#¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lets just say its not the best choice
illithikidteethling · 2 years
uh so apparently the outer worlds is getting an ultimate edition with an graphics overhaul and increased level cap in march. (And new animations? If that last part with martin was anything to go by.)
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ibijau · 2 years
five things you never get tired of writing
was tagged by @jaggededges123
tagging @veraverorum @silliam-hill @fortune-maiden and whoever else feels like it bc tumblr won’t let me tag half the people I want to mention¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. Mutually ‘unrequited’ feelings
I just think it’s fun?? I love having characters say something is revealing and be misunderstood? I love characters trying to hide?? I love love LOVE characters fearing to ruin their friendship and valuing that more than the risk of saying something that would change things?? It’s also so fun when one of the characters overcorrects to hide their love and ends up cold and distant, thus feeding the other’s impression of unrequited feelings... it’s just delicious.
2. Crack taken seriously
Well, anyway it’s apparently something I do frequently, though I don’t usually realise it until someone says that in the comments. But I do enjoy coming up with a weird setting/trope and then trying to be realistic about it. It’s a fun excuse for researching stuff, which I always like. And anyway, it just naturally happens to me. I’m an overthinker, so I will end up distracted by details and by trying to figure out how stuff works (like that recent hanahaki au where I kinda had to cut down a bunch of stuff because I kept going on tangents trying to explain details of the sickness that weren’t really relevant to the story in the end)
3.Secrets (and the catharsis of being able to share them)
Might be a bit general there lol. I think every character should have something they don’t want others to know, it really drives the story! It makes for fun dialogues, especially if the character is desperate for his secret to be shared, and equally terrified of revealing it. It’s also super fun to try and decide who would notice something is up and who wouldn’t, who would try to force the secret out and who would respect that silence... and then of course the catharsis of no longer having to keep that secret? The mortifying ordeal of being known by someone, and being accepted and loved anyway? (bc I’m weak and I rarely write things going wrong of course lol)
4. Trust
Both its presence and its absence. Either case leads to fun stories. I like characters who trust no one. I like characters who only trust one person, but don’t make a big show of it so that the other person might not even realise that they have been trusted that way. Characters who trust easily are also fun! And then it’s always fun to decide how that would inform their choices, their reactions, what might change their capacity for trust...
5. Happy endings
Full respect to sad endings! They can be excellent! But if I write a story, it’s because I love the characters, and so I need the story to feel like it ends well for someone I care about. With this said, my definition of happy ending might not be yours. I’ve written stories I counted as happy endings because people got to die alongside the person they liked best, or because they felt their death was bringing significant good. I am particularly weak to lovers separating because being together would compromise the change they want to bring to the world, and I count that as a happy ending because it was their choice to do so, and the love remains even apart. I guess more than just happy, I need endings to be hopeful... Though I am definitely a sucker for ‘typical’ happy endings as well! I just want the characters to either be happy, or feel like their life meant something
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royalarchivist · 2 years
hey, can u not censor swear words in ur transcripts, heres a post explaining why
but in short: its considered ableist and infantilizing to censor anything in transcripts, especially swear words, cause not only are you giving hoh and deaf ppl a different experience from hearing ppl, but ur also infantilizing them by disallowing them from hearing something as simple as the words "fuck" and "shit"
deaf and hoh ppl are not innocent lil pwecious uwu soft beans and have just as much rights to hear swear words as hearing ppl, and by censoring swear words ur just being ableist, infantilizing and disrespectful
so yea, when it comes to transcripts do. not. censor. a. single. word. nobody cares if censoring words its a part of ur typing style or if its uncomfortable to fully type out swear words, accessibility for disabled people should always, always, ALWAYS come first before ur typing style
I've responded to something similar in the past, but I know there are a lot of new folks that have followed recently and things tend to get buried on the blog, so it's worth reiterating.
I do agree that there are a lot of issues with subtitling and transcriptions in media, especially in the past few years, and I'm glad we're seeing more conversations about it, particularly after this disaster started circulating:
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But this ask is about my blog and not about film industry stupidity, so let's focus on that.
As I've repeatedly said, I don't leave things out or "censor" things because I think people are too innocent to see a curse word online (because let's be honest, that's stupid). However, I do think it's a bit unfair to assume I have bad intentions, let alone ableist intentions, with my transcripts!
I started this blog mainly because I wanted to share clips with friends, and I didn't want to clog up my main, but the posts started getting more attention than I expected. Every once in a while I started adding quick transcripts here and there, and full transcripts on rare occasions. I started doing subtitled videos after translating a few clips for the KarmaIand community, and then I kept it up because it's fun and good video editing practice. For me, the determining factor for whether or not I do something is ultimately a matter of, "Do I have time?", and I usually don't! Today, I'm using that handful of minutes to respond to this instead of working on video stuff.
I took a quick glance through the blog and I'd say only 70% of posts have any kind of transcription (if I'm being generous), and even less have full transcriptions. This blog isn't meant to eat up my time; it's a side hobby I'm not getting paid for. I'm just sharing goofy clips because they make me smile, and I hope they can make other people smile too. This blog isn't a priority for me, and it's not an official / professional archive, nor do I want people to treat it as such!
As far as the "Nobody cares" part, I care!!! I rely on subtitles for everything I consume, and I'd genuinely love to be able to write full transcripts for every single video every single time and not "censor" things so I can help other people like me. But like I've said before, I can't, and that's a topic I'm not going to get into because it's nobody's business! ¯\(ツ)/¯ I hope you can respect this boundary. It's not a matter of me having a "typing style".
Ultimately, this is my take on the matter: if it's a choice between doing transcripts to the best of my abilities or just posting things with no transcripts or subtitles at all, I'm always going to choose the former.
Even though I'm sad and disappointed that some people are quick to assume the worst of me and my intentions solely because of what I put (or don't put) in the description of a goofy little MCYT video, I do appreciate your passion anon, because this is a big issue! Unfortunately, this is as much as I can help, but I'm of the belief that any effort made in good faith is better than no effort made at all.
For folks who want full transcripts that are very professional, I highly recommend checking out @mcyt-transcribed! They've got a great team, and they've even transcribed a few of my videos, which is nice! I've always appreciated what they do, and I think they deserve a lot more love and recognition.
I know this is a very long post and not what people signed up for when they followed this blog, but I like addressing this stuff because I feel like, in this community especially, people tend to have a habit of letting things fester. And that sucks! We're all just here to watch people make jokes and play block game, after all. I think open communication is key to resolving most issues, and even though people won't agree on everything, I hope they're able to walk away from the conversation without any hard / hurt feelings and with a better understanding of the other person.
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azlrse · 2 years
➳ Twst Boys' Confession as Taylor Swift Lyrics (ft. Leona, Idia, Jamil & Kalim.).
CW: ooc characters (?) and soft leona & extreme fluff.
A/N: decided to write for different characters from the game and imma try my best upon portraying the boys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also, most of the confession dialogues can be seen here.
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Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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"Well you stood there with me in the doorway, My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but;"
"Thanks for bringing me back at my dorm, Leona. It's not something the Leona I knew would do on a daily basis but I'm greatly thankful for the small gesture." You spoke, a small smile plastered on your face as the prince felt a tinge of spark, not only on his stomach but also in his heart. Leona let's out a small hum as a way to respond to your words.
It's not the first time Leona felt this way towards this non-magical human whom he thought that he couldn't get along due to his pride and stand off personality. The more he observed you–the way you got along with his fellow peers (Jack & Ruggie), bringing him some tarts and sweets from the 'unbirthday' parties you've attended and how he expresses his annoyance towards you whenever you asked him for help.
Those thoughts of his may not be the best nor being the top of the icing but to him, those thoughts are the reasons why he developed such feelings for you. How come a prince like him fell for a human with no magical abilities. Ruggie knew all about his so-called little crush on you and told him that he must confess his feelings before those heartslabyul peeps might steal you away from him. Those words finally convinced him for you to become his and gathered his last pinch of dignity for him to confess his love for you.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Let me know if Ruggie needs some help in chores back at the dorms." You waved at him good bye and proceeded to make your way inside of the dorm, in which you called home during your time here in twisted wonderland. Before you even step foot on the cold marble floor of the dorm, his hand made its way to your wrist, startling you a bit. He didn't say anything but you noticed how his eyes was directed on the ground, avoiding your gaze. "Leona, is something the matter-"
“Listen, herbivore. I am only going to say this once, so you better listen." Your heart started racing from endless possibilities that could happen on you but instead, his next line of words finally made your heart go faster, the words you hoped that he'll say to you.
Leona took a deep breathe, mentally contemplating wether this is the right choice for him to express on how much he yearned for you. Holding both of your hands against his huge and warm hands, he admitted these feelings that bothered him from the past few months. "It's not something I would admit all the time but I love you. It would mean a lot to me if you'd go on a date with me, just the two of us." He couldn't help but the way your face reddened and heard a small murmur from you. "Couldn't hear ya, sweetcheeks. Speak again, will ya?"
"T-this was unexpected of you but I would love to go out with you!"
"That's good to hear, herbivore but there's only one thing I would like to do." He smirked.
"And that is?"
His arm make its way to your waist as his lips connected into yours, eyes widen from his sudden affection but quickly melted as both of your arms are linked into his neck. From afar, Grim and a certain hyena fist bumped each other as two of their prefects became an item.
"You pull me in and I'm a little more brave. It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless."
Idia Shroud 💠
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"You took the time to memorize me–my fears, my hopes and dreams. I just like hanging out with you, All the time."
If there's one dream that Idia would like to receive, he wants his first relationship to be with you; his closest friend and dearest player 2. Oh how he imagined to the sweetest acts whenever he fantasized about you–walking alone when everyone in Night Raven College was fast asleep, having matching icons on Magicam, or calling each other stupid yet cheesy nicknames that only the two of you would know.
If he gathered enough courage to face his social anxiety, he, along with his younger brother, would come to class to accompany you and Grim. But due to his crippling anxiety and self-doubt, he stop making his romantic feelings for you quite obvious, in risk of loosing his one and only friend in the school that caused him so much distress. It was painful for him but for the sake of his relationship with you, he'll just endure this painful process of keeping his feelings for you a secret.
His younger brother repeatedly encouraged Idia for him to court and confess his love to you. He didn't said yes but didn't declined his brother's words either. He was in the middle of the lines of yes and no.
How does this goofball fall for you? Well, the reason why is because you knew him as if a list of his likes and dislikes was placed on his head. You knew his boundaries and limits, the reason why he had this anti-social personality and why his video games is his only escape when the outside world becomes too much for him to handle. Idia will never forget on how you rescued him when Kalim and the rest of his peers pressured him on coming with them.
And it didn't take long for his platonic relationship with you had turned into something else, a feeling he didn't felt for a long time due to his fear of interaction; he fell for you hard. He felt like he was in a dating sim where you're the love interest and he was the main character, destined to be a loving couple when he chose the right choices in this small adventure of his.
Just like in the dating sims he played and the romcom animes he watched, he knew that your time as a "single" won't be long when someone else pursued on taking you as their own love interest. He needed to act fast and to his relief, Ortho told him that you gushed about him to Grim, indicating that you also have feelings for him, easing his nervousness.
Or so he thought....
And there he is, inviting you to meet you under the wishing tree at the back of the school during the late hours of night. Idia knows that the tree can increase his chances for you to accept his feelings and this place was your favorite spot to sit whenever you needed some place for you to be alone. He saw you sitting under the tree, waiting for him and didn't notice that his hands are shaking.
Taking a deep breath and remembering the encouraging words his brother told him, he made his way to you and seeing you smile makes his heart all giddy and warm. "I just saw your message and I came here as soon as the clock strikes at midnight. Is there anything you wanna tell me? Do you want someone to listen to your problems in person? Or perhaps the chapter of the new game we played yesterday just released?"
Idia shook his head sideways. ".....T-there's something I need to talk about. J-just this once, I'm gonna be honest with my feelings to you." He gathered every inch of his confidence to hold your hands and stared at your eyes as away to ensure that what he's going to say was all in honesty. His glowing hair started to turn pink, making you giggle wholeheartedly. "...I- um...It's just that- n-no, h-how should I start this-"
He started to doubt himself, thinking that you're going to be annoyed as he waste your time with a shut in like him but no. The way you gripped his hand ensures him that you're a patient and caring person who didn't want to break his fragile and cold lonely heart. "It's okay Idia, just take your time."
He didn't want to use his tablet in this occasion, he didn't want to be a coward in his confession and your sweet smile is all it takes for him to finally spit out these feelings he hid from you since last year. He shut his eyes and spoke with such confidence. "I-I r-really, really like you, (y/n)! You mean s-so much to me and h-having you as my lover was like getting that ultra rare card I've always wanted for so long! But I don't want to tell the truth was because I didn't want you to loose you as m-my closest friend and you're far too important for me to let you go–!!"
His words were cut off as soon as you placed your lips against his. His eyes are full blown from this gesture, tears streaming from his face and his hair color had turned, from the usual sapphire blue into hot pink. Your kiss is all it takes for him to fully accept that his brother was right, you really do like- no, love him as he kissed you back. Underneath the wishing tree where all dreams do indeed come true.
And his dream was none other than his (y/n), his precious player two and his first ever s/o.
"All those times that you didn't leave, it's been occurring to me. I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life, stay."
Kalim Al-Asim 💛
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"Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water? You put your arm around me, for the first time."
The thrill of this heir's love story to the non-magical human to whom he called his one and only beloved. His cheerful and radiant demeanor says all as soon as his eyes saw you many times during your stay here in Night Raven College. No matter how much gold or wealth he took hold in his name, it didn't compare to the happiness you've given him the more you hang out with this bubbly sunshine of a student.
You've gotten along well with the housewarden of scarabia due to his friendly personality and generosity, inviting you to such extravagant parties he hosted in his dorm and ate to your hearts content. And thus mere friendship with the housewarden quickly turned into sweet romance upon recognizing such symptoms of having a crush to the other person; being nervous whenever you're around, giving you trinkets that could cost thousands, even millions of thaumarks and daydreaming about what it's like if you're his lover or better yet, to be married, earning his last name and for him to call you his spouse.
Jamil thought that Kalim's crush towards you was just a simple one. He thought that he'll get it over in less than a week but boy his predictions was wrong. His friend was indeed in love with you and drops subtle hints to see if you liked him back. From simple endearments to holding your hand when the hall becomes too crowded.
Tired of his friend's constant ramble about you, Jamil suggested if he had the guts to confess to you. Kalim was hesitant at first but was determined to show on how much he loves you, to be honest with his true feelings and for you to be his significant other. The moon has risen and t'was the perfect time for him to invite you to a magical carpet ride. The housewarden went to your dorm and persuaded you to join him in a late night ride on his carpet. He lied that he couldn't sleep and decided to pay you a small visit, but this was apart of his plan to confess to you.
Upon riding his carpet, you felt the cold breeze of air surrounding the two of you. "Oh, be careful, my dear. I don't want you to fall down because of me." His arms, wrapped around you to ensure that you wouldn't fall out from his grip as you attempted to touch the stars above. While you're distracted by the beautiful scenery below, Kalim becomes awestruck by your beauty, reflected by the moonlight below. Your eyes shines like diamonds and your smile is worth than the coins he was constantly saw in the majority of his life.
The carpet stopped as soon as it enters the upper atmosphere, finally seeing the brightest stars you've ever seen and the perfect time for Kalim to tell you the truth. "(y/n)..." He called your name softly, making your head turned slightly in front of him. He first showed such affection by placing a kiss on your temple and softly smiled on your expression. "I know that we're just friends but lately, I felt something very different than this friendship of ours." He said timidly, anxiousness was laced upon his words.
You did say anything, indicating for him to continue. "I want for us to be more than friends I- You have no idea how much you made me very happy. No matter how much gold or jewelry I was gifted, you are by far my most prized treasure." He held your hands against his and kissed each knuckle. You couldn't help but to feel the butterflies on your stomach and his loving gaze tells you that he's definitely a keeper.
"I love you, my love. I want you to be happy. And I would love it to be with me." He finished his confession but alas, he was about to apologize when he saw tears running on your cheeks.
"These are happy tears, Kalim and it makes me so happy when you receprocated those feelings I've felt for you."
"S-so, is that a yes?! Do you love me too?!"
You nodded in affirmation, casing Kalim to hug you tightly, laughing and peppers your face with so much kisses. "Thank you so much, my jewel. I'll do my best to be the best boyfriend you'll ever have."
"You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine."
Jamil Viper 🐍
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A/N: @veeaxx your man's here 👁️👁️ and this part kinda sucked for I didn't get his character right ;_; (I fucking tagged the wrong account lmfaoo 😭😭)
"Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?"
For him, Jamil believes that food can be his own way of showing on how much he pinned after you. At first, he brushed these feelings for you as something that's platonic. He sees you as a friend who took interest in his cooking and nothing more. That was until you started to fawn over and complimented him on how much of a husband material he was. Cooking such delicious cuisines really does make you happy and it didn't stop his heart from beating as soon as he heard those words.
And it looks like he just accepted his romantic feelings towards you.
Jamil isn't the type who would always show on how much he liked you nor would spit out words that could make his feelings obvious to you but instead, he projected those feelings by making food for you–soup, meat, even bento boxes in which he claimed that he made way too much but in reality, he just made an extra to show how much he cares for you and didn't want you to go hungry after finding out that you were saving a few thaumarks for your necessities.
Oh how his eyes lit up whenever Kalim announces your arrival on his dorm, his eyes soften up whenever you mentioned his cooking skills and didn't hesitate to hold your hand when the two of you are alone in the hallways of the dorm. You didn't mind the sudden physical affection from him since you also liked him and didn't gave the guts to tell him your crush towards him.
There are times that he couldn't help but felt the feelings of jealousy whenever you hang out more with the housewarden of Scarabia or being invited to Riddle's 'Unbirthday' parties. How he wishes for you to spend some more time with him, it was selfish of him but that's the side affect when you fell for the person you truly cared and loved.
As soon as Kalim knew about Jamil's romantic attraction towards you, he did everything for the two of you to be together; whenever you visited his dorm, he always persuaded you and Jamil to have a ride on his magical carpet. He also invited you to dance with him as soon as the music started and gave you watching jewelry that Jamil wear all the time.
For the first time, Jamil ranted to the housewarden on how much he loves you, how helpful and kind you are even after his oberblotted state and how your compliments and sweet words finally took a boost on his confidence. By the time he was finished with his talk, Kalim suggested for him to have a celebration in the dorms to confess his feelings for you and revealed a crucial detail about you; The food that makes you happy was tarts and cakes.
Jamil was baffled. Sure that he can cook anything but sweets? He definitely needs some help from Trey himself. Plus, Valentine's Day will arrive in just a few days so he has more time to prepare to such occasion.
And when Valentine's Day has arrived, the first thing Jamil did was giving you a bouquet of flowers. Poor guy was nervous as his hands shaken a bit, making you quite concerned for your friend. He ensures you that he's okay and asks you if you're free on the 14th of February. You thought about that at first, realizing that you didn't have anyone other than Grim to celebrate the occasion. So you happily agreed, a warm smile appeared on his cheeks.
During the celebration, you and Grim ate and danced with the other students. In the far corner, some of Jamil's peers (that includes Kalim) hyped him up as he held the box, hands shaken a bit due to his nervousness. This is the moment he's not gonna mess up and as soon as his leg touched the marble floors, he knew that there's no turning back. "Hey (y/n). Can I talk with you for a moment? This quite urgent and needed to be addressed right away." You nodded and proceeded to walk right beside him towards the balcony.
"Is something wrong, Jamil? Do you have a bad day? You know you can tell me anything but I ain't forcing you." He didn't say anything, his face still in a nonchalant expression as he opens the box that contains the strawberry tart Trey helped him baked. Inside of the box was indeed the tart but with the words "Be Mine". You stood there in shock, warmth began to spread across your entire body. He felt his cheeks began to warm up too and spoke his honest feelings towards you.
He sighed, placing the tart beside him and held both of your arms against his own. "I know I'm not the type who would be all sappy and cheesy but it's hard for me to describe what I feel for you... but just know that it's love nonetheless." Your eyes widen a bit from his confession, a smile growing on your face. "But I know I'm a bit uneasy because I'm quite unfamiliar in the concept of dating." Without hesitation, you let go both of his hands and hugged his waist. "Then let's face it together. After all, I wouldn't mind being on a small adventure with my boyfriend." You giggled, now facing the night sky as you hold his elbow and your head leaning on his shoulder. He looks at you in adoration, a soft expression can be seen on his face while placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Boyfriend.... I like the sound of that..."
Right behind the newly formed couple was the students of the dorm cheering quietly, now finally happy that their vice housewarden finally got the person he truly loved the most.
"And ah, take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my lover."
