#« ( Yukioki ) » HC.
nvrcmplt · 4 months
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My boys all looked up just :D that us.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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"Mitsushige" Seiryu: Azure Dragon of the East
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Asian Dragon/Transcendent Dragon Physiology
Directional Lordship - East
Spring Manipulation
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Wood Element)
Wood Embodiment
Wood Manipulation
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"Jiyuna" Suzaku: Vermillion Bird of the South
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Directional Lordship - South
Summer Manipulation
Transcendent Bird/Avian Deity/Phoenix Physiology
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Light Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Fire Element)
Fire Embodiment
Fire Manipulation
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"Tsuyoshi" Byakko: White Tiger of the West
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Directional Lordship - West
Autumn Manipulation
Tiger/Tiger Deity Physiology
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Metal Element)
Metal Embodiment
Metal Manipulation
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"Yukioki" Genbu: Black Tortoise of the North
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Snake Physiology
Tortoise/Dragon Turtle Physiology
Directional Lordship - North
Winter Manipulation
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation (Water Element)
Water Embodiment
Water Manipulation
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"Akikuni" Huanglong: Yellow Dragon/Qilin of the Center
Ambient Energy Manipulation
Qilin Physiology
Circadian Manipulation
Directional Lordship - Center
Eclipse Manipulation
Land Embodiment
Season Embodiment
Transcendent Element Manipulation
Aether Manipulation
Wu Xing Manipulation
Earth Embodiment
Earth Manipulation
Yin & Yang Manipulation
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
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Yukioki’s body is coiled, scolded and burned from within, with the figure of a snake under his skin. Yuki's complexion is white as snow, which is intune with his Winter adoration, but it is under the skin that the serpents glow of a lava orange hue is often seen. Abnormal to those who do not know of him or his origins. Genbu is not just the Black Tortoise, but also a Snake coiled tortoise. However, this entanglement isn’t an innocent hug of reptiles, in fact it was a cursed snake that would have doomed the waters with its presence alone. The snake was sealed within Genbu’s shell, allowing it’s tail to extend from one leg opening and it’s head from an arm, the serpentine was bound to his skin, melding together, upon Yuki’s back.
Yukioki harbours the Serpents wrath and sorrows of being stuck, but over the billions of years of being together, they are at complete harmony. Genbu allows the Snake to control the underwater lava pits beneath their domain, the bubbling cracks in the Earth hidden from human reach, overflowing with the Earth’s core and warmth. Whilst, Yukioki, Genbu reigns over the Oceans and Winters above their ocean home. That being said however, it is often they trade places within emotions, Yukioki’s wrath isn’t common but when it is, it is catastrophic.
The serpent beneath Yuki’s skin is scolding to the touch, and it flows around his body anywhere and any place it desires there is no limit to where the snake can roam upon Yuki’s body. Commonly witnessed to often pass over his facial features, hands and feet. It's visible to those that keep an eye on him, and with no ability to hide the beast, nor no will too - it is often seen as a Demon, rather than a God long side Yukioki himself.
The snake is Nameless, however Yuki’ refers to it as Himself in conversation, since it is a part of him and he is a part of it.
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