were, forcefully dragging you so you had to walk some as if trying to make you feel even more pain before he shoved you forward as you fell down, your knee bending that slight bit making you cry out in pain “shut up. The quieter you are the easier it’ll be on you…” he said his cold eyes terrifying you. Was he going to use you? For his own needs? Your breathing soon became ragged as you shook your head side to side over and over again. You were vulnerable. You tried to scoot yourself backwards trying to get to safety trying to find something to attack him with but you couldn’t you were weak. You watched as he took his belt off “no please… don’t do this. Don’t.” You said, begging him but he didn’t respond his hand soon wrapping around your ankles as he yanked you closer to him your eyes over spilling with tears “please I’ll do anything.” You cried out but he was too strong for you and then and there was the moment you realised he was going to hurt you… he was taking every part of dignity you had left away and you couldn’t stop him and so you laid there as he gripped your wrists holding them tightly, sobs leaving your lips as you simply had to accept the fact that you couldn’t defend yourself. Not anymore.
They left you. He left you. Cold and hurt, jeans torn into pieces beside you as you remained curled in a ball vision blurred with tears, tiredness, pain and loss of blood. At this point you were just accepting death. You would happily oblige to go with the grim reaper then and there if he appeared in front of you. Your body trembled your lips red with blood, both eyes bruised and face cut up. You put up a fight, you tried to- and so he cut everywhere he could. Saying you deserved it. Afterwards Alpha and her handymen attacked you, if you hadn’t been put through enough already they beat you to a pulp until you were left practically convulsing in agony. You shivered as your cries had died down to little sniffles and occasional sobs. You were scared. You just wanted death to grant you with your final wish of dying peacefully but death too was mercilessly and unkind.
As you began to sway in and out of consciousness groans and voices were heard, the voices were far away the groans close… incredibly close… and you peeled your eyes open tiredly your blurred vision picking up on a stumbling figure coming straight towards you and so in a meek last attempt you cried out, the voices you heard growing closer the voices blending together to create a muffled sound your head pounding and aching as you closed your eyes tight, a sound of an arrow whistling through the air being your last thing to grip onto… maybe it was Daryl. Had he come to save you?
Daryl stood rigid as he looked around, he was greatly concerned for your well-being. He knew the whisperers were unhinged monsters. His eyes caught onto a walker that was stumbling closer and closer to a body resting in the ground, the persons bare legs on display… no dead person would even think of taking their jeans off if they were dying and so in a split second Daryl was firing a arrow straight at the Walker watching as it fell dead onto the floor “keep searching… we need clues.” He ordered his friends as they all moved in different directions in search of you, dog was by his side sniffing the ground as daryl continued moving forward slowly but surely. He didn’t want the person on the ground to be a dead one waiting for it’s final meal. And as he continued taking slow steps forward dog suddenly began barking, loudly, “what is it? What is it?” He asked as he got closer and closer dog soon running up to the person on the ground “dog don’t-“ but that’s when he fell deathly silent his heart dropping into his stomach as he dropped his crossbow down onto the floor his knees weakening as he dropped down just beside your tired body “y/n? Y/n?” He watched as your eyes peeled open “keep your eyes open… hey… hey… eyes on me. Look at me.” He spoke softly comfortingly but also in a stern demanding tone- the tone he used when he was worried and concerned. He couldn’t have you passing out and dying now could he? “Guys!! Everyone! Get over here right now!” He yelled out to his friends hearing their footsteps grow closer and closer the sound of individual shocked gasps leaving their mouths “you all watch my back, keep walkers off my back… I’m going to carry her… and make sure the freaks aren’t around here. If they are don’t fucking hesitate to kill every one of them.” He said to them.
He shrugged his jacket off quickly wrapping it around you “Jerry… I need something to wrap around her waist.” He said, the larger man quickly removing his own jacket. It wasn’t much but it was something. Daryl then took the jacket quickly wrapping it around your bottom half to make you feel more safe even though you had clearly been put through something no one should have to go through. He then lifted you up into his arms a whimper leaving your lips “I know… I know… I’m sorry.” He grunted out quietly to you, he knew your knee was still bleeding but right now you needed to be somewhere warm before you not only bled out but also died of hypothermia and so you all set off, you falling in and out of consciousness Daryl’s voice keeping you wide awake every time he said something loudly to you. It scared you enough to wake you up but that was a good thing. If you didn’t stay awake you would die. No doubt about it.