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Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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sweetberrysmooch · 3 years
HC: And There Was Only One Bed (Affectionate) [pt. 2]
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(Alright, second part done :V Not much to say here for now, but I hope you’re excited for the upcoming part to come out next ^^ And my ask box is always open, so feel free to drop in and chat any time! I’ll be seeing you :D)
Basic sleeping hcs with ya boys, and for a part two, outside home life? You’ll see what I mean lol 
Characters: Quackity, George, Badboyhalo.
Warnings: Nightmares in Quackity’s part, but besides that we’re clean <3
Song Recommendation: Metamodernity- Vansire
Up Next- Sapnap, Philza, Fundy, Schlatt. 
Enjoy your day guys! I do hope it be rockin :]
Quackity is one floppy motherfucker. You fall asleep with him spooning you, head nestled between your shoulder blades, hands holding yours in front of your middle, legs entangled, the whole shi-bang, but wake up with him starfishing half on the mattress at a weird angle that makes his neck sore for the rest of the day.
Each day is a new position for you to add to your ammunition of teasing against him, but he takes it in stride. He totally doesn’t wake you up halfway through the night by flinging himself over your middle, ‘asleep’ and snoring like a freight train. When you give up halfway through trying to stop him breathing and just fall asleep lying on his chest, he turns to mush and gets distracted playing with your hair. You don’t know why he seems so exhausted the next morning, and he only giggles dreamily at you when you ask.
While he’ll be the big spoon for as long as you want him to, there’s a special soft place in his heart for being the little spoon. Hold him, please. Pull him to your chest and gently run your fingers through his hair, rub his back and kiss every inch of his face until he’s down for the count. The easiest way to make him feel better after a bad day or an argument is to let him know you want him and love him. Just holding him at night guarantees that he’ll bring you a present the next day (like the inner stardew valley house husband he sometimes longs to be lmao).
It’s a 50/50 chance of waking up with Quackity or after him, seeing as he prefers to get up early to enjoy the quiet mornings before the rest of the smp wakes up. He gets ready, makes the both of you coffee (or tea, something to help wake you up), and watches the sky change color while he waits for you to come sit with him in the kitchen. The two of you try your best to assure a moment together before you go about your separate ways, sitting together and talking about what you have planned or what you might have for dinner later. It’s his favorite part of the day, aside from coming back home to your awaiting arms.
Another citrus-y smelling fellow. More orange than lemon, he bathes in the morning after he wakes up. You typically wake up right after he gets finished washing up, walking into the bathroom to hear him quietly humming while drying off his hair and wings. He’ll give you a small guilty grin and a good smooch on your forehead as an apology.
Another poor fellow with nightmares;; They’re a lot less frequent than they used to be now that you’ve gotten together (having someone to talk to and work through each others issues does WONDERS apparently) but when they hit, they hit him hard. You wake up from him twisting and turning right before he wakes up in tears. He doesn’t like to be touched afterwards, drawn in on himself and facing away from you, hiding his crying. When you leave to get him a glass of water and come back, he’s more grounded, crawling into your arms and accepting the drink gratefully. With his forehead pressed to your throat, taking small sips from his cup, he’ll tell you what his dream was about. Sometimes it’s Technoblade, sometimes Dream, mostly Schlatt though. His ex lingers on his mind more than he likes to admit, a deep sense of abandonment showing through his nightmares. Quackity struggles with sleeping for a few days after, afraid of what he might see when he closes his eyes again.
(You’ve fallen back asleep by now, hand paused in its ministrations and resting snugly in his hair. Things are warm and quiet and soft, and he feels safe again. 
The nightmare still hovers fuzzily in the back of his mind, but for now he can ignore it, focusing on your slow breathing as it lulls him back to sleep. 
His last thought before finally letting himself rest is how much he loves you, giving you one last squeeze in his tight embrace before relaxing into a much more stable slumber. ‘Gracias por todo mi amor.’)
Impeccable skill of just falling asleep wherever and whenever. Before the two of you got close and started sharing a bed together, he really left his sleep schedule up to fate. He’d find a comfy spot and crash there for a few hours till he was awoken and would just repeat that a few hours later. Now that he has you, he makes more of an effort to stay awake during the day so he can sleep through the night next to your side. It more or less works, but occasionally he’ll have slept during the day and he wakes up in the middle of the night. As “punishment”, he sentences himself to waiting it out instead of getting up to do something because he truly wants to keep going to bed with you.
Not big on contact, likes having his space when he’s sleeping. Cuddling is nice every once in a while, but he prefers being able to breathe a little bit when falling asleep. He does, however, actively make the choice to hold your hand while he slips into slumberville. His grip isn’t too strong, nor is it very light, but a gentle mix between the two to try and remind you how much he loves you. You’ll wake up before him and his hand will still be holding yours, pulled to his chin as he sleeps. His breath fans your knuckles slowly, face eased of any stress, absolutely content.
George bathes…… probably. I’m just kidding, he fluctuates between bathing at night or in the morning because he just goes through phases of forgetting to when the time comes. His little mushroom home doesn’t come with a bathroom, seeing as its wholly empty (please if anyone has housing information on George or like. Any character at all please inform me please i beg-), so he’s limited to getting clean at a friend’s or your house. Typically yours. He keeps all of his valuables at your place once you start letting him sleep over there, tucking his clothes into your closet or in your dresser when he thinks you aren’t looking, leaving a toothbrush and his soap in your bathroom, hanging his armor up on an empty armor stand you have tucked away, all due to his inability to straight out ask if he can live with you.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to live with you, he practically does anyways, but there’s something in him that worries that you won’t like him if you’re forced to live with him permanently. He knows it can become… a bit much when you have to be around someone 24/7, but doesn’t realize that you pretty much already are around each other 24/7 lmao.
It takes a while but eventually he settles down and over dinner suggest that maybe you two should take it to the next level. His face is flushed pink and he keeps switching which leg he has crossed, but he takes your hand and quietly asks if he could start living with you. It’s a surprisingly sweet moment, even with your confusion (thinking you already DID live together), and of course you say yes.
He looks so relieved when you accept, and is kinda like, “I know this will be a difficult process but I’m very excited to become closer with you.” and then nothing changes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(It’s on the walk home when George finally processes that he now lives with you. It feels heavy on his heart, a mix of nervousness and excitement that makes him swallow hard and tighten his fingers around yours. 
This isn’t the first time he’s spent the night at your place, nor is it the first time he’s crawled into bed with you and slept next to just because you let him, but it is his first night actually living with you. The moment feels brand new, as if it’s his first time visiting your house all over again. 
He begins to wonder if maybe this was a mistake, maybe he’s moved too fast and maybe your regretting letting him live with you already and- He takes a hurried look at your face. You look… unbothered. Happy, even. 
There’s this half hidden smile on your face that soothes his anxieties, drawing out his own fragile smile. He can’t wait to live with you.)
Mmmmm, big man warm. A natural heat machine, no need for lots of blankets or heavier pajamas, Bad will take care of all your cold problems. Every night after you finish your shared nightly routine, you curl up in his arms, immediately becoming over come with his toasty embrace. It like when you get clothes out of the drier and just hug them to your chest, the warm, clean, smell good experience that Bad also delivers.
He’s got a pretty ingrained nightly schedule that he sticks to, and he always invites you to join him after you finish up dinner. It starts by cleaning up the house a little, washing the dishes, setting aside clothes for the next day, taking a quick bath, brushing his teeth, reading a few chapters from a new book he’s picked up, and then settling down to go to bed. He won’t push you to do it with him, but he does try to incorporate you into his routine when he can. Usually it’s just by doing something small, like reading together or massaging your shoulders, but sometimes he’ll ask you to join him when he bathes.
Bad bathes pretty often, always at night, and using a nice smelling soap that he makes himself. Like what was said above, he’ll sometimes ask you to join him when bathing. It’s not ever for any naughty means, but because he sees bathing as a very intimate and vulnerable activity for you to share. He won’t push it, understanding that it can be overwhelming to be so open, but if you do choose to join him, he’s so gentle with you. His hands are worked and calloused, but they’re soft when they run soap through your hair, his nails lightly scratching your scalp and running down the back of your neck. He practically purrs when you return the favor, giggling as your hands brush sensitive spots around his sides. Afterwards he becomes so cuddly and attached to your side, you fall asleep with him curled up on YOUR chest, trapped under him.
That being said, most nights he takes to being the big spoon. It’s more for convenience sake, seeing as he’s a good few feet taller than you are, but he also can appreciate being held and loved on after harsher days. He’s a lot like a weighted blanket, a nice heavy weight that keeps you warm and makes you feel loved <3 love this guy.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), you sometimes have.... Visitors. Bad is a hub for the homeless, bored, and nutty members of the smp. They flock to him like birds to the elderly, which means you have “children” to take care of for a day or two at a time :/. Dream and George aren’t regulars, per say, but Bad has a room set aside for either of them when they come over. To their credit, they do try to be polite when they come over, and will help in cooking dinner or cleaning up. Skeppy, however, is unlike Dream or George, in that he’s more of a third partner in your and Bad’s relationship.
Skeppy up and appears at random, no announcement, and makes himself comfortable any place where Bad is. Be it at your home or his, Skeppy eats your food, lounges on your furniture, hell, he even sleeps with you and Bad at night. You two share Bad’s chest whenever Skeppy is over. It’s so jarring at first, having to deal with having another boyfriend (because Skeppy will consider you to be apart of the thrupple after introductions), but he usually only stays for like 3 days before leaving to do whatever else he has planned. You don’t know if you should be worried or upset or what, but after a while it becomes kinda nice to have him around.
All in all Bad is great to sleep with <3
(Bad blows the lantern out on his bedside counter, shuffling under the cover beside you once the room was fully dark. You slung an arm over his chest instinctively, cuddling up into his side when his arm pulled up around your back and held you even closer. 
You shivered pleasantly when he gently pressed a kiss into your hair, becoming sleepier and sleepier with each rise and fall of his wide chest. He sighs quietly and squeezes you, murmuring softly to you as you both fell asleep. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Sleep well.”)
Have a good evening! Do something nice for yourself tonight. You deserve it.
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astradrifting · 3 years
GRRM really created so many parallels and foreshadow using the DoD characters that honestly we could just figure the asoiaf ending by analyzing it. My favorite is the Aegon III-D@ny parallels, the fact that one of his closest allies was a face-scarred Master of coin Lannister who ended as Hand to Bran' parallel character just make it so obvious its funny.
Oh my god I didn’t even realise Tyland Lannister was initially on the greens’ side! I’m not super fond of Tyrion ending up as Hand, but you’re right that it’s so obviously meant to reference him. There’s so many parallels that it’s a little crazy. I don’t want to say that the second Dance will end exactly as the first did, it’d be a little too neat if history repeated entirely, but you can see so many echoes of it even in the show’s bastardised ending.
“The broken, shattered realm suffered for a while yet, but the Dance of the Dragons was done. Now what awaited the realm was the False Dawn, the Hour of the Wolf, the rule of the regents, and the Broken King.”
(TWOIAF, Aegon II)
I’m not sure what the False Dawn is going to parallel to, it refers to the period of time after Aegon II’s death but before Lord Stark got to King’s Landing, when people thought that peace had finally come. It kind of brings to mind the War for the Dawn, though personally I think that the threat of the Others will be resolved before the Dance is over. The Hour of the Wolf is obviously about House Stark’s rise back to power, and the Broken King is Bran - though if he actually becomes known as Bran the Broken I might end up committing violence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 
The parts about Lord Corlys Velaryon are why I’m so hopeful that Jon’s book ending will be completely different from the show’s. He’s arrested for Aegon II’s death by Cregan Stark, even though Cregan had previously declared for Rhaenyra, because as TWOIAF puts it, “to kill a cruel and unjust king in lawful battle was one thing. But foul murder, and the use of poison, was a betrayal against the very gods who had anointed him.”
Corlys didn’t deny his guilt, and expressed no regret. “What I did, I did for the good of the realm. I would do the same again. The madness had to end.”
Cregan Stark declared him to be guilty of murder, regicide, and high treason, and he was sentenced to execution. But many spoke in his defence, even people who had fought against him in the Dance. Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, Corlys’ granddaughters and Aegon III’s half-sisters, convinced Aegon to issue an edict pardoning Lord Velaryon, which Alysanne Blackwood then convinced Cregan to let stand. Lord Velaryon was pardoned and even restored to his offices and honours, made one of the king’s regents and given a place on the small council.
Corlys’ words definitely could be Jon’s as well, a much more in-character declaration post-D@ny’s death than the drivel GoT tried to feed us. I was worried for a bit that this would be how Tyrion is let off scot-free, but Baela and Rhaena, who were vital to his release, are such obvious Arya and Sansa stand-ins, and they’re certainly not going to expend any effort in helping Tyrion. So Corlys’ circumstances more likely lays the groundwork for how Jon will be freed and remain in political power, while Tyland frankly inexplicably becoming Aegon III’s Hand after he was in favour of brutally killing him parallels Tyrion managing to fail up, as a way of reconciling the old regime with the new one.
This makes Tyrion becoming Hand more palatable IMO. Either Jon and Tyrion both should have been punished or neither should have been punished, not the travesty where Tyrion gets everything he’s ever wanted while Jon is exiled to a Watch with no purpose and a Wall that’s already half-collapsed, so what exactly can it protect against? I suppose they were afraid of seemingly rewarding Jon for killing d@ny, especially if pol!Jon had been revealed, but most people noticed how nonsensical his ending was, and it just led to ‘Bloodraven/Bran is the real villain’ takes anyway.
(Side note: Asha/Yara basically still being loyal to D at the end annoys me so much, and made no sense. Jon did more to help save her by giving Theon that pep talk than D@ny did. Maybe it was a leftover from her taking Victarion’s role in the story, but in no reasonable world is anyone going to listen to the Ironborn who brought the Fire threat over in the first place.)
Of course Tyland Lannister isn’t actually Hand for long, given that he dies barely two years later from Winter Fever, feared and hated, alone except for a maester and King Aegon. It might be an indication that Tyrion will face a similar fate, that he’ll die after he’s seemingly won, exactly what he threatened Cersei with:
“A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid."
(ACOK, Tyrion XII)
So that I can stop talking about Tyrion, here’s some facts about Rhaena and Baela that are obviously meant to reference Sansa and Arya, so much so that it feels a little bit like GRRM is winking and going “See what I did there? Huh? Huh? Did you see??”:
- their descriptions: “Rhaena was slender and graceful; Baela was lean and quick; Rhaena loved to dance; Baela lived to ride...” + “Baela was wild and willful”, “more boyish than ladylike”, and kept her hair cropped short as a boy’s
- Rhaena spent most of the Dance in the Vale, where she lived in relative comfort as the ward of Lady Jeyne Arryn. Baela was a dragonrider and so moved between Dragonstone and Driftmark, but was captured on Dragonstone when Aegon II descended upon it
- Rhaena was favoured to be queen after her brother, considered more qualified than her wild sister
- Baela liked to spend time with “unsuitable companions” she would bring to the Red Keep - including a comely juggler, a blacksmith’s apprentice whose muscles she admired (!!!), a legless beggar, a pair of twin girls from a brothel, an entire troupe of mummers once
- After her brother’s regents tried to marry her to a lord 40 years older than her, Baela escaped the Red Keep by climbing out of a window, trading clothes with a washerwoman, then walking right out of the front gate. She ran away to Driftmark and married her supposed cousin (though more likely he was her half-uncle), the legitimised bastard Alyn Velaryon, which might have had me worried about j0nrya if Alyn weren’t best known for being a daring sailor who went on many voyages, including sailing the Sunset Sea, until he was finally lost at sea during Aegon IV’s reign. Alyn’s mother was also called Mouse, for being “small, quick, and always underfoot.”
- another fun fact about Alyn: he’s a bad haggler, and had to agree to a high ransom and many concessions in order to get Prince Viserys returned to Westeros. This automatically disqualifies him as a Jon stand-in, because as we all know, Jon Snow can haggle like the best of fishwives.
- My absolutely favourite detail that has my jonsa heart singing - Rhaena was more dutiful than her sister and would have married a man that the king and council chose, saying that as long as he was “kind and gentle and noble, I know that I shall love him.” She was able to marry her first choice, whom the regents didn’t immediately approve of but that they ultimately accepted  - Ser Corwyn Corbray, the brother of the Lord Protector of the Realm, a second son (!) whose late father had gifted him the Valyrian steel sword Lady Forlorn (!!!)
And as a treat for @istumpysk, some similarities between Rickon and Viserys II!
- the youngest child of their family
- separated from their older brother after they were forced to flee their home, trying to get to safety while their other brothers and mother were at war
- worshipped their oldest (half-)brothers, but were closer to the brother nearest their age
- spends the war stuck on an island, populated by people closely linked to their family’s origins - Skagosi are descended mostly from the First Men, while Viserys was on Lys, where the blood of Old Valyria still runs strong
- sought by/held hostage by a powerful and wealthy family, who will treat them well but whose intentions are dubious
- will be brought back from exile by an upjumped bastard/commoner from a port town who was raised to lordship and became their monarch’s chief admiral
- after they are returned, long after the wars and crises, is happily welcomed as the heir to their older brother’s throne (shhhhh just let me have this, let the baby live)
Thanks for the ask!
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nattikay · 3 years
So I saw this post while browsing toa tags the other day. While I don’t think being obsessed with the school mascot automatically makes Toby a furry (though it is funny to joke about lol) since “being a furry” actually just means “being a fan of anthropomorphic animals” and doesn’t necessarily require any form of costuming or interest in such, it did get me thinking, hmmm...if he was a furry, what would his fursona be? 🤔 And from there I started wondering what Jim’s and Claire’s would be as well because y not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
BUT WAIT, I hear you say--haven’t you already drawn the trio as werewolves and wolfwalkers etc.? Wouldn’t those be their fursonas??
Well yes....but actually no.
I guess it’s a little hard to explain, but there’s a nuance between “[person] but as an animal” and a proper “fursona”. While a fursona is an animal character used to represent its person, it doesn’t have to physically resemble them at all as you would expect [person]-but-as-[animal] to. For example, if you were to design me but as a cat, you’d probably give it light brown fur and green eyes like I have irl. But my fursona, unlike my human self, actually has blue fur and purple eyes. You can give your fursona matching physical traits to your own if you want to, and some people do, but most use only a pinch of their irl appearance, if any at all.
The choices people make when designing their fursonas vary wildly from “it looks like me irl” to “it looks like who I want to be”  to “I just really like this color scheme” to “this particular color/marking holds deep personal meaning to me” to “this particular pattern represents a particular defining moment in my life” to “idk it looks cool and i vibe with it” etc. etc. etc. Everyone has different reasons of varying depth for the decisions they make in designing their fursona.
Therefore, to design a fursona for Toby etc., it’s less a question of “what would this character look like as [insert species here]?” and more of “how would this character choose to present himself with his own [animal] character?”
And that’s a much trickier game than just transferring a character aesthetic to a new species. ^^; We have to kinda dive into the characters and makes some guesses about how they, if given infinite creative freedom to design an animal avatar with no rules or limits, would choose to present themselves.
So all that said, here’s what I came up with:
Starting with Toby because he’s the one who inspired the post. I think Toby might choose a wolfdog fursona. A lot of people who choose wolves as fursonas consider themselves to be overwhelmingly loyal to their friends, a trait that fits Toby very well. However, while Toby likes to be “cool”, I don’t think he really thinks of himself as much of an “alpha” type--he’s more of a sidekick, and he knows that, and he’s ok with that. He’s the wingman. So what better way to incorporate that than to add dog into the mix? Man’s best friend=Jim’s best friend. Sociable, humorous, and unwaveringly loyal. Wolfdog it is!
With the species decided, we can move on to the design itself.
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I can’t imagine any form of Toby in anything other than warm colors. This is extra emphasized by the flamelike patterns on his legs and tail, which both speaks to his desire to be totally awesome-sauce as well as acts as an allusion to his flaming warhammer. It’s fairly common (not universal, but common) for people to give their fursonas a more “ideal” physique than the person actually has as a sort of way to live by proxy physical goals or fantasies they’ve been unable to attain irl for whatever reason. Given that we’ve seen Toby struggle with fitness from time to time, it wouldn’t shock me to see him take this route. His wolfdog self is still relatively short and stocky, but it’s all muscle, babey. 
This fursona is strong, fun, boisterous, and generally just kicks butt. Concentrated awesomesauce flows through his veins. Just don't mess with his friends, or you’ll feel the flames!
Moving on to Jim. Jim was the hardest to nail down, and most definitely the hardest to keep my personal biases out of oof. Which I may have failed to do anways because yes, ok, I made my favorite character a blue feline, sue me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  But hear me out first!
For Jim I ultimately settling on a cheetah/lion hybrid.
Cheetahs, in a way, are sort of the underdogs (er...cats?) of the feline world--at least, in their local ecosystems. They are built wholly for speed, not strength--and as such, just about every other large predator in their environment has them beat when it comes to raw strength. Remind you of a certain Trollhunter? plus the long lanky legs. don’t forget those lol
However, because of this disadvantage, cheetahs...usually surrender. They know it’s not worth it to defend their kill from larger, stronger opponents, so they’ll give it up and just catch something else. This aspect doesn’t quite fit our protective, selfless protagonist all too eager to risk everything to save his loved ones--so a pure cheetah may not be the right choice.
