#« ( Troy ) » HC.
chuthut · 3 months
me taking the theories people have about troy being a clockwork soldier that's been repurposed and running with it in my brain🏃
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4oh4blognotfound · 2 months
I saw someone talk about this already but JRWI Wonderlust characters are all disabled and this is my take on them. (Aka I’m projecting on some of them hardcore.)
Vague ep 1 spoilers below
Troy: Massive headaches and jaw pain. He had TMJ before and the branch to the head made it SO much worse. The force of the blow literally displaced his jaw, opening the door for constant pain and locking. Constant talking and chewing exacerbates the issue, to the point where his jaw locks open. This was something new he’d never experienced until the injury, and it scared the shit out him. He has long term memory issues from his various concussions too!
He’s also autistic but like, we’ve been knew about that.
Runt: Hypermobile 1000%! Her knee braces remind me of my own brace for my dislocated kneecap mixed with another kind of brace whose name I can’t remember atm. Her tibias are bowed so the braces are supposed to help with that.
Asthma as well!! I haven’t see a better depiction, whether intentional or not, of asthma as a long time sufferer.
Blink: He also has asthma, but manages it with an inhaler of sorts that he gets from the apothecary. (It’s part of his payment at this point.) He’s got a slight astigmatism in both eyes that causes constant headaches from strain. Where most people with the same problem’s eyes go in, his go out, making it harder to correct without glasses. Also has joint issues like Runt, but doesn’t have the hypermobility, just the aches and pains.
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ur-mentallyill-wench · 5 months
I don’t know if I ship Troy and Abed in the canon of the show, or at least not them ever being a couple I think that’s more of a I really like the pairing thing and I think they’d be a good couple, however one thing I do headcanon for the show is that Troy is down bad for Abed cause let’s be so real it’s canon that he wants to have his kids
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genderdoe-sly · 11 months
thoughts on community characters getting tattoos? Before anyone says anything I know Annie is Jewish AND many jewish ppl have tattoos
-britta would be very scared about getting one, maybe gets one she regrets or like a butterfly without knowing it’s popular
-if Annie got one it would be in an area you can’t see with clothes on, simplistic yet meaningful
-troy might get like doodles randomly positioned on his arms
-Jeff plans out a few secretly but never gets them, or has a secret one for the study group
-abed would get an important screen cap from maybe inspector space time or the first show he fell in love with
-Frankie has one for her sister 💔 (heartbreak emoji)
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noemitenshi · 2 days
You mentioned before you had a theory Troy is a virgin. Why is that?
Hi nonny :) I gotta be honest with you, it's pure vibes 😂😂😂
Ok, let my try a more serious answer... So, there's not a lot of textual evidence either way… however. Fromt what we are shown of Troy in s3, he seems very much to be an all or nothing guy. Means, at least for me, that I can't see him having had casual sex. If he did have sex I think he had to be deeply in love with this person(s). But since he makes no reference to love lost or anything like that, not even once, not even a little, I don't think he'd been in love before. Additionally, consider his dating pool; I think it is rather small. Sure there are other people on the ranch he could've dated but again nothing like that is shown in canon (like what I could believe is that he had something going on with Mike… or well, I could understand if people thought that haha). But overall he doesn't seem interested in anyone on the ranch in that way. Then there's of course the nearest town (where he presumably went to school, and then later on where just Jake went to school)… I think his bad reputation probably made the rounds there, too, so it's not like people were lining up to meet him… And I don't think that Troy sought out social situations like, dunno, going out partying or whatever. Later on hanging out in a bar.. can't see that either honestly. He doesn't seem interested in "frivolous" things like this. Then there's Jake's friends, as potential partners. Though I think Jake warned everyone he brought around off Troy. I also believe that he didn't really bring people over often - ashamed of his family, his drunk parents, his out of control brother… So even if Troy tried to hang out with them I think Jake made sure he didn't feel welcome (I think he may have humiliated him… Troy's not easy to scare off but humiliation from his family (=ppl he cares about) might work. I base this on his reaction when Madison went "wanna be a mama's boy?" and all that). So yeah, I get the sense that Troy hasn't experienced love yet (and thus no sex) which is why he's so responsive to Madison and later on Nick - though I think in both cases this isn't a romantic love - if you favor another HC that's valid too :) Just not my cup of tea. In either case he's been starved for love/affection all his life, is my point.
(Also personally, I just love writing Troy as a virgin, experiencing his first time late in life, every touch felt so strongly, the way he'll get overwhelmed so quickly from almost innocent touches, a few kisses… the wide-eyed, trembling expression he's sure to make at his s.o. as if they are his world, his lifeline… It's a lot of fun)
Thank you so much for the ask and have a great day 🧡
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ladders101 · 9 months
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spocks-husband · 11 months
Consider. Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard are in a QPR. Just. Consider it. She does his nails and gives him advice on his weird omnipotent bf. They eat breakfast together every day. They make out sometimes when they're bored. Jean-Luc helps raise Wesley. Jean-Luc is the first person to know about Beverly's crush on Deanna. I just. I. Them.
