#¦ 🕶️ ‛  yeah that’s a no.   /    ic.
hecateisalesbian · 1 year
For the wild card... what was your least favorite question out of all of these to answer?
 Do you have freckles?  i think? Yeah? Only like a few tho
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it?  hohoooo your gonna regret asking me this question >:3 For Tea I have a very specific tea brand I always buy and it’s the Arizona Green Tea Diet and then yknow occasional Peace Tea and on some occasions tea leaves. For Coffee when it’s at Starbucks I get one Grande size Vanilla Iced (Gay) Latte with 2 Splendas and almond milk! At home though I just brew up some coffee and put creamer and vanilla unsweetened almond milk with a 1:3 ratioish and a spoonful of Splenda.
What was the last song you listened to?  The entire Nimona album lol
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?  Back or Side because I rotate but never directly on the stomach
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?  Yes. The amount changes tho. But rn I have a stuffed animal called Rat Cat and then my dog 🐶
Do you prefer drawing or writing?  they equally suck
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?  i always always always have to sleep with a very specific blanket for my anxiety and that’s really all I need
What’s your favorite band/artist?  errrrr Lovejoy or Lemon Demon or Mother Mother?
When is your birthday? Not sharing that but my fake one is March 7th
How tall are you? Like 5’2”
What color are your eyes? Very dark brown (boring Ik)
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? My Irl friends and my sister
Fears? Bugs, Spiders, T h e D a r k
What’s your favorite color? Purple obvs 💜
What’s your favorite season? Fall, because depending on where you are it’s so wonderful and the weather is perfect and everything is so pretty and also it’s SPOOKY SEASON 🎃
Want any tattoos? What of? Many. Idk how many but my basics are a sibling tattoo with my sister, a matching tattoo with my mom that I’ve already designed, a star, sun, and moon tattoo with my sister and my mom, a snake or two somewhere, some flowers maybe, a semicolon, etc
Want any piercings? Where? YES. Lots of places! I want to deck out my ears, probably get some nose piercings, lip piercings, eyebrow piercings, and then idk from there
Who is the last person you texted? My friend
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? I used to but not anymore
What/who do you miss? My sister
How was your day today? Well I woke up like 2 minutes ago
How much sleep did you get last night? Idk man I just pass out whenever
Do you believe in aliens? Idk theirs probably smth else besides us on this dingy space rock
When was the last time you cried? Why? When I sneezed 6 times in a row a minute ago
What’s your favorite decade? Hmmmmm. Idk. Early 2000’s maybe, 60’s-80’s seem cool
What are some seemingly childish things you like? Stuffed animals, ‘kids’ shows, wanting to play on swing sets
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? Uhhh Idk if this is my favorite but I really really like the book series called Strange The Dreamer!
How are you, really? Idk
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? I’m extremely indecisive
What are you looking forward to in the near future? Doing some musicals/plays, Halloween, seeing my sister again, going to a con
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? Moving lol, hopefully finding a partner
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? My home state Colorado
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Who- who sleeps with it open? Ew. Closed.
What’s your favorite flower? I don’t have one 🤷🏼‍♀️
Do you currently have a squish?  😎 🤏🤨🕶️🤏 a what. Okay after a quick google search this looks like a QPR. I used to but not rn
Do you like your middle name? I love it! It holds a lot of meaning to it and it’s actually the name I choose after realizing I’m trans (and also I generally hated my first name)
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Im allergic to cats so I have to say dogs but I love cats. But snakes are number one 🐍
Do you have any phobias? Arachnophobia
Do you stay up late? Well let’s just say im daggers friend from two days ago
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? Hate the beach. Clouds all the way. Mountains are THE BEST
What’s your favorite cartoon? The Owl House 🦉
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs @bloodied-dagger @el-fandom-birb @haystarlight@imhumanguysiswear@stars-and-birds@threegoblinart@childlikegoblinqueen@artkittycatty@tardismama@fandomsandflyingstingrays@rosy-tickles@ALL OF MY MUTUALS
Do you have siblings? How many? Uh I have two blood related sisters, two step brothers, and one brother in law
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? My dog probably. Other than that my mom
Is there anyone you would die for? My sister, my dog, my friends, my parents
What do you need when you’re sad? Happiness lol. Naw in all seriousness my dog
Have you memorized your phone number? If you haven’t I hope you like dying
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? My sister 
What does your last text say? “Oh”
My least favorite question was all of them because I woke up 6 minutes ago why am I doing this
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secondwlnd · 2 years
@dervisionar​  said:    ❛  you’re  the  one  that’s  always  telling  me  I  need  to  get  out  more.  ❜
                                    ❝  yeah,  ‘cause  you’re  always  doing  nerd  stuff.  ❞   steve’s  head  pops  up  from  where  he’d  been  sprawled  on  the  grass.  totally  bored,  until  just  now.  steve  squints  at  him  for  a  moment;   ❝  …  no,  i  mean,  yeah  uh  —  that’s  great.  you  look,  uh,  ❞   he  makes  a  vague  gesture  at  felix’s  outfit  —  eventually  trailing  off  gracelessly  when  he  can’t  find  a  proper  descriptor.  fancy?  and  then,  jaw  drops  open  in  a  mildly  cartoonish  manner;   ❝ … wait  —    ❞
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                                    ❝  —  mr.  richter,  are  you  going  on  a  date?  ❞   he  does  a  little  hop-skip  to  his  feet.  it  escaped  him  exactly  where  one  might  go  on  a  romantic  stroll  around  here,  but  hey.   ❝  oh.  wooow.  you’re  totally  going  on  a  date  dressed  like  my  high school  librarian.  ❞   he  pauses  a  beat,  with  a  low  whistle,   ❝  —  but  like,  a  cool  one,  i  mean.  some  people  are  totally  into  that.  ❞   
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tokunbuns · 2 years
Summer Emoji Asks
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☀️: What’s your favorite summer activity? Visiting the beach.