“Right in front of me.” Daryl said nodding forward at a group of walkers stumbling, and usually they would test to see whether any of them were living but because Daryl had already said he didn’t want any of them to live every single one of the walkers were killed. Whether they were breathing or not. The walk back home was quick but he tried to be slow for you, to make it as painless as possible and so once he arrived home at the safety of hilltop he was quick to rush you into the infirmary, shock and horror on everyone’s faces as they saw you in such a way. He quickly laid you down onto the bed wrapping a blanket over your top half, lots of blankets in fact- you needed warmth and your top half seemed to be unharmed but your bottom half needed a looking to. Especially your knee and so he remained silent allowing the doctors to examine you his breath held in anticipation. He was terrified for you. He didn’t want to lose you. You had both gone through so much already. “She’s gonna need stitches… and a cast… her knee is…” Harlan spoke visibly horrified and Daryl stared at him “what do you mean?” He asked worriedly making the doctor gulp, he had never seen the doctor so uncomfortable and worried and so he knew the condition you were in was severe “her knee as experienced severe trauma… I won’t be able to solve the issues without an x-ray… it could be a fracture… bones could be out of place… if anything id have to operate.” He said anxiously and Daryl stared silently… he knew what this meant. They were low on all medical pain meds to even knock you out unconscious. “I would say amputate but that would take a lot longer to heal.” He said your ears picking up on that as your eyes widen “no no please no” you struggle out weakly Daryl’s hand quickly grasping onto yours his other hand stroking over your head “we won’t amputate… it’s okay… you’re okay I promise.” He spoke worriedly. “There’s no other way?” He soon whispered out to Harlan and as he shook his head Daryl closed his eyes. “Okay.” He knew this would be painful for both you and him but they needed to stop the blood as quick as possible otherwise you’d be on your death bed. Literally.
“No no please… don’t please… don’t.” You sobbed out begging Daryl your frightened eyes remaining on his eyes wide as you began hyperventilating “she’s gonna pass out Daryl. It’s okay. Just trust me on this. Hold her down.” Harlan spoke pleading with him and Daryl took a deep breath looking at you before he nodded his large hand quickly grabbing a hold of your wrists holding them down, his other arm wrapping around you as if to hold you still but also comfort you at the same time. “Got her.” Daryl confirmed watching as Harlan began the procedure to stop the blood and try to fix your knee and within seconds your screams began piercing around the room Daryl’s eyes prickling with tears as he held you tightly “Im sorry… I’m so sorry…” he looked down into your eyes the fear in yours making his heart break as he kept a hold of you “it’s okay. You’re safe. You’re gonna be okay.” And what seemed like years later, when in reality it was only 5 agonisingly long minutes your screams came to a stop your eyes fluttering shut as your body fell limp daryl keeping a hold of you as he simply watched you. He felt helpless. He wanted to do so much more to help you but he couldn’t… gods was this awful.
