#||in character: maulkiller||
mayxthexforce · 2 years
@mutatiio said
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The nickname– earned through his peers' harmless teasing after a mission that involved disguising Maulkie as Iridonian nobility, slipped out of Maul's lips with a fondness Maulkie was still getting used to and an ease that embarrassed him.
It's normal, Ezra and Sabine had reassured —or more like warned— him once when the youthful Zabrak hybrid had voiced his concerns about feeling embarrassment about certain things regarding Maul, which had made him feel guilty because– well, Maul was nice to him, but he was embarrassing at times. Parents are embarrassing.
Having a parent, someone who he was both related to by blood and who also chose him as family, was new. It was something Maulkie never considered himself capable of experiencing as anything more than an expectator of happy families, an outsider bearing witness to a moment of bonding that didn't involve him. But here he was now, with a father of his own.
A father who was not making any sense right now, if Maulkie was honest.
Maulkie looked at the holo-map that was projected in front of him. He reached up and moved it, observed it from different angles both because he could do so without being backhanded, one of the upsides of having a father instead of a sith master; and because space navigation was something he was still figuring out. After all, it would have been counterproductive for Vader to teach him how to navigate, given he was supposed to never set foot outside of the area of the Kamino cloning facility he was sometimes allowed to roam. No matter which way he turned the map, he couldn't figure out what it was that Maul was requesting of him.
"Pick a what?" he asked. "A planet?"
Those were the only things in the map it would make sense to choose from, unless Maul wanted him to choose a constellation. But what was Maulkie choosing a planet needed for? Were they going into hiding? If that was the case, the clone with only months of experience outside of his prison was the last person who should be asked about where to go, much less trusted to just pick a place to go.
"I don't know..." Maulkie didn't usually show doubtfulness, it was yet another thing that was reserved for a father's eyes. "I've never been to most of these places. I know nothing about them."
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rulimaquina · 1 year
Fandom: Star Wars.
Characters: Ezra Bridger, Maulkiller, Sabine Wren.
Ship: NONE.
Rated: General audiences.
Author's Note: A short piece inspired by Runaway by AURORA.
"What about you, Maulkie?" Sabine asked. "I know it's a grim topic, but... we all need a plan."
Maulkiller wasn't sure how the conversation had turned into this. They were in the cargo hold, sitting in a sort of circle with their backs to each other. It'd gone from teasing Ezra about his awful flirting attempts, to him talking about some time he'd made an absolute fool of himself with a girl back in his home planet, to Sabine and Ezra talking about their home planets, then about their families, then Ezra mentioning how he felt after they'd died and now here they were: talking about their own deaths, about what they would like to happen to their bodies often. Sabine wanted her armor to be taken back to her family so that future generations could repurpose the beskar and carry her with them, Ezra wanted to be buried in his home planet, close to his parents, and Maulkie... his hairless brows furrowed in thought. Truth be told, Maulkiller hadn't really thought about the possibility of leaving this plane of existence and having someone stay behind who would care about any arrangements for his body, other than... people he didn't want to think about right now because, like Sabine said, this was already a grim topic, he didn't need to make it grimmer by thinking about THEM.
"When I die-"
"IF." Ezra and Sabine corrected him, quickly and in unison.
Their voices held the exact same level of strictness, making him feel chided, but it also made him laugh.
"If I die..." he started again. "Cremate me. You can choose where, I don't really care what you do with the ashes, just... make sure that's all that's left of me, ashes. Make sure there's nothing left for anyone to pick apart."
So much for not making a grim topic even grimmer...
Maulkiller felt Sabine's knuckles against the back of his skull, a gentle pressure that pushed him ever-so-slightly forward and made him huff as he pressed his head back against her hand.
"You got it," she said. "But you better decide where you want your ashes scattered. Otherwise I'm scattering them at Mythosaur Land."
He cringed at the thought of his ashes ending up scattered in that tacky attempt at an amusement park. Ezra and Sabine turned to watch his scrunched up expression.