So what animal is brave and protective? That’s where the lion part comes in, of course!
Why not just make him a pure lion? Well, a little similar to making Toby a wolfdog instead of a pure wolf. A straight-up lion feels a little too “chad” for our sweet Jimbo. Too much of a jock. 
Jim has the humble underdog nature of a cheetah as well as the bravery and fierce protective drive of a lion. Cheelion? Leetah? idk, but let’s design it!
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Like Toby and warm colors, I don’t think I can possibly associate Jim with any color but blue. While it’s never directly stated, given that we’ve never really seen him wear any other color (with the exception of the Eclipse armor), I think it’s pretty safe to assume that that’s his favorite. Blue sweater, blue jeans, blue shoes, even his backpack and bedsheets are blue. So naturally, his fursona would be predominantly blue as well! Plus some yellowish accents to (somewhat) match the natural colors of his chosen species(s).
I imagine he originally designed the character without horns, but then added them after becoming the Trollhunter, since it became such a major and impactful aspect of his life.
His lion’s mane also continues down his back in imitation of the “mantle” found on baby cheetahs. This youthful feature could subtly represent the fact that he’s been forced to grow up too fast and take on so much responsibility so young--so his fursona can still be young and carefree as long as he likes even while his real self struggles with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
This fursona is relaxed, calm, and confident. He’s not just cool--he’s crispy!
Lastly but not leastly, we have Claire. Out of the three, I think Claire was actually the easiest to choose--or at least, I had the clearest idea of what I thought she might go for.
Claire is a bit of an interesting duck, because while she’s shown to be fairly popular at school, she’s definitely far from the stereotype of The Popular Girl™. Yes she’s smart and pretty, but she’s also a little spunky or even a bit quirky--she’s a theatre kid, she’s a huge fan of hard rock band Papa Skull, and while I wouldn’t quite call her “rebellious” per se, she’s certainly willing to bend some rules if she feels the situation calls for it (not telling her parents that she was going to the concert with Steve, literally sneaking into Jim’s basement to try to find out what was up with him, etc).
That said, I think Claire might go for a hyena fursona--something a little out of the box, but not totally out of left field. (she also shows a slight Gurl Power™ streak here and there “the staff was not meant to be wielded by man--” “I am not a man!!!”) and if you know anything about hyenas...well, yeah lol)
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I think Claire would lean into her punk-rock “rebellious” side with her fursona design. This character is completely free of the pressure of being the councilwoman’s daughter and having to maintain her mother’s public reputation, and thus allows Claire to express a less restrained side of herself. She has a bold semi-edgy color scheme with bright accents (and some earrings to match her person’s hair clips) while still remaining feminine and (her own brand of) fashionable. 
This fursona is spunky and sassy; she’s spicy and sweet all rolled up into one. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to chase it down. She lives her own life and she’s dang proud of it.
....sooooo yeah there’s my take on what Toby’s, Jim’s, and Claire’s fursonas could hypothetically be. And I guess since this post was inspired by a joke about Toby’s infatuation with the school mascot, here’s just some quick thoughts on how they might approach fursuiting to end us off:
Jim I don’t see as much of a suiter. He might try it once or twice if given the opportunity, but at the end of the day it’s not really his cup of tea--he’d rather act as the “handler” for his friends, if anything.
Toby and Claire, on the other hand, I could definitely see as suiters. In fact, with her interest in acting, Claire would probably particularly enjoy it--she’d be one of those suiters who really gets into character, absolutely refuses to break the magic publicly (outside of any actual medical emergency), and popular at cons because she just performs so well. 
Toby, meanwhile, would be the more chill type--uses his normal voice in-suit, isn’t really too stressed about “breaking the magic”, just kinda hanging around like he would normally except “look I’m a talking dog, cool right?”. 
also while I was typing this it occurred to be that since Eli is canonically a cosplayer then he could be a fursuiter as well; in his case i imagine he actually made his own suit it’s a protogen and it’s full of little LEDs and other electric gadgets, it’s not the prettiest thing ever as sewing is not his forte but boy did he try!! good for him. good for him
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serowotonin · 4 years
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 | k.k.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ a serowotonin christmas special ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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✲︎— you and kenma have had feelings for each other for far too long without doing anything about it. kuroo, with the help of some mistletoe, finally decides to step in and hurry things along...
⊰ pairing ⊱ kozume kenma x gn!reader
⊰ genre ⊱ fluff, crack(?)
⊰ word count ⊱ 1.2k
⊰ type ⊱ hcs + scenario
⊰ tags & warnings ⊱ pining, mistletoe, matchmaker!kuroo, unedited, no caps:D
author’s note. its almost 3AM. i still don’t feel sleepy but my bren ded
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you’ve had a crush on kenma for the longest time
and, unbeknownst to you, so has he
ofc you two never seemed to realize this cuz… thats just the way you were??
kuroo knew tho,, bout kenma’s crush and had an inkling that you may like him back
he also almost “accidentally” let it slip a few times in front you
kenma always did smth to either shut him up or divert your attention elsewhere so you wouldn’t hear what kuroo was saying
poor kuroo he just wants to be that helpful senpai and see his two cute kohais get together
after a few too many “slip-ups” around you though, kenma made kuroo swear not to breathe a word of his crush to you
and kuroo reluctantly obliged,,,, but this boi still had a few things up his sleeve 😼😼
christmas time came and, as usual, everyone was abuzz with holiday fever and stress for the upcoming exams:,(
now during exam time, kuroo would often invite kenma to his house to study (even tho they’re in different grades) and this year was no different
except,,,,,, for some reason that some reason being kuroo you were also there??
kuroo and kenma were just sitting there talking about you when, coincidentally, the bell rang and they opened the door to you
“ah glad you could make it y/n ~” kuroo said in a playful tone upon your entrance
kenma knew he was up to something and few moments later, he was proven right
“actually now that you’re here, i got an errand i need to run. you two enjoy studying i’ll be back real quick;3”
you & kenma: “wAIT WHAT?!??” *internally panics at the thought of being alone with each other*
you: “sooo...👉👈”
kenma: “....👉👈”
let’s just say the two of you actually managed to do some a lot of studying cuz you two felt too shy to do anything else 
when kuroo came back, he couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised. he knew kenna would’ve been too shy to initiate anything but he figured you might’ve at least had the confidence to say smth
but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess you two were more similar than he thought
that just brought him to phase 2 of his grand plan to get you two together
which was to be carried out at the christmas party after exams...
exams were finally over and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your heart. of course, even though the weight of exams were lifted, the weight of… other things, still anchored your heart. as you combed a hand through your hair, you tried your best to ignore those anchors. they weren’t something you were brave enough to do anything about anyway.  
one last look in the mirror and you deemed yourself good enough to leave the house. you weren’t wearing anything fancy or special for the night’s event; just a simple holiday sweater and classic blue jeans. you grabbed your things and headed out, texting your friends telling them that you’ll meet them at the station in a few minutes. 
seconds later, you felt your phone vibrate and pulled it out.
kenma: y/n, are you going to the christmas party?
you: yep, im on my way to the station rn actually.
kenma: oh ok.
you wondered what he wanted, your brain already coming up with tons of possibilities. you quickly shook them out of your head and texted him back.
you: how bout you? are you coming too??
there was a slight delay in his reply and you had to shut your phone to navigate through the small crowd in front of the station. your friends spotted you first and quickly made their way to you. you all boarded the train and found yourselves a few seats towards the back to sit on. checking your phone for the time, you saw Kenma texted back.
kenma: yeah i have no choice. kuro’s making me go TT
you: lol poor you. im sure it’ll be fine tho 
kenma: mmm he’s probably going to ditch me once we get there
you: i’ll stay with you if he ditches you then hahahha
he didn’t reply for a few seconds and internally you were lowkey panicking. as the train came to a halt, your phone lit up again with a message.
kenma: i’ll be glad if you did (:
you started grinning to yourself but before you could type a reply, the train doors opened and you had to pocket your phone to navigate through the crowd leaving and entering the cabin. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⊹ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
the gym was brightly-lit with streamers of all colors, sizes, and fluffiness adorning the walls. a standard-sized christmas tree stood in one corner with a large number of what you presumed to be placebo presents arranged neatly around it.
your eyes scanned the groups of students until finally landing on a lone boy with hair that seemed to shimmer under the christmas lights. to most others, he seemed quiet and reserved. he wasn’t easily approachable, to everyone else at least. 
you walked over and easily struck a conversation. to you, kenma wasn’t someone someone hard to approach or talk to. he was kenma afterall. what was hard, however, was trying to hide your blush every time he smiled at you, trying to keep a neutral face whenever he said your name, and most importantly, making sure your crush on him was not in any way obvious to him.
oblivious to you, he was trying hard to do just the same. and oblivious to the both of you, kuroo had already completed preparations for ‘phase 2 of getting kenma and y/n together’. 
dont give the man too much credit, “preparations” is just a fancy way of saying he found some mistletoe
lucky for kuroo, you two were exactly where he wanted you to be —standing face to face in a quiet corner of the beautifully decorated gym. 
like a large cat sneaking up on it’s prey, kuroo silently made his way towards the two of you.
“hEY ! y/n, kenma,” he said nodding to each of you respectively. “enjoying the party?”
before either of you could answer, kuroo continued talking.
“oH would you look at that.. it seems you two have been caught under some mistletoe~”
he waved his hand holding the mistletoe just above your heads as the both of you started blushing furiously. 
“cmon, you two know what you have to do~ :3” 
you couldn’t think straight. one moment everything was fine with you and kenma, and the next, some big bloke pops up out of nowhere ruining your peace of mind.
nervously, you glanced at kenma. he was staring at the ground with visibly red cheeks. kuroo kept poking him while he attempted to swat kuroo away. of course that didn't work, but it did make you swoon a bit because damn if kenma wasnt really cute right now…
taking a deep breath, you thought to yourself ‘why the heck not?’. before you had the chance to properly think, you took two steps forward and gave kenma a quick peck on the cheek. 
“oh come on y/n,,, you can do better than that~” kuroo teased. 
not even attempting to hide your blush or embarrassment anymore, you looked at kenma and saw he, too, was as red as his volleyball uniform. what struck most was the way he looked back at you. his eyes seemed to mirror yours perfectly. both searching the others for something to just push you off the edge and admit to each other how you felt. 
it seems you two found it as you both leaned in for another kiss, a proper one. 
— ✲︎
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author’s note btw remember how kuroo had an “errand he needed to run”. yes that errand was coming to give yours truly some cuddles;3 ditch exam review to sleep-n-cuddle bitch ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ
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bosspigeon · 3 years
I don't know a thing about Wayhaven outside of what I'm gleaning through osmosis via your blog but have it with your OC of choice: hiding face in neck
lmao it’s fine i’m the one who disrupted my video game/d&d-based blog with my insane hyperfixation on an Interactive Vampire Romance Novel. welcome 2 my cyber wasteland-- no rules, just right. so, this is stupid and self indulgent but  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ my house now
3. hiding face in neck
“You don’t have to sit here, you know,” Juni giggles, squirming away from the stubble tickling at the tender curve of his neck.
“I don’t have to do anything, sweetheart” Mason grunts, and the affectation of carelessness Juni’s learned to see right through anyway is lost where it’s muffled between his ear and shoulder. “I’m right where I wanna be.”
Juni feels his face heat up a bit, and knows the flush is creeping down his neck because he’s all too familiar with the shape of Mason’s smirk against his skin at this point, and he knows they’re both thinking of him saying pretty much the same thing the night before, when he’d had his face buried in the detective’s soft chest.
“Well,” he blurts, desperate to change the subject. They’re alone in the sitting room for now, but that’s never a guarantee for long. “ I just... know how you feel about the way nail polish smells? And I can always go paint them outside, or wait until I’m back at my place, or--” He makes an ungodly squawking sound when he feels Mason’s teeth bite into his neck, nowhere near hard enough to pierce the skin, but definitely enough to leave a mark.
“Just paint your fucking nails, squeak toy,” he chuckles, and the detective doesn’t need to see his face to feel the aura of smugness radiating off him.
He grumbles a bit at the rude nickname, but does as bid, twisting open the brand new bottle and trying not to be too obvious about crossing his fingers. Almost instantly, Mason tenses against him, preparing to bury the sensory overload in the human’s scent. Juni waits a few seconds before he opens the bottle fully, and Mason lifts his head from the sanctuary of his shoulder to sniff cautiously at the air.
“Huh,” he says, eyeing the bottle. His nose wrinkles slightly. Juni figured this plan wouldn’t be perfect, but Mason’s reaction is definitely a far cry from the cringing, full-body revulsion Juni got the first time he made the mistake of painting his nails at the warehouse.
“I, uh, I found a new brand online?” Juni explains, brushing a messy black stripe over his thumbnail. “It took a bit, and I was worried it wouldn’t hold up, but it’s supposedly non-toxic and vegan? And the reviews were all pretty good. It actually peels off instead of chipping, too, which is gonna take some getting used to, and it’s pricier than I usually go for, so I’m hoping it lasts, but--”
As he’s wont to do when Juni gets to babbling, Mason quiets him with a kiss, and this one is the kind that leaves him feeling like his brain’s turning to soup in his skull. When Mason starts nibbling on his bottom lip, he thinks he feels it leaking from his ears. The one little part of his brain that hasn’t been liquefied by a stupid, sexy vampire regrets telling said stupid, sexy vampire he may have had a very, very, very small thing (some might call it a kink) for biting.
He miraculously hasn’t dropped the wet brush by the time Mason lets him breathe and try and remember how to think again, but the gentle thumb pressing to his wet, red lower lip certainly isn’t help on that front. “I just...” He swallows hard, blinking a bit and straightening his smudged glasses. “I just figured, well, since you’ve stopped smoking to spare my poor, fragile-even-for-a-human lungs, the least I could do is return the favor and not assault your senses because I want to try and fail to look cool, and wind up looking about as tough as a teacup yorkie in a spiked collar.”
Mason cocks an eyebrow at him. “Accurate, I’ll give you that.”
Juni smiles, still red in the face. “You think I’m cute,” he teases. Mason rolls his eyes heartily, crossing his arms while Juni keeps poking at him. “You like me.”
“You’re dripping nail polish on the table,” he says, and watches with more than a little amusement as the human yelps and hurries to clean his mess before it dries.
They settle in again, and this time Mason hooks his chin over the detective’s shoulder to watch him paint his nails. It’s messy, Juni knows he’s not the best at it. He gets almost as much on his skin as his nails themselves, and just hopes hopes it’ll come off on its own. Mason, if he has any, keeps his critique to himself, and though the polish doesn’t smell nearly as bad as the usual brand, it’s still not amazing even to Juni’s mortal senses, so Mason occasionally has to take refuge in the side of his neck again.
He’s pretty sure Mason’s going to tell him to fuck off (or the politest equivalent he’s capable of) and it’s pretty much just a shot in the dark to curb his boredom with holding still for any amount of time, and he almost falls off the sofa when Mason shrugs his shoulders and says, “Sure, why not?”
By the time he manages to finish (somewhat shaky and even messier than usual because Mason’s decided to nibble him again, and he’s distracting enough when he’s not mouthing at Juni’s ear) and deal with the battle of wills that is trying not to touch anything and ruin the polish before it can dry, Mason’s almost dozing against his back. “Can I paint yours too?” Juni asks without thinking. “Just.. waiting for them to dry is the worst part, and if I’m careful I can probably do yours without smudging mine?”
He probably should have seen Mason bracing both hands on his thigh and squeezing with a wolfish smile coming, but he hopes his sharp warning of, “Hold still, I like these jeans,” will deter any... shenanigans. It does, for the moment, and he finds it’s a lot easier to paint someone else’s nails than his own. Mason only has to bury his face in Juni’s dense curls once or twice before he’s done, and Mason’s left admiring his black nails. They’re still messy, but they look really good with the cords around his wrists. Figures he’d look effortlessly good even with Juni’s substandard nail painting skills.
“Not bad,” he hums, but his smirk says what he’s really thinking, which is “You suck at this, but it’s cute that you tried.” Juni definitely calls that a win regardless.
They are then left to kill time while Mason’s nails dry, and since Juni’s reached the safe stage he rewards the vampire for behaving by straddling his lap and holding his wrists down to keep him from forgetting himself and getting handsy while he kisses him. It’s definitely just as much for Juni as Mason, but with his mouth well occupied, Mason can’t say anything snarky on that front.
Juni growls almost as loudly as Mason does when Felix inevitably bursts through the door.
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
The more I think about Dark Disciple, the more I find something odd.
[28th March 17:46]
I keep referring to it as a ‘favourable experience’, and there is no question the writing is what made me fall totally head over heels about quintress, but I also just, can’t?
I mean, yes. It’s very passionate, dramatic, scenes and gestures I can only dream of. But I also, don’t really see it in that ’omg they totally belong together here are my sixty headcanons of them’ sense?
I am very involved in the pairing, but also don’t really, actively ‘ship’ it — like the way it was an open book with Rhayme or Latts Razzi (since it’s the same author that indoctrinated me to Captain Rhayme). I could imagine them being happily ever after and silly shenanigans and slow-burn. But the concept of a quintress fairytale ending is so wild. I can only ask how much it is tainted with my personal view on relationships.
I know the plot leaves little room for “the future” and fed us well on all tropes possible. But, it just never occurred to me to put them in any other clichés or invent a missing scene.
Winding up, I don’t think their relationship is "weak", but it’s very motivated by circumstances and once you take that out of them, you are a little bit lost. For example even during the illicit affairs month, I… can’t really propose one date that does not seem tonally insensitive. (I can think of them being cloak dorks and Vos bringing her to ice-cream, that’s it, after a long hard moment) Really, all I possibly want is that sweet, sweet angst and canon is already there so I have no complaint.
It’s just… I don’t really get why it has to be the two of them that fall for each other. I understand why they did, and I believe it— Perhaps it’s much more a physical attraction thing that I don’t really have personal experience with.
I don’t know if quintress classify as slow-burn because 10 chapters still seem a little quick in the grand scheme of things. (aside: I’m quite disappointed Ventress wasn’t doing much in the last quarter of the book.) My point is, they do feel a little bit puppet to tropes, and while it’s deliciously written, there’s not much potential outside of canon. And that lack of inspiration makes me grimace a little.
[3rd April, 01:39]
I’ve scrolled through the dd tag and let the book sank a little. I am better articulated to talk about the sexist criticism now.
It’s a romance story, and when I judge it by that (lower) standard, it ticks the boxes. However, it might be a weakness as well, due to the projectability of the heroes. And yes, the whole assassination is dumb. Yet, tcw has been consistently this dumb at us. The last two times when she’s more rooted in the dark she failed, sent Savage and failed, so she’s gonna do it again with Vos… after she put down her desire for revenge. right. and surprise! Our “assassination” plan is to find Dooku and duel him directly. right…
I’ve read a review that says the romance takes away from the plot. However, the romance IS the plot. The book IS supposed to revolve around the two of them. I do agree them becoming begrudging allies then partners is a more unique approach, more rewarding as foils as well. but I guess a romance is easier for the conventional to process ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With the “Ventress lose agency in falling for Vos”. Now, I can’t dictate how each of us buy into their physical attraction and chemistry (or lack thereof), and there’s no denial that a conscious human being is making that choice for the fictional character, I think the stance on this topic varied person to person from the above two factors, which are very different starting points.
I kept Katie Lucas’s foreword vividly in mind while reading. She said this is a story about people seizing chances to rebuild. That there’s always a choice. Cliché as it is, I believe ~the power of love~. I believe there exists someone you’re willing to sacrifice everything for, to overlook everything for, to forgive - to love them, warts and all. So, yes whether you think Ventress loses her agency to the romance, or if that’s a conscious choice on her behalf, is swayed heavily by how much you buy that they are the one.
[10th April, 10:30]
Yesterday I’ve been thinking a bit more about this. I do love this ship, I just don’t believe they’d be two people who find each other again and again in every life time, in every universe. That’s why, as magnificent as fireworks, it also won’t last.
To explore this, it’s not entire impossible for quintress to separate peacefully after this incident, but would that cheapen the build before? The entire motivation of dark!Quinlan hinges on his vision of their future. And say, Ventress did saved him and survived. How would he balance being a Jedi and his feelings - that’s publicly exposed to the Council? (sidenote: i really don’t like Ch. 27 where a bunch of old men are questioning their love life, but uhhh yes, I’m a sensible person!) For now, I’m seeing another Obi-Satine situation. And honestly how bad that an outcome is. It’s not like Ventress died for her war crimes! The show gave her a full pardon! So Idk man. Why can’t she leave him because she loves him and she exiled herself and they never see each other again WHY NOT FILONI WHY NOT.