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patrochillesvibes · 5 months
Het were achilles and patroclus cousins? It's never been said in the illad yet people say that patroclus's grandma is achilles's great grandma , even though the illad never says this??
Here's Achilles' family tree per my Caroline Alexander translation:
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I don't have a digital copy of Emily Wilson's translation, but it is relatively similar.
As you can see, Patroclus is not in the family tree.
Homer does mention Patroclus' father, Menoetius, a few times. He also mentions that Menoetius is the son of Aktor (or Actor). No mention of a mother.
Pindar suggest's Menoetius' mother being Aegina. Sound familiar? It should because Aegina had Aeacus who had Peleus.
Weird, right? Wouldn't that make Patroclus a peer of Peleus. Of course Aegina is a nymph and and nymphs are immortal, so a generation could have passed between her having her two sons.
I remain skeptical. I think if Patroclus had such a famous mother she would probably be mentioned by Homer as Thetis was mentioned. BUT THEN AGAIN these people were SUPER sexist so 🤷‍♀️
Here's the infamous Google family tree to explain the possible relation:
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Here's a better one.
What is that like first cousins once removed?
So given it's not explicit in Homer and the connection and understanding of other sources is dodgy at best, it's really a matter of how /you/ want to define what is canon.
Is your canon The Iliad? Is it the entire Epic Cycle which we only have parts of? Or is your canon all works of Ancient Greece?
I mentioned this in another post, Greek mythology is fucking frustrating for this very reason. We know of a bunch of ancient authors who wrote about mythology and they each had their own headcanons. And of course no two headcanons are the same, just to fuck with us some more I swear.
For emphasis, here's a summary of the different hcs for Patroclus' mother:
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But back to the cousin thing...
At least in various civilizations in Europe, marrying your first cousin was a thing up through the mid-20th century. Just Google search any European royal family. We mainly only now find it "weird" or "creepy" bcs of our modern understanding of genetics.
Google is telling me it was common in some periods and some areas of Ancient Greece. So if they were cousins, it most likely would not have been considered "icky" by their contemporaries through Homer. I mean those ppl in Athens created ritualized pedophilia so I think cousin incest is pretty tame in comparison
Many of the headcanons floating out there by all these dead famous white men are contradictory. For example: there are multiple versions of how Achilles gained his powers, there are multiple versions of Achilles' death. It can't all be true! So pick what you like and move on. Or better yet, make up your own canon for yourself! Don't stress about it.
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vanderbilt-draws · 5 months
gal's (and data) night on the enterprise
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youre never too old to play dress up with your gfs and your autistic coworker whos having a gender crisis in his 30s. anyways happy lesbian visibility week. look at them
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idrewagiraffe · 2 years
in the dreamatorium episode with abed and annie, you can see in the background of abeds made up scenarios that the vending machines in greendale only sell buttered noodles. the tiny details the writers put into the show is one reason why i love it some much.
also i think it's pretty obvious that buttered noodles are a safe food for abed
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dandelionpixels · 5 months
community gang x reader / britta x reader
ask: Hey! Could I maybe request a part 2 for the britta sibling hcs where reader bonds with the group and they each help reader with their depression and Britta too of course! Sorry if a slight retread! I just love how you write britta and R!
(Part one to this is here)
- Abed is definitely the kind of friend to sit with you when you’re struggling. He’s not the one to drag you outside, or force you to drink more water. He just shows up and Britta lets him in and you guys sit on your bed and watch the show that Abed knows will make you feel a little bit better. He offers up bits of trivia to make sure you don’t zone out and even gets you to split a pack of noodles with him.
- Whenever you’re with the group and feeling down, Shirley has a habit of pulling you aside to ask if you’re okay. It’s a little embarrassing because she’s not super subtle, but you appreciate how quickly she always clocks it. She hugs you like a mom and holds your hand like a sister, and tells you that you’re gonna be alright.
- When she pulls you aside, Britta usually does something stupid to distract the group a bit while you guys talk, so you’re not too embarrassed.
- Troy is a higher-energy companion. He likes to be the one who comes over in the middle of the night and makes you guys laugh so hard you wake Britta up and she comes in but instead of being upset she just suggests you all order delivery and you stay up half the night bent over laughing with the both of them.
- Annie is definitely more solution based, and I love her for it. She brings an extra water bottle for you because she knows you don’t drink enough. She has granola bars and fruit snacks in her purse that she pretends are for everyone, but you know they’re just for you. She also for sure helps you clean your room when it gets too overwhelming, with no judgement and no snide comments, just trash bags and a laundry basket and a Sunday where she has no plans.