"I will haunt you until the end of your days and beyond," he promised. A moment of silence. Then, the three of them burst into laughter.
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corruptedforce · 1 year
💪 Name 3 of your strengths.
🤩 Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
💓 What do you think your reputation in your rpc is?
Uncoventional Munday Asks -- > @vanillahub -- > Accepting!
💪 Name 3 of your strengths.
Well if you ever need an opinion, you can always count on me to be blunt. I'm passionate about everything I do. I like to think I'm caring. I may give people too many chances, but I check on people I care about frequently.
Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
I'm going to say this and this isn't just because my person and bestie, but @mayxthexforce. I have never met anyone who knows the most random Star Wars facts, in my life. My brother was the same way and she reminds me of him with it. But, there is no one who has more legends info in her brain, that I have ever met. She has all these characters, that I don't know who they are, but she tells me and they're so interesting. Plus, she is an amazing friend, but we have lore chat, regularly. I have my intricate Anakin lore and headcanons, and she can tell me everything about some randomm character that was in one scene. Even if she is still judging me for thinking she named Maulkiller.
💓 What do you think your reputation in your rpc is?
THAT DEPENDS ON WHO YOU ASK LOL. The people who take the time to know me and write with me, I think enjoy it and enjoy my talking to them. The people who made the choice to believe lies and be part of the ostracizing, I can't make people like me. Not everyone is going to like you. But, I have a solid group of people I love on this site, and love how I write Anakin.
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aurora-light-blog · 1 year
Maulkiller fanfiction
After stumbling upon an image of Maulkiller, I began trying to devise a story of how Maulkiller could have survived extermination by Darth Vader. Unlike Starkiller, I wasn’t going to have him fight his way out of the cloning building. There had to be another explanation for his escape and survival. *spoiler: Urai Fen.*  
The story is split into four parts: creations, stolen, taken in, and identity crisis. I love the idea of a hybrid clone character. There is just so much to play with. What are the effects of being a clone? What other effects or heightened effects are there being a clone of two individuals? As a fan of legends, I don’t ignore the fact that cloning Force Sensitives is extremely hard and address it in my story.
Who could help a Force Sensitive clone with these biological and psychological issues? *spoiler 2: mom*
Hehehe I'm an evil spoiler 😊 anyway, this story was actually inspired partially by my own mother with a mother approved ending. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for listening to my ranting.
Maulkiller - DarthChocolate - Star Wars Legends: Force Unleashed - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
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emotimau2 · 7 years
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One last costume that I was unable to get as you needed to preorder the game.
This is, or was, an actual character created and made as an experiment of what would happen if Maul’s DNA and Galen’s were mixed together.
The results were… Not good. The clone was made too powerful and as a result started to go insane almost as soon as he was woken up. He was powerful enough to scare even Vader and Palpatine. He was eventually killed soon after for the safety of both Sith lords and, by extension, the galaxy.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
Happy Father's Day, Maul || Maulkiller & Maul
Gift for @mutatiio
The first time Maulkie ever heard about Father's day, it was because Ezra was panicking about it. Ezra had come to him, desperately seeking an answer to the question: would it be weird if he gave Kanan something for Father's day?
Maulkie hadn't really been of much assistance– or maybe he was, as Ezra seemed a little calmer after putting his panic on pause for the sake of explaining what Father's day was: a day to honor one's male progenitor. It wasn't something Vader or Sidious cared to teach him about and even if they had, there was a big chance Maulkie would have forgotten about it in favor of other, more useful information, because he didn't have a father–
Or more like, he didn't have a father back then, because now he does have one.
Perhaps Ezra's panic isn't unjustified. Finding a gift for Father's day was proving a harder task than Maulkie believed something as simple as a gift for a yearly occurrence —that, from what he understood, was one of most species' minor celebrations— should be. Yet, here he is: mentally running in circles and hitting a wall no matter how much he tries. Until the wall produces a door, and he finally gets an idea.