Now I’m lamenting more what could’ve been with the two arcs. In Filoni’s original sketch, Aayla and Maul were involved. Man, that could’ve been the dream.
Part 2: [26th April, 15:15]
It has been… a month, since I finished Dark Disciple and I feel like it’s time to conclude all the thinking this book has made me do.
On the wider reflection about attachment and the Jedi Order, I still have to do more reading on it from other sources to form a concrete opinion. This theme won’t be touched on in this post yet, but I cannot shake how intriguing it is to compare “falling” in love to falling to the dark side. The temptation, and the submission to their emotions, the irrationality, the newfound curiosity, it all incites. Very curiously, it was Anakin Skywalker who commented that one is “blinded by love”
Okay, so what I’ve been scratching my head off the past two weeks is how I look at the romance between Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos. How would I define it?
Now this is as much as an exploration of how I view romantic relationships. Well, I’ve decided it wasn’t “love”, it was an “affair”. It was an affair because it’s a rush of passion, it’s a secret, it won’t last. Before I chop my own head off for bluntness, I mean it in, of course they are hopelessly in love with each other, that’s the exact premise of why it moved me so. But it wasn’t a complete relationship, wasn’t a healthy, sustainable one by any objective standards. Then, that’s the exact contradiction. Oh to throw caution in the wind with you, or to build a future with you?
Both are things I want a lot, and the ideal is of course one after the other. What quintress had (in the end) is definitely not something I’d want for myself, but it’s so fantastical, it’s alluring, just like the concept of falling in love - opening up yourself and trusting another person, is - it’s risky. That’s why it’s a sweet, sweet drug.
I’ve been so angry at all the red flags in this relationship. Reading this book, getting into both of their shoes, yelling NO like their best friends. But ultimately, what they had is unique to them and I can’t influence it in any way. Re-reading, I find myself holding myself back at all the places I was furious about going ‘You are smarter than this!’. Because it’s a tragedy, and the beautiful (I guess) thing is they chose each other.
The other day something on the dash inspired me to really think about ship dynamics. I, unashamedly admit, I’m VERY into Obi/Quin/Ventress in any and all combinations. *cough* I will not explain further.
I do accept the premise and I did discover they share quite a bunch of traits, but it confused me a while what made them cross the boundary, and it was, physical attraction (that the book was selling so hard I was blushing hot). I love them both a lot, and I would like to date them both, and I can see myself in either of them. Again comes the contradiction, is it a good thing to have characters so easily projectable, or do I want to see myself in more complex characters like them?
I probably lost quite a few cars stalling this train of thought. And I've been a canon apologist since forever. This book brought me a lot of emotional upheavals and a lot of food for thought. It brought me down to reflect on my romantic worldview and sexuality because I have nothing better to do. It totally challenged me as a writer and it’s just a really good novel by its right, regardless of the absurdity that is The Clone Wars. It’s a lot of firsts for me. And I really should find something better to do.
[26th April 16:00]
I must address that I got spoiled of the ending and the first and second half of the book probably went through some big changes.
If I cried for this book, it’s score would be even higher. And I’ve been so obsessed with discussing the relationship, without shedding light on the characterization, which is definitely an unfortunate side effect. Then it occurs that quite possibly the second half (26-42) deviated even further from the script than the first? It doesn’t have concept art or blocking, plus possibly (heavily) edited to omit correlation to other arcs. My major complaint for the second half is Ventress doesn’t do much and we know NOTHING about Vos, even though he is given screen time in the book. my, I just wish Ventress punch him harder and drag his idiotic mess back to the light sooner.
And to criticism about it being their ‘toxic’ relationship being portrayed as ‘true love’, well, it really depends on how thoughtful the reader is, right? I think if the reader is able to notice all these red flags and gave their own interpretation of the relationship and its outcome, it’d’ve been an educating experience. There’s what for the reader and what for the characters. They don’t know this ‘love’ is destroying them, and what kind of message is it sending? What ‘love’ depicted in the book is true then? I have my answers, and I hope every reader comes to their own as well.
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sleepypeaky · 4 years
now i’ve found you
finn shelby x male reader
request: male!reader, who is Tommy's assistant, is pretty sure he's straight. but he ends up falling for one of the shelby brothers (your choice!). insert gay crisis, and potentially tommy/aunt polly/ada being supportive?
w/c: 1,363
a/n: i love this headcannon so much thank you. i know i do finn for everything but i thought this would work the best and also i love him so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ note that john is alive because im in deep denial. i know i went for a heavier take on this than i could have, but i think it works. also yes i ripped that scene right out of the DA movie. i hope i did the mlm a good. #wlwmlmsolidarity
this is 1928 ish so finn is 20 and so is the reader
this is very obviously way more fully formed than any of my other fics but its tuesday and i have nothing to do so 
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Ada Thorne had always looked out for you. So when she managed to get you a job working for her brother, you knew you would be safe. Now you hurried up the steps and knocked on a large heavy wooden door, which opened presently to a sitting room where you awaited your new boss.
Ada held the phone to her ear.
“Listen,” she said. “I have a lad who needs a safe place to work. He’s smart and capable and before you say anything, no, he’s not a spy.”
Tommy silently acknowledged the last part with approval. “Ok, but protection from what?”
Ada looked over her shoulder, making sure none of the others in the house were about. She sighed, “I know this means little to you, but he -lets put it this way- doesn’t fancy the ladies. And life is hard enough for people like him without having to worry about being kicked out of work for something that’s no one’s goddamn business.”
“As you said, this lad’s private life is moot to me, but if you can vouch for his work ethic and loyalty, i’ll give him a try.”
“You must be (y/f/n), nice to meet you.” Tommy shook your hand and led you into his office.
“My sister talks very highly of you, and she is quite possibly the only honest person i know.” He offered you a chair and lit himself a cigarette.
“So, the job is simple enough. I need an assistant, the most recent of which, is my wife, who can’t very well be working for me anymore.”
You smiled and nodded. 
“Well I have two years of university to my name so I hope I can be useful.”
Tommy chuckled, “Well you are more qualified than any other man here lad, and it’s probably smart to get some new young blood on the company.”
You smiled, “Thank you sir.”
He motioned you to follow him out of the room and into a smaller one just off it.
“This is your office, across the hall-” He motioned behind him through the door, where directly adjacent was another room, “-Is my cousin Michael’s office, he is the account handler so to speak.”
“Now,” He turned back to you, “There is the matter of this.”
He placed a pistol and a handful of ammunition onto the desk between you.
“You know how to shoot son?’
You looked concernedly at the weapon casually lying on the table,
“No sir.”
“Well, hopefully you wont ever need to use this but it seems to be company policy, never can be too careful. I’ll have someone teach you.” 
You thanked him and placed the items in a desk drawer.
“If you’ll follow me, i’ll give you the rundown of the company,” he said. “I’ve got some time and I need to wrangle up some people.”
You followed him out the door and through a series of buildings where different operations took place. At one point, you walked into a sort of yard-warehouse area.
Beginning from a distance and gradually growing louder,  you could hear ‘duck!’ ‘hit!’ ‘shift!’ etc.. 
All was explained when you and Tommy turned the corner.
In a roped off section of the cement yard were two very handsome young men. Both boxing and both, seemingly to vex you on your first day, shirtless.
“That’s Bonnie and Finn, don’t mind them.” Tommy commented off-hand. 
He turned left and walked into another building, leaving you just enough time to glance back at the two shirtless men, before ducking in after him.
After Tommy had introduced you the Charlie and Curly, he led you back to the office and then said he had to run, and you could start filing the stack of papers on his desk. 
You went right to work, and before long, had forgotten the time completely.
You were in a filing induced trance when a noise took you out of it.
The noise turned out to be the door opening.
“Oh hi.. i didn’t know anyone was in here..” The boy stammered.
You looked up to see on of the boys from the boxing ring, taken slightly by surprise, you fumbled out from behind the desk to introduce yourself.
“Sorry to surprise you, hi i’m (y/n), Mr. Shelby’s new assistant.” You held out your hand and he shook it.
“I’m Finn,” he stumbled “Tommy’s brother.” he released your hand.
“Can I help you with anything?” You asked, tilting your head.
“Well I thought I’d find my brother here but i guess i’ll see him later.”
In a hasty fashion he held up a hand as a brief farewell, and scurried out of the room.
You sighed and cursed silently to yourself.
Out of all the people he could have been, why my boss’s brother.
Like no time at all, the weeks and months seemingly flew past. You had become acquainted with everyone and felt like you had finally found your place. There were, of course, still some aspects with which you couldn’t fit in just the same as any other.
“Oi, you’re a good looking lad! Why don’t you come along with us tonight. Get some drink and find a girl, Birmingham’s best!” Arthur wheezed.
“That’s not saying much, but do come along mate!” John followed up. Giving you a friendly slap on the back.
You smiled,
“Thanks,” You gave john a man-pat on the shoulder, “But i got some work to finish here.”
“Suit yerself.” And they were gone.
You sighed with relief. You knew you’d have to go someday, but right now you couldn’t handle the idea of,,,that.
A few minutes later ,you heard a knock on the door and Finn entered, holding two crystal glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
“i heard you skipped goin’ to the Garrison with the others so i thought i’d bring some to you.”
He placed the things down on your desk and sat on the chair opposite you.
“You’re a life-saver! thank you.” you exclaimed.
Finn chuckled, pouring you a glass and handing it over, 
“Yeah, it’s not really my scene either.”
You hummed, taking a sip and savoring it quickly in your mouth. You wondered, a stupid thing to do, if it wasn’t his scene for the same reasons as you. Though the more you got to know him. You suspected.
Suspicions are a dangerous thing. Especially ones that are led by the heart, and are ever so biased on your own happiness. Nevertheless, a week or so later from that night, you popped in to tell Finn, with perhaps too much certainty,
“You know, I think I know a place you might enjoy.”
London always induced a joyous feeling inside you. Not that you had only fond memories from living there -far from it- but there was something about a city where the air wasn’t 80% coal soot.
You and Finn got off the train and made your way to Ada’s house. It was always a delight to be in her presence. Especially because you owed her so much, in fact, probably you owed her your life in so may ways.
After tea, and insisting that you had to make your way to a surprise spot, you and Finn made your way into the night.
Through a maze of mews and side-streets, down alleys and cracks you led him.
“I know i grew up in small heath,” He said at one point, when you were in a particularly funky alley. “but where the hell are you taking me?”
“Trust me.”  you assured him.
You both came out of an alley and into a small courtyard-like space. You brushed off your clothes a little and knocked on a door in the dark brick wall.
A little notch opened up and you whispered the password. the door swung open.
“Hello Love!” The doorman said, “ ‘aven’t seen you ‘round here for a long time!” 
You greeted the man back and made apologies. Presently, you went inside, leading Finn behind you.
Inside was an immaculate ballroom filled with people. Jazz music was pouring from the stage at the far end of the room. But as Finn looked around more, he started thinking that something was off. 
When he realized he froze.
All the people dancing, all the paired up couples, were men. Some dressed lavishly and others in plain working clothes. some with curled mustaches and some with cheeks of rouge and powdered skin.
Finn couldn’t believe his eyes.
He saw for the first time, a pair of men dancing hand in hand with wild smiles on their faces. Laughing, singing along.
Finn couldn’t move, nor could he take his eyes off the sights around him.
He felt your presence next to him, 
“Was i right to bring you here?” You asked.
He turned his head to face you, he was quivering. He looked you in the eyes, eyes that were lined with tears. 
“I had no idea,” He whispered,
“I had no idea there were others.”
Your heart ached for him in a way that only those like them know. You knew what he felt, the wonder, the pain, the confused elation.
You took his hand,
“There are.”
You slowly pulled him to the dance floor.
The music had gotten slower, and the dancing changed to a sort of swaying four-step. 
You took his other hand first, letting him go at his own pace, but soon you were as close as the others on the floor. both of you had a hand on the others waist.
Finn looked around again, at all the other people, eyes all closed and heads close. He turned back to you and moved even closer. He brought his lips up to your ear, 
“Thank you.” He whispered. He kept his cheek at yours, you felt his hands on your back.
He moved his head slowly so he could look at you again, it was such that your foreheads touched. Your heart beat slow, but hard. You whispered
“Can i kiss you?”
His eyes flicked up to yours before looking down again and moving his lips to yours.
It was ever so soft, barely even there. But it was there, and that was beyond anything Finn had ever felt or imagined before. He closed his eyes and kissed harder this time, and from beneath his eyelids came small lines of tears. The release of an unseen, unknown burden that he had carried for so long.
All you felt was warmth. And the ballroom surrounding you disappeared. You were on a different plane of being, the jazz music still crooned, muffled. 
All there was was him, and for him all there was was you.
Finn stood outside the opaque glass of the door. And in the irony of psychology, he had never felt more confident about what he was going to do.
He opened the door to Tommy’s office. 
“Hello Finn.” He said from behind the desk, cigarette smoking from his lip.
Finn went right up and took a seat across from his brother. 
“I’m a homosexual.” He declared, his gaze unwavering despite the magnanimity of his previous statement. 
Tommy took the cigarette from between his lips and put it out.
“Well then.” He reached over and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, pouring two glasses and sliding one over to Finn. He took a sip.
“Why are you telling me now?”
“Because I’m in love with (y/n).” He replied casually, taking himself a swig.
Tommy raised his brow, but made no other physical impression of surprise.
“Well then.” He said again.
Finn sat there in the silence of Tommy’s company. Surprised, and at the same time not, at his reaction. 
Tommy got up from his seat and made his was around the desk. Finn stayed where he was. In an act so small, and yet untellingly powerful, tommy placed a hand of finns shoulder, and kept it there.
“How will the others find out?”
They found out at a family meeting a month later, when, a new agenda item was introduced.
For a while after, there was silence. 
John, being john, broke it with,
“Falling for a secretary huh?” he chuckled, “that seems more like something i’d do.”
That lightened the tension. Amid the other items on the list, Finn leaned over to Ada, who sat on his right.
“Tell me,” He asked quietly to her, “did you know?”
She breathed a moment, finding the words to use.
“I knew you had more on your mind than we could ever know.”
Finn looked back ahead, letting her words sink into his mind. Her hand rested on his knee with quiet warmth and reassurance.
~~~~ You waited outside the meeting room until the rest of them filed out. Finn was the last, and when he appeared you gave him a quick peck on the lips, and held his hand, walking together out of the building.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK 131 Chapter Poll Results
The chapter poll closed with  2,192 responses. This month’s poll results were brought to you by @momtaku​, /u/staraves, Crunchwrap, u/_Puppet_, Luna.  Thanks as always for your support.
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  RATE THE CHAPTER 2,118 responses
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This was a standout chapter for the fandom, garnering a positive rating from over 90% of respondents and an average score of 4.68 which makes it the highest rated chapter since 122 - and in the top 5 in the history of the poll! Many of you were eager to express your enjoyment of it, with this question getting the most responses it has since chapter 102 (over two years ago!). As we go deeper into the endgame, it’s good to know enthusiasm is going strong.
Yams is a damn genius. This is one chapter I have not been able to stop thinking about or rereading. It's just... its so fucked up and SO. WELL. DONE.
I really, really loved this chapter. My favourite so far probably.
This is the first time I cried after a chapter. It hit me so hard.
Almost made me quit the manga. We finally got a confession from Armin, but right in the middle of all that grief, I couldn't enjoy it. Poor Ramzi and Halill, and all other innocent people beyond and within the Walls.
This chapter has had a ripple effect on how I’m seeing the series now in retrospect. I’ve been re-reading the manga , & I’ve become very melancholic after the Rumbling , knowing  everything was leading to this.
This was a phenomenal chapter. Thank you Isayama for everything.
2,137 responses
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Finding a favorite moment in a tragic chapter isn’t easy but we managed. “Child Eren’s moment of happiness” tops the list with an impressive 30% of respondents. “Seeing the reality of the rumbling” (18.8%), “Eren’s tearful apology to Ramzi” (15.9%) and “Getting Eren’s thoughts on the Rumbling while in Marley” (13.8%) round out the top four.
Very cool to finally see the destruction caused by the rumbling and some more insight into Eren's character
I like that this chapter showed perspectives from both the initiator of the rumbling (Eren) and the victims of his choice. It makes you sympathize with Eren, but at the same time, terrifies you with the price humanity has to pay.
Definitely one of the most depressing, if not the most depressing chapter thus far. Isayama brilliantly handled the transition between Eren's despair and the result of Eren's despair (Rumbling). Beautiful artwork. Great cliffhanger. Definitely a 9/10.
Tragic, Terrifying, Heartbreaking also Awesome because atleast AruAni became somewhat cannon
beautiful art as usual
The freedom scene with kid eren is the most beautiful/horrifying scene of the manga.
I also loved the Annie and Armin talk, anyone who says it's shipping cringe is a child, this was a long time coming and it was executed beautifully. (I also love how Hitch was mentioned twice, she would be proud of Armin this chapter.)
Ramzi and Halil deaths were the saddest part of this chapter, and I don't know about Ymir, but I guess she's helping Eren.
The panel showing the wall titans faces, especially the one shown on the right with empty eye sockets, gave me the chills. Can't wait to see how things will go down between the gang and Eren.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 2,144 responses
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This month giving us the most harrowing chapter in a while made it feel wrong to be looking for an MVP amidst all this despair, and almost half of you agree (47.5%). Just over a quarter of you believe the Eren focus earned him the spot (28.9%), with 9.4% choosing Armin and 9.1% selecting best bros Ramzi and Halil. A distant minority of you chose Annie and Birb, the former of which coming dead last. Poor Annie, you’ll be more popular than a bird one day.
the true mvp was the depression we got along the way
Eren needs a hug
Eren needs to be put down.
I really admire the way Isayama deeply makes you care for a character in a few panels, like he did for those two - relatively unknown - boys.
Annie is the best girl
birbs are the rreak mvp since chap 1
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Only a month ago, the fandom had no idea what to make of the mysterious Fez-Kun. The plucky pickpocket had a simple but effective story, and knew more secrets than he could possibly have understood. A perfect half of respondents were pleasantly surprised with Fez kid’s part in the story. 41.2% were content as it was about what they expected. 6.2% wanted to see a more in-depth picture but alas, that chance has been crushed mercilessly along with Ramzi’s hopes and dreams (and… the rest of him). 2.5% just weren’t into anything that let Eren lean into some morally black territory. Don’t worry, there are still plenty of grey shades here. Very dark shades of grey.
I didn't expect Ramzy's story to be expanded on, but it's so brutal to see the man he's been talking to killing him, his brother, his family and his hopes.
I know Ramzi and Halil were plot devices, but damn their death hit hard.
I think Eren saving Ramzi is foreshadowing. He knew Ramzi was gonna die in rumbling, yet he saved him. Same will happen, after someone reaching him and reminding him who he is, Eren will stop this madness and die. Or I wanna be hopeful.
even if i'm satisfied with Ramzi's story, I wish there would have been more to it because it is a tiny bit dissapointing but it's more or less what I expected.
Ramzi and Halil didn’t deserve death
i think everybody who dies in this rumbling will get back alive same will happen to halil and ramzi they will come back alive
Ramzi and Halil's deaths were so horrible but so good to see, because this is what it means when you destroy the world. You don't get to pluck out the nice ones and enjoy killing the bad ones. It's the height of cruel selfishness. And no amount of apologies changes that.
Ramzi and Halil deserved so much better
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There’s been disagreement over exactly what Eren meant when he said he was disappointed that humanity existed outside the walls and our poll reflects that. Just over a third of the fandom (34.2%) take Eren’s words literally and believe that his disappointment was with any existence of humanity since it marred his pristine childhood vision. The second most popular option is that he was disappointed in the attitudes, selecting “he was disappointed to discover all of humanity was filled with violence and oppression” (29.5%). We deliberately left off an “All of the above” option but that didn’t stop more than 50 people from writing it in.
He is disappointed at the fact that he has to fight humans with homes, families, pasts and futures and not mindless titans.
It's also a clear contrast between the outside world Armin envisioned and the one Eren wanted. Armin genuinely wanted to know more about it, Eren wanted his worldwide natural park to walk on. When it was full of civilization, he wanted to get rid of it. Like any typical villain wanting to purify the Earth of all the worms infesting it.
When he discovered that humans are just as cruel within the walls as without, it put his entire journey into perspective. He could not be Eren the hero or Eren the explorer and ultimately meant that the sacrifices made by his comrades were negligible in comparison to the big, cruel world , at least in his own mind.
He thought of all the beautiful landscapes and stuff that Armin showed him. Too bad there's these stupid humans in the way. Makes sense to eliminate the entire human population ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Everyone's fight against titans was pointless and the people who caged them could enjoy the things that Eren will never experience. The world is not a uninhabited landscape open to explore it, the world didn't need them and their freedom wasn't a possibility to enjoy it like the others civilizations do.