🍗: You’re at a BBQ feast, what do you eat the most? Burgers!
🏄: Are you into sports? Yeah, I participate in a running club and lift.
🍧: Top 3 ice cream flavours? Raw cookie dough, caramel chew chew, vanilla.
🌴: Where’s your sunny dream destination? Los Angeles.
🍹: Favorite refreshing drink? Iced flat white!
🍍: Weirdest food you ever tasted? Garlic snails, yuck.
😻: Talk about anything you really look forward to! Run club.
🕺: Are there any dances you like? Short TikTok dances.
🏖️: Name your favorite TV beach scene! The first eps of Skam!
⭐: What’s on your wishlist? New running gear.
🥵: Do you like spicy or mild food? Both, as long as it’s not too bland or spicy.
🎬: For a summer movie night, name at title you’d love to see! Lilo & Stitch.
🥤: Milkshake, Frappuccino or Bubble Tea; which flavor? Caramel Frappuccino.
🎦: 3 of your favourite music videos? I don’t really watch MVs.
🍕: What is your favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni, sweetcorn & olives.
✈️: Choose a country to be in right now! Los Angeles, to see Maddie.
🎵: A song that will get you in a summer vibe? Where this Flower Blooms.
🏙️: Countries you’ve traveled to? USA, Turkey, Scotland & France.
🥐: What do you eat for breakfast? PB toast & fruit or English breakfast.
📖: Tell us any personal story! I painted a mural on a school playground!
🏕️: Favourite type of vacation? City: cycling around, eating food & socialising.
💇🏻: What is your preferred hairstyle? I want mine shoulder length.
🥗: What’s your ultimate tasty salad? Any salad.
🕶️: What’s something you don’t need but keep buying? Caffeine.
🌟:  Which tv series would you like to binge right now? Skam.
🍉: Name 3 sorts of fruit you love to eat! Mangoes, melons, and berries.
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secondwlnd · 2 years
@adrenlne​​  said:  ❛  I’m  sure  I  can  handle  whatever  it  is.  ❜  /  am  i  going  to  send  u  memes  days  after  the  fact  because  i  did  not  see  them  when  they  were  posted..............Well  Yes
                 ❝  hey,  whoa  —  can  we  just.  think  for  a  minute?  ❞   steve  catches  her  at  the  sleeve  before  she  can  evade  him   —  not  forcefully,  just  enough  to  get  her  attention  again.   ❝  i’m  serious,  take  it  easy.  you’re  not  handling  shit  like  this  and  you  know  it.  ❞   she  looks  beat,  which  was  not  a  total  shocker  to  him  —  since  she  never  seemed  like  she  took  a  break.  the  wound  she  stubbornly  pressed  on  with  was  evidence  enough  of  that.  steve  takes  one  look  at  it  and  feels  nauseous  all  over  again.  this  bullshit  wasn’t  getting  any  easier.
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                 ❝    —  hey,  look,  i  don’t  doubt  that,  but.  you’re  like…  the  ‘a’  team,  you  know?  if  we  lose  you  right  now,  what’s  the  ‘b’  team  supposed  to  do?  we’re  toast.  ❞   he’s  trying  to  cheer  her  up,  and  he’s  not  sure  if  it’s  working.  he  makes  a  gesture  at  himself  to  indicate  —  me,  i’m  the  ‘b’-team.  you’re  lookin’  at  him.
                 steve  lets  go,  then.   ❝  i  get  that  you  have  this  whole  grizzled  veteran  thing  going  on  —  and  maybe  i  don’t  have  any  idea  what  it’s  like  —  but.  you  don’t  have  to  do  everything  on  your  own.  ❞   a  beat,  where  he’s  succinctly  aware  he’s  been  talking  too  much.  come  on  harrington,  not  your  best  work.   ❝  so.  y’know.  let’s  make  sure  everyone  makes  it  out,  okay?  ❞
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secondwlnd · 2 years
@uminoroi​​​​  said:  ❛  I  just  have  this  feeling  that  everything  is  going  to  work  out  just  fine.  ❜  hes  too  optimistic
                 cool,  coldwind  kind  of  blows,  but  hey  —   at  least  it’s  not  going  to  be  another  trial  spent  in  the  pitch-fucking-dark.  or  knee-deep in  swamp.  of  course,  they  don’t  know  who  the  hell’s  out  there,  yet.  and  this  old  crate  seems  as  good  a  place  as  any  to  stake  out  their  surroundings.  steve’s  gaze  does  a  swivel  from  left-to-right  over  the  pale  yellow  fields  for  miles  around.  no  chainsaw  rev,  no  otherwordly  screech.  so  far  so  good,  maybe.
                 steve,  distracted,  tugs  yoichi  down  after  him  by  the  sleeve.  absently,  he  thinks  the  bright  yellow  coat  might  actually  do  the  new  guy  some  favours  in  this  realm.  he  registers  the  other  survivor’s  words  in  delay,  both  brows  shooting  up  incredulously.    ❝  —  yeah,  uh-huh.  did  your  —    ❞  he  pauses,  twirls  his  finger  in  a  looping  motion;   ❝  e-s-p-n  tell  you  that,  or  what?  ❞    
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                steve  huffs  a  derisive  sound,  parking  his  hand  firmly  on  his  hip;  
❝  —  anyway —    haven’t  you  ever  seen  a  movie,  man?  nothing  good  ever  happens  in  corn.  trust  me.  ❞    
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secondwlnd · 2 years
i thought i was going to redo my psd but good one @ me are u gonna redo 50 icons??? absolutely not <3  anyway tags post ! 
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