It's the most reckless thing he's ever done. Even more reckless than running away from the Empire because, at least when he did that, he was going away, not towards them like he did this time. Ezra came along. They left during the night, making sure that by the time anyone noticed they were gone, they'd be too far away to be stopped– Maulkie couldn't risk being stopped. Chopper knew, but Chopper was Chopper and all he demanded was to know where they were going, neither of the boys believed him to be a snitch. The astromech thrived too much on chaos to snitch before they got far enough to get what they needed.
But when they did finally make it back from the imperial facility, two solar systems away from their current location —because they weren't stupid and wouldn't risk attacking any facility closer than that—, it was clear that the others weren't exactly happy.
Maulkie had grown used to the loudness of the phantom crew, but being actually yelled at was different. So, he waits until things calm down after hours, and it's almost the evening when he finally decides it's a good time to complete his mission now that Maul had finally retreated away from the others, and doesn't seem as upset about their reckless disappearance as he was before.
He holds the data stick out for Maul to take. "This is for you," he says, quiet and a little awkward because Ezra wasn't able to offer much input on just how to go about handing the gift over. "Ezra told me it's Father's day, so… happy Father's day."
The data stick contained all the data Maulkie was able to steal back from the imperial computer about his 'childhood' before running away. The closest he'd ever gotten to home videos and baby pictures are all in there: his first words, first steps, it's all there, sorted by date from oldest to most recent, because Maul has done so much for him despite knowing him for such a short time, and every father deserves to have pictures of their children's important milestones.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
They Said It All Comes Down To You || Maulkiller & Maul
Plotted starter for @mutatiio
Since the first time he was allowed out of his tank, Maulkiller had heard many things about the force. Vader had taught him that it was a tool, a weapon, something to seize the power of and control, something that Maulkiller had to aim to become stronger in– more specifically, when it came to the dark side of the force. But it was different with Kanan and Ezra. They were Jedi, and Maulkiller was coming to realize that being a Jedi meant that they saw the force in a very different way from how he was taught to see it. Ahsoka, too, had a different perspective of the force than Maulkiller's. But she claimed she wasn't a Jedi.
No matter how different they saw it, it seemed they all agreed that Malachor just felt awful.
The only one who didn't seem to be having an awful time there was Chopper. The astromech actually seemed quite amused by how the force sensitives reacted to this place. Maulkiller didn't speak binary, but he didn't like the mocking tone with which Chopper beeped at them as they left The Phantom to venture deeper into a place that was anything but welcoming.
Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. This place was a graveyard, the ground was unstable and now Ezra was gone. Maulkiller was left with two options: lingering near the hole in the ground that had just swallowed his friend, or follow Tano and Kanan and go after the one that caused it. Without Ezra there to remind him that they sought to help the galaxy, not hunt down their enemies, Maulkiller went with the option that ensured him an outlet for the rage that made his blood boil. A rage so primal and deep that it didn't quite feel as if it was all his, something he borrowed from somewhere and amplified. From where? He didn't know. But the rage had always been there, and now he could let it out.
The Eight Brother was sneaky, agile in a way that only fueled Maulkiller's rage. The labyrinthic nature of this temple didn't help, and Maulkiller soon grew tired of dodging monoliths while the Inquisitor seemed to want to push him against them. He screamed, his rage flooding out of him in invisible waves that forced his allies to stand their ground while sending the one responsible for angering him flying against one of the monoliths, stunning him. The force scream echoed through the ruins of what was once a battlefield, reaching the ears of his friend, who was in quite the predicament of his own.
To say Ezra was worried would be an understatement. Since they'd added Maulkie to their crew, he hadn't been separated from the young Zabrak that long. They'd become friends– or at least Ezra thought they were friends, it was hard to know given how quiet Maulkie was, but the fact the other tolerated his constant presence and chatter gave him the idea that they were friends.
