#|| musings ||
alabonshay · 1 month
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hellsmayflower · 11 months
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{{ Mayleene prefers her kisses sometimes intimate that includes passionate,rough,and as more as pleasurable to her. She really hates a bad kisser that doesn't feel as much as enjoyable. She also likes to kiss during intimacy when feeling so soulfully close to someone in contact with both skin. Kissing in the rain she also loves as a soulful moment between herself and who she is at most close with. She's sometimes a brat too wanting some kisses on her skin and on her face. She even likes little bites and to be kissed on her skin from after the bites to seal their marks onto her. Above all,she just loves kisses all the time from who she really loves. She just can't help but want more because they are so addicting. }}
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everemore · 5 months
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even if Guinevere wasn't taught self defense she would have been forced to fight for her life at some point. With her track record of being kidnapped so often it will eventually come to her captures trying to kill her and she will have to fight tooth and nail to survive. And by the time the knights came in to save her, most of the captures are dead with Camelot's Queen covered in blood and wounds, trembling with a sword she can barely lift in her hands.
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vin-robles · 1 year
If you had to rate your muses sanity on a scale of one to ten, what would give them?
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I'd give Vin a solid six or seven.
She lives every day of her life like she needs her fucking head examined, but she's perfectly aware of the fact that she's doing this, and her reasoning for it. That being, she has to survive in a world that is, for all intents and purposes, certifiably insane. When in Rome and all that.
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arylleth · 2 months
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to love someone is firstly to confess: i'm prepared to be devastated by you. by A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt
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septemberkisses · 9 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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I was inspired
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alabonshay · 1 month
// I'm sure part of this performance inspired Lady Evergreen, since it is one of my favorite renditions. It matches a lot of her energy/ mannerisms in a theatrical way, especially in her role of being attentive to everyone.
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hellsmayflower · 5 months
Oh, children. We have the answer to all your fears. It's short, it's simple, it's crystal-clear. It's roundabout and it's somewhere here. Lost amongst our winnings.
The cleaners have done their job on you. They're hip to it, man, they're in the groove. They've hosed you down, you're good as new. And they're lining up to inspect you.
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katy-l-wood · 7 months
Don't get me wrong, I don't give two shits about the English Royal Family, but this PR crisis they're in right now is just wild. Every time you think they're done digging themselves deeper, they haul another bucket of shit up from the bottom of the well they're in.
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vin-robles · 1 year
headcanon: kariians have more fun trolling midoans than they do killing them
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chipper-smol · 3 months
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bob-artist · 2 months
Since the Canada griffin was proudly mentioned recently I figure it can’t hurt to ask if you do happen to have plans to design Canada griffin goslings at some point in the future? (muse permitting)
I present to you
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movietonight · 7 months
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My friend Alicia made an ATLA meme
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hellsmayflower · 6 months
It can't be said I'm an early bird. It's ten o'clock before I say a word. Baby, I can never tell. How do you sleep so well?
You keep telling me to live right. To go to bed before the daylight. But then you wake up for the sunrise. You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then.
Don't you just wanna wake up dark as a lake. Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great. But while in this world.
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sitronsangbody · 5 months
Please, please be considerate of your fat friends' needs and limitations. Fat bodies are heavy to carry around. I move about the world slower than my thin peers, and I've often had to choose between pushing myself to keep a pace that takes absolutely all my energy, or being left behind, when walking in a group. I don't always feel safe to ask that everyone walk slower, because there's a prevalent idea in society that fat people need to exert themselves as much as possible at all times in the service of weight loss, and that we never "really" need rest, therefore it's a good thing whenever we're exhausted. Fat people and thin people alike are taught that fatness is a flaw, one that fat people ourselves are to blame for, so we're not entitled to any accommodation or consideration. A friend of mine who is fat recently told me about a dinner party she went to where the chairs were far too small for her and she was sitting very uncomfortably. After the meal she politely suggested moving the party to the couch, but the others didn't want to. She spent another couple of hours in unnecessary pain, and didn't dare tell them about it. I love my thin friends, but some of them just don't realize that I weigh probably twice as much as them, and yet I balance it all on the same size feet and carry it on about the same size bones. I'm like if they had a whole other them to carry around at all times. Why would that not have an impact on how I function? Please - take us into consideration when we're part of activities. Ask us which activities work and which don't. Adjust the pace so no one has to be dry heaving and sweating barrels on what's supposed to be a casual walk. Make sure venues have seating that fits us. Make it safe for us to speak up if we need something. When we do, don't treat us like we're the problem. Finally: yes, we have heard of losing weight. Even those of us who might (and many never will, whether you like it or not), won't do it on a moment's notice. If your response to "fat people deserve accommodations" is "what if they weren't fat though", you're playing a fantasy game. It's pointless. We are fat and we are here and we do partake in society. Work with that.
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