The world was out there and yet they did NOTHING to help Eldia
yes, eren is disappointed because there are now more enemies. but more than that, he's disappointed that they're not the monsters he's imagined them to be. that he can't kill them without feeling guilt and remorse.
he would never be able to enjoy the freedom he wanted because the clock is ticking and he will have to keep on resisting the whole world till the end without ever having time to properly realize his dream
I think he's disappointed in the fact that he's feeling sorry for humanity outside the walls just like Reiner used to feel sorry about people inside the walls. When he discovered Reiner was a traitor, he especially hated that part of his behavior, and how he realizes they're not that different, and in any case he's worse because at least Reiner had his child soldier brainwashing as an excuse
His disappointment is as bad as it sounds, having to deal with humans outside the walls was too bothersome for him and when the option to wipe them out was available to him, he was more inclined to take it, instead of fight for another resolution.
Typical privileged White boy outraged by prejudice and hatred OUTSIDE the walls, as if that didn't exist in Paradis already.
Any hopeful expectation Eren had of the outside world were completely decimated. Not only did he discover that humanity hadn't perished, but they actively contributed to or blissfully ignored Paradis' hell. In addition, the outside world is exploiting one other for resources. Paradis’ synthetically concocted hell is just part of a game to the outside world (there’s some uncomfortable real-world allusions here and I think it’s important that it’s being explored). Eren thought he was the saviour of humanity only to discover everything's he's done was for naught, humanity's the problem in his eyes.
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Deciding to crush the vast majority of the world and its citizens kind of takes a mental toll on people. Who knew? 48% of respondents think Eren’s emotional breakdown side by side with determination to reach freedom at any cost is simply him deciding the results will be worth his immense guilt. 23.2% think it’s a very human case of cognitive dissonance, and that Eren’s just trying to juggle his conflicting values. 19.2% believe his mental state is fraying at the seams reminiscent of the way Reiner’s did. 6.8% don’t buy that there’s any contradiction being shown here.
He was willing to throw away his humanity to become the monster that brings change
He's being a hypocrite. His guilt doesn't hold any value because it's entirely his choice. He's apologizing because there's no greater good, just his selfish dream.
He's never been okay, it's just that we're finally seeing him for who he is without the "protagonist illusion".
I don't think it's contradictory though. He's grieving sure, but he's also going along with his plan. Because he wants to be free.
He's not mentally stable and it shows
He's to some extent influenced by the Shingeki and/or its previous holders
He's trying to convince himself that humanity is evil sl he won't feel guilty about what he's doing
Hes a fully grown adult who knows better, no matter how bad he feels he doesnt deserve sympathy
The future cannot be changed and Eren is a slave to the attack titan's objective to push foreward
This chapter shows a lot of parallel between Eren and Reiner, he even said himself that he's worse than Reiner in the genocide that he's created. says himself that
What a fucking asshole
When Eren saw the future he knew the rumbling was inevitable so he is the one having to carry to burden of being ‘humanity’s enemy’ whether or not it was Eren to fulfill the rumbling it would’ve happened either way so he isn’t immediately a devil
Erens nature isn’t contradictory. He’s just now becoming self aware of the impact of his violent nature
He feels guilty about his actions and feels sorry for people who are going to be killed, but on the other hand - he is selfish and will do everything to reach his perfect reality.
Humans are an amalgamation of their actions. They sometimes arrive at destinations they did not fully intend. They may also realize too late that the path that they’ve set down is leading them in a direction they are not happy with, but eren is too far gone. He’s sane, understands he is objectively evil, but cannot turn back.
He totally snapped and turned into the psychopath that was sleeping inside of him for a long time. It was indeed very dangerous to entrust him with more power than he can handle.
Isayama did the same thing with Zeke. I think he likes the idea of the cool, mysterious guy, but it falls flat when the motivation doesn’t line up & the characters turn out to be crying & weak to fit the narrative once it’s revealed.
I don't know how to word this, but he is caged in his own vision to the point where any human decency and the ability to think is killed. Only a selfish, hateful and childish shell remained that is throwing a tantrum over his childbook fairytale not being true. It's not the same as Reiner, because Eren chose this. He wanted this, it is his fault. He had the power to stop this, but didn't. He can apologize as much as he wants, but he isn't feeling sorry at all.
He feels guilty, which is why he is having a mental breakdown like Reiner.
He’s having a mental breakdown but it's worse than Reiner's
painfully obvious this chapter was just Eren trying by all means to justify the Rumbling. Not because of some noble intention or cornering them into the inevitable, but just because he wanted to erase the world.
the eren reiner parallels man.. they never stop
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Ymir has finally appeared since we last saw her in chapter 122, and her presence as well as motivations are seemingly shrouded in mystery. Over a third believe she is watching everything but not necessarily feeling good or bad about it (32.1%), and some of you think she may be questioning her decision (16.2%). A minority of you opted to choose that her appearance means she is enjoying seeing it unfold (9.6%), or that we are witnessing a phenomenon related to titan deaths that have occurred all this time (7.5%). The most popular choice, however, (34.6%) is simply expressing bewilderment at the Evangelion-esque shenanigans we’re seeing.
Ymir could be the one doing all the actions of destruction since Eren let her free.
i really think after ymir appeared again even tho eren freed her that she's regretting giving him the founder's power and will have a role is taking him down
the presence of Ymir intrigues me and I hope that in the next chapter we will have her point of view.
I think Ymir is the one who's been pulling the ropes for a long time. Whenever Eren thinks there might be another way (especially throught he disappearance of the Eldian race) he compulsively thinks that he just CAN'T accept that, like there's a force driving him towards seeking freedom.
I hope that Ymir appearance means that she is counting and seeing Eren victims so she can create them Again without Eldian hate
Ymir being outside, and Kid Eren appearing in the paths might have a connection. Ymir was a grownup when she was killed but inside the paths she was shown a kid. Same as Eren being shown in the paths. This might signifies Eren is not in control of the situation but Ymir is.
I have had theories for a while about Ymir possibly turning on Eren, whether this is to save the world to show she is better than Eren, or to bring Paradis to destruction as well to show she is just as bad.
Loved the Evangelion reference. YAMS YOU MADLAD!
Ymir might be the true enemy
  WHAT IS KID EREN DOING HERE? 2,099 responses
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Child Eren appears in one of the most stunning panels of the chapter, but what does it mean?  Two options came out on top, with the idea that Eren is mentally regressing to a child (37.9%) edging out that it’s symbolism comparing child Eren to current Eren (36.1%).
I think we are going to see different Eren during the rumble, the past with Eren as a child, the future perhaps with a more mature or elderly Eren and the Eren of the present.
Adult Eren is incapacitated and Kid eren took his place through paths, will wake up for the "see you later, Eren"
Adult Eren unknowingly brought kid Eren’s consciousness to the present while he was sleeping under the tree. This is part of his “dream” that he had at the beginning of the story.
It is symbolises Erens mentality as a kid and how his flawed ideology doesn't hold up to the real world he faced outside of the walls. Also to cope.
Eren is the only character who cannot overcome the cycle of violence, so he will die.As you know, only without people can you become absolutely free, so he enjoys it when he realizes that nothing else binds him.
He has taken over paths from ymir, but since he is not bound by anything, he can do whatever the hell he wants, and is the reason he connected to armin while speaking to him.
It shows that Eren is not fully in control of the PATHS. For example in this scene, he remembers Armin because of his memory as a child talking about freedom with Armin then Armin suddenly appears although Eren himself didn't wish for something like that to happen thus it's just to show that PATHS connecting all Subjects of Ymir even in different timeline.
This links in with Floch... Eren loves Floch.
He was dreaming about the past and accidentally used the power of the Founder to show his younger self a vision of the Attack Titan's current point of view.
He's a sociopathic freak
It is symbolic of his old dream that he will have to give up on soon.
Can I say all of the above again? I saw it as a representation of Eren in his most pure, idealistic state which is then contrasted by the realistic horror of the destruction he is causing.
Brought into the present by adult Eren to give his younger self a taste of freedom without all the guilt. This is the beginning of the long dream kid Eren awakes from in Chapter 1.
Child Eren's Evangelion/Devilman(Crybaby)-esque "elation" seems like a metaphorical emotional release (and P A T H S shenanigans).
Something about the kid-Eren “freedom” scene is just so incredible and impactful; fully restored my faith that Isayama will deliver an amazing finale for this masterpiece.
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The world-shattering reveal almost a year ago of Eren gaining an important glimpse into the future, characterised as “that sight”, was finally answered in this chapter -- or was it? The majority of you believe kid Eren was merely enjoying the view from above that filled him with freedom, blissfully ignorant to the carnage of the rumbling (50.8%). Close to a quarter (23.8%) think he was able to see the rumbling but was enjoying the freedom in spite of it, with a small portion (5%) believing all the death was a part of his glee. Some aren’t yet sold on the idea that this is “that sight”, perhaps believing we will see it later (20.4%).
I don't think that his inner child is aware of the rumbling. He is only focused on the scenery and wants Armin to see that too.
A world without any walls is what kid eren always wanted to see. Through paths, kid eren achieved this (without seeing the death)
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Child Eren showing up was confusing enough, but he had to see Armin through paths too!?  What does it mean!?  A majority, at 55.5% think it foreshadows Armin’s coming importance in whatever the endgame turns out to be. Almost a third, at 28.6% think that it also opens up the possibility for other characters to connect with Eren through paths.
Armin was the person Eren has been sharing his dreams with. He is mentally showing his friend that the realisation of their dreams is finally at hand.
Eren can call forth anyone he wants, but if he doesn't want to see them I'm not sure if they could get to him
It foreshadows Armin and Eren clashing on a deeper level. I don't think anyone can actually stop Eren at this point.
Eren is so suped up with in this final form and with Ymir's "support" that when he thought about Armin it created a link through the paths.
Armin gets to briefly see the old "idealistic" Eren again. The one he can somewhat see eye-to-eye with and incidentally "created".
I think it might be just a visual metaphor on how Armin and Eren never really understood each other while sharing the same dream and that Armin is realizing that (I mean that the dream of "seeing the outside world" didn't mean the same thing to them). Or it might be that Eren is in a comatose sort of state and that since he technically is in control of paths, his thoughts are "sent" to Armin since he's reflecting on their shared dream
It shows Eren and Armin both want the same end goal. Though they disagree on the means of getting to it
The world is not like the one he saw in Armin's book. Hence why he contacted him, this is his way of reaching for his vision of freedom that he was denied because of the trauma of the wall.
Reference to the ocean scene where Eren was depressed and Armin excited, now its reversed
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While this tiny moment of apparent romance was a delight for the 20% of the fandom who expressed “Whoo hoo Aruani is canon!!”, the remaining 80% were slightly more subdued in their reaction. The largest percentage (35.3%) was happy that the build up between their characters had some payoff. The second most popular selection had nothing to do with Armin or Annie at all with “I just wanna know what’s up with the birds” garnering 26% of the vote. Lastly, 11.2% felt like this moment was completely out of place, selecting “Now’s not the time for love drama Isayama.”
We better see Armin and Annie kiss next chapter
The Armin/Annie was not that necessary, I’d loved way more a more "group" discussion with Mikasa, Jean n Reiner in it. Old 104th days style
Besides the shipping moment, Annie just came to terms with that she’s still not alone, which is huge for her character
I'm not sure if Isayama knows how unnatural aruani is. These two had a grand total of 3 interactions, and sparing each other still isn't prone to romantic feelings blooming on either side.
a bad fking attempt by isayama at romance, should have stuck with eren historia love child
The aruani was unexpected but nice xD I don't exactly ship them but they are cute in this chapter(I can't help but feel one of them is getting a death flag because of this though💀)
What about them talking about all the shit she did or has been through? I wanted to see that.
Ship and let ship, this is actually a very intresting pairing and I think the scene flowed very naturally. But I still hope that in the future manga focuses more in the plot and not in the ships. I'd hope the same from fandom, but of course that's too much to ask...
This was a nice moment away from death and destruction
They’re definitely gonna die soon
am i the only one who don’t ship annie and armin? like bro... she squashed your little friends like bugs
Yoo bitch AruAni is canon LETSS FUCKING GOOO Love this cinnamon couple..More canon couple please Yams!
I only saw Bertolt there.
Maybe it's just me but i dont see anything romantic about the scene to me i prefer the weird friendship they have
While it seemed slightly out of place I’m glad Isayama touched on their “therapy sessions”.
Oh God no please don’t do this, Annie isn’t they type of character that needs any sort of romance in her story to be happy
Both aruani is canon 🥳 and wtf Isayama not the time…
c'mon falling for an enemy uncounscious girl with whom you have wangsty once-sided talks, a girl you manipulated to capture and used as a bait against enemies, really ???
They’re finally talking, I’ve been waiting so long for them to talk things out, also I really like Annie’s character development! And finally CANON, I’ve been waiting for sooooo long!!!!!!
I selected the bird because I feel threatened by it but also WOO HOO ARUANI IS CANON
I really enjoyed the scene between Annie and Armin. I think it further cements AOT as a very human narrative. They both know there are bigger things going on, but that doesn't allow them to turn off their very human emotions, which come out in a moment of rest. I don't believe this will necessarily lead to more romantic scenes between them, unless the ending of the story is far more hopeful than I expect it to be.
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Not long after his grand arrival on the shore, Eren seems to be having a little nap. 45.3% of respondents think he’s relying on his base instincts for his walk around the world. 15.8% think he’s wide awake but just trying to ignore the squishy things he’s stepping on. Turns out it’s actually pretty tiring to declare war on the world, or so say 14.2% of you. 12.1% think it’s no coincidence his apparently sleepy face was shown right after the intense stare of birb, and 8.8% think that the image hints at a secret puppet master pulling Eren’s strings. We received a lot of comments suggesting Ymir might be the big bad after all - now how is Eren gonna earn that sweet sweet freedom if he’s not willing to bust a few billion skulls, eh?
He left the Attack Titan on auto-mode
i just wish to know that....now that Eren has a long ass neck.....will he come back as a human or....he will be like this forever
Symbolic of the fact that he isn’t really seeing the sight. It’s a fools errand like Eren’s goal.
I think it is symbolic. The 'adult' in him is sleeping while the 'child' in him is taking the reigns.
His consciousness has been transferred to his titan's brain. He's essentially an Attack Titan battery .
He is dreaming, ignorant to the destruction below and seeing the freedom he envisioned as a kid.
his consciousness is in PATHS dimension and he's controlling things from there
How the fuck is he sleeping when the wall titans are executing complex commands, like diving under ships and surrounding the city?
I don't think he is sleeping. He rather looks beaten and devastated and just numb to what he is doing in order to cope.
I figure that bc he's so big, he kind of has to be like this. Normally when he's in his titan with his eyes open, he's being active. I think that although he's set the titans in motion, he's in a more passive role now. He also can't be all that active when he's that huge, right?
I honestly don't know. I can speculate its connection to Ymir's apparition and child Eren's lucid dream?
He's irrevocably fucked thanks to good old Gabi and her rifle.
He's losing his will to live.  Also leaves an opening for Armin to wake him up like he did in Trost.
Maybe he is actively controlling / managing something else at the time? Maybe something crucial we don't know about yet, I don't believe that he is just exhausted.
His adult self is asleep now because his child self is having fun in his perfect world. Eren is mentally weak as adult but his inner child is strong and is reaching everything Eren always wanted - freedom and happiness.
He’s unable to regenerate due to controlling all the colossal titans, or just won’t because he wasn’t in Titan form when his head was blown off, meaning he will eventually die
i feel as if having eren not be in control would be mildly disappointing because the manga has done so much to set up erens decent into madness and how his actions became so extreme, i would be disappointed if all of that went to waste.
I would guess that Eren might be sifting through future memories at the moment. Looking at the "unknown world"/"the scenery" that made him smile wistfully instead of being horrified/the thing "beyond hell" Eren mentioned to Falco.  
His adult self is sleeping now, while his young self is having fun.
I think hes not fully in control (maybe ymir calling the shots)
I'm kinda torn between him operating on base instincts and him being controlled by someone (Ymir?) so I'm gonna go with both as the possibility.
Maybe he really doesn't want this? I think Ymir's the one in control
Ymir is controlling him
He is not the one driving this titan, Ymir is.
Really? You talk about his eyes being closed and not the fact that he has the neck structure of a turkey!?
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Despite the darkness this chapter brought to the story, Armin ends on a hopeful note. The top two options were 36.8% thinking there’s a possibility Armin will in fact be able to stop Eren. and 33.7% believe Armin to be too optimistic, and that it won’t pan out the way he wishes.
Armin's recalling of his childhood dream with Eren in the last page made me think there's still a hidden solution to resolve the dilemma.  
This chapter also shown Armin not wanting to give up with reconciling the Eren he wanted to see and the actual Eren. He hears no evil.
Tragic ending, yes, but I don't think Armin's hope is misplaced all the same. I think Eren cannot be stopped without death, but I also don't think the entire world will be destroyed, and I don't think it will end hopelessly.
Either Armin’s gonna save humanity or everybody just dies the end 😹
That one bird that was perched on the ship might be the symbol of peace. But I'm not sure how that peace is going to be achieved if the option's still on the table.
I hope the alliance is able to save Eren from doing this unthinkable sin.
Probably a blossoming hope through Armin breaking Eren from Ymir's plan uwu
I think Armin could join/support Eren
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The Spy Birds theory seemed a bit nutty last month, but I don’t trust that seagull one bit. And it looks like many of you agree because that nutty theory has gone mainstream! The majority of respondents (54.1%) think that the birds are under the influence of a higher power, mainly that of Eren (27.4%) or Ymir (26.7%). 26.6% don’t think the birds are suspicious, they’re just free, man. 13% just reckon Isayama has moved on from his love of drawing thicc horses, and birds are the cool new animal. No complaints here. But I still don’t trust that seagull.
The birds are up to something
Animals sense danger coming from nature before humans do.
bird is symbol for freedom, but some bird like crow and raven in some culture are symbol for death.
I think that pigeons are watching me through P A T H S
Black birds symbolize the people's doom , white bird that flew to armin symbolises hope
black birds: death ; seagul: garbage :))) I dunno, the seagul was so random. It means they are approaching the shore?
I dont sure its eren or ymir. But i hope there is something about bird. I hope there are a huge plot twist
Might be another Odin parallel if Eren is using them, but I don't really see why he'd bother. I don't think he needs to do recon.
Last time I thought that the bird theory was a little far-fetched but now I think that's 100% the deal. That seagul is just somehow way too focused on to be just a random animal.
I commented in the previous poll that the birds are surveillance cameras and i’m even more convinced now. And isn’t it poetic that the Wings of Freedom logo is made up of a pair of black and white wings, representing the different interpretations of freedom pursued by Eren and Armin.
This is all just a Genjutsu by Itachi
my personal favorite theory, it’s zeke seeing everything transpire through the power of the beast titan
Pure!Boy Armin gets the seagull because he still has DREAMS and Eren gets crows because he wants to feast on human flesh.
I don't know but is really cool if you see it as a symbol of hope/freedom. Birds are the only kind who will not going to be tumble over the rumbling.
I think it's about the colors, black is dark, just like the destruction Eren is causing to the world (including Ramzi and Halil) and white is bright, just like the peace that Armin wished for and is aiming to achieve with the alliance
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If we thought seeing the reality of the rumbling would be a game changer when it comes to our view of it, we were wrong. Only 5% of people who formerly supported it no longer do. For the rest of us 44% do not support the rumbling and 30% do. Most curiously, 21% claim to have no opinion. More on that below when we mirrored this question about our views on Eren.
I still don't support The Rumbling, I just want it to stop. It doesn't do anything good for anyone, even Eren himself, and this awfully awesome chapter proves it. I totally expect that via P A T H S.FM Armin and Mikasa could stop him (and save him, physical or psychologically, idk) . It's the only plausible way.
I think the rumbling is justified but I don’t think the civilians who had nothing against Erin don’t deserve to die.
I don’t think there is any other solution, and that’s the point… His outburst at Hange tells me that he was desperate for something. This is coming from Eren who can essentially see everything and inherited multiple people’s memories. If he couldn’t come up with it, I don’t think anyone else can (aside from Armin? But I’m not holding my breath). The 50-year plan was a delusional fantasy at best, technology would evolve rapidly and nullify any threat the Rumbling poses.
I was still kind of hoping Eren had something up his sleeve that wasn't mass slaughter, but I guess we're going there
I believe the full rumbling is a morally grey decision, but I’ll concede and say it’s on the darker end of the spectrum. ultimately eren will have to answer for what he’s done, necessary or not killing millions of innocent people is a horrible thing to do.
The world was never peaceful, and never will be. The Rumbling was inevitable, nothing could stop that.
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This probably didn’t need to be asked but we did it anyway. For the vast majority of us, the portrayal of the rumbling was overwhelming in terms of sheer horror. “It’s awful! I love it!” seems to be a common reaction.
Whelp... we wanted to see the rumbling. I guess be careful what we wish for.
I am once again reminded how gory SnK can be.
No holds barred. This is the sad, traumatic truth that we asked for.