And so, when he felt the force scream shake this place to its very core along with the feeling of blood-freezing coldness that tended to accompany a dark side user's displays of power, he worried for his friend– he even worried for whoever has angered him that much.
"Maulkie..." Ezra whispered, gaze unfocused before it focused on Old Master and filled with determination. "Come on, we have to get back to my friends!"
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mayxthexforce · 2 years
@mutatiio said
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It was easy for him. The killing. It came as second nature. At times, it even felt more natural than breathing. He had been ordered to kill more often than he had been allowed to breathe without the assistance of his tank's rebreather, both other clones– thoughtless abominations, many who shared part of his own DNA, that served no purpose other than being handed a weapon and thrown in his direction, and troopers that were either forced to face him, or who volunteered because of some twisted desire to prove themselves against a force sensitive, no matter if said force sensitive happened to be a child barely entering what would be his teenage years.
These people didn't see him as a child. He was merely an experiment, property of the Empire, so they showed him no mercy. That made it easier for Maulkiller to snap their necks and force-throw them against walls with neck-breaking force as he made his way through the halls of Kamino, seeking an exit he didn't know the location of because he hadn't ever been allowed anywhere further than the training area.
Maulkiller didn't even know what had him running around like this. He'd never tried to escape before. But he heard an alarm go off about a possible intruder and everything in him told him to run, to get out of there while he could– could he even get out of there? Kamino was a whole planet, mostly made of water with long stretches of ocean between landmasses, and Maulkiller never set foot out of the facility. Yet, he ran with the confidence of someone who knows where he is going, despite having absolutely no idea. All he knew was that troopers kept coming and that little voice inside his head telling him he had to keep going just became stronger and stronger.
Then, that voice disappeared, replaced by another that was not inside his head, but coming from behind him, asking him a question.
The hostility burning in Maulkiller's eyes lasted until he turned. Fear took over his features and as if he wasn't pale enough already, all blood drained from his face, making his face turn from its usual lively silver color to a dull gray as his eyes went wide. This was him, his one living template: Maul.
Without taking his eyes off the older Zabrak, Maulkiller stepped back, stumbling upon stepping on a corpse's limb, but still refusing to look away. He gnashed his teeth, letting out a sound that resembled a growl because, usually, such displays managed to intimidate the other clones enough to give Maulkiller time to think on his to overpower them.
However, his panic-ridden mind was not cooperating.
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mayxthexforce · 7 months
@mutatiio said:
the younger was asleep, curled on the ground and close to the fire. the warmth alone was enough to have him passing out in mere seconds.
the elder - maulkie - sat across from maul, on the other side of the fire. maul wouldn't typically stop for a need as basic as sleep, but he's coming to learn that dealing with sleep deprived children is not worth the extra distance they would make.
it's been silent for some time now. not comfortable but also not uncomfortable. it just is. a mutual understanding of not wishing to disturb thunder. or perhaps simply having nothing to say to one another. the flicked of the flames, the soft noises thunder emits, the whisper of the wind... this scene is familiar to him, this feeling not.
"boy." his voice hushed, golden eyes flickering to the younger, making sure the volume has not bothered him. maulkie has been watching over thunder like a hawk. ensuring he had enough to eat, that he was warm (he was not. that was why maul lit a fire), protecting him for any threat. it's only natural that those habits remained. maul knows all too well of sidious' treatments. they may never go.
"sleep." not quite an order, but there's an insistence in his voice. "i will keep watch."
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Having someone else with them is... strange.
A lot about this whole situation is. Maulkiller was created for ONE thing, it is in his name, it couldn't have been made any clearer what his purpose in life was. And yet, now he sits in front of the man he should kill, the man who makes up over half his genetic material. He sits across from him with Thunder sleeping close by, because he chose to flee instead of obeying his masters like he was expected to.
For all the times he talked back to Vader just to contradict him when he even implied so, perhaps he was right, perhaps Maukie IS defective. But if it is his defectiveness that's keeping Thunder from growing up the way the others did, then Maulkie doesn't mind it so much.