The surgery was long and painful. But you got through it somehow. You heard conversations here and there but soon enough you were in silence your body on something comfortable as you slept peacefully, a hand holding onto yours tightly and soon enough your eyes fluttered open. Your eyes were sore and tired but you tried to push through it as you looked to the side. Daryl was sat beside you a make shift IV in his arm seemingly transferring his own blood into your blood stream and once he saw you were awake a small concerned smile tugged at his lips “hey… how are you feeling?” But you instead of responding simply glanced at the blood coming from his arm and going into yours “oh… you needed a blood transfusion… I offered straight away.” He murmured with a light smile and you gave his hand a slight squeeze as in a way to thank him. You soon noticed the way you had a stuffed teddy right beside you a few homemade cards near the wall and you couldn’t help but smile “Judith wanted to make some… everyone else was just as worried… they still are.” He murmured softly before he raised your hand up to his lips as he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand a soft sigh leaving his lips “I’m okay.” You soon said and he nodded his head “I know you are. You always are… you’re strong as hell.” He murmured with a soft chuckle but he meant it, your smile growing wider. You were weak and tired so didn’t really know what to say besides you were traumatised from everything. “Hurt hurt me… really hurt me.” You soon spoke and Daryl’s eyes softened yet anger still consumed them. He was going to kill whoever hurt you. “Alpha let it happen…” you said again and Daryl was quick to shush you “don’t… don’t tell me… not now… tell me when you’re in a better headspace.. you need your rest. But I promise you right now they won’t hurt you ever again.” He assured softly. He wanted you to talk about it but not right now… you were already in a vulnerable state. “How do you know that?” You asked quietly and he looked at you seriously, “because I’m going to kill every single one of them.” He said and you frowned shaking your head but he nodded “yes y/n. They deserve it. They hurt you so I hurt them… goin’ to make sure I put them through the worst pain ever. Make them suffer.” He said honestly. He would’ve said so much more, how he wanted to cut their tongues out and their eyes too, cut their fingernails off to make them all scream but he didn’t want to make you feel worse… he’d leave you thinking he was just going to kill them but really he was going to torture them like they had tortured you. Simple. It had always been that way from the very beginning… if anyone hurt you.. Daryl would hurt them back. Daryl didn’t care who it was… if they hurt you then he would hurt them… but that man who hurt you… well… he sure as hell was gonna pay…
He had it comin’
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mors718 · 5 months
ok i want to start writing little blurbs and stuff for different characters but i suck at coming up with prompts for things, please please send in prompt for the characters in tags <333
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hi! can you do an alden x reader relating to the whisperers? i give you creative liberty for the rest! thank you if you do it 🤍
Request: hi! can you do an alden x reader relating to the whisperers? i give you creative liberty for the rest! thank you if you do it 
Hi! I’m so sorry this took so long to get out, thank you for being patient. Thank you for the request. This is my first time writing for The Walking Dead, and for Alden. Just a forewarning, I haven’t watched the episodes I’m referring to in a long time and the story is a little fuzzy, so I’m sorry if it's a little inaccurate or confusing.
I was a little unsure about what to write about since you gave me creative liberty, but I hope you like the outcome. I don't love the outcome, but I didn’t want to make you wait any longer. If this isn’t what you were looking for, I’m happy to rewrite this, or accept another request. Just let me know, and I hope you enjoy it!
(Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, panic, angst, let me know if i missed anything)
The past few day’s events had been exhausting, to say the least. 
Mary, a Whisperer who had turned to your cause, warned your group of Alpha and the Whisperer’s plans to attack. It would result in catastrophe if left unhandled, so the group strategically scattered, planning the best course of action to fight back.
Hilltop had been evacuated a few days before, including Adam, the adoptive son of Tammy and Earl, and Mary’s nephew. Alden left the same day as the children, having other jobs needed for him to attend to. You chose to stay and fight, promising Alden you’d find him when it was all over.
Mary was right. Alpha’s attack hit the group with full force. She had led the horde straight to your gates, setting them on fire. You escaped on foot alone, unable to find anyone before you were forced to leave. There was nothing worth salvaging to return to.
Alden, Mary, and Kelly had met up together at some point, with Alden in custody of Adam, unbeknownst to you. You didn't know, at least until later, that Alden had become the sole caregiver to Adam. Earl was bit trying to protect the kids, and he died, according to Judith. Earl left Adam for Alden to take care of. Mary sacrificed herself to lead a horde of walkers away who had come after her, Alden, Kelly, and Adam. She died a hero, saving their lives. Beta found her, killing her before she could escape. 
With nowhere to go, you went to Alexandria, hoping that was where everyone else had turned to after the dust of the attack had settled. You knew you were right when you made it to the gates, being let in and greeted by a multitude of people. But not the one you were looking for.
You said your hello’s, eventually finding Kelly in the crowd. 
“Kelly! Have you seen Alden?”