RIP in pieces Clown-kun
At this point, it makes me sick to read pro-rumbling posts. Normally, when you like a villain or a morally grey character (Eren went past this point long ago) you enjoy seeing how their mentality works. And this is fully respectable, but not the "uuuh my baby did nothing wrong". If we did the same with our kings Floch and Zeke, it would be crazy, wouldn't it?
I’m glad the Rumbiling was shown in its full glory. It didn’t hide anything about the situation and was very gory. I’m glad we were shown what happened to the people during it, and not just after.
I can't feel engaged in the rumbling when it has been the default scenario since the sea, but more specifically 123. The boy had a death flag the size of Marley and now he's dead. Thanks for the shock, Yams. I'm interested in the potential of everything else. I hope I didn't follow this story for the final conflict to be whether to save more people or less people
It was great to see the Rumbling in its full gore. Isayama showed it masterfully and rly put emphasis on how terrifying and disturbing it is. I was never anti or pro of it before, bc I'm just enjoying the view as the reader, that didn't change, and I still like Eren bc he is a very entertaining character.
I loved seeing how awful everything was. Ofc in real life I wouldn't support it, but narratively? Wow!
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This chapter didn’t hold back in its brutal display of the rumbling, and it may be difficult to find the words to describe it, so we gave you twelve. A clear majority are able to agree on it being both tragic and terrifying, closely followed by those who would describe it as unavoidable, distressing or immoral. The choices in the minority included describing the rumbling as awesome, justified or heroic. Fun fact, over a third of the people who chose “heroic” also described it as some combination of “excessive”, “immoral” and “indefensible”. Talk about mixed feelings.
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If we thought seeing the horrors of the rumbling would be a game changer when it comes to our view of the person who unleashed it, we were wrong. This chapter did nothing to change the minds of the 40% who support Eren and the 30% who do not. Only a minority (8.3%) said this chapter made their support for Eren wane.
We were most curious about the 20% who selected “I have no opinion.” When we’ve waited so eagerly for Eren’s POV, how could a quarter of the fandom be neutral on how it affected them? Was this a failure on Isayama’s part or were our poll options poorly worded? We decided that rather than having no opinion,  “I don’t know what to think yet” might have been the better cop out...err I mean *neutral* option :P
I was one of those that was convinced that there had to be something more to the Rumbling, and this chapter shocked me to my core by revealing that there really isn't. Eren is just that disturbed. We wanted Eren POV but we weren't ready for it. Now I just want to see how Armin and Mikasa end this.
i love eren so much nothing can make me hate him but he is insane... all this and for what. THEY COULDNT HAVE TALKED IT OUT??? i feel so bad for eren he clearly does not want to kill all those people man...
We finally have Eren's pov now; I still don't know how to feel about it, but I'll always support him.
Eren is a character who really disgusts me because of his fucked up delusion of fReEdoM but I love him at the same time because he's really well written, this boy is a fascinating mess.
This chapter seems to have made things pretty straightforward. Eren is a lot of things but he’s not one to go back on his word. He said he was gonna rumble and now he’s doing it.  Not sure why people are having a hard issue saying he wouldn’t have done it. Uhhhh hello he’s nuts
i get eren's side but i just wish that there was another way to bring freedom and justice without genocide
I support eren as a character, however if his actions were translated to real life I would disagree with them. At the end of the day, genocide is not ok. He could’ve wiped out military bases, but civilian deaths is not ok. HOWEVER, for the sake of fiction, & the fact that there’s no decent alternative, it’s team Yeager.
Deep down his choice is selfish and this is why he is ashamed of it, the rest are just justifications. And he is not the only character who has selfish objectives hidden over good intentions, Erwin fought for humanity, but deep down he wanted to prove his father right, and Reiner on his quest to "Save Humanity" was just a mask to become a hero.
Really I want to see Eren fufill his dream, I’m still supporting him.
Ymir might have a role to play in his mental state.
Not to support the rumbling or anything, but I do feel sorry for Eren. He's like a cornered animal that attacked in panic and that attack's freaking deadly.
Even though the rumbling is tragic, this is Eren truly getting his way, no matter what. It's a rare thing to see in any literary work, and although I'm curious as to what the downfall/tragedy of his character will end up being after this, I love it all because for what feels like the first time, a character with bad intent is using the god power to accomplish their goal, and I can't get enough of it.
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Empathy for Eren is the theme for nearly 70% of the fandom with “I feel for him. He’s in a tough position” (43.7%) and “my heart aches for him” (22.1%) being the top two selections. On the opposite and more extreme ends of the spectrum, those who think he’s the greatest (15.1%) and those who think he’s the worst (14.9%) are nearly evenly matched. Interestingly only 4.2% expressed “I have no opinion” on this question compared to more than 20% on the question above.
Eren is my favorite character but I also don't support his actions.
I was disstressed for a few days after it.  How did it go to this? I kept reading this far just because I wanted Eren to be happy and have his happy ending, and what do we have now?..
I feel bad for eren, he's in a position no one would want to be, and he hates what hes doing no matter how much he needs to
This chapter could possibly stablish once and for all Eren as a unchangable character since he has reached a point of no return.
Eren is GOAT, the rumbling is wrong but I still love eren
This entire chapter just reaffirms the fact that Eren has always been a self absorbed, self-pitying child from the very beginning
I don't get how people can still support Eren just because he cried a little.
To think that all the shit that has happened since RTS (Sasha killed, Liberio attacked, Tybur murdered, Zackley assassinated, Nile and Pixis titanised, Levi forced to decimate his own titanised squad and then nearly dying, Jaegerist coup, Shadis beat up, Historia pregnant AND ANYTHING ELSE I'VE FORGOTTEN) is all because of some long, convoluted plan for one single boy's childish, problematically simplistic, black-and-white dream for "Freedom" is. I can't. I'm tired. Eren's pov is so outrageously outlandish that I can't relate. At all.
I cant feel bad for Eren, he is the only person responsible on his guilt and sadness. Also genocide is the worst option and even Eren says it.
He was sheltered his whole life; he has no proper context or framework for concepts like racism and war between humans. He “optimistically” thought his fight was that of human vs titan. That's why I don't blame him for coming to the Rumbling conclusion after the basement reveal. I give him a lot of credit for empathizing with "the other side" and I do believe Eren tried his best to come up with alternative solutions.
I feel for Eren, he was sold the idea of a perfect, peaceful, untouched world, ripe for discovery, filled with the beauty and awe of nature, but in reality it was full of cruel xenophobia people who hated his very existance. I don't support the rumbling but i understand why Eren did it.
Eren is obsessed with his perfect vision of "Freedom" where there are no limits to his will, but sadly for him, he lives on a reality where others exist and as long he has to interact with them, there are going to be limitations he is going to be bound. So even if he kills everyone outside the island, there is going to be another "wall" he needs to overcome.  
Seeing Eren cry and hear his doubts actually made me just more angry with him: "If you are so sad about the fate of the outside world then fucking change the future, don't just give up!!!!!!!" He seems to be very clung in the idea that the future is set and there is nothing he can do to change it.
Okay but look at Eren's centipedal Hell's creation's TINY BUTT. It's so funny seeing that little boney ass on this gigantic thing
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This one was interesting. With this chapter’s iconic imagery of kid Eren spreading his arms declaring “this is freedom”, it’s unsurprising that most of us agree with that as a very important motivation for him. His friends were also chosen as a very important motivation, though not as much as his love for freedom. Historia and her child just edged out the motivation of the people of Paradis, though interestingly it has less “somewhat important” votes and more “not important at all votes”, making it clearly divisive even if it has more “very important” votes.. But the motivation with an even more divisive perception is revenge, with nearly an even split between those who view it as very, somewhat and not important at all.  
Everything Eren is doing is for the sake of his friends and Historia, there was no other choice to protect the island.
I think that the only thing what matters to Eren is freedom and reaching the perfect world he saw in his dreams after reading Armin's book. The dream of his inner child is playing the most important role in his life. Eren is ready to sacrifice his friends, his mentors and people on Paradis - just to see the special scenery and finally feel FREE.
Feel sad to see eren need to do all of this, but i know its for his friend and paradis
I hope that Eren doesn’t harm the alliance
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It’s truly a testament to Isayama’s strength as a writer when a character’s deliberate annihilation of billions is met with a majority response of “there are no villains or heroes here.” 57.1% think that as tragic as the situation now may be, nobody in this manga really qualifies as villainous. Or at least, not when our feisty protagonist is involved. 33.7% think the manga is a tale of a hopeful boy slowly turning to the dark side. 5.6% see this all as part of a hero’s tumultuous journey. Finally, 3.5% think it’s unfair to cast Eren as a villain since he’s not the one in control. Gotta say, if Eren is not the one destroying the world he really shouldn’t have said he was going to destroy the world.
This chapter just proves that Eren ISN'T a complete villain. I disagree with the rumbling, but what Eren's going through is something that I empathize with.This chapter just made it easier for me to keep rooting for everyone, even though a completely happy ending is not an option anymore.
I really hope Eren's in for a change of heart soon. I hate the idea of him being the final villain. He's definitely redeemable. Even he is eligible to have a dark foil and rival. Maybe we'll get that later on in Zeke who I feel is also redeemable.
More and more of the story is unveiled, I really like how this is going. Ever since knowing the outside world I have decided that Eren is no longer a hero but then he is not a villain either so does everyone in the story. I like Eren a lot but I'd say that I just like to observe, to see, never to support or to oppose. So this chapter is really amazing to me as I managed to see more about Eren.
eren is a villian whether you like it or not
I feel Walter white Vibe from Eren.
Eren is evil period!!!! There is no justification for mass murder. If he wants to savr his ppl then just wipe out the army, navy, air force, warriors and the leaders period not everyone including INNOCENT ppl....
EREN IS GOAT. He is portrayed as a hero who makes tough choices that no other shitty shonen character even can do.
Eren needs to stop the rumbling. It maybe justified his needs but the people outside the walls didn't deserved it. They're both each other's enemies. He used to say people outside the walls are monsters but he became one himself. He desired freedom but in the end he was a slave to his own desire.
Isayama could chose to make him some what of a villainous character, or he could chose to set it up as if eren is more of an anti hero doing then wrong things for the right reasons
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No superlatives to describe how great or awesome this chapter was this month. The Rumbling hurt us all (well done, Yams, mission accomplished). That being said, it looks like we’re all masochists, considering this chapter is in the top 5 highest rated chapters since chapter 91.
Tragic [169; 4.69]
Sad [89; 4.73]
Pain [77; 4.86]
Depressing [69; 4.75]
Heartbreaking [48; 4.77]
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With what we want next chapter we find it especially surprising that the majority are ready to give Eren’s perspective a break. Since google sometimes fails us in displaying the data, we’ll just list it all out. Of the options we provided, our wishes for next chapter from most to least popular are: Let’s keep it with the Eren POV (23.4%), The alliance reaching Odiha (22.4%), WHERE TF IS LEVI??? (10.6%), I could go for a few more mental breakdowns (10.1%), More Ymir being mysterious (7.9%), WHERE TF IS LEVI??? (10.6%), SAVE US ZEKE (8.9%), Oh god go back to Historia please (8.5%), Finality for Floch (6%) and More birbs ovo (2.2%)
Yo where tf is Rico
I want to see levi
fuck yeah more mental break down, I'm ready to be depressed
I really want to see more of Armin and kid Eren in Paths next chapter. That one panel was super interesting and I would love to go back to it.
hurt me more isayama
Please yams I want to see Flochad kill Hange, that’s all I ask for.
Zeke returns next chapter pleaseeeee
It's getting to the final and I don't like that
as only 3-4 chapters are left, I dont think we are going to get another eren POV, I am still dying to see the conditions of the other main characters, whereas zeke and floch are unfinished mysteries.
someone from alliance is dying soon
I've gotta see more Historia. What is she doing and thinking right now? What is her role moving forward?
Just shut up with historia in this survey. She's irrelevant. Now I hate answering your polls.Never again!
i literally don't know what to expect next chapter like yams is just THAT good
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The platforms where we discuss the series remain relatively unchanged with Reddit providing the plurality of responses. Thank you Reddit! We appreciate it. That said, we’d love to see this chart balance out a little more so please feel free to share the poll wherever you discuss the series. That includes the 5 of you degenerates on Snapchat.
Uhhh *disappears*
listen, birds are pretty cool ok
Beautifully tragic, exactly what I wanted to see from Eren after being shown in a villainous light for 30+ chapters. Being introduced to a new character, in particular an innocent child and then finally revealing his name and story was a perfect way to show the true horrors of an indiscriminate near-omnicide, it definitely brought tears to my eyes.
As expected of Isayama-sensei, it's exactly right.
Annie being revealed as aromantic is the unexpected happy development in this tragedy.
Kiddos, the "it's just fiction" argument refers to the fact that you are allowed to *enjoy* watching fucked up things in fiction because people, in general, can distinguish between fiction and reality. It does not mean writing essays to *justify* said fucked-up things that happen in fiction, because you almost certainly start bringing your own real-life logic to fictional events. Aka, mixing up reality and fiction. Showing your true colors. Allowing your beliefs to slip into discussion. Whatever you call that.
Annie has always had a hard time expressing her feelings and that she has had complexes for a long time. I'm glad Armin was able to tell her what he was thinking because it will give Annie more confidence. Plus, Annie has always been introverted and I love that Isayama tells us more about her character.
The ravens are a reference to Odin’s, a mythology character. He has two ravens, they symbolise memory and mind/thought.
What a manga.
what eren did is right you can come up with any other solution
What in the everliving fuck is going on? Can we go back to factory reset and knock some sense into Eren before he starts having wild ideas like this one? Please
If Eren is the bird he really is Armins WINGman.
I KNEW ARMIN LIKED ANNIE! But seeing Annie blush was a nice surprise. I thought she was the ice queen in terms of romance.
This poll is bias toward historia. I wish if y’all stop the shipping b.s
birds are supposed to symbolize freedom in most cultures, innit?
This chapter was so important to me. It showed the reality of the rumbling, and that scenery, and most importantly, Eren's true feelings on the genocide, including his now split younger self. He feels guilty about it, he knows it's bad yet he has to do it because he has no other option if he wants Paradis and everyone he loves to survive. During my life I have had a lot of instances where I had to sacrifice a lot  in order to survive, including disociating and splitting my personality in two, crushing my own feelings to do what had to be done, so characters like Eren are very relatable in that sense to me. In a kill-or-be-killed situation, there is no place nor time for doubts nor mercy and you have to do what you have to do.
Very interesting, trágico and raw, but also  liked the comparison between different concepts of the world and freedom between Armin and Eren. Also loved all the AruAni moments, they were not only adorable but also helped those two characters talk about things they needed to open up about since a long time ago lol.
I want to get off Mr. Isayama's Wild Ride
Am I the only one who can't take the alliance seriously?
Wasn't really feeling the AruAni moment, but other than that top tier chapter can't wait for more.
Armin possibly realizes Eren isn't in the right state of mind. If Eren is projecting himself as a child, then Armin might be able to come up with a plan to stop what he is doing.
Fantastic, worth the wait.
Fav chapter yet. Fall of Wall Maria got overthrown as the most depressing event in the series for me.
Favourite line in AOT :"SIT DOWN"
I don't want it to end, but I am very happy about the direction the manga is going.
I felt for eren
This chapter was legendary, it hit all the right notes for finally giving Eren's POV. The shot of child Eren above the clouds will go down as one of the best panels ever... also Eren's line about "disappointment"... fantastic it gave me chills.
I find ‘the cycle of revenge’ storyline tiring. I’ve seen it so many times before and there isn’t anything new being covered here. I just feel tired and sad honestly. My last (and probably unfulfilled) hope for the series would be for Levi to make it through this, work things out with Zeke without violence and be able to move on in his life. He could help the survivors of the rumbling and reestablish civilization, maybe open his tea shop, see the world, maybe fall in love. I don’t really care. I just want to see my boy alive and doing okay for himself. A ridiculous thought for this series, I know. With 3-4 chapters left I feel we will most likely just be left in a misery marinara. I’m soaking in it right now.
I have too many thoughts on this chapter, I wouldn't know where to begin
i wanted him to save ramzi, but i didnt at the same time?? i was glad he didnt spare him, but im sad he didnt?? i dont know why
I just want everything to end already
i just want the best ending for all characters, esp Eren.
I like how Isayama is pushing the cognitive dissonance that i have of what side i should choose.....he is really fuckin with me at this point. All the thinking has now made me kinda numb
I like Isayama drawing birds and see the art improvement through the chapters :D I announce August is the Eek Appreciation Month dedicated to the Wings of Freedom! EEEEEEEEEEEK
I like that it pretty much ended the discussion of Eren having other plans. He's been totally honest the entire time. If he had other plans, why'd he put his friend in danger by having them fight against him?
for real had to pause for a bit at many points in this chapter lmao
Maybe this is why he never talked to his friends- he didn't care about discussing what's right for them, he just wanted his FrEeDoM and would walk over children to get it.
Glad to see Armin and Annie being cute, they deserve a few moments of happiness.
Glad to see Eren’s thoughts and feelings about the rumbling. There are a lot of loose ends that I was hoping to have some answers for in this chapter but it didn’t happen in this chapter, which just made me more intrigued.
Glad to see that Eren's uncaring exterior was finally dispelled this chapter
God I can't see this ending good and I just really want this to be over soon. Never rooted as much for an MC to die as now.
Which of the following best describe how you feel about the rumbling?  Pointless, it won't achieve anything.
while i find aruani cute i still find it weird since she literally was crying the previous chapter. i was disappointed that we didn't get to see all the alliance
Why tf is Ymir in the realworld!?
SS ARUANI GONNA RUMBLE THE SHIP HARDER THEN EREN RUMBLED THOSE POOR CHILDREN, TAKE THAT NONBELIEVERS no really, this was built up from s1, and they have wonderfully complementing personalities. Sad that half the fandom gets triggered from any het ship (and vice versa)
Crack theory: Eren has two personalities which is why he acts in contradictory ways. The "evil" nature is in kid Eren and the "good" nature is in the bird. There is no consciousness in his actual body anymore.
Genocide route best route
Way better than the last chapter. 130 was just good art and shipping bait which felt like it was forced for the sake of the end of a volume. This chapter was amazing and balanced its multiple purposes effortlessly, as opposed to the clunky nature of the previous chapters. Probably the best chapter since Ymir's backstory. I love how Armin tied into it, we haven't seen he and Eren's shared dream brought up for a while, as it had faded into background despite being such a driving force for both characters before the timeskip.
I was sure that the dichotomy between Eren's motivations was clearly between his friends/the people he wants freedom for, and his own quest to soothe the anger he has in his heart. Essentially is he doing this for love or hate. Yet we get a third motivation introduced this chapter, of him achieving his child self's dream of freedom in a wall-less world, and what do you know it's tied into "that scenery/that sight", Isayama you genius. What does this mean about those other motivations, though? Is everything false and it's just what Eren is telling himself? What's the lie? What's the truth? What to believe…
It might just be because Eren subconsciously called to Armin. So if more memories surface, more characters can talk with him potentially.
Time loop theory!
Timey Wimey P A T H S shenanigans.
Even if I'm not surprised, it's disappointing to see how Eren is the worst Jaeger after all. He used to make bad decisions trying to help "humanity", but now he just thinks he's right, when not even half of Paradis agrees with his ideas.
I hate Eren from the bottom of my heart. He's disgusting, a total piece of shit. And I love Isayama for giving me all these feelings. He's the real GOAT here.
Really made me wish Isayama hadn't gone for the ~mystery~ of Eren becoming the villain and had instead at least given us the flashbacks in chronological order. The way this long-awaited PoV reveal has been done has felt so clunky and awkward.
I honestly don't understand those who used to support the Rumbling but no longer do after this chapter; maybe they are the same kind of people that romanticized Omnicide and kept defending it as the  "morally correct thing to do"  and that they "would most certainly do it"  if they were in Eren's shoes... Until the reality hit them and all of their posturing like a bag of bricks - i.e. the typical edgy keyboard warrior.
As a pro-Rumbling fan, I always knew this was the expected outcome; if anything this chapter was everything I hoped that Isayama would show to us because it once and for all disproved the idea that Eren has a plan beyond the Rumbling. A Lelouch ending (which I hope doesn't happen) can still be pulled, but its not something that Eren is actively working torwards, but the end result if the alliance somehow stops him.
rumbling go brrrrrrrr
Zeke is controlling the bird with his beast Titan ability that he learnt from the paths realm
"what will my mother think of me?" Ashamed of you, eren, duh.
I really can't feel sorry for eren when this is ultimately the choice he made. There were always other choices up until the point where he killed many world leaders in his attack on Marley.
A bit sappy but understandable. From a egoist point of view Eren is justified in his actions, but of course this just reaffirms the Eldians "monstrous" nature to them. The Eldians dont have a realistic out unless the titans are truly gone forever if Eren loses. Curious about the birds.