He still doesn't know what to make of this whole situation.
Maul speaks to him and he looks up from where he's been staring at Thunder. Golden eyes stare up at equally golden ones. Exactly the same, with pupils that shift with the flicks of the light. Eyes Maulkie had only ever seen in his own reflection, until now.
"We could have kept going." he keeps his voice just as low, not wanting to disturb Thunder. But it's something that's been eating at him. From past experience, slowing someone down is not a way to ensure that they'll continue to protect you– quite the opposite, actually. "I could have carried him."
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
@mutatiio said
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Maulkie doesn't know what to do. Maul is hurt, he's bleeding and they're still in danger. His hearts are racing inside his chest to the point that the blood rushing through his veins is audible —even if only to him— in the form of a persistent ringing in his ears. He's holding onto his father and then, he's being pushed away, being told to keep going, that Maul will win him time– the words make him feel sick enough for his body to sway as he shakes his head quickly.
"I'm not leaving you," he retorts.
He wants to yell, but he can't, that would only make their pursuer catch up to them faster. Maulkie can't have that. He can't have Maul sacrificing himself for him, either. It's been months since he stopped being 'just another one of the Empire's weapons' and that's mainly been because of his father, how is he supposed to leave without him now? To go back to a life where Maul is not there whenever Maulkie looks back? He can't. Maulkie decides then and there that he can't and won't even try to go back to that life.
So he runs, not in the direction they were both heading for just moments before, but in the direction they'd been fleeing from. Towards danger. Towards the enemy.
If anyone wants to take his father away from him, it will be over his dead body.
He and that THING round the opposite corners of the hall at the same time. A red, tattooed face contorts in anger as a yellow and red eye focuses on the boy's own gold-colored ones. The creature resembles Maul even more than Maulkie does- a clone from an unaltered sample; but it fails to be a perfect copy in multiple aspects: the legs —while having also been replaced with prosthetics— are wrong, one of the Emperor's many designs that focus on being functional and torturous to wear; the single eye that looks at him lacks any of the intelligence Maulkie's grown so used to seeing in Maul's, and the empty eye socket... well, that one is self explanatory. It's not supposed to be like that.
Maulkie could probably number a few more flaws in this one, but there is no time. The creature charges forward and Maulkie does the same. They run for each other with the cold determination of sworn enemies despite the fact that, until today, Maulkie hasn't even come across this particular clone. Yet, he's done this many times before. He feels numb even as their bodies crash and lock into a fight, slipping into an almost autopilot-like headspace that makes him feel like a passenger in his own body.
It's him or me, he reminds himself. It's him or Maul, and I won't let it be him. Metal connects with Maulkie's ribs with bruising force as claws cut flesh in their attempt to get a good hold of each other, to get the upper hand. The lights around them flicker, the energy that both brings manifest into the force making the bulbs heat up, some of them explode, others just flash like repetitive lightning, making it hard to see clearly. Maulkie manages to get on top. His hands grabs at the other's head, fingers slot between horns and he lifts the clone's head off the ground, only to slam it down once, twice, thrice. Clawed, flailing hands find his torso and tear his shirt apart, cut through flesh. But Maulkie doesn't stop, he doesn't plan to stop until the other stops moving and even then, he doesn't stop until there's little left of the head he'd been holding, just blood, fleshy chunks, and hard pieces of bone between his hands.
He stands up, stumbles back a couple steps as he stares down at his hands. His usually pale skin is now completely red, just as red as his father's, as red as the clone he just killed's. His gaze goes to the body, immobile and mangled, before he just screams at it. A loud, force-ridden scream that makes the walls shake.
It's been too long since he's had to do that, and he'd hoped beyond hope to never have to do it again. But fate —and Sidious— loves to play cruel little games.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
@mutatiio said
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The boy was small. He and his brother had only really found out about the fact that they were both a little smaller than the other people their biological age now that they weren't locked up in a cloning facility, probably due to being grown in tanks instead of being allowed to thrive beyond what Vader and Sidious needed them to thrive on. So, at first, he gazed at the stranger with wary eyes: yellow lined by red, the eyes of a Sith, already present in such a young one due to Vader's lack of patience; and didn't quite dare make eye contact.
