#« ( Troy ) » IC.
hood-ex · 1 month
Dick said he sat up with Donna all night after two guys named David and Lee broke up with her. Dick also said he sat up with Roy all night while Roy was detoxing.
Wiping a stray tear from my eye thinking about how Dick is that friend 🥹.
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yomna-art · 1 month
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Cassandra of Troy
Commission info + prints + twitter
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felixisstimming · 2 months
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troy lougferd (jrwi: wonderlust) stimboard
❄️ with snow and red + orange things
🛷 requested by @t4tlintrollerjrwi
x - x - x // x - ❄️ - x // x - x - x
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r3medialch8os · 1 year
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i love these notes and unused dialogue bits so much (from the original pilot script)
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erasine · 3 months
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Welcome Back Cassandra of Troy 🫶🏻
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transgendercastiel · 7 months
there’s something so magical about chang, a gay guy, making Troy, a gay guy, and pierce, a living manifestation of all that is wrong with the world, wear effeminate pant suits to the Valentine’s Day dance. The fact pierce was seemingly “gay for frozen yoghurt”. The way they drove away on a moped… I’m not even doing analysis I’m just entranced
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him: are you fucking stupid
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doppel-dean-er · 2 months
yes im doing another poll i've been going back and forth with these two and i can't decide
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bearforceone3 · 3 months
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some bust doodles
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Tag game
I've been tagged by @delphissoracle to make a poll with my favorite female character to see which my followers like the most so here we go:
I'm tagging: @confusedhummingbird @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @chronicallylatetotheparty @farshootergotme
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j-morgan-fly · 11 days
How are there not more GOT/ASOIAF edits with songs from The Epic Saga by my king Jorge Rivera-Herrans!?
There are a lot of songs perfect for both Jon and Daenerys. Whether you’re pro Daenerys or anti, there are songs that can work for either. monster and Syclla are great songs to use to show her descent to what she became in the show, her journey. It’s beautiful and tragic, like her.
Sansa too! Sansa is similiar to Cersei, a cheeky edit of Sansa and Daenerys to Done For? Yes please.
It is such an incredible score of songs that can fit so many characters in Game of Thrones to now be used by this fandom more or at least I’m not looking in the right places.
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greenlantern94to04 · 3 months
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Green Lantern-Related Titles Round-Up (June 1994)
Welcome to a new section where I'll be going over all the Green Lantern-related stuff happening across the DC Universe outside of the actual Green Lantern title in a given month, similar to what I've been doing at the '90s Superman blog. We start with a biggie...
Guy Gardner: Warrior #21
"EMERALD FALLOUT," Part 4! An all-splash pages issue about Guy's climactic fight with former goodypants Hal Jordan, who, as Guy learned last issue, recently went insane and killed a bunch of their mutual friends. Alan Scott, Arisia, Colos of the Darkstars, Wonder Woman, and other Justice Leaguers are also there, but Guy is the only one who's able to last longer than one page against Hal.
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This is because Guy's yellow power ring is powered by residual Green Lantern energy, so now that Hal is Green Lantern energy, the more he fights Guy, he more powerful Guy gets. Hal, who apparently thought Guy would sympathize with his murderous heel turn given that 1) he's also lived in Coast City and 2) he's also used to being called a psycho, eventually ends the fight by simply crushing Guy's ring and absorbing all of its power.
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Hal leaves Guy in his undies and gives him with a warning for everybody (as in, the other superheroes): "I don't want to harm them... but I will get the power I need. I will make everything all right again." Not sure how Guy will deliver this message since Hal apparently knocked him unconscious and shot him off into space right before saying it, but okay.
Darkstars #21
"EMERALD FALLOUT" Fallout! This issue starts with Darkstar Colos briefly alluding to the fact that he just had his ass handed to him by Hal in GG:W #21, but he says he's got "more pressing matters" than a murderous maniac with the power of 3600 Green Lanterns, so he goes off to do some Darkstars bullshit. The reason I'm including this here is the scene in which Green Lantern John Stewart, who had ascended to Guardian of the Universe status at the end of his solo series Green Lantern: Mosaic, suddenly realizes that everyone's GL rings have disappeared. Oh, he's no longer a Guardian (because there are no Guardians anymore).
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While John is wondering what's going on, a Controller, one of the "distant cousins of the Guardians" who run the Darkstars, shows up and says he might be able to explain, but he needs John to come somewhere with him. Meanwhile, there's a scene where one Darkstar superior tries telling another about Hal Jordan going evil and threatening the very existence of the universe, but once again the other guy is like "who cares, let's talk about some Darkstars bullshit."
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This issue also includes the moment in which Donna Troy, formerly Wonder Girl of the Teen Titans, is offered a gig as a Darkstar. We'll be seeing a lot of her over in Green Lantern in the future...
Superman & Batman Magazine #5
This series (which I'll cover in more detail at some point in the Superman '86 to '99 Patreon, because it's kinda awesome) includes not only animated-style comics but also in-universe articles and interviews with DC characters. This issue has one in which Superman's One-Time Romantic Interest Cat Grant talks to Guy, who thinks she's hitting on him but reaffirms his commitment to Ice.
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The interview spends a lot of time explaining Guy's yellow ring (which, as of this month, he no longer has) and his armor (which only lasted like two issues). The funniest part is that it ends with Guy saying he has to bail because "somethin' weird's happening on Oa, an' I gotta find out what." Is the implication here that between learning of the emergency on Oa in GG:W #20 and actually leaving with the rest of the Justice League, Guy took the time to be interviewed for a magazine? That does seem like a very Guy Gardner thing to do.
Justice League Quarterly #14
Hal Jordan appears in this issue's main story, but a blurb in the first page lets us know that it "takes place waaay before current events in Justice League or Green Lantern." That explains why Hal looks so cheerful and non-murderous.
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"Boy, I sure do love having a city!"
The story is about a satanic guy turning Praxis, one of the members of Booster Gold's capitalism-loving super-team the Conglomerate, into a giant being of pure energy, for satanic reasons. Hal and the League turn him back to normal using the power of friendship, basically. Then Hal makes a joke at Flash's expense and everyone laughs (off-panel; it's implied).
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"I also sure do love having friends, whom I'd never kill or try to erase from existence! Life is GOOD here in mid-1993."
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the-butter-churner · 3 months
hektor of troy died and came back as robb stark specifically to make me sad
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activefancaster757 · 1 month
So I’ve been going down a A Song Of Ice And Fire rabbit hole and I have some new favorite characters that being Lord Alaric Stark. I’ve been thinking on a fan cast for the brooding men that is know one of my biggest crushes and the only person that could feel those shoes is Eric Bana, mos specifically him in the awful movie Troy ( 2004 ) ! Tell me I’m wrong ! I dare you!
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quatermasspitt · 2 months
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"Cave Bear Ceremony" by Zdeněk Burian, 1962
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jax-wins-these · 2 months
*shits your pants*
is this one of the troys fucking with me
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