A freckled girl appeared. That's progress.
Also what about the Eldians living outside of Paradis Island? IMO they are the ones suffering the most
Can he even be stopped?
Can people stop saying that because you enjoy the direction of the story that you’re a genocide supporter? I like shooter games too but I’m obviously not going to go kill anyone, everyone needs to chill out with the moral policing, you sound like the Tipper Gore crowd. Is the rumbling justified? No, but it’s a great direction for the story and it was inevitable once it was established what was in the walls. Chekhov’s gun had to go off sometime, I’m actually surprised how many people seem to be agonizing over this.
Can't put it into words how amazing AOT has become and is just stepping over each level taking one step at a time !!!
Can't wait till next one
Changed the opinion of many people on eren's genocide
Chapter confirmed Eren is NOT the father
Cruel just like the world
This chapter re-assured me that that first scene of Mikasa is the moment she says goodbye to a dying Eren.
Damn bro it’s great
Dang. When this is animated, I guarantee a lot of youtubers and just the anime fandom in general will think this is the best series of all time.
Eren is one of the best MCs of all time.
Eren is one of the most tragic characters on manga
Eren is the best protagonist
Eren is the GOAT but is also wrong and needs to die real soon
Eren is truly the best developed main character from any shonen series, this chapter made my mind.
Eren loses it, again
great job Isayama. well done you madman
Great painfull chapter, Eren having a breakdown Made me so sad and depressed,  I wish him to achieve freedom
Greatest manga of all time
greatest piece of fiction of our generation
Hange is right, this is not an acceptable solution
I cried while reading it no joke
I don't even know what to say about Eren. Sure, this chapter is showing his guilt, but that definitely does NOT justify his actions. EXPLAIN YOURSELVES, YEAGERISTS, EREN STANS!!!!!! (sorry I'm just angry about him)
I still think there needs to be a twist, because for me the character development still doesn't work. Eren and Historia have both forgotten common sense and do awful stupid things for stupid, hollow (plot) reasons, and the 104th this entire arc have both become somewhat useless and self-righteous at the convenience of the author. I don't care if the whole arc happened this way just because clearly Isayama wants to have the rumbling as the last arc, but if this was his objective he should have been more focused on character consistency and less on the mystery of it all. It still all feels less like the choices of actual characters than plot convenience, and it gives me the same sensation of the Serumbowl, which I thought was the nadir of the series.
If truly there's won't be some last minute twist it's just bad character writing in service of a plot decided in advance. Same with Historia and the 104th. Who cares about character consistence? Not Isayama, apparently
For some reason Eren wants Armin to the what his is doing.
Honestly, of all the characters Armin is the last I'd want succeding in stopping Eren. Let Mikasa have the spotlight, damn it.
Beautiful pain
Beautifully drawn but very gory
a person can gladly become a devil or a god if he has to, for justice.
A truly sad and terrifying chapter. I never understood how anyone could support this. Don't get me wrong. I understand plotwise why it had to happen. I knew Isayama would show us this. This part was unavoidable for the story he's trying to tell. Doesn't mean I have ever supported it, or that I ever will. But hey at least Aruannie is cannon, so that's a silver linning to this absolutely horrible chapter.
PS. I never wanted to punch a fictional character in the face as much as I want to punch Eren's. Alas, he's not real and I will never get the satisfaction of doing that.
Adding onto child eren's freedom panel, i believe it represents the idea of freedom he had wished for before he was betrayed by the world itself.
All hail the mad king
All that suffering, for what. You won but at what cost
It really shows that Attack On Titan isn’t an ordinary story. It is a storyline filled with emotions, tragedies and somehow the cruel reality that this world possesses.
It shifted through a lot of POVs, it was pretty good.
It showed the rumbling and Eren in much more impartial way.
It was crazy to finally see in Eren's Head but all it did was confirm the things I was thinking for awhile and put me more on his side.At this point I'm ride or Die Eren Yaeger just so I can see how this all ends.
It was good, but I wish we would've gotten more with the rest of the crew going to Marley.
Listen, I really love Eren, I have deeply felt for him. I still do, I relate too much with his own traumas but since the timeskip. I have distanced myself from him and I don't and have never supported on his stance for genocide because he set this up with Zeke and pushed Marley to go into war while they didn't want it in the first place. However I have too much of a strong emotional connection to him so I understand him and I admit, it made me doubt a little bit on some of my stances. Since Eren is so different from who he was back before the timeskip, I have always assumed and the manga has not proved me wrong, that he's being influenced by something or someone which is feeling on his traumas, anger, depression and dissapointments. So I am still extremely optimistic about him.
Jesus Fucking Christ
its funny how the dream dies with reality
Its great to finally get some of Erens thoughts but it’s just made me think he’s not acc the one in control
My tears create a whole new ocean.
no opinion really, chapter felt kinda flat and repetitive in parts
Alliance supporters learning that Eren is suffering with all this shit and isn't trash and pitiful like their hypocrite babies who were genociding their own people in the last 32 volumes.
Amazing. The way Eren developed from this angsty little child to someone who's willing to kill everyone to achieve his childhood dream and save his pals is truly wonderful.
Rumbling go wee
I found it tragically ironic that Eren just has a passing thought of what his mom would think of his actions, and it reminds me of how he wouldn’t listen to her when he was younger. Do you think this is a subtle indication that Eren hasn’t matured from the thought processes of a selfish boy, or does he truly hold weight and more consideration to what his mother (and other people) would think? Personally, I think he is more aware of outside views, but just refuses to accept that reality because he is so stuck on his own desires.
It's one of the pivotal scenes because atleast I know that within Eren he still at somepoint have consicience and shows that at somepoint he can be stopped.
Rumbling goes rumble
Eremin <3
Yams makes me confused! I dunno!
Collosal Titans go brr
CONFUSING IN WAY TOO MANY PARTS!!! where to start or stop... from ymir to bird to child eren is all confusing af but nice :)
Depression and depression
Did we really need to spend that many pages on that AruAni BS? So much for fucking 5% being left.
Dis gon be good
Let's get the final confrontation underway!
Welp, there is absolutely no defying it: Eren is the big bad and there is no secret plan to make it up.
Let’s get ready to RUUUUUUUUMBLE!
Levi and Hange convo when? Armin and Annie end of the world sex when? Jean confessing to Mikasa when? Floch suprise killing Connie or Jean when? Floch getting thrown over board to die at sea rather than being shot when?
LOLZ at anyone still defending the rumbling after this chapter portraying it as something heroic or justifiable
Make me feel. Make me feel more.
Man, this is rough.
Overall well rounded chapter. Time to get back to alliance and Historia after this though.
Poor Eren. But I kind of understand.
Ppl who are calling Eren GOAT or saying they were only sad in this chapter bc Eren cried are legit psychopaths.
Seeing Eren’s POV and reasoning behind pursuing the rumbling makes me feel for him. We know he cares about his friends, paradis, etc. I am at a loss of words for this chapter. However I will say this, Armin in paths with Eren is not a coincidence. I think isayama is foreshadowing of a conversation THEY’VE ALREADY HAD, and what’s to come..
Isayama is being stingy about letting his characters talk to each other properly. I mean really how many scenes do we have left on this boat while the rumbling goes on? When there’s still so much to be said. Wasted chapter imo, a lot more could’ve been said and done.
Eren confirmed that he will kill everyone. The rumbling cannot be stopped.
Even though we have gotten some insight on Eren's pov, it has created more questions than answers. His motives are still very confusing and we are still being kept in the dark
Every chapter update makes me sad :( the story has gotten so tragic and i love it but oof. I didnt think it could get sadder but Isayama proves me wrong every month
Every new released chapter is better than the last one. I love these series. Props to mr. Hajime Isayama 💪🏆
Exactly what we needed, have more faith now.
Exceeded my expectations. The last two chapters were mindblowing after a slow mini Arc at the port. Isayama can really pull ar your heartstrings with flashbacks and Eren's pov.
Thanks Isayama for the microscopic eremin crumbs
that kid eren scene though... easily the best scene the series so far
That was damn perfect
That was f***ing amazing and awful at the same time. I want this series to end, but actually no. Keep going Isayama. You crazy motherf***er.
the "beyond the walls" talk between armin and eren is being brought up again and im emotional now thx
The ending's gonna disappoint people, no matter how well/badly it's executed. Chapter was cool, but overhyped imo
The pacing seems slow, but then again, it was recently nodded to that the manga won't end at Chapter 134 or 135 but 136. And Isayama does have everything planned out for a long time. I don't think he'll disappoint.
the significance of many things in the story are too epic, carla and mikasa look alike, grisha and eren look alike, historia and dina even look alike, the repeating actions, along with the intricate history formed, give us a lot to speculate but nothing to confirm.
I am somewhat sad for eren, to see the point that he has reached by having that freedom that he longed for so much but that I hardly think exists is sad, I don't know how the hell this is going to end but hey I don't know
I can't even begin to imagine how this is going to look in the anime. Definitely not for the faint of heart.
I can't imagine how the manga will end in a few chapters
I can't wait for 132.
I can’t believe this
I can’t wait to see this chapter voice acted, holy shit.
I loved the context that Eren's apology provides, really gives some much needed insight on his thoughts about the future during the timeskip
I need him to talk to mikasa and armin!
On this poll, I noticed that there's nothing about Mikasa haha. I want her to have a moment for the next chapter, or appear on Eren's memories. We know she's gonna be playing a big role for this arc.
I like where the story is going and I can’t wait for the anime so I can show AOT to everyone.
I think Eren is going somewhere. If he wanted to rumble the world, he can control the titans even from the safety of Paradis. I think he is going to that tree under which Ymir fell.
I think it focuses on Eren a bit too much. Maybe show us some Levi? Thank you.
i think reiner is gay
I am currently not taking a side. Not with Eren or with the Yeagerists or with our heroes. I'm just here to see how it all goes down and how Isayama wants to play it out. I've been enjoying every single chapter and being so moved it's insane. F the ship wars and the bs, this story is much more than that. And tragedy is written all over it. Ok brb getting my tissues prepared for next chapter.... 👍
I don't know how many more issues we're going to have but I worry that the story is going to come to a screeching halt and leave too many questions unanswered. Isayama has got so many plates spinning, narratively speaking, I have no idea how he is going to finish them or if he'll finish them at all.
Just a series of gut-punches one after the other after every panel, oof this chapter affected me more than any other. It also made me wonder about how the planet in general would be affected.  Like how would ecosystems change?  Will Eren only go after the civilized countries and then stop?  Or will he not let a single person survive outside the island and just actually steamroll the whole planet?  If he does, wouldn't that change climates and stuff?  What's about the animals and plants? Am I thinking too much about this? How will the drastic changes affect the Paradisians? All this assuming the alliance doesn't manage to stop him (which is likely)
although initially him and reiner seemed to pursue the same path, eren initial motive was to wipe them all and he said it multiple times, I don't believe he has guilt nor remorse because "it was all set from the very start"
We also got a seamless reintegration of the theme of what it means to be a "good person", something both Armin and Annie have grappled with as far back as Female Titan arc, and it's great to see it re-emerge in the context of the rumbling. Annie is an underrated character. Isayama could have had her come back with some bullshit royal blood or daughter-of-Kruger twist, but instead he decides to integrate her into the conflict as her own person and make her a more interesting character than Reiner (sorry Soul).
Eren is allowed to have emotions, he should be able to feel terrible about himself for having to wipe out most of humanity. But he also believes that this is the only way. He begged Hange if there was another way, he WANTED an option that didn't end with the world being rumbled. When Hange had no ideas, and no else had a plan that would keep Paradis safe, he felt like he had to move forward, towards freedom.
Eren is neither right or wrong in his decision. Killing innocents, destroying entire ecosystems and ending human civilization is morally bankrupt. In many ways his plan is short sighted, but when I say this, my stance comes from a logical standpoint rather than a moral one(the political instability of the island, the precedent it sets, the danger he put his friends in). The *most* moral thing to do was a partial rumbling(there are still some issues both logistical and moral) and while 2 wrongs don’t make a right, I hold Marley and many other nations equally at fault for not being willing to end this diplomatically. Their scorched earth policy brought this on. It’s unfortunate that their citizens are paying the price for their governments crimes. But you can’t threaten to wipe out an entire civilization with no negotiation and not expect a desperate response like a full rumbling. This doesn’t absolve eren of responsibility of his actions, but the rumbling is an extremely unfortunate even that was 100% avoidable if diplomacy had been an option.
Eren, no! That’s all I can say at this point! Armin please, I’m begging you, stop your mans.
Eren, what the fuck?
Eren's self pity doesn't change the fact that he's killing millions of innocents and he's not going to stop despite it.
Eren’s guilt over his actions doesn’t mean a thing considering he’s still doing it. The fact that he saw the future and did nothing to stop it (and actively made it happen) makes him even worse. I don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest.
Even though Eren has the skeletal structure as an (I don't even know.. turkey/bird.. eh...) people are still going to simp the shit out of him on twitter, like jfc-
Eren wanted to destroy all life outside paradis not because he wanted outside world to be just a wonderland of blazing fire , grasslands etc. but because the people outside are making it impossible enough for him to realise his dream of total freedom
I would like to add that AruAni scene was, in my opinion, really important for both armin and Annie character development, since they're having a romance scene with the theoretically enemy (armin is from paradis and Annie is from Marley). I think this represent well that people from Marley and people from Eldia can live together, without violence. (I wish I could write more, but English is not my first language)
I'm glad we're finally getting things more thoroughly from Eren's perspective. Up until now, his motivations and thoughts have mostly been discussed by other characters, but we finally get to hear from him directly. This chapter mostly confirmed what I suspected, that Eren isn't heartless, but he was also a tragic character that was perfectly aware of the destruction he was about to bring upon so many people. Overall really good, can't wait for the next chapter, whatever it may be.
I'm happy that Isayama made clear what an egoist and violent nature  Eren always had, since he was a child: he's not an hero, not an avenger and surely not the "chad goat" some teen edgelords think.
I'm literally shaking so hard rn
The wall titans were always an obvious metaphor for "what if Japan had WMDs", but in this chapter this is made even more obvious when there is nothing left from migrant children but two dark kid-shaped splatters on the ground, which is a pretty clear visual reference to citizens of Hiroshima leaving nothing but scorched silhouettes behind when the atomic bombing happened.
Ironically, there was a popular twitter thread this week about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and despite not being very familiar with the topic itself, I was somewhat amused to find the arguments in the comments to be very familiar. It's payback, it's to prevent future war, it was justified because of Japanese government's war crimes, Japanese citizens were indoctrinated and racist and would NEVER give up fighting foreigners so bombings were a mercy, it's collateral damage, etc etc.
The warriors deserve much better than being used as props.
There's 99% chance this series is getting a downer ending
They had it coming. The world was warned yet they still provoked him so much. I feel for Eren..
What is the most disappointing thing is how selfish and unreasonable mankind can be. So much hatred between so many people and nations, the world of Attack on Titan is a cursed one. So much blood spilled everywhere, and why? Is it because it's justice? Or is it because it's mother nature? Or is it because mankind is known for bloodshed and selfishness? So much hatred has blinded people, they no longer care to listen for the reason. Nothing matters to them, just their goals. All of this pointless conflict when people can simply try to speak up, try to understand each other, simply make bonds. If people could only live with a bit more empathy... All we can do is hope that so many deaths will have any meaning. Or perhaps Genocide/omnicide never had any meaning... Perhaps all of this was pointless strife.
This chapter confirmed Uri's predictions during his conversation with Kenny by the river. It remains to be seen now whether the alliance will be able to stop eren. I am sad for the world and for Ramzi and his brother. The pictures were horrible to watch (Isayama is very good at drawing emotions).
i'm...so very tired
I’m freakin cryin i need someone to hold me
Slowly, everything is coming back in its place. I am super dedicated at this point to the manga and I just hope Isayama is gonna be able to reach the perfect conclusion for such all these years of construction.
So Eren is a fish Titan...?
Still pro-rumble
Such a tragedy this whole story is. Really heartbreaking to witness. But so meticulously done and masterfully written.
Somebody said, maybe Eren and Zeke were actually fighting or going on memory journey schmuck in the Paths currently, that's why Eren is sleeping and automatically runs the titan on the outside.
If zeke didn’t pull this shit up in the first place none of this wouldn’t happen
Starting to reconsider the time-loop theory being wrong. Everything is literally coming full circle.
Isayama youre a genius but you love seeing us hurt and confused dont you 😭😭😭
It bothered me how surprised people were that Eren did the rumbling and it was sad.  He's been saying he was gonna do it for ages, and now he is.  What's with the surprised pikachu fandom?
Jesus Christ everyone needs therapy
Please end this story with happy ending!
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firesfelt · 4 years
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hi hello ! i’m pace ( she/her ) and i have really horrible timing, as i need to go to bed like asap and also have a packed day tomorrow so can’t be on then either ( rip ) but i rlly wanted to get at least one thing posted before i go ! i’m in the gmt, and am just realising now while i think about intros that all my fcs ( for the moment ) have names beginning with ‘a’ ? inch resting. but i’ll hopefully be able to get intros up for my gals too asap & i rlly wanna do the tasks for everyone and get writing and just have a Hoot. this is the exact environment i need, u know ? exciting !!! anyway, lemme introduce my first character before i end up writing some rambled essay about,,, literally nothing.
( asami zdrenka, 26, demigirl, she/her/they/them ) EMIKA BLAKE was seen listening to HEARTBEAT BY SCOUTING FOR GIRLS on their way to TATTOO ARTIST. EM is known to be CREATIVE & STANDOFFISH.
➜ i always find emika’s personality hard to describe, but i think the best way to begin is ‘misunderstood’ ? she has good intentions, and a kind soul, but the social skills of a wet trout. she’s quiet, and reserved, and has a serious case of resting-grump-face, and it very much leads people to get the wrong sort of impression of her, through no fault of their own. the sarcasm doesn’t help, either. she’s very much a loner ( and therefore a pain in the arse to plot with ) but i always enjoy developing relationships of any kind with her and seeing how things unfold.
➜ obviously, her job has a very social side, and that’s the one thing she can manage. she has no problems communicating in a consultation, getting ideas out there, easing the nerves of an anxious first-timer, expressing herself and what could be best, but that’s often because she knows exactly what to do. she does it day in, day out, and can almost follow a script in a way. sit the same person she had the consult with down for six hours to actually have the tattoo done, and unless they make the effort to keep the conversation going, em has nothing. it’s not even that she doesn’t want to talk, either, she just struggles. and then when she does think of something to say, it can come out abrupt or abrasive, so it’s often best to just keep her mouth shut.
➜ is it obvious yet that emika’s autistic ? she has no idea of this, herself, but it’s canon, just undiagnosed. and it was, admittedly, unintentional. i’ve revamped em from a character from long ago, and the first time i played her, i didn’t set out for her to have autism, and then when i realised that she’s definitely, definitely autistic, everything made sense. it just never got picked up on at school for her, and her mother never paid enough attention to notice or care to do anything in terms of getting a diagnosis or trying to help, so it’s gone undetected. thus far, anyway, who knows ? that could be interesting.
➜ speaking of her mum, let’s talk upbringing. emika was actually born in brighton, england, to her mother, mayumi, and father, stephen. on account of him being a cheating bastard, their relationship fell apart when em was seven. stephen made an attempt with his daughter, but he was in and out of her life for the following five years. at aged twelve, she realised that he really wasn’t worth the effort it took to force a relationship with him, and told him where to stick it. three years later, mayumi would want to uproot to huntsville to follow the latest in a long line of boyfriends --- and stephen didn’t so much as protest. the relationship between mayumi and her canadian lover didn’t last ( here is where em would bitterly mutter ‘they never do’ ) but they never went home.
➜ growing up, she had two escapes: art, and books. she’d always been creative, and always been trouble. think drawing on the hallway walls in crayon at four, getting paint on the living room carpet while creating a ‘masterpiece’ at seven. aka, not trouble, just a kid being a kid, but w/e. try telling her mum that. it was easy to get lost in a drawing or a painting, and she found comfort in reading, too. she’s still a bookworm now, despite not having much free time.
➜ em works too hard. she adores her job, and doesn’t take a single day of it for granted, but she works too hard. there’s nothing she’d rather be doing, and it’s by her own choice, but her time isn’t filled with much else. she specialises in neotrad, but likes to dabble a little and expand her styles when she can. she’s so unbelievably grateful to be doing what she does, especially as it very easily could never have happened for her.
➜ with a home life that was rocky at best, em definitely struggled. as a teenager, she turned to alcohol, and long before she was even legally allowed to drink, she developed a dependency on it. even now, she’d never say she was an alcoholic, but she’d definitely admit that it was a problem, and steers clear from the stuff now. wanting nothing more than to become a tattoo artist was the motivation she needed to get sober, and she knows it very easily could’ve gone in the opposite direction. she got an apprenticeship in the end, and the rest is history.