His scarred brow furrowed slightly, the healing flesh resenting him for the gesture, as the man said his name. His gaze went to his brother. Maul... Maulkiller... even someone as young as Thunder could make that connection.
But this man was alive, and so was his brother, and they weren't trying to kill each other. So, for now, he did nothing. This could just be another change, like his brother going by Maulkie instead of by his other name now. Thunder didn't like changes that happened while he wasn't with his brother, but the man was being nice.
"He's talking to you," Maulkie said, encouraging. "Go ahead. It's fine."
As if needing that permission, the boy looked the older Zabrak in the eye. Slowly, Thunder nodded his head. Yeah, that was his name. His brother gave it to him and, honestly, he liked it. Thunder was loud and bright and he didn't get to be that, back on Kamino, so it was nice that at least his name could be loud and bright. He also noticed the man– Maul's eyes. They were like his. He'd never seen someone with eyes like his other than Master Sidious– Maulkie always said he didn't have to think of the man as Master anymore, but it was hard because he was used to it.
"He doesn't speak to new people," Maulkie said, not apologetic, just explaining his little brother's behavior, as he moved closer, letting Thunder bury his face against his side. The boy kept one eye on Maul, curious. "So, if you want to know something, you'll have more luck with yes-no questions."
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
@foundjarin said
reverse + ⚔️ for Maulkie
Send me   “ ⚔️ “   for my muse to defend yours from an attack. 
It was the first time he set foot in a city and, so far, he was having an awful time.
Then again, he was not supposed to be there. He was supposed to still be on the imperial shuttle meant to take him to whatever new location Vader decided would be best for him, and he was only conscious and out of his tank because the Emperor had given the scientists the order to remove his horns. Safety measures, they called it as they strapped him down to the examination table and started the process with no anesthesia because the Emperor liked to make it hurt, and just because he was too busy to be there and carve his horns out of his skull one by one himself, it didn't mean that the scientists were allowed to make the process bearable.
The pain was what gave him the strength to break free. The shuttle had ended up crashing as it was passing above the city, refueling. But he wasn't in it when it crashed. He'd already jumped off.
The fall would have killed him if it wasn't for the force. But he survived, and the Empire knew.
There was a bounty on his head almost as soon as he made it into the city. The description was being broadcast by every droid and device that possessed a speaker: an escaped experiment from an imperial laboratory shuttle, bipedal, about 5 feet tall, warm blooded, horned, with silver skin and black markings, and golden eyes. They didn't speak of him as if he was a boy barely old enough to hit puberty, because that would require them to consider him a person and he wasn't, he was merely imperial property that anyone with a blaster was being given a pass to use lethal force to capture.
He found out the lethal force part when multiple heads turned in his direction as he reached the main street, hoping to be able to hide among the crowd even if the blood sliding down the side of his head from his temple and just above his forehead where two horns used to be, and didn't hesitate to start shooting in his direction.
Running was the only option. After crash-landing and given how much he was bleeding, standing his ground and fighting was not viable. He had to get out of there before Vader got there, and he had to do so before any of those willing hunters injured him more. But his escape was messy, thoughtless; he didn't have anyone to teach him his way around a city, or a town, or any kind of settlement that wasn't the cloning facility where he'd been created. There was no losing his pursuers, every alleyway and street he entered, every business he used as a shortcut, resulted in more people after him.
A net ensnared him. He struggled, but all he achieved was for the net to tighten around him and delivered an electric shock that made him scream, but it didn't knock him out. He'd dealt with electricity enough times to have built a tolerance for it- never a tolerance for pain though, merely enough tolerance not to fall unconscious as it coursed through his nerves like a thousand tiny insects on fire biting directly into his nervous system.