She nodded, pointing down the street to the house at the end of the block. “He was with Judith last time I saw him. He didn’t look too good.”
“What do you mean?” You asked in confusion, worry setting in on your face. “Is he hurt?”
“No. Just a little shook up, I think. We had a rough time on the road.”
You listened in horror as she explained what happened in the time since you were separated, and all that happened to Mary. 
You placed a comforting hand on Kelly’s arm, giving it a squeeze. “I’m so sorry you had to see all of that. I’m glad you were with him, thank you for looking out for him.”
She smiled, patting your hand. “It was no trouble. He handled it well.”
She turned to find her friends, but you stopped her, brows furrowed. “Wait, sorry. Why is he with Judith?”
“Michonne isn’t coming back. I think Judith and RJ are going to stay with Daryl for a while, at least until they come up with a plan.”
You felt your heart sink at her words, making a mental note to find Judith and RJ later to make sure they were alright. Kelly continued, only growing the pit that had settled itself in your stomach.
“Judith said Alden and you could stay at the house while she isn’t there, since he’s got nowhere to go yet. I know we’ll all probably have to evacuate here in a few days, but it’s the solution for now, I guess.”
“That’s sweet of her,” you said, smiling at the thought of Judith’s kindness. “So you saw him at the house, then?”
“Yeah. But Y/N, I’d be careful. Earl didn’t make it out there.”
You felt sick to your stomach hearing about the death of Earl, knowing how close he was with Alden.
You brought a hand to your mouth, jaw going slack. “But what about Adam?”
“Judith said Earl told her that he wanted Alden to take Adam. Apparently Earl thought he was the best one for the job. Judith found Alden and told him, and he went into the house. I haven’t seen him come out since.”
You brought your fingers to the bridge of your nose, wincing. “Alright. I better go check on him. Thanks for telling me.”
“Come get me if you need me,” she said, patting your shoulder before turning back to her friends.
You took a deep breath, calming yourself, before hurrying down the street. You didn’t knock, letting yourself in. You tried to ignore the eerie feeling you got stepping through the door, knowing all who lived there were either dead or gone, except for Judith and RJ. 
You went straight for the guest room of the house, knowing it had been converted into a nursery after RJ was born. You pushed open the door, only to find Adam in his crib, and Alden, sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. 
You frowned at the sight, stepping in front of him, offering your hands. Your voice was soft. “Alden? Hey, baby.”
Alden looked up at the sound of your voice, quickly grabbing your hands as you helped pull him up, before he threw his arms around your waist. He pulled you tightly into him, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck, gently swaying him back and forth.
“Hard couple of days, huh?”
“Hey,” he murmured into your shoulder, sighing in relief. “God, now I feel like I can finally breathe.”
His voice was small. Cracked. It broke your heart. Adam started to stir in his crib, letting out a wail. Alden visibly flinched, letting out a pained groan. He let you go, heading to pick Adam up, but you grabbed his arm, gently holding him back. 
“Sit down, love,” you said, reaching into the crib. “I’ve got him.”
Alden nodded, backing up to the wall, slowly sliding down it. You placed Adam on your hip, gently bouncing him while you cradled him to you. Alden faintly smiled at the sight, feeling himself ease, if only for a moment.
“You look good with him.”
You tried not to hear the undertones of worry in his voice, knowing he was thinking to himself, how the hell are we supposed to take care of a baby? How can we do it alone? There isn’t even enough time to grieve Earl.
You weakly smiled, softly cooing at Adam, whose cries had ceased. “That’s all him. He’s so cute, I don’t even have to do any work.”
Alden smiled, although it didn’t quite meet his eyes. You sighed, placing Adam back down in his crib, before easing yourself down the wall to sit next to him. You pulled his hand into your lap, intertwining your fingers. He absentmindedly rubbed his thumb in circles along the backside of your hand, looking at you with tired eyes.
“We’ll make it work,” you said, trying your best to make the both of you believe it. “It’ll be fine…we’ll be fine.”
Alden nodded, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I know.”