➜ but ! she’s still young !!!! like super young !! i always like to pick a fc a couple of years younger than however old i’m playing her, because it’s kind of a thing that emika looks even younger than she is. but where a lot of asami’s resources are from a couple of years ago, i thought a year’s difference would do ! but em knows she’s young and still has so much room to learn, and she’s eager to. she just wants to get better and better.
➜ so as an individual who speaks to her mum as little as possible, has no other family in canada, and has very few friends ( if any ? ) who keeps emika company, i hear you ask ? why, it’s her two goldfish and  her chinese softshell turtle, of course. named fred, george, and dobby, respectively. she loves her tank full of friends far more than she’d ever care to admit. ideally, she’d love a dog, but doesn’t have the time to dedicate to caring for one, nor does she have the space. emika moved out at eighteen, the second she could scrape enough money together to do so, and moved into the tiniest box of an apartment, and hasn’t moved since. despite its size, she truly loves her little flat ---- and hates change.
➜ going forward, i’m open to,,, anything. with all three of my goblins, i’m really open to absolutely anything. including just vibing and seeing what happens, but i’m coming in really open and just wanting to Explore. i have an idea for a wc for em, which should be super interesting, but other than that, it’s all just vibes and goin with the flow !!
➜ i hate to wrap things up abruptly, but i really gotta go to bed lmao ( i should’ve written my intros out earlier, rip. isn’t hindsight amazing ? ) so just some things to note: when it comes to gender, em mostly idenifies as ‘ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ‘ and really just doesn’t think about it. she’s probably never talked to anyone about it, either, not properly/in depth. she doesn’t really think about it, and it doesn’t really,,,, matter ?? to her ?? it just sort of,,, Is. she/her absolutely flies with her, they/them is also appreciated, she really just,,, doesn’t mind. sexuality is one she did have a big crisis over ( and is it still ongoing ? kinda ) but eventually just decided that bi was the label that fit best so that’s what she goes with. she still,,, has no idea. and doesn’t know if it even matters. she split her life between brighton and huntsville, so it was never like she’d never be accepted, but it was all a big Internal Yikes for her.
➜ tldr: dog loving, artistic book enthusiast, who has more coffee in her system than blood and loves her job and her fish more than anything. a total pain in the arse, but a hard worker and bringer of sarcasm. and bitterness. but also bad jokes and gossip --- it’s easy to forget she’s there when she’s so quiet; she hears all kinds of shit.
➜ ooh ! one thing to note ! while em is obviously covered in tattoos, she doesn’t actually share any of asami’s irl ones, so pls keep that in mind ! and ignore in photos/gifs ! will have more details when i do her stats/first task, but for now i really have to go bed !! i’m v excited to be here though, ty for having me and i’ll be here properly soon <3
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I just read your post about chapter 180 and while I agree with you, I also want to add something : what made Emma incredible is how she kept her morals and ideals despite this cynical world, but she also started becoming more cynical despite herself. We can see multiple time her hesitating between following her morals or her logic. I think the end is just her giving up on them to she become someone else again in the human world without her memories and hesitation burdening her anymore. (1/2)
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Ok you see I totally agree with you, Emma has indeed become more cynical since the start. She definitely started aknoweladging the circumstances more and more, that not everybody shares her ideals, that sometimes you lose even when you fight the hardest etcetera. It was a slow process that started, back at the House, with deciding that not all the children could right away escape with them from GF and you know what? I can see why some could have thought that her character development would have reached its climax with her understanding that she has no chance but to give up on something, and the best way to help everyone and make them suffer as little as possible, from her point of view, was by sacrificing herself.
But you see I personally think that, even though she became more cynical indeed, that didn't make her give up on her most true, deep ideals. I think this new maturity made it possible for her to have a better understanding of the context they live in, with all its problems and dangers. Nonetheless, having a deeper understanding of them didn't make her think: "Okay. This is the situation. The only thing we can do is to make the less people suffer / to chose the safest path to grant everyone's life". Instead, I believe her thought process was: "Okay. This is the situation. How can we overcome these obstacles (since there surely is a way)? What can we do to get through this?"
Having an understanding of the situation:
1. Made her able to fully understand what she wants to do
E.g. I've learned about the demons and their society:
Norman thinking: I've learned about their weaknesses so that I can take them down
Emma thinking: I understand that, being coherent with what I've always felt, I don't want to eradicate beings that have feelings.
2. Gave her more elements to help her overcome the difficulties
E.g. I've learned that this world works the way it does because of a promise that was forged a long time ago; knowing that, I can find a way to make a new promise to change what I think is not ok in this world.
This was pretty much how I had interpreted her beautiful speech in ch 161
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Also bringing back this description of Emma's ideals that Don gave us in chapter 130:
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Thank you Don for your wise words
C'mon, do you believe this would be the same girl to deliberately chose to sacrifice herself? (That is, to put it this way, to have regrets indeed?) I personally don't think so.
Then I don't think that, as Emma's character had been written up to this point, she would have ever chosen to give up on her morals for cynism and logic. We all know she already tried once and didn't last a day. It seems to me pretty evident that's something she would have never tried to do again?
But still, given that it has been clearly stated that she ultimately decided to give up on her morals, I can't help but find it inchoerent with what had been previously enstablished about her character.
And now... The extra–hot–topic of Emma being selfish.
I know she's stated it more than once (right to confirm the point Anon is making, the day after this ask was sent it was revealed that she even used it herself to explain her choice (cons to Anon for having predicted it!!)).
I have read that one analysis about Emma being selfish that has traveled around Tumblr quite a bit, and I know a lot people agree with it.
I mean as Anon said Emma even stated it herself like?? What more should someone need????
Still aaaaahhh I really deeply don't believe that Emma is selfish. I'm sorry but I really can't see that in any way. To me she's literally the opposite of selfishness.
I don't know like... Let's take the definition of selfish I guess? According to the Cambridge Dictionary:
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Should this remind anyone about Emma????
She's the most selfless character I can think of.
Ok let's see the context of when she used the word:
Chapter 130:
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I see three ways that her words can be interpreted here, as if they ment:
"This is my way of thinking myself" [this is my logic following my ideals, but you're in no way compelled to agree with me]
"That's how I feel towards Norman [she had been talking about him the panels before], so it's a very personal matter that has nothing to do with you all"
"I aknoweladge that this will make you worry and I'm sorry about that. In this, maybe my decision of following my ideas even though I know it hurts someone is selfish". But at the same time... Making someone worry is surely different, from Emma's optics, from hurting them, especially when - like in her case - she was fully sure she would have come back unharmed.
(Also consider this other translation:)
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Now, about chapter 181:
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Ok on the other hand what Emma means here is pretty evident, she clearly states it:
"She's settling her selfish requests". But sweetie, I really can't see how your requests here are being selfish. You don't want the demons to die. You don't want anyone from your family to die. That's... The opposite from being selfish. The only way I can interpret this as being selfish, is putting emphasis on her wording:
"I don't want to kill the demons" (as in: I don't want to be the one to kill them / I don't want to carry the burden of the suffering of other sentient beings
"I don't want to lose anyone anymore" (as in: I personally don't want to go through the loss of more people)
But honestly that's really a stretch and I don't think there's anyone who thinks that's what she ment with these words. I certainly do not.
So why should Emma be considered selfish?
Taking her general behavior into account... I've seen people argue that her attempt to save Norman against his will, back at GF, was a selfish choice, and that by doing so she placed her own interests over others'; but I personally have to disagree.
For context: I've seen people say that in that moment, Emma was being selfish because she put her love for Norman before everyone's safety. Because by saving him, she would have seriously compromised the escape plan, making it impossible for anyone to escape; she choose to put her personal interests before everyone else's, thus being selfish. But I really can't see it this way? We don't know if then it would have been impossible to escape. We can't know if, with Norman being saved, then all the others wouldn't have stood a chance, because somebody took away from us the chance to know oh my God Norman you're so stupid for being such a smart kid. I'm not saying they would certainly have managed to escape; I'm saying we can't know. I'm saying that Emma believed that they would have come up with something so that they could pull it off, and that automatically makes her choice not a selfish one, because she never deliberately chose, from her point of view, to endanger her family. She was just trying to save her friend, that is, for definition, not a selfish action.
So yeah, about your last addition... Nah I don't really agree. Funny enough, a recurring thought these days since the series ended has been: I'm pretty sure that's how Shirai wanted to end this from the start. But still, I humbly don't think such an ending is coherent with what had been previously set up about the character. And this is one of the very few issues that couldn't be solved with more chapters: honestly, I think the chances that I would change idea on Emma's character even with more chapters are close to zero. And like... I recognize the authors definitely know the character better than me, and their ultimate choice is probably the best one; but I personally still can't help but disagree with such choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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idio-cies · 4 years
Right, I need to go on a rant because lockdown is still getting to me and I am fed up with the same comments I hear every time I allude to my sexuality (mostly ace) towards my family.
So story time: today my Nana was showing my mum about princess Gertrude or something being married in an old Ball gown of the Queen's and how it was altered a bit and as an a fly away comment of me being pedantic I said "having a wedding dress is over-rated anyway" to which my mum gave a mock shocked face saying that of course I would say something like that (My family joke about me being cold-hearted as I don't cry at sad films or books, and can just lack empathy to certain things). So I laughed to continue the joke but what I intended was that you know why a dress? Women can be married in suits or two-pieces if they wish? Like what's the fuss. Oh hell, the men could wear flounces! Also upcycling yay for the environment! So I continued, starting to say the colour, my mum saying about how my older sister will be in Ivory and I said "Come on, that's off white! But I mean Chinese get married in red" and she continued "in India they get married in all sorts of colours" and I said "exactly! Why white?" And she said before I could continue "I suppose you would get married in black" so I scrunched up my face and said "if I ever get married" and then came the usual "you might not say that as you get older" you know. That golden nugget of a line that is told to many people who are aro/ace or whatever the identify as. Some people just do not wish to be married. I also said "whats the point in having a dress you only wear once, anyway" which, as I expected was returned with "you could pass it on to your children". My mum continued saying how her best friend used to think like me and now is married and has had two children, then she left to go do something. My Nana then joined in saying how I don't want to not give my mum grandkids, to which I shrugged, she continued saying how what if my husband didn't wanted kids what would I do then? This is when I started to get mad but with this situation I always try and brush everything over considering I know from experience how things will go (will get brushed with the aforementioned comments, stereotypes etc). So I shrugged and said "well then it wasn't meant to be" in my head I was thinking what if I don't want a husband, what if I have a wife, or a partner who identifies as non-binary or genderfluid? What if I just never marry, or just live the rest of my life with my friends? What if, if I do change my mind about kids, I adopt. But I couldn't say that. My nana continued by saying "well, I guess you wouldn't marry if that was the case" and I'm just sat there stewing.
See, my problem here is that my parents certainly are more liberal, and the reason why I make jokes that allude to me being ace is because they have also made jokes about saying how they probably will never have grand kids, or that I don't go for that sort of thing and I had hope. My sister is a lesbian and they knew for ages and still love her and want the best for her, but my mum never understood why my sister was so hesitant to come out and I explained to her how people coming out always have that fear, that even if their parents or their friends are liberal, they still may not be fully accepted for who they are. Plus, my sister has had bad experiences with friends being homophobic or use her in the face of her coming out, but my mum took this explanation as me hiding something about myself.
When I had my first boyfriend a year ago my mum thought the perfect time to bring up sex would be as she placed food in front of me. I legit choked on my food and as she continued I had to tell her right there and then that I believed myself to be ace and she had nothing to worry about and she didn't understand, so I had to explain. This was the first proper time I heard her deflect that "I might change my mind". When I stayed overnight at his, my dad was teasing me asking whether I needed rubbers and kept on asking me. The thing is, it was always jokey but I'm pretty sure he was concerned. Then my sister thought more happened between him and I when he broke up with me, indicating that we probably had sex, because of how upset I was over it all. I'm pretty sure a couple of my friends thought that too. However, one of my friends said what I was thinking which was that part of the reason why he broke up with me was because I wouldn't have sex with him which was the case considering when I told him that my dad joked about getting rubbers he asked me if I did all excited and I said no with a confused expression like "we've been over this, I thought you understood" and he looked away disheartened with an "oh" thats when I think I knew this wasn't right. To be fair I should've known about "oh, so you're a celibate" and loads of other things like believing I liked something when I didn't or I wasn't sure so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ I was young and it was my first boyfriend so you know, I was naive. The reason why I was so broken-hearted was because I'm pretty sure it was because I was ace, and because of that I felt like I would never be loved, or respected. What's more is he tried to take advantage of my friend when they were together whilst she was drunk! So he is just a huge dickhead anyway.
Anyways, I guess for my grandparents to understand is trickier and as far as I'm aware they don't know that I said to my mum who probs told my dad that I'm ace. I always get told that they won't change. My grandad I think still believes my sister isn't fully gay by the fact that he refuses to say "girlfriend" and also slander her girlfriend a bit, and he never believed she showed signs, though why should that matter if she "showed signs"? And my Nana said she did and is a little more accepting of my sister's girlfriend (btw, this is not my older sister who is getting married). I hate being told that people who are older (especially my grandparents) won't change their minds or see things differently. I don't understand how people can go through life like that? But I guess that's because I'm a more open-minded person who makes sure I have several perspectives on certain things.
The thing now though is that I'm scared that I'm under the category of ace where the stereotype is that I'm a robot because I lack empathy and am cold-hearted and such. I know that for my Nana and also for my Nanny that they ended up abandoning their careers for the sake of raising a family and for me, that just feels like an epic loss. I also think that my grandparents first impression of my mum was not approving as she had a baby when she was 20 out of wedlock and had an abusive partner.
After this spiel, if you are still with me, I just want to let you know that this is life is complicated. Heck, I even queried about my best friend being ace, but I think that is because I never thought someone so close to me could have the same feelings about that topic and also because I am constantly questioning myself, probably because I have had "oh, you may change your mind when you're older" most of my life. Oh, I know I could, but for what feels my entire life (when I gained consciousness of myself and was making choices for myself without having this stereotyped life conditioned in my brain) was that I never personally want to have kids. Ever. I understand I may change my mind and if I do I will adopt because I would like to think that I could make a child's life better, and also we have a dense enough population as it is. I do not care if I have a partner with me in my life. I can quite easily get by independently in life. I'm not adverse to having a partner, whoever/whenever/and whatever status it may be.
What I find hilarious though is that I'm very nonchalant about my sexuality, but I do not wish to tell my gay sister that I am queer on some scale. She has had too many run-ins of me slipping to say that I'm not straight or my friend legit said a joke about how my hair is as straight as me (it's curly) because I have made that joke around her before about myself. TERRIFIED. She has jokingly confronted me about it as well and I remained nonchalant as I always do.
So I guess what I'm trying to say that even though people can be liberal in mind, it is always tricky to tell your family and (after stereotypes and assumptions have been placed on me) friends. I have even had a friend who told me that basically I wasn't ace sinply because I didn't know how to answer him in something related to do with sex. I AM ALMOST 19, I DO NOT HAVE MY LIFE FIGURED OUT. I AM STILL QUESTIONING MY OWN EXISTENCE LET ALONE MY SEXUALITY/ORIENTATION.
I would love to go through my life with no labels whatsoever. Whether I'm female, that I'm ace, or that I'm most likely pan. I've always been weird with labels. I simply do not care about that, but I also care about it too much. I do not want societal pressure to tell me that I need a partner in my life, that I need to have children in order to be happy and be worth something. That is not what makes a life. I want people to understand this, especially my family, but I'm afraid they won't even if they are aware that they know it's not for all people. The life I want is to be with the people I love and I can trust and engage with. That I am successful and can stand up for who and what I believe in. So this is my message to people out there. Take all the time in the world to discover who you are. Whether you prefer labels for it or not. To not let societal pressure get to you too much. I know it's hard and the nature of the world and its people are complex, but please be true to yourself and I'm sure you will find your people and your way in life.
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jgjmk4-2 · 5 years
The JJBA crew visiting the beach together:
Caesar suggests a game of beach volleyball:
Jotaro’s using Star Platinum to spike the ball so fast no one can return it
Giorno’s using Gold Experience to turn the ball into a fly, make it land and then turn it back into a ball to score points
Jonathan doesn’t have a stand but he’s trying his best sweet gentleman
Joseph accidentally puncturing the ball with Hermit Purple
Josuke has to revert it back to normal with Crazy Diamond
Caesar cringing every time he saves the ball and hears Joseph say, “very nice! Caesar-chan~!”
Mista’s using Sex Pistols to confuse the opposition by booting the ball everywhere
Okuyasu’s The Hand can only play with it’s left hand because even Josuke can’t bring the ball back if he uses its right hand
Stroheim is unnecessarily screaming!! 
Abbacchio’s the referee (even though he’d prefer to be resting), replaying the game with Moody Blues every time there’s a dispute (which happens a lot)
Avdol says it’s too hot to be running around: 
Kakyoin is relaxing with a cool drink and sunglasses 
Tonio is happily making Italian food for everyone when they get hungry
Narancia playing the radio and popping open fresh Soda cans every once in a while
Rohan judging Narancia’s song choices with a disapproving side eye while lazily flipping through a book
Reimi giggling happily from above whilst proudly watching over Rohan interact with new friends
Trish secretly enjoying Narancia’s music choices while fixing her makeup and complaining about the heat ruining her artwork 
Polnareff is slicing watermelons up for every body with Silver Chariot
Avdol’s chilling with Magician’s Red and no one wants to sit near him because Magician’s Red is radiating heat
Tomoko is watching Josuke play beach volleyball proudly as she eats ice blocks to stay cool
Iggy’s happily next to Tomoko, lying near her bowl of ice on his back to cool down
Buccellati, like Tomoko, is proudly watching his children play volleyball. Even though Josuke’s there to heal any injuries, he still has a first-aid kit just in case. Scolds Mista when he tries to cheat.
Okuyasu says it’s a waste to go to the beach without playing in the water:
Okuyasu splashing about because he gave up on volleyball since he kept losing with only one hand 
Polnareff trying to suppress his laughter because the hot sun reminds him of their comedic battle against The Sun
Erina is dipping her foot into the water while shielding herself from the sun with a pink parasol umbrella. Jonathan looks at her every once in a while to make sure she’s not in any kind of trouble
Koichi trying to keep up in a playful water fight with Yukako but is getting overwhelmed 
Holly’s giggling at everyone’s shenanigans 
LisaLisa is stunning everyone with her beauty
Mikata the alien is stunned at the sight of the beautiful, sparkling water and begins to compose philosophical poems 
Dr Kujo is admiring the marine life that surrounds him with intense, silent passion. With his knowledge, he knows the exact places to look for certain creatures.
SpeedWagon warms up the water surrounding him with his hot body ;)
Suzi Q is in a bikini and Joseph’s constantly sneaking peaks at her
Joseph suggests a sand sculpture competition:
Avdol, SpeedWagon and Mikata were the judges
Joseph pairs up with Suzi Q
Joseph gets competitive as he watches Caesar’s work and ends up ruining his own sculpture to which Suzi Q has to fix it
They ended up with a wonky penguin
But they were happy
Yukako can’t stand Koichi being paired up with anyone else
Before they can even decided what to make, Yukako’s already constructed a large heart which she dedicates to Koichi
It’s massive and pretty impressive
They come in fourth (the power of love)
Okuyasu pairs up with Josuke
The two boys started arguing about making a cool jet or a fierce shark
Decided to compromise and make a jet shark (?)
Came in last despite their efforts because Okuyasu tripped and fell onto the sculpture
Caesar sculpts LisaLisa
It looks really beautiful and every single detail is there, even her eyelashes
No wonder Joseph got antsy
He should’ve come in first, but came in second
LisaLisa is touched by how well it was done
Polnareff used Silver Chariot to make a massive castle
Piled a large amount of sand and made Silver Chariot cut away and shape it
Came in second last even though it looked really grand because Iggy did a number 2 at the castle entrance
At least it was funny  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jonathan obviously won’t leave Erina alone to make something by herself
Jonathan lets Erina chose what they’re gonna make
Does all the heavy lifting and dusts Erina off if her dress gets sand on it
They end up making a bunch of cute, forest animals :)
It’s the Bucci gang against the world once again!
Buccellati’s giving out orders 
Naracia’s in charge of collecting the water, Mista and Abbacchio do the heavy lifting, Giorno does the sculpting and Fugo is supervising/getting mad at Narancia
They make sculptures of their stands posing and it looks amazing
They come in third 
Tbh, everyone wanted Jotaro because of Star Platinum’s renowned precision
Kakyoin managed to win the spot next to Jotaro by promising him seats to a Sumo competition that was coming in a few months
Jotaro and Star Platinum work fast - They constructed dolphins leaping out of the sand 
Kakoyin didn’t want to be outdone by Jotaro and used Emerald splash to give the sculpture a green, sparkling sea-like effect which looks BEAUTIFUL 
And that’s how they came in first
Oh and, whilst this all happens, Dio is watching from far away, ready to spoil the holiday.
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