He heard the approaching voices questioning how he was still conscious before one concluded "Doesn't matter." and there it was, the blaster's barrel, mocking him almost as much as the net as it tightened and forced his arms to stay pinned to his torso. Frustrated and scared, he screamed: a loud and angry sound that attempted to sound intimidating, but it's hard to sound intimidating when you have the voice of a child, so it came out as more of a shriek. Still loud, still angry, but it lacked the scary factor. He squeezed his arms shut, bracing himself for more pain, then the nothingness of death.
A blaster went off, once, twice, three times. Three bodies hit the ground and it was only after the third one did so that he dared open his eyes and look up. The sight before him wasn't that much more welcoming from a blaster's barrel, a man wearing armor and a completely expressionless helmet- it reminded him of the helmets worn by stormtroopers, but only because of the expressionlessness of the visor. His nostrils flared and he bared his teeth, what should have been a threatening snarl turned into a wince as the net rubbed against his injured head, coaxing more blood out.
He was going to die, just by a different hand than he previously thought.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
maulkie actually means everything to maul. genuinely. his existence changes maul in a way he didn’t think possible. while his need to get revenge against sidious is still very much a driving force for him, his need to keep maulkie safe is stronger. initially he thinks maulkie could be a key part of helping him take down sidious. now the thought of losing maulkie is more terrifying than the thought of facing sidious alone (he’s not dumb tho so he’s not gonna do that either). maulkie is the first person maul truly cares about since savage and he has no intentions of repeating the same mistakes he did with his brother. BUT ALSO. i think the relationship with maulkie is gonna fuck up his connection to the force bc he’s essentially (trying) to let go of his revenge needs for maulkie’s benefit. SO HIS LITTLE PRINCE MEANS EVERYTHING TO HIM.
quinlan,,, the first time maul lets his need for companionship win. for one night,, but it was worth it lol. he’s reaping the benefits of kilindi and komari coming before him bc while maul is good at living in denial about both situations, the need to have what he lost is still there. maul is so terrible at letting his guard down around anyone, but quinlan is so good at getting him to do it anyway. touching him without any intentions of hurting him. loving him and being devoted to him with no catch, no ulterior motives, just wanting the feelings to be reciprocated. i know we were joking about the power imbalance ships ndkfnjfknjgk but this is actually the first relationship he’s experienced without that imbalance. they’re equals and maul doesn’t (usually) feel the need to assert dominance like dear old daddy palps always taught him. 
i’ve rambled now but he loves his kids too. cal and galen are his little guys. they’re a big deal for him too bc they’re the first time he has the position to train how he was trained, to punish how he was punished but he can’t. he can’t put someone through the same things he was put through.
FERAL. maul thinks feral was born with the instructions to purposely piss him off everyday. but he loves him. would do anything for him. i love the relationship arcs they go through and feral ultimately being the voice of reason.
and finally maul respects rook which is saying a lot considering how he treats most of his… soldiers?? employees???? while he will direct her towards potential death should he need to, he would always prefer it if she didn’t die.
What does my Muse mean to yours?
I love this so much AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Maulkie loves Maul. He looks up to him both as an example that someone can walk away from Sidious and live, which gives him more hopes for the future than he ever thought he'd get to have, as a cautionary tale on what to avoid doing (don't go after Obi-Wan Kenobi, basically), and also as the father he never thought could want him considering he was created to kill him. He's learning so much from Maul and is really grateful.
Quinlan feels safe with Maul, which is a little ironic considering everyone is constantly telling him that Maul is incredibly dangerous. But Maul is the first person he's felt he's an equal to, Maul doesn't judge him for his 'crazy' thoughts or because he fell to the dark side and committed atrocities.