- Jeff pretends like he doesn’t care, but not even he is buying it. One time when you were sitting in on a study sesh, you get a text from him that just says ‘You good?’ and one time when you said ‘Yeah’ he says ‘Meet me @ water fountain in two mins’ and when you get there, he crosses his arms and stares until you sigh and your voice breaks and your eyes get watery. His face falls and he starts backtracking, “Wait, don’t do that.” and when you start sniffling he sighs reluctantly and in an effort to stop the tears, offers up his arms. When you hug him tightly, he pats you semi-awkwardly on the head, not quite sure what he’s supposed to do now.
- After a minute, you scurry away in an embarrassed rush. But after that, he’s gentler with you. He never asks straight up, but he texts versions of ‘Holding up?’ more and more often. Britta warned you one night that you really shouldn’t tell anyone else about him caring, because he will resort to blackmail.
- Every once in a while, when Britta realizes it’s getting bad, she comes home with a box cake mix and the snacks you guys loved as little kids. It’s always enough to get you out of bed, and you guys spend the evening ‘cooking’ as best you can and eating snacks and face-timing the study group so they can see your creation. The selfie of both of you with frosting on your faces is your wallaper for a long time.
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borderlandsmostwanted · 6 months
list of borderlands characters most likely to spend a lot of money on microtransactions
Katagawa Jr.
Troy Calypso
literally nobody else
😔 I'd forgive them but my forgiveness is also a microtransaction. As in, it's a small trans action and I deserve to be paid for it
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ur-mentallyill-wench · 6 months
Ima do some community making everyone gay sexuality hc cause why not
Troy- i feel like Troy is gay do you guys remember when he and Abed both went on a date with the librarian and he fully expected Abed to win and when he didn’t his only reply was asking why she didn’t pick him. Troy is 100% gay and in love with Abed (maybe not in love but guy for sure)
Abed-Abed is kinda like Troy but I think he’s bi cause he has had more chemistry with girls and shown interest in them also his bi sweater. I think he loves Troy a lot but doesn’t think of it romanticly (and maybe it’s not even romantic) but especially cause he hasn’t had many friends I don’t think he’d question the nature of their relationship. I do think if Troy ever confessed they could date if Abed liked him or not although I rhink he does
Annie-I feel like Annie is sapphic in some way, especially because we see how all of her attraction to men is based on ideals she has in her head and , I’m not sure if she’s fully a lesbian but she’s definitely not straight and once again lots of internalized homophobia but in this one like very internalized
Britta- britta is a hard one but I feel like she’s bi or bi-curious like I feel like she’s kissed and slept with girls before but only while drunk or to piss if her parents
Jeff- I don’t care what his sexuality is but regardless he just gives bi energy. I feel like he’s just happy with anyone being into him, case and point being how upset he was when the dean started liking that criminal guy (ok another point I just thought of re watching the show is the pottery episode, he totally was somewhat into Rich or whatever his name is)
That’s everyone I have an opinion on so your welcome🫶😊
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genderdoe-sly · 18 days
my current community nbc polycule opinions
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Red = romantic 
brown = sexual
blue= queer platonic
green= Married
pink=sibling feelings
Turquoise= lifelong agreement of qpr
Dotted line of corresponding color= occasionally that category 
Jeff Winger = aromantic, bisexual, closeted transfemmine, outwardly a Man. Sex:Britta, QPR: Britta, Annie. Fam:Annie
Britta Perry = demiromantic, bi woman uses only the word Queer around people outside polycule. Rom: Frankie. Sex: Jeff QPR: Jeff  Fam:Abed
Frankie Dart = lesbian Intersex Woman Rom: Britta   Fam:Annie
Shirley Bennett: Straight Woman Married:Andre Rom:Andre Sex:Andre QPR: Jeff
Troy Barnes: Gay Man Rom: Abed, Annie Sex:Abed, OCCASIONALLY Annie  life-long QPR=Abed
Annie Edison= Bi Demisexual Nonbinary person Rom:Abed, Troy Sex:Abed, OCCASIONALLY TROY QPR: Jeff. Fam:Frankie, Jeff
Abed Nadir: Pan genderquestioning Rom: Annie, Troy Sex: Annie, Troy QPR: Britta  life-long QPR=Troy
Ian Duncan= Polysexual Man Sex: OCCASIONALLY Jeff
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noemitenshi · 1 month
Thinking of Troy Otto knitting little hats and socks and whatever else he can think of for his yet unborn baby because he gets restless and impatient waiting for the little one to be born (nervous about what kind of dad he'll turn out to be - sometimes even worrying about whether the kid will turn out like him).
Using his hands, sinking into a task always did help when he gets in one of his moods. And by knitting baby clothes, maybe a blanket too, he feels like he's already doing something for his kid. Something right. Something his dad never would've. Troy doesn't know a lot about being a good dad but he figures if it's the opposite of what his dad did, it must be the right thing.
(Thinking of Jeremiah saying (grousing) how "having kids turns some men into women" and Troy taking that 'advice' and just running with it.) No, Troy doesn't know a lot about being a good dad but he'll be damned if he turns out like his own.
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