You sat in silence for a moment, relishing in the peace. But you could feel the tension in the room, knowing there were some unsaid words, waiting to be freed. Yet, you couldn’t look him in the eye and ask. 
Instead, you turned your head, letting it rest against his. “I’m sorry about Earl. I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you–”
“It’s not your fault,” he cut you off, squeezing your hand. “You know that.”
“I do. But still,” you nodded, and there was a pause. “Do you want to talk about it? Kelly filled me in a little, but I want you to talk about it, too. You need the release.”
He sighed, moving to press the heels of his palms to his eyes. You stayed quiet, rubbing a comforting hand along his back.
“You know, after Enid…I just shut down. I said some things I shouldn’t have said to Lydia, even though it’s not her fault where she comes from. Lord knows how true that is, considering how we were on opposite sides when we met.”
You flinched at Enid’s name. Neither of you had been able to fully process her death, or truly move on. Your mutual grief is what had brought you together. You both knew Enid would have wanted you to be happy with her gone. It took you both a while to accept that.
“I’m glad you were with the Saviors,” you said, truthfully. “I don’t care what side you were on. We’ve all done shit we’re not proud of. And, you didn’t do Negan’s bidding. But even if you had, it would have been to survive. Lydia did the same. You were hurt, after Enid…Lydia understands that, I promise you.”
His jaw clenched, and he kept his eyes on the floor.
“Still. Maggie changed my life, letting us stay at Hilltop. I would never have met you if it wasn’t for her. And yet, here I was, being a complete dick to Mary. Judging her on where she came from, as if taking a chance on me isn’t what your people did. She just wanted to help. She wanted to see her nephew.”
His voice broke as he spoke, and he stood, violently wiping under his eyes. 
“I fucking hate them. I can’t help it. But Mary…God, I should have done something.”
Your gaze softened on him, and you stood, pulling his hands away from his face. You wiped under his eyes, much more gently than he had been doing, before holding him still by his shoulders. 
“There was nothing you could have done, Alden. Nothing. She made her own choice, and I’ll be grateful to her every day for it.”
Alden shook his head, but you cupped his jaw, holding him still.
“Hey, listen to me. Listen to me. I’m grateful to her, and I’m grateful to Earl. You and Adam came home because of them,” you said, speaking firmly. “And not just you, but Kelly, too. And all those children. They got to come home because of them. Judith came home. That makes their sacrifice worth it, doesn’t it? They didn’t die for nothing.”
You went over to the crib, picking Adam up again. You gently passed him to Alden, making him focus on you both. Alden softened, looking at Adam with teary eyes.
“He was worth it, wasn’t he?”
Alden let out a heavy sigh, nodding. You nodded with him, setting one hand on his arm, resting the other on Adam’s back. 
“I think it was. We’re all alive, we’re all ok. We’re home. I couldn’t ask for much better. It’s gonna be alright, Alden. We’ll make sure of it, and we’ll do it together, alright?”
He nodded again, leaning over to press a kiss on the top of your head. You leaned into his side, and you both took deep breaths, trying to keep yourself calm. Finally, he broke the silence, his voice firm and full of reassurance. 
A/N - Hi! Sorry this is a little short. I feel like I could have done better if I came up with something better for the plot, but that’s my bad. Anyways, thank you again for the request. Hopefully this is alright, let me know what you think!
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onefail-at-atime · 1 year
Alden: Earl and I want to build wall catapults for our protection against the Whisperers.
Yumiko: Yeah, no.
Later ...
Earl: Screw that. I'm Earl Sutton, blacksmith that keeps Hilltop running and Imma build me some mothereffin' catapults.
Also Earl: And Imma make Daryl a morningstar weapon. Just because.
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olpie · 9 months
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Chapter 33: Whispers
Daryl and Glenn plot their escape from the wolves while Beth and Aaron try to escape the sewer.
Read it here.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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“We are the walking dead”
Thank you, The Walking Dead. There were ups and downs, but it sure was a hell of a show…
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jdeanmorgan · 9 months
OK. I've finished s09 of the walking dead and all I can say is. Holy. Fucking. Shit. What the fuck. The beginning of the season felt so off and kinda boring like they were trying so hard to find their footing (I get why) but boy am I glad I stuck with it bc the second half of the season is fucking BRILLIANT. HELLO?!!??!