Cal and Galen both have different approaches to being mentored by Maul. Cal was used to the boogeyman-like tales about Darth Maul all through the clone wars and even before that, but then he meets Maul and it's... different, Maul is far from a good person, but he's trying to be a Master to Cal. As for Galen... well, he's used to his mentors being Vader, who was quite neglectful, distant and violent when it came to training him, and Proxy, who was supportive and his only comfort... when his primary directive wasn't making him try to kill Galen; but Maul is different from Vader, and Galen sees a lot of himself on Maul- like Maul is the adult version of the child taken away from his family by a Sith that Galen is.
Feral grew up in Maul's shadow, actually meeting him was something he never thought he'd get to do and it's... strange. He's not disappointed, far from it. It's actually a breath of fresh air to see that Maul is just some guy. Yes, he's powerful and he's different, but he's also just a mortal Zabrak just like him- one that Feral feels he can actually teach some things to, mostly about their culture and heritage.
Rook admires Maul. Ironically, he brought her hope that perhaps Mandalore could go back to its former glory. Perhaps the Death Watch was not the way, but Maul's lead was by far better than Vizsla's. Even if he had ulterior motives, he had actual goals and was ambitious and determined to reach them, not just wanting the throne because some ancestors of his used to sit on it. She also respects strength and Maul is the strongest person she's ever met, so it's easy to follow him.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
Headcanon - Maulkiller
Maulkie collects things. No matter how old he is when he's finally free from the laboratory where he was created, he likes collecting things from the places he goes to: rocks, plants (he doesn't know how to take care of them but even when they wither and die, he enjoys looking at them), little trinkets, just things that have no value to anyone other than him. But those things remind him that he's not in the cloning facility anymore, it's something for him to focus on when he wakes up shaken by nightmares of that place, and something he gets to own that serves no purpose because everything else (his lightsabers, his clothes, the supplies he carries with him) are all meant to be functional and he wants something he can own just because, like a normal person.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
19 , 15 and 9 !
q’s for a multimuse! 
9. which of your muses tends to be the group “mom friend”?
Kelleran and Trace- mostly with Rafa cause Rafa is the ones that gets in trouble the most, and with Omega cause BABEY.
15. do any of your muses have trouble falling asleep / staying asleep?
Trouble falling asleep: Galen, Luke, Myles, Cal, Goran, Tahiri.
Trouble staying asleep: Leia, Bossk, Maulkiller, Cal, Tahiri, Sinjir, Nuru, Janek.
19. which of your muses has the funniest story from childhood? what is it?
Funny only to him. One time, when they were teenagers, Luke and his friends Biggs, Camie Fixer were racing with landspeeders near the sarlacc pit and Fixer, wanting to prove himself better than Biggs and Luke to show off to Camie —his crush— so he set up two ramps on each end of the pit and intended to jump over it while doing flips. He almost made it to the other side, but fell a couple feet short and ended up crashing into the sandy edge of the pit, where the Sarlacc felt him and started feeling around for him with its tentacles. Biggs went there with his own landspeeder to get Fixer, but the Sarlacc grabbed onto the speeder and was pulling them in when Luke grabbed Biggs' rifle and shot the tentacles from all the way across the pit, saving them.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ? / salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? / poppy :   what comforts your muse ? ( THE SWEET BABY PRINCE, MAULKIE )
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?
It's not really that hard to earn his trust. Maulkie has a lot of confidence in himself and his powers and so can at times be a little naive, believing that others can't hurt him (depending on the person, of course). Once his trust is lost, however, it is quite an achievement to get it back. He's half Maul, half Starkiller. He's resentful. It would take time depending on what the transgression was.
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ?
While at the cloning facility, Maulkie wasn't really allowed to have anything of his own or any attachments with those that were tasked with taking care of him. So, when he finds something that he wants, he can be quite possessive. You'd have to get through his cold, dead body to take away his friends and any objects that he believes to have value.
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
He doesn't really know what comforts him. His life has been one long list of moments where he was uncomfortable/upset one after another, sometimes separated by moments where he wasn't quite well but he wasn't doing as bad as he could. He has yet to figure out what brings him comfort. So far, being alone and actually being able to walk away from situations is sort of comforting to him.
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