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mymanreedus · 1 year
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futuregws · 1 year
Episode 15 season 10 of the walking dead is pissing me off, like I'm not kidding it's giving me a fucking headache, why would they make that jump and then not go back to explain (unless they do in a different episode) bc now I'm out here getting mad bc I just don't get how they were able to find out about the attack and escape all before Beta got there, what am I missing
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‘ do you want something for the pain? ’ (from Daryl to Carol)
to daryl from carol
               it’s   hurting   like   a   BITCH,   but   he   can’t   exactly   afford   proper   medication   to   take   care   of   the   pain.      when   running   drills,   mercer   stuck   him   with   some   idiot   instead   of   rosita   and   the   two   didn’t   mesh   well   AT   ALL.      ended   up   with   daryl’s   hand   crushed   between   a   rock   and   a   hard   place.      LITERALLY.      the   idiot   moved   a   structural   piece   from   the   already   fragile   wall   and   caused   daryl’s   hand   to   be   crushed   between   the   debris.      looking   down   at   his   slightly   swollen   hand,   he   flexed   his   fingers   and   WINCED   at   the   pain.      might   even   be   broken   for   all   he   knows.
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               ❝   don’t   got   nothin’   for   it.      don’t   wanna   take   from   you…      probably   wouldn’t   be   able   t’pay   y’back.   ❞      with   the   shit   money   he’s   making,   he   can   barely   afford   to   put   food   on   the   table   for   the   kids.      ❝   don’t   know   why   mercer   keeps   pairin’   me   with   them   dumbasses.      me   and   rosita   work   just   fine   together.      don’t   make   no   sense   t’me.   ❞
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konotte · 4 months
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careol · 6 months
@leagueofdccm said: ❛ you look good like this. ❜ / from daryl
               she   casts   a   glance   over   her   shoulder,   and   then   scoffs.      really,   she   looked   good   in   a   dirty   old   apron   and   flour   on   her   cheeks?      glancing   at   the   clock,   she   sees   the   time   and   realizes   why   he   was   here   in   the   first   place.      they   were   supposed   to   go   to   lunch.      an   order   had   come   in   last   minute   from   one   of   pamela’s   buddies,   so   of   course   they’d   had   to   fill   it.      sometimes   it’s   still   so   strange,   that   this   place   exists,   that   they   have   jobs   again.      not   only   that,   but   money   too.      if   carol   didn’t   know   what   the   world   was   really   like   out   there,   she’d   almost   think   nothing   had   ever   changed.
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               ❝   the   working   girl   aesthetic   is   pleasing   to   you,   is   it?   ❞      nose   wrinkles   in   amusement,   and   she   quickly   makes   her   way   to   the   sink   to   wash   her   hands   and   wipe   the   flour   off   her   skin.      ❝   i’m   sorry   daryl,   i   didn’t   mean   to   stand   you   up.      you   know   how   it   is,   when   you’ve   got   the   right   connections,   every   one   else’s   time   is   irrelevant.   ❞      the   apron   is   swiftly   untied   and   tossed   in   the   basket.      she’s   ready   to   go   now,   that   is   if   he   still   wants   to.      god,   she   hopes   this   bakery   order   didn’t   cost   her   her   very   limited   time   with   daryl.
               since   they   arrived   here,   both   of   them   have   been   working   opposing   schedules,   never   really   seeing   each   other.      hell,   they   don’t   really   see   any   of   their   people   anymore.      it   really   was   like   the   world   before,   all   of   them   living   in   the   same   city   but   never   crossing   paths…
               ❝   do   you   still   have   time   for   lunch?      i   know   it’ll   be   a   bit   of   a   late   lunch,   but   i’m   free   if   you   are?   ❞
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fruitypiconsq · 8 months
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Some Alpha icons cuz honestly I didn't appreciate Alpha, The Whisperers, OR season 9 enough